AMENDED AND RESTATED
                      FAMILY STEAK HOUSES OF FLORIDA, INC.

                                    ARTICLE I



     (a)  Certificates  of  stock  of each of the  classes  provided  for in the
Articles  of  Incorporation  shall  be  issued  in  numerical  order,  and  each
shareholder  shall be entitled to a  certificate,  signed by the Chairman or the
President and the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary,  certifying to the number
and class of shares owned by him. Where,  however, such certificate is signed by
a transfer agent acting on behalf of this  Corporation,  the signature of any of
the above-named officers may be facsimile.

     (b) In case any officer who has signed a  certificate,  or whose  facsimile
signature has been used on a certificate, has ceased to be an officer before the
certificate has been delivered,  such certificate may, nevertheless,  be adopted
and issued and  delivered by this  Corporation  as though the officer who signed
such certificate, or whose facsimile signature shall have been used thereon, had
not ceased to be such officer in this Corporation.

     (c) Each certificate representing shares shall state upon the face thereof:
(i) the name of this Corporation;  (ii) that this Corporation is organized under
the laws of  Florida;  (iii) the name of the person or  persons to whom  issued;
(iv) the number and class of shares,  and the designation of the series, if any,
which  such  certificate  represents;  and  (v)  the par  value  of  each  share
represented by such certificate,  or a statement that the shares are without par

     (d)  Each  certificate  representing  shares  shall  set  forth  or  fairly
summarize  upon the face or back of the  certificate,  or shall  state  that the
Corporation  will furnish to any  shareholder  upon request and without charge a
full statement of: (i) the designations,  preferences, limitations, and relative
rights of the shares of each class of series  authorized to be issued;  (ii) the
variations  in the relative  rights and  preferences  between the shares of each
series,  insofar  as the same have  been  fixed  and  determined;  and (iii) the
authority of the Board of Directors to fix and determine the relative rights and
preferences of subsequent series.

     (e) Each  certificate  shall otherwise  comply,  in all respects,  with the
requirements of law.

     Section 1.2. REGISTERED HOLDERS.

     Except as expressly provided by law, only registered  shareholders shall be
entitled to be treated by this  Corporation as the holders in fact of the shares
standing in their respective  names, and this Corporation  shall not be bound to
recognize  any  equitable or other claim to or interest in any share on the part
of any other  person,  whether  or not it shall  have  express  or other  notice

     Section 1.3. TRANSFER.

     This  Corporation or its transfer agent shall register a stock  certificate
presented to it for transfer if: (i) the certificate is properly endorsed by the
holder of record or his duly  authorized  attorney and accompanied by reasonable
assurance that such endorsement is genuine and effective;  (ii) this Corporation
is not under, or has discharged,  any duty to inquire into adverse claims to the
shares  represented by such  certificate;  and (iii) applicable laws relating to
the collection of taxes have been complied with. Transfer of a stock certificate
shall be made  only upon the  transfer  books of this  Corporation,  kept at the
offices of either this  Corporation or the transfer agent designated to transfer
the class represented by such  certificate.  Before a new certificate is issued,
the old certificate shall be surrendered for cancellation.


     (a) For the purpose of determining shareholders entitled to notice of or to
vote at any meeting of shareholders or any adjournment  thereof,  or entitled to
receive  payment  of any  dividend,  or in  order  to  make a  determination  of
shareholders for any other purpose,  the Board of Directors may provide that the
stock transfer  books shall be closed for a stated period not to exceed,  in any
case, sixty days. If the stock transfer books shall be closed for the purpose of
determining  shareholders  entitled  to  notice  of or to vote at a  meeting  of
shareholders,  such  books  shall be closed  for at least  ten days  immediately
preceding such meeting.

     (b) In lieu of closing the stock transfer books, the Board of Directors may
fix in advance a date as the record date for any  determination of shareholders,
such date to be, in any case,  no more than sixty days and, in case of a meeting
of  shareholders,  not  less  than ten  days  prior  to the  date on  which  the
particular  action requiring such  determination of shareholders is to be taken;
provided,  however,  that if no record  date is fixed for the  determination  of
shareholders  entitled to deliver written consent to corporate  action without a
meeting, when no prior action by the board of Directors is necessary, the record
date shall be the day on which the first signed written  consent is delivered to
the Corporation.

     (c) If the stock  transfer books are not closed and no record date is fixed
for the determination of shareholders entitled to notice or to vote at a meeting
of shareholders, or


shareholders entitled to receive payment of a dividend, the date on which notice
of the  meeting  is mailed or the date on which the  resolution  of the Board of
Directors  declaring such dividend is adopted,  as the case may be, shall be the
record date for such determination of shareholders.

     (d) When a determination of shareholders entitled to vote at any meeting of
shareholders has been made as provided in this section, such determination shall
apply to any  adjournment  thereof,  unless the Board of  Directors  fixes a new
record date for the adjourned meeting.


     The officer or agent having charge of the stock  transfer books shall make,
at least ten days before each meeting of  shareholders,  a complete  list of the
shareholders  entitled to vote at such meeting or any adjournment thereof,  with
the address of, and the number and class and series,  if any, of shares held by,
each. For a period of ten days prior to such meeting,  the list shall be kept on
file at the registered office or principal place of business of this Corporation
or at the office of the transfer agent or registrar of this Corporation, and any
shareholder  shall be entitled to inspect the list during usual business  hours.
The list  shall  also be  produced  and kept  open at the time and  place of the
meeting and shall be subject to the  inspection of any  shareholder  at any time
during  the  meeting.  If  the  requirements  of  this  section  have  not  been
substantially complied with, the meeting, on demand of any shareholder in person
or by proxy,  shall be adjourned until the requirements are complied with. If no
such demand is made,  failure to comply with the  requirements  of this  section
shall not affect the validity of any action taken at such meeting.


     This  Corporation  shall issue a new stock  certificate in the place of any
certificate  previously  issued if the holder of record of the certificate:  (i)
makes proof in affidavit  form that it has been lost,  destroyed,  or wrongfully
taken; (ii) requests the issue of a new certificate  before this Corporation has
notice that the  certificate  has been acquired by a purchaser for value in good
faith and without notice of any adverse claim;  (iii) gives bond in such form as
this Corporation may direct, to indemnify this Corporation,  the transfer agent,
and registrar against any claim that may be made on account of the alleged loss,
destruction,  or  theft  of  the  certificate;  and  (iv)  satisfies  any  other
reasonable requirements imposed by this Corporation.

                                   ARTICLE II

                               SHAREHOLDER ACTION


     Section 2.1. PLACE.

     The place of any meeting of the shareholders  shall be the principal office
of this  Corporation in the City of Jacksonville,  Florida,  or such other place
within or without  the State of Florida as shall be  determined  by the Board of

     Section 2.2. ANNUAL MEETING.

     The annual meeting of the shareholders of this Corporation, for the purpose
of  electing  directors  to  succeed  those  whose  terms  expire  and  for  the
transaction  of such other  business as may  properly  come before the  meeting,
shall be held on such date and at such time as shall be designated  from time to
time by the Board of Directors and stated in the notice of the meeting.

     Section 2.3. NOTICE.

     (a) Written notice stating the place,  day, and hour of the meeting and, in
the case of a special meeting,  the purpose or purposes for which the meeting is
called, shall be delivered, either personally or by United States mail, by or at
the direction of the Chairman or the  Secretary,  to each  shareholder of record
entitled to vote at the  meeting.  Such notice  shall be given not less than ten
nor more than sixty days before the annual meeting or any special meeting called
by the Chairman,  President or the Board of Directors,  and not less than twenty
nor more than ninety days after the receipt of a request from any other  persons
entitled  to call a special  meeting  of  shareholders.  If  mailed,  any notice
required by this section shall be deemed to be delivered  when  deposited in the
United States mail  addressed to shareholder at his address as it appears on the
stock transfer books of this Corporation, with postage thereon prepaid.

     (b) Whenever  notice is required to be given to any  shareholder,  a waiver
thereof in writing,  signed by the person or persons  entitled  to such  notice,
whether before or after the time stated therein,  shall be the equivalent to the
giving of such notice.  Attendance of a person at a meeting  shall  constitute a
waiver of notice of such meeting,  except when the person  attends a meeting for
the express  purpose of  objecting,  at the  beginning  of the  meeting,  to the
transaction of business because the


meeting  is  not  lawfully  called  or  convened.  Neither  the  business  to be
transacted  at,  nor the  purpose  of, any  regular  or  special  meeting of the
shareholders need be specified in the written waiver of notice.

     Section 2.4. PROXIES.

     (a) Every  shareholder  entitled to vote at a meeting of shareholders or to
express  consent  or  dissent   without  a  meeting,   or  his  duly  authorized
attorney-in-fact,  may  authorize  another  person or  persons to act for him by

     (b) Every proxy must be signed by the shareholder or his  attorney-in-fact.
No proxy  shall be valid  after the  expiration  of eleven  months from the date
thereof unless otherwise  provided in the proxy.  Every proxy shall be revocable
at the pleasure of the shareholder executing it, except as otherwise provided by


     The  Chairman,  or in his  absence  the  President,  a Vice  Chairman  or a
director,  shall call  meetings  of the  shareholders  to order and shall act as
presiding  officer of the  meetings.  If none of those persons is present at the
meeting,  the presiding  officer of the meeting shall be chosen by the vote of a
majority of the shares  represented  and  entitled to vote at the  meeting.  The
Secretary or an assistant secretary of this Corporation,  shall act as secretary
at all  meetings  of the  shareholders,  but if  neither  the  Secretary  nor an
assistant  secretary of this  Corporation  shall be present at the meeting,  the
presiding  officer  may  appoint  any other  person to act as  secretary  of the

     The  presiding  officer  of  a  meeting  shall  have  broad  discretion  in
determining the order of business.  The presiding officer's authority to conduct
the  meeting  shall  include,  but in no way shall be  limited  to,  recognizing
shareholders entitled to speak, calling for necessary reports, stating questions
and putting them to a vote, calling for nominations,  and announcing the results
of voting.  The presiding  officer shall also take such actions as are necessary
and  appropriate  to preserve order at the meeting.  The rules of  parliamentary
procedure need not be observed in the conduct of a shareholder's meeting.


     (a) Inspectors of elections shall be appointed by the Board of Directors to
act at any meeting of  shareholders at which any election is held. If inspectors
of election are not so appointed,  the presiding officer of the meeting may, and
on the request of a shareholder or his proxy shall, make such


appointment.  The  inspectors  of elections  shall:  (i) determine the number of
shares  outstanding,  the  voting  rights  with  respect  to  each,  the  shares
represented  at the meeting,  the  existence  of a quorum and the  authenticity,
validity, and effect of proxies; (ii) receive notes, ballots, consents, waivers,
or releases;  (iii) hear and determine all challenges  and questions  arising in
connection with the vote; (iv) count and tabulate all votes, consents,  waivers,
and releases;  (v) determine and announce the results;  and (vi) do such acts as
are proper to conduct the election or vote,  with fairness to all  shareholders.
No  inspector,  whether  appointed by the Board of Directors or by the presiding
officer of the meeting, need be a shareholder.

     (b) In the  event  of the  delivery,  in the  manner  provided  by  Florida
Statutes  Section  607.0704,   to  the  Corporation  of  the  requisite  written
shareholder  consent or  consents  to take  corporate  action  without a meeting
and/or any related  revocation or revocations of such consents,  the Corporation
shall engage  independent  inspectors of elections for the purpose of performing
promptly a ministerial  review of the validity of the consents and  revocations.
For the purpose of permitting the  inspectors to perform such review,  no action
by written  consent  without a meeting shall be effective until such date as the
independent inspectors certify to the Corporation that the consents delivered to
the Corporation in accordance with Florida Statutes  Section 607.0704  represent
at least  the  minimum  number  of votes  that  would be  necessary  to take the
corporate  action.  Nothing contained in this Section 2.6(b) shall in any way be
construed  to suggest or imply that the Board of  Directors  or any  shareholder
shall not be  entitled to contest  the  validity  of any  consent or  revocation
thereof,   whether  before  or  after  such  certification  by  the  independent
inspectors,  or to take any other action  (including,  without  limitation,  the
commencement,  prosecution,  or defense of any litigation with respect  thereto,
and the seeking of injunctive relief in such litigation).

     Section 2.7. SHAREHOLDER QUORUM.

     A majority  of the shares  entitled  to vote,  represented  in person or by
proxy, shall constitute a quorum at a meeting of shareholders.  When a specified
item of business  is required to be voted upon by a class or series of stock,  a
majority of the shares of such class or series shall constitute a quorum for the
transaction  of such item of  business  by that class or series.  If a quorum is
present,  the  affirmative  vote of a majority of the shares  represented at the
meeting  and  entitled  to vote on the  subject  matter  shall be the act of the
shareholders, unless the vote of a greater number or voting by class is required
by law, the Articles of Incorporation,  or these Bylaws. After a quorum has been
established  at  a  meeting  of  shareholders,   the  subsequent  withdrawal  of
shareholders,  so as to reduce  the  number of  shares  entitled  to vote at the
meeting below the number  required for a quorum shall not affect the validity of
any action taken at the meeting or any adjournment thereof.


     Section 2.8. ADJOURNMENT.

     A majority of the shares represented and entitled to vote at any meeting of
shareholders  may adjourn the meeting to another time and place whether or not a
quorum exists.  When a meeting is adjourned to another time and place,  it shall
not be  necessary  to give any notice of the  adjourned  meeting if the time and
place to which the meeting is  adjourned  are  announced at the meeting at which
the  adjournment  is taken,  and any business may be transacted at the adjourned
meeting that might have been transacted on the original date of the meeting. If,
however,  after the adjournment,  the Board of Directors fixes a new record date
for the adjourned  meeting, a notice of the adjourned meeting shall be given, as
provided above in Section 2.4 of these Bylaws,  to each shareholder of record on
the new record date entitled to vote at such meeting.

     Section 2.9. VOTING OF SHARES.

     (a)  Voting at all  meetings  of  shareholders  may be viva  voce,  but any
qualified voter may demand a stock vote,  whereupon such stock vote may be taken
by ballot,  each of which shall state the name of the shareholder voting and the
number of shares  voted by him,  and if such  ballot be cast by proxy,  it shall
also state the name of such proxy.

     (b) Each outstanding share represented in person or by proxy, regardless of
class,  shall be entitled to one vote on each  matter  submitted  to a vote at a
meeting of shareholders,  except as may otherwise be provided by the Articles of
Incorporation or by resolution of the Board of Directors pursuant thereto.

     (c) At each election of directors,  every  shareholder  entitled to vote at
such election shall have the right to vote, in person or by proxy, the number of
shares owned by him for as many persons as there are  directors to be elected at
the time for whose  election he has a right to vote. No cumulative  voting shall
be permitted.

     (d) If a proxy  for the  same  shares  confers  authority  upon two or more
persons  and does not  otherwise  provide,  a  majority  of them  present at the
meeting,  or if only one is present  then that one,  may exercise all the powers
conferred  by the proxy;  but if the proxy  holders  present at the  meeting are
equally divided as to the right and manner of voting in any particular case, the
voting of such shares shall be pro-rated.

     Section 2.10 NATURE OF BUSINESS.

     At any meeting of  shareholders,  only such business  shall be conducted as
shall have been brought  before the meeting by or at the  direction of the Board
of Directors or by any shareholder who complies with the procedures set forth in
this Section 2.10.


     No business may be  transacted at any meeting of  shareholders,  other than
business  that  is  either  (a)  specified  in the  notice  of  meeting  (or any
supplement  thereto)  given by or at the direction of the Board of Directors (or
any duly authorized  committee  thereof),  (b) otherwise properly brought before
such meeting of  shareholders  by or at the  direction of the Board of Directors
(or any duly  authorized  committee  thereof)  or (c) in the  case of an  Annual
Meeting of Shareholders,  otherwise  properly brought before such meeting by any
shareholder  (i) who is a shareholder of record on the date of the giving of the
notice  provided  for in  this  Section  2.10  and on the  record  date  for the
determination  of  shareholders  entitled  to  vote at such  Annual  Meeting  of
Shareholders and (ii) who complies with the notice  procedures set forth in this
Section 2.10.

     In  addition  to any other  applicable  requirements,  for  business  to be
properly brought before an Annual Meeting of Shareholders by a shareholder, such
shareholder  must have given timely notice thereof in proper written form to the

     To be timely, a shareholder's  notice to the Secretary must be delivered to
or mailed and received at the principal executive offices of the Corporation not
less  than  sixty  (60)  days  nor  more  than  ninety  (90)  days  prior to the
anniversary  date of the immediately  preceding  Annual Meeting of Shareholders;
provided,  however, that in the event that the Annual Meeting of Shareholders is
called  for a date that is not  within  thirty  (30) days  before or after  such
anniversary  date,  notice by the  shareholder  in order to be timely must be so
received not later than the close of business on the tenth (10th) day  following
the day on which notice of the date of the Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders  was
mailed or public  disclosure of the date of the Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders
was made, whichever first occurs.

     To be in proper written form, a shareholder's  notice to the Secretary must
set forth as to each matter such shareholder proposes to bring before the Annual
Meeting of Shareholders  (i) a brief  description of the business  desired to be
brought before the Annual Meeting of Shareholders and the reasons for conducting
such business at the Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders,  (ii) the name and record
address of such  shareholder,  (iii) the class or series and number of shares of
capital stock of the  Corporation  which are owned  beneficially or of record by
such  shareholder as of the record date for the meeting (if such date shall then
have been made publicly available and shall have occurred) and as of the date of
such notice,  (iv) a description of all arrangements or  understandings  between
such  shareholder  and any other  person or persons  (including  their names) in
connection  with the  proposal  of such  business  by such  shareholder  and any
material  interest  of  such  shareholder  in  such  business,   (v)  any  other
information  which would be required to be  disclosed  in a proxy  statement  or
other  filings  required  to be made in  connection  with the  solicitations  of
proxies for the proposal  pursuant to Section 14 of the Securities  Exchange Act
of  1934,  as  amended  (the  "Exchange  Act")  and the  rules  and  regulations


thereunder if such shareholder  were engaged in such a solicitation,  and (vi) a
representation  that such shareholder intends to appear in person or by proxy at
the Annual Meeting of Shareholders to bring such business before the meeting.

     No business shall be conducted at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders except
business  brought before the Annual Meeting of  Shareholders  in accordance with
the procedures set forth in this Section 2.10,  provided,  however,  that,  once
business has been properly  brought before the Annual Meeting of Shareholders in
accordance with such procedures, nothing in this Section 2.10 shall be deemed to
preclude discussion by any shareholder of any such business.  If the Chairman of
an Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders  determines  that  business was not properly
brought  before  the Annual  Meeting  of  Shareholders  in  accordance  with the
foregoing  procedures,  the  Chairman  shall  declare  to the  meeting  that the
business was not properly brought before the meeting and such business shall not
be transacted.

     When a  meeting  is  adjourned  to  another  time or  place,  notice of the
adjourned  meeting need not be given if the time and place thereof are announced
at the meeting at which the adjournment is taken,  unless the adjournment is for
more than 30 days,  or unless after the  adjournment  a new record date is fixed
for the adjourned  meeting,  in which case notice of the adjourned meeting shall
be given to each  shareholder of record entitled to vote at the meeting.  At the
adjourned  meeting,  any  business  may  be  transacted  that  might  have  been
transacted at the original meeting.

                                   ARTICLE III

                               BOARD OF DIRECTORS

     Section 3.1. AUTHORITY.

     All  corporate  powers shall be exercised by or under the authority of, and
the  business  and  affairs  of this  Corporation  shall be  managed  under  the
direction of, the Board of Directors.  In addition to the powers and authorities
expressly  conferred upon it by these Bylaws and the Articles of  Incorporation,
the Board of Directors may exercise all such powers of this  Corporation  and do
all  such  lawful  acts  and  things  as are not by  statute,  the  Articles  of
Incorporation,  or these Bylaws  directed or required to be exercised or done by
the shareholders.


     The  Corporation  shall have no more than eight (8)  directors  and no less
than one (1)  director,  which  number may be  increased  or  decreased  only by
amendment  to  these  Bylaws  duly  adopted  by the  Board of  Directors  of the



     The directors  shall be divided into three classes:  Class I, Class II, and
Class  III.  The number of  directors  included  in each such class  shall be as
nearly equal as may be possible.  At the annual meeting of  shareholders  of the
Corporation  held in 1997,  Class I directors  shall be initially  elected for a
three-year  term, Class II directors for a two-year term and Class III directors
for a  one-year  term;  provided,  however,  that each such Class I, Class II or
Class III director  shall hold office until his or her  successor is elected and
qualified or until his or her earlier death, resignation or removal from office.
At each  succeeding  annual  meeting  of the  shareholders  of the  Corporation,
commencing in 1998, the directors elected to succeed those directors whose terms
then expire  shall  belong to the same class as the  directors  they succeed and
shall hold office until the third  succeeding  annual meeting of shareholders or
until their earlier death,  resignation or removal from office.  Any increase or
decrease  in the  number  of  directors  shall be  apportioned  by the  Board of
Directors  among the  classes so that the number of  directors  included in each
such class shall continue to be as nearly equal as possible.

     Section 3.4. VACANCIES.

     Any vacancy  occurring  on the Board of  Directors,  including  any vacancy
created by reason of an increase in the number of directors,  may be filled only
by the  affirmative  vote of 80% of the  directors  then in  office.  A director
elected to fill a vacancy shall hold office until the next shareholders' meeting
at which directors of such class are elected.


     The  annual  meeting  of the Board of  Directors  shall be held at the same
place as the  annual  shareholders'  meeting  immediately  following  the annual
meeting of the shareholders.  In addition, there shall be seven regular meetings
of the Board of  Directors  to be held at such time and at such place  within or
without  the State of  Florida as the Board of  Directors  may from time to time
designate.  Upon the request of any two  directors or the  President or upon his
own  initiative,  the  Chairman  may  call a  special  meeting  of the  Board of
Directors  to be held at such time and  place,  within or  without  the State of
Florida, and for such purpose as the notice of the meeting may designate.

     Section 3.6. NOTICE OF MEETINGS.

     (a)  Written  notice of the time and place of any  regular  meeting  of the
Board of Directors shall be given to each director by personal  delivery,  mail,
telegram,  or cablegram at least two days before the meeting.  Written notice of
the time and place of any  special  meeting of the Board of  Directors  shall be
given to


each director by personal delivery, mail, telegram or cablegram at least one day
before the meeting.

     (b) Notice of any  meeting of the Board of  Directors  need not be given to
any director  who signs a written  waiver of notice  either  before or after the
meeting.  Attendance  of a director at a meeting  shall  constitute  a waiver of
notice of such meeting and waiver of any and all  objections to the place of the
meeting,  the time of the meeting,  or the manner in which it has been called or
convened,  except when a director states,  at the beginning of the meeting,  any
objection  to the  transaction  of business  because the meeting is not lawfully
called or convened.

     (c)  Neither  the  business  to be  transacted  at, nor the purpose of, any
regular or special  meeting of the Board of  Directors  need be specified in the
notice or waiver of notice of such meeting.


     Members of the Board of Directors may participate in a meeting of the Board
by conference telephone or similar communication equipment by means of which all
persons  participating  in the  meeting  can hear each  other at the same  time.
Participation by such means shall constitute presence in person at a meeting.

     Section 3.8. DIRECTOR QUORUM.

     A majority  of the number of  directors  holding  office  pursuant to these
Bylaws shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The act of the
majority  of the  directors  present  at a meeting  at which a quorum is present
shall be the act of the Board of Directors.


     A majority of the directors  present,  whether or not a quorum exists,  may
adjourn any meeting of the Board of Directors to another time and place.  Notice
of any such  adjourned  meeting  shall be given,  as  provided in Section 3.6 of
these  Bylaws,  to  the  directors  who  are  not  present  at the  time  of the
adjournment  and,  unless  the  time  and  place of the  adjourned  meeting  are
announced at the time of the adjournment, to the other directors.

     Section 3.10. ACTION WITHOUT A MEETING.

     Any action required to be taken at a meeting of the Board of Directors,  or
any  action  which may be taken at a meeting  of the  directors  or a  committee
thereof,  may be taken without a meeting if a consent in writing,  setting forth
the action so to be taken  signed by all of the  directors or all the members of
the committee, as the case may be, is filed in the minutes of the


proceedings of the board or of the  committee.  Such consent shall have the same
effect as a unanimous vote.

     Section 3.11. COMPENSATION.

     Directors are entitled to receive such fees and expenses for  attendance at
meetings  of the  Board of  Directors  as may be fixed  from time to time by the
Board.  Directors  shall also be entitled to receive  compensation  for services
rendered to the Corporation as officers or as members of any committee appointed
by the Board,  or for service in any other capacity as may be provided from time
to time by the Board.

     Section 3.12. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST.

     (a) No contract or other  transaction  between this  Corporation and one or
more of its directors, or any other Corporation, firm, association, or entity in
which one or more of the directors are directors or officers or are  financially
interested,  shall be either void or voidable  because of such  relationship  or
interest,  because such  director or directors are present at the meeting of the
Board of  Directors,  or  committee  thereof,  which  authorizes,  approves,  or
ratifies such contract or transaction, or because his or their votes are counted
for such purpose, if: (i) the fact of such relationship or interest is disclosed
or known to the Board of Directors or committee which authorizes,  approves,  or
ratifies the contract or  transaction  by a vote or consent  sufficient  for the
purpose  without  counting the votes or consents of such  interested  directors;
(ii) the fact of such  relationship  or  interest is  disclosed  or known to the
shareholders  entitled  to vote and they  authorize,  approve,  or  ratify  such
contract or  transaction  by vote or written  consent;  or (iii) the contract or
transaction  is fair  and  reasonable  as to the  Corporation  at the time it is
authorized by the board, a committee, or the shareholders.

     (b)  Common or  interested  directors  may be counted  in  determining  the
presence  of a quorum at a  meeting  of the Board of  Directors  or a  committee
thereof which authorizes, approves, or ratifies such contract or transaction.


     Only persons who are nominated in accordance with the following  procedures
shall be eligible for election as directors of the Corporation, except as may be
otherwise provided in the Certificate of Incorporation with respect to the right
of  holders  of  preferred  stock of the  Corporation  to  nominate  and elect a
specified number of directors in certain  circumstances.  Nominations of persons
for  election  to the Board of  Directors  may be made at any Annual  Meeting of
Shareholders,  or at any Special Meeting of Shareholders  called for the purpose
of electing directors,  (a) by or at the direction of the Board of Directors (or
any  duly  authorized  committee  thereof)  or  (b) by  any  shareholder  of the
Corporation (i) who is a shareholder of record


on the date of the giving of the notice provided for in this Section 3.13 and on
the record date for the  determination of shareholders  entitled to vote at such
meeting  and (ii) who  complies  with the  notice  procedures  set forth in this
Section 3.13.

     In addition to any other  applicable  requirements,  for a nomination to be
made by a shareholder, such shareholder must have given timely notice thereof in
proper written form to the Secretary.

     To be timely, a shareholder's  notice to the Secretary must be delivered to
or mailed and received at the principal executive offices of the Corporation (a)
in the case of an Annual Meeting of Shareholders,  not less than sixty (60) days
nor more than ninety (90) days prior to the anniversary  date of the immediately
preceding Annual Meeting of Shareholders;  provided,  however, that in the event
that the Annual Meeting of  Shareholders is called for a date that is not within
thirty  (30)  days  before  or  after  such  anniversary  date,  notice  by  the
shareholder  in order to be timely must be so received  not later than the close
of business on the tenth  (10th) day  following  the day on which  notice of the
date of the Annual Meeting of  Shareholders  was mailed or public  disclosure of
the date of the Annual Meeting was made,  whichever first occurs; and (b) in the
case of a Special  Meeting of  Shareholders  called for the  purpose of electing
directors,  not  later  than the  close of  business  on the  tenth  (10th)  day
following  the day on  which  notice  of the  date  of the  Special  Meeting  of
Shareholders was mailed or public  disclosure of the date of the Special Meeting
of Shareholders was made, whichever first occurs.

     To be in proper written form, a shareholder's  notice to the Secretary must
set forth (a) as to each person whom the  shareholder  proposes to nominate  for
election as a director (i) the name, age, business address and residence address
of the person, (ii) the principal  occupation or employment of the person, (iii)
the class or series  and number of shares of  capital  stock of the  Corporation
which are owned  beneficially  or of record by the person as of the record  date
for the meeting (if such date shall have been made publicly  available and shall
have occurred) and as of the date of such notice and (iv) any other  information
relating  to the  person  that  would be  required  to be  disclosed  in a proxy
statement or other filings required to be made in connection with  solicitations
of proxies for election of directors pursuant to Section 14 of the Exchange Act,
and  the  rules  and  regulations  promulgated  thereunder;  and  (b)  as to the
shareholder  giving  the  notice  (i)  the  name  and  record  address  of  such
shareholder,  (ii) the class or series and number of shares of capital  stock of
the Corporation which are owned beneficially or of record by such shareholder as
of the record date for the  meeting (if such date shall have been made  publicly
available and shall have  occurred)  and as of the date of such notice,  (iii) a
description of all arrangements or understandings between such


shareholder and each proposed nominee and any other person or persons (including
their  names)  pursuant  to  which  the  nomination(s)  are to be  made  by such
shareholder,  (iv) a representation  that such shareholder  intends to appear in
person or by proxy at the  meeting to nominate  the persons  named in its notice
and (v) any  other  information  relating  to such  shareholder  that  would  be
required to be disclosed in a proxy  statement or other  filings  required to be
made in  connection  with  solicitations  of proxies for  election of  directors
pursuant  to  Section  14 of the  Exchange  Act and the  rules  and  regulations
promulgated thereunder.  Such notice must be accompanied by a written consent of
each proposed  nominee to being named as a nominee and to serve as a director if

     No person shall be eligible  for election as a director of the  Corporation
unless  nominated in accordance  with the  procedures  set forth in this Section
3.13. If the Chairman of the meeting  determines  that a nomination was not made
in accordance with the foregoing  procedures,  the Chairman shall declare to the
meeting that the nomination was defective and such defective nomination shall be

                                   ARTICLE IV

                         EXECUTIVE AND OTHER COMMITTEES

     Section 4.1. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE.

     The  Board  of  Directors  may  elect  annually  an  Executive   Committee,
consisting  of the Chief  Executive  Officer  who shall serve as Chairman of the
Executive Committee,  as well as the Chairperson of each of the Board's standing
committees.  When the  Board  of  Directors  is not in  session,  the  Executive
Committee,  if  elected,  shall have and may  exercise  all of the powers of the
Board of Directors, except as limited by the laws of the State of Florida.


     The Board of Directors may elect  annually at least three of its members to
constitute an Executive Compensation Committee,  which committee shall have such
responsibilities as may be assigned to it by the Board, including responsibility
for  recommending to the Board the  compensation  arrangements for directors and
officers elected or appointed by the Board.

     Section 4.3. OTHER COMMITTEES.

     Other standing or temporary committees may be appointed from its own number
by the Board of Directors from time to time, and the Board of Directors may from
time to time invest such  committees  with such powers as it may see fit, except
as limited by law, subject to such conditions as may be prescribed by the Board.


     Section 4.4. ALTERNATE MEMBERS.

     The Board of Directors  may  designate  one or more  directors as alternate
members of any committee of the Board, who may act in the place and stead of any
absent member or members at any meeting of such committee.


     Regular  meetings of any committee of the Board may be held without call or
notice at such  places  and times as such  committee  from time to time may fix.
Special  meetings  of any  committee  of the  Board  may be  called by the Chief
Executive  Officer or any two members of the committee,  upon notice as provided
for special meetings of the Board of Directors,  at the place and time set forth
in such notice. Notice of such special meetings may be waived.

     Section 4.6. COMMITTEE QUORUM.

     A quorum at any  meeting of a  committee  of the Board  shall  consist of a
majority of its members.  A majority  vote of the members in  attendance  at any
meeting shall, in the presence of a quorum, decide its action.


     All committees of the Board shall keep regular minutes of the  transactions
of their  meetings,  shall  cause them to be recorded in the books kept for that
purpose  in the  office of this  Corporation,  and shall  report the same to the
Board of Directors at its next meeting.

                                    ARTICLE V


     Section 5.1. OFFICERS.

     The officers of this Corporation shall be a Chairman, a President and Chief
Executive Officer,  one or more Vice Presidents,  a Secretary,  and a Treasurer,
each of whom shall be  appointed  by and serve at the  pleasure  of the Board of
Directors. The Chief Executive Officer is authorized to appoint such officers on
an interim basis, subject to ratification by the Board at its next meeting. Such
other officers and assistant  officers and agents as may be deemed  necessary or
appropriate may be appointed by the Board of Directors or such person or persons
as the Board may designate  from time to time.  The Chairman and President  each
shall be a  director,  but no other  officer  need be a member  of the  Board of
Directors.  Any two or more offices may be held by the same  person.  An outside
Director shall not serve as an officer. Any person who serves both as an officer
and a director of the Corporation shall be a salaried employee of the


Corporation, devoting substantially all of his time to Corporation business.

     Section 5.2. DUTIES.

     (a) The Chairman  shall  preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors,
shall have general executive powers,  and shall have such other duties as may be
assigned to him by the Board of  Directors or provided by these  Bylaws.  In the
Chairman's  absence,  the  President  shall preside at meetings of the Board and
assume the other duties  assigned to the  Chairman.  Except  where,  by law, the
signature  of the  President is required,  the Chairman  shall  possess the same
power as the President to sign all certificates, contracts and other instruments
of the Corporation which may be authorized by the Board of Directors.

     (b) The  President  shall be the Chief  Executive  Officer  and shall  have
general executive powers, and shall have such other duties as may be assigned to
him by the  Board of  Directors  or  provided  by these  Bylaws.  He may sign or
countersign  all  certificates,   contracts,   and  other  instruments  of  this
Corporation  as authorized  by the Board of Directors.  He shall make reports to
the Board of Directors and shareholders, and shall perform all such other duties
as are  incident to his office or are  properly  required of him by the Board of

     (c) Each Vice President shall perform the duties delegated to him from time
to time by the Board of Directors or by the Chief Executive Officer.

     (d) The Secretary  shall issue notice for all meetings,  shall keep minutes
of all  meetings,  shall have charge of the seal and the  corporate  books,  and
shall make such  reports and perform  such other  duties as are  incident to his
office or are  properly  required of him by the Board of  Directors or the Chief
Executive Officer.

     (e) The Treasurer  shall have custody of all monies and  securities of this
Corporation  and shall keep or cause to be kept  regular  books of  account.  He
shall  disburse  the funds of this  Corporation  in payment of the just  demands
against this Corporation, or as may be ordered by the Chief Executive Officer or
the Board of Directors, taking proper vouchers for such disbursements.  He shall
report the financial  condition of this  Corporation to the  stockholders at the
annual meeting and shall render to the Chief Executive  Officer and the Board of
Directors from time to time, as may be required of him, an account of all of his
transactions as Controller and of the financial  condition of this  Corporation.
He shall perform such other duties as are incident to his office or are properly
required of him by the Board of Directors or the Chief Executive Officer.


     Section 5.3. ABSENCE OR INABILITY.

     In the  case  of  absence  or  inability  to act of  any  officer  of  this
Corporation and of any person herein  authorized to act in his place,  the Board
of Directors may from time to time delegate the powers or duties of such officer
to any other person whom it may select.

     Section 5.4. VACANCIES.

     Vacancies  in any office  arising from any cause may be filled by the Board
of Directors.

     Section 5.5. COMPENSATION.

     The salaries  and other  compensation  of all officers of this  Corporation
elected or appointed  by the Board of  Directors  shall be fixed by the Board of
Directors or by a committee of Board members  designated for that purpose by the
Board. Compensation of other employees and agents shall be fixed by or under the
authority of the Chief  Executive  Officer.  No member of the Board of Directors
shall be  disqualified  from voting on compensation of officers by reason of the
fact that he is an officer as well as a director, except that his vote shall not
be counted in fixing his own compensation.

     Section 5.6. REMOVAL.

     Any officer  elected or appointed by the Board of Directors  may be removed
at any time, with or without cause, by the affirmative vote of a majority of the
Board of Directors.

     Section 5.7. PERFORMANCE BONDS.

     The Board of  Directors,  may,  by  resolution,  require any and all of the
officers to give bonds to this Corporation,  with sufficient surety or sureties,
conditioned  for the  faithful  performance  of the  duties of their  respective
offices,  and to  comply  with  such  other  duties  as may from time to time be
required by the Board of Directors.

                                   ARTICLE VI

                             DIVIDENDS AND FINANCES

     Section 6.1. DIVIDENDS.

     The Board of Directors of this Corporation may, from time to time, declare,
and this  Corporation  may pay,  dividends  as permitted by law on its shares in
cash, property,  or its own shares, except when this Corporation is insolvent or
when the payment thereof would render this Corporation insolvent.


     Section 6.2. RESERVES.

     Before making any distribution of profits there may be set aside out of the
net profits of this  Corporation such sum or sums as the directors may from time
to time, in their absolute discretion, deem expedient, as a reserve fund to meet
contingencies,  or for equalizing dividends,  or for maintaining any property of
this  Corporation,  or for any other  purpose,  and any  profits of any year not
distributed  as  dividends  shall be deemed  to have  been thus set apart  until
otherwise disposed of by the Board of Directors.

     Section 6.3. DEPOSIT OF MONIES.

     Monies  of  this  Corporation  shall  be  deposited  in the  name  of  this
Corporation  in such banks or trust  companies as the Board of  Directors  shall
designate, and shall be drawn out only by checks signed by persons designated by
resolution by the Board of Directors.

                                   ARTICLE VII

                                BOOKS AND RECORDS

     Section 7.1. BOOKS AND RECORDS.

     (a) This  Corporation  shall keep correct and complete books and records of
accounts and shall keep minutes of the proceedings of its shareholders, Board of
Directors, and committees of directors.

     (b) This Corporation shall keep at its registered office or principal place
of business,  or at the office of its transfer  agent or registrar,  a record of
its shareholders,  giving the names and addresses of all  shareholders,  and the
number, class, and series, if any, of the shares held by each.

     (c) Any books,  records, and minutes may be in written form or in any other
form capable of being converted into written form within a reasonable time.


     Any  person  who shall  have been a holder of record of one  quarter of one
percent of the shares or of voting trust certificates  therefor for at least six
months immediately  preceding his demand or shall be the holder of record of, or
the holder of record of voting trust  certificates for, at least five percent of
the outstanding shares of any class or series of this Corporation,  upon written
demand stating the purpose thereof,  shall have the right to examine,  in person
or by agent or attorney, at any reasonable time or times and for any proper


purpose,  its relevant  books and records of accounts,  minutes,  and records of
shareholders and to make extracts therefrom.


     (a) Unless modified by resolution of the  shareholders  not later than four
months after the close of each fiscal year,  this  Corporation  shall  prepare a
balance  sheet  showing in  reasonable  detail the  financial  condition  of the
Corporation  as of the close of its fiscal year, and a profit and loss statement
showing the results of the operations of the Corporation during its fiscal year.

     (b) Upon the written  request of any  shareholder or holder of voting trust
certificates for shares of the Corporation,  the Corporation  shall mail to such
shareholder  or holder of voting  trust  certificates  a copy of its most recent
balance sheet and profit and loss statement.

     (c) The balance sheets and profit and loss statement  shall be filed in the
registered  office of the Corporation in this state,  shall be kept for at least
five years,  and shall be subject to  inspection  during  business  hours by any
shareholder or holder of voting trust certificates, in person or by agent.

                                  ARTICLE VIII


     The  corporate  seal of this  Corporation  shall  consist of an  impression
bearing the words and figures:  "Family Steak Houses of Florida,  Inc. - Florida
1985." Such seal as impressed  upon the margin of these Bylaws is hereby adopted
as the corporate seal of this Corporation.

                                   ARTICLE IX


     Section 9.1. BY THE CORPORATION.

     Unless otherwise directed by the Board of Directors,  the Chairman,  and in
his absence the President, shall have full power and authority on behalf of this
Corporation to attend and to act and to vote at any meeting of the  shareholders
of any  Corporation of which this  Corporation  may hold stock,  and at any such
meeting shall possess and may exercise all of the rights and powers  incident to
the ownership of such stock,  and which, as the owner thereof,  this Corporation
might have possessed and exercised if present.


     Section 9.2. BY PROXY OR CONSENT.

     Whenever,  in the judgment of the Chief Executive Officer,  it is desirable
for this  Corporation  to execute a proxy or give a  shareholder's  consent with
respect to any shares of stock issued by any other Corporation and owned by this
Corporation,  such  proxy  or  consent  shall  be  executed  in the name of this
Corporation by the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer or Secretary
without necessity of any authorization by the Board of Directors.  Any person or
persons  designated  in the  manner  above  as the  proxy  or  proxies  of  this
Corporation  shall have full right,  power,  and authority to vote the shares of
stock issued by such other Corporation and owned by this Corporation in the same
manner and to the same extent as such shares might be voted by this Corporation.

     Section 9.3. BY OTHER PERSONS.

     The Board of Directors may confer  similar  powers upon any other person or
persons, in its discretion, from time to time.

                                    ARTICLE X

                               AMENDMENT OF BYLAWS

     Alteration,  amendment, or repeal of these Bylaws may be made by a majority
vote of the Board of Directors at any regular or special meeting.
