(RULE 14a-101)


                           SCHEDULE 14(A) INFORMATION

           Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
                              Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by the Registrant [X]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [_]

Check the appropriate box:

[X]  Preliminary Proxy Statement
[_]  Confidential,  for  Use  of the  Commission  Only  (as  permitted  by  Rule
[_]  Definitive Proxy Statement
[_]  Definitive Additional Materials
[_]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12

                         Ameritrans Capital Corporations
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement
                          if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (check the appropriate box):

[X]  No fee required.

[_]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-b(i)(1) and 0-11

     (1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     (2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     (3)  Per unit  price  or other  underlying  value of  transaction  computed
          pursuant to Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the
          filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     (4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     (5)  Total fee paid:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[_] Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[_]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
     0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting  fee was paid
     previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration statement number,
     or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

     (1)  Amount previously paid:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     (2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     (3)  Filing party:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     (4)  Date filed:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                            DEFINITIVE PROXY MATERIAL

                           747 THIRD AVENUE, 4TH FLOOR
                               NEW YORK, NY 10017

                    Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders
                         To Be Held on December 21, 2001

To the Shareholders:

     The Annual Meeting of Shareholders of Ameritrans  Capital  Corporation (the
"Company")  will be held at the  offices of  Stursberg  & Veith,  405  Lexington
Avenue,  Suite 4949,  New York,  New York, on December 21, 2001 at 10:30 a.m. to
consider and act upon the following matters:

1.   To elect nine  directors  to serve until the next Annual  Meeting and until
     their successors are chosen and qualified.

2.   To ratify and approve the  selection  by the Board of Directors of Marcum &
     Kliegman,  LLP as the  Company's  independent  public  accountants  for the
     fiscal year ended June 30, 2002.

3.   To approve certain  amendments to the Company's  Employee Stock Option Plan
     (the "1999 Employee Plan Amendment").

4.   To approve certain amendments to the Company's  Non-Employee Director Stock
     Option Plan (the "Director Plan Amendment").

5.   A proposal to  authorize  the Company to issue  warrants  convertible  into
     shares of the Company's common stock.

6.   A proposal to  authorize  the Company to sell shares of its common stock at
     prices below the stock's current net asset value. (Passage of this proposal
     requires  both  the  affirmative  vote  of  a  majority  of  the  Company's
     outstanding  shares  entitled to vote on the proposal and a majority of the
     Company's  voting shares entitled to vote on the proposal which are held by

7.   Such  other  business  as may  properly  come  before  the  meeting  or any
     adjournment thereof.

     Shareholders of record at the close of business on November 9, 2001 will be
entitled to notice of and to vote at the meeting.  The stock  transfer  books of
the Company will remain open.

     All shareholders are cordially invited to attend the meeting.

                                              By Order of the Board of Directors

                                              MARGARET CHANCE, Secretary
November 20, 2001


                           PRELIMINARY PROXY MATERIAL

                           747 THIRD AVENUE, 4TH FLOOR
                            NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10017

                               Proxy Statement for
                         Annual Meeting of Shareholders
                                December 21, 2001

     This Proxy  Statement is furnished in connection  with the  solicitation of
proxies  by the  Board of  Directors  of  Ameritrans  Capital  Corporation  (the
"Company") for use at the Annual Meeting of  Shareholders to be held on December
21, 2001 and at any adjournment of that meeting.  In considering  whether or not
to have an adjournment, management will consider what is in the best interest of
the  shareholders.  All  proxies  will be voted as  marked.  Proxies  marked  as
abstaining  (including proxies containing broker non-votes) on any matters to be
acted  upon by  shareholders  will be treated  as  present  at the  meeting  for
purposes of  determining  a quorum but will not be counted as votes cast on such
matters.  Any proxy may be revoked  by a  shareholder  at any time  before it is
exercised  by  written or oral  request to  Margaret  Chance,  Secretary  of the
Company.  The date of mailing of this Proxy  Statement  is  expected to be on or
about November 20, 2001.

     The Board of  Directors  has fixed  November 9, 2001 as the record date for
the determination of shareholders entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting. At the
close of business on October 30, 2001,  there were  outstanding  and entitled to
vote 1,745,600 outstanding shares of common stock, par value $.0001 (the "Common
Stock"), of the Company. Each share is entitled to one vote.

     The Company's 2001 Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the Securities and
Exchange Commission, which includes financial statements for the year ended June
30, 2001, are being mailed to shareholders  with this Proxy  Statement,  but are
not  incorporated  into this Proxy Statement and are not to be considered a part
of the Proxy Statement or soliciting materials.

     The  following  table sets forth  information  concerning  ownership of the
Company's  Common  Stock as of October 30,  2001,  by each  person  known by the
Company to be the beneficial  owner of more than five percent (5%) of the Common

                                     Common Stock             Percent of
Name and Address                    Beneficially Owned  Common Stock Outstanding
- ----------------                    ------------------  ------------------------
Gary C. Granoff                         342,987(1)             19.64%
c/o Ameritrans Capital
747 Third Avenue, 4th Floor
New York, New York

Dan M. Granoff, M.D                     155,979(2)              8.9%
1085 Creston Road
Berkeley, California

Paul D. Granoff, M.D                    143,179(3)              8.2%
132 North Buckingham Drive
Aurora, Illinois

- ----------
(1) See Footnote 1 on page 7.

(2) See Footnote 9 on page 7.

(3) See Footnote 10 on page 7.

                                    Common Stock             Percent of
Name and Address                    Beneficially Owned  Common Stock Outstanding
- ----------------                    ------------------  ------------------------
Steven Etra                             136,617(4)              7.83%
Heather Hill
Brookville, New York

     Except as otherwise  indicated above, the persons listed in the above table
have sole voting and investment power with respect to their respective shares.

     All of the persons listed above,  for as long as they continue to hold five
percent  or more of the  Company's  outstanding  Common  Stock,  will be  deemed
"affiliated  persons" of the Company,  as such term is defined in the Investment
Company Act of 1940, as amended (the "1940 Act").

                                 PROPOSAL NO. 1
                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

     The  affirmative  vote of the  holders  of a majority  of the Common  Stock
present or represented at the meeting is required for the election of directors.
The persons  named in the proxy will vote,  as  permitted  by the By-Laws of the
Company,  to elect as directors the nine nominees named below,  unless authority
to vote for the  election of  directors is withheld by marking the proxy to that
effect or the proxy is marked with the names of directors  as to whom  authority
to vote is  withheld.  The proxy may not be voted for more than nine  directors.
All of the nine nominees are presently directors of the Company.

     Each director will be elected to hold office until the next annual  meeting
of  shareholders  and until his or her successor is elected and qualified.  If a
nominee  becomes  unavailable,  the person  acting  under the proxy may vote the
proxy for the election of a substitute.  It is not presently  contemplated  that
any of the nominees will be unavailable.

     The  following  sets forth the name of each nominee and the  positions  and
offices held by him or her, his or her age, the date on which he or she became a
director of the Company, his or her principal occupation and business experience
for the last five years and the names of other publicly-held  companies in which
he or she serves as a director:

Officer and Director Biographies

     Gary C.  Granoff,  age 53, has been  President and a director of Ameritrans
since  its  formation  and of Elk  Associates  Funding  Corporation  ("Elk"),  a
subsidiary  of the  Company,  since its  formation  in July 1979 and Chairman of
Elk's board of directors  since December 1995. Mr. Granoff has been a practicing
attorney for the past 28 years and is presently an

- ----------
(4)  See Footnote 6 on page 7.


officer and stockholder in the law firm of Granoff,  Walker & Forlenza, P.C. Mr.
Granoff is a member of the bar of the State of New York and the State of Florida
and is admitted to the United States District Court of the Southern  District of
New  York.  Mr.  Granoff  is also  President  and the  sole  stockholder  of GCG
Associates,  Inc.  ("GCG"),  Elk's former investment  adviser.  He has served as
President  and the  sole  stockholder  of  Seacrest  Associates,  Inc.,  a hotel
operator,  since August 1994. Mr. Granoff has also been President and a director
since June 1996 of Gemini Capital  Corporation  ("Gemini"),  a company primarily
engaged in the business of making  consumer  loans.  Mr.  Ganoff has also been a
director of Titanium  Holdings  Group,  Inc.,  formerly known as Enviro-Clean of
America, Inc. since September 1999. In February 1998, Mr. Granoff was elected to
and is  presently  serving as a trustee on the Board of  Trustees  of The George
Washington  University and is presently chairman of the Finance  Committee.  Mr.
Granoff holds a Bachelor of Business  Administration  degree in Accounting and a
Juris Doctor degree (with honors) from The George Washington University.

     Ellen M. Walker,  age 46, has been a Vice President,  General Counsel and a
director of  Ameritrans  since its  formation  and a Vice  President and General
Counsel of Elk since July 1983. In August 2001, Ms. Walker was elected to be the
Executive  Vice  President of the  Company.  She was a director of Elk from July
1983 to August 1994,  and has been a director of Elk since 1995.  Ms. Walker has
been a  practicing  attorney  for more than twenty years and she is presently an
officer and stockholder in the law firm of Granoff,  Walker & Forlenza, P.C. Ms.
Walker is a member of the Bar of the  State of New York and she is  admitted  to
the United States  District  Court of the Southern  District of New York.  Since
August 1983,  Ms.  Walker has been Vice  President of GCG. Ms. Walker has been a
director,  Vice  President  and General  Counsel of Gemini since June 1996.  Ms.
Walker  received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Queens  College and obtained her
Juris Doctor degree with honors from Brooklyn Law School.

     Lee A.  Forlenza,  age 43,  has been a Vice  President  and a  director  of
Ameritrans since its formation,  a Vice President of Elk since March 1992, and a
director of Elk since January 1995. In August 2001, Mr.  Forlenza was elected to
be Senior Vice  President  of the  Company.  Mr.  Forlenza has been a practicing
attorney since February 1983 and is presently an officer and  stockholder in the
law firm of Granoff,  Walker & Forlenza, P.C. Since March 1992, Mr. Forlenza has
been an investment  analyst for GCG. Mr.  Forlenza has also been Vice President,
Secretary  and a  director  of Gemini  since June 1996.  Mr.  Forlenza  was Vice
President of True Type  Printing,  Inc. from  1976-1995  and has been  President
since May 1995.  From 1983 through 1986,  Mr.  Forlenza was an attorney with the
SBA. Mr. Forlenza graduated Phi Beta Kappa from New York University and obtained
his Juris Doctor degree from Fordham University School of Law.

     Steven Etra, age 51, has been a Vice President and a director of Ameritrans
since its inception,  a Vice President of Elk since January 1999, and a director
of Elk since  November  1995.  Mr.  Etra has been  Sales  Manager  since 1975 of
Manufacturers  Corrugated Box Company,  a company owned by Mr. Etra's family for
more than  seventy-five  years.  Mr.  Etra has also been a director  of Titanium
Holdings Group,  Inc.,  formerly known as  Enviro-Clean  of America,  Inc. since
March 1999.  Mr. Etra has also been a director  of Gemini  since June 1996.  Mr.
Etra has extensive business experience in investing in emerging companies.


     Marvin  Sabesan,  age 71,  has been a  director  of  Ameritrans  since  its
inception and a director of Elk since July 1982.  Mr.  Sabesan has been employed
by Pearl River  Textiles,  Inc. as an executive  since 1990. He was an Executive
Vice  President  of N.O.L.  Inc.,  a lingerie  company,  from 1988 to 1990.  Mr.
Sabesan was an Executive  Vice  President of A.J.  Schneierson & Son, a clothing
manufacturer from 1971 to 1987.

     Paul  Creditor,  age 64,  has  been a  director  of  Ameritrans  since  its
inception and a director of Elk since  November  1995.  Mr.  Creditor has been a
practicing  attorney  since 1961,  engaging  in the general  practice of law and
specializing  in corporate  law.  From 1974 through 1979 he served as an elected
Judge in Suffolk  County,  New York.  He also  served as counsel to the New York
State Constitutional Convention and various State Agencies and Commissions.

     Allen Kaplan, age 50, has been a director of Ameritrans since its inception
and a director of Elk since November  1995. Mr. Kaplan has been,  since November
1986,  Vice  President  and Chief  Operating  Officer of Team  Systems,  Inc., a
company which manages and operates more than 200 New York City medallion  taxis.
Mr.  Kaplan is currently  Vice  President of the  Metropolitan  Taxicab Board of
Trade, a trade association consisting of 22 member fleets representing 1,200 New
York City medallions.


     John R. Laird,  age 58, has been a director of Ameritrans  and of Elk since
January 1999. Mr. Laird has been a private  investor since 1994, when he retired
from Shearson Lehman Brothers Inc.  ("Shearson").  Mr. Laird served as President
and Chief Executive Officer of the Shearson Lehman Brothers Division of Shearson
and as a member of the Shearson Executive Committee from 1992 to 1994. Mr. Laird
was  also  Chairman  and  Chief  Executive  Officer  of The  Boston  Company,  a
subsidiary of Shearson,  from 1990 until its sale by Shearson in 1993. From 1977
to 1989 Mr.  Laird was  employed  by  American  Express  in  various  capacities
including Senior Vice President and Treasurer.  He also is and has been a member
of boards of various cultural and philanthropic organizations, including but not
limited to, the Corporate  Advisory  Committee of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts
and the Board of Overseers for the Boston Symphony Orchestra. Mr. Laird received
a B.S.  in finance and an M.B.A.  from  Syracuse  University  and  attended  the
Advanced Management Program at Harvard Business School.

     Howard F.  Sommer,  age 60, has been a director  of  Ameritrans  and of Elk
since January 1999. Mr. Sommer has been President and Chief Executive Officer of
New  York  Community  Investment  Company  L.L.C.,  an  equity  investment  fund
providing  long-term  capital to small  businesses  throughout  the State of New
York,  since 1995. Mr. Sommer was President of Fundex Capital  Corporation  from
1978 to 1995, President of U.S. Capital Corporation from 1973 to 1995, worked in
management  consulting  from 1971 to 1973 and held various  positions at IBM and
Xerox  Corporations from 1962 to 1971. Mr. Sommer was also a member of the Board
of  Directors  for  the  National   Association  of  Small  Business  Investment
Companies,  serving on its executive committee from 1989 to 1993 and as Chairman
of the Board in 1994.  He received a B.S. in  electrical  engineering  from City
College of New York and  attended  the  Graduate  School of Business at New York

     The following is information regarding additional officers of the Company:

     Silvia Maria Mullens, age 50, has been a Vice President of Ameritrans since
its inception, a Vice President of Elk since 1996, and the Loan Administrator of
Elk since February 1994. Prior to joining Elk, she was the Legal Coordinator for
Castle Oil Corporation  from September 1991 through June 1993 and from June 1993
through January 1994, a legal assistant  specializing in foreclosures in the law
firm of Greenberg & Posner.  Ms. Mullens received a B.A. from Fordham University
and an M.B.A.  from The Leonard Stern School of Business  Administration  of New
York University.

     Margaret  Chance,  age 46,  has been  Secretary  of  Ameritrans  since  its
inception  and  Secretary  of Elk  and  involved  in loan  administration  since
November  1980. In August 2001, Ms. Chance was elected to be a Vice President of
the Company.  Ms.  Chance is the office  manager of Granoff,  Walker & Forlenza,
P.C. and has served as the  Secretary of GCG,  since  January  1982.  Ms. Chance
holds a paralegal certificate.

Security Ownership of Principal Stockholders and Management

     The following table sets forth certain information as to those persons who,
to the knowledge of Ameritrans, owned 5% or more of the outstanding Common Stock
of  Ameritrans  as of October 19, 2001,  and as to the officers and directors of
Ameritrans as a group:


                                NUMBER OF SHARES OF    PERCENTAGE OF OUTSTANDING
NAME                            COMMON STOCK OWNED     COMMON STOCK
- ----                            -------------------    -------------------------
*Gary C. Granoff                     342,987(1)               19.64%

*Ellen M. Walker                      57,374(2)                3.28%

*Lee A. Forlenza                      51,018(3)                2.92%

*Steven Etra                         136,617(4)                7.82%

Marvin Sabesan                        84,417(5)                4.83%
c/o  Pearl River Textiles, Inc.
990 Sixth Avenue
New York, NY

Paul Creditor                          7,556(6)                  **
747 Third Avenue, Ste. 4C
New York, NY

Allen Kaplan                          10,556(7)                  **
c/o  Executive Charge, Inc.
1440 39th Street
Brooklyn, NY

John L. Acierno                        5,556(8)                  **
c/o  Executive Charge, Inc.
1440 39th Street
Brooklyn, NY

John R. Laird                          5,656                     **
481 Canoe Hill Road
New Canaan, CT

Howard F. Sommer                       5,556                     **
c/o  New York Community
Investment Co., LLC
120 Broadway
New York, NY

Dan M. Granoff                       155,979(9)                8.93%
Children's Hospital
Oakland Research Institute
747 52nd Street
Oakland, CA

Paul D. Granoff                      143,179(10)               8.20%
c/o  Rush-Copley Medical Center
1900 Ogden Avenue
Aurora, IL  60504

All Officers and Directors as a      701,736(11)              40.20%
group (12 persons)

- ----------
*    Gary C. Granoff, Ellen M. Walker, Lee A. Forlenza, and Steven Etra are each
     "interested  persons" with respect to  Ameritrans  and Elk, as such term is
     defined in the 1940 Act.

** Less than 1%.


1.   Excludes (i) 28,933 shares owned  directly or  indirectly by Mr.  Granoff's
     wife, as to which he disclaims  beneficial  ownership.  Includes (i) 16,900
     shares owned by The Granoff Family Foundation,  a charitable  foundation of
     which Mr. Granoff and his father,  mother, and brother, Dan M. Granoff, are
     trustees;  (ii) 261  shares  held by GCG  Associates  Inc.,  a  corporation
     controlled by Mr. Granoff;  (iii) 77,084 shares owned by Dapary  Management
     Corp.,  a  corporation  controlled  by Mr.  Granoff and (iv) 30,000  shares
     issuable  upon the  exercise of  five-year  options  issued  under the 1999
     Employee Plan. See "Stock Option Plans."

2.   Includes (i) 200 shares held by Ms.  Walker as custodian  for her son; (ii)
     22,800  shares held by various  trusts of which Ms. Walker is a trustee and
     as to which she  disclaims  beneficial  ownership  (Mr.  Granoff  retains a
     reversionary  interest in 21,000 of such  shares),  and (iii) 20,000 shares
     issuable  upon the  exercise  of  ten-year  options  issued  under the 1999
     Employee Plan. See "Stock Option Plans."

3.   Includes  17,500  shares  issuable  upon the  exercise of ten-year  options
     issued to under the 1999 Employee Plan. See "Stock Option Plans."

4.   Includes (i) 27,000 shares held by Mr. Etra's wife;  (ii) 1,500 shares held
     by Mr.  Etra's  son;  (iii)  10,000  shares held by SRK  Associates  LLC, a
     limited liability  company  controlled by Mr. Etra, (iv) 10,000 shares held
     by Lance's Property  Development Corp. Pension Plan, of which Mr. Etra is a
     trustee  and (v) 17,500  shares  issuable  upon the  exercise  of  ten-year
     options issued under the 1999 Employee Plan. See "Stock Option Plans."

5.   Includes  21,387  shares held by Mr.  Sabesan and his wife as joint tenants
     and  28,551  shares  held by his wife.  Mr.  Sabesan  disclaims  beneficial
     ownership of the 28,551 shares held by his wife. Also includes 5,556 shares
     issuable  upon the exercise of ten-year  options  issued under the Director
     Plan. See "Stock Option Plans."

6.   Includes  5,556 shares  issuable upon  exercise of ten year options  issued
     under the Director Plan. See "Stock Options Plans."

7.   Includes  5,556 shares  issuable upon  exercise of ten year options  issued
     under the Director Plan. See "Stock Options Plans."

8.   Includes  5,556 shares  issuable upon  exercise of ten year options  issued
     under the Director Plan. See "Stock Options Plans."

9.   Includes (i) 10,900  shares owned by a charitable  foundation,  of which N.
     Henry Granoff, his wife, Jeannette Granoff,  Gary C. Granoff and Dr. Dan M.
     Granoff are the  trustees,  and (ii) 2,800  shares held in an IRA  Rollover
     Account for the benefit of Dr. Granoff.


10.  Includes  40,049 shares held by Dr. Paul Granoff  directly,  77,630 held by
     Granoff Family  Partners  Ltd., of which Dr. Granoff is a general  partner,
     and 25,500 shares held by the Granoff  Pediatric  Associates Profit Sharing
     Plan. Excludes 14,127 shares held by Dr. Granoff's wife, of which shares he
     disclaims beneficial ownership.

11.  Includes  100,000 shares issuable upon the exercise of 30,000 five-year and
     70,000  ten-year  options  issued under the 1999  Employee  Plan and 22,224
     shares  issuable  upon the  exercise of ten-year  options  issued under the
     Director Plan. See "Stock Option Plans."

     Except  pursuant to  applicable  community  property  laws or as  described
above,  each person  listed in the table  above has sole  voting and  investment
power,  and is both the owner of record and the  beneficial  owner of his or her
respective shares.

Compliance with Section 16(a) of the 1934 Act

     Section  16(a) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934 (the  "1934  Act")
requires the Company's officers and directors, and persons who own more than ten
(10%)  percent  of the  Company's  Common  Stock,  to file  initial  reports  of
beneficial ownership and changes in beneficial ownership with the Commission and
to furnish the Company with copies of all reports filed.

     Based solely on a review of the forms furnished to the Company,  or written
representations  from certain reporting  persons,  the Company believes that all
persons  who were  subject to  Section  16(a) in 2001  complied  with the filing



Directors and Executive Officers

     The following table sets forth certain information concerning the directors
and executive officers of the Company:

Name                                   Address                                             Position
- ----                                   -------                                             --------
Gary C. Granoff(1)(2)                  c/o Ameritrans Capital                              President and Chairman of
                                       Corporation                                         Board of Directors
                                       747 Third Avenue
                                       New York, New York

Ellen M. Walker(1)(2)                  c/o Ameritrans Capital                              Executive Vice President,
                                       Corporation                                         General Counsel and Director
                                       747 Third Avenue
                                       New York, New York

Lee A. Forlenza(1)(2)                  c/o Ameritrans Capital                              Senior Vice President and
                                       Corporation                                         Director
                                       747 Third Avenue
                                       New York, New York

Margaret Chance(2)                     c/o Ameritrans Capital                              Vice President and Secretary
                                       747 Third Avenue
                                       New York, New York

Silvia Mullens (2)                     c/o Ameritrans Capital                              Vice President
                                       747 Third Avenue
                                       New York, New York

Marvin Sabesan                         c/o Pearl River Textiles, Inc.                      Director
                                       990 Sixth Avenue
                                       New York, New York

Steven Etra                            55-25 58th Street                                   Vice President and
                                       Maspeth, New York                                   Director

Paul Creditor                          747 Third Avenue, Ste. 4C                           Director
                                       New York, New York

Allen Kaplan                           c/o Team Systems                                    Director
                                       30-17 40th Avenue
                                       Long Island City, New York

John Laird                             481 Canoe Hill Road                                 Director
                                       New Canaan, CT

Howard Sommer                          c/o New York Community Investment Co., LLC          Director
                                       120 Broadway
                                       New York, NY

- ----------
(1)  Ellen M.  Walker,  Gary C.  Granoff and Lee A.  Forlenza  are  officers and
     shareholders in the law firm of Granoff, Walker & Forlenza, P.C.

(2)  Mr. Gary C. Granoff, Ms. Ellen M. Walker, Mr. Lee A. Forlenza, Ms. Margaret
     Chance and Ms. Silvia Mullens are each "interested persons" with respect to
     the Company, as such term is defined in the 1940 Act.


Committees of the Board and Meeting Attendance

     Ameritrans  has  a  standing  Audit  Committee,   a  standing  Compensation
Committee and a 1999 Employee Plan Committee.

     The Audit Committee is presently comprised of Paul Creditor, John Laird and
Howard  Sommer.  The  function of the Audit  Committee is to review our internal
accounting control procedures,  review our consolidated financial statements and
review with the independent  public  accountants the results of their audit. The
Audit Committee held one formal meetings during fiscal 2001.

     The   Compensation   Committee   reviews  the  Company's   employment   and
compensation agreements with its employees. The committee is comprised of Marvin
Sabesan,  Allen Kaplan, and John Laird. The Compensation Committee was formed in
August, 2001 and has held one formal meeting.

     The 1999 Employee Plan  Committee  administers  the Company's 1999 Employee
stock  option  plan.  The 1999  Employee  Plan  Committee is comprised of Marvin
Sabesan,  Allen  Kaplan and John Laird.  The  committee  did not hold any formal
meetings during fiscal 2001.

 The Board of Directors held three formal meetings during fiscal 2001.  Seven of
the Board's ten members  attended all the three meetings and the remaining three
directors attended two of the three meetings.

Executive Compensation

     The following table sets forth all  remuneration  for services  rendered to
the  Company  to (i) each of the  executive  officers  and  (ii)  all  executive
officers as a group during the fiscal year ended June 30, 2001. No  non-employee
director received compensation in excess of $60,000 during that period.

NAME AND PRINCIPAL POSITION                             CASH COMPENSATION(1)                 SEP BENEFIT(2)
- -----------------------------                           --------------------                 --------------
Gary C. Granoff, President                                  $245,875(3)                        $25,500

Ellen M. Walker, Executive Vice President and General       $110,000                           $16,500

Lee A. Forlenza, Senior Vice President                       $50,000                           $ 7,500

Silvia Mullens, Vice President                               $83,974                           $12,596

Margaret Chance, Vice President and Secretary                $81,319                           $12,198

All executive officers as a group (5 persons)               $571,168                           $74,294

- ----------
(1)  Officers'  salaries  constitute a major portion of Elk's total  "management
     fee compensation,"  which must be approved by the SBA. The SBA has approved
     total  officer and employee  compensation  of $648,000 for Elk. This amount
     includes officers' salaries, other salaries and employee benefits.

(2)  Simplified Employee Pension Plan.

(3)  Does not include $25,000 of reimbursable expenses.

     Ameritrans  and Elk have a policy of  paying  their  directors  who are not
employees  fees  of  $750  for  each  meeting  attended.  Since  July  1,  1996,
non-employee directors have been paid annual fees of $2,000 per year in addition
to the  fees  paid  for  each  meeting  attended.  Fees  and  expenses  paid  to
non-affiliated directors were, in the aggregate, $32,375 for the year ended June
30,  1999,  $36,875 for the year ended June 30,  2000,  and $19,750 for the year
ended June 30, 2001.

     No options were granted to any of the Company's  named  executive  officers
during the fiscal year ended June 30, 2001.


Report of the Board of Directors as to Compensation Matters

     The  objectives  of  Ameritrans'  executive  compensation  program  are  to
establish  compensation levels designed to enable Ameritrans to attract,  retain
and  reward  executive  officers  who  contribute  to the  long-term  success of
Ameritrans  so as to enhance  stockholder  value.  The Board of Directors  makes
decisions  each year regarding  executive  compensation,  including  annual base
salaries and bonus awards,  and the 1999 Employee Plan Committee,  consisting of
non-interested  directors,  will make decisions each year regarding stock option
grants.  Option grants are key components of the executive  compensation program
and are intended to provide  executives with an equity interest in Ameritrans so
as to link a meaningful  portion of the  compensation of Ameritrans'  executives
with the performance of Ameritrans' Common Stock.

Compensation Philosophy

     Ameritrans' executive  compensation  philosophy is based on the belief that
competitive  compensation  is essential to attract,  motivate and retain  highly
qualified  and  industrious  employees.  Ameritrans'  policy is to provide total
compensation  that is competitive for comparable  work and comparable  corporate
performance.   The   compensation   program   includes  both   motivational  and
retention-related  compensation components. Bonuses may be included to encourage
effective  performance  relative to current plans and objectives.  Stock options
are included to help retain  productive  people and to more closely  align their
interest with those of stockholders.

     In  executing  its   compensation   policy,   Ameritrans  seeks  to  relate
compensation  with Ameritrans'  financial  performance and business  objectives,
reward high levels of individual  performance  and tie a significant  portion of
total  executive  compensation  to both the annual and long-term  performance of
Ameritrans.  While  compensation  survey data are useful guides for  comparative
purposes,  Ameritrans  believes  that a  successful  compensation  program  also
requires the application of judgment and subjective determinations of individual
performance,  and to that  extent the Board of  Directors  applies  judgment  in
reconciling  the program's  objectives  with the  realities of retaining  valued

Executive Compensation Program

     Annual  compensation for Ameritrans'  executives  consists of two principal
elements:  cash  compensation,  consisting  of salaries and  bonuses,  and stock

     Cash Compensation

     In setting the annual base salaries for Ameritrans'  executives,  the Board
of Directors reviews the aggregate salary and bonus compensation for individuals
in  comparable  positions  with  other  companies,   including   competitors  of
Ameritrans, and adjusts such amounts to reflect individual performance.  Many of
these  companies are specialty  finance  companies.  Ameritrans  also  regularly
compares  the  salary  levels  of its  executive  officers  with  other  leading

     Increases in annual base salary are based on a review and evaluation of the
performance  of the activity for which the  executive  has  responsibility,  the
impact of that activity on Ameritrans and the skills and experience required for
the job,  coupled with a comparison of these elements with similar  elements for
other executives both inside and outside Ameritrans.

     Cash bonuses are tied directly to Ameritrans' financial performance and the
contribution of the executive to such performance.


     We entered  into an  employment  agreement  with Gary Granoff for a term of
five (5) years dated as of July 1, 2001. The agreement  automatically renews for
another five (5) year term unless either party terminates prior to renewal.  The
agreement  provides that Mr.  Granoff will be paid an annual salary of $240,000,
which  increases  each year the  agreement  is in  effect.  The  agreement  also
provides that Mr. Granoff will be paid a yearly bonus,  at the discretion of the
Board of Directors, based on his and Ameritrans' performance. The agreement also
provides  for  compensation  to Mr.  Granoff  if he is  terminated  prior to the
expiration   of  his   employment   term,   a   confidentiality   provision,   a
non-competition  period for the term of the  agreement,  and a  non-solicitation
period for the term of the agreement and for one (1) year thereafter.

     We also entered into employment agreements with Ellen Walker, Lee Forlenza,
and Steven Etra.  The agreement  with Ms. Walker is for a term of five (5) years
dated as of July 1, 2001.  The agreement  automatically  renews for another five
(5) year term unless  either party  terminates  prior to renewal.  The agreement
provides  that Ms.  Walker  will be paid an  annual  salary of  $114,000,  which
increases each year the agreement is in effect. The agreement also provides that
Ms. Walker will be paid a yearly bonus,  at the discretion of Ameritrans,  based
on  her  and  the  Company's  performance.   The  agreement  also  provides  for
compensation  to Ms. Walker if she is terminated  prior to the expiration of her
employment term, a confidentiality  provision,  a non-competition period for the
term  of the  agreement,  and a  non-solicitation  period  for  the  term of the
agreement and for one (1) year thereafter.

     Lee Forlenza and Steven Etra's employment  agreements contain similar terms
and provisions as Mr.  Granoff and Ms. Walker,  but both are paid an amount less
than $100,000 per year. Accordingly, the specific terms of their agreements need
not be disclosed.

     We also anticipate entering into employment  agreements with Silvia Mullens
and Margaret Chance in the near term.


     The  descriptions of the 1999 Employee Plan and the Director Plan set forth
below are qualified in their entirety by reference to the text of the plans.


     An employee stock option plan (the "1999 Employee Plan") was adopted by the
Ameritrans  Board of  Directors,  including  a  majority  of the  non-interested
directors,  and approved by a  stockholder  vote,  in order to link the personal
interests of key employees to our long-term  financial success and the growth of
stockholder value. The 1999 Employee Plan is substantially identical to, and the
successor to, an employee stock option plan adopted by the Board of Directors of
Elk and approved by it  stockholders  in September  1998 (the "1998 Elk Employee

     The 1999  Employee  Plan  authorizes  the grant of incentive  stock options
within the meaning of Section 422 of the Internal  Revenue Code for the purchase
of an aggregate of 125,000  shares  (subject to adjustment  for stock splits and
similar capital changes) of common stock to our employees.  By adopting the 1999
Employee  Plan,  the  Board  believes  that we will be better  able to  attract,
motivate and retain as employees  people upon whose  judgment and special skills


our success in large measure depends.  As of June 30, 2001,  options to purchase
an  aggregate  of  100,000  shares of Common  Stock had been  granted to various
officers.  These  options were  originally  granted  under the Elk 1998 Employee
Plan.  Options for 70,000 shares are  exercisable  for 10 years from the date of
grant at a price of $8.88 per share (the fair market  value of the Common  Stock
on the date of grant),  and options for 30,000 shares are  exercisable  for five
(5)  years  from the date of grant at a price of $9.77 per  share.  Accordingly,
25,000  shares of Common Stock are  available  for future  awards under the 1999
Employee Plan.

     The 1999 Employee Plan is  administered by the 1999 Employee Plan Committee
of the Board of Directors,  which is comprised solely of non-employee  directors
(who are  "outside  directors"  within  the  meaning  of  Section  152(m) of the
Internal  Revenue Code and  "disinterested  persons"  within the meaning of Rule
16b-3 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the "1934 Act")). The committee
can make such  rules and  regulations  and  establish  such  procedures  for the
administration of the 1999 Employee Plan as it deems appropriate.


     A stock option plan for  non-employee  directors (the "Director  Plan") was
adopted by the Ameritrans Board of Directors and approved by a stockholder vote,
in  order  to link the  personal  interests  of  non-employee  directors  to our
long-term  financial  success and the growth of stockholder  value. The Director
Plan is  substantially  identical to, and the  successor  to, an employee  stock
option  plan  adopted  by the  Board of  Directors  of Elk and  approved  by its
stockholders in September 1998 (the "Elk Director Plan").

     The Director Plan provides for the automatic  grant of options to directors
who are  not  our  employees,  officers  or  interested  persons  (an  "Eligible
Director").  By adopting the Director  Plan,  the Board believes that we will be
better  able to  attract,  motivate  and retain as  directors  people upon whose
judgment  and special  skills our success in large  measure  depends.  The total
number of shares for which  options  may be granted  from time to time under the
Director Plan is 75,000 shares. The Director Plan is administered by a committee
of directors who are not eligible to participate in the Director Plan.


     In 1996,  Elk adopted a  simplified  employee  pension  plan  covering,  at
present, all eligible employees of the Company. Contributions to the plan are at
the discretion of the Board of Directors.  During the fiscal year ended June 30,
2001 contributions amounted to $77,289.

Gary C. Granoff's Fiscal 2001 Compensation

     The Board of Directors has set Gary C. Granoff's total annual  compensation
at a level it believes to be competitive  with the chief  executive  officers of
similarly  capitalized  specialty  finance  companies.  Gary C. Granoff,  in his
capacity as Chief  Executive  Officer,  is eligible to  participate  in the same
executive compensation program available to Ameritrans' other senior executives.


     Ameritrans has a standing Compensation  Committee which considers executive
compensation matters. The Compensation Committee is comprised of Marvin Sabesan,
Allen Kaplan and John Laird, all of whom are independent directors.

     Except for the transactions  described under "Certain Transactions" on page
13, no  interlocking  relationships  exist  between  the Board of  Directors  or
Compensation   Committee  of  any  other  company.  No  member  of  the  current
Compensation  Committee of any entity which has one or more  executive  officers
serving  as a  member  of the  Company's  Board  of  Directors  or  Compensation


     Although  Ameritrans'  Common Stock is listed on the Nasdaq SmallCap Market
trading  in  Ameritrans'  Common  Stock has been  extremely  limited,  making it
difficult to meaningfully compare the performance of Ameritrans' Common Stock to
that of other similar companies or a broad market index.  Therefore,  Ameritrans
has not included a stock performance graph.


     During the fiscal year ended June 30, 2001,  increases in compensation were
given to Gary C. Granoff,  Ellen M. Walker, Lee A. Forlenza,  Silvia Mullens and
Margaret Chance.

     Ameritrans  has a policy of paying its directors who are not employees fees
of $750 for each meeting attended.  Non-employee  directors are also paid annual
fees of $2,000 per year in addition to the fees paid for each meeting  attended.
Fees and expenses  paid to  non-affiliated  directors  were $36,875 for the year
ended June 30, 2001.

     No options were granted to any of the Company's  named  executive  officers
during fiscal year ended June 30, 2001.  On August 31, 1999 the Company  granted
22,224 options of the Company's Common Stock to four of the Company's directors,
and in January 2000 granted an  additional  11,112 to two  directors,  all at an
exercise price of $9.00 per share.

Certain Transactions

     Elk pays legal fees, on a fixed or hourly basis,  for loan closing services
relating  to loans  other  than New York  taxi and radio  car loan  closings  to
Granoff,  Walker & Forlenza,  P.C.  ("Granoff,  Walker") whose  stockholders are
officers and directors of Elk and Ameritrans.  Such services related to New York
taxi and radio car loans are provided by the officers and  employees of Elk. Elk
paid Granoff, Walker $28,865 in fees during the fiscal year ended June 30, 2001.
Elk generally  charges its borrowers loan origination fees to generate income to
offset the legal fees paid by Elk for loan closing services.

     We also rent office space from  Granoff,  Walker and share  certain  office
expenses  with that firm.  For the fiscal  year  ended  June 30,  2001,  we paid
$39,600  in rent,  $63,187  in shared  overhead  expense,  and  $28,114 of other
reimbursable shared overhead expense.

     During the fiscal year ended June 30, 1998,  Granoff,  Walker  exercised an
option in its lease, at our request,  and rented an additional 1,800 square feet
of  office  space  contiguous  with our  offices  at a below  market  rent  (the
"Additional Space"). Until we require the Additional Space, the law firm sublets
the Additional  Space to outside tenants under short-term  arrangements.  In the
event  all or a  portion  of the  Additional  Space is  vacant,  Elk's  Board of
Directors has agreed to reimburse the law firm for the additional  rent due. The
estimated  maximum  amount of rent for which we would be  responsible is $58,000
per year,  less any sublet  rental  income  received  from the outside  tenants.
During the year ended 2001, the additional space was fully occupied.  In August,
2001,  the  Company's  Board of  Directors  approved  the  execution of a formal
sublease with the law firm on financial terms and conditions consistent with the
prior arrangement for the period July 1, 2001 through April 30, 2004.


                                 PROPOSAL NO. 2

     The Board of  Directors,  including  a majority  of  directors  who are not
interested persons of the Company, subject to shareholder approval, has selected
Marcum & Kliegman,  LLP as independent  public accountants to be employed by the
Company  for the fiscal  year  ending  June 30,  2002,  to sign or certify  such
financial  statements,  or any portions thereof,  as may be filed by the Company
with the Commission or any other authorities at any time. The employment of such
independent  public  accountants  for such purpose is subject to approval by the
shareholders  at this  meeting.  No  member  of  Marcum &  Kliegman,  LLP or any
associate  thereof has a direct or indirect material  financial  interest in the
Company or any of its affiliates.

     The  affirmative  vote  of a  majority  of  the  Common  Stock  present  or
represented  at the meeting is required to ratify and approve the  selection  of
Marcum & Kliegman,  LLP as independent  public  accountants  for the Company for
fiscal 2002.

     A  representative  of Marcum & Kliegman,  LLP will be present at the Annual
Meeting of Shareholders for the purpose of answering  shareholder  questions and
making any other appropriate statement.

     The  fees  for  services  provided  by the  independent  accountant  are as

Audit Fees

     Fees for the last fiscal  year's  annual  audit were $52,500 and other fees
for  the  accountant's  review  of  the  financial  statements  included  in the
Company's Form 10-Q for the last fiscal year were $25,883.

Audit Related Fees

     Fees for audit  related  services for the last fiscal  year's  annual audit
were $23,516.

Financial Information Systems Design and Implementation Fees

     Fees for  professional  serrvices by the  accountants  related to financial
information systems design and implementation were $0.

All Other Fees

     Fees for services rendered by the independent  accountants  provided in the
above paragraphs were $51,463.

     The Board of Directors of the Company recommends a vote FOR Proposal No. 2.


                                 PROPOSAL NO. 3

     The   Company's   Board  of   Directors,   including   a  majority  of  the
non-interested  directors,  has adopted,  subject to  shareholder  approval,  an
amendment to the Company's  incentive stock option plan for employees (the "1999
Employee Plan") in order to link the personal  interests of key employees to the
long-term  financial success of the Company and the growth of shareholder value.
The 1999 Employee Plan  authorizes  the grant of incentive  stock options within
the meaning of Section 422 of the  Internal  Revenue Code for the purchase of an
aggregate of 125,000 shares  (subject to adjustment for stock splits and similar
capital  changes) of Common Stock to  employees  of the Company.  As of July 31,
2001,  options  underlying  100,000 shares have been granted to key employees of
the  Company.  The Board  proposed an  amendment  to the 1999  Employee  Plan to
increase the number of options  available for grant to a total of 200,000 shares
(the "Employee Plan  Amendment").  By adopting the 1999 Employee Plan Amendment,
the Board  believes  that the Company  will have  sufficient  share  reserves to
continue  to  attract,  motivate,  and  retain as  employees  people  upon whose
judgment and special skills the success of the Company in large measure depends.

     The 1999 Employee Plan is  administered by the 1999 Employee Plan Committee
of the Board of Directors,  which is comprised solely of non-employee  directors
(who are  "outside  directors"  within  the  meaning  of  Section  152(m) of the
Internal  Revenue  Code of 1986,  as amended  (the  "Code")  and  "disinterested
persons"  within the meaning of Rule 16b-3 under the Securities  Exchange Act of
1934 (the "1934 Act") (the "Committee")).  The Committee can make such rules and
regulations  and establish such  procedures for the  administration  of the 1998
Employee Plan as it deems appropriate.

     The exercise price of an incentive  stock option must be at the fair market
value of the  Company's  Common  Stock  on the  date of grant  (110% of the fair
market value for shareholders  who, at the time the option is granted,  own more
than  10%  of the  total  combined  classes  of  stock  of  the  Company  or any
subsidiary).  No employees  may exercise  more than  $100,000 in options held by
them in any year.

     No option  may have a term of more than ten  years  (five  years for 10% or
greater  shareholders).  Options  generally may be exercised  only if the option
holder remains continuously associated with the Company or a subsidiary from the
date of grant to the date of exercise.  However,  options may be exercised  upon
termination  of employment  or upon death or  disability of any employee  within
certain specified periods.

     The following is a general  summary of the federal income tax  consequences
under current tax law of incentive stock options  ("ISOs").  It does not purport
to cover all of the special rules,  including  special rules relating to persons
subject to the  reporting  requirements  of Section 16 under the 1934 Act who do
not hold the shares  acquired  upon the  exercise  of an option for at least six
months after the date of grant of the option and special  rules  relating to the
exercise of an option  with  previously-acquired  shares,  or the state or local
income or other tax consequences inherent in the ownership and exercise of stock
options and the ownership and disposition of the underlying shares.

     An  optionee  will not  recognize  taxable  income for  federal  income tax
purposes upon the grant of an ISO.


     Upon the  exercise  of an ISO,  the  optionee  will not  recognize  taxable
income. If the optionee disposes of the shares acquired pursuant to the exercise
of an ISO more  than two  years  after  the date of grant and more than one year
after the  transfer of the shares to him or her,  the  optionee  will  recognize
long-term  capital  gain or loss  and the  Company  will  not be  entitled  to a
deduction.  However, if the optionee disposes of such shares within the required
holding period,  all or a portion of the gain will be treated as ordinary income
and the Company will generally be entitled to deduct such amount.

     In addition to the federal  income tax  consequences  described  above,  an
optionee may be subject to the alternative minimum tax.

     The  description  of the 1999 Employee  Plan  Amendment set forth herein is
qualified in its entirety by  reference  to the text of the 1999  Employee  Plan
Amendment, a copy of which is attached as Appendix 1 to this Proxy Statement.

     The 1999 Employee Plan  Amendment was approved by the Board of Directors on
November  2,  2001,  to  become   effective   upon  approval  of  the  Company's

     The affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the outstanding shares
of  Common  Stock  is  required  for the  approval  of the  1999  Employee  Plan
Amendment.  The Board of Directors of the Company recommends a vote FOR Proposal
No. 3.

                                 PROPOSAL NO. 4

     In order to retain and attract  highly  qualified  directors  and to insure
close  identification  of  interests  between  non-employee  directors  and  the
Company's  shareholders,  the Company's Board of Directors  adopted the Director
Plan on May 21,  1999,  which  provides  for the  automatic  grant of options to
directors of the Company that are not  employees or officers of the Company upon
their election to the Board.  The Company  obtained an exemptive  order from the
Commission approving the Director Plan on August 31, 1999, and the Director Plan
was approved by the Company's  shareholders  on May 21, 1999.  The Director Plan
initially authorized the issuance of up to 75,000 shares of the Company's Common

     In order to  provide  the  Company  with  greater  flexibility  to adapt to
changing economic and competitive conditions and to attract and retain directors
who are important to the long-term  success of the Company,  the Board  proposed
the adoption of certain  amendments  to the Director  Plan (the  "Director  Plan
Amendment").  The Director Plan Amendment provides for the automatic grant of an
option to purchase  1,000  shares of the  Company's  Common Stock at the current
market value on the date of grant of such option to each  Non-Employee  Director
upon  such  Non-Employee  Director's  re-election  to  the  Board  ("Re-Election
Options").  The Director  Plan  Amendment  also  provides  that the  Re-Election
Options will commence with the annual meeting of  shareholders of the Company in
2001. Since the Re-Election Options will be automatic grants throughout the term
of the Director  Plan,  the Director Plan Amendment also includes an increase in
the  number of shares of Common  Stock  issuable  under the  Director  Plan from
75,000 to  125,000  shares  to ensure  that a  sufficient  number of shares  are
reserved for future automatic grants.

     The  Board's  approval  of the  Director  Plan  Amendment  was based on the
recommendation of the directors of the Company who are ineligible to participate
in the  Director  Plan,  that in order for the  Company  to  attract  and retain
Non-Employee  Directors  of the quality  necessary  to provide the Company  with
guidance that would contribute to increasing  shareholder value, the Re-Election
Options were necessary and appropriate.  In order to provide a sufficient number
of shares  of Common  Stock for  issuance  under the Plan upon  exercise  of the
Re-Election  Options,  as well as options granted to Non-Employee  Directors who
join the Board in the future,  the  Non-Employer  Directors  determined  that it
would be  appropriate  to increase the number of shares of Common Stock issuable
under the Director Plan by 125,000 shares.

     The  Director  Plan  Amendment  were  approved by the Board of Directors on
November 2, 2001,  to become  effective on the later of (i) the date of approval
of the Director Plan  Amendment by the  shareholders  of the Company or (ii) the
date  of  approval  of  the  Director  Plan  Amendment  by  the  Commission.  An
application for an exemption will be filed with the Commission.

     The Director Plan provides for the automatic  grant of options to directors
who are not our employees, officers or interested persons (an "Eligible


Director").  By adopting the Director  Plan,  the Board believes that we will be
better  able to  attract,  motivate  and retain as  directors  people upon whose
judgment and special skills our success in large measure depends.

     The Director  Plan  presently  provides  that any Eligible  Director who is
elected as a director will  automatically  receive on the date such director has
served as a director for one year of such election an initial option to purchase
the number of shares of Common Stock  determined by dividing $50,000 by the fair
market  value of the  Common  Stock on the date of the  first  anniversary  such
director became a director.

     The Director Plan is  administered  by a committee of directors who are not
eligible to participate in the Director Plan.  Options become  exercisable  with
respect to such shares  granted on the date on which the option was granted,  so
long as the optionee  remains an Eligible  Director.  No option may be exercised
more than five years after the date on which it is granted. The number of shares
available for options,  the number of shares subject to outstanding  options and
their exercise prices will be adjusted for changes in outstanding shares such as
stock splits and  combinations  of shares.  Shares  purchased  upon  exercise of
options,  in  whole  or in  part,  must be  paid  for in  cash  or by  means  of
unrestricted shares of Common Stock or any combination thereof.

     The following is a general  summary of the federal income tax  consequences
under  current tax law of  non-qualified  stock options  ("NQSOs").  It does not
purport to cover all of the special rules,  including  special rules relating to
persons  subject to the reporting  requirements of Section 16 under the 1934 Act
who do not hold the shares  acquired upon the exercise of an option for at least
six months after the date of grant of the option and special  rules  relating to
the exercise of an option with previously-acquired shares, or the state or local
income or other tax consequences inherent in the ownership and exercise of stock
options and the ownership and disposition of the underlying shares.

     Upon the exercise of a NQSO, the optionee will recognize ordinary income in
an amount  equal to the excess,  if any, of the fair market  value of the shares
acquired on the date of exercise over the exercise price  thereof,  and Elk will
generally  be  entitled  to a  deduction  for such  amount at that time.  If the
optionee later sells shares  acquired  pursuant to the exercise of a NQSO, he or
she will recognize  long-term or short-term  capital gain or loss,  depending on
the period for which the shares were held.  Long-term  capital gain is generally
subject to more  favorable  tax  treatment  than  ordinary  income or short-term
capital gains.

     If the option does not have a readily  ascertainable  fair market value, an
optionee will not recognize  taxable income for federal income tax purposes upon
the grant of an NQSO.

     Options granted under the Director Plan will not be transferable other than
by the laws of descent and during the  optionee's  life may be exercised only by
the optionee.  All rights to exercise  options will terminate after the optionee
ceases to be an Eligible Director. If the optionee dies before expiration of the
option,  his legal successors may have the right to exercise the option in whole
or in part within one year of death.

     The Director  Plan may be terminated at any time by the Board of Directors,
and will  terminate 10 years after the effective  date of the Director Plan. The
Board of Directors may not materially  increase the number of shares  authorized
under the plan or  materially  increase  the benefits  accruing to  participants
under the plan without the approval of our stockholders.

     The  exercise or  conversion  price of the options  issued  pursuant to the
Director  Plan  shall  be not  less  than  current  market  value at the date of
issuance, or if no such market value exists, the current net asset value of such
voting securities.

     The  description  of the  Director  Plan  Amendment  set  forth  herein  is
qualified  in its  entirety  by  reference  to the  text  of the  Director  Plan
Amendment, a copy of which is attached as Appendix 2.

     The affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the outstanding shares
of Common Stock is required for the approval of the Director Plan Amendment. The
Board of Directors of the Company recommends a vote FOR Proposal No. 4.


                                 PROPOSAL NO. 5

     The Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the "1940 Act"),  prohibits
the  Company,  as a business  development  company (a "BDC"),  from  selling its
Common Stock at a price less than the current net asset value per share for such
stock  unless  the  policy  and the  practice  of  doing so is  approved  by the
Company's  shareholders.  Pursuant to this provision,  the Company is requesting
that the  shareholders  authorize  the sale of the  Company's  Common Stock at a
price less than its then current net asset value per share of such stock.

     Frequently,  the stock of BDCs trade at prices below the  corresponding net
asset value. As shown in the following  table,  the high and low sales prices of
the Company's Common Stock has  periodically  been below the  corresponding  net
asset value per share:

                                   Sale Prices

                                                                 Net Asset
As of                     High                 Low            Value Per Share
- -----                     ----                 ---            ---------------
Fiscal 1999(1)
- -----------

1st Quarter             $11.25               $9.50                $7.84

2nd Quarter              11.00                9.125                7.85

3rd Quarter              10.625               8.875                7.85

4th Quarter               9.87                7.50                 7.87

Fiscal 2000(1)
- -----------

1st Quarter              14.125               7.00                 7.88

2nd Quarter              11.50                7.50                 7.68

3rd Quarter              10.00                6.00                 7.57

4th Quarter               9.25                6.00                 7.38

Fiscal 2001(1)
- -----------

1st Quarter              10.00                7.125                7.43

2nd Quarter               9.25                4.125                7.42

3rd Quarter               7.375               4.625                7.25

4th Quarter               5.25                4.00                 7.34

Fiscal 2002
- -----------

1st Quarter               5.75                4.00                 7.49

     This  indicates that should the Company desire to sell shares of its Common
Stock in either a public or  private  offering,  the price for such stock may be
below the then current net asset value per share, limiting the Company's ability
to raise additional equity capital.  Section 63(2) of the 1940 Act provides that
the Company may sell its Common Stock at prices below the then current net asset
value with shareholder

- --------
(1)  Prior to  December  16,  1999,  the stock  shown is that of Elk  Associates
     Funding Corporation ("Elk"). On December 16, 1999, the Company acquired Elk
     in a share-for-share exchange.


approval; provided that, in addition to shareholder approval, any such sales are
approved by a required  majority of the directors as being in the best interests
of the Company and its shareholders and after a required  majority of directors,
in  consultation  with the underwriter of the offering,  if it is  underwritten,
have determined in good faith, and as of a time  immediately  prior to the first
solicitation  by or on behalf of the Company of any firm  commitment to purchase
such securities or immediately  prior to the issuance of such  securities,  that
the price at which such securities are to be sold is not less than a price which
closely   approximates  the  market  value  for  those   securities,   less  any
distributing commission or discount.

     Presently,  the Company  depends  primarily  on bank  financing to fund its
operations.  The Company does not  anticipate  being able to obtain  substantial
increases  in its current  bank  financing  in the near  future.  The only other
source of funds available to the Company is through sales of its securities. For
these  reasons,  the Board of  Directors  believes  that it would be in the best
interest of the Company and its shareholders to raise additional  equity capital
to repay its bank indebtedness and to provide funds for its operations.

     Generally,  equity  securities  sold in private  and/or  public  securities
offerings are priced based on market  prices,  rather than net asset value.  The
Board of Directors is seeking the approval of the shareholders to offer and sell
Common Stock at prices that may be less than net asset value so as to permit the
flexibility in pricing that market conditions generally require.

     If the  shareholders  approve  this  proposal,  during  a  one-year  period
commencing on the date the shareholders approve this proposal,  the Company will
be  permitted,  but not  required or otherwise  obligated,  to sell newly issued
shares of its Common Stock for prices  below the net asset value.  The sale of a
substantial  number  of  shares  below  net  asset  value  would  dilute  the
percentage  interest  of the  Company's  present  shareholders.  In  determining
whether or not to sell  additional  shares at a price below the net asset value,
the  Board of  Directors  will  have  fiduciary  obligations  to act in the best
interest  of the Company  and its  shareholders,  and must comply with the other
requirements of Section 63(2) of the 1940 Act as described above.

Board Recommendations and Vote Required

     The Company believes this proposal is important  because of the flexibility
it would  provide in raising  additional  equity  capital even if the  Company's
stock is trading at prices below the net asset value. Consequently, the Board of
Directors recommends that the shareholders vote "FOR" this proposal. Approval of
this  requires  both  the  affirmative  vote  of a  majority  of  the  Company's
outstanding  shares  entitled  to vote on this  proposal,  and a majority of the
Company's outstanding shares entitled to vote on this proposal which are held by
non-affiliates of the Company.


                                 PROPOSAL NO. 6
                                WARRANT ISSUANCE

General Information

     The Board of  Directors  believes  it would be in the best  interest of the
Company  to have the  ability  to  issue  warrants  to  purchase  common  and/or
preferred stock under  appropriate  circumstances in connection with the capital
raising and financing activities of the Company. Sections 18(d) and 61(a) of the
1940 Act  restrict  the ability of a BDC such as the Company to issue  warrants,
options,  or rights to  subscribe  or to  convert  to voting  securities  of the
Company.  If such securities are to be issued,  the proposal must be approved by
the shareholders of the BDC. Thus, the Company's Board of Directors has approved
and  recommends  to the  shareholders  for their  approval a  proposal  to issue
warrants to purchase up to 400,000 shares of the Company's  Common Stock,  which
warrants may be  accompanied  by other  securities or may not be  accompanied by
other securities of the Company (the "Warrant Proposal").

Background and Reasons

     The Company's management and the Board of Directors have determined that it
would be  advantageous  to the Company to have the ability to issue  warrants to
purchase  common and/or  preferred  stock in  connection  with the financing and
capital  raising  activities  of the Company.  The ability to issue  warrants to
purchase  common  and/or  preferred  stock may be a  cost-effective  way for the
Company to raise  capital.  The  issuance of  warrants  is a common  practice in
connection with the sale of securities  through private  placements or obtaining
the debt  financing,  and approval of this  proposal  would place the Company in
substantially   the  same  position  as  corporations  that  are  not  companies
registered under the 1940 Act. Such warrants,  which may be issued in connection
with the  issuance of preferred  stock,  common  stock,  or debt by the Company,
typically  allow the purchaser of the  securities to participate in any increase
in the value of the issuer's or borrower's  common stock. They are often sold or
issued in conjunction with other securities that provide for a specified return,
such as promissory  notes or preferred  stock. If investors are able to share in
increases in the value of the common stock by means of warrants on common stock,
such  investors  typically  are  willing to accept a lower  specified  return on
promissory notes and/or preferred stock than they would without the warrants.

     However, Section 61(a) of the 1940 Act sets forth certain requirements with
regard to warrants that are not issued to directors, officers, or employees of a
BDC.  Specifically,  (i) such  warrants must expire within 10 years of issuance,
(ii) the  exercise  price for the  warrants  must not be less  than the  current
market value of the common stock at the date of warrant issuance,  and (iii) the
proposal to issue warrants must be authorized by the shareholders of the BDC and
the  individual  issuances must be approved by a majority of the BDC who are not
Interested  Persons on the basis that such  issuance is in the best  interest of
the BDC and its shareholders.  In addition,  if such warrants are accompanied by
other  securities when issued,  the warrants  cannot be separately  transferable
unless no class of such warrants and the securities that accompany them has been
publicly distributed.

     The Board of Directors has approved and is seeking shareholder  approval of
the Warrant Proposal to issue warrants to purchase up to


400,000 shares of Common Stock either accompanied by or not accompanied by other
securities  of the  Company.  The final  terms of any  warrants  (subject to the
requirements  noted  in  Section  61 of the  1940 Act  noted  above),  including
exercise price,  term, and vesting  requirements will be determined by the Board
of  Directors  at  the  time  of  issuance.  Also,  the  nature  and  amount  of
consideration  that would be received by the Company at the time of issuance and
the use of any such  consideration  will be considered and approved by the Board
of Directors at the time of issuance.  If such warrants are issued,  and if they
are subsequently  exercised,  it would increase the number of outstanding shares
of Common  Stock.  Any such  exercise  would be dilutive on the voting  power of
existing  shareholders  and could be dilutive with regard to dividends and other
economic  aspects of the Common  Stock.  Because  the number of shares of Common
Stock that could be so issued and the timing of any  issuance  is not  currently
known, the actual dilutive effect cannot be predicted.

Board Recommendations and Vote Required

The Board of Directors  believes that it is in the best interests of the Company
and its shareholders to adopt the Warrant  Proposal.  A majority of the votes of
all shares present,  represented, and entitled to vote is necessary for approval
of this proposal.  The Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR approval of this
warrant proposal.

                                 PROPOSAL NO. 7
                                  OTHER MATTERS

     The Board of Directors  does not know of any other  matters  which may come
before the meeting.  However, if any other matters are properly presented to the
meeting,  it is the intention of the persons named in the accompanying  proxy to
vote, or otherwise to act, in accordance with their judgment on such matters.

     All costs of  solicitation  of  proxies  will be borne by the  Company.  In
addition to solicitations by mail, the Company's directors, officers and regular
employees, without additional remuneration, may solicit proxies by telephone and
personal interview.

Deadline for Submission of Shareholder Proposals

     Proposals  of  shareholders  intended  to be  presented  at the 2002 Annual
Meeting  of  Shareholders  must be  received  by the  Company  at its  principal
executive  offices  not  later  than May 30,  2002 for  inclusion  in the  proxy
statement for that meeting. Mere submission of a proposal does not guarantee its
inclusion  in the Proxy  Statement  or its  presentation  at the  meeting  since
certain federal rules must also be met.

Requests for Financial Statements

     The  Company  will  furnish,  without  charge,  a  copy  of  its  financial
statements  for the fiscal  year ended June 30,  2001 to  shareholders  who make
written  request to the Company at 747 Third  Avenue,  4th Floor,  New York,  NY
10017 or call the Company collect at (212) 355-2449.

     The Board of Directors  invites  shareholders to attend the Annual Meeting.
Whether or not you plan to attend,  you are urged to  complete,  date,  sign and
return the enclosed proxy in the  accompanying  envelope.  Prompt  response will
greatly  facilitate  arrangements for the meeting,  and your cooperation will be
appreciated. Shareholders who attend the meeting may vote their stock personally
even though they have sent in their proxies.

                                              By Order of the Board of Directors

                                              MARGARET CHANCE, Secretary

November 20, 2001


                        PROXY FOR HOLDERS OF COMMON STOCK

                         Ameritrans Capital Corporation

     The undersigned holder of shares of common stock, $.0001 par value ("Common
Stock"),  of Ameritrans  Capital  Corporation (the "Company") hereby constitutes
and appoints Gary C. Granoff,  Ellen M. Walker,  and Margaret Chance and each of
them,  singly,  proxies and  attorneys  of the  undersigned,  with full power of
substitution  to each, for and in the name of the  undersigned,  to vote and act
upon all matters  (unless and except as expressly  limited  below) at the Annual
Meeting of Shareholders  of the Company to be held on  December 21,  2001 at the
offices of Stursberg & Veith,  405 Lexington  Avenue,  Suite 4949, New York, New
York at 10:30 a.m., and at any and all adjournments  thereof,  in respect of all
Common Stock of the Company held by the  undersigned  or in respect of which the
undersigned  would  be  entitled  to vote  or  act,  with  all  the  powers  the
undersigned would possess if personally present. All proxies heretofore given by
the undersigned in respect of said meeting are hereby revoked.

PROPOSAL 1.    To Elect Directors

               FOR  electing all nominees  listed (as  recommended  in the proxy
               statement) except as marked below _______

               Gary  C.  Granoff,  Ellen  M.  Walker,  Lee A.  Forlenza,  Marvin
               Sabesan, Steven Etra, Paul Creditor,  Allen Kaplan, John R. Laird
               and Howard F. Sommer.

               WITHHOLD AUTHORITY to vote for all nominees listed ______________

               (INSTRUCTION:  To withhold  authority to vote for any  individual
               nominee, write that person's name in the space provided.)


PROPOSAL       2. To ratify and  approve the  appointment  of Marcum & Kliegman,
               LLP as the  Company's  independent  public  accountants  for  the
               fiscal year ended June 30, 2002.

                      ____FOR               ____AGAINST              ____ABSTAIN

PROPOSAL 3.    To adopt the 1999 Employee Plan Amendment.

                      ____FOR               ____AGAINST              ____ABSTAIN


PROPOSAL       4. To adopt the Director Plan  Amendment  subject to the approval
               of the Securities and Exchange Commission.

                      ____FOR               ____AGAINST              ____ABSTAIN


PROPOSAL       5. To authorize  the policy and practice of selling  Common Stock
               of the Company at less than current net asset value per share.

                      ____FOR               ____AGAINST              ____ABSTAIN


PROPOSAL       6. To  authorize  the  issuance of  warrants  to purchase  common
               and/or preferred stock of the Company.

                      ____FOR               ____AGAINST              ____ABSTAIN

PROPOSAL 7. Such other matters as may properly come before the meeting.

                      ____FOR               ____AGAINST              ____ABSTAIN

                                    (continued and to be signed on reverse side)


Specify desired action by checkmarks in the appropriate  spaces.  The Proxy will
be voted as specified.  If no specification is made, the Proxy will be voted for
the nominees  named in the Proxy  Statement  to represent  the holders of Common
Stock and in favor of Proposals 2, 4, 5 and 6. The persons named as proxies have
discretionary authority, which they intend to exercise in favor of the proposals
referred  to and  according  to their best  judgment as to other  matters  which
properly come before the meeting.


No. of Shares: ________________________________    Dated: ______________________

- -----------------------------------------------    -----------------------------
(Print Name)                                       (Signature of Shareholder)

- -----------------------------------------------    -----------------------------
(Print Name)                                       (Signature of Shareholder)

The signature(s) on this Proxy should correspond  exactly with the shareholder's
name as  stencilled  hereon.  In the case of joint  tenancies,  co-executors  or
co-trustees,   both  should  sign.  Person(s)  signing  as  Attorney,  Executor,
Administrator, Trustee or Guardian should provide full title.

                                                                      Appendix 1


                              AMENDED AND RESTATED

     The purpose of the 1999  Incentive  Stock  Option  Plan (the  "Plan") is to
attract  and  retain  key  employees  of  Ameritrans  Capital  Corporation  (the
"Company")  and its  affiliates,  to  provide an  incentive  for them to achieve
long-range performance goals, and to enable them to participate in the long-term
growth of the Company by the granting of Incentive  Stock Options  (individually
referred to herein as an "Option" and collectively as "Options") to purchase the
Company's common stock, par value $0.01 par value (the "Common Stock").

     1.   Administration of the Plan.

     The  administration  of the Plan shall be under the general  supervision of
the 1999 Employee  Plan  Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company (the
"1999  Employee  Plan  Committee").  Within  the  limits of the  Plan,  the 1999
Employee Plan Committee  shall  determine the individuals to whom, and the times
at which,  Options  shall be  granted,  the type of Option  to be  granted,  the
duration of each Option,  the price and method of payment for each  Option,  and
the time or times within which  (during its term) all or portions of each Option
may be exercised.  The 1999 Employee Plan  Committee may establish such rules as
it  deems  necessary  for the  proper  administration  of the  Plan,  make  such
determinations and interpretations  with respect to the Plan and Options granted
under it as may be necessary or desirable and include such further provisions or
conditions  in  Options  granted  under the Plan as it deems  advisable.  To the
extent  permitted  by law, the 1998  Employee  Plan  Committee  may delegate its
authority under the Plan to a sub-committee of the 1998 Employee Plan Committee.

     2.   Shares Subject to the Plan.

          (a) Number of Shares.  The aggregate  number of shares of Common Stock
     of the Company which may be optioned under the Plan is 200,000  shares.  In
     the  event  that  the  1999  Employee  Plan  Committee  in  its  discretion
     determines   that   any   stock   dividend,   split-up,    combination   or
     reclassification  of  shares,  recapitalization  or other  similar  capital
     change  affects the Common Stock such that  adjustment is required in order
     to preserve the  benefits or  potential  benefits of the Plan or any Option
     granted under the Plan, the maximum  aggregate number and kind of shares or
     securities of the Company as to which Options may be granted under the Plan
     and as to which  Options then  outstanding  shall be  exercisable,  and the
     option price of such Options,  shall be appropriately  adjusted by the 1999
     Employee Plan Committee (whose  determination  shall be conclusive) so that
     the proportionate  number of shares or other securities as to which Options
     may be granted and the  proportionate  interest  of holders of  outstanding
     Options shall be maintained as before the occurrence of such event.

          (b)  Effect  of  Certain   Transactions.   In  order  to   preserve  a
     Participant's  (as defined  below) rights under an Option in the event of a
     change in control of the Company,  the 1999 Employee Plan  Committee in its
     discretion  may,  at the time an Option is made or at any time  thereafter,
     take one or more of the following actions: (i) provide for the acceleration
     of any time period relating to the exercise or payment of the Option,  (ii)
     provide for payment to the  Participant  of cash or other  property  with a
     fair market  value equal to the amount that would have been  received  upon
     the exercise or payment of the Option had the Option been exercised or paid
     upon the  change in  control,  (iii)  adjust  the terms of the  Option in a
     manner determined by the 1999 Employee Plan Committee to reflect the change
     in control,  (iv) cause the Option to be assumed, or new rights substituted
     therefor,  by another entity,  or (v) make such other provision as the 1998
     Employee Plan Committee may consider  equitable to the  Participant  and in
     the best  interests of the Company,  provided such action shall comply with
     Section  424 of the Code and will not render  any  Incentive  Stock  Option
     granted  hereunder to be other than an incentive  stock option for purposes
     of Section 422 of the Code.

          (c)  Restoration  of Shares.  If any Option  expires or is  terminated
     unexercised  or is  forfeited  for any reason,  the shares  subject to such
     Option, to the extent of such expiration,  termination or forfeiture, shall
     again be  available  for  granting  pursuant  to  Options  under  the Plan,
     subject,   however,  in  the  case  of  Incentive  Stock  Options,  to  any
     requirements under the Code (as defined below).

          (d)  Reservation  of Shares.  The Company shall at all times while the
     Plan is in force  reserve  such number of shares of Common Stock as will be
     sufficient to satisfy the requirements of the Plan. Shares issued under the
     Plan may consist in whole or in part of authorized  but unissued  shares or
     treasury shares.

     3.   Grant of Options; Eligible Persons.

          (a) Types of Options.  Options  shall be granted under the Plan either
     as incentive  stock  options  ("Incentive  Stock  Options"),  as defined in
     Section 422 of the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"),
     or  as  Options  that  do  not  meet  the   requirements   of  Section  422
     ("Nonstatutory Stock Options"). Options may be granted from time to time by
     the 1998 Employee Plan Committee, within the limits set forth in Sections 1
     and 3 of  the  Plan,  to all  employees  of the  Company  or of any  parent
     corporation  or  subsidiary  corporation  of the  Company  (as  defined  in
     Sections  424(e)  and (f),  respectively,  of the Code)  (such  individuals
     collectively referred to herein as "Participants").

          (b) Date of Grant. The date of grant for each Option shall be the date
     on which it is approved by the 1999 Employee  Plan  Committee or such later
     date as the 1999 Employee Plan  Committee may specify.  No Incentive  Stock
     Options shall be granted  hereunder  after ten years from the date on which
     the Plan was approved by the Board of Directors.

     4.   Form of Options.

          Options granted hereunder shall be evidenced by a writing delivered to
     the optionee  specifying  the terms and  conditions  thereof and containing
     such other terms and conditions not inconsistent with the provisions of the
     Plan as the 1999 Employee Plan Committee  considers  necessary or advisable
     to achieve


     the purposes of the Plan or comply with  applicable tax and regulatory laws
     and  accounting  principles.  The  form  of such  Options  may  vary  among

     5.   Option Price.

     The  price  at which  shares  may from  time to time be  optioned  shall be
determined by the 1999 Employee Plan  Committee,  provided that such price shall
not be less than the  current  market  value of the Common  Stock on the date of
grant,  and provided  further that no Incentive Stock Option shall be granted to
any individual who is ineligible to be granted an Incentive Stock Option because
his ownership of stock of the Company or its parent or  subsidiary  corporations
exceeds the limitations  set forth in Section  422(b)(6) of the Code unless such
option price is at least 110% of the current market value of the Common Stock on
the date of grant.

     To the extent permitted by law, the 1999 Employee Plan Committee may in its
discretion  permit the option  price to be paid in whole or in part by a note or
in  installments  or with  shares of Common  Stock of the  Company or such other
lawful consideration as the 1999 Employee Plan Committee may determine.

     6.   Term of Option and Dates of Exercise.

          (a)  Exercisability.  The 1999 Employee Plan Committee shall determine
     the term of all Options, the time or times that Options are exercisable and
     whether they are  exercisable  in  installments,  provided that the term of
     each Option  granted  under the Plan shall not exceed a period of ten years
     from the date of its grant,  and provided  further that no Incentive  Stock
     Option shall be granted to any  individual  who is ineligible to be granted
     such Option  because his ownership of stock of the Company or its parent or
     subsidiary  corporations  exceeds  the  limitations  set  forth in  Section
     422(b)(6)  of the Code unless the term of his  Incentive  Stock Option does
     not  exceed a period  of five  years  from  the date of its  grant.  In the
     absence of such determination,  the Option shall be exercisable at any time
     or from  time to time,  in whole or in part,  during a period  of ten years
     from the date of its grant or, in the case of an  Incentive  Stock  Option,
     the maximum term of such Option.

          (b) Effect of Disability, Death or Termination of Employment. The 1998
     Employee  Plan  Committee  shall  determine  the effect on an Option of the
     disability,  death,  retirement  or other  termination  of employment of an
     optionee  and the  extent  to which,  and  during  the  period  which,  the
     optionee's estate, legal representative,  guardian, or beneficiary on death
     may  exercise  rights  thereunder.   Any  beneficiary  on  death  shall  be
     designated by the optionee,  in the manner  determined by the 1999 Employee
     Plan  Committee,  to  exercise  rights of the  optionee  in the case of the
     optionee's death.

          (c) Other Conditions. The 1999 Employee Plan Committee may impose such
     conditions  with respect to the exercise of Options,  including  conditions
     relating to applicable  federal or state  securities  laws, as it considers
     necessary or advisable.

          (d)  Withholding.  The  optionee  shall  pay to the  Company,  or make
     provisions satisfactory to the 1999 Employee Plan Committee for payment of,
     any taxes  required by law to be  withheld in respect of any Options  under
     the Plan no later than the date of the event creating


     the tax  liability.  The Company and any parent  corporation  or subsidiary
     corporation  of the  Company  (as  defined  in  Sections  424(e)  and  (f),
     respectively,  of the Code) may, to the extent permitted by law, deduct any
     such tax  obligations  from any  payment of any kind  otherwise  due to the

          (e) Amendment of Options.  The 1999 Employee Plan Committee may amend,
     modify or terminate any outstanding Option, including substituting therefor
     another Option of the same or different type, changing the date of exercise
     or realization  and converting an Incentive  Stock Option to a Nonstatutory
     Stock Option,  provided that the optionee's consent to such action shall be
     required  unless  the 1999  Employee  Plan  Committee  determines  that the
     action,  taking into account any related  action,  would not materially and
     adversely affect the optionee.

     7.   Non-transferability.

     Options  granted  under the Plan  shall not be  transferable  by the holder
thereof  otherwise than by will or the laws of descent and  distribution  or, in
the  case  of a  Nonstatutory  Stock  Option,  to  the  extent  consistent  with
qualifying  for the  exemption  provided  by Rule  16b-3  under  the  Securities
Exchange  Act of 1934 (the  "Exchange  Act"),  pursuant to a qualified  domestic
relations order, and shall be exercisable, during the holder's lifetime, only by
him or her or such permitted transferee.

     8.   No Right to Employment.

     No persons  shall have any claim or right to be granted an Option,  and the
grant of an Option  shall not be  construed  as giving an optionee  the right to
continued  employment.  The Company expressly  reserves the right at any time to
dismiss an optionee free from any  liability or claim under the Plan,  except as
specifically provided in the applicable Option.

     9.   No Rights as a Shareholder.

     Subject to the  provisions  of the  applicable  Option,  no optionee or any
person claiming  through an optionee shall have any rights as a shareholder with
respect to any shares of Common Stock to be distributed  under the plan until he
or she becomes the holder thereof.

     10.  Amendment or Termination.

         The Board of Directors  of the Company may amend,  suspend or terminate
the Plan or any portion thereof at any time, subject to any shareholder approval
that the Board of Directors  determines to be necessary or  advisable,  provided
that the Participant's consent will be required for any amendment, suspension or
termination that would adversely affect the rights of the Participant  under any
outstanding Options.

     11.  Adjustment of Shares; Merger or Consolidation, Etc. of the Company.

          (a)  Recapitalization,  Etc.  In the event  there is any change in the
     outstanding  Common  Stock of the Company by reason of any  reorganization,
     recapitalization,  stock split,  stock dividend,  combination of shares, or
     otherwise, there shall be substituted for or added to


     each share of Common Stock theretofore  appropriated or thereafter subject,
     or which may become subject,  to any Option,  the number and kind of shares
     of stock or other  securities into which each  outstanding  share of Common
     Stock shall be so changed or for which each such share shall be  exchanged,
     or to which each such share shall be exchanged, or to which each such share
     shall be entitled, as the case may be, and the per share price thereof also
     shall be appropriately  adjusted.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,  (i) each
     such adjustment with respect to an Incentive Stock Option shall comply with
     the  rules of  Section  424(a)  of the Code and (ii) in no event  shall any
     adjustment  be made which would render any Incentive  Stock Option  granted
     hereunder  to be other  than an  incentive  stock  option for  purposes  of
     Section 422 of the Code.

          (b) Merger,  Consolidation,  or Change in Control of Company. Upon (i)
     the merger or consolidation of the Company with or into another corporation
     (pursuant to which the  stockholders  of the Company  immediately  prior to
     such  merger or  consolidation  will not,  as of the date of such merger or
     consolidation,  own a beneficial interest in shares of voting securities of
     the corporation  surviving such merger or  consolidation  having at least a
     majority  of  the  combined  voting  power  of  such   corporation's   then
     outstanding  securities),  if the agreement of merger or consolidation does
     not provide for (1) the continuance of the Options granted hereunder or (2)
     the substitution of new options for Options granted  hereunder,  or for the
     assumption  of  such  Options  by  the  surviving  corporation,   (ii)  the
     dissolution, liquidation, or sale of all or substantially all the assets of
     the Company to a person unrelated to the Company or to a direct or indirect
     owner of a majority of the voting power of the Company's  then  outstanding
     voting  securities  (such  sale of assets  being  referred  to as an "Asset
     Sale") or (iii) the Change in Control  of the  Company,  then the holder of
     any  such  Option  theretofore  granted  and  still  outstanding  (and  not
     otherwise  expired) shall have the right immediately prior to the effective
     date of such merger, consolidation,  dissolution,  liquidation, Asset Sale,
     or Change in Control of the Company to exercise such  Option(s) in whole or
     in part without regard to any installment provision that may have been made
     part of the terms  and  conditions  of such  Option(s);  provided  that all
     conditions  precedent  to the  exercise of such  Option(s),  other than the
     passage of time,  have occurred.  The Company,  to the extent  practicable,
     shall  give   advance   notice  to  affected   Optionees  of  such  merger,
     consolidation,  dissolution,  liquidation, Asset Sale, or Change in Control
     of the Company. Unless otherwise provided in the subject award agreement or
     merger, consolidation,  or Asset Sale agreement, all such Options which are
     not so  exercised  shall  be  forfeited  as of the  effective  time of such
     merger, consolidation,  dissolution, liquidation, or Asset Sale (but not in
     the case of a Change in Control of the  Company).  In the event the Company
     becomes a subsidiary of another  corporation  (the "Parent  Company")  with
     respect to which the stockholders of the Company (as determined immediately
     before  such  transaction)  own,  immediately  after  such  transaction,  a
     beneficial  interest in shares of voting  securities of the Parent  Company
     having at least a majority  of the  combined  voting  power of such  Parent
     Company's  then  outstanding  securities,  there shall be  substituted  for
     Options granted  hereunder,  options to purchase common stock of the Parent
     Company. The substitution  described in the immediately  preceding sentence
     shall be effected  in a manner  such that any option  granted by the Parent
     Company  to replace an  incentive  stock  option  granted  hereunder  shall
     satisfy the  requirements of Section 422 of the Code.  Notwithstanding  the
     foregoing,  the  holder  of any such  Option  shall  not have the  right to
     exercise  such Option if such  exercise  would render any  Incentive  Stock
     Options  granted  hereunder to be other than an incentive  stock option for
     purposes of Section 422 of the Code.


          (c) Definition of Change in Control of the Company.  As used herein, a
     "Change in Control of the Company"  shall be deemed to have occurred if any
     person  (including  any  individual,  firm,  partnership  or other entity),
     together with all Affiliates and Associates (as defined under Rule 12b-2 of
     the General Rules and  Regulations  promulgated  under the Exchange Act) of
     such  person  (but  excluding  (i) a  trustee  or other  fiduciary  holding
     securities  under an employee benefit plan of the Company or any subsidiary
     of the Company,  (ii) a corporation owned,  directly or indirectly,  by the
     stockholders of the Company in substantially  the same proportions as their
     ownership  of the  Company,  (iii) the  Company  or any  subsidiary  of the
     Company, or (iv) only as provided in the immediately  following sentence, a
     Participant together with all Affiliates and Associates of the Participant)
     who is not a stockholder  or an Affiliate or Associate of a stockholder  of
     the Company on the date of  stockholder  approval of the Plan is or becomes
     the  beneficial  Owner (as  defined  in Rule  13d-3  promulgated  under the
     Exchange  Act),  directly  or  indirectly,  of  securities  of the  Company
     representing 40% or more of the combined voting power of the Company's then
     outstanding  securities.  The provisions of clause (iv) of the  immediately
     preceding  sentence  shall apply only with respect to the Option(s) held by
     the Participant who, together with his Affiliates or Associates, if any, is
     or becomes the direct or indirect  Beneficial  Owner of the  percentage  of
     securities set forth in such clause.

     12.  Stockholder Approval.

     The Plan is subject to approval by the  stockholders  of the Company by the
affirmative  vote of the holders of a majority of the shares of capital stock of
the Company  entitled to vote  thereon and present or  represented  at a meeting
duly held in accordance  with the laws of the State of New York, or by any other
action that would be given the same effect under the laws of such  jurisdiction,
which  action in either case shall be taken  within  twelve (12) months from the
date the Plan was adopted by the Board of Directors.

     In the event such approval is not obtained,  all Options  granted under the
Plan shall be void and without effect.

     13.  Governing Law.

     The  provisions  of the  plan  shall  be  governed  by and  interpreted  in
accordance with the laws of the State of New York.

     This  Amended and  Restated  Plan was approved by the Board of Directors on
November  2,  2001.   This  Amended  and  Restated  Plan  was  approved  by  the
Shareholders on _____________.


                                                                      Appendix 2


                              Amended and Restated
                     Non-Employee Director Stock Option Plan

     This Amended and Restated Non-Employee Director Stock Option Plan dated May
21, 1999 (the "Plan")  governs  options to purchase  Common  Stock,  $0.0001 par
value (the "Common Stock"),  of Ameritrans  Capital  Corporation (the "Company")
granted  on or after the date  hereof by the  Company to members of the Board of
Directors (the "Board") of the Company who are not also  employees,  officers or
interested  persons (as defined in Section 2 below) of the Company.  The purpose
of the Plan is to attract and retain qualified  persons to serve as Directors of
the Company and to encourage ownership of stock of the Company by such Directors
so as to provide additional incentives to promote the success of the Company.

     1. Administration of the Plan.

     Grants of stock options (individually referred to herein as an "Option" and
collectively  as  "Options")  under the Plan shall be  automatic  as provided in
Section 6 hereof.  However,  all questions of interpretation with respect to the
Plan and  Options  granted  under it shall be  determined  by a  committee  (the
"Committee")  consisting of the Directors of the Company who are not eligible to
participate in the Plan, and such determination  shall be final and binding upon
all persons having an interest in the Plan.

     2. Persons Eligible to Participate in the Plan.

     Members of the Board who are not also  officers or employees of the Company
shall be eligible to participate in the Plan ("Eligible Directors").

     3. Shares Subject to the Plan.

          (a) Number of Shares.  The aggregate  number of shares of Common Stock
     of the Company which may be optioned under this Plan is 125,000 shares.  In
     the event of a stock dividend, split-up, combination or reclassification of
     shares,  recapitalization  or similar capital change relating to the Common
     Stock, the maximum aggregate number and kind of shares or securities of the
     Company as to which  Options may be granted under this Plan and as to which
     Options then  outstanding  shall be exercisable,  and the exercise price of
     such  Options,  shall be  appropriately  adjusted by the  Committee  (whose
     determination  shall be  conclusive)  so as to  preserve  the  value of the

          (b) Effect of Certain  Transactions.  In order to preserve an Eligible
     Director's  rights  under an Option in the event of a change in  control of
     the Company,  the Committee in its discretion may, on the Date of Grant (as
     defined in Section 6(b) below) or at any time thereafter,  take one or more
     of the  following  actions:  (i) provide for the  acceleration  of any time
     period relating to the exercise or payment of the Option,  (ii) provide for
     payment to the  Eligible  Director  of cash or other  property  with a fair
     market  value  equal to the amount that would have been  received  upon the
     exercise  or payment of the Option had the Option  been  exercised  or paid
     upon the  change in  control,  (iii)  adjust  the terms of the  Option in a
     manner  determined by the Committee to reflect the change in control,  (iv)
     cause the Option to be  assumed,  or new rights  substituted  therefor,  by
     another  entity,  or (v) make such other  provision  as the  Committee  may
     consider equitable to the Eligible Director and in the best interest of the

          (c)  Restoration  of Shares.  If any Option  expires or is  terminated
     unexercised  or is  forfeited  for any reason,  the shares  subject to such
     Option, to the extent of such expiration,  termination or forfeiture, shall
     again be available for granting pursuant to Options under the Plan.

          (d)  Reservation  of Shares.  The Company shall at all times while the
     Plan is in force  reserve  such number of shares of Common Stock as will be
     sufficient to satisfy the requirements of the Plan. Shares issued under the
     Plan may consist in whole or in part of authorized  but unissued  shares or
     treasury shares.

     4. Types of Options.

     All  Options  granted  under this Plan shall be  non-statutory  options not
entitled to special tax treatment under Section 422 of the Internal Revenue Code
of 1986, as amended.

     5. Form of Options.

     Options granted  hereunder shall be evidenced by a writing delivered to the
optionee  specifying the terms and conditions  thereof and containing such other
terms and  conditions  not  inconsistent  with the provisions of the Plan as the
Committee  considers  necessary or advisable to achieve the purposes of the Plan
or comply with applicable tax and regulatory laws and accounting principles.

     6. Grant of Options and Option Terms.

          (a) Initial Grant of Options. On the later of (i) August 31, 1999 (the
     "Initial Effective Date"), or (ii) the first anniversary of the election or
     appointment of such Director to the Board (the "First  Anniversary  Date"),
     providing  such Director is then serving,  each of the following  Directors
     shall  automatically be granted Options to purchase the number of shares of
     Common Stock determined by dividing $50,000 by the Current Market Value (as
     defined  in  Section  6(c)  below)  on the  date  indicated  opposite  each
     Director's  name (the  "Initial  Grants")  provided  each such  Director is
     serving on

     the Company's Board as an Eligible  Director on the Initial  Effective Date
     or the First Anniversary Date, as the case may be:

         Name of Director        Automatic Grant Date
         ----------------        --------------------
         Paul Creditor           Initial Effective Date
         John Acierno            Initial Effective Date
         Alan Kaplan             Initial Effective Date
         Marvin Sabesan          Initial Effective Date
         John Laird              First Anniversary Date
         Howard Sommer           First Anniversary Date

          (b)  Automatic  Grant  of  Options.  At  each  annual  meeting  of the
     stockholders  of the Company  after the Initial  Effective  Date,  each new
     Eligible Director elected at such meeting shall automatically be granted on
     such new Eligible  Director's  First  Anniversary  Date of such election an
     Option to  purchase  the  number of shares of Common  Stock  determined  by
     dividing  $50,000 by the Current  Market  Value of the Common Stock on such
     First Anniversary Date of such election. In addition,  upon the election of
     an  Eligible  Director  other  than at an annual  meeting  of  stockholders
     (whether by the Board or the  stockholders and whether to fill a vacancy or
     otherwise),  each such Eligible Director shall  automatically be granted an
     Option  on the  First  Anniversary  Date  of the  election  of an  Eligible
     Director other than at an annual meeting of  stockholders  to purchase that
     number of shares  that is  determined  by  dividing  $50,000 by the Current
     Market  Value of the  Common  Stock on the First  Anniversary  Date of such
     election. After the Initial Grants have been made, the subsequent grants of
     Options to  Eligible  Directors  upon the First  Anniversary  Date of their
     election to the Board shall be referred to as "Automatic Grants." The "Date
     of Grant" for the Initial Grants shall be the Approval Date and the Date of
     Grant for the Automatic  Grants shall be the First  Anniversary Date of the
     election  as a new  Eligible  Director,  whether  at an annual  meeting  or
     otherwise, as the case may be.

          (c)  Grants  Upon  Re-election.  At the first  annual  meeting  of the
     stockholders of the Company after the Approval Date, each Eligible Director
     re-elected  at  such  meeting  for the  second  time  or  more  time  shall
     automatically be granted on the Date of such re-election (the  "Re-election
     Date") an Option to purchase 1,000 shares of the Common Stock. In addition,
     upon the re-election of an Eligible Director for the second or more time at
     any  subsequent   annual  meeting,   each  such  Eligible   Director  shall
     automatically  be  granted  an  Option on the Date of such  re-election  to
     purchase 1,000 shares of the Common Stock.  After the Automatic Grants have
     been made, all subsequent grants of Options to Eligible  Directors upon the
     Re-election  Date of their  election  to the Board  shall be referred to as
     "Re-election  Grants." The "Date of Grant" for the Initial  Grants shall be
     the Approval Date, the Date of Grant for the Automatic  Grants shall be the
     First Anniversary Date of the election as a new Eligible Director,  whether
     at an annual  meeting  or  otherwise,  as the case may be,  and the Date of
     Grant for the Re-election  Grants shall be the Re-election Date. No Options
     shall be granted hereunder after ten years from the date on which this Plan
     was initially approved and adopted by the Board.

          (d) Exercise Price. The price at which shares may from time to time be
     optioned  shall be  determined by the  Committee,  provided that such price
     shall  not be less than the  current  market  value  (the  "Current  Market
     Value")  of the  Common  Stock on the date of grant,  or if no such  market
     value  exists,  then the current net asset value of the Common Stock of the
     Company or such other lawful consideration as the Committee may determine.

          (e) Term of Option.  The term of each Option  granted  under this Plan
     shall be five years from the Date of Grant.

          (f) Period of Exercise.  Options  granted under this Plan shall become
     exercisable commencing 12 months after the Date of Grant. Directors holding
     exercisable  Options under this Plan who cease to be Eligible Directors for
     any reason,  other than death,  may exercise the rights they had under such
     Options  at the time they  ceased  to be an  Eligible  Director;  provided,
     however,  no additional Options held by such Directors shall be exercisable
     thereafter. Upon the death of a Director, those entitled to do so under the
     Director's  will or the laws of  descent  and  distribution  shall have the
     right,  at any time  within  twelve  months  after  the date of  death,  to
     exercise in whole or in part any rights that were available to the Director
     at the time of his or her  death.  Options  granted  under  the Plan  shall
     terminate, and no rights thereunder may be exercised,  after the expiration
     of five years from their Date of Grant.

          (g) Method of Exercise and Payment.  Options may be exercised  only by
     written  notice of the  Company at its  executive  offices  accompanied  by
     payment of the full  exercise  price for the  shares of Common  Stock as to
     which they are  exercised.  The exercise  price shall be paid in cash or by
     check or by the surrender of unrestricted  shares of Common Stock or by any
     combination of the foregoing.  Upon receipt of such notice and payment, the
     Company shall  promptly  issue and deliver to the optionee (or other person
     entitled to exercise  the Option) a  certificate  or  certificates  for the
     number of shares as to which the exercise is made.

          (h) Non-transferability.  Options granted under this Plan shall not be
     transferable  by the holder  thereof  otherwise than by will or the laws of
     descent and  distribution,  and shall be  exercisable,  during the holder's
     lifetime, only by him or her.

          (i)  Withholding.  The  optionee  shall  pay to the  Company,  or make
     provisions  satisfactory  to the Company for payment of, any taxes required
     by law to be  withheld  in respect of any  Options  under the Plan no later
     than the date of the event creating the tax liability.  The Company and any
     parent corporation or subsidiary  corporation of the Company (as defined in
     Sections  424(e) and (f),  respectively,  of the Code)  may,  to the extent
     permitted by law, deduct any such tax  obligations  from any payment of any
     kind otherwise due to the optionee.

     7. Limitation of Rights.

          (a) No Right  to  Continue  as a  Director.  Neither  the Plan nor the
     granting of an Option or any other action taken pursuant to the Plan, shall
     constitute  an  agreement  or  understanding,  express or implied  that the
     Company  will retain an optionee as a Director for any period of time or at
     any particular rate of compensation.

          (b) No  Stockholders'  Rights for Options.  No Director shall have any
     rights as a  stockholder  with respect to the shares  covered by his or her
     Option until the date he or she  exercises  such Option and pays the Option
     price to the Company, and no adjustment will be made for dividends or other
     rights  for  which  the  record  date is prior to the date  such  Option is
     exercised and paid for.

     8. Amendment or Termination.

          The Board may amend,  suspend  or  terminate  the Plan or any  portion
     thereof at any time,  subject to any  stockholder  approval  that the Board
     determines  to be necessary or advisable,  provided that the  Participant's
     consent will be required for any amendment,  suspension or termination that
     would adversely affect the rights of the Participant  under any outstanding

     9. No  Fractional  Shares.  All grants of  Options  shall be rounded to the
nearest  whole  share and no Options  representing  fractional  shares  shall be

     10.  Governing  Law.  The  provisions  of the Plan shall be governed by and
interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of New York.

     11. Successor to Elk Associates Funding Corporation  Non-Employee  Director
Stock Option Plan.

          (a) Notwithstanding anything herein, this Plan shall be effective only
     upon the consummation of a Share Exchange Plan with Elk Associates  Funding
     Corporation  ("Elk") pursuant to which each outstanding share of the common
     stock,  par value  $0.01 per share of Elk (the "Elk Common  Stock"),  would
     vest  in the  Company,  Elk  would  become  a  wholly-owned  subsidiary  of
     Ameritrans,  and the  holders of all the  outstanding  shares of Elk Common
     Stock would become the stockholders of the Company and receive one share of
     the Company for each share of Elk owned (the "Share Exchange").

          (b) Upon  completion  of the Share  Exchange,  and without any further
     action on the part of the Company or of Elk, this Plan will be deemed to be
     the successor plan to the Elk Associates Funding  Corporation  Non-Employee
     Director  Stock  Option  Plan  (the  "Elk  Director  Plan"),   election  or
     appointment  as a  director  of  Elk  will  be  deemed  to be  election  or
     appointment  as a director of the Company for purposes of Sections 6(a) and
     (b) hereof, and options issued

     under Section 6(a) (Initial Grant of Options) of the Elk Director Plan will
     be  deemed  to have been  issued  pursuant  to this  Plan,  and (iii)  upon
     consummation of the Share Exchange,  options, if any, granted under the Elk
     Director Plan would be treated as options  granted under this Plan and will
     be exercisable only to purchase shares of the Company's Common Stock.

     This  Amended and  Restated  Plan was approved by the Board of Directors on
     November  2, 2001.  This  Amended  and  Restated  Plan was  approved by the
     Stockholders on _____________.  This Amended and Restated Plan was approved
     by the Securities and Exchange Commission on _____________.