[LOGO] ERNST & YOUNG LLP o 1451 California Avenue o Phone: 650 496 1600 Palo Alto, California 94304 Fax: 650 496 4660 EXHIBIT 16 TO FORM 8-K March 6, 1998 Securities and Exchange Commission 450 Fifth Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20549 Gentlemen: We have read Item 4 of Form 8-K dated February 20, 1998, of Broderbund Software, Inc. and we are in agreement with the statements contained in paragraph (a) therein except that we have no basis to agree or disagree with the statement that the Board of Directors and the Audit Committee approved the dismissal of Ernst & Young LLP as its independent accountants. We have no basis to agree or disagree with other statements of the registrant contained therein. /s/ ERNST & YOUNG LLP Ernst & Young LLP is a member of Ernst & Young International, Ltd.