Sino-Foreign Cooperative Joint Venture Contract

                              Chapter One - General

In accordance with PRC Cooperative Joint Venture Law and other relevant
legislation, Capital Cultural Company, Cathay Entertainment (HK) Limited, and
SNet Communications (HK) Limited, based on the principles of equality and mutual
benefit, through friendly discussions, agree to jointly invest and establish in
Beijing a cooperative joint venture and thereby enter into this contract (the

                            Chapter Two - The Parties

Article 1 The Parties to the Contact are as follows:

Cathay Entertainment (HK) Limited ("Party A")
Jurisdiction of incorporation: Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
     ("Hong Kong")
Legal Address:
Legal Representative:
       Name:                          Position:                     Nationality:

SNet Communications (HK) Limited ("Party B")
Jurisdiction of incorporation:  Hong Kong
Legal Address:
Legal Representative:
       Name:                          Position:                     Nationality:

Capital Cultural Company ("Party C")
Jurisdiction of incorporation:  the PRC
Legal Address: Room 505, Sunjoy Mansion, No. 6 Ritan Road, Chaoyang District,
               Beijing, the PRC, Postal Code 100020
Legal Representative:
       Name: Yu Long       Position: General Manager      Nationality: Chinese

         Chapter Three - Establishment of the Cooperative Joint Venture

Article 2   In accordance with the PRC Cooperative Joint Venture Law and other
            relevant legislation, the Parties agree to establish a cooperative
            joint venture ("CJV") within the territory of the PRC.

Article 3   The name of the CJV will be Capital Entertainment Limited in English
            and __________________ in Chinese, with its legal address at Room
            503, Sunjoy Mansion, No. 6 Ritan Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing,
            the PRC, Postal Code 100020.

Article 4   The CJV will be established as a Chinese legal person upon being
            approved by relevant PRC authorities. All activities of the CJV
            shall comply with laws and regulations of the PRC. The CJV's lawful
            rights and interests will be protected by the laws of the PRC.

Article 5   The CJV will be organized as a limited liability company.

                          Chapter Four - Business Scope

Article 6   The CJV's business scope will be designing and developing computer
            software and network software; providing technological development
            and technical support services for internet and e-commerce systems;
            setting up and managing websites; and providing technical
            consultancy and information services.

             Chapter Five - Total Investment and Registered Capital

Article 7   The CJV's total investment and registered capital will be
            US$25,000,000 and US$10,000,000 respectively. The difference between
            the CJV's total investment and registered capital, i.e.,
            US$15,000,000, will be financed by loans from third parties or
            Parties A and B, where the CJV is in need of such financing.

Article 8   The Parties will provide the following cooperation conditions and
            contributions to the CJV; Parties A and B will jointly contribute
            US$10,000,000 in the form of cash and necessary
            technology/equipment; Party C will contribute websites of "estage"
            and "Talkshow" that it owns as well as related goodwill, know-how
            and services.

Article 9   Parties A and B shall make their registered capital contribution in
            installments. The first installment of US$2,000,000 shall be
            contributed within 30 days after the CJV's business license is
            issued, of which the preparation expenses of US$250,000 shall be
            contributed within 10 working days after the Contract is signed by
            the parties. The second installment of US$3,000,000 shall be
            contributed within 90 days after the CJV's business license is
            issued. The third installment of US$5,000,000 shall be contributed
            before January 31, 2001. Party C shall complete all transfer
            procedures to effect its contribution within 180 days after the
            CJV's business license is issued.

Article 10  Within 30 days after the Parties have made their respective
            contributions, the contributions will be verified by accountants
            registered in China, which will issue registered capital
            verification reports. The CJV will issue to the Parties capital
            contribution certificates based on the registered capital
            verification reports.


Article 11  No party shall transfer part or all of its rights and obligations
            under the Contract unless such transfer is consented by the other
            parties, approved by the board and approved by the original
            examination and approval authorities.

Article 12  Where one party intends to transfer part or all of its rights under
            the Contract, the other parties shall have rights of first refusal.

                       Chapter Six - Parties' Obligations

Article 13  In addition to their obligations set out in other provisions hereof,
            Parties A and B shall be responsible for:

               (1)  investing in the CJV in the form of cash and necessary
                    technology and equipment;

               (2)  providing technical support to CJV;

               (3)  together with Party C, jointly managing the affairs of the
                    CJV and formulating the CJV's business plans.

Article 14  In addition to its obligations set out in other provisions hereof,
            Party C shall be responsible for:

               (1)  examining the contents of the entertainment websites to
                    ensure that such contents will not be detrimental to the
                    interest of the PRC and not be in violation of relevant
                    laws, regulations and policies of the PRC;

               (2)  managing the affairs of the CJV, including hiring
                    experienced management personnel;

               (3)  registering the entertainment websites;

               (4)  supporting and promoting the entertainment websites as well
                    as the related advertisements; and

               (5)  providing contents to the entertainment websites.

                       Chapter Seven - Profit Distribution

Article 15  The after tax profits of the CJV, after deducting contributions to
            statutory funds, shall be distributed in accordance with the
            following ratios: 50% to Party A, 10% to Party B and 40% to Party C.

Article 16  The Parties agree that after the initial public offering of the
            CJV's shares outside China, the CJV will set up a management stock
            option program to, among other things, grant options to the
            management personnel of the CJV to acquire 10% of the CJV's issued
            and outstanding shares. The specific distribution plans for such
            options (including the exercising price for such options) will be
            decided by the board of directors.


Article 17  After performing statutory and contractual obligations, the foreign
            parties to the CJV may legally remit outside of China their portions
            of dividend received from the CJV and assets distributed upon the
            liquidation of the CJV. The foreign employees in the CJV can also
            legally remit outside of China their wages and salaries after paying
            applicable income tax in China.

                     Chapter Eight - The Board of Directors

Article 18  The CJV shall set up a board of directors (the "Board"), which will
            be formally established upon the formal establishment of the CJV.

Article 19  The Board shall consist of 5 directors, of which each of Parties A
            and C will appoint 2 directors and they jointly appoint the 5th
            independent director. A Chairman and Executive Director will be
            appointed among the directors. The term for the directors, the
            Chairman and Executive Director shall be 3 years.

Article 20  The Chairman of the CJV shall be appointed by Party A and the first
            Executive Director be appointed by Party C.

Article 21  The Board is the highest power of authorities for the CJV and decide
            all important matters of the CJV.

Article 22  The following matters shall be decided by resolutions approved
            unanimously by all directors present at a board meeting.

               (1)  amendments to the CJV's articles of association;

               (2)  increasing or reducing the CJV's registered capital;

               (3)  liquidating the CJV;

               (4)  creating charges on the assets of the CJV;

               (5)  merger, separation and otherwise changing the organizational
                    form of the CJV.

                Other matters relating to CJV shall be decided by a simple
                majority that includes a director appointed by each of Parties A
                and C.

Article 23  The Chairman is the legal representative of the CJV. Should the
            Chairman not be able to perform its duties, it can designate the
            Executive Director or other directors to perform his duties on his

Article 24  The Board shall hold at least one meeting every year, which shall be
            called for and presided over by the Chairman. Upon request by one
            third of the directors (including at least one director appointed by
            each of Parties A and C), the Chairman shall convene interim
            meetings of the Board. The minutes of the Board shall be filed after
            being signed by all the directors or proxy holders attending the
            Board meeting.

Article 25  The quorum of the Board meetings shall be two thirds of directors.
            Should any directors be unable to attend a meeting of the Board for
            any reasons, he shall appoint other directors or persons to act as
            his proxy holder to attend the meeting and to vote on his behalf.

Article 26  The meetings of the Board shall be generally held at the legal
            address of the CJV.

Article 27  A director who causes economic losses to the CJV as a result of
            abusing his position or being negligent of his duties shall be
            responsible for such economic losses and bear relevant legal

                            Chapter Nine - Management

Article 28  The Board shall set up at its legal address a management body in
            charge of day-to-day operation and management of the JV, which shall
            consist of the chief executive offer, an assistant chief executive
            officer and other senior management personnel (collectively, the
            "Officers"). The specific composition and appointment of other
            senior management personnel shall be decided by the Board based on a
            report of the chief executive officer. The chief executive officer
            shall report and answer to the Board.

Article 29  The CJV will formulate its own management and operation rules and

Article 30  The chief financial officer of the CJV shall be appointed by the
            Board based on the recommendation of Party A.

Article 31  The duties of the chief executive officer shall include implementing
            resolution of the Board and organizing and directing the ordinary
            operation and management of the CJV. The right and duties of the
            chief executive officer shall be stipulated in the CJV's articles of
            association or prescribed by the Board and those of the assistant
            chief executive officer and the chief financial officer be
            determined by the chief executive officer and the Board.

Article 32  The chief financial officer shall be responsible for the accounting
            and financial matters of the CJV. The financial controller shall
            assist the chief executive officer in handling the financial needs
            of the CJV. The financial controller shall report and answer to the
            Board. Any major transfer and use of the CJV's funds shall be
            reported to and be decided by the Board.

Article 33  The Board may at any time dismiss or replace any Officer and any
            other management personnel who has abused his power for personal


            embezzled corporate funds, neglected his duties, or failed to carry
            out his assignments, or for any other just cause.

                 Chapter Ten - Taxation, Financing and Auditing

Article 34  The CJV shall pay taxes in accordance with relevant laws and
            regulations of the PRC.

Article 35  The employees of the CJV shall pay personal income taxes in
            accordance with PRC Personal Income Tax Law.

Article 36  The CJV shall make allowance from its after-tax profits for reserve
            fund, enterprise expansion fund and employee welfare and bonus fund.
            The specific percentage for such allowance will be determined by the
            Board each year base on the CJV's operational situations.

Article 37  The CJV will set up at its legal address an accounting body staffed
            with accounting personnel, maintain accounting records and books,
            and formulate the CJV's accounting systems.

Article 38  At the end of each financial year, the CJV may hire chartered
            accountants registered in the PRC and internationally to audit the
            accounts and books of the CJV in accordance with the generally
            accepted accounting principles in the PRC and internationally.

          Chapter Eleven - Amendment to and Termination of the Contract

Article 39  Any amendments to the Contract only becomes effective when they are
            made in writing, signed by the Parties and approved by the approval

Article 40  With the approval of the approval authorities, the Contract can be
            prematurely terminated and the CJV liquidated where the Contract can
            not be performed due to force majeure or the CJV can not continue
            its operation due to heavy operational losses.

Article 41  In case that the occurrence of force majeure directly affects the
            performance of the Contract in accordance with its terms, the
            affected party shall within a reasonable period notify the other
            parties of the occurrence of such force majeure, details of such
            force majeure and submit documentary proof that the Contract can not
            be performed or the performance has to be postponed. Such
            documentary proof shall be issued by the notary authorities of the
            locality where the force majeure occurs. Depending on the
            seriousness of the effect of force majeure, the Parties


            may decide, after consultation, whether to terminate the Contract,
            partially waiver the performance or postpone the performance of the

Article 42  Should the CJV be unable to continue its operation or unable to
            achieve its operational goal due to one party's failure to perform
            its obligations or serious breach of the Contract, the
            non-defaulting parties may, in addition to their rights to claim
            damages for such default, apply to the original examination and
            approval authorities for early termination of the Contract.

                     Chapter Twelve - Liabilities for Breach

Article 43  A party that fails to perform its obligations in accordance with
            Articles 8 and 9 under Chapter Five shall be responsible for breach
            of contract. Such defaulting party shall be liable to pay, in
            addition to any penalty that may be imposed by the relevant
            government authorities, liquidated damages to the other parties at
            the rate of 1% of its contribution payable or its equivalent value
            per month calculated from the first month of the default.

Article 44  A party whose default causes the Contract not being performed or not
            being fully performed shall be responsible for such default. Should
            the default be jointly committed by all the parties, depending on
            the circumstances, the parties shall be jointly liable for such

                       Chapter Thirteen - Cooperative Term

Article 45  The operational term of the CJV is thirty years, commencing from the
            date when the CJV's business license is issued. If proposed by a
            party and approved unanimously by the Board, the Board may apply to
            the approval authorities for the extension of the operational term
            180 days prior to the expiry of the operational term.

Chapter Fourteen - Disposal of the CJV's Assets upon Termination of the Contract

Article 46  The assets of the CJV shall be liquidated and claims and liabilities
            be settled in accordance with the relevant statutory procedures
            should the operational term expire or the Contract is early

Article 47  The liquidation committee set up in accordance with relevant laws
            and regulations shall make its best efforts to obtain the highest
            value possible for the CJV in disposing its assets, including
            conducting an auction sale.

Article 48  After the CJV's debts and liabilities have been paid and settled,
            each of Party A, B and C is entitled to 50%, 10% and 40%
            respectively of the proceeds of the liquidation.


                         Chapter Fifteen - Governing Law

Article 49  The Contract shall be governed and protected by the laws of the PRC.

                      Chapter Sixteen - Dispute Settlement

Article 50  Should any dispute arise from the performance of the Contract, the
            Parties shall make efforts to resolve such dispute by means of
            consultation or mediation. Should such consultation or mediation not
            result in any agreement within 60 days after the occurrence of the
            dispute, any party may submit such dispute to China International
            Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (Beijing Branch) for
            arbitration. The arbitration award shall be final and binding on the
            Parties. The Parties shall enforce the arbitration award. The losing
            party shall pay the arbitration expense.

Article 51  During the arbitration, except for those provisions that are the
            subject of the arbitration, the Parties shall perform other
            provisions of the Contract.

                          Chapter Seventeen - Language

Article 52  The Contract is made in both English and Chinese. Both language
            versions shall have the same effect. In case of conflict between the
            two versions, however, the Chinese version shall prevail.

  Chapter Eighteen - Effectiveness of the Contract and Miscellaneous Provisions

Article 53  The Contract shall be submitted to the approval authorities for
            approval and shall be effective upon such approval.

Article 54  Where a party sends notices to others by fax or e-mail, such fax or
            e-mail notice shall be confirmed by post where the notice is in
            relation to the parties' rights and obligations. The legal addresses
            for the parties listed herein are the mailing address of each party
            for receiving such notices.

Article 55  Matters not covered by the Contract shall be dealt with by
            supplemental contracts entered into by the parties. Such
            supplemental contracts shall form an integral part of the Contract
            and shall have the same legal effect as the Contract.


The Contract is signed by the authorized representative of the Parties on the
28th of June 2000.

Party A:                                        Party B:

/s/ Bruce Ransom                                /s/ Peter Chin
Cathay Entertainment (HK) Limited               SNet Communications (HK) Limited
Authorized Representative                       Authorized Representative

Party C:

/s/ signature illegible                         Witnessed by:
Capital Cultural Company
Authorized Representative
