WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549


                                    Form 8-K
                         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934


                      December 2, 1999 (November 30, 1999)
               (Date of Report (date of earliest event reported))

                               Cendant Corporation
             (Exact name of Registrant as specified in its charter)

       Delaware                      1-10308                     06-0918165
(State or other jurisdiction    (Commission File No.)        (I.R.S. Employer
   of incorporation or                                    Identification Number)

   9 West 57th Street
       New York, NY                                                 10019
  (Address of principal                                          (Zip Code)
    executive) office)

                                 (212) 413-1800
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

       (Former name, former address and former fiscal year, if applicable)

Item 5.  Other Events

         Except as expressly indicated or unless the context otherwise requires,
"Cendant",   "we",  "our",  or  "us"  means  Cendant  Corporation,   a  Delaware
Corporation, and its subsidiaries.

         Completion of Divestiture  Program.  On November 30, 1999, we announced
that we completed the sale of  Entertainment  Publications,  Inc. to The Carlyle
Group and the sale of Green Flag to Direct  Line for a combined  total  value of
$735 million thus  concluding our program to divest  non-strategic  assets.  The
Entertainment  Publications  and Green Flag  transactions  generated  a combined
pre-tax book gain of approximately $230 million.

         Entertainment   Publications  is  the  world's  largest   marketer  and
publisher  of coupon books and  discount  programs.  Green Flag is a UK roadside
assistance organization,  providing a wide range of emergency support and rescue
services to more than 2.5 million customers representing 15% of the UK market.

         As previously reported,  our program to divest non-strategic assets has
resulted in the disposition of 18 business  units,  and has generated about $4.5
billion in proceeds.  Proceeds have been  primarily  used to repurchase  Cendant
stock and reduce  indebtedness.  As of November 30, 1999, we have reduced shares
outstanding   by   approximately   152  million  shares  or  18%,  have  retired
approximately  $700 million in debt and currently have more than $1.5 billion in

For a more detailed  description of the completion of the  divestiture  program,
reference is made to Exhibit 99.1, which is incorporated  herein by reference in
its entirety.

         Postponement of Special Meeting of Stockholders. The Special Meeting of
Stockholders  called for January 14, 2000 has been postponed.  A new meeting and
record date will be announced upon determination.

Item 7.   Exhibits

   No.         Description
- -------        -----------------------------------------------------------------

99.1           Press Release:  Cendant  Corporation  Completes Sale of
               Entertainment  Publications  and Green Flag;  Concludes
               Program to Divest Non-Core Assets, dated November 30, 1999.


     Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                               CENDANT CORPORATION

                               By:   /s/  James E. Buckman
                                          James E. Buckman
                                          Vice Chairman
                                          and General Counsel

Date: December 2, 1999

                               CENDANT CORPORATION
                           CURRENT REPORT ON FORM 8-K
                Report Dated December 2, 1999 (November 30, 1999)

                                  EXHIBIT INDEX

   No.         Description
- -------        -----------------------------------------------------------------

99.1           Press Release:  Cendant  Corporation  Completes Sale of
               Entertainment  Publications  and Green Flag;  Concludes
               Program to Divest Non-Core Assets, dated November 30, 1999.