Washington, D.C. 20549

                                  SCHEDULE 14A

                Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the
               Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No.  )

Filed by the Registrant [X]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ]

Check the appropriate box:

[ ]  Preliminary Proxy Statement
[ ]  Confidential, for Use of the
     Commission Only (as permitted
     by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
[X]  Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ]  Definitive Additional Materials
[ ]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to

                          Berkeley Technology Limited
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X]  No fee required.
[ ]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1)   Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2)   Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3)   Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction  computed  pursuant
     to Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee is
     calculated and state how it was determined):

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4)   Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5)   Total fee paid:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     [ ]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

     [ ]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
          Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee
          was paid  previously.  Identify  the previous  filing by  registration
          statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

          1)   Amount Previously Paid:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
          2)   Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
          3)   Filing Party:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
          4)   Date Filed:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                           BERKELEY TECHNOLOGY LIMITED
                           4 Wests Centre, Bath Street
                           St. Helier, Jersey JE2 4ST
                                 Channel Islands

                                 April 29, 2008

Dear ADR holder:

     You  are  cordially  invited  to  attend  the  Annual  General  Meeting  of
Shareholders  of Berkeley  Technology  Limited to be held at the Jersey  Museum,
Ouless Room, The Weighbridge,  St. Helier,  Jersey, Channel Islands on Thursday,
July 31, 2008, at 9:00 a.m. local time.

     Details of the  business  to be  conducted  at the meeting are given in the
attached Notice of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders and Proxy Statement.

     As an ADR holder you are not  entitled  to vote  directly  at the  meeting,
however,  the ADR  Depositary,  The Bank of New York,  is  obligated to vote the
shares it holds on your behalf in accordance with your instructions.  Whether or
not you plan to attend the  meeting,  it is  important  that your  interests  be
represented and voted at the meeting. Accordingly,  please sign, date and return
the enclosed proxy card to The Bank of New York (in the accompanying  envelope).
In order for your proxy  instructions to be valid,  they must be received by The
Bank of New York on or before July 24, 2008.  You may revoke or amend your proxy
for any reason  provided that such change is received by The Bank of New York on
or before July 24, 2008.

     Thank you for your interest in Berkeley Technology Limited.


/s/ Robert A. Cornman

Robert A. Cornman

                           BERKELEY TECHNOLOGY LIMITED
                           4 Wests Centre, Bath Street
                           St. Helier, Jersey JE2 4ST
                                 Channel Islands


To the ADR holders of Berkeley Technology Limited:

     NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual General  Meeting of  Shareholders of
Berkeley  Technology  Limited (the "Company") will be held at the Jersey Museum,
Ouless Room, The Weighbridge,  St. Helier,  Jersey, Channel Islands on Thursday,
July 31, 2008, at 9:00 a.m. local time, for the following purposes:

Ordinary Business
1.   To  receive  the  report  of the  directors  and the  financial  statements
     included in the Company's  Annual Report to Shareholders for the year ended
     December  31, 2007,  together  with the report of BDO Stoy Hayward LLP, the
     Company's independent auditors.

2.   To re-elect a director, Victor A. Hebert, who is retiring by rotation.

3.   To re-appoint  BDO Stoy Hayward LLP as the Company's  independent  auditors
     for purposes of the Company's  primary listing on the London Stock Exchange
     and  BDO  Seidman,  LLP  as the  Company's  independent  registered  public
     accounting  firm for purposes of the Company's  listing in the U.S., and to
     authorize the directors to fix their remuneration.

Other Business
4.   To act on any other matters that may properly come before the meeting.

     The Board of Directors knows of no other matters which may be presented for
     shareholder action at the meeting.  To date, no shareholder  proposals have
     been  received by the Company.  However,  if other matters do properly come
     before the meeting,  it is intended  that the persons  named in the proxies
     will vote upon such matters in accordance with their best judgment.

     Holders of our Ordinary  Shares are entitled to twenty-one  (21) clear days
notice  of,  and to vote at,  the Annual  General  Meeting  and any  adjournment
thereof.  Only ADR  holders of record at the close of business on April 23, 2008
are  entitled  to notice of, to attend  and to have  their  vote  counted at the
Annual General Meeting and any adjournment thereof. ADR holders are not entitled
to vote directly at the meeting;  however,  the ADR Depositary,  The Bank of New
York,  is  obligated to vote the shares it holds on behalf of the ADR holders in
accordance with their  instructions.  Accordingly,  please sign, date and return
the enclosed proxy card to The Bank of New York (in the accompanying  envelope).
In order for your proxy  instructions to be valid,  they must be received by The
Bank of New York on or before  July 24,  2008.  A copy of our  Annual  Report to
Shareholders  for the year ended  December  31,  2007,  which  contains  audited
consolidated financial statements and other information, accompanies this Notice
and the  enclosed  Proxy  Statement.  All ADR holders are  cordially  invited to
attend the meeting.

By Order of the Board of Directors

/s/ Robert A. Cornman

Robert A. Cornman

April 29, 2008

                           BERKELEY TECHNOLOGY LIMITED
                                 PROXY STATEMENT
                        ABOUT THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING


     This Proxy  Statement and the  accompanying  proxy card are being mailed to
ADR holders of Berkeley Technology Limited (the "Company" and, together with its
subsidiaries,  the "Group") on or about April 29, 2008, in  connection  with the
solicitation  of proxies by our Board of Directors for use at the Annual General
Meeting of Shareholders to be held on July 31, 2008 (the  "Meeting"),  or at any
adjournments  thereof.  The Meeting will be held at 9:00 a.m. local time, at the
Jersey  Museum,  Ouless Room,  The  Weighbridge,  St.  Helier,  Jersey,  Channel


     The proxy card accompanying this Proxy Statement,  which instructs The Bank
of New York as ADR Depositary (the "ADR Depositary"),  is solicited by our Board
of Directors.  ADRs represented by properly executed proxies received by the ADR
Depositary in time for the Meeting will be voted in accordance  with the choices
specified in the proxies.  Any ADR holder giving a proxy has the power to revoke
it prior to its exercise by giving notice of revocation to the ADR Depositary in
writing,  or by executing  and  delivering  to the ADR  Depositary a later dated
proxy.  However,  such  action  must be taken in  sufficient  time to permit the
necessary  examination  and  tabulation  of the  subsequent  proxy or revocation
before the vote is taken.  Proxy  instructions,  amendments or revocations  must
therefore be received by the ADR Depositary on or before July 24, 2008.


     The  cost  of  preparing,  assembling,  printing  and  mailing  this  Proxy
Statement,  the accompanying  proxy card and any other related materials used in
the  solicitation  of proxies will be borne by us. In addition to  soliciting by
mail, our directors,  officers and employees,  without  receiving any additional
compensation,  may solicit proxies personally, by telephone or facsimile. Except
as described  above, we do not presently intend to solicit proxies other than by

     Also enclosed  herewith is a copy of our Annual Report to Shareholders  for
the year ended December 31, 2007.

Voting and Quorum at the Annual General Meeting

     Holders of ADRs  should  complete  and return  the  enclosed  proxy card in
accordance with the terms provided  thereon not later than the close of business
on July 24, 2008.  The close of business on April 23, 2008 has been fixed as the
record date for the  determination of the holders entitled to give  instructions
of  voting  rights  at the  Meeting  and  any  adjournment  thereof.  Under  the
depositary agreement between us and the ADR Depositary, the ADR Depositary shall
not vote or attempt to exercise the right to vote that  attaches to the Ordinary
Shares other than in accordance with such instructions.

     Two  shareholders  present  in  person or by proxy  and  entitled  to vote,
holding in aggregate,  or represented  by proxy,  not less than one-third of the
total  Ordinary  Shares  outstanding,  shall be a quorum for all purposes.  If a
quorum is present,  directors are elected and all other matters are decided upon
by a show of hands, unless before or upon the declaration of the results, a poll
is demanded by the Chairman of the Meeting or by at least three  shareholders or
by one or more  shareholders  representing  not less than one-tenth of the total
voting rights of  shareholders.  If a poll is taken,  every  shareholder  who is
present in person by representative or proxy shall have one vote for every share
of which he or she is the holder. Cumulative voting in the election of directors
is not permitted.


     The  Company  does not have a policy with regard to members of the Board of
Directors attending Annual General Meetings. One Board member attended the prior
year's Annual General Meeting.

     Proposals 1 to 3 which are described  below are ordinary  resolutions.  Any
other  resolutions  presented at the meeting would be special  resolutions.  The
approval of an ordinary  resolution  requires the affirmative vote of a majority
of the votes cast at the Meeting.  The approval of a special resolution requires
an  affirmative  vote of at least  two-thirds  of the votes cast at the Meeting.
Accordingly,  abstentions  and  broker  non-votes  will  have no  effect  on any
resolution voted on at the Meeting.

     As of March 31, 2008, there were 64,439,073 Ordinary Shares outstanding and
1,187,183 ADRs outstanding,  representing 11,871,830 of those Ordinary Shares or
18.4% of the Company's total outstanding shares. Each Ordinary Share carries one
vote in a poll.  Each ADR carries ten votes  indirectly  through  each  Ordinary
Share held by the ADR Depositary on the ADR holder's behalf.

     For the  purposes of this Proxy  Statement,  the term "vote" shall refer to
either  a vote  by a  holder  of  Ordinary  Shares  or  instructions  to the ADR
Depositary by a holder of ADRs.


     To  receive  the  report  of the  directors  and the  financial  statements
included  in the  Company's  Annual  Report to  Shareholders  for the year ended
December  31,  2007,  together  with the  report of BDO Stoy  Hayward  LLP,  the
Company's independent auditors.

     Our  Articles  of  Association  provide  that each year the above  shall be
presented  before a General  Meeting  of  Shareholders.  The Board of  Directors
recommends  a vote  for  the  acceptance  of the  report  of the  directors  and
financial  statements  for the year ended  December 31, 2007,  together with the
report  of  the  independent  auditors  thereon.  Shareholder  approval  is  not
required, but is being sought as a matter of good corporate practice.

                        PROPOSAL 2 - ELECTION OF DIRECTOR

     To re-elect a director, Victor A. Hebert, who is retiring by rotation.

     Our Articles of Association  provide that at each Annual  General  Meeting,
one-third  (or  the  number  nearest  to but  not  exceeding  one-third)  of the
directors  other  than  Arthur  I.  Trueger,  who,  as he is also  our  managing
director,  does not retire by rotation nor is counted in calculating  the number
of directors to retire by rotation,  shall retire from office by rotation. Under
our Articles of Association,  there shall be no less than three  directors.  The
directors  (other than Mr.  Trueger)  are elected to hold office  until they are
subject to retirement by rotation.  Victor A. Hebert, the nominated director for
2008, has informed us that he is willing to serve as a director. No person other
than a director retiring at the meeting shall,  unless  recommended by our Board
of  Directors,  be eligible for election to the office of director at any Annual
General  Meeting  unless not less than seven,  nor more than  twenty-eight  (28)
days, before the date appointed for the meeting, a notice in writing signed by a
shareholder, and a notice in writing signed by that person of his willingness to
be elected, has been left at our registered office in Jersey.

     Our Board of Directors  may appoint any person to be a director,  either to
fill a casual  vacancy or as an additional  director.  Any director so appointed
shall hold office only until the next Annual  General  Meeting and shall then be
eligible for re-appointment,  but shall not be taken into account in determining
the directors who are to retire by rotation at such meeting.

     The  following  director,  already being a member of our Board of Directors
and  eligible  for  re-election,  retires  by  rotation  and  is  nominated  for
re-election at this Annual General Meeting.

Victor A. Hebert         Mr. Hebert, age  71, has been a  non-executive director
Deputy Chairman          since  the Company's  incorporation in January 1985 and
                         Deputy Chairman since


                         February  1996.  He  is  of  counsel  to the  law  firm
                         Heller  Ehrman LLP in San Francisco, California, having
                         joined  the firm in 1962.  Mr. Hebert is  a   member of
                         the Compensation Committee.

     Subject to  re-election,  Mr. Hebert will be required to retire by rotation
again at the  Annual  General  Meeting  in  2011,  provided  that no  additional
directors are appointed, or existing directors resign, before that time.

     The Board of Directors  recommends a vote FOR the  re-election of Victor A.
Hebert as a director.


     To re-appoint  BDO Stoy Hayward LLP as the Company's  independent  auditors
for purposes of the Company's  primary  listing on the London Stock Exchange and
BDO Seidman, LLP as the Company's independent  registered public accounting firm
for  purposes  of the  Company's  listing  in the  U.S.,  and to  authorize  the
directors to fix their remuneration.

     We do not  expect  that  representatives  of BDO  Stoy  Hayward  LLP or BDO
Seidman, LLP will be present at the Annual General Meeting. BDO Stoy Hayward LLP
and BDO Seidman, LLP have been our auditors since July 2002.

     The Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR the proposal to re-appoint BDO
Stoy Hayward LLP as our independent  auditors for purposes of our listing on the
London Stock Exchange and BDO Seidman, LLP as our independent  registered public
accounting  firm for purposes of our listing in the U.S.,  and to authorize  the
directors to fix their remuneration.  Shareholder  approval of our auditors is a
legal  requirement,  and if  shareholders  were to  reject  this  proposal,  the
directors would have to appoint another independent auditor.


     Biographical  information  about  each  director  continuing  in  office is
provided below:

Arthur I. Trueger        Mr. Trueger, age  59,  is  the  founder and a principal
Executive Chairman       shareholder of  Berkeley  Technology  Limited.  He  has
                         worked for us for more than 30  years  and  holds A.B.,
                         M.A.  and  J.D.  degrees  from    the    University  of

Director continuing in office for a term expiring in 2009:

Harold E. Hughes, Jr.    Mr. Hughes, age 62, has been  a non-executive  director
                         since  January  1987.  He   has  been  Chief  Executive
                         Officer of Rambus, Inc., a chip-semiconductor interface
                         supplier, since  January 2005, and a director of Rambus
                         since   June  2003.  Previously,  he  was  Chairman  of
                         Pandesic  LLC,  an  eCommerce  software  supplier owned
                         jointly  by  Intel  Corporation  and  SAP, from 1997 to
                         2000.  Prior to Pandesic,  Mr. Hughes  was  employed by
                         Intel Corporation for 23 years,  during  which  time he
                         held a number of positions in financial and operational
                         management.  He  previously  served  on  the  boards of
                         Xilinx, Inc.  and  REMEC, Inc., having  resigned  those
                         board seats in 2006 and 2005, respectively.  Mr. Hughes
                         is  a  member of  the  Audit, Business  Development and
                         Compensation Committees.

Director continuing in office for a term expiring in 2010:

The Viscount Trenchard   Lord  Trenchard,  age  57,  has  been  a  non-executive
                         director  since  August   1999.   He  was  appointed  a
                         Managing  Director of Mizuho International plc in 2007,
                         and became a  Director of  Bache  Global Series also in
                         2007.  Lord


                         Trenchard  has  been a  Senior   Adviser  to Prudential
                         Financial,   Inc.,   a   major   life   insurance   and
                         investment   management   group,  since  2002,  and   a
                         Director of its  subsidiary,   Dryden Wealth Management
                         Limited, a provider of  international   private  client
                         wealth management services, from 2004 to 2005.  He  has
                         been  Chairman of The Dejima Fund Limited since 2002, a
                         Director of  Stratton  Street  PCC Limited  since 2006,
                         Chairman of The Royal Air  Force Benevolent Fund  since
                         2006 and was  Joint  Chairman of The Japan Society from
                         2000 to 2004. He was a Director of  Robert  Fleming and
                         Co.  Limited,  or one  of its  principal  subsidiaries,
                         from 1996 to 2000, where he was also  head of  Japanese
                         Investment  Banking. Previously,  he was a Director  of
                         Kleinwort Benson Limited from 1986 to 1996, whose Tokyo
                         office  he  managed  for  many  years.   Lord Trenchard
                         is  a  member  of  the  Audit and  Business Development

     The  above  retirement  dates  assume  that  no  additional  directors  are
appointed,  or existing directors resign, during the period.  Retiring directors
are eligible for re-election.

Meetings of the Board

     Our Board of Directors held four meetings  during 2007. The Board has three
committees:  Audit,  Compensation and Business Development.  The Audit Committee
held  four  meetings  during  2007,  and  there  were  no  meetings  held by the
Compensation  Committee  and  the  Business  Development   Committee.   Director
attendance at all Board and committee meetings was 100% during 2007.

Committees of the Board

Audit Committee

Members:  Harold E. Hughes, Jr. (Chairman), The Viscount Trenchard

     Our  Board of  Directors  has  adopted  a  written  charter  for the  Audit
Committee,  which is attached to this Proxy  Statement as Appendix A (as amended
and restated on February 18, 2005). The primary functions of the Audit Committee
are  to  assist   the  Board  of   Directors   in   fulfilling   its   oversight
responsibilities  by  reviewing  the  adequacy  of (i) the  financial  reporting
process  (including  reviewing  the  selection,  application  and  disclosure of
critical accounting policies),  (ii) financial information that will be provided
to shareholders  and others,  (iii) the systems of internal  financial  controls
that management and the Board have  established,  and (iv) our audit process and
to consider  issues  raised by our  independent  auditors in the U.K. and by our
independent registered public accounting firm in the U.S. In addition, the Audit
Committee is responsible for considering  and  recommending  the appointment of,
and reviewing fee  arrangements  with, our independent  auditors in the U.K. and
our independent  registered  public accounting firm in the U.S. During 2007, the
Audit  Committee met four times.  The  functions of our Audit  Committee and its
activities  during  2007 are  further  described  in the  "Report  of the  Audit
Committee of the Board of Directors" below.

Compensation Committee

Members:  Victor A. Hebert (Chairman), Harold E. Hughes, Jr.

     Our Board of Directors has adopted a written  charter for the  Compensation
Committee,  which  is  attached  to this  Proxy  Statement  as  Appendix  B. The
Compensation  Committee  approves all elements of compensation for the Executive
Chairman,   including  bonuses,   other  than  grants  of  share  options.   The
Compensation  Committee recommends all grants of share options for the Executive
Chairman, executive officers and employees to the Trustees of The London Pacific
Group 1990 Employee Share Option Trust. During 2007, the Compensation  Committee
did not hold any meetings.


Business Development Committee

Members:  Harold E. Hughes, Jr., The Viscount Trenchard

     The Business  Development  Committee was  established on March 31, 2001 for
the  purpose of  dealing  generally  with all  aspects  of new  business  areas,
including expanding existing business internationally. Formal committee meetings
are not generally  held,  as individual  committee  members  undertake  specific
responsibilities  for  areas  of new  business  development.  During  2007,  the
Business Development Committee did not hold any meetings.

Nomination Committee

     Due to the small size of the Board, it is considered  unnecessary for there
to be a specific Nomination  Committee and the whole Board acts in this capacity
as and when required. The Board of Directors is comprised of four members (three
of whom are non-executive directors).

     The Board of Directors meets  quarterly and any  nominations  arising would
normally be considered at those quarterly meetings.  There is no written charter
for the Board in relation to nominations and one is not considered necessary due
to the infrequency of new Board appointments. If and when Board vacancies arise,
the Board  would  consider  applicants  from a wide range of  sources  including
recommendations  from any existing director or officer. The Company may also use
a third-party  search firm depending upon the  circumstances  at the time of the
vacancy.  While there are no minimum  qualifications  as such for nominees,  the
Board would look for  candidates  with  appropriate  experience  and  background
relative to the  requirements of the Company at the time of the nomination.  The
Board does not accept unsolicited  shareholder  recommendations due to the small
size of the Board,  which is  considered  appropriate  for the Company,  and the
infrequency of new Board appointments.

     No nominations for director were received for consideration  during 2007 or
2008 to date.

                             DIRECTORS' COMPENSATION

Annual Compensation

     Each  director  receives  a base  annual  fee of  $3,750,  except  for  the
Executive  Chairman who,  effective June 30, 2001, no longer  receives this fee.
The Deputy Chairman receives an additional  annual fee of $5,000.  Each director
on the Audit Committee and Compensation  Committee receives an additional annual
fee of $3,750, and each director on the Business Development  Committee receives
an additional annual fee of $5,000. Lord Trenchard receives an additional annual
fee of $10,000 for administrative duties performed for the Company in Jersey.

Share Option Plan

     Under The  London  Pacific  Group  1990  Employee  Share  Option  Trust,  a
non-executive  director may be granted options to purchase our Ordinary  Shares,
generally at an option  exercise price equal to the market value of the Ordinary
Shares as of the date of the grant.  Options  expire seven or ten years from the
date of grant. On March 27, 2007, each non-executive director was granted 50,000
options with an exercise price equal to the market value of the Ordinary  Shares
on the grant date ($0.10) and vesting over four years.

     The Executive Chairman makes  recommendations to the Trustees of The London
Pacific Group 1990 Employee Share Option Trust in relation to such grants to the
non-executive directors.


                  Director Summary Compensation Table for 2007

                                                               Non-Equity   Nonqualified
                             Fees                               Incentive    Deferred
                          Earned or                               Plan        Compen-     All Other
                           Paid in      Stock       Option       Compen-      sation       Compen-
          Name              Cash        Awards     Awards(1)     sation      Earnings     sation(2)    Total
                              $           $           $             #           $            $           $
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Harold E. Hughes, Jr.         16,250         0       3,245           0            0             0        19,495
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Victor A. Hebert              12,500         0       3,245           0            0             0        15,745
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Viscount Trenchard            12,500         0       3,245           0            0        10,000        25,745
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(1)  On March 27, 2007,  each  non-executive  director was granted  50,000 share
     options  with an exercise  price equal to the market  value of our Ordinary
     Shares on the grant date  ($0.10)  and vesting  over four years.  The grant
     date fair value of each 50,000 option award was $3,245.

(2)  Amount  reflects an  additional  annual fee of $10,000  for  administrative
     duties performed for the Company in Jersey.



     No material legal  proceedings  have been made against any of our executive
officers or directors with respect to their duties to the Company.



     The  following  table  sets  forth  certain  information  with  respect  to
beneficial ownership of Ordinary Shares as of March 31, 2008 for each person who
is  known  by us to  own  beneficially  more  than  5% of  the  Ordinary  Shares
(including  Ordinary  Shares  underlying  ADRs),  for  directors  and  executive
officers  named  in the  Summary  Compensation  Table  on page 9 of  this  Proxy
Statement, and for all directors and executive officers as a group:

                                                         Amount and Nature of Ownership (1)
                                        Number of      Options Exercisable   Total Shares          Percent of
                                         Ordinary       Within 60 Days of    Beneficially         Outstanding
                Name                   Shares Owned     March 31, 2008 (2)      Owned            Ordinary Shares
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Arthur I. Trueger                       19,260,693          2,000,000          21,260,693               33.0%
650 California Street, Suite 2600
San Francisco, California 94108
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The London Pacific Group                13,084,681                  -          13,084,681               20.3%
1990 Employee Share
Option Trust (2) (3)
Whiteley Chambers, Don Street
St. Helier, Jersey JE4 9WG
Channel Islands
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Victor A. Hebert (4)                        45,000             32,500              77,500                  *
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Harold E. Hughes, Jr.                            -             52,500              52,500                  *
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Viscount Trenchard                           -             32,500              32,500                  *
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ian K. Whitehead                               400          2,200,000           2.200,400                3.4%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
All directors and executive             19,306,093          4,317,500          23,623,593               36.7%
  officers as a group (2)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Peter Gyllenhammar (5)                   5,175,000                  -           5,175,000                8.0%
39 Cornhill
London EC3V 3NU, England
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SC Fundamental Value                     5,634,240                  -           5,634,240                8.7%
Fund, L.P. (6)
747 Third Avenue, 27th Floor
New York, New York  10017
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SC Fundamental Value                     4,079,970                  -           4,079,970                6.3%
BVI, Ltd. (7)
C/o Citco Fund Services (Cayman
Islands) Limited
Corporate Centre
West Bay Road
P.O. Box 31106 SMB
Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands
British West Indies
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Amount represents less than one percent.

(1)  Except as  described  in footnote (4) below,  each  director and  executive
     officer has sole voting and investment power with respect to his shares.

(2)  The shares underlying the 4,317,500  options  exercisable are also included
     in the  13,084,681  shares held by The London  Pacific  Group 1990 Employee
     Share Option Trust.


(3)  The Trustees of The London  Pacific Group 1990 Employee  Share Option Trust
     are  entitled  to notice  of, and to vote at the  Meeting,  with each share
     entitling  them to one vote.  The  Trust  has  waived  its  entitlement  to
     dividends  on any shares  held.  Victor A.  Hebert,  Deputy  Chairman and a
     non-executive director, is one of the two trustees of the Trust.

(4)  The number of Ordinary  Shares owned by Mr. Hebert  includes  40,000 shares
     held in a pension and profit  sharing  trust for the benefit of Mr.  Hebert
     over which he has shared voting and investment  power.  The total number of
     shares  beneficially  owned by Mr. Hebert does not include any shares owned
     by The London Pacific Group 1990 Employee Share Option Trust,  of which Mr.
     Hebert  is one of the two  trustees,  and as to  which  shares  Mr.  Hebert
     disclaims any beneficial  interest,  except for his options covering 70,000

(5)  We were notified on January 7, 2008 that  Bronsstadet AB and Union Discount
     Company of London plc,  companies  wholly-owned by Mr. Peter  Gyllenhammar,
     had  increased  their  combined  holdings to 4,545,000  Ordinary  Shares on
     January 4, 2008. We were notified further on January 29, 2008 that the same
     two companies  wholly-owned by Mr. Peter Gyllenhammar,  had increased their
     combined holdings to 5,175,000 on January 25, 2008.

(6)  Based on a notification received on April 3, 2006 which also indicated that
     3,067,740 of the Ordinary Shares owned are held in ADR form.

(7)  Based on a notification received on April 3, 2006 which also indicated that
     2,221,470 of the Ordinary Shares owned are held in ADR form.

                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

Executive Compensation Components

Base Salary and Annual Incentive Compensation

     For 2007, our executive  officers received an annual salary, but no bonuses
related to the prior year were paid,  and no bonuses  will be paid  relating  to
2007,  due to the Company's  small  operating  profit for 2007 and net operating
loss for 2006. In addition,  the Company is continuing to conserve cash in light
of its efforts to redevelop its venture capital and consulting business.

     Mr. Trueger and Mr.  Whitehead  currently  receive salaries of $300,000 and
(pound)150,000 (approximately $298,500 at an exchange rate of (pound)1 = $1.99),
respectively.  Since  2002,  Mr.  Whitehead  has agreed to waive  (pound)350,000
(approximately $696,500) out of his base salary of (pound)500,000 (approximately
$995,000) until he gives further notice.

Long-term Incentive Plan

     Share  options may be granted to the  Executive  Chairman  under The London
Pacific Group 1990 Employee Share Option Trust.  The  Compensation  Committee of
the Board of Directors  considers the  responsibilities  and  performance of the
Executive  Chairman and the performance of the Group when determining the number
of options to be  recommended  to the Trustees of The London  Pacific Group 1990
Employee Share Option Trust. The Trust may grant share options to other officers
and  employees,  following  recommendations  from the Executive  Chairman to the
Compensation  Committee,  which,  if concurring,  makes  recommendations  to the
trustees of the Trust.  The  objectives of this plan include  retaining the best
personnel and providing for additional performance incentives.

     Generally,  option  grants  are  exercisable  in  four  equal  installments
beginning  one  year  from  the  date  of  the  grant,   subject  to  employment
continuation, and expire seven or ten years from the date of the grant.

     On March 27, 2007, the Chief Financial  Officer was granted 1,000,000 share
options with an exercise price equal to the market value of our Ordinary  Shares
on the grant date ($0.10) and vesting over four years.


     There were no option  exercises  during 2007 under The London Pacific Group
1990 Employee Share Option Trust by the named executive  officers.  The value of
the share options held by them as of December 31, 2007 was nil as all vested and
unvested share options were not in-the-money at that date.

Pension Plan

     The Group has a defined  contribution plan for the Chief Financial Officer.
This plan was  established  in 2000,  with $54,000  contributed  during the year
ended December 31, 2007.

Deferred Compensation Plan

     The  Company  currently  does not offer a  deferred  compensation  plan for
executive officers or employees.

Perquisites and Other Executive Benefits

     The Company  currently does not offer any  perquisites  or other  executive
benefits to its executive officers.

Employment Contracts

     Mr. Whitehead joined us in September 1990 as Chief Financial  Officer.  The
Company  extended an  employment  letter to Mr.  Whitehead.  His  employment  is
terminable  either by the Company on twelve (12) months written notice or by Mr.
Whitehead on six (6) months written notice.

     The  Executive  Chairman  does  not have a  contract  of  service  with the

                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

     The following table sets forth the cash and non-cash  compensation  paid to
our  Executive  Chairman  and Chief  Financial  Officer  for the last two fiscal

                                                                     Equity     Nonqualified
                                                                    Incentive     Deferred
                                                                      Plan         Compen-    All Other
     Name and                                  Stock       Option    Compen-       sation      Compen-
Principal Position  Year     Salary    Bonus   Awards     Awards(1)  sation       Earnings    sation(2)   Total
                                $        $        $          $         #             $           $          $
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Arthur I.           2007     300,000        0        0          0         0            0           0      300,000
Trueger,            2006     300,000        0        0          0         0            0           0      300,000
Executive Chairman
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ian K.              2007     301,250        0        0     27,722         0            0      54,225      383,197
Whitehead (3),      2006     277,806        0        0     38,198         0            0      50,005      366,009
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(1)   Amount reflects the compensation expense recognized by Berkeley Technology
      Limited for financial  statement  reporting purposes with respect to stock
      options  during the 2007 and 2006  fiscal  years in  accordance  with SFAS
      123R. For a discussion of the assumptions used in the valuations, refer to
      Note 12 to our consolidated financial statements included in our Form 10-K
      for the year ended December 31, 2007. On March 27, 2007, Mr. Whitehead was
      granted 1,000,000 share options with an exercise price equal to the market
      value of our  Ordinary  Shares on the grant date  ($0.10) and vesting over
      four years. The grant date fair value of these options was $64,900.

(2)   Amount represents pension plan contributions.


(3)   Salary and pension  plan  contribution  amounts for Mr.  Whitehead  do not
      include amounts that were waived by Mr.  Whitehead.  See discussions under
      "Base Salary and Annual  Incentive  Compensation" on page 8 and "Potential
      Payments Upon Termination or Change in Control" below.



                                    Option Awards                                          Stock Awards

             ------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------
                                                                                                    Equity      Plan
                                                                                                   Incentive   Awards:
                                       Equity                                                        Plan     Market or
                                      Incentive                                                     Awards:     Payout
               Number     Number of     Plan                                                       Number of   Value of
                 of      Securities    Awards:                                          Market     Unearned    Unearned
             Securities  Underlying   Number of                            Number of   Value of     Shares,     Shares,
             Underlying   Unexer-    Securities                            Shares or   Shares or   Units or    Units or
               Unexer-     cised     Underlying                             Units of   Units of      Other      Other
                cised     Options:  Unexercised    Option      Option        Stock    Stock That    Rights      Rights
               Options:   Unexer-     Unearned    Exercise   Expiration    That Have   Have Not    That Have   That Have
    Name     Exercisable  cisable     Options       Price       Date      Not Vested    Vested    Not Vested  Not Vested
                  #          #           #            $                        #          $           #           $
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Arthur I.
Trueger        2,000,000           0           0    $5.40    May 17, 2011           0           0           0          0
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ian K.           200,000           0           0    $2.46    Mar 20, 2011           0           0           0          0
Whitehead      1,000,000           0           0    $0.43    Jun 10, 2012           0           0           0          0
                 500,000     500,000           0    $0.15    May 13, 2015           0           0           0          0
                       0   1,000,000           0    $0.10    Mar 27, 2017           0           0           0          0
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


     The Company entered into an employment  letter agreement with Mr. Whitehead
in 1990.  The agreement  does not provide for a fixed term.  If Mr.  Whitehead's
employment  is  terminated  by the  Company  other  than for  cause,  he will be
entitled to receive one year's  written notice and to be paid at his full annual
salary of (pound)500,000 (approximately $995,000 at an exchange rate of (pound)1
=  $1.99).  In  addition,   the  Company  will  be  obligated  to  make  monthly
contributions to the defined  contribution pension plan set up for Mr. Whitehead
for  the  one  year  notice  period  in  the  annual  amount  of   (pound)36,000
(approximately  $72,000). If Mr. Whitehead's employment is terminated because of
disability,  he will be entitled  to receive a payment  equal to his full annual
salary of (pound)500,000  (approximately $995,000) in lieu of one year's notice.
The Company cannot terminate Mr. Whitehead's  employment due to disability for a
period of six months,  during  which time the Company  must  continue to pay Mr.
Whitehead  his  monthly  salary,  currently  (pound)150,000  on an annual  basis
(approximately  $298,500) after his (pound)350,000 salary waiver as discussed on
page 8.

     Mr. Trueger does not have a contract of service with the Company.

     Under a December  31, 2007  termination  scenario,  all vested and unvested
share options held by Mr.  Trueger and Mr.  Whitehead were  out-of-the-money  on
that date,  and thus no share  options  would have been  exercised  and no value
would have been received by them.



     Management  is  responsible  for  the  financial  reporting  process,   the
preparation  of  consolidated  financial  statements  in  accordance  with  U.S.
generally accepted accounting  principles,  the system of internal controls, and
procedures   designed  to  insure  compliance  with  accounting   standards  and
applicable laws and regulations.  The Company's independent  auditors,  BDO Stoy
Hayward LLP in the U.K., are responsible  for auditing the financial  statements
in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland), and the
Company's independent registered public accounting firm, BDO Seidman, LLP in the
U.S., are responsible  for auditing the financial  statements in accordance with
the standards  established by the PCAOB (United States).  The Audit  Committee's
responsibility  is to monitor and review these  processes  and  procedures.  The
members  of the  Audit  Committee  are  neither  professionally  engaged  in the
practice  of  accounting  or  auditing.  The  Audit  Committee  relies,  without
independent  verification,  on  the  information  provided  to  them  and on the
representations  made by  management  that the  financial  statements  have been
prepared  with  integrity  and  objectivity,   and  on  the  representations  of
management  and the opinions of BDO Stoy  Hayward LLP and BDO Seidman,  LLP that
such financial  statements have been prepared in conformity with U.S.  generally
accepted accounting principles.

     The Audit Committee  reviewed and discussed the Company's audited financial
statements  for the year ended  December 31, 2007 with the Company's  management
and with the  Company's  independent  registered  public  accounting  firm,  BDO
Seidman,  LLP. The Audit Committee  discussed with BDO Seidman,  LLP the matters
required  to  be  discussed  by  Statement  of  Auditing   Standards   No.  114,
"Communication  with Audit Committees." The Audit Committee received the written
disclosures  and  letters  from BDO Stoy  Hayward LLP  required by Auditing  and
Ethical  Standards issued by the Auditing  Practices Board and from BDO Seidman,
LLP required by  Independence  Standards  Board  Standard  No. 1,  "Independence
Discussions with Audit Committees." The Audit Committee  discussed with BDO Stoy
Hayward  LLP  and  BDO  Seidman,  LLP  its  independence.  The  Audit  Committee
considered   and  believes  that  the   performance   of  services   related  to
"Audit-Related   Fees"  and  "Tax  Fees"  is  compatible  with  maintaining  the
independence of BDO Stoy Hayward LLP and BDO Seidman, LLP.

     For the years ended  December  31, 2007 and 2006,  BDO Stoy Hayward LLP and
BDO Seidman, LLP billed or will bill the Company for the following fees:

                                              2007                      2006
         Audit Fees                       $138,441                  $181,234
         Audit-Related Fees (1)            $13,970                    $8,904
         Tax Fees (2)                       $3,025                    $7,965
         All Other Fees                         $0                        $0

(1) Related to the audits of our insurance  regulatory  reports.
(2) Related to tax compliance services.

     Based on the Audit  Committee's  review and  discussions  above,  the Audit
Committee  recommended  to the Board of  Directors  that the  Company's  audited
financial  statements be included in its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year
ended December 31, 2007, for filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission,
and in its 2007 Annual Report to Shareholders.

     The  Audit  Committee  pre-approved  all fees  for  audit  and  permissible
non-audit services performed by BDO Stoy Hayward LLP and BDO Seidman, LLP.

     The Audit  Committee has considered and concluded that the provision of the
non-audit  services  in the  table  above is  compatible  with  maintaining  the
independence of BDO Stoy Hayward LLP and BDO Seidman, LLP.

                                 AUDIT COMMITTEE
                        Harold E. Hughes, Jr. (Chairman)
                             The Viscount Trenchard



Related Person Transactions

     We paid legal fees of  approximately  $5,000  during  2007 to a law firm of
which one of our directors, Victor A. Hebert, is a member.

     The  Board  of  Directors  reviews  all  related  person  transactions,  or
potential   related  person   transactions,   for   ratification,   revision  or

Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance

     Section  16(a)  of  the  Securities   Exchange  Act  of  1934  and  related
regulations require our directors,  executive officers,  and anyone holding more
than 10% of the Company's  Ordinary Shares to report their initial  ownership of
the  Company's  Ordinary  Shares  and  any  changes  in  that  ownership  to the
Securities and Exchange  Commission ("SEC"). We are required to disclose in this
Proxy  Statement the failure of any reporting  person to file these reports when
due.  To our  knowledge,  based  solely on our review of copies of such  reports
received  by us, we believe  that  during  2007,  all  reporting  persons of the
Company satisfied these filing requirements.

                                 CODE OF ETHICS

     On November 12, 2003, the Board of Directors  adopted a Code of Ethics (the
"Code")  applicable to the Company's  Chief Executive  Officer,  Chief Financial
Officer,  Controller,  all other  officers of the  Company,  or any other person
serving in an equivalent position.  This Code embodies our commitment to conduct
business in accordance with the highest ethical  standards and applicable  laws,
rules and  regulations.  Our Code was amended and restated in December  2007 and
this  amended and  restated  Code was filed as Exhibit 14.1 to our Form 10-K for
the year ended December 31, 2007, filed with the SEC on March 31, 2008.

                                  OTHER MATTERS

     We know of no other matters to be presented at the Annual  General  Meeting
other than those  described  in this  Proxy  Statement.  In the event that other
business  properly  comes before the Meeting,  the persons named as proxies will
have discretionary  authority to vote the shares underlying the ADRs represented
by the accompanying proxy in accordance with their own judgment.

                             ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

Communications with the Board

     Security holders may send communications to the Board, or any member of it,
care of the Secretary at the Group's mailing address in Jersey,  Channel Islands
(see address on page 13). Any appropriate  delivery  instructions clearly marked
on  the  face  of  the  communication  or  its  envelope  will  be  adhered  to.
Communications  to the Board or any member of the Board,  without such  specific
delivery  instructions,  will be dealt with at the  discretion  of the Company's
Secretary,  and if  necessary,  in  conjunction  with  the  Company's  Executive

Shareholder Proposals for 2009 Annual General Meeting

     ADR holders are entitled to present  proposals  for action at a forthcoming
meeting of shareholders if they comply with the  requirements of the SEC's proxy
rules. Any proposals intended to be presented at the 2009 Annual General Meeting
of Shareholders of Berkeley  Technology  Limited must be received at our mailing
address in Jersey, Channel Islands (see address on page 13) on or before January
1, 2009 in order to be considered for inclusion in our proxy materials  relating
to such meeting.


Availability of Annual Report on Form 10-K

     A copy of our Annual  Report on Form 10-K for the year ended  December  31,
2007,  as filed with the SEC,  will be furnished  without  charge to ADR holders
upon receipt by us of a request addressed to:

                       Robert A. Cornman
                       Berkeley Technology Limited
                       P.O. Box 715
                       Jersey JE4 0PX
                       Channel Islands

     The  enclosed  form of proxy  has been  prepared  at the  direction  of the
Company,  of which you are an ADR  holder,  and is sent to you at the request of
our Board of Directors.

By Order of the Board of Directors

/s/Robert A. Cornman

Robert A. Cornman

St. Helier
Jersey, Channel Islands

April 29, 2008


                                   APPENDIX A

                             AUDIT COMMITTEE CHARTER
                      Adopted by the Board of Directors of
                           Berkeley Technology Limited
                    Amended and Restated on February 18, 2005


     The  Audit  Committee  shall  be  composed  of two or  more  directors,  as
determined by the Board of Directors,  each of whom shall meet the  independence
and financial literacy requirements of the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC),
and at least one of whom shall  have past  employment  experience  in finance or
accounting,  requisite  professional  certification  in  accounting or any other
comparable experience or background which results in the individual's  financial
sophistication,  including being or having been a chief executive officer, chief
financial   officer  or  other   senior   officer   with   financial   oversight
responsibilities  and such other  attributes  necessary  to  satisfy  the "audit
committee  financial expert"  requirements  established by the SEC's final rules
("Final Rules")  implementing  Section 407 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, as
amended (the "Act").

     In determining if each member of the Audit Committee  satisfies the minimum
standards  for being  considered  "independent"  under the Final Rules,  no such
member (or the member's  family,  law firm,  accounting  firm,  consulting firm,
investment banking firm or financial advisory firm) shall (x) accept or receive,
directly or indirectly, any consulting,  advisory or other compensatory fee from
the  Company  or any of its  subsidiaries,  other  than  fees for board or board
committee  service,  or (y) be an affiliated person of the Company or any of its
subsidiaries, other than in the capacity of a Director of the Company.

     Unless a chairperson  is designated by the Board of Directors,  the members
of the Audit Committee may appoint their own chairperson by majority vote.


1.     Select,  nominate,  appoint,  retain (or  terminate)  and  compensate the
       Company's  independent  auditors;   directly  evaluate  and  oversee  the
       performance  of the  independent  auditors  and, if so  determined by the
       Audit Committee,  replace the independent auditors, it being acknowledged
       that  the  independent   auditors  are  ultimately   accountable  to  the
       shareholders  of the Company.  In  addition,  the Audit  Committee  shall
       review the range and cost of audit and  non-audit  services  performed by
       the  independent  auditors;  approve in  advance  the  engagement  of the
       independent   accounting  firm  for  all  audit  services  and  non-audit
       services,  based on  independence,  qualifications  and,  if  applicable,
       performance, and approve the fees and other terms of any such engagement.
       The Audit  Committee  shall meet as often as is  necessary,  holding such
       regular or special meetings as may be called by the Chairman of the Audit
       Committee,  or at the  request  of the  independent  auditors.  The Audit
       Committee shall ensure that the  independent  auditors report directly to
       the Audit Committee, not management.

2.     Ensure the receipt of, and  evaluate,  the  written  disclosures  and the
       letter  that the  independent  auditors  submit  to the  Audit  Committee
       regarding the  auditors'  independence  in  accordance  with the Act, the
       Final Rules,  and  Independence  Standards  Board Standard No. 1, discuss
       such  reports  with the  auditors  and,  if so  determined  by the  Audit
       Committee in response to such reports, take appropriate action to address
       issues  raised by such  evaluation,  and ensure the  rotation of the lead
       audit partner having primary responsibility for the audit, as required by

3.     Discuss  with  the  independent  auditors  the  matters  required  to  be
       discussed  by  Statement  of  Auditing  Standards  No.  61,  as it may be
       amended,  modified or  supplemented,  and in  particular,  describing all
       relationships  between the  independent  auditors  and the  Company,  and
       discuss with the independent  auditors any relationships or services that
       may impact their objectivity or independence; and confer with


       the  independent  auditors  and  management  concerning  the scope of the
       independent auditors' examination of the books and records of the Company
       and its subsidiaries; direct the attention of the independent auditors to
       specific  matters or areas deemed by the Audit Committee to be of special
       significance;   and  authorize  the   independent   auditors  to  perform
       supplemental reviews or audits as the Audit Committee may deem necessary,
       appropriate or desirable.

4.     Instruct management and the independent auditors that the Audit Committee
       expects to be informed if there are any  subjects  that  require  special
       attention or if they perceive any significant weaknesses in the Company's
       information  and  reporting  systems,   as  well  as  significant  risks,
       exposures,  complex or unusual  transactions,  audit activities and audit
       findings;   review  with  the   independent   auditors  any   significant
       difficulties encountered during the course of the audit, any restrictions
       on the scope of work or access to requested or required  information  and
       any  significant   disagreement  among  management  and  the  independent
       auditors in connection with the preparation of financial statements.

5.     Meet with management and the  independent  auditors to discuss the annual
       financial  statements  and the  report  and  opinion  of the  independent
       auditors thereon,  and to discuss  significant  issues encountered in the
       course of the audit work,  including  significant  changes in  accounting
       principles  or the  application  therein,  restrictions  on the  scope of
       activities,  access to  required  information  and  adequacy  of internal
       financial  controls;  discuss with management all Section 302 and Section
       906 certifications required by the Act, and review management's report on
       internal   controls  and  the   independent   auditor's   attestation  on
       management's assertions as required by Section 404 of the Act.

6.     Review the management  letter  delivered by the  independent  auditors in
       connection with the audit,  earnings press releases,  including pro forma
       or adjusted  non-GAAP  information,  and other  financial  information or
       earnings guidance given to analysts and rating agencies.

7.     Meet quarterly with  management  and the  independent  auditors to review
       interim  financial  statements,  and to discuss the  quarterly  financial
       statements  prior to the  filing  of the Form  10-Q;  provided  that this
       responsibility may be delegated to the Chairman of the Audit Committee.

8.     Meet  at  least  once  each  year in  separate  executive  sessions  with
       management and the  independent  auditors to discuss  matters that any of
       them or the Audit  Committee  believes  could  significantly  affect  the
       financial   statements  and  should  be  discussed   privately;   discuss
       alternative treatments of financial information within generally accepted
       accounting  principles that the independent  auditors have discussed with
       management,  the ramifications of the use of such alternative disclosures
       and treatments and the treatment  preferred by the independent  auditors,
       as well as  regulatory  and  accounting  initiatives,  off-balance  sheet
       structure on the financial  statements of the Company.  In addition,  the
       Audit Committee shall perform an annual self-evaluation.

9.     Have such meetings with  management and the  independent  auditors as the
       Audit  Committee  deems  necessary,  appropriate  or desirable to discuss
       significant  financial risk exposures facing the Company and management's
       plans for monitoring and controlling  such exposures;  and to obtain from
       the  independent  auditors  their   recommendations   regarding  internal
       controls and other matters relating to the accounting  procedures and the
       books and records of the Company and its subsidiaries; review and discuss
       with  management  the  adequacy of the  Company's  internal  controls and
       procedures for financial reporting.

10.    Review  significant  changes to the Company's  accounting  principles and
       practices proposed by the independent auditors or management.

11.    Conduct  or  authorize  such  inquiries  into  matters  within  the Audit
       Committee's   scope  of  responsibility  as  the  Audit  Committee  deems
       appropriate and as otherwise required by the Act and the Final Rules. The
       Audit Committee shall review all related party transactions on an ongoing
       basis and approve  any related  party  transaction.  The Audit  Committee
       shall be empowered to retain  independent  counsel and other professional
       advisors,  including  counsel,  as it deems  necessary  to carry  out its
       duties and to


       assist in the conduct of any such  inquiries.  The Audit  Committee shall
       also  establish  procedures  for the receipt,  retention and treatment of
       complaints regarding accounting, internal accounting controls or auditing
       matters, including procedures for the confidential,  anonymous submission
       by employees of concerns  regarding  questionable  accounting or auditing

12.    Provide  minutes of Audit  Committee  meetings to the Board of Directors,
       and report to the Board of Directors on any  significant  matters arising
       from the Audit Committee's work.

13.    At  least  annually,   review  and  reassess  this  charter,   the  Audit
       Committee's  budget,  staffing  and  independence,  and, if  appropriate,
       recommend proposed changes to the Board of Directors.

14.    Prepare the report required by the rules of the SEC to be included in the
       Company's annual proxy statement.

15.    In the  performance of its  responsibilities,  the Audit Committee is the
       representative of the shareholders. However, it is not the responsibility
       of the Audit Committee to plan or conduct audits, or to determine whether
       the  Company's  financial  statements  are  complete  and  accurate or in
       accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
