Exhibit 3.3

                              ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT
                                     OF THE
                              AMENDED AND RESTATED
                            ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION
                           OF TANISYS TECHNOLOGY, INC.

Tanisys  Technology,  Inc., a corporation  duly  existing  under the laws of the
State of Wyoming,  acting  pursuant to the approval of its Board of Directors on
August 6, 2001, on a matter not requiring shareholder approval, hereby certifies
as follows:

1. The name of the corporation is: Tanisys Technology, Inc.

2. Pursuant to Article  17-16-602 of the Wyoming  Business  Corporation Act (the
"Act")  and  authority  contained  in  the  Amended  and  Restated  Articles  of
Incorporation,   the  Board  of  Directors  has  determined   the   preferences,
limitations and relative rights,  with the limits set forth in Section 17-16-601
of the  Act,  of a series  of  Preferred  Stock,  par  value  $1.00  per  share,
designated  as  Series  A  Preferred  Stock,  and  the  text  of  the  amendment
determining the terms of the series of the shares is as follows: Article 4.C. is
hereby included in its entirety as follows:

     Section 1. Designation.  The distinctive  serial designation of said series
shall be "Series A Preferred Stock"  (hereinafter called "Series A"). Each share
of Series A shall be identical in all respects with all other shares of Series A
except  as to the  dates  from  and  after  which  dividends  thereon  shall  be

     Section  2.  Number  of  Shares.  The  number  of  shares in Series A shall
initially  be  3,000,000,  which  number may from time to time be  increased  or
decreased (but not below the number thereof then  outstanding),  by the Board of
Directors. Shares of Series A that are redeemed, purchased or otherwise acquired
by the  Corporation  or converted  into Common Stock shall be canceled and shall
revert to authorized but unissued shares of Preferred  Stock  undesignated as to

     Section 3.  Dividends.  The holders of shares of Series A shall be entitled
to receive,  but only out of funds legally available  therefor,  cumulative cash
dividends  at the annual rate of $0.0045  per share,  payable  quarterly  on the
first days of April, July, October and January  respectively,  in each year with
respect to the quarterly  dividend period (or portion thereof) ending on the day
preceding  such  respective  dividend  payment date, to holders of record on the
respective  date,  not more than  sixty nor less  than ten days  preceding  such
dividend  payment  date,  fixed for such  purpose by the Board of  Directors  in
advance of payment of each particular dividend.

     At the sole option of New Century,  dividends  shall be paid in  additional
shares of Series A, at a price of $0.03 per share,  provided such price shall be
adjusted from time to time as


provided in Section 6 below.  If the holders of Series A shares elect payment in
additional  shares of Series A, such  shares  shall be  delivered  in the manner
specified hereinabove relating to the payment of cash dividends.

     Dividends  on  shares  of  Series  A shall be  cumulative  from the date of
issuance thereof as follows:

          (a) if  issued  prior to the  record  date for the first  dividend  on
     shares of Series A, from the date of issuance thereof;

          (b) if issued during the period commencing  immediately after a record
     date for a dividend  on shares of Series A and ending on the  payment  date
     for such dividend, from such dividend payment date; and

          (c) otherwise from the first day of April,  July,  October and January
     preceding the date of issuance of such shares.

     So long as any share of Series A remains outstanding,  no dividend whatever
shall be paid or declared and no distribution shall be made on any junior stock,
other than a dividend  payable  solely in junior stock,  and no shares of junior
stock shall be purchased,  redeemed or otherwise  acquired for  consideration by
the  Corporation,   directly  or  indirectly  (other  than  as  a  result  of  a
reclassification  of junior stock, or the exchange or conversion of one share of
junior stock, in each case, for or into another share of junior stock, and other
than through the use of the proceeds of a substantially  contemporaneous sale of
other shares of junior stock),  unless all accrued  dividends on all outstanding
shares of Series A for all past quarterly  dividend periods shall have been paid
and the full dividend  thereon for the then current  quarterly  dividend  period
shall  have been paid or  declared  and set apart for  payment.  Subject  to the
foregoing,  and not  otherwise,  such  dividends  (payable  in  cash,  stock  or
otherwise)  as may be  determined  by the Board of Directors may be declared and
paid on any junior  stock from time to time out of any funds  legally  available
therefor,  and the  shares  of  Series A shall not be  entitled  to  participate

     Section 4. Liquidation Rights and Preference. In the event of any voluntary
or involuntary liquidation, sale, merger, consolidation,  dissolution or winding
up of the  affairs of the  Corporation  ("Liquidation  Event"),  the  holders of
shares of Series A shall be entitled at the  election of 50.1% of the holders of
Series A,  before any  distribution  or  payment  is made to the  holders of any
junior stock, to be paid an amount equal to five (5) times the Conversion Price,
(as defined  hereinafter),  together with accrued dividends to such distribution
or payment date whether or not earned or declared.

     If such  amount  shall  have been paid in full to all  holders of shares of
Series A, the remaining assets of the Corporation shall be distributed among the
holders  of junior  stock and the  Series A (as if the same was fully  converted
into Common  Stock  immediately  prior to such  distribution  or payment  date),
according to their respective  rights and preferences and in each case according
to their respective numbers of shares.


     Section 5. Redemption.  The Corporation  shall have no rights to redeem the
Series A. In the case of a Liquidation  Event, the Series A shall be redeemable,
out of funds legally  available  therefor,  solely upon the election of 50.1% of
the holders of Series A, in accordance with the terms of Section 4 above.

     Section 6. Conversion  Rights. The holders of shares of Series A shall have
the right,  at their option,  to convert such shares into shares of Common Stock
of the  Corporation at any time on and after the Closing Date and subject to the
following terms and conditions:

          (a) The shares of Series A shall be  convertible  at the office of any
     transfer  agent  for  the  Common  Stock  or the  principal  office  of the
     Corporation  and at such other  office or offices,  if any, as the Board of
     Directors  may  designate,   into  fully  paid  and  non-assessable  shares
     (calculated  as to each  conversion  to the nearest  1/100th of a share) of
     Common Stock of the  Corporation,  at the initial  conversion  ratio of one
     share of Series A for 33.334 shares of Common Stock  ("Conversion  Ratio"),
     subject to adjustment from time to time as provided below.  The price fixed
     for purposes of any such  conversion  initially shall be $0.03 per share of
     Common Stock ("Conversion Price"),  subject to adjustment from time to time
     as provided below.

          (b) In order to  convert  shares  of  Series A into  Common  Stock the
     holder  thereof  shall  surrender  at the  office  or  offices  hereinabove
     mentioned  the  certificate  or  certificates  therefor,  duly  endorsed or
     assigned to the  Corporation  or in blank,  and give written  notice to the
     Corporation  at said office or offices  that such holder  elects to convert
     such  shares.  Shares of Series A  surrendered  for  conversion  during the
     period  from the close of  business on any record date for the payment of a
     dividend  on the shares of Series A to the  opening of business on the date
     for payment of such dividend shall be accompanied by a payment of an amount
     equal to the dividend  payable on such dividend  payment date on the shares
     of Series A being surrendered for conversion.

          Shares of Series A shall be deemed to have been converted  immediately
     prior  to the  close  of  business  on the  day  of  the  surrender  of the
     certificates  for  such  shares  for  conversion  in  accordance  with  the
     foregoing  provisions,  and the person or persons  entitled  to receive the
     Common  Stock  issuable  upon  such  conversion  shall be  treated  for all
     purposes as the record holder or holders of such Common Stock at such time.
     As promptly as practicable on or after the conversion date, the Corporation
     shall issue and shall deliver at such office a certificate or  certificates
     for  the  number  of  full  shares  of  Common  Stock  issuable  upon  such
     conversion,  together  with payment in lieu of any fraction of a share,  as
     hereinafter  provided,  to the person or persons  entitled  to receive  the

          (c) No  fractional  shares  of  Common  Stock  shall  be  issued  upon
     conversion  of shares of Series A, but,  instead of any fraction of a share
     which  would  otherwise  be  issuable,  the  Corporation  shall  pay a cash
     adjustment  in  respect  of such  fraction  in an amount  equal to the same
     fraction times the price per share of $0.03.


          (d) So long as any  Series A is issued and  outstanding,  in the event
     the  Corporation  shall  issue any shares of equity  securities,  including
     Common  Stock  or other  shares  convertible  into  Common  Stock,  without
     consideration  or for a  consideration  less than the  Conversion  Price in
     effect on the date of and immediately prior to such issue, then and in each
     such event the Conversion  Price shall be reduced,  concurrently  with such
     issue to such lower price. In any such event,  the Corporation  shall issue
     the  aggregate  number of  additional  shares of Series A to the holders of
     Series  A,  pro  rata,  within  ten  (10)  days of the  issuance  of  other
     securities sold for no  consideration or for  consideration  per share less
     than  the  Conversion  Price,  equal  in  number  to that  determined  by a
     fraction,  the numerator of which shall be the number of shares of Series A
     issued and  outstanding  immediately  prior to any such  issuance,  and the
     denominator of which shall be the Conversion Price, as adjusted pursuant to
     the foregoing  provisions of this subsection (d), less the number of shares
     of Series A issued and outstanding immediately prior to any such issuance.

          (e) The Conversion  Ratio, and the  corresponding  number of shares of
     securities  to be  received  upon  conversion  of the  Series  A,  shall be
     adjusted from time to time under this subsection (e), as follows:

               (i) In the event the outstanding  shares of Common Stock shall be
          subdivided by stock split, stock dividend or otherwise; into a greater
          number of shares of Common  Stock,  the  Conversion  Price of Series A
          then in  effect  shall  concurrently  with the  effectiveness  of such
          subdivision,   be   proportionately   decreased.   In  the  event  the
          outstanding  shares of Common Stock shall be combined or  consolidated
          into a lesser number of shares of Common Stock,  the Conversion  Price
          of Series A then in effect shall,  concurrently with the effectiveness
          of such combination or consolidation, be proportionately increased.

               (ii) In the event the  Corporation  makes, or fixes a record date
          for the  determination  of holders of Common Stock entitled to receive
          any  distribution  payable in property or in equity  securities of the
          Corporation  other  than  shares of Common  Stock,  and other  than as
          otherwise adjusted for in this subsection (e), then in each such event
          the  holders  of  Series  A  shall  receive,   at  the  time  of  such
          distribution,   the  amount  of  property  or  the  number  of  equity
          securities of the Corporation  that they would have received had their
          Series A been converted into Common Stock on the date of such event.

               (iii) If the Common  Stock  shall be  changed  into the same or a
          different  number of shares of any other  class or classes of stock or
          other   equity   securities   or   property,    whether   by   capital
          reorganization,  reclassification  or  otherwise,  then each  share of
          Series A shall  thereafter be convertible into the number of shares of
          stock or other equity  securities or property to which a holder of the
          number of shares of Common Stock  deliverable  upon conversion of such
          shares of Series A shall have been entitled upon such  reorganization,
          reclassification or other event.


               (iv) In any case in which this  subsection (d) shall require that
          an adjustment as a result of any event become effective from and after
          a record  date,  the  Corporation  may elect to defer  until after the
          occurrence  of such  event (A)  issuing to the holder of any shares of
          Series A converted after such record date and before the occurrence of
          such event the  additional  shares of Common Stock  issuable upon such
          conversion  over and above  the  shares  issuable  on the basis of the
          Conversion  Price in effect  immediately  prior to adjustment  and (B)
          paying to such holder any amount in cash in lieu of a fractional share
          of Common  Stock  pursuant  to  subsection  (c) above.  In lieu of the
          shares the  issuance of which is deferred  pursuant to item (A) above,
          the  Corporation  shall issue or cause one of its  transfer  agents to
          issue due bills or other appropriate  evidence of the right to receive
          such shares.

               (v) The  Board of  Directors  may make  such  adjustments  in the
          Conversion Price or Conversion Ratio, in addition to those required by
          this  subsection (d), as shall be determined by the Board of Directors
          to be advisable in order to avoid  taxation so far as  practicable  of
          any dividend of stock or stock rights or any event treated as such for
          Federal income tax purposes to the recipients. The Board of Directors,
          with the consent of a majority  the issued and  outstanding  Series A,
          shall have the power to resolve any  ambiguity or correct any error in
          this  subsection  (d),  and its action in so doing  shall be final and

               (vi) In the  event  that any time,  as a result of an  adjustment
          made  pursuant  to this  subsection  (e),  the holder of any shares of
          Series A thereafter  surrendered for conversion  shall become entitled
          to receive any shares of capital stock of the  Corporation  other than
          Common Stock, thereafter the number of such other shares so receivable
          upon  conversion  of such  shares  of  Series  A shall be  subject  to
          adjustment  from  time to time in a  manner  and on  terms  as  nearly
          equivalent as practicable to the provisions with respect to the Common
          Stock contained in this subsection (e).

          (f) Whenever the Conversion  Price or Conversion  Ratio is adjusted as
     herein provided:

               (i) The Corporation  shall compute the adjusted  Conversion Price
          or Conversion  Ratio in accordance with this Section 6 and shall cause
          to be prepared a  certificate  signed by the  Corporation's  treasurer
          setting forth the adjusted  Conversion  Price or Conversion  Ratio and
          showing in  reasonable  detail the fact upon which such  adjustment is
          based,  and  such  certificate  shall  forthwith  be filed  with  each
          transfer agent for the shares of Series A; and

               (ii) A notice  stating that the  Conversion  Price or  Conversion
          Ratio has been  adjusted  and setting  forth the  adjusted  Conversion
          Price or Conversion Ratio shall, as soon as practicable,  be mailed to
          the holders of record of outstanding


          shares of Series A.

          (g) In case:

               (i)  The   Corporation   shall   declare  a  dividend   or  other
          distribution on its Common Stock payable otherwise than in cash out of
          retained earnings;

               (ii) The Corporation  shall authorize the issuance to the holders
          of its Common Stock of rights or warrants  entitling them to subscribe
          for or purchase any shares of capital  stock of any class or any other
          subscription rights or warrants; or

               (iii)  Of  any  reclassification  of  the  capital  stock  of the
          Corporation   (other  than  a  subdivision   or   combination  of  its
          outstanding shares of Common Stock), or of any consolidation or merger
          to which the  Corporation  is a party and for  which  approval  of any
          stockholders of the Corporation is required,  or of the sale, transfer
          or other  disposition of all or substantially all of the assets of the
          Corporation; or

               (iv) Of the voluntary or involuntary liquidation,  dissolution or
          winding up of the Corporation;

     then the  Corporation  shall cause to be filed with each transfer agent for
     the  shares  of Series A and shall  cause to be  mailed to the  holders  of
     record of the outstanding  shares of Series A, at least 20 days (or 10 days
     in any case  specified in clause (i) or (ii) above) prior to the applicable
     record or effective date  hereinafter  specified,  a notice stating (x) the
     date as of which the  holders of record of Common  Stock to be  entitled to
     such dividend,  distribution,  rights or warrants are to be determined,  or
     (y) the date on which such reclassification,  consolidation,  merger, sale,
     transfer, disposition,  liquidation,  dissolution or winding up is expected
     to become  effective,  and the date as of which it is expected that holders
     of record of Common  Stock shall be entitled to exchange  their  shares for
     securities,  cash or other property deliverable upon such reclassification,
     consolidation,   merger,   sale,   transfer,   disposition,    liquidation,
     dissolution  or winding  up.  Failure to give  notice as  required  by this
     subsection  (g), or any defect  therein,  shall not affect the  legality or
     validity   of   any   such   dividend,   distribution,    right,   warrant,
     reclassification,   consolidation,  merger,  sale,  transfer,  disposition,
     liquidation,  dissolution  or  winding  up,  or  the  vote  on  any  action
     authorizing such.

          (h) The  Corporation  shall at all times  reserve and keep  available,
     free from  preemptive  rights,  out of its authorized  but unissued  Common
     Stock,  for the purpose of issuance upon  conversion of shares of Series A,
     the full  number  of  shares  of Common  Stock  then  deliverable  upon the
     conversion of all shares of Series A then outstanding.

          (i) The Corporation  will pay any and all taxes that may be payable in


     of the  issuance  or delivery of shares of Common  Stock on  conversion  of
     shares of Series A pursuant thereto. The Corporation shall not, however, be
     required  to pay any tax which may be payable  in  respect of any  transfer
     involved in the  issuance  and delivery of shares of Common Stock in a name
     other  than  that in  which  the  shares  of  Series  A so  converted  were
     registered, and no such issuance or delivery shall be made unless and until
     the person  requesting such issuance has paid to the Corporation the amount
     of any such tax or has  established to the  satisfaction of the Corporation
     that such tax has been paid.

          (j) The certificate of any independent  firm of public  accountants of
     recognized standing selected by the Board of Directors shall be presumptive
     evidence of the correctness of any computation made under this Section 6.

     Section  7.  Voting  Rights.  The  holders  of  shares of Series A shall be
entitled  to one vote for each  share of Common  Stock  into which the shares of
Series A are  convertible  and,  except  as  hereinafter  provided,  shall  vote
together  with the holders of shares of Common  Stock (and of any other class or
series  which may  similarly  be  entitled to vote with the holders of shares of
Common  Stock) as a single  class upon all matters upon which  stockholders  are
entitled to vote,  provided if the Corporation  shall be in default hereunder or
under any terms of that certain Series A Preferred Stock Purchase Agreement, and
more than $500,000 of the Series A is then outstanding  (determined by reference
to the Conversion  Price then in effect),  the Conversion  Ratio of the Series A
shall in each such  instance  be adjusted to provide the holders of Series A the
number of votes equal to that that number of shares of Common Stock  required to
vote 66 2/3% of the issued and outstanding Common Stock then entitled to vote on
all matters to come before the stockholders of the Corporation.

     So long as the  Series  A and any  other  class or  series  of stock of the
Corporation  ranking on a parity with Series A as to payment of  dividends  (any
such class or series being herein referred to as "parity stock") shall be issued
and  outstanding,  and  subject  to the  requirements  of  Section  14(f) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, to the extent applicable, and other
applicable law, the number of directors then constituting the Board of Directors
shall be increased (at the election of the Series A stockholders  as hereinafter
provided) in order to effect not less than fifty and one/tenth  percent  (50.1%)
representation on the Corporation's Board of Directors and the holders of shares
of Series A,  voting  separately  as a class,  shall be  entitled  to elect such
additional  directors  at any annual  meeting  of  stockholders  or any  special
meeting of the  holders of shares of Series A as  hereinafter  provided.  At any
time after such voting  power shall have been so vested in the holders of shares
of Series A and parity stock, the Secretary of the Corporation may, and upon the
written  request of any holder of shares of Series A (addressed to the Secretary
at the principal office of the Corporation) shall, call a special meeting of the
holders of the shares of Series A and parity  stock for the  election of the two
or more directors to be elected by them as herein provided, such call to be made
by notice  similar to that provided in the by-laws for a special  meeting of the
stockholders or as required by law. If any such special  meeting  required to be
called as above  provided  shall not be called by the  Secretary  within 20 days
after  receipt  of any such  request,  then any holder of shares of Series A may
call such meeting,  upon the notice above  provided,  and for that purpose shall
have access to the stock books of the Corporation.  The directors elected at any
such  special  meeting  shall hold office  until


the next  annual  meeting  of the  stockholders  if such  office  shall not have
previously  terminated as above provided.  In case any vacancy shall occur among
the directors elected by the holders of the shares of Series A and parity stock,
a successor  shall be elected by the Board of  Directors to serve until the next
annual  meeting of the  stockholders  upon the  nomination of the then remaining
director  elected by the  holders of the shares of Series A and parity  stock or
the successor of such remaining  director.  If the holders of shares of Series A
become  entitled  under the foregoing  provisions to elect or participate in the
election of two or more directors such entitlement shall not affect the right of
such  holders  to vote as stated  in the  first  paragraph  of this  Section  7,
including the right to vote in the election of the remaining directors.

     So long as any shares of Series A are outstanding, in addition to any other
vote  or  consent  of  stockholders  required  by law or by the  certificate  of
incorporation,  the consent of the holders of at least 66 2/3 % of the shares of
Series A, acting as a single class  regardless of series,  given in person or by
proxy,  either in writing without a meeting or by vote at any meeting called for
the purpose, shall be necessary for effecting or validating:

          (i) Any  amendment,  alteration or repeal of any of the  provisions of
     the certificate of  incorporation,  or of the by-laws,  of the Corporation,
     which would alter or change the powers,  preferences  or special  rights of
     the holders of the Series A and of all such other  series of the  Preferred
     Stock so as to affect them adversely; provided, however, that the amendment
     of the provisions of the certificate of incorporation so as to authorize or
     create,  or to increase the  authorized  amount of Series A, and any junior
     stock or any  shares of any class or series  ranking  on a parity  with the
     shares of Series A and all such other series of the  Preferred  Stock shall
     not be deemed to affect adversely the powers, preferences or special tights
     of the  holders of the shares of Series A and all such other  series of the
     Preferred  Stock  and  provided,  further,  that  if  any  such  amendment,
     alteration  or repeal would affect  adversely  any powers,  preferences  or
     special  rights  of the  holders  of the  shares  of Series A which are not
     enjoyed by some or all of the holders of other series otherwise entitled to
     vote in accordance  with this  paragraph,  the consent of the holders of at
     least 66 2/3 % of the shares of Series A and of all other series  similarly
     affected,  similarly given, shall be required in lieu of the consent of the
     holders  of at least 66 2/3 % of the  shares  of  Series A and of all other
     series of the Preferred Stock otherwise entitled to vote in accordance with
     this paragraph;

          (ii) Any  amendment,  alteration or repeal of any of the provisions of
     the certificate of the incorporation, or of the by-laws of the Corporation,
     which  would  alter or  change  the  size or  composition  of the  Board of
     Directors of the Corporation;

          (iii)  The  authorization  or  creation  of,  or the  increase  in the
     authorized  amount of, any shares of any class or any security  convertible
     into  shares of any class  ranking  prior to the shares of Series A and all
     such other series of the


     Preferred  Stock  in  the   distribution  of  assets  on  any  liquidation,
     dissolution,  or  winding  up of  the  Corporation  or in  the  payment  of

          (iv) The merger or  consolidation  of the Corporation with or into any
     other  corporation,  unless the  surviving  or resulting  corporation  will
     thereafter have no class or series of shares and no other securities either
     authorized or outstanding ranking prior to the Series A in the distribution
     of assets on  liquidation,  dissolution  or winding up or in the payment of
     dividends,  except the same  number of shares and the same  amount of other
     securities  with  the  same  rights  and  preferences  as  the  shares  and
     securities  of the  Corporation  respectively  authorized  and  outstanding
     immediately  preceding  such  merger or  consolidation,  and each holder of
     shares of Series A immediately preceding such merger or consolidation shall
     receive the same number of shares, with the same rights and preferences, of
     the surviving or resulting corporation;

          (v) Any  increase  in the size of the pool of  Common  Stock or common
     stock  equivalents,  including  options,  or  warrants  or other  rights to
     subscribe,  available  for award to employees,  consultants  or other third
     parties; or

          (vi) A substantial  change or modification of the major business lines
     or plans of the Corporation.

     So long as any shares of Series A are outstanding, in addition to any other
vote  or  consent  of  stockholders  required  by law or by the  certificate  of
incorporation,  the  consent of the holders of at least a majority of the shares
of Series A and of all other series of the Preferred Stock similarly entitled to
vote upon the  matters  specified  in this  paragraph  at the time  outstanding,
acting as a single  class  regardless  of  series,  given in person or by proxy,
either in  writing  without a meeting or by vote at any  meeting  called for the
purpose, shall be necessary for effecting or validating any increase or decrease
(but not below the number of shares thereof then  outstanding) in the authorized
number of shares of Preferred Stock, or the authorization or creation of, or the
increase in the  authorized  number of, any shares of any class or series or any
security convertible into shares of any class or series ranking on a parity with
the  Preferred  Stock  in  the   distribution  of  assets  on  any  liquidation,
dissolution or winding up of the Corporation or in the payment of dividends.

     Section 8. Preemptive  Rights.  If the Corporation shall issue Common Stock
or other equity securities ("Equity Securities"),  each holder of Series A shall
be entitled to purchase the portion of such Common Stock or Equity Securities to
be issued  necessary  in order  that the  aggregate  shares of Common  Stock and
Equity  Securities  held by such holder  constitute  the same  percentage of all
Common  Stock  (assuming  the  conversion,  exercise  or  exchange of all Equity
Securities)  after the  issuance of such Common  Stock or Equity  Securities  as
before the issuance thereof; provided, however, that such preemptive right shall
not  apply to (a)  issuances  of  Common  Stock or  Equity  Securities  upon the
conversion,  exercise or exchange of Equity  Securities to which the  preemptive
right was  applicable;  (b)  issuances of Common Stock or Equity  Securities  in
connection with the preemptive rights granted hereunder; (c) issuances of


shares pursuant to that certain Series A Preferred Stock Purchase Agreement,  or
upon conversion of the Series A; (d) issuances of Common Stock upon the exercise
of options issued under the  Corporation's  employee stock option  plan(s);  (e)
issuances  of  Common  Stock  upon  the  exercise  of  warrants  issued  by  the
Corporation;  or (f)  other  issuances  of  Common  Stock or  Equity  Securities
authorized by the Board of Directors of the Corporation. The price of securities
which each holder  becomes  entitled to purchase by reason  hereof  shall be the
same price at which such securities are offered to others. A holder may exercise
its right  under this  Section 8 to  purchase  Equity  Securities  by paying the
purchase price therefor at the principal  office of the  Corporation  within ten
(10) days after  receipt of notice  from the  Corporation  (which  notice by the
Corporation shall be given at least fifteen (15) days before the issuance of the
Equity Securities)  stating the number of amount of Equity Securities it intends
to issue,  the price and  characteristics  thereof and the number of shares that
such holder is entitled to purchase. The holder shall pay such purchase price in
cash or by check or wire transfer; provided, however, that if the Corporation is
indebted to such  holder,  the holder shall be  entitled,  at the holder's  sole
option,  to  credit  against  the  purchase  price  all  or any  portion  of the
Corporation's  indebtedness to such holder which is then due (accrued but unpaid
dividends on the Series A shall not be deemed to be  indebtedness of purposes of
such  credit).  A  holder's  preemptive  rights  hereunder  shall be  deemed  to
exercised  immediately  prior to the close of  business on the day of payment of
the purchase price in accordance with the foregoing provisions, and at such time
such holder shall be treated for all purposes as the record holder of the Equity
Securities.  As promptly as practicable  (and in any event within ten (10) days)
on or after the Purchase  Date, the  Corporation  shall issue and deliver at its
principal  office a certificate or certificates for the number of full shares of
Common Stock or the number of full shares or amount, whichever is applicable, of
Equity  Securities  together with cash for any fraction of a share or portion of
an  Equity  Security  at the  Purchase  Price to which the  holder  is  entitled

     Section  9.  Definitions.  As used  herein  with  respect  to Series A, the
following terms shall have the following meanings:

          (a) The term "junior  stock" shall mean the Common Stock and any other
     class or series of stock of the Corporation hereafter authorized over which
     Series A has  preference  or priority in the payment of dividends or in the
     distribution of assets on any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the

          (b) The term  "accrued  dividends"  with  respect  to any share of any
     class or series,  shall mean an amount computed at the annual dividend rate
     for the class or series of which the particular  share is a part,  from the
     date on which  dividends on such share became  cumulative  to and including
     the date to which such  dividends  are to be  accrued,  less the  aggregate
     amount of all dividends theretofore paid thereon.

          (c)  The  term  "business  day"  shall  mean  each  Monday,   Tuesday,
     Wednesday, Thursday or Friday on which banking institutions in San Antonio,
     Texas are not authorized or obligated by law or executive order to close.

          (d) The term "New  Century"  shall mean New  Century  Equity  Holdings


     a Delaware corporation, or its lawful successors or assigns.

     Section 10. Other Rights. The shares of Series A shall not have any powers,
preferences or relative,  participating,  optional or other special  rights,  or
qualifications,  limitations or  restrictions  thereof,  other than as set forth

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Tanisys Technology, Inc. has caused this certificate to
be signed by its President, this 6th day of August, 2001.

                                              TANISYS TECHNOLOGY, INC.
                                              A Wyoming Corporation

                                              By: /s/Charles T. Comiso
                                                  Its President
