Washington, D.C. 20549

                                  SCHEDULE 14A

                Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the
               Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No. 1 )

Filed by the Registrant [X]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [_]

Check the appropriate box:

[X]  Preliminary Proxy Statement          [_]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to
[_]  Confidential, For Use of the              SS.240.14a-11(c) or SS.240.14a-12
     Commission Only (as permitted
     by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
[_]  Definitive Proxy Statement
[_]  Definitive Additional Materials

                          London Pacific Group Limited
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if Other Than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X]  No fee required.
[_]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

1)   Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

2)   Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

3)   Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction  computed  pursuant
     to Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee is
     calculated and state how it was determined):

4)   Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

5)   Total fee paid:

     [_]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

     [_]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
          Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee
          was paid  previously.  Identify  the previous  filing by  registration
          statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

          1)   Amount Previously Paid:

          2)   Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

          3)   Filing Party:

          4)   Date Filed:


SEC 1913 (3-99)

                          LONDON PACIFIC GROUP LIMITED
                          Minden House, 6 Minden Place
                           St. Helier, Jersey JE2 4WQ
                                 Channel Islands

                                 April 17, 2003

Dear ADR holder:

     You  are  cordially  invited  to  attend  the  Annual  General  Meeting  of
Shareholders  of London  Pacific Group Limited to be held at the Jersey  Museum,
Ouless Room, The Weighbridge,  St. Helier,  Jersey, Channel Islands on Thursday,
June 12, 2003, at 9:00 a.m. local time.

     Details of the  business  to be  conducted  at the meeting are given in the
attached Notice of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders and Proxy Statement.

     As an ADR holder you are not  entitled  to vote  directly  at the  meeting,
however,  the ADR  Depositary,  The Bank of New York,  is  obligated to vote the
shares it holds on your behalf in accordance with your instructions.  Whether or
not you plan to attend the  meeting,  it is  important  that your  interests  be
represented and voted at the meeting. Accordingly,  please sign, date and return
the enclosed proxy card to The Bank of New York (in the accompanying  envelope).
In order for your proxy  instructions to be valid,  they must be received by The
Bank of New York on or before  June 5, 2003.  You may revoke or amend your proxy
for any reason  provided that such change is received by The Bank of New York on
or before June 5, 2003.

     Thank you for your interest in London Pacific Group Limited.


/s/R.W. Green
Ronald W. Green                             [LOGO]

                          LONDON PACIFIC GROUP LIMITED
                          Minden House, 6 Minden Place
                           St. Helier, Jersey JE2 4WQ
                                 Channel Islands


To the ADR holders of London Pacific Group Limited:

     NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual General  Meeting of  Shareholders of
London Pacific Group Limited (the  "Company") will be held at the Jersey Museum,
Ouless Room, The Weighbridge,  St. Helier,  Jersey, Channel Islands on Thursday,
June 12, 2003, at 9:00 a.m. local time, for the following purposes:

Ordinary Business
1.   To receive the report of the directors and the financial statements for the
     year ended December 31, 2002,  together with the report of the  independent
     auditors thereon.

2.   To re-elect a director, Mr. John Clennett, who is retiring by rotation.

3.   To  re-appoint  BDO  International  and  BDO  Seidman,  LLP as  independent
     auditors  of the  Company  for the year  ending  December  31,  2003 and to
     authorize the directors to fix their remuneration.

Special Business
4.   To consider and if thought fit pass the  following  resolution as a special
     resolution: that the name of the Company be changed to "Berkeley Technology

Other Business
5.   To act on any other matters that may properly come before the meeting.

     The Board of Directors knows of no other matters which may be presented for
     shareholder action at the meeting.  To date, no shareholder  proposals have
     been  received by the Company.  However,  if other matters do properly come
     before the meeting,  it is intended  that the persons  named in the proxies
     will vote upon such matters in accordance with their best judgment.

     Holders of our Ordinary  Shares are entitled to twenty-one  (21) clear days
notice  of,  and to vote at,  the Annual  General  Meeting  and any  adjournment
thereof.  Only ADR  holders of record at the close of  business on April 9, 2003
are  entitled  to notice of, to attend  and to have  their  vote  counted at the
Annual General Meeting and any adjournment thereof. ADR holders are not entitled
to vote directly at the meeting;  however,  the ADR Depositary,  The Bank of New
York,  is  obligated to vote the shares it holds on behalf of the ADR holders in
accordance with their  instructions.  Accordingly,  please sign, date and return
the enclosed proxy card to The Bank of New York (in the accompanying  envelope).
BANK OF NEW YORK ON OR  BEFORE  JUNE 5,  2003.  A copy of our  Annual  Report to
Shareholders  for the year ended  December  31,  2002,  which  contains  audited
consolidated financial statements and other information, accompanies this Notice
and the  enclosed  Proxy  Statement.  All ADR holders are  cordially  invited to
attend the meeting.

By Order of the Board of Directors

/s/R.W. Green

Ronald W. Green

April 17, 2003

                          LONDON PACIFIC GROUP LIMITED
                                 PROXY STATEMENT
                        ABOUT THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING


     This Proxy  Statement and the  accompanying  proxy card are being mailed to
ADR holders of London Pacific Group Limited (the  "Company"  and,  together with
its  subsidiaries,  the "Group") on or about April 17, 2003, in connection  with
the  solicitation  of  proxies by our Board of  Directors  for use at the Annual
General Meeting of Shareholders to be held on June 12, 2003 (the "Meeting"),  or
at any adjournments  thereof.  The Meeting will be held at 9:00 a.m. local time,
at the Jersey Museum, Ouless Room, The Weighbridge,  St. Helier, Jersey, Channel


     The proxy card accompanying this Proxy Statement,  which instructs The Bank
of New York as ADR Depositary (the "ADR Depositary"),  is solicited by our Board
of Directors.  ADRs represented by properly executed proxies received by the ADR
Depositary in time for the Meeting will be voted in accordance  with the choices
specified in the proxies.  Any ADR holder giving a proxy has the power to revoke
it prior to its exercise by giving notice of revocation to the ADR Depositary in
writing,  or by executing  and  delivering  to the ADR  Depositary a later dated
proxy.  However,  such  action  must be taken in  sufficient  time to permit the
necessary  examination  and  tabulation  of the  subsequent  proxy or revocation
before the vote is taken.  Proxy  instructions,  amendments or revocations  must
therefore be received by the ADR Depositary on or before June 5, 2003.


     The  cost  of  preparing,  assembling,  printing  and  mailing  this  Proxy
Statement,  the accompanying  proxy card and any other related materials used in
the  solicitation  of proxies will be borne by us. In addition to  soliciting by
mail, our directors,  officers and employees,  without  receiving any additional
compensation,  may solicit proxies personally, by telephone or facsimile. Except
as described  above, we do not presently intend to solicit proxies other than by

     Also enclosed  herewith is a copy of our Annual Report to Shareholders  for
the year ended December 31, 2002.

Voting and Quorum at the Annual General Meeting

     Holders of ADRs  should  complete  and return  the  enclosed  proxy card in
accordance with the terms provided  thereon not later than the close of business
on June 5, 2003.  The close of  business  on April 9, 2003 has been fixed as the
record date for the  determination of the holders entitled to give  instructions
of  voting  rights  at the  Meeting  and  any  adjournment  thereof.  Under  the
depositary agreement between us and the ADR Depositary, the ADR Depositary shall
not vote or attempt to exercise the right to vote that  attaches to the Ordinary
Shares other than in accordance with such instructions.

     Two  shareholders  present in person or by proxy and entitled to vote shall
be a quorum for all purposes. If a quorum is present,  directors are elected and
all other matters are decided upon by a show of hands, unless before or upon the
declaration of the results, a poll is demanded by the Chairman of the Meeting or
by at least three  shareholders or by one or more shareholders  representing not
less than  one-tenth of the total voting  rights of  shareholders.  If a poll is
taken,  every  shareholder who is present in person by  representative  or proxy
shall have one vote for every share of which he or she is the holder. Cumulative
voting in the election of directors is not permitted.


     Proposals  1 to 3 which  are  described  below  are  ordinary  resolutions.
Proposal 4 is a special  resolution.  The  approval  of an  ordinary  resolution
requires  the  affirmative  vote of a majority of the votes cast at the Meeting.
The approval of a special  resolution  requires an affirmative  vote of at least
two-thirds of the votes cast at the Meeting. Accordingly, abstentions and broker
non-votes will have no effect on any resolution voted on at the Meeting.

     As of March 24, 2003, there were 64,439,073 Ordinary Shares outstanding and
1,761,208 ADRs outstanding,  representing 17,612,080 of those Ordinary Shares or
27.3% of the Company's total outstanding shares. Each Ordinary Share carries one
vote in a poll.  Each ADR carries ten votes  indirectly  through  each  Ordinary
Share held by the ADR Depositary on the ADR holder's behalf.

     For the  purposes of this Proxy  Statement,  the term "vote" shall refer to
either  a vote  by a  holder  of  Ordinary  Shares  or  instructions  to the ADR
Depositary by a holder of ADRs.


     To receive the report of the directors and the financial statements for the
year ended  December  31,  2002,  together  with the  report of the  independent
auditors thereon.

     Our  Articles  of  Association  provide  that each year the above  shall be
presented  before a General  Meeting  of  Shareholders.  The Board of  Directors
recommends  a vote  FOR  the  acceptance  of the  report  of the  directors  and
financial  statements  for the year ended  December 31, 2002,  together with the
report of the independent auditors thereon.

                        PROPOSAL 2 - ELECTION OF DIRECTOR

     To re-elect a director, Mr. John Clennett, who is retiring by rotation.

     Our Articles of Association  provide that at each Annual  General  Meeting,
one-third  (or  the  number  nearest  to but  not  exceeding  one-third)  of the
directors  other  than  Arthur  I.  Trueger,  who,  as he is also  our  managing
director,  does not retire by rotation nor is counted in calculating  the number
of directors to retire by rotation,  shall retire from office by rotation. Under
our Articles of Association,  there shall be no less than three  directors.  The
directors  (other than Mr.  Trueger)  are elected to hold office  until they are
subject to retirement by rotation.  John  Clennett,  the nominated  director for
2003, has informed us that he is willing to serve as a director. No person other
than a director retiring at the meeting shall,  unless  recommended by our Board
of  Directors,  be eligible for election to the office of director at any Annual
General  Meeting  unless not less than seven,  nor more than  twenty-eight  (28)
days, before the date appointed for the meeting, a notice in writing signed by a
shareholder, and a notice in writing signed by that person of his willingness to
be elected, has been left at our registered office in Jersey.

     Our Board of Directors  may appoint any person to be a director,  either to
fill a casual  vacancy or as an additional  director.  Any director so appointed
shall hold office only until the next Annual  General  Meeting and shall then be
eligible for re-appointment,  but shall not be taken into account in determining
the directors who are to retire by rotation at such meeting.

     The  following  director,  already being a member of our Board of Directors
and  eligible  for  re-election,  retires  by  rotation  and  is  nominated  for
re-election at this Annual General Meeting.

John Clennett                   Mr.  Clennett, age 79, has been a  non-executive
                                director  since the  Company's  incorporation in
                                January 1985. He  is  a  director  of  Ashburton
                                Replica Portfolio  Limited and  Ashburton  Money
                                Market  Funds  Limited.   He  was a  director of
                                Ansbacher (Jersey)  Limited  until 2000. He is a
                                member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants
                                in  England  and  Wales  and  of  the  Chartered
                                Institute of  Management  Accountants.  Prior to
                                his retirement  in 1983, he was Treasurer of the
                                States  of  Jersey. Mr. Clennett  is a member of
                                the Audit Committee.


     Subject to re-election, Mr. Clennett will be required to retire by rotation
again at the  Annual  General  Meeting  in  2007,  provided  that no  additional
directors are appointed, or existing directors resign, before that time.

     The  Board  of  Directors  recommends  a vote FOR the  re-election  of John
Clennett as a director.


     To re-appoint BDO  International  and BDO Seidman,  LLP as our  independent
auditors for the year ending December 31, 2003 and to authorize the directors to
fix their remuneration.

     We expect that  representatives of BDO International will be present at the
Annual General  Meeting and will be given the opportunity to make a statement if
they desire to do so and to respond to appropriate questions.  BDO International
and BDO Seidman, LLP were appointed as our auditors in July 2002.

     The Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR the proposal to re-appoint BDO
International  and BDO  Seidman,  LLP as our  independent  auditors for the year
ending December 31, 2003.

                       PROPOSAL 4 - CHANGE OF COMPANY NAME

     The Group's  operating  structure has changed  significantly  over the last
year due to the expected  completion of the sale of Berkeley Capital  Management
and the  loss  of the  U.S.  life  insurance  company.  Venture  capital  is the
foundation  of the Group and has been an integral part of its strategy in recent
years. Since the early 1980s,  Berkeley  International  Capital  Corporation has
arranged  over $1.9  billion of  placements  in the private  capital  markets on
behalf of Group companies and clients.  These placements included investments in
America  Online,  Oracle  Corporation,  Cadence Design  Systems,  Inc.,  Cypress
Semiconductor,  Inc. and Packeteer,  Inc. Although the recent market environment
for venture capital has been very weak, we expect  opportunities for investments
in  venture  capital  to  increase  in the  future.  The Group  will be  seeking
shareholder  approval  to change its name back to Berkeley  Technology  Limited,
which was the name of the Group in 1985 when it first became a public company on
the London Stock Exchange.

     The Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR the change of the Company name
to "Berkeley Technology Limited."


     Biographical information about each director continuing in office is
provided below:

Arthur I. Trueger               Mr.  Trueger,  age  54, is  the  founder  and  a
Executive Chairman              principal  shareholder  of London Pacific  Group
                                Limited. He has  worked for us for  more than 26
                                years and holds A.B., M.A. and J.D. degrees from
                                the University of California.

Director continuing in office for a term expiring in 2004:

The Viscount Trenchard          Lord Trenchard, age 52, has been a non-executive
                                director since August 1999. He is joint Chairman
                                of The Japan Society, a Trustee of The Royal Air
                                Force Benevolent Fund, a director of AC European
                                Finance Limited and  Chairman of The Dejima Fund
                                Limited. He was a director of Robert Fleming and
                                Co.  Limited,   or    one   of   its   principal
                                subsidiaries, from  1996  to  2000, where he was
                                also  head   of  Japanese   Investment  Banking.
                                Previously,  he  was  a  director  of  Kleinwort
                                Benson  Limited from  1986 to 1996, whose  Tokyo
                                office he managed for many years. Lord Trenchard
                                is  a  member  of   the   Audit   and   Business
                                Development Committees.


Directors continuing in office for terms expiring between 2005 - 2006:

Victor A. Hebert                Mr.  Hebert,  age 65, has  been a  non-executive
Deputy Chairman                 director since  the  Company's  incorporation in
                                January 1985 and Deputy Chairman  since February
                                1996.  He  is a  senior  member of the  law firm
                                Heller,  Ehrman,  White &  McAuliffe LLP  in San
                                Francisco, California, having joined the firm in
                                1962.  He also serves  as a  director of  Foster
                                Wheeler Ltd, a  global  engineering construction
                                and project development  company, as  a director
                                and  Secretary to  California &  Washington Co.,
                                and as Secretary to Nextest Systems Corporation.
                                Mr. Hebert  is  a  member  of  the  Compensation

Harold E. Hughes, Jr.           Mr. Hughes,  age 57, has  been  a  non-executive
                                director since January 1987.  Previously, he was
                                Chairman  of   Pandesic  Company,  an  eCommerce
                                software   supplier   owned  jointly   by  Intel
                                Corporation  and SAP,  from 1997 to 2000.  Prior
                                to   Pandesic,   he   was   employed   by  Intel
                                Corporation for  23 years, during  which time he
                                held a  number  of  positions in  financial  and
                                operational management. Mr Hughes is a member of
                                the Audit, Business Development and Compensation

     One of the above  directors is required to retire in each of the years 2005
and 2006.  These  retirement  dates  assume  that no  additional  directors  are
appointed,  or existing directors resign, during the period.  Retiring directors
are eligible for re-election.

Meetings of the Board

     Our Board of Directors held seven meetings during 2002. The Board has three
committees:  Audit, Compensation and Business Development. With the exception of
the Business Development Committee,  each of the Committees held meetings during
2002.  Director  attendance  at these  meetings  averaged 98% during 2002.  Each
director  attended  75% or more of the total number of meetings of the Board and
the committees on which he served.

Committees of the Board

Audit Committee

Members: Harold E. Hughes, Jr. (Chairman), John Clennett, The Viscount Trenchard
(appointed  November 14, 2002), Gary L. Wilcox  (Chairman,  retired November 14,

     Our Board of Directors  adopted a written  charter for the Audit  Committee
that was included with the Proxy Statement  issued on April 2, 2001. The primary
functions  of the Audit  Committee  are to  assist  the  Board of  Directors  in
fulfilling its oversight  responsibilities  by reviewing the adequacy of (i) the
financial reporting process (including reviewing the selection,  application and
disclosure of critical  accounting  policies),  (ii) financial  information that
will be  provided  to  shareholders  and  others,  (iii) the systems of internal
financial controls that management and the Board have established,  and (iv) our
audit process and to consider  issues  raised by the  independent  auditors.  In
addition,  the Audit Committee is responsible  for considering and  recommending
the  appointment  of, and  reviewing  fee  arrangements  with,  our  independent
auditors.  The Audit  Committee  is comprised  of three  independent  directors.
During 2002, the Audit Committee met four times.

Compensation Committee

Members:  Victor A. Hebert,  Harold E. Hughes,  Jr.  (appointed March 28, 2003),
Gary L. Wilcox (retired December 23, 2002)

     The  Compensation  Committee  approves all elements of compensation for the
Executive Chairman,  including bonuses,  other than grants of share options. The
Compensation Committee recommends all grants


of share options for the Executive Chairman, executive officers and employees to
the Trustees of The London  Pacific  Group 1990  Employee  Share  Option  Trust.
During 2002, the Compensation Committee met twice.

Business Development Committee

Members:  Harold E. Hughes, Jr., The Viscount Trenchard

     The Business  Development  Committee was  established on March 31, 2001 for
the  purpose of  dealing  generally  with all  aspects  of new  business  areas,
including expanding existing business internationally. Formal committee meetings
are not generally  held,  as individual  committee  members  undertake  specific
responsibilities  for  areas  of new  business  development.  During  2002,  the
Business Development Committee did not hold any meetings.

                             Directors' Compensation

Annual Compensation

     With effect from January 1, 2003,  all directors'  fees were reduced.  Each
director receives a base annual fee of $3,750, except for the Executive Chairman
who,  effective June 30, 2001, no longer  receives this fee. The Deputy Chairman
receives  an  additional  annual  fee of  $5,000.  Each  director  on the  Audit
Committee  and  Compensation  Committee  receives  an  additional  annual fee of
$3,750,  and each  director on the Business  Development  Committee  receives an
additional  annual fee of $5,000.  John Clennett and Lord  Trenchard  receive an
additional annual fee of $6,250 and $10,000,  respectively,  for  administrative
duties performed for the Company in Jersey.

Share Option Plan

     Under The  London  Pacific  Group  1990  Employee  Share  Option  Trust,  a
non-executive  director may be granted options to purchase our Ordinary  Shares,
generally at an option  exercise price equal to the market value of the Ordinary
Shares as of the date of the grant.  Options  expire seven or ten years from the
date of grant.  Under  this  plan,  no options  were  granted  to  non-executive
directors during 2002.

     The Executive Chairman makes  recommendations to the Trustees of The London
Pacific Group 1990 Employee Share Option Trust in relation to such grants to the
non-executive directors.


     No material legal  proceedings  have been made against any of our executive
officers or directors with respect to their duties to the Company.



     The  following  table  sets  forth  certain  information  with  respect  to
beneficial ownership of Ordinary Shares as of March 24, 2003 for each person who
is  known  by us to  own  beneficially  more  than  5% of  the  Ordinary  Shares
(including  Ordinary  Shares  underlying  ADRs),  for  directors  and  executive
officers  named  in the  Summary  Compensation  Table  on page 8 of  this  Proxy
Statement, and for all directors and executive officers as a group.

                                                         Amount and Nature of Ownership (1)
                                        Number of         Exercisable         Total Shares         Percent of
                                         Ordinary       Within 60 Days of     Beneficially        Outstanding
            Name                       Shares Owned     March 24, 2003 (2)       Owned          Ordinary Shares
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Arthur I. Trueger                       19,260,693          3,000,000          22,260,693               34.5%
650 California Street, Suite 2800
San Francisco, California 94108
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The London Pacific Group
1990 Employee Share
Option Trust (2) (3)                    13,247,181                  -          13,247,181               20.6%
Whiteley Chambers, Don Street
St. Helier, Jersey JE4 9WG
Channel Islands
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Victor A. Hebert (4)                        45,000             40,000              85,000                   *
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
John Clennett                                5,450             20,000              25,450                   *
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Harold E. Hughes, Jr.                            -             60,000              60,000                   *
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Viscount Trenchard                           -             40,000              40,000                   *
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ian K. Whitehead                               400          1,334,000           1,334,400                2.1%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
All directors and executive
  officers as a group (2)               19,311,543          4,494,000          23,805,543               36.9%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Amounts represent less than one percent.

(1)  Except as  described  in footnote (4) below,  each  director and  executive
     officer has sole voting and investment power with respect to his shares.

(2)  The shares underlying the 4,494,000  options  exercisable are also included
     in the  13,247,181  shares held by The London  Pacific  Group 1990 Employee
     Share Option Trust.

(3)  The Trustees of The London  Pacific Group 1990 Employee  Share Option Trust
     are  entitled  to notice  of, and to vote at the  Meeting,  with each share
     entitling  them to one vote.  The  Trust  has  waived  its  entitlement  to
     dividends  on any shares  held.  Victor A.  Hebert,  Deputy  Chairman and a
     non-executive director, is one of the four trustees of the Trust.

(4)  The number of Ordinary  Shares owned by Mr. Hebert  includes  40,000 shares
     held in a pension and profit  sharing  trust for the benefit of Mr.  Hebert
     over which he has shared voting and investment  power.  The total number of
     shares  beneficially  owned by Mr. Hebert does not include any shares owned
     by The London Pacific Group 1990 Employee Share Option Trust,  of which Mr.
     Hebert  is one of the four  trustees,  and as to which  shares  Mr.  Hebert
     disclaims any beneficial  interest,  except for his options covering 40,000


                            EQUITY COMPENSATION PLANS

     The  following  table is a summary of selected  information  for our equity
compensation plans as of December 31, 2002.

                                                                                                 Number of Shares
                                            Number of Shares to        Weighted Average   Remaining Available for
                                        be Issued Upon Exercise       Exercise Price of     Future Issuance Under
                                        of Outstanding Options,    Outstanding Options,       Equity Compensation
                                            Warrants and Rights     Warrants and Rights                     Plans
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Equity compensation plans
  approved by shareholders (1)                       13,575,312(3)                $3.10                      (3)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Equity compensation plans not
  approved by shareholders (2)                          388,100(3)                 3.73                      (3)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total                                                13,963,412                   $3.12
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(1) Relates to The London Pacific Group 1990 Employee Share Option Trust.

(2) Relates to the  Agent  Loyalty  Opportunity  Trust  which  provides  for the
granting of stock appreciation rights on the Company's Ordinary Shares to London
Pacific Life & Annuity Company's insurance agents.

(3) Our  equity  compensation  plans do not  contain  a limit on the  number  of
options that may be granted to  employees.  However,  the plans do not allow for
the  issuance  of  previously   authorized  and  unissued  shares  to  meet  the
obligations  of the plans upon an employee  option  exercise.  When an option is
granted, the trust that administers the plan borrows funds from us or one of our
subsidiaries  and uses those funds to purchase  the number of shares  underlying
the option  grant.  The maximum loan allowed in any given year is equal to 5% of
the Group's consolidated net assets as of the end of the previous fiscal year.


                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

     Our executive officers receive annual salaries and are also eligible for an
annual  bonus.  Mr.  Trueger and Mr.  Whitehead  currently  receive  salaries of
$300,000  and  (pound)120,000   (approximately  $190,000),   respectively.   Mr.
Whitehead has agreed to waive (pound)380,000 (approximately $601,700) out of his
base salary of  (pound)500,000  (approximately  $791,700) until he gives further
notice.  The amount of any  annual  bonus  award to the  Executive  Chairman  is
determined by the Compensation  Committee of the Board of Directors based on the
performance of the Company and its subsidiaries.  The amount of any annual bonus
award to the Chief Financial Officer is determined by the Executive Chairman.

     The following table sets forth the cash and non-cash  compensation  paid to
our  Executive  Chairman and Chief  Financial  Officer for the last three fiscal
years. We have no executive officers other than Mr. Trueger and Mr. Whitehead.

                                        Summary Compensation Table

                                           Annual  Compensation                        Compensation
                         ---------------------------------------------------------    ---------------
   Name and Principal                                              Other Annual         Underlying          All Other
        Position           Year      Salary          Bonus       Compensation (1)         Options         Compensation (2)
                                        $              $                $                   #                   $
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------    ---------------    -----------------

Arthur I. Trueger          2002         537,500             0            9,010                  0                    0
Executive Chairman         2001         950,000     6,000,000           20,305          2,000,000                    0
                           2000       1,000,000     2,250,000           22,255                  0                    0
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ian K. Whitehead           2002         297,035             0                0          1,000,000              143,000
Chief Financial            2001         699,892             0                0            200,000               96,668
   Officer                 2000         615,121       298,000          186,807                  0               67,460
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(1)  Amounts include directors fees, life insurance, vacation payouts and
     relocation costs.

(2)  Amounts   represent   realized   appreciation   in  the  Group's   deferred
     compensation  plan and  pension  plan  contributions.  The  amount for 2002
     relates to pension plan contributions.

Employment Agreement with the Chief Financial Officer

     Mr. Whitehead joined us in September 1990 as Chief Financial  Officer.  His
employment  is  terminable  either by the Company on twelve (12) months  written
notice or by Mr. Whitehead on six (6) months written notice.

     The base salary of the Chief Financial  Officer is reviewed annually by the
Executive  Chairman who takes into account the  performance of the Group and the
contribution  made by the  Chief  Financial  Officer  to the  Group  during  the
previous  twelve  months.  Bonus  awards are also  determined  by the  Executive

     The number of share options held by the Chief Financial Officer is reviewed
annually by the Executive Chairman.  Additional share option grants to the Chief
Financial Officer are recommended by the Executive Chairman,  at his discretion,
to the Compensation  Committee,  which makes  recommendations to the Trustees of
The London Pacific Group 1990 Employee Share Option Trust.

Pension Plan

     The Group has a defined  contribution plan for the Chief Financial Officer.
This plan was  established in 2000,  with $143,000  contributed  during the year
ended  December  31,  2002.  Of the 2002  contribution,  $94,000 was offset by a
salary waiver.


Share Option Grants and Exercises

     Share  options may be granted to the  Executive  Chairman  under The London
Pacific Group 1990 Employee Share Option Trust.  The  Compensation  Committee of
the Board of Directors  considers the  responsibilities  and  performance of the
Executive  Chairman and the performance of the Group when determining the number
of options to be  recommended  to the Trustees of The London  Pacific Group 1990
Employee Share Option Trust. The Trust may grant share options to other officers
and  employees,  following  recommendations  from the Executive  Chairman to the
Compensation  Committee,  which,  if concurring,  makes  recommendations  to the
trustees of the Trust.  The  objectives of this plan include  retaining the best
personnel and providing for additional performance incentives.

     Grants to the Executive  Chairman are fully vested on the date of grant and
expire seven or ten years from the date of the grant.

     Grants to the Chief  Financial  Officer and other employees are exercisable
generally  in four equal  installments  beginning  one year from the date of the
grant,  subject to employment  continuation,  and expire seven or ten years from
the date of the grant.

     The following table  summarizes  option grants during 2002 under The London
Pacific Group 1990 Employee Share Option Trust to the Executive Chairman and the
Chief Financial Officer.

                              Option Grants in 2002

                                        Percent of
                          Number of       Total
                          Securities      Options                 Market
                          Underlying    Granted to               Price on
                            Options      Employees    Exercise    Date of                         Present Value on
         Name             Granted (1)     in 2002       Price      Grant      Expiration Date     Date of Grant (2)
                              #                           $           $                                   $
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Arthur I. Trueger                   0           -           -           -                  -                   -
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ian K. Whitehead            1,000,000       19.4%        0.43        0.43          6/10/2012             313,000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(1)  Mr.  Whitehead's  options  were  granted  on June  11,  2002.  Options  are
     exercisable  as  follows:  30% on the grant date;  17.5% on June 11,  2003;
     17.5% on June 11, 2004; 17.5% on June 11, 2005; and 17.5% on June 11, 2006.

(2)  The  Black-Scholes  model was used to  calculate  the present  value of the
     options  on the date of  grant.  The  following  assumptions  were  used to
     estimate  the  value  of the  options:  a  five-year  expected  life of the
     options,  a dividend yield of 0% as future dividends have not been assumed,
     expected volatility for the Company's stock of 125% and a risk-free rate of
     return of 3.95%.


     There were no option  exercises  during 2002 under The London Pacific Group
1990 Employee Share Option Trust by the named executive  officers.  The value of
the share options held by them as of December 31, 2002 is shown in the following

                         December 31, 2002 Option Values

                                                                        Number of                  Value of
                                                                  Securities Underlying      Unexercised In-the-
                                                                  Unexercised Options as     Money Options as of
                                                                   of December 31, 2002     December 31, 2002 (1)
                            Shares Acquired                            Exercisable/              Exercisable/
          Name                On Exercise       Value Realized        Unexercisable             Unexercisable
                                   #                  $                     #                         $
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Arthur I. Trueger                       0                 0             3,000,000 / nil                  nil / nil
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ian K. Whitehead                        0                 0         2,034,000 / 700,000                  nil / nil
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(1)  Based on the closing  price of our  Ordinary  Shares on  December  31, 2002
     ((pound)0.055 at an exchange rate of 1.61).

         Report of the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors

     The  Company's  Compensation  Committee  of the  Board  of  Directors  (the
"Committee")  is comprised of two  non-executive  directors.  The members of the
Committee  during  2002 were  Victor A.  Hebert and Gary L.  Wilcox  (retired on
December 23,  2002).  Harold E. Hughes,  Jr. was  appointed to the  Committee on
March 28, 2003. The Committee is responsible  for approving and reporting to our
Board of Directors the  compensation of our Executive  Chairman,  including base
salary  and  bonus.   The   Compensation   Committee  is  also  responsible  for
recommending share option grants for our Executive Chairman, our Chief Financial
Officer and our other employees to the Trustees of The London Pacific Group 1990
Employee  Share  Option  Trust,  and  for  reviewing  our  general  compensation

Compensation Philosophy and Objectives

     It is the philosophy of the Committee and the Company's  management that in
order  to meet our  goal of  increasing  long-term  shareholder  value,  we must
develop and maintain a  compensation  program that (i)  attracts,  motivates and
retains  qualified  executives  and (ii)  aligns  the  financial  rewards of our
management with those of our shareholders.

     Compensation  for our executive  officers  includes salary and generally an
annual bonus award. All executive officers hold share options, but share options
are  not  necessarily   granted  every  year.  In  establishing   the  level  of
compensation  for each  executive  officer,  the  Committee  (in the case of the
Executive  Chairman)  and/or the  Executive  Chairman  (in the case of the Chief
Financial  Officer)  consider  many factors,  with the primary  factor being the
Group's operating performance and financial position.  Other factors include the
executive  officer's  contribution to the  advancement of the Group's  operating
performance  and  financial  position,  strategic  accomplishments  such  as the
development  of new customers or new services and products,  the  development of
the Group's senior management team and the executive  officer's  seniority.  The
Committee  also  takes  into  consideration  the  compensation  levels of senior
executives of comparably sized,  publicly held,  diversified  financial services

     The  Committee  believes  that  the  best  interests  of  shareholders  and
executives  will be clearly  aligned by providing  executives  and  employees an
opportunity to increase their  ownership in the Company.  The Committee  reviews
the  recommendations  made by management for the award of share option grants to
executives and employees and if,  concurring,  the Committee then recommends all
grants of share options for executive  officers and employees to the Trustees of
the London Pacific Group 1990 Employee Share Option Trust.


Compensation for the Executive Chairman

     The base  salary for the  Executive  Chairman  is  reviewed  annually.  The
Executive Chairman is also eligible for an annual bonus award, which may be paid
in either cash or shares of listed equity securities held by the Group.

     As set forth under the "Summary  Compensation  Table" above,  the Executive
Chairman received total compensation of $546,510 in 2002,  including base salary
of $537,500.  During 2002, the Executive Chairman was not granted any options to
purchase  Ordinary  Shares.  This  compensation  was based upon the  Committee's
qualitative  analysis of the  criteria  set forth above in the second  paragraph
under the heading "Compensation Philosophy and Objectives."

                             COMPENSATION COMMITTEE
                                Victor A. Hebert
                   Gary L. Wilcox (retired December 23, 2002)
                Harold E. Hughes, Jr. (appointed March 28, 2003)

             Report of the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors

     Management  is  responsible  for  the  financial  reporting  process,   the
preparation of  consolidated  financial  statements in accordance with generally
accepted accounting principles,  the system of internal controls, and procedures
designed to insure compliance with accounting  standards and applicable laws and
regulations. The Company's independent auditors are responsible for auditing the
financial  statements.  The Audit  Committee's  responsibility is to monitor and
review these  processes and  procedures.  The members of the Audit Committee are
neither  professionally  engaged in the practice of accounting or auditing,  nor
experts in the fields of accounting  or auditing.  The Audit  Committee  relies,
without independent verification, on the information provided to them and on the
representations  made by  management  that the  financial  statements  have been
prepared with integrity and objectivity and on the representations of management
and the opinion of the independent  auditors that such financial statements have
been prepared in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

     The Audit Committee  reviewed and discussed the Company's audited financial
statements  for the year ended  December 31, 2002 with the Company's  management
and with the Company's independent auditors,  BDO International and BDO Seidman,
LLP. The Audit Committee  discussed with BDO International and BDO Seidman,  LLP
the matters required to be discussed by Statement of Auditing  Standards No. 61,
"Communication  with Audit Committees." The Audit Committee received the written
disclosures and the letter from BDO International and BDO Seidman,  LLP required
by Independence  Standards Board Standard No. 1, "Independence  Discussions with
Audit Committees," and discussed with BDO International and BDO Seidman, LLP its
independence.  The Audit Committee  considered and believes that the performance
of services related to "Financial  Information Systems Design and Implementation
Fees" and "All Other Fees" is compatible with  maintaining  the  independence of
BDO International and BDO Seidman, LLP.

     On June  19,  2002,  PricewaterhouseCoopers  notified  the  Company  of its
resignation  as auditors  for the Company and its  subsidiaries  and  associated
entities.  PricewaterhouseCoopers had served as the Company's auditors since its
inception  as a  public  company  in  1985.  Subsequent  to  their  audit of the
Company's financial statements for 2001,  PricewaterhouseCoopers was approved as
the Company's auditors for 2002 at the annual general meeting of shareholders on
May 7, 2002.

     The reports of PricewaterhouseCoopers on the Company's financial statements
for the two years ended December 31, 2001 did not contain an adverse  opinion or
a disclaimer  of opinion and were not  qualified or modified as to  uncertainty,
audit scope or accounting principles.

     In  connection  with the audits for the years ended  December  31, 2001 and
2000, and through June 19, 2002, there were no disagreements between the Company
and  PricewaterhouseCoopers on any matter of accounting principles or practices,
financial statement disclosure, or auditing scope or procedure, which


disagreements  if not  resolved to the  satisfaction  of  PricewaterhouseCoopers
would  have  caused  them to make  reference  thereto  in  their  report  on the
financial  statements for such years,  except that, in connection with its audit
for the year ended  December 31, 2001 and its review of the Company's  unaudited
interim  financial  statements for the quarter ended March 31, 2002,  there were
disagreements  between  the  Company's  management  and the  representatives  of
PricewaterhouseCoopers  with respect to the nature, extent and categorization of
the impairment  reviews and fair value  evaluations  of portfolio  securities in
accordance with Statement of Financial Accounting Standard No. 115 ("SFAS 115"),
"Accounting  for  Certain  Investments  in Debt and  Equity  Securities."  These
disagreements on the application of SFAS 115 were  subsequently  resolved to the
satisfaction of PricewaterhouseCoopers.

     PricewaterhouseCoopers and the Audit Committee discussed the foregoing. The
Company authorized  PricewaterhouseCoopers  to respond fully to the inquiries of
the successor auditors concerning the subject matter of the foregoing.

     In  connection  with the audits for the years ended  December  31, 2001 and
2000 and through June 19,  2002,  there were no  "reportable  events" as defined
within  Regulation S-K Item  304(a)1(v)(A),  except that, in connection with its
audit of the Company's financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2001
and its review of the Company's  unaudited interim financial  statements for the
quarter ended March 31, 2002,  PricewaterhouseCoopers  recommended that steps be
taken to establish an internal audit function,  improve the production of timely
and  reliable  financial  reports in  accordance  with U.S.  generally  accepted
accounting  principles ("U.S. GAAP"), and to strengthen the corporate governance

     In response to these  recommendations,  all members of the Audit  Committee
now participate in all Audit Committee meetings. The loss of control of the U.S.
life  insurance  company in August 2002 reduced the size and  complexity  of the
Group considerably.  After discussion with the new auditors, the Audit Committee
felt that the appointment of an internal  auditor was not necessary and that the
U.S. GAAP expertise  within the Company,  supported by outside  consultants when
deemed necessary, is sufficient.

     Following a recommendation  by the Audit Committee,  BDO  International and
BDO  Seidman,  LLP were  appointed  as the  Company's  auditors  by the Board of
Directors with effect from July 31, 2002. The  appointments  are effective until
the conclusion of the Company's next Annual General Meeting on June 12, 2003.

     For the year ended  December  31, 2002,  PricewaterhouseCoopers  billed the
Company for the following fees:

     Audit and Quarterly Review Fees                                    $173,035
     Financial Information Systems Design and Implementation Fees             $0
     All Other Fees (primarily for tax services)                         $71,304

     For the year ended  December 31, 2002, BDO  International  and BDO Seidman,
LLP billed or will bill the Company for the following fees:

     Audit and Quarterly Review Fees (estimated)                        $471,597
     Financial Information Systems Design and Implementation Fees             $0
     All Other Fees (primarily for 401(k) plan and investment manager
              performance audits)                                        $29,305

     Based on the Audit  Committee's  review and  discussions  above,  the Audit
Committee  recommended  to the Board of  Directors  that the  Company's  audited
financial  statements be included in its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year
ended December 31, 2002, for filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

                                 AUDIT COMMITTEE
                        Harold E. Hughes, Jr. (Chairman)
                                  John Clennett
              The Viscount Trenchard (appointed November 14, 2002)
                   Gary L. Wilcox (retired November 14, 2002)


                                SHARE PERFORMANCE

     The graph  presented  below  compares  the yearly  change in the  Company's
cumulative total return on ADRs for the five years ended December 31, 2002, with
the cumulative  total returns of the S&P 500 Index and the S&P Insurance  Index.
The  comparison  assumes  $100 was  invested on December 31, 1997 in each of the
Company ADRs, the stocks included in the S&P 500 Index,  and the stocks included
in the S&P Insurance Index. It also assumes reinvestment of all dividends.

                 Comparison of Five-Year Cumulative Total Return


                                    ---------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
                                       1997        1998        1999        2000        2001         2002
- ----------------------------------- ---------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
London Pacific Group Limited         $ 100.00    $ 112.47    $ 335.11    $ 286.02    $ 156.65    $   2.01
- ----------------------------------- ---------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
S&P 500 Index                        $ 100.00    $ 128.58    $ 155.63    $ 141.46    $ 124.65    $  97.10
- ----------------------------------- ---------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
S&P Insurance Index                  $ 100.00    $ 108.42    $ 115.14    $ 153.65    $ 133.26    $ 104.52
- ----------------------------------- ---------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------


Related Transactions

     We paid legal fees of  approximately  $130,000 during 2002 to a law firm of
which one of our directors, Victor A. Hebert, is a member.

Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation

     The members of the Compensation Committee during 2002 were Victor A. Hebert
and Gary L.  Wilcox,  neither  of whom have ever been an  executive  officer  or
employee of the Group.  Gary L. Wilcox  retired from the Board of Directors  and
Compensation Committee on December 23, 2002.

     Victor A. Hebert is a senior member of the law firm Heller, Ehrman, White &
McAuliffe LLP in San Francisco, California. We retain this law firm from time to
time as legal counsel on various matters.

Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance

     Section  16(a)  of  the  Securities   Exchange  Act  of  1934  and  related
regulations require our directors,  executive officers,  and anyone holding more
than 10% of the Company's  Ordinary Shares to report their initial  ownership of
the  Company's  Ordinary  Shares  and  any  changes  in  that  ownership  to the
Securities  and Exchange  Commission.  We are required to disclose in this Proxy
Statement the failure of any reporting person to file these reports when due. To
our knowledge,  based solely on our review of copies of such reports received by
us, we believe that during 2002, all reporting  persons of the Company satisfied
these filing requirements.


                                  OTHER MATTERS

     We know of no other matters to be presented at the Annual  General  Meeting
other than those  described  in this  Proxy  Statement.  In the event that other
business  properly  comes before the Meeting,  the persons named as proxies will
have discretionary  authority to vote the shares underlying the ADRs represented
by the accompanying proxy in accordance with their own judgment.

                             ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

Shareholder Proposals for 2004 Annual General Meeting

     ADR holders are entitled to present  proposals  for action at a forthcoming
meeting of shareholders  if they comply with the  requirements of the Securities
and Exchange Commission's proxy rules. Any proposals intended to be presented at
the 2004 Annual General  Meeting of Shareholders of London Pacific Group Limited
must be  received  at our  registered  office in Jersey,  Channel  Islands on or
before  December 19, 2003 in order to be  considered  for inclusion in our proxy
materials relating to such meeting.

Availability of Annual Report on Form 10-K

     A copy of our Annual  Report on Form 10-K for the year ended  December  31,
2002, as filed with the  Securities and Exchange  Commission,  will be furnished
without charge to ADR holders upon receipt by us of a request addressed to:

                       Ronald W. Green, Secretary
                       London Pacific Group Limited
                       Minden House, 6 Minden Place
                       St. Helier, Jersey JE2 4WQ
                       Channel Islands

     The  enclosed  form of proxy  has been  prepared  at the  direction  of the
Company,  of which you are an ADR  holder,  and is sent to you at the request of
our Board of Directors.

London Pacific Group Limited
By Order of the Board of Directors

/s/R.W. Green

Ronald W. Green

St. Helier
Jersey, Channel Islands

April 17, 2003



                          London Pacific Group Limited
               Instructions to The Bank of New York, as Depositary
        (Must be received prior to the close of business on June 5, 2003)
     This proxy is solicited on behalf of the Company's Board of Directors.

The undersigned registered holder of one or more American Depositary Receipts ("
Receipts")of  London  Pacific Group Limited (the  "Company")hereby  requests and
instructs The Bank of New York, as Depositary,  to vote or cause to be voted the
number of shares represented by such Receipt(s)of the Company, registered in the
name of the  undersigned  on the  books  of the  Depositary  as of the  close of
business April 9, 2003, at the Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of the
Company to be held on June 12, 2003, in respect of the resolutions  specified on
the reverse.

NOTES:  The  Depositary  shall not vote or attempt to exercise the right to vote
that  attaches  to the  shares  or other  Deposited  Securities,  other  than in
accordance  with  such  instructions.  If this  form is not  signed,  dated  and
returned, the Depositary will not vote such shares.

   To change your address, please mark this box.  /   /

   To include any comments, please mark this box. /   /

Please  complete  and date this proxy on the reverse side and return it promptly
in the accompanying envelope.

                             DETACH PROXY CARD HERE

         Mark, Sign, Date and Return                           /X/
/   /    the Proxy Card Promptly                      Votes must be indicated
         Using the Enclosed Envelope.                 (x)in Black or Blue ink.

Ordinary Business                                        FOR    AGAINST  ABSTAIN
1. To receive the report of the directors and           /   /    /   /     /   /
   the financial statements for the year ended
   December 31, 2002, together with the report
   of the independent auditors thereon.

2. To re-elect a director, Mr. John Clennett,           /   /    /   /     /   /
   who is retiring by rotation.

3. To re-appoint BDO International and BDO              /   /    /   /     /   /
   Seidman, LLP as independent auditors of the
   Company for the year ending December 31, 2003
   and to authorize the directors to fix their

Special Business
4. To change the name of the Company to "Berkeley       /   /    /   /     /   /
   Technology Limited."

Other Business
5. To act on any other matters that may properly        /   /    /   /     /   /
   come before the meeting.

The Board of Directors  knows of no other  matters  which may be  presented  for
shareholder action at the meeting.  To date, no shareholder  proposals have been
received by us.  However,  if other matters do properly come before the meeting,
it is intended that the persons named in the proxies will vote upon such matters
in accordance with their best judgement.

                                 [SCAN LINE]

The Voting  Instruction  must be signed by the person in whose name the relevant
Receipt  is  registered  on the  books  of the  Depositary.  In  the  case  of a
Corporation,  the  Voting  Instruction  must be  executed  by a duly  authorized
Officer or Attorney .

This proxy card is valid only when signed and dated.

Date               Share Owner sign here                  Co-Owner sign here
/     /            /                    /                 /                   /