U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

                              Washington, DC 20549

                                   Form 10-QSB

              [X] QUARTERLY REPORT UNDER SECTION 13 or 15(d) OF THE
                         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                    For quarterly period ended June 30, 1997

                             Commission file number

                             QUALITY PRODUCTS, INC.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

             Delaware                                            75-2273221
   (State or other jurisdiction                                 (IRS Employer
of incorporation or organization)                            Identification No.)

                      560 Dublin Avenue, Columbus, OH 43215
                    (Address of principal executive offices)

                                 (614) 228-8120
                           (Issuer's telephone number)
Check  whether the issuer (1) filed all reports  required to be filed by Section
13 or 15(d) of the  Exchange  Act during the past 12 months (or for such shorter
period that the registrant was required to file such reports),  and (2) has been
subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days.

                              (1) Yes__X__  No_____

As of June 30, 1997 there were  2,395,680  shares of the Company's  common stock



                                                                      June 30,
Current Assets
         Cash                                                       $   500,782
         Certificate of Deposit (Note B)                                 40,739
         Accounts receivable                                            817,162
         Inventories                                                    641,038
         Other current assets                                            19,532
Total Current Assets                                                  2,019,253

Property, plant and equipment                                           838,807
         Less accumulated depreciation                                 (806,133)
         Net property, plant and equipment                               32,654

TOTAL ASSETS                                                        $ 2,051,907

                             See accompanying notes




                                                                      June 30,

Current Liabilities
         Bank indebtedness                                            1,275,000
         Accounts payable                                             1,197,479
         Accrued expenses                                               118,387
         Due to related party                                            28,000
Total Current Liabilities                                             2,618,866

         Long-term unsecured note payable                               502,500
Total Long-term Liabilities                                             502,500
TOTAL LIABILITIES                                                     3,121,366

Commitments and Contingencies (Note C)

         Preferredstock,  convertible, voting,
               par value  $.00001, authorized
               10,000,000 shares, issued and
               outstanding 25
         Common stock, $.00001 par value,
               authorized 20,000,000 shares,
               issued and outstanding,
               2,395,680 shares                                              24
         Additional paid-in capital                                  29,918,597
         Retained earnings (deficit)                                (25,962,108)


               Treasury stock, 255,708 shares                        (5,025,972)
               Total Stockholders Equity (deficiency)                (1,069,459)

TOTAL LIABILITIES and STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY                         $  2,051,907

                             See accompanying notes



                                             For the nine months ended     For the three months ended
                                                      June 30                       June 30
                                             --------------------------    --------------------------
                                                 1997           1996           1997           1996
                                                 ----           ----           ----           ----
                                             (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)
Net Sales                                    $ 4,864,011    $ 3,624,545    $ 1,730,069    $ 1,216,460
Cost of Goods Sold                             3,036,733      2,471,915      1,082,336        820,777
                                             -----------    -----------    -----------    -----------
     Gross Profit                              1,827,278      1,152,630        647,733        395,683
Selling, General, &
  Administrative Expenses                        919,860      1,261,036        308,036        339,015
                                             -----------    -----------    -----------    -----------
    Operating Income (loss)                      907,418       (108,406)       339,697         56,668
Other Income or (Expense)
     Interest Expense                           (117,776)      (401,102)       (37,930)       (57,056)
     Litigation Settlements                         --         (667,029)          --          (14,100)
     Accrued Contingent
         Expense                                    --          (42,012)          --             --

     Other                                       (11,064)       (15,175)        (2,283)        (4,960)
                                             -----------    -----------    -----------    -----------
Total Other Income                              (128,840)    (1,125,318)       (40,213)       (76,116)
Income (Loss) Before                             778,578     (1,233,724)       299,484        (18,448)
   Extraordinary Item
Extraordinary Item                                80,934           --             --             --

     Net Income (loss)                       $   859,512    ($1,233,724)   $   299,484    ($   18,448)
                                             ===========    ===========    ===========    ===========
Per Common Share Data:
Net income (Loss) Before
Extraordinary Item                           $      0.33    ($     0.58)   $      0.13    ($     0.01)
                                             -----------    -----------    -----------    -----------
Net Income (loss) - primary                  $      0.36    ($     0.58)   $      0.13    ($     0.01)
                  - fully diluted            $      0.24           --      $      0.08           --
                                             ===========    ===========    ===========    ===========
  Weighted average used
  in per share calculations
                     - primary                 2,395,680      2,116,514      2,395,680      2,395,680
                     - fully diluted           3,587,346           --        3,587,746           --
                                             ===========    ===========    ===========    ===========

                             See accompanying notes



                                                    For the nine months ended
                                                              June 30,
                                                        1997           1996
                                                        ----           ----
                                                    (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)
Cash Flows From Operating Activities:
   Net Income (Loss)                                $   859,512    ($1,233,724)

Adjustments to reconcile  net income
     (loss) to net cash  provided by (used for)
     operating activities:
       Depreciation and amortization                     11,064         14,006
       Stock compensation                                  --           20,937
       Restricted cash                                  101,154          1,505
       Accounts receivable                             (164,932)       (63,091)
       Inventories                                      (47,531)       (70,137)
       Other assets                                      (4,916)        (6,636)
       Accounts payable                                 156,588        (86,201)
       Accrued expenses                                (163,873)        39,387
       Due to related party                             (47,000)        81,979
       Accounts receivable from liquidation                --        5,430,174
                                                    -----------    -----------
       Cash provided by (used in)operating 
          activities                                    700,066      4,268,473

Cash Flows From Investing Activities:
     Capital expenditures                               (16,845)       (17,574)
                                                    -----------    -----------
Net Cash provided by (used in) investing 
          activities                                    (16,845)       (17,574)
Cash Flows From Financing Activities:
     Repayments to Officer                                 --         (333,202)
     Repayments - Notes payable                        (193,033)    (4,506,807)
     Unsecured note payable issued                        2,500        500,000
                                                    -----------    -----------
    Cash provided by (used in) financing 
          activities                                   (190,533)    (4,340,009)
    Net increase (decrease) in cash                     492,688        (89,110)
Cash at Beginning of Period                               8,094         93,350
                                                    -----------    -----------
Cash at End of Period                               $   500,782    $     4,240
                                                    ===========    ===========

                             See accompanying notes


                                                QUALITY PRODUCTS, INC. & SUBSIDIARIES
                                               For the Nine Months Ended June 30, 1996

                                                                                       Additional                         Total
                                            Common Stock              Treasury          Paid-In       Accumulated      Stockholders'
                                       Shares           Amount          Stock           Capital          Deficit          Equity
                                    ------------     ------------    ------------     ------------    ------------     ------------
As of Sept. 30, 1995                   1,976,931     $         20    ($ 5,025,972)    $ 29,897,664    ($24,975,829)    ($   104,117)
Stock Issuance:
     Bonus                               279,166                3                           13,955                           13,958
     Severance                           139,583                1                            6,978                            6,979
Net Loss                                                                                                (1,233,724)      (1,233,724)
                                    ------------     ------------    ------------     ------------    ------------     ------------
As of June 30,1996                     2,395,680     $         24    ($ 5,025,972)    $ 29,918,597    ($26,209,553)    ($ 1,316,904)
                                    ============     ============    ============     ============    ============     ============

                             See accompanying notes


                                                QUALITY PRODUCTS, INC. & SUBSIDIARIES
                                               For the Nine Months Ended June 30, 1996

                                                                                       Additional                         Total
                                            Common Stock              Treasury          Paid-In       Accumulated      Stockholders'
                                       Shares           Amount          Stock           Capital          Deficit          Equity
                                    ------------     ------------    ------------     ------------    ------------     ------------
As of Sept. 30, 1996                    2,395,680    $         24    ($ 5,025,972)    $ 29,918,597    ($26,821,620)    ($ 1,928,971)

Net Income (Loss)                                                                                          859,512          859,512
                                     ------------    ------------    ------------     ------------    ------------     ------------
As of June 30, 1997                     2,395,680    $         24    ($ 5,025,972)    $ 29,918,597    ($25,962,108)    ($ 1,069,459)
                                     ============    ============    ============     ============    ============     ============

                             See accompanying notes



Note A -- Basis of Presentation

The  accompanying  unaudited  condensed  consolidated  financial  statements are
presented in accordance with the  requirements  for Form 10-QSB and consequently
do not include all the  disclosures  normally  required  by  generally  accepted
accounting  principles.  Reference should be made to the Quality Products,  Inc.
(the  "Company")  Form  10-KSB  for the  year  ended  September  30,  1996,  for
additional disclosures including a summary of the Company's accounting policies,
which have not significantly changed.

The  information  furnished  reflects  all  adjustments  (all of which were of a
normal recurring  nature) which are, in the opinion of management,  necessary to
fairly present the financial position,  results of operations, and cash flows on
a consistent  basis.  Operating results for the three and nine months ended June
30, 1997, are not necessarily indicative of the results that may be expected for
the year ending September 30, 1997.

Note B - Certificate of Deposit

A  Certificate  of Deposit is held at the Company's  bank as collateral  for the
Letter of Credit securing the Company's  potential  obligations for its Worker's
Compensation  policy.  The policy expires November 30, 1997.  During the quarter
ended June 30,  1997,  $59,287 was drawn on the Letter of Credit to pay past due
obligations,  $39,843  was used to reduce  bank  indebtedness  and  $42,000  was
renewed until November 30, 1997.

Note C - Commitments and Contingencies

     For further  information on commitments and contingencies,  please refer to
     Part II, Item 1 entitled Legal Proceedings.

Note D - Cash Flow Information

     The Company's non-cash investing and financing activities and cash payments
     for  interest  and income  taxes were as follows:  
                                        Nine Months Ended     Three Months Ended
                                             June 30,             June 30, 
                                         1997       1996       1997       1996 
                                         ----       ----       ----       ---- 
Cash paid for interest                 $117,776   $401,102   $ 37,930   $ 57,056

Common Stock issued for
     Officer /Employee bonuses                    $ 13,958       --         --
     Officer Severance                            $  6,979       --         --


                                  OF OPERATIONS

Three and Nine Months Ended June 30, 1997 compared to
Three and Nine Months Ended June 30, 1996

     Consolidated  net sales for the three and nine  months  ended June 30, 1997
were  $1,730,069  and  $4,864,001,  respectively,  as compared to $1,216,460 and
$3,624,545  for the  corresponding  periods in the prior year.  The  increase in
sales of 42% and 30%, in the current three and nine month periods, is due to the
hiring of an additional  sales person,  the hiring of a new marketing  executive
and the addition of new, more active  manufacturing  representatives  in certain
territories  in the United  States.  As the  Company's  financial  condition has
improved slightly, it has also been able to commence a modest marketing program.

     Gross profit was $647,733,  or 37% of sales for the three months ended June
30, 1997 and $1,827,278, or 37% of sales for the nine months ended June 30, 1997
as compared to  $395,683,  or 32% of sales for the three  months  ended June 30,
1996 and  $1,152,630,  or 32% of sales for the nine months  ended June 30, 1996.
Gross profit increased on an absolute basis and as a percentage of sales because
of  the  increase  in  sales,   reductions  in  costs  of  materials  and  plant

     Selling,  general and  administrative  expenses  ("SG&A") were $308,036 and
$919,860  for the  three and nine  months  ended  June 30,  1997  compared  with
$339,015 and $1,261,036 for the  corresponding  periods in the prior year.  SG&A
was 17.8% and 18.9% of sales  during  the three and nine  months  ended June 30,
1997 compared to 27.9% and 34.8% during the  corresponding  periods in the prior
year.  These costs  decreased  on an absolute  and  percentage  basis during the
current  three and nine month  periods due to the increase in sales and overhead
reductions  including the closing of Company offices,  terminating  leases,  and
reducing  personnel.   Furthermore,   legal  and  accounting  expenses  declined
substantially  from the  corresponding  periods in the prior year as the Company
resolved a significant number of the legal proceedings in which it was involved.
Selling,  general and  administrative  expenses  increased slightly in the third
quarter over the second  quarter as the Company's  lender charged the Company in
the third quarter  approximately $49,448 in legal fees that had accrued over the
period of the loan.

     Interest  expense was $37,930  and  $117,766  for the three and nine months
ended June 30, 1997,  respectively,  compared  with $57,056 and $401,102 for the
corresponding  periods in the prior year. The decrease is due to the substantial
reduction in bank indebtedness and the reduction in the interest rate charged on
the bank indebtedness. Offsetting this decrease was the interest of $22,500 paid
during  the nine  months  ended June 30,  1997 to PI,  Inc.  resulting  from the
issuance of a five year $500,000 6% convertible  promissory note during the last
half of fiscal 1996. No such interest was paid during the corresponding  periods
in the prior year.

     The  Company did not incur any  litigation  settlement  expense  during the
three and nine months  ended June 30, 1997  compared to $14,100 and  $667,029 of
such expenses incurred during the corresponding  three and nine month periods in
the prior year. The  significant  decline is due to the fact that  substantially
all of the litigation  brought against the Company had been settled or otherwise
recorded on the  financial  statements of the Company  during the  corresponding
periods in the prior year.  The Company has  outstanding  judgments  against it,
including two judgments


aggregating  approximately $375,000. The Company's inability to reduce or settle
these judgments will have a materially adverse effect on the Company's financial

     Net income for the nine months ended June 30, 1997 was $859,512,  including
an $80,934  extraordinary  gain on the sale of shares  previously  written  off.
Income (loss) before  extraordinary  item during the three and nine months ended
June 30, 1997 was $299,484 and  $778,578,  respectively  compared with losses of
$18,448 and $1,233,724,  respectively,  during the corresponding  periods in the
prior year. This increase in income is due to the increase in sales during these
periods, and the significant reduction in all major expenses.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

     As of June 30,  1997,  the  Company  had a working  capital  deficiency  of
$599,013 as compared to working capital deficiencies of $889,720, $1,187,758 and
$1,455,044  at March  31,  1997,  December  31,  1996 and  September  30,  1996,

     Cash generated from  operations  during the nine months ended June 30, 1997
was $700,066 resulting  primarily from net income generated during the period of
$859,512 offset by the net reduction in accrued expenses during the period.

     Cash is used by the  Company,  first,  to reduce  its  indebtedness  to its
secured  lender and second,  to reduce via  settlement  or  otherwise  non-trade
unsecured  accounts  payable and other  obligations  which were not  incurred in
connection with the Company's  current  operating  activities.  Secured debt was
reduced by approximately  $193,000 (exclusive of approximately $49,000 in lender
legal  fees also paid  during the  period)  and  accounts  payable  and  accrued
expenses,  other than Multipress  accounts payable,  were reduced  substantially
during the period.

     Management  continues  to focus on the steps  needed to continue to operate
the Company as a going concern.  The Company is attempting to increase the sales
and net income of  Multipress,  reduce  secured  bank  indebtedness,  settle and
eliminate  other  obligations  and  resolve  the  remaining  legal  proceedings.
Although the Company's  financial  condition  has improved,  no assurance can be
given that improvements will continue.

     In  August  1997,  the  Company  entered  into a letter  of  intent  with a
broker-dealer to sell in a private  placement  $1,500,000 of secured debt, to be
secured by all of the Company's  assets,  with the proceeds being used primarily
to replace the Company's  existing  secured debt. The  noteholders and placement
agent  would also  receive  warrants  to  purchase  up to 660,000  shares of the
Company's common stock. The Company would also grant a security  interest in all
of its assets to the  broker-dealer  for a previously  unsecured  $500,000  note
which the broker-dealer purchased in August 1997 from the noteholder. The letter
of intent is  non-binding,  and no  assurance  can be given  that the  financing
contemplated thereby will be consummated.


                                     PART II

Item 1. Legal Proceedings

     In March  1995,  Howard S.  Klein sued the  Company  in the  United  States
District Court,  Eastern  District of  Pennsylvania  for alleged lost profits of
approximately $500,000 on Company stock he purchased from 1989-1993, plus actual
losses incurred of approximately  $50,000. On October 3, 1996, the Court granted
the Company  summary  judgment and dismissed  the case against the Company.  The
plaintiff  appealed to the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit,
and in June 1997,  the Court of Appeals  affirmed the judgment in the  Company's

     The SEC notified the Company of an investigation in 1994. In November 1996,
the SEC  filed an  administrative  action  against  the  Company  (SEC  Case No.
3-9186), charging that the Company (1) issued misleading press releases in March
1994 concerning a proposed  agreement  between Disney and QPI Consumer  Products
Corporation;  (2) overstated the value of engineering drawings of QPI Multipress
in financial  statements  contained  in periodic SEC reports;  and (3) failed to
file periodic  reports  since the quarter  ended June 30, 1995.  The SEC and the
Company settled all charges against the Company, without payment of any money by
the Company, by a consent decree whereby the Company neither admitted nor denied
the charges and agreed not to violate federal securities laws in the future.

     A supplier for QPI Consumer,  the Brookwood  Companies  sued the Company in
December 1995 in Hillsborough County Court in Tampa,  Florida, for approximately
$150,000  for goods sold for use by QPI  Consumer.  The trial took place in May,
1997, and in June 1997, the Court awarded Brookwood judgment against the Company
for approximately $146,000 plus statutory interest from December 1995. In August
1997, the Company reached an agreement to settle the judgment.

     Various legal actions and proceedings are pending or are threatened against
the Company and its  subsidiaries.  These actions and  proceedings  arise in the
ordinary  course  of the  Company's  business.  None of the  litigation  matters
currently  pending  against the  Company,  aside from the  matters  specifically
discussed above, is deemed material by management of the Company.

Item 3. Defaults Upon Senior Securities.

     As of June 30,  1997,  the Company was in default  with  respect to,  among
other things, the financial covenants with respect to its bank indebtedness. The
aggregate amount of such  indebtedness,  all of which matured upon default,  was
approximately $1.275 million.


Item 6 - Exhibits and Reports of Form 8-k

     a). Exhibits

          27.1 - Financial Data Schedule

     b). Reports on Form 8-K

          Not Applicable



In accordance  with the  requirements  of the Exchange Act, the  registrant  has
caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned  thereunto duly

                                        Quality Products, Inc.

Date: August 11, 1997                   By:  /s/Bruce C. Weaver
                                             Bruce C. Weaver
                                             President (Principal Executive
                                             Officer and Principal Financial
                                             And Accounting Officer)
