Cendant Corporation Creates Netmarket Group, Inc. as Independent Company

      Netmarket to Pursue Rapid Growth of Interactive Membership Businesses

        Cendant Will Fund Netmarket with $77 Million Development Advance

                  Cendant to Record $0.06 Third Quarter Charge

     New York, NY,  September 15, 1999 -- Cendant  Corporation  (NYSE: CD) today
announced it has created Netmarket Group,  Inc. (NGI) as an independent  company
that will pursue the development of interactive  businesses currently within the
Company's Direct Marketing Division.  NGI will own, operate,  develop and expand
what were formerly Cendant's principal on-line membership businesses,  including
Netmarket.com, Travelers Advantage, AutoVantage and Privacy Guard. Additionally,
NGI  will own and  operate  Hagglezone.com,  the  first  site of its kind  where
consumers "haggle" with computer-generated  on-line characters to get low prices
on name-brand  products.  NGI's  businesses  currently  have 1.3 million  online
members  and are  expected  to produce  approximately  $70 million in revenue in

     Cendant's  Chairman,  President and CEO,  Henry R.  Silverman,  said:  "The
creation  of  Netmarket  Group  as an  independent  company  will  allow  NGI to
aggressively  create  value as an  Internet  company,  unimpeded  by  having  to
consider  the  financial  impact of its  tactical  and  strategic  decisions  on
Cendant.  Netmarket will also now have its own equity to incent its managers and
to pursue strategic opportunities.

     "These  are  essential  elements  to  creating  value  on-line,"  Silverman
continued.  "We expect NGI's  management  to  accelerate  growth and create real
value which can be recognized  through an IPO or other mechanism as the business

     Cendant will retain the  opportunity  to participate in NGI's value through
ownership of a convertible preferred stock,  ultimately exchangeable into 78% of
NGI's fully diluted common shares.  NGI's  management will hold the next largest
stake through NGI stock options.  Cendant will donate NGI's  outstanding  common
stock to a charitable trust. In addition, NGI will issue common stock to certain
of its marketing partners.  Accordingly,  as a result of the change of ownership
of NGI's common stock from Cendant to independent parties, NGI's results will no
longer be included in Cendant=s financial statements.

     "Netmarket  Group will  operate as a vital  resource to  Cendant's  classic
off-line membership  business," said Michael P. Monaco, vice chairman of Cendant
and CEO,  Direct  Marketing  Division.  "NGI will pursue a variety of  strategic
opportunities,  some  independently,  some  together with  Cendant's  Individual
Membership  Division.  The Internet is a critical  area of future growth for the
membership  division.  With NGI as a strategic  partner,  our  opportunities  to
better serve customers are dramatically  expanded, to the mutual benefit of both

     In conjunction with the creation of NGI, Cendant estimates it will record a
pre-tax  charge of $85 million and an  after-tax  charge of $48 million or $0.06
cents per-share in the third quarter of 1999.

Visit Netmarket Group=s businesses on the Web and America Online:

            http://www.netmarket.com, AOL Keyword: netmarket
            http://www.travelersadvantage.com, AOL Keyword: travelersadvantage
            http://www.autovantage.com, AOL Keyword: autovantage
            http://www.privacyguard.com, AOL Keyword: creditalert
            http://www.hagglezone.com, AOL Keyword: hagglezone

     Statements  about  future  results  made in  this  release  may  constitute
forward-looking   statements  within  the  meaning  of  the  Private  Securities
Litigation   Reform  Act  of  1995.   These  statements  are  based  on  current
expectations  and the current  economic  environment.  The Company cautions that
these statements are not guarantees of future performance. They involve a number
of risks and uncertainties  that are difficult to predict.  Actual results could
differ  materially  from  those  expressed  or  implied  in the  forward-looking
statements.  Important  assumptions and other important factors that could cause
actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements
are specified in the Company=s Form 10-K/A for the year ended December 31, 1998,
including  the  resolution  of the  pending  class  action  litigation  and  the
Company's ability to implement its plan to divest non-strategic assets.

     Cendant Corporation is a global provider of consumer and business services.
The Company=s core competencies  include building franchise  systems,  providing
outsourcing  solutions and direct marketing.  As a franchisor,  Cendant is among
the world=s leading franchisors of hotels, rental car agencies,  tax preparation
services  and real  estate  brokerage  offices.  The real estate  division  also
includes Welcome Wagon/GETKO and the Company's  residential real estate services
Internet  portal  which  is  currently  under  development.  As  a  provider  of
outsourcing solutions, Cendant is the world's largest vacation exchange service,
a major  provider of mortgage  services to  consumers  and the global  leader in
employee relocation. In direct marketing,  Cendant provides access to insurance,
travel,  shopping,  auto,  and other  services  primarily  to  customers  of its
affinity  partners.  Other business units include NCP, the UK's largest  private
car park operator,  and Wizcom,  an information  technology  services  provider.
Headquartered  in New York,  NY, the Company has more than 30,000  employees and
operates in over 100 countries.

     More  information  about  Cendant,  its  companies,  brands and current SEC
filings may be obtained by visiting the Company's Web site at www.Cendant.com or
by calling 877-4INFO-CD (877-446-3623).

Media Contact:                           Investor Contacts:
Elliot Bloom                             Denise Gillen
212-413-1832                             212-413-1833

                                         Sam Levenson