SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
                                (AMENDMENT NO. )

Filed by the Registrant [X]

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ]
  Check the appropriate box:
  [ ] Preliminary Proxy Statement    [ ] Confidential, for Use of the Commission
                                         Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))

[X] Definitive Proxy Statement

[ ] Definitive Additional Materials

[ ] Soliciting Material Pursuant to (S)240.1.4a-11(c) or (S)240.1.4a-12

                                  PIXTECH, INC.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

                                  PIXTECH, INC.
                   (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement)

Payment of Filing Fee (check the appropriate box):

[X] No fee required

[ ] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i) (4) and 0-11.

     (1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
     (2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

     (3)  Per unit  price  or other  underlying  value of  transaction  computed
          pursuant to Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the
          filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

     (4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

     (5)  Total fee paid:

[ ] Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[ ] Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange  Act Rule
0-11 (a) (2) and  identify  the  filing  for which the  offsetting  fee was paid

Identify the previous filing by registration  statement  number,  or the Form or
Schedule and the date of its filing.
     (1)  Amount Previously Paid:

     (2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

     (3)  Filing Party:

     (4)  Date Filed:

                                  PIXTECH, INC.


The 1998 Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders  of PixTech,  Inc. will be held at the
Grand Hyatt,  Park Avenue,  Grand  Central,  in New York, New York, at 3 p.m. on
Wednesday, March 25, 1998 for the following purposes:

1. To elect two  directors  to hold  office for a term of three  years and until
their respective successors are elected and qualified.

2. To transact such other  business as may be in furtherance of or incidental to
the foregoing or as may otherwise properly come before the meeting.

Only  stockholders  of record at the close of business on February 23, 1998 will
be entitled to vote at the meeting or any  adjournment  thereof.  A list of such
stockholders  will be open for  examination by any  stockholder  for any purpose
germane to the meeting for ten days before the meeting during ordinary  business
hours  at the  offices  of  Palmer  & Dodge  LLP,  One  Beacon  Street,  Boston,
Massachusetts 02108.


                                             By order of the Board of Directors,

                                                       MICHAEL LYTTON, Secretary

Dated: February 24, 1998

                                  PIXTECH, INC.

               Avenue Olivier Perroy, Zone Industrielle de Rousset
                              13790 Rousset France
                         Telephone 011 33 (0)442 29 1000


                                 Proxy Statement


The enclosed  proxy is solicited on behalf of the Board of Directors of PixTech,
Inc. (the  "Company") for use at the 1998 Annual Meeting of  Stockholders  to be
held  on  Wednesday,  March  25,  1998,  and at any  adjournments  thereof.  The
approximate date on which this proxy statement and accompanying  proxy are first
being sent or given to security holders is February 26, 1998.

The principal  business expected to be transacted at the meeting,  as more fully
described below, will be the election of two directors.

The authority granted by an executed proxy may be revoked at any time before its
exercise by filing with the  Secretary of the Company a written  revocation or a
duly executed  proxy bearing a later date or by voting in person at the meeting.
Shares  represented  by  valid  proxies  will be voted  in  accordance  with the
specifications in the proxies.  If no specifications  are made, the proxies will
be voted to elect  the  directors  nominated  by the Board of  Directors  and to
approve the other proposals listed in the notice on the cover page of this proxy

The Company will bear the cost of the  solicitation  of proxies,  including  the
charges and expenses of brokerage  firms and others for forwarding  solicitation
material to beneficial owners of stock. In addition to the use of mails, proxies
may be  solicited  by  officers  and  employees  of the  Company in person or by


Only  stockholders  of record at the close of business on February 23, 1998 will
be entitled to vote at the meeting.  On that date,  the Company had  outstanding
13,762,732 shares of Common Stock, $0.01 par value (the "Common Stock"), each of
which is entitled to one vote. A majority in interest of the outstanding  Common
Stock,  represented  at the meeting in person or by proxy,  constitutes a quorum
for the  transaction  of business.  A plurality of the votes cast is required to
elect the nominees for director. Broker non-votes are counted for the purpose of
determining the presence or absence of a quorum for the transaction of business,
but  will  not be  counted  in  determining  the  shares  entitled  to vote on a
particular  matter nor treated as votes cast. (A "broker non-vote" occurs when a
registered  broker holding a customer's shares in the name of the broker has not
received  voting  instructions  on the matter  from the  customer,  is barred by
applicable rules from exercising  discretionary  voting authority in the matter,
and so indicates on the proxy.) Abstentions will not be treated as votes cast in
the election of directors.

                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

The number of directors is fixed at five for the coming year and is divided into
three  classes  with the members of each class  holding  office for a three year
term.  At the meeting,  two  directors  will be elected to hold office for three
years  and  until  their   successors  are  elected  and  qualified.   Jean  Luc
Grand-Clement  and William C. Schmidt,  who are presently  serving as directors,
have been nominated for re-election by the Board of Directors. Unless a properly
signed and  returned  proxy  withholds  authority to vote for one or more of the
nominees or is a broker non-vote,  the shares  represented by such proxy will be
voted for the election of the Board's  nominees as directors.  If either nominee
is unable to serve, which is not expected,  the shares represented by a properly
signed  and  returned  proxy will be voted for such  other  candidate  as may be
nominated by the Board of Directors.

The following table contains certain information about the nominees for director
and each other person whose term of office as a director will continue after the

                                                                       Director   Term   
Name and Age        Business Experience and Other Directorships          Since   Expires 

Jean-Luc            Jean-Luc   Grand-Clement,   a  co-founder  of  the   1992     1998   
Grand-Clement *     Company,  has served as  Chairman  of the Board of              
Age: 58             Directors,  Chief Executive  Officer and President
                    since the  Company's  inception in 1992.  Prior to
                    founding the Company, Mr. Grand-Clement co-founded
                    European Silicon  Structures  ("ES2"),  a European
                    applications  specific integrated circuit supplier
                    for cell based and full custom CMOS products,  and
                    served  as  Chief  Executive  Officer  and then as
                    Chairman of the Board of Directors of ES2 from its
                    founding in 1985 until 1991. From 1967 to 1978 and
                    from 1982 to 1985, Mr.  Grand-Clement held various
                    positions  with Motorola,  Inc.,  most recently as
                    Vice-President  and Assistant  General  Manager of
                    the  Motorola  European  Semiconductor  Group from
                    1983 to 1985. From 1978 to 1982, Mr. Grand-Clement
                    was the Managing Director of Eurotechnique,  a MOS
                    semiconductor design and fabrication joint venture
                    between National  Semiconductor  and Saint-Gobain.
                    Mr.  Grand-Clement  graduated from Ecole Nationale
                    Superieure des Telecommunications in Paris.       
Jean-Pierre Noblanc Jean-Pierre  Noblanc  became  a  director  of  the   1995     1999
Age: 59             Company  in May  1995.  From  1994  to  1997,  Mr. 
                    Noblanc was Chairman of the  Supervisory  Board of 
                    SGS Thomson  Microelectronics N.V., a manufacturer 
                    of electronics components of which he is currently 
                    vice-chairman.  Since July 1994,  Mr.  Noblanc has 
                    also been a director of Thomson S.A.  Mr.  Noblanc 
                    has  also   served  as  General   Manager  of  the 
                    Components  Sector of  CEA-Industrie  since  1994. 
                    Prior to joining CEA Industrie, Mr. Noblanc served 
                    at CNET, the Research Center of France Telecom, as 
                    Director of the Applied Research Center of Bagneux 
                    and of the  Microelectronics  Center of  Grenoble, 
                    successively.   Mr.  Noblanc  holds  a  degree  in 
                    engineering     from    the    Ecole    Superieure 
                    d'Electricite  and  a  doctoral  degree  from  the 
                    University of Paris.  Mr.  Noblanc is an Associate 
                    Member of the  Committee  on  Applications  of the 
                    French Academy of Sciences.                        

                                                                       Director   Term   
Name and Age        Business Experience and Other Directorships          Since   Expires 

Pierre-Michel       Pierre-Michel  Piccino  has been a director of the   1994      2000
Piccino             Company  since  May  1994.  In 1987,  Mr.  Piccino 
Age: 53             joined  Baring   Private   Equity   Partners,   an 
                    international private capital company, where he is 
                    a Senior  Partner.  From 1974 to 1987, Mr. Piccino 
                    worked  with  Du Pont  de  Nemours  International, 
                    where  he  held   various   positions   in  sales, 
                    marketing and general management, most recently as 
                    manager of the Europe  and  Middle-East  Packaging 
                    Division.  From  1972 to 1974,  Mr.  Piccino  also 
                    worked  for  the  Batelle  Research  Institute  in 
                    Geneva.   Mr.   Piccino   graduated   from   Ecole 
                    Polytechnique  in  Lausanne,  Switzerland  with  a 
                    degree in mechanical engineering.                  
William C.          William  C.  Schmidt  has been a  director  of the   1992      1998
Schmidt *           Company since 1992.  Since 1988,  Mr.  Schmidt has 
Age: 42             been   an    investment    partner    at    Advent 
                    International,  an  international  venture capital 
                    company,  where he also manages the  activities of 
                    Advent   International's    corporate   investment 
                    programs in Europe. From 1981 to 1987, Mr. Schmidt 
                    worked  as  a  management  consultant  at  Bain  & 
                    Company  in  Europe  and the  United  States.  Mr. 
                    Schmidt holds  degrees from  Williams  College and 
                    Harvard Business School.                           
John A. Hawkins     John A. Hawkins has been a director of the Company   1994      2000
Age: 37             since 1994.  Since August,  1995,  Mr. Hawkins has 
                    been a  founding  partner  of  Generation  Capital 
                    Partners,  L.P., a private investment partnership. 
                    From 1992 until August,  1995,  Mr.  Hawkins was a 
                    general  partner of various funds  affiliated with 
                    Burr,  Egan,  Deleage & Co. He was an associate at 
                    Burr, Egan, Deleage & Co. from 1987 to 1992, prior 
                    to which he was an  associate  with Alex.  Brown & 
                    Sons  Incorporated.  Mr.  Hawkins is a director of 
                    P-Com,  Inc., a  telecommunications  company.  Mr. 
                    Hawkins  holds  degrees from  Harvard  College and 
                    Harvard Business School.                           

* Nominee for election as director

Committees of the Board

The  Audit  Committee,  which  consists  of  Messrs.  Noblanc  and  Schmidt,  is
responsible  for providing the Board of Directors with an independent  review of
the financial  health of the Company and its financial  controls and  reporting.
Its primary  functions  are to  recommend  independent  auditors to the Board of
Directors, review the results of the annual audit and the auditors' reports, and
ensure the adequacy of the  Company's  financial  controls and  procedures.  The
Audit  Committee  met five  times in 1997.  The  Compensation  Committee,  whose
members  in 1997  were  Messrs.  Piccino  and  Hawkins,  acts  for the  Board of
Directors  with  respect  to the  Company's  compensation  practices  and  their
implementation.  It  sets  and  implements  the  compensation  of the  Company's
officers and administers the Amended and Restated 1993 Stock Option Plan and the
1995 Employee Stock Purchase Plan. The Compensation  Committee held two meetings
in 1997.  The entire  Board of Directors  functions  as a nominating  committee,
considering  nominations  submitted by the  Chairman of the Board.  The Board of
Directors held eight meetings  during 1997, and each director  attended at least
75% of all meetings of the Board and of all  committees of the Board on which he

Director Compensation

Director Fees

Non-employee  directors  are  reimbursed  for  expenses  incurred  in  attending
meetings,  and they  also  receive  $1,500  for  each  meeting  of the  Board of
Directors  that they attend,  plus an additional  $4,000 if they attend at least
four meetings in a year.  Such payments may not exceed a total of $10,000 in any
one  year.  Mr.  Grand-Clement,  the only  director  who is an  employee  of the
Company, does not receive additional compensation for his service as a director.

1995 Director Stock Option Plan

The 1995 Director  Stock Option Plan (the  "Director  Plan")  provides that each
director who is not an employee of the Company and who is elected or  re-elected
into office  following the Annual Meeting of Stockholders  receives an automatic
grant of options to purchase  6,000 shares of Common Stock.  The options  become
exercisable in increments of 2,000 shares as follows:  2,000 shares on the grant
date,  and an  additional  2,000  shares  at each of the  following  two  Annual
Meetings of Stockholders so long as the director remains in office.  The options
expire ten years from the grant date.  The exercise  price of each option is the
fair market value of the Common Stock on the day immediately preceding the grant

The  Director  Plan  authorizes  the grant of stock  options to purchase up to a
maximum of 50,000 shares (subject to adjustment in the event of a stock split or
other recapitalization) of Common Stock. Messrs. Noblanc,  Piccino,  Schmidt and
Hawkins are currently  eligible to  participate  under the Director Plan. At the
1997 Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders,  Messrs.  Piccino  and Hawkins  were both
granted an option to purchase 6,000 shares of Common Stock of the Company, at an
exercise price of $3.91 per share.  The next grant of options under the Director
Plan will be on the date of the 1998 Annual Meeting of Stockholders.

Options granted under the Director Plan are not intended to qualify as incentive
stock options under the Internal  Revenue Code.  The exercise of an option under
the Director Plan results in ordinary income to the director and a corresponding
deduction  for the  Company,  in each case equal to the  difference  between the
option price and the fair market value of the shares on the date of exercise.


Summary Compensation Table (1)

The following table provides  summary  information on the cash  compensation and
certain  other  compensation  paid,  awarded,  or accrued by the Company and its
subsidiaries  to or for the Chief  Executive  Officer of the Company and each of
the Company's  other four most highly  compensated  executive  officers for 1997
(collectively, the "Named Executive Officers").

                                                   Annual Compensation                            Awards
Name and Principal Position                    Year          Salary($)           Bonus($)       Options(#)
Jean-Luc Grand-Clement                         1997           $193,708                 --        165,000
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Chairman of the Board, Chief                   1996            212,502                 --         40,000 (2)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Executive Officer, and President               1995            181,639           $100,000        212,893
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Richard Rodriguez                              1997            137,137                 --        172,000
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Executive Vice President,                      1996            104,275                 --        120,000 (2)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Chief Operating Officer
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Francis G. Courreges                           1997            150,850                 --         77,000
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Executive Vice President                       1996            172,053                 --         20,000 (2)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                               1995            165,007             20,082         54,307
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Michel Garcia                                  1997            102,852                 --         56,000
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vice President,                                1996            107,045                 --         15,000 (2)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Industrial Partners                            1995            100,577             10,041         13,333
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Tom M. Holzel                                  1997            122,500                 --         85,000
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vice President,                                1996            122,500                 --         10,000 (2)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Marketing & Sales                              1995             60,000                 --         70,000 (2)

(1) All dollar  amounts  (except for  amounts  paid to Mr.  Holzel)  reflect the
conversion of French  francs to U.S.  dollars at an average  conversion  rate of
4.9796,  5.1147 and 5.8336 French francs to U.S. dollars for 1995, 1996 and 1997

(2) All of these  options have been  terminated  unexercised  as of February 21,

Stock Option Grants in Last Fiscal Year

The following table provides information on stock options granted during 1997 to
the Named Executive  Officers.  In addition,  during 1997, certain stock options
were  terminated  unexercised as described  under "Summary  Compensation  Table"

                               Number of     % of Total                             Potential Realized Value
                              Securities       Options                                  at Assumed Annual
                              Underlying     Granted to   Exercise                    Rates of Stock Price
                                Options       Employees     Price     Expiration     Appreciation for Option
Name                          Granted (#)      in 1997   ($ / share)     Date             Term ($) (1)
                                                                          5%                     10%
Jean-Luc Grand-Clement          40,000(2)        4%         5.58     02/21/2007       140,369      355,723
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                35,000(5)        3%         5.58     02/21/2007       122,823      311,258
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                90,000(6)        8%        3.125     10/28/2007       176,877      448,240
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                               165,000          15%                                   440,069    1,115,221
Richard Rodriguez              120,000(3)       11%         5.58     02/21/2007       421,108    1,067,170
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                10,000(5)        1%         5.58     02/21/2007        35,092       88,931
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                42,000(6)        4%        3.125     10/28/2007        82,542      209,179
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                               172,000          15%                                   538,743    1,365,279
Francis G. Courreges            20,000(2)        2%         5.58     02/21/2007        70,185      177,862
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                20,000(5)        2%         5.58     02/21/2007        70,185      177,862
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                37,000(6)        3%        3.125     10/28/2007        72,716      184,276
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                77,000           7%                                   213,085      540,000
Michel Garcia                   15,000(2)        1%         5.58     02/21/2007        52,638      133,396
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                10,000(5)        1%         5.58     02/21/2007        35,092       88,931
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                31,000(6)        3%        3.125     10/28/2007        60,924      154,394
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                56,000           5%                                   148,655      376,721
Tom M. Holzel                   80,000(4)        7%         5.58     02/21/2007       280,739      711,447
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                 5,000(5)        1%         5.58     02/21/2007        17,546       44,465
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                85,000           8%                                   298,285      755,912

(1) The dollar amounts under these columns are the result of calculations at the
5% and 10% appreciation rates set by the Securities and Exchange Commission of a
value for the Common  Stock equal to the market price of the Common Stock on the
date of grant of the option. These amounts are not intended to forecast possible
future appreciation, if any, in the price of the Common Stock.

(2) These options  become  exercisable  as to 25% of the shares on May 21, 1997,
1998, 1999 and 2000.

(3) These options become  exercisable as to 25% of the shares on April 21, 1997,
1998, 1999 and 2000.

(4) These options become  exercisable as follows:  35,000 shares on February 21,
1997,  20,000  shares on July 21, 1997,  2,500  shares on May 21,  1998,  17,500
shares on July 21,  1998,  2,500  shares on May 21, 1999 and 2,500 shares on May
21, 2000.

(5) These options become exercisable as to 25% of the shares on each of the four
anniversaries of the date of grant.

(6) These  options may be exercised at any time after  October 28, 2002.  Should
the French social  security laws enforced  since January 1997 be amended so that
the Company would no longer have to support the payment of the Company's  social
security  contribution  or other  similar  taxes,  these  options  might  become
exercisable  as to 25% of the shares on October 28, 1997, and on each of October
1 of each of 1998, 1999 and 2000.  Exercisability  may be accelerated if certain
levels of sales and profitability are reached by the Company.

Aggregated Option Exercises in Last Fiscal Year and Year-End Stock Option Values

The following  table sets forth certain  information  concerning the unexercised
stock options as of December 31, 1997 held by the Named Executive  Officers.  No
options were exercised during fiscal year 1997 by any Named Executive Officer.

                                             Number of Securities                  Value of Unexercised
                                            Underlying Unexercised                 In-The-Money Options
                                            Options at 12/31/97(#)                   at 12/31/97($)(1)
Name                                     Exercisable      Unexercisable       Exercisable      Unexercisable
Jean-Luc Grand-Clement                     432,274           279,187           778,238            200,695
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Richard Rodriguez                           30,000           142,000                --                 --
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Francis G. Courreges                       108,680           101,654           190,698             47,272
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Michel Garcia                              107,356            59,749           198,237             12,030
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tom M. Holzel                               55,000            30,000                --                 --

(1) Based on the difference between the respective option exercise price and the
closing market price of the Common Stock on December 31, 1997, which was 25/16.

Executive Employment Agreements

Each of Messrs. Grand-Clement, Rodriguez, Courreges and Garcia have entered into
employment  agreements  with the Company in  substantially  the same form as all
other employees of the Company. The material terms of the employment  agreements
provide for employment by each individual for an indefinite period.  Pursuant to
the  employment  agreements,  each  individual  agrees  to  non-competition  and
non-solicitation  provisions  which  survive  for a  one-year  period  following
termination of employment. The employment agreements also contain obligations of
each employee  concerning  confidentiality  and  assignment  of  inventions  and
intellectual property to the Company.

French law provides that even indefinite  term  employment  contracts may not be
terminated  without  "serious  cause",   including  inadequate   performance  or
elimination of a position due to economic difficulties or technological changes.
In addition,  French law imposes  procedural  requirements  for any termination,
including, in most cases, written notice and meetings with the employee.

Compensation Committee Report on Executive Compensation

This   Compensation   Committee  Report  describes  the  compensation   policies
applicable to executive  officers of the Company,  including Mr.  Grand-Clement,
the Company's Chief Executive Officer.

Overall Policy. The Company's executive  compensation  program is designed to be
closely linked to corporate  performance  and returns to  stockholders.  To this
end,  the Company has  developed an overall  compensation  strategy and specific
compensation plan that tie a portion of executive  compensation to the Company's
success in meeting specified performance goals. In addition,  through the use of
stock options,  the Company ensures that a part of the executives'  compensation
is closely  tied to  appreciation  in the  Company's  stock  price.  The overall
objectives  of this  strategy  are to  attract  and  retain  the  best  possible
executive  talent, to motivate these executives to achieve the goals inherent in
the Company's  business  strategy,  to link executive and stockholder  interests
through equity based plans and, finally, to provide a compensation  package that
recognizes individual contributions as well as overall business results.

The Compensation  Committee determines the compensation of the seven most highly
compensated  corporate executives,  including the Named Executive Officers.  The
Compensation  Committee takes into account the views of Mr.  Grand-Clement,  the
Company's chief executive  officer,  in reviewing the individual  performance of
these executives (other than Mr.

The key elements of the Company's executive compensation consist of base salary,
annual bonus and stock  options.  The  Compensation  Committee's  policies  with
respect  to each of these  elements,  including  the bases for the  compensation
awarded to Mr.  Grand-Clement,  are  discussed  below.  In  addition,  while the
elements  of  compensation  described  below  are  considered  separately,   the
Compensation Committee takes into account the full compensation package afforded
by the  Company  to the  individual,  including  insurance  and  other  employee
benefits, as well as the programs described below.

Base Salaries. Base salaries for new executive officers are initially determined
by evaluating  the  responsibilities  of the position held and the experience of
the  individual.   In  making  determinations   regarding  base  salaries,   the
Compensation  Committee  considers  generally  available  information  regarding
salaries prevailing in the industry, but does not utilize any particular indices
or peer groups.

Annual salary adjustments are determined by evaluating the financial performance
of the Company and of each  executive  officer,  and also take into  account new
responsibilities.  The Compensation Committee, where appropriate, also considers
non-financial performance measures. These non-financial performance measures may
include such factors as efficiency gains,  quality improvements and improvements
in relations with customers,  suppliers and employees.  No particular  weight is
given to any of these financial or non-financial factors.

The determination of Mr.  Grand-Clement's  base salary for 1997 was based on the
overall  successful  development of the Company and in particular on his ability
to produce research & development and manufacturing partnership agreements.  Mr.
Grand-Clement  was granted a base salary of $193,708  for 1997, a decrease of 9%
over his $212,502  base salary for 1996.  Mr.  Grand-Clement's  salary is mostly
calculated and paid in French Francs,  however,  and after taking out the effect
of  the  rise  of  the  US  dollar   against  the  french  franc  in  1997,  Mr.
Grand-Clement's  base salary was unchanged in 1997 as compared to 1996. No bonus
was awarded to Mr. Grand-Clement in 1997.

Annual Bonus. The Company's  executive  officers are eligible for an annual cash
bonus, based primarily on achievement of the Company's overall  performance.  No
bonuses were awarded to the executive  officers for the year ended  December 31,

Stock  Options.  Stock options are granted to the Company's  executive  officers
under the Company's 1993 Stock Option Plan.  Stock options are designed to align
the interests of executives  with those of the  stockholders.  Stock options are
granted  with an exercise  price  equal to the fair  market  value of the Common
Stock on the date of grant and vest over various periods of time,  normally four
years. Stock option grants are designed to encourage the creation of stockholder
value over the long term  since the full  benefit  of the  compensation  package
cannot be realized  unless  stock price  appreciation  is  achieved,  and,  once
achieved,  is maintained and improved  upon. In  determining  the amount of such
grants,  the  Compensation  Committee  evaluates the job level of the executive,
responsibilities  to be assumed in the upcoming  year, and  responsibilities  in
prior years,  and also takes in account the size of the officer's  awards in the
past. Based on these factors and on the level of his existing stock ownership in
1997, Mr.  Grand-Clement  received  options to purchase 75,000 and 90,000 shares
with an exercise price of respectively $5.58 and $3.125 per share,  representing
fair market  value of the Common  Stock of the  Company on February  21,1997 and
October  28,  1997,  respectively.  In  addition,  40,000  options  owned by Mr.
Grand-Clement were terminated unexercised in February 1997.

Policy on  deductibility  of  Compensation.  The  Internal  Revenue  Service has
adopted a provision  limiting the income tax  deduction of public  companies for
certain  compensation paid in a year to any executive officer named in the proxy
statement  compensation tables in excess of one million dollars. No such officer
of the Company received  applicable  compensation at that level in 1997. At such
time as it  becomes  likely  that  the  applicable  compensation  for a  covered
executive will exceed the deductibility  limit, the Compensation  Committee will
consider the adoption of a policy in this regard.

Conclusion.  Through the programs described above, a very significant portion of
the  Company's  executive  compensation  is linked  directly to  individual  and
corporate  performance and stock appreciation.  In 1997, as in previous years, a
substantial portion of the Company's targeted executive compensation consists of
performance-based  variable  elements.  The  Compensation  Committee  intends to
continue the policy of linking  executives  compensation to Company  performance
and returns to stockholders,  recognizing that the ups and downs of the business
cycle from time to time may result in an imbalance for a particular period.

By the Compensation Committee,

John Hawkins,
Pierre-Michel Piccino

                             STOCK PERFORMANCE GRAPH

The  following  graph  shows  the  cumulative  total  stockholder  return on the
Company's  Common  Stock  over the  period  beginning  July 18,  1995,  when the
Company's Common Stock began trading publicly,  and ending December 31, 1997, as
compared with that of the Nasdaq Market Index and an Industry Index, based on an
initial  investment  of $100 in each.  Total  stockholder  return is measured by
dividing share price change plus dividends, if any, for each period by the share
price at the beginning of the respective  period,  and assumes  reinvestment  of
dividends.  The  Electronic  Components,  N.E.C.  Index  consists of 55 publicly
traded  electronic  components  companies  reporting  under  the  same  Standard
Industrial Classification Code (SIC 3679) as the Company.

                    Comparison of cumulative Total Return of
   PixTech, Inc., Electronic Components, N.E.C. Index and NASDAQ Market Index

                                [GRAPHIC OMITTED]

                                                 7/37/1995   12/29/1995      12/31/1996       12/31/1997
PixTech, Inc.                                       100        127.87           50.82            30.31
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Electronic Components, NEC Index                    100         84.37          145.86           152.92
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NASDAQ Market Index                                 100        105.65          129.94           159.45


During the fiscal year ended  December  31,  1997,  the  Company's  Compensation
Committee consisted of Messrs.  Piccino and Hawkins.  None of the members of the
Compensation Committee has been an officer or employee of the Company.

Mr.  Noblanc,  a member  of the  Company's  Board  of  Directors  and its  Audit
Committee,  is an officer of CEA  Industrie,  S.A.,  which is  controlled by the
Commissariat  a  l'Energie  Atomique  ("CEA"),  the  French  atomic  agency.  In
September  1992,  the  Company  licensed  its  fundamental  technology  from the
Laboratoire  d'Electronique,  de Technologie et  d'Instrumentation  ("LETI"),  a
research   laboratory  of  the  CEA,   pursuant  to  an  exclusive,   worldwide,
royalty-bearing license agreement with CEA (the "LETI License Agreement"), which
has a term of twenty years. The LETI License Agreement was amended in July 1993,
March 1994 and October 1997.  Beginning in 1996,  the Company  became  obligated
under the LETI License  Agreement to make royalty  payments to the LETI based on
the sales of products  incorporating  licensed  technology.  In addition to such
royalty payments,  the Company must pass through to CEA a percentage of any lump
sum  sublicense  fees  earned  after  1993 and  royalties  on sales of  licensed
products by the  Company's  sublicenses.  Pursuant to an  amendment  to the LETI
License Agreement signed in October 1997 (the 1997 CEA Amendment"),  the royalty
rates and minimum  payments from the Company to CEA were  increased for a period
of three years.  An amount of $109,000 was accrued in 1997,  which  included the
minimum royalty obligation of $100,000 paid pursuant to the 1997 CEA Amendment.

The Company  also entered into a research  and  development  agreement  with CEA
("the "LETI Research Agreement") in 1992, under which the Company funds research
at the LETI.  Pursuant to the LETI  Research  Agreement,  the  Company  expensed
$35,871 in 1992,  $1,334,734  in 1993,  $1,506,130  in 1994,  $1,338,789 in 1995
including  purchases of certain  equipment  from CEA,  and $643,957 in 1996.  In
1997, the Company  recorded  $637,224 as expenses  pursuant to the LETI Research

                                 SHARE OWNERSHIP

The following  table sets forth certain  information  regarding the ownership of
the  Company's  Common Stock as of February 10, 1998 by (i) persons known by the
Company to be beneficial  owners of more than 5% of its Common  Stock,  (ii) the
executive officers named in the Summary  Compensation Table, (iii) the directors
and nominees  for  election as  directors  of the Company,  and (iv) all current
executive officers and directors of the Company as a group:

                                                    Shares of Common Stock
                                                    Beneficially Owned (1)
Beneficial Owner                                  Shares       Percent of Class
Fidelity International Limited                  1,177,000  (2)      8.6%
 82 Devonshire Street
 Boston, MA 02109-3614
United Microelectronics Corp.                   1,111,111           8.1%
 2F, NO. 76 SEC 2, Tunhwa S. RD.,
 Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C 
Cavendish Nominees Limited                        956,646           7.0%
 Barfield House
 St. Julian Avenue
 St. Peter Port
Motorola, Inc.                                    927,416  (4)      6.5%
 1303 E. Algonquin Road
 Schaumburg, Illinois 60196
Entities affiliated with
 Mercury Asset Management                         847,000  (3)      6.1%
 33 King William Street
 London, EC4R 9AS
CEA Industrie                                     793,656           5.8%
 31-33 rue de la Federation
 75752 Paris Cedex 15 France
FINNO S.A                                         689,281           5.0%
 142, Avenue de Malakoff
 75116 Paris France
Jean-Luc Grand-Clement                            624,359  (5)      4.4%
Francis G. Courreges                              131,257  (6)        *
Michel Garcia                                     120,951  (7)        *
Richard Rodriguez                                  32,500  (8)        *
Tom M. Holzel                                      61,250  (9)        *
Pierre-Michel Piccino                               4,000 (10)        *
John A. Hawkins                                     4,000 (11)        *
William C. Schmidt                                  2,000 (12)        *
Jean-Pierre Noblanc                                  --             --
All directors and executive officers
 as a group (11 persons)                        1,011,775 (13)      6.9%

*    Less than one percent.

(1)  Except as otherwise indicated in these footnotes,  the persons and entities
     named in the table have sole voting and  investment  power with  respect to
     all shares beneficially owned by them. Share ownership information includes
     shares of Common Stock issuable  pursuant to outstanding  options which may
     be exercised within 60 days after February 10, 1998.

(2)  Consists  of  1,177,000  shares  held  by  Fidelity  International  Limited
     ("FIL").  FIL is held by the  shareholders  of FMR, a holding company whose
     principal  assets  is  the  capital  stock  of a  wholly-owned  subsidiary,
     Fidelity. Information herein regarding FIL is as of February 18, 1998.

(3)  Consists of 847,000 shares held by Mercury Asset  Management  plc.  Mercury
     has  neither  voting  power nor the right to  receive  dividends  from,  or
     proceeds from the sale of any portofolio  investments.  Information  herein
     regarding Mercury is as of February 20, 1998.

(4)  Includes  warrants  to  purchase  463,708  shares  of Common  Stock,  which
     warrants were exercisable on March 31, 1997.

(5)  Includes 53,605 shares held by Mr.  Grand-Clement's wife and 499,648 shares
     of Common Stock subject to options  exercisable  as of February 10, 1998 or
     within 60 days  thereafter,  of which  5,401  shares are subject to options
     held by Mr. Grand-Clement's wife.

(6)  Includes  127,257 shares of Common Stock subject to options  exercisable as
     of February 10, 1998 or within 60 days thereafter.

(7)  Includes  113,190 shares of Common Stock subject to options  exercisable as
     of February 10, 1998 or within 60 days thereafter.

(8)  Consists of 32,500 shares of Common Stock subject to options exercisable as
     of February 10, 1998 or within 60 days thereafter.

(9)  Includes 56,250 shares of Common Stock subject to options exercisable as of
     February 10, 1998 or within 60 days thereafter.

(10) Consists of 4,000 shares of Common Stock  subject to an option  exercisable
     as of  February  10,  1998 or within 60 days  thereafter.  Mr.  Piccino,  a
     director of the Company,  is a Partner of Baring Private  Equity  Partners,
     the  management  Advisor  of  Cavendish  Nominees  Limited,  and  disclaims
     beneficial  ownership  of all shares  held by  Cavendish  Nominees  Limited
     except to the extent of his proportionate pecuniary interests therein.

(11) Consists of 4,000 shares of Common Stock  subject to an option  exercisable
     as of February 10, 1998 or within 60 days thereafter.  Mr. John A. Hawkins,
     a  director  of the  Company,  is a  limited  partner  of  Alta  V  Limited
     Partnership and disclaims  beneficial  ownership of all 572,916 shares held
     by Alta V Limited  Partnership  and Customs House  Partners,  except to the
     extent of his proportionate pecuniary interests therein.

(12) Consists of an option which will be granted upon Mr. Schmidt's  re-election
     to the Company's Board of Directors and which will be exercisable for 2,000
     shares of Common Stock as of the date of grant. Mr. Schmidt,  a director of
     the  Company,  is a Vice  President  of  Eventech  Limited  and  of  Advent
     International  Corporation.  Mr. Schmidt disclaims  beneficial ownership of
     all 675,945 shares held by the funds  affiliated with Advent  International
     Corporation,  except for 80 Shares which he beneficially  owns as a partner
     in Advent  International  Investors Limited Patnership and 192 Shares which
     he beneficially owns as a limited partner in Advent International Investors
     II L.P..

(13) Excludes shares, as to which beneficial ownership is disclaimed,  described
     in footnotes (10)-(12).  Includes 868,596 shares of Common Stock subject to
     options exercisable as of February 10, 1998 or within 60 days thereafter.


The Company's  executive officers and directors are required under Section 16(a)
of the  Exchange Act to file  reports of  ownership  of Company  securities  and
changes in ownership  with the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission.  Copies of
those reports must also be furnished to the Company.

Based  solely on a review of the copies of reports  furnished to the Company and
written  representations  that no  other  reports  were  required,  the  Company
believes  that during 1997 the  executive  officers and directors of the Company
complied with all applicable Section 16(a) filing requirements,  except that Mr.
Louart,  an  executive  Officer of the  Company,  reported  in a Form 5 filed in
February 1998, Form 3 holdings.


The  firm  of  Ernst & Young  L.L.P.,  independent  auditors,  has  audited  the
Company's  accounts  since the inception of the Company and will do so for 1998.
Representatives of Ernst & Young,  L.L.P. have been invited to attend the Annual

                              STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS

The Company's  Bylaws require a stockholder  who wishes to bring business before
or propose  director  nominations at an annual meeting to give written notice to
the  Secretary of the Company not less than 45 days nor more than 60 days before
the  meeting,  unless  less than 60 days'  notice or  public  disclosure  of the
meeting is given, in which case the stockholder's notice must be received within
15 days after such  notice or  disclosure  is given.  The  notice  must  contain
specified information about the proposed business or nominee and the stockholder
making the  proposal  or  nomination.  If any  stockholder  intends to present a
proposal  at the 1999 Annual  Meeting of  stockholders  and  desires  that it be
considered for inclusion in the Company's  proxy statement and form of proxy, it
must be received by the Company at Avenue Olivier Perroy,  Zone  Industrielle de
Rousset, 13790 Rousset, France;  Attention: Yves Morel, Chief Financial Officer,
no later than December 19, 1998.

                                  OTHER MATTERS

The Board of Directors  does not know of any business to come before the meeting
other than the matters  described in the notice.  If other  business is properly
presented for  consideration  at the meeting,  the enclosed proxy authorizes the
persons named therein to vote the shares in their discretion.


Front of Card:


                                  PIXTECH, INC.


     The undersigned stockholder of Pixtech, Inc. (the "Company") hereby
appoints Jean-Luc Grand-Clement, Yves Morel, Michael Lytton, and Lynette C.
Fallon, and each of them acting singly, the attorneys and proxies of the
undersigned, with full power of substitution, to vote on behalf of the
undersigned all the shares of capital stock of the company entitled to vote at
the Annual meeting of Stockholders of the Company to be held on March 25, 1998,
and at all adjournments thereof, hereby revoking any proxy heretofore given with
respect to such shares.


Back of Card:

A [X] Please mark your 
      votes as in this 

     FOR                 from both
both nominees            nominees            Nominees:    William C. Schmidt
     [ ]                    [ ]                           Jean-Luc Grand-Clement

1. Proposal to elect directors

FOR, except vote withheld from the following nominee:


Signature                                    Date                     1998

Signature                                    Date                     1998
               (IF HELD JOINTLY)

NOTE:   Please sign exactly as name appears on stock certificates. When shares
        are held by joint tenants, both should sign. When signing as attorney,
        executor, administrator, trustee or guardian, please give full title as
        such. If a corporation, please sign in full corporate name by President
        or other authorized officer. If a partner, please sign in partnership.