Washington, D. C. 20549

Current Report on Form 8-K Pursuant  to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities 
Exchange Act of 1934

Date of Report:   October 20, 1997                   Commission File:  0-9416


             (Exact Name of Registrant as specified in its charter)

         Delaware                                         13-2879202

(State or other Jurisdiction of                (IRS Employer Identification No.)
Incorporation or Organization)

                   76 Beaver Street, New York, New York 10005

                    (Address of Principal Executive Offices)

Registrants Telephone Number
Including area code:                                              (212) 344-2828

                                  Page 1 of 10

Item 1.  Changes in Control of Registrant.

         See Item 5 below.

Item 2.  Acquisition or Disposition of Assets.

         See Item 5 below.

Item 5.  Other Events.

     On  September  25,  1997,  the Company  entered  into a letter of intent to
acquire all certain companies owned by prominent New Jersey businessman, William
C. Martucci, in exchange for stock equal to approximately 85% of the outstanding
shares of the Company.  The consummation of the transactions are predicated upon
the  completion  of  customary  due  diligence,   the  execution  of  definitive
agreements and the approval of Franklin  stockholders  of the  transaction.  The
Company expects to execute a definitive agreement outlining the specifics of its
agreements with Mr. Martucci in the upcoming weeks at which time it will release
information regarding the same to the public.

Item 7.  Financial Statements and Exhibits.

         Financial Statements



         (a) Letter of Intent, dated September 25, 1997, by and between Franklin
         Consolidated Mining Co., Inc. and William C. Martucci

         (b) Press Release, dated October 20, 1997.

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     Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
Registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                              FRANKLIN CONSOLIDATED
                                              MINING CO., INC.

Dated:   October 20, 1997                    /s/ J. Terry Anderson
                                             J. Terry Anderson, President

                                  Page 3 of 10

                                    Exhibit A

                                                              September 25, 1997

Mr. William Martucci
c/o United Grocers Clearing House, Inc.
3 Dundar Road
Springfield, New Jersey 07081

Dear Mr. Martucci:

     This will confirm our  understanding  concerning  the proposed  purchase by
Franklin  Consolidated  Mining Co.,  Inc., a Delaware  corporation  (hereinafter
Franklin)  of certain  assets owned or  controlled  by you  (hereinafter  WM) in
exchange for 85% of the common stock of Franklin (hereinafter, the Transaction).
This letter does not contain all matters upon which agreement must be reached in
order for the Transaction to be consummated, but is intended to bind the parties
to certain  of the  material  provisions  of the  Transaction.  The terms of our
understanding are as follows:

     1. WM shall transfer or cause to be  transferred to Franklin,  assets equal
to the fair market value of 85% of  Franklin,  the value of such assets and fair
market value of such  percentage  of the Company to be determined by the parties
and their respective  advisors.  Franklin further agrees that it shall, upon the
execution and delivery of definitive agreements and as a condition of closing of
the Transaction,  
                                  Page 4 of 10

cause a special  meeting of its  stockholders  to be  convened  to,  among other
things,  approve all of terms and  conditions of the  Transaction,  effectuate a
reverse stock split of Franklin  common stock in a ratio to be determined by the
parties  hereto and its  advisors,  change the name of  Franklin to such name as
shall be determined  by the parties,  elect a new board of directors and appoint
independent auditors of Franklin.

     2. In  exchange  for such  assets,  Franklin  will,  at the  closing of the
Transaction,  cause to be issued to WM, or his nominee, such number of shares as
shall equal 85% of the total issued and outstanding shares of Franklin as of the
date of the closing of the Transaction.

     3. WM  further  agrees  that he shall  loan,  or cause to be  loaned to the
Franklin  such funds as may be necessary  to allow  Franklin to proceed with the
Transaction.  Franklin  hereby  agrees that it shall  provide  security for such
loans in a form satisfactory to WM.

     4. The parties hereto further agree that the current  directors of Franklin
shall be given  such  compensation  for  their  years of  service  as is  deemed
appropriate by the parties hereto.

     The parties  agree that the terms and  conditions  of this letter are to be
kept  confidential  and shall be treated as such until such time as the  parties
shall  agree  to  publicly  disclose  the  same.  As soon as the  parties  shall
determine  that the terms of this letter  should be  announced  publicly but not
later than three  business  days from the date of the  execution  of  definitive
agreements, Franklin shall issue a press

                                  Page 5 of 10

release in the form and substance agreeable to the parties.

     Following your signature, the parties will cause their respective officers,
employees,   attorneys,  agents,  investment  bankers,  accountants,  and  other
representatives  working on the  Transaction  to cooperate  with each other with
respect to the Transaction  until the Transaction is consummated or negotiations
with respect thereto are terminated.

     Following your  signature,  the parties agree that until the Transaction is
consummated or  negotiations  with respect  thereto are  terminated,  to conduct
their  respective  business and  operations in all respects only in the ordinary
course unless otherwise consented to in writing by the other party.

     Following  your   signature,   until  the  Transaction  is  consummated  or
negotiations with respect thereto are terminated,  each party will afford to the
officers,  employees,  attorneys,  agents, investment bankers,  accountants, and
other  representatives  of the other party working on the  Transaction  free and
full access to its plants,  properties,  books, and records, will permit them to
make extracts  from and copies of such books and records,  and will from time to
time furnish them with such  additional  financial and operating  data and other
information  as to its financial  condition,  results of  operations,  business,
properties,  assets,  liabilities, or future prospects as they from time to time
may request.  Each party will cause its independent certified public accountants
to make  available  to the other  party  and its  independent  certified  public
accountant, the work papers relating to any audit of its financial

                                  Page 6 of 10

statements in the last three years.

     Each party shall insure that all confidential  information,  including, but
not  limited  to,  the  terms of this  letter,  which  such  party or any of its
respective  officers,  directors,   employees,   attorneys,  agents,  investment
bankers,  or  accountants  may now  possess  or may  hereafter  create or obtain
relating  to  the  financial   condition,   results  of  operations,   business,
properties,  assets,  liabilities,  or future  prospects of the other party, any
affiliate of the other party, or any customer or supplier of such other party or
any such affiliate shall not be published,  disclosed, or made accessible by any
of them to any other  person  or  entity at any time or used by any of them,  in
each case without the prior written  consent of the other party,  or in the case
of the terms of this  letter,  without the prior  consent of both parties as set
forth herein;  provided,  however,  that the restrictions of this sentence shall
not apply (a) as may  otherwise  be required by law,  (b) as may be necessary or
appropriate in connection  with the  enforcement of this  Agreement,  (c) to the
extent such information shall have otherwise become publicly  available,  or (d)
as to WM, to disclosure by or on its behalf to existing or  prospective  lenders
or to others  whose  consent may be required or  desirable  in  connection  with
obtaining  the  financing  or  consents  which  are  required  or  desirable  to
consummate the Transaction.  Each party shall, and shall cause all of such other
persons and entities who received  confidential  data from it to, deliver to the
other party all tangible evidence of such confidential  information to which the
restrictions of the foregoing  sentence apply at such time as negotiations  with
respect to the Transaction are terminated

                                  Page 7 of 10

before the  parties  enter into any formal  agreement  as  contemplated  by this
letter of intent.

     Unless otherwise terminated in accordance with this paragraph,  this letter
constitutes a binding  agreement  among the parties and constitutes an agreement
by the parties to use their best  efforts to  negotiate,  execute and deliver of
formal  agreements  setting forth all of the terms and conditions upon which the
Transaction may be  consummated.  It is understood that this is a binding letter
of intent  and the  parties  hereto  agree to the  contents  hereof and agree to
proceed in good faith to work out the details of the  Transaction;  however,  WM
may, upon written notice to Franklin, terminate its obligations hereunder at any
time  prior  to  the  execution  of   definitive   agreements   (hereinafter   a
Termination). In the event of a Termination,  neither party shall have any legal
obligation to the other (other than those obligations contained in the preceding
paragraph  of  this  letter,  and the  obligations  contained  in the  preceding
paragraph  shall  continue  to apply  after  negotiations  with  respect  to the
Transaction  are  terminated).  This letter may not be assigned by either of the
parties  hereto.  Neither  party  shall be  responsible  for any of the  other's
expenses  in  connection  with  the  negotiations,  documents,  or  transactions
contemplated hereby, except as otherwise contemplated herein

     If this letter accurately reflects our understanding, please so indicate by
signing  the  original  and  duplicate  of this  letter,  and  returning a fully
executed copy to the undersigned , so that we can promptly  commence work on the
formal documents

                                  Page 8 of 10

 relating to the Transaction.

                                                     Very truly yours,

                                                     Franklin Consolidated
                                                     Mining Co., Inc.

                                                     By: /s/ J. Terry Anderson
                                                             J. Terry Anderson

Accepted and agreed to
this 25th  day of September, 1997

/s/ William C. Martucci
- ----------------------------
William Martucci

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                                    Exhibit B

For Immediate Release

     New York,  New York October 20, 1997 -  Franklin  Consolidated  Mining Co.,
Inc., a Delaware  corporation  (NASDAQ Symbol FKCM)  announced today that it has
entered  into a letter of intent to acquire  the  outstanding  shares of certain
companies  owned by prominent  New Jersey  businessman,  William C.  Martucci in
exchange for stock equal to approximately  85% of the outstanding  shares of the
Company's  common  stock.  The  Company and Mr.  Martucci  expect to release the
specific details of their shared vision within a matter of weeks.

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