Exhibit (a)(1)

any doubt about the action you should take, you should immediately  consult your
stockbroker, bank manager, solicitor,  accountant or other independent financial
adviser duly authorised under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 if you
are resident in the United Kingdom or, if not, another appropriately  authorised
independent financial adviser.

If you have sold or otherwise  transferred  all of your Innogy  Shares or Innogy
ADSs, please send this document,  together with the accompanying  documents,  as
soon as possible, to the purchaser or transferee, or to the stockbroker, bank or
other  agent  through  whom  the  sale  or  transfer  was  effected  for  onward
transmission to the purchaser or transferee.  However, such documents should not
be forwarded or transmitted in or into  Australia,  Canada or Japan or any other
jurisdiction if such action would constitute a violation of the relevant laws in
such jurisdictions. See paragraph 6 of Part B of Appendix I to this document.

This document  should be read in conjunction  with the  accompanying  Acceptance
Forms which form part of this document.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                             Recommended Cash Offer
                          a wholly-owned subsidiary of
                                     RWE AG
                       and (outside the United States) by
                                  Merrill Lynch
                                  on its behalf
                               Innogy Holdings plc

[LOGO] RWE                                                         [LOGO] Innogy
One Group.
Multi Utilities.

Holders of Innogy Shares

If you are a holder of Innogy  Shares and wish to accept  the Offer,  you should
complete the Form of Acceptance in accordance with the  instructions  set out in
paragraph 13 of the letter from Merrill  Lynch in this  document and on the Form
of Acceptance.

Return the completed Form of Acceptance (together with any appropriate documents
of title) using the enclosed reply-paid envelope as soon as possible, but in any
event so as to be  received  by the  Receiving  Agent not  later  than 3.00 p.m.
(London time), 10.00 a.m. (New York City time) on 26 April 2002.

If you are a CREST  sponsored  member,  you should  refer to your CREST  sponsor
before  completing the Form of Acceptance.  Only your CREST sponsor will be able
to send the necessary TTE Instructions to CRESTCo.

If you are a holder of Innogy  ADSs and wish to accept  the  Offer,  you  should
follow the  instructions  set out in paragraph  13(c) of the letter from Merrill
Lynch in this document and in the Letter of Transmittal.

Merrill  Lynch  is  acting  for  RWE  and the  Offeror  and  for no one  else in
connection  with the Offer and will not be  responsible to anyone other than RWE
and the Offeror for  providing  the  protections  afforded to clients of Merrill
Lynch or for providing advice in relation to the Offer.

CSFB and Deutsche  Bank are acting for Innogy and for no one else in  connection
with the Offer and will not be  responsible  to anyone  other  than  Innogy  for
providing the  protections  afforded to clients of CSFB and Deutsche Bank or for
providing advice in relation to the Offer.

The Offer in the  United  States  is made  solely by the  Offeror,  and  neither
Merrill  Lynch  nor any of its  affiliates  is making  the  Offer in the  United

Unless  otherwise  determined  by  RWE  and  permitted  by  applicable  law  and
regulation,  the Offer (including the Loan Note  Alternative) is not being made,
directly or indirectly, in or into, Australia,  Canada or Japan and the Offer is
not  capable  of  acceptance  from  or  within   Australia,   Canada  or  Japan.
Accordingly,  neither this document nor the Forms of Acceptance are being or may
be mailed or otherwise  forwarded,  distributed or sent into or from  Australia,
Canada or Japan and doing so may render any  purported  acceptance  of the Offer
invalid.  All  holders of Innogy  Shares and Innogy  ADSs  (including  nominees,
trustees or custodians) who may have a contractual or legal  obligation,  or may
otherwise intend,  to forward this document and/or the Acceptance Forms,  should
read the further details in this regard which are contained in paragraph 6(e) of
Part B of Appendix I to this document before taking any action.

The Loan Notes which may be issued  pursuant to the Loan Note  Alternative  have
not been,  and will not be, listed on any stock  exchange and have not been, and
will not be,  registered  under the US Securities Act or under any relevant laws
of any state or other jurisdiction of the United States, nor have the clearances
been,  nor will they be,  obtained  from the  securities  commission  or similar
authority of any province or territory of Canada and no prospectus  has been, or
will be, filed, or registration  made,  under any securities law of any province
or territory of Canada, nor has a prospectus in relation to the Loan Notes been,
nor will one be, lodged with, or registered  by, the  Australian  Securities and
Investments  Commission,  nor have any steps been  taken,  nor will any steps be
taken,  to enable the Loan Notes to be offered  in  compliance  with  applicable
securities  laws of Japan.  Accordingly,  unless  an  exemption  under  relevant
securities laws is available,  the Loan Notes may not be offered,  sold, re-sold
or  delivered,  directly  or  indirectly,  in,  into or from the United  States,
Australia,  Canada or Japan or any other  jurisdiction in which an offer of Loan
Notes would  constitute a violation of relevant laws or require  registration of
the Loan Notes, or to or for the account or benefit of any US person or resident
of Australia, Canada or Japan or any other such jurisdiction.

Any person (including nominees, trustees and custodians) who would, or otherwise
intends to, forward this document or the Form of Acceptance or any  accompanying
document to any jurisdiction outside the United Kingdom, should read paragraph 6
of Part B of Appendix I to this document before taking any action.


                              TO ACCEPT THE OFFER:

1.   Complete the Form of  Acceptance  in  accordance  with  paragraph 13 of the
     letter  from  Merrill  Lynch  contained  on  page 16 of  this  document.  A
     step-by-step  guide to completing  the Form of Acceptance  has been sent to
     you with this document.

2.   Return as soon as possible the completed Form of Acceptance (along with any
     appropriate  documents of title, such as your share  certificate) using the
     enclosed reply-paid envelope.

     If you require help contact the Helpline on:

                           0845 300 2527 in the UK*
                           866 867 1144 in the US or
                           +44 20 7335 7287 elsewhere

Acceptances of the Offer must be received by 3.00 p.m. (London time) on 26 April


1.   Complete the Letter of  Transmittal in accordance  with paragraph  13(c) of
     the letter from Merrill Lynch.

2.   Return as soon as possible the completed Letter of Transmittal  (along with
     any  appropriate  documents  of  title,  such as your  Innogy  ADRs) to the
     Depositary, using the enclosed reply-paid envelope.

*Calls charged at local rate


If you are a resident of the United States, please read the following:

                          Offer into the United States

The Offer is being made for  securities of a UK company and,  while the Offer is
subject to UK and US disclosure requirements,  US investors should be aware that
this Offer Document has been prepared in accordance  with a UK format and style,
which differs from the US format and style.  In  particular,  the  appendices to
this document  contain  information  concerning  the Offer required by UK and US
disclosure  requirements which may be material and which has not been summarised
elsewhere in this document. In addition,  the financial statements of the Innogy
Group reproduced in this document are presented in pounds sterling and have been
prepared in accordance with UK generally accepted accounting  principles and the
financial  statements of the RWE Group reproduced in this document are presented
in euro and have been  prepared  in  accordance  with  International  Accounting
Standards and thus may not be comparable to financial statements of US companies
or companies  whose  financial  statements  are prepared in  accordance  with US
generally accepted accounting principles.

Innogy is organised under the laws of England and Wales. RWE and the Offeror are
organised  under the laws of Germany.  Some or all of the officers and directors
of Innogy,  RWE and the Offeror are residents of countries other than the United
States  and all or a  substantial  portion of the  assets of  Innogy,  RWE,  the
Offeror and such officers and directors are located  outside the United  States.
As a result,  it may not be  possible  for US  shareholders  of Innogy to effect
service of process  within the United States upon Innogy,  RWE or the Offeror or
such persons or to enforce against any of them judgments of US courts predicated
upon the civil liability provisions of the federal securities laws of the United

As part of the Offer,  Innogy  Shareholders  who are eligible to do so may elect
for the Loan  Note  Alternative.  The  effect  of  electing  for the  Loan  Note
Alternative will be to allow eligible Innogy Shareholders  resident in the UK to
defer any taxable gain  arising on a disposal of their Innogy  Shares until such
time as the Loan Notes are  transferred  or redeemed.  Such tax treatment is not
available for the Loan Note Alternative under US federal income tax laws and the
Loan  Note  Alternative  is not  available  to  Innogy  Shareholders  who are US
persons.  The Loan Note  Alternative  is also not available to holders of Innogy

In  accordance  with the City Code,  normal UK practice and Rule 14e-5 under the
Exchange Act ("Rule 14e-5"),  Merrill Lynch, CSFB and Deutsche Bank and/or their
respective  affiliates will continue to act as connected exempt market makers or
connected  exempt  principal  traders  in  Innogy  Shares  on the  London  Stock
Exchange.  Information  regarding such  activities  which is required to be made
public in the United Kingdom pursuant to the City Code is reported to the London
Stock Exchange.  This  information  will also be made available to US holders of
Innogy  Shares and Innogy  ADSs,  on  contacting  the  Information  Agent on the

In  addition,  in  accordance  with normal UK practice and pursuant to exemptive
relief  granted  by the SEC from Rule  14e-5,  the  Offeror or its  nominees  or
brokers  (acting as agents) may make certain  purchases of, or  arrangements  to
purchase, Innogy Shares outside the United States during the period in which the
Offer remains open for acceptance.  In accordance with the  requirements of Rule
14e-5 and with the  exemptive  relief  granted by the SEC,  such  purchases,  or
arrangements to purchase,  must comply with  applicable UK rules,  including the
City  Code,  the rules of the UK Listing  Authority  and the rules of the London
Stock Exchange.  This information will be disclosed in the United States through
amendments to the Offeror's  Tender Offer  Statement on Schedule TO on file with
the SEC to the extent that such information is made public in the United Kingdom
pursuant  to the City  Code.  Free  copies of the  Tender  Offer  Statement  are
available on the SEC website at www.sec.gov.

Any person who, alone or acting together with any other person(s) pursuant to an
agreement  or any  understanding  (whether  formal or  informal)  to  acquire or
control  securities  of  Innogy,  owns or  controls,  or  becomes  the  owner or
controller,  directly  or  indirectly,  of one per cent.  or more of the  issued
Innogy Shares is generally  required  under the provisions of Rule 8 of the City
Code to notify the London Stock  Exchange and the Panel of every dealing in such
securities  during the Offer  Period.  Please  consult  your  financial  adviser
immediately if you believe this Rule may be applicable to you.

This document contains certain  "forward-looking"  statements within the meaning
of the United States federal  securities  laws.  These  statements are naturally
subject to  uncertainty  and changes in  circumstances.  Actual results may vary
materially  from  the  expectations   contained  herein.   The   forward-looking
statements  include  statements  about  the  feasibility  and  benefits  of  the
acquisition of Innogy by the Offeror. Factors that would cause actual results to
differ  materially from those described herein include:  the inability to obtain
necessary  regulatory  approvals  or to obtain  them on  acceptable  terms;  the
inability to integrate  successfully  Innogy  within the RWE Group or to realise
synergies from such integration; costs related to the acquisition of Innogy; the
economic environment of the industries in which RWE and Innogy operate;  failure
to retain Innogy  management;  regulatory  change in the UK electricity,  gas or
water markets;  change in the price of certain  commodities  including gas, coal
and  electricity;  the  general  economic  environment;  and other risk  factors
detailed in Innogy's  filings with the SEC and in the material  furnished to the

In the United  States,  the Offer is made  solely by the  Offeror,  and  neither
Merrill  Lynch  nor any of its  affiliates  is making  the  Offer in the  United


                               TABLE OF CONTENTS


FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS                                                     2

LETTER FROM THE CHAIRMAN OF INNOGY HOLDINGS PLC                                6


      1.    Introduction                                                      10
      2.    The Offer                                                         10
      3.    Loan Note Alternative                                             11
      4.    Background to and Reasons for the Offer                           12
      5.    Irrevocable Undertakings                                          13
      6.    Information on the RWE Group                                      13
      7.    Information on the Offeror                                        13
      8.    Information on the Innogy Group                                   14
      9.    Employee Matters and Share Incentive Plans                        14
      10.   Inducement Fee                                                    14
      11.   Taxation                                                          15
      12.   Overseas Holders of Innogy Securities                             15
      13.   Procedure for Acceptance of the Offer                             16
      14.   Rights of Withdrawal                                              20
      15.   Settlement                                                        20
      16.   Further Information                                               22
      17.   Action to be Taken                                                22

APPENDIX I Conditions and Further Terms of the Offer                          23

APPENDIX II Particulars of the Loan Notes                                     49

APPENDIX III Financial Information on the Innogy Group                        53

APPENDIX IV Financial Information on the RWE Group                            72

APPENDIX V Additional Information                                             88

APPENDIX VI Definitions                                                      112


                           FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS

The  following are some of the questions  you, as an Innogy  Shareholder  and/or
holder of Innogy ADSs, may have and answers to those questions.  You are advised
to read  carefully the remainder of this document and the  accompanying  Form of
Acceptance (in relation to Innogy Shares) or Letter of Transmittal  (in relation
to Innogy ADSs).

1. Who is offering to buy my shares?

The  Offer is being  made by the  Offeror,  a  wholly-owned  subsidiary  of RWE,
incorporated  in Germany for the purposes of making the Offer,  and (outside the
United  States) by Merrill  Lynch on its  behalf.  RWE is a German  corporation,
headquartered  in Essen,  Germany.  RWE common  stock's  main  listing is on the
Frankfurt Stock Exchange.

RWE  is  an  international   multi-utility  company.  Its  core  businesses  are
electricity,  gas, water, waste management and utility-related  services. In the
UK, RWE already owns Thames Water, which it successfully acquired in late 2000.

2. What are the classes and amounts of Innogy Securities sought in the Offer?

The  Offeror is seeking  to  acquire  all of the issued and to be issued  Innogy
Securities, comprised of:

- -    Innogy Shares listed on the London Stock Exchange; and

- -    Innogy ADSs listed on the New York Stock Exchange.

3. What would I receive in exchange for my Innogy Securities?

The Offeror is offering to pay:

for each Innogy Share                                          275 pence in cash

for each Innogy ADS (each Innogy ADS representing
   10 Innogy Shares)                                         2,750 pence in cash

4. How do I accept the Offer?

If you are a holder of Innogy Shares,  to accept the Offer, you must deliver the
certificates  representing your Innogy Shares, together with a completed Form of
Acceptance, to the Receiving Agent not later than the time and date on which the
Offer expires (see question 8 below).

If you are a holder of Innogy ADSs,  to accept the Offer,  you must deliver your
Innogy ADRs  evidencing  your Innogy ADSs,  together with a completed  Letter of
Transmittal,  to the  Depositary  not later  than the time and date on which the
Offer expires (see question 8 below).

If your Innogy ADSs are held in "street name" in the United States, your nominee
can tender them through the applicable book entry transfer system.  Also, in the
case of Innogy  ADSs,  if you  cannot get any  document  or  instrument  that is
required to be delivered by the expiration of the Offer,  you may gain some time
by following the procedures for guaranteed delivery.  See paragraph 13(c) of the
letter  from  Merrill  Lynch and  paragraph  10 of Part B of  Appendix I to this

5. How does the Offer  compare  with recent  prices of Innogy  Shares and Innogy

The Offer for Innogy Shares represents a premium of:

- -    31 per cent. to the Closing  Price of an Innogy Share on 15 February  2002,
     the last business day prior to the  announcement by Innogy  confirming that
     it had  received  approaches  which might or might not lead to an offer for
     Innogy; and

- -    36 per cent. to the average  Closing Price of an Innogy Share for one month
     prior to that announcement.


The Closing Price of Innogy Shares and Innogy ADSs was:

- -    on 15 February 2002: 210.25 pence per Innogy Share  US$29.55 per Innogy ADS

- -    on average for one
     month prior to 15
     February 2002:       202.08 pence per Innogy Share  US$28.55 per Innogy ADS

See  paragraph  3(c) of Appendix V to this  document  for the  variation  in the
prices of Innogy Shares and Innogy ADSs.

6. Do the Directors of Innogy support the Offer?

Yes. The  Directors of Innogy,  who have been so advised by Credit  Suisse First
Boston  and  Deutsche  Bank,  consider  the  terms  of the  Offer to be fair and
reasonable.  In providing advice to the Directors of Innogy, Credit Suisse First
Boston and Deutsche Bank have taken into account the  commercial  assessments of
the Directors of Innogy.  The  Directors of Innogy  unanimously  recommend  that
holders of Innogy  Securities accept the Offer, as they have undertaken to do in
respect of Innogy  Shares  held by them.  See the letter  from the  Chairman  of
Innogy in the next section of this document.

7. Does the Offeror have the financial resources to make payment?

Yes. The Offer will be financed from a combination of short-term  financings and
existing  liquid  resources.  The Offer is not  conditional  upon any  financing
arrangements. See paragraph 10(c) of Appendix V to this document.

8. How long do I have to accept the Offer?

You will have until 3.00 p.m. (London time), 10.00 a.m. (New York City time), on
26 April  2002,  to accept the Offer or  withdraw  your  acceptance,  unless the
Initial Offer Period is extended. In addition,  you may accept the Offer but not
withdraw  your  acceptance  during the  Subsequent  Offer  Period  except in the
limited  circumstances  described in paragraph 3 of Part B of Appendix I. If you
are a holder of Innogy ADSs and you cannot deliver  everything  that is required
in order to make a valid tender of Innogy ADSs by that time,  you may be able to
use a Guaranteed Delivery Procedure,  which is described later in this document.
See paragraph  13(c) of the letter from Merrill Lynch and paragraph 10 of Part B
of Appendix I to this document.

9. Until what time can I withdraw my acceptance?

The Initial Offer Period for  acceptances and withdrawals is the period from the
date of this  document  until  the time and date  (not  being  before  3.00 p.m.
(London time), 10.00 a.m. (New York City time), on 26 April 2002 and not, except
with the consent of the Panel,  being after 1.00 p.m.  (London time),  8.00 a.m.
(New York City time) on 27 May 2002) on which all the  Conditions are satisfied,
fulfilled or, to the extent permitted,  waived or, if earlier, the time and date
on which the Offer lapses.

Unless the Offer has lapsed,  the Subsequent  Offer Period starts as soon as the
Initial Offer Period  terminates.  The Subsequent  Offer Period must remain open
for at least 14 days but it may be  extended  beyond  that  time by the  Offeror
until a further specified date or until further notice.

You can withdraw your acceptance  during the Initial Offer Period but not during
the  Subsequent  Offer Period except in the limited  circumstances  described in
paragraph 3 of Part B of Appendix I. See  paragraph 3 of Part B of Appendix I to
this document.

10. Can the Offer be extended and under what circumstances?

If all of the Conditions  have not been either  satisfied,  fulfilled or, to the
extent permitted,  waived by the Offeror by 3.00 p.m. (London time),  10.00 a.m.
(New York City time), on 26 April 2002, the Offeror may choose, but shall not be
obliged, to extend the Initial Offer Period. The Offeror may also be required to
extend the Initial Offer Period under applicable UK and US securities laws if it
changes  the  Offer in any  material  respect.  The  Initial  Offer  Period  for
acceptances and withdrawals  cannot be extended beyond 1.00 p.m.  (London time),
8.00 a.m. (New York City time) on 27 May 2002 without the consent of the Panel.


Once all the Conditions have been either satisfied,  fulfilled or, to the extent
permitted,  waived by the  Offeror,  it will  extend the Offer for a  Subsequent
Offer  Period of at least 14 days.  See  paragraph  1 of Part B of Appendix I to
this document.

11. How will I be notified if the Offer is extended?

If the Offeror  extends  the Offer,  it will make a public  announcement  of the
extension not later than 8.00 a.m. (London time) in the United Kingdom, and 8.00
a.m. (New York City time) in the United  States,  on the next business day after
the day on which the Offer was scheduled to expire. See paragraph 2 of Part B of
Appendix I to this document.

The Offeror will also announce by not later than 8.00 a.m.  (London time) in the
United Kingdom,  and 8.00 a.m. (New York City time) in the United States, on the
business day  following the end of the Initial Offer Period that there will be a
Subsequent  Offer Period.  The  Subsequent  Offer Period will remain open for at
least 14 days but the  Offeror  may  extend it beyond  that time until a further
specified date or until further notice.

12. What are the most significant conditions to the Offer?

Unless  it  has  received  valid  acceptances  (which  have  not  been  properly
withdrawn) in respect of at least 90 per cent.  of the Innogy Shares  (including
Innogy  Shares  represented  by Innogy  ADSs) to which the  Offer  relates,  the
Offeror is not obliged to purchase any Innogy Shares  and/or  Innogy ADSs.  This
percentage may be reduced at the  discretion of the Offeror,  subject to certain
limits. At least five US business days prior to any reduction,  the Offeror will
announce that it may do this through a press release and an  advertisement  in a
newspaper with general circulation in the United States.

The Offeror is not obliged to purchase any Innogy  Shares and/or Innogy ADSs if,
among  other  things,  the  European  Commission  has not  indicated,  in  terms
reasonably  satisfactory to the Offeror,  that it does not intend to initiate an
in-depth investigation, or the applicable waiting period under the United States
Hart-Scott-Rodino  Antitrust  Improvements  Act of 1976 has not  expired or been

See Part A of Appendix I to this document.

13. How do I withdraw my acceptance?

To withdraw an  acceptance  in relation to the Offer for Innogy Shares or Innogy
ADSs,  you must  deliver  a  written  notice  of  withdrawal  with the  required
information to the Receiving Agent or the Depositary,  as applicable,  while you
still have the right to withdraw the Innogy Shares or Innogy ADSs. See paragraph
3 of Part B of Appendix I to this document.

14. Will the Offer be followed by a compulsory acquisition?

If all of the Conditions to the Offer are either satisfied,  fulfilled or, where
permitted,  waived and the Offeror has acquired 90 per cent. in nominal value of
Innogy Shares  (including  Innogy Shares  represented by Innogy ADSs) within the
statutory  time  period,  then the  Offeror  will be  entitled to and intends to
acquire all  remaining  Innogy  Shares and Innogy ADSs pursuant to the Companies
Act.  Innogy  Shareholders  and holders of Innogy ADSs subject to the compulsory
acquisition would be offered the same consideration as those Innogy Shareholders
and holders of Innogy ADSs who accept the Offer. See paragraph 7(c) of Part B of
Appendix I to this document.

15. If I decide not to accept, how will the Offer affect my securities?

If the Offeror is able to, it will acquire all Innogy Shares  (including  Innogy
Shares represented by ADSs) for which it has not received  acceptances  pursuant
to the compulsory  acquisition provisions of the Companies Act. The Offeror also
intends to procure  the making of an  application  by Innogy for the  removal of
Innogy  Shares from the  Official  List and for the  cancellation  of trading in
Innogy Shares on the London Stock Exchange's market for listed securities. It is
anticipated that cancellation of listing and trading will take effect no earlier
than 20 business  days after the Offer becomes or is declared  unconditional  in
all  respects.  The Offeror  also  intends to procure  that  Innogy  applies for
de-listing of the Innogy ADSs from the New York Stock Exchange. Such de-listings
and cancellation would significantly reduce the liquidity and marketability


of any Innogy Securities not tendered in the Offer. The Offeror may also request
that Innogy  terminate  the existing  deposit  agreement  through  which the ADS
programme is operated. See paragraph 12 of Appendix V to this document.

16. Can I choose the currency of the cash that I receive?

If you accept the Offer for Innogy  Shares,  you will receive the price for your
shares in pounds sterling.

If you accept the Offer for Innogy  ADSs,  you will  receive  the price for your
ADSs in US  dollars  unless  you  specifically  elect to  receive  it in  pounds

Where you are receiving US dollars,  the cash amount payable in pounds  sterling
to which you would otherwise be entitled pursuant to the terms of the Offer will
be converted, without charge, from pounds sterling to US dollars at the exchange
rate obtainable on the spot market in London at approximately noon (London time)
on the date the cash  consideration  is made  available  by the  Offeror  to the
Depositary  for delivery in respect of your Innogy ADSs. The actual amount of US
dollars  received  will depend upon the exchange  rate  prevailing on the day on
which funds are made available to the Depositary by the Offeror.

See  paragraph 15 of the letter from Merrill Lynch and paragraph 10 of Part B of
Appendix I to this document.

17. Will I have to pay any fees or commissions?

If you are the registered owner of your Innogy Shares and/or Innogy ADSs and you
accept the Offer,  you will not have to pay brokerage fees or similar  expenses.
If you own your  Innogy  Shares  and/or  Innogy  ADSs  through a broker or other
nominee,  and your  broker  accepts  the Offer on your  behalf,  your  broker or
nominee  may charge you a fee for doing so. You should  consult  your  broker or
nominee to determine whether any charges will apply.

18. Will I be taxed on the cash that I receive?

For UK tax purposes,  a UK resident  holder who accepts the Offer and elects for
the cash  consideration  will generally realise an immediate  chargeable gain or
allowable loss if the Offer becomes unconditional.

For US federal  income tax  purposes,  a US Holder  will  generally  recognise a
capital  gain or loss on the  exchange  of Innogy  Shares  or Innogy  ADSs in an
amount equal to the  difference  between the US Holder's tax basis in its Innogy
Shares or Innogy ADSs and the offer  consideration  valued in US  dollars.  A US
Holder may also recognise an exchange gain or loss due to currency fluctuations.

Further  information  regarding  the  application  of both US and UK tax laws to
holders of Innogy Securities who accept the Offer is set out in paragraphs 6 and
7 of Appendix V to this document.

19. Is there an alternative to cash consideration for my Innogy Securities?

As part of the Offer, Innogy Shareholders who are eligible to do so may elect to
receive some or all of their  consideration  in Loan Notes. For UK tax purposes,
the effect of electing for the Loan Note Alternative should be to allow eligible
Innogy  Shareholders  to defer any taxable  gain  arising on a disposal of their
Innogy  Shares  until such time as the Loan Notes are  transferred  or redeemed.
Such tax  treatment  is not  available  for the Loan Note  Alternative  under US
federal income tax laws and the Loan Note Alternative is not available to Innogy
Shareholders  who are US persons or persons  resident  in  Australia,  Canada or
Japan.  The Loan Note  Alternative  is also not  available  to holders of Innogy

20. Who can answer questions I might have about the Offer?

If you have any questions  about  procedures  for  acceptance of the Offer,  you
should contact the Helpline on one of the following numbers:

o    From the UK*: 0845 300 2527

o    From the US: 866 867 1144

o    From other countries: +44 20 7335 7287

*Calls charged at local rate


                 Letter from the Chairman of Innogy Holdings plc

[LOGO] Innogy

Innogy Holdings plc
Registered in England and Wales No. 3987817

Registered office:
Windmill Hill Business Park
Whitehill Way
Swindon SN5 6PB

                                                                   28 March 2002

To  holders of Innogy  Shares and Innogy  ADSs and,  for  information  only,  to
participants in the Innogy Share Incentive Plans

Dear Shareholder or ADS holder,

       Recommended Cash Offer on behalf of RWE AG for Innogy Holdings plc

The boards of RWE and Innogy  announced  on 22 March 2002 that they had  reached
agreement on the terms under which the business of Innogy will be combined  with
RWE by way of a  recommended  cash offer which is to be made by a subsidiary  of
RWE and  (outside  the United  States)  by  Merrill  Lynch on its behalf for the
entire issued and to be issued share capital of Innogy. This letter sets out the
background  to the Offer and the  reasons  why your  directors  are  unanimously
recommending that you accept it.

The Offer

The Offer,  which is  subject to the  Conditions  and  Further  Terms set out in
Appendix  I to  this  document  and in the  accompanying  Acceptance  Forms,  is
contained in the letter from  Merrill  Lynch which  follows this letter,  and is
being made on the following basis:

           for each Innogy Share                        275 pence in cash

           for each Innogy ADS                        2,750 pence in cash

The Offer values the existing  issued share  capital of Innogy at  approximately
(pound)3.1  billion  (EUR5.0  billion).  RWE estimates that Innogy's net debt at
closing will be approximately  (pound)2.1 billion (EUR3.4  billion)*.  The total
enterprise value under the Offer (including option adjustments) is approximately
(pound)5.2 billion (EUR8.5 billion).

*    Innogy's   latest   published  net  debt  as  at  30  September   2001  was
     approximately  (pound)2.4  billion (EUR3.8 billion).  RWE's estimate of net
     debt at closing  excludes any movement from  operational  cash flow from 31
     March 2002 until closing.

The Offer represents a premium of approximately:

o    31 per cent.  to the Closing  Price of 210.25  pence per Innogy Share on 15
     February  2002, the last business day prior to the  announcement  by Innogy
     confirming that it had received approaches which might or might not lead to
     an offer for Innogy; and

o    36 per cent.  to the average  Closing Price for the one month prior to that

In light of the  Offer,  the board of Innogy  has  agreed not to declare a final
dividend for the year ending 31 March 2002.


Loan Note Alternative

As an  alternative  to some or all of the cash  consideration  of 275  pence per
Innogy  Share  which  they  would  otherwise  receive  under the  Offer,  Innogy
Shareholders  (other than certain overseas  shareholders) who validly accept the
Offer will be able to elect to receive  Loan  Notes.  The Loan Note  Alternative
will be made available on the following basis:

    for every(pound)1 in cash consideration   (pound)1 nominal of Loan Notes

A summary  of the terms of the Loan Note  Alternative  is set out in the  letter
from Merrill Lynch and further details of the Loan Notes are set out in Appendix
II to this  document.  The  Loan  Notes  are to be  issued  by the  Offeror  and
guaranteed by RWE.

Information on the Innogy Group

Innogy is a leading  integrated UK energy  company  created in October 2000 from
the demerger of the  domestic UK energy  business of the former  National  Power
PLC. In 2001,  Innogy  acquired the electricity  supply  businesses of Yorkshire
Electricity  Group plc and  Northern  Electric  plc to  become  the  largest  UK
electricity supplier and the second largest UK gas supplier. It now comprises:

o    npower - a  leading  UK  energy  services  company  with  over 6.8  million
     customer accounts;

o    a trading and asset  management  business  with a 10 per cent.  share of UK
     electricity generation and a leading energy trading capability;

o    an international operations and engineering business;

o    National Wind Power - the UK's leading wind power business; and

o    Regenesys - a new  proprietary  technology  energy storage system suited to
     many different applications on power systems.

For the year  ended 31 March  2001,  Innogy  reported  proforma  net  income  of
(pound)217  million  (EUR351  million)  on net  sales  of  (pound)3,859  million
(EUR6,236 million).

Current Trading

Innogy  announced its interim results for the six months ended 30 September 2001
on 29 November 2001.  These results  outlined  turnover of (pound)1,562  million
(EUR2,524  million)  (restated  proforma  for the six months  ended 30 September
2000:  (pound)1,262 million;  EUR2,039 million) and profit before interest,  tax
and  exceptionals  of  (pound)108   million  (EUR175  million)  (proforma  2000:
(pound)88  million;  EUR142  million).  Subsequently,  Innogy has  continued  to
experience strong demand for its services with the business trading in line with
the Directors of Innogy's expectations.

Background to and Reasons for the Offer

Since its demerger  from National  Power PLC in October  2000,  Innogy has built
itself into a leading UK integrated  energy company.  Innogy's business combines
8.7 GW of flexible and  well-located  main  generation  capacity  with a leading
energy  trading and risk  management  capability and a customer base of over 6.8
million  accounts.  Through the successful  implementation  of a clear strategy,
management has built a strong reputation and created a good platform for growth,
both in its integrated  energy business and in its innovative  Regenesys  energy
storage business.

RWE is one of Europe's largest  electricity and gas companies.  The Directors of
Innogy believe that,  through the combination with RWE, Innogy's  prospects will
be  strengthened.  The  Directors  of Innogy also  believe that the Offer of 275
pence per Innogy Share provides  Innogy  Shareholders  with the most certain and
favourable  opportunity  to realise their  investment  at an  attractive  price.
Accordingly,  the Directors of Innogy have  unanimously  agreed to recommend the
Offer to Innogy Shareholders.


Management and Employees

The  Management  Board of RWE has  confirmed  to the  board of  Innogy  that the
existing rights,  including pension rights, of all employees of the Innogy Group
will be fully safeguarded.

RWE's UK energy  trading and supply  activities  will be combined  with Innogy's
business to create Innogy,  part of the RWE Group.  Overall risk management will
be integrated in the RWE headquarters. The headquarters of Innogy will remain in
Swindon,  United Kingdom.  The Chief Executive of Innogy,  Dr. Brian Count, will
report directly to Dr. Dietmar Kuhnt, Chairman of the Management Board of RWE.

Upon the Offer  becoming or being  declared  unconditional  in all respects,  my
fellow non-executive directors of Innogy and Iintend to resign from the board of

Innogy Share Incentive Plans

The Offer (subject to compliance with any applicable  local laws) extends to any
Innogy Shares  issued fully paid (or credited as fully paid) or  unconditionally
allotted or issued while the Offer remains open for  acceptance (or such earlier
date as RWE may, subject to the City Code, determine, not being earlier than the
date on which the Offer  becomes  unconditional  as to  acceptances),  including
Innogy Shares issued  pursuant to the Innogy Share  Incentive  Plans.  The Offer
extends to the Innogy  Shares  held in the Innogy  Employee  Share Trust and the
Innogy Shares held in the Innogy Profit Sharing  Trust.  If the Offer becomes or
is  declared  wholly  unconditional,  appropriate  proposals  will  (subject  to
compliance  with and to the extent  permitted by any  applicable  local laws) be
made to the  holders of  options  and awards  under the Innogy  Share  Incentive

Action to be Taken to Accept the Offer

Your attention is drawn to the letter from Merrill Lynch, the Appendices to this
document  and the  accompanying  Form of  Acceptance  or (if you are a holder of
Innogy ADSs) Letter of Transmittal. The procedure for acceptance of the Offer in
relation to Innogy  Shares is set out in paragraph 13 of the letter from Merrill
Lynch and in the Form of  Acceptance  or (if you are a holder  of  Innogy  ADSs)
Letter of Transmittal.

A separate step-by-step guide on how to fill in your form of acceptance has been
enclosed with this document.

If you are a holder of Innogy Shares,  in order to accept the Offer,  you should
complete and return the  accompanying  Form of  Acceptance,  whether or not your
Innogy Shares are in CREST, in accordance with the instructions  thereon as soon
as possible  and, in any event,  so as to be received by post or by hand (during
normal  business hours only) by the Receiving  Agent at Antholin House, 71 Queen
Street,  London  EC4N 1SL by no later than 3.00 p.m.  (London  time) on 26 April

If you require  further  assistance  on how to complete the Form of  Acceptance,
please call the Helpline. Please note that the Helpline will be unable to advise
you on whether or not to accept  the Offer or whether  you should  elect for the
Loan Note Alternative.

Your  decision as to whether or not to accept to receive cash or Loan Notes will
depend on your individual circumstances, including your tax position. Paragraphs
6 and 7 of  Appendix  V to  this  document  sets  out  certain  implications  of
acceptance of the Offer in relation to United Kingdom,  German and United States
taxation.  If you are in any doubt about the action you should take,  you should
immediately  consult your stockbroker,  bank manager,  solicitor,  accountant or
other  independent  financial  adviser,  duly  authorised  under  the  Financial
Services and Markets Act 2000, if you are resident in the United  Kingdom or, if
not, another appropriately authorised independent financial adviser.

If you are a holder of Innogy  ADSs,  in order to  accept  the Offer you  should
complete the Letter of  Transmittal in accordance  with  paragraph  13(c) of the
letter from Merrill Lynch.



The Directors of Innogy,  who have been so advised by Credit Suisse First Boston
and Deutsche Bank, consider the terms of the Offer to be fair and reasonable. In
providing  advice to the  Directors  of Innogy,  Credit  Suisse First Boston and
Deutsche  Bank  have  taken  into  account  the  commercial  assessments  of the
Directors of Innogy.

The Directors of Innogy unanimously recommend that you accept the Offer, as they
have undertaken to do in respect of Innogy Shares held by them representing,  in
aggregate, 87,661 issued Innogy Shares.

                                 Yours sincerely

                                /s/ Ross Sayers

                                   Ross Sayers


                            Letter from Merrill Lynch

[LOGO] Merrill Lynch
Merrill Lynch International

Registered in England (No: 2312079)
Registered Office: 25 Ropemaker Street, London, EC2Y 9LY
A Subsidiary of Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc., Delaware, U.S.A.

Regulated by The Financial Services Authority Limited
Member of the London Stock Exchange plc

To  holders of Innogy  Shares and Innogy  ADSs and,  for  information  only,  to
participants in the Innogy Share Incentive Plans

                                                                   28 March 2002

Dear Shareholder or ADS holder,


1 Introduction

This letter contains the formal Offer made by the Offeror, which is a subsidiary
of RWE,  and  (outside the United  States) by Merrill  Lynch on its behalf.  The
Offer and this document are subject to the applicable  requirements  of both the
City Code and US  federal  securities  laws,  subject  to  customary  exemptions
granted by the SEC in relation to the Offer.

Your  attention is drawn to the letter from the  Chairman of Innogy,  from which
you will see that the Directors of Innogy,  who have been so advised by CSFB and
Deutsche  Bank,  consider the terms of the Offer to be fair and  reasonable.  In
providing  advice to the Directors of Innogy,  CSFB and Deutsche Bank have taken
into  account  the  commercial  assessments  of the  Directors  of  Innogy.  The
Directors of Innogy  unanimously  recommend  holders of Innogy Shares and Innogy
ADSs to accept the Offer as they  intend to do in respect of Innogy  Shares held
by them.

2 The Offer

The Offeror  and  (outside  the United  States)  Merrill  Lynch on behalf of the
Offeror  hereby offer to acquire all of the Innogy Shares and Innogy ADSs on the
following basis:

     for each Innogy Share                                     275 pence in cash

     for each Innogy ADS                                     2,750 pence in cash

The Innogy  Shares and  Innogy  ADSs which are the  subject of the Offer will be
acquired  by the  Offeror  pursuant  to the Offer  fully  paid and free from all
liens,  charges,  equitable  interests,  third party  rights and  interests  and
encumbrances  and together with all rights now or hereafter  attaching  thereto,
including the right to receive all dividends  and other  distributions  (if any)
declared, made or paid after the date of the announcement of the Offer.

The Offer  extends to any Innogy  Shares which are  unconditionally  allotted or
issued prior to the date on which the Offer closes (or such  earlier  date,  not
being  earlier  than the date on which the Offer  becomes or is declared  wholly
unconditional, as the Offeror may, subject to the City Code, decide) as a result
of the exercise of options or rights  granted  under the Innogy Share  Incentive
Plans or otherwise, as described further in paragraph 9(b) below.


The Offer (including the Loan Note Alternative) is subject to the Conditions and
Further Terms set out in Appendix I to this document and the Acceptance Forms.

If you are an Innogy Shareholder, to accept the offer you should return the Form
of Acceptance,  together with all other required  documents  (such as your share
certificate(s)),  as soon as possible and, in any event, so as to be received by
the Receiving Agent by no later than 3.00 p.m. (London time) on 26 April 2002.

The procedure for  acceptance of the offer if you are an Innogy  Shareholder  is
set out in paragraph 13  ("Procedure  for Acceptance of the Offer") below and in
paragraph 8 of Part B of Appendix I to this  document,  and in the  accompanying
Form of Acceptance.

In addition, a separate  step-by-step guide to completing the Form of Acceptance
has been sent to you with this document.

If you are a holder of Innogy ADSs, you should follow the  instructions  set out
in  paragraph  13(c) below and in  paragraph  10 of Part B of Appendix I to this

3 Loan Note Alternative

Innogy  Shareholders  (other than  certain  overseas  shareholders)  who validly
accept the Offer will be able to elect to receive Loan Notes  instead of some or
all of the cash to which they would otherwise become entitled under the terms of
the Offer.  The Loan Note  Alternative  is being made available on the following

   for every (pound)1 in cash consideration   (pound)1 nominal of Loan Notes

The Loan Notes,  which will be governed by English law,  will be  unsecured  and
will be issued  credited  as fully paid in amounts  and  integral  multiples  of
(pound)1  nominal value.  All fractional  entitlements to the Loan Notes will be
disregarded.  No  application  will be made for the Loan  Notes to be  issued or
dealt in on any stock exchange but they will be transferable  subject to certain
restrictions to be set out in the instrument constituting the Loan Notes.

The Loan Notes will carry  interest  at 0.5 per cent.  below six month GBP LIBOR
(as  described  in  paragraph 2 of  Appendix  II).  Interest  will be payable by
half-yearly  instalments  in arrears (less any tax) on 10 January and 10 July in
each year.  The first  payment of interest  will be made on the date (the "First
Payment Date"), which is the first 10 January or 10 July to fall on or after the
date which is six months after the first date of issue of any of the Loan Notes.
On the First Payment  Date,  interest will be paid in respect of the period from
(and  including)  the  first  date of  issue  of any of the  Loan  Notes to (but
excluding) the First Payment Date. The Loan Notes will be redeemable in whole or
in part for cash at the  option of  Noteholders  on the First  Payment  Date and
subsequent  interest  payment  dates.  No Loan Notes may be redeemed  before the
First  Payment  Date.  In  certain  circumstances  (set  out in  the  instrument
constituting the Loan Notes),  RWE will have the right to redeem all of the Loan
Notes. The final redemption date will be 10 January 2008. The Loan Notes will be
guaranteed by RWE.

No Loan  Notes will be issued  unless,  on or before the date on which the Offer
becomes or is declared unconditional in all respects,  valid elections have been
received in respect of at least (pound)5 million in nominal value of Loan Notes.
If insufficient  elections are received,  Innogy  Shareholders  electing for the
Loan Note  Alternative will instead receive cash in accordance with the terms of
the Offer.

Subject as aforesaid,  the Loan Note Alternative will remain open for acceptance
for so long as the Offer remains open for acceptance.  The Loan Note Alternative
will be conditional  upon the Offer becoming or being declared  unconditional in
all respects.

Merrill Lynch,  financial adviser to RWE and the Offeror, has advised that based
on market  conditions on 26 March 2002 (the last  practicable  date prior to the
posting of this document),  in its opinion,  if the Loan Notes had been in issue
on that date,  the value of each (pound)1  nominal of Loan Notes would have been
approximately 99 pence.


Innogy  Shareholders  and  holders of Innogy  ADSs who are not  resident  in the
United  Kingdom should refer to paragraph 12 below and paragraph 10 of Part B of
Appendix I.

4 Background to and Reasons for the Offer

The  Directors  of RWE believe  that the  acquisition  of Innogy has  compelling
strategic rationale. It represents RWE's largest international energy investment
and a further important step in RWE's  international  multi-utility  development

Through the merger with VEW AG, the  acquisition of Thames Water and the pending
acquisitions of American Water Works Company,  Inc. and Transgas,  a.s., RWE has
already made significant  progress in the  implementation  of its  multi-utility
strategy.  In  particular,  with  the  acquisition  of  Thames  Water,  RWE  has
successfully   acquired  and  developed  a  leading   position  in  the  UK  and
international  water markets and the financial  benefits of this combination are
now being realised. The acquisition of Innogy affords RWE an equivalent position
in the UK energy market from which RWE has, until now, been largely absent.

Innogy's transformation

Over the last few  years,  Innogy  has  transformed  itself  into a  leading  UK
integrated  energy  company  with a balanced  position  between  generation  and
supply. Innogy:

o    has 8,713 MW of installed capacity in its main generation portfolio.  These
     stations  benefit from a balanced fuel mix  (including  dual fuel capacity)
     and their flexibility and southern location positions Innogy to be a winner
     under NETA;

o    is a leading  player in the UK CHP sector  and has  developed  an  exciting
     portfolio of renewable energy generation;

o    is a major UK participant  in the trading of electricity  and fuels and has
     an  experienced   trading  team  maximising  value  across  its  integrated

o    has the  well-recognised,  national  brand of  npower  and,  following  the
     acquisition of the Yorkshire  Electricity  Group plc and Northern  Electric
     plc supply businesses, has over 6.8 million customer accounts; and

o    is developing a range of products and services aimed at its retail customer
     base in telecoms, energy-related activities and financial services.

Innogy's  management has proved itself to be highly  successful in the UK market
and has developed a strong platform from which the business can be taken forward
as part of the RWE Group.

Substantial benefits

The Directors of RWE believe that  significant  benefits will accrue to RWE from
the combination with Innogy.

o    Multi-utility roll-out

     -    In the UK, Innogy  complements  RWE's  existing  position in the water
          industry, held through Thames Water. Together, Innogy and Thames Water
          provide  the  best  essential  service  customer  platform  in the UK,
          encompassing  the  largest  electricity,  the  largest  water  and the
          second-largest gas customer bases.

     -    The Innogy management has been pursuing a strategy of extracting value
          from its customer base by achieving scale, folding its regional brands
          into the national npower brand, consolidating its billing and customer
          care systems onto a new  platform,  cutting  costs and  launching  new
          products   including  telecoms  and  financial   products.   RWE  will
          wholeheartedly support this strategy.


o    Other UK opportunities

     -    RWE  believes  that it  will  derive  significant  benefits  from  the
          opportunities presented by the substantially enlarged customer base.

     -    Further  benefit  will be  derived  from the  strengthened  UK  market
          position.  In particular,  RWE expects to improve the  procurement and
          delivery of services in its UK operations.

     -    The  integration  of Innogy and RWE's UK trading  and  industrial  and
          commercial energy supply businesses will provide additional benefits.

o    Transfer  of  experience  from  liberalised  markets  and  exchange of best

     -    Innogy's highly regarded  management will play a leading role in RWE's
          energy strategy, in the UK and elsewhere.

     -    Innogy provides customer skills to RWE that can be rolled out to RWE's
          continental  European energy customer base of some 13 million accounts
          and across its existing UK customer base.

     -    RWE believes  that there are mutual  benefits  through the transfer of
          best practice  around the Group.  Innogy's  experience in operating in
          deregulated  markets  will also be of  benefit,  as well as its proven
          transaction and integration experience.

The enlarged group will be the number one  electricity  supplier in both Germany
and the UK (the  largest  and third  largest  European  markets,  respectively),
consolidating  RWE's top three  electricity  position in Europe. In this region,
RWE and Innogy  together will be the second largest power  generator and will be
the third largest electricity supplier by volume.

Earnings enhancement

The transaction is expected to be earnings per share accretive on a pre-goodwill
basis in the first  full year  following  completion.  ROCE  (return  on capital
employed), including goodwill, is expected to be above RWE's pre-tax electricity
cost of capital in the third full year of consolidation at the latest.*

*This  statement  should not be  interpreted  to mean that the  earnings per RWE
share for the current or future financial years will necessarily match or exceed
the historical published earnings per RWE share.

5 Irrevocable Undertakings

RWE has received irrevocable undertakings to accept the Offer from the Directors
of Innogy in respect of Innogy Shares held by them  representing,  in aggregate,
87,661, currently issued Innogy Shares.

6 Information on the RWE Group

RWE is today one of the leading international  multi-utility companies. Its core
businesses are electricity,  gas, water,  waste  management and  utility-related
services.  Following its merger with VEW AG, the acquisition of Thames Water and
the pending  acquisitions  of American Water Works  Company,  Inc. and Transgas,
a.s.,  RWE will rank as number one in the German  electricity  market and number
three in Europe;  number two in the German gas market and number five in Europe;
number  three in the  world for  water;  and  number  one in  Germany  for waste

In the  full  financial  year  ended  30  June  2001,  RWE  generated  sales  of
(pound)38.9  billion  (EUR62.9  billion).  In the truncated  financial half year
ended 31 December 2001, RWE Group's  162,340  employees  generated sales of some
(pound)20.6  billion  (EUR33.3  billion).  Under the  management  of the Group's
holding company, major subsidiaries are responsible for market operations.

RWE expects the operating  result for the current year to exceed the  comparable
proforma  figure for the 2001 calendar year.  This will primarily be driven by a
further increase in results generated by core businesses.


7 Information on the Offeror

The Offeror was  incorporated on 21 February 2002 and has its registered  office
at Opernplatz 1, D-45128 Essen, Germany. The Offeror, a wholly-owned  subsidiary
of RWE,  has been formed for the  purposes of making the Offer and has a nominal
share  capital of EUR50,000.  To date,  the Offeror has engaged in no activities
other than those incidental to its organisation and the making of the Offer.

8 Information on the Innogy Group

Innogy is a leading  integrated UK energy  company  created in October 2000 from
the demerger of the  domestic UK energy  business of the former  National  Power
PLC. In 2001,  Innogy  acquired the electricity  supply  businesses of Yorkshire
Electricity  Group plc and  Northern  Electric  plc to  become  the  largest  UK
electricity supplier and the second largest UK gas supplier. It now comprises:

o    npower - a  leading  UK  energy  services  company  with  over 6.8  million
     customer accounts;

o    a trading and asset  management  business  with a 10 per cent.  share of UK
     electricity generation and a leading energy trading capability;

o    an international operations and engineering business;

o    National Wind Power - the UK's leading wind power business; and

o    Regenesys - a new  proprietary  technology  energy storage system suited to
     many different applications on power systems.

     For the year ended 31 March 2001,  Innogy  reported  proforma net income of
     (pound)217  million (EUR351  million) on net sales of (pound)3,859  million
     (EUR6,236 million).

9 Employee Matters and Share Incentive Plans

(a)  Management and Employees

     The  Management  Board of RWE has confirmed to the board of Innogy that the
     existing rights,  including  pension rights, of all employees of the Innogy
     Group will be fully safeguarded.

     RWE's UK  energy  trading  and  supply  activities  will be  combined  with
     Innogy's  business to create  Innogy,  part of the RWE Group.  Overall risk
     management will be integrated in the RWE headquarters.  The headquarters of
     Innogy will remain in  Swindon,  United  Kingdom.  The Chief  Executive  of
     Innogy,  Dr.  Brian  Count,  will  report  directly to Dr.  Dietmar  Kuhnt,
     Chairman of the Management Board of RWE.

(b)  Innogy Share Incentive Plans

     The Offer (subject to compliance with any applicable local laws) extends to
     any  Innogy  Shares  issued  fully  paid (or  credited  as  fully  paid) or
     unconditionally  allotted  or  issued  while  the  Offer  remains  open for
     acceptance  (or such  earlier  date as RWE may,  subject  to the City Code,
     determine,  not being  earlier  than the date on which  the  Offer  becomes
     unconditional as to  acceptances),  including Innogy Shares issued pursuant
     to the Innogy Share Incentive Plans. The Offer extends to the Innogy Shares
     held in the Innogy  Employee  Share Trust and the Innogy Shares held in the
     Innogy Profit  Sharing  Trust.  If the Offer becomes or is declared  wholly
     unconditional,  appropriate  proposals will (subject to compliance with and
     to the  extent  permitted  by any  applicable  local  laws)  be made to the
     holders of options and awards under the Innogy Share Incentive Plans.

10 Inducement Fee

As an  inducement  to RWE to make the Offer,  RWE and Innogy have entered into a
letter agreement.  Such letter agreement provides for (i) Innogy to pay to RWE a
fee of  (pound)20  million  (EUR32  million) if the Offer lapses or is withdrawn
following  a competing  offer and such  competing  offer  becomes or is declared
unconditional in all respects;  and (ii) RWE to pay to Innogy the same amount if
the Offer does not become or is not declared  unconditional in all respects as a
result of the regulatory  conditions to the Offer not being satisfied in certain


11 Taxation

(a)  UK Taxation

     Information on UK tax law and Inland Revenue practice applicable to holders
     of Innogy  Shares and Innogy  ADSs who  accept  the Offer is  contained  in
     paragraph 6 of Appendix V to this document.

     Each  holder of Innogy  Shares  and  Innogy  adss is urged to  consult  his
     independent financial adviser immediately regarding the tax consequences of
     acceptance of the Offer and/or election for the Loan Note Alternative.

(b)  US Taxation

     Information on certain US federal income tax consequences  applicable to US
     Holders of Innogy  Shares and Innogy ADSs who accept the Offer is contained
     in paragraph 7(a) of Appendix V to this document.

     Each  holder of Innogy  Shares  and  Innogy  adss is urged to  consult  his
     independent financial adviser immediately regarding the tax consequences of
     acceptance of the Offer.

(c)  German Taxation

     Information  on German tax law which may be  relevant  to holders of Innogy
     Shares or Innogy ADSs who elect for the Loan Note Alternative is set out in
     paragraph 7(b) of Appendix V to this document.

     Each  holder of Innogy  Shares  and  Innogy  ADSs is urged to  consult  his
     independent financial adviser immediately regarding the tax consequences of
     acceptance of the Offer and/or election for the Loan Note Alternative.

12 Overseas Holders of Innogy Securities

The attention of holders of Innogy  Securities  who are citizens or residents of
jurisdictions  outside the UK is drawn to paragraph 6 of Part B of Appendix I to
this document and to the relevant provisions of the Acceptance Forms.

The availability of the Offer to persons not resident in the UK or the US may be
affected by the laws of the relevant jurisdiction.  Persons who are not resident
in the UK or the US should inform  themselves  about and observe any  applicable

The Offer in the  United  States  is made  solely by the  Offeror,  and  neither
Merrill  Lynch  nor any of its  affiliates  is making  the  Offer in the  United

Unless  otherwise  determined  by  RWE  and  permitted  by  applicable  law  and
regulation,  the Offer (including the Loan Note  Alternative) is not being made,
directly or indirectly,  in or into, Australia,  Canada or Japan and, subject to
certain  exemptions,  the  Offer is not  capable  of  acceptance  from or within
Australia, Canada or Japan. Accordingly,  neither this document nor the Forms of
Acceptance  are being or may be mailed or otherwise  forwarded,  distributed  or
sent  into or from  Australia,  Canada  or Japan  and  doing so may  render  any
purported  acceptance  of the Offer  invalid.  All holders of Innogy  Shares and
Innogy  ADSs  (including  nominees,  trustees  or  custodians)  who  may  have a
contractual  or legal  obligation,  or may  otherwise  intend,  to forward  this
document  and/or the Acceptance  Forms,  should read the further details in this
regard which are  contained  in  paragraph  6(c) of Part B of Appendix I to this
document before taking any action.

The Loan Notes which may be issued  pursuant to the Loan Note  Alternative  have
not been,  and will not be,  listed on any stock  exchange and have not been and
will not be registered under the US Securities Act or under any relevant laws of
any state or other  jurisdiction  of the United States,  nor have the clearances
been,  nor will they be,  obtained  from the  securities  commission  or similar
authority of any province or territory of Canada and no  prospectus  has been or
will be filed, or registration made, under any securities law of any province or
territory of Canada,  nor has a  prospectus  in relation to the Loan Notes been,
nor will one be,  lodged with or  registered by the  Australian  Securities  and
Investments  Commission  nor have any steps  been  taken,  nor will any steps be
taken,  to enable the Loan Notes to be offered  in  compliance  with  applicable
securities  laws of Japan.  Accordingly,  unless  an  exemption  under  relevant
securities laws is available,  Loan


Notes may not be offered,  sold,  re-sold or delivered,  directly or indirectly,
in,  into or from the  United  States,  Australia,  Canada or Japan or any other
jurisdiction  in which an offer of Loan Notes would  constitute  a violation  of
relevant  laws or  require  registration  of the  Loan  Notes,  or to or for the
account or benefit of any US person or resident of Australia, Canada or Japan or
any other such jurisdiction.

Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  RWE retains the right to permit the Offer to be
accepted and any sale of securities pursuant to the Offer to be completed if, in
its sole  discretion,  it is satisfied  that the  transaction in question can be
undertaken in compliance with applicable law and regulation.

13 Procedure for Acceptance of the Offer

(a)  If you hold Innogy  Shares in  certificated  form (i.e. if you hold a share

     (i)  Completion of Form of Acceptance

          You will find enclosed with this document a Form of Acceptance for use
          in  relation to the Offer.  You should  note that,  if you hold Innogy
          Shares  in both  certificated  and  uncertificated  form,  you  should
          complete a separate Form of Acceptance  for each holding.  If you hold
          Innogy Shares in certificated form, but under different  designations,
          you should  complete a separate  Form of Acceptance in respect of each
          designation.  Further  Forms of  Acceptance  can be obtained  from the
          Receiving Agent at Antholin House, 71 Queen Street,  London,  EC4N 1SL
          or by  telephoning  the Helpline on 0845 300 2527 (if calling from the
          UK),  866 867 1144 (if  calling  from the US) or +44 20 7335  7287 (if
          calling from elsewhere).

          Your  completed  Form(s)  of  Acceptance  should  be  lodged  with the
          Receiving Agent at Antholin  House,  71 Queen Street,  London EC4N 1SL
          together with the relevant share  certificates,  other documents(s) of
          title, letters of indemnity and supporting documents (if any), as soon
          as possible, but in any event so as to arrive not later than 3.00 p.m.
          (London time) on 26 April 2002. A reply-paid  envelope is enclosed for
          your convenience.

          The instructions  printed on the Form of Acceptance shall be deemed to
          form part of the terms of the Offer.

          Any  Form  of  Acceptance   received  in  an  envelope  postmarked  in
          Australia,  Canada or Japan or  otherwise  appearing to the Offeror or
          its  agents to have been sent from  Australia,  Canada or Japan may be
          rejected  as  an  invalid   acceptance  of  the  Offer.   For  further
          information for overseas Innogy Shareholders, see paragraph 12 of this
          letter and paragraph 6 of Part B of Appendix I to this document.

     (ii) To accept the Offer in respect of your Innogy Shares

          To accept  the Offer in  respect  of your  Innogy  Shares,  you should
          complete  Box 2 of the  Form of  Acceptance.  If you do not  insert  a
          number in Box 2, your  acceptance  will be deemed to be in  respect of
          all the Innogy  Shares held by you. You must sign Box 4 of the Form of
          Acceptance in accordance with the instructions  printed  thereon.  All
          Innogy  Shareholders  who are  individuals  (as opposed to  companies)
          should  sign  Box 4 of the Form of  Acceptance  in the  presence  of a
          witness,   who  should  also  sign  Box  4  in  accordance   with  the

          If  you  have  any  questions  as to  how  to  complete  the  Form  of
          Acceptance, please telephone the Helpline on 0845 300 2527 (if calling
          from the UK),  866 867  1144 (if  calling  from the US) or +44 20 7335
          7287 (if calling from elsewhere).

     (iii) To elect for the Loan Note Alternative

          To elect for the Loan Note  Alternative  in  respect of some or all of
          the Innogy Shares for which you are  accepting  the Offer,  you should
          complete  Box  3 in  addition  to  taking  the  actions  described  in
          paragraph  (i) above.  The attention of those holders of Innogy Shares
          considering  accepting the Loan Note Alternative is drawn to paragraph
          3 above,  paragraph  4 of Part B of  Appendix I and to  Appendix II to
          this document.


     (iv) Share certificates not readily available or lost

          Your  completed,   signed  and  (if  appropriate)  witnessed  Form  of
          Acceptance should be accompanied by the relevant share  certificate(s)
          and/or  other  document(s)  of title.  If for any  reason,  your share
          certificate(s)  and/or other  document(s)  of title is/are not readily
          available,  you should  nevertheless  complete,  sign and return  your
          completed Form of Acceptance as stated above. You should send with the
          Form of Acceptance any share certificate(s)  and/or other documents(s)
          of title which you may have available, accompanied by a letter stating
          that the remaining  documents will follow or that you have lost one or
          more of your share  certificates  and/or other  documents of title and
          such  certificate(s)  and/or  other  document(s)  of title  should  be
          forwarded as soon as possible thereafter.

          If you have lost your share certificate(s) and/or other document(s) of
          title,  you should write to the Registrar at The  Causeway,  Worthing,
          West  Sussex,  BN99  6DA for a letter  of  indemnity  for  lost  share
          certificate(s) and/or other document(s) of title which, when completed
          in accordance with the instructions  given,  should be returned to the
          Receiving Agent at Antholin House, 71 Queen Street, London, EC4N 1SL.

(b)  If you hold Innogy Shares in uncertificated form

     You are  reminded  that if you are a CREST  sponsored  member,  you  should
     contact your CREST sponsor before taking any action.

     (i)  Completion of Form of Acceptance

          You will find enclosed with this document a Form of Acceptance for use
          in  relation to the Offer.  You should  note that,  if you hold Innogy
          Shares  in both  certificated  and  uncertificated  form,  you  should
          complete a separate Form of Acceptance  for each holding.  If you hold
          Innogy  Shares in  uncertificated  form,  but under  different  member
          account  IDs, you should  complete a separate  Form of  Acceptance  in
          respect of each member  account ID. Further Forms of Acceptance can be
          obtained from the Receiving  Agent at Antholin House, 71 Queen Street,
          London,  EC4N 1SL or by telephoning  the Helpline on 0845 300 2527 (if
          calling  from the UK), 866 867 1144 (if calling from the US) or +44 20
          7335 7287 (if calling from elsewhere).

          Your  completed  Form(s)  of  Acceptance  should  be  lodged  with the
          Receiving Agent at Antholin  House, 71 Queen Street,  London EC4N 1SL,
          as soon as  possible,  but in any event so as to arrive not later than
          3.00 p.m.  (London  time) on 26 April 2002. A  reply-paid  envelope is
          enclosed for your convenience.

          The instructions  printed on the Form of Acceptance shall be deemed to
          form part of the terms of the Offer.

          Any  Form  of  Acceptance   received  in  an  envelope  postmarked  in
          Australia,  Canada or Japan or  otherwise  appearing to the Offeror or
          its  agents to have been sent from  Australia,  Canada or Japan may be
          rejected  as  an  invalid   acceptance  of  the  Offer.   For  further
          information for overseas Innogy Shareholders, see paragraph 12 of this
          letter and paragraph 6 of Part B of Appendix I to this document.

     (ii) To accept the Offer in respect of your Innogy Shares

          To accept the Offer in respect of your Innogy Shares you must complete
          Box 2 of the Form of  Acceptance  and,  as your  Innogy  Shares are in
          CREST,  Box 5 and,  if  appropriate,  Boxes  6, 7 and 8. If you do not
          insert a number  in Box 2,  your  acceptance  will be  deemed to be in
          respect of all the Innogy  Shares  held by you.  In all cases you must
          sign and date Box 4 of the Form of Acceptance  in accordance  with the
          instructions   printed  thereon.   All  Innogy  Shareholders  who  are
          individuals (as opposed to companies) should sign Box 4 of the Form of
          Acceptance in the presence of a witness, who should also sign Box 4 in
          accordance with the instructions.


          If  you  have  any  questions  as to  how  to  complete  the  Form  of
          Acceptance, please telephone the Helpline on 0845 300 2527 (if calling
          from the UK),  866 867  1144 (if  calling  from the US) or +44 20 7335
          7287 (if calling from elsewhere).

     (iii) To elect for the Loan Note Alternative

          To elect for the Loan Note  Alternative  in  respect of some or all of
          the Innogy Shares for which you are  accepting  the Offer,  you should
          complete  Box  3 in  addition  to  taking  the  actions  described  in
          paragraphs  (i) and (ii)  above.  The  attention  of those  holders of
          Innogy Shares considering accepting the Loan Note Alternative is drawn
          to  paragraph  3 above,  paragraph  4 of Part B of  Appendix  I and to
          Appendix II to this document.

     (iv) Additional  procedures for Innogy Shares held in  uncertificated  form
          (that is, in CREST)

          If your  Innogy  Shares  are held in  uncertificated  form you  should
          insert in Box 5 of the enclosed Form of Acceptance the  participant ID
          and member  account ID under which such Innogy  Shares are held by you
          in CREST and  otherwise  complete and return the Form of Acceptance as
          described in (i), (ii) and (iii) above.  In addition,  you should take
          (or  procure to be taken) the  action  set out below to  transfer  the
          Innogy  Shares in  respect of which you wish to accept the Offer to an
          escrow balance (that is, a TTE Instruction),  specifying the Receiving
          Agent (in its  capacity  as a CREST  participant  under the  Receiving
          Agent  participant ID referred to below) as the escrow agent,  as soon
          as possible  and in any event so that the  transfer to escrow  settles
          not later than 3.00 p.m. (London time) on 26 April 2002.

          If you are a CREST  sponsored  member,  you should refer to your CREST
          sponsor  before taking any action.  Your CREST sponsor will be able to
          confirm details of your participant ID and the member account ID under
          which  your  Innogy  Shares  are held.  In  addition,  only your CREST
          sponsor  will be  able to send  the  TTE  Instruction  to  CRESTCo  in
          relation to your Innogy Shares.

          You should send (or, if you are a CREST sponsored member, procure that
          your CREST sponsor  sends) a TTE  Instruction to CRESTCo which must be
          properly authenticated in accordance with CRESTCo's specifications and
          which must  contain,  in  addition  to the other  information  that is
          required  for a TTE  Instruction  to settle in  CREST,  the  following

          (a)  the  number  of  Innogy  Shares  to be  transferred  to an escrow

          (b)  your  participant ID. This must be the same participant ID as the
               participant  ID  that  is  inserted  in  Box  5 of  the  Form  of

          (c)  your member  account ID. This must be the same member  account ID
               as the member account ID that is inserted in Box 5 of the Form of

          (d)  the participant ID of Lloyds TSB Registrars, in its capacity as a
               CREST receiving agent. This is 6RA66;

          (e)  the member account ID of Lloyds TSB Registrars. This is RA325801;

          (f)  the Form of Acceptance  reference  number.  This is the reference
               number  that is  shown  next  to Box 5 on  page 3 of the  Form of
               Acceptance. This reference number should be inserted in the first
               eight characters of the shared note field on the TTE Instruction.
               Such  insertion will assist Lloyds TSB Registrars in matching the
               TTE to your Form of Acceptance. You should keep a separate record
               of this Form of Acceptance reference number for future reference;

          (g)  the intended  settlement date. This should be as soon as possible
               and in any  event not later  than 3.00 p.m.  (London  time) on 26
               April 2002;

          (h)  the  Corporate  Action Number for the Offer which is allocated by
               CRESTCo  and can be found by  reviewing  the  relevant  Corporate
               Action Details in CREST; and

          (i)  input with Standard Delivery instruction of 80.


          After  settlement  of the TTE  Instruction,  you  will  not be able to
          access the Innogy  Shares  concerned in CREST for any  transaction  or
          charging purposes.  If the Offer becomes or is declared  unconditional
          in all  respects,  the escrow agent will  transfer  the Innogy  Shares
          concerned to itself in accordance with paragraphs 8 and 9 of Part B of
          Appendix I.

          You are recommended to refer to the CREST manual  published by CRESTCo
          for further  information on the CREST  procedures  outlined above. For
          ease of  processing,  you are requested,  wherever  possible to ensure
          that a Form of Acceptance relates to only one transfer to escrow.

          If no Form of Acceptance  reference  number,  or an incorrect  Form of
          Acceptance  reference number, is included on the TTE Instruction,  the
          Offeror may treat any amount of Innogy Shares transferred to an escrow
          balance  in  favour  of the  escrow  agent  specified  above  from the
          participant ID and member account ID identified in the TTE Instruction
          as relating to any Form(s) of Acceptance  which  relate(s) to the same
          member  account  ID and  participant  ID (up to the  amount  of Innogy
          Shares  inserted or deemed to be inserted on the Form(s) of Acceptance

          You  should  note  that  CRESTCo  does  not  make  available   special
          procedures in CREST for any particular corporate action. Normal system
          timings and limitations  will therefore apply in connection with a TTE
          Instruction and its settlement.  You should  therefore ensure that all
          necessary  action is taken by you (or by your CREST sponsor) to enable
          a TTE  Instruction  relating to Innogy  Shares to settle prior to 3.00
          p.m.  (London  time) on 26 April 2002. In this regard you are referred
          in  particular  to those  paragraphs  of the CREST  Manual  concerning
          practical limitations of the CREST system and timings.

          The  Offeror  will  make  an  appropriate  announcement  if any of the
          details  contained  in this  paragraph  alter  for any  reason  in any
          respect that is material for Innogy Shareholders.

          You are reminded that if you are a CREST sponsored member,  you should
          contact your CREST sponsor before taking any action.

(c)  If you hold Innogy ADSs

     The  attention of holders of Innogy ADSs is drawn to paragraph 10 of Part B
     of Appendix I to this document and to the relevant provisions of the Letter
     of Transmittal.

     For a holder of Innogy ADSs to validly accept the Offer, either:

     (i)  a properly  completed and duly executed  Letter of  Transmittal  (or a
          facsimile  thereof),   together  with  any  other  required  signature
          guarantees  or,  in the  case of a  book-entry  transfer,  an  Agent's
          Message,   and  any  other   documents   required  by  the  Letter  of
          Transmittal,  must be received by the  Depositary  at the  appropriate
          address as set out in the Letter of Transmittal  and either the Innogy
          ADRs evidencing such Innogy ADSs must be received by the Depositary at
          one of such  addresses or such Innogy ADRs must be delivered  pursuant
          to the  procedure for  book-entry  transfer set out in paragraph 10 of
          Part B of Appendix I to this document  (and a Book-Entry  Confirmation
          received by the Depositary in accordance with such procedures); or

     (ii) such holder must comply with the  guaranteed  delivery  procedures set
          out in paragraph 10 of Part B of Appendix I to this document.

     Acceptances using the guaranteed delivery procedures will not be taken into
     account in determining whether the Acceptance  Condition has been satisfied
     unless the Innogy ADRs evidencing the Innogy ADSs or book-entry transfer of
     the Innogy ADSs to which the  guaranteed  delivery  procedures  relate have
     been received by the Depositary before the end of the Initial Offer Period.

     If you hold  Innogy  ADSs  and are in any  doubt  as to the  procedure  for
     acceptance, please telephone the Helpline on 0845 300 2527 (if calling from
     the  UK),  866 867 1144 (if  calling  from the US) or +44 20 7335  7287 (if
     calling from elsewhere).


(d)  If you are the holder of Innogy Securities in any form whatsoever

     (i)  Validity of acceptances

          Without prejudice to Part B of Appendix I to this document and subject
          to the City Code, the Offeror  reserves the right to treat as valid in
          whole or in part any  acceptance of the Offer which is not entirely in
          order or which is not  accompanied  by (as  applicable)  the  relevant
          transfer to escrow or the relevant share  certificate(s),  Innogy ADRs
          and/or other document(s) of title or which is received in a form or at
          a place or places  other  than as set out in this  document  or on the
          relevant  Acceptance  Form. In that event,  no payment of cash or Loan
          Notes  under the Offer will be  required  to be made  until  after the
          acceptance is entirely in order to the Offeror's  satisfaction and (as
          applicable)  the  relevant  transfer to escrow has been settled or the
          relevant share certificate(s), Innogy ADRs and/or other document(s) of
          title or  indemnities  satisfactory  to the Offeror have been received
          by, the Receiving Agent or the Depositary, as appropriate.

     (ii) No acknowledgement

          No  acknowledgement  of receipt of  Acceptance  Form(s),  Innogy share
          certificates, Innogy ADRs or other documents of title or documentation
          in  respect  of the  Offer  will be given by,  or on  behalf  of,  the

14 Rights of Withdrawal

Except to the extent of the exemptive  relief which has been granted by the SEC,
the Offer is subject  to the US tender  offer  rules  applicable  to  securities
registered  under  the  Exchange  Act,  as well as to the  City  Code.  This has
necessitated  a number of changes from the  procedures  which  normally apply to
offers for companies  governed by the City Code,  including those  applicable to
the rights of  holders  of Innogy  Shares  and  Innogy  ADSs to  withdraw  their
acceptance of the Offer.

Under the  Offer,  holders  of Innogy  Shares  and  Innogy  ADSs will be able to
withdraw their  acceptances at any time during the Initial Offer Period but will
not have any  withdrawal  rights during the Subsequent  Offer Period,  except in
certain limited  circumstances  (see paragraph 3 of Part B of Appendix I to this
document). The Subsequent Offer Period must remain open for at least 14 days but
may be extended beyond that time until a further specified date or until further

The Offer will be deemed  not to have been  validly  accepted  in respect of any
Innogy Shares or Innogy ADSs  acceptances  in respect of which have been validly
withdrawn.  However, the Offer may be accepted again in respect of any withdrawn
Innogy  Shares or Innogy ADSs by following  one of the  procedures  described in
paragraph 13 of this letter at any time prior to expiry or lapse of the Offer.

It should be noted that by virtue of the conflicting provisions of the City Code
and US  federal  securities  laws,  the Panel  has  agreed  that the  Acceptance
Condition  can be  structured  so that the Offer  cannot  become or be  declared
unconditional  as to acceptances  until such time as all other Conditions to the
Offer have been satisfied,  fulfilled or, to the extent permitted,  waived.  The
Acceptance  Condition in paragraph  (a) of Part A of Appendix I to this document
reflects this.

Further  details of these rights of  withdrawal  and the procedure for effecting
withdrawals are set out in paragraph 3 of Part B of Appendix I to this document.

15 Settlement

(a)  Date of Payment

     The settlement  procedure with respect to the Offer will be consistent with
     UK practice,  which  differs from US domestic  tender offer  procedures  in
     certain material respects, particularly with regard to the date of payment.

     Subject to either the satisfaction, fulfilment or, to the extent permitted,
     waiver of all of the Conditions,  settlement of  consideration to accepting
     Innogy   Shareholders  and  accepting  holders  of  Innogy  ADSs  or  their
     designated agents will be effected in the manner set out below:


     (i)  in the case of acceptances received,  complete in all respects, by the
          end of the Initial Offer Period, within 14 calendar days of such date;

     (ii) in the case of  acceptances  received  complete in all respects  after
          such date but while the Offer remains open for  acceptance,  within 14
          calendar days of such receipt.

(b)  Innogy Shares held in uncertificated form (that is, in CREST)

     Where an acceptance  relates to Innogy Shares held in uncertificated  form,
     (i) the cash  consideration  to which an accepting  Innogy  Shareholder  is
     entitled  will be paid by  means  of CREST  by the  Offeror  procuring  the
     creation of an assured payment obligation in favour of the accepting Innogy
     Shareholder's  payment  bank in respect of the cash  consideration  due, in
     accordance with the CREST assured payment  arrangements and (ii) definitive
     certificates  for any Loan  Notes  will be  despatched  by post (or by such
     other  method as may be approved by the Panel).  No Loan Note  certificates
     will be despatched to addresses in the United States, Australia,  Canada or

     The  Offeror  reserves  the  right  to  settle  all or any part of the cash
     consideration   referred  to  above,   for  all  or  any  accepting  Innogy
     Shareholder(s),  in the manner referred to in paragraph (c) below,  if, for
     any reason, it wishes to do so.

(c)  Innogy Shares and Innogy ADSs held in certificated form

     Where an  acceptance  relates  to  Innogy  Shares  or  Innogy  ADSs held in
     certificated  form,  cheques drawn on a UK clearing bank in pounds sterling
     or US dollars,  as  appropriate,  for the cash due and,  where  applicable,
     definitive loan note certificates for the appropriate nominal amount of any
     Loan Notes will be  despatched  by post (or by such other  method as may be
     approved by the Panel).  No Loan Note  certificates  will be  despatched to
     addresses  in the United  States and no payments or Loan Note  certificates
     will be despatched to addresses in Australia, Canada or Japan.

(d)  Lapsing of the Offer

     During the Initial Offer Period,  if by the Closing Date the Conditions are
     not satisfied,  fulfilled or, to the extent  permitted,  waived,  the Offer
     will lapse.  If the Offer lapses then: (i) in respect of Innogy Shares held
     in  certificated  form and Innogy ADSs, the relevant share  certificate(s),
     Innogy ADRs and/or other documents of title will be returned by post (or by
     such other method as may be approved by the Panel)  within 14 calendar days
     of the Offer lapsing to the person or agent whose name and address (outside
     Australia,  Canada or Japan) is set out in Box 1 (or, if applicable, Box 7)
     of the Form of  Acceptance or to the person or agent whose name and address
     (outside  Australia,  Canada  or  Japan)  is  set  out  in  the  Letter  of
     Transmittal (as applicable) or, if none is set out, to the name and address
     of the  person  who is the  first  named  holder  at his or her  registered
     address; (ii) in respect of Innogy Shares held in uncertificated form (that
     is, in CREST),  the Receiving Agent will,  immediately after the lapsing of
     the Offer (or  within  such  longer  period  as the Panel may  permit,  not
     exceeding 14 calendar  days after the lapsing of the Offer),  give transfer
     from escrow  instructions to CRESTCo to transfer all relevant Innogy Shares
     held in escrow balances and in relation to which it is the escrow agent for
     the purposes of the Offer to the original available balances of the holders
     of Innogy Shares  concerned;  and (iii) in respect of Innogy ADSs delivered
     by  book-entry  transfer  into the  Depositary's  account  at a  Book-Entry
     Transfer Facility, Innogy ADSs will be credited to an account maintained at
     the appropriate Book-Entry Transfer Facility.

(e)  General

     All documents and remittances  sent by, to or from holders of Innogy Shares
     and Innogy ADSs or their appointed agents will be sent at their own risk.

(f)  Currency of cash consideration

     Holders of Innogy ADSs are entitled under the terms of the Offer to receive
     the  cash   consideration   in  pounds   sterling.   The  pounds   sterling
     consideration  available to holders of Innogy ADSs is the same,  per Innogy
     Share, as that offered to Innogy Shareholders. To facilitate the settlement
     of the Offer,


     unless they elect to receive pounds  sterling,  holders of Innogy ADSs will
     receive  consideration  converted  into US  dollars  at the  exchange  rate
     obtainable on the spot market in London at approximately noon (London time)
     on the date the cash  consideration is made available by the Offeror to the
     Depositary for delivery in respect of the relevant Innogy ADSs.

     A holder of Innogy ADSs may receive  such amount on the basis set out above
     only in respect of the whole of his holding of Innogy  Shares in respect of
     which he accepts the Offer. Holders of Innogy ADSs may not elect to receive
     both pounds sterling and US dollars.

     If you are a holder of Innogy  ADSs and you wish to elect to  receive  cash
     consideration in pounds sterling instead of US dollars under the Offer, you
     should complete the Box entitled "Pounds Sterling Payment  Election" on the
     Letter of  Transmittal  in  addition  to taking the  actions  described  in
     paragraph 13(c) above.

     The actual amount of US dollars received will depend upon the exchange rate
     prevailing on the day on which funds are made  available to the  Depositary
     by the  Offeror.  Holders  of  Innogy  ADSs  should  be  aware  that the US
     dollar/pound  sterling  exchange  rate which is  prevailing  on the date on
     which an  election  is deemed to be made to receive  US dollars  and on the
     dates of  despatch  and  receipt  of  payment  may be  different  from that
     prevailing on the day on which funds are made  available to the  Depositary
     by the Offeror. In all cases, fluctuations in the US dollar/pounds sterling
     exchange  rate are at the risk of accepting  holders of Innogy ADSs who are
     treated as having  elected to receive  their  consideration  in US dollars.
     None of RWE,  the  Offeror  and their  advisers  or agents  shall  have any
     responsibility  with  respect  to the actual  amount of cash  consideration
     payable other than in pounds sterling.

16 Further Information

Your attention is drawn to the further  information  contained in the appendices
which form part of this  document,  and to the  accompanying  Acceptance  Forms,
which should be read in conjunction  with this document.  The appendices and the
Acceptance  Forms  contain  material  information  which  may not be  summarised

17 Action to be Taken

If you wish to accept the Offer you are urged to  complete,  sign and return the
Form of  Acceptance  or,  if you are a holder  of  Innogy  ADSs,  the  Letter of
Transmittal  (as  appropriate),  together with all the documents  required to be
returned with it, as soon as possible and, in any event, so as to be received by
the Receiving  Agent, or the Depositary,  as appropriate,  by no later than 3.00
p.m. (London time) on 26 April 2002.

Yours faithfully

R.H.C. Nourse
Managing Director
For and on behalf of
Merrill Lynch International


                                   APPENDIX I

                    Conditions and Further Terms of the Offer

The Offer, which is being made by the Offeror and (outside the United States) by
Merrill Lynch on its behalf,  complies with the applicable rules and regulations
of the City Code and with the Exchange  Act. In addition,  the Offer is governed
by English law and is subject to the  jurisdiction  of the courts of England and
is being made on the terms and  conditions  set out  herein  and in the  related
Acceptance Forms.

Part A: Conditions of the Offer

The Offer is subject to the following conditions:

(a)  valid acceptances  being received (and not, where permitted,  withdrawn) by
     3.00 p.m.  (London time),  10.00 a.m. (New York City time) on 26 April 2002
     or such later  time(s)  and/or  date(s) as the Offeror may,  subject to the
     City Code and in accordance with the Exchange Act, decide in respect of not
     less  than 90 per cent.  (or such  lesser  percentage  as the  Offeror  may
     decide) of the Innogy Shares (including Innogy Shares represented by Innogy
     ADSs) to which the Offer relates,  provided that this condition will not be
     satisfied unless RWE and its wholly-owned subsidiaries shall have acquired,
     or agreed to acquire,  pursuant to the Offer or  otherwise,  Innogy  Shares
     (including Innogy Shares  represented by Innogy ADSs) carrying in aggregate
     more than 50 per cent.  of the  voting  rights  normally  exercisable  at a
     general  meeting of Innogy,  including for this purpose (to the extent,  if
     any,  required  by the  Panel) any voting  rights  attaching  to any Innogy
     Shares  (including  Innogy  Shares  represented  by Innogy  ADSs)  that are
     unconditionally  allotted or issued before the Offer becomes or is declared
     unconditional as to acceptances pursuant to the exercise of any outstanding
     subscription or conversion rights or otherwise and for the purposes of this

     (i)  Innogy Shares  (including  Innogy Shares  represented  by Innogy ADSs)
          which have been unconditionally  allotted shall be deemed to carry the
          voting  rights  they will carry on being  entered in the  register  of
          members of Innogy; and

     (ii) the expression  "Innogy Shares (including Innogy Shares represented by
          Innogy  ADSs) to which  the  Offer  relates"  shall  be  construed  in
          accordance with sections 428 to 430F of the Companies Act 1985,

     provided  further  that,  unless the  Offeror  otherwise  determines,  this
     condition (a) shall be capable of being  satisfied  only at a time when all
     of the other  conditions (b) to (l) inclusive  have been either  satisfied,
     fulfilled or, to the extent permitted, waived;

(b)  (i)  it being established, in terms reasonably satisfactory to the Offeror,
          that it is not the  intention of the European  Commission  to initiate
          proceedings  under  Article  6(1)(c) of Council  Regulation  (EEC) No.
          4064/89  (as  amended by Council  Regulation  (EC) No.  1310/97)  (the
          "Regulation")  or to make a referral  to a competent  authority  under
          Article 9(1) thereof in connection  with the  Acquisition  or any part
          thereof or any matter arising therefrom; or

     (ii) if the European  Commission makes a referral of the Acquisition or any
          part thereof  under  Article 9(1) of the  Regulation  to the competent
          authorities of the United Kingdom, or if the competent  authorities of
          the United  Kingdom  invoke Article 21(3) of the Regulation in respect
          of the Acquisition or any part thereof:

          (aa) it being  established  in terms  reasonably  satisfactory  to the
               Offeror that it is not the  intention  of the  Secretary of State
               for Trade and  Industry  to refer  the  Acquisition,  or any part
               thereof,  or any matter  arising  therefrom,  to the  Competition
               Commission; and

          (bb) the  requirements of condition  (b)(i) above being satisfied with
               respect  to  any  part  of  the  Acquisition  not  referred  to a
               competent authority of the United Kingdom.


(c)  GEMA  indicating in terms  reasonably  satisfactory  to the Offeror that in
     connection   with  the   Acquisition  it  is  not  its  intention  to  seek
     modifications to any of the licences held by any member of the Wider Innogy
     Group  under  the  Electricity   Act  1989  (except  on  terms   reasonably
     satisfactory to the Offeror) and neither Innogy nor any member of the Wider
     Innogy Group having agreed to any such modifications (except, in each case,
     on terms reasonably satisfactory to the Offeror);

(d)  GEMA  indicating in terms  reasonably  satisfactory  to the Offeror that in
     connection with the Acquisition it will not seek undertakings or assurances
     from any  member  of the  Wider  RWE  Group  (except  on  terms  reasonably
     satisfactory to the Offeror) and that in connection with the Acquisition it
     will seek or agree only such modifications (if any) and such other consents
     and/or directions (if any) as are in the reasonable  opinion of the Offeror
     necessary  or  appropriate  with  respect to the  licences  referred  to in
     condition (c);

(e)  all filings having been made and all applicable  waiting  periods under the
     United States Hart-Scott-Rodino  Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976 and the
     regulations  thereunder having expired or been terminated as appropriate in
     each case in connection with the Offer and the proposed  acquisition of any
     shares in, or control of, Innogy by any member of the Wider RWE Group;

(f)  notification  having been received by the Offeror  under section  215(2) of
     the  Income  and  Corporation  Taxes  Act  1988  that no  payments  made in
     connection  with the Offer will be treated as  chargeable  payments for the
     purposes of section 214 of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988;

(g)  no government or governmental, quasi-governmental, supranational, statutory
     or regulatory body or association or agency (including any trade agency) or
     any court or other body (including any professional or environmental  body)
     or person in any  jurisdiction  (each a "Third  Party")  having  decided to
     take, instituted,  implemented or threatened any action, proceeding,  suit,
     investigation  or  enquiry  or  enacted,  made or  proposed  and  there not
     continuing to be  outstanding  any statute,  regulation,  order or decision
     that would or might be reasonably expected to:

    (i)   make the Offer or the acquisition of any Innogy Shares,  or control of
          Innogy,  by any member of the Wider RWE Group void,  unenforceable  or
          illegal  or  directly  or  indirectly  restrict,  prohibit,  delay  or
          otherwise  interfere with the  implementation of, or impose additional
          conditions or obligations with respect to, or otherwise challenge, the
          Offer or the  acquisition of any Innogy Shares,  or control of Innogy,
          by any member of the Wider RWE Group;

    (ii)  require,  prevent or delay the  divestiture (or alter the terms of any
          proposed divestiture) by the Wider RWE Group or the Wider Innogy Group
          of  all  or  any  part  of  their  respective  businesses,  assets  or
          properties or impose any limitation on their ability to conduct all or
          any  portion  of  their  respective  businesses  and to own all or any
          portion of any of their respective assets or properties;

    (iii) impose any  limitation on, or result in a delay in, the ability of any
          member  of the  Wider  RWE  Group to  acquire  or hold or to  exercise
          effectively, directly or indirectly, all or any rights of ownership of
          shares in or to  exercise  management  control  over any member of the
          Wider Innogy Group or on the ability of any member of the Wider Innogy
          Group to hold or exercise effectively,  directly or indirectly, all or
          any rights of ownership of shares in or to exercise management control
          over any other member of the Wider Innogy Group;

    (iv)  require any member of the Wider RWE Group or the Wider Innogy Group to
          offer to acquire  any shares in any member of the Wider  Innogy  Group
          owned by any third party where such  acquisition  would be material in
          the  context  of the Wider RWE Group  taken as a whole or, as the case
          may be, the Wider Innogy Group taken as a whole;

    (v)   impose any limitation on the ability of any member of the Wider Innogy
          Group or the Wider RWE Group to integrate or co-ordinate its business,
          or any part of it,  with the  businesses  of any other  members of the
          Wider  Innogy  Group or Wider RWE Group in each case where the same is
          materially adverse to the Wider RWE Group or the Wider Innogy Group as
          the case may be;


    (vi)  result in any member of the Wider  Innogy Group or the Wider RWE Group
          ceasing to be able to carry on business  under any name under which it
          presently does so in each case where the same is materially adverse to
          the Wider RWE Group or the Wider Innogy Group as the case may be; or

    (vii) otherwise  materially  and adversely  affect the business,  profits or
          prospects  of any member of the Wider RWE Group or of the Wider Innogy

     and all applicable  waiting periods during which any such Third Party could
     take, institute,  implement or threaten any such action, proceeding,  suit,
     investigation or enquiry having expired, lapsed or terminated;

(h)  all necessary filings having been made and all appropriate  waiting periods
     under any applicable  legislation or regulations of any jurisdiction having
     expired, lapsed or been terminated in each case in respect of the Offer and
     the  acquisition  of any shares in, or control of,  Innogy by the Wider RWE
     Group and all authorisations, orders, grants, recognitions,  confirmations,
     licences,     consents,     clearances,     permissions    and    approvals
     ("authorisations")  necessary or appropriate in any  jurisdiction for or in
     respect  of the Offer and the  proposed  acquisition  of any  shares in, or
     control of, Innogy by the Wider RWE Group being  obtained in terms and in a
     form reasonably  satisfactory to the Offeror from appropriate Third Parties
     or from any  persons or bodies  with whom any member of the Wider RWE Group
     or the Wider  Innogy Group has entered into  contractual  arrangements,  in
     each case where absence of such authorisation would have a material adverse
     effect on the Wider RWE Group  taken as a whole or the Wider  Innogy  Group
     taken as a whole, and such authorisations  together with all authorisations
     necessary for any member of the Wider Innogy Group to carry on its business
     remaining in full force and effect and no  intimation  of any  intention to
     revoke or not to renew any of the same  having  been made under the laws or
     regulations of any jurisdiction  and all necessary  statutory or regulatory
     obligations in any jurisdiction having been complied with;

(i)  there being no provision of any  arrangement,  agreement,  licence or other
     instrument  to which any member of the Wider  Innogy Group is a party or by
     or to which  any such  member  or any of  their  assets  may be bound or be
     subject which, as a result of the making or  implementation of the Offer or
     the acquisition or proposed acquisition by the Offeror of the share capital
     of Innogy or any part  thereof  or  because  of a change in the  control or
     management of Innogy or otherwise, could or might reasonably be expected to
     result in (to an extent which is  materially  adverse in the context of the
     Wider Innogy Group taken as a whole):

    (i)   any moneys borrowed by or any  indebtedness  (actual or contingent) of
          any such  member  becoming  repayable  or  capable  of being  declared
          repayable immediately or earlier than the stated repayment date or the
          ability  of such  member  to borrow  monies or incur any  indebtedness
          being  withdrawn  or  inhibited  or any such  arrangement,  agreement,
          licence or instrument  relating to any monies borrowed or indebtedness
          being terminated or modified or any onerous  obligation arising or any
          action being taken or arising thereunder;

    (ii)  the creation or enforcement of any mortgage,  charge or other security
          whether  existing  or having  arisen over the whole or any part of the
          business, property or assets of any such member;

    (iii) the  interests  or  business  of any such  member in or with any other
          person, firm or company (or any arrangements relating to such interest
          or business) being terminated or adversely modified or affected;

    (iv)  any such member ceasing to be able to carry on business under any name
          under which it presently does so;

    (v)   any  assets or  interest  of any such  member  being or  falling to be
          disposed of or charged or any right arising under which any such asset
          or interest  could be required to be disposed of or charged  otherwise
          than in the ordinary course of business;

    (vi)  the value of any such member or its  financial or trading  position or
          prospects being prejudiced or adversely affected; or


    (vii) the  creation  of any  liability  (actual or  contingent)  by any such
          member of the Wider Innogy Group,

     and no event having occurred  which,  under any provision of any agreement,
     arrangement, licence, permit or other instrument to which any member of the
     Innogy  Group is a party or by or to which  any such  member  or any of its
     assets is bound, entitled or subject, is reasonably likely to result in any
     of the events or circumstances as are referred to in sub-paragraphs  (i) to
     (vii)  of this  condition  (i) in any  case  where  such  result  would  be
     materially adverse in the context of the Innogy Group taken as a whole;

(j)  except as  disclosed  in the annual  report and  accounts of Innogy for the
     year ended 31 March 2001 or the interim financial  statements of Innogy for
     the six months  ended 30  September  2001 or as publicly  announced  to the
     London  Stock  Exchange  Company  Announcements  Office  by or on behalf of
     Innogy or as fairly disclosed to the Offeror on or before 21 March 2002, no
     member of the Wider Innogy Group having since 31 March 2001:

    (i)   save as between Innogy and  wholly-owned  subsidiaries of Innogy prior
          to 21 March  2002 or upon the  exercise  of  rights to  subscribe  for
          Innogy Shares pursuant to the Innogy Share Incentive Plans prior to 21
          March 2002,  issued or agreed to issue or  authorised  or proposed the
          issue of additional  shares of any class,  or  securities  convertible
          into, or rights,  warrants or options to subscribe for or acquire, any
          such shares or convertible securities;

    (ii)  declared,  paid or made or proposed to declare, pay or make any bonus,
          dividend or other  distribution  whether  payable in cash or otherwise
          other than a distribution by any wholly-owned  subsidiary of Innogy or
          to Innogy or any of its wholly-owned subsidiaries;

    (iii) made,  authorised or proposed or announced an intention to propose any
          reconstruction,  amalgamation, merger, demerger, acquisition, disposal
          or  transfer  of assets or any right,  title or interest in any assets
          (other  than  in  the  ordinary  course  of  business)  or  shares  or
          undertaking  where any of the  foregoing is material in the context of
          the Wider Innogy Group taken as a whole;

    (iv)  other  than   transactions   between   Innogy  and  its  wholly  owned
          subsidiaries   or  between  such   wholly-owned   subsidiaries   made,
          authorised  or  proposed or  announced  its  intention  to propose any
          change in its share or loan capital;

    (v)   other  than   transactions   between   Innogy  and  its  wholly  owned
          subsidiaries  or  between  such  wholly-owned   subsidiaries   issued,
          authorised  or proposed  the issue of any  debentures  or incurred any
          indebtedness or contingent  liability which is material in the context
          of the Wider Innogy Group taken as a whole;

    (vi)  entered  into,  varied  or  terminated,  or  authorised,  proposed  or
          announced  its  intention  to  enter  into,   vary  or  terminate  any
          transaction,  arrangement,  contract or commitment (whether in respect
          of capital  expenditure or otherwise) which is of a long term, onerous
          or unusual  nature or which involves or could involve an obligation of
          a nature or magnitude, in each case which is material;

    (vii) entered  into or varied the  material  terms of any service  agreement
          with any director or senior executive of Innogy;

    (viii)  disposed of or  transferred,  mortgaged or encumbered  any assets or
          any right, title or interest in any asset which is material or entered
          into  any  contract,  transaction,  reconstruction,   amalgamation  or
          arrangement otherwise than in the ordinary course of business which is

    (ix)  proposed  any  voluntary  winding  up or had any  order  made  for its
          winding-up (voluntary or otherwise),  dissolution or reorganisation or
          for  the  appointment  of a  receiver,  administrator,  administrative
          receiver,  trustee or similar  officer of all or any of its assets and

    (x)   waived or compromised any claim which is material;


    (xi)  made or agreed or consented to any material change to the terms of the
          trust deeds  constituting  the  pension  schemes  established  for its
          directors  and/or employees and/or their dependants or to the benefits
          which accrue, or to the pensions which are payable  thereunder,  or to
          the basis on which qualification for or accrual or entitlement to such
          benefits or pensions are  calculated  or  determined,  or to the basis
          upon  which  the  liabilities  (including  pensions)  of such  pension
          schemes are funded or made,  or agreed or consented  to, any change to
          the trustees;

    (xii) entered  into  an   agreement   which  will  result  in  the  material
          restriction of the scope of the business of the Wider Innogy Group; or

    (xiii)  entered into any arrangement,  contract,  commitment or agreement or
          passed any  resolution  in general  meeting with respect to any of the
          transactions, matters or events referred to in this paragraph,

     and for the purpose of this condition (j) "material" shall mean material in
     the context of the Wider Innogy Group taken as a whole;

(k)  since 31 March 2001 (except as disclosed in the annual  report and accounts
     of  Innogy  for the  year  ended  31 March  2001 or the  interim  financial
     statements  of Innogy  for the six  months  ended 30  September  2001 or as
     publicly  announced  to the London  Stock  Exchange  Company  Announcements
     Office  by or on behalf of Innogy  or  otherwise  fairly  disclosed  to the
     Offeror on or before 21 March 2002):

    (i)   no adverse  change in the business,  financial or trading  position or
          profits or prospects of the Wider Innogy Group having occurred;

    (ii)  no  litigation,  arbitration  proceedings,  prosecution or other legal
          proceedings having been threatened, announced, instituted or remaining
          outstanding  by,  against  or in  respect  of any  member of the Wider
          Innogy  Group or to which any  member of the Wider  Innogy  Group is a
          party  (whether  as  plaintiff  or  defendant  or  otherwise)  and  no
          investigation by any Third Party or other  investigative  body against
          or in respect  of any member of the Wider  Innogy  Group  having  been
          threatened, announced, instituted or remaining outstanding by, against
          or in respect of any member of the Wider Innogy Group; and

    (iii) no liability  (contingent  or otherwise)  having arisen which might be
          reasonably  likely to  materially  adversely  affect the Wider  Innogy

     in each case which is  material in the  context of the Wider  Innogy  Group
     taken as a whole; and

(l)  the Offeror not having discovered that:

    (i)   any financial, business or other information publicly disclosed at any
          time by any member of the Wider Innogy Group is misleading, contains a
          misrepresentation  of fact or omits to state a fact  necessary to make
          the information  contained therein not misleading which in any case is
          material and adverse to the financial or trading position of the Wider
          Innogy Group taken as a whole;

    (ii)  any member of the Wider  Innogy  Group is  subject  to any  liability,
          contingent or  otherwise,  which is not disclosed in the annual report
          and  accounts  of  Innogy  for the year  ended 31 March  2001,  or the
          interim  financial  statements  of Innogy for the six months  ended 30
          September  2001 and  which is  material  in the  context  of the Wider
          Innogy Group taken as a whole;

    (iii) any past or present  member of the Wider Innogy Group has not complied
          in all material respects with all applicable legislation,  common law,
          regulations, circulars, guidance notes or the like of any jurisdiction
          with  regard  to the  use,  storage,  presence,  disposal,  transport,
          discharge,  spillage,  leak or  emission  of any  waste  or  substance
          capable  of  causing  harm  to the  environment  or  human  health  or
          otherwise   relating  to   environmental   matters,   where  any  such
          non-compliance  would be likely to give rise to any material liability
          (whether  actual or  contingent)  or cost on the part of any member of
          the Wider Innogy Group; or


    (iv)  there  is  or is  likely  to  be  any  liability  (whether  actual  or
          contingent) to or requirement by any Third Party to make good, repair,
          re-instate or clean up any property now or previously owned,  occupied
          or made use of by any past or present member of the Wider Innogy Group
          under any environmental legislation, common law, regulations,  notice,
          circular,  order,  guidance  notes or the like which,  in any case, is
          material in the context of the Wider Innogy Group taken as a whole.

The  Offeror  reserves  the right to waive all or any of  conditions  (b) to (l)
inclusive,  in whole or in part.  The  Offer  will  lapse  unless  all the above
conditions are fulfilled or (if capable of waiver) waived or, where appropriate,
determined by the Offeror to have been or remain  satisfied by 3.00 p.m. (London
time),  10.00 a.m.  (New York City time) on 26 April 2002 (or such later date as
the Offeror may  determine,  in  accordance  with the City Code and the Exchange
Act).  The Offeror  shall be under no  obligation to waive or treat as fulfilled
any of  conditions  (b) to (l)  inclusive by a date earlier than the latest date
for the  fulfilment  thereof  notwithstanding  that the other  conditions of the
Offer may at such earlier date have been waived or fulfilled  and that there are
at such earlier date no circumstances indicating that any of such conditions may
not be capable of fulfilment.

If the  Offeror  is  required  by the Panel to make an offer or  offers  for any
Innogy  Shares  under  Rule 9 of the  City  Code,  the  Offeror  may  make  such
alterations to the above conditions as are necessary to comply with that Rule.

If before 3.00 p.m.  (London time),  10.00 a.m. (New York City time) on 26 April
2002  or the  date  when  the  Offer  becomes  unconditional  as to  acceptances
(whichever is the later) the European  Commission  either initiates  proceedings
under Article 6(1)(c) of Council Regulation (EEC) 4064/89 or makes a referral to
a competent authority of the United Kingdom under Article 9(1) thereof and there
is a subsequent reference to the Competition Commission, the Offer will lapse.

As used in this Part A:

     "Wider RWE Group"  means RWE and its  subsidiary  undertakings,  associated
     undertakings and any other  undertakings in which RWE and such undertakings
     (aggregating their interests) have a substantial interest;

     "Wider  Innogy  Group"  means  Innogy  and  its  subsidiary   undertakings,
     associated undertakings and any other undertakings in which Innogy and such
     undertakings (aggregating their interests) have a substantial interest; and

     for these purposes "subsidiary  undertaking",  "associated undertaking" and
     "undertaking"  have the meanings  given by the  Companies Act 1985 (but for
     these purposes ignoring  paragraph 20(1)(b) of Schedule 4A to the Companies
     Act 1985) and "substantial interest" means a direct or indirect interest in
     20 per cent. or more of the equity capital of an undertaking.


Part B: Further Terms of the Offer

The following Further Terms apply, unless the context requires otherwise, to the
Offer  and  the  Loan  Note  Alternative.  Except  where  the  context  requires
otherwise,  any  reference  in  Parts  A and B of  this  Appendix  I and  in the
Acceptance Forms:

(a)  to the  "Offer"  will  include  the Loan  Note  Alternative  and any  other
     election available under the Offer and any revision,  variation, renewal or
     extension thereof;

(b)  to the "Offer  becoming  unconditional"  will  include  the Offer  being or
     becoming or being declared unconditional;

(c)  to the Offer being or becoming or being  declared  "unconditional"  will be
     construed as the Offer being or becoming or being declared unconditional in
     all respects; and

(d)  to the "Offer  Document"  will mean this  document  and any other  document
     containing details of the Offer.

1 Acceptance Period

(a)  The Offer will  initially be open for  acceptance  until 3.00 p.m.  (London
     time),  10.00  a.m.  (New York City  time) on 26 April  2002.  Although  no
     revision  is  envisaged,  if the Offer is revised it will  remain  open for
     acceptance for a period of at least 14 days (or such other period as may be
     permitted  by the  Panel  that is in  accordance  with  the  Exchange  Act)
     following the date of despatching written notice of the revision to holders
     of Innogy Securities.  Except with the consent of the Panel, no revision of
     the Offer may be made  after 13 May  2002,  or, if later,  the date 14 days
     before the last date on which the Offer can become unconditional.

(b)  The Offer, whether revised or not, will not (except with the consent of the
     Panel) be capable of becoming  unconditional after 1.00 p.m. (London time),
     8.00 a.m.  (New York City  time) on 27 May 2002 (or any other  time  and/or
     date  beyond  which the  Offeror  has  stated  that the  Offer  will not be
     extended  and has not  withdrawn  that  statement),  nor of being kept open
     after  that  time  and/or  date  unless  the Offer  has  previously  become
     unconditional,  provided  that the  Offeror  reserves  the right,  with the
     permission  of the  Panel,  to extend the Offer to a later  time(s)  and/or
     date(s). Except with the consent of the Panel, the Offeror may not, for the
     purposes  of  determining   whether  the  Acceptance   Condition  has  been
     satisfied,  take into account  acceptances  received or purchases of Innogy
     Shares (including Innogy Shares represented by Innogy ADSs) made after 1.00
     p.m.  (London time),  8.00 a.m. (New York City time) on 27 May 2002 (or any
     other time(s)  and/or  date(s) beyond which the Offeror has stated that the
     Offer will not be extended and has not  withdrawn  that  statement) or such
     later time(s)  and/or  date(s) as the Offeror,  with the  permission of the
     Panel, may determine.

(c)  If the Offer becomes unconditional in all respects, it will remain open for
     acceptance for the Subsequent Offer Period which shall be for not less than
     14 days  from the  expiry of the  Initial  Offer  Period.  If the Offer has
     become  unconditional  in all respects and it is stated that the Offer will
     remain open until  further  notice,  then not less than 14 days'  notice in
     writing will be given to those  holders of Innogy  Securities  who have not
     accepted the Offer prior to the closing of the Subsequent Offer Period.

(d)  If a competitive  situation arises after a no extension statement and/or no
     increase  statement has been made in connection with the Offer, the Offeror
     may,  if it  specifically  reserves  the  right to do so at the  time  such
     statement is made (or  otherwise  with the consent of the Panel),  withdraw
     such statement  provided it complies with the requirements of the City Code
     and the Exchange Act and in particular  that it announces the withdrawal as
     soon  as  possible  and in any  event  within  four  business  days  of the
     announcement  of  the  competing  offer  and  notifies  holders  of  Innogy
     Securities to that effect in writing at the earliest opportunity or, in the
     case of holders of Innogy Securities with registered  addresses outside the
     United  Kingdom or whom the Offeror  knows to be  nominees,  custodians  or
     trustees  holding  Innogy Shares  (including  Innogy Shares  represented by
     Innogy ADSs) for such persons,  by  announcement  in the United Kingdom and
     the United States.  The Offeror may choose not to be bound by a no increase
     or no extension  statement if, having reserved the right to do so, it posts
     an increased


     or improved offer which is recommended by the board of directors of Innogy,
     or in other circumstances permitted by the Panel.

(e)  For the purposes of determining  whether the Acceptance  Condition has been
     satisfied,  the Offeror will not be bound (unless otherwise required by the
     Panel) to take into  account any Innogy  Shares  (including  Innogy  Shares
     represented  by Innogy  ADSs)  which  have been  issued or  unconditionally
     allotted or which arise as the result of the exercise of conversion  rights
     before that  determination  takes place unless  written  notice  containing
     relevant  details of the  allotment,  issue or conversion has been received
     from Innogy or its agents  before that time by the Offeror or the Receiving
     Agent at Antholin House,  71 Queen Street,  London EC4N 1SL (in the case of
     Innogy Shares) or the  Depositary at the relevant  address set forth on the
     Letter  of  Transmittal  (in the  case of  Innogy  ADSs) on  behalf  of the
     Offeror.   Notification   by  telex  or  facsimile   or  other   electronic
     transmissions or copies will not be sufficient.

(f)  In accordance  with  applicable SEC policy,  at least five US business days
     prior to any reduction in the percentage of Innogy Shares (including Innogy
     Shares  represented  by Innogy  ADSs)  required to satisfy  the  Acceptance
     Condition, the Offeror will announce that it is to exercise the right so to
     reduce  such  percentage.  The  announcement  will be made  through a press
     release  designed  to inform  holders  of Innogy  Securities  in the United
     Kingdom and  elsewhere  and by placing an  advertisement  in a newspaper of
     national circulation in the United States. Such announcement will state the
     level to which the percentage required to satisfy the Acceptance  Condition
     may be reduced, that such a reduction is possible but that the Offeror need
     not declare its actual  intentions  until it is required to do so under the
     City Code and will contain language  advising holders of Innogy  Securities
     to withdraw  their Innogy Shares  (including  Innogy Shares  represented by
     Innogy ADSs) if their  willingness to accept the Offer would be affected by
     a reduction of the Acceptance Condition.  The Offeror will not make such an
     announcement  unless it believes  that there is a  significant  possibility
     that  sufficient  Innogy Shares  (including  Innogy Shares  represented  by
     Innogy  ADSs) will be tendered  to permit the  Acceptance  Condition  to be
     satisfied at such reduced level.  Holders of Innogy  Securities who are not
     willing to accept  the Offer if the  Acceptance  Condition  is reduced to a
     level lower than 90 per cent.  should either not accept the Offer until the
     Offer has become  unconditional in all respects (which may be at a level of
     acceptances  lower  than 90 per cent.) or be  prepared  to  withdraw  their
     acceptances  promptly  following  an  announcement  by the  Offeror  of its
     reservation  of the  right to reduce  the  Acceptance  Condition.  Upon any
     announcement  being made that the  percentage of Innogy  Shares  (including
     Innogy  Shares   represented  by  Innogy  ADSs)  required  to  satisfy  the
     Acceptance  Condition  may be  reduced,  the Offer  shall not be capable of
     becoming or being declared  unconditional  in all respects until the expiry
     of at least five US business days thereafter.  Holders of Innogy Securities
     will be able to accept the Offer for at least five US  business  days after
     the reduction of the Acceptance Condition.

2 Announcements

(a)  By 8.00 a.m. (London time) in the United Kingdom and by 8.00 a.m. (New York
     City time) in the United  States on the business day (the  "relevant  day")
     following  the  day  on  which  the  Offer  is  due to  expire  or  becomes
     unconditional or is revised or extended,  or such later time or date as the
     Panel may agree,  the Offeror  will make an  appropriate  announcement  and
     inform  the London  Stock  Exchange  and the Dow Jones News  Service of the
     position.  Such announcement will also state (unless otherwise permitted by
     the Panel)  the total  number of Innogy  Shares  (including  Innogy  Shares
     represented by Innogy ADSs) and rights over Innogy Shares (including Innogy
     Shares represented by Innogy ADSs) (as nearly as practicable):

    (i)   for which  acceptances  of the Offer have been  received  (showing the
          extent,  if any, to which such  acceptances  have been  received  from
          persons acting or deemed to be in concert with the Offeror);

    (ii)  acquired  or agreed to be  acquired  by or on behalf of the Offeror or
          any person  acting or deemed to be in concert with the Offeror  during
          the Offer Period; and

    (iii) held by or on behalf of the Offeror or any person  deemed to be acting
          in concert with the Offeror prior to the Offer Period,


          and will specify the percentage of the Innogy Shares (including Innogy
          Shares  represented  by  Innogy  ADSs)  represented  by each of  these
          figures.  Any  decision  to extend the time  and/or  date by which the
          Acceptance  Condition  has to be satisfied  may be made at any time up
          to, and will be announced not later than,  8.00 a.m.  (London time) in
          the  United  Kingdom,  8.00 a.m.  (New York City  time) in the  United
          States on the relevant day or such later time and/or date as the Panel
          may agree and the  announcement  will also state the next  expiry date
          (unless the Offer is unconditional). In computing the number of Innogy
          Shares and Innogy ADSs represented by acceptances and purchases, there
          may be included  or excluded  for  announcement  purposes,  subject to
          paragraph 7(e) below, acceptances and purchases not in all respects in
          order or subject to verification.

(b)  In this  Appendix I,  references  to the making of an  announcement  or the
     giving of notice by the Offeror  include the release of an  announcement by
     public  relations  consultants  or by  Merrill  Lynch to the  press and the
     delivery by hand or  telephone,  telex or facsimile  transmission  or other
     electronic transmission of an announcement to the London Stock Exchange and
     the Dow Jones News Service.  An  announcement  made  otherwise  than to the
     London Stock Exchange will be notified  simultaneously  to the London Stock
     Exchange and the Dow Jones News Service.

3 Rights of Withdrawal

(a)  Innogy Securities in respect of which acceptances have been received may be
     withdrawn  pursuant  to the  procedures  set out below at any time from the
     date of this  document  until the  latest  time  specified  for  receipt of
     acceptances  on the last day of the  Initial  Offer  Period  and in certain
     other circumstances  described below. Innogy Securities in respect of which
     acceptances  have been  received  during the Initial  Offer  Period and not
     validly withdrawn during the Initial Offer Period, and Innogy Securities in
     respect of which acceptances have been received during the Subsequent Offer
     Period,  may not be  withdrawn,  except in  certain  limited  circumstances
     described below.

(b)  The Offeror will only make an  announcement  that the Acceptance  Condition
     has been satisfied,  if all other Conditions are also satisfied,  fulfilled
     or to the extent permitted,  waived.  If the Offeror,  having announced the
     Offer to be  unconditional,  fails by 3.30 p.m.  (London time),  10.30 a.m.
     (New York City time) on the relevant day (or such later time or date as the
     Panel  may  agree) to comply  with any of the other  relevant  requirements
     specified in paragraph 2(a) above, an accepting holder of Innogy Securities
     may  immediately  after that time  withdraw his  acceptance of the Offer in
     accordance  with the  procedures  set out below.  Subject to paragraph 1(b)
     above,  this right of withdrawal may be terminated not less than eight days
     after the relevant day by the Offeror confirming, if that be the case, that
     the Offer is still  unconditional  and  complying  with the other  relevant
     requirements specified in paragraph 2(a) above. If any such confirmation is
     given, the first period of 14 days referred to in paragraph 1(c) above will
     run from the date of that confirmation and compliance.

(c)  If a no extension  and/or no increase  statement is withdrawn in accordance
     with  paragraph  1(d)  above,  any  acceptance  made after the date of that
     statement  may  be  withdrawn  thereafter  in  the  manner  referred  to in
     paragraph 3(b) above for a period of eight days following the date on which
     the notice of the withdrawal is posted to holders of Innogy Securities.

(d)  Except as provided by this paragraph 3,  acceptances  and elections made in
     accordance with this Appendix I will be irrevocable.

(e)  To be  effective,  a written  notice of  withdrawal  must be  received on a
     timely basis by the party (either the Receiving Agent or the Depositary) to
     whom the  acceptance was originally  sent at their  respective  address and
     must specify the name of the person who has  tendered the Innogy  Shares or
     Innogy ADSs, the number of Innogy Shares or Innogy ADSs to be withdrawn and
     (if Innogy ADSs have been tendered) the name of the registered  holder,  if
     different from the name of the person whose  acceptance is to be withdrawn.
     In respect of Innogy ADSs, if Innogy ADRs have been  delivered or otherwise
     identified to the Depositary,  then,  prior to the physical release of such
     Innogy ADRs, the serial numbers shown on such Innogy ADRs must be submitted
     and,  unless  the  Innogy  ADSs  evidenced  by such  Innogy  ADRs have been
     delivered  by an  Eligible  Institution,  the  signatures  on the notice of
     withdrawal  must be guaranteed by an Eligible  Institution.  If Innogy ADSs
     evidenced by Innogy ADRs have been


     delivered  pursuant to the procedures  for  book-entry  transfer set out in
     paragraph  10(c) of this Part B, any notice of withdrawal  must specify the
     name and  number of the  account  at the  appropriate  Book-Entry  Transfer
     Facility to be credited with the withdrawn  Innogy ADSs and must  otherwise
     comply with such Book-Entry Transfer Facility's procedures.

(f)  In this paragraph 3, "written notice" (including any letter of appointment,
     direction  or  authority)  means  notice in writing  bearing  the  original
     signature(s)  of the relevant  accepting  holders of Innogy  Securities  or
     his/their agent(s) duly appointed in writing (evidence of whose appointment
     satisfactory  to the  Offeror  is  produced  with  the  notice).  Telex  or
     facsimile  or  other  electronic   transmissions  or  copies  will  not  be
     sufficient.  No notice which is  post-marked  or  otherwise  appears to the
     Offeror  or its  agents to have been sent from  Australia,  Canada or Japan
     will be treated as valid.

(g)  All questions as to the validity  (including time of receipt) of any notice
     of withdrawal will be determined by the Offeror whose determination (except
     as required by the Panel) will be final and  binding.  None of the Offeror,
     Innogy,  Merrill Lynch,  the  Depositary,  the Receiving Agent or any other
     person  will be  under  any duty to give  notification  of any  defects  or
     irregularities  in any  notice of  withdrawal  or incur any  liability  for
     failure  to give such  notification  or for any  determination  under  this
     paragraph (g).

4 The Loan Note Alternative

(a)  The  Loan  Note  Alternative  is  conditional  upon  all of the  Conditions
     becoming  or  being  declared  satisfied,   fulfilled  or,  to  the  extent
     permitted,  waived and will  remain  open for as long as the Offer  remains
     open for  acceptances.  No Loan Notes will be issued unless valid elections
     for the Loan Note  Alternative  are received on or before the date on which
     the Offer becomes or is declared unconditional in all respects for at least
     (pound)5 million nominal value of Loan Notes. If insufficient elections are
     received,  Innogy  Shareholders  who validly accept the Offer and elect for
     the Loan Note  Alternative will instead receive cash in accordance with the
     terms of the Offer.  Subject as aforesaid,  the Loan Note  Alternative will
     remain open as long as the Offer is open for acceptance.

(b)  No election for the Loan Note Alternative will be valid unless both a valid
     acceptance of the Offer and a valid election for the Loan Note Alternative,
     duly  complete in all  respects and  accompanied  by, if  appropriate,  all
     relevant share  certificates  and/or other  document(s) of title,  are duly
     received  by the time and date on which the Loan Note  Alternative  closes.

(c)  If any acceptance of the Offer which includes an election for the Loan Note
     Alternative  is not,  or is not  deemed  to be,  valid or  complete  in all
     respects at such time, such election shall for all purposes be void and the
     holder(s) of Innogy Shares  purporting to make such election shall not, for
     any purpose, be entitled to receive the Loan Note Alternative, but any such
     acceptance  which is otherwise valid shall be deemed to be an acceptance of
     the Offer  (without  the Loan Note  Alternative)  for the  number of Innogy
     Shares which are the subject of the  acceptance and the holder(s) of Innogy
     Shares  will,  on  the  Offer  becoming  unconditional,  receive  the  cash
     consideration due under the Offer.

(d)  The insertion of a number in Box 3 on the Form of Acceptance shall, subject
     to the other  terms of the Offer,  be treated in respect of that  number of
     Innogy Shares, as an election for the Loan Note Alternative.

(e)  An election for the Loan Note Alternative will not be valid unless the Form
     of  Acceptance  is  completed  correctly in all respects and is received in
     accordance with paragraph 8 below.

(f)  The Loan  Notes  will be  issued in  multiples  of(pound)1  and  fractional
     entitlements will be disregarded.

(g)  The Loan Note Alternative is not available to any Innogy Shareholder who is
     a US person or to holders of Innogy ADSs.

5 Revised Offer

(a)  Although no such  revision is  envisaged,  if the Offer (in its original or
     any  previously  revised  form(s))  is  revised  (either  in its  terms  or
     conditions or in the value or form of the consideration offered or


     otherwise),  and any such revised Offer represents on the date on which the
     revision  is  announced  (on  such  basis as  Merrill  Lynch  may  consider
     appropriate)  an  improvement  (or  no  diminution)  in  the  value  of the
     consideration  previously  offered,  the benefit of the revised Offer will,
     subject to paragraphs  5(c), 5(d) and 6 below, be made available to holders
     of  Innogy  Securities  who have  accepted  the  Offer in its  original  or
     previously revised form(s) ("Previous Acceptors").  The acceptance by or on
     behalf  of a  Previous  Acceptor  of  the  Offer  in  its  original  or any
     previously  revised  form(s) will,  subject to paragraphs  5(c), 5(d) and 6
     below,  be deemed to be an  acceptance  of the Offer as so revised and will
     also  constitute  an  authority  to  the  Offeror  or any  duly  authorised
     representative  of Merrill Lynch as his attorney and/or agent to accept any
     such revised Offer on behalf of such Previous Acceptor and, if such revised
     Offer includes  alternative forms of  consideration,  to make on his behalf
     elections for and/or accept such alternative  forms of consideration on his
     behalf as such attorney and/or agent in his absolute  discretion thinks fit
     and to execute on behalf of and in the name of such  Previous  Acceptor all
     such further  documents  and take such  further  actions (if any) as may be
     required to give effect to such acceptances and/or elections. In making any
     such acceptance or making any such election, the attorney and/or agent will
     take into account the nature of any previous  acceptances  and/or elections
     made by the  Previous  Acceptor  and such other  facts or matters as he may
     reasonably consider relevant.

(b)  The Offeror and Merrill Lynch reserve the right  (subject to paragraph 5(a)
     above) to treat any executed Form of  Acceptance  or Letter of  Transmittal
     relating to the Offer in their original or any previously  revised  form(s)
     which are received (or dated) on or after the  announcement or issue of the
     Offer in any  revised  form as a valid  acceptance  and/or  election of the
     revised Offer and such acceptance will constitute an authority in the terms
     of paragraph 5(a) above mutatis  mutandis on behalf of the relevant  holder
     of Innogy Securities.

(c)  The deemed acceptances  referred to in this paragraph 5 shall not apply and
     the  authorities  conferred by this paragraph shall not be exercised by the
     Offeror or any  director  of  Merrill  Lynch if, as a result  thereof,  the
     Previous  Acceptor  would (on such  basis as  Merrill  Lynch  may  consider
     appropriate) thereby receive less in aggregate  consideration than he would
     have received in aggregate  consideration  as a result of acceptance of the
     Offer in the form in which they were  originally  accepted by him or on his

(d)  The deemed  acceptances  referred to in this paragraph 5 will not apply and
     the  authorities  conferred by this  paragraph 5 will be ineffective to the
     extent that a Previous Acceptor shall lodge with the Receiving Agent or the
     Depositary,  as  appropriate  within 14 days of the posting of the document
     pursuant to which the revision of the Offer is made  available to holder of
     Innogy  Securities,  a Form of Acceptance  (in the case of Innogy  Shares),
     Letter of  Transmittal  (in the case of  Innogy  ADSs) or some  other  form
     issued  by or on  behalf  of the  Offeror  in which  the  holder  of Innogy
     Securities  validly elects to receive the  consideration  receivable by him
     under such revised Offer in some other manner.

(e)  If the Offeror  makes a material  change in the terms of the Offer or if it
     waives a material  condition  of the Offer,  the Offeror  will  disseminate
     additional  tender  offer  materials  and  extend  the Offer to the  extent
     required by Rules 14d-4(d),  14d-6(c) and 14e-1 under the Exchange Act. The
     minimum  period during which an offer must remain open  following  material
     changes in the terms of the offer, other than a change in price or a change
     in the  percentage  of  securities  sought,  will depend upon the facts and
     circumstances then existing,  including the materiality of the changes, but
     generally  will be no less than five US business  days.  With  respect to a
     change  in price  or,  subject  to  certain  limitations,  a change  in the
     percentage  of  securities  sought,  a minimum of ten US  business  days is
     generally required to allow for adequate dissemination to holders of Innogy
     Securities.  Any reduction in the  percentage of Innogy Shares  required to
     satisfy the Acceptance  Condition will be accomplished and announced in the
     manner  described  in paragraph  1(f) of this Part B and not in  accordance
     with this paragraph.

6 Overseas Holders of Innogy Securities

(a)  The making of the Offer  (including  the Loan Note  Alternative)  in, or to
     certain  persons  who  are  resident  in,  or  citizens  or  nationals  of,
     jurisdictions  outside the UK may be  affected by the laws of the  relevant
     jurisdictions.  Holders of Innogy Securities who are residents, citizens or
     nationals of  jurisdictions  outside the UK should inform  themselves about
     and observe any applicable legal requirements. It is the


     responsibility  of any such person  wishing to accept the Offer or the Loan
     Note  Alternative to satisfy  himself as to the full observance of the laws
     of  the  relevant  jurisdiction  in  connection  therewith,  including  the
     obtaining of any governmental, exchange control or other consents which may
     be required,  the  compliance  with other  necessary  formalities,  and the
     payment of any issue,  transfer or other taxes due in that  jurisdiction by
     whomsoever  payable and RWE,  the  Offeror and Merrill  Lynch will be fully
     indemnified  and held harmless by any holder of Innogy  Securities for whom
     RWE, the Offeror or Merrill  Lynch are required to pay any issue,  transfer
     or other taxes.

(b)  The Offer is not being made, directly or indirectly,  in or into Australia,
     Canada  or  Japan,  or by  use  of  the  mails  of,  or  by  any  means  or
     instrumentality  of interstate or foreign commerce of, or any facilities of
     a national securities exchange of, any of these  jurisdictions.  Such means
     or   instrumentalities   include,   but  are  not  limited  to,   facsimile
     transmission, telex and telephone.

(c)  Copies  of this  document,  the  Acceptance  Forms  and any  related  Offer
     Documents are not being mailed or otherwise  distributed or sent in or into
     Australia,  Canada or Japan including to holders of Innogy  Securities with
     registered  addresses in these jurisdictions or to persons whom the Offeror
     knows to be nominees, custodians or trustees holding Innogy Shares for such
     persons.  Persons receiving such documents (including,  without limitation,
     custodians,  nominees and trustees) must not distribute,  send or mail them
     in, into or from Australia, Canada or Japan or use any such instrumentality
     in connection  with the Offer,  and doing so may render invalid any related
     purported acceptance of the Offer. Persons wishing to accept the Offer must
     not use Australian,  Canadian or Japanese mails or any such instrumentality
     for any purpose directly or indirectly  related to acceptance of the Offer.
     Envelopes  containing  the  Acceptance  Forms  must  not be  postmarked  in
     Australia, Canada or Japan or otherwise despatched from these jurisdictions
     and all acceptors  must provide  addresses  outside  Australia,  Canada and
     Japan for the receipt of the consideration to which they are entitled under
     the Offer and which is despatched by post pursuant to paragraph 9(e)(ii) of
     Part B or for the return of the Acceptance Forms and (in relation to Innogy
     Shares held in  certificated  form) any share  certificates,  and/or  other
     document(s) of title.

(d)  Subject as provided below, a holder of Innogy Securities will be deemed not
     to have accepted the Offer if:

    (i)   he puts "No" in Box 6 of the Acceptance Form and thereby does not make
          the representations and warranties set out in paragraph 9(b) of Part B
          of Appendix I;

    (ii)  Box 1 of the Acceptance Form contains an address in Australia,  Canada
          or Japan or has a registered address in Australia, Canada or Japan and
          in either case he does not insert in Box 7 of the Acceptance  Form the
          name and address of a person or agent  outside  Australia,  Canada and
          Japan to whom he  wishes  the  consideration  to which he is  entitled
          under  the  Offer  to be  sent,  subject  to the  provisions  of  this
          paragraph 9(b) and applicable laws; or

    (iii) an  Acceptance  Form  received  from him is  received  in an  envelope
          postmarked  in, or  otherwise  appears to the Offeror or its agents to
          have been sent from, Australia, Canada or Japan.

     The Offeror reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to investigate,  in
     relation to any acceptance,  whether the representations and warranties set
     out in  paragraph  9(b) of Part B could have been  truthfully  given by the
     relevant holder of Innogy Securities and, if such investigation is made and
     as a result the Offeror determines that such representations and warranties
     could not have been so given, such acceptance shall not be valid.

(e)  If,   notwithstanding   the   restrictions   described  above,  any  person
     (including, without limitation,  custodians, nominees and trustees) whether
     pursuant to a contractual  or legal  obligation or otherwise  forwards this
     document,  the Acceptance Form or any related offering document in, into or
     from  Australia,  Canada  or  Japan  or uses  the  mails  or any  means  or
     instrumentality  (including,  without limitation,  facsimile  transmission,
     telex  and  telephones)  of  interstate  or  foreign  commerce  of,  or any
     facilities of a national securities exchange of Australia,  Canada or Japan
     in  connection  with such  forwarding,  such  person  should (i) inform the
     recipient of such fact, (ii) explain to the recipient that


     such action may  invalidate  any purported  acceptance by the recipient and
     (iii) draw the attention of the recipient to this paragraph 6.

(f)  As used in this document and in the Form of Acceptance  (i) "Canada"  means
     Canada,  its  possessions  and  territories  and all areas  subject  to its
     jurisdiction or any political  subdivision  thereof;  and "Canadian person"
     means  any  person  who  is a  resident,  citizen  or  national  of  Canada
     (including  the estate of any such person) or  corporations,  partnerships,
     trusts or other entities  created or organised in Canada;  (ii) "Australia"
     means  Australia,  its possessions and territories and all areas subject to
     its  jurisdiction  or any political  subdivision  thereof;  and "Australian
     person"  means  any  person  who is a  resident,  citizen  or  national  of
     Australia  (including  the  estate  of any such  person)  or  corporations,
     partnerships,  trusts or other entities  created or organised in Australia;
     (iii) "Japan" means Japan,  its  possessions  and territories and all areas
     subject to its  jurisdiction  or any  political  subdivision  thereof;  and
     "Japanese  person" means any person who is a resident,  citizen or national
     of Japan  (including  the  estate  of any  such  person)  or  corporations,
     partnerships,  trusts or other entities  created or organised in Japan; and
     (iv) "Restricted Overseas Person" means a Canadian,  Australian or Japanese

(g)  Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary contained in this document or the
     Acceptance  Form, the Offeror and Merrill Lynch may make the Offer (with or
     without  giving effect to the foregoing  paragraphs of this paragraph 6) in
     Australia,  Canada  or  Japan  or to or for  the  benefit  of a  Restricted
     Overseas  Person pursuant to an exemption under the US Securities Act or in
     accordance  with  applicable law in Australia,  Canada or Japan and in this
     connection  the  provisions of paragraph  9(b) of Part B of this Appendix I
     will be varied accordingly.

(h)  The  provisions  of this  paragraph  6  supersede  any  terms of the  Offer
     inconsistent with them. The provisions of this paragraph 6 and/or any other
     terms of the Offer relating to overseas holders of Innogy Securities may be
     waived,  varied  or  modified  as  regards  specific  holder(s)  of  Innogy
     Securities or on a general basis by the Offeror in its absolute discretion.

(i)  The Loan Notes have not been, and will not be, listed on any stock exchange
     and have not been and will not be registered  under the US Securities  Act,
     or under any relevant securities laws of any state or other jurisdiction of
     the United States and the relevant  clearances  have not been, and will not
     be, obtained from the regulatory  authority of any province or territory of
     Canada. In addition,  no prospectus in relation to the Loan Notes has been,
     or will be, lodged with, or registered  by, the  Australian  Securities and
     Investments Commission and no steps have been taken, nor will any be taken,
     to enable  the Loan  Notes to be  offered  in  compliance  with  applicable
     securities  laws of Japan.  Accordingly,  unless an  exemption  under  such
     relevant laws is available, the Loan Notes may not be offered, sold, resold
     or delivered,  directly or indirectly,  in, into or from the United States,
     Australia,  Canada or Japan or any other  jurisdiction in which an offer of
     Loan  Notes  would  constitute  a  violation  of  relevant  laws or require
     registration  of the Loan Notes,  or to or for the benefit of any US person
     or resident of Australia,  Canada or Japan or any other such  jurisdiction.
     If, in respect of a Form of  Acceptance  from any Innogy  Shareholder,  the
     holder is  unable to make the  representations  and  warranties  set out in
     paragraphs  9(b),  9(p) and 9(q) of Part B of this  Appendix I, the Offeror
     reserves the right, in its absolute  discretion,  to ignore any election in
     that Form of Acceptance to receive Loan Notes and to treat it instead as an
     acceptance of the Offer for cash.

(j)  The Offer in the United  States is made solely by the Offeror,  and neither
     Merrill  Lynch nor any of its  affiliates is making the Offer in the United

7 General

(a)  Except with the consent of the Panel,  the Offer will lapse  unless all the
     conditions relating to the Offer have been fulfilled or, where appropriate,
     have been and  continue  to be  satisfied  or have been waived by 1.00 p.m.
     (London time),  8.00 a.m. (New York City time) on 27 May 2002 or such later
     date as the Offeror, with the consent of the Panel, may decide.


(b)  If the Offer lapses, it will cease to be capable of further  acceptance and
     accepting  holders of Innogy  Securities  and the Offeror  will cease to be
     bound by Acceptance Forms submitted  before the time the Offer lapses.

(c)  If all of the Conditions are either satisfied,  fulfilled or, to the extent
     permitted,  waived and  sufficient  acceptances  are received,  the Offeror
     intends to apply the  provisions  of sections 428 to 430F of the  Companies
     Act to acquire compulsorily any outstanding Innogy Shares (including Innogy
     Shares  represented  by Innogy  ADSs).  In respect of Innogy  ADSs  validly
     tendered pursuant to a Letter of Transmittal, the Offeror shall, insofar as
     it may determine, be deemed for the purposes of the Acceptance Condition or
     generally to have agreed to acquire such Innogy ADSs and the Innogy  Shares
     represented by such Innogy ADSs.

     Holders of Innogy  Securities do not have  appraisal  rights as a result of
     the Offer.  However,  in the event that compulsory  acquisition  procedures
     referred  to  above  are  available  to  the  Offeror,  holders  of  Innogy
     Securities whose Innogy Securities have not been purchased  pursuant to the
     Offer  will  have  certain  rights  to  object  under  section  430C of the
     Companies Act.

(d)  Except with the consent of the Panel,  settlement of the  consideration  to
     which any holder of Innogy  Securities is entitled  under the Offer will be
     implemented  in full in  accordance  with the  terms of the  Offer  without
     regard to any lien, right of set-off, counterclaim or other analogous right
     to which the Offeror may otherwise be, or claim to be,  entitled as against
     such  holder  of  Innogy  Securities  and will be  effected  in the  manner
     described in paragraph  15 of the letter from  Merrill  Lynch  contained in
     this  Offer  Document  not later  than 14 days  after the date on which the
     Offer becomes  unconditional  in all respects or 14 days after receipt of a
     valid and complete acceptance (including the relevant transfer to escrow or
     (as applicable) receipt of the relevant share  certificate(s),  Innogy ADRs
     and/or  other  documents  of  title  or  indemnities  satisfactory  to  the
     Offeror),  whichever is later.  All cash payments (other than payments made
     by means  of  CREST)  will be made by  cheque  drawn  on a  branch  of a UK
     clearing bank. No  consideration  of any kind will be sent to an address in
     Australia, Canada or Japan, and no Loan Notes will be sent to an address in
     the United States or to a US person.

(e)  Notwithstanding  the  right  reserved  by the  Offeror  to  treat a Form of
     Acceptance  or Letter of  Transmittal  as valid even though not entirely in
     order or not accompanied by the relevant share certificate(s),  Innogy ADRs
     and/or  other  documents  of  title,  or not  accompanied  by the  relevant
     transfer to escrow, except as otherwise agreed with the Panel:

    (i)   an acceptance of the Offer will only be counted towards fulfilling the
          Acceptance Condition if the requirements of Note 4 and, if applicable,
          Note 6 on Rule 10 of the City Code are satisfied in respect of it;

    (ii)  a purchase of Innogy Shares  (including  Innogy Shares  represented by
          Innogy ADSs) by the Offeror or its  nominee(s)  (or, if relevant,  any
          person acting in concert with the Offeror, or its nominee(s)), if any,
          will only be counted  towards  fulfilling the Acceptance  Condition if
          the  requirements  of Note 5 and, if applicable,  Note 6 on Rule 10 of
          the City Code are satisfied in respect of it; and

    (iii) before the Offer becomes  unconditional the Receiving Agent will issue
          a certificate to the Offeror and/or Merrill Lynch or their  respective
          agents   stating  the  number  of  Innogy   Shares  and  Innogy  ADSs,
          respectively in respect of which  acceptances have been received which
          comply with subparagraph (i) above and the number of Innogy Shares and
          Innogy ADSs respectively otherwise acquired,  whether before or during
          the Offer Period,  which comply with subparagraph (ii) above.  Merrill
          Lynch  will send a copy of such  certificate  to the Panel and to CSFB
          and Deutsche Bank as soon as possible after it is issued.

(f)  The  terms,  provisions,  instructions  and  authorities  contained  in the
     Acceptance  Forms  constitute  part of the  terms of the  Offer.  Words and
     expressions  defined in this  document  have the same meanings when used in
     the Acceptance Forms, unless the context otherwise requires.


(g)  All  references  to 26 April 2002 in this  document  and in the  Acceptance
     Forms will (except in paragraph  1(a) and the  definition of "Offer Period"
     and where the context otherwise  requires) be deemed, if the expiry date of
     the  Offer be  extended,  to refer to the  expiry  date of the  Offer as so

(h)  References in paragraph 6 above and Part B to a holder of Innogy Securities
     will  include  references  to the  person or  persons  executing  a Form of
     Acceptance  or  Letter  of  Transmittal  and in the  event of more than one
     person  executing  a Form of  Acceptance  or  Letter of  Transmittal,  such
     paragraphs will apply to them jointly and severally.

(i)  Any omission to despatch this document, the Form of Acceptance or Letter of
     Transmittal or any notice required to be despatched  under the terms of the
     Offer to, or any  failure  to  receive  the same by, any person to whom the
     Offer is made, or should be made, will not invalidate the Offer in any way.

(j)  The Offeror and Merrill  Lynch  reserve the right to treat  acceptances  as
     valid if  received by or on behalf of either of them at any place or places
     determined  by them  otherwise  than as set  out in  this  document  or the
     Acceptance Forms.

(k)  No  acknowledgement  of  receipt  of any Form of  Acceptance  or  Letter of
     Transmittal,  transfer by means of CREST,  share  certificate(s),  or other
     document(s)  of title will be given by, or on behalf of, the  Offeror.  All
     communications,  notices, certificates,  documents of title and remittances
     to be  delivered  by or sent to or from  holders of Innogy  Securities  (or
     their designated agent(s)) will be delivered by or sent to or from them (or
     their designated agent(s)) at their risk.

(l)  The Offer  extends  to  persons to whom the Offer is made or should be made
     but to whom this document,  the Acceptance  Forms or any related  documents
     may not be  despatched  and  such  persons  may  collect  copies  of  these
     documents from the Receiving Agent or the Information Agent (in the case of
     Innogy Shares) and the Depositary or the Information  Agent (in the case of
     Innogy ADSs) at the relevant addresses.

(m)  The  Offeror  and  Merrill  Lynch  reserve  the right to notify  any matter
     including the making of the Offer to all or any holder of Innogy Securities
     with a  registered  address  outside  the UK and the US or whom the Offeror
     knows  to  be  a  custodian,  trustee  or  nominee  holding  Innogy  Shares
     (including  Innogy Shares  represented  by Innogy ADSs) for persons who are
     citizens,  residents or nationals of  jurisdictions  outside the UK and the
     US, by announcement in the UK to the London Stock Exchange and in the US to
     the Dow Jones News Service or in any other  appropriate  manner, or by paid
     advertisement  in a daily newspaper  published and circulated in the UK and
     the US, in which event such notice will be deemed to have been sufficiently
     given,  notwithstanding  any  failure  by  any  such  holder(s)  of  Innogy
     Securities  to  receive  or see such  notice,  and all  references  in this
     document  to notice in  writing  by or on  behalf  of the  Offeror  will be
     construed accordingly.

(n)  The Offer is being made by means of this document and  advertisements to be
     published  in the  Financial  Times  (London  edition)  and The Wall Street
     Journal (National edition).

(o)  If the  Offer  lapses  then:  (i) in  respect  of  Innogy  Shares  held  in
     certificated  form and Innogy  ADSs,  the  relevant  share  certificate(s),
     Innogy ADRs and/or other documents of title will be returned by post (or by
     such other method as may be approved by the Panel)  within 14 calendar days
     of the Offer lapsing to the person or agent whose name and address (outside
     Australia,  Canada or Japan) is set out in Box 1 (or, if applicable, Box 7)
     of the Form of  Acceptance or to the person or agent whose name and address
     (outside  Australia,  Canada  or  Japan)  is  set  out  in  the  Letter  of
     Transmittal (as applicable) or, if none is set out, to the name and address
     of the  person  who is the  first  named  holder  at his or her  registered
     address; (ii) in respect of Innogy Shares held in uncertificated form (that
     is, in CREST),  the Receiving Agent will,  immediately after the lapsing of
     the Offer (or  within  such  longer  period  as the Panel may  permit,  not
     exceeding 14 calendar  days after the lapsing of the Offer),  give transfer
     from escrow  instructions to CRESTCo to transfer all relevant Innogy Shares
     held in escrow balances and in relation to which it is the escrow agent for
     the purposes of the Offer to the original available balances of the holders
     of Innogy Shares  concerned;  and (iii) in respect of Innogy ADSs delivered
     by book-entry


     transfer into the Depositary's  account at a Book-Entry  Transfer Facility,
     Innogy ADSs will be credited to an account  maintained  at the  appropriate
     Book-Entry Transfer Facility.

(p)  All powers of attorney, appointments of agents and authorities conferred by
     this Appendix I or in the Acceptance Forms are given by way of security for
     the  performance  of the  obligations  of the  holder of Innogy  Securities
     concerned and are irrevocable in accordance with section 4 of the Powers of
     Attorney Act 1971 except in the circumstances where the donor of such power
     of  attorney  or  authority  or  appointor  is  entitled  to  withdraw  his
     acceptance in accordance  with paragraph 3 above and duly does so or except
     as specified in paragraph 5(d) above.

(q)  The Offer and the  Acceptance  Forms and all  acceptances  and elections in
     respect  thereof  will be  governed by and  construed  in  accordance  with
     English law. Execution by or on behalf of an Innogy Shareholder or a holder
     of Innogy ADSs of an Acceptance Form constitutes his irrevocable submission
     to the exclusive  jurisdiction  of the courts of England in relation to all
     matters arising in connection with the Offer.

(r)  In  relation  to any  acceptance  of the Offer in  respect  of a holding of
     Innogy Shares which are held in  uncertificated  form, the Offeror reserves
     the right to make such  alterations,  additions or  modifications as may be
     necessary or desirable to give effect to any  purported  acceptance  of the
     Offer,  whether in order to comply with the facilities or  requirements  of
     CREST or otherwise,  provided such alterations,  additions or modifications
     are consistent with the requirements of the City Code or are otherwise made
     with the consent of the Panel.

(s)  Neither RWE, the Offeror, nor any other member of the RWE Group nor Merrill
     Lynch nor any agent or  director  of any member of the RWE Group or Merrill
     Lynch,  nor any person acting on behalf of them shall have any liability to
     any person for any loss or alleged loss arising from any decision as to the
     treatment of acceptances of the Offer or otherwise in connection therewith.

(t)  Subject  to the  Offer  becoming  or being  declared  unconditional  in all
     respects,  the Offeror  intends to procure  that  Innogy  applies to the UK
     Listing Authority for the official listing and to the London Stock Exchange
     for the admission to trading of the Innogy  Shares to be  cancelled.  It is
     anticipated  that such  cancellation  will take  effect no earlier  than 20
     business days after the Offer becomes  unconditional  in all respects.  The
     Offeror also intends to procure that Innogy  applies for  de-listing of the
     Innogy ADSs from the New York Stock Exchange.

8 Procedures for Tendering Innogy Shares

(a)  Holders of Innogy  Shares will have  received  with this document a Form of
     Acceptance.  This  section  should  be  read  together  with  the  Form  of
     Acceptance.   The  provisions  of  this  section  shall  be  deemed  to  be
     incorporated  in,  and to  form a part  of,  the  Form of  Acceptance.  The
     instructions printed on the Form of Acceptance shall be deemed to form part
     of the terms of the Offer.

     If a holder of Innogy Shares holds Innogy Shares in both  certificated  and
     uncertificated  form, he should  complete a separate Form of Acceptance for
     each holding.  Similarly,  such holder  should  complete a separate Form of
     Acceptance  for  Innogy  Shares  held in  uncertificated  form,  but  under
     different  member  account IDs, and for Innogy Shares held in  certificated
     form, but under different designations.  Please contact the Receiving Agent
     if you require any additional Forms of Acceptance.

(b)  If a holder of Innogy Securities is electing for the Loan Note Alternative,
     he must not be in the US or be a resident  of  Australia,  Canada or Japan,
     must not be a US person  and must not  accept  the Offer and elect for Loan
     Notes with a view to the offer, sale or delivery directly or indirectly, of
     such Loan Notes in or into the US,  Australia,  Canada or Japan and he must
     not hold or acquire  any Loan Notes for any other  person who he has reason
     to believe is purchasing for the purpose of that offer, sale or delivery.

(c)  To accept the Offer, any Innogy Shareholder, including any person in the US
     who holds Innogy  Shares,  wishing to accept the Offer in respect of all or
     any portion of such holder's Innogy Shares, should complete Box 2 and, sign
     Box 4 in accordance  with the  instructions  printed on it, if  applicable,
     complete Boxes 3, 7 and 8 and, if such holder's Innogy Shares are in CREST,
     Box 5. All Innogy


     Shareholders who are individuals  should sign the Form of Acceptance in the
     presence of a witness,  who should also sign Box 4 in  accordance  with the
     instructions  printed on it. Unless  witnessed,  an acceptance  will not be

(d)  An accepting  Innogy  Shareholder  should return the completed,  signed and
     witnessed (if applicable) Form(s) of Acceptance, whether or not such Innogy
     Shares are in CREST,  to the  Receiving  Agent.  The  completed  Form(s) of
     Acceptance,   together,   if  such  holder's  Innogy  Shares  are  held  in
     certificated form, with his share  certificate(s)  and/or other document(s)
     of title, must be lodged with the Receiving Agent, as soon as possible, but
     in any event so as to arrive not later than 3.00 p.m. (London time),  10.00
     a.m. (New York City time) on 26 April 2002. If you have any questions as to
     how to complete the Form(s) of Acceptance,  please contact the Helpline.  A
     Form of Acceptance contained in an envelope postmarked in Australia, Canada
     or Japan or  otherwise  appearing to the Offeror or its agents to have been
     sent from Australia, Canada or Japan may be rejected as invalid.

(e)  If Innogy Shares are held in uncertificated  form, the holder should insert
     in Box 5 of the Form of Acceptance the participant ID and member account ID
     under  which  such  Innogy  Shares  are held by him in CREST and  otherwise
     complete and return the Form of Acceptance as described above. In addition,
     such holders  should take (or procure to be taken) the action set out below
     to transfer  the Innogy  Shares in respect of which he wishes to accept the
     Offer to an escrow balance, specifying the Receiving Agent (in its capacity
     as a CREST  participant  under the participant ID referred to below) as the
     escrow agent, as soon as possible, but in any event so that the transfer to
     escrow settles not later than 3.00 p.m. (London time), 10.00 a.m. (New York
     City time), on 26 April 2002.

(f)  If the Innogy  Shareholder is a CREST sponsored  member, he should refer to
     his CREST sponsor before taking any action.  Such holder's  sponsor will be
     able to confirm  details of his  participant  ID and the member  account ID
     under which his Innogy Shares are held. In addition, only his CREST sponsor
     will be able to send the TTE  Instruction  to  CRESTCo in  relation  to his
     Innogy Shares.

(g)  A holder of Innogy  Shares  should  send  (or,  if he is a CREST  sponsored
     member, procure that his CREST sponsor sends) a TTE Instruction to CRESTCo,
     which  must  be  properly   authenticated   in  accordance  with  CRESTCo's
     specifications and which must contain, in addition to the other information
     that is required for a TTE  Instruction  to settle in CREST,  the following

    (i)   the number of Innogy Shares to be transferred to an escrow balance;

    (ii)  the participant ID of such Innogy  Shareholder.  This must be the same
          participant ID as the  participant ID that is inserted in Box 5 of the
          Form of Acceptance;

    (iii) the member  account ID of such  Innogy  Shareholder.  This must be the
          same  member  account ID as the member  account ID that is inserted in
          Box 5 of the Form of Acceptance;

    (iv)  the  participant ID of the Receiving  Agent in its capacity as a CREST
          receiving agent. This is 6RA66;

    (v)   the member account ID of the escrow agent. This is RA325801;

    (vi)  the Form of  Acceptance  reference  number.  This is the  number  that
          appears  next  to Box 5 on  page 3 of the  Form  of  Acceptance.  This
          reference  number should be inserted in the first eight  characters of
          the shared  note field on the TTE  Instruction.  Such  insertion  will
          enable the  Receiving  Agent to match the  transfer  to escrow to your
          Form of  Acceptance.  The Innogy  Shareholder  should  keep a separate
          record  of  this  Form  of  Acceptance  reference  number  for  future

    (vii) the intended  settlement  date. This should be as soon as possible and
          in any event not later than 3.00 p.m.  (London time),  10.00 a.m. (New
          York City time), on 26 April 2002;

    (viii)the  Corporate  Action  Number  for the  Offer.  This is  allocated by
          CRESTCo  and can be found by viewing  the  relevant  Corporate  Action
          Details in CREST; and

    (ix)  input with Standard Delivery instruction of 80.


(h)  After settlement of the TTE Instruction,  an Innogy Shareholder will not be
     able to access the Innogy Shares  concerned in CREST for any transaction or
     charging purposes. If all of the conditions are either satisfied, fulfilled
     or, to the extent  permitted,  waived,  the escrow agent will  transfer the
     Innogy Shares  concerned to itself in accordance with paragraph  9(d)(i) of
     Part B of this Appendix.

(i)  Such  Innogy  Shareholder  is  recommended  to  refer to the  CREST  Manual
     published  by  CRESTCo  for  further  information  on the CREST  procedures
     outlined above. For ease of processing, such holder is requested,  wherever
     possible,  to ensure that a Form of Acceptance relates to only one transfer
     to escrow.

(j)  If no  Form  of  Acceptance  reference  number,  or an  incorrect  Form  of
     Acceptance  reference  number,  is  included  on the TTE  Instruction,  the
     Offeror  may treat any  amount of Innogy  Shares  transferred  to an escrow
     balance in favour of the escrow agent  specified above from the participant
     ID and member  account ID identified in the TTE  Instruction as relating to
     any Form(s) of Acceptance which relate(s) to the same member account ID and
     participant ID (up to the amount of Innogy Shares  inserted or deemed to be
     inserted on the Form(s) of Acceptance concerned).

(k)  Such Innogy  Shareholder  should note that CRESTCo does not make  available
     special procedures,  in CREST, for any particular corporate action.  Normal
     system timings and  limitations  will therefore  apply in connection with a
     TTE  Instruction and its settlement.  Such holder should  therefore  ensure
     that all  necessary  action  is taken by him (or by his CREST  sponsor)  to
     enable a TTE  Instruction  relating to his Innogy Shares to settle prior to
     3.00 p.m. (London time), 10.00 a.m. (New York City time), on 26 April 2002.
     In this connection, such holder is referred in particular to those sections
     of the CREST Manual  concerning  practical  limitations of the CREST system
     and timings.

(l)  The Offeror  will make an  appropriate  announcement  if any of the details
     contained in this paragraph 8 alter for any reason.

(m)  Normal CREST procedures (including timings) apply in relation to any Innogy
     Shares  that  are,  or  are  to  be,  converted  from   uncertificated   to
     certificated  form, or vice versa,  during the course of the Offer (whether
     any such  conversion  arises as a result of a transfer of Innogy  Shares or
     otherwise).  Innogy Shareholders who are proposing so to convert any Innogy
     Shares  are  recommended  to  ensure  that the  conversion  procedures  are
     implemented  in sufficient  time to enable the person  holding or acquiring
     the Innogy Shares as a result of the conversion to take all necessary steps
     in connection  with an acceptance of the Offer (in  particular,  as regards
     delivery  of share  certificate(s)  and/or  other  document(s)  of title or
     transfers  to an escrow  balance  as  described  above)  prior to 3.00 p.m.
     (London time), 10.00 a.m. (New York City time), on 26 April 2002.

(n)  If the share  certificate(s)  and/or other  document(s) of title is/are not
     readily   available  or  is/are  lost,   the  Form  of  Acceptance   should
     nevertheless be completed, signed and sent as stated above to the Receiving
     Agent so as to be received as soon as  possible,  but in any event no later
     than 3.00 p.m. (London time),  10.00 a.m. (New York City time), on 26 April
     2002,  together with any share  certificate(s)  and/or other document(s) of
     title that  is/are  available,  accompanied  by a letter  stating  that the
     balance  will follow or that the  accepting  holder has lost one or more of
     his share  certificate(s)  and/or other  documents  of title.  If the share
     certificate(s)  and/or other  document(s)  of title are lost, the accepting
     holder  should  request the Registrar to send him a letter of indemnity for
     completion in accordance with the instructions  given. When completed,  the
     letter of indemnity  must be lodged with the Receiving  Agent in accordance
     with the  instructions  given,  in support of the Form of  Acceptance.  The
     Offeror may treat as invalid,  to the extent that it so  determines  in its
     absolute discretion,  any acceptance from the depositary for the Innogy ADR
     programme  which the Offeror  has reason to believe  has not been  properly
     authorised  by the  relevant  ADS holder  and/or is  inconsistent  with any
     acceptance received from an ADS holder.

9 Form of Acceptance for Innogy Shareholders

Each holder of Innogy  Shares who executes and lodges or has executed and lodged
on his behalf a Form of  Acceptance  with the  Receiving  Agent,  subject to the
rights of withdrawal set out in this document,


irrevocably  (and so as to bind himself,  his heirs,  successors and assigns and
his personal or legal representatives):

(a) (i)   accepts the Offer in respect of the number of Innogy  Shares  inserted
          or deemed to be inserted in Box 2 of the Form of Acceptance;

    (ii)  elects  under the Loan Note  Alternative  in  respect of the number of
          Innogy  Shares  inserted or deemed to be inserted in Box 3 of the Form
          of the Acceptance; and

    (iii) agrees  to  execute  any  further   documents  and  give  any  further
          assurances  which may be  required to enable the Offeror to obtain the
          full benefit of  paragraph 8 and  paragraph 9 of this Part B and/or to
          perfect any of the  authorities  expressed to be given  hereunder,  in
          each  case on and  subject  to the  terms  and  conditions  set out or
          referred to in this document and the Form of Acceptance;

(b)  represents  and warrants to the Offeror and Merrill Lynch and the Receiving
     Agent that, unless "NO" is put in Box 6 of the Form of Acceptance:

    (i)   he has not received or sent copies or originals of this document,  the
          Form of Acceptance or any related offering  documents in, into or from
          Australia, Canada or Japan;

    (ii)  he has not used in  connection  with the  Offer  or the  execution  or
          delivery of the Form of Acceptance,  directly or indirectly, the mails
          of, or any means or instrumentality  (including,  without  limitation,
          e-mail, facsimile transmission,  telex and telephone) of interstate or
          foreign commerce of, or any facility of a national securities exchange
          of Australia, Canada or Japan;

    (iii) he is  accepting  the Offer from outside  Australia,  Canada or Japan;

    (iv)  he is not an agent or fiduciary  acting on a  non-discretionary  basis
          for a  principal,  unless  such agent or  fiduciary  is an  authorised
          employee  of  such   principal  or  such   principal   has  given  all
          instructions with respect to the Offer from outside Australia,  Canada
          or Japan;

(c)  appoints  any  director  of, or any person  authorised  by, the  Offeror or
     Merrill Lynch as his agent and/or  attorney  (subject to the Offer becoming
     unconditional  in all respects  and him not having  validly  withdrawn  his
     acceptance) with an irrevocable instruction and authorisation to:

    (i)   complete and execute all or any form(s) of transfer,  renunciation  or
          other  document(s)  in  relation to the Innogy  Shares  referred to in
          paragraph  9(a)(i)  of this Part B in favour of the  Offeror or as the
          Offeror or its agents may direct;

    (ii)  deliver  all or any form(s) of  transfer,  renunciation  and/or  other
          document  with  any   certificate  or  other  document  of  title  for
          registration within six months of the Offer becoming  unconditional in
          all respects; and

    (iii) take  any  other  action  as  the  agent  and/or  attorney  may  think
          necessary or expedient in connection  with his acceptance of the Offer
          and to vest in the Offeror  (or as it may  direct)  the Innogy  Shares
          referred to in paragraph 9(a)(i) of this Part B;

(d)  undertakes that the execution of the Form of Acceptance and its delivery to
     the  Receiving  Agent,   constitutes  an  irrevocable  appointment  of  the
     Receiving Agent as his agent and/or attorney and an irrevocable instruction
     and authority to the agent/attorney:

    (i)   subject to the Offer  becoming  unconditional  in all respects and him
          not having  validly  withdrawn  his  acceptance,  to  transfer  to the
          Offeror  (or to such other  person or  persons  as the  Offeror or its
          agent may direct) by means of CREST all or any of the Relevant  Innogy
          Shares (as  defined  below)  (but not  exceeding  the number of Innogy
          Shares  in  respect  of which the  Offer is  accepted  or deemed to be
          accepted); and

    (ii)  if the Offer does not become  unconditional  in all respects,  to give
          instructions to CRESTCo  immediately after the Offer lapses (or within
          such longer period as the Panel may permit, not


          exceeding  14 days of the Offer  lapsing)  to  transfer  all  Relevant
          Innogy  Shares to the  original  available  balance  of the  accepting
          Innogy Shareholder.

     In this paragraph,  "Relevant  Innogy Shares" means  uncertificated  Innogy
     Shares in respect of which a transfer  or  transfers  to escrow has or have
     been effected in  accordance  with the  procedures  described in the letter
     from Merrill Lynch and paragraph 8 of this Part B and where the transfer or
     transfers to escrow has or have been made in respect of Innogy  Shares held
     under the same member  account ID and  participant ID as the member account
     ID and  participant  ID relating to the relevant  Form of  Acceptance  (but
     irrespective of whether or not any Form of Acceptance  reference number, or
     a Form of Acceptance  reference  number  corresponding to that appearing on
     the relevant Form of Acceptance,  was included in the relevant  transfer to
     escrow instruction);

(e)  authorises and requests (subject to the Offer becoming unconditional in all
     respects and him not having validly withdrawn his acceptance):

    (i)   Innogy or its agents to procure the  registration  of the  transfer of
          the Innogy Shares referred to in paragraph 9(a)(i) of this Part B and,
          in respect of Innogy Shares that are held in  certificated  form,  the
          delivery of the share certificate(s) and other document(s) of title in
          respect of the Innogy Shares to the Offeror or as it may direct;

    (ii)  if the Innogy Shares  referred to in paragraph  9(a)(i) of this Part B
          are held in certificated form, to the Offeror or its agents to procure
          the  despatch  by post (or by such other  method as may be approved by
          the  Panel) of the  consideration  to which he is  entitled  under the
          Offer at his risk to the person or agent whose name and address is set
          out in Box 7 of the Form of  Acceptance  or, if no  person or  agent's
          name  and  address  is set  out,  to the  first  named  holder  at his
          registered address;

    (iii) if the Innogy Shares  referred to in paragraph  9(a)(i) of this Part B
          are held in  uncertificated  form,  to the  Offeror  or its  agents to
          ensure that an assured payment  obligation is created in favour of the
          Innogy Shareholder's payment bank in accordance with the CREST assured
          payment  arrangements  in respect of any cash  consideration  to which
          that shareholder is entitled; and

    (iv)  the Offeror,  Innogy or their  respective  agents to record and act on
          any  instructions  with regard to payments or notices  which have been
          entered in the  records of Innogy in respect of his  holding of Innogy

(f)  agrees that:

    (i)   the Offeror may decide to  despatch  all or part of the  consideration
          payable  to an Innogy  Shareholder  whose  Innogy  Shares  are held in
          uncertificated  form in accordance  with  paragraph  9(e)(iii) of this
          Part B; and

    (ii)  the  consideration  payable to a  shareholder  whose Innogy Shares are
          held in  uncertificated  form will be despatched  in  accordance  with
          paragraph  9(e)(iii)  of  this  Part B if the  shareholder  is a CREST
          member whose registered address is in Australia, Canada or Japan;

(g)  gives authority to any director of, or person authorised by, the Offeror or
     Merrill Lynch within the terms of paragraph 5 of this Part B;

(h)  subject to the Offer  becoming  unconditional  in all  respects and him not
     having  validly  withdrawn  his  acceptance  (or if the Offer  will  become
     unconditional  in all respects or lapse on the outcome of the resolution in
     question or if the Panel gives its consent) and pending registration:

     (i)  authorises  the  Offeror  or its agent to direct the  exercise  of any
          votes and any other  rights  and  privileges  (including  the right to
          requisition  the  convening of a general or separate  class meeting of
          Innogy)  attaching  to the  Innogy  Shares  referred  to in  paragraph
          9(a)(i) of Part B of this Appendix;


    (ii)  authorises Innogy or its agent to send any notice,  circular,  warrant
          or other document or communication which may be required to be sent to
          him as a member of Innogy to the Offeror, care of the Receiving Agent;

    (iii) authorises  any director of, or person  authorised  by, the Offeror or
          Merrill  Lynch to sign any  document  and do such things as may in the
          opinion of that agent and/or  attorney seem  necessary or desirable in
          connection  with  the  exercise  of  any  votes  or  other  rights  or
          privileges  attaching  to the Innogy  Shares  held by him  (including,
          without  limitation,  signing any consent to short notice of a general
          or separate  class  meeting as his agent  and/or  attorney  and on his
          behalf and executing a form of proxy  appointing any person  nominated
          by the Offeror to attend general and separate class meetings of Innogy
          and attending any such meeting and exercising  the votes  attaching to
          the Innogy Shares  referred to in paragraph  9(a)(i) of this Part B on
          his behalf,  where relevant,  such votes to be cast so far as possible
          to satisfy any outstanding condition of the Offer); and

    (iv)  agrees not to  exercise  any such  rights  without  the consent of the
          Offeror and  irrevocably  undertakes  not to appoint a proxy for or to
          attend such general or separate class meetings of Innogy;

     This  authority  will  cease  to be  valid  if the  acceptance  is  validly
     withdrawn in accordance with paragraph 3 of this Part B;

(i)  agrees that he will deliver to the Receiving Agent, or procure the delivery
     to the Receiving Agent of his share certificate(s) and/or other document(s)
     of title in respect of those Innogy Shares referred to in paragraph 9(a)(i)
     of  this  Part B that  are  held  in  certificated  form,  or an  indemnity
     acceptable to the Offeror,  as soon as possible and in any event within two
     months of the Offer becoming unconditional in all respects;

(j)  agrees that he will take (or procure to be taken) the  necessary  action to
     transfer all those Innogy Shares  referred to in paragraph  9(a)(i) of this
     Part B that are held in uncertificated form to an escrow balance as soon as
     possible and in any event so that the transfer to escrow settles within two
     months of the Offer becoming unconditional in all respects;

(k)  agrees  that if for any  reason  any  Innogy  Shares in  respect of which a
     transfer  to  an  escrow   balance  has  been  effected  are  converted  to
     certificated  form,  he will  immediately  deliver or ensure the  immediate
     delivery of the share  certificates  or other documents of title in respect
     of all those Innogy Shares that are converted to the Receiving Agent;

(l)  agrees that the creation of an assured payment  obligation in favour of his
     payment bank in accordance with the CREST assured  payment  arrangements as
     referred to in paragraph  9(e)(iii)  of this Part B will,  to the extent of
     the obligation so created, discharge fully any obligation of the Offeror or
     Merrill Lynch to pay to him the cash  consideration to which he is entitled
     under the Offer;

(m)  agrees that he will do everything  necessary or expedient in the opinion of
     the Offeror or the  Receiving  Agent to vest in the Offeror or its nominees
     or such other  persons as it may decide the Innogy  Shares  referred  to in
     paragraph  9(a)(i)  of this Part B and to  enable  the  Receiving  Agent to
     perform its functions as escrow agent for the purposes of the Offer;

(n)  agrees to ratify  everything  which may be done or effected by any director
     of, or person  authorised  by, the Offeror,  Merrill Lynch or the Receiving
     Agent in exercise of any of the powers and/or  authorities  under Part B of
     this Appendix;

(o)  agrees  that,  if  any  provision  of  Part  B of  this  Appendix  will  be
     unenforceable  or invalid or will not operate so as to afford the  Offeror,
     Merrill Lynch or the Receiving Agent or any of their  respective  directors
     or persons authorised by them, the benefit of the authority expressed to be
     given in Part B of this Appendix,  he will, with all practicable  speed, do
     everything that may be required or desirable to enable the Offeror, Merrill
     Lynch and the  Receiving  Agent and any of their  respective  directors  or
     persons  authorised  by them to secure  the full  benefit of Part B of this


(p)  represents  and  warrants  that he is  entitled  to sell and  transfer  the
     beneficial  ownership of the Innogy Shares referred to in paragraph 9(a)(i)
     of this Part B and that such  shares  are sold fully paid and free from all
     liens,  equities,  charges,  encumbrances  and other third party rights and
     interests of any nature  whatsoever and together with all rights  attaching
     to them on or after 22 March 2002  including,  without  limitation,  voting
     rights  and the right to  receive  all  dividends  and other  distributions
     declared, paid or made on or after that date;

(q)  represents  and warrants to the Offeror and Merrill Lynch and the Receiving
     Agent that, if he is electing for the Loan Note  Alternative,  he is not in
     the United States or a resident of  Australia,  Canada or Japan nor is he a
     US person and he is not  accepting  the Offer and  electing  for Loan Notes
     with a view to the offer, sale or delivery,  directly or indirectly, of any
     such Loan Notes in or into the United  States,  Australia,  Canada or Japan
     and will not hold or acquire any Loan Notes for any other person who he has
     reason to believe is  purchasing  for the  purpose of that  offer,  sale or

(r)  agrees  that the  terms  and  conditions  of the  Offer  are  deemed  to be
     incorporated in, and form part of, the Form of Acceptance;

(s)  agrees that, on execution, the Form of Acceptance takes effect as a deed;

(t)  agrees  that  the  execution  of the  Form of  Acceptance  constitutes  his
     agreement to the terms of paragraph 7(q) of this Part B;

(u)  agrees and acknowledges that he is not a client (as defined in the rules of
     the Financial Services Authority) of Merrill Lynch or CSFB or Deutsche Bank
     in connection with the Offer; and

(v)  if he is a US  Holder,  certifies  that  he  is  not  subject  to  back  up
     withholding tax by completing Internal Revenue Service Form W-9, or a valid
     substitute  or, if the holder is not a US Holder for US federal  income tax
     purposes,  agrees,  if relevant,  to establish an exemption from certain US
     federal information return reporting and backup withholding requirements by
     completing Internal Revenue Service Form W-8BEN which is available from the
     US Internal Revenue Service.

     A reference  in this  paragraph 9 to a holder of Innogy  Shares  includes a
     reference to the person or persons  executing the Form of Acceptance and in
     the event of more  than one  person  executing  a Form of  Acceptance,  the
     provisions  of this  paragraph 9 will apply to them  jointly and to each of

10 Procedures for Acceptance by Innogy ADS Holders

(a)  Letter of Transmittal/Notice of Guaranteed Delivery  If you are a holder of
     Innogy ADSs  evidenced by Innogy ADRs, you will have also received a Letter
     of  Transmittal  and a Notice of Guaranteed  Delivery for use in connection
     with the Offer.  This section should be read together with the instructions
     on the Letter of  Transmittal.  The  instructions  printed on the  relevant
     Letter  of  Transmittal  shall be  deemed  to form part of the terms of the

(b)  Valid  acceptance   For a holder of Innogy ADSs evidenced by Innogy ADRs to
     validly accept the Offer, either:

     (i)  a properly  completed and duly executed  Letter of  Transmittal  (or a
          facsimile  thereof),  together with any required signature  guarantees
          or, in the case of a book-entry transfer,  an Agent's Message, and any
          other  documents  required  by the  Letter  of  Transmittal,  must  be
          received by the Depositary and either the Innogy ADRs  evidencing such
          Innogy  ADSs must be received  by the  Depositary  or such Innogy ADRs
          evidencing  such  Innogy  ADSs  must  be  delivered  pursuant  to  the
          procedure  for  book-entry  transfer set forth below (and a Book-Entry
          Confirmation  received  by the  Depositary  in  accordance  with  such
          procedures); or

     (ii) such holder must comply with the  Guaranteed  Delivery  Procedures set
          out in paragraph 10(h) below.


     The Offer in  respect  of Innogy  ADSs  evidenced  by Innogy  ADRs shall be
     validly  accepted by (i) delivery of a Letter of  Transmittal,  Innogy ADRs
     evidencing  Innogy ADSs and any other required  documents to the Depositary
     by a holder of Innogy ADSs (without any further  action by the  Depositary)
     subject to the terms and conditions set out in this document and the Letter
     of Transmittal or (ii)  completion of the  book-entry  transfer  procedures
     described  below.  The  acceptance  of the Offer by a holder of Innogy ADSs
     evidenced  by Innogy  ADRs  pursuant  to the  procedures  described  above,
     subject  to the  withdrawal  rights  described  below,  will be  deemed  to
     constitute a binding  agreement  between such holder of Innogy ADSs and the
     Offeror  upon the terms and subject to the  conditions  of the Offer.  If a
     holder of Innogy  ADSs  validly  accepts  the Offer in respect of an Innogy
     ADS, the Innogy Shares  represented  by such Innogy ADS may not be tendered
     independently.  A  Letter  of  Transmittal  and  other  required  documents
     contained  in an  envelope  postmarked  in  Australia,  Canada  or Japan or
     otherwise  appearing  to the  Offeror  or its agents to have been sent from
     Australia,  Canada or Japan may be rejected  as  invalid.  By delivery of a
     Letter of  Transmittal  to the  Depositary  in respect of Innogy ADSs,  the
     holder of such Innogy ADSs agrees to: (a) not instruct the  depositary  for
     the Innogy ADR program to accept the Offer in respect of the Innogy  Shares
     represented by such Innogy ADSs and (b) not deliver such Innogy ADSs to the
     depositary for the Innogy  ADRprogramme to request withdrawal of the Innogy
     Shares  represented  by such Innogy ADSs. The Offeror may treat as invalid,
     to the  extent  that  it so  determines  in its  absolute  discretion,  any
     acceptance  from the  depositary  for the  Innogy  ADRprogramme  which  the
     Offeror  has  reason to believe  has not been  properly  authorised  by the
     relevant ADS holder and/or is  inconsistent  with any  acceptance  received
     from an ADS holder.

(c)  Book-entry transfer

     The Depositary will establish an account at each of the Book-Entry Transfer
     Facilities  with  respect to Innogy ADSs  evidenced  by Innogy ADRs held in
     book-entry  form for the purposes of the Offer within two US business  days
     from  the  date of  this  document.  Any  financial  institution  that is a
     participant in any of the Book-Entry  Transfer  Facility's systems may make
     book-entry  delivery  of  Innogy  ADSs by  causing  a  Book-Entry  Transfer
     Facility to transfer such Innogy ADSs into the Depositary's account at such
     Book-Entry  Transfer  Facility in accordance with that Book-Entry  Transfer
     Facility's procedures for such transfer.

     Although  delivery of Innogy ADSs  evidenced by Innogy ADRs may be effected
     through book-entry  transfer into the Depositary's  account at a Book-Entry
     Transfer Facility, either:

     (i)  the  Letter of  Transmittal,  properly  completed  and duly  executed,
          together with any required signature guarantees; or

     (ii) an Agent's Message,

     and, in either  case,  any other  required  documents,  must in any case be
     transmitted to, and received by, the Depositary at the relevant address set
     forth in the Letter of  Transmittal  before Innogy ADSs evidenced by Innogy
     ADRs will be either counted as a valid  acceptance,  or purchased,  or such
     holder must comply with the Guaranteed Delivery Procedures described below.
     Delivery of documents to a Book-Entry Transfer Facility does not constitute
     delivery to the Depository.

(d)  Method of delivery

     The method of delivery of Innogy ADRs, Letters of Transmittal and all other
     required  documents  is at the option and risk of the  accepting  holder of
     Innogy ADSs. Innogy ADSs will be deemed delivered only when the Innogy ADRs
     evidencing such Innogy ADSs are actually received by the Depository (in the
     case of a book-entry transfer, by Book-Entry Confirmation).  If delivery is
     by mail,  registered mail with return receipt requested,  properly insured,
     is recommended.  In all cases,  sufficient time should be allowed to ensure
     timely delivery.  No  acknowledgement of receipt of documents will be given
     by, or on behalf of, the Offeror.


(e)  Signature guarantees

     No signature guarantee is required on the Letter of Transmittal if:

     (i)  the Letter of Transmittal  is signed by the  registered  holder of the
          Innogy ADSs  evidenced by Innogy ADRs in respect of which the Offer is
          being accepted  therewith and such registered holder has not completed
          either the Box entitled  "Special  Delivery  Instructions"  or the Box
          entitled "Special Payment  Instructions" in the Letter of Transmittal;

     (ii) the Offer is being  accepted  in respect of such  Innogy  ADSs for the
          account of an Eligible Institution.

     In all other cases,  all  signatures on the Letter of  Transmittal  must be
     guaranteed  by an Eligible  Institution.  See  Instructions  1 and 5 to the
     Letter of Transmittal.

(f)  Innogy ADSs and ADRs

     If the  Letter  of  Transmittal  is  signed  by a  person  other  than  the
     registered  holder(s) of Innogy ADSs evidenced by Innogy ADRs in respect of
     which the Offer is being  accepted,  then such Innogy ADRs must be endorsed
     or accompanied  by  appropriate  stock powers signed exactly as the name or
     names  of the  registered  owner  or  owners  appear  on the  Innogy  ADRs.
     Signatures  on such Innogy ADRs or stock  powers must be  guaranteed  by an
     Eligible Institution. See Instruction 5 to the Letter of Transmittal.

(g)  Partial acceptances (not applicable to book-entry transfers)

     If fewer than all of the Innogy ADSs evidenced by any Innogy ADRs delivered
     to the Depositary are to be tendered, the holder thereof should so indicate
     in the Letter of  Transmittal  by filling in the number of Innogy ADSs that
     are tendered in the Box entitled "Number of ADSs Tendered". In such case, a
     new  Innogy  ADR  for  the  untendered  Innogy  ADSs  will  be  sent to the
     registered  holder,  unless otherwise provided in the Letter of Transmittal
     in the  box  entitled  "Special  Delivery  Instructions",  as  promptly  as
     practicable  following  the date the tendered  Innogy ADSs are accepted for
     payment. All Innogy ADSs delivered to the Depositary will be deemed to have
     been tendered unless otherwise  indicated.  See Instruction 4 to the Letter
     of Transmittal.

(h)  Guaranteed delivery procedures

     (i)  If a holder of Innogy ADSs  evidenced  by Innogy ADRs wishes to tender
          Innogy ADSs pursuant to the Offer and the Innogy ADRs  evidencing such
          Innogy  ADSs  are not  immediately  available  or the  procedures  for
          book-entry  transfer cannot be completed on a timely basis, or if time
          will not permit all required  documents to reach the Depositary  prior
          to the  expiration of the Offer,  such holder's  tender of Innogy ADSs
          may be effected if all of the following  conditions are satisfied (the
          "Guaranteed Delivery Procedures"):

          (a)  such tender is made by or through an Eligible Institution;

          (b)  a  properly  completed  and duly  executed  Notice of  Guaranteed
               Delivery  substantially  in the form  provided  by the Offeror is
               received  by the  Depositary,  as  provided  below,  prior to the
               expiration of the Offer; and

          (c)  the Innogy ADRs  evidencing the tendered  Innogy ADSs (or, in the
               case of Innogy ADSs held in book-entry form, timely  confirmation
               of  the  book-entry   transfer  of  such  Innogy  ADSs  into  the
               Depositary's   account  at  a  Book-Entry  Transfer  Facility  as
               described  above),  together  with a properly  completed and duly
               executed Letter of Transmittal (or a facsimile  thereof) with any
               required  signature  guarantees  (or, in the case of a book-entry
               transfer, an Agent's Message) and any other documents required by
               the Letter of Transmittal,  are received by the Depositary within
               three New York  Stock  Exchange  business  days after the date of
               execution of such Notice of Guaranteed Delivery.


    (ii)  The  Notice  of   Guaranteed   Delivery  may  be  delivered  by  hand,
          transmitted by facsimile  transmission or mailed to the Depositary and
          must include a signature  guarantee by an Eligible  Institution in the
          form set out in such Notice of Guaranteed Delivery.

    (iii) Receipt of a Notice of  Guaranteed  Delivery  will not be treated as a
          valid   acceptance  for  the  purpose  of  satisfying  the  Acceptance
          Condition.  To be counted towards  satisfaction  of this  requirement,
          prior to the  expiration of the Initial Offer Period,  the Innogy ADRs
          evidencing  Innogy  ADSs  referred  to in  the  Notice  of  Guaranteed
          Delivery  must be  received by the  Depositary  (or, in the case of in
          Innogy  ADSs  held in  book-entry  form,  timely  confirmation  of the
          book-entry transfer of such Innogy ADSs into the Depositary's  account
          at a Book-Entry Transfer Facility as described above), together with a
          properly  completed  and duly  executed  Letter of  Transmittal  (or a
          facsimile thereof) with any required signature  guarantees (or, in the
          case of a  book-entry  transfer,  an  Agent's  Message)  and any other
          required documents.

(i)  Other requirements

     By  executing  the Letter of  Transmittal  as set out above,  the holder of
     Innogy ADSs evidenced by Innogy ADRs in respect to which the Offer has been
     accepted will agree that,  effective from and after the date all conditions
     are either satisfied, fulfilled or, to the extent permitted, waived:

     (i)  the Offeror or its agents  shall be entitled to direct the exercise of
          any votes  attaching to any Innogy Shares  represented by Innogy ADSs,
          in respect of which the Offer has been  accepted  or is deemed to have
          been  accepted  (the  "Accepted   ADSs")  and  any  other  rights  and
          privileges  attaching to such Innogy  Shares,  including  any right to
          requisition  a  general   meeting  of  Innogy  or  any  class  of  its

     (ii) the  execution  of  the  Letter  of  Transmittal  (together  with  any
          signature  guarantees)  and  its  delivery  to the  Depositary  or the
          completion of the book-entry transfer procedures shall constitute:

          (a)  an  authority to Innogy or its agents from the holder of Accepted
               ADSs to send any  notice,  circular,  warrant,  document or other
               communication  that may be required to be sent to him as a holder
               of Innogy ADSs to the Offeror at its registered office;

          (b)  an  authority  to the Offeror or its agent to sign any consent to
               short notice of a general  meeting or separate  class  meeting on
               behalf of the holder of Accepted ADSs and/or to execute a form of
               proxy in  respect of such  Accepted  ADSs  appointing  any person
               nominated by the Offeror to attend general  meetings and separate
               class  meetings  of Innogy  and any  adjournment  thereof  and to
               exercise the votes attaching to the Innogy Shares  represented by
               such Accepted ADSs on his behalf;

          (c)  the  agreement of the holder of Accepted ADSs not to exercise any
               such   rights   without  the  consent  of  the  Offeror  and  the
               irrevocable  undertaking  of such holder of Accepted  ADSs not to
               appoint a proxy for or to attend  any such  general  meetings  or
               separate class meetings;

          (d)  a representation and warranty that such holder of Innogy ADSs (i)
               has not received or sent copies or originals of this  document or
               any Letter of  Transmittal  or any related  documents in, into or
               from, Australia, Canada or Japan; (ii) has not used in connection
               with the Offer or the  execution  or  delivery  of the  Letter of
               Transmittal,  directly or indirectly,  the mails of, or any means
               or  instrumentality  (including,   without  limitation,   e-mail,
               facsimile  transmission,  telex and  telephone)  of interstate or
               foreign  commerce  of, or any  facility of a national  securities
               exchange of  Australia,  Canada or Japan;  (iii) is accepting the
               Offer from outside Australia, Canada or Japan; and (iv) is not an
               agent or  fiduciary  acting  on a  non-discretionary  basis for a
               principal,  unless  such  agent  or  fiduciary  is an  authorised
               employee  of such  principal  or such  principal  has  given  any
               instructions  with respect to the Offer from  outside  Australia,
               Canada or Japan;

          (e)  confirmation  that such holder of Innogy ADSs is entitled to sell
               and transfer the Accepted  ADSs and that such  Accepted  ADSs are
               sold fully paid and free from all liens, charges,


               equitable  interests,   third  party  rights  and  interests  and
               encumbrances  and  together  with  all  rights  now or  hereafter
               attaching  thereto,  including  voting  rights  and the  right to
               receive all dividends and other  distributions (if any) declared,
               made or paid with  respect to the Innogy  Shares  represented  by
               Innogy ADSs; and

          (f)  the  execution of the Letter of  Transmittal  (together  with any
               signature  guarantees) and its delivery to the Depositary (or the
               completion  of  the   book-entry   transfer   procedures)   shall
               constitute an authority in accordance with the terms of paragraph
               5 of this Part B.

          References  in this  paragraph  10 to a holder  of Innogy  ADSs  shall
          include  references  to the  person or persons  executing  a Letter of
          Transmittal  and,  in the event of more than one  person  executing  a
          Letter of  Transmittal,  the  provisions of this Part B shall apply to
          them jointly and to each of them.

(j)  Currency of cash consideration

     Holders  of  Innogy  ADSs may  elect to  receive  the cash  element  of the
     consideration  in  pounds  sterling.   The  pounds  sterling  consideration
     available to holders of Innogy ADSs is the same, per Innogy Share,  as that
     offered to Innogy Shareholders.  To facilitate the settlement of the Offer,
     unless they elect to receive pounds  sterling,  holders of Innogy ADSs will
     receive  consideration  converted  into US  dollars  at the  exchange  rate
     obtainable on the spot market in London at approximately noon (London Time)
     on the date the cash  consideration is made available by the Offeror to the
     Depositary for delivery in respect of the relevant Innogy ADSs. A holder of
     Innogy  ADSs may  receive  such  amount on the basis set out above  only in
     respect of the whole of his  holding of Innogy  ADSs in respect of which he
     accepts  the Offer.  Holders of Innogy  ADSs may not elect to receive  both
     pounds sterling and US dollars.

     The actual amount of US dollars received will depend upon the exchange rate
     prevailing on the day on which funds are made  available to the  Depositary
     by the  Offeror.  Holders  of  Innogy  ADSs  should  be  aware  that the US
     dollar/pounds  sterling  exchange  rate which is  prevailing at the date on
     which an  election  is deemed to be made to receive  US dollars  and on the
     dates of  despatch  and  receipt  of  payment  may be  different  from that
     prevailing on the day on which funds are made  available to the  Depositary
     by the Offeror. In all cases, fluctuations in the US dollar/pounds sterling
     exchange  rate are at the risk of accepting  holders of Innogy ADSs who are
     treated as having  elected to receive  their  consideration  in US dollars.
     None of RWE,  the  Offeror  and their  advisers  or agents  shall  have any
     responsibility  with  respect  to the actual  amount of cash  consideration
     payable other than in pounds sterling.

11   Substitute Acceptance Forms

Holders  of Innogy  Securities  have been  sent  with  this  document  a Form of
Acceptance and/or a Letter of Transmittal (accompanied by a Notice of Guaranteed
Delivery).  All holders of Innogy Shares,  including  persons in the US who hold
Innogy  Shares,  have been  sent a Form of  Acceptance,  which  they must use to
tender their Innogy Shares and accept the Offer. All holders of Innogy ADSs have
been sent a Letter of Transmittal and a Notice of Guaranteed Delivery which they
must use to tender their Innogy ADSs and accept the Offer.  Should any holder of
Innogy  Securities  receive an incorrect  form with which to accept the Offer or
require any additional forms, that person should contact the Helpline.


                                   APPENDIX II

                          Particulars of the Loan Notes

The Loan Notes will be created by a resolution  of the  Directors of the Offeror
and will be  constituted by the Loan Note  Instrument  executed as a deed by the
Offeror.  The issue of the Loan Notes is  conditional,  inter alia, on the Offer
becoming  or  being  declared  unconditional  in all  respects.  The  Loan  Note
Instrument will contain provisions, inter alia, to the following effect:

1 Form and Status

The Loan Notes will be issued by the Offeror in amounts and  integral  multiples
of (pound)1 in nominal amount and will constitute  unsecured  obligations of the
Offeror.  The  Loan  Note  Instrument  will  not  contain  any  restrictions  on
borrowing,  disposals  or  charging  of assets by the  Offeror.  All  fractional
entitlements to the Loan Notes will be disregarded.

No Loan  Notes will be issued  unless,  on or before the date on which the Offer
becomes or is declared unconditional in all respects,  valid elections have been
received in respect of at least (pound)5 million in nominal value of Loan Notes.
If insufficient  elections are received,  Innogy  Shareholders  electing for the
Loan Note  Alternative will instead receive cash in accordance with the terms of
the Offer.

The Loan Note  Alternative  will remain open for  acceptance  for so long as the
Offer remains open for acceptance. The Loan Note Alternative will be conditional
upon the Offer becoming or being declared unconditional in all respects.

Merrill Lynch,  financial  adviser to RWE and the Offeror has advised that based
on market  conditions on 26 March 2002 (the last  practicable  date prior to the
posting of this document),  in its opinion,  if the Loan Notes had been in issue
on that date,  the value of each (pound)1  nominal of Loan Notes would have been
approximately 99 pence.

2 Interest

Until such time as the Loan Notes are repaid in full, interest on the Loan Notes
will be  payable by half  yearly  instalments  in  arrears  (less any tax) on 10
January and 10 July in each year (an "Interest  Payment Date"),  except that the
first  payment of interest will be made on the date (the "First  Payment  Date")
which is the first 10  January  or 10 July to fall on or after the date which is
six months after the first date of issue of any of the Loan Notes.  On the First
Payment  Date,  interest  will  be paid  in  respect  of the  period  from  (and
including)  the first date of issue of any of the Loan Notes to (but  excluding)
the First Payment Date.  The period from and  including  that or any  subsequent
Interest Payment Date up to but excluding the following Interest Payment Date is
an "Interest Period".

(a)  The rate of interest on the Loan Notes for each Interest Period will be the
     rate per annum which is 0.5 per cent.  below the  arithmetic  mean (rounded
     down, if necessary,  to four decimal places) of the respective  rates which
     are  quoted as of 11.00  a.m.  on the first  business  day of the  Interest
     Period on the "LIBP" page on the  Reuters  Monitor  Money Rate  Service (or
     such other page or service as may replace it for the purpose of  displaying
     London  inter-bank  sterling  offered rates of leading  reference banks) as
     being the  interest  rates  offered  in the  London  inter-bank  market for
     six-month sterling deposits but:

     (i)  if only two or three such  offered  quotations  appear,  the  relevant
          arithmetic  mean  (rounded as mentioned  above) shall be determined on
          the basis of those offered quotations; and

     (ii) if no, or only one,  such  offered  quotation  appears,  the  relevant
          arithmetic  mean  (rounded as  mentioned  above) shall be the rate (as
          quoted to the Offeror at its  request) at which  Barclays  Bank Plc is
          offering  six-month  sterling  deposits  to prime  banks in the London
          inter-bank  market at or about 11.00 a.m.  (London  time) on the first
          business day of the relevant Interest Period.


(b)  If a rate  of  interest  cannot  be  established  in  accordance  with  the
     provisions of  sub-paragraph  (a) above for any Interest  Period,  then the
     rate of interest for that period shall be:

    (i)   in the  case  of  the  first  Interest  Period,  the  rate  per  annum
          calculated  otherwise  in  accordance  with  sub-paragraph  (a) but by
          reference to the first  business day of that Interest  Period on which
          it can be so established; and

    (ii)  in the case of any Interest Period, the same as that applicable to the
          Loan Notes during the  previous  Interest  Period,  unless in any such
          case such prime bank in the London  inter-bank  market as the  Offeror
          shall  reasonably  select for the purpose  shall have been prepared to
          offer a rate as described in  sub-paragraph  (a) above,  in which case
          the rate of interest in respect of the relevant  Interest Period shall
          be determined on the basis of the rate so offered.

(c)  Payment  of  interest  in  respect  of the Loan  Notes  will not be made to
     addresses in the United States, Australia, Canada or Japan.

     Each  instalment of interest  shall be calculated on the basis of a 365 day
     year and the  number  of days  elapsed  in the  relevant  Interest  Period.
     Interest shall accrue from day to day.

3 Repayment

(a)  A Noteholder  may require the Offeror to repay the whole or any part (being
     (pound)1 nominal or any integral  multiple thereof) of the principal amount
     of his  holding  of Loan  Notes  at par,  together  with  accrued  interest
     (subject to any  requirement  to deduct tax  therefrom) up to but excluding
     the date of repayment,  on the First Payment Date and  subsequent  Interest
     Payment  Dates by giving not less than 30 days' prior  notice in writing to
     the Offeror to expire on or before the relevant redemption date accompanied
     by the  certificate(s)  for all the Loan Notes to be repaid and a notice of

(b)  If, at any time, the principal amount of all Loan Notes outstanding  equals
     or is less than twenty per cent. in total nominal  amount of the Loan Notes
     issued in  connection  with the Offer,  the Offeror  shall be entitled,  on
     giving the remaining  Noteholders  not less than 30 days' notice in writing
     expiring on any Interest  Payment Date on or following the later of (a) the
     date  falling six months  following  the latest date of issue of any of the
     outstanding  Loan  Notes  and (b) 10 July 2003 or any  subsequent  Interest
     Payment  Date,  to redeem  all (but not some only) of the Loan Notes at par
     together with accrued  interest  (subject to any  requirement to deduct tax
     therefrom) up to but excluding the date of redemption.

(c)  Any Loan Notes not previously repaid,  redeemed or purchased will be repaid
     in full at par on 10 January 2008,  together with accrued interest (subject
     to any requirement to deduct tax therefrom) up to but excluding that date.

(d)  Each  Noteholder  will be  entitled  by notice in writing to require all or
     part (being (pound)1  nominal amount or any integral  multiple  thereof) of
     the Loan  Notes  held by him to be  repaid  at par  together  with  accrued
     interest (subject to any requirement to deduct tax therefrom) if:

    (i)   any principal or interest on any Loan Notes held by that Noteholder is
          not paid in full within 30 days after the due date for payment; or

    (ii)  an  order  is  made  or an  effective  resolution  is  passed  for the
          winding-up or  dissolution of the Offeror (other than for the purposes
          of  a  reconstruction,  amalgamation,  merger  or  members'  voluntary
          winding-up on terms previously approved by extraordinary  resolution);

    (iii) an  encumbrancer   takes  possession  of,  or  a  trustee,   receiver,
          administrator  or similar  officer is appointed  or an  administration
          order is made in respect of, the whole or  substantially  the whole of
          the  undertaking  or  property  of the Offeror and such person has not
          been paid out or discharged within 30 days.

(e)  Payment  of  principal  in  respect  of the Loan  Notes will not be made to
     addresses in the United States, Australia, Canada or Japan.


4 Purchase of Loan Notes

The Offeror  may, at any time on or after the date  falling six months after the
latest date of issue of any outstanding  Loan Notes,  purchase any Loan Notes at
any price by tender  (available to all Noteholders  alike), by private treaty or
otherwise by agreement with the relevant Noteholder(s).

5 Cancellation

Any Loan Notes repaid,  redeemed or purchased  will be cancelled and will not be
available for re-issue.

6 Additional Notes

Each  Noteholder  will have the right to acquire (by  subscription  at a nominal
value of an  amount up to or equal to such  Noteholder's  then  holding  of Loan
Notes) additional loan notes to be issued by a subsidiary of RWE (other than the
Offeror)  (the  "Additional  Notes")  on  terms  and  conditions   substantially
identical to those applicable to the Loan Notes, except as follows:

(a)  the Additional Notes will not be issued before 10 July 2003;

(b)  the rate of interest on the Additional  Notes shall be one per cent.  below
     the rate payable in respect of the Loan Notes; and

(c)  the  Additional  Notes shall not  include  any right to acquire  additional
     securities nor shall they be guaranteed.

7 Registration

The Loan Notes will be  evidenced by  certificates  and will be  registered  and
transferable  in  amounts or  integral  multiples  of  (pound)1,  provided  that
transfers  of Loan  Notes will not be  registered  during  the  twenty-one  days
immediately  preceding  an  Interest  Payment  Date or  while  the  register  of
Noteholders is closed.

No transfer of Loan Notes will be registered until each transferee has delivered
to the  Offeror a  certificate  in the  prescribed  form to the effect that such
transferee is not a US person,  an  Australian  person,  a Canadian  person or a
Japanese person and is not acquiring,  and will not be holding,  such Loan Notes
for the  account or benefit of a US person,  an  Australian  person,  a Canadian
person or a  Japanese  person  or with a view to the  offer,  sale or  delivery,
directly  or  indirectly,  of such Loan Notes in the United  States,  Australia,
Canada  or  Japan or to or for the  account  or  benefit  of any US  person,  an
Australian  person,  a Canadian  person or a Japanese person or any other person
who such transferee has reason to believe is purchasing for the purposes of such
offer, sale or delivery.

Registered addresses of holders of Loan Notes must be outside the United States,
Australia, Canada or Japan. Documents of title in respect of the Loan Notes will
not be sent to addresses in the United States, Australia, Canada or Japan.

8 Modifications

The Noteholders will have power by  extraordinary  resolution of the Noteholders
passed in  accordance  with the  provisions  of the Loan Note  Instrument  or by
resolution  in writing  signed by  holders of not less than 75 per cent.  of the
outstanding Loan Notes, inter alia, to sanction any abrogation,  modification or
compromise or  arrangement in respect of their rights against the Offeror and/or
RWE  and to  assent  to  any  amendment  of the  provisions  of  the  Loan  Note
Instrument.  The Offeror may, with the consent of its financial advisers,  amend
the provisions of the Loan Note Instrument, without such sanction or consent, if
such  amendment  is of a  formal,  minor or  technical  nature  or to  correct a
manifest error.

9 Substitution of Principal Debtor

The Loan Note  Instrument  will  contain,  inter alia,  provisions  enabling the
Offeror  to  substitute  any member or  members  of the  Offeror's  group as the
principal  debtor or debtors  under the Loan Notes  provided  that the Offeror's
right to require substitution of such member or members as principal debtor will
be exercisable


only if prior  clearance has been obtained from the Inland Revenue to the effect
that the  substitution  will not be treated as a disposal  of the Loan Notes for
the purposes of United Kingdom taxation of chargeable gains.

10 No Listing

No application has been made or is intended to be made to any stock exchange for
the Loan Notes to be listed or otherwise traded.

11 Governing Law

The Loan Notes and the Loan Note Instrument will be governed by and construed in
accordance with English law.

12 Guarantee

Payment of principal and interest on the Loan Notes will be guaranteed by RWE.


                                  APPENDIX III

                    Financial Information on the Innogy Group

Financial  Information  of the Innogy  Group for the three  years ended 31 March
2001 The following  financial  information  has been  extracted  from the Annual
Report and Accounts 2001 and the Annual Report on form 20-F 2001.

Consolidated Profit and Loss Account

                                                       March 2001                March 2000          March 1999
                                               Statutory      Proforma    Statutory      Proforma      Proforma
                                                 Audited     Unaudited      Audited     Unaudited     Unaudited
                                        Note    (pound)m      (pound)m     (pound)m      (pound)m      (pound)m

Turnover                                 2.2       3,884         3,859          142         2,628         2,632
Operating profit/(loss)                              289           280         (234)         (762)          645
Pre exceptional operating profit         2.2         292           283           28           311           645
Profit/(loss) before tax*                            301           218         (255)         (858)          559
Taxation                                              (1)           (1)          (1)           41          (133)
Profit/(loss) after tax*                             300           217         (256)         (817)          426
Exceptional items                        2.3          56            (3)        (262)       (1,073)          n/a
Dividends                                           (109)          (85)         n/a           n/a           n/a
Basic EPS*                                            26.8p         19.3p       n/a           n/a           n/a
DPS                                                    7.5p          7.5p       n/a           n/a           n/a

*after exceptional items (note 2.3)

There is no comparative  earnings per share or dividend per share information as
the group previously formed part of National Power PLC.

Consolidated Balance Sheet

                                                                   March 2001

Intangible assets                                                         577
Tangible assets                                                         1,260
Fixed asset investments                                                    32

Total fixed assets                                                      1,869
Stocks                                                                     69
Debtors                                                                   978
Investments, cash and short term deposits                                 241
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year                           (772)
Net current assets                                                        516
Total assets less current liabilities                                   2,385
Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year                (1,210)
Provisions for liabilities and charges                                   (567)
Net assets employed                                                       608
Share capital                                                             112
Capital reserve                                                            17
Profit and loss account                                                   479
Shareholders' funds - equity                                              608


Consolidated Cashflow Statement

                                                                         March 2001     March 2001
                                                                          Statutory       Proforma
                                                                            Audited      Unaudited
                                                                   Note    (pound)m       (pound)m

Net cash outflow from operating activities                          2.5        (779)         (371)
Dividends received from associates and joint ventures                             2             2
Returns on investments and servicing of finance                                 (71)          (86)
Tax                                                                              --            --
Dividends paid                                                                  (52)          (28)
Capital expenditure and financial investment                        2.5          13          (187)
Acquisitions and disposals                                          2.5         (40)          (17)
                                                                           --------      --------
Net cash outflow before liquid resources and financing activities              (927)         (687)
Management of liquid resources                                                  387           387
Financing activities                                                            429          (394)
                                                                           --------      --------
Decrease in cash                                                               (111)         (694)
                                                                           ========      ========


1    Changes in accounting policies

Since the publication of the financial statements from which the above have been
extracted,  Innogy has changed its accounting  policies in respect of its energy
trading contracts and deferred  taxation.  The new policies and their impact are
set out in the September 2001 interim financial  statements which are reproduced
in section 5.


2    Significant Notes to the Accounts

2.1  Reconciliation of statutory accounts to proforma accounts for year to March

                                                                                                     March 2001
                                                            March 2001                 March 2001      Proforma
                                                             Statutory                   Proforma      Accounts
                                                               Audited         Note    Adjustment     Unaudited
                                                              (pound)m                   (pound)m      (pound)m

Turnover                                                         3,884                        (25)        3,859
Operating costs before exceptional items                        (3,595)                        16        (3,579)
Exceptional operating items                                         (3)                        --            (3)
                                                              --------                   --------      --------
Operating profit                                                   286            A            (9)          277
Share of operating profit of associates and joint ventures           3                         --             3
                                                              --------                   --------      --------
Total operating profit of the Group                                289                         (9)          280
Exceptional items                                                   59            A           (59)           --
                                                              --------                   --------      --------
Profit on ordinary activities before interest and taxation         348                        (68)          280
  Pre-exceptional profit on ordinary activities before
    interest and taxation                                          292                         (9)          283
  Exceptional items                                                 56                        (59)           (3)

Net interest payable and similar charges                           (47)           B           (15)          (62)
                                                              --------                   --------      --------
Profit on ordinary activities before taxation                      301                        (83)          218
Taxation                                                            (1)                        --            (1)
                                                              --------                   --------      --------
Profit on ordinary activities after taxation                       300                        (83)          217
Dividends                                                         (109)           B            24           (85)
                                                              --------                   --------      --------
Retained profits                                                   191                        (59)          132
                                                              ========                   ========      ========

Adjustments  made in deriving the proforma  profit and loss account for the year
to 31 March 2001 are as follows:

A    To remove the operating profit of (pound)9 million and exceptional profit
     on disposal of (pound)59 million derived from Deeside power station which
     was transferred to International Power plc in July 2000.

B    To reclassify intercompany payments made by way of dividend to
     International Power plc prior to demerger primarily in respect of interest
     on debt finance and profits from Deeside power station.

The  statutory  profit and loss account for March 2000 is for the period from 16
March 2000 to 31 March 2000. A proforma  adjustment has been made to include the
earnings for the period from 1 April 1999 to 15 March 2000. The proforma results
for  the  year  then  reflect  the  results  as set  out in the  Innogy  Listing
Particulars dated 21 August 2000.


2.2  Segmental Analysis

By Class of Business

                                                                               2001                        2001
                                                                          Statutory                    Proforma
                                                                            Audited                   Unaudited
                                                              Turnover         PBIT      Turnover          PBIT
                                                              (pound)m     (pound)m      (pound)m      (pound)m

Trading and Asset Management                                     1,811          218         1,786           211
Operations and Engineering                                         247            6           247             6
Retail                                                           1,940           49         1,940            49
Cogen and Renewables                                               167           16           167            16
Eastern Lease                                                      106           81           106            81
New Ventures                                                        --          (17)           --           (17)
Head office and other Corporate costs                               --          (41)           --           (43)
Central items                                                       --          (23)           --           (23)
Intra group                                                       (387)          --          (387)           --
                                                              --------     --------      --------      --------
                                                                 3,884          289         3,859           280
                                                              ========                   ========

Associates and joint ventures                                                     3                           3
                                                                           --------                    --------
PBIT before exceptional items                                                   292                         283
                                                                           ========                    ========

                                                                               2000                        2000
                                                                          Statutory                    Proforma
                                                                            Audited                   Unaudited
                                                              Turnover         PBIT      Turnover          PBIT
                                                              (pound)m     (pound)m      (pound)m      (pound)m

Trading and Asset Management                                        87           26         1,081           207
Operations and Engineering                                          --           --           189            --
Retail                                                              50           --         1,327             1
Cogen and Renewables                                                 5           --           120            16
Eastern Lease                                                       --           --           200           167
New Ventures                                                        --           --            --           (12)
Head office and other Corporate costs                               --           (1)           --           (58)
Central items                                                       --           --            --           (13)
Intra group                                                         --           --          (289)           --
                                                              --------     --------      --------      --------
                                                                   142           25         2,628           308
                                                              ========                   ========
Associates and joint ventures                                                     3                           3
                                                                           --------                    --------
PBIT before exceptional items                                                    28                         311
                                                                           ========                    ========


2.2  Segmental Analysis (continued)

By Class of Business (continued)

                                                          Turnover          PBIT
                                                          (pound)m      (pound)m

Trading and Asset Management                                 1,896           519
Operations and Engineering                                     198             -
Retail                                                         446            10
Cogen and Renewables                                            93            13
Eastern Lease                                                  224           187
New Ventures                                                     -           (11)
Head office and other Corporate costs                            -           (83)
Central items                                                    -             5
Intra group                                                   (225)            -
                                                          --------      --------
                                                             2,632           640
Associates and joint ventures                                                  5
PBIT before exceptional items                                                645
Continuing operations                                        1,565           292
Discontinued operations                                      1,067           353
                                                          --------      --------
                                                             2,632           645
                                                          ========      ========

2.3   Exceptional Items

Total exceptional items before taxation

                                                     2001         2001          2000          2000
                                                Statutory     Proforma     Statutory      Proforma
                                                  Audited    Unaudited       Audited     Unaudited
                                                 (pound)m     (pound)m      (pound)m      (pound)m

Eastern lease                                         237          237            --            --
Teesside PPA buyout                                  (206)        (206)           --            --
Plant closure costs                                   (19)         (19)           11            11
Demerger costs                                        (15)         (15)           --            --
Gas provision and swap                                 --           --           (69)         (794)
Impairment of stations                                 --           --          (193)         (261)
Retail reorganisation costs                            --           --           (11)          (29)
                                                 --------     --------      --------      --------
Exceptional items included with operating costs        (3)          (3)         (262)       (1,073)
Profit on disposal of UK power station                 59           --            --            --
                                                 --------     --------      --------      --------
Exceptional items before taxation                      56           (3)         (262)       (1,073)
                                                 ========     ========      ========      ========

In the year to March 2001 the Eastern Lease contract  renegotiations resulted in
the existing lease  arrangement  being  terminated.  The deferred income for the
period to March 2003 was  released  as an  exceptional  credit to the profit and
loss  account.  In  addition,  a premium was paid by TXU which was treated as an
exceptional  credit in the  profit  and loss  account.  In  addition,  the Power
Purchase  Agreement  with  Teesside was bought out at a cash cost of  (pound)517
million.  This was charged  against the existing  provision  with the balance of
(pound)206  million  treated as  exceptional.  Plant  closure  costs and related
severance,  in relation to Blyth power station totalling  (pound)19 million were
incurred in the year.


2.3  Exceptional Items (continued)

In the 2000 proforma  accounts an exceptional  charge of (pound)495  million was
made in  relation to that part of the Group's  long-term  gas supply  contracts,
established  in the early  1990's at prices  substantially  higher than  current
market  prices.  This  provision  represents  the  estimated  loss  that will be
incurred in future periods as a result of the sales,  through the Group's retail
gas  business,  of gas it is committed to purchase  under its  long-term  supply
contracts.  In  addition,  the Group paid  (pound)299  million  to secure  price
modifications  to the contracted gas supply not covered by the provision.  These
price  modifications,  effected by the use of gas swaps, broadly have the effect
of changing the contract  price of gas burned in the Group's  power  stations to
approximate the current market price.

The other  significant  exceptional  item in the proforma  2000  accounts  arose
following the disposal of a significant  element of the UK power plant portfolio
and a reappraisal of the UK power market; the Group conducted impairment reviews
of its older coal and oil fired power stations and associated  assets. As it was
not possible to make a reasonable  estimate of the net realisable  value,  these
assets were written down to their value in use.

There were no exceptional items in 1999.

2.4   Net Debt

2001 Statutory

                                                              Other      31 March
                                              31 March     non-cash     (inflow)/      31 March
                                                  2000    movements       outflow          2001
                                              (pound)m     (pound)m      (pound)m      (pound)m

Cash at bank                                       227           --          (187)           40
Short-term deposits                                 --           --            83            83
                                              --------     --------      --------      --------
                                                   227           --          (104)          123
Bank overdrafts repayable on demand                 (1)          --            (7)           (8)
                                              --------     --------      --------      --------
Net cash                                           226           --          (111)          115
                                              --------     --------      --------      --------

Liquid resources
Current asset investments                          506           (1)         (387)          118
                                              --------     --------      --------      --------

Debt financing
105/8% Euro Sterling Bond 2001                      --            4            (4)            -
83/8% Euro Sterling Bonds 2006                      --            1          (315)         (314)
81/8% Euro Sterling Bonds 2022                      --            1          (220)         (219)
8.02% EIB Loan 2006                                 --            1          (312)         (311)
Finance leases: less than one year                 (11)          --             4            (7)
more than one year                                (409)          --            51          (358)
                                              --------     --------      --------      --------
Gas swap creditor                                 (140)          --           140             -
                                              --------     --------      --------      --------
Total debt financing                              (560)           7          (656)       (1,209)
                                              --------     --------      --------      --------
Net cash/(debt)                                    172            6        (1,154)         (976)
                                              ========     ========      ========      ========
Debt/equity ratio                                  +27%                                    -161%
                                              ========                                 ========


2.4  Net Debt (continued)

Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt


Decrease in cash in the period                                            (111)
Cash inflow from increase in debt and lease financing                     (656)
Cash outflow from increase in liquid resources                            (387)
Change in net debt resulting from cash flows                            (1,154)
Other non-cash movements                                                     6
Movement in net debt in the year                                        (1,148)
Net cash at the start of the year                                          172
Net debt at the end of the year                                           (976)

2.5   Cashflow

(a)  Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash outflow from operating

                                                                          2001          2001
                                                                     Statutory      Proforma
                                                                       Audited     Unaudited
                                                                      (pound)m      (pound)m

      Operating profit                                                     286           277
      Tangible fixed asset depreciation charged to profit and loss         142           142
      Other non-cash movements                                              21            21
      Revaluation of current asset investments                               1             1
      Goodwill amortisation                                                 31            31
      (Profit)/loss on disposal of fixed assets                            (22)           37
      Profit on disposals of power station                                  59            --
      Movement in working capital:
        Increase in stocks                                                 (23)          (23)
        Increase in debtors                                               (400)         (400)
        Decrease in creditors                                             (429)          (12)
      Provisions utilised                                                 (164)         (164)
      Provisions utilised-exceptional                                     (303)         (303)
      Provisions charged to profit and loss                                  3             3
      Provisions charged to profit and loss exceptional                     19            19
                                                                      --------      --------
      Net cash outflow from operating activities                          (779)         (371)
                                                                      ========      ========


2.5  Cashflow (continued)

(b)  Capital expenditure and financial investment 2001 2001

                                                              Statutory      Proforma
                                                                Audited     Unaudited
                                                               (pound)m      (pound)m

       Purchase of tangible fixed assets                           (189)         (189)
       Sale of fixed assets                                         201             1
       Loans repaid by associates and joint ventures                  1             1
                                                               --------      --------
       Cash inflow/(outflow)                                         13          (187)
                                                               ========      ========

(c)  Acquisitions and disposals

                                                                   2001          2001
                                                              Statutory      Proforma
                                                                Audited     Unaudited
                                                               (pound)m      (pound)m

       Acquisitions                                                 (17)          (17)
       Investment in associates                                      (4)           --
       Investment in joint ventures                                 (19)           --
                                                               --------      --------
       Cash outflow                                                 (40)          (17)
                                                               ========      ========

3    Accounting Policies

The  following  accounting  policies have been applied  consistently,  except as
noted below, in dealing with items which are considered  material in relation to
the Group's financial statements.

(i) Basis of preparation of accounts

The financial statements of Innogy Holdings plc and its subsidiary  undertakings
(the Group) are prepared under the historical  cost convention and in accordance
with applicable Accounting Standards.

(ii) Basis of consolidation

The  accounting  treatment for the demerger of Innogy from National Power PLC is
set out in note (iii) below. The consolidated  financial  statements include the
financial statements of the Company and all of its subsidiary undertakings up to
31 March 2001.  The  acquisition  method of  accounting  has been adopted  where
appropriate.  Under this method, the results of subsidiary undertakings acquired
or disposed  of in the year are  included  in the  consolidated  profit and loss
account from the date of acquisition or up to the date of disposal. An associate
is an  undertaking  in which the Group has a long-term  participating  interest,
usually  between 20 per cent. to 50 per cent. of the equity voting  rights,  and
over which it exercises significant influence. A joint venture is an undertaking
in which the Group has a long-term  interest and over which it  exercises  joint
control. The Group's share of the profits less losses of associates and of joint
ventures  is  included  in the  consolidated  profit  and loss  account  and its
interest  in their net assets is  included  in fixed  asset  investments  in the
circumstances  indicate that the carrying values may not be recoverable.  On the
subsequent disposal or termination of a business, the profit or loss on disposal
or termination is calculated after  charging/(crediting)  the unamortised amount
of any related goodwill. In the Company's financial statements,  the investments
in subsidiary undertaking, is stated at cost less amounts written off.


3    Accounting Policies (continued)

(iii) Basis of preparation - merger accounting

The financial  statements have been prepared under merger accounting  principles
in  relation  to the merger of Innogy  Holdings  plc and Innogy plc on 2 October
2000. Under merger accounting, the results and cash flows of Innogy Holdings plc
and Innogy plc are combined from the beginning of the financial  period in which
the merger occurred.  Profit and loss account and balance sheet comparatives are
restated on the combined basis.  Innogy  Holdings plc was  incorporated on 8 May
2000 and is the new parent company of the Group. Accordingly there are no parent
company  comparative  figures included in these accounts which are the first for
the parent company  itself.  On 16 March 2000 Innogy plc acquired the assets and
liabilities which were to form the business of Innogy from demerger.

Accordingly  this date is deemed to be the  commencement of Innogy's  operations
for statutory accounting purposes.

Additional  unaudited  financial  information  is  included in respect of the 12
month  periods  ended 31 March 2000 and 2001. In the case of the period ended 31
March  2000,  this  information  is  substantially  extracted  from the  Listing
Particulars  dated 21 August 2000 in connection with the  introduction of Innogy
Holdings plc to the Official  List.  This  information  represents a `carve-out'
from National Power PLC of the assets and liabilities of Innogy plc prior to the
hive-down  date of 16 March 2000.  In respect of the period ended 31 March 2001,
the  statutory  information  has been  adjusted to take account of the following

(a)  Exclusion of the trading results and profits on disposal of Deeside power
     station which was transferred back to National Power PLC prior to demerger
     of Innogy plc.

(b)  Reclassification of payments made by Innogy plc to National Power PLC prior
     to demerger.

     These payments were made by way of dividend but remunerated National Power
     PLC for interest borne on Innogy's behalf.

(c)  Inclusion, for the entire period, of debt actually transferred to Innogy
     plc from National Power PLC on 28 September 2000.

(iv) Turnover

Group turnover comprises sales to the electricity  trading market in England and
Wales (the Pool) of electricity  generated by the Group, retail sales of gas and
electricity to domestic and small commercial customers and direct sales to large
consumers of electricity  purchased  through the Pool. On 27 March 2001 the NETA
came into effect, the new rules replace the Pool and our turnover comprises five
days of sales under those arrangements. Turnover also includes sales relating to
our energy trading activity.

The value of the Group's sales through the Pool is substantially hedged by means
of Contracts for Differences (CfDs) with purchasers from the Pool (including the
Group's own retail business) that cover energy output and capacity.  Turnover is
shown  inclusive  of  third  party  fees  receivable  and net of the  difference
payments under these CfDs. With the advent of NETA, Grid Trade Master Agreements
(GTMAs) were introduced as the principal hedging mechanism.  Income attributable
to CfDs and GTMAs is recognised when settlement is made.  Income from trading is
recognised when the position is closed and settlement made. Income from the sale
of  electricity  and gas to  industrial,  commercial  and domestic  customers is
recognised when earned and reflects the value of units  supplied,  including the
estimated  value of units  supplied to customers  between the date of their last
meter reading and the year end.

(v) Pension costs

Pension contributions are charged to the profit and loss account so as to spread
the  cost of  pensions  over  employees'  working  lives.  The  regular  cost is
attributed  to  individual   years  using  the  projected  unit  credit  method.
Variations  in pension  costs,  which are  identified  as a result of  actuarial
valuations,  are amortised over the average expected  remaining working lives of
employees. Differences between the amounts funded and the amounts charged to the
profit and loss account are treated as either  provisions or  prepayments in the
balance sheet.


(vi) Research and development

Expenditure  on fixed assets used for research  and  development  is written off
over the expected  useful life of the  relevant  asset;  all other  research and
development expenditure is charged to the profit and loss account as incurred.

(vii) Operating leases

Rentals payable under operating leases are charged to the profit and loss
account evenly over the term of the lease.

Contracts  under  which  power  stations  were  leased  to  third  parties  were
terminated in January 2001 and the assets were sold.  Until then the  accounting
policy was: amounts receivable in respect of power stations held under operating
leases were  credited to profit and loss on a systematic  basis over the primary
lease period in which payments are received. Fixed lease premium under operating
leases  were  credited  to profit and loss  evenly  over the term of the primary
lease period. Other elements of the premium, including those contingent upon the
electricity  output of the power  stations,  were credited to profit and loss as
they arose.  Power stations under  operating  leases were shown within  tangible
fixed  assets less  accumulated  depreciation.  Depreciation  was  provided on a
straight-line  basis to write off the cost of the assets to their residual value
evenly over the term of the primary lease period.

(viii) Foreign exchange

The profits or losses of overseas  subsidiary  undertakings  and  associates are
translated  into  sterling  at  average  rates of  exchange.  Balance  sheets of
subsidiary  undertakings  and net  investments  in associates  are translated at
closing rates.

Exchange  differences  arising on the retranslation at closing rates of overseas
subsidiary  undertakings'  balance sheets and net  investments in associates and
joint ventures,  together with the year end adjustment to convert the balance of
retained profits to closing rates,  are taken directly to reserves.  Differences
arising on the  translation of relevant  foreign  currency  borrowings are taken
directly to reserves,  to match the  corresponding  exchange  difference  on the
translation of the related net investment in overseas  subsidiary  undertakings,
associates and joint ventures,  as are differences arising on equity investments
denominated  in  foreign  currencies  in the  Company's  accounts.  Transactions
denominated in foreign  currencies  arising in the normal course of business are
translated  into  sterling at the exchange rate ruling on the date payment takes
place unless related or matching  forward foreign  exchange  contracts have been
entered into,  when the rate specified in the contract is used.  Monetary assets
and liabilities  expressed in foreign currencies that are not covered by hedging
arrangements are translated into sterling at the rates of exchange ruling at the
balance  sheet date and any  difference  arising on the  retranslation  of those
amounts is taken to the profit and loss account.

(ix) Interest

Interest on borrowings  relating to major capital  projects with long periods of
development is capitalised  during  construction  and written off as part of the
total cost over the useful life of the asset.  All other  interest is charged to
the profit and loss account. The interest capitalised does not exceed the actual
net  interest  charge  for  the  year.  Under  FRS  12  (Provisions,  Contingent
Liabilities and Contingent Assets) the interest charge on discounted  provisions
is included in the net interest charge.

(x) Tangible fixed assets

Tangible fixed assets are stated at original cost less accumulated  depreciation
and any provision for impairment in value. In the case of assets  constructed by
the  Group,   cost  includes   related  works  and   administrative   overheads,
commissioning  costs and borrowing  costs as per FRS 15. Assets in the course of
construction  are included in tangible  fixed assets on the basis of expenditure
incurred at the balance sheet date.


3    Accounting Policies (continued)

Depreciation is calculated so as to write down the cost of tangible fixed assets
to their  residual  value evenly over their  estimated  useful lives.  Estimated
useful  lives are reviewed  periodically,  taking into  account  commercial  and
technological obsolescence as well as normal wear and tear, provision being made
for any impairment in value.

The depreciation charge is based on the following estimates of useful lives:


Power stations under operating leases (primary lease term)                    7
Combined cycle gas turbine power stations                                    25
Other power stations                                                      20-40
Non-operational buildings                                                    40
Fixtures, fittings, tools and equipment                                     4-5
Computer equipment and software                                             3-5
Hot gas path CCGT turbine blades                                              3

Freehold land is not depreciated.

(xi) Finance leases

Assets held under finance leases are capitalised  where material and included in
tangible fixed assets at fair value at the inception of the lease. Each asset is
depreciated  over the shorter of its lease term and its  estimated  useful life.
The obligations  related to finance leases, net of finance charges in respect of
future  periods are  included,  as  appropriate,  under  creditors due within or
creditors due after one year. The interest  element of the rental  obligation is
allocated  to  accounting  periods  during  the  lease  term so as to  produce a
constant periodic rate of charge on the balance outstanding.

(xii) Fixed asset investments

All  fixed  asset  investments  are  stated  at  cost  less  provision  for  any

(xiii) Current asset investments

Current asset investments are stated at the lower of cost and market value.

(xiv) Stocks

Operating  stocks  of fuel and  stores  are  valued at the lower of cost and net
realisable value.

(xv) Deferred taxation

Deferred  taxation arises in respect of items where there is a timing difference
between their treatment for accounting purposes and their treatment for taxation
purposes.  Provision for deferred taxation,  using the liability method, is made
to the extent that it is probable that the  liability or asset will  crystallise
in the foreseeable future.


4    Interim Financial Statements

For the half year ended 30 September 2001


                                                                                        Half Year     Full Year
                                                                                        2000/2001     2000/2001
                                                                          Half Year      Restated      Restated
                                                                           001/2002      Proforma      Proforma
                                                                  Note     (pound)m      (pound)m      (pound)m

Turnover: Continuing operations                                               1,071         1,262         2,971
Acquisitions                                                                    491            --            --
                                                                           --------      --------      --------
Total turnover                                                       2        1,562         1,262         2,971

Operating costs
Exceptional operating costs                                                      --          (233)           (3)
Goodwill amortisation                                                           (38)          (14)          (36)
Other operating costs                                                        (1,418)       (1,162)       (2,654)
                                                                           --------      --------      --------
Total operating costs                                                        (1,456)       (1,409)       (2,693)
                                                                           --------      --------      --------
Operating profit/(loss)                                                         106          (147)          278
Share of operating profit of associates and joint ventures                        2             2             3
                                                                           --------      --------      --------
Total operating profit /(loss) of the Group                                     108          (145)          281
   Continuing operations                                                         83          (145)          281
   Acquisitions                                                                  25            --            --

Profit on ordinary activities before exceptional items,
  interest and tax                                                   2          108            88           284
Profit on sale of fixed assets                                       3            8            --            --
Exceptional items                                                    3           --          (233)           (3)
                                                                           --------      --------      --------
Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities before interest and taxation               116          (145)          281
Net interest payable and similar charges
  Group                                                                         (61)          (29)          (62)
  Associates and joint ventures                                                  (1)           (1)           --
                                                                           --------      --------      --------
Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities before taxation                             54          (175)          219
Taxation                                                                         (2)           (5)          (12)
                                                                           --------      --------      --------
Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities after taxation                              52          (180)          207

Dividends                                                            4          (30)          (28)          (85)
                                                                           --------      --------      --------
Retained profits/(losses) for the period                                         22          (208)          122
                                                                           ========      ========      ========
Basic earnings per share after taxation (EPS):                       5
Before exceptional items and fixed asset sales                                  3.9p          4.7p         18.8p
Attributable to exceptional items and fixed asset sales                         0.7p        (20.7)p        (0.3)p
                                                                           --------      --------      --------
After exceptional items and fixed asset sales                                   4.6p        (16.0)p        18.5p
                                                                           --------      --------      --------
Before exceptional items, fixed asset sales, goodwill
  amortisation and Eastern lease earnings                                       7.3p          1.3p         14.7p
                                                                           ========      ========      ========
Diluted EPS after exceptional items, fixed asset sales
  and taxation                                                                  4.6p        (16.0)p        18.4p
                                                                           ========      ========      ========
Dividends per share                                                  4        2.625p           2.5p         7.5p
Dividend cover before exceptional items and fixed asset sales             1.5 times      1.9 times     2.5 times
   Interim Financial Statements (continued)


4    Interim Financial Statements (continued)

For the half year ended 30 September 2001


                                                                               Half Year
                                                                 Half Year      Restated
                                                                 2001/2002      Proforma
                                                                  (pound)m      (pound)m

Profit/(loss) attributable to members of the company                    22          (208)
                                                                  --------      --------
Total recognised gains and losses related to the period                 22          (208)
Prior period adjustments (see note 1)
FRS19 - Deferred taxation                                              (40)
Mark to market accounting for Trading                                   (4)
Total gains and losses recognised since the last annual report         (22)


                                                                                     30 September      31 March
                                                                                             2000          2001
                                                                       30 September      Restated      Restated
                                                                               2001      Proforma      Proforma
                                                                           (pound)m      (pound)m      (pound)m

Intangible assets                                                             1,841           583           577
Tangible assets                                                               1,351         1,297         1,260
Fixed asset investments                                                          74            34            32
                                                                           --------      --------      --------
Total fixed assets                                                            3,266         1,914         1,869
                                                                           --------      --------      --------
Stocks                                                                          117            77            69
Debtors                                                                       2,091         1,019         1,407
Investments, cash and short-term deposits                                       222           754           241
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year                               (1,204)       (1,139)       (1,089)
                                                                           --------      --------      --------
Net current assets                                                            1,226           711           628
                                                                           --------      --------      --------
Total assets less current liabilities                                         4,492         2,625         2,497
Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year                      (3,355)       (2,161)       (1,819)
Provisions for liabilities and charges                                         (545)         (231)         (114)
                                                                           --------      --------      --------
Net assets employed                                                             592           233           564
                                                                           --------      --------      --------
Share capital                                                                   112           112           112
Other reserves                                                                  480           121           452
                                                                           --------      --------      --------
Total equity                                                                    592           233           564
                                                                           ========      ========      ========


4    Interim Financial Statements (continued)

For the half year ended 30 September 2001


                                                                                                      Half Year
                                                                                        Half Year      Restated
                                                                                        2001/2002      Proforma
                                                                                         (pound)m      (pound)m

Profit for the period, before exceptional items                                                52            53
Ordinary dividends                                                                            (30)          (28)
Exceptional items                                                                              --          (233)
Share premium                                                                                   6            --
                                                                                         --------      --------
Net increase/(decrease) in shareholders' funds                                                 28          (208)
Shareholders' funds at 31 March 2001                                                          564           441
                                                                                         --------      --------
Shareholders' funds at 30 September 2001                                                      592           233
                                                                                         ========      ========


                                                                                                      Half Year
                                                                                        Half Year      Restated
                                                                                        2001/2002      Proforma
                                                                               Note      (pound)m      (pound)m

Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities                               6           113          (289)
Returns on investment and servicing of finance                                                (43)          (35)
Dividends paid                                                                                (57)           --
Capital expenditure and financial investment                                                  (68)         (114)
Acquisitions and disposals                                                                 (1,379)          (12)
                                                                                         --------      --------
Net cash outflow before liquid resources and financing activities                          (1,434)         (450)
Management of liquid resources                                                                 23           392
Financing activities                                                                        1,394          (140)
                                                                                         --------      --------
Decrease in cash                                                                              (17)         (198)
                                                                                         ========      ========


                                                                                                      Half Year
                                                                                        Half Year      Restated
                                                                                        2001/2002      Proforma
                                                                                         (pound)m      (pound)m

Decrease in cash                                                                               17           198
Decrease in liquid resources                                                                   23           392
Increase/(decrease) in financing debt                                                       1,392          (140)
Non-cash movements                                                                            (33)           --
                                                                                         --------      --------
Net increase in debt                                                                        1,399           450
Net debt at 31 March 2001                                                                     976           296
                                                                                         --------      --------
Net debt at 30 September 2001                                                               2,375           746
                                                                                         --------      --------
Debt/equity ratio                                                                             401%          320%



1.   Accounting policies

Except as  disclosed  below,  the  accounts for the half year ended 30 September
2001 have been prepared using the same  accounting  policies as those adopted in
the accounts for the financial year ended 31 March 2001.

The  comparative  figures for the financial year ended 31 March 2001 are not the
Group's  statutory  accounts for that financial  year.  Those accounts have been
reported on by the Group's auditors and delivered to the Registrar of Companies.
The report of the auditors was unqualified and did not contain a statement under
Section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985.

The  comparative  figures  have been  restated  to reflect  the  adoption of the
following changes to accounting policies:

Mark to Market of Energy Trading Activities

The  Directors  consider  that it is now more  appropriate  to  account  for our
Trading  activities  using mark to market  accounting  principles.  The previous
treatment has been to account for energy-based  derivative instruments as hedges
which were accounted for on an accruals basis with  disclosure of the fair value
of the  derivatives  within the notes to the  accounts.  The new policy adopts a
mark  to  market  approach  for the  valuation  of all  energy-based  derivative
instruments held in Trading,  with movements in valuation  recorded in the group
profit and loss account.

Transactions for risk management  purposes are undertaken between business units
within the Group,  one of which is Trading.  Internal  positions are integral to
the Group's management of wholesale energy risk, ensuring risk can be managed on
a portfolio basis and offsetting  positions  within the Group can be recognised.
Internal  transactions are included within the segmental analysis of performance
in Note 2 of the accounts.  The transfer of risk through  internal  transactions
occurs at market  prices on an arm's length basis and in  accordance  with hedge
policies approved by the Board.

Generation Hedge Policy

The  transfer  of energy  market  risk  from the  generation  business  into the
appropriate trading desk is performed under a hedge policy approved by the board
and  monitored  by the Group's risk  management  committee.  Future  exposure to
energy markets arising from generation  activities is transferred to the trading
desk on a rolling basis,  consistent with market liquidity assessments performed

Retail Hedge Policy

The transfer of energy market risk from the retail business into the appropriate
trading  desk is  performed  under a hedge  policy  approved  by the  Board  and
monitored by the Group's risk management committee. Future exposure to wholesale
energy markets arising from retail activities is transferred to the trading desk
on a rolling basis consistent with market conditions, using an assessment of the
expected retail customer demand and sensitivity of customer tariffs to wholesale

The impact of this change in accounting  policy on the  financial  statements is
that all of our trades are shown with sale and purchase  being shown net of each
other.  If a contract is `in the money' then a debtor is created and `out of the
money' a creditor is created. Only the amount in or out of the money is recorded
in the Balance Sheet rather than the underlying  principal of the contract.  The
retail gas provision is no longer  required as the onerous  contract  previously
provided for is now marked to market.  The  provision put through the profit and
loss account in prior years has been reversed.


1.   Accounting policies (continued)

The impact on the accounts is summarised below.

                                                                          Half Year     Half Year     Full Year
                                                                          2001/2002     2000/2001     2000/2001
                                                                           (pound)m      (pound)m      (pound)m

Profit and Loss Account
Turnover                                                                       (566)         (311)         (888)
Cost of sales                                                                   568           279           889
                                                                           --------      --------      --------
Profit before interest and tax                                                    2           (32)            1
                                                                           --------      --------      --------

Balance Sheet
Debtors: amounts due within one year                                            296             2           251
Debtors: amounts due after one year                                             328           294           208
Creditors: amounts due within one year                                         (338)          (78)         (317)
Creditors: amounts due after one year                                          (713)         (728)         (571)
                                                                           --------      --------      --------
Ongoing mark to market accounts                                                (427)         (510)         (429)
                                                                           --------      --------      --------
Release of retail gas provision                                                               473           453
Release of prepayment balance on option premiums                                                -           (28)
                                                                           --------      --------      --------
                                                                                              (37)           (4)
                                                                                         ========      ========

The balance sheet at September 2001 includes the market value of all trades at a
net (pound)427 million. The movement on these accounts is (pound)2 million. This
movement  has been  included in the Trading  profit for the period of  (pound)26
million. The balance sheet position at March 2001 was (pound)429 million.

Deferred Taxation

FRS 19 - accounting for deferred  taxation has been adopted.  This requires full
provisioning  for  deferred  tax rather than the partial  provisioning  approach
under SSAP 15. The  (pound)2  million  deferred  tax asset  previously  held was
reversed and a deferred tax creditor has been  established of (pound)38  million
as at 31 March 2001. The prior year Balance Sheet has been adjusted by (pound)40
million.  The  deferred  tax  charge  for the period is  (pound)2  million;  the
comparative period charge has been restated to (pound)5 million.


2.   Group segmental analysis

The  presentation of the group segmental  analysis has been changed this year to
reflect better the true performance of individual business segments. Trading and
Asset Management are now shown separately. Items of (pound)11 million previously
disclosed as head office costs and central  items have been  transferred  to the
business  divisions that receive the benefit of these  services.  Expenditure of
(pound)6  million  on  our  Regenesys  technology  previously  disclosed  in New
Ventures has now been separately presented.

                                                                          Half-year                   2000/2001
                                                                          2001/2002      Turnover          PBIT
                                                              Turnover         PBIT      Restated      Restated
                                                              (pound)m     (pound)m      (pound)m      (pound)m

Retail                                                           1,378           47           723            12
Asset Management                                                   254           46           324            70
Trading and Risk Management Services                                69           26           (12)          (15)
Operations and Engineering                                         114            3           103             2
Cogen and Renewables                                                62            4            68            --
Eastern lease                                                       --           --            68            52
Regenesys                                                            1          (12)           --            (6)
New Ventures                                                        --           (2)           --            (1)
Head office and other corporate costs                               --           (9)           --           (20)
Central items                                                       --            3            --            (8)
Intra group                                                       (316)          --           (12)           --
                                                              --------     --------      --------      --------
                                                                 1,562          106         1,262            86
                                                              ========                   ========
Associates & Joint Ventures                                                       2                           2
                                                                           --------                    --------
Profit before interest, tax and exceptional items                               108                          88
                                                                           ========                    ========

3.   Exceptional items

There were no  exceptional  items in the period.  Non  operating  profits in the
period  on the  sale  of a  property,  totalling  (pound)8  million,  have  been
separately  disclosed.  Exceptional  items  totalling  (pound)233  million  were
charged to the profit and loss  account in the period to September  2000.  These
costs  related  to the  buyout  of the  Teesside  power  purchase  agreement  of
(pound)206 million,  costs associated with the closure of Blyth power station of
(pound)21 million and demerger costs of (pound)6 million.

4.   Dividends

                                                           Half Year     Half Year
                                                           2001/2002     2000/2001
                                                            (pound)m      (pound)m

Per ordinary share:
Interim dividend of 2.625p (2.5p in 2000/2001)                    30            28
                                                            ========      ========

The interim  dividend  will be paid on 16 January  2002 to  shareholders  on the
register on 7 December 2001. The shares will go ex-dividend on 5 December 2001.


5.   Earnings per share

Basic earnings per share for the period of 4.6p is based on profits of (pound)52
million,  attributable  to  ordinary  shareholders,  divided  by  1,124  million
ordinary shares. On a fully diluted basis, the weighted average number of shares
was 1,133 million.

6.   Reconciliation of operating profit/(loss) to net cash inflow/(outflow) from
     operating activities

                                                                Half Year     Half Year
                                                                2001/2002     2000/2001
                                                                 (pound)m      (pound)m

Operating profit/(loss)                                               106          (147)
Tangible fixed asset depreciation charged to profit and loss           44            56
Other non-cash movements                                               11            22
Other amortisation                                                     38            14
Movement in working capital:
  Increase in stocks                                                  (43)          (31)
  Increase in debtors                                                 (53)         (111)
  Increase in creditors                                                 7           209
Provisions utilised                                                   (23)         (322)
Provisions charged to profit and loss                                  26            21
                                                                 --------      --------
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities                   113          (289)
                                                                 ========      ========

7.   Acquisitions

During the period the group made the following  acquisitions,  all of which have
been accounted for under the acquisition method of accounting:

(i) Yorkshire retail business

In April 2001 the  acquisition of 94.75 per cent. of Yorkshire Power Group (YPG)
was completed.  In September 2001 we divested the Distribution  business as part
of a 'swap'  arrangement  for the retail  business  of Northern  Electric.  This
divestment  was  achieved by selling our stake in YPG whilst  retaining  100 per
cent. of the Yorkshire retail business.

The net  consideration  for the  Yorkshire  retail  business  and  corresponding
goodwill was:

                                                     (pound)m      (pound)m

Consideration,  including debt repaid                                981
Assets/(liabilities)  acquired at fair
  Tangible fixed assets                                  90
  Fixed asset investments                                46
  Pension scheme prepayment                             100
  Provisions                                            (75)
  Working capital                                       125
Goodwill, to be amortised over 20 years                              695


7.   Acquisitions (continued)

(ii)  Northern retail business

In September 2001 the  acquisition of the Northern retail business was completed
for a consideration of (pound)395 million,  substantially  satisfied by the fair
value of the Yorkshire distribution business and its associated debt.

The net  consideration  for  the  Northern  retail  business  and  corresponding
goodwill was:

                                                    (pound)m      (pound)m

Consideration                                                          395
Assets/(liabilities) acquired at fair value:
  Tangible fixed assets                                   15
  Stocks                                                   5
  Provisions                                            (353)
  Working Capital                                        124
Goodwill, to be amortised over 20 years                                604

(iii) Electrosynthesis

In  May  2001  the  purchase  of  Electrosynthesis   Inc  was  completed  for  a
consideration of (pound)10 million. This was all treated as goodwill and will be
amortised over 5 years.


                                   APPENDIX IV

                     Financial Information on the RWE Group

Part A:  Financial  information on the RWE Group for the two years ended 30 June
2001 and the six months ended 31 December 2001 extracted from audited  financial

The  financial  information  relating to the RWE Group set out below for the two
years  ended 30 June 2001 and the six  months  ended 31  December  2001 has been
extracted, without material adjustment, from the English language version of the
audited  consolidated  financial statements of the RWE Group for each of the two
years ended 30 June 2001 and the six months ended 31 December  2001,  which were
prepared in  accordance  with  International  Accounting  Standards  (IAS).  The
auditors     of    RWE,     PwC     Deutsche     Revision     Aktiengesellschaft
Wirtschaftsprufungsgesellschaft,  issued an  unqualified  audit  report on those
financial  statements.  The complete financial information is available in RWE's
annual report  published on 26 March 2002.  The annual report is available  from
RWEAG, Investor Relations, Opernplatz 1, D-45128, Essen, Germany.

Consolidated Income Statement

                                                                                                     Six months
                                                                         Year ended    Year ended      ended 31
                                                                            30 June       30 June      December
                                                                               2000          2001          2001
                                                                                EUR           EUR           EUR
                                                                  Note      million       million       million

Net sales                                                           (1)      47,918        62,878        33,301
Mineral oil tax/natural gas tax/electricity tax                               5,492         6,127         3,281
                                                                           --------      --------      --------
Net sales (excluding mineral oil tax/natural gas
  tax/electricity tax)                                                       42,426        56,751        30,020

Changes in finished goods and work in progress                                  (80)          (10)          206
Other own work capitalised                                                      276           367           225
Other operating income                                              (2)       3,049         3,589         2,406
Cost of materials                                                            27,266        38,497        19,903
Staff costs                                                                   7,940         8,768         4,745
Depreciation and amortisation                                                 2,419         3,412         1,837
Other operating expenses                                                      7,917         6,859         4,620
                                                                           --------      --------      --------
Profit from operating activities                                                129         3,161         1,752

Result of investments                                               (3)       2,912           638           312(1)
Financial result                                                               (890)       (1,561)         (921)
                                                                           --------      --------      --------
Profit before tax                                                             2,151         2,238         1,143

Taxes on income                                                                 595           478           339
                                                                           --------      --------      --------
Profit after tax                                                              1,556         1,760           804

Minority interests                                                              344           496           183
                                                                           --------      --------      --------
Net profit                                                                    1,212         1,264           621
                                                                           ========      ========      ========
Earnings per share (EUR)                                            (7)        2.24          2.24          1.10
Dividend per share (EUR)                                            (7)        1.00          1.00(3)       1.00(2)
Dividend including tax credit per share (EUR)                                  1.43          1.43            --(4)

(1)  EUR(23) million of which is profit allocable to financial assets accounted
     for at equity (previous year: EUR567 million).

(2)  Proposed dividend for the 2001 fiscal year of RWE AG (January through
     December 2001) subject to approval by AGM on 6 June 2002.

(3)  Dividend for the truncated fiscal year of RWE AG (July through December

(4)  Dividends of RWE AG as of the 2001 fiscal year are subject to new tax laws
     (the "half income system").


Consolidated Balance Sheet

                                                      30 June       31 December
                                                         2001             2001
                                                          EUR              EUR
Assets                                  Note          million          million

Fixed assets                              (4)
Intangible assets                                       8,351            8,502
Property, Plant and Equipment                          31,720           32,310
Financial assets(1)                                    14,518            8,370
                                                     --------         --------
                                                       54,589           49,182
Current assets
Inventories                                             3,205            3,643
Accounts receivable and other assets                   14,726           15,244
Securities                                              3,237           10,611
Cash and cash equivalents                               3,052            3,842
                                                     --------         --------
                                                       24,220           33,340
Deferred taxes                                          8,056            8,399
Prepaid expenses                                          561              528
                                                     --------         --------
                                                       87,426           91,449
                                                     ========         ========

                                                      30 June      31 December
                                                         2001             2001
                                                          EUR              EUR
Equity and Liabilities                  Note          million          million
Equity/minority interests
Group interest                                             --               --
Subscribed capital                                      1,459            1,459
Capital reserves                                        1,269            1,269
Retained earnings                                       4,312            4,440
Distributable profit                                      281              562
                                                     --------         --------
                                                        7,321            7,730
Minority interests                                      3,522            3,399
                                                     --------         --------
                                                       10,843           11,129

Provisions                                (5)          40,062           40,383
Liabilities(2)                            (6)          27,811           30,535
Deferred taxes                                          5,129            6,206
Deferred income                                         3,581            3,196
                                                     --------         --------
                                                       87,426           91,449
                                                     ========         ========

(1)  EUR4,614 million of which are allocable to financial assets accounted for
     at equity (previous year: EUR4,963 million).

(2)  EUR11,410 million of which are long-term interest-bearing liabilities
     (previous year: EUR9,114 million).


Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

                                                                                                     Six months
                                                                                    Year ended            ended
                                                                                       30 June      31 December
                                                                                          2001             2001
                                                                                           EUR              EUR
                                                                                       million          million

Profit after tax                                                                         1,760              804
Depreciation, amortisation and writebacks                                                3,545            1,801
Increase in long-term provisions                                                           430              440
Increase/decrease in deferred taxes                                                       (463)            (179)
Other non-cash items                                                                      (652)            (502)
mainly equity accounting and result of fixed asset disposals
                                                                                      --------         --------
Cash flow                                                                                4,620            2,364

Increase/decrease in short-term provisions                                                 (68)            (629)
Change in net working capital                                                             (590)            (698)
Change in other balance sheet items                                                       (148)             (16)
                                                                                      --------         --------
Net cash from operating activities                                                       3,814            1,021
                                                                                      --------         --------

Intangible assets/property, plant and equipment
  Capital expenditure                                                                   (3,518)          (2,295)
  Proceeds from disposition of fixed assets                                                809              297
Acquisitions, investments and loans to associates
  Capital expenditure                                                                   (9,890)          (1,411)
  Proceeds from disposition of fixed assets/divestments                                  1,262              630

Changes in securities and cash investments                                               3,817           (1,340)
                                                                                      --------         --------
Net cash used in investing activities                                                   (7,520)          (4,119)
                                                                                      --------         --------

Capital  contributions  to RWE AG and share of  minority
  interests  in  capital contributions to subsidiaries and
  share buybacks of RWE Group companies                                                 (2,040)(1)            4
Dividends paid to RWE shareholders and minority interests                               (1,359)            (236)
Cash inflow from increase in financial debt                                             10,674            6,956
Repayment of financial debt                                                             (4,873)          (3,615)
                                                                                      --------         --------
Net cash provided by financing activities                                                2,402            3,109
                                                                                      --------         --------

Net change in cash and cash equivalents                                                 (1,304)              11
Effects of exchange rate changes and other changes in value                                (30)             (27)
Effects of changes in the scope of consolidation on cash and
  cash equivalents                                                                       1,574              806
                                                                                      --------         --------
Total net change in cash and cash equivalents                                              240              790

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of reporting period                               2,812            3,052
                                                                                      --------         --------
Cash and cash equivalents at end of reporting period                                     3,052            3,842
                                                                                      ========         ========

(1)  EUR(2,039) million of which are allocable to the acquisition of shares in
     RWE (old) and VEW that were eliminated within the scope of the merger.


Statement of Changes in Equity and Minority Interests

                                                              Accumulated other
                                                            Comprehensive Income
                                                            Difference evaluation
                                                                 from         of
                                          Capital            currency   financial  Distribut
                           Subscribed  reserve of  Retained    trans-         in-      -able      Group    Minority
                              capital      RWE AG  earnings    lation   struments     profit   interest   interests      Total
                                  EUR         EUR       EUR       EUR         EUR        EUR        EUR         EUR        EUR
                              million     million   million   million     million    million    million     million    million

Balance as of 1 July 2000        1,340     1,697     2,643       163         --         523      6,366       3,191        9,557
                               =======   =======   =======   =======    =======     =======    =======     =======      =======

Share buybacks                      --        --    (2,045)       --         --          --     (2,045)         (4)
RWE/VEW merger                    (129)     (180)    3,412        --         --          --      3,103         456        3,559
Capital contributions              248      (248)       --        --         --          --         --           9            9

Dividends paid                      --        --        --        --         --      (1,078)    (1,078)       (281)
Other comprehensive income          --        --        --       (33)        --          --        (33)         45           12
Profit after tax                    --        --       419        --         --         845      1,264         496        1,760
Other changes                       --        --      (247)       --         --          (9)      (256)       (390)        (646)
                               -------   -------   -------   -------    -------     -------    -------     -------      -------
Balance as of 30 June 2001       1,459     1,269     4,182       130         --         281      7,321       3,522       10,843
                               =======   =======   =======   =======    =======     =======    =======     =======      =======

Capital contributions               --        --        --        --         --          --         --           4            4
Dividends paid                      --        --        --        --         --          --         --        (236)        (236)
Other comprehensive income          --        --        --        18        (22)         --         (4)        (40)         (44)
Profit after tax                    --        --       340        --         --         281        621         183          804
Other changes*                      --        --      (935)       --        727          --       (208)        (34)        (242)
                               -------   -------   -------   -------    -------     -------    -------     -------      -------
Balance as of 31 December 2001   1,459     1,269     3,587       148        705         562      7,730       3,399       11,129
                               =======   =======   =======   =======    =======     =======    =======     =======      =======

* Other changes resulting from the marked-to-market valuation of financial
  instruments are due to the fact that IAS 39 was applied for the first time.

Basis of presentation

International  Accounting  Standards  valid as of the  balance-sheet  date  were
applied when preparing the Consolidated Financial Statements.  Furthermore,  the
interpretations  of the  Standing  Interpretations  Committee  (SIC)  have  been

IAS 39 "Financial Instruments - Recognition and Measurement," IAS 40 "Investment
Property" and the revised  standards for income taxes (IAS 12,  revised in 2000)
as well as for  employee  benefits  (IAS 19,  revised in 2000) that have  become
mandatory  for RWE as of 1 July 2001 were applied for the first time in the 2001
truncated fiscal year.

A Cash  Flow  Statement  and a  Statement  of  Changes  in Equity  and  Minority
Interests  have been  disclosed  in  addition  to the Income  Statement  and the
Balance Sheet. Moreover, statements made in the Notes include segment reporting.

Several Balance Sheet and Income  Statement items have been combined in order to
improve  clarity.  The Income Statement has been prepared using the total output

The Consolidated  Financial  Statements have been prepared in euros. All amounts
(unless specified otherwise) are stated in millions of euros (EURmillion).

The Financial  Statements presented here cover the 2001 truncated fiscal year on
the basis of the reporting period from 1 July to 31 December 2001.


Scope of consolidation

Included  in the  Consolidated  Financial  Statements  besides  RWE  AG are  all
domestic and foreign  subsidiaries in which RWE AG directly or indirectly  holds
the majority of voting rights.  Principal associates are accounted for using the
equity method.

If  investments in  subsidiaries,  joint ventures or associates are of secondary
importance  from  a  Group  perspective,   they  are  accounted  for  using  the
acquisition  cost  method.  Non-operating  subsidiaries  and  those  with  small
business volumes are generally not  consolidated.  Altogether,  they account for
less than 1 per cent. of consolidated sales and results.

Subsidiaries that have a different  balance-sheet date prepare interim financial

A collective listing of the Group's investments in accordance to Sec. 313, Para.
2, Nos. 1 to 4 and Para. 3 of the German Commercial Code (HGB) has been filed in
the Commercial Register of the Essen District Court.

Twenty-one  companies  domiciled  in Germany  and 57  headquartered  abroad were
consolidated  for  the  first  time  in  the  year  under  review.   Thirty-five
enterprises, including 18 abroad, have been deconsolidated, and 45, including 14
abroad,  have  been  merged.  Thirteen  associates,  including  9  abroad,  were
accounted for at equity for the first time.  Twenty-one  enterprises,  which had
been  accounted  for under the equity method in the previous  year,  including 8
abroad, have been sold, merged or fully consolidated.  First-time  consolidation
and deconsolidation  generally takes place at the time of acquisition or sale of
the shares concerned.

As  far  as  affiliates  are  concerned,   the  following  share  increases  and
acquisitions deserve mention:

o    Pocahontas Gas Partnership, USA; shareholding raised from 50 per cent. to
     100 per cent.; acquisition cost: EUR173 million

o    SSM Coal B.V., Netherlands; shareholding raised from 50 per cent. to 100
     per cent.; acquisition cost: EUR23 million

o    Purchased a 51 per cent. state in Empresa de Servicios Sanitarios del
     Libertador, Chile; acquisition cost: EUR81 million

o    Purchased Chile-based ESSAM's operations; acquisition cost: EUR207 million

o    Thames (Shanghai) Limited, UK; shareholding raised from 50 per cent. to 100
     per cent.; acquisition cost: EUR20 million

o    Acquired an additional 23.47 per cent. of Harpen AG; acquisition cost:
     EUR113 million

A total of EUR520  million  was used to acquire  stakes in  companies  that were
consolidated  for the first time,  EUR212  million of which were paid in cash or
cash equivalents. All in all, on balance, EUR539 million in fixed assets, EUR321
million in current assets (including deferred taxes), EUR423 million in cash and
cash  equivalents as well as EUR798 million in liabilities  and provisions  were
assumed  as  a  result  of  the   acquisition  and  divestment  of  consolidated

As regards companies  accounted for at equity,  the following share acquisitions
should be highlighted:

o    Kartner Energieholding Beteiligungs GmbH, Austria: 49 per cent.

o    Iskenderun Enerji Uretim ve ticaret a.s., Turkey: 25 per cent.

o    Glennies Creek Coal Mine, Australia: 50 per cent.

o    AVG Abfallentsorgungs- und Verwertungsgesellschaft mbH, Cologne;
     shareholding raised from 25 per cent. to 50 per cent.

The following sales of shareholdings are noteworthy:

o    Divested the TOMAN Group


o    Divested the Rheinelektra Group

o    Divested HOCHTIEF Software GmbH

o    Divested Elsen Entsorgung GmbH

Divested  subsidiaries fetched a total selling price of EUR415 million, of which
EUR376 million were paid in cash or cash equivalents.

The sale of Lausitzer Braunkohle AG (LAUBAG) to  Hamburgische-Electricitatswerke
AG took legal effect in July 2001. LAUBAG had been included in the Balance Sheet
only at amortised  cost as of 1 July 2000,  since the management of this company
had already been transferred to a trustee prior to the divestment.

Consolidation principles

The financial  statements of German and foreign companies  included in the scope
of consolidation are prepared using uniform accounting and valuation methods.

Capital  consolidation  takes  place by  offsetting  the  investments'  carrying
amounts against the proportionate value of subsidiaries' equity that is revalued
at their time of  acquisition.  Assets and  liabilities  are  recognised at fair
value.  Remaining debt  differentials are capitalised as goodwill and, according
to their future  economic  benefit,  amortised  over a period of up to 20 years,
with an  effect  on  results.  Generally,  10 to 15 years  are taken as a basis.
Negative goodwill from first-time consolidations is also carried as an asset and
released  in  accordance   with  IAS  22.61  to  22.63.   Within  the  scope  of
deconsolidation,  residual  carrying  amounts  ascribed to both  capitalised and
negative goodwill are taken into account when calculating income from disposals.

Expenses and income as well as  receivables  and payables  between  consolidated
companies are eliminated.  Intra-group  profits and losses are eliminated unless
they  are  of  minor  significance.  As a  general  rule,  the  amortisation  of
investments  in  consolidated   enterprises   disclosed  in  separate  financial
statements is reversed.

The  same  consolidation  principles  apply  to the  investments  in  associates
accounted for using the equity method,  whereby recognised  goodwill is reported
on the Balance Sheet under  investments and the amortisation is disclosed in the
results of investments,  accordingly.  Income from investments  disclosed in the
results of investments  also includes a corporate  income tax imputation  claim;
this relates to the proposed dividend payouts. Uniform accounting principles are
adopted for the financial statements of all principal  enterprises accounted for
using the equity method.

Currency translation

In  the  enterprises'   individual   financial   statements,   foreign  currency
transactions  are stated at the exchange  rate  applicable  at the time of first
entry.  Exchange rate gains and losses from the assessment of monetary assets or
monetary  liabilities in foreign currency occurring up to the balance-sheet date
are taken into account with an effect on the result.

Functional  currency  translation  is applied when  converting the currencies of
foreign  companies'  financial   statements.   In  the  Consolidated   Financial
Statements, the balance-sheet items of all foreign companies are translated from
the  respective  country's  currency  into euros at the  average  exchange  rate
prevailing  on  the  balance-sheet  date  since  principal  foreign  enterprises
included  in  the  Consolidated  Financial  Statements  conduct  their  business
independently in their national  currency.  When translating the adjusted equity
of foreign enterprises accounted for under the equity method, the same procedure
is followed.  Differences to  previous-year  translations are netted out against
other  comprehensive  income (changes in equity that do not affect the operating
result)  without an effect on profits or losses.  Goodwill is  translated at the
cut-off date as an asset of the commercially autonomous foreign sub-unit. Income
and expense items are translated at annual average  exchange rates,  and changes
to reserves at closing rates.  Annual  financial  statements of Group  companies
based in a country with hyper-inflation are translated according to IAS 29.


Accounting and valuation methods

Intangible  assets are accounted for at  acquisition  or production  cost,  less
scheduled  usage-induced  depreciation.  Software for  commercial  and technical
applications  is  amortised  over  three to five years  using the  straight-line
method;  concessions and other usage rights generally have useful lives of up to
15 years.  Goodwill from  individual  financial  statements is  capitalised  and
amortised over its expected useful life using the  straight-line  method,  as is
goodwill  from  capital   consolidation.   Negative   differences  from  capital
consolidation are disclosed on the assets side as intangible assets.
Development  expenditures are recognised as assets if a newly developed  product
or process can be clearly defined, is technically  feasible,  and is intended to
be used by the enterprise itself or marketed. Furthermore, the asset recognition
requires  that there be a  sufficient  level of certainty  that the  development
expenditures  will  be  covered  by the  future  inflow  of  funds.  Capitalised
development  costs are  amortised on schedule  over the time period during which
the  products  are  expected to be sold.  Research  costs are  recognised  as an

Property,  plant and equipment is stated at acquisition or production cost, less
scheduled  depreciation  through use. The cost of producing property,  plant and
equipment  comprises the full cost. The cost of raising  outside  capital is not
capitalised as part of the acquisition or production cost. Exploratory drillings
are disclosed  according to the successful efforts method,  i.e. as a rule, they
are capitalised only in the event of commercial  success.  As a rule,  property,
plant and equipment as well as mining  developments  are  depreciated  using the
straight-line  method unless another depreciation method is better suited to the
usage pattern.

Investment property (realty held as a financial investment) is stated at carried
acquisition or production cost. Marked-to-market valuation is done in accordance
with internationally accepted valuation policies.

The scheduled  depreciation of assets we typically hold is calculated  according
to the following useful lives, which apply throughout the Group:


Buildings                                                             12-80
Technical plant
   Thermal power plants                                               15-20
   Power grids                                                        20-35
   Water mains networks                                              20-100
   Gas and water storage facilities                                  20-100
   Refineries                                                          6-20
   Service stations                                                    3-16
   Waste management facilities                                         6-15
   Mining facilities                                                4-20,25
   Mechanical and electrical plant engineering equipment               4-15
   Construction and civil engineering machinery                         4-8
Mine developments                                                     20-35
RWE-DEA Upstream drillings                                             8-15

Property,  plant and equipment  held under a finance lease is capitalised at the
lower of the lease  payments'  fair or present value and  depreciated  using the
straight-line  method over its expected useful life or lease term - whichever is
the shorter.

Recoverability of the carrying value of intangible assets (including capitalised
development  costs and  goodwill)  as well as property,  plant and  equipment is
regularly  assessed.  If the  recoverable  amount  of an asset is less  than its
carrying  amount,  an impairment  loss is recognised.  If the asset is part of a
unit that autonomously  generates cash or cash equivalents,  the depreciation is
calculated  based on the  usage  value of the unit that  generates  cash or cash
equivalents.  If the reason for an impairment loss recognised in prior years has
ceased to exist,  a  write-up  is  performed.  Goodwill  is  written  up only in
exceptional cases.

Special  funds  were  fully  consolidated  for the first  time in the year under


Shares of  associated  companies  accounted  for at equity  are  accounted  from
according to pro-rated equity plus goodwill.

Shares in non-consolidated affiliates, associated companies not accounted for at
equity and other  shareholdings  along with  long-term  securities  disclosed as
financial assets are classified as available for sale without  exception and are
stated  at  fair  value.  Unrealised  gains  and  losses  are  stated  as  other
comprehensive  income. Gains and losses stemming from the sale of such items are
stated with an effect on results.  Write-downs  are  performed in the event of a
deterioration of creditworthiness.

Loans are stated at  amortised  cost.  Loans with  interest  rates common on the
market are shown on the Balance Sheet at nominal  value;  interest-free  and low
interest-bearing loans are discounted to their present value.

Inventories  are  carried at  acquisition  or  production  cost.  Assessment  is
generally  based on  average  values,  and the LIFO  method is used for  certain
inventories.  The  overburden of lignite  mining is determined  according to the
FIFO method.  Production  costs comprise full costs and are determined  based on
the production  facilities'  normal  capacity.  When broken down, in addition to
directly allocable costs, production costs include adequate portions of required
materials and production overheads,  including  production-related  depreciation
and retirement  benefit  expenses.  The cost of raising  outside  capital is not
capitalised  as part of the  acquisition  or production  cost.  Inventory  risks
resulting from decreased  usability are taken into account  through  appropriate
value  deductions.  Lower  values on the cut-off  date  disclose  stemming  from
reduced  net gains on  disposals.  If the net  realisable  value of  inventories
written down in earlier  periods has  increased,  the resulting  reversal of the
write-down is recognised as a reduction of the cost of materials

Prepayments received from customers are carried as liabilities.

Nuclear fuel  assemblies  shown under  inventories are stated at amortised cost.
Amortisation is  energy-related  according to consumption  and  capacity-related
according to the reactor's service life.

Long-term   construction  contracts  are  recognised  under  the  percentage  of
completion  method.  The  capitalisable   amount  is  disclosed  under  accounts
receivable  and sales  revenues.  The stage of completion is determined  through
measurements  and  according  to  the  costs  incurred   (cost-to-cost  method).
Anticipated  contract  losses are covered by valuation  allowances or provisions
and are determined taking  identifiable  risks into account.  Revenue from these
contracts is stated as contract revenue.

Accounts  receivable  and other  assets  are  stated at  acquisition  cost after
deducting necessary  valuation  allowances which are oriented towards the actual
default risk.  Under accounts  receivable for supplies and services  relating to
utility operations, prepayments received are netted against customer consumption
which is yet to be metered and billed.

Current  securities are exclusively  classified as available for sale and stated
at fair value.  Further  valuations  are made following the rules applied to the
assessment of financial assets.

Provisions for pensions and similar obligations are calculated  according to the
projected unit credit method. This benefit/years-of-service method does not only
take into account the retirement  benefits and benefit  entitlements known as of
the balance-sheet  date, but also increases in salaries and retirement  benefits
to be expected in the future.  Actuarial  gains and losses  falling  outside the
limits of a 10 per cent. range of total benefit obligations are distributed over
the average  remaining  length of service.  The service cost is disclosed  under
staff costs,  and the interest  portion of the transfer to  provisions  is shown
under financial results.

All other  provisions take into account all  obligations  identifiable as of the
balance-sheet  date which  result from  previous  transactions  or events  whose
amount or due date is not certain.  Provisions are carried at settlement  values
and are not offset  against  positive  profit  contributions.  The most probable
settlement  value is used as a starting  point.  Provisions  are only built when
based on legal or de-facto obligations to third parties.


All  long-term  provisions  are  recognised  at the  settlement  value  that  is
discounted on the  balance-sheet  date. The  settlement  value also includes the
cost increases to be taken into account at the balance-sheet date. Excluded from
this are pension  provisions  for which special rules in accordance  with IAS 19

Deferred taxes  resulting from timing  differences in the individual  companies'
commercial and tax balance sheets and from  consolidation  procedures are valued
separately. Deferred tax assets also include tax reduction claims resulting from
the expected  utilisation of existing loss carryforwards in subsequent years and
whose  realisation is guaranteed with sufficient  certainty.  Deferred taxes are
assessed based on tax rates that are applicable or anticipated in the individual
countries at the time of realisation. The taxation rate used to calculate German
deferred taxes is 39.0 per cent. The Group's average local business tax rate has
been taken into account in addition to the 25 per cent.  corporate  tax rate and
the 5.5 per cent. solidarity surcharge.

Because  IAS 12  (revised  in 2000) was  applied  for the first  time,  deferred
corporate tax reductions and increases relating to future  disbursements are not
considered  until they actually arise.  Claims and  obligations  recorded on the
Balance  Sheet on 1 July  2001  are  written  back  without  affecting  profits.
Otherwise,  tax  regulations  valid or passed as of the  balance-sheet  date are

Liabilities  are on principle  valued at  repayable  amounts.  Liabilities  from
finance lease  agreements are carried on the  liabilities  side in the amount of
the present value of the lease payments.

Home connection costs and construction  subsidies of utility operations that are
carried on the  liabilities  side as deferred income are released in instalments
with an effect on results over a period of 20 years,  dependent on the contract,
if necessary. Taxable subsidies and tax-free grants for fixed assets - which are
usually  issued by the  government  - are  disclosed  as deferred  income on the
Balance  Sheet  and  appropriated  as other  operating  income  in line with the
assets' depreciation.

Derivative financial instruments are exclusively used for hedging purposes.  Now
that IAS 39 has been  applied  for the  first  time,  all  derivative  financial
instruments are accounted for as assets or liabilities. All derivative financial
instruments are stated at fair value regardless of their purpose.

Changes in the fair value of derivative  financial  instruments are disclosed in
the Income Statement in the event of a fair value hedge, as is the case with the
corresponding underlying transactions. This means that gains and losses from the
assessment of fair values of operating  assets and  liabilities  included in the
Balance Sheet are disclosed as net sales or other expenses  associated  with the
underlying  transaction,  as are gains and losses  from the  assessment  of fair
values of derivative financial instruments that are employed to hedge underlying
transactions  included in the Balance Sheet. Gains and losses relating to hedges
of financial  assets and  liabilities  are  disclosed  as part of the  financial

In the event of a cash flow  hedge or a hedge of a net  investment  in a foreign
entity, the derivative  financial  instrument's  unrealised gains and losses are
initially  stated as part of other  comprehensive  income.  Gains and losses are
disclosed in the Income Statement as soon as the hedged  underlying  transaction
has an  effect  on  results.  If the gain or loss  from a hedge  relates  to the
acquisition of an asset,  the gain or loss is considered  when  determining  the
acquisition costs.

The  ineffective  part of a hedging  relationship is disclosed with an effect on
results in the Income Statement.

Contingent  liabilities are possible or present obligations that arise from past
events and for which an  outflow  of  resources  is not  probable.  They are not
recorded on the Balance  Sheet.  Obligation  volumes  specified  for  contingent
liabilities   correspond  to  the  extent  of  liability   existing  as  of  the
balance-sheet date.


Notes to the Income Statement

(1)  Net sales

     Net sales are recorded once the risk has been  transferred to the customer.
     This  does not  apply to  contract  revenue  from  the  application  of the
     percentage  of  completion  method for  long-term  construction  contracts.
     Mineral oil  tax/natural  gas  tax/electricity  tax paid by Group companies
     directly is disclosed separately.

     The  segment  reporting  note  contains a breakdown  by  business  area and
     geographical  region. Of the EUR33,301 million in net sales (previous year:
     EUR62,878 million), EUR6,106 million (previous year: EUR11,129 million) are
     attributable  to  contract  revenue  from  construction  contracts,   while
     EUR1,125   million  are   attributable  to  the  change  in  the  scope  of

(2)  Other operating income

     This item includes income from

     o    the release of EUR355 million in provisions  (previous year:  EUR1,497

     o    the  disposal  of EUR111  million in fixed  assets  without  financial
          assets (previous year: EUR282 million),

     o    the disposal and write-back of EUR38 million in current assets without
          securities (previous year: EUR78 million),

     o    derivative   financial   transactions  of  EUR697  million   (previous
          year:EUR171 million).  Income is contrasted by corresponding  expenses
          incurred in connection with counteractive derivatives,

     o    EUR62 million in currency gains (previous year: EUR239 million).

     Income from the disposal of financial  assets is disclosed under results of
     investments if it relates to investments;  otherwise it is recorded as part
     of other financial  results,  as is the income from the disposal of current

     Currency gains are contrasted by currency  losses that are disclosed  under
     other operating expenses.

     The change in the scope of  consolidation  caused other operating income to
     decline by EUR154 million.

(3)  Result of investments

     The results  from  investments  in the six months  ended 31  December  2001
     included income from the disposal of investments of EUR327 million.


(4)  Changes in Fixed Assets

                                                                     Cost of acquisition or production
                                                         Balance      through
                                                           as of      changes                                Currency
                                                          1 July     in scope                             translation
                                                            2001     of cons.    Additions     Transfers  adjustments
                                                     EUR million  EUR million  EUR million   EUR million  EUR million
Intangible Assets
Development costs                                            119           --           22            --            2
Concessions, patent rights and similar rights
  and assets as well as licenses in such rights
  and assets                                               1,667           76          126             6           (6)
- - from individual financial statements                       220           (3)          25            --            o
- - from capital consolidation                               8,237          169           71            --          (64)
Negative goodwill from capital consolidation                 (56)          (3)          --            --           --
Prepayments                                                   11           --           13            (1)          --
                                                        --------       ------       ------          ----       ------
                                                          10,198          239          257             5          (68)
                                                        --------       ------       ------          ----       ------
Property, plant and equipment
Land, land rights and buildings including
  buildings on third-party land                           17,597       (1,151)         317             7         (186)
Investment property                                           --        1,136           95            --           (1)
Technical plant and machinery                             60,009          273          757           426         (146)
Other equipment, factory and office equipment              5,676          222          254           37           (64)
Prepayment to other enterprises                              562           --           67           (73)           o
Assets under construction                                  1,007            9          548          (405)          (8)
                                                        --------       ------       ------          ----       ------
                                                          84,851          489        2,038            (8)        (405)
                                                        --------       ------       ------          ----       ------
Financial Assets
Investment in affiliates                                     438         (514)         751            (3)           1
Loans to affiliates                                           40            o           13            --           --
- - in associated companies accounted for using
  the equity method                                        5,163          159          595(1)         --          (25)
- - other investments                                          989          321          104(2)         19           --
Loan to investees                                            292           --           35            --           (1)
Long term securities                                       7,475       (6,733)          13(3)         (1)          (1)
Other loans                                                  708           95          386             4           (6)
                                                        --------       ------       ------          ----       ------
                                                          15,105       (6,672)       1,897            19          (32)
                                                        --------       ------       ------          ----       ------
Total fixed assets                                       110,154       (5,944)       4,192            16         (505)
                                                        --------       ------       ------          ----       ------

                                                               Cost of
                                                      acquisition or production     Accumulated depreciation/amortisation
                                                    -----------------------------   -------------------------------------
                                                                          Balance       Balance   through   Depreciation/
                                                                            as of         as of    changes   amortisation
                                                                      31 December        1 July    in scope  in reporting
                                                      Disposals              2001          2001     of cons.       period
                                                    EUR million       EUR million   EUR million  EUR million  EUR million
Intangible Assets
Development costs                                            --               143            18            1          14
Concessions, patent rights and similar rights
  and assets as well as licenses in such rights
  and assets                                                 17             1,852         1,174           (2)         70
- - from individual financial statements                        4               238           115           (2)          7
- - from capital consolidation                                 16             8,397           540           (3)        238
Negative goodwill from capital consolidation                (55)               (4)           --           --          --
Prepayments                                                   o                23            --           --           4
                                                        -------          --------       -------       ------       -----
                                                            (18)           10,649         1,847           (6)        333
                                                        -------          --------       -------       ------       -----
Property, plant and equipment
Land, land rights and buildings including
  buildings on third-party land                             171            16,413         6,609         (418)        295
Investment property                                          29             1,201            --          388          47
Technical plant and machinery                               329            60,990        42,231            7         879
Other equipment, factory and office equipment               199             5,926         4,251          (18)        281
Prepayment to other enterprises                               6               550             1           --          --
Assets under construction                                   112             1,039            39            1           2
                                                        -------          --------       -------       ------       -----
                                                            846            86,119        53,131          (40)      1,504
                                                        -------          --------       -------       ------       -----
Financial Assets
Investment in affiliates                                    116               557           214           (2)          8
Loans to affiliates                                           2                51            10           --          --
- - in associated companies accounted for using
  the equity method                                       1,046(1)          4,846           200            o          33
- - other investments                                          98(2)          1,335            18            1          15
Loan to investees                                            17               309             1           --           2
Long term securities                                         84(3)            669           134          (84)          2
Other loans                                                  82             1,105            10           (1)          o
                                                        -------          --------       -------       ------       -----
                                                          1,445             8,872           587          (86)         60
                                                        -------          --------       -------       ------       -----
Total fixed assets                                        2,273           105,640        55,565         (132)      1,897
                                                        -------          --------       -------       ------       -----

                                                           Accumulated depreciation/amortisation               Carrying amounts
                                                ----------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------
                                                                                                    Balance     Balance     Balance
                                                               Currency                               as of       as of       as of
                                                            translation                         31 December     30 June 31 December
                                                  Transfers  adjustment   Disposals  Writebacks        2001        2001        2001
                                                EUR million EUR million EUR million EUR million EUR million EUR million EUR million
Intangible Assets
Development costs                                        --          o        --          --          33          101           110
Concessions, patent rights and similar rights
  and assets as well as licenses in such rights
  and assets                                              o         (2)       13           2       1,225          493           627
- - from individual financial statements 220               --         --         3          --         117          105           121
- - from capital consolidation                             --          o         7          --         768        7,697         7,629
Negative goodwill from capital consolidation             --         --        --          --          --          (56)           (4)
Prepayments                                              --         --        --          --           4           11            19
                                                       ----       ----       ---      ------      ------      -------       -------
                                                          o         (2)       23           2       2,147        8,351         8,502
                                                       ----       ----       ---      ------      ------      -------       -------
Property, plant and equipment
Land, land rights and buildings including
  buildings on third-party land                           1        (54)       93           6       6,334       10,988        10,079
Investment property                                      --         --        16          --         419           --           782
Technical plant and machinery                           (12)       (54)      318           2      42,731       17,778        18,259
Other equipment, factory and office equipment            12        (44)      200          --       4,282        1,425         1,644
Prepayment to other enterprises                          --         --        --          --           1          561           549
Assets under construction                                 o         --         o          --          42          968           997
                                                       ----       ----       ---      ------      ------      -------       -------
                                                          1       (152)      627           8      53,809       31,720        32,310
                                                       ----       ----       ---      ------      ------      -------       -------
Financial Assets
Investment in affiliates                                 --          o         2           o         218          224           339
Loans to affiliates                                      --         --         1          --           9           30            42
- - in associated companies accounted for using
  the equity method                                      --         --         1          --         232        4,963         4,614
- - other investments                                       o         --         o          --          34          971         1,301
Loan to investees                                        --         --         o          --           3          291           306
Long term securities                                     --         --         1          48           3        7,341           666
Other loans                                              --         --         1           5           3          698         1,102
                                                       ----       ----       ---      ------      ------      -------       -------
                                                          o          o         6          53         502       14,518         8,370
                                                       ----       ----       ---      ------      ------      -------       -------
Total fixed assets                                        1       (154)      656          63      56,458       54,589        49,182
                                                       ----       ----       ---      ------      ------      -------       -------

(1)  EUR77 million of the additions and EUR283  million of the disposals  result
     from applying the equity method.

(2)  EUR10 million of the  additions  and EUR8 million of the  disposals  result
     from the marked-to-market  valuation pursuant to IAS 39 which does not have
     an effect on net income.

(3)  EUR8 million of the additions and EUR2 million of the disposals result from
     the  marked-to-market  valuation  pursuant to IAS 39 which does not have an
     effect on net income.

o    Negligible amount.


(5)  Provisions

                                                               30 June 2001     31 December 2001
                                                                EUR million          EUR million

      Provisions for pensions and similar obligations                13,646               13,915
      Tax provisions                                                  2,347                2,588
      Provisions for nuclear waste management                        11,389               11,518
        less prepayments                                               (879)                (914)
                                                                   --------             --------
                                                                     10,510               10,604
      Provisions for mining damage including reclamation              2,209                2,290
      Other provisions                                               11,350               10,986
                                                                   --------             --------
                                                                     40,062               40,383
                                                                   ========             ========

     Other provisions

     Other  provisions  mainly  include  obligations  arising from the personnel
     sector in the amount of EUR2,865 million (previous year: EUR3,039 million),
     restructuring  commitments of EUR1,941  million  (previous  year:  EUR2,777
     million), purchase and sale obligations of EUR2,796 million (previous year:
     EUR2,354  million) as well as contingent  liabilities  from the Electricity
     Business Area of EUR659 million  (previous  year:  EUR678 million) and from
     RWE-DEA Downstream of EUR87 million (previous year: EUR87 million).

(6)  Liabilities

                                                             Thereof                31            Thereof
                                          30 June     RT(1)=1      RT(1)>5    December      RT(1)=1     RT(1)>5
                                             2001        year        years        2001         year       years
                                              EUR         EUR          EUR         EUR          EUR         EUR
                                          million     million      million     million      million     million

      Loans                                 3,579          40        3,116       5,619          800       3,805
      Loans against borrowers'
        notes                               3,451       1,689        1,209       1,784           83       1,631
      Accounts payable to banks             6,962       3,266        2,164       8,393        4,315       1,991
      Accounts payable for supplies
        and services                        5,850       5,372           --       5,700        5,396           1
      Prepayments received                    406         361           --         427          372          --
      Accounts payable for bills
        accepted and drawn                     15          15           --          19           19          --
      Accounts payable to affiliates          347         331            1         437          403          --
      Accounts payable to investees         1,569       1,566           --       1,270        1,199          --
      Other liabilities                     5,632(2)    4,357          293        6,886(2)    5,103         242
        of which tax                       (1,331)     (1,331)          --        (598)        (598)         --
        of which under social security       (666)       (330)        (114)       (740)        (332)        (89)
                                         --------    --------     --------    --------     --------    --------
                                           27,811      16,997        6,783      30,535       17,690       7,670
                                         --------    --------     --------    --------     --------    --------

     (1) RT = Remaining Term.

     (2) EUR1,204 million of which relate to commercial papers (previous year:
         EUR425 million).

     EUR11,410  million  (previous  year:  EUR9,114  million)  of the  long-term
     liabilities were interest-bearing.  The average interest burden of accounts
     payable to banks in the reporting period was 5.6 per cent.  (previous year:
     6.4 per cent.).

     In 2001,  we placed a total of EUR4.2  billion in bonds.  Most of the bonds
     were issued by the Dutch firm RWE Finance B.V. with warranties  provided by
     RWEAG. In the reporting period,  RWE AG issued (pound)100 million and US$75
     million in bonds.  Bonds issued by RWEFinance B.V. in the year under review
     were raised by EUR150 million and (pound)225 million, respectively.


(7)  Earnings per share

     Basic earnings  per  share  are  calculated  by  dividing  the  net  profit
     attributable to the shares by the average number of shares.  The figure may
     become diluted by so-called  potential  shares (above all stock options and
     convertible bonds). The options under RWE's stock option scheme do not have
     a dilutive effect on profits. Basic earnings per share and diluted earnings
     per share are thus equivalent. The same earnings per share are attributable
     to common and preferred shares.

     For an improved assessment of the earnings situation, an earnings per share
     figure  adjusted  for goodwill  amortisation  has been  provided.  Goodwill
     amortisation  of EUR0.43 per share  (previous  year:EUR0.66  per share) was
     added to earnings per share.

                                                                                                     Six months
                                                                         Year ended    Year ended      ended 31
                                                                            30 June       30 June      December
                                                                               2000          2001          2001

      Net profit                                            EUR million       1,212         1,264           621
      Number of shares outstanding
        (weighted average)                                in thousands      541,545       564,572       562,363
      Earnings per share                                           EUR         2.24          2.24          1.10
      Earnings per share adjusted for
        goodwill amortisation                                      EUR         2.62          2.90          1.53
      Dividend per share for the 1998/99 financial year            EUR         1.00            --            --
      Dividend per share for RWEAG's
        2000 truncated fiscal year*                                EUR           --          1.00            --
      Proposed dividend per share for RWEAG's
        2001 financial year                                        EUR           --            --          1.00

     *For RWE AG's 2000  truncated  fiscal year,  the dividend for Type B common
     shares was EUR1.38.

(8)  Segment reporting

     In the RWE Group,  segments are  distinguished on the basis of the services
     provided by the Group's  business areas. The segmentation of business areas
     and geographical regions is based on the internal reporting system.

     The core business  area  Electricity  comprises  the entire value  creation
     chain,  from power  generation and the grid to sales and trading.  The core
     business area Electricity also includes the activities of RWE Solutions and
     RWE Systems and will also include the Harpen Group,  which  specialises  in
     regenerative  and  decentralised  power  generation,  from 1  January  2002

     The core business area Gas  comprises  the  midstream  and  downstream  gas
     operations of RWE Gas as well as RWE-DEA's upstream business.

     The core  business  area Water  controls  the  Group's  full range of water
     operations via Thames Water Plc.

     The core business area Environmental Services is headed up by RWE Umwelt AG
     and provides a wide range of services in the field of waste management.

     RWE-DEA  Downstream is a non-core  financial holding that is managed by DEA
     Mineraloel GmbH, a wholly-owned subsidiary of RWE-DEA AG.

     The RWE  Group  owns a 56.16  per  cent.  stake in the  non-core  financial
     holding Heidelberger Druckmaschinen.

     The RWE Group's interest in the non-core financial holding HOCHTIEF amounts
     to 62.38 per cent.

     Consolidation  effects,  the  holding  company  and  other  activities  not
     allocable to the business areas  presented  separately are disclosed  under
     "Other/Holding/Consolidation."  The  Corporate  Services  Division  will be
     transferred out of the Electricity Business Area and stated under this item
     from 1 January 2002 onwards.


Segment reporting

                                                                      Core business

                                   Electricity                  Gas                        Water                Environment Services
                               2000/01     2001 TFY      2000/01     2001 TFY       2000/01      2001 TFY       2000/01     2001 TFY
                           EUR million  EUR million  EUR million  EUR million   EUR million   EUR million   EUR million  EUR million

External net sales              19,748       10,904        3,603        1,647         1,690         1,394         2,045        1,068
Internal net sales               2,396        1,959          729          351            --            --            24           22
                               -------      -------      -------      -------       -------       -------       -------      -------
Total net sales                 22,144       12,863        4,332        1,998         1,690         1,394         2,069        1,090
Operating result                 1,730          960          732          258           563           415           135           89
Result from  investments in
  equity companies                 172           11           50           (8)           (5)          (14)           10            2
Scheduled depreciation and
   amortisation                  1,781          789          346          154           398           352           205          101
Other major non-cash expenses    3,724        1,982          184          131           301           179           279          170
EBITDA                           3,254        1,732          868          395           821           670           309          176
Operating assets (as per the
   value management concept)    15,837       15,833        3,252        3,251        12,856        12,784         1,348        1,396
Gross assets (as per the
   balance sheet)               45,936       48,361        6,309        6,327        18,281        18,328         2,261        2,444
Gross debt (as per the
   balance sheet)               40,161       42,205        3,607        3,647        10,702        11,012         1,929        2,134
Carrying values of shares
  held in equity companies       1,792        2,285          564          541           320           231            93          107
Capital expenditure on
  intangible assets and
  property, plant and
  equipment                      1,652          911          332          198           508           451           209          130
                               -------      -------      -------      -------       -------       -------       -------      -------

                                                              Non-core business

                                    RWE-DEA Downstream  Heidelberger Druckmaschinen            HOCHTIEF
                                   2000/01     2001 TFY      2000/01      2001 TFY       2000/01     2001 TFY
                               EUR million  EUR million  EUR million   EUR million   EUR million  EUR million

External net sales                  17,259        8,414        5,303         3,573        11,027        6,176
Internal net sales                     293           24           --            --            28            8
                                   -------      -------      -------       -------       -------      -------
Total net sales                     17,552        8,438        5,303         3,573        11,055        6,184
Operating result                       429          202          510           146            97          122
Result from  investments in
  equity companies                      13            8          (10)          (23)           79            9
Scheduled depreciation and
   amortisation                        146           73          222           159           187          130
Other major non-cash expenses          133          127          543           358           405          276
EBITDA                                 558          271          711           306           165          237
Operating assets (as per the
   value management concept)           807        1,030        2,906         3,180         1,288        1,140
Gross assets (as per the
   balance sheet)                    3,142        2,792        5,779         6,082         7,333        7,883
Gross debt (as per the
   balance sheet)                    2,723        2,250        3,069         3,475         5,447        5,830
Carrying values of shares
  held in equity companies             152          158          149           189           638          719
Capital expenditure on
  intangible assets and
  property, plant and
  equipment                            132           55          237           162           281          300
                                   -------      -------      -------       -------       -------      -------

                                 Other/Holding/Consolidation           Group
                                     2000/01      2001 TFY       2000/01     2001 TFY
                                 EUR million   EUR million   EUR million  EUR million

External net sales                     2,203           125        62,878       33,301
Internal net sales                        10             4         3,480        2,368
                                     -------       -------       -------      -------
Total net sales                        2,213           129        66,358       35,669
Operating result                        (243)         (163)        3,953        2,029
Result from  investments in
  equity companies                       258            (8)          567          (23)
Scheduled depreciation and
   amortisation                           46            21         3,331        1,779
Other major non-cash expenses          1,454           830         7,023        4,053
EBITDA                                  (111)         (150)        6,575        3,637
Operating assets (as per the
   value management concept)            (537)         (754)       37,757       37,860
Gross assets (as per the
   balance sheet)                     (1,615)         (768)       87,426       91,449
Gross debt (as per the
   balance sheet)                      8,945         9,767        76,583       80,320
Carrying values of shares
  held in equity companies             1,255           384         4,963        4,614
Capital expenditure on
  intangible assets and
  property, plant and
  equipment                              167            88         3,518        2,295
                                     -------       -------       -------      -------

                                                    Germany                 Rest of Europe               Americas
                                              2000/01      2001 TFY      2000/01      2001 TFY     2000/01      2001 TFY
                                            EUR million   EUR million  EUR million  EUR million  EUR million  EUR million

External net sales                             39,070       19,381        8,095        5,224       12,247        6,067
Gross assets (as per the balance sheet)        53,130       54,418       20,220       20,717       11,157       13,222
Capital expenditure on intangible assets
and property, plant and equipment               2,084        1,215          769          649          497          301
                                               ------       ------       ------       ------       ------       ------

                                                   Asia                    Australia                   Africa
                                            2000/01      2001 TFY     2000/01      2001 TFY     2000/01      2001 TFY
                                          EUR million  EUR million  EUR million  EUR million  EUR million  EUR million

External net sales                           2,198        1,379        1,010        1,058          258          192
Gross assets (as per the balance sheet)      1,633        1,781        1,260        1,272           26           39
Capital expenditure on intangible assets
and property, plant and equipment               30            6          137          124            1           --
                                            ------       ------       ------       ------       ------       ------

                                           2000/01      2001 TFY
                                         EUR million  EUR million

External net sales                         62,878       33,301
Gross assets (as per the balance sheet)    87,426       91,449
Capital expenditure on intangible assets
and property, plant and equipment           3,518        2,295
                                           ------       ------

TFY = Truncated Financial Year


Notes on segment data

o    Internal sales reflect the level of sales between Group  enterprises.  They
     are invoiced  under the same  conditions  as for third  parties.  Total net
     sales by  business  area are the sum of total  external  and  internal  net

o    Depreciation and amortisation  concern fixed assets,  without securities or
     other loans.

o    The  delimitation of operating  assets is derived from the value management
     concept.  These figures are compatible with the operating result,  which is
     also used for control  purposes  within the Group. In addition to operating
     assets, the balance sheet items'  consolidated  values for gross assets and
     liabilities  are  also  disclosed  for core  business  areas  and  non-core

o    Capital  expenditure  covers  intangible  assets  and  property,  plant and

o    Results from  investments in equity  companies  cover earnings and expenses
     from  profit  and  loss  transfer  agreements,   investments  and  goodwill

Consolidated operating results

                                                           Year ended     Six months ended
                                                         30 June 2001     31 December 2001
                                                          EUR million          EUR million

Results from operating activities                               3,161                1,752
  + Result from investments                                       638                  312
  - Non-operating result                                          112                  (52)
  + Interest credit on prepayments received                        42                   17
                                                             --------             --------
Operating result                                                3,953                2,029
                                                             --------             --------

The reconciliation addresses the following points:

o    The result from investments  includes all costs and income that have arisen
     in  connection  with  operating  investments.  Therefore,  the result  from
     investments constitutes an integral part of the Group's operating activity.

o    Income and costs that are unusual from an economic perspective,  or are the
     result  of  exceptional  events,  prejudice  the  assessment  of  operating
     activities.  They are  reclassified  as part of the  non-operating  result,
     which is a separate part of the value management concept.  Furthermore, the
     non-operating   result   contains   goodwill   amortisation   from  capital
     consolidation.  The  non-operating  result  also  contains  the  release of
     negative goodwill.

o    Prepayments  received for long-term  production contracts at the RWEGroup's
     financial   investment  HOCHTIEF  are  not  to  be  assigned  to  financing
     activities  from a  commercial  perspective,  but are  instead  induced  by
     operations.  HOCHTIEF's operating result has therefore been adjusted by way
     of an interest credit on received prepayments.

In the truncated  financial  year under  review,  the  consolidated  profit from
operating  activities  and the results  from  investments  were  adjusted by the
non-operating result of EUR52 million (previous year: EUR(112) million).

Goodwill  amortisation  from capital  consolidation  shown in the  non-operating
result in line with international  practice amounted to EUR238 million (previous
year: EUR374 million).

Capital  gains in the  truncated  fiscal  year under  review  amounted to EUR401
million and  principally  relate to the  divestment  of LAUBAG.  In the previous
year, the sale of the chemicals unit, MAQUET and of real estate not required for
operations led to proceeds of EUR364 million.


Events occurring after the balance sheet date

Deconsolidation of non-core construction business

Effective 1 January 2002 RWE stopped  including  HOCHTIEF AG in the consolidated
financial  statement as fully consolidated and now accounts for the operation at
equity.  Within RWE's multi-utility  strategy,  construction is part of non-core
business. RWE views this as a first step in its previously announced medium-term
divestment of the largest  German  construction  company as part of its focus on
its core  business in the fields of energy and  environment.  RWE AG holds 62.38
per cent. of HOCHTIEF's  shares,  of which 45.71 per cent.  were owned  directly
prior to deconsolidation.  Francommerz,  a holding company in which RWE had a 60
per cent. share, held the remaining 16.67 per cent.  indirectly.  Other indirect
shareholders include Allianz,  Commerzbank and Munchner Ruck. RWE AG reduced its
direct  share to less than 40 per cent.  and also  transferred  the  majority of
Francommerz. As a result, the prerequisites for full consolidation are no longer

Expanding gas production

RWE-DEA took over the British gas producer  Highland Energy effective 5 February
2002.  This  acquisition  represents  an  important  base for RWE from  which to
establish  and expand a promising  upstream  position in the British  North Sea.
With  Highland  Energy,  RWE-DEA has  expanded  its  current gas  reserves by 13
million to 76.54 million cubic metres of oil equivalents. For market access, RWE
can rely upon existing network connections to the United Kingdom and Continental

Harpen sharpens focus

After selling the Toman Group,  including IMO Deutschland,  a car wash operator,
Harpen also sold its logistics  business,  Harpen Transport AG, in January 2002.
Approvals  from  regional  and  supervisory  agencies  are  pending.  The Harpen
subsidiary, which is mainly involved in transport on inland waterways,  achieved
sales of EUR73 million in the 2001 calendar fiscal year.

Conclusion of the STEAG/Harpen transaction

At the start of 2002 RWE sold its shares  totalling  14.8 per cent.  in STEAG to
RAG. This was preceded by the purchase of RAG's 23.47 per cent.  share of Harpen
in December 2001. As a consequence of this transaction,  RWE now enjoys a purely
customer-supplier relationship with STEAG.

First-time consolidation of Thyssengas

RWE will be fully  consolidating  its 75 per cent.  stake in  Thyssengas  in the
Group's financial statements as from the beginning of the 2002 fiscal year. This
has been made  possible by the consent of Shell,  which owns 25 per cent. of the
stock.  Thyssengas is one of Germany's biggest long-distance gas companies,  and
in the 2001 fiscal year achieved sales of approximately EUR1.4 billion.

RWE Gas establishes logistics joint venture

In January 2002 RWE Gas and the London-based Lattice Group agreed to establish a
joint natural gas logistics  company.  Operating under the name of "Viavera" the
company  will  provide  services to natural gas traders and sales  companies  in
particular.  Logistics  management  covering  everything from  negotiations with
network operators to the complete  monitoring of transport  agreements will form
the heart of its activities. RWE Gas will hold 60 per cent. of the shares in the
joint venture.

RWE Gas parts with EMB

RWE Gas sold its 45 per cent. share of EMB Erdgas Mark  Brandenburg  effective 1
January  2002.  RWEwas  required to sell the regional  utility  company based on
conditions  imposed by the German  antitrust  authority  as part of the  RWE-VEW
merger. EMB achieved sales of EUR245 million in 2001.

HOCHTIEF reduces non-core activities

With the sale of its  interest in MONACHIA  Grundstucks-AG,  HOCHTIEF has parted
with yet another non-core activity,  following the sale of its software business
in July 2001.


                                   APPENDIX V

                             Additional Information

1    Responsibility

(a)  The Directors of the Offeror,  whose details are set out in paragraph  2(c)
     below, and the members of the RWE Management  Board,  whose details are set
     out in paragraph  2(a) below,  accept  responsibility  for the  information
     contained in this  document,  other than that relating to the Innogy Group,
     the Directors of Innogy and their  immediate  families.  To the best of the
     knowledge and belief of the Directors of the Offeror and the members of the
     RWE  Management  Board (who have taken all  reasonable  care to ensure that
     such is the case),  such  information  is in accordance  with the facts and
     does not omit anything likely to affect the import of such information.

(b)  The Directors of Innogy,  whose names are set out in paragraph  2(d) below,
     accept  responsibility  for the  information  contained  in  this  document
     relating to the Innogy Group,  the Directors of Innogy and their  immediate
     families.  To the best of the  knowledge  and  belief of the  Directors  of
     Innogy  (who have  taken  all  reasonable  care to ensure  that such is the
     case),  such  information is in accordance with the facts and does not omit
     anything likely to affect the import of such information.

2    Directors

(a)  Members of the RWE Management Board

     RWE's business is managed by a Board  currently  consisting of six members.
     Under German law, the Management  Board has management  responsibility  for
     RWE and broad authority to take actions in the name of RWE,  subject to the
     authority  expressly  reserved by the German Stock  Corporation  Law and by
     RWE's articles of association to the shareholders or the Supervisory Board.
     The  following  list sets  forth the (i) name and (ii)  citizenship  of the
     members of RWE's  Management  Board.  In each case,  the present  principal
     occupation or employment and the name,  principal  business and the address
     of the  corporation  or other  organisation  in which  such  employment  is
     conducted  is:  Member of the  Management  Board,  RWE  Aktiengesellschaft,
     Opernplatz 1, D-45128 Essen, Germany. The list also provides the employment
     history of each individual for the past five years.

     (i)  Dr. Dietmar Kuhnt

          Dr. Kuhnt's country of citizenship is Germany. Dr. Kuhnt has served as
          RWE's Chief Executive Officer since 1995.

     (ii) Dr.  Richard R. Klein Dr.  Klein's  country of citizenship is Germany.
          Dr. Klein has served as a Member of RWE's Management Board since 1996.
          From 1996 to 1999 he also served as the Chief Executive Officer of RWE
          Umwelt Aktiengesellschaft.

     (iii) Dr. Gert Maichel

          Dr.  Maichel's  country of  citizenship  is Germany.  Dr.  Maichel has
          served as a Member of RWE's Management Board since 2000.  Between 1999
          and 2000, he was Chief  Executive  Officer of VEW  Aktiengesellschaft.
          From  1998  to  1999,  he  served  as  Department   Director  of  BASF
          Aktiengesellschaft. He also worked at WINGAS GmbH from 1993 to 1998.

     (iv) Manfred Remmel

          Mr. Remmel's country of citizenship is Germany.  Mr. Remmel has served
          as a Member of RWE's  Management  Board since 1999.  Between  2000 and
          2001,   he   was   the   Chief   Executive   Officer   of   RWE   Plus
          Aktiengesellschaft. From 1999 to 2000 he served as the Chief Executive
          Officer of RWE Energie  Aktiengesellschaft.  Between  1997 and 1998 he
          served  as  a  Member  of  the  Management  Board  of  DaimlerChrysler


     (v)  Dr. Klaus Sturany

          Dr.  Sturany's  country of  citizenship  is Austria.  Dr.  Sturany has
          served as a Member of RWE's Management Board since 1999.  Between 1996
          and  1999,  he  served  as a  Member  of the  Management  Board of GEA

     (vi) Jan Zilius

          Mr. Zilius's country of citizenship is Germany.  Mr. Zilius has served
          as a Member of RWE's  Management  Board since 1998.  Between  1990 and
          1998, he served as a Member of the Management  Board of RWE Rheinbraun

     The principal  executive offices of RWE are at Opernplatz 1, D-45128 Essen,
     Germany and the telephone number is +49 201 12 00.

(b)  Members of the RWE Supervisory Board

     The  Supervisory  Board  of RWE  supervises  the  management  of RWE by the
     Management  Board and has the  responsibility  of making all ongoing checks
     and inspections  that it deems  appropriate and of reviewing such documents
     as it deems necessary or appropriate for the performance of its duties. The
     following  list sets  forth  the (i) name,  (ii)  business  address,  (iii)
     citizenship,  (iv) present principal occupation or employment,  and (v) the
     employment  history  for the  past  five  years  of each  member  of  RWE's
     Supervisory Board.

     (i)  Dr. h.c. Friedel Neuber

          Westdeutsche   Landesbank   Girozentrale,   Herzogstrasse   15,  40217
          Dusseldorf, Germany

          Dr.  Neuber's  country of  citizenship  is Germany.  Dr. Neuber is the
          former   President  and  Chief   Executive   Officer  of  Westdeutsche
          Landesbank Girozentrale.

     (ii) Dr. Paul Achleitner

          Allianz Aktiengesellschaft, Koniginstrasse 28, 80802 Munchen, Germany

          Dr.  Achleitner's  country of citizenship is Austria.  Dr.  Achleitner
          serves as the Executive Vice President of Allianz  Aktiengesellschaft.
          Between  1994  and  2000,  he  served  as  Chairman  of the  Board  of
          Management of Goldman Sachs & Co. OHG.

     (iii) Carl-Ludwig von Boehm-Bezing

          Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft,  Taunusanlage 12, 60325 Frankfurt am
          Main, Germany

          Mr. von  Boehm-Bezing's  country of  citizenship  is Germany.  Mr. von
          Boehm-Bezing is the former  Executive Vice President and member of the
          management board of Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft.

     (iv) Frank Bsirske

          ver.di Vereinte Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft e. V., Potsdamer Platz 10,
          10785 Berlin, Germany

          Mr. Bsirske's country of citizenship is Germany. Mr. Bsirske serves as
          the  Chairman  of  ver.di  Vereinte  Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft  e.V.
          Between  1997 and 2000,  he served as  Stadtrat in the  Personnel  and
          Organisational Department of the City of Hannover.

     (v)  Burkhard Drescher

          Stadt Oberhausen, Schwarzstrasse 72, 46042 Oberhausen, Germany

          Mr. Drescher's country of citizenship is Germany.  Mr. Drescher serves
          as Lord Mayor of the City of  Oberhausen.  Between  1991 and 1997,  he
          served as Oberstadtdirektor of the City of Oberhausen.


     (vi) Dipl.  Ing.  Wilfried  Eickenberg  RWE-Plus  Aktiengesellschaft,  Neue
          Julicher Strasse 60, 52353 Duren, Germany

          Mr. Eickenberg's  country of citizenship is Germany. Mr. Eickenberg is
          head of the  general  works  council  of RWE Plus  Aktiengesellschaft.
          Prior to this, Mr.  Eickenberg  served as head of the works council of
          RWE Energie Aktiengesellschaft from 1996 to 2000.

    (vii) Ralf Hiltenkamp

          Edelhoff Umwelt Services GmbH & Co. KG,  Hegestuck 20, 58640 Iserlohn,

          Mr. Hiltenkamp's  country of citizenship is Germany. Mr. Hiltenkamp is
          a machine fitter at Edelhoff Umwelt Services GmbH & Co. KG.

   (viii) Heinz-Eberhard Holl

          Landkreis Osnabruck, Am Scholerberg 1, 49082 Osnabruck, Germany

          Mr. Holl's country of  citizenship  is Germany.  Mr. Holl is the Chief
          Administrative  Officer of the Landkreis Osnabruck where he has served
          since 1990.

     (ix) Berthold Huber

          IG Metall,  Bezirk  Baden-Wurttemberg,  Holzelweg 2, 70191  Stuttgart,

          Mr. Huber's  country of citizenship is Germany.  Mr. Huber is the head
          of the  Baden-Wurttemberg  district of IG Metall Trade Union.  Between
          1993 and 1998, Mr. Huber served as Coordinating  Department Manager of
          Vorstandsbereich, IG Metall.

     (x)  Berthold Krell

          RWE Net Aktiengesellschaft, Netzregion Sud, Friedrichstrasse 60, 57072
          Siegen, Germany

          Mr. Krell's  country of  citizenship is Germany.  Mr. Krell is a chief
          fitter at RWE Net Aktiengesellschaft.  Prior to this, Mr. Krell served
          as head of the works  council of  Netzregion  Siegen  between 1989 and

     (xi) Dr. Gerhard Langemeyer

          Stadt Dortmund, Friedensplatz 1, 44135 Dortmund, Germany

          Dr. Langemeyer's  country of citizenship is Germany. Dr. Langemeyer is
          the Lord Mayor of the City of Dortmund.  Prior to this, Dr. Langemeyer
          served as Comptroller for Stadt Dortmund between 1995 and 1998.

    (xii) Josef Pitz

          Heidelberger  Druckmaschinen   Aktiengesellschaft,   Kurfursten-Anlage
          52-60, 69115 Heidelberg, Germany

          Mr. Pitz's country of citizenship is Germany.  Mr. Pitz is Head of the
          general     works    council    of     Heidelberger     Druckmaschinen

   (xiii) Dr. Wolfgang Reiniger

          Stadt Essen, Rathaus, 45121 Essen, Germany

          Dr. Reiniger's country of citizenship is Germany.  Dr. Reiniger is the
          Lord Mayor of the City of Essen.  Prior to this, he served as a Member
          of the City Council of Essen from 1994 to 1999.

    (xiv) Gunter Reppien

          RWE Power Aktiengesellschaft,  Kraftwerke Lingen, Am Hilgenberg, 49811
          Lingen, Germany


          Mr.  Reppien's  country of  citizenship  is Germany.  Mr.  Reppien has
          served as chief  fitter at RWE Power  Aktiengesellschaft  since  2000.
          Prior to this,  he served as Head of the works  council of  Kraftwerke
          Lingen since 1994.

     (xv) Bernhard von Rothkirch

          RWE Rheinbraun  Aktiengesellschaft,  Tagebau Inden,  Durwisserstrasse,
          52249 Eschweiler, Germany

          Mr.  von  Rothkirch's  country  of  citizenship  is  Germany.  Mr. von
          Rothkirch is a chief engineer at RWE Rheinbraun Aktiengesellschaft.

     (xvi) Dr. Manfred Schneider

          Bayer Aktiengesellschaft, 51368 Leverkusen, Germany

          Dr.  Schneider's  country of citizenship is Germany.  Dr. Schneider is
          the President and CEO of Bayer Aktiengesellschaft.

   (xvii) Klaus-Dieter Sudhofer

          IG Bergbau,  Chemie,  Energie,  Konigsworther Platz 6, 30167 Hannover,

          Mr.  Sudhofer's  country of citizenship is Germany.  Mr.  Sudhofer has
          served as the Trade  Union  Secretary  Deputy  Chairman,  IG  Bergbau,
          Chemie,  Energie Trade Union since 1997.  Prior to this, Mr.  Sudhofer
          served as Second  Chairman of the IG Bergbau,  Chemie,  Energie  Trade
          Union from 1990 to 1997.

  (xviii) Dr. Alfons Friedrich Titzrath

          Dresdner Bank  Aktiengesellschaft,  Konigsallee 37, 40212  Dusseldorf,

          Dr.  Titzrath's  country of citizenship is Germany.  Dr.  Titzrath has
          served  as  a  Member  of  the  Supervisory  Board  of  Dresdner  Bank
          Aktiengesellschaft  since 2001.  Prior to this, Dr. Titzrath served as
          Chairman of the Supervisory  Board,  Dresdner Bank  Aktiengesellschaft
          from 1997 to 2001.

    (xix) Prof. Karel Van Miert

          University Nyenrode, Straatweg 25, 3621 BG Breukelen, Netherlands

          Prof. Van Miert's  country of citizenship is Belgium.  Prof. Van Miert
          is the President of the University Nyenrode. Between 1989 and 1999, he
          served as a Member of the EU-Commission.

     (xx) Erwin Winkel

          Tagebau Hambach, Heideweg, 52382 Niederzier, Germany

          Mr. Winkel's country of citizenship is Germany.  Mr. Winkel is a power
          systems electronics engineer at Tagebau Hambach.

(c)  Directors of the Offeror

     The  Offeror is a German  company  with  limited  liability.  As such,  the
     Offeror's  business  is  managed  by two  Directors  who  are  functionally
     equivalent to the directors of a company.  The Offeror's  Directors are Dr.
     Klein  and Dr.  Sturany,  both of whom are  members  of the RWE  Management
     Board.  The  relevant  information  for Dr. Klein can be found in paragraph
     2(a)(ii) of this Appendix.  The relevant information for Dr. Sturany can be
     found in paragraph 2(a)(v) of this Appendix.

     The principal executive offices of the Offeror are at Opernplatz 1, D-45128
     Essen, Germany, and the telephone number is +49 201 12 00.

(d)  Directors of Innogy

     The Directors of Innogy are Brian Count,  Mike Bowden,  Andrew Duff,  Steve
     Fletcher, Tim Weller, Ross Sayers, Yvonne Constance, Richard Delbridge, Sir
     Brandon Gough and Sir Robin Mountfield.

     The  registered  office and head office of Innogy is Windmill Hill Business
     Park, Whitehill Way, Swindon, Wiltshire SN5 6PB.

3    Market Quotations

     Set out below are the Closing Prices for Innogy Shares and Innogy ADSs on:

(a)  the first business day or US business day, respectively, of each of the six
     months immediately before the date of this document;
(b)  15 February  2002 (being the last business day and the last US business day
     prior to the commencement of the Offer Period); and

(c)  26 March 2002  (being the latest  practicable  date prior to the posting of
     this document).

                                                  Innogy Shares     Innogy ADSs
     Date                                            (pence)           (US$)
     ----                                            -------           -----
     1 October 2001                                  209.50            30.60
     1 November 2001                                 209.00            30.30
     3 December 2001                                 196.50            27.60
     2 January 2002                                  197.00            28.15
     1 February 2002                                 200.00        No trades
     15 February 2002                                210.25            29.55
     1 March 2002                                    260.50            36.70
     26 March 2002                                   270.25            38.55

     Innogy Shares are listed on the Official  List of the UK Listing  Authority
     and traded on the London Stock Exchange.  Innogy ADSs are listed and traded
     on the New York Stock  Exchange.  The  following  table  sets out,  for the
     periods  indicated,  the high and low Closing  Prices for Innogy Shares and
     Innogy ADSs.

                                        Innogy Shares           Innogy ADSs
                                      (pence)    (pence)      (US$)     (US$)
                                         Low       High        Low      High
     Calendar Year 2000
     First Quarter                        --         --         --        --
     Second Quarter                       --         --         --        --
     Third Quarter                        --         --         --        --
     Fourth Quarter                   165.25     219.50      22.50     30.50

     Calendar Year 2001
     First Quarter                    181.50     216.00      25.05     31.11
     Second Quarter                   196.00     229.00      27.50     32.00
     Third Quarter                    193.50     237.00      27.50     34.05
     Fourth Quarter                   190.00     213.50      27.01     31.10

     As of 26 March 2002 (being the latest practicable date prior to the posting
     of this document), 1,183,408,501 Innogy Shares were issued and outstanding,
     of which 44,291,520 are represented by Innogy ADSs.


4    Shareholdings and dealings

For the purposes of this paragraph 4:

"arrangement"  includes indemnity or option  arrangements,  and any agreement or
understanding,  formal or  informal,  of whatever  nature,  relating to relevant
securities  of  Innogy or the  Offeror  which  may be an  inducement  to deal or
refrain from dealing;

"associate" means, in relation to Innogy, any member of the Innogy Group and any
associated  company of any member of the Innogy Group, their financial and other
professional  advisers,  their directors and such directors'  immediate families
and their pension funds;

"derivative"  includes any financial  product whose value in whole or in part is
determined  directly or  indirectly  by reference to the price of an  underlying
security  but  which  does not  include  the  possibility  of  delivery  of such
underlying securities;

"disclosure period" means the period commencing on 17 February 2001 (the date 12
months  prior to the  commencement  of the Offer  Period) and ending on 26 March
2002 (the latest  practicable  date prior to the  publication of this document);

"relevant  securities"  means Innogy  Securities or any  securities  convertible
into, rights to subscribe for, options (including traded options) in respect of,
or derivatives referenced to, Innogy Securities.

(a)  Shares of the Offeror and RWE

     Neither Innogy nor any of its directors nor their immediate families,  owns
     or is interested,  directly or indirectly,  in any shares of the Offeror or
     RWE or any securities convertible into, rights to subscribe for, or options
     (including  traded  options)  in respect of such  shares,  nor has any such
     person dealt for value therein during the disclosure period.

(b)  Innogy Shares and Innogy ADSs

     (i)  As at 26 March 2002  (being the latest  practicable  date prior to the
          publication  of this  document),  the  interests  of the  Directors of
          Innogy in Innogy Shares, which had been notified to Innogy pursuant to
          section 324 or 328 of the  Companies  Act and which are required to be
          entered in the register  maintained under section 325 of the Companies
          Act and the interests of all persons  connected (within the meaning of
          section 346 of the  Companies  Act) with the Directors of Innogy which
          would, if the connected person were a Director of Innogy,  be required
          to be disclosed in  accordance  with the foregoing  sections,  and the
          existence of which is known or could with reasonable  diligence become
          known by the relevant Director of Innogy,  all of which are beneficial
          unless otherwise stated, were as follows:

                                                      Number of Innogy
          Mike Bowden                                            5,765
          Yvonne Constance                                      16,928
          Dr. Brian Count                                       87,712
          Richard Delbridge                                     30,000
          Andrew Duff                                            4,669
          Steve Fletcher                                         4,548
          Sir Brandon Gough                                      2,075
          Sir Robin Mountfield                                   3,550
          Ross Sayers                                           67,815
          Tim Weller                                                --

          *In  addition,   all  the  directors  are  technically  interested  in
          1,857,705  Innogy Shares held in the Innogy  Holdings  Employee  Share
          Trust,  which are to be used to satisfy  awards  made under the Innogy
          Long Term Incentive Plan.


          The following Directors of Innogy hold options to subscribe for Innogy
          Shares under the Innogy Share Incentive Plans:

                                                                      price per
                                                        Options in       Innogy                        Date
                                                        respect of        Share          Date          when
          Director          Scheme                   Innogy Shares       (pence)      granted   exercisable
          Mike Bowden       Innogy Executive                24,106       174.36      13.12.95*    1998-2005
                            Share Option Plan               26,963       184.09      23.12.96*    1999-2006
                                                            25,290       219.90      02.12.97*    2000-2007
                                                            31,577       200.83      01.12.98*    2001-2008

                            Innogy Sharesave Plans           7,386       140.12      31.12.96*         2002
                                                             2,913       133.00      31.10.00          2003
                                                             6,284       158.00      28.12.01          2007

          Dr. Brian Count   Innogy Executive Share          36,359       191.49      30.11.94*    1997-2004
                            Option Plan                     65,030       174.36      13.12.95*    1998-2005
                                                           152,058       184.09      23.12.96*    1999-2006
                                                            66,728       219.90      02.12.97*    2000-2007
                                                            75,723       200.83      01.12.98*    2001-2008

                            Innogy Sharesave Plans           5,075       133.00      31.10.00          2005
                                                             6,284       158.00      28.12.01          2007

          Andrew Duff       Innogy Executive Share          45,074       221.85      01.06.98*    2001-2008
                            Option Plan                     39,211       200.83      01.12.98*    2001-2008

                            Innogy Sharesave Plans          12,687       133.00      31.10.00          2005

          Steve Fletcher    Innogy Executive Share          22,598       174.36      13.12.95*    1998-2005
                            Option Plan                     27,243       184.09      23.12.96*    1999-2006
                                                            27,176       219.90      02.12.97*    2000-2007
                                                            35,290       200.83      01.12.98*    2001-2008

                            Innogy Sharesave Plans           7,283       133.00      31.10.00          2003

          Ross Sayers       Innogy Sharesave Plans           7,283       133.00      31.10.00          2003

          *    The date of grant  stated is the  assumed  date of  grant.  These
               options  were  actually  granted  in  October  2000 and relate to
               options previously held over National Power PLC shares which were
               cancelled  in  consideration  for the  grants  listed  above.  In
               respect of options  granted  under the  Innogy  Sharesave  Plans,
               those  options with an asterisk  placed next to them were granted
               under  the  Innogy  Holdings  Unapproved  SAYE  Plan.  All  other
               sharesave  options listed were granted under the Innogy  Holdings
               Sharesave Plan.

          The following  Directors of Innogy hold  conditional  awards of Innogy
          Shares under the Innogy Long Term Incentive Plan ("LTIP") Number of

          Director             Date of conditional award           Innogy Shares
          Mike Bowden          3 October 2000                             84,337
                               25 June 2001                               82,125

          Dr. Brian Count      3 October 2000                            174,698
                               25 June 2001                              169,082

          Andrew Duff          3 October 2000                            111,445
                               25 June 2001                              115,942

          Steve Fletcher       3 October 2000                            111,445
                               25 June 2001                              115,942

          Ross Sayers          3 October 2000                            271,084
                               25 June 2001                              113,526

          Tim Weller           7 January 2002                             59,588

     (ii) The Directors of Innogy have given irrevocable  undertakings to accept
          the Offer in respect of Innogy Shares held by them.


     (iii)Save as disclosed below,  none of the subsidiaries of Innogy,  pension
          funds of Innogy or of a  subsidiary  of  Innogy,  financial  and other
          professional advisers to Innogy (other than exempt market makers), nor
          any  persons  with whom  Innogy or any person who is an  associate  of
          Innogy  has an  arrangement,  or whose  investments  are  managed on a
          discretionary basis by fund managers (other than exempt fund managers)
          connected with Innogy,  owned or controlled any relevant securities as
          at 26 March 2002 (the latest practicable date prior to the publication
          of this document):

                                                     Number of        Number of
          Name                                   Innogy Shares      Innogy ADSs
          Deutsche Bank AG London                    3,608,044               --
          Winterthur - Versicherungen                  727,600               --

     (iv) Ross  Sayers and his  immediate  family have dealt for value in Innogy
          Shares during the disclosure period as follows:

          Date                   Nature of transaction   Number   Price (pence)
          9 March 2001           Purchase                16,000            182

     (v)  Save as disclosed below,  none of the subsidiaries of Innogy,  pension
          funds of Innogy or of a  subsidiary  of  Innogy,  financial  and other
          professional advisers to Innogy (other than exempt market makers), nor
          any  persons  with whom  Innogy or any person who is an  associate  of
          Innogy  has an  arrangement,  or whose  investments  are  managed on a
          discretionary basis by fund managers (other than exempt fund managers)
          connected  with  Innogy,  have dealt for value in relevant  securities
          during the period  commencing  17 February 2002 and ending on 26 March
          2002 (being the latest  practicable  date prior to the  publication of
          this document).

          Over the last 12 months,  Deutsche  Bank has dealt for value in Innogy
          Shares and Innogy ADSs through Deutsche Bank Securities Inc., New York
          as follows:

                                                            Innogy shares
              Date               Nature of transaction   Number       Price
          25 February 2002       Purchase                 1,720        242p
          25 February 2002       Sale                     1,720        242p
          4 March 2002           Purchase                87,600        256p
          4 March 2002           Sale                    87,600        256p
          20 March 2002          Purchase                27,200        259p
          20 March 2002          Purchase                27,200        259p
          20 March 2002          Purchase                27,200        259p
          20 March 2002          Sale                    13,600        259p
          20 March 2002          Sale                    13,600        259p
          22 March 2002          Purchase                14,150        273p

                                                            Innogy ADSs
              Date               Nature of transaction   Number       Price
          7 March 2002           Purchase                   200     US$34.2
          7 March 2002           Purchase                   100     US$34.3
          7 March 2002           Purchase                   400     US$34.3
          7 March 2002           Purchase                   200     US$34.4
          7 March 2002           Purchase                   200     US$34.4
          7 March 2002           Purchase                   100     US$34.5
          7 March 2002           Purchase                   100     US$34.5
          7 March 2002           Sale                     1,300     US$34.3

          Save as disclosed  above,  it has not been  possible to ascertain  the
          dealings  and  interests  of Deutsche  Bank AG (the  ultimate  holding
          company of Deutsche Bank AG London) and its worldwide  subsidiaries in
          the relevant securities. If further enquiries reveal such a dealing or
          an interest,  it will be discussed with the Panel and, if appropriate,
          will be disclosed to Innogy


          Shareholders.  Any details so  disclosed  will be made  available  for
          inspection at the address in paragraph 11 below.

                                     Nature of     Number of    Price per share
                                     transaction      shares      Low     High
          CSFB Zurich                Purchase         70,693      246p     246p
                                     Sale             70,693      246p     246p

          CSFB International         Purchase          5,499      250p     250p
                                     Sale                Nil        -        -

          Pershing Ltd.              Purchase      1,186,509      240p     270p
                                     Sale          4,180,781      235p     271p

          The dealings set out above have been  aggregated  in  accordance  with
          Panel  statement RS8 dated 21 February 2002,  namely all purchases and
          all sales during the offer period have been aggregated.  Purchases and
          sales have not been netted off and the  highest and lowest  rates have
          been stated.  A full list of all dealings is available for  inspection
          at the address in paragraph 11 below.

     (vi) Over the last 12  months  Merrill  Lynch has dealt for value in Innogy
          Shares and Innogy ADSs through Merrill Lynch,  Pierce,  Fenner & Smith
          Inc. (MLPFS) as follows: Innogy Shares

          Date                          Nature of transaction   Number     Price
          12 April 2001                 Sale                    19,900      207p
          12 April 2001                 Purchase                19,900      206p
          11 June 2001                  Purchase                11,800      219p
          11 June 2001                  Sale                    11,800      220p
          26 June 2001                  Purchase                 4,800      206p
          27 June 2001                  Sale                     4,800      211p
          17 July 2001                  Sale                    15,700      229p
          17 July 2001                  Purchase                15,700      228p
          25 July 2001                  Purchase                    93      203p
          29 August 2001                Purchase                    61      229p
          16 October 2001               Purchase                   379      193p
          7 November 2001               Purchase                40,000      202p
          7 November 2001               Sale                    40,000      208p
          15 November 2001              Sale                       379      214p
          27 November 2001              Purchase                    26      198p
          30 November 2001              Purchase                   205      190p
          12 December 2001              Sale                       231      191p
          11 January 2002               Sale                       450      199p
          27 February 2002              Purchase                   498      250p

                                                                 Innogy ADSs
          Date                          Nature of transaction   Number   Price
          5 July 2001                   Sale                    12,500   US$30.3
          5 July 2001                   Purchase                12,500   US$30.3
          15 August 2001                Purchase                   100   US$31.7
          15 August 2001                Purchase                   100   US$31.7
          15 August 2001                Purchase                   200   US$31.7
          15 August 2001                Purchase                   300   US$31.7
          15 August 2001                Purchase                 3,100   US$31.7
          15 August 2001                Purchase                 6,200   US$31.7

          15 August 2001                Sale                    10,000   US$31.7
          12 March 2002                 Sale                     1,720   US$35.3
          12 March 2002                 Purchase                 1,720   US$35.2


          Over the last 12  months  Merrill  Lynch has dealt for value in Innogy
          ADSs through Merrill Lynch International as follows: Innogy ADSs

          Date                          Nature of transaction   Number     Price
          23 March 2001                 Purchase                20,000   US$26.1
          26 March 2001                 Purchase                20,000   US$26.2
          26 March 2001                 Purchase                19,130   US$26.2
          26 March 2001                 Purchase                10,000   US$26.2
          27 March 2001                 Purchase                18,000   US$26.1
          28 March 2001                 Purchase                10,000   US$26.3
          28 March 2001                 Purchase                10,000   US$26.3
          28 March 2001                 Purchase                10,000   US$26.2
          5 July 2001                   Purchase                12,500   US$30.3
          1 August 2001                 Sale                    70,000   US$34.2
          6 August 2001                 Sale                    19,248   US$33.2
          15 August 2001                Purchase                10,000   US$31.7
          21 September 2001             Purchase                 5,000   US$28.9
          12 March 2002                 Purchase                 1,720   US$35.3

          As of the close of  business  on 26 March  2002 (the last  practicable
          date  prior to the  publication  of this  Offer  Document)  498 Innogy
          Shares were held by MLPFS and 115,932 Innogy ADSs were held by Merrill

     (vii)Save  as  disclosed  above,  none  of the  Offeror,  Directors  of the
          Offeror, Directors of RWE, their immediate families and persons acting
          in  concert  with  the  Offeror  or  who  have  irrevocably  committed
          themselves  to accept the  Offer,  the  Directors  of Innogy and their
          immediate families,  owns or controls or (in the case of the Directors
          of the Offeror and Innogy and the  Directors of RWE) is  interested in
          any  relevant  securities,  nor has any such  person  dealt  for value
          therein during the disclosure  period; and none of the subsidiaries of
          Innogy,  pension  funds  of  Innogy  or  of a  subsidiary  of  Innogy,
          financial or other professional  advisers to Innogy (other than exempt
          market  makers)  and any person  whose  investments  are  managed on a
          discretionary basis by fund managers (other than exempt fund managers)
          connected with Innogy, owns or controls any relevant  securities,  nor
          has any such  person  dealt for value  therein  during the  disclosure

5    Material contracts

(a)  The following  contracts have been entered into by members of the RWE Group
     otherwise  than in the ordinary  course of business  since 17 February 2000
     (the date two years prior to the  commencement of the Offer Period) and are
     or may be material:

     (i)  On 4 July  2000  RWE and VEW  entered  into a  merger  agreement  (the
          "Agreement")  whereby each party agreed to transfer its entire  assets
          with  all  rights  and  obligations  by way of  dissolution  excluding
          liquidation    pursuant    to   the    German    Transformation    Act
          (Umwandlungsgesetz)  to RWE Gesellschaft fur  Beteiligungen  mbH which
          has  subsequently  been transformed  into RWE  Aktiengesellschaft  fur
          Beteiligungen  ("RWE (new)").  The name of the  transferee  entity has
          meanwhile been changed to RWE  Aktiengesellschaft.  The Agreement sets
          out  details  on  the  structure  of  the  RWE  (new)  Group  and  the
          consequences  of the merger for  employees  of the  parties  and their
          representatives.  The merger became effective upon registration in the
          Commercial  Register  (Handelsregister)  of RWE  (new) on 24  November

     (ii) On 2 October  2000  Merrill  Lynch on behalf  of  GBVGesellschaft  fur
          Beteiligungsverwaltung  mbH, a wholly owned  subsidiary of RWE, made a
          recommended  cash offer for all the issued and to be issued  shares in
          Thames Water. On 9 November 2000 the offer was declared  unconditional
          in all  respects.  On 29  December  2000 RWE on behalf of the  offeror
          announced,  after having received 94.48 per cent.  valid  acceptances,
          that it intended to acquire all


          outstanding  Thames  Water  Shares  under the  compulsory  acquisition
          procedures  in the  Companies  Act,  and pursuant to this now owns all
          such shares.

     (iii)On 5 July 2001 RWE-DEA  Aktiengesellschaft  fur  Mineraloel und Chemie
          ("RWE-DEA")  and  Deutsche  Shell  GmbH  ("DS")  entered  into a Joint
          Venture  Agreement in order to combine their downstream oil businesses
          by DSseparating its business from other businesses and contributing it
          pursuant to the Germany Transformation Act  (Umwandlungsgesetz) to DEA
          Mineraloel  AG in  consideration  for new shares  therein.  Before the
          transaction  DEA  Mineraloel  AG was a 100  per  cent.  subsidiary  in
          RWE-DEA.  It has been  transformed  into the legal  form of a GmbH and
          meanwhile renamed Shell & DEA Oil GmbH ("SDO").

          RWE-DEA and DS each hold a 50 per cent. shareholding in SDO. Important
          decisions  are reserved to the  unanimous  consent of a Joint  Venture
          Committee with equal  representation of both partners.  The management
          has  equally  been  composed  from both  sides.  Various  intercompany
          relations are regulated in the Joint Venture Agreement.

          The  Agreement was  completed by the  contribution  of a DS downstream
          business to SDO in January 2002. As of 1 July 2004 DS will purchase an
          additional  stake of 1 per cent.  in SDO.  RWE-DEA has a put option on
          its entire  participation  in the Joint Venture which can be exercised
          between 1 July 2003 and 1 July 2004.

     (iv) On 16 September 2001, an Agreement and Plan of Merger was entered into
          among RWE, Thames Water Aqua Holdings GmbH, Apollo Acquisition Company
          (both  directly or indirectly  wholly owned  subsidiaries  of RWE) and
          American  Water Works Company,  Inc.  ("American  Water  Works").  The
          Merger  Agreement  provides  for the  merger of  Apollo  with and into
          American Water Works upon the terms, and subject to the conditions, of
          the Merger  Agreement.  As the surviving  corporation,  American Water
          Works will continue to exist as an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of
          RWE.  The merger will be effective  at the time  American  Water Works
          files a certificate of merger with the Secretary of State of the State
          of Delaware  (or at a later time,  if agreed upon  between the parties
          and  specified  in the  certificate  of  merger).  The merger has been
          approved by American Water Works  shareholders.  The completion of the
          merger is expected as promptly  as  practicable  after all  regulatory
          approvals have been  received,  which is expected to take place in the
          first half of 2003.  Upon  completion  of the merger,  American  Water
          Works shares will  automatically  be cancelled and will cease to exist
          and will be  converted  into the right to  receive  US$46.00  in cash,
          without interest.

     (v)  On  29  January  2002,  subsequent  to a  bidding  procedure  for  the
          privatisation of certain state assets, RWE Gas  Aktiengesellschaft and
          Fond narodniho  majetku v Ceske republiky (the Czech National Property
          Fund) entered into a Share Purchase  Agreement (the  "Agreement")  for
          the  acquisition  of 96.99 per cent.  of the shares of Transgas,  a.s.
          ("Transgas"),  and certain percentages of shares in the eight regional
          Czech gas distribution companies (the "RDCs").

          Together with the shares in the RDCs already held by Transgas, RWE Gas
          Aktiengesellschaft  will acquire  shareholdings between 46.6 per cent.
          and 58.1 per cent. in the RDCs and achieve a majority  shareholding in
          six of the RDCs. The offer price was EUR4.1 billion.

          The Agreement contains several conditions and stipulations customarily
          found  in  a  share   purchase   transaction   in  the   course  of  a
          privatisation.  The  parties  to the  Agreement  have  agreed  to keep
          strictly  confidential  and secret the contents of the Agreement  save
          for several specified exceptions.

          The  completion of the  transaction  is subject to the approval by the
          Office  for  the  Protection  of  Economic  Competition  of the  Czech

(b)  The  following  contracts  have been  entered  into  otherwise  than in the
     ordinary  course of business by Innogy Group  members (or have been entered
     into by members of the  National  Power Group and novated to or assigned to
     Innogy plc in respect of which Innogy plc is liable to  indemnify  National
     Power) since 17 February 2000 (two years prior to the  commencement  of the
     Offer Period) which are or may be material.

     (i)  An agreement dated 16 March 2000 between National Power plc ("National
          Power")  and  Innogy plc  relating  to the  purchase  by Innogy plc of
          National Power's UK energy business (as


          amended and restated on 17 August  2000).  The  consideration  for the
          sale  was the  issue by  Innogy  plc of  58,202  ordinary  shares  and
          108,930,000  redeemable  preference  shares to National  Power and the
          assumption  and  discharge  by Innogy  plc of certain  liabilities  of
          National Power.  Under the terms of this agreement National Power gave
          no warranties  and only limited  indemnities.  Under the terms of this
          agreement,  Innogy plc has  agreed to assume  various  liabilities  of
          National  Power and provided  certain  indemnities  in relation to the
          liabilities assumed on acquisition of the business.

     (ii) An  agreement  dated 16 March  2000  between  National  Power and NPEC
          relating to the purchase by NPEC of the Energy Direct business carried
          out by National Power (as amended and restated on 17 August 2000). The
          consideration for the sale was the issue by NPEC of 1,000,000 ordinary
          shares to National  Power and the  assumption and discharge by NPEC of
          certain liabilities of National Power.

     (iii)An  agreement  dated 16 March  2000  between  National  Power  and the
          company now known as Regenesys  Technologies  Limited  relating to the
          purchase by Regenesys Technologies Limited of the business carried out
          by the Innogy  Department of National Power  including the development
          of the  Redox  Energy  Storage  Technology  Project  (as  amended  and
          restated on 17 August 2000).  The  consideration  for the sale was the
          issue by Regenesys  Technologies  Limited of 1,000,000 ordinary shares
          to  National  Power and the  assumption  and  discharge  by  Regenesys
          Technologies Limited of certain liabilities of National Power.

     (iv) An agreement dated 17 March 2000 between National Power and Innogy plc
          relating to the sale (or  procurement  of sale) by National  Power and
          the  purchase  by Innogy plc of the entire  issued  (and to be issued)
          share capital in certain of the  subsidiaries of National  Power.  The
          consideration  for the sale  was the  issue by  Innogy  plc of  67,586
          ordinary   shares  to  National   Power  and  (in  respect  of  shares
          transferred  to Innogy plc by  National  Power  International  Limited
          (NPIL), a subsidiary of National Power) the issue by Innogy plc of one
          ordinary share to NPIL.

     (v)  An agreement  dated 20 July 2000  between  Deeside  Power  Development
          Company Limited (DPDCL), a wholly-owned  subsidiary of National Power,
          National  Power and Innogy plc  relating  to the sale and  purchase by
          DPDCL of the Deeside  power  station from Innogy plc for a cash sum of
          (pound)200 million.

     (vi) An agreement dated 21 August 2000 between National Power,  Innogy plc,
          and Innogy  Holdings plc regarding the terms of the demerger of Innogy
          plc from National Power under which,  in satisfaction of a dividend in
          specie,  National Power agreed to transfer on 2 October 2000 the whole
          of the issued share  capital of Innogy plc to Innogy  Holdings plc. In
          return,  Innogy  Holdings plc issued ordinary shares to the holders of
          National Power ordinary  shares.  Each  shareholder on the register of
          members of National  Power on the relevant  date received one ordinary
          share for every National Power ordinary share they held.

     (vii)An  engineering,  procurement  and  construction  agreement  dated  25
          August 2000 between NWP Indian Mesa Wind Farm, L.P. ("NWP") and Vestas
          American Wind  Technology,  Inc.  ("Vestas") (the "EPC Agreement") for
          the  engineering,  procurement  and  construction by Vestas of an 82.5
          megawatt wind farm in Texas.  The contract has now been  completed and
          the wind  farm has been  constructed.  The sum paid to  Vestas  by NWP
          under  the  EPC   Agreement  is   US$40,178,563   plus  Danish  Kroner

     (viii) A share  purchase  agreement  dated 26 February 2001 between  A.E.P.
          Resources,  Inc.  ("A.E.P.  ")., A.E.P.  Delaware  Investment  Company
          (acting in its capacity as general partner of A.E.P.  Holdings I C.V.)
          ("A.E.P.  Holdings  "),  Xcel  Energy,  Inc.  ("Xcel "),  Xcel  Energy
          International,  Inc. ("Xcel  International  "), Innogy Finance Limited
          ("Innogy Finance ") and Innogy Holdings plc ("Share Purchase Agreement
          "). A.E.P.,  A.E.P. Holdings and Xcel International agreed to sell and
          Innogy  Finance agreed to purchase 94.75 per cent. of the issued share
          capital  of  Yorkshire   Power  Group  Limited   ("Yorkshire  ")  (the
          "Acquisition Shares "). The aggregate  consideration payable by Innogy
          Finance for the Acquisition Shares acquired was US$726.4 million.  The
          agreement  contains  warranties  from  A.E.P.  and Xcel  International
          regarding Yorkshire covering areas which are typical for a transaction
          of this nature including  accounts and financial  matters,  commercial
          matters, taxation, properties, employees and


          pensions.   The  maximum   liability  of  each  of  A.E.P.   and  Xcel
          International for claims under the share purchase  agreement shall not
          exceed(pound)146.3  million.  Innogy Finance's  obligations  under the
          agreement are guaranteed by Innogy Holdings plc.

     (ix) An intra group sale and purchase  agreement  dated 8 June 2001 between
          Yorkshire Energy Limited ("YEL") (a 100 per cent. subsidiary of Innogy
          plc) and Yorkshire Armada Limited ("YAL") (a 100 per cent.  subsidiary
          of YEL) for the sale by YEL to YAL of its 6.97 per cent.  interest  in
          the BG-operated Armada area gas fields.  The agreement  completed on 7
          November 2001.

     (x)  A  business  and  share  sale  agreement  dated 31 July  2001  between
          Yorkshire  Electricity  Group plc ("YEG"),  Npower  Yorkshire  Limited
          ("NYL") and Innogy  Holdings plc. YEG agreed to sell and NYL agreed to
          buy the supply business of YEG and the entire share capital of certain
          companies owned by YEG. The aggregate  consideration  for the business
          was (pound)713.6  million.  The terms of the agreement provide for YEG
          and NYL to enter  into an agency  agreement  and a call and put option
          agreement on completion. Under the agreement, Innogy guarantees to YEG
          all of NYL's obligations,  commitments,  undertakings,  warranties and

     (xi) A share sale agreement  dated 6 August 2001 between  Npower  Yorkshire
          Limited, Innogy Holdings plc, CE Electric UK plc and Northern Electric
          plc.  Npower agreed to sell and Northern  agreed to purchase 94.75 per
          cent.  of the issued share  capital of Yorkshire  Power Group  Limited
          ("Yorkshire") which were transferred to Innogy Finance under the share
          purchase  agreement  dated 26 February  2001, set out in (viii) above.
          The consideration payable was (pound)238.5 million and an amount equal
          to  the  estimated  Yorkshire  net  cash  and  working  capital  to be
          calculated as set out in the agreement.

     (xii)An  Electricity  Business Sale  Agreement  dated 6 August 2001 between
          Northern   Electric  plc  ("Northern")  and  Npower  Northern  Limited
          ("NNL"). Northern agreed to sell and NNL agreed to buy the electricity
          supply business of Northern as a going concern.  The consideration was
          (pound)81 million in cash and an amount equal to the estimated working
          capital at 30 June 2001 plus interest to completion.

   (xiii) A  non   electricity  business  sale  agreement  dated 6  August  2001
          between  Northern  Electric  Distribution  Limited  ("NEDL"),   Npower
          Northern Limited ("Npower"), Northern Electric & Gas Limited, Northern
          Infocom  Limited,  Northern  Metering  Services  Limited and  Northern
          Electric  Supply  Limited  (together   "Northern   Subsidiaries")  and
          Northern Electric plc ("Northern"). Npower agreed to purchase and NEDL
          agreed to sell the goodwill and assets of the supply  business of NEDL
          as a  going  concern,  as set  out in the  electricity  business  sale
          agreement,  of the same date,  summarised in (xii) above. The Northern
          Subsidiaries  agreed to sell certain of their  assets  relating to the
          supply business. The aggregate consideration payable by Npower for the
          acquisition  of  the  supply  business  was  approximately  (pound)257
          million.  The completion and transfer of the supply business under the
          Agreement was  simultaneous  with the share sale agreement of the same
          date summarised in (xii) above. Northern is party to the Agreement for
          the purpose of performing  certain  obligations and receiving  certain
          rights and benefits in relation to the transfer of relevant employees.

     (xiv)A share purchase  agreement dated 26 September 2001 between  Yorkshire
          Energy Limited  ("YEL") and GB Gas Holdings  Limited  ("GBGH") for the
          sale by YEL of its shares in Yorkshire  Armada Limited (as detailed in
          (ix) above) to GBGH. Innogy plc acted as guarantor in relation to this
          sale. The consideration was (pound)47.4 million.

     (xv) A framework  agreement dated 24 February 2001,  between Teesside Power
          Limited and  Northern  Electric plc (novated to Innogy on 28 September
          2001). As part of the  acquisition of the electricity  supply business
          of Northern  Electric as summarised in (xi) above,  Innogy  acquired a
          long term power  purchase  arrangement  in respect of 400 megawatts of
          output from the power station operated by Teesside Power Limited.  The
          contract  in the  ordinary  course  of events  runs  until  2008.  The
          purchaser is Npower Northern Limited whose  obligations are subject to
          a guarantee from Innogy plc.


6    UK Taxation

The  following  paragraphs,  which are intended as a general  guide only and are
based on current UK legislation and Inland Revenue  practice,  summarise certain
limited aspects of the uk taxation consequences of acceptance of the Offer. They
relate only to the position of Innogy  Shareholders  who (unless the position of
non-UK resident Innogy Shareholders is expressly referred to) are resident or of
individuals  ordinarily  resident in the United Kingdom for tax purposes and who
hold their Innogy Shares beneficially as an investment.

(a)  Taxation of Chargeable Gains

     Liability to United Kingdom  taxation of chargeable gains in respect of the
     disposal of Innogy Shares  pursuant to the Offer will depend on each Innogy
     Shareholder's individual circumstances and on whether an Innogy Shareholder
     accepts the consideration in cash or elects for the Loan Note Alternative.

     (i)  Cash

          To the  extent an Innogy  Shareholder  receives  cash under the Offer,
          this will  constitute a disposal or part disposal of his Innogy Shares
          for the purposes of United Kingdom taxation of chargeable  gains. Such
          a disposal may give rise to a liability for United Kingdom taxation of
          chargeable  gains  depending  on the Innogy  Shareholder's  individual

          An alternative  treatment may be possible where an Innogy  Shareholder
          opts for a  mixture  of cash and Loan  Notes.  If the  amount  of cash
          received by the Innogy  Shareholder  is "small",  as compared with the
          value of his Innogy Shares,  the receipt of the cash will not,  unless
          the Innogy  Shareholder  elects otherwise,  trigger a disposal at that
          time.  A  disposal  will be  triggered  only  when his Loan  Notes are
          disposed of and the amount of the cash  received will be deducted from
          his  chargeable  gains  acquisition  cost in the Loan  Notes.  Current
          Inland  Revenue  practice  is to  regard a sum as  "small"  for  these
          purposes  if either  (i) it is five per cent.  or less of the value of
          the Innogy Shares held by the particular Innogy  Shareholder;  or (ii)
          it is  (pound)3,000  or less,  regardless  of whether it satisfies the
          five per cent.  test. The  advisability  of adopting this  alternative
          treatment  will  depend  upon  an  Innogy   Shareholder's   individual
          circumstances, in particular the availability to an Innogy Shareholder
          of any reliefs or exemptions  from UK taxation on chargeable  gains in
          the tax year in which the cash is received.

     (ii) Loan Notes

          To the extent an Innogy Shareholder who (either alone or together with
          persons connected with him) does not hold more than five per cent. of,
          or of any class of, the shares in, or debentures  of Innogy,  receives
          Loan Notes under the Offer,  he should be treated as not having made a
          disposal  of his Innogy  Shares for the  purposes  of UK  taxation  of
          chargeable gains.

          For an  individual or other Innogy  Shareholder  who is not within the
          charge to UK  corporation  tax, the Loan Notes  should not  constitute
          qualifying  corporate  bonds  for  the  purposes  of  UK  taxation  of
          chargeable gains. Accordingly, for such an Innogy Shareholder any gain
          or loss which would  otherwise have arisen on a disposal of his Innogy
          Shares  should be  "rolled-over"  into the Loan Notes so that the Loan
          Notes will be treated as the same asset as the Innogy Shares, acquired
          at the same time as the  Innogy  Shares  and for the same  acquisition
          cost. A disposal (including  redemption or repayment) of Loan Notes by
          such  a  holder  may  give  rise  to a  liability  to UK  taxation  of
          chargeable gains. Any chargeable gain or allowable loss on disposal of
          the Loan Notes should be calculated  taking into account the allowable
          original cost to the holder of acquiring the relevant  Innogy  Shares.
          Indexation   allowance  on  that  cost  should  be   available   (when
          calculating a chargeable gain but not an allowable loss) in respect of
          any  period  of  ownership  of the  Innogy  Shares  up to April  1998.
          Thereafter  some taper relief may be  available  which will reduce the
          amount of the chargeable gain realised on the disposal.

          For an Innogy  Shareholder  within the charge to corporation  tax, the
          Loan Notes will be qualifying  corporate  bonds for the purposes of UK
          taxation  of  chargeable  gains.  For such a holder,  any gain or loss
          which would  otherwise  have arisen on a disposal of its Innogy Shares
          for a consideration  equal to market value at the time of the exchange
          of the Innogy Shares for


          Loan  Notes will be "held  over" and  deemed to arise on a  subsequent
          disposal  (including  redemption or  repayment) of the Loan Notes.  No
          indexation  allowance will be available for the period of ownership of
          the Loan Notes and,  except to the extent any gain or loss which would
          have  otherwise  arisen on the disposal of its Innogy Shares was "held
          over" and crystallises on a subsequent  disposal of the Loan Notes, no
          chargeable gain or allowable loss will arise on such a disposal. There
          may, however, be a charge to tax as income (see (b) below).

          In certain circumstances, the above rules regarding the "roll-over" or
          "hold  over"  of  any  gain  or  loss  will  not  apply  to an  Innogy
          Shareholder who (either alone or together with persons  connected with
          him),  holds  more  than five per  cent.  of, or of any class of,  the
          shares in, or debentures  of Innogy.  Such persons are advised that an
          application  for clearance  has been made to the Inland  Revenue under
          Section 138 of the Taxation of Chargeable Gains Act 1992 in respect of
          the Offer and,  provided that such clearance is given,  the benefit of
          the above rules  regarding the  "roll-over" or "hold over" of any gain
          or loss,  will be available to such Innogy  Shareholders.  It is not a
          condition of the Offer that such clearance is obtained.

(b)  Taxation of Income

     Payments of interest on the Loan Notes may be made without  withholding  on
     account of Uk income tax.

     UK resident holders of Loan Notes will generally be liable to UK income tax
     or  corporation  tax on the amount of any  interest  received on their Loan

     In the case of individual or other  non-corporate  holders of Loan Notes, a
     charge to tax on income  under the "accrued  income  scheme" may arise on a
     transfer of Loan Notes in respect of which  interest has accrued  since the
     preceding interest payment date.

     For a holder  of Loan  Notes  within  the  charge  to UK  corporation  tax,
     profits,  gains and losses and  fluctuations in the value of the Loan Notes
     (whether  attributable to currency fluctuations or otherwise) will be taxed
     or relieved as income,  broadly in accordance with the holder's  authorised
     accounting method.

(c)  Other Direct Tax Matters

     Different tax treatment may apply to Innogy  Shareholders who have acquired
     or agreed to acquire their Innogy  Shares by  exercising  options under the
     Innogy Share  Incentive  Plans,  including a possible  charge to income tax
     when such an option is exercised.

(d)  Stamp Duty

     No stamp  duty or stamp  duty  reserve  tax  should  be  payable  by Innogy
     Shareholders as a result of accepting the Offer or on the issue of the Loan

     Under current Inland Revenue practice,  no stamp duty or stamp duty reserve
     tax will be payable on the  transfer or sale of (or  agreement to transfer)
     Loan Notes.

The above summary is intended  only as a general guide to the taxation  position
under uk tax legislation and does not constitute tax or legal advice. Any person
who is in  doubt as to his  taxation  position  or who  requires  more  detailed
information should consult his own professional tax adviser.

7    US and German Taxation

(a)  US Taxation

     The following  summary  describes  certain  material US federal  income tax
     consequences  that may be relevant to US Holders of Innogy  Securities that
     are considering the Offer.

     (i)  This summary provides general  information only and is directed solely
          at US Holders who hold their Innogy  Securities as capital  assets and
          whose  functional  currency is the US dollar.  This  summary  does not
          discuss all the tax consequences that may be relevant to US Holders in
          light of their particular investment circumstances,  such as investors
          subject to special tax rules, including: partnerships, banks, thrifts,
          real  estate  investment  trusts,   regulated  investment   companies,
          insurance   companies,   dealers  in  securities  or  currencies   and
          tax-exempt investors,


          US Holders who received their Innogy Securities in return for services
          rendered or in  connection  with their  employment,  persons  that own
          (directly or  indirectly)  10 per cent. or more of Innogy voting stock
          or  persons  that hold  their  Innogy  Securities  as part of a hedge,
          straddle  or  other  integrated  transaction.  This  summary  does not
          include  descriptions of any alternative  minimum tax  consequences or
          the tax  laws of any  state  or  local  government  or of any  foreign
          government  that  may be  applicable  to US  Holders.  Moreover,  this
          summary  does not discuss  special tax  provisions  which may apply to
          individuals who relinquished  their US citizenship or residence.  This
          summary is based on the Internal  Revenue  Code of 1986,  the Treasury
          regulations  promulgated  thereunder and  administrative  and judicial
          interpretations  thereof,  all as of the date hereof, and all of which
          are subject to change,  possibly with retroactive effect, or different
          interpretations.  No  ruling  has been  requested  from  the  Internal
          Revenue  Service in connection  with the Offer and no assurance can be
          given that the  treatment  described  herein  will be  accepted by the
          Internal Revenue Service or, if challenged, by a US court.

     The us federal income tax rules are complex. The discussion set forth below
     is  included  for  general  information  only  and  may  not be  applicable
     depending upon a holder's particular  situation.  us Holders should consult
     their tax advisers with respect to the current and possibly future federal,
     state, local and foreign tax consequences to them of accepting the Offer.

     (ii) US Holders who sell their Innogy Securities pursuant to the Offer will
          generally  recognise  taxable  gain or loss  equal  to the  difference
          between  their  amount  realised  and their tax basis in their  Innogy
          Securities. Such gain or loss generally will be US-source capital gain
          or loss and will be  long-term  if such US Holders  held their  Innogy
          Securities  for more than one year.  US Holders who receive US dollars
          in exchange for their Innogy ADSs will have an amount  realised  equal
          to the payments  they  receive.  Although the law regarding US Holders
          who receive  foreign  currency in exchange for  securities in a tender
          offer is unclear,  cash basis  taxpayers,  or accrual basis  taxpayers
          that make an  election,  who receive  pounds  sterling in exchange for
          their Innogy  Securities  should have an amount  realised equal to the
          dollar value of the pounds sterling they receive, calculated using the
          spot rate on the date the  Offeror  makes the funds  available  to the
          relevant  payment agent.  Accrual basis  taxpayers that do not make an
          election  who receive  pounds  sterling in exchange  for their  Innogy
          Securities should have an amount realised equal to the dollar value of
          the pounds sterling  received,  calculated  using the spot rate on the
          date  such US  Holders'  tenders  are  irrevocably  accepted;  such US
          Holders may realise a foreign currency exchange gain or loss resulting
          from  fluctuations  in  the US  dollar/pound  sterling  exchange  rate
          between the date their tenders are  irrevocably  accepted and the date
          the Offeror makes the funds  available to the relevant  payment agent.
          US Holders who receive pounds sterling may recognise  foreign currency
          exchange gain or loss due to  fluctuations in the exchange rate upon a
          subsequent conversion into US dollars of the pounds sterling received.
          Any foreign currency  exchange gain or loss will be ordinary income or
          loss and will be US-source gain or loss.

          In its most  recent  annual  report on Form 20-F filed with the SEC in
          respect of the financial  year ended 31 March 2001,  Innogy stated its
          belief that it was not a passive foreign investment company (a "PFIC")
          for US Federal  income tax  purposes.  This status must be  determined
          annually  but the Offeror  assumes  this to  continue  to be true.  If
          Innogy  were to be a  PFIC,  the tax  consequences  to the US  Holders
          could,  depending  upon the individual  circumstances  of each holder,
          differ from those described herein.

     (iii)Non-corporate   US  Holders  may  be  subject  to  US  federal  backup
          withholding  tax  (imposed at a rate of 30 per cent.) and  information
          reporting on payments received under the Offer if they fail to furnish
          and certify their correct taxpayer identification number in the manner
          required or  otherwise  fail to  establish a basis for  exemption.  To
          prevent  backup  withholding,  US  Holders  should  complete  Internal
          Revenue Service Form W-9 or a valid substitute form.  Amounts withheld
          from  payments  to US  Holders  generally  will be allowed as a credit
          against the US Holders' US federal income tax liability, provided that
          the required  information is furnished to the Internal Revenue Service
          in a timely manner.


(b) German Taxation

     (i)  Interest on the Loan Notes - German  withholding  tax  Interest on the
          Loan Notes may be paid by the  Offeror  without  having to account for
          any German withholding tax.

     (ii) Loan Notes - other German tax issues Holders of Loan Notes who are not
          resident in Germany and have no connection  with Germany other than by
          virtue of their  holding of Loan Notes  should  incur no  liability to
          German tax in respect of payments of interest or principal on the Loan
          Notes or any sale or other disposal of their Loan Notes.

          No German stamp or other registration duty should be due on the issue,
          transfer or sale of (or agreement to transfer)Loan Notes.

    (iii) Proposed EU Savings Directive

          On 13 December  2001 the  Council of the  European  Union  published a
          revised draft directive  regarding the taxation of savings income, for
          the purpose of  negotiations  with third parties.  It is proposed that
          each  EUMember  State under its domestic law  requires  paying  agents
          (within the meaning of the directive)established  within its territory
          to provide to the tax authorities of another EUMember State details of
          the payment of interest  or other  similar  income such as discount or
          premium  to an  individual  resident  in that  other  EUMember  State.
          However, for a transitional period of seven years Austria, Belgium and
          Luxembourg  may opt instead to withhold  tax from such  payments.  The
          proposed  directive  is to be  implemented  by the Member  States by 1
          January 2004. It is envisaged that the Council of the EUwill decide by
          unanimity  on a final text of the  directive no later than 31 December
          2002. However,  since the implementation of the proposal is subject to
          certain  non   EUMember   States  and   associated   territories   and
          dependencies of EUMember States also agreeing to supply information or
          imposing a  withholding  tax it is  currently  not possible to predict
          whether,  when,  or in what  form  the  proposal  will  ultimately  be

The above summary is intended  only as a general guide to the taxation  position
under German tax  legislation  and does not constitute tax or legal advice.  Any
person who is in doubt as to his taxation position or who requires more detailed
information should consult his own professional tax adviser.

8    Sources and Bases of Information

(a)  Unless otherwise stated:

     (i)  financial  information  relating to Innogy has been extracted from the
          relevant published audited annual report and unaudited interim results
          of Innogy and/or other public statements made by Innogy; and

     (ii) financial  information  relating  to RWE has been  extracted  from the
          relevant   published   audited   annual  report  and/or  other  public
          statements made by RWE.

(b)  The value of the issued share capital of Innogy ((pound)3.1 billion; EUR5.0
     billion) is  calculated  on the basis of 1,132.3  million  Innogy Shares in
     issue as at 21 March 2002.

(c)  The enterprise value of Innogy is calculated to be approximately (pound)5.2
     billion  (EUR8.5  billion) on the basis of a fully diluted share capital of
     1,183.4  million  Innogy Shares less an  adjustment of 15.8 million  Innogy
     Shares (being RWE's  estimate of the  appropriate  adjustment  for the time
     apportionment  of options that could be exercised under certain of Innogy's
     Save As You Earn share option schemes), plus RWE's estimate of Innogy's net
     debt at closing of approximately  (pound)2.1  billion (EUR3.4 billion) less
     an amount of (pound)62  million  (EUR100  million) (being RWE's estimate of
     option money proceeds if all options (adjusted for time apportionment) were

(d)  RWE's  estimate  of  net  debt  at  closing   excludes  any  movement  from
     operational cash flow from 31 March 2002 until closing.

(e)  The Closing Prices  referred to have been derived from the Official List of
     the London Stock Exchange or, in the case of Innogy ADSs, from Reuters. The
     average  closing  price of an Innogy  Share  and an Innogy  ADS for the one
     month to 15 February 2002 have been derived from Reuters.


(f)  Exchange rates of (pound)1:EUR1.6160 and (pound)1:US$1.4270  have been used
     throughout this document.

9    Service Contracts

(a)  Each of the  Executive  Directors  named below has  entered  into a service
     contract with Innogy  providing for the relevant  remuneration and benefits
     described below:

     Name                                                         Annual Salary*
     Dr. Brian Count                                              (pound)430,000
     Mike Bowden                                                  (pound)220,000
     Andrew Duff                                                  (pound)290,000
     Steve Fletcher                                               (pound)290,000
     Tim Weller                                                   (pound)240,000

     *    Each of the executive  directors' salaries is reviewed annually at the
          board's discretion.

(b)  Brian Count has a contract  which can be terminated by Innogy by giving not
     less than 12  months'  written  notice,  or  immediately,  without  notice,
     provided  Innogy  makes a payment to Brian Count equal to the  aggregate of
     (i) 100 per cent. of his  prevailing  annual  salary and (ii)  (pound)9,994
     uplifted by the  percentage  increase in the General Index of Retail Prices
     since 1 April  1997,  as  published  by the British  Government.  If Innogy
     terminates Brian Count's employment otherwise than for cause (as defined in
     his service  agreement)  or Brian  Count is  constructively  dismissed  (as
     defined  in his  service  agreement)  Innogy  shall,  by way of  liquidated
     damages,  at Brian Count's  request,  (i) procure he becomes entitled to an
     immediate early  retirement  pension under Executive  Section of the Innogy
     Group Pension  Scheme and (ii) pay him a lump sum equal to the aggregate of
     100 per cent. of his prevailing annual salary and (pound)9,994  uplifted as
     described  above (less certain  deductions).  Brian Count may terminate his
     employment by giving not less than six months' written notice.

(c)  Mike  Bowden has a contract  to serve as  Managing  Director  of  Corporate
     Services and Company  Secretary  which is  terminable  by Innogy  giving 12
     months' prior  written  notice or,  immediately  by Innogy making a payment
     equal to 12 months'  salary.  In addition,  Mike Bowden may  terminate  his
     contract by giving six months'  prior  written  notice to Innogy and Innogy
     may make a payment of six months' salary in lieu of notice.

(d)  Mike  Bowden's  previous  service  contract  was as Company  Secretary  and
     (non-board)  Director of Legal and  Regulatory  Affairs.  This contract was
     terminable  by Innogy  on the  giving  of not less  than 12  months'  prior
     written notice or by Mike Bowden on the giving of not less than six months'
     prior written notice. The service agreement allowed Innogy, at its sole and
     absolute discretion,  to terminate Mike Bowden's employment  immediately on
     the  payment of 12  months'  salary.  His basic  annual  salary  under this
     contract was  (pound)180,000.  He was eligible to participate in any annual
     performance  plan and any long term incentive plan  established  for him by
     Innogy.  Other benefits were provided under the same terms as described for
     Executive Directors.

(e)  Steve Fletcher's  contract may be terminated by Innogy giving not less than
     12 months' prior written notice or by Steve Fletcher giving Innogy not less
     than  six  months'  prior  written  notice.   Innogy  may  terminate  Steve
     Fletcher's  employment  immediately  provided Innogy makes a payment to him
     equal to 100 per cent. of his prevailing annual salary.

(f)  Andrew Duff's  contract may be terminated by Innogy giving not less than 12
     months' prior written  notice or by Andrew Duff giving Innogy not less than
     six months'  prior  written  notice.  Innogy may  terminate  Andrew  Duff's
     employment immediately provided that it makes a payment to him equal to 100
     per cent. of his prevailing annual salary. Andrew Duff has been issued with
     a letter  from  Innogy  confirming  that in the event of him being  retired
     compulsorily under the Executive Section of the Innogy Group Pension Scheme
     as a result  of  reorganisation  or  redundancy,  he will be  entitled,  in
     respect of any pension in the Scheme,  to either (i) an  immediate  pension
     under the  Scheme if he is aged 50 or over,  although  the  pension  may be
     reduced  for early  retirement,  or (ii) to choose to receive  his  pension
     under the Scheme if he has not reached age 50,  although the pension may be
     reduced for early retirement. This letter reflects his existing entitlement
     under the rules of the Scheme.

(g)  Tim Weller's  contract may be  terminated by Innogy giving 12 months' prior
     written  notice  or,  immediately  by Innogy  making a payment  equal to 12
     months' salary. Tim Weller may terminate his


     contract by giving six months'  prior  written  notice to Innogy and Innogy
     may make a payment  of six  months'  salary in lieu of  notice.  During the
     first year of his  employment  (which  commenced  on 7 January  2002),  Tim
     Weller is entitled to receive a minimum bonus of 25 per cent. of his salary
     paid in two  tranches,  the first to be paid in May 2002 in  respect of the
     period  up to 31  March  2002  and the  balance  to be paid in May  2003 in
     respect of the period from 1 April 2002 to 6 January 2003.  After the first
     year of his employment, Tim Weller is entitled to participate in the annual
     performance  bonus plan. In addition Tim Weller is eligible to  participate
     in the LTIP - see below.

(h)  Executive  Directors  are  eligible  for the annual  performance  bonus,  a
     non-pensionable cash payment for achieving  performance targets. The target
     level payment to Executive  Directors for the  achievement of targets is 25
     per cent. of base salary, while a maximum of 50 per cent. of base salary is
     attainable where exceptional performance is achieved.

(i)  Executive Directors  participate in the LTIP. Awards under the LTIP vest if
     the performance condition based on total shareholder return compared to the
     comparator  group (at least ten companies from the Utilities  sector listed
     in the FTSE 100 and FTSE 250  indices  and  other  companies  of a  similar
     profile  with which it competes  for capital and talent) is  satisfied.  If
     Total  Shareholder  Return (as  defined)  over the  three-year  measurement
     period  results in it being  ranked in the top  quartile of the  comparator
     group,  awards  will  vest in full.  If  performance  is below  the  median
     position  within  the  Comparator  Group  (as  defined),   awards  will  be
     forfeited.  Where performance is equal to the median position, 50 per cent.
     of  the  shares   subject  to  awards  will  vest  and  be  transferred  to
     participants.  Where  performance  is between the median and upper quartile
     positions, awards will vest pro rata on a linear scale.

(j)  The Executive Directors may also participate in the Sharesave Plan. They do
     not  participate in Innogy's other share option plans but they hold options
     over Innogy Shares granted in  consideration of the cancellation of options
     previously held over National Power plc shares.

(k)  Each of Brian Count,  Steve  Fletcher and Mike Bowden have been issued with
     letters  from  Innogy  confirming  that  in  the  event  of  being  retired
     compulsorily under the Executive Section of the Innogy Group Pension Scheme
     as a result of reorganisation or redundancy, they will each be entitled, in
     respect of any  pension in the  Scheme to either (i) an  immediate  pension
     under the Scheme,  without any deduction  for early  retirement if they are
     aged 50 or over,  or (ii) to  choose to  receive  their  pension  under the
     Scheme,  without  any  deduction  for  early  retirement,  if they have not
     reached age 50. These letters reflect their existing entitlements under the
     rules of the Scheme.

(l)  The  non-executive  Directors  (Ross  Sayers,  Yvonne  Constance,   Richard
     Delbridge,  Sir Brandon Gough and Sir Robin Mountfield) do not have service
     contracts and have been appointed  until the annual  general  meeting to be
     held in 2003,  subject to prior termination in accordance with the Articles
     of Association. The non-executive Directors receive fees for their services
     as follows:

     Name                    Annual Fee
     Ross Sayers            (pound)175,000*
     Yvonne Constance       (pound)35,000 plus(pound)5,000 for chairing the Corporate Responsibility Committee
     Richard Delbridge      (pound)35,000 plus(pound)5,000 for chairing the Audit Committee
     Sir Brandon Gough      (pound)35,000 plus(pound)5,000 for chairing the Remuneration Committee
     Sir Robin Mountfield   (pound)35,000 plus(pound)5,000 for chairing the Health and Safety Committee

     *    Ross Sayers is provided with a company car and membership of a company
          healthcare plan.

     Save as  disclosed  above,  there  are no  service  contracts  between  any
     Director of Innogy and any member of the Innogy  Group  having more than 12
     months to run and no such contract has been entered into or amended  within
     the six months preceding the date of this document.

10   Other Information

(a)  As an inducement to RWE to make the Offer, RWE and Innogy have entered into
     a letter agreement. Such letter agreement provides for (i) Innogy to pay to
     RWE a fee of (pound)20  million  (EUR32  million) if the Offer lapses or is
     withdrawn  following a competing  offer and such competing offer becomes or
     is declared  unconditional  in all respects;  and (ii) RWE to pay to Innogy
     the same amount if the Offer


     does not  become or is not  declared  unconditional  in all  respects  as a
     result of the  regulatory  conditions  to the Offer not being  satisfied in
     certain circumstances.

(b)  Other  than the  letter  agreement  referred  to in (a)  above  and save as
     otherwise  disclosed  in  this  document,  no  agreement,   arrangement  or
     understanding  (including any compensation  arrangement) exists between the
     Offeror or any party  acting in  concert  with the  Offeror  and any of the
     Directors  of  Innogy,  recent  Directors  of  Innogy,  holders  of  Innogy
     Securities or recent  holders of Innogy  Securities  having any  connection
     with or dependence upon the Offer.

(c)  The Offer is not conditional on any financing arrangement. The total amount
     of funds  required by the Offeror to purchase all issued Innogy  Securities
     pursuant to the Offer and to pay fees and expenses related to the Offer and
     the  subsequent  compulsory  acquisition  is estimated to be  approximately
     (pound)3.3 billion (EUR5.3 billion).  The Offeror plans to obtain all funds
     needed for the Offer and any  subsequent  compulsory  acquisition of Innogy
     Shares and Innogy ADSs through capital  contributions  and loans from RWE ,
     which intends to use short-term financings and existing liquid resources to
     raise  such  funds.  RWE may later  refinance  such  short-term  financings
     through long-term bond issues. The Offeror does not intend that the payment
     of  interest  on, the  repayment  of or the  security  for,  any  liability
     (contingent  or  otherwise)  will depend to any  significant  extent on the
     business  of  Innogy.  Merrill  Lynch  has  confirmed  that  resources  are
     available  to the Offeror  sufficient  to satisfy  full  acceptance  of the

(d)  No  agreement,  arrangement  or  understanding  exists  whereby  any Innogy
     Securities  acquired in pursuance of the Offer will be  transferred  to any
     other  person,  save that the Offeror  reserves  the right to transfer  any
     Innogy Securities to any of its subsidiaries.

(e)  None of the Offeror, any person acting in concert with the Offeror,  Innogy
     and any  associate of Innogy has any  arrangement  (including  indemnity or
     option arrangement) or any agreement or understanding,  formal or informal,
     of  whatever  nature with any person,  relating to relevant  securities  of
     Innogy or the Offeror  which may be an  inducement  to deal or refrain from

(f)  Merrill Lynch has given and not withdrawn its written  consent to the issue
     of this document with the inclusion of its letter and the references to its
     name,  including the  reference to its valuation of the Loan Notes,  in the
     form and context in which they appear.

(g)  CSFB and  Deutsche  Bank have  given  and not  withdrawn  their  respective
     written consent to the issue of this document with the inclusion  herein of
     the references to their  respective  names in the form and context in which
     they appear.

(h)  The expenses of, or incidental to, the  preparation and  implementation  of
     the Offer will be paid by the RWE  Group,  if the Offer is  successful,  or
     each  party in  respect  of its own  respective  expenses,  if the Offer is

(i)  Save as disclosed in this  document,  there has been no material  change in
     the financial or trading  position of the Offeror or of the RWE Group or in
     any  information  published  on behalf of the  Offeror  or of the RWE Group
     since 31 December 2001,  the date to which the latest audited  accounts for
     the RWE Group were prepared.

(j)  Save in respect of the  acquisition  of the supply  businesses of Yorkshire
     Electricity  Group plc and Northern  Electric plc and the consequent impact
     on net debt  disclosed in this document and as otherwise  disclosed in this
     document,  there has been no material  change in the  financial  or trading
     position  of Innogy  or in any  information  published  on behalf of Innogy
     since 31 March  2001,  the date to which the latest  audited  accounts  for
     Innogy were prepared.

(k)  On 18 January 2002, the Chairman of the Management  Board of RWE called the
     Chief  Executive  of Innogy to seek a meeting to present a proposal  to the
     Board of Innogy for its consideration.

     On 22 January 2002, a further  conversation took place between the Chairman
     of the Management  Board of RWE and the Chief Executive of Innogy.  The CEO
     of Innogy agreed to take RWE's request for a meeting to the regular  Innogy
     board of 30 January 2002.  Following that board meeting, it was agreed that
     RWE  would  present  RWE's  proposal  to  Innogy  senior  management  at  a
     face-to-face meeting on 5 February 2002.


     On 5 February  2002,  there was a meeting  attended  by certain  Management
     Board  members  of RWE and  certain  board  members  of Innogy at which RWE
     presented a specific proposal to Innogy,  together with a rationale for the
     business  combination.  At that meeting, it was agreed that RWE would write
     to Innogy with some views on how it had approached its valuation of Innogy.
     This letter was sent from the Chairman of

     the Management Board of RWE to the Chief Executive of Innogy on 11 February
     2002.  On 12 February  2002,  the Chief  Executive of Innogy sent a holding
     reply and on 15 February 2002 he replied more fully.  On 19 February  2002,
     the  Chairman of the  Management  Board of RWE and the Chief  Executive  of
     Innogy  spoke on the  telephone  and it was agreed  that  there  would be a
     meeting between senior

     executives  of RWE and Innogy  later that week.  Following  an  exchange of
     letters and telephone calls, a meeting between senior executives of RWE and
     Innogy  was held on 22  February  2002,  at which a process  of  exchanging
     certain limited information was initiated.

     During the week of 25 February 2002,  meetings took place between employees
     of RWE and Innogy at which potential  benefits of a transaction and aspects
     of Innogy's business were discussed. A confidentiality agreement,  allowing
     for the exchange of certain limited non public information  between RWE and
     Innogy,  was entered into on 28 February 2002. At a meeting between certain
     Management  Board  members of RWE and certain  board members of Innogy on 1
     March 2002,  it was agreed that RWE would revert to Innogy on 8 March 2002,
     following completion of further analysis.

     Further  meetings and  telephone  conversations  took place between RWE and
     Innogy and their respective  representatives over the following week and on
     8 March 2002,  certain  members of the Management  Board of RWE and certain
     board  members of Innogy met and RWE  confirmed  its earlier  proposal  and
     requested further due diligence and a meeting involving each Company's CEO.

     On 12 March 2002, the Chairman of the Management Board of RWE and the Chief
     Executive of Innogy spoke on the telephone and RWE put forward an increased
     proposal, subject to certain conditions. It was agreed that, in addition to
     the information  exchange  already  undertaken,  RWE and its advisers would
     conduct a further due diligence process, which commenced on 14 March 2002.

     From 14 March 2002, until announcement of the Offer on 22 March 2002, there
     were due diligence and organisational  meetings and telephone conversations
     between RWE and Innogy and their respective advisers.

     On 20 March 2002, the Supervisory Board of RWE approved the Offer and on 21
     March 2002 the board of Innogy  agreed to  recommend  the Offer of 275p per
     Innogy Share,  subject to the settlement of the last open issues which took
     place in the evening of 21 March 2002, with announcement of the Offer on 22
     March 2002.

(l)  Merrill Lynch is acting as the financial  adviser to RWE and the Offeror in
     connection  with the  Offer,  for  which it will  receive  customary  fees,
     together with reimbursement of reasonable  expenses.  In addition,  RWE has
     agreed to indemnify  Merrill Lynch  against,  among other  things,  certain
     claims,  losses and expenses  suffered or incurred by Merrill Lynch arising
     from its engagement.

     RWE has retained Lloyds  TSBRegistrars  as the Receiving Agent and The Bank
     of New  York  as the  Depository.  Neither  the  Receiving  Agent  nor  the
     Depositary  have been retained to make  solicitations  or  recommendations.
     They will receive reasonable and customary compensation for their services,
     will be reimbursed for certain reasonable  out-of-pocket  expenses and will
     be  indemnified  against  certain  liabilities  and expenses in  connection

     In addition,  RWE has retained Georgeson Shareholder  Communications to act
     as the  Information  Agent in connection  with the Offer.  The  Information
     Agent will receive reasonable and customary  compensation for its services,
     will be reimbursed for certain reasonable  out-of-pocket  expenses and will
     be  indemnified  against  certain  liabilities  and expenses in  connection

     Neither RWE nor the Offeror will pay any fees or  commissions to any broker
     or dealer or other person  (except as set forth above) in  connection  with
     the solicitations of tenders of Innogy Securities pursuant to the Offer.


     Brokers,  dealers,  commercial banks and trust companies will be reimbursed
     by RWE for  customary  mailing and  handling  expenses  incurred by them in
     forwarding offering material to their customers.  (m) The RWE Group and the
     Innogy Group have during the past two years  entered into a number of arms'
     length  transactions  in the ordinary course of business in relation to the
     sale and  purchase  of  electricity,  coal,  fuel,  water and  waste  water

(n)  The Offeror is not aware of any jurisdiction  where the making of the Offer
     is  prohibited by any  administrative  or judicial  action  pursuant to any
     valid  state  statute of any state of the  United  States.  If the  Offeror
     becomes aware of any valid US state statute  prohibiting  the making of the
     Offer,  the  Offeror  will make a good faith  effort to comply with such US
     state  statute or seek to have such statute  declared  inapplicable  to the
     Offer. If, after such good faith effort, the Offeror cannot comply with any
     such state  statute,  the Offer will not be made (and  tenders  will not be
     accepted from or on behalf of) holders in such state.  In any  jurisdiction
     where the  securities,  blue sky or other laws require the Offer to be made
     by a  licensed  broker or dealer,  the Offer  shall be deemed to be made on
     behalf of the Offeror by one or more  registered  brokers or dealers  which
     are licensed under the laws of such jurisdiction.

(o)  None of the Offeror,  RWE or, to the best  knowledge of the Offeror or RWE,
     any of the persons  listed in  paragraphs  2(a)-(c) of this Appendix or any
     associate or  majority-owned  subsidiary of the Offeror,  RWE or any of the
     persons so listed,  beneficially  owns any equity  security of Innogy,  and
     none of the Offeror,  RWE or, to the best  knowledge of the Offeror or RWE,
     any of the  other  persons  referred  to  above,  or any of the  respective
     directors,  executive officers or subsidiaries of any of the foregoing, has
     effected any  transaction in any equity  security of Innogy during the past
     60 days.

     Except as  described  in this Offer  Document,  (a) there have not been any
     contacts,  transactions  or negotiations  between the Offeror,  RWE, any of
     their  respective  subsidiaries or, to the best knowledge of the Offeror or
     RWE, any of the persons listed in paragraphs 2(a)-(c) of this Appendix,  on
     the one hand, and Innogy or any of its  directors,  officers or affiliates,
     on the other hand, that are required to be disclosed  pursuant to the rules
     and regulations of the SEC and (b) none of the Offeror, RWE or, to the best
     knowledge  of the Offeror or RWE, any of the persons  listed in  paragraphs
     2(a)-(c) of this Appendix has any contract,  arrangement,  understanding or
     relationship with any person with respect to any securities of Innogy.

11   Documents Available for Inspection

Copies of the  following  documents  will be  available  for  inspection  at the
offices of Allen & Overy, One New Change, London EC4M 9QQ, during usual business
hours on any week day (Saturdays,  Sundays and public  holidays  excepted) while
the Offer remains open for acceptance:

(a)  the  notarial  deed of  incorporation  of the Offeror  and the  articles of
     incorporation (Satzung) of the Offeror and RWE;

(b)  the memorandum and articles of association of Innogy;

(c)  the  published  audited  consolidated  accounts  of the RWE  Group  for the
     financial  year  ended 30 June 2001 and for the  truncated  financial  year
     ended 31 December 2001;

(d)  the  published  audited  consolidated  accounts of the Innogy Group for the
     financial year ended 31 March 2001,  containing also the proforma statutory
     and comparative  accounts for the Innogy Group for the financial year ended
     31 March 2000;

(e)  the service  agreements  of the Directors of Innogy of more than one year's
     duration and related letters referred to in paragraph 9 above;

(f)  the  material  contracts  of the Innogy  Group  referred to in  paragraph 5

(g)  the material  contracts  of the RWE Group  referred to in paragraph 5 above
     (apart from the  contracts  referred to at  paragraphs  5(a)(iii)  and (v),
     which, with the consent of thePanel, are not available for inspection);

(h)  the letter of valuation  of the Loan Notes by Merrill  Lynch dated 26 March


(i)  the written consents referred to in paragraph 10 above;

(j)  copies of the irrevocable undertakings to accept the Offer given by certain
     of the  Directors  of Innogy and  referred  to in the letter  from  Merrill

(k)  the inducement fee letter agreement referred to in paragraph 10(a) above;

(l)  the form of the Loan Note Instrument; and

(m)  a  full  list  of all  dealings  where  the  Panel  has  given  consent  to
     aggregation of dealings.

Additionally,  RWE and the  Offeror  have  filed  with  the SEC a  Tender  Offer
Statement on Schedule TO, together with exhibits,  furnishing certain additional
information  with  respect  to the  Offer.  In  addition,  Innogy  has  filed  a
Solicitation/Recommendation Statement on Schedule 14D-9, together with exhibits,
setting forth its  recommendation  with respect to the Offer and the reasons for
such recommendation and furnishing certain additional related information.  Free
copies of these documents are available on the SEC's website at www.sec.gov.

12   Certain Consequences of the Offer

(a)  Market effect

     The past  performance  of the price of Innogy  Shares and Innogy ADSs is no
     guide to the future performance of Innogy Securities.

     The  purchase  of Innogy  Securities  pursuant to the Offer will reduce the
     number of holders of Innogy  Securities and the number of Innogy Securities
     that might  otherwise  trade  publicly  and,  depending  upon the number of
     Innogy  Securities so purchased,  could adversely  affect the liquidity and
     market value of the  remaining  Innogy  Securities  held by the public.  In
     addition,  when the  Offer  becomes  or is  declared  unconditional  in all
     respects,  the Offeror  intends to procure  that  Innogy  applies to the UK
     Listing Authority for official listing and to the London Stock Exchange for
     the  admission  to  trading  of the Innogy  Shares to be  cancelled.  It is
     anticipated  that such  cancellation  will take  effect no earlier  than 20
     business days after the Offer becomes  unconditional  in all respects.  The
     Offeror would also intend to procure that Innogy  applies for de-listing of
     the  Innogy  ADSs from the New York Stock  Exchange.  Such  de-listing  and
     cancellation would significantly  reduce the liquidity and marketability of
     any Innogy  Securities  not  tendered in the Offer.  The  Offeror  also may
     request that Innogy should terminate the existing deposit agreement through
     which the ADS programme is operated.

     The value of all  investments and the outcome from them can fall as well as
     rise and not all the amount  invested  may be  realised.  Holders of Innogy
     ADSs  accepting  the Offer and  electing  to  receive  consideration  in US
     dollars should be aware that they will be exposed to foreign currency risk.

(b)  Public availability of information

     In the event that Innogy Shares  continue to be listed on the Official List
     of the UK Listing Authority  following the Offer becoming or being declared
     unconditional  in all  respects,  holders  of  Innogy  Shares  who have not
     accepted the Offer will  continue to receive the same  financial  and other
     information  from Innogy that Innogy is  presently  required by the Listing
     Rules to send to such holders. If Innogy Shares are no longer listed on the
     Official List of the UK Listing Authority following the Offer, Innogy would
     no  longer be  required  by those  rules to make  publicly  available  such
     financial and other information.

     The Innogy ADSs and the Innogy  Shares  (not for trading but in  connection
     with the listing of the Innogy  ADSs) are  currently  registered  under the
     Exchange  Act.  Registration  of such Innogy ADSs and Innogy  Shares may be
     terminated upon application of Innogy to the SEC if Innogy ADSs are neither
     listed on a national securities exchange nor held by 300 or more beneficial
     owners in the US.  Termination  of  registration  of Innogy ADSs and Innogy
     Shares under the Exchange Act would  substantially  reduce the  information
     required to be furnished by Innogy to holders of Innogy ADSs and to the SEC
     and  would  make  certain  provisions  of the  Exchange  Act,  such  as the
     requirements  of Rule 13e-3  thereunder  with  respect  to "going  private"
     transactions,  no  longer  applicable  to  Innogy.  If,  as a result of the
     purchase of Innogy ADSs pursuant to the Offer and prior to  completing  the
     compulsory  acquisition  procedures referred to in paragraph 7 of Part B of
     Appendix I above, Innogy is not required to maintain registration


     of Innogy ADSs and Innogy  Shares under the Exchange Act, the Offeror would
     intend to cause Innogy to apply for termination of such registration.

(c)  Margin Regulations

     Innogy ADSs are currently "margin  securities" under the regulations of the
     Board of Governors of the US Federal  Reserve System (the "Federal  Reserve
     Board"),  which has the effect,  among other things, of allowing brokers to
     extend credit on the collateral of the Innogy ADSs.  Depending upon factors
     similar to those described above regarding  listing and market  quotations,
     it is possible that,  following the Offer,  the Innogy ADSs would no longer
     constitute  "margin  securities" for purposes of the margin  regulations of
     the  Federal  Reserve  Board  and  therefore  could  no  longer  be used as
     collateral for loans made by brokers.

13   Regulatory Approvals

(a)  EU Merger Control

     The Offer gives rise to a  concentration  with a community  dimension under
     Council  Regulation (EEC) 4064/89,  as amended (the "Regulation") and it is
     anticipated that a notification will be made to the European  Commission in
     the near future.  The Offer is conditional  on,  amongst other things,  the
     European Commission indicating in terms satisfactory to the Offeror that it
     does not intend to initiate an in-depth investigation under Article 6(1)(c)
     of the Regulation in respect of the Offer or any matter arising  therefrom.
     The European  Commission will only initiate such an in-depth  investigation
     if it finds that the Offer or any matter arising therefrom falls within the
     scope of the Regulation  and raises serious doubts as to the  compatibility
     of the concentration with the common market.  Where the European Commission
     finds that the Offer or any matter arising therefrom falls within the scope
     of the Regulation but does not raise serious doubts as to the compatibility
     of the concentration with the common market, it will not oppose it and will
     declare  that  it is  compatible  with  the  common  market.  The  European
     Commission  has one  calendar  month  (beginning  on the first  working day
     following  the date on which a complete  notification  is  received  by the
     European  Commission)  to make its  decision  whether to clear the notified
     concentration or whether to initiate an in-depth  investigation (subject to
     a possible extension to six weeks).

(b)  Under the provisions of the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of
     1976 and the  regulations  thereunder,  RWE must observe a 30-calendar  day
     waiting  period that begins when RWE files a  Notification  and Report Form
     with respect to the Offer. RWE is in process of preparing that filing.  The
     Acquisition may be consummated after the expiration or early termination of
     the waiting period.  If either the Antitrust  Division of the US Department
     of  Justice  or the US  Federal  Trade  Commission  issues  a  request  for
     additional  information  or  documentary  material,  the waiting  period is
     extended  until the parties have  complied with the request and observed an
     additional 30-calendar day waiting period. Expiration or termination of the
     applicable waiting period is one of the Conditions of the Offer.


                                   APPENDIX VI


"Acceptance Condition"                  the Condition as to acceptances  set out
                                        in paragraph (a) of Part A of Appendix I
                                        to this document

"Acceptance Forms"                      the Form of Acceptance  and, in relation
                                        to  holders  of Innogy  ADSs  only,  the
                                        Letter of Transmittal  and the Notice of
                                        Guaranteed  Delivery,  accompanying this
                                        document pursuant to the Offer

"Acquisition"                           the proposed acquisition of the whole of
                                        the  issued  and  to  be  issued   share
                                        capital   of  Innogy   by  the   Offeror
                                        pursuant to the Offer

"Agent's Message"                       a message  transmitted  by a  Book-Entry
                                        Transfer  Facility  to, and received by,
                                        the  Depositary  and  forming  part of a
                                        Book-Entry Confirmation that states that
                                        such  Book-Entry  Transfer  Facility has
                                        received an express acknowledgement from
                                        the   participant  in  such   Book-Entry
                                        Transfer    Facility    tendering    the
                                        interests   in  Innogy  ADSs  that  such
                                        participant  has  received and agrees to
                                        be bound by the  terms of the  Letter of
                                        Transmittal  and  that the  Offeror  may
                                        enforce  such   agreement   against  the

"Book-Entry Confirmation"               the   confirmation   of   a   book-entry
                                        transfer   of   Innogy   ADSs  into  the
                                        Depositary's  account  at  a  Book-Entry
                                        Transfer Facility

"Book-Entry Transfer Facility"          each of the Depository Trust Company and
                                        any other book-entry transfer facility

"business day"                          a  day  on  which  banks  are  open  for
                                        business in London (excluding Saturdays,
                                        Sundays and public holidays)

"certificated" or "certificated form"   in   relation   to  a  share   or  other
                                        security,  a  share  or  other  security
                                        title  to  which  is   recorded  in  the
                                        relevant   register  as  being  held  in
                                        certificated form

"CEO"                                   chief executive officer

"CHP"                                   combined heat and power

"City Code"                             the City  Code on  Takeovers and Mergers

"Closing Date"                          3.00 p.m. (London time), 10.00 a.m. (New
                                        York  City  time),  on  26  April  2002,
                                        unless and until the  Offeror,  with the
                                        consent  of the  Panel or in  accordance
                                        with  the City  Code  and in  accordance
                                        with  the  Exchange   Act,   shall  have
                                        extended  the  Offer,  in which case the
                                        term  "Closing   Date"  shall  mean  the
                                        latest time and date at which the Offer,
                                        as so  extended  by  the  Offeror,  will
                                        expire or, if earlier, the time at which
                                        the Conditions are satisfied,  fulfilled
                                        or, to the extent permitted, waived

"Closing Price"                         the middle-market quotation of an Innogy
                                        Share  at the  close  of  business  on a
                                        particular  trading day as derived  from
                                        the Daily  Official List or, as the case
                                        may be, the last  reported sale price of
                                        an  Innogy  ADS  as   reported   on  the
                                        NYSEComposite Transactions Tape

"Companies Act"                         the Companies Act 1985, as amended

"Conditions"                            the  conditions  of the Offer set out in
                                        Part A of  Appendix I to this  document,
                                        and "Condition" means any one of them

"Credit Suisse First Boston" or "CSFB"  Credit  Suisse  First  Boston   (Europe)

"CREST"                                 the  relevant  system (as defined in the
                                        Regulations) operated by CRESTCo

"CRESTCo"                               CRESTCo Limited


"CREST member"                          a  person  who  has  been   admitted  by
                                        CRESTCo as a  system-member  (as defined
                                        in the Regulations)

"CREST participant"                     a person who is, in relation to CREST, a
                                        system-participant  (as  defined  in the

"CREST sponsor"                         a person who is, in relation to CREST, a
                                        sponsoring     system-participant    (as
                                        defined in the Regulations)

"CREST sponsored member"                a CREST  member  admitted  to CREST as a
                                        sponsored  member under the  sponsorship
                                        of a CREST sponsor

"Daily Official List"                   the Daily  Official  List of the  London
                                        Stock Exchange

"Depositary"                            The Bank of New York,  at addresses  set
                                        forth in the Letter of Transmittal

"Deutsche Bank"                         Deutsche Bank AG London

"Directors of RWE"                      the  members  of  the  Management  Board
                                        referred   to  in   paragraph   2(a)  of
                                        Appendix V to this document

"Directors of Innogy"                   the  directors of Innogy  referred to in
                                        paragraph  2(d)  of  Appendix  V to this

"Eligible Institution"                  a  financial   institution  which  is  a
                                        participant in the  Securities  Transfer
                                        Association  Medallion Program,  the New
                                        York Stock Exchange Medallion Program or
                                        the Stock Exchange Medallion Program

"EUR"                                   euro,  the  currency  introduced  at the
                                        start of the  third  stage  of  economic
                                        union    pursuant    to    the    treaty
                                        establishing the European Union

"Exchange Act"                          the United  States  Securities  Exchange
                                        Act of 1934 (as  amended)  and the rules
                                        and regulations promulgated thereunder

"Financial Services Authority"          Financial Services Authority Limited

"Form of Acceptance"                    in relation to Innogy  Shares,  the form
                                        of  acceptance,  authority  and election
                                        relating  to the  Offer  which  is being
                                        sent with the Offer  Document for use by
                                        Innogy  Shareholders  wishing  to accept
                                        the Offer

"Further Terms"                         the  further  terms of the Offer set out
                                        in Part B of Appendix I to this document

"GEMA"                                  the   Gas   and   Electricity    Markets

"Helpline"                              the   telephone   helpline  run  by  the
                                        Information  Agent  (0845  300 2527 from
                                        the UK, 866 867 1144 from the US and +44
                                        20 7335 7287 from other countries)

"Information Agent"                     Georgeson   Shareholder   Communications
                                        Limited  (in  the  United  Kingdom)  and
                                        Georgeson  Shareholder   Communications,
                                        Inc. (in the United States)

"Initial Offer Period"                  the  period   during   which  the  Offer
                                        remains conditional,  which commences on
                                        the date of this document and expires on
                                        the  earlier  of the  Offer  lapsing  or
                                        becoming or being declared unconditional
                                        in all respects in  accordance  with its

"Innogy"                                Innogy Holdings plc

"Innogy ADRs"                           American  Depositary Receipts evidencing
                                        Innogy ADSs

"Innogy ADSs"                           American    Depositary   Shares,    each
                                        representing 10 Innogy Shares, evidenced
                                        by Innogy ADRs

"Innogy Group"                          Innogy and its  subsidiary  undertakings
                                        and, where the context  admits,  each of

"Innogy Securities"                     Innogy Shares and Innogy ADSs


"InnogyShareIncentivePlans"             the Innogy Holdings Unapproved Executive
                                        Share Option Plans,  the Innogy Holdings
                                        Sharesave  Plans,  the  Innogy  Holdings
                                        Profit Sharing Plan, the Innogy Holdings
                                        Company  Share Option  Plan,  the Innogy
                                        Holdings  Management  Share  Option Plan
                                        and  the  Innogy   Holdings   Long  Term
                                        Incentive Plan

"Innogy Shareholders"                   holders of Innogy Shares

"Innogy Sharesave Plans"                the Innogy Holdings  Unapproved SAYEPlan
                                        and the Innogy Holdings Sharesave Plan

"Innogy Shares"                         ordinary  shares  of 10  pence  each  in

"KPMG"                                  KPMG Audit plc

"Letter of Transmittal"                 in relation to Innogy  ADSs,  the letter
                                        of  transmittal  relating  to the  Offer
                                        which  is  being  sent  with  the  Offer
                                        Document  for use by  holders  of Innogy
                                        ADSs wishing to accept the Offer

"Loan Notes"                            the  unsecured  loan notes  which may be
                                        issued by the  Offeror  pursuant  to the
                                        Loan Note Alternative, having the rights
                                        and being subject to the restrictions to
                                        be set out in the Loan Note Instrument

"Loan Note Alternative"                 the right of Innogy  Shareholders (other
                                        than certain overseas  shareholders) who
                                        validly  elect  to  receive  Loan  Notes
                                        instead  of all or part  of the  cash to
                                        which  they  would  otherwise  have been
                                        entitled under the Offer

"Loan Note Instrument"                  the loan  note  instrument  constituting
                                        the Loan  Notes,  the terms of which are
                                        summarised   in   Appendix  II  to  this
                                        document     (and    any     instruments
                                        supplemental thereto)

"London Stock Exchange"                 London Stock Exchange plc

"LTIP"                                  Innogy long term incentive plan

"member account ID"                     the   identification   code  or   number
                                        attached to any member account in CREST

"Merrill Lynch"                         Merrill Lynch International

"NETA"                                  New Electricity Trading Arrangements

"New York Stock Exchange" or "NYSE"     New York Stock Exchange, Inc.

"Noteholder"                            a holder of Loan Notes

"Notice of Guaranteed Delivery"         the   notice  of   guaranteed   delivery
                                        relating to the Offer for use by holders
                                        of Innogy ADSs

"Offer"                                 the recommended  offer to be made by the
                                        Offeror and  (outside the US) by Merrill
                                        Lynch on its  behalf to  acquire  all of
                                        the  issued  and  to  be  issued  Innogy
                                        Shares,  including (as  appropriate) the
                                        offer to  acquire  Innogy  ADSs,  on the
                                        terms and subject to the  Conditions set
                                        out in the Offer  Document and including
                                        where   the   context    permits,    any
                                        subsequent     revision,      variation,
                                        extension or renewal of such Offer

"Offer Document"                        this  document  and any  other  document
                                        containing the Offer

"Offer Period"                          the  period  commencing  on 17  February
                                        2002 until  whichever  of the  following
                                        dates  shall  be the  later  of (a) 3.00
                                        p.m.  (London time) on 26 April 2002 and
                                        (b) the earlier of (i) the time at which
                                        the  Offer  lapses  and (ii) the time at
                                        which the Offer becomes unconditional

"Offer Price"                           275  pence  for each  Innogy  Share  and
                                        2,750 pence for each Innogy ADS

"Offeror"                               GBV     Funfte      Gesellschaft     fur
                                        Beteiligungsverwaltung       mbH,      a
                                        wholly-owned subsidiary of RWE

"Official List"                         the  Official  List  of the  UK  Listing


"Panel"                                 the Panel on Takeovers and Mergers

"participant ID"                        the  identification  code or  membership
                                        number used in CREST to identify a CREST
                                        member or other CREST participant

"pounds sterling," "(pound)" or "pence" the  lawful   currency   of  the  United

"PwC"                                   PricewaterhouseCoopers

"Receiving Agent"                       Lloyds TSBRegistrars, Antholin House, 71
                                        Queen Street, London EC4N 1SL

"Registrar"                             Lloyds   TSBRegistrars,   The  Causeway,
                                        Worthing, West Sussex, BN99 6DA

"Regulations"                           the      Uncertificated       Securities
                                        Regulations 2001 (SI 2001 No. 3755)

"RWE"                                   RWE AG

"RWE Group"                             RWE and its subsidiary undertakings and,
                                        where the context admits, each of them

"SEC"                                   the   United   States   Securities   and
                                        Exchange Commission

"subsidiary", "subsidiary undertaking", shall be  construed in  accordance  with
"associated undertaking" or             the  Companies Act (but for this purpose
"undertaking"                           ignoring  paragraph 20(1)(b) of Schedule
                                        4A thereof)

"Subsequent Offer Period"               the period commencing  immediately after
                                        the  end of  the  Initial  Offer  Period
                                        during  which the Offer will remain open
                                        for acceptance

"TTE Instruction"                       a  transfer  to escrow  instruction  (as
                                        defined  by the CREST  Manual  issued by

"Thames Water"                          Thames Water Plc

"UK" or "United Kingdom"                the United  Kingdom of Great Britain and
                                        Northern Ireland

"uncertified" or "uncertified form"    in   relation   to  a  share   or  other
                                        security,  a  share  or  other  security
                                        title  to  which  is   recorded  in  the
                                        relevant   register   of  the  share  or
                                        security as being held in uncertificated
                                        form in CREST,  and  title to which,  by
                                        virtue  of  the   Regulations,   may  be
                                        transferred by means of CREST

"United States" or "US"                 the  United   States  of  America,   its
                                        territories and  possessions,  any State
                                        of the United  States of America and the
                                        District of Columbia and all other areas
                                        subject to its jurisdiction

"US business day"                       any day, other than Saturday,  Sunday or
                                        a federal  holiday in the United States,
                                        and  consisting  of the time period from
                                        12.01  a.m.  to 12.00  midnight  Eastern
                                        (US) time

"US dollar" or "US$"                    the lawful currency of the United States

"US Holder"                             a holder  of Innogy  Securities  that is
                                        (a) an  individual  who is a citizen  or
                                        resident  of the  United  States,  (b) a
                                        corporation or other entity taxable as a
                                        corporation  created or  organised in or
                                        under the laws of the  United  States or
                                        any political  subdivision  thereof, (c)
                                        an  estate,   the  income  of  which  is
                                        subject  to US federal  income  taxation
                                        regardless of its source or (d) a trust,
                                        if (i) a court within the United  States
                                        is able to exercise primary  supervision
                                        over its  administration and (ii) one or
                                        more US persons  have the  authority  to
                                        control all substantial decisions of the
                                        trust;  if a  partnership  holds  Innogy
                                        Securities,  the US  tax-treatment  of a
                                        partner will  generally  depend upon the
                                        status   of   partners   and   upon  the
                                        activities of the partnership

"US person"                             a US person as defined in  Regulation  S
                                        under the US Securities Act

"US Securities Act"                     the  US  Securities   Act  of  1933  (as
                                        amended)  and the rules and  regulations
                                        promulgated thereunder


                              TO ACCEPT THE OFFER:

1.   Complete the hForm of  Acceptance in  accordance  with  paragraph 13 of the
     letter  from  Merrill  Lynch  contained  on  page 16 of  this  document.  A
     step-by-step  guide to completing  the Form of Acceptance  has been sent to
     you with this document.

2.   Return as soon as possible the completed Form of Acceptance (along with any
     appropriate  documents of title, such as your share  certificate) using the
     enclosed reply-paid envelope.

     If you require help contact the Helpline on:

                           0845 300 2527 in the UK*
                           866 867 1144 in the US or
                           +44 20 7335 7287 elsewhere

Acceptances of the Offer must be received by 3.00 p.m. (London time) on 26 April


1.   Complete the Letter of  Transmittal in accordance  with paragraph  13(c) of
     the letter from Merrill Lynch.

2.   Return as soon as possible the completed Letter of Transmittal  (along with
     any  appropriate  documents  of  title,  such as your  Innogy  ADRs) to the
     Depositary, using the enclosed reply-paid envelope.

*    Calls charged at local rate.
