Washington, D.C. 20549


                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION
    Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act
                           of 1934 (Amendment No. __)

                             Filed by Registrant [X]
                  Filed by Party other than the Registrant [_]

                           Check the appropriate box:
                         [_] Preliminary Proxy Statement
                [_] Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only
                       (as permitted by Rule 14-6(e)(2))
                         [X] Definitive Proxy Statement
                       [_] Definitive Additional Materials
       [_] Soliciting Material Pursuant to ss.240.14a-11(c) or 240.14a-12

                               Trenwick Group Ltd.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement if other than the Registrant)


Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X]  No fee required

[_]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

     1.   Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

     2.   Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

     3.   Per unit  price  or other  underlying  value of  transaction  computed
          pursuant to Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the
          filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined.)

     4.   Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

     5.   Total fee paid:

[_]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials

[_]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
     0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting  fee was paid
     previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration statement number,
     or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

     1.   Amount Previously Paid:

     2.   Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

     3.   Filing Party:

     4.   Date Filed:

Trenwick Group Ltd.


                                                         Continental Building
                                                         25 Church Street
                                                         Hamilton HM 12, Bermuda

April 10, 2001

Dear Fellow Shareholder:

You are cordially  invited to attend the Annual General  Meeting of Shareholders
of Trenwick Group Ltd. on Friday,  May 11, 2001, at The Hamilton Princess Hotel,
76 Pitts Bay Road,  Hamilton,  Bermuda at 8:00 a.m.  local time. A notice of the
meeting, a proxy and a proxy statement containing  information about the matters
to be acted upon at the meeting are enclosed.

All  holders of common  shares as of the close of business on March 12, 2001 are
entitled to vote at the Annual General Meeting on the basis of one vote for each
common share held.

A record of  Trenwick's  activities  for the year 2000 is included in the annual
report to  shareholders.  Whether or not you attend the Annual General  Meeting,
Trenwick  requests that you please exercise your voting rights by completing and
returning your proxy promptly in the enclosed self-addressed,  stamped envelope.
If you attend the meeting  and desire to vote in person,  your proxy will not be


/s/  James F. Billett, Jr.
     Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer

                                [TRENWICK LOGO]

                              Continental Building
                                25 Church Street
                             Hamilton HM 12, Bermuda

                                    NOTICE OF
                           to be held on May 11, 2001

To the Holders of Common Shares:

     The Annual  General  Meeting of  Shareholders  of Trenwick  Group  Ltd.,  a
company  organized  under the laws of Bermuda,  will be held on Friday,  May 11,
2001,  at Hamilton  Princess 76 Pitts Bay Road,  Hamilton,  Bermuda at 8:00 a.m.
local time to act upon the following matters:


     To elect  four  directors  to serve  until the  Annual  General  Meeting of
Shareholders in 2004.


     To ratify the  appointment  of  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP as  independent
auditors for the year ending December 31, 2001.


     To consider and vote upon a proposal to adopt the Trenwick  Group Ltd. 2001
Non-Employee Director Equity Incentive Plan.


     To  consider  and vote upon a  proposal  to adopt the  Trenwick  Group Ltd.
Employee Share Purchase Plan.


     To consider and act upon such other matters as may properly come before the
Annual General Meeting or any adjournment thereof.

     Information  regarding  the matters to be acted upon at the Annual  General
Meeting is contained in the accompanying proxy statement.

     A copy of  Trenwick's  financial  statements  for  the  fiscal  year  ended
December 31, 2000, as approved by Trenwick's  Board of Directors,  shall be made
available to the shareholders of Trenwick at the Annual General Meeting.

     The Board of  Directors  has fixed the close of business on March 12, 2001,
as the record date for the  determination of shareholders  entitled to notice of
and to  vote  at the  meeting  and  any  postponement  or  adjournment  thereof.
Accordingly,  only holders of record of Trenwick's common shares at the close of
business  on March  12,  2001 will be  entitled  to vote at the  Annual  General
Meeting and any adjournment or postponement thereof.


                                        By order of the Board of Directors,

                                        /s/  John V. Del Col

                                             John V. Del Col
                                             Assistant Secretary

Dated: April 10, 2001

                                 [TRENWICK LOGO]

                              Continental Building
                                25 Church Street
                             Hamilton HM 12, Bermuda

                                 PROXY STATEMENT


     This  proxy  statement  is being  furnished  by the Board of  Directors  of
Trenwick  Group Ltd. to  shareholders  of Trenwick on or about April 10, 2001 in
connection  with the  solicitation  of  proxies  for use at the  Annual  General
Meeting of  Shareholders  of Trenwick to be held on May 11, 2001 at the Hamilton
Princess,  76 Pitts Bay Road, Hamilton,  Bermuda at 8:00 a.m. local time for the
purposes  set forth in the  accompanying  Notice of Annual  General  Meeting  of

Voting Securities

     The close of business on March 12, 2001 has been fixed by Trenwick's  Board
of Directors as the record date for the  determination of shareholders  entitled
to notice of and to vote at the Annual General Meeting.  At such date,  Trenwick
had issued and outstanding  36,843,426 common shares,  par value $.10 per share.
Each common share issued and  outstanding on the record date will be entitled to
one vote on all  matters to come  before the Annual  General  Meeting.  However,
Trenwick's  Bye-Laws  restrict the aggregate voting power of those  shareholders
holding 10% or more of Trenwick's outstanding common shares to 9.9% of the total
votes cast. There is no cumulative voting of common shares.

Annual Report

     A copy of the annual report to common shareholders for the fiscal year 2000
containing financial statements of Trenwick has been mailed to all shareholders.

Revocation of Proxy

     The accompanying  proxy, if properly executed by a shareholder  entitled to
vote,  will be voted at the Annual  General  Meeting,  but may be revoked at any
time  before  the vote is taken by giving  written  notice to the  Secretary  of
Trenwick,  by a duly executed  proxy bearing a later date or by voting in person
at the Annual General Meeting.

Quorum and Votes Required

     The presence of two or more persons representing, in person or by proxy, of
a majority in number of  Trenwick's  outstanding  common shares as of the record
date  constitutes  a quorum and is  required  in order for  Trenwick  to conduct
business at the Annual  General  Meeting.  Each common  share is entitled to one
vote.  In  accordance  with  Trenwick's  Bye-Laws and the  Companies Act 1981 of
Bermuda the election of each nominee for director, and the approval of all other
matters to be voted upon at the Annual General Meeting,  require the affirmative
vote of a majority  of the votes cast at the Annual  General  Meeting.  Trenwick
will appoint one or more inspectors of election to count votes cast in person or
by proxy.

     Common shares owned by shareholders electing to abstain from voting will be
counted  towards the  presence of a quorum.  However,  such common  shares,  and
common shares owned by  shareholders  and not voted in person or by proxy at the
Annual General Meeting, will not be counted towards the majority needed to


elect a director or approve any other matter  before the  shareholders  and thus
will have no effect on the outcome of those votes.  "Broker  non-votes"  will be
counted  towards the presence of a quorum,  but will not be counted  towards the
majority  needed to elect a director  or  approve  any other  matter  before the
shareholders and thus will have no effect on the outcome of those votes.

Authority Granted by the Proxy

     The proxy is in such form as to permit a vote for,  or the  withholding  of
authority to vote for, individual  nominees,  and to indicate separate approval,
disapproval or abstention with respect to the other proposals  identified in the
proxy and  accompanying  Notice of Annual General  Meeting of  Shareholders  and
described in this proxy  statement.  If no instructions  are indicated,  proxies
returned to Trenwick will be voted by W. Marston Becker, James F. Billett,  Jr.,
and Joseph D. Sargent, or any one or several of them as may act FOR the election
of the directors described herein. With respect to the other proposals described
herein, if no instructions are indicated,  the common shares  represented by the
proxy will be voted FOR the proposals by Messrs. Becker, Billett and Sargent. As
to any such other matters that may properly be brought before the Annual General
Meeting,  the common shares represented by the proxy will be voted in accordance
with the judgment of Messrs. Becker, Billett and Sargent.


                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

     The Board of Directors is divided into three classes,  two of which consist
of five directors and one of which consists of four directors. Each class serves
three  years,  with the terms of office of the  respective  classes  expiring in
successive  years. The term of the office of directors in Class I expires at the
2001 Annual General  Meeting.  Vacancies in directorships  (including  vacancies
resulting  from  resignations  and newly created  directorships)  may be filled,
until  the  expiration  of the  term of the  vacated  directorship  and  until a
successor is elected and  qualified,  by the vote of a majority of the directors
then in office.

     The  Board of  Directors  proposes  that the  nominees  described  below be
elected  as Class I  directors  for a new term of three  years and  until  their
successors are duly elected and qualified. All nominees are currently serving as
Class I directors.  Nominees Grzelecki, Watkins and Wilcox served as a directors
of  Trenwick  Group  Inc.  prior to its  business  combination  with  LaSalle Re
Holdings Limited, LaSalle Re Limited and Trenwick on September 27, 2000. Nominee
Rackley  served as a  director  of  LaSalle  Re  Holdings  Limited  prior to the
Trenwick/LaSalle  business  combination.  Proxies may be voted only for the four
nominees to Class I.

     Although  the  Board  of  Directors  does not  contemplate  that any of the
nominees  will be unable  to  serve,  if such a  situation  arises  prior to the
meeting,  Messrs.  Becker,  Billett and Sargent,  as the  proxies,  will vote in
accordance with their best judgment.

     Unless  otherwise  directed,  all  returned  proxies  will be voted FOR the
election of the directors standing for election in Class I.


Frank E. Grzelecki

     Frank E. Grzelecki,  63, has been a director of Trenwick since August 2000.
Mr.  Grzelecki is a member of the  Investment  Committee  and the Board  Affairs
Committee.  Mr.  Grzelecki was a director of Trenwick Group Inc. from the merger
of  Chartwell  Re  Corporation  with and into  Trenwick  Group  Inc.,  which was
effective October 27, 2000 until the Trenwick/LaSalle business combination. From
March 1994 until the Trenwick/Chartwell  merger, Mr. Grzelecki was a director of
Chartwell Re Corporation. Mr. Grzelecki is


retired. Mr. Grzelecki was a Managing Director of Saugatuck Associates,  Inc., a
private  investment firm, from 1999 to 2000. He was a director and Vice Chairman
of Handy & Harman from 1997 to 1998. From 1992 to 1997, Mr.  Grzelecki served as
a director and  President  and Chief  Operating  Officer of Handy & Harman.  Mr.
Grzelecki is also a director of Barnes Group Inc.

Peter J. Rackley

     Peter J.  Rackley,  62, has been a director of Trenwick  since August 2000.
Mr. Rackley is a member of the Audit Committee and the Investment Committee. Mr.
Rackley  was a  director  of LaSalle Re  Holdings  Limited  from the time of its
organization in October 1995 until the Trenwick/LaSalle business combination and
a director of LaSalle Re Limited  since its  organization  in October 1993 until
the  Trenwick/LaSalle  business  combination.  Mr. Rackley has been Chairman and
Group  Chief  Executive  of  Western  International   Financial  Group  Ltd.,  a
Bermuda-based  insurance  business,  since 1993. Prior to that time, Mr. Rackley
held senior  management  executive  positions  in General  Accident  Fire & Life
Assurance  Company plc and NZI Insurance  Group. Mr. Rackley is also Chairman of
Catlin Westgen Holdings Limited, Westgen High Ridge Holdings Ltd. and CERTA (UK)
Limited and a Director of Stockton Holdings Limited.

Frederick D. Watkins

     Frederick  D.  Watkins,  85, has been a director of Trenwick  since  August
2000.  Mr.  Watkins  is a  member  of the  Board  Affairs  Committee,  Executive
Committee and the  Compensation  Committee.  Mr. Watkins also serves as the Vice
Chairman of the Board of Directors. Mr. Watkins was a director of Trenwick Group
Inc.  and  its  predecessor  from  1979  until  the  Trenwick/LaSalle   business
combination  He is retired  Executive  Vice  President  of  Connecticut  General
Insurance  Corporation  (1979-1980)  and  former  President  of Aetna  Insurance
Company (1966-1979),  which he joined in 1937. Mr. Watkins was Chairman of Terra
Nova Insurance Company Ltd. from 1978 until 1994.

Stephen R. Wilcox

     Stephen R. Wilcox,  67, has been a director of Trenwick  since August 2000.
Mr. Wilcox is Chairman of the Audit  Committee and a member of the Board Affairs
Committee.  Mr. Wilcox was a director of Trenwick Group Inc. and its predecessor
from 1978 until the  Trenwick/LaSalle  business  combination.  Since  1998,  Mr.
Wilcox has been President and Chief  Executive  Officer of Kelton  International
Inc., a securities  broker-dealer.  He has been  President of The Wilcox  Group,
Inc., a financial and consulting firm, since 1998. He was a Senior Consultant of
Hyperion  Capital  Management  from 1995 to 1998 and a Partner  and Senior  Vice
President of Conning & Company, with which he was associated from 1958 to 1988.


Anthony S. Brown

     Anthony S. Brown,  58, has been a director of Trenwick  since  August 2000.
Mr. Brown is Chairman of the Board  Affairs  Committee and a member of the Audit
Committee.  Mr. Brown was a director of Trenwick  Group Inc. from 1990 until the
Trenwick/LaSalle  business  combination.  He is a Professor at the Terry Sanford
Institute  of  Public  Policy  at Duke  University  and was  Director  of Equity
Administration  of The First Boston  Corporation,  an  investment  banking firm,
between 1991 and 1993.  Prior to 1991,  Mr. Brown was Vice  President,  External
Affairs,  of the University of Connecticut  and was formerly  Chairman and Chief
Executive Officer of Covenant  Insurance  Company,  with which he was associated
from 1968 to 1989.


Richard E. Cole

     Richard E. Cole, 61, has been a director of Trenwick since August 2000. Mr.
Cole is a member of the Executive Committee and the Board Affairs Committee. Mr.
Cole was a director of Trenwick  Group Inc. from the  Trenwick/Chartwell  merger
until the Trenwick/LaSalle  business combination.  Until the  Trenwick/Chartwell
merger he was the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Chartwell Re Corporation
(from March 1993) and Chartwell Re Corporation's  Chief Executive  Officer and a
director (from July 1990). From July 1990 to March 1993, Mr. Cole also served as
President of Chartwell Re  Corporation.  On March 5, 2001,  Mr. Cole was elected
Vice  Chairman  of,  an  internet  communication  company  that
facilitates property and casualty insurance  transactions.  From October 1988 to
July 1990,  Mr.  Cole was  engaged  as a  principal  in various  entrepreneurial
activities outside of the insurance and reinsurance industries. Prior to October
1988, Mr. Cole was President of Cole,  Booth,  Potter  (formerly  Sten-Re Cole &
Associates,  Inc.),  a reinsurance  brokerage  firm focusing on specialty  lines
insurance and reinsurance for regional companies. Mr. Cole is also a director of
Indiana Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Company,  and Euro-American
Reinsurance Management.

Neil Dunn

     Neil Dunn,  51, has been a director of Trenwick since August 2000. Mr. Dunn
is a member of the Audit Committee and the Investment Committee.  Mr. Dunn was a
director of Trenwick  Group Inc. from 1984 until the  Trenwick/LaSalle  business
combination.  He is Managing Director of Kempen Capital Management (UK) Ltd. and
previously served in the same capacity for Voyageur International Asset Managers
Ltd and for Piper International Asset Management,  an affiliate of Piper Jaffray
Companies  Inc.  Prior to 1994,  Mr. Dunn was Senior  Partner of the  investment
advisory firm Neil Dunn & Company, Scotland.

Clement S. Dwyer, Jr.

     Clement S.  Dwyer,  Jr.,  53, has served as a director  of  Trenwick  since
August  2000.  Mr.  Dwyer  is a  member  of  the  Executive  Committee  and  the
Compensation Committee.  Mr. Dwyer was a director of LaSalle Re Holdings Limited
and LaSalle Re Limited from  February 1998 until the  Trenwick/LaSalle  business
combination.   He  has  30  years  of  experience  in  the  insurance  industry,
concentrating   primarily  in  worldwide  property  casualty  business  and  the
financing  of insurance  enterprises.  Since 1997,  Mr. Dwyer has been  Managing
Member of URSA Advisors,  L.L.C.,  which provides  advisory and  capital-raising
services to insurance and reinsurance  companies.  From May to December 1996, he
was President and Chief  Executive  Officer of Signet Star  Holdings,  Inc., the
holding  company for the reinsurance  subsidiaries  of W.R.  Berkeley Corp. From
1992 to 1996,  he was Executive  Vice  President and Director of Guy Carpenter &
Company,  Inc.,  a  reinsurance  broker  and a  subsidiary  of Marsh &  McLennan
Companies  Inc.,  by whom he had been employed in various  executive  capacities
since 1970.

P. Anthony Jacobs

     P. Anthony  Jacobs,  59, has been a director of Trenwick since August 2000.
Mr. Jacobs is a member of the Audit Committee and the Investment Committee.  Mr.
Jacobs was a director of Trenwick Group Inc. and its predecessor from 1979 until
the Trenwick/LaSalle  business  combination.  Mr. Jacobs served as President and
Chief Executive Officer of Lab Holdings,  a lab testing services  company,  from
September 1997 until August 1999, at which time Lab Holdings was merged with its
subsidiary Lab One and Mr. Jacobs  retired.  Mr. Jacobs also served as President
and Chief Operating  Officer of Seafield  Capital  Corporation  from May 1993 to
September  1997.  From  December  1996 until August 1998, he was Chairman of the
Board of SLH  Corporation.  Mr. Jacobs is also a director of Response  Oncology,
Inc. and Syntroleum Corporation.



James F. Billett, Jr.

     James F.  Billett,  Jr.,  57, has served as Chairman of the Board and Chief
Executive  Officer of Trenwick  since August  2000.  Mr.  Billett  served as the
Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Trenwick Group Inc. and its
predecessor from 1978 until the Trenwick/LaSalle business combination and served
as  President  of  Trenwick  Group  Inc.  from 1988  until the  Trenwick/LaSalle
business combination. He is Chairman of the Executive Committee. Mr. Billett was
formerly a Vice President of General Reinsurance Corporation.

W. Marston Becker

     W. Marston  Becker,  48, has served as a director of Trenwick  since August
2000. Mr. Becker is Chairman of the  Compensation  Committee and a member of the
Executive Committee.  Mr. Becker was a director of Trenwick Group Inc. from 1997
until the Trenwick/LaSalle business combination. He has been Chairman of Hales &
Company,  an investment  company,  since June 2000. He was President - Specialty
Insurance of Royal & SunAlliance USA, Inc. from its acquisition of Orion Capital
Corporation  in  November  1999  until  May 2000 and a  director  of Royal & Sun
Alliance USA, Inc. from November 1999 until December 2000.  From January 1997 to
November 1999, he was Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Orion
Capital Corporation. He was previously Vice Chairman of the Board (March 1996 to
December  1996) and Senior  Vice  President  (July 1994 to March  1996) of Orion
Capital  Corporation and served as President and Chief Executive  Officer of the
DPIC Companies  (subsidiaries  of Orion Capital  Corporation)  from July 1994 to
June 1996 and as President  and Chief  Executive  Officer of McDonough  Caperton
Insurance Group, an insurance  brokerage firm, from March 1987 to July 1994. Mr.
Becker also serves as a director for Arch Capital Group Ltd.

Robert M. DeMichele

     Robert M. DeMichele, 56, has been a director of Trenwick since August 2000.
Mr.  DeMichele  is  Chairman  of the  Investment  Committee  and a member of the
Compensation Committee. Mr. DeMichele was a director of Trenwick Group Inc. from
the Trenwick/Chartwell  merger until the Trenwick/LaSalle  business combination.
From  December 1995 until the  Trenwick/Chartwell  merger,  Mr.  DeMichele was a
director of Chartwell Re Corporation. Mr. DeMichele has been President and Chief
Executive Officer of Strategy Asset Managers LLC, an investment  advisor,  since
February,  2001.  From December 13, 1995 until October,  2000 he was a director,
Chief Executive Officer and President of Lexington Global Asset Management. From
1982 until December 13, 1995, Mr. DeMichele served as President, Chief Executive
Officer and a director of Piedmont  Management  Company Inc. Mr.  DeMichele also
serves as a director of The Navigators Group, Inc.

Robert V. Deutsch

     Robert V. Deutsch,  41, has been a director of Trenwick  since August 2000.
Mr.  Deutsch was a director of LaSalle Re Holdings  Limited from  September 1999
until the Trenwick/LaSalle business combination.  Since August 1999, he has been
Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of CNA Financial  Corporation.
From May 1997 to August 1999,  Mr.  Deutsch was Executive  Vice  President and a
director of Executive Risk Inc., a specialty  insurer based in  Connecticut.  He
was also Chief  Financial  Officer of  Executive  Risk Inc.  from August 1990 to
August 1999,  Chief Actuary of Executive Risk Inc. from June 1987 to August 1999
and Senior Vice  President of Executive  Risk Inc. from June 1987 to April 1997.
Mr.  Deutsch's  professional  experience also includes serving as Assistant Vice
President with Swiss Re America and a senior manager with Ernst & Young. He is a
fellow of the  Casualty  Actuarial  Society,  an  associate  of the  Society  of
Actuaries and a member of the American Academy of Actuaries.


Joseph D. Sargent

     Joseph D. Sargent,  71, has been a director of Trenwick  since August 2000.
Mr.  Sargent  is a  member  of the  Executive  Committee  and  the  Compensation
Committee. Mr. Sargent was a director of Trenwick Group Inc. and its predecessor
since 1978. He has been  Chairman and a Principal of Bradley,  Foster & Sargent,
an investment advisory firm, since 1994. Mr. Sargent is a member of the Board of
Directors of Mutual Risk Management, Ltd.

     There  are no  family  relationships  among  any  directors  and  executive
officers of Trenwick.  For  information  with respect to business  relationships
between certain directors and Trenwick,  see "Certain  Relationships and Related

     All directors have entered into  indemnification  agreements  with Trenwick
that  limit a  director's  personal  liability,  as a  result  of  serving  as a
director, to the maximum extent permitted by Bermuda law.


     The Board of Directors held two meetings during the three month period from
the time of the Trenwick/LaSalle business combination until the end of the year.
Each  committee of the Board of  Directors  met once during the same three month
period.  Messrs.  Brown,  Jacobs,  Rackley and Sargent were unable to attend the
Board of Directors meeting held in September 2000 and Messrs. Grzelecki and Dunn
were unable to attend the Board of  Directors  and  committee  meetings  held in
November 2000. Trenwick considers  attendance at meetings to be only one measure
of  a  director's  contribution  to  Trenwick.   Directors  also  fulfill  their
responsibilities  by rendering advice in informal  consultations  with executive
officers of Trenwick.

     The Board of Directors has five committees:  the Audit Committee, the Board
Affairs Committee,  the Compensation Committee,  the Executive Committee and the
Investment  Committee.  The Audit Committee,  the Board Affairs  Committee,  the
Compensation Committee and the Investment Committee are comprised exclusively of
non-employee directors.  All members of the Executive Committee,  other than Mr.
Billett, are non-employee directors.

     The Audit Committee is composed of Messrs. Wilcox (Chairman),  Brown, Dunn,
Jacobs, and Rackley.  The Audit Committee has responsibility to recommend to the
Board of Directors the selection of Trenwick's  independent  auditors, to review
and approve the scope of the independent auditors' audit activity, to review the
financial  statements  which  are  the  subject  of  the  independent  auditors'
certification,  and to review with such  independent  auditors  the  adequacy of
Trenwick's  accounting systems and system of internal accounting  controls.  The
Audit  Committee  met once  during the three  month  period from the time of the
Trenwick/LaSalle business combination until the end of the year.

     The Board Affairs Committee is composed of Messrs. Brown (Chairman),  Cole,
Grzelecki,  Watkins and Wilcox. The Board Affairs Committee provides  assistance
to the Board of  Directors  in  recommending  qualified  candidates  to serve as
directors of Trenwick and recommending board policies, procedures and practices.
The Board Affairs  committee  will consider  director  nominees  recommended  by
shareholders.  See  "Shareholder  Proposals - 2002 Annual General  Meeting." The
Board Affairs  Committee met once during the three month period from the time of
the Trenwick/LaSalle business Combination until the end of the year.


     The  Compensation  Committee  is  composed  of Messrs.  Becker  (Chairman),
DeMichele,  Deutsch,  Dwyer,  Sargent, and Watkins.  The Compensation  Committee
assists the Board of Directors in reviewing  Trenwick's  compensation  structure
for senior  executives and other key employees and approving  cash  compensation
and  non-stock  based  benefits for the Chief  Executive  Officer and  executive
officers. In addition, the Compensation Committee designs,  recommends for Board
approval  and  administers  Trenwick's  equity-based   compensation  plans.  The
Compensation  Committee  met once during the three month period from the time of
the Trenwick/LaSalle business combination until the end of the year.

     The Executive Committee is composed of Messrs. Billett (Chairman),  Becker,
Cole, Deutsch,  Dwyer,  Sargent, and Watkins. The Executive Committee meets when
required on short notice during  intervals  between the meetings of the Board of
Directors and has authority to exercise all the powers of the Board of Directors
concerning the  management and direction of the affairs of Trenwick,  subject to
specific  directions of the Board of Directors and subject to the limitations of
the Bye-Laws of Trenwick and the Companies  Act, 1981 of Bermuda.  The Executive
Committee  did not meet  during  the  three  month  period  from the time of the
Trenwick/LaSalle business combination until the end of the year.

     The Investment Committee is composed of Messrs. DeMichele (Chairman), Dunn,
Grzelecki,  Jacobs, and Rackley.  The Investment  Committee  exercises authority
with  respect to financial  matters,  including  the  investment  of  Trenwick's
assets,  assessment of the  potential  impact of both  short-term  and long-term
economic trends,  and the establishment of related  investment  guidelines.  The
Investment Committee met once during the three month period from the time of the
Trenwick/LaSalle business combination until the end of the year.

                             PRINCIPAL SHAREHOLDERS

     The  following  table  lists  the  shareholders  known  to  Trenwick  to be
beneficial owners of more than five percent of the outstanding common shares, as
of the  record  date,  based upon  information  filed  with the  Securities  and
Exchange  Commission.  Such  shareholders hold sole voting and dispositive power
over such shares except as noted.

Name & Address                                            Owned         Percent
- --------------                                            -----         -------

CNA Financial Corporation(1)                            3,707,400        10.1%
CNA Plaza
Chicago, IL 60685

NewSouth Capital Management, Inc.(2)                    3,474,464         9.5%
1000 Ridgeway Loop Road, Suite 233
Memphis, Tennessee 38120

Aon Corporation(3)                                      2,514,599         6.8%
123 North Wacker Drive
Chicago, IL 60606

(1)  Based upon  information  contained in Amendment No. 1 to Schedule 13D filed
     with the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  on  November  6, 1998 with
     respect to LaSalle Re Holdings  Limited.  Of the 3,707,400 shares 3,389,250
     and 318,150 are owned by  Continental  Casualty  Company and CNA  (Bermuda)
     Services Limited, respectively, both of which are wholly-owned subsidiaries
     of CNA  Financial  Corporation.  According to  information  provided in CNA
     Financial   Corporation's   definitive   proxy  statement  filed  with  the
     Securities  and Exchange  Commission on March 20, 2000,  Loews  Corporation
     owned  approximately  86.8% of the  outstanding  voting  securities  of CNA


     Corporation as of February 28, 2000.

(2)  Based upon  information  contained in the Schedule 13G,  dated  February 8,
     2001, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.  Sole voting power
     is held over  2,143,170  shares,  shared  voting  power is held over 19,750
     shares and sole dispositive power is held over all the shares.

(3)  Based  upon  information   provided  by  Aon  Corporation  and  information
     contained in Amendment No. 1 to Schedule 13D filed with the  Securities and
     Exchange  Commission  on  February  11,  2000 with  respect  to  LaSalle Re
     Holdings Limited.  Of the 2,514,599  shares,  859,532 are owned by Combined
     Insurance  Company of America  which is a  wholly-owned  subsidiary  of Aon
     Corporation.  The remaining  1,655,067 shares are owned by 123 Newco,  Inc.
     Aon Corporation has sole dispositive power but no voting power with respect
     to the shares owned by 123 Newco, Inc.


     The following  table  reflects  information as of the record date regarding
the number of Trenwick common shares beneficially owned by each director, by the
executive  officers  named in the  summary  compensation  table below and by all
directors and executive officers as a group:

                                                             Amount of
                                                     Beneficial Ownership (1)
                                                   Number of Shares
Directors                                             Common Stock       Percent
- ---------                                          ----------------      -------
W. Marston Becker...............................          9,584(2)             *
Anthony S. Brown................................         13,575(3)             *
Richard E. Cole.................................        265,879(4)         0.72%
Robert M. DeMichele.............................         22,753(5)             *
Robert V. Deutsch...............................      3,718,704(6)        10.12%
Neil Dunn.......................................          9,750(3)             *
Clement S. Dwyer, Jr............................         22,339(7)             *
Frank E. Grzelecki..............................          7,875(5)             *
P. Anthony Jacobs...............................         11,250(3)             *
Peter J. Rackley................................          1,104                *
Joseph D. Sargent...............................        141,400(3)(8)      0.38%
Frederick D. Watkins............................         13,950(3)             *
Stephen R. Wilcox...............................          9,250(3)             *

*    Less than 0.1%


                                                             Amount of
                                                     Beneficial Ownership (1)
                                                   Number of Shares
Directors                                             Common Stock       Percent
- ---------                                          ----------------      -------
James F. Billett, Jr............................        520,952(9)         1.40%
Steven J. Bensinger.............................        228,799(10)        0.62%
Paul Feldsher...................................        178,985(11)        0.48%
Robert A. Giambo................................        152,935(12)        0.41%
Coleman D. Ross.................................         23,908(13)            *
Directors and executive officers as a group ....      5,353,492           14.13%

- ----------

*    Less than 0.1%

(1)  Includes,  in each case,  shares  deemed to be  beneficially  owned by such
     persons because they hold or share investment or voting power. Includes, as
     to directors,  other than Mr. Billett, a total of 304,837 shares subject to
     outstanding stock options that are vested and exercisable within 60 days of
     the date of this document.  Includes,  as to executive officers, a total of
     646,893  shares  subject to  outstanding  stock options that are vested and
     exercisable  within  60 days  of the  date of  this  document  and  103,028
     restricted  shares not vested within 60 days of the date of this  document,
     but that have full  dividend and voting rights and that are included in the
     computation of such executive officers' percentage of beneficial ownership.

(2)  Includes  5,250  shares  subject  to  stock  options  that are  vested  and
     exercisable within 60 days of the date of this document.

(3)  Includes  8,250  shares  subject  to  stock  options  that are  vested  and
     exercisable within 60 days of the date of this document.

(4)  Includes  235,987  shares  subject  to stock  options  that are  vested and
     exercisable within 60 days of the date of this document.

(5)  Includes  7,050  shares  subject  to  stock  options  that are  vested  and
     exercisable within 60 days of the date of this document.

(6)  Of the  3,718,704  shares,  3,389,250  are  owned by  Continental  Casualty
     Company, a wholly-owned subsidiary of CNA Financial Corporation and 318,150
     are owned by CNA (Bermuda) Services Limited, also a wholly-owned subsidiary
     of CNA Financial Corporation. Mr. Deutsch may be deemed to share voting and
     investment  power  over  such  shares as Senior  Vice  President  and Chief
     Financial  Officer of CNA  Financial  Corporation.  Mr.  Deutsch  disclaims
     beneficial ownership of the shares attributed to CNA Financial  Corporation
     and its subsidiaries.

(7)  Also  includes 800 shares owned by relatives or held in trust for them,  as
     to which Mr. Dwyer disclaims beneficial ownership.

(8)  Also  includes  29,775 shares owned by relatives or held in trust for them,
     as to which Mr. Sargent disclaims beneficial ownership.

(9)  Includes  219,290  shares  subject  to stock  options  that are  vested and
     exercisable within 60 days of the date


     of this document and 38,652 restricted shares that are not vested within 60
     days of the date of this  document,  but that have full dividend and voting

(10) Includes  194,855  shares  subject  to stock  options  that are  vested and
     exercisable  within  60  days  of the  date of  this  document  and  20,929
     restricted  shares  that are not vested  within 60 days of the date of this
     document, but that have full dividend and voting rights.

(11) Includes  121,148  shares  subject  to stock  options  that are  vested and
     exercisable  within  60  days  of the  date of  this  document  and  14,105
     restricted  shares  that are not vested  within 60 days of the date of this
     document,  but that have full dividend and voting rights. Also includes 375
     shares  owned by  relatives  or held in trust  for  them,  as to which  Mr.
     Feldsher disclaims beneficial ownership.

(12) Includes  111,600  shares  subject  to stock  options  that are  vested and
     exercisable within 60 days of the date of this document,  14,105 restricted
     shares that are not vested within 60 days of the date of this document, but
     that have full dividend and voting rights.

(13) Includes  15,237  restricted  shares that are not vested  within 60 days of
     this document, but that have full dividend and voting rights.

Business Experience of Executive Officers Who Are Not Directors

     Steven J.  Bensinger,  46, has been an Executive Vice President of Trenwick
since the Trenwick/LaSalle business combination.  Mr. Bensinger was an Executive
Vice President of Trenwick Group Inc. from the  Trenwick/Chartwell  merger until
the  Trenwick/LaSalle  business  combination.  Prior  to the  Trenwick/Chartwell
merger, Mr. Bensinger served as President of Chartwell Re Corporation from March
1993  until the  Trenwick/Chartwell  merger  and as  director  of  Chartwell  Re
Corporation from February 1994, until the  Trenwick/Chartwell  merger. From July
1998 until the Trenwick/Chartwell  merger, Mr. Bensinger also served as Chairman
and Chief  Executive of Chartwell UK plc and Chartwell  Managing Agents Limited.
From  February  1991 to November  1992,  Mr.  Bensinger  was President and Chief
Operating Officer of Skandia America Reinsurance Corporation. From prior to 1988
to February 1991, Mr. Bensinger was Skandia  America's Chief Financial  Officer.
Prior to joining Skandia America Reinsurance Corporation,  he was a partner with
the international accounting and consulting firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP.

     Paul  Feldsher,  52,  has  been  an  Executive  Vice  President  and  Chief
Underwriting   Officer  of   Trenwick   since  the   Trenwick/LaSalle   business
combination. Mr. Feldsher was an Executive Vice President and Chief Underwriting
Officer of Trenwick  Group Inc.  from 1999 until the  Trenwick/LaSalle  business
combination,  a director of Trenwick America Reinsurance  Corporation since 1988
and an Executive Vice President of Trenwick America Reinsurance Corporation from
1993 until the  Trenwick/LaSalle  business  combination.  Mr.  Feldsher  manages
Trenwick's  underwriting  policy and quality  control  operations.  He began his
career with Liberty Mutual  Insurance  Company in 1972 and was employed by North
American Reinsurance prior to joining Trenwick America Corporation in 1983.

     Robert A.  Giambo,  47,  has been an  Executive  Vice  President  and Chief
Actuary of Trenwick since the Trenwick/LaSalle business combination.  Mr. Giambo
was an Executive  Vice  President and Chief Actuary of Trenwick  Group Inc. from
1999 until the  Trenwick/LaSalle  business  combination,  a  director  and Chief
Actuary  of  Trenwick  America  Reinsurance  Corporation  from  1988  until  the
Trenwick/LaSalle  business  combination  and  an  Executive  Vice  President  of
Trenwick America  Reinsurance  Corporation from 1993 until the  Trenwick/LaSalle
business combination.  Prior to joining Trenwick America Reinsurance Corporation
in 1986, he was  associated  with The Home  Insurance  Company and The Insurance
Services Office. Mr. Giambo received his Casualty Actuarial Fellowship in 1980.


     Coleman D. Ross, 57, has been Executive Vice President and Chief  Financial
Officer of Trenwick since the Trenwick/LaSalle  business  combination.  Mr. Ross
was Executive Vice President and Chief Financial  Officer of Trenwick Group Inc.
from June 2000 until the Trenwick/LaSalle business combination. Prior to joining
Trenwick Group Inc., he was associated  with the firm of  PricewaterhouseCoopers
LLP as a general partner from July 1, 1977 to June 30, 1999.

Directors' Compensation

     For the three months ended December 31, 2000,  each  non-employee  director
chairing a Board Committee received an annual retainer of $25,000 and each other
non-employee director received an annual retainer of $20,000. In addition,  each
non-employee  director received a fee of $1,000 for each Board meeting attended,
plus  reimbursement  of all  customary  expenses  incurred  in  connection  with
attendance  at  Board  meetings.  Directors  who  served  on the  various  Board
Committees  each received,  in addition to the above  amounts,  a meeting fee of
$750 per Committee  meeting attended in conjunction  with a regularly  scheduled
Board meeting and $1,000 per Committee  meeting attended not in conjunction with
a regularly  scheduled Board meeting,  plus  reimbursement of customary expenses
incurred in connection  with  attendance at each Committee  meeting.  During the
three months ended December 31, 2000, Trenwick provided  non-employee  directors
with a retirement plan,  which paid retired  directors an annual amount equal to
50% of the  non-employee  director's  annual  retainer for a period equal to the
non-employee  director's  years of service  with  Trenwick  or its  predecessor.
Trenwick  also pays the  premium to  provide  the  directors  with  $250,000  of
coverage under a group travel accident Insurance policy.

     Effective  February 7, 2001,  Trenwick  adjusted the  compensation  of each
non-employee  member of the Board of Directors to reflect the increased size and
complexity   of  Trenwick   and  the   attendant   increase  in  the   oversight
responsibilities  of the Board of Directors.  The annual  director  retainer fee
increased  to  $25,000  and the annual  retainer  fee  payable  to  non-employee
committee  chairmen  increased  to $30,000.  Board and  committee  meeting  fees
remained unchanged at $1,000 per meeting, but the $250 reduction in meeting fees
for committee  meetings held in conjunction  with board meetings was eliminated.
Trenwick also terminated the  non-employee  directors'  pension plan,  effective
December 31, 2000. The present value of each non-employee  director's  potential
payouts under the pension plan as of such date were  converted into common share
equivalent units in Trenwick's non-employee director deferred compensation plan.

     Under Trenwick's  deferred  compensation plan,  non-employee  directors may
elect to defer  receipt  of all or a  portion  of fees to be  earned in the next
succeeding  year and have such  fees  accrue  either  (i) at the  interest  rate
determined by the  Compensation  Committee or (ii) based upon the performance of
Trenwick's common shares,  including any dividends paid thereon. A participating
non-employee  director  will  receive all amounts so deferred and accrued in one
payment on the first  business day of the year  following  the year in which the
participant ceases to be a director.

Other Compensation for Outside Directors

     Pursuant to the 1993 Stock Option Plan for Non-Employee Directors,  each of
Trenwick's eligible  non-employee  directors has received a one-time grant of an
option for 3,000 shares of Trenwick's common stock.  Under the 1993 Stock Option
Plan, each eligible  director is granted an option for additional  common shares
immediately  following each Annual  General  Meeting.  In  conjunction  with the
adjustment of non-employee  director  compensation on February 7, 2001, Trenwick
increased the annual share grant from 750 shares to 1,000 shares.

     On February 7, 2001,  Trenwick added to the non-employee  director deferred
compensation  plan a  quarterly  grant of  $6,250  in the form of  common  share
equivalents to each  non-employee  director.  Committee  chairman will receive a
quarterly grant of $7,500 in common share  equivalents.  The grants will be made
on the last business day of each calendar quarter.


                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

     The  following  table  sets  forth  information  concerning  the annual and
long-term  compensation  for  services in all  capacities  to  Trenwick  for the
calendar  years ended  December 31, 2000,  1999 and 1998 of the Chief  Executive
Officer and the four other most highly  paid  executive  officers of Trenwick at
December 31, 2000:

                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                                                                      Long Term Compensation
                                                    Annual Compensation                        Awards
                                            -----------------------------------      -------------------------
                                                                                     Restricted     Securities
                                                                   Other Annual         Share       Underlying        All Other
                                            Salary       Bonus     Compensation        Awards        Options/       Compensation
Name & Principal Position         Year        ($)         ($)         ($)(1)           ($)(2)        SARs (#)          ($)(3)
                                  ----      -------     -------    ------------      ----------     ----------      ------------
James F. Billett, Jr.             2000      574,233     315,000       90,560           352,495        81,346           140,336
  Chairman, President             1999      560,334     315,000       87,443           375,007        28,448           128,031
  & Chief Executive Officer       1998      526,928     350,000       76,274           739,245        24,573           125,416

Steven J. Bensinger               2000      382,313     250,000                        187,499        43,269            75,775
  Executive Vice President        1999       57,692     250,000                                                         12,758

Paul Feldsher                     2000      262,121     250,000                        128,505        29,654            37,742
  Executive Vice President &      1999      255,177     202,500                        124,990        12,931            35,154
  Chief Underwriting Officer      1998      241,923     225,000                        150,016        12,287            34,097

Robert A. Giambo                  2000      262,121     225,000                        128,505        29,654            37,753
  Executive Vice President &      1999      255,177     180,000                        124,990        12,931            35,163
  Chief Actuary                   1998      236,154     200,000                        125,001        10,239            34,106

Coleman D. Ross                   2000      175,000     250,000                         87,495        17,499             4,846
  Executive Vice President &      1999
  Chief Financial Officer         1998

- ----------

(1)  Consists  of personal  benefits  provided  by  Trenwick  for the  indicated
     calendar  years in which the amounts  exceeded the lesser of $50,000 or ten
     percent of the named  executive's  combined  salary and bonus for the year.
     Includes  $43,775  for  2000,  $43,111  for 1999 and  $43,653  for 1998 for
     supplemental  whole life and health benefits and $39,968 for 2000,  $38,584
     for 1999, and $29,121 for 1998 for automobile expenses.

(2)  Amounts  reflect  restricted  shares  awarded  as follows on March 1, 2000,
     based on the closing price per share on such date of $13.00:  Mr.  Billett,
     27,115 shares, Mr. Bensinger, 14,423 shares, Mr. Feldsher, 9,885 shares and
     Mr.  Giambo,  9,885 shares.  The amount for Mr. Ross reflects an additional
     5,833  restricted  shares  awarded on June 26,  2000,  based on the closing
     price per share on such date of $15.00. The restricted shares vest in equal
     annual  installments  over five years from the date of award,  beginning in
     2001.  Dividends are paid on restricted  shares at the same rate as paid to
     all shareholders and, as permitted, those amounts have not been included in
     this table.  The aggregate total of unvested  restricted  share holdings of
     each  of  the  named   executives   as  of  December  29,   2000,   at  the
     then-applicable market price per share of $24.8125, were as follows:


            Name                             Restricted Shares     Value ($)
            ----                             -----------------     ---------
     James F. Billett, Jr.                         27,115           672,791
     Steven J. Bensinger                           14,423           357,871
     Paul Feldsher                                  9,885           245,272
     Robert A. Giambo                               9,885           245,272
     Coleman D. Ross                                5,833           144,731

(3)  This  column  shows   contributions   by  Trenwick  under  various  defined
     contribution  plans. The following table details the amounts contributed by
     Trenwick by defined contribution plan and named executive.

                                                                          Executive         Supplemental
                                        401(k)                            Retirement          Executive
                                       Savings           Pension             Plan             Retirement            Rabbi
                          Year          Plans             Plans          Contribution        Plan Interest          Trust
                          ----         -------           -------         ------------       --------------          ------
James F. Billett, Jr.     2000         10,200             13,600            57,539              58,997
                          1999          9,600             12,800            60,026              45,605
                          1998          9,600             12,800            61,754              41,262

Steven J. Bensinger       2000         10,200             13,600                                                    51,975
                          1999          4,800                                                                        7,958

Paul Feldsher             2000         10,200             13,600             8,960               4,982
                          1999          9,600             12,800             9,200               3,554
                          1998          9,600             12,800             8,800               2,897

Robert A. Giambo          2000         10,200             13,600             8,960               4,993
                          1999          9,600             12,800             9,200               3,563
                          1998          9,600             12,800             8,800               2,906

Coleman D. Ross           2000          4,846

     The  following  table sets forth  information  with respect to stock option
grants to the named executives in 2000. The options, granted during 2000, to the
named  executives  pursuant to Trenwick's 1993 Employee Stock Option Plan become
exercisable in five equal annual  installments  beginning one year from the date
of grant, but become immediately exercisable in full in the event of a change in
control of Trenwick.  They are subject to termination  prior to their expiration
date in the event of termination of the grantee's employment.

                        Option Grants in Last Fiscal Year

                                                                                                       Potential Realizable
                                                                                                     Value at Assumed Annual
                             Number of        Percent of Total                                           of Stock Price
                             Securities         Options/SARs                                              Appreciation
                             Underlying          Granted to        Exercise or                         for Option Term ($)
                            Options/SARs        Employees in        Base Price     Expiration        -----------------------
Name                        Granted (#)       Fiscal Year (%)       ($/Share)         Date               5%          10%
- ----                        ------------      ----------------     -----------     ----------         -------     ---------
James F. Billett, Jr.          81,346              14.5%              13.00         03/01/10          655,055     1,685,379
Steven J. Bensinger            43,269               7.7%              13.00         03/01/10          353,751       896,475
Paul Feldsher                  29,654               5.3%              13.00         03/01/10          242,440       614,391
Robert A. Giambo               29,654               5.3%              13.00         03/01/10          242,440       614,391
Coleman D. Ross                17,499               3.1%              15.00         06/26/10          143,065       362,556


     The following table sets forth all stock options  exercised  during 2000 by
the named  executives  and the number of  unexercised  options held by the named
executives at December 31, 2000.  Also  included is the value of  "in-the-money"
options on December 31, 2000.  In-the-money  options are options whose  exercise
price is less than the fair market value of Trenwick's common shares.

               Aggregated Option/SAR Exercises in Last Fiscal Year
                      and Fiscal Year-End Option/SAR Values

                                                               Number of          Value of
                                                              Securities        Unexercised
                                                              Underlying        In-the-Money
                                                             Unexercised        Options/SARs
                                                             Options/SARs          at FY
                                  Shares                     at FY-End (#)       End($)(2)
                               Acquired on      Value       --------------     -------------
                               on Exercise     Realized      Exercisable/      Exercisable/
Name                               (#)          ($)(1)       Unexercisable     Unexercisable
- ----                           -----------     --------     --------------     -------------
James F. Billett, Jr.               0              0        203,021/81,346       0/960,900
Steven J. Bensinger                 0              0        186,202/43,269       0/511,115
Paul Feldsher                       0              0        115,218/29,654       0/350,288
Robert A. Giambo                    0              0        105,670/29,654       0/350,288
Coleman D. Ross                     0              0              0/17,499       0/171,709

- ----------

(1)  Represents  in each case the  difference  between the fair market value per
     Trenwick common share on the date of exercise and the option exercise price
     per share.

(2)  Represents  the  difference  between the closing price per Trenwick  common
     share  on  December  29,  2000,  of  $24.8125  and the  exercise  price  of
     "in-the-money" options granted to each named executive.


     The Compensation  Committee of the Board of Directors is composed  entirely
of  six  independent  outside  directors.   The  Compensation   Committee  meets
periodically to review and recommend for Board approval Trenwick's  compensation
program  for  senior  executives  and  other  key  employees  and  independently
administers  the share  option,  share  purchase  and other  incentive  plans of

     The guiding  principle  of the  Compensation  Committee  is to  establish a
compensation  program  which  aligns  executive   compensation  with  Trenwick's
objectives,  business strategies and financial and operational  performance.  In
this connection, the Compensation Committee seeks to:

     (1)  Attract  and  retain  qualified  executives,  in a highly  competitive
environment,  who will play a significant  role in the achievement of Trenwick's

     (2) Create a performance-oriented environment that rewards performance with
respect to the financial and operational  goals of Trenwick and which takes into
account industry-wide trends and performance levels.

     (3)  Reward   executives   for  strategic   management  and  the  long-term
enhancement of shareholder value.

     Compensation for the Trenwick's  executive  officers  consists of three key
elements:  base  salary  and  benefits,  discretionary  annual  cash  bonus  and
equity-based  compensation.  The  Compensation  Committee  seeks to  weigh  each
element both separately and  collectively to ensure that the executive  officers
are appropriately  compensated in a manner that advances both the short-term and
long-term   interests  of  the   shareholders.   The  Compensation   Committee's
determinations are guided by the results of a comparative analysis of Trenwick's
executive  compensation  practices,   which  was  performed  in  2000  with  the
assistance of an independent compensation consulting firm.


     The base  salary  for each  executive  officer  is set on the  basis of the
salary  levels  in  effect  for  comparable   positions  in  the  insurance  and
reinsurance  industry,  adjusted for the executive's  experience and performance
level and internal  comparability  considerations.  Trenwick  monitors  industry
salary levels  through its  participation  in several  annual  industry  surveys
administered by nationally known compensation consulting firms. The Compensation
Committee  believes that base salaries generally should be adjusted from time to
time so that they  approximate the 50th percentile of Trenwick's  peers based on
survey  information  available to the Compensation  Committee.  Base salaries of
executive  officers have not been adjusted to conform to the 50th  percentile of
Trenwick's peers for the past three years.  Instead,  base salaries of executive
officers have only been  increased to keep pace with increases in consumer price
indices and in conjunction with promotions.

     In addressing the second  compensation  element,  the discretionary  annual
cash bonus,  the  Compensation  Committee  considers a variety of measures to be
utilized in setting goals and  evaluating  annual  performance.  These  measures
include return on average capital  employed,  total return to  shareholders  and
return on  revenues,  each of which is  considered  on an absolute  basis and in
comparison to Trenwick's  peers, as well as the  accomplishment  of tactical and
strategic  objectives.  The Compensation  Committee fixes the amount that may be
awarded to the Chief  Executive  Officer  and an  aggregate  amount  that may be
awarded to other  executive  officers.  The Chief  Executive  Officer  allocates
awards among the other  executive  officers up to the  aggregate  amount,  which
allocations are then reviewed and ratified by the Compensation Committee.

     In  authorizing  2000  bonuses for  executive  officers,  the  Compensation
Committee  was  cognizant of  Trenwick's  financial  results as reflected in the
numerical  measures  specified  in  the  preceding  paragraph,  as  well  as the
significant increase in the market price of its shares in 2000. The Compensation
Committee  also weighed the  successful  completion of the business  combination
with  LaSalle  Re  Holdings   Limited  in  September  of  2000,   the  attendant
restructuring of Trenwick's operations and the creation of a new Bermuda holding
company.  Based on these factors, the Compensation Committee reduced the overall
cash incentive compensation paid to its executive officers to 10% below the 1999
level of cash incentive compensation paid by Trenwick to its executive officers.

     Trenwick's third compensation element, equity-based compensation,  provides
each executive officer with a meaningful shareholding in Trenwick as a long-term
incentive and a mechanism for aligning the executive  officers'  interests  with
those  of  the  shareholders.  Under  Trenwick's  equity  incentive  plans,  the
Compensation  Committee  has the  opportunity  to award both share  options  and
restricted  shares to  executive  officers.  Each is linked to the  creation  of
shareholder  value by providing  additional value to the executive as Trenwick's
share  price  increases.  Options  vest over an  extended  time,  subject  to an
executive  officer's continued  employment with Trenwick,  and expire within ten
years of grant.  Option  grants are made at an exercise  price not less than the
fair  market  value of the  underlying  shares at the time of grant.  Restricted
shares cannot be transferred  until the shares vest, with vesting occurring over
an extended time, subject to the executive officer's continued  employment.  The
holder has all the rights and  privileges of a  shareholder  with respect to the
restricted shares,  other than the ability to transfer them, including the right
to vote and to receive dividends.

     Trenwick makes annual awards of restricted  shares and share options with a
potential  total  value  ranging  from  zero to up to a  maximum  of 150% of the
recipient's  annual  salary.  The  Compensation  Committee  believes  that  this
structure,  initiated by Trenwick's  predecessor,  Trenwick Group Inc., in March
1998,  promotes the  retention of key  employees in a highly  competitive  labor
environment while emphasizing the alignment between their interests and those of
Trenwick's  shareholders.  In  light  of  the  cited  performance  measures  and
strategic  initiatives  completed in 2000,  the awards for 2000,  distributed in
March  2001,  were made at rate of up to 100% of 2000  salaries  for  Trenwick's
senior executive officers, other than Mr. Billett.


Compensation of the Chief Executive Officer

     Mr.  Billett's  base  salary is set using  the same  criteria  as all other
executive officers.  His 2000 cash bonus award remained unchanged from the prior
year's  level  in  reflection  of  Trenwick's  financial  results  in  2000  and
Trenwick's  share price  performance in 2000. The total value of his share award
was set at 125% of his 2000 salary,  which was greater than the other  executive
officers in recognition of the  significance  of his  contribution to Trenwick's
2000 strategic initiatives.

Share Ownership Guidelines

     Trenwick  developed  share  ownership  guidelines  for the Chief  Executive
Officer,  the  other  executive  officers  and  the  non-employee  directors  of
Trenwick.  Under these guidelines,  which will be implemented in 2001, the Chief
Executive  Officer of Trenwick  is expected to own a minimum of 150,000  shares,
the other executive officers are each expected to own a minimum of 50,000 shares
and the  non-employee  directors  are each  expected  to own a minimum  of 7,500
shares.  The time period for  compliance is three years.  At this time the Chief
Executive  Officer  and a  majority  of the  non-employee  directors  and  other
executive  officers  comply with the share  ownership  guidelines.  Trenwick may
provide  incentives  for  directors  and officers to equal or exceed  individual
share ownership guidelines.

Compliance with Internal Revenue Code Section 162(m)

     Section  162(m) of the  Internal  Revenue  Code  generally  disallows a tax
deduction  to  public  companies  for  compensation  over  $1  million  paid  to
Trenwick's  Chief Executive  Officer and the four other most highly  compensated
executive officers.  However, qualifying  performance-based  compensation is not
subject to the  deduction  limit if certain  requirements  are met. No executive
officer  was  subject  to  the  limitations  of  Section  162(m)  in  2000.  The
Compensation  Committee  structures  equity-based   compensation  for  executive
officers  so as to qualify  for  deductibility  under the  statute to the extent
feasible.  However,  to maintain a competitive  position within  Trenwick's peer
group, the Compensation  Committee retains the authority to approve equity-based
compensation that may not be deductible.

                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                        Members of the Compensation Committee

                                        W. Marston Becker, Chairman
                                        Robert M. DeMichele
                                        Robert V. Deutsch
                                        Clement S. Dwyer, Jr.
                                        Joseph D. Sargent
                                        Frederick D. Watkins


                   Shareholder Return Performance Presentation

     Set  forth  below is a line  graph  for the  five  year  period  commencing
December 31, 1995 and ending December 31, 2000,  comparing the yearly percentage
change on a dividend reinvestment basis of the common shares of Trenwick and its
predecessors,  Trenwick Group Inc. and LaSalle Re Holdings  Limited  against the
cumulative total shareholder return of the Standard & Poor's 500 Stock Index and
the SNL P & C Insurance  Index.  The line graph below tracks the  performance of
Trenwick Group Inc. and LaSalle Re Holdings Limited for the period from December
31, 1995 until September 27, 2000 and the performance of Trenwick from September
28, 2000 to December 31, 2000.

                 AMONG TRENWICK GROUP LTD., THE S & P 500 INDEX
                      AND TH4E SNL. P & C INSURANCE INDEX

                                  [LINE CHART]

                            12/95    12/96    12/97    12/98    12/99   9/27/00    12/00
                           ------   ------   ------   ------   ------    -----    ------
Trenwick Group Inc.        100.00    84.28   105.68    94.38    51.24    60.63     79.04
LaSalle Re Holdings Ltd.   100.00   135.39   179.02   119.50    95.01    60.63     79.04
S & P 500                  100.00   122.96   163.98   210.84   255.22             231.98
SNL P & C Insurance        100.00   116.97   170.30   186.84   138.78             199.70

Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance

     Section 16(a) of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 requires  Trenwick's
officers  and  directors,  and  persons  who own  more  than  ten  percent  of a
registered class of Trenwick's  common shares,  to file reports of ownership and
changes in  ownership  with the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission.  Based on
Trenwick's review of all insiders' filings received, and written representations
from reporting  persons,  Trenwick  believes there were no Section 16 violations
for Trenwick  for the three months ended  December 31, 2000 other than a failure
of each director and Section 16 reporting officer to timely file a Form 3 within
the 10 day period following the month during which the Trenwick/LaSalle business
combination occurred.

                             AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT

     The Audit Committee of Trenwick's Board of Directors  consists  entirely of
non-employee  directors  who are  independent,  as defined in the New York Stock
Exchange Listing Standards. The Board of Directors has adopted a Charter for the
Audit  Committee.  A copy of the Charter is attached to this proxy  statement as
Appendix A.


     The Audit  Committee  assists the Board of  Directors  in its  oversight of
Trenwick's  financial  statements.  Management  is  responsible  for  Trenwick's
financial statements and the financial reporting process. PricewaterhouseCoopers
LLP,  Trenwick's  independent  accountants  are  responsible  for  expressing an
opinion on the  conformity  of  Trenwick's  audited  financial  statements  with
accounting principles generally accepted in the United States.

     In this context,  the Audit Committee has reviewed and discussed Trenwick's
audited financial statements with management and PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. The
Audit  Committee has also reviewed with  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP the matters
required  to  be  discussed  by   Statement   on  Auditing   Standards   No.  61
(Communication  with Audit  Committees).  In addition,  the Audit  Committee has
received from  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP the written  disclosures  required by
Independence Standards Board Standard No. 1 (Independence Discussions with Audit
Committees),  and discussed with  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP their independence
from Trenwick and its management.

     In reliance  on the review and  discussions  referred  to above,  the Audit
Committee  recommended  to the Board of  Directors  that the  audited  financial
statements  be included in  Trenwick's  Annual  Report on Form 10-K for the year
ended December 31, 2000, for filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

     In  addition to its audit  services  for the annual  financial  statements,
PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP,  provides Trenwick with nonaudit and other services
(such as audits of  Trenwick's  employee  benefit  plans;  various  advisory and
consulting  services,   including  tax  consultation  and  compliance  services;
acquisition due diligence and consulting;  financial  information systems design
and  implementation;   and  technical  research  and  consultation).  The  Audit
Committee  reviews and  discusses  the scope of these  additional  services with
PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP. Based on this review,  the Audit Committee believes
that  PricewaterhouseCoopers   LLP's  provision  of  its  nonaudit  services  is
compatible with maintaining its independence.

     The  following  table  sets  out  the  various  fees  paid by  Trenwick  to
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP for its services.

                              Annual Fees for 2000

     Description                                                       Amount
     -----------                                                     ----------
     Audit Fees (1)                                                  $1,861,000
     Financial Information Systems Design and Implementation Fees     3,894,000
     All Other Fees (2)                                                 895,000

     (1)  Professional audit services,  including  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP's
          audit  of  Trenwick's  annual  financial  statements  for 2000 and its
          review of the financial  statements included in Trenwick's Forms 10-Q.
          Through March 15, 2001, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP has billed Trenwick

     (2)  All nonaudit and other services include audits of Trenwick's  employee
          benefit plans; various advisory and consulting services, including tax
          consultation  and compliance  services;  acquisition due diligence and
          consulting and technical research and consulting.

     Leased  personnel  were not  employed  by  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP with
respect to this audit engagement. Respectfully submitted,

                                        Members of the The Audit Committee

                                        Stephen R. Wilcox, Chairman
                                        Anthony Brown
                                        Neil Dunn
                                        P. Anthony Jacobs
                                        Peter J. Rackley




     Audited financial statements of Trenwick and its consolidated  subsidiaries
are included in Trenwick's  annual report to  shareholders,  a copy of which has
been furnished to all  shareholders of record.  Upon the  recommendation  of the
Audit Committee, the Board of Directors has appointed PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
to examine its  consolidated  financial  statements for the year ending December
31, 2001,  and has  determined  it  desirable  to request that the  shareholders
approve such appointment.  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP and its predecessor Price
Waterhouse  LLP have acted as  Trenwick's or Trenwick  Group Inc.'s  independent
accountants since 1979.  Representatives of  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP will be
present at the Annual  General  Meeting and will have the  opportunity to make a
statement  if they  desire to do so and are also  expected  to be  available  to
respond to appropriate questions.

     The  Board  of  Directors  recommends  a vote FOR the  ratification  of the
appointment  of  PricewaterhouseCoopers   LLP  as  independent  accountants  for
Trenwick for the year ending December 31, 2001.



     The  following is a summary of the Trenwick  Group Ltd.  2001  Non-Employee
Director  Equity  Incentive  Plan which was adopted by the Board of Directors on
February 9, 2001,  subject to shareholder  approval.  A copy of the full text of
the  Non-Employee  Director Equity  Incentive Plan is set forth in Appendix B to
this proxy statement, and the following description is qualified in its entirety
by reference to Appendix B.

     The Board of Directors  recommends a vote FOR approval of the  Non-Employee
Director Equity Incentive Plan.


     The Non-Employee  Director Equity Incentive Plan authorizes the granting of
non-statutory  options to  purchase  Trenwick's  common  shares to  non-employee
directors and permits non-employee  directors to purchase directly from Trenwick
Trenwick's  common  shares.  The  purpose of the  Non-Employee  Director  Equity
Incentive  Plan is to attract and retain the services of  qualified  persons who
are not  employees of Trenwick to serve as members of its Board of Directors and
by encouraging  such directors to acquire an increased  proprietary  interest in


     Only members of the Board of Directors who are not employees of Trenwick or
its subsidiaries will be eligible to participate under the Non-Employee Director
Equity  Incentive  Plan.  At present,  13 members of the Board of Directors  are
eligible to participate in the Non-Employee Director Equity Incentive Plan.

Available Shares

     Up to 100,000  common  shares will be  initially  available  for grants and
purchases under the  Non-Employee  Director Equity  Incentive Plan. If any share
options granted under the Non-Employee Director Equity Incentive Plan expires or
terminates  without having been exercised,  the common shares subject to but not
delivered  under that option will again be available  for option grants or share
purchases under the Non-Employee Director Equity Incentive Plan.


Effective Date

     The  Non-Employee  Director Equity  Incentive Plan will become effective on
the date it is approved by the shareholders of Trenwick.

Share Options

     Options granted under the Non-Employee  Director Equity Incentive Plan will
only be  non-statutory  share  options  (i.e.,  options  which do not qualify as
"incentive stock options" under Section 422 of the Internal Revenue Code).

     Number of Options to be Granted.  Under the  Non-Employee  Director  Equity
Incentive Plan,  following  Trenwick's annual general meeting of shareholders at
which a non-employee  director is first elected to be a director or on the day a
non-employee director is appointed to the Board of Directors,  he or she will be
granted 3,000 options. Thereafter, each non-employee director who is a member of
the Board of Directors will be automatically  granted 1,000 options  immediately
following Trenwick's Annual General Meeting of shareholders.

     Exercise  Price.  The exercise price per share of options granted under the
Non-Employee Director Equity Incentive Plan will be the closing sales price of a
common share on the date of grant.  There will be no  consideration  received by
Trenwick  from a  non-employee  director in exchange  for the grant of an option
under the Non-Employee Director Equity Incentive Plan.

     Term.  Each option will expire on the 10th  anniversary  of the date of its
grant. In the event of death while serving as a director,  the  then-outstanding
options that have vested shall be exercisable  for one year from the date of the
death or until the stated  grant  expiration  date,  whichever  is  earlier,  by
his/her  successors in interest.  All options which have been granted,  but have
not vested shall automatically expire and shall not be exercisable. In the event
of the termination of service as a director by the Board of Directors for cause,
the   Compensation   Committee   in  its  sole   discretion   can   cancel   the
then-outstanding  options of such director,  including  those options which have
vested, and such options shall automatically  expire and become  non-exercisable
on the effective date of such termination.

     When  Exercisable.  The  options  will vest and become  exercisable  on the
earlier  to occur of (a) the day  before  the next  Annual  General  Meeting  of
Trenwick  and (b) a change in control of  Trenwick.  In order for the options to
vest,  the option  recipient must still be a director of Trenwick at the time of
vesting.  The options  will remain  exercisable  until they expire as  described
above under "Term."

     Manner of  Exercise.  The options may be exercised by payment in cash or by
bank-certified,  cashier's, or personal check. Payment may also be made in whole
or part by  tendering  common  shares  having a fair market value at the time of
exercise  equal to the total  option  price,  or by  electing  to have  Trenwick
withhold from the common shares  otherwise  issuable upon exercise of the option
that number of common  shares having a fair market value at the time of exercise
equal to the total option price.

     Transferability.  The  right  to  exercise  an  option  granted  under  the
Non-Employee  Director  Equity  Incentive Plan shall be exercisable  only by the
director  receiving  the option or pursuant to a  qualified  domestic  relations
order as defined by the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, or Title I of
the Employee Retirement Income Security Act or the rules thereunder. The options
are not assignable or transferable other than by will or the laws of descent and
distribution or a qualified domestic relations order.

     Tax Withholding.  Upon exercise of any options pursuant to the Non-Employee
Director  Equity  Incentive  Plan, a director may instruct  Trenwick to withhold
option shares,  that would  otherwise be issuable upon such  exercise,  to cover
withholding  taxes based on the difference  between the fair market value of the
option shares on the date of their exercise of options and the exercise price of
such options.


Share Purchases

     Each eligible  non-employee  director shall be entitled to purchase  common
shares from Trenwick  from time to time.  The duration and frequency of the time
periods during which the eligible  directors may purchase  common shares will be
established by the Compensation  Committee.  The duration of any offering period
cannot exceed 12 months.

     Purchase  Price.  The per share purchase price for common shares  purchased
under the Non-Employee  Director Equity Incentive Plan shall be the lower of (a)
85% of the  fair  market  value of a common  share at the  beginning  of a given
offering  period and (b) 85% of the fair market  value of a common  share at the
end of a given  offering  period.  Fair  market  value of a common  share is the
closing  sales price per common  share on the  securities  exchange on which the
common  shares are  principally  traded,  which  currently is the New York Stock

     Share Restrictions. Common shares purchased under the Non-Employee Director
Equity   Incentive  Plan  initially  cannot  be  sold,   transferred,   pledged,
hypothecated or otherwise disposed of until the common shares vest. The Board of
Directors, in its sole discretion, may remove any or all of the restrictions for
any one or all of the non-employee directors.

     Vesting.  Common shares  purchased under the  Non-Employee  Director Equity
Incentive Plan vest and become  unrestricted as to transfer and  non-forfeitable
upon  the  earliest  to occur of (a) the six  month  anniversary  of the date of
purchase or acquisition of the common shares,  (b) the occurrence of a change in
control of Trenwick or (c) the  non-employee  director who  purchases the shares
ceases to be a director of Trenwick  for any reason other than  termination  for
cause. In the event of a termination for cause, the  Compensation  Committee may
cancel those unvested common shares  purchased under the  Non-Employee  Director
Equity Incentive Plan by the director being terminated.

     Dividends. Non-employee directors will be entitled to all dividends paid on
common shares purchased under the  Non-Employee  Director Equity Incentive Plan,
regardless of whether or not those common shares have vested.

     Voting. Non-employee directors will have full voting rights with respect to
all common shares  purchased under the  Non-Employee  Director Equity  Incentive
Plan, regardless of whether or not those common shares have vested.

Federal Income Tax Consequences

     Options granted under the Non-Employee  Director Equity Incentive Plan will
not be taxable to a non-employee  director at grant, but will result in taxation
at exercise.  Upon  exercise,  a non-employee  director will recognize  ordinary
income in an amount equal to the difference  between the option's exercise price
and the fair market value of the common shares on the exercise date.

     Common shares  purchased under the  Non-Employee  Director Equity Incentive
Plan  will  generally  be  taxable  at the  time the  common  shares  vest.  The
non-employee  director purchasing common shares under the Non-Employee  Director
Equity  Incentive  Plan will recognize  ordinary  income equal to the difference
between the purchase price of the common shares and the fair market value of the
common shares at the time of vesting.  Alternatively,  the non-employee director
may  elect to be taxed on the date the  common  shares  are  purchased.  In such
event,  the  non-employee  director will recognize  ordinary income equal to the
difference  between the purchase  price of the common shares and the fair market
value of the common  shares on the date of  purchase.  Any  appreciation  in the
value  of the  common  shares  following  the  making  of this  election  by the
non-employee director will be treated as capital gain income.


     In each  instance,  Trenwick  will be  entitled  to deduct a  corresponding
amount as a  business  expense  in the year in which the  non-employee  director
recognizes  income related to the option  exercises or share purchases under the
Non-Employee Director Equity Incentive Plan.

     Tax consequences for states and jurisdictions  other than the United States
may differ from those described above.  The above discussion  addresses only the
general federal income tax consequences  under the Non-Employee  Director Equity
Incentive  Plan.  It is  not  intended  as tax  advice  to  participants  in the
Non-Employee  Director  Equity  Incentive Plan, who should consult their own tax

Adjustment of Outstanding Awards

     In the event of any  split-up  or  consolidation  of shares or any  similar
capital  adjustment,  share dividend or other increase or decrease in the number
of common shares outstanding  without receipt of consideration by Trenwick,  the
aggregate number of shares subject to the Non-Employee Director Equity Incentive
Plan,  the number of shares with respect to which an option may be granted,  the
number of shares for each outstanding  option, the exercise price per option and
the  number  of  shares  purchasable  under  the  Non-Employee  Director  Equity
Incentive  Plan will be  proportionately  adjusted  to reflect  the  increase or
decrease in common shares.


     The Non-Employee Director Equity Incentive Plan will be administered by the
Compensation  Committee of the Board of Directors.  The  Compensation  Committee
presently consists of six non-employee  directors who are appointed by the Board
of  Directors.  Among  other  functions,  the  Compensation  Committee  has  the
authority  to  construe  the   provisions  of  and   establish   rules  for  the
administration of the Non-Employee Director Equity Incentive Plan.

Termination and Amendment

     The Board of Directors  may amend,  terminate  or suspend the  Non-Employee
Director Equity Incentive Plan at any time, in its sole and absolute discretion.
No  amendment  can be made more than once every six months that would change the
amount,  price or timing of the initial and annual  grants or the price at which
the common  shares are  purchased,  other  than to comport  with  changes in the
Internal  Revenue  Code of  1986,  as  amended,  or the  rules  and  regulations
promulgated thereunder. Also, no amendment can be made that would (a) materially
increase the number of shares that may be issued under the Non-Employee Director
Equity Incentive Plan, (b) materially  modify the requirements as to eligibility
for  participation  in the  Non-Employee  Director Equity Incentive Plan, or (c)
otherwise  materially  increase the benefits accruing to participants  under the
Non-Employee  Director Equity  Incentive Plan without the approval of Trenwick's



     The  following  is a summary  of the  Trenwick  Group Ltd.  Employee  Share
Purchase Plan, which was adopted by the Compensation Committee of Trenwick Group
Inc.  on  August  2,  2000  and  assumed  by  Trenwick  upon  completion  of the
Trenwick/LaSalle   business  combination.   The  Employee  Share  Purchase  Plan
commenced on February 1, 2001,  subject to shareholder  approval.  A copy of the
full text of the Employee Share Purchase Plan is set forth in Appendix C to this
proxy statement,  and the following  description is qualified in its entirety by
reference to Appendix C.

     The Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR approval of the Employee Share
Purchase Plan.



     The purpose of the Employee Share Purchase Plan is to advance the interests
of  Trenwick by  encouraging  and  providing  for the  acquisition  of an equity
interest in Trenwick by employees of Trenwick  and its  designated  subsidiaries
and by enabling  Trenwick to attract  and retain the  services of key  employees
upon  whose  efforts  the  successful  conduct  of  its  operations  is  largely


     The  Employee  Share  Purchase  Plan is  administered  by the  Compensation
Committee of the Board of Directors.  Subject to the terms of the Employee Share
Purchase  Plan,  the  Compensation  Committee  has  authority to  designate  the
Trenwick  subsidiaries who will  participate,  to determine the commencement and
length of any  offering  period  and the  number of  common  shares  that may be
acquired, to interpret the Employee Share Purchase Plan, to promulgate the rules
and  regulations  relating to the Employee  Share Purchase Plan, and to make all
other  determinations  necessary  or  advisable  for the  administration  of the
Employee Share Purchase Plan.


     Any person who is  regularly  scheduled  to work at least twenty (20) hours
per week and at least  five (5)  months  per  calendar  year and has  maintained
continuous  status as an employee for at least three (3) months,  is eligible to
participate  in the Employee  Share Purchase Plan. No employee can be granted an
option under the Employee  Share  Purchase  Plan (i) if,  immediately  after the
grant, the employee (or any other person whose stock would be attributed to such
employee  pursuant to Section  424(d) of the  Internal  Revenue  Code) would own
shares  and/or hold  outstanding  options to  purchase  shares  possessing  five
percent (5%) or more of the total combined  voting power or value of all classes
of shares of Trenwick or of any subsidiary or parent corporation of Trenwick, or
(ii) which permits such  employee's  right to purchase shares under all employee
share purchase plans (as described in Section 423 of the Internal  revenue Code)
of Trenwick and any subsidiary or parent  corporation of Trenwick to accrue at a
rate which exceeds  twenty-five  thousand  dollars  ($25,000) of the fair market
value of such shares  (determined  at the time such  option is granted)  for any
calendar year in which such option is outstanding at any time.

Shares Subject To The Employee Share Purchase Plan

     The Employee Share Purchase Plan provides for the issuance of up to 300,000
common  shares,  subject to adjustment as described  below.  In the event of any
change  in  the  outstanding  common  shares  by  reason  of a  share  dividend,
recapitalization,  forward split or reverse split, merger, amalgamation,  scheme
of  arrangement,  consolidation,  spin off,  combination,  exchange of shares or
other similar  corporate  change,  the number of shares  subject to  outstanding
options and their stated option prices,  and the number of shares subject to the
Employee Share Purchase Plan will be adjusted by the Compensation Committee.


     Trenwick may offer employees the opportunity to purchase common shares over
any period of time up to 12 months.  Trenwick  may commence an offer by granting
each eligible employee an option to purchase common shares. An eligible employee
may elect to become a participant  in the Employee Share Purchase Plan solely by
filing  an  agreement  with  Trenwick  authorizing  payroll  deductions  of  the
employee's  compensation.  The option price per Trenwick common share subject to
an offering  shall be the lesser of: (i)  eighty-five  percent (85%) of the fair
market value of a common share at the  beginning of the offering  period or (ii)
eighty-five  percent (85%) of the fair market value of a common share at the end
of the  offering  period.  Fair  market  value  of the  common  shares  will  be
determined  by averaging  the high and low sales prices of the common  shares as
reported on the relevant date.



     No rights  with regard to the  exercise  of an option or to receive  common
shares under the Employee  Share  Purchase Plan may be assigned or  transferred,
pledged or otherwise disposed of in any way.

Amendment or Termination

     The Board of  Directors  may at any time  terminate  or amend the  Employee
Share  Purchase  Plan.  The Board of Directors may not amend the Employee  Share
Purchase Plan to increase the number of shares  available for purchase under the
Employee  Share  Purchase  Plan,   change  the  class  of  persons  eligible  to
participate  in purchases  under the Employee  Share Purchase Plan or reduce the
purchase  price below 85% of fair market value  without  approval of  Trenwick's

     The Employee  Share  Purchase  Plan will also  terminate on the date of any
transaction resulting in a change in control of Trenwick.

Federal Income Tax Considerations

     It is the  intention of Trenwick to have the Employee  Share  Purchase Plan
qualify as an "Employee  Stock  Purchase Plan" under Section 423 of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.  The provisions of the Employee Share Purchase
Plan, accordingly, shall be construed so as to extend and limit participation in
a manner  consistent  with the  requirements  of that  section  of the  Internal
Revenue Code.

     The payroll deductions withheld from a participant's pay under the Employee
Share  Purchase  Plan  will be  taxable  income to the  participant  and must be
included in the  participant's  gross income for federal  income tax purposes in
the year which such amounts otherwise would have been received.

     A  participant  will not be  required to  recognize  any income for federal
income  tax  purposes  either at the time the  participant  is granted an option
(which  will be on the  first  day of an  offering  period)  or by virtue of the
exercise of the option  (which will take place on the last day of such  offering
period).  The federal income tax consequences of a sale or disposition of common
shares  acquired  under the Employee  Share  Purchase Plan depend in part on the
length of time the common shares are held by a  participant  before such sale or
disposition.  If a  participant  sells or  otherwise  disposes of common  shares
acquired  under the  Employee  Share  Purchase  Plan  (other  than any  transfer
resulting  from  death)  within  two years  after the first day of the  offering
period at the end of which the common shares were acquired, the participant must
recognize  ordinary  compensation  income in the year of such  disposition in an
amount equal to the excess of (i) the fair market value of the common  shares on
the date such  common  shares  were  acquired  over (ii) the price  paid for the
common shares by the participant.  The amount of "ordinary"  compensation income
recognized by the participant will be added to the  participant's  basis in such
common shares for purposes of determining  any additional  gain or loss realized
by the participant on the sale of the common shares. Any such additional gain or
loss will be taxed as capital gain or loss, long or short, depending on how long
the participant held the shares.

     If a participant  sells common  shares  acquired  under the Employee  Share
Purchase  Plan  after  the  two-year  period  or if the  participant  dies,  the
participant or the  participant's  estate must include as ordinary  compensation
income in the year of sale (or the  taxable  year  ending  upon death) an amount
equal to the  lesser of (i) the  excess of the fair  market  value of the common
shares on the first day of the offering period over the option price (determined
as if the option had been exercised on the first day of the offering period), or
(ii) the excess of the fair  market  value of the  common  shares at the time of
sale of the  common  shares or on the date of death  over the price paid for the
common shares by the  participant.  Except in the case of a transfer as a result
of death,  the amount of ordinary income  recognized by the participant  will be
added to the participant's basis in such shares. Any gain realized upon the sale
in excess of such  basis will be taxed as a  long-term  capital  gain.  Any loss
realized will be treated as long-term capital loss.


     Trenwick  will not receive any income tax  deduction as a result of issuing
shares  pursuant  to the  Employee  Share  Purchase  Plan,  except  upon sale or
disposition of shares by a participant within the designated two-year period. In
such an event,  Trenwick  will be entitled  to a  deduction  equal to the amount
included  as  ordinary  income to the  participant  with  respect to the sale or
disposition of such shares.

     Tax consequences for states and jurisdictions  other than the United States
may differ from those discussed above.  The above discussion  addresses only the
general federal income tax consequences  under the Employee Share Purchase Plan.
It is not intended as tax advice to  participants in the Employee Share Purchase
Plan, who should consult their own tax advisors.


Management Indebtedness

     With the approval of the Compensation Committee, Trenwick extended lines of
credit of $1,000,000 to James F. Billett, Jr., the Chairman, President and Chief
Executive Officer of Trenwick,  and $250,000 to Alan L. Hunte, an Executive Vice
President and the Chief  Accounting  Officer and Treasurer of Trenwick  Services
Inc.  The  lines  of  credit  are  payable  upon  demand  and bear  interest  on
outstanding  balances  at the prime rate of  interest  until  paid in full.  The
largest aggregate amount of indebtedness outstanding under Mr. Billett's line of
credit  in 2000 was  $750,000  as of  February  16,  2000,  with  Mr.  Billett's
indebtedness  remaining  at  $750,000  for the  rest of the  year.  The  largest
aggregate amount of indebtedness outstanding under Mr. Hunte's line of credit in
2000 was $250,000 as of June 22, 2000, with Mr. Hunte's  indebtedness  remaining
at $250,000  for the rest of the year.  The amount  outstanding  as of March 26,
2001 was $750,000  under Mr.  Billett's  line of credit and  $250,000  under Mr.
Hunte's line of credit.  The proceeds  from loans made under the lines of credit
have  been  used by  Messrs.  Billett  and  Hunte  to fund  credit  extended  in
connection with earlier acquisitions of Trenwick's common shares.

Registration Rights Agreement

     In  connection  with  the  Trenwick/Chartwell   merger,   Trenwick  assumed
Chartwell Re Corporation's  rights and obligations  under a registration  rights
agreement  entered into in December  1995 by Chartwell Re  Corporation,  certain
members of the Richardson family and certain of Chartwell Re Corporation's other
stockholders. Pursuant to the registration rights agreement, upon the request of
shareholders  holding  at least  330,000  of  Trenwick's  common  shares  or any
security convertible into 330,000 Trenwick common shares, Trenwick must, subject
to certain  limited  exceptions,  use its best  efforts to register  such shares
under the  Securities  Act of 1933,  as amended.  Trenwick is not  obligated  to
effect more than one  registration  in any  nine-month  period or more than four
during the term of the registration rights agreement.  The Richardson family has
the right to initiate  two of the four  registrations  effected  pursuant to the
registration  rights agreement.  Trenwick must pay all registration  expenses in
connection  with  the  four  registrations  except  underwriting  discounts  and
commissions  and  transfer  taxes.  If the  registration  is in the  form  of an
underwritten  offering,  the  shareholders  holding a majority  of the  Trenwick
common  shares  being  registered  pursuant to the  registration  may select the
underwriters, subject to Trenwick's approval.

     Parties to the registration  rights  agreement have  "piggyback"  rights to
register  Trenwick  common  shares in  connection  with  registration  of equity
securities  by  Trenwick.   These  rights  are  subject  to  limitation  if  the
registration  involves an  underwritten  offering and the  managing  underwriter
determines  that, in its good faith view, the inclusion of all or any portion of
such additional  securities in the  registration  would have a material  adverse
effect on the offering.


     Mr.  DeMichele,  a director of Trenwick,  was originally  designated by the
Richardson  family as its  representative  on the Board of Directors of Trenwick
Group Inc. and currently acts as a financial  advisor for certain members of the
Richardson family.

Indemnification; Insurance

     Trenwick  has  generally  agreed  to  indemnify  the  former  officers  and
directors of Chartwell Re Corporation in respect of acts or omissions  occurring
prior to the effective time of the Trenwick/Chartwell merger (including, but not
limited to, the transactions contemplated by the agreement pursuant to which the
Trenwick/Chartwell  merger was effected) to the extent  provided under Chartwell
Re Corporation's  certificate of  incorporation  and by-laws as in effect on the
date of the merger agreement,  in each case subject to any limitation imposed by
applicable  law.  In  addition,   Trenwick  agreed  to  maintain   Chartwell  Re
Corporation's  existing  directors'  and officers'  liability  insurance for six
years from the Trenwick/Chartwell merger, subject to certain limitations.

     Trenwick has also agreed to indemnify the present and former  directors and
officers  of  Trenwick  Group Inc.  and  LaSalle  Re  Holdings  Limited  against
liabilities arising out of the Trenwick/LaSalle business combination. Subject to
applicable  Bermuda law and public policy,  after we complete the  transactions,
Trenwick will honor  indemnification  rights of the current and former directors
and officers of Trenwick Group Inc., LaSalle Re Holdings Limited or any of their
respective  subsidiaries.  In addition,  Trenwick  agreed to  maintain,  for all
former and current  directors  and officers of Trenwick  Group Inc.,  LaSalle Re
Holdings Limited and their respective  subsidiaries,  the current directors' and
officers' liability insurance, fiduciary liability insurance and indemnification
policies  maintained by Trenwick Group Inc. and LaSalle Re Holdings  Limited for
at least six years  from the  effective  time of the  Trenwick/LaSalle  business

Underwriting Services Agreement and Underwriting Support Services Agreement

     Effective  on  October  1,  1998,   LaSalle  Re  Limited  entered  into  an
underwriting  support  services  agreement with CNA Re Services  Company and CNA
(Bermuda) Services Limited.  Under the underwriting  support services agreement,
which  expires  on  September  30,  2001,  CNA  Re  Services   Company  provided
underwriting  support  services  to  LaSalle Re Limited on a daily or hourly fee
basis when and as requested  by LaSalle Re Limited.  LaSalle Re Limited paid CNA
(Bermuda)  Services  Limited a  $333,333  annual  retainer,  which was  credited
against CNA Re Services  Company's  daily or hourly fees and  associated  travel
expenses.  In recognition  of the  contribution  made by CNA (Bermuda)  Services
Limited to the development of LaSalle Re Limited's business,  LaSalle Re Limited
agreed, subject to certain conditions,  to pay CNA (Bermuda) Services Limited an
underwriting  profit  commission  of 1.67%  of the  aggregate  net  underwriting
profits  of  LaSalle  Re Limited  for each  fiscal  year  during the term of the
underwriting  support  services  agreement for which  LaSalle Re Limited's  loss
ratio was 70% or less.

     While  the  current   underwriting  support  services  agreement  will  not
terminate  until  September  30,  2001,  LaSalle Re Limited has not utilized the
agreement  since  the   Trenwick/LaSalle   business  combination  and  does  not
anticipate  utilizing it in 2001.  Consequently,  LaSalle Re Limited has accrued
and expensed all fees payable under the agreement during the year ended December
31, 2000. This amounted to $786,000.

     Mr. Deutsch, a director of Trenwick, is the Senior Vice President and Chief
Financial Officer of CNA.

Investment Management Agreement

     Pursuant to an  investment  management  agreement  with Aon  Advisors  (UK)
Limited,  a subsidiary of Aon  Corporation,  Aon Advisors (UK) Limited  provided
LaSalle Re Limited with  investment  management  services in accordance with the
investment  guidelines  set by the board of  directors  of LaSalle  Re  Holdings
Limited.  The  investment  management  agreement  expired on December  31, 2000.
Pursuant to the terms of the


investment management  agreement,  Trenwick paid Aon Advisors (UK) Limited a fee
equal to 0.16375% per annum of the assets under  management.  The fees for these
investment  management  services  were  determined  in arm's  length  commercial
negotiations.  The  performance  of Aon Advisors  (UK) Limited and the fees paid
were periodically reviewed by the  investment/finance  committee of the board of
directors of LaSalle Re Holdings  Limited.  LaSalle Re Limited paid Aon Advisors
(UK) Limited investment  management fees of $821,000 for the year ended December
31, 2000.

     Michael A. Conway,  who was a director of LaSalle Re Holdings  Limited from
May 1999  until  the  Trenwick/LaSalle  business  combination,  is an  executive
officer of Aon Corporation.

Reinsurance Transactions with Aon and CNA

     In the year ended December 31, 2000,  LaSalle Re Holdings  Limited  assumed
premiums  totaling  approximately  $668,000 from a ceding company related to CNA
Financial Corporation and ceded premiums totaling approximately  $6,556,000 to a
reinsurer   related  to  CNA   Financial   Corporation.   Absent  CNA  Financial
Corporation's relationship with Trenwick and its predecessor company, LaSalle Re
Holdings  Limited,  such  transactions  might not have taken place. In addition,
during the same period, LaSalle Re Limited wrote premiums totaling approximately
$30,340,000 through brokers related to Aon Corporation;  brokerage fees incurred
in  respect  of this  business  were  approximately  $3,034,000  during the same
period. The terms of these reinsurance  transactions were negotiated between the
parties and Trenwick  believes  that such terms were at market  rates.  Trenwick
does not anticipate  similarly assuming business from and ceding business to CNA
related  companies,  however,  it will  continue  writing  business  through Aon
Corporation  related brokers during the year ending December 31, 2001.  However,
the quantity of such business for the 2001 fiscal year cannot yet be determined.

Loan to a former Executive Officer

     In  accordance  with the 1994  employment  agreement of Mr.  Victor  Blake,
LaSalle  Re  Holdings  Limited's  former  Chief  Executive  Officer,  LaSalle Re
Holdings Limited loaned Mr. Blake $695,000 to purchase a condominium in Bermuda.
The loan is evidenced  by a promissory  note and interest is payable at the rate
of 8% per annum.  LaSalle Re Holdings  Limited has agreed to reimburse Mr. Blake
for  interest  paid on the loan.  Currently,  Mr.  Blake and LaSalle Re Holdings
Limited are looking  for a buyer for the  property.  The loan will be due at the
time of  sale.  If,  as of the  date of  sale,  the  fair  market  value  of the
condominium  has increased  over the amount of the loan, Mr. Blake shall also be
required to pay the amount of the  increase to LaSalle Re Holdings  Limited.  If
the fair market  value of the  condominium  has  decreased to below the purchase
price,  the  amount  due from Mr.  Blake  shall be  reduced by the amount of the

Other Transactions

     In 1999 and 2000, LaSalle Re Holdings Limited  renegotiated its catastrophe
equity securities  issuance option agreement that it had originally entered into
in 1997. Aon Capital Markets, a subsidiary of Aon Corporation acted as broker in
the  renegotiation  and received a brokerage fee. During the year ended December
31, 2000, this fee amounted to $936,479.

     After the  formation of LaSalle Re Holdings  Limited's ad hoc  committee on
strategic  alternatives in May 1999, Trenwick engaged Aon Capital Markets as one
of  three   investment   bankers  to  assist  LaSalle  Re  Holdings  Limited  in
investigating and negotiating  potential strategic  transactions.  Following the
Trenwick/LaSalle  business  combination,  LaSalle Re Holdings  Limited  paid Aon
Capital Markets a transaction fee of $807,152.



     In order for a proposal by a  shareholder  of Trenwick to be eligible to be
included in Trenwick's  proxy  statement  and proxy for the 2002 Annual  General
Meeting of  shareholders,  the  proposal  must be received in proper form by the
Secretary of Trenwick at Trenwick's  principal  executive  offices no later than
December 11, 2001.

     In order for a proposal by a shareholder  of Trenwick which is not included
in Trenwick's  proxy  Statement and proxy for the 2002 Annual General Meeting of
shareholders  to be  considered  timely,  the  proposal  must be received by the
Secretary of Trenwick at Trenwick's  principal  executive  offices no later than
February 24, 2002. Absent receipt of proper shareholder notice prior to February
24, 2002,  the proxies  designated by the Board of Directors of Trenwick for the
2002 Annual General Meeting of shareholders  may vote in their discretion on any
proposal any shares for which they have been appointed  proxies  without mention
of such matter in  Trenwick's  proxy  statement for such meeting or on the proxy
for such meeting.

     Shareholder  recommendations of nominees for director of Trenwick should be
submitted in writing to the  Secretary of Trenwick,  with a  description  of the
proposed nominee's  qualifications and other relevant biographical  information,
and the  nominee's  consent  to serve as a  director  of  Trenwick.  Shareholder
recommendations  for director  nominees for the 2002 Annual General Meeting must
be received by Trenwick on or prior to December 11, 2001.

                                  OTHER MATTERS

     Management of Trenwick is not aware of, and does not intend to present, any
matters at the Annual General  Meeting other than those set forth above.  Should
other  matters  properly  come  before the  meeting,  the  persons  named on the
enclosed proxy may vote such proxy in accordance with their best judgment.

     Trenwick  will  bear the cost of  preparing,  assembling  and  mailing  the
enclosed  proxy,  this proxy  statement and other  material which may be sent to
shareholders in connection with this solicitation.  Proxies will be solicited on
behalf of the  Corporation  by D.F. King & Co., Inc. for a fee of  approximately
$6,500 plus reasonable out of pocket expenses. D.F. King & Co., Inc. may solicit
proxies by mail,  personal  interview,  telephone  and  telegraph.  In addition,
proxies may be solicited by mail, personal interview, telephone and telegraph by
directors,  officers  and  employees of Trenwick  and its  subsidiaries  without
receiving additional compensation.  Trenwick will also request brokers and other
nominees to forward soliciting material to the beneficial owners of shares which
are held of record by them and may reimburse such persons for expenses  incurred
in connection with the forwarding of such material.

                                        By order of the Board of Directors,

                                        /s/  John V. Del Col

                                        John V. Del Col
                                        Assistant Secretary

     Shareholders  are entitled to receive,  upon written  request,  and without
charge,  a copy of  Trenwick's  Annual  Report on Form  10-K for the year  ended
December 31, 2000 as filed with the Securities and Exchange  Commission.  Please
direct  such  requests  to the Office of the  Secretary,  Trenwick  Group  Ltd.,
Continental Building, 25 Church Street, Hamilton HM 12, Bermuda.


                                   Appendix A

                               TRENWICK GROUP LTD.
                             AUDIT COMMITTEE CHARTER

On behalf of the Board of  Directors  of Trenwick  Group Ltd.  (the  "Company"),
Trenwick's Audit Committee (the  "Committee")  fulfills an oversight role in the
areas of auditing  controls and  financial  reporting.  It requires and receives
information and reports from  management,  the independent  auditors and outside
actuaries  to  facilitate  informed and vigilant  review and  discussion  of the
auditing,  control  and  financial  reporting  processes  of  Trenwick  and  its
subsidiaries.  The  Committee  recognizes  that the primary  responsibility  for
Trenwick's  financial  reporting  and  controls  rests  with  Trenwick's  senior
management.  The Committee's  essential  function is to enhance the independence
and  objectivity of the auditing  function with the ultimate goal of reinforcing
the confidence of the shareholders and the public in the integrity of Trenwick's
financial reporting process.

Audit Committee Size

The size of the Committee  shall be  determined  from time to time by Trenwick's
Board of  Directors,  but in any event must consist of at least three members of
Trenwick's  Board of Directors.  Vacancies of members of the Committee  shall be
filled by the Board of  Directors.  The Board of Directors  shall  designate one
member of the Committee to be the Chairman of the Committee.

Audit Committee Member Qualifications

     o    Each Committee member must be  "independent"  (as such term is defined
          in Rule  303.01(B)(3)  of the New York Stock  Exchange  Listed Company

     o    Each  Committee   member  must  be  financially   literate,   as  such
          qualification  is interpreted by Trenwick's  Board of Directors in its
          business  judgment,  or must  become  financially  literate  within  a
          reasonable  period  of  time  after  his  or  her  appointment  to the

     o    At  least  one  Committee  member  must  have  accounting  or  related
          financial  management  expertise,  as  Trenwick's  Board of  Directors
          interprets such qualification in its business judgment.

     o    No  Committee  member  may be  employed  as an  executive  of  another
          corporation   where  any  of  Trenwick's   executives  serve  on  that
          corporation's compensation committee.

     o    No Committee member may be an "immediate  family member" (as such term
          is defined in Rule  303.02(A)  of the New York Stock  Exchange  Listed
          Company  Manual) of an  individual  who is or has been during the past
          three years an executive officer of Trenwick or any of its affiliates.

Areas of Oversight

The Committee's areas of oversight include:

     o    Controls - reinforcing  management's strong commitment to controls and
          the adequacy of adherence to Trenwick's accounting, administrative and
          operating control and risk assessment processes.

     o    Financial  Information  - overseeing  the  adequacy of  processes  for
          reporting  financial  information  to  shareholders,   regulators  and

     o    Auditing   Functions  -  overseeing  the  adequacy,   objectivity  and
          independence of the external auditing process.


     o    Actuarial  Functions - overseeing the adequacy and  objectivity of any
          external actuarial work.

     o    Communication  - by periodic  meetings,  during which written and oral
          reports are  received,  providing  through the Committee to Trenwick's
          Board of Directors the appropriate  communication  of findings arising
          from the auditing process and the actuarial evaluation.

The  Committee's  periodic  meetings  provide the vehicle for  carrying  out its
responsibilities by considering  communications from management, the independent
auditors and outside actuaries as set forth below.


The Committee should review the following communications from management:

     o    Trenwick's annual financial statements and related footnotes.

     o    material  matters  affecting  the  financial  statements  and internal
          control processes.

     o    material audit findings and management's responses thereto.

     o    filings  with  the  Securities  and  Exchange   Commission  and  other
          published documents containing Trenwick's financial statements.

     o    any changes required in the planned scope of the audit plan.

     o    policies and procedures with respect to officers' expense accounts and
          perquisites, including the use of the corporate assets.

     o    material  risks or  exposures  and the steps  management  has taken to
          minimize such risk to Trenwick.

     o    legal  and  regulatory  matters,   Company  compliance  policies,  and
          programs and reports received from regulators.

     o    adequacy of  Trenwick's  internal  controls  and  related  significant
          findings and  recommendations of the independent  accountant  together
          with management's responses thereto.

Independent Auditors

The  independent  auditor for Trenwick is ultimately  accountable  to Trenwick's
Board of Directors and the Committee and the Committee and  Trenwick's  Board of
Directors have the ultimate  authority and  responsibility  to select,  evaluate
and,  where  appropriate,  replace the  independent  auditor (or to nominate the
independent  auditor  to be  proposed  for  shareholder  approval  in any  proxy

The Committee  should review the following  communications  from the independent

     o    the annual scope and audit plan and  significant  changes  required in
          the planned scope of the audit.

     o    the annual fee budget.

     o    reports on fees for additional services arising during the year.

     o    the results of the annual audit and the report thereon.


     o    difficulties  encountered in the audit,  including any restrictions on
          the scope of audit work or access to required information.

     o    confirm the  independence  of the  independent  auditors,  including a
          review on a periodic basis of a formal written  statement  prepared by
          the independent  auditors  delineating all  relationships  between the
          independent auditor and Trenwick, actively engaging in a dialogue with
          the independent auditor with respect to any disclosed relationships or
          services  that may  impact the  objectivity  and  independence  of the
          independent   auditor  and  recommending   that  Trenwick's  Board  of
          Directors  take  appropriate  action in  response  to the  independent
          auditors'  report  to  satisfy  itself  of the  independent  auditors'

     o    recommend to Trenwick's  Board of Directors the annual  appointment of
          the independent auditors.

     o    other matters related to the audit required to be  communicated  under
          generally accepted auditing standards.


The Audit Committee should review the following  communications  from Trenwick's
internal and outside actuaries:

     o    the scope of any actuarial evaluation.

     o    the findings and results of any actuarial evaluation of loss reserves.

     o    the objectivity and independence of the outside actuaries.

Procedures and Responsibilities

The Committee's procedures and responsibilities will include:

     o    meeting  with  management,  the  independent  accountant  and  outside
          actuaries  in separate  executive  sessions to discuss any matters the
          Committee or these groups believe  should be discussed  privately with
          the Committee.

     o    reporting the  Committee's  actions to  Trenwick's  Board of Directors
          with such recommendations as may be appropriate.

     o    the power to  conduct or  authorize  investigations  into any  matters
          within the Committee's scope of responsibility with independent access
          to Trenwick's  outside counsel,  accountants or others to assist it in
          the conduct of any investigation.



The Committee will meet as often as necessary to carry out its responsibilities.
Meetings may be called by the Chairman of the  Committee  and/or the Chairman of
the Board of Directors.  The Committee  shall conform to such  directions as the
Board of Directors  shall impose on them,  provided  that each member shall have
one vote,  and the  Committee  shall have the right as it deems  appropriate  to
retain  outside  experts.  The  Committee may adopt rules for the conduct of its
affairs,  including  rules  governing the adoption of  resolutions  by unanimous
written  consent,  and the  place,  time,  and notice of  meetings,  as shall be
advisable and as shall not be inconsistent with Trenwick's  Bye-laws or with any
applicable  resolution  adopted by the Board of Directors.  The Committee  shall
cause minutes to be made of all meetings of the Committee and of the  attendance
thereat  and shall  cause  such  minutes  and copies of  resolutions  adopted by
unanimous  written  consent to be  promptly  inscribed  or  incorporated  by the
Secretary in the minute book. Reports of meetings of the Committee shall be made
to the Board of Directors at its next regularly  scheduled meeting following the
Committee meeting  accompanied by any  recommendations to the Board of Directors
approved by the Committee.


                                   Appendix B

                               TRENWICK GROUP LTD.

     1.  Purpose.  The  purpose of the  Trenwick  Group Ltd.  2001  Non-Employee
Director  Equity  Incentive  Plan (the  "Plan") is to promote the  interests  of
Trenwick  Group Ltd.  (the  "Company")  and its  shareholders  by  strengthening
Trenwick's  ability  to  attract  and retain the  services  of  experienced  and
knowledgeable  non-employee  directors  and by  encouraging  such  directors  to
acquire an increased proprietary interest in Trenwick.

     2. Definitions. As used in the Plan, the following definitions apply to the
terms indicated below:

     (a)  "Award  Agreement" shall mean the written  agreement  between Trenwick
          and an Eligible Director evidencing an option.

     (b)  "Board" shall mean the Board of Directors of Trenwick.

     (c)  "Business  Day" shall mean each day that the New York Stock  Exchange,
          Inc.  (or  such  other   exchange  on  which  the  Common  Shares  are
          principally  traded  on  the  date  of  reference)  is  open  for  the
          transaction of business.

     (d)  "Cause" when used in connection  with the  termination  of an Eligible
          Director's  status  as a  Director  of  Trenwick,  shall  mean (i) the
          willful and continued failure by the Eligible  Director  substantially
          to perform his or her duties and  obligations to Trenwick  (other than
          any such  failure  resulting  from his  incapacity  due to physical or
          mental illness) or (ii) the willful engaging by the Eligible  Director
          in misconduct which is materially injurious to Trenwick.  For purposes
          of this  Section  2(d),  no act,  or  failure to act,  on an  Eligible
          Director's part shall be considered  "willful" unless done, or omitted
          to be  done,  by the  Eligible  Director  in  bad  faith  and  without
          reasonable belief that his action or omission was in the best interest
          of Trenwick.  The Board shall  determine  whether a termination  of an
          Eligible Director's status as a Director of Trenwick is for Cause.

     (e)  "Change in Control" shall mean any of the following occurrences:

          (i)   any "person," as such term is used in Sections 13(d) and 14(d)of
                the  Exchange  Act (other  than  Trenwick,  any trustee or other
                fiduciary  holding  securities under an employee benefit plan of
                Trenwick or any corporation  owned,  directly or indirectly,  by
                the   shareholders  of  Trenwick  in   substantially   the  same
                proportions  as their  ownership  of stock of  Trenwick),  is or
                becomes the  "beneficial  owner" (as defined in Rule 13d-3 under
                the Exchange  Act),  directly or  indirectly,  of  securities of
                Trenwick  representing  50% or more of the combined voting power
                of Trenwick's then outstanding securities;

          (ii)  during  any period of not more than two  consecutive  years (not
                including  any  period  prior  to the  adoption  of  the  Plan),
                individuals  who at the beginning of such period  constitute the
                Board and any new director (other than a director  designated by
                a person who has  entered  into an  agreement  with  Trenwick to
                effect a transaction  described in clause (i),  (iii) or (iv) of
                this  Section)  whose  election by the Board or  nomination  for
                election was approved by a vote of at least  two-thirds (2/3) of
                the Directors  then still in office who either were directors at
                the beginning of the period or whose  election or nomination for
                election was  previously  so  approved,  cease for any reason to
                constitute at least a majority thereof;


          (iii) the  shareholders of Trenwick  approve a merger or consolidation
                of Trenwick with any other corporation,  other than (A) a merger
                or consolidation  which would result in the voting securities of
                Trenwick  outstanding  immediately  prior thereto  continuing to
                represent (either by remaining outstanding or by being converted
                into voting securities of the surviving entity) more than 50% of
                the combined  voting power of the voting  securities of Trenwick
                or such  surviving  entity  outstanding  immediately  after such
                merger  or  consolidation,  or  (B) a  merger  or  consolidation
                effected to implement a recapitalization of Trenwick (or similar
                transaction)  in  which no  "person"  (as  hereinabove  defined)
                acquires  more  than  50%  of  the  combined   voting  power  of
                Trenwick's then outstanding securities; or

          (iv)  the   shareholders  of  Trenwick  approve  a  plan  of  complete
                liquidation  of  Trenwick  or  an  agreement  for  the  sale  or
                disposition  by  Trenwick  of  all  or   substantially   all  of
                Trenwick's assets.

     (f)  "Code" shall mean the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986,  as amended from
          time to time.

     (g)  "Commencement Date" shall mean the first Business Day of each Offering

     (h)  "Committee"  shall mean the  Compensation  Committee of the Board. The
          Committee  shall  consist  of two or more  persons  each of whom is an
          "outside  director"  within the meaning of Section  162(m) of the Code
          and a  "Non-Employee  Director"  within  the  meaning  of  Rule  16b-3
          promulgated  under  the  Exchange  Act (or  who  satisfies  any  other
          criteria for administering  employee benefit plans as may be specified
          by the  Securities and Exchange  Commission in order for  transactions
          under such plan to be exempt from the  provisions  of Section 16(b) of
          the Exchange Act).

     (i)  "Common  Shares" shall mean the common  shares of Trenwick,  par value
          $0.10 per share.

     (j)  "Director" shall mean each member of Trenwick's Board.

     (k)  "Disabled"  shall  mean a  disability  within  the  meaning of Section
          22(e)(3) of the Code.

     (l)  "Eligible  Director"  shall mean each Director who is not otherwise an
          employee of Trenwick or any subsidiary of Trenwick.

     (m)  "Exchange  Act" shall mean the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as
          amended from time to time.

     (n)  "Fair Market Value" of a Common Share, as of a date of  determination,
          shall  mean  (i) the  closing  sales  price  per  Common  Share on the
          national  securities  exchange  on which such  shares are  principally
          traded for the last  preceding  date on which there was a sale of such
          shares on such  exchange,  or (ii) if the Common Shares are not listed
          or admitted  to trading on any such  exchange,  the  closing  price as
          reported by the Nasdaq  Stock  Market for the last  preceding  date on
          which  there was a sale of such shares on such  exchange,  or (iii) if
          the Common Shares are not then listed on the Nasdaq Stock Market,  the
          average of the highest  reported bid and lowest  reported asked prices
          for the Common  Shares as  reported  by the  National  Association  of
          Securities  Dealers,  Inc.  Automated  Quotations  System for the last
          preceding date on which there was a sale of such stock in such market,
          or  (iv) if the  Common  Shares  are not  then  listed  on a  national
          securities  exchange  or traded in an  over-the-counter  market,  such
          value as determined by the Committee in good faith.

     (o)  "Offering"  shall mean any proposal made in accordance  with the terms
          and conditions of the Plan permitting  Eligible  Directors to purchase
          Common Shares under the Plan during an Offering Period.


     (p)  "Offering  Period"  means each period which  begins on a  Commencement
          Date and ends on a Purchase Date during which  Eligible  Directors may
          purchase Common Shares pursuant to an Offering under the Plan.

     (q)  "Purchase  Date"  shall mean the last  Business  Day of each  Offering

     (r)  "Unrestricted  Shares"  shall mean all Common  Shares  purchased by an
          Eligible  Director  pursuant  to Section 7 of the Plan  following  the
          earliest to occur of the following events:

          (i)   the six month  anniversary  of the Purchase Date related to such
                Common Shares or, with respect to any  additional  Common Shares
                received  pursuant  to a stock  split or stock  dividend  of any
                Common Shares in an Eligible Director's  account,  the six month
                anniversary of the date of acquisition;

          (ii)  a Change in Control of Trenwick; or

          (iii) the  Eligible  Director  ceases to be a Director of Trenwick for
                any reason other than for Cause.

     3. Shares Subject to the Plan. Subject to adjustment as provided in Section
8, the total  number  of Common  Shares of  Trenwick  for which  options  may be
granted or which may be purchased  under the Plan shall be 100,000 Common Shares
(the "Shares").  The Shares shall be shares currently authorized but unissued or
currently  held  or  subsequently  acquired  by  Trenwick  as  treasury  shares,
including shares purchased in the open market or in private transactions. If any
option  granted  under the Plan  expires or  terminates  for any reason  without
having been exercised in full,  the Shares subject to, but not delivered  under,
such  option may become  available  for that grant of other  options or for sale
under the Plan. No shares delivered to Trenwick in full or partial payment of an
option  exercise price payable  pursuant to Section 6(c) shall become  available
for the grant of other options or for sale under the Plan.

     4.  Administration  of the  Plan.  The Plan  shall be  administered  by the
Committee,  subject to Sections 11 and 12. Subject to the terms of the Plan, the
Committee  shall  have the power to  construe  the  provisions  of the Plan,  to
determine all questions  arising  thereunder,  and to adopt and amend such rules
and regulations for administering the Plan as the Committee deems desirable.

     5.  Participation in the Plan. Each Eligible  Director shall be eligible to
participate in the Plan.

     6. Options.  Each option granted to an Eligible Director under the Plan and
the issuance of Shares thereunder shall be subject to the following terms:

          (a) Option  Agreements.  Each option  granted  under the Plan shall be
     evidenced by an Award  Agreement duly executed on behalf of Trenwick and by
     the  Eligible  Director  to whom such option is granted and dated as of the
     applicable date of grant. Each Award Agreement shall be signed on behalf of
     Trenwick  by an  officer  or  officers  delegated  such  authority  by  the
     Committee using either manual or facsimile signature.  Each Award Agreement
     shall comply with and be subject to the terms and  conditions  of the Plan.
     Any Award Agreement may contain such other terms, provisions and conditions
     not inconsistent with the Plan as may be determined by the Committee.

          (b) Option Grant Size and Grant Dates.

               (i)  Initial  Grants.  An option to  purchase  3,000  Shares,  as
          adjusted pursuant to Section 8 (an "Initial Grant"),  shall be granted
          to each Eligible Director immediately  following the Annual Meeting at
          which such  Director is first elected to be a Director or at the close
          of  business  on the day upon which such  Eligible  Director  is first
          appointed  by the  Board to be a  Director,  whichever  first  occurs;
          provided, that


          if an Eligible  Director  who  previously  received  an Initial  Grant
          terminates  service  as a  Director  and is  subsequently  elected  or
          appointed to the Board, such Director shall not be eligible to receive
          a second Initial  Grant,  but shall be eligible to receive only Annual
          Grants as provided in Section 6(b)(ii).

               (ii)  Annual  Grants.  An option to  purchase  1,000  Shares,  as
          adjusted  pursuant to Section 8 (an "Annual Grant"),  shall be granted
          automatically each year,  immediately following the Annual Meeting, to
          each Director who is an Eligible Director at such time.

          (c) Option  Exercise  Price.  Each  Award  Agreement  shall  state the
     exercise  price per share of the  Common  Shares to which it  relates.  The
     exercise price per Common Share subject to an option shall not be less than
     100% of the Fair Market  Value per Common Share at the close of business on
     the day of the grant of the option.

          (d) Vesting;  Exercisability.  An option granted immediately following
     an Annual  General  Meeting  shall  vest and become  nonforfeitable  on the
     earlier to occur of (a) the day before the next Annual  General  Meeting or
     (b) a Change in  Control  of  Trenwick,  in each case if the  optionee  has
     continued to serve as a Director  until such time. An option  granted other
     than immediately  following an Annual General Meeting shall vest and become
     nonforfeitable on the earlier to occur of (i) the first annual  anniversary
     of the day on which such  option was granted or (ii) a Change of Control of
     Trenwick, in each case if the optionee has continued to serve as a Director
     until such time. An option shall on that day and thereafter be exercisable,
     subject only to Section 6(g).

          (e) Time and Manner of Option  Exercise.  Any  vested and  exercisable
     option is  exercisable in whole or in part at any time or from time to time
     during the option  period by giving  written  notice,  signed by the person
     exercising  the  option,  to  Trenwick  stating  the number of Shares  with
     respect to which the option is being  exercised,  accompanied by payment in
     full of the option  exercise price for the number of Shares to be purchased
     and by the payment or making  provision  satisfactory  to Trenwick  for the
     payment of any taxes which Trenwick is obligated to collect with respect to
     the issue or transfer of the Shares upon such exercise.  The date both such
     notice and payment are received by the office of the  Secretary of Trenwick
     shall be the date of exercise of the option as to such number of Shares. No
     option may at any time be exercised with respect to a fractional Share.

          (f) Payment of Exercise  Price.  Payment of the option  exercise price
     may be in  cash or by  bank-certified,  cashier's,  or  personal  check  or
     payment may be in whole or part by:

          (i)  transfer to Trenwick of Common  Shares having a Fair Market Value
               equal to the option  exercise price at the time of such exercise,

          (ii) delivery of  instructions  to  Trenwick  to withhold  Shares that
               would otherwise be issued on such exercise of the option having a
               Fair Market Value at the time of such exercise equal to the total
               option exercise price of the options being exercised.

     If the Fair Market Value of the number of whole Common  Shares  transferred
     or the number of whole  option  Shares  surrendered  is less than the total
     exercise price of the option being exercised, the shortfall must be made up
     in cash or other form of payment as permitted under this Section 6(f).

          (g) Term of Options.  Each option shall expire ten years from its date
     of grant, but shall be subject to earlier termination as follows.

          (i)  In the event of the death of an optionee  while the optionee is a
               Director, the then-outstanding options of such optionee that have
               vested pursuant to Section 6(d) shall be exercisable for one


               year  from the date of the  death of the  optionee  or until  the
               stated grant  expiration date,  whichever is earlier,  by his/her
               successors in interest,  in accordance with the paragraph  below.
               However, all options which have been granted, but have not vested
               pursuant to Section 6(d),  shall  automatically  expire and shall
               not be exercisable.

          (ii) In the event of the  termination  of an  optionee's  service as a
               Director  by the  Board  for  Cause,  the  Committee  in its sole
               discretion  can  cancel  the  then-outstanding  options  of  such
               optionee,  including  those options which have vested pursuant to
               Section  6(d),  and such options shall  automatically  expire and
               become non-exercisable on the effective date of such termination.

     Exercise of a deceased  optionee's options that are still exercisable shall
     be by the  estate  of such  optionee  or by a person  or  persons  whom the
     optionee has  designated  in writing  filed with  Trenwick,  or, if no such
     designation  has been made, by the person or persons to whom the optionee's
     rights have passed by will or the laws of descent and distribution.

          (h)  Transferability.  The right of any optionee to exercise an option
     granted  under the Plan shall,  during the  lifetime of such  optionee,  be
     exercisable  only by that  optionee or  pursuant  to a  qualified  domestic
     relations  order  as  defined  by the  Code  or  Title  I of  the  Employee
     Retirement  Income  Security  Act, or the rules  thereunder  (a "QDRO") and
     shall not be assignable or transferable by such optionee other than by will
     or the laws of descent and distribution or a QDRO.

          (i) Limitation of Rights. Neither the recipient of an option under the
     Plan nor an optionee's  successor or successors in interest  shall have any
     rights as a shareholder  of Trenwick with respect to any Shares  subject to
     an  option  granted  to  such  person  until  the  date  of  issuance  of a
     certificate for such Shares.

          (j) Regulatory Approval and Compliance. Trenwick shall not be required
     to issue any certificate or certificates for Shares upon the exercise of an
     option  granted under the Plan or to record as a holder of record of Shares
     the name of the  individual  exercising  an option under the Plan,  without
     obtaining to the complete satisfaction of the Committee the approval of all
     regulatory bodies deemed necessary by the Committee and without  complying,
     to the Committee's  complete  satisfaction,  with all rules and regulations
     under federal, state, or local law deemed applicable by the Committee.

          (k) Tax  Withholding.  Eligible  Directors  participating in the Plan,
     upon exercise of any options pursuant to the Plan, may instruct Trenwick to
     withhold  option Shares that would otherwise be issuable upon such exercise
     to cover applicable withholding taxes based upon the difference between the
     Fair  Market  Value on the date of exercise  of the Shares  underlying  the
     options being exercised and the exercise price of such options.

          (l)  Nonstatutory  Stock Options.  All options  granted under the Plan
     shall be nonstatutory  options not intended to qualify under Section 422 of
     the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

     7. Stock Purchases. Each Eligible Director under the Plan shall be entitled
to purchase shares from Trenwick in accordance with the following terms:

          (a) Offerings.  The Plan shall be implemented by a series of Offerings
     to all Eligible  Directors,  the  duration  and  frequency of which will be
     specified from time to time by the Committee.

          (b) Purchase Price.  Each Offering shall permit each Eligible Director
     to purchase on the  Purchase  Date  Common  Shares at a purchase  price per
     share which  shall be the lower of (i) 85% of the Fair Market  Value of the
     Common  Shares on the  Commencement  Date,  or (ii) 85% of the Fair  Market
     Value of the Common Shares on the Purchase Date.


          (c) Duration of Offering  Periods.  No Offering Period pursuant to the
     Plan shall be for a period  greater  than 12 months  from the  Commencement

          (d)  Restrictions  on Shares.  Common Shares  purchased by an Eligible
     Director  under this Section 7 shall not be sold,  transferred or otherwise
     disposed of, and shall not be pledged or otherwise  hypothecated until such
     time as they shall  become  Unrestricted  Shares.  The  Board,  in its sole
     discretion,  may remove any or all of the restrictions on the Common Shares
     established by this Section 7(d), at any time, for any Eligible Director or
     any group of Eligible Directors.

          (e) Vesting.  Common Shares  purchased by an Eligible  Director  under
     this  Section 7 shall vest and become  nonforfeitable  at such time as they
     shall become Unrestricted Shares or the restrictions related to such Common
     Shares shall be otherwise removed by the Board pursuant to Section 7(d). In
     the  event  of the  termination  of an  Eligible  Director's  service  as a
     Director by the Board for Cause,  the Committee in its sole  discretion can
     cancel the  issuance of those  Common  Shares  purchased  by such  Director
     pursuant to this  Section 7 which have not yet become  Unrestricted  Shares
     and such Director  shall have no further rights with respect to such Common
     Shares as of effective date of such termination.

          (f)  Dividends.  Dividends  paid in cash on Common  Shares  held in an
     Eligible Director's account prior to becoming  Unrestricted Shares shall be
     distributed to such Eligible Director as soon as practicable.  Dividends on
     such  Common  Shares  paid in Common  Shares or stock  splits of the Common
     Shares shall be credited to the accounts of Eligible  Directors.  Dividends
     paid on such  Common  Shares in property  other than cash or Common  Shares
     shall be distributed to Directors as soon as practicable.

          (g)  Voting.  An  Eligible  Director  shall have the right to vote all
     Common  Shares  purchased  pursuant to this  Section 7, whether or not such
     Common Shares have become Unrestricted Shares.

     8. Capital Adjustments. The aggregate number and class of Shares subject to
and authorized by the Plan, the number and class of Shares with respect to which
an option may be granted to an Eligible  Director  under the Plan as provided in
Section 6, the number and class of Shares  subject to each  outstanding  option,
the  exercise  price per share  specified  in each such option and the number of
shares  which may be  purchased  pursuant to Section 7 shall be  proportionately
adjusted  for any  increase or decrease  in the number of issued  Common  Shares
resulting  from a  split-up  or  consolidation  of  shares  or any like  capital
adjustment or the payment of any share  dividend,  or other increase or decrease
in the  number of such  Shares  effected  without  receipt of  consideration  by

     9.  Expenses  of the Plan.  All  costs and  expenses  of the  adoption  and
administration of the Plan shall be borne by Trenwick, and none of such expenses
shall be charged to any optionee.

     10. Effective Date and Duration of the Plan. The Plan shall be effective as
of the date of approval by Trenwick's  shareholders.  The Plan shall continue in
effect until it is terminated by action of the Board or Trenwick's shareholders,
but such termination shall not affect the terms of any then-outstanding  options
issued pursuant to Section 6 or Common Shares purchased pursuant to Section 7.

     11.  Termination and Amendment of the Plan. The Board may amend,  terminate
or suspend the Plan at any time, in its sole and absolute discretion;  provided,
however,  that no  amendment  shall be made more than once every six months that
would change the amount, price or timing of the Initial and Annual Grants or the
price at which the Common  Shares  are  purchased,  other  than to comport  with
changes in the Code, or the rules and regulations  promulgated  thereunder;  and
provided,  further,  that no  amendment  shall be made  without the  approval of
Trenwick's  shareholders that would (a) materially increase the number of Shares
that may be issued


under the Plan, (b) materially  modify the  requirements  as to eligibility  for
participation  in the Plan,  or (c) otherwise  materially  increase the benefits
accruing to participants under the Plan.

     12.   Compliance   with  Rule   16b-3.   Other   provisions   of  the  Plan
notwithstanding,  neither  the  Committee  nor any other  person  (other than an
Eligible  Director  acting in conformity  with the terms of the Plan) shall have
any discretionary  authority to make determinations  regarding the Plan required
by Rule 16b-3 to be afforded  exclusively to "disinterested  persons" as defined

     13. Limitation as to Directorship. Neither the Plan, nor the granting of an
option,  nor any other action taken pursuant to the Plan shall  constitute or be
evidence of any agreement or understanding, express or implied, that an Eligible
Director  has a right to continue as a Director for any period of time or at any
particular rate of compensation.


                                   Appendix C

                               TRENWICK GROUP LTD.
                          EMPLOYEE SHARE PURCHASE PLAN

Section 1. Purpose of the Plan

     The purpose of the Trenwick  Group Ltd.  Employee  Share Purchase Plan (the
"Plan")  is to  provide  employees  of  Trenwick  Group  Ltd.  ("Trenwick")  and
designated  Subsidiaries  an  opportunity  to acquire a proprietary  interest in
Trenwick  through the purchase of common  shares,  $.10 par value per share,  of
Trenwick ("Common Shares"). It is intended that the Plan qualify as an "employee
stock purchase plan" under Section 423 of the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986, as
amended ("Code"), and the provisions of the Plan shall be construed accordingly.

Section 2. Definitions

     For purposes of the Plan, the following terms shall be defined as set forth

     (a) "Business  Day" means each day that the New York Stock  Exchange,  Inc.
(or such other exchange on which Common Stock is principally  traded on the date
of reference) is open for the transaction of business.

     (b) "Commencement  Date" shall mean the first Business Day of each Offering

     (c)  "Corporate  Transaction"  means  the  occurrence  of  any  one  of the
following events:

          (i) any  "person"  (as defined in Section  3(a)(9) of the Exchange Act
     and as such term is modified in  Sections  13(d) and 14(d) of the  Exchange
     Act),  excluding  Trenwick  or any of its  Subsidiaries,  a trustee  or any
     fiduciary holding  securities under an employee benefit plan of Trenwick or
     any of its  Subsidiaries,  an underwriter  temporarily  holding  securities
     pursuant to an offering of such securities or a corporation owned, directly
     or  indirectly,  by  shareholders  of  Trenwick in  substantially  the same
     proportions as their  ownership of Trenwick,  is or becomes the "beneficial
     owner" (as  defined in Rule 13d-3  under the  Exchange  Act),  directly  or
     indirectly,  of  securities of Trenwick  (not  including in the  securities
     beneficially  owned by such person any  securities  acquired  directly from
     Trenwick or its affiliates) representing fifty percent (50%) or more of the
     combined voting power of Trenwick's then outstanding securities; or

          (ii) during any period of not more than two (2) consecutive years (not
     including any period prior to the adoption of the Plan), individuals who at
     the beginning of such period  constitute the Board of Directors of Trenwick
     and any new director (other than a director  designated by a person who has
     entered into an agreement  with Trenwick to effect a transaction  described
     in clause (i), (iii) or (iv) of this paragraph) whose election by the Board
     of  Directors  of  Trenwick  or  nomination   for  election  by  Trenwick's
     shareholders  was  approved by a vote of at least  two-thirds  (2/3) of the
     directors  then  still in  office  who  either  were the  directors  at the
     beginning of the period or whose  election or  nomination  for election was
     previously  so  approved,  cease for any  reason to  constitute  a majority
     thereof; or

          (iii) the  shareholders  of Trenwick  approve a merger,  amalgamation,
     scheme  of  arrangement  or   consolidation  of  Trenwick  with  any  other
     corporation,  other than (A) a merger, amalgamation,  scheme of arrangement
     or  consolidation  which would result in the voting  securities of Trenwick
     outstanding  immediately  prior thereto  continuing to represent (either by
     remaining  outstanding or by being converted into voting  securities of the
     surviving  entity),  in  combination  with the  ownership of any trustee or
     other  fiduciary  holding  securities  under an  employee  benefit  plan of
     Trenwick,  at least fifty percent (50%) of the combined voting power of the
     voting  securities  of  Trenwick  or  such  surviving  entity   outstanding
     immediately  after such  merger,  amalgamation,  scheme of  arrangement  or


     consolidation,  or (B) a merger,  amalgamation,  scheme of  arrangement  or
     consolidation  effected to  implement a  recapitalization  of Trenwick  (or
     similar  transaction)  in which no person  acquires more than fifty percent
     (50%)  of  the  combined  voting  power  of  Trenwick's  then   outstanding
     securities; or

          (iv)  the   shareholders  of  Trenwick  approve  a  plan  of  complete
     liquidation  of Trenwick or an  agreement  for the sale or  disposition  by
     Trenwick of all or substantially all of Trenwick's assets.

     (d) "Eligible  Employee" means any person who, on a Commencement  Date, (i)
is  customarily  scheduled  to be  employed by any  Participating  Company as an
employee for at least 20 hours per week and for more than five (5) months in any
calendar year, and (ii) has completed  three months of employment  with Trenwick
or any Subsidiary.

     (e) "Fair Market Value" means, with respect to the Common Shares,  the mean
of the high and low sales prices of the Common  Shares on the  relevant  date as
reported  on the  stock  exchange  or  market on which  the  Common  Shares  are
primarily traded, or if no sale is made on such date, then the Fair Market Value
is the  weighted  average  of the mean of the high and low  sales  prices of the
Common  Shares on the next  preceding day and the next  succeeding  day on which
such sales were made,  as reported on the stock  exchange or market on which the
Common Shares are primarily traded.

     (f)  "Offering"  means any proposal made in  accordance  with the terms and
conditions of the Plan permitting  Eligible  Employees to purchase Common Shares
under the Plan during an Offering Period.

     (g) "Offering Period" means each period which begins on a Commencement Date
and ends on a Purchase Date during which Eligible  Employees may purchase Common
Shares pursuant to an Offering under the Plan.

     (h)  "Participating  Company" shall mean Trenwick and each Subsidiary which
the Committee has designated to participate in the Plan.

     (i)  "Purchase  Date"  shall mean the last  Business  Day of each  Offering

     (j)  "Subsidiary"  shall mean any  corporation  which is a "Subsidiary"  of
Trenwick, as that term is defined in Section 424(f) of the Code.

Section 3. Administration of the Plan

     The Plan shall be administered by the  Compensation  Committee of the Board
of  Directors  of Trenwick  (the  "Committee").  Any action of the  Committee in
administering  the Plan shall be final,  conclusive  and binding on all persons,
including Trenwick, its Subsidiaries, employees, persons claiming rights from or
through employees and the shareholders of Trenwick.

     Subject to the  provisions of the Plan,  the Committee  shall have full and
final  authority in its  discretion  (a) to  designate  the  Subsidiaries  whose
employees  will  participate in the Plan, (b) to determine the maximum number of
Common  Shares to be acquired by each  Eligible  Employee  during each  Offering
Period,  (c) to determine  the terms and  conditions  of each  Offering;  (d) to
determine the length of each Offering Period and the Commencement  Date thereof;
(e) to correct any defect or supply any omission or reconcile any  inconsistency
in the Plan; (f) to adopt,  amend and rescind such rules and  regulations as, in
its opinion,  may be advisable in the administration of the Plan and the conduct
of each  Offering;  and (g) to make  all  other  determinations  as it may  deem
necessary or advisable for the administration of the Plan.


Section 4. Participation in the Plan

     (a) Only individuals who are employees of a Participating  Company shall be
eligible  to acquire  Common  Shares  pursuant to any  Offering  under the Plan.
Except as  provided in  paragraph  (b) hereof,  every  Eligible  Employee on the
Commencement  Date of an  Offering  shall be  eligible  to  participate  in such
Offering,  provided  such  individual  remains an  Eligible  Employee  until the
Purchase Date.

     (b) Notwithstanding any provisions of the Plan to the contrary, no Eligible
Employee shall be eligible to participate in any Offering if:

          (i) on the  Commencement  Date,  such Eligible  Employee (or any other
     person whose shares would be attributed to such Eligible  Employee pursuant
     to Section  424(d) of the Code) would own shares  and/or  hold  outstanding
     options to purchase shares possessing five (5) percent or more of the total
     combined  voting  power or value of all  classes of shares of Trenwick or a
     Subsidiary; or

          (ii) the  Eligible  Employee  belongs to a class or group of  Eligible
     Employees  that the Committee  deems  ineligible for  participation  in any
     Offering  (as the  Committee  may do from  time  to  time),  so long as the
     exclusion of such class or group of Eligible  Employees from  participation
     in an Offering does not jeopardize  qualification of the Plan under Section
     423 of the Code or other applicable law.

Section 5. Offerings

     (a) The Plan shall be  implemented by a series of Offerings to all Eligible
Employees,  the duration and  frequency of which will be specified  from time to
time by the Committee.

     (b) Each Offering  shall permit each  Eligible  Employee to purchase on the
Purchase  Date  Common  Shares at a purchase  price per share which shall not be
less than the lower of (i) 85% of the Fair Market Value of the Common  Shares on
the Commencement Date, or (ii) 85% of the Fair Market Value of the Common Shares
on the Purchase Date.

     (c) No Offering  Period  pursuant to the Plan shall be for a period greater
than 12 months from the Commencement Date.

     (d) All  Eligible  Employees  participating  in an Offering  under the Plan
shall have the same rights and  privileges,  except that the  Committee may from
time to time provide for  differences  in the rights and  privileges of Eligible
Employees so long as such differences do not jeopardize the qualification of the
Plan under Section 423 of the Code or violate other applicable law.

Section 6. Shares Available under the Plan

     (a) Subject to the provisions of Section 7 hereof,  the aggregate number of
Common Shares  available for purchase  pursuant to all Offerings  under the Plan
shall not exceed 300,000 shares.

     (b) If the total  number of Common  Shares to be  purchased on any Purchase
Date when added to the number of Common  Shares  previously  issued  pursuant to
Offerings  under the Plan  exceeds the maximum  number of shares then  available
under the Plan,  the  Committee  shall make a pro rata  allocation of the shares
available for purchase in such  Offering in as nearly a uniform  manner as shall
be  practicable  and as it shall  determine  to be  equitable,  and the  amounts
received  from  each  Eligible  Employee  in excess of the  amounts  applied  to
purchase Common Shares shall be refunded to each Eligible Employee.


Section 7. Adjustments upon Changes in Capitalization

     In the  event  that  the  Committee  determines  that any  stock  dividend,
recapitalization,  forward  split  or  reverse  split,  reorganization,  merger,
amalgamation, scheme of arrangement, consolidation, spin-off, combination, share
exchange or other  similar  corporate  transaction  or event  affects the Common
Shares such that an adjustment is  appropriate  in order to prevent  dilution or
enlargement  of the  rights of  Eligible  Employees  under  the  Plan,  then the
Committee  shall, in such manner as it may deem equitable,  adjust any or all of
(i) the number and kind of Common Shares which may thereafter be available under
the Plan,  (ii) the number and kind of Common Shares  issuable in respect of any
current  Offering,  and (iii) the  purchase  price  relating to any  purchase of
Common  Shares  to be  acquired  in any  Offering;  provided,  however,  that no
adjustment  shall be made if, or to the extent that, such adjustment would cause
the Plan to violate Section 423 of the Code.

Section 8. Accrual Limitations

     No Eligible  Employee  shall be entitled to accrue rights to acquire Common
Shares in any Offering  under the Plan (which right shall accrue on the Purchase
Date for an Offering Period) if and to the extent such accrual,  when aggregated
with (i) rights to purchase Common Shares accrued under any other Offering under
the Plan during the same calendar  year and (ii) rights  accrued under any other
employee  stock purchase plan (within the meaning of Section 423 of the Code) of
Trenwick  or any  Subsidiary  during the same  calendar  year,  would cause such
Eligible Employee to be able to purchase more than Twenty-Five  Thousand Dollars
($25,000) worth of Common Shares or shares of any Subsidiary  (determined on the
basis of the Fair  Market  Value of such shares on the date or dates such rights
are granted) for each calendar year such rights are at any time outstanding.

Section 9. General Provisions

     (a) Neither the Plan nor any action taken  hereunder  shall be construed as
giving any  employee  any right to be  retained in the employ of Trenwick or any
Subsidiary,  and no  employee  of any  Subsidiary  which is not a  Participating
Company shall have any claim or right to participate in any Offerings  under the

     (b) No right of an Eligible  Employee to purchase Common Shares pursuant to
an Offering  under the Plan shall be assigned or  transferred  by such  Eligible
Employee and such rights to purchase Common Shares pursuant to an Offering shall
be exercisable during the lifetime of the Eligible Employee only by the Eligible

     (c) No Offering shall confer on any Eligible  Employee any of the rights of
a  shareholder  of Trenwick  unless and until  Common  Shares are duly issued or
transferred  to the  Eligible  Employee  in  accordance  with  the  terms of the

     (d) Upon the  occurrence  of any  Corporate  Transaction,  any  outstanding
Offering under the plan will terminate on the Business Day immediately preceding
such Corporate  Transaction  and such date shall be treated as the Purchase Date
for such Offering Period.

     (e) The  provisions  of the Plan shall be governed by the laws of the State
of Connecticut without resort to that state's conflict-of-laws rules.

Section 10. Effective Date; Amendment; Termination

     (a) The Plan shall become effective as of February 1, 2001,  subject to the
approval of the Plan by the  shareholders  of Trenwick on or before December 31,

     (b) The Board of Directors of Trenwick may  terminate the Plan or amend the
Plan from  time to time;  provided,  however,  that the  Board of  Directors  of
Trenwick shall not, without the approval of the


shareholders  of  Trenwick  (i)  increase  the  number of shares  available  for
purchase  pursuant to all Offerings,  (iii) change the class of persons eligible
to participate in an Offering under the Plan, or (iii) reduce the purchase price
of Common Shares below that set forth in Section 5(b) herein.

     (c) Unless  sooner  terminated  by the Board of Directors of Trenwick,  the
Plan shall terminate when all shares  available for issuance under the Plan have
been  purchased  pursuant  to an  Offering  under the  Plan,  or the date of any
Corporate Transaction, if earlier.
