Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
                      Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No.  )

Filed by the Registrant [X]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [  ]

[ ] Preliminary Proxy Statement
[ ] Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule
[X]  Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ] Definitive  Additional Materials
[ ] Soliciting Material pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12

                              DATA I/O CORPORATION
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

                                  Same As Above
     (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X]  No fee.

[ ] $125 per Exchange Act Rules 0-11(c)(1)(ii), 14a-6(i)(1), 14a-6(j)(2) or
     Item 22(a)(2) of Schedule 14A.

[  ] $500 per each party to the controversy pursuant to Exchange Act Rule

[  ] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.
     1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
     2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
     3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
     pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the
     filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):
     4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
     5) Total fee paid:

[  ] Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[  ] Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
     Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was
     paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement
     number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

     1) Amount Previously Paid:
     2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
     3) Filing Party:
     4) Date Filed:

                                                            DATA I/O CORPORATION

                                                                  NOTICE OF 1998

                                                                  ANNUAL MEETING


                                                                 PROXY STATEMENT

                              DATA I/O CORPORATION

                                                                  March 30, 1998

To Our Shareholders:

     You are  cordially  invited to attend the 1998  Annual  Meeting of Data I/O
Corporation,  which will be held at the Company's  headquarters at 10525 Willows
Road  N.E.,  Redmond,  Washington  98052.  The  meeting  will begin at 2:00 p.m.
Pacific Daylight Time on Tuesday, May 12, 1998. Following the meeting there will
be an  opportunity  to see some of our  exciting  new  products  and to tour our

     Many of the  Directors  and Officers of the Company  will be attending  and
would be pleased to answer any  questions  you might have either during or after
the meeting.  We will review the business operations of the Company for 1997 and
the first  quarter  of 1998 and  report on our  strategic  plan for the  future.
Formal business will include the election of Directors and the  consideration of
a proposal to amend the Company's 1986 Stock Option Plan.

     Please read the proxy  materials  carefully.  Your vote is  important.  The
Company appreciates your considering and acting on the proposals presented. I am
looking forward to seeing you on May 12.


                                             /s/ Frances M. Conley

                                             Frances M. Conley
                                             Chairman of the Board

                              DATA I/O LOCATION MAP

                              DATA I/O CORPORATION

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

To The Shareholders of Data I/O Corporation:

NOTICE IS HEREBY  GIVEN that the  Annual  Meeting  of  Shareholders  of Data I/O
Corporation  (the "Company") will be held at 2:00 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time, on
Tuesday,  May 12, 1998, at the Company's  principal offices,  10525 Willows Road
N.E., Redmond, Washington 98052, for the following purposes:

     (1)  Election of Directors:

          To elect four  directors,  each to serve until the next annual meeting
          of shareholders or until their successors are elected and qualified.

     (2)  Stock Option Plan:

          To consider and vote upon a proposal to amend the Data I/O Corporation
          1986 Stock Option  Plan,  as amended (the "1986 Plan") to increase the
          number of shares of common stock  reserved for issuance under the 1986
          Plan by an additional 300,000 shares.

     (3)  Other Business:

          To consider  and vote upon such other  business as may  properly  come
          before the meeting or any adjournments or postponements thereof.

The Board of Directors  has fixed the close of business on March 3, 1998, as the
Record Date for the determination of shareholders  entitled to notice of, and to
vote at, the 1998 Annual Meeting.

                                          By Order of the Board of Directors

                                          /s/ Frances M. Conley

                                          Frances M. Conley
                                          Chairman of the Board

Redmond, Washington
March 30, 1998

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                             YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT

Whether or not you expect to attend the meeting in person,  we urge you to sign,
date and return the accompanying proxy card at your earliest  convenience.  This
will ensure the presence of a quorum at the meeting. Promptly returning a signed
and dated  proxy card will save the  Company  the extra  expense  of  additional
solicitation.  An addressed,  postage-paid envelope is provided in order to make
certain that your shares will be represented at the Annual Meeting.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                              DATA I/O CORPORATION
                             10525 Willows Road N.E.
                            Redmond, Washington 98052


                                 PROXY STATEMENT

                         ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                                  MAY 12, 1998

                           INFORMATION REGARDING PROXY

This  Proxy  Statement  and the  accompanying  form of proxy  are  furnished  in
connection  with the  solicitation  of proxies by the Board of Directors of Data
I/O Corporation (the "Company") for use at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders to
be held on Tuesday, May 12, 1998, at 2:00 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time, and at any
adjournment thereof. Shareholders of record at the close of business on March 3,
1998 (the  "Record  Date") are entitled to notice of and to vote at the meeting.
Management  anticipates  that this Proxy  Statement  and a copy of the Company's
1997 Annual  Report to  Shareholders  first will be sent to  shareholders  on or
about March 30, 1998.

A proxy card is enclosed for your use. YOU ARE  REQUESTED ON BEHALF OF THE BOARD
ENVELOPE, which is postage-paid if mailed in the United States or Canada.

A proxy in the accompanying  form which is properly  signed,  dated and returned
and not revoked  will be voted in  accordance  with the  instructions  contained
therein.  To vote on the election of directors,  check the appropriate box under
Item No. 1 on your proxy card. You may (a) vote for all of the director nominees
as a group, (b) withhold authority to vote for all director nominees as a group,
or (c) vote for all director nominees as a group except those nominees indicated
to the contrary.  To vote on the proposed  amendment to the Data I/O Corporation
1986 Stock Option Plan, as amended (the "1986 Plan") check the  appropriate  box
under Item No. 2. For Item No. 2 you may (a) vote "FOR" the  proposal,  (b) vote
"AGAINST" the proposal,  or (c) "ABSTAIN"  from voting on the proposal.  Proxies
which are returned to the Company without  instructions  will be voted "FOR" all
nominees for the Company's Board of Directors listed in this proxy statement and
in the form of proxy and "FOR"  approval of the  proposed  amendment to the 1986
Plan. Any  shareholder  executing a proxy has the power to revoke it at any time
prior to the voting thereof on any matter (without,  however, affecting any vote
taken prior to such  revocation)  by delivering  written notice of revocation to
the Secretary of the Company, by executing and delivering to the Company another
proxy dated as of a later date or by voting in person at the meeting.


The only outstanding voting securities of the Company are shares of common stock
(the "Common  Stock").  As of the Record Date,  there were  7,134,657  shares of
Common Stock issued and outstanding, and each such share is entitled to one vote
at the 1998  Annual  Meeting.  The  presence in person or by proxy of holders of
record of a majority of the  outstanding  shares of Common  Stock is required to
constitute  a quorum for the  transaction  of  business  at the Annual  Meeting.
Shares of Common  Stock  underlying  abstentions  and broker  non-votes  will be
considered  present at the Annual  Meeting  for the  purpose  of  calculating  a
quorum. Under Washington law and the Company's charter documents, if a quorum is
present,  the four  nominees for election to the Board of Directors  who receive
the greatest  number of  affirmative  votes cast at the Annual  Meeting shall be
elected  Directors.  Abstentions and broker non-votes will have no effect on the
election of  directors.  The proposal to amend the 1986 Plan will be approved if
the proposal  receives the affirmative  vote of the holders of a majority of the
Common Stock present in person or represented by proxy at the Annual Meeting and
entitled to vote on the  proposal.  An  abstention  from voting on such proposal
will have the effect of a vote against the proposal  because it is one less vote
in favor. Broker non-votes on the proposal will, however, have no effect because
such  shares  are not  considered  "shares  entitled  to vote" on the  proposal.
Proxies and ballots will be received and  tabulated by  ChaseMellon  Shareholder
Services, an independent business entity not affiliated with the Company.


The Common Stock is traded in the over-the-counter NASDAQ National Market System
under the symbol DAIO. The last sale price for the Common Stock,  as reported by
NASDAQ on March 3, 1998, was $5.625 per share.

The following table sets forth  information  with respect to all shareholders as
of March 3, 1998, known by the Company to be the beneficial  owners of more than
five percent of its outstanding Common Stock. Except as noted below, each person
or entity  has sole  voting and  investment  powers  with  respect to the shares

                                          Amount & Nature
                                           of Beneficial       Percent of Shares
     Name and Address                       Ownership            Outstanding
     ----------------                       ---------            -----------
     The Killen Group, Inc.                 847,429(1)               12.5%
     1199 Lancaster Avenue
     Berwyn, PA  19312

     Dimensional Fund Advisors, Inc.        475,100(2)                6.8%
     1299 Ocean Avenue - 11th Floor
     Santa Monica, CA  90401

- ----------
(1)  The holding  shown is as of February  17,  1998,  as reported by The Killen
     Group, Inc., a registered  investment advisor, and by Robert E. Killen, its
     Chairman,  CEO and sole  shareholder,  on a Schedule 13G filed  pursuant to
     Rule 13d-1 under the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934.  Said  Schedule 13G
     indicates  that the Killen  Group holds sole voting  power with  respect to
     298,152  shares and sole  dispositive  power with respect to 847,429 shares
     and that Mr. Killen holds sole voting and dispositive power with respect to

(2)  The holding  shown is as of December 31, 1997,  as reported by  Dimensional
     Fund Advisors Inc., a registered investment advisor  ("Dimensional"),  on a
     Schedule  13G  filed  pursuant  to Rule  13d-1(b)  or 13d-2  (b)  under the
     Securities  Exchange Act of 1934.  Said Schedule 13G indicates  that one or
     more  affiliates  of  Dimensional  holds sole voting  power with respect to
     335,200 shares, shared voting power with respect to 139,900 shares and sole
     dispositive  power with respect to 475,100  shares.  Dimensional  disclaims
     beneficial ownership of all these shares.

Directors' and Officers' Share Ownership

In 1994 the  Company's  Board of  Directors  adopted  a policy  (the  "Ownership
Policy")  encouraging  certain levels of ownership of the Company's Common Stock
by all directors and executive officers.  The Board of Directors believes that a
minimum level of ownership of the Company's  Common Stock is necessary to ensure
that each director and executive  officer is appropriately  motivated to improve
the long-term  value of the Company for the  shareholders.  Compliance  with the
Ownership  Policy will be reviewed  annually and will be  considered  during the
nomination  of directors  to stand for the next year and the annual  performance
and salary review for each executive officer.

Each director and executive  officer has a period of four years beginning on the
later of January 1, 1994, or the date of election to the Board of Directors, for
directors,  or the date of employment as an officer, for executive officers,  to
achieve the specified levels of ownership.  The levels of ownership specified in
the Ownership  Policy are the number of shares necessary to have a value greater
than or equal to: (i)  $100,000  for each  director;  (ii) two times the current
base salary for the President and Chief Executive  Officer;  and (iii) one times
the current base salary for all other executive officers. Each share of stock is
valued at the higher of original cost or market for purposes of compliance  with
the Ownership  Policy.  The value of shares of stock  underlying  options is not
included in this calculation.


The following  chart indicates  ownership of the Company's  Common Stock by each
director of the Company, each executive officer named in the compensation tables
appearing  later in this Proxy  Statement,  and by all  directors  and executive
officers  as a group,  all as of March 3, 1998.  The Company is not aware of any
family relationships between any director, director nominee or executive officer
of the Company.

                                         Amount & Nature of    Percent of Shares
Name                                    Beneficial Ownership      Outstanding
- ----                                    --------------------      -----------
William C. Erxleben                            385,902(1)           5.4%
Milton F. Zeutschel(2)                         118,112              1.7%
Donald R. Stenquist(2)                         106,838              1.5%
William J. Haydamack(3)                         83,402(4)           1.2%
Frances M. Conley                               13,838              (5)
James J. David                                  12,500(6)           (5)
Alan J. Beauchamp(7)                            10,000(8)           (5)
Edward D. Lazowska                               5,666              (5)
Richard A. Mayes                                 4,428(9)           (5)
Keith L. Barnes                                  3,902              (5)
Paul A. Gary (10)                                    0              (5)
All current directors and
executive officers
as a group (10 persons)                        124,585(11)          1.7%

- ----------
(1)  Includes options to purchase 230,000 shares exercisable within 60 days. Mr.
     Erxleben resigned from the Company as President and Chief Executive Officer
     on January 6, 1998, and as a Director on January 14, 1998.

(2)  Resigned as a director in February 1998.

(3)  Mr. Haydamack  resigned from the Company as Senior Vice President,  General
     Manager,  Synario  Design  Automation  Division on November 14,  1997. 

(4)  Includes options to purchase 10,000 shares exercisable within 60 days.

(5)  Less than 1 percent each.

(6)  Includes options to purchase 12,500 shares exercisable within 60 days.

(7)  Mr.  Beauchamp  resigned  from the  Company  as Vice  President,  Finance &
     Administration,   Chief  Financial  Officer,  Secretary  and  Treasurer  on
     December 31, 1997.

(8) Includes options to purchase 10,000 shares  exercisable  within 60 days.

(9)  Includes options to purchase 1,500 shares exercisable within 60 days.

(10) Mr. Gary was elected to the Board of  Directors of the Company on March 12,

(11) Includes options to purchase 58,813 shares exercisable within 60 days.

                       PROPOSAL 1: ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

At the Annual  Meeting,  four  directors will be nominated for election to serve
until the next Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders  or until a  successor  has been
qualified and elected.  The Board of Directors has unanimously approved the four
nominees  named  below,  all of whom  are  currently  members  of the  Board  of
Directors.  Although the Board of Directors anticipates that all of the nominees
will be available  to serve as directors of the Company,  should any one or more
of them not accept the nomination, or otherwise be unwilling or unable to serve,
it is intended  that the proxies  will be voted for the election of a substitute
nominee or nominees designated by the Board of Directors.

At the date of this proxy  statement,  the  Company is engaged in a search for a
permanent Chief Executive Officer. It is expected that upon appointment of a new
Chief  Executive  Officer,  he or she will be added to the Board of Directors by
action of the Board.


RECOMMENDATION:  The  Board  of  Directors  recommends  a vote  FOR  each of the
Director nominees.

Keith L. Barnes, age 46, was elected to the Board of Directors of the Company in
December  1996.  Since 1991 Mr.  Barnes  has been the  President  of  Integrated
Measurement  Systems,  Inc.  (IMS),  a manufacturer  of integrated  circuit test
equipment. Since 1995 he also has been Chief Executive Officer of IMS, and since
1991 has served on its Board of Directors.

Frances M. Conley,  age 54, was elected to the Board of Directors of the Company
in August 1995 and in January 1998 was named  Chairman of the Board.  Since 1982
Ms.  Conley has been a  Principal  of Roanoke  Capital,  Ltd.,  which is General
Partner of Roanoke Investors' Limited  Partnership,  a venture capital fund that
invests in the equities of emerging companies in the Pacific Northwest. Prior to
1982 Ms. Conley was Senior Vice  President and Chief  Administrative  Officer of
the Washington Division of Rainier National Bank.  Currently,  she serves on the
board of Cutter & Buck, Inc.

Paul A. Gary,  age 57, was elected to the Board of  Directors  of the Company in
March 1998.  From 1987 until his  retirement  in 1996,  Mr. Gary worked for AT&T
Microelectronics,  in Pennsylvania, in various management positions, the last of
which was as Vice  President  of Netcom IC Business  unit.  From 1981 to 1987 he
held management  positions with Western Electric Company,  including Director of
Engineering  and Director of  Manufacturing.  From 1967 to 1981, Mr. Gary worked
for Bell  Laboratories.  Mr. Gary is also a director of TriQuint  Semiconductors

Edward D. Lazowska, age 47, was elected to the Board of Directors of the Company
in August 1996.  Since 1977 Dr. Lazowska has been a member of the faculty of the
University of Washington's Department of Computer Science and Engineering. Since
1993 he has held the position of Professor and Department Chair.

Board and Committee Meetings

The Board of Directors has three standing Committees:  the Audit Committee,  the
Compensation Committee,  and the Nominating Committee.  Keith L. Barnes, Frances
M. Conley,  Edward D.  Lazowska,  Donald R.  Stenquist  and Milton F.  Zeutschel
served as members of each of these Committees during 1997, with the exception of
Mr.  Zeutschel,  who  did  not  serve  on the  Compensation  Committee.  Messrs.
Stenquist and Zeutschel  resigned as directors in February  1998.  Membership of
each committee is typically determined at the meeting of the Board which follows
the Annual Meeting of Shareholders.

The Audit  Committee  considers  and  recommends  to the Board of Directors  the
engagement of independent  certified public accountants for the ensuing year and
the  terms of such  engagement;  reviews  the scope of the  audit;  periodically
reviews the Company's program of internal control and audit functions;  receives
and reviews the reports of the independent  accountants;  and reviews the annual
financial  report to the directors and  shareholders  of the Company.  The Audit
Committee met six times during fiscal 1997.

The  Compensation  Committee  makes  recommendations  to the Board of  Directors
concerning the compensation of the Company's executive  officers.  The committee
administers  the Company's  management  incentive  compensation  program and its
stock option, purchase and appreciation rights plans. The Compensation Committee
reviews all employee benefit programs and approves  significant changes in major
programs and all new programs.  The Committee also recommends the  establishment
of policies dealing with various compensation,  pension and profit-sharing plans
for the Company and its subsidiaries.  The Compensation  Committee met six times
during fiscal 1997.

The Nominating  Committee seeks  qualified  candidates to serve on the Company's
Board of Directors,  recommends them for the Board's  consideration for election
as directors at the Annual Meeting of  Shareholders  and proposes  candidates to
fill vacancies on the Board. The Nominating  Committee also recommends  nominees
for the various committees of the Board of Directors.  The Nominating  Committee
will consider written  proposals from  shareholders for director  nominees which
are submitted to the Secretary of the Company in accordance  with the procedures
described  below under the caption,  "Shareholder  Nominations and Proposals for
the 1999 Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders".  The  Nominating  Committee met five
times during fiscal 1997.


During the fiscal year ended  December 25, 1997,  there were ten meetings of the
Board of Directors. Each of the incumbent Directors attended at least 75% of the
aggregate  of the total  number of  meetings of the Board of  Directors  and the
total  number of meetings  held by all  committees  of the Board of Directors on
which he or she served during his or her term of service on the Board.

Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation

Mr. Zeutschel  served as a member of the Compensation  Committee from January 1,
1996 to May 14,  1996.  Mr.  Zeutschel  was  employed  by the Company in various
management  positions from 1973 to 1981,  from June 1990 to April 1991 served as
President and Chief Executive  Officer of the Company,  and again in January and
February 1998 he served as Acting Chief Executive Officer of the Company.

Board Compensation

Employee  directors do not receive  additional  compensation  for serving on the
Board of Directors.  Non-employee directors receive an annual retainer under the
Company's 1996 Director Fee Plan payable  solely in shares of Common Stock.  The
number of shares  payable for a full year of service is  determined  by dividing
$20,000 by the average market price of the Common Stock on the first trading day
of the year for which the payment is being made.  Shares of Common  Stock earned
by directors in a particular  year are delivered to the directors by February 15
of the  following  year.  Non-employee  directors  also receive a fee of $1,000,
payable  in cash,  for each  board  meeting  attended.  The  Company  reimburses
non-employee  directors for actual travel and out-of-pocket expenses incurred in
connection with service to the Company.

The following  table shows  compensation  paid by the Company to  non-management
directors during fiscal year 1997.

                        Cash Compensation            Security Grants
                        -----------------   ------------------------------------
                                                            Number of Securities
                                              Number of     Underlying Options/
Name                     Meeting Fees ($)    Shares (#)(1)       SARs (#)
- ----                     ----------------    -------------       --------

Keith L. Barnes               10,000            3,902                0
Frances M. Conley              9,000            3,902                0
W. Hunter Simpson(2)           4,000            1,422                0
Edward D. Lazowska            10,000            3,902                0
Donald R. Stenquist(3)        10,000            3,902                0
Milton F. Zeutschel(3)        10,000            3,902                0

- ----------                                                               
(1)  Shares of the Company's  Common Stock were  distributed to the directors in
     February 1998.

(2)  Mr. Simpson retired from the Board of Directors on May 13, 1997.

(3)  Messrs.  Stenquist  and  Zeutschel  resigned from the Board of Directors in
     February 1998.

On January 6, 1998, Ms. Conley was elected Chairman of the Board of the Company.
Ms. Conley is compensated  $6,000 per month in lieu of her director meeting fees
to perform the services of Chairman of the Board during 1998.

Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance

Section  16(a) of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934  requires the  Company's
directors,  certain  officers  and  persons  who own more than ten  percent of a
registered class of the Company's  equity  securities  ("Reporting  Persons") to
file with the Securities and Exchange  Commission  initial  reports of ownership
and reports of changes in ownership of Common Stock and other equity  securities
of the Company. Reporting Persons are required by SEC regulations to furnish the
Company with copies of all Section 16(a) reports.


To the Company's knowledge, based solely on its review of copies of such reports
furnished to the Company and written  representations that no other reports were
required,  all Section 16(a) filing requirements  applicable to its officers and
directors were complied with during 1997.

                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

Report of Compensation Committee on Annual Compensation

The  Compensation  Committee  of the Board of  Directors  ("the  Committee")  is
composed entirely of independent outside directors. The Committee is responsible
for setting and  administering the policies which govern all of the compensation
programs of the Company.

The Committee has  established a compensation  plan for executive  officers with
three components:  annual base salary, annual management incentive  compensation
and long-term stock options.  Each of these components is described below.  This
executive officer  compensation  plan is evaluated  annually by the Committee by
reviewing Data I/O's overall financial performance, individual executive officer
performance,  and  executive  officer  total  compensation  compared  with other
companies within the electronics industry.

Annual Base Salary Structure.  The Committee establishes a base salary structure
for each  executive  officer  position.  This  structure  defines  the  minimum,
mid-point and maximum salary levels and the relationship of salary to total cash
compensation.  The Committee reviews the salary structure  periodically based on
surveys of  compensation  paid to  executives  performing  similar  duties  with
electronic manufacturing and software companies, located primarily in the United
States,  with  annual  revenues  between  $40 and $150  million.  This group was
selected as it is believed to be  representative of the companies with which the
Company competes for key employees.

The Committee's objective is to maintain a salary structure which, when combined
with annual incentive  compensation,  provides the Company's  executive officers
with total cash compensation which is near the market median for executives with
similar responsibilities,  experience and ability. In 1997 the executive officer
group as a whole received cash compensation which, according to survey data, was
below the  aggregate  median  cash  compensation  paid to  officers  in  similar
positions at similar-sized electronics companies.

Management Incentive  Compensation Plan ("MICP"). The MICP offers each executive
officer  a   performance-based   opportunity  to  earn  additional  annual  cash
compensation  in an amount tied to a percentage of the executive  officer's base
salary. The Committee's  objective in setting executive MICP percentages and the
formulas for MICP payout is to pay above industry average total compensation for
better than industry average historical financial  performance and below average
compensation  for  worse  than  industry  average  historical  performance.  The
percentages  of base salary  targeted  for MICP payout  ("the  guidelines")  for
executives  for a given  year are  established  by the  Committee  no later than
January of each year. The 1997 MICP guidelines for executive officers other than
the President  ranged from 30% to 40%, while the guideline for the President was

The  actual  MICP  payout to an  executive  officer  in  relation  to his or her
guideline for 1997 was a function of the Company's  actual earnings per share(1)
compared to a pre-determined  target earnings per share. The Committee  believes
that earnings per share is a key  determinant  of  shareholder  value over time.
MICP  payout  to  executive  officers  for  1997  was  based  entirely  on  this
calculation.  Guideline MICP is to be paid to executive  officers if the Company
achieves its targeted earnings per share.

The MICP for 1997  provided  that no officer would receive an MICP payout if the
Company did not achieve a minimum  threshold  earnings level. The maximum payout
to  executive  officers  under  MICP  cannot  exceed  200%  of  guideline  at  a
pre-determined  maximum  earnings  level.  The  threshold,  target,  and maximum
earnings  targets are to be  adjusted  each year by the  Committee  based on the
Company's potential financial performance.  For 1997, the threshold,  target and
maximum  earnings levels for payout under MICP were set at 9 cents, 15 cents and
30 cents per share, respectively.  MICP adjusted 1997 earnings per share were 13
cents and resulted in a payout under this plan. See "Summary Annual Compensation

- ----------
(1)  Earnings per share for purposes of MICP is  calculated  as audited  pre-tax
income, adjusted for any unplanned business acquisitions, excluding any gains or
losses on sales or  disposals  of assets other than those sold or disposed of in
the ordinary  course of operations,  less taxes at a fixed,  pre-determined  tax
rate, divided by a predetermined annual weighted average shares outstanding. For
1997 the tax rate for MICP purposes was set at 25%.


Stock Option Plan. The Committee  approves  grants under the 1986 Plan.  This is
the Company's only  long-term  incentive  plan. The primary  purpose of the 1986
Plan is to make a  significant  element  of  executive  pay a reward  for taking
actions which maximize shareholder value over time. The Committee grants options
based  primarily on its perception of the  executive's  ability to affect future
shareholder  value and secondarily on the  competitive  conditions in the market
for  exceptionally   talented  executives  who  typically  command  compensation
packages which include a significant  equity  incentive.  All options granted to
the President and Chief  Executive  Officer and any other  executive  officer in
1997 were based on these criteria.

In the electronics industry,  stock options represent the principal compensation
which attracts, retains and motivates exceptional executives. Accordingly, total
outstanding  options as a percentage of outstanding shares tends to be higher in
electronics  than in other  industries.  As of the Record  Date,  the  Company's
outstanding options represented  approximately 11% of outstanding shares,  which
the Company believes is below the average within the electronics industry.

Historically,  all options  granted by the  Company  have been  granted  with an
exercise  price equal to the fair market value of the Company's  Common Stock on
the date of grant and, accordingly,  will only have value if the Company's stock
price increases.  All options granted in 1997 and prior years become exercisable
at a rate of 25% per year,  except for a 1993 grant to William C. Erxleben,  the
former President and Chief Executive Officer,  which provided for vesting over a
36-month  period,  and two  performance  vesting grants to Mr.  Erxleben in 1997
which vested in 1997 upon  successful  completion of the  Chipwriter and Labsite
products and the closing of the Reel-Tech  Division  asset sale.  All grants are
subject to  acceleration of vesting in connection with certain events leading to
a change in control of the Company or at any other time at the discretion of the
Committee.  All options granted to executive  officers are issued in tandem with
limited stock appreciation rights ("SARs"), which become exercisable only in the
event  of  a  change  in  control  of  the  Company.   See  "Change  in  Control

In April 1997,  the  Compensation  Committee  authorized  the  cancellation  and
regrant at lower  exercise  prices of most  options to  purchase  the  Company's
Common  Stock,  including  those held by Mr.  Erxleben  and all other  executive
officers,  which had an  exercise  price at or greater  than $6.00  ("Underwater
Options").  Following the original grant of these  options,  the market price of
the  Company's  Common  Stock  declined  so  that  the  exercise  prices  of the
Underwater  Options were higher than the market price of the underlying  shares.
The options  granted to  employees  were  designed to provide  incentive  to the
employees to work to achieve  long-term  success for the Company.  The Committee
decided to regrant the options at lower  exercise  prices equal to the then fair
market value of the underlying stock because it believed that the decline in the
market  price of the  Company's  Common  Stock since the date the  options  were
granted frustrated the purpose of the options. The other terms of each regranted
option, such as the vesting schedule and expiration date, are identical to those
of the Underwater  Option which it replaced except that the unvested  portion of
the new option vests three months later than the replaced  option and the vested
portion was not  exercisable  unless the holder  continued to be employed by the
Company  three  months  after the new grant  date.  For  additional  information
concerning the number of new options granted to the Chief Executive  Officer and
other executive officers, see "Ten-Year Option Repricings."


Performance  Evaluation.  The base salary of each executive  officer is reviewed
annually by the President and Chief Executive Officer. This is done on the basis
of a formal review written by the President,  evaluating the  executive's  prior
year  performance   against   documented  job   responsibilities   and  specific
predetermined annual objectives.  In developing executive  compensation packages
to  recommend  to the  Committee,  the  President  and Chief  Executive  Officer
considers,  in  addition  to  each  executive's  prior  year  performance,   the
executive's long-term value to the Company, the executive's pay relative to that
for comparable surveyed jobs, the executive's experience and ability relative to
executives  in similar  positions,  and the current year  increases in executive
compensation projected in industry surveys.

The  Committee  then  reviews  the  President  and  Chief  Executive   Officer's
recommendations  for  executive  officers'  total  compensation  and makes final
decisions on pay for each executive officer based on the President's  summary of
the performance  evaluations and on the other criteria and survey data described
above. In this process,  the Committee  consults  extensively with the Company's
President and Chief Executive Officer.

The Committee meets annually  without the President and Chief Executive  Officer
to evaluate his performance and to develop a recommendation for his compensation
for  the  coming  year.  In  addition  to  reviewing  the  Company's   financial
performance for the prior year, the Committee reviews  compensation  surveys for
chief  executive  officers  in similar  companies  and the  President  and Chief
Executive Officer's individual performance,  including development and execution
of short- and  long-term  strategic  objectives,  Company  growth in revenue and
profitability,  and employee  morale,  the  achievement  of which is expected to
increase  shareholder  value.  The Committee  then approves base salary and MICP
percentage changes for all executive officers.

The  Compensation  Committee  determined  the  compensation  package,  including
salary,  bonus, stock option grants, and other benefits for William C. Erxleben,
President and Chief Executive Officer, until his resignation on January 6, 1998,
based on the Committee's  perception of his qualifications for the position, his
ability to affect future shareholder value, compensation surveys (as noted above
under "Annual Base Salary  Structure"),  and the  competitive  conditions in the

The  Company has entered  into  agreements  (the  "Severance  Agreements")  with
certain executive  officers whereby such individuals will be entitled to receive
payments if they are terminated  without cause or resign with good reason within
specified periods following the occurrence of certain events deemed to involve a
change in control of the Company.  See "Change in Control  Arrangements."  Under
the Omnibus Budget  Reconciliation Act of 1993, the federal income tax deduction
for certain types of compensation  paid to the chief executive  officer and four
other most highly  compensated  executive officers of publicly held companies is
limited to $1 million per officer per fiscal year unless such compensation meets
certain  requirements.  The Committee is aware of this  limitation  and believes
that no compensation  paid by the Company during 1998 will exceed the $1 million
limitation,  except  possibly  a portion  of the sums  payable  pursuant  to the
Severance Agreements, if paid.

Respectfully submitted,


Frances M. Conley, Chairman

Keith L. Barnes

Edward D. Lazowska

March 30, 1998



The following table shows compensation paid by the Company for services rendered
during fiscal years 1997, 1996 and 1995 to the Chief  Executive  Officer and the
four other most highly compensated executive officers of the Company at December
25, 1997, whose salary and bonus exceeded $100,000 in 1997.

                                                     Annual Compensation            Awards
                                        ----------------------------------------  ----------
             Name                                                     Other       Underlying        All
             and                                                      Annual      Options/         Other
          Principal                     Salary        Bonus        Compensation     SARs         Compensation
           Position            Year       ($)        ($) (1)           ($)         (#) (2)         ($) (3)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
William C. Erxleben            1997      243,750      106,031            0        170,000(5)       10,225
President/                     1996      225,000            0            0         30,000           8,016
Chief Executive Officer(4)     1995      205,000      134,275            0         85,000          11,256

Alan J. Beauchamp              1997       97,500       29,689            0         30,000         104,601(7)
Vice President Finance &       1996            0            0            0              0               0
Administration/Chief           1995            0            0            0              0               0
Financial Officer, Secretary/

James J. David                 1997      160,000       55,680            0         54,000(9)       13,589
Vice President, Worldwide      1996      101,231            0            0         50,000           4,049
Sales and Marketing(8)         1995            0            0            0              0               0

William J. Haydamack           1997      125,125            0            0              0         159,349(11)
Senior Vice President/         1996      143,000            0            0              0           8,016
General Manager, Synario       1995      143,000       65,566            0         40,000           9,674
Design Automation

Richard A. Mayes               1997      101,067       21,982            0         20,000(14)       5,713
Vice President Strategic       1996       86,083       21,604(13)        0          3,000           4,196
Marketing/Acting Vice          1995            0            0            0              0               0
President Engineering(12)

- ----------

(1)  For 1995 and 1997 these represent amounts earned under the MICP.

(2)  All options  granted to  executive  officers  are granted in tandem with an
     equal number of SARs.  SARs are only  exercisable  upon the  occurrence  of
     certain  events  leading  to a change in the  control of the  Company.  See
     "Change in Control Arrangements."

(3)  These amounts  represent the Company's  contributions to the Company's 401k
     Plan and its  payment  of term  life  insurance  premiums  on behalf of the
     executive (see also Footnote 7 and 11).

(4)  Mr.  Erxleben  resigned as  President  and Chief  Executive  Officer of the
     Company on January 6, 1998. 

(5)  Includes  options to purchase  95,000  shares of Common  Stock at $5.00 per
     share  granted in February  1997 in place of options to  purchase  the same
     number of shares at higher prices.

(6)  Mr.  Beauchamp  was  hired in  April  1997 and  resigned  from the  Company
     effective  December 31, 1997. 


(7)  Includes  temporary  living  expenses and related income taxes  aggregating
     $30,459, and a separation payment of $65,000 paid in January 1998.

(8)  Mr. David  resigned  from the Company  effective  December 31, 1997 and was
     rehired as President on January 16, 1998.

(9)  Includes an option to purchase  50,000  shares of Common Stock at $4.56 per
     share granted in April 1997 in place of options to purchase the same number
     of shares at a higher price.

(10) Mr. Haydamack  resigned from the Company effective  November 14, 1997.

(11) Includes  accrued  vacation  pay  of  $7,062,  and  separation  payment  of

(12) Mr.  Mayes  joined the  company in February  1996 as Director of  Strategic
     Planning,  became Director of Marketing in June of 1996 and was promoted to
     Vice  President  of  Strategic  Marketing  and  Acting  Vice  President  of
     Engineering in December 1997.

(13) Represents a guaranteed MICP bonus for 1996.

(14) Includes an option to purchase  3,000  shares of Common  Stock at $4.56 per
     share granted in April 1997 in place of options to purchase the same number
     of shares at a higher price.

On November  14,  1997,  Mr.  Haydamack  resigned as Senior Vice  President  and
General Manager of the Synario Design  Automation  Division.  In connection with
the execution of his Severance Agreement, Mr. Haydamack signed a non-competition
agreement,  which includes,  among other things, a restriction against competing
with the Company or soliciting  employees from the Company for a one year period
following termination. Under the terms of the agreement, Mr. Haydamack will also
provide consulting services through December 31, 1998. Mr. Haydamack's  unvested
options were vested upon his  resignation  and are exercisable up to ninety days
after  termination  of his  consulting  agreement or December 31, 1998 whichever
comes  first.  In  additions,  Mr.  Haydamack  received  a lump sum  payment  of

On January 6, 1998,  Mr.  Erxleben  resigned as  President  and Chief  Executive
Officer of the Company.  The Company and Mr. Erxleben  subsequently entered into
an agreement whereby Mr. Erxleben has agreed, among other things, not to compete
with the Company and to provide consulting  services to the Company for a period
of 18 months following his resignation. For this agreement, the Company will pay
Mr. Erxleben $250,000 over the 18 month period.

On January 6, 1998, Milton F. Zeutschel,  then a board member,  was named Acting
President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company. On January 16, 1998, James
J. David was named  President of the Company and Mr.  Zeutschel  remained Acting
Chief  Executive  Officer.  Mr.  Zeutschel  resigned as Acting  Chief  Executive
Officer  and as a  director  of the  Company  on  February  23,  1998 for health
reasons.  Mr.  Zeutschel  served as Acting  President and Acting Chief Executive
Officer of the Company without pay.


                             OPTION/SAR GRANTS TABLE
                    Option/SAR Grants in the Last Fiscal Year

                                                                                      Potential Realizable Value
                                Number of      Percent                                at Assumed Annual Rates of
                               Securities      of Total                               Stock Price Appreciation
                               Underlying    Options/SARs   Exercise                      for Option Term (6)
                              Options/SARs    Granted to      or                      --------------------------
                                Granted        Employees   Base Price   Expiration     0%       5%        10%
          Name                 (#)(1)(2)    in Fiscal Year ($/Sh)(3)(4)  Date(5)      ($)      ($)        ($)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
William C. Erxleben(7)            20,000          3.56%      5.00       02/20/03        0     34,010     77,156
                                  30,000          5.34%      5.00       02/20/03        0     51,014    115,734
                                  15,000          2.67%      5.00       07/23/03        0     25,507     57,867
                                  85,000         15.12%      5.00       08/30/01        0    144,541    327,913
                                  10,000          1.78%      5.00       04/24/02        0     17,005     38,578
                                  10,000          1.78%      5.00       07/23/03        0     17,005     38,578
Alan J. Beauchamp(8)              24,250          4.31%      4.56       03/31/98        0     37,628     85,366
                                   5,750          1.02%      4.81       03/31/98        0      9,411     21,351

James J. David(9)                 50,000          8.90%      4.56       05/14/02        0     77,584    176,012
                                   4,000          0.71%      5.00       07/23/03        0      6,802     15,431

William J. Haydamack(10)               0          0.00%      0.00                       0          0          0

Richard A. Mayes                  15,000          2.67%      6.75       12/10/03        0     34,435     78,121
                                   3,000          0.53%      4.56       02/21/02        0      4,655     10,561
                                   2,000          0.36%      5.00       07/23/03        0      3,401      7,716

- --------------------
(1)  An equal  number of SARs are  granted  in tandem  with  options  granted to
     executive  officers.  SARs are  exercisable  only  upon the  occurrence  of
     certain  events  leading  to a change in the  control of the  Company.  See
     "Change in Control Arrangements."

(2)  Includes  options  to  purchase  shares of Common  Stock at $5.00 per share
     granted in February  and $4.56 per share  granted in April 1997 in place of
     options  to  purchase  the same  number of shares  at  higher  prices.  See
     "Summary  Compensation  Table",  footnotes 5, 9 and 14. The  repricing  was
     offered to most option holders.

(3)  Under the terms of the Data I/O  Corporation  1986 Stock Option  Plan,  the
     Compensation  Committee  retains  discretion,  subject to plan  limits,  to
     modify the terms of and reprice outstanding options.

(4)  The exercise price may be paid by delivery of already owned shares, subject
     to certain conditions.

(5)  All options granted in 1997 are exercisable  commencing twelve months after
     grant  date,  with  25% of the  shares  exercisable  at  that  time  and an
     additional 25% of the shares exercisable on each successive  anniversary of
     the grant date,  with full vesting  occurring on the fourth  anniversary of
     such date. Options which have been outstanding for at least six months will
     become exercisable in full upon the occurrence of certain events leading to
     a change in control of the  Company.  See "Change in Control  Arrangements"
     below.  Options expire six years from the date of grant, subject to earlier
     termination if the optionee's employment is terminated.

(6)  Potential  realizable  value is based on an assumption that the stock price
     of the  Common  Stock  appreciates  at the annual  rate  shown  (compounded
     annually)  from the date of grant until the end of the option  term.  These
     numbers are  calculated  based on SEC  requirements  and do not reflect the
     Company's  estimate of future stock price growth. 

(7)  Mr.  Erxleben  resigned  from the  Company on  January 6, 1998.  All vested
     options held by him on January 6, 1998 will terminate on the earlier of (i)
     the original expiration date, (ii) the effective date of termination of the
     consulting  agreement for cause, or (iii) 90 days after  termination of the
     consulting  agreement for any 


     other  reason.  All other  unvested  options held by him at January 6, 1998
     will continue to vest until June 30, 1999 or the earlier termination of Mr.
     Erxleben's consulting agreement.

(8)  Mr.  Beauchamp  resigned from the Company on December 31, 1997. The vesting
     of all options/SARs  held by him on December 31, 1997 was accelerated as of
     that date and all  options/SARs  held by him are exercisable  through March
     31, 1998.

(9)  Mr. David  resigned from the Company on December 31, 1997,  and was rehired
     as President on January 16, 1998. All options/SARs held by him prior to his
     resignation were regranted under the same terms as of January 16, 1998.

(10) Mr.  Haydamack  resigned from the Company on November 14, 1997.  All vested
     options held by him as of November 14, 1997 had been  exercised as of March
     3,  1998.  His 10,000  remaining  unvested  options  were  vested  upon his
     resignation and are exercisable up to ninety days after  termination of his
     consulting agreement or December 31, 1998 whichever comes first.

              Aggregated Options/SAR Exercises in Last Fiscal Year

                                                       # of Securities Underlying         Value of Unexercised
                                                            Options/SARs at              In-the-Money Options/SARs
                                    Shares                  December 25,1997               at December 25, 1997
                                 Acquired on     Value          (#)(2)                         ($)(3)
                                   Exercise    Realized  ---------------------------------------------------------
         Name                        (#)        ($) (1)  Exercisable/Unexercisable     Exercisable/Unexercisable
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
William C. Erxleben(4)                 0           0       227,500 /  92,500               586,170 / 162,890

Alan J. Beauchamp(5)                   0           0             0 /  30,000                     0 / 56,688

James J. David(6)                      0           0        12,500 /  41,500                24,219 / 78,656

William J. Haydamack(7)           60,000     232,031        10,000 /  0                     34,844 / 0

Richard A. Mayes                       0           0         1,500 /  21,500                 2,906 / 7,969

- ----------
(1)  Market value of underlying  securities at exercise date, minus the exercise
     or base price of in-the-money options/SARs.

(2)  Future  exercisability is subject to vesting and the optionee  remaining in
     the  employment  of the Company.  In  addition,  all options are granted in
     tandem with an equal  number of SARs.  SARs are only  exercisable  upon the
     occurrence  of certain  events  leading  to a change in the  control of the
     Company. See "Change in Control Arrangements."

(3)  This value is calculated  assuming the fair market value of the  securities
     underlying  the  option/SAR  at fiscal  year end less the  exercise or base
     price multiplied by the number of in-the-money  options/SARs held. There is
     no guarantee  that if and when these options are  exercised  they will have
     this value.

(4)  Mr.  Erxleben  resigned  from the  Company on  January 6, 1998.  All vested
     options held by him on January 6, 1998 will terminate on the earlier of (i)
     the original expiration date, (ii) the effective date of termination of the
     consulting  agreement for cause, or (iii) 90 days after  termination of the
     consulting  agreement for any other reason. All other unvested options held
     by him at January 6, 1998 will  continue to vest until June 30, 1999 or the
     earlier termination of Mr. Erxleben's consulting agreement.

(5)  Mr.  Beauchamp  resigned from the Company on December 31, 1997. The vesting
     of all options/SARs  held by him on December 31, 1997 was accelerated as of
     that date and all  options/SARs  held by him are exercisable  through March
     31, 1998.


(6)  Mr. David  resigned from the Company on December 31, 1997,  and was rehired
     as President on January 16, 1998. All options/SARs held by him prior to his
     resignation were regranted under the same terms as of January 16, 1998.

(7)  Mr.  Haydamack  resigned from the Company on November 14, 1997.  All vested
     options held by him as of November 14, 1997 had been  exercised as of March
     3,  1998.  His 10,000  remaining  unvested  options  were  vested  upon his
     resignation and are exercisable up to ninety days after  termination of his
     consulting agreement or December 31, 1998 whichever comes first.

                           TEN-YEAR OPTION REPRICINGS

The following  table  contains  information  about  adjustments  to the exercise
prices of outstanding  options held by executive officers in the last ten fiscal
years.  In 1989, the exercise price of outstanding  options was reduced by $4.15
to reflect a $4.15 special  dividend  that was paid in that year.  In 1997,  the
exercise  price for most options  priced at $6.00 or more was reduced to reflect
the fair  market  value of the Common  Stock on the date of the  repricing.  All
adjustments  were done by cancellation of the original  options and the grant of
new options.

                                            Number of        Market                                  Length of
                                            Securities      Price of      Exercise       New      Original Option
                                            Underlying      Stock at      Price at     Exercise    Term Remaining
                                             Options         Time of       Time of      Price        at Date of
                             Repricing       Repriced       Repricing     Repricing                  Repricing
      Name                     Date            (#)            ($)           ($)          ($)
- --------------------------- ------------- --------------- ------------  ------------  ----------- ----------------
Thomas R. Clark                3/9/89        30,000           5.75         6.13          1.98     4 years 363 days
  Former Sr. Vice              3/9/89        10,958           5.75         9.13          4.98     2 years 220 days
  President                    3/9/89        39,042           5.75         9.13          4.98     2 years 220 days
James J. David                4/23/97        50,000           4.56         6.00          4.56     5 years 17 days
Mark L. Edelsward             4/23/97         1,000           4.56         8.50          4.56     4 years 124 days
  Vice President               3/9/89         1,000           5.75         6.13          1.98     4 years 363 days
William C. Erxleben           2/20/97        85,000           5.00         8.50          5.00     4 years 190 days
  Former President, CEO       2/20/97        10,000           5.00         6.13          5.00     5 years 63 days
John J. Hagedorn               3/9/89        15,000           5.75         6.13          1.98     4 years 363 days
  Former Sr. Vice              3/9/89        35,000           5.75         8.00          3.85     4 years 185 days
Richard C. Karr                3/9/89        25,000           5.75         6.13          1.98     4 years 363 days
  Former Vice President        3/9/89        17,100           5.75         8.75          4.60     3 years 281 days
Horst Mader                    3/9/89        20,000           5.75         6.13          1.98     4 years 363 days
  Former Vice President        3/9/89        15,300           5.75         8.75          4.60     3 years 281 days
Joseph H. Matthews             3/9/89        10,000           5.75         6.13          1.98     4 years 363 days
  Former Vice President        3/9/89        36,000           5.75         8.75          4.60     3 years 281 days
Richard A. Mayes              4/23/97         3,000           4.56         6.88          4.56     4 years 305 days
  Vice President                                                                               
Lawrence L. Mayhew             3/9/89       115,761           5.75         8.75          4.60     3 years 281 days
  Former President, CEO        3/9/89        59,400           5.75         8.75          4.60     3 years 281 days
Maureen L. O'Larey             3/9/89         2,000           5.75         6.13          1.98     4 years 363 days
  Former Vice President        3/9/89         6,358           5.75         8.75          4.60     3 years 281 days
Domenico Picone               4/23/97        15,000           4.56         8.50          4.56     4 years 124 days
  Vice President                                                                               
James Russell                  3/9/89        10,000           5.75         6.13          1.98     4 years 363 days
  Former Vice President        3/9/89         2,466           5.75         8.75          4.60     3 years 281 days
Susan S. Webber               4/23/97         2,000           4.56         8.50          4.56     4 years 124 days
  Vice President                                                                               


Shareholder Return Performance Graph

Shown below is a line-graph  comparing  cumulative total  shareholder  return on
Data I/O Common  Stock for each of the last five years  against  the  cumulative
total return for the Russell 2000 Index and the S & P High Tech Composite.  This
cumulative return includes the reinvestment of cash dividends.

        Data I/O Corporation, Russell 2000, and S & P High Tech Composite
              (Performance results as of year end through 12/31/97)


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                               1992     1993     1994     1995     1996     1997
DAIO                           $100     $ 51     $117     $146     $111     $130
Russell 2000                   $100     $117     $114     $143     $165     $198
S & P High Tech Composite      $100     $121     $139     $199     $280     $352
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1)  Assumes $100 invested at the close of trading on December 31, 1992, in Data
     I/O  Common  Stock,  in the  Russell  2000 Index and in the S & P High Tech
     Composite. Cumulative total return assumes reinvestment of dividends.

Change in Control Arrangements

Options reported in the Option/SAR compensatory tables appearing above have been
granted pursuant to the 1986 Plan.  Historically  most options granted under the
1986 Plan have  been  granted  subject  to a vesting  schedule  of 25% per year.
However,  the 1986 Plan provides that options which have been outstanding for at
least six months will become exercisable in full for the periods indicated:  (i)
for a period of 45 days  beginning on the day on which any person or group (with
certain  exceptions) becomes the beneficial owner of 25% or more of the combined
voting power of the Company's outstanding  securities,  unless such accumulation
is previously approved by a disinterested majority of the plan's administrators;
(ii)  beginning on the date that a tender or exchange  offer by any person (with
certain  exceptions) is first published or sent or given,  and continuing for so
long as such offer remains open, unless, upon consummation  thereof, such person
would be the  beneficial  owner of less than 30% of the  shares of Common  Stock
then  outstanding,  unless  such tender  offer is  approved  by a  disinterested
majority of the Board;  or (iii)  immediately  prior to  consummation of (a) any
merger,  consolidation,  reorganization or other  transaction  pursuant to


which persons who hold the  outstanding  Common Stock  immediately  prior to the
transaction  have less than 40% of the combined  voting  power of the  surviving
entity; or (b) any sale,  lease,  exchange or other transfer not in the ordinary
course of all or  substantially  all of the  Company's  assets.  With any of the
foregoing transactions,  the Company will give each option holder notice 20 days
prior to the  proposed  consummation  date and each  option  holder will then be
entitled  to  exercise  their  options  in full or part  at any  time  prior  to
consummation  of such  transaction.  A holder's  exercise of those  options that
become  vested only as a result of such  acceleration  will be  contingent  upon
consummation of such transaction.

In 1983 the Company  adopted a Stock  Appreciation  Rights  ("SARs")  Plan which
allows the Board to grant to each director,  executive  officer or holder of 10%
or more of the  stock of the  Company  a SAR with  respect  to  certain  options
granted to these  parties.  A SAR has been  granted in tandem  with each  option
granted to an officer of the Company. SARs granted prior to February 3, 1993 and
which have been held for at least six months are  exercisable for a period of 20
days following the occurrence of either of the following  events:  (i) the first
purchase of shares of the Company's Common Stock pursuant to any tender offer or
exchange for such shares (other than an offer by the Company);  or (ii) approval
by the shareholders of the Company of any merger, consolidation,  reorganization
or other  transaction  providing for the conversion or exchange of more than 50%
of the  outstanding  shares of the Company's  Common Stock into  securities of a
third party,  or cash, or property,  or a combination  of any of the  foregoing.
SARs granted on or after  February 3, 1993 and which have been held for at least
six months are  exercisable  for a period of 20 days following the occurrence of
either of the  following  events:  (i) the close of  business  on the day that a
tender or  exchange  offer by any  person  (with  certain  exceptions)  is first
published or sent or given if, upon consummation  thereof,  such person would be
the  beneficial  owner  of 30% or  more  of the  shares  of  Common  Stock  then
outstanding;  or (ii) approval by the shareholders of the Company (or, if later,
approval by the  shareholders  of a third  party) of any merger,  consolidation,
reorganization or other transaction  providing for the conversion or exchange of
more than 50% of the  outstanding  shares of the  Company's  Common  Stock  into
securities of a third party,  or cash, or property,  or a combination  of any of
the foregoing.

The Company entered into severance agreements (the "Severance  Agreements") with
each of the  following  executive  officers  on the  following  dates:  Susan S.
Webber,  Vice  President  of Quality,  Customer  Service and Human  Resources in
December 1995;  Domenico Picone,  Vice President of Operations,  in January 1997
(collectively the "Officers").  The Severance Agreements generally provide for a
lump sum payment to the Officer upon termination of the Officer's  employment by
the Company without cause or by the Officer for "good reason" (as defined in the
Severance Agreements) 90 days prior and within two years for Vice Presidents and
three years for the CEO following a change of control of the Company. The amount
of the lump sum payment  depends on  position  and is equal to a multiple of the
Officer's  base  salary  at the  time of  termination,  plus the  average  bonus
received  during the last three full fiscal  years the Officer  served in his or
her present position. The guideline for the multiple for each of the Officers is
3 times for the CEO and 2 times for Vice  Presidents.  The size of the  multiple
declines  on a straight  line basis  throughout  the  specified  period for each
position,  following a change in control, except that the multiple is never less
than 0.5.  The  amount  payable  under the  Severance  Agreements  is subject to
reduction if the  aggregate  present  value of all  payments  would exceed three
times the Officer's "annualized includible  compensation," as defined in Section
280G of the Internal  Revenue Code,  for the Officer's  most recent five taxable

In connection with execution of the Severance  Agreements,  the Company required
each Officer to sign a  confidentiality  and  non-competition  agreement,  which
includes,  among other things, a restriction  against competing with the Company
or  soliciting  employees  from  the  Company  for a one year  period  following
termination if the Officer  receives a payment under a Severance  Agreement.  On
December 10, 1997, the Board  approved an extension of the  expiration  dates of
all  outstanding  Severance  Agreements  to  December  31,  1999.  The  Board of
Directors believes that the terms and conditions of the Severance Agreements are
in the best interest of the Company because the Severance Agreements will enable
the  Officers  to  continue  to focus on  activities  providing  for the maximum
long-term value to the Company's shareholders, even when faced with the possible
change of control of the Company.


At the Annual Meeting,  the shareholders of the Company will be asked to approve
an amendment to the 1986 Plan,  which, if approved,  will increase the number of
shares of Common Stock  available  for  purchase  under the 1986 Plan by 300,000
shares, to an aggregate of 1,430,000  shares.  The 1986 Plan was adopted to give
the Company 


greater  flexibility in structuring  the terms of options  granted to employees,
and since its  adoption  all options  granted by the Company  have been  granted
under the 1986  Plan.  The Board of  Directors  believes  that the 1986 Plan has
contributed to strengthening the incentive of participating employees to achieve
the objectives of the Company and its  shareholders by encouraging  employees to
acquire a greater  proprietary  interest in the Company.  The Board of Directors
believes that additional  shares must be reserved for use under the 1986 Plan to
enable the Company to attract and retain key  employees  through the granting of
options  under the 1986  Plan.  The  proposed  increase  in the number of shares
reserved  under  the 1986  Plan is not  required  or  intended  to cover  awards
previously  made under the 1986 Plan.  As such,  no new plan  benefits have been
granted to date, and future awards under the 1986 Plan are not yet determinable.

The  affirmative  vote of at least a  majority  of the  shares of  Common  Stock
present  in  person  or  represented  by proxy at the 1998  Annual  Meeting  and
entitled to vote on the proposal is required  for  approval of the  amendment to
APPROVAL  OF  THE  PROPOSED  AMENDMENT  TO  THE  1986  PLAN.  Unless  instructed
otherwise,  it is the intention of the persons named in the accompanying form of
proxy to vote shares  represented by properly  executed  proxies in favor of the
proposed amendment to the 1986 Plan.

Description of the 1986 Plan

The  following  description  of the 1986 Plan is  qualified  in its  entirety by
reference  to the full text of such  plan,  a copy of which may be  obtained  by
shareholders  of the Company  upon  written  request  directed to the  Company's
Secretary at the address listed on the first page of this Proxy Statement.

General.  The 1986  Plan  provides  for the  grant of  incentive  stock  options
("ISOs") within the meaning of section 422 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986,
as amended (the "Code"),  and nonqualified  stock options ("NQSOs") to employees
of the Company or any  related  corporation.  See  "Certain  Federal  Income Tax
Consequences"  below for  information  concerning  the tax treatment of ISOs and
NQSOs.  The 1986 Plan was effective as of December 16, 1986. NQSOs granted under
the 1986  Plan may be made  from  time to time  until  such  time as the Plan is
terminated  by the  Company's  Board of  Directors in its  discretion.  In 1996,
shareholders  approved an increase in the aggregate  number of shares  available
under the 1986 Plan and therefore  ISOs can be granted under the 1986 Plan until
December 15, 2006.

As of March 3, 1998,  options to  purchase  an  aggregate  of 660,750  shares of
Common  Stock  were  outstanding  under  the 1986 Plan  (net of  forfeitures  by
employees who  subsequently  terminated  their  employment  with the Company) at
exercise prices ranging from $2.625 to $8.500 per share, with a weighted average
exercise price of $4.714 per share. At that date, 244,250 shares of Common Stock
were available for grant.  Options for 46,000 shares were exercised  during 1997
under the 1986 Plan, for a net realizable value by optionees of $141,203.

Administration. The 1986 Plan is administered by the Compensation Committee. The
Compensation  Committee  determines the executive  officers and key employees to
whom options will be granted,  the exercise prices, the number of shares covered
by each grant and all other terms and conditions of the grants.  Under the terms
of the 1986 Plan, the Compensation Committee may delegate to the Chief Executive
Officer  the  authority  to grant  options to  employees  who are not subject to
Section 16 of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934 (the  "Exchange  Act") with
respect to the Common Stock.  The exercise price of such options may not be less
than the fair market  value of the Common  Stock on the date of grant.  The 1986
Plan is not subject to any of the provisions of the Employee  Retirement  Income
Security Act of 1974, as amended,  and is not qualified  under section 401(a) of
the Code.

Grant of Options.  The option price of ISOs must be equal to or greater than the
fair  market  value of the Common  Stock on the date of grant  (110% of the fair
market value in the case of employees who own more than 10 of the Common Stock).
The option  price of NQSOs may be less than the fair market  value of the Common
Stock on the date of grant.

The 1986 Plan provides that no  participant  will be granted  options to acquire
more than 250,000  shares of Common Stock in any fiscal  year.  This  limitation
adjusts   proportionately  in  connection  with  any  change  in  the  Company's
capitalization. The exercise price of options granted to the highest compensated
officers (other than the Chief Executive  Officer) may be equal to, less than or
greater than the fair market value of the underlying stock on the


date of  grant.  The  Company  believes  that  with  this  provision  and  other
provisions  of the 1986  Plan,  the  options  granted  under  the 1986 Plan will
generate  "qualified  performance-based  compensation"  within  the  meaning  of
section  162(m) of the Code and will  therefore not be subject to the $1,000,000
cap on  deductibility  for federal  income tax purposes of certain  compensation
payments  in excess of  $1,000,000.  The cap on  deductibility  applies  to that
portion of compensation  under the 1986 Plan in excess of $1,000,000 paid to any
one of the Chief  Executive  Officer or the four other most  highly  compensated
executive officers. See "Certain Federal Income Tax Consequences" below.

Duration.  Options may be  exercised  during  varying  periods not to exceed ten
years  from the  date of  grant  (five  years  in the  case of ISOs  granted  to
employees who own more than 10% of the Common Stock). Typically, options granted
under the 1986 Plan expire six years from the date of grant.

Exercise of Options.  Options may be  exercised  only while the holder is in the
employ  of the  Company  or a  subsidiary,  within  90 days  after  the  date of
termination of  employment,  or within one year after the death or disability of
the holder. During the optionee's lifetime, an option is exercisable only by the
optionee. Options are not transferable except upon the death of the optionee or,
in the case of NQSOs,  pursuant to a  "qualified  domestic  relations"  order as
defined in Section 414 of the Code or Title I of the Employee  Retirement Income
Security Act. Terminated or expired options become available for future grants.

Unless otherwise specified at the time of grant,  options granted under the 1986
Plan become  exercisable  with  respect to 25%,  50%, 75% and 100% of the shares
covered by the option on the first,  second,  third and fourth  anniversaries of
the date of grant,  respectively.  The 1986 Plan  authorizes  the  administrator
thereof to accelerate the vesting of any option at any time.

At the date of exercise,  the optionee may pay the full option price in cash, in
shares of Common Stock previously acquired by the optionee valued at fair market
value,  or by complying  with any other payment  mechanism  approved by the plan
administrator.  The use of  previously  acquired  shares to pay the option price
enables the optionee to avoid the need to fund the entire purchase with cash.

Change in Control Provision. The 1986 Plan provides that options which have been
outstanding  for at least six months  will become  immediately  vested and fully
exercisable  for the  periods  indicated  under the  caption  "Change in Control
Arrangements" above.

Certain Federal Income Tax Consequences. The following summary of federal income
tax   consequences   is  based  upon   existing   statutes,   regulations,   and
interpretations  thereof.  Because the applicable  rules are complex and because
income tax consequences may vary depending upon the particular  circumstances of
each optionee,  no attempt has been made to outline the tax  consequences to any
particular  optionee.  Each optionee  should  consult his or her own tax advisor
concerning federal (and any foreign,  state or local) income tax consequences of
participation in the 1986 Plan. This proxy does not purport to describe foreign,
state or local  income tax  consequences,  which may differ from  United  States
federal income tax consequences.

ISOs granted  under the 1986 Plan are intended to  constitute  "incentive  stock
options" within the meaning of Section 422 of the Code. ISOs may be granted only
to employees of the Company or a  subsidiary.  An optionee will not have taxable
income upon either the grant or exercise of an ISO.  However,  the excess of the
fair market value of the shares purchased upon exercise over the option exercise
price (the "Option  Spread") will be includable in the  optionee's  "alternative
minimum  taxable income"  ("AMTI") for purposes of the alternative  minimum tax.
The Option Spread will generally be measured on the date of exercise and will be
includable in AMTI in the year of exercise;  special rules  regarding the amount
and timing of AMTI inclusion may apply for shares subject to a "substantial risk
of forfeiture." In addition,  special rules apply to the payment of the exercise
price with the Company's Common Stock.

If an optionee  holds the shares  acquired upon exercise of an ISO ("ISO Stock")
for at least two years  from the date the ISO was  granted  and for at least one
year from the date the ISO was exercised  (together the "Holding  Period"),  any
gain from a sale of the ISO Stock, other than to the Company,  will generally be
taxable as capital gain. If an optionee  disposes of ISO Stock before the end of
the Holding  Period (a  "Disqualifying  Disposition"),  the amount of the Option
Spread at the date of exercise  (or, if less,  the amount of gain  realized upon
the sale)  will be taxed as  ordinary  income.  Such  income  will be subject to
information reporting requirements. Gain from a Disqualifying


Disposition in excess of the amount required to be recognized as ordinary income
will generally be capital gain.  Special rules may apply  regarding the date the
Option Spread is measured for ISO Stock purchased subject to a "substantial risk
of forfeiture."

An optionee  does not have taxable  income due to the grant of an NQSO under the
1986 Plan.  Upon exercise of the NQSO,  the optionee will have taxable  ordinary
income equal to the Option  Spread.  The optionee's tax basis in the shares will
be equal to the fair market  value of such shares on the date of  exercise,  and
the  holding  period  will also begin on that date.  Special  rules apply to the
payment of the NQSO exercise price with the Company's  Common Stock. In general,
shares  acquired by exercise  of NQSOs  granted  under the 1986 Plan will not be
subject to a  "substantial  risk of  forfeiture,"  which includes a right of the
Company to repurchase shares at their purchase price and restrictions on sale of
the  shares to  comply  with  certain  requirements  for  "pooling-of-interests"
accounting.  If shares are subject to such a restriction  and the optionee files
an election under Code Section 83(b) ("Section 83(b)  Election")  within 30 days
after  the  date of  purchase,  the  optionee  will  generally  receive  the tax
treatment  described  above. If the shares are subject to a substantial  risk of
forfeiture  and no Section  83(b)  Election is filed,  the optionee  will not be
taxable upon exercise,  but instead will have ordinary  income,  on the date the
restrictions  lapse,  in an amount equal to the Option  Spread as of the date of
lapse; in addition,  the optionee's holding period will begin on the date of the

Regardless  of  whether  the  shares  are  subject  to  a  substantial  risk  of
forfeiture,  the amount of  ordinary  income  taxable to an  optionee  who is an
employee at the time of grant will  constitute  "supplemental  wages" subject to
withholding of income and employment taxes by the Company.

Upon sale,  other  than to the  Company,  of shares  acquired  under a NQSO,  an
optionee  generally  will  have a  capital  gain or loss  to the  extent  of the
difference  between the sale price and the  optionee's  tax basis in the shares.
Such gain or loss will be "long-term"  (maximum rate of 20%) if the optionee has
held the shares for more than eighteen  months and  "mid-term"  (maximum rate of
28%) if the  optionee  has held the  shares  for more than one year but not more
than eighteen months.

If stock is sold to the Company  rather than to a third party,  the sale may not
produce  capital gain or loss. A sale of shares to the Company will constitute a
redemption  of such  shares,  which  could be taxable  as a dividend  unless the
redemption  is  "not  essentially  equivalent  to  a  dividend",   substantially
disproportionate  or completely  terminates  the  shareholder's  interest in the
Company within the meaning of Section 302 of the Code.

Section  162(m) of the Code limits to $1,000,000  per person the amount that the
Company may deduct for compensation  paid to any of its most highly  compensated
executive   officers  in  any  year  after  1993.  Under  current   regulations,
compensation  received  through the exercise of an option will not be subject to
the $1,000,000 limit if the option and the plan meet certain  requirements.  One
such  requirement  is that the plan must state the maximum number of shares with
respect  to which  options  may be granted to any  employee  during a  specified
period. Accordingly,  the 1986 Plan provides that no participant will be granted
options to acquire more than 250,000  shares of Common Stock in any fiscal year.
See "Grant of Options" above.



The Board of Directors,  upon  recommendation  of the Company's Audit Committee,
engaged Ernst & Young LLP as the  Company's  principal  accounting  firm for the
audit of the Company's 1997 consolidated financial statements.  A representative
of Ernst & Young LLP is expected to be in attendance  at the Annual  Meeting and
will be afforded the  opportunity to make a statement and respond to appropriate

                                 OTHER BUSINESS

As of the date of this Proxy  Statement,  the  Company is not aware of any other
business to be acted upon at the Annual Meeting.  If any other business  calling
for a vote of the stockholders is properly presented at the meeting, the holders
of the proxies  will vote or refrain from voting in  accordance  with their best

                       1999 ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS

The Company's bylaws provide that advance notice of nominations for the election
of  directors  at a meeting of  shareholders  must be delivered to or mailed and
received  by the Company 90 days prior to the date one year from the date of the
immediately  preceding  Annual  Meeting  of  Shareholders  or,  in the case of a
special meeting of shareholders to elect directors, the close of business on the
10th day  following  the date on which  notice of such meeting is first given to
shareholders.  The Bylaws also provide  that  advance  notice of proposals to be
brought before an Annual  Meeting by a shareholder  must be submitted in writing
and  delivered  to or mailed and  received by the Company not later than 90 days
prior to the date one year  from the date of the  immediately  preceding  Annual
Meeting of Shareholders.

Each notice of a nomination or proposal of business  must  contain,  among other
things:  (i) the name and  address of the  shareholder  who  intends to make the
nomination or proposal;  (ii) a representation  that the shareholder is a holder
of record of stock of the Company  entitled to vote at such  meeting and intends
to appear in person or by proxy at the meeting to nominate the person or persons
specified  in the notice or to vote at the  meeting  for the  proposal;  (iii) a
description of all  arrangements or  understandings  between the shareholder and
each  nominee and any other  person or persons  (naming  such person or persons)
pursuant  to  which  the  nomination  or  nominations  are  to be  made  by  the
shareholder and any material  interest of such shareholder in any proposal to be
submitted to the meeting;  (iv) such other information regarding each nominee or
proposal as would be required to be included in a proxy statement filed pursuant
to the proxy  rules of the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission;  and (v) with
respect to the  nominations,  the consent of each nominee to serve as a director
of the Company if elected.

A copy of the full text of the  provisions of the Company's  Bylaws dealing with
shareholder  nominations  and  proposals is available to  shareholders  from the
Secretary of the Company upon written request.

In order to be  included  in the  Company's  proxy  statement  and form of proxy
relating to its 1999 Annual Meeting of  Shareholders,  shareholder  proposals or
nominations to be presented at the 1999 Annual Meeting of  Shareholders  must be
received by the Company at its executive offices by November 25, 1998.


                             SOLICITATION OF PROXIES

The  proxy  accompanying  this  Proxy  Statement  is  solicited  by the Board of
Directors of the Company.  Proxies may be solicited by officers,  directors  and
regular  supervisory and executive  employees of the Company,  none of whom will
receive any additional compensation for their services. In addition, the Company
may engage an  outside  proxy  solicitation  firm to render  proxy  solicitation
services and, if so, will pay a fee for such services.  Solicitations of proxies
may be made  personally,  or by mail,  telephone,  telegraph or  messenger.  The
Company will pay persons holding shares of Common Stock in their names or in the
names of nominees,  but not owning such shares  beneficially,  such as brokerage
houses,  banks and other fiduciaries,  for the expense of forwarding  soliciting
materials to their principals. All costs of solicitation of proxies will be paid
by the Company.

                                          By order of the Board of Directors

                                          /s/ Frances M. Conley

                                          Frances M. Conley
                                          Chairman of the Board

Redmond, Washington
March 30, 1998

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------



                              DATA I/O CORPORATION

The undersigned hereby appoints Joel S. Hatlen, and Susan S. Webber, and each of
them as proxies, each with full power of substitution, to represent and vote for
and on behalf of the undersigned,  as designated  below, the number of shares of
common stock of Data I/O(R)  Corporation that the undersigned  would be entitled
to vote if personally  present at the annual meeting of  shareholders to be held
on May 12, 1998, or at any adjournment  thereof.  The  undersigned  directs that
this proxy be voted as indicated on the reverse side hereof:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Please mark comments/address change box on reverse side.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                     (Continued, and to be marked, dated and
                             signed on reverse side)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                              FOLD AND DETACH HERE

                                                        Please mark
                                                        your votes as
                                                        indicated in
                                                        this example  |X|

This proxy, when properly executed, will be voted in the manner directed on this
proxy card.  The Board of  Directors  recommends a vote FOR all nominees and FOR
the proposal to amend the DATA I/O Corporation  1986 Employee Stock Option Plan.
If no specification is made, all shares  represented by this proxy will be voted
FOR all of  said  nominees  and  FOR the  proposed  amendment  to the  DATA  I/O
Corporation 1986 Employee Stock Option Plan and will be voted in accordance with
the  discretion  of the proxies on all other  matters  which may come before the
meeting or any adjournment thereof.

1.   Election of Directors

(INSTRUCTION: To withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee, strike a
line through the nominee's name in the list below.)

Keith L. Barnes
Frances M. Conley
Paul A. Gary
Edward D. Lazowska

FOR all  nominees  listed at left  (except  as marked to the
contrary at left).                                                |_|

WITHHOLD ALL AUTHORITY to vote for all nominees listed at left.   |_|

2.   Proposal to amend the Data I/O Corporation  1986 Employee Stock Option Plan
     as described in the Proxy Statement for the 1998 Annual Meeting.

               FOR |_|         AGAINST |_|       ABSTAIN |_|

3.   In their discretion,  the holders of this proxy are authorized to vote upon
     such  other  business  as may  properly  come  before  the  meeting  or any
     adjournment thereof.

                             COMMENTS/ADDRESS CHANGE
                    Please mark this box if you have written
                  comments/address  change on the reverse side.   |_|

The undersigned  hereby revokes any proxy or proxies  heretofore  given for such
shares and ratifies all that said proxies or their  substitutes  may lawfully do
by virtue hereof.
Signature(s) ________________________________________________Date ______________

NOTE:  Please  sign  exactly  as name  appears on this  proxy.  If stock is held
jointly, both persons should sign. Persons signing in a representative  capacity
should give their title. 

                              FOLD AND DETACH HERE