Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a)
                    of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934-

Filed by the Registrant-                     [X]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant   [ ]
Check the appropriate box:
[X]   Preliminary Proxy Statement
[ ]   Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only 
       (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2)
[ ]   Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ]   Definitive Additional Materials
[ ]   Soliciting Material Pursuant to  ss.240.14a-11(c) or ss.240.14a-12

                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

                   (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[ ] No fee required.

[ ] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

     1)   Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:


     2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:


     3) Per unit  price  or  other  underlying  value  of  transaction  computed
     pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11:


     4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:


     5) Total Fee Paid:


[ ] Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[ ] Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange  Act Rule
0-11(a)(2)  and  identify  the  filing  for  which the  offsetting  fee was paid
previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration  statement  number, or
the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

         1)      Amount Previously Paid: ________________________________
         2)      Form Schedule or Registration Statement No. _______________
         3)      Filing Party: __________________________________________
         4)      Date Filed:  __________________________________________

                                76 Beaver Street
                                    Suite 500
                             New York, NY 10005-3402
                            Telephone (212) 344-2828

                         To Be Held September 14th, 1998

A Special Meeting of Stockholders of Franklin Consolidated Mining Company, Inc.,
a Delaware corporation (the "Company"),  will be held at the Ocean Palace Hilton
Hotel, 1 Ocean Blvd., Long Branch,  New Jersey, on Monday,  September 14th, 1998
at 7 p.m., for the following purposes:

     (1) The election of five  directors  for a term expiring at the 1999 Annual
Meeting of  Shareholders  or until their  respective  successors  have been duly
elected and qualified (the "Election of Directors");

     (2) The  approval of the Stock  Purchase  Agreement,  dated August 3, 1998,
pursuant to which the Company shall issue 11,000,000 shares of Common Stock, par
value $.01 per share of the  Company  (the  "Common  Stock") to US Mining,  Inc.
("USM"), in exchange for (a) the assignment of that portion of the Mining Lease,
dated November 12, 1996, by and among the Company,  Audrey Hayden ("Hayden") and
Dorothy  Kennec,  sold by Hayden  to USM (the  "Hayden  Leasehold")  and (b) the
satisfaction of a note,  dated March 5, 1998, in the aggregate  principal amount
of  $955,756.22,  plus all interest due  thereunder  (the "USM Stock  Purchase")
which as of August 3, 1998 is approximately $33,000.

     (3) The  approval of the Stock  Purchase  Agreement,  dated August 3, 1998,
pursuant  to which the  Company  shall  issue to  William  C.  Martucci  ("WCM")
11,197,413  shares  of  Common  Stock in  exchange  for 100% of the  issued  and
outstanding  shares of common Stock, par value $.01, per share of POS Financial,
Inc. (The "POS Acquisition");

     (4) The approval of an amendment to the Certificate of Incorporation of the
Company to change the name of the Company  from  "Franklin  Consolidated  Mining
Co.,  Inc."  to  "WCM  Capital,   Inc."  (The   "Certificate  of   Incorporation
Amendment"); and

     (5) The  transaction of such other business as may properly come before the
meeting or any adjournment thereof.

     Only holders of the Company's  Common  Stock,  of record on August 13, 1998
are  entitled  to notice  of, and to vote at,  the  meeting  or any  adjournment
thereof.  At August 13, 1998, the record date for  determination of stockholders
entitled  to vote at the  meeting or any  adjournments  thereof,  ______________
shares of Common Stock were issued and outstanding.


                                             By Order of the Board of Directors,
New York, New York
August __,1998
                                              Robert Waligunda, Secretary




                         ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                           Monday, September 14, 1998


                                 PROXY STATEMENT


                               GENERAL INFORMATION

This Proxy Statement (the "Proxy Statement") is furnished in connection with the
solicitation  of  proxies by the Board of  Directors  of  Franklin  Consolidated
Mining Company,  Inc., a Delaware  corporation (the  "Company"),  for use at the
Annual Meeting of  Shareholders  of the Company to be held on Monday,  September
14, 1998 or any and all  adjournments  thereof,  with  respect to the  following

     (1) The election of five  directors  for a term expiring at the 1999 Annual
Meeting of  Shareholders  or until their  respective  successors  have been duly
elected and qualified (the "Election of Directors");

     (2) The  approval of the Stock  Purchase  Agreement,  dated August 3, 1998,
pursuant to which the Company shall issue 11,197,413 shares of Common Stock, par
value $.01 per share of the  Company  (the  "Common  Stock") to US Mining,  Inc.
("USM"), in exchange for (a) the assignment of that portion of the Mining Lease,
dated November 12, 1996, by and among the Company,  Audrey Hayden ("Hayden") and
Dorothy  Kennec,  sold by Hayden  to USM (the  "Hayden  Leasehold")  and (b) the
satisfaction of a note,  dated March 5, 1998, in the aggregate  principal amount
of  $955,756.22,  plus all interest due  thereunder  (the "USM Stock  Purchase")
which as of August 3, 1998 is approximately $33,000.

     (3) The approval of the Stock Purchase Agreement, dated August 3, 1998,
pursuant  to which the  Company  shall  issue to  William  C.  Martucci  ("WCM")
11,197,413  shares  of  Common  Stock in  exchange  for 100% of the  issued  and
outstanding  shares of common Stock, par value $.01, per share of POS Financial,
Inc. (The "POS Acquisition");


     (4) The approval of an amendment to the Certificate of Incorporation of the
Company to change the name of the Company  from  "Franklin  Consolidated  Mining
Co.,  Inc."  to  "WCM  Capital,   Inc."  (The   "Certificate  of   Incorporation
Amendment"); and

     (5) The  transaction of such other business as may properly come before the
meeting or any adjournment thereof.

The Annual  Meeting  (the  "Meeting")  will be held 7 p.m.  at the Ocean  Palace
Hilton  Hotel,  1 Ocean  Blvd.,  Long Branch,  New Jersey.  The Notice of Annual
Meeting, Proxy Statement,  Proxy Card and the Annual Report will be mailed on or
about  August 17,  1998 to  shareholders  of record of the  Company as of August
13th, 1998.

If the enclosed proxy card is properly executed and returned in time to be voted
at the  meeting,  the  shares  of  Common  Stock  represented  will be  voted in
accordance  with the  instructions  contained  therein.  Executed  proxies  that
contain no instructions will be voted in favor of all of the proposals set forth


Only  shareholders  of record at the close of business on August 13th,  1998 are
entitled  to notice  of and to vote at the  Annual  Meeting.  As of the close of
business on August 13th, 1998,  3,955,173 shares of common stock, par value $.01
per share (the "Common Stock") of the Company were issued and outstanding.  Each
share of Common Stock  entitles the record holder thereof to one (1) vote on all
matters  properly  brought before the Annual Meeting.  Pursuant to Delaware law,
abstentions  are not counted as votes  against the  election of  directors,  but
proxies on which  abstentions are marked are counted for purposes of determining
the presence of a quorum.  Broker  non-voters are not counted as shares entitled
to vote at the meeting.

The  presence  in  person  or by  proxy  of a  majority  of the  shares  held by
shareholders  entitled to vote at the Annual  Meeting is  necessary  in order to
constitute  a quorum for the  meeting.  If a quorum is present,  the matters set
forth herein and in the accompanying  notice will require an affirmative vote by
a majority of the votes to which shareholders voting at the meeting are entitled
with respect to each such matter.



Shareholders who execute proxies for the Annual Meeting may revoke their proxies
at any time prior to their exercise,  by delivering written notice of revocation
to the Company at the address on the Notice of Annual  Meeting,  by delivering a
duly executed proxy bearing a later date, or by attending the Annual Meeting and
voting in person.


The costs of soliciting  the proxies and of the meeting,  including the costs of
preparing and mailing this Proxy Statement and other material,  will be borne by
the Company.  In addition to solicitation by mail, certain  directors,  officers
and regular  employees  of the Company  may,  without  additional  compensation,
solicit proxies by telephone,  personal  interview or facsimile  transmission to
encourage  shareholder  participation  in  the  voting  process.  The  Board  of
Directors has appointed  directors J. Terry  Anderson and Robert L. Waligunda as
the proxy holders for the Annual Meeting of Shareholders.  The Company will also
request  banks,  brokers,  and others who hold  shares in the Company in nominee
names to distribute proxy  soliciting  material to beneficial  owners,  and will
reimburse  such banks and brokers for  reasonable  out-of-pocket  expenses which
they may incur in so doing.

The Company's executive offices are currently located at 76 Beaver Street, Suite
500, New York, New York 10005.

                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

                              Item 1 on Proxy Card

The Board of Directors has fixed the number of directors  constituting the whole
Board as five and has  selected  the  following  nominees for election to a term
expiring at the 1999 Annual Meeting or until their  successors have been elected
and qualified:

                               William C. Martucci
                                Robert Waligunda
                                 Ronald Ginsberg
                                Robert W. Singer

Unless  authority to vote for  directors  is withheld in the proxy,  the persons
named in the  accompanying  proxy  intend to vote for the  election  of the five
nominees listed above.


All nominees have indicated a willingness  to serve as directors,  but if any of
them should decline or be unable to act as a director,  the persons named in the
proxy will vote for the  election  of another  person or persons as the Board of
Directors  recommends.  Of all of the nominees for director,  only Mr. Waligunda
was  previously  elected  by the  Shareholders  at the last  Annual  Meeting  of
Shareholders  held in  1995.  There  are no  family  relationships  between  the
nominees for the Board of Directors.

The following biographical  information is furnished with respect to each of the
five nominees for election at the Annual Meeting.  The information  includes age
as of the date of the  meeting,  present  position,  if any,  with the  Company,
period served as director,  and other business  experience  during the past five
years.  The offices  referred to in the second  column refer to the offices with
the Company unless stated otherwise.

WILLIAM C. MARTUCCI, 56                 From 1974 to the present, Mr. Martucci
                                        has served as president and chairman of
                                        United Grocers Clearing House, Inc. a
                                        privately held company he founded to
                                        serve the coupon redemption, fulfillment
                                        and promotional needs of manufacturers
                                        and retailers. Mr. Martucci is the sole
                                        stockholder, director and president of
                                        POS Financial, Inc., an ATM/Kiosk
                                        network. In 1997 Mr. Martucci founded
                                        and is the sole director, officer and
                                        shareholder of Shoppers Online, Inc.
                                        which transmits full-motion video
                                        merchandising programs to retail
                                        outlets. Mr. Martucci received a
                                        Bachelor of Science in Philosophy from
                                        Florida International University in

Robert L. Waligunda, 52.                Mr. Waligunda has served as a Director  
Director, Secretary, Treasurer          of the Company since 1985 and as        
                                        Secretary of the Company since August   
                                        1995. From 1965 to the present, Mr.     
                                        Waligunda has served as founder,        
                                        President and principal stockholder of  
                                        Sky Promotions, Inc., a Pittstown, New  
                                        Jersey marketing and management company 
                                        involved in sales, advertising and      
                                        marketing of hot air balloons and       
                                        inflatable products. He                 


                                        is the founder and director of
                                        International Professional Balloon
                                        Pilots Racing Association, a member of
                                        the advisory board of Aerostar
                                        International, Inc., the world's oldest
                                        and largest balloon manufacturing
                                        company, and a member of the National
                                        Aeronautic Association, the Experimental
                                        Aircraft Association, and the Airplane
                                        Owner and Pilots Association. Mr.
                                        Waligunda received a Masters of Science
                                        degree in guidance and psychological
                                        services from Springfield College in

RONALD GINSBERG, 63                     Mr. Ginsberg; is President of the
                                        Foodtown Supermarket Cooperative,
                                        headquartered in Edison, New Jersey. He
                                        is also Secretary and Director of Twin
                                        County Grocers located in Edison, New
                                        Jersey and Director of the New Jersey
                                        Food Council. Mr. Ginsberg attended
                                        Drexel Institute of Technology and
                                        Temple University.

ROBERT W. SINGER, 50                    Mr. Singer currently holds the position
                                        of Assistant Majority Leader in the New
                                        Jersey Senate. Prior to being elected as
                                        a state Senator, he served three terms
                                        in the New Jersey Assembly. In this
                                        latter capacity, Mr. Singer was named
                                        Majority Whip, by his Colleagues and
                                        served as both Vice Chairman of the
                                        Commerce and Regulated Professions
                                        Committee and Community Development,
                                        Agriculture and Tourism Committee.
                                        Senator Singer has distinguished
                                        himself, among his national peers, for
                                        his ability to create environments where
                                        high technology and economic development
                                        can coexist with environmental
                                        priorities. Additionally, the Senator is
                                        Vice-President of Corporate Relations
                                        for Community/Kimball Medical Centers,
                                        and affiliate of the St. Barnabas Health
                                        Care System.


The Board of Directors has established an Audit Committee currently comprised of
Messrs.  Anderson,  Otten and  Schurman who are not slated for  re-election  and
whose term will expire when their successors are duly elected and qualified. The
Board of Directors will appoint new members to the Audit Committee at its annual
meeting, immediately following the Annual Meeting of Shareholders. Its functions
include  recommending  annually to the Board of Directors a firm of  independent
auditors to audit and review the Company's books,  records and the scope of such
firm's audit, reviewing reports and recommendations of the Company's independent
auditors,   review   the  scope  of   all-internal   audits  and   reports   and
recommendations  in connection  therewith and review non-audit services provided
by the Company's  principal  independent  auditors.  The Audit Committee has not
held any meetings since its formation in February 1998.


The executive  officers of the Company are appointed  annually by the Board and,
to date,  have  served an  indefinite  term.  The  current  officers  serve on a
part-time  basis.  No family  relationship  exists  between any of the executive
officers of the Company.

Name                       Age                      Position

J. Terry Anderson          50              Chairman, President, Director

Robert L. Waligunda        52              Secretary, Treasurer, Director

Richard Brannon            48              Vice President - West Coast


Directors and Executive Officers

The following  table lists the  beneficial  ownership of shares of the Company's
Common Stock as of August 13th, 1998 for (a) all directors, (b) all nominees for
director (c) all executive officers, (d) each person who is known by the company


to be the beneficial owner of five percent or more of the outstanding  shares of
Common Stock, (e) all directors and executive officers as a group.

Name of                   Amount and     Current Percent   Percent of Class if
Beneficial Owner           Nature of        of Class       Shareholders Approve
                          Beneficial                     Restated Certificate of
                          Ownership(1)                      Incorporation
J. Terry Anderson           167,586(2)        4.2%               #
Robert Waligunda              7,700(3)        2.2%               #
George Otten                   -0-                               #
Steven Schurman                -0-                               #
Richard Brannon                -0-                               #
Ronald Ginsberg                -0-                               #
Robert W. Singer               -0-                               #
                            -------           ----      
                            175,286           4.4%      
All Officers and                                        
Directors as a Group                                    
(5 persons) 
- ----------
#    Less than one percent

(1)  Prior to anticipated increase in authorized Common Stock

(2)  Includes 67,526 shares owned by Mr. Anderson,  400 shares owned by Bruce E.
     Anderson  Trust under which Mr.  Anderson acts as trustee and 99,661 shares
     owned by  Anderson  Chemical  Company  for which Mr.  Anderson  serves as a
     director  and  president  and  owns  approximately  21% of the  outstanding
     shares.  Mr.  Anderson  disclaims any beneficial  ownership with respect to
     shares of the Company owned by family members other than those specifically
     set forth above.

(3)  Includes 1200 shares pledged as collateral to a  non-affiliate  individual.

- ----------

To the Company's knowledge and based solely on a review of such materials as are
required by the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission,  no officer,  director or
beneficial  holder  of  more  than  ten  percent  of the  Company's  issued  and
outstanding shares of Common Stock ("Beneficial  Owner") has filed any forms and
reports  required to be filed  pursuant to Section 16(a) of the  Securities  and
Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the  "Exchange  Act"),  during the fiscal year
ended  December  31, 1997;  and no officer,  director or  Beneficial  Holder has
submitted  any  representation  letter to the Company  stating that they are not


subject to the filing  requirements  under  Section 16 of the  Exchange  Act for
fiscal year 1997.


As of the Record Date, no persons are known to the Company to be the  beneficial
owners of more than (5%) of the Company's Common Stock, the only voting stock of
the Company as of the Record Date.  The Company has  3,955,173  shares of Common
Stock issued and outstanding.


The Company's three executive officers, Messrs. Anderson, Waligunda and Brannon,
received no significant compensation in fiscal year 1997. The Company granted no
options  to any  of the  Company's  Executive  Officers  in  1997.  None  of the
Company's  executive  officers owns any options of the Company and there were no
exercise of any option in 1997 by any such persons.

The Company has not adopted any stock option plans,  medical  insurance plans or
retirement,  pension,  profit sharing or insurance  plans for the benefit of its
directors, officers or employees.

No officer  or  director  of the  Company  receives  any cash  compensation  for
services rendered as a director and/or officer.


None of the Company  officers  have entered into written  employment  agreements
with the Company.

During fiscal year 1998, Mr. Anderson lent the Company approximately $23,000 and
Anderson Chemical  Company,  a company for which Mr. Anderson serves as director
and president,  lent the Company  approximately  $85,000 for working capital and
other expenses.

                               USM STOCK PURCHASE

                              Item 2 on Proxy Card

On December 26, 1976, the Company  leased 28 patented  mining claims from Audrey
and David Hayden  ("Hayden") and Dorothy  Kennec  pursuant to a mining lease and
option to purchase,  dated  November 12, 1976 (the "Hayden  Kennec  Lease").  On
November 13, 1997, USM entered into an agreement with Hayden


to purchase her interest in the Hayden Kennec Lease (the "Hayden Contract").  It
is anticipated  that the closing will occur on delivery by Hayden of clear title
to the property.

The Company has been informed that under Colorado law, if an owner of 50% of the
mineral  rights  desires to explore those  rights,  then the remaining 50% owner
could  not   object   to  the   exploration   of  the   rights,   provided   the
non-participating  owner  receives  50% of the net profits  generated  from such
exploitation.  Therefore,  the Company  believes that it is advantageous for the
Company to  acquire  at least 50% of the  leasehold  rights  represented  by the
Hayden/Kennec  Lease in order to assure  that the  Company  would have  adequate
access  to  the  minerals  located  at  the  Franklin  Mining  Properties.   For
information on Hayden/Kennec Lease, see 10-KSB year end 12/31/97.

On March 5, 1998,  the Company  executed a  promissory  note (the "Note") in the
aggregate  principal  amount of Nine Hundred Fifty Five  Thousand  Seven Hundred
Fifty Six  Dollars  and  Twenty Two Cents  ($955,756.22)  in favor of US Mining,
Inc.("USM"),  a New  Jersey  corporation  owned and  controlled  by  William  C.
Martucci  ("Martucci").  The aggregate  principal amount of the Note represented
certain monies advanced by POS Financial,  Inc., a New Jersey  corporation owned
and controlled by Martucci  ("POS") to fund  operations  and  development of the
Company's mining properties. The Note was thereafter assigned to USM on March 9,
1998. The Note bears interest at a rate of 8% per annum. The Note was originally
due and payable on May 4, 1998; however,  USM extended this date to July 4, 1998
(the  "Maturity  Date").  The  Note  was  secured  by  a  security  interest  in
substantially all of the assets of the Company (the "Secured Assets").

As of the Maturity Date,  the Company was unable to pay the principal  amount or
any of the  accrued  interest  of the  Note  and  remains  unable  to  meet  its
obligations thereunder.  In settlement of the amounts owed pursuant to the Note,
the Company agreed,  pursuant to the terms of a Stock Purchase Agreement,  dated
August 3, 1998 (the "USM Purchase  Agreement"),  between the Company and USM, to
issue to USM  11,197,413  shares of Common Stock to USM in  satisfaction  of its
obligations under the Note and the sale of the USM interest.

Terms of the USM Purchase Agreement

Pursuant to the terms of the USM Purchase Agreement,  the Company shall issue to
USM 11,197,413  shares of Common Stock in exchange for the (i) assignment to the
Company of the Hayden Contract and (ii) the  satisfaction of the Note;  which is
estimated  to be  approximately  $1,100,000  (including  principal  and interest
accrued  thereon) at the time of the closing (the  "Closing").  Upon issuance of
the Common Stock, USM shall deem the indebtedness satisfied in full.


The Closing of the  transactions  contemplated by the USM Purchase  Agreement is
conditioned  upon  approval  by the  Company's  stockholders  of each of the USM
Purchase  Agreement and the POS Acquisition (as described more fully below), the
accuracy  of certain  representations  and  warranties  and the  performance  of
certain  covenants  and  other  agreements  of  each of the  parties  to the USM
Purchase  Agreement.  Additional  terms  and  conditions  of  the  USM  Purchase
Agreement  are  incorporated  by  reference to the  agreement  which is attached
hereto as  Appendix  A. All  holders  are urged to review the  Agreement  in its

Effect on Security Holders

The  issuance of the Common  Stock in  connection  with the  forgiveness  of the
indebtedness  represented by the Note and the assignment of the Hayden  Purchase
and Sale Agreement will result in USM owning approximately 42.5% of the Company.
In the event that the holders  shall  approve the  purchase of POS as  described
below,  the issuance of securities in  connection  with the USM Stock  Purchase,
taken together with the issuance of common Stock to Martucci in exchange for all
of the outstanding  shares of Stock of POS will result in Martucci  beneficially
owning and/or  controlling  approximately  85% of the Company.  If the Company's
Stockholders  approve the issuance of stock to USM and the  acquisition  of POS,
such  actions  would have the effect of changing the control of the Company from
the present  situation where no person owns more than 5% of the Company's issued
and outstanding  shares to one where  approximately  85% of the Company's issued
and outstanding shares will be beneficially owned or controlled by Martucci.

The Board of Directors recommends a vote IN FAVOR OF the USM Stock Purchase

                                 POS ACQUISITION

                              Item 3 on Proxy Card

POS Financial,  Inc. ("POS") owns and operates it's own ATM machines and Kiosks.
POS is a New  Jersey  corporation  with  principal  offices  at 3  Dundar  Road,
Springfield, New Jersey 07081.

POS currently  has  approximately  100 ATM's  deployed in a broad base of retail
outlets including supermarkets,  convenience stores, gas stations,  restaurants,
colleges,  hotels, motels,  amusement parks, family fun centers, bowling centers


and recreational  resorts.  Since POS does not issue ATM cards, each transaction
consummated  at a POS  owned  terminal  results  in a  surcharge  fee  from  the
cardholders  account. In addition,  POS dispenses stamps in peel off sheets that
are sized much like a dollar  bill.  The company  sells the 18 stamp  sheets for
$6.75 at a 99 cent premium.  POS also disburses  coupons and prepaid phone cards
through the ATMs and earns a handling fee for each transaction.

The Company's  staff members have extensive  experience in marketing,  to retail
outlets,  as well as backgrounds in database  development,  computer systems and
high  speed  networks.  In  addition,  management  has  for the  past  22  years
cultivated  a lucrative  and loyal retail  clientele,  this will enhance the POS
plans for placement of ATM machines.

POS uses the EPS Systems for the driver  software and network access required to
process  transactions.  All  debit  and  major  credit  cards  will be  accepted
including but not limited to NYCE, MAC, Plus, Cirrus, MasterCard, Visa, American
Express,  Diners Club and Discover/Novas.  EPS Systems will also provide ongoing
network   monitoring,   remote   troubleshooting,   transferring  of  money  and
reconciliation  on a daily basis.  EPS Systems charges POS a fee per transaction
for these services.

At present,  POS funds its own ATM money to consumers and in the future,  as POS
expands, it is anticipated that it will utilize outside funding sources.

In the future,  POS plans to broaden the coverage offering more complex types of
transactions where the focus shifts to an exchange or flow of information.  This
includes  dispensing coupons based on data base marketing,  check cashing to the
penny and the purchase of theater and event tickets.

Most of the above  services are currently in the  development  stages;  however,
management  of POS  believes  that the  implementation  of  these  developmental
services will result in additional  value to the POS ATM/Kiosk,  resulting in an
increase in the companies revenue streams.

A copy of the  audited  Financial  Statements  for POS for the fiscal year ended
1997 are attached hereto as Appendix B and incorporated by reference hereon.

Mr.  Martucci is currently the sole  director,  officer and 100% owner of all of
the issued and outstanding shares of POS. For biographical information about Mr.
Martucci, see Election of Directors.


Terms of the POS Purchase Agreement.

Pursuant to the terms of the POS  Purchase  Agreement,  the Company  shall issue
11,197,413 shares of Common Stock in exchange for 100% of the outstanding shares
of POS.

The closing of the  transactions  contemplated by the POS Purchase  Agreement is
conditioned  upon the approval by the Company's  stockholders of each of the POS
acquisition  and the USM Stock  Purchase (as described  more fully  above),  the
accuracy  of certain  representations  and  warranties  and the  performance  of
certain  covenants  and  other  agreements  of  each of the  parties  to the POS
Purchase  Agreement.  Additional  terms  and  conditions  of  the  POS  Purchase
Agreement  are  incorporated  by  reference to the  Agreement  which is attached
hereto  as  Appendix  C. All  holders  are  urged to review  the  Agreement  and
financial information in their entirety.

Effect on Security Holders

The issuance of the Common Stock in connection with the acquisition  will result
in Martucci  directly owning  approximately  42.5% of the Company.  In the event
that the holders shall approve the USM Stock  Purchase as described  above,  the
issuance of securities in connection with the USM Stock Purchase, taken together
with the  issuance  of  Common  Stock to  Martucci  in  exchange  for all of the
outstanding shares of Stock of POS will result in Martucci  beneficially  owning
and/or  controlling   approximately  85%  of  the  Company.   If  the  Company's
Stockholders  approve the issuance of stock to USM and the  acquisition  of POS,
such  actions  would have the effect of changing the control of the Company from
the present  situation where no person owns more than 5% of the Company's issued
and outstanding  shares to one where  approximately  85% of the Company's issued
and outstanding shares will be beneficially owned by Martucci.

The Board of Directors recommends a vote IN FAVOR OF the POS Acquisition.


                              Item 4 on Proxy Card

The Board of Directors of the Company has proposed  that the  Company's  Amended
and  Restated  Certificate  of  Incorporation  (the  "Restated   Certificate  of
Incorporation")  be  further  amended  to change  the name of the  Company  from
"Franklin  Consolidated  Mining Co.,  Inc." to "WCM Capital,  Inc." The proposed
amendment is as follows:

"FIRST:  The name of the corporation shall be "WCM Capital, Inc."


The Amendment to the Company's  Restated  Certificate of Incorporation  changing
the name of the Company, if passed,  would become effective upon the filing with
the Secretary of State of Delaware a Certificate  of Amendment,  which filing is
expected to take place shortly after the Shareholders approve the amendment. The
affirmative  vote of the  holders of a  majority  of the  outstanding  shares of
Common Stock  entitled to vote on the  Amendment  at the 1998 Annual  Meeting is
required to approve the Certificate of Incorporation Amendment.

The Board of Directors  believe that a name change  would be  beneficial  to the
Company because it allows for a diversity of operations which is consistent with
the future plans of the Company.

The Board recommends a vote for IN FAVOR OF the Certificate of Amendment.


Proposals of  Shareholders  intended to be submitted at the next annual  meeting
must be received by the  Company on or before  March 1, 1999 to be eligible  for
inclusion in the Company's proxy statement,  an accompanying notice of proxy for
such meeting.


Any document incorporated by reference and not delivered to holders herewith may
be  obtained  by any holder upon his or her  request,  whether  written or oral,
within one  business  day of the  receipt by the  Company  of such  request,  by
contacting Robert Waligunda,  Secretary of the Company, 78 Beaver Street,  Suite
500, New York, New York 10005,  Telephone Number 212-344-2828,  Facsimile Number


A copy of the  Company's  Annual Report on Form 10-KSB for the fiscal year ended
December 31, 1997 as filed with the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission may be
obtained by written request to the Company at its principal offices in New York,
New York.

Date:                                       By Order of the Board of Directors

                                            By: ______________________________
                                                Robert Waligunda, Secretary


                                                                      Appendix A

                            STOCK PURCHASE AGREEMENT

     THIS STOCK PURCHASE  AGREEMENT (this  "Agreement") is dated this 3rd day of
August,  1998 and is by and between  Franklin  Consolidated  Mining Co., Inc., a
Delaware  Corporation  ("Franklin")  and U.S.  Mining  Co.,  Inc.  a New  Jersey
corporation ("USM")


     WHEREAS,  USM is the holder of a certain  Promissory  Note,  dated March 5,
1998 (the "Note"),  executed by Franklin in the principal amount of Nine Hundred
Fifty Five  Thousand  Seven  Hundred  and Fifty Six Dollars and Twenty Two Cents
($955,756.22)  which is secured  by certain  assets of  Franklin  (the  "Secured
Assets"); and

     WHEREAS,  USM is the holder of 1/2  interest in certain  mining  properties
located in Idaho Springs, Colorado (the "Mining Property"); and

     WHEREAS,  the parties hereto desire to satisfy the principal  amount of the
Note,  together with all interest accrued thereon (the  "Indebtedness") and sell
to Franklin the mining  property in exchange  for the issuance of Common  Stock,
par value $.01 per share (the "Common  Stock") of Franklin to USM upon the terms
and subject to the conditions set forth herein.

     NOW  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the mutual  agreements and covenants
hereinafter  set  forth,  and for other  good and  valuable  consideration,  the
parties hereto agree as follows:

                                    ARTICLE 1

             1.1 Terms of the Exchange; Forgiveness of Indebtedness:

     (a) In exchange for the  forgiveness of the  indebtedness  evidenced by the
Note,  Franklin hereby agrees to issue to USM $1,000,000 shares of Common Stock.
On the  Closing  Date,  Franklin  shall  cause its  transfer  agent to issue and
deliver to USM, a certificate or certificates  representing 11,000,000 shares of
Franklin Common Stock.

     (b)  Upon  issuance  of  the  Common   Stock,   USM  shall  mark  the  Note
paid-in-full,  release any and all security interest in the Secured Assets,  and
transfer  to  Franklin  all of its  right,  title  and  interest  in the  mining


     1.2 Taking of Necessary  Action:  Further Action:  Each of Franklin and USM
shall take all  reasonable  and lawful action as may be necessary or appropriate
in order to effectuate the transactions  contemplated by this Agreement. In case
at any time after the Closing  Date any further  action  shall be  necessary  or
desirable  to carry out the  intentions  of this  Agreement,  the  officers  and
directors of each of the parties hereto shall take all such lawful and necessary

                                    ARTICLE 2


     2.1 Closing: The closing of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement
will be held at the offices of 3 Dundar Road, Springfield,  N.J. 07081, at 10:00
a.m.,  local time on or about the fifth  business  day after the date upon which
all  conditions  contained  in  Articles 5 and 6 hereof have been  satisfied  or
waived or such other time and place as the parties may agree upon (the  "Closing

     2.2 Delivery of Certificates: Cancellation of Note. On the Closing Date (a)
Franklin shall issue to USM the Franklin Securities and (b) USM shall deliver to
Franklin  the  Note  marked  paid-in-full  and  any and all  releases  or  other
documentation  necessary to remove any security  interest USM has or may have in
the Secured Assets.

                                    ARTICLE 3

                      Representations and Warrantees of USM

USM hereby represents and warrants to Franklin as follows:

     3.1 Organization and Good Standing.  USM is a corporation duly incorporated
validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the State of New Jersey.
USM has the  requisite  corporate  power and  authority  to own and  operate its
properties and assets and to carry on its business as currently  conducted.  USM
is  not  qualified  to  do  business  as a  foreign  corporation  in  any  other
jurisdiction and such  qualification  is not now required,  except to the extent
that the failure to so qualify would not have a material adverse effect on USM's
business as currently conducted.

     3.2 Corporate  Power and  Authorization.  USM has the  corporate  power and
authority to execute and deliver this  Agreement and to perform its  obligations
under  the  terms of this  Agreement.  All  corporate  action on the part of USM
necessary for the authorization,  execution,  delivery and performance by USM of
this  agreement has been taken or will be taken prior to the Closing Date.  This
Agreement, when executed and delivered by USM shall constitute


the valid and binding  obligations  of USM  enforceable  in accordance  with its
terms,  except  as the  enforceability  thereof  may be  limited  by  bankruptcy
insolvency or other laws relating to or affecting creditor's rights generally or
by general equitable  principles  (regardless of whether such  enforceability is
considered in a proceeding in equity or at law).

     3.3 Investment. USM is acquiring the Franklin Securities for investment for
its own account, not as a nominee or agent and not with a view to, or for resale
in connection with any  distribution of any part thereof,  and he has no present
intention of selling,  granting any  participation in or otherwise  distributing
the same. USM understands that the Franklin Common Stock has not been registered
under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Act") or applicable state and
other  Common  Stock  laws and is being  issued to USM by  reason of a  specific
exemption from the  registration  provisions of the Act and applicable state and
other  securities  laws,  the  availability  of which depends upon,  among other
things,  the bona fide nature of the investment intent and the accuracy of USM's
representations expressed herein.

     3.4 Restricted Securities.  USM has no need of liquidity in this investment
and  acknowledges  and  understands  that it must bear the economic risk of this
investment for an indefinite period of time because the Franklin Securities must
be held indefinitely unless subsequently registered under the Act and applicable
state and other securities laws or unless an exemption from such registration is
available.  USM understands that any transfer agent of Franklin will be issued a
stop-transfer  instructions  with respect to such shares unless such transfer is
subsequently  registered under the Act and applicable state and other securities
laws or unless an exemption from such  registration is available,  and that each
certificate  representing the Franklin Securities will bear a restrictive legend
to such effect.

                                    ARTICLE 4

                   Representations and Warranties of Franklin

Franklin hereby represents and warrants to USM as follows:

     4.1 Organization and Good Standing;  Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws:
Franklin  is a  corporation  duly  incorporated,  validly  existing  and in good
standing  under the laws of the State of Delaware.  Franklin  has the  requisite
corporate  power and authority to own and operate its  properties and assets and
to carry on its  business as  currently  conducted.  Franklin is qualified to do
business in those jurisdictions  listed on Schedule 4.1 hereto.  Franklin is not
qualified to do business as a foreign  corporation in any other jurisdiction and
such qualification is not now required, except to the extent that the failure to
so qualify would not have a material  adverse  effect on Franklin's  business as
currently conducted.


     4.2 Corporate Power and Authorization. Franklin has the corporate power and
authority  to execute  and deliver  this  Agreement,  to issue the Common  Stock
hereunder and to perform its obligations under the terms of this Agreement.  All
corporate  action  on the  part of  Franklin,  its  directors  and  stockholders
necessary for the authorization, execution, delivery and performance by Franklin
of this Agreement and the authorization, sale, issuance and delivery of Franklin
stock has been taken or will be taken prior to the Closing Date. This Agreement,
when  executed and  delivered by Franklin,  shall  constitute  valid and binding
obligations of Franklin, enforceable in accordance with its terms, except as the
enforceability  thereof may be limited by  bankruptcy,  insolvency or other laws
relating to or affecting  creditors'  rights  generally or by general  equitable
principles  (regardless  of  whether  such  enforceability  is  considered  in a
proceeding in equity or at law). Upon the Closing Date, the Common Stock will be
duly  authorized  and,  when issued in  compliance  with the  provisions of this
Agreement, will be validly issued, fully paid, nonassessable, and free and clear
of any liens, pledges,  claims, security interests or other encumbrances created
hereby;  provided,  however, that the Common Stock is subject to restrictions on
transfer under state or federal securities laws as set forth herein.

     4.3  Capitalization.  The authorized  capital stock of Franklin consists of
100,000,000  shares of Common Stock,  $0.01 par value, of which 3,955,173 shares
are issued and outstanding.  All of the outstanding  shares of Common Stock have
been duly  authorized and validly  issued and are fully paid and  nonassessable.
Except as set forth on Schedule  4.3,  there are no  options,  warrants or other
rights outstanding to purchase or acquire,  or any securities  convertible into,
nor has  Franklin  agreed  to issue or  reissue,  other  than  pursuant  to this
Agreement,  any of Franklin's  authorized and unissued capital stock.  Except as
described on Schedule 4.3, there are no agreements or understandings that affect
or relate to the  voting or giving of  written  consent  with  respect to any of
Franklin's outstanding  securities.  There are no preemptive rights with respect
to the issuance or sale of Franklin's capital stock.

     4.4 Financial  Statements.  Franklin has provided the Stockholder  with (i)
audited financial  statements of Franklin as of and for the years ended December
31,  1996 and 1997 (the  "Audited  Financial  Statements"),  and (ii)  unaudited
financial  statements  of  Franklin  as of and for the one month ended March 31,
1998 (the "Interim Financial Statements" and together with the Audited Financial
Statements,  the "Financial Statements").  The Financial Statements are complete
and correct in all material  respects and have been prepared in accordance  with
generally  accepted   accounting   principles  applied  on  a  consistent  basis
throughout the period  indicated.  The Financial  Statements  fairly present the
financial  condition and  operating  results of Franklin as of the dates and for
the  periods  indicated,   subject,   with  respect  to  the  Interim  Financial
Statements, to normal year-end audit adjustments.


     4.5 Absence of Certain  Developments.  Except as  described on Schedule 4.5
since  December 31, 1997,  there has been no change in the assets,  liabilities,
condition (financial or otherwise),  operating results, business or prospects of
Franklin from that reflected in the Audited Financial Statements, except changes
in the ordinary  course of business that have not been,  individually  or in the
aggregate, materially adverse to the assets, properties, condition (financial or
otherwise),  operating  results,  business or  prospects  of Franklin or changes
reflected in the Interim Financial  Statements.  Without limiting the foregoing,
except as described on Schedule 4.5,  Franklin has not, since December 31, 1997,
(i) directly or indirectly  declared or paid any dividend or ordered or made any
other distribution on account of any shares of any class of the capital stock of
Franklin, (ii) directly or indirectly redeemed,  purchased or otherwise acquired
any such shares or agreed to do so or set aside any sum or property for any such
purpose, (iii) made any capital expenditures  exceeding $100,000,  (iv) incurred
any indebtedness exceeding $100,000, (v) sold or encumbered any material assets,
property,  rights licenses or permits used in Franklin's business,  (v) suffered
any extraordinary  loss, damage or casualty loss, (vi) received  notification of
termination or significant  decrease from any material customer or supplier,  or
(vii) committed to any of the foregoing.

     4.6 Absence of Undisclosed Liabilities. Except as disclosed on Schedule 4.6
Franklin does not have any liability or obligation, absolute or contingent, that
is not  reflected  in the  Financial  Statements,  other  than  obligations  and
liabilities  which  taken  individually  or in the  aggregate  would  not have a
material adverse effect on Franklin's assets, liabilities,  condition (financial
or otherwise), operating results, business or prospect.

     4.7 Taxes.  Except as  disclosed on Schedule 4.7 Franklin has filed all tax
returns  and  reports  required  by law to be  filed,  and has paid  all  taxes,
assessments and other government al charges that are due and payable, except for
those matters  reasonably  being  contested by Franklin and those matters which,
individually  and in the aggregate,  would not have a material adverse effect on
Franklin's assets,  liabilities,  condition (financial or otherwise),  operating
results,  business or prospects. The charges, accruals and reserves on the books
of  Franklin  in respect  of taxes are  considered  adequate  by  Franklin,  and
Franklin knows of no assessment for additional taxes or any basis therefor.

     4.8 Title to  Properties:  Liens and  Encumbrances.  Except as set forth on
Schedule 5.8 Franklin has good title to all of its properties  and assets,  both
real and  personal,  tangible and  intangible,  reflected  on the balance  sheet
included in the Audited Financial  Statements or acquired after the date thereof
(except  inventory or other personal property disposed of in the ordinary course
of business subsequent to the date thereof),  and such properties and assets are
not subject to any mortgage,  pledge,  lien,  security  interest  encumbrance or
charge other than (o) liens for current taxes not yet due and


payable,  (ii) liens and  encumbrances  that do not materially  detract from the
value of the property  subject  thereto or materially  impair the  operations of
Franklin  or  (iii)  liens  securing  obligations  reflected  in  the  Financial
Statements.  With respect to properties or assets it leases, except as set forth
on Schedule  4.8,  Franklin is in compliance  with such leases  (except for such
defaults or breaches that would not,  individually  or in the aggregate,  have a
material  adverse  affect  on  assets,  liabilities,   condition  (financial  or
otherwise),  operating results, business or prospects) and holds valid leasehold
interests free of any liens,  claims or encumbrances  except for those described
in subsections (i) through (iii) hereof.

     4.9  Compliance  with Other  instruments.  Franklin is not in  violation or
default of any provision of its  Certificate of  Incorporation  or By-Laws,  or,
except as  described  on  Schedule  4.9 in  default  of any  material  mortgage,
indebtedness,  indenture, contract, agreement, instrument, judgment or decree to
which Franklin is a party or by which it is bound.  The execution,  delivery and
performance by Franklin of this Agreement,  and the consummation of transactions
contemplated  hereby and thereby,  will not, except as described on Schedule 4.9
result in any  violation  of or  conflict  with the  Franklin's  Certificate  of
Incorporation  or By-Laws,  and, will not result in any violation of or conflict
with,  or  constitute  a default  under,  any material  mortgage,  indebtedness,
indenture, contract, agreement, instrument, judgment or decree to which Franklin
is a party or by which it is bound or in the creation of any material  mortgage,
pledge,  lien,  encumbrance  or charge upon any of the  properties  or assets of

     4.10  Litigation,  etc. Except as described on Schedule 4.10,  there are no
actions,   suits,   proceedings   (arbitration,   regulatory  or  otherwise)  or
investigations  pending or, to Franklin's  best knowledge,  threatened,  against
Franklin or against any if its officers or  directors in their  capacity as such
or which otherwise involves Franklin's business or operations.  Franklin has not
commenced or had commenced against it any case under applicable bankruptcy laws.
Franklin  is not  engaged in any legal  action to  recover  moneys due it or for
damages sustained by it in connection with Franklin's business.

     4.11  Employees.  Franklin does not have any employees  employed at will or
pursuant to an employment agreement with Franklin.

     4.12 Registration Rights. Except as described on Schedule 4.12, Franklin is
not under any  contractual  obligation  to  register  under the Act,  any of its
currently outstanding securities or any of its securities which may hereafter be

     4.13  Governmental  Consent.  Except  as set  forth on  Schedule  4.13,  no
consent,   approval  or  authorization   of  or   registration,   qualification,
designation,  declaration or filing with any governmental  authority on the part
of Franklin is required in  connection  with the valid  execution,  delivery and
performance  of this  Agreement,  the offer,  sale or issuance  of the  Franklin


securities, or the consummation of any other transactions contemplated hereby or
thereby,  except for filings  that may be  required  to comply  with  applicable
federal and state securities laws.
     4.14  Compliance with Law. Except as set forth on Schedule 4.14 Franklin is
conducting  its business and  operations in compliance in all material  respects
with all  governmental  rules  and  regulations  applicable  thereto,  including
without limitation those relating to occupational safety, environmental,  health
and  employment  practices,  and is not in  violation or default in any material
respects under any statute, law, ordinance,  rule, regulation,  judgment, order,
decree,   concession,   grant,   franchise,   license   or  other   governmental
authorization or approval applicable to it or any of its properties.

     4.15 Permits.  Franklin has all permits,  licenses, orders and approvals of
any federal,  state,  local or foreign  governmental or regulatory body that are
material  to or  necessary  in the  conduct  of its  business  as now  conducted
(collectively, the "Permits"); all such Permits are in full force and effect; no
violations have been recorded in respect of any such Permits; and not proceeding
is pending or, to the  knowledge of Franklin,  threatened to revoke or limit any
such  Permits.  Schedule  4.15  contains a  complete  and  accurate  list of all

     4.16 Offering.  Subject to accuracy of the USM's representations in Article
3, hereof,  the offer,  sale and issuance of the Common Stock as contemplated by
this  Agreement  will  constitute  transactions  exempt  from  the  registration
requirements of Section 5 of the Securities Act.

     4.17 Brokers or Finders.  Franklin has not retained any broker or finder in
connection with the transactions  contemplated by this Agreement,  and there are
no brokerage commissions, finder's fees or similar items of compensation payable
in connection  therewith  based on any  arrangement  or agreement  made by or on
behalf of Franklin.

     4.18  Intellectual  Property.  Franklin  does not have any patents,  patent
applications,  trademarks and trademark  applications or other  registrations of
intellectual property rights registered in its name or licensed to Franklin.

     4.19 Property,  Equipment,  etc. To the best of Franklin's  knowledge,  the
property and  equipment  owned or leased by Franklin,  taken as a whole,  are in
good  operating  condition  (except  for  ordinary  wear and  tear  which do not
adversely affect Franklin's  businesses and are generally  suitable for the uses
for which they are currently used.

     4.20  Insurance.  Except  as set  forth  on  Schedule  4.20,  the  physical
properties and assets used in connection with Franklin's  businesses are covered
by  insurance  with  reputable  companies  against  casualty  and  other  losses


customarily  obtained  to cover  comparable  properties  and  assets by  similar
businesses  in the region in which such  properties  and assets of Franklin  are
located,  in amounts  and  coverage  which are  reasonable  in light of existing
conditions.  Franklin  has not failed to give any  notice or  present  any claim
under any insurance  policy in a due and timely fashion except for such failures
that would not have a material adverse effect on Franklin's assets, liabilities,
condition (financial or otherwise), operating results, business or prospects.

     4.21 No Misrepresentations or Omissions. To Franklin's best knowledge,  all
information   provided  in  connection  herewith  and  all  representations  and
warranties  hereunder,  including the  disclosures in the Financial  Statements,
this Agreement or the Schedules hereto, are complete and correct in all material
respects  and do not  contain  any  misleading  statement  or omit any  material

     4.22 ERISA. Franklin does not maintain any "Plan" subject to the Employment
Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended ("ERISA").

     4.23 Securities Filings.  Franklin has made all filings with the Securities
and Exchange  Commission (the "SEC") that it has been required to make under the
Act and the rules and regulations  promulgated thereunder and under the Exchange
Act of 1934,  as amended (the  "Exchange  Act"),  and the rules and  regulations
promulgated  thereunder.  Franklin has  provided  USM with  complete and correct
copies of all of Franklin's filings made with the SEC (including all exhibits to
such filings)  since January 1, 1993 (all such  documents  which have been filed
with the SEC, as amended,  the "SEC Documents"),  including,  without limitation
all Annual  Reports on Form 10-KSB,  all Quarterly  Reports on Form 10-QSB,  all
Current  Reports  on  Form  8-K,  all  registration  statements  and  all  proxy
statements and annual reports to  shareholders.  Except as set forth on Schedule
4.23 and to the best  knowledge of  Franklin,  the SEC  Documents  comply in all
material  respects with the  requirements  of the Securities Act or the Exchange
Act, as the case may be, and to the best knowledge of Franklin,  none of the SEC
Documents  contain any untrue  statement  of a material  fact or omit to state a
material fact required to be stated  therein or necessary to make the statements
therein,  in  light  of the  circumstances  under  which  they  were  made,  not

     4.24 Contracts.  Schedule 4.24 sets forth a list of all written  contracts,
agreements, mortgages, notes, instruments, leases, licenses (other than licenses
set forth in Schedule 4.16) hereof), franchises,  arrangements or understandings
with  respect to Franklin  (the  "Franklin  Contracts").  Except as set forth on
Schedule 4.14, all of Franklin  Contracts are valid and in full force and effect
and there are no existing defaults,  or events which with the passage of time or
the giving of notice, or both, would constitute defaults by Franklin,  or to the
knowledge of Franklin, by any other party to any Franklin Contract.


                                    ARTICLE 5

                        Conditions to Closing of Franklin

The  obligations  of Franklin to issue the Common  Stock on the Closing Date are
subject to the fulfillment as of the Closing Date of the following conditions:

     5.1  Representations  and  Warranties  Correct.   The  representations  and
warranties  made by USM in Article 3 hereof be true and correct at and as of the
Closing Date, with the same effect as though such representations and warranties
had been made at and as of the Closing Date.

     5.2 Covenants.  All covenants,  agreements and conditions contained in this
Agreement to be performed by USM at or prior to the Closing Date shall have been
performed or complied  with,  including the obtaining of all consents  necessary
for the consummation of the transaction by USM.

     5.3 Compliance  Certificate of each of USM and the  Stockholder.  USM shall
have delivered to Franklin a certificate  executed by the President of USM dated
the Closing Date, and certifying to the fulfillment of the conditions  specified
in Sections 5.1 and 5.2 of this Agreement as they relate to USM.

     5.4 Note  Paid-in-Full.  USM shall have  delivered to Franklin the original
note marked Paid in Full and all documents, instruments, filings and other forms
duly  executed  in  proper  form for  filing  in order to  remove  all liens and
encumbrances on the Secured Assets.

     5.5  Transfer of Mining  Property.  USM shall have  transferred  the Mining
Property to Franklin

     5.6 Compliance  Certificate.  Franklin shall have received a certificate of
the Secretary of USM certifying as to (a) the  Certificate of  Incorporation  of
USM,  (b)  By-Laws  of USM,  (c) the good  standing  of USM in New  Jersey,  (d)
resolutions  of the  Board  of  Directors  authorizing  the  execution  of  this
Agreement and the other transactions  contemplated  herein and (e) incumbency of
USM's signatory.

                                    ARTICLE 6

                          Conditions to Closing of USM

USM's  obligation  to  convert  the Note at the  Closing  Date is subject to the
fulfillment as of the Closing Date of the following conditions:


     6.1  Representations  and  Warranties  Correct.   The  representations  and
warranties made by Franklin in Article 4 hereof shall be true and correct at and
as of the Closing Date, with the same effect as though such  representations and
warranties had been made at and as of the Closing Date.

     6.2 Convenants. All covenants,  agreements and conditions contained in this
Agreement to be performed by Franklin at or prior to the Closing shall have been
complied with.

     6.3  Compliance  Certificate.  Franklin  shall  have  delivered  to  USM  a
certificate  executed by the President of Franklin  dated the Closing Date,  and
certifying to the  fulfillment of the  conditions  specified in Sections 6.1 and
6.2 of this Agreement.

     6.4 Stock Certificate/Warrant  Certificates.  Franklin shall have issued or
cause to be issued to USM a certificate or certificates  representing the Common

     6.5  Compliance  Certificate.  USM shall have received a certificate of the
Secretary of certifying as to (a) the Certificate of  Incorporation of Franklin,
(b) By-Laws of Franklin,  (c) the good  standing of Franklin in Delaware and the
jurisdictions  listed on Schedule 4.1 hereto,  (d) resolutions of the Franklin's
Board of Directors  authorizing  the  execution of this  Agreement and the other
transactions  contemplated  hereby,  (e) resolutions of Franklin's  stockholders
approving the execution and delivery of this Agreement and the  consummation  of
the transactions contemplated herein and (f) incumbency of Franklin signatory.

     6.6 Purchase of POS Financial,  Inc.  Franklin shall have  consummated  the
purchases of all of the  outstanding  shares of common  stock of POS  Financial,
Inc. ("POS").

                                    ARTICLE 7

Stockholder Approvals, Board of Directors' Recommendations; Filings:

     7.1 Stockholder Approvals; Board of Directors'  Recommendations.  A meeting
of the  stockholders  of Franklin  shall be held in accordance  with the General
Corporation Law of the State of Delaware ("GCL"), as promptly as possible, after
at least 20 days' prior written notice there of to the stockholders of Franklin,
to consider and vote upon, among other things, the adoption and approval of this
Agreement,  the acquisition of POS,  changing of the corporate name of Franklin,
the election of the Board of  Directors of Franklin and such other  transactions
as contemplated hereby  (collectively,  the "Proxy  Proposals").  Subject to its
fiduciary duty to stockholders, the Board of Directors


of Franklin shall recommend to its stockholders that the Agreement and the other
Proxy Proposals be adopted and approved.

     7.2 Filings. As soon as practicable after the adoption and approval of this
Agreement and the other Proxy Proposals, Franklin shall undertake to prepare and
submit to USM, for review and approval, any and all documentation and/or filings
required by the GCL or the Act or the exchange Act to be submitted and/or filed.
Upon the approval of such  documentation  and/or filings by USM,  Franklin shall
undertake to file same, as applicable, with the office of the Secretary of State
of the State of Delaware and the SEC.

     7.3 Proxy  Statement.  As soon as  practicable,  Franklin shall prepare and
file,  or cause to be prepared and filed with the SEC, a proxy  statement  (such
proxy  statement,   together  with  all  financial  statements,   exhibits,  and
supplements  thereto,  being herein called the "Proxy  Statement" and such proxy
statement,  together with all financial  statements and exhibits thereto, in the
form to be  filed  with the SEC  being  herein  called  the  "Preliminary  Proxy
Statement"  to be used in  connection  with the meeting of the  stockholders  of
Franklin,  or for inclusion in Franklin's  filings  under any  applicable  state
takeover laws.

                                    ARTICLE 8


     8.1  Indemnification  by USM.  USM  agrees to  indemnify,  defend  and hold
Franklin harmless, and its officers, directors, stockholders, agents, employees,
attorneys,  affiliates,  successors  and assigns,  from and against,  and pay or
reimburse  each of them for,  any and all claims,  losses,  damages,  judgments,
amounts  paid in  settlement,  costs and  legal,  accounting  or other  expenses
(collectively,  "Losses")  that any of them may  sustain or incur as a result of
any  misrepresentation,  any  inaccuracy  in, or any breach of, any  warranty or
representation  or any  non-performance  of any convenant or other obligation on
the  part  of  USM  contained  in  this  Agreement,  or any  document  delivered
hereunder;  provided  that USM shall not be required to  indemnify  Franklin for
Losses unless such Losses exceed  $50,000 in the  aggregate,  in which event USM
shall be obligated to indemnify Franklin for the amount of such Losses in excess
of $50,000.

     8.2 Indemnification by Franklin.  Franklin agrees to indemnify,  defend and
hold harmless USM, and officers,  directors,  stockholders,  agents,  employees,
attorneys,  affiliates,  successors  and  assigns  and  each of  them,  from and
against,  and pay or reimburse  each of them for, any and all Losses that any of
them  may  sustain  or incur as a result  of any  misrepresentation,  breach  of
warranties  or  representations  or  non-performance  of any  covenants or other
obligations on the part of Franklin  contained in this Agreement or any document


delivered  hereunder;  provided that Franklin shall not be required to indemnify
USM and/or the  Stockholder  for losses unless such Losses exceed $50,000 in the
aggregate,  in which event Franklin shall indemnify such  indemnified  party for
the amount of such Losses in excess of $50,000.

     8.3 Indemnification Procedures.

     (a) Promptly after receipt by a party entitled to indemnification hereunder
(an  "Indemnified  Party") of notice of any claim or of the  commencement of any
action, investigations,  suit or proceeding ("Proceeding") with respect to which
such party may make a claim for Indemnification hereunder, the Indemnified Party
will notify the party against whom  indemnification is sought (the "Indemnifying
Party") in writing of such claim or Proceeding,  and the Indemnifying  Party may
in his or its  discretion  assume the  defense of such claim or  Proceeding,  in
which  case  he or it  shall  employ  counsel  reasonably  satisfactory  to  the
Indemnified  Party  and  shall  pay the  fees  and  expenses  of  such  counsel.
Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, an Indemnified Party will be entitled to
employ  counsel  separate  from  counsel  for  the  Indemnifying  Party  and  to
participate  in the  defense  of such  claim or  Proceeding  at the  Indemnified
Party's  expense.  No settlement or compromise of any claim or Proceeding  shall
give rise to  liability of the  Indemnifying  Party unless such party shall have
been notified of any proposed  settlement or compromise and shall have consented
thereto;  provided that the Indemnifying  Party shall obtain the written consent
of the  Indemnified  Party,  which consent shall not be  unreasonably  withheld,
prior to ceasing to defend, settling or otherwise disposing of any such claim or
proceeding,  if as a result of the  failure  of the  Indemnified  Party to do so
would cause it or him to become subject to injunctive or other equitable relief,
or the business of the Indemnified  Party (or that of its  subsidiary)  would be
materially adversely affected in any manner.

     (a) Other Losses. In the event that any Indemnified Party suffers a Loss or
otherwise  becomes  entitled to  indemnification  hereunder from an Indemnifying
Party in a situation  that does not involve a Proceeding  being  instituted by a
third party,  the  Indemnified  Party shall send notice as it would  pursuant to
Section 8.3(a) in order to provide  reasonable notice to the Indemnifying  Party
as to the nature and extent of the Loss.

     (c) Effect.  Any notice of a claim or  Proceeding  or a claim for indemnity
provided for herein shall be in writing and shall  specify,  to the extent known
by the Indemnified  Party,  the nature and extent of the claim or Proceeding and
the  amount  being  asserted  as  damages  or  Losses,   as  the  case  may  be.
Notwithstanding the foregoing,  the failure to so provide notice on a timely and
adequate  basis  (except  to the  extent  that such  notice  is given  after the
survival  period  contained in Section  8.2) shall not relieve the  Indemnifying
Party of its obligations to indemnify  hereunder  except to the extent that such
Indemnifying  Party  can  establish  prejudice  to it by the lack of  timely  or
adequate notice.


                                    ARTICLE 9


     9.1  Termination.  This  Agreement may be terminated  and the  transactions
contemplated hereby abandoned at any time prior to the Closing, whether prior to
or after  approval  by the  stockholders  of  Franklin  by consent of all of the
parties hereto, or by either Franklin, on the one hand, or USM on the other, if;
(i) the other party shall,  when made, have breached in any material respect any
of its representations or warranties contained in this Agreement;  (ii) any such
representation  or warranty  shall not be correct or  accurate  in all  material
respects at and as of the  Closing  Date with the same effect as if made at such
time (with such  exceptions as are permitted  hereunder);  (iii) the other party
shall have failed top comply in all material  respects  with any of its convents
or agreements contained in this Agreement to be complied with or performed by it
at or prior to the  Closing  Date;  (iv) if a permanent  injunction  is entered,
enforced or deemed applicable to this Agreement which prohibits the consummation
of the transactions contemplated hereby and all appeals of such injunction shall
have been  taken  and shall  have  been  unsuccessful;  (v) if any  governmental
entity,  the consent of which is a condition to the  obligation of such party to
consummate the transactions  contemplated  hereby,  shall have determined not to
grant its consent and all  appeals of such  determination  shall have been taken
and shall  have  been  unsuccessful,  or (vi) the  Closing  Date  shall not have
occurred within 180 days of the date hereof.

     9.2 Effect of  Termination.  In the event of  termination of this Agreement
pursuant to Section 9.1 hereof, all rights of all parties hereto shall cease and
terminate,  except for such rights as any party may otherwise have for breach of
contract,   including,   without   limitation,   rights   for   breach   of  any
representations, warranties or covenants contained herein.

                                   ARTICLE 10


     11.1 Governing Law. This agreement  shall be governed by an construed under
the  laws of the  State of New  York  without  regard  to the  conflicts  of law
principles thereof.

     11.2 Survival. The representations and warranties made herein shall survive
the Closing Date of the transactions  contemplated  hereby for a period of three
(3) years from the Closing Date.


     11.3  Successors and Assigns.  Except as otherwise  provided  herein,  this
Agreement  shall insure to the benefit of, and be binding upon, the  successors,
assigns, heirs, executors and administrators of the parties hereto. Franklin may
not assign its rights under this Agreement  without the express  written consent
of USM.

     11.4 Entire Agreement:  Amendment. This Agreement, its attachments, and the
other  documents and agreements  delivered  pursuant  hereto at the Closing Date
constitute the full and entire  understanding  and agreement between the parties
with regard to the  subjects  hereof and thereof.  Except as expressly  provided
herein,  neither  this  Agreement  no any term  hereof  my be  amended,  waived,
discharged or terminated other than by a written agreement of USM, and Franklin.

     11.5 Notices.  All notices and other  communications  required or permitted
hereunder  shall be in writing and shall be mailed by  registered  or  certified
mail, postage prepaid, or otherwise delivered by hand or by messenger, including
Federal Express or similar courier  services,  addressed (a) if to Franklin,  76
Beaver  Street,  Room 500, New York,  New York 10005 or at such other address as
Franklin  shall have  furnished to the other parties hereto in writing or (b) if
to USM to P.O. Box 343, Millburn, New Jersey 07041, or such other address as USM
shall have furnished to the other parties hereto in writing. Each such notice or
other  communication  shall for all  purposes  of this  Agreement  be treated as
effective or having been given when  delivered if delivered  personally,  or, if
sent by mail or  courier,  at the  earlier of its  receipt or 48 hours after the
same has been deposited in a regularly maintained  receptacle for the deposit of
the United States mail, addressed and mailed as aforesaid.

     11.6 Delays or Omissions.  Except as expressly provided herein, no delay or
omission to exercise  any right,  power or remedy  accruing to any party to this
Agreement,  shall impair any such right, power or remedy of such party nor shall
it be construed to be a waiver of any such breach or default, or an acquiescence
therein,  or of or in any similar breach or default  thereafter  occurring;  nor
shall any waiver of any single breach or default be deemed a waiver of any other
breach or default  theretofore  or  thereafter  occurring.  Any waiver,  permit,
consent or approval of any kind or character of any breach or default under this
Agreement, or any waiver of any provisions or conditions of this Agreement, must
be in writing and shall be effective only to the extent  specifically  set forth
in  such  writing.  All  remedies,  either  under  this  Agreement  or by law or
otherwise  afforded to any party to this Agreement,  shall be cumulative and not

     11.7  Expenses.  USM agrees to pay the expenses and legal fees  incurred on
its behalf and on behalf of the other parties to this  Agreement with respect to
this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby.


     11.8 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts,
each of which shall be an original,  and all of which together shall  constitute
one instrument.

     11.9  Severability.  In the  event  that any  provision  of this  Agreement
becomes or is  declared  by a court of  competent  jurisdiction  to be  illegal,
unenforceable  or void,  this Agreement  shall continue in full force and effect
without said provision.  Furthermore, in lieu of such illegal,  unenforceable or
void provision,  there shall be added  automatically as part of this Agreement a
provision as similar in terms to such illegal,  unenforceable  or void provision
as may be possible and be legal, enforceable and valid.

     11.10 Effect of Headings.  The section  headings used in this Agreement are
used  for  convenience  only  and  are not to be  considered  in  construing  or
interpreting this Agreement.

     11.11  Announcements.  Each party  shall give to the other  parties  hereto
reasonable  prior notice and shall consult with the other parties  hereto on the
timing,  contents  and manner of making  all  announcements  or press  releases,
written or otherwise,  relating to the transactions contemplated hereby, whether
to employees,  stockholders or the public, by or on behalf of any of the parties
hereto, except to the extent required by law.


                  IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  this  Agreement has been executed by the
parties hereto effective as of the date first set forth above.

                           FRANKLIN CONSOLIDATED MINING CO., INC.

                                       By: ____________________________
                                           J. Terry Anderson, President

                                                 U.S. MINING, INC.

                                         By: ______________________________ 
                                                William Martucci, President


                                U.S. MINING, INC.
                          (a development stage company)

                              FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                                 MARCH 31, 1998

                                U.S. MINING, INC.
                          (a development stage company)

                                 MARCH 31, 1998



Independent Auditors' Report                                                  1.

Financial Statements:
Balance Sheet                                                                 2.
Statement of Operations                                                       3.
Statement of Stockholder's Deficit                                            4.
Statement of Cash Flows                                                       5.

Notes to Financial Statements                                            6. - 8.

                          INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT

To the Stockholder
U.S. Mining, Inc.
Springfield, NJ   07081

We have  audited  the  accompanying  balance  sheet  of  U.S.  Mining,  Inc.  (a
development  stage  company) as of March 31, 1998 and the related  statements of
operations,  stockholder's  equity  (deficit) and cash flows for the period from
inception  November 4, 1997 through March 31, 1998.  These financial  statements
are the  responsibility of the Company's  management.  Our  responsibility is to
express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit.

We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards.
Those standards require that we plan and perform the audits to obtain reasonable
assurance   about  whether  the  financial   statements  are  free  of  material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An audit also includes
assessing the  accounting  principles  used and  significant  estimates  made by
management,  as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion,  the financial  statements  referred to above present fairly, in
all material respects,  the financial position of U.S. Mining,  Inc. as of March
31,  1998 and the  results of its  operations  and its cash flows for the period
from  inception  November  4, 1997  through  March 31, 1998 in  conformity  with
generally accepted accounting principles.

The accompanying  financial  statements have been prepared  assuming the Company
will  continue as a going  concern.  As  discussed,  in Note 4 to the  financial
statements,  the Company has incurred a net loss and an accumulated deficit from
inception.  In addition,  the Company's major asset is a note receivable from an
affiliate  and the ability of the affiliate to continue as a going concern is in
question. This situation raises substantial doubt about the Company's ability to
continue  as a going  concern.  The  accompanying  financial  statements  do not
include any  adjustments  to the  recorded  asset  amounts  and to the  recorded
liability  amounts  that  might be  necessary  should  the  Company be unable to
continue as a going concern.

                                                     LAZAR LEVINE & FELIX LLP

New York, New York
July 9, 1998

                                U.S. MINING, INC.
                          (a development stage company)
                                  BALANCE SHEET
                                 MARCH 31, 1998

                                   - ASSETS -

  Due from Franklin Consolidated Mining Co., Inc.                   $    26,657

NOTE RECEIVABLE, Franklin Consolidated Mining Co., Inc.                 995,773

TOTAL ASSETS                                                        $ 1,097,430


  Accounts payable                                                  $     2,925
  Accrued interest payable                                               27,882
  Notes payable - POS Financial, Inc.                                 1,010,070
  Note payable - Hayden lease                                            70,000
TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES                                             1,110,877
  Loans payable - stockholder                                            43,500
  Loans payable - Electronic Marketing, Inc.                             20,500
TOTAL NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES                                            64,000
TOTAL LIABILITIES                                                     1,174,877

   Common stock, no par value; 2,500 shares authorized,
     issued and outstanding                                                  25
   Deficit accumulated during the development stage                     (77,472)
TOTAL STOCKHOLDER'S DEFICIT                                             (77,447)
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDER'S DEFICIT                         $ 1,097,430

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                                                                         Page 2.

                                U.S. MINING, INC.
                          (a development stage company)
                             STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS

   Interest                                                           $  26,657
   Professional fees                                                     75,947
   Interest                                                              27,882
TOTAL EXPENSES                                                          103,829

LOSS BEFORE PROVISION FOR INCOME TAXES                                  (77,172)

PROVISION FOR INCOME TAXES                                                  300

NET LOSS                                                              $ (77,472)

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                                                                         Page 3.

                                U.S. MINING, INC.
                          (a development stage company)

                                           Common      Development      
                                           Stock         Stage            Total
                                          --------      --------       --------
Capital contribution                      $     25      $   --         $     25
                                          --------      --------       --------

Net loss                                      --         (77,472)       (77,472)
                                          --------      --------       --------

BALANCE - MARCH 31, 1998                  $     25      $(77,472)      $(77,447)
                                          ========      ========       ========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                                                                         Page 4.

                                U.S. MINING, INC.
                          (a development stage company)
                             STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS

Net loss                                                            $   (77,472)
   Adjustments  to  reconcile  net loss to net cash
   from  operating  activities:
     Increase in:
       Due from Franklin Consolidated Mining Co., Inc.                  (26,657)
       Accounts payable                                                   2,925
       Accrued interest payable                                          27,882
Net cash utilized by operating activities                               (73,322)

   Increase in note receivable -
   Franklin Consolidated Mining Co., Inc.                              (995,773)
   Purchase of mineral rights                                           (75,000)
Net cash used by investing activities                                (1,070,773)

   Increase in note payable - Hayden                                     70,000
   Increase in note payable - POS Financial, Inc.                     1,010,070
   Increase in loans payable - stockholder                               43,500
   Increase in loans payable - Electronic Marketing Inc.                 20,500
   Equity contribution                                                       25
       Net cash provided by financing activities                      1,144,095

NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH                                     $      --   

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of thesefinancial statements.

                                                                         Page 5.

                                U.S. MINING, INC.
                          (a development stage company)
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                 MARCH 31, 1998


     (a)  Nature of Business:

          The   Company  was  formed  on  November  4,  1997  as  a  New  Jersey
          corporation.  The Company owns certain  mining  claims and  properties
          located in the County of Clear Creek, Colorado ("the Hayden lease").

     (b)  Accounting Estimates:

          The  preparation of financial  statements in conformity with generally
          accepted  accounting  principles requires management to make estimates
          and  assumptions  that  affect  the  reported  amounts  of assets  and
          liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the
          date of the financial  statements and the reported amounts of revenues
          and expenses during the period. Actual results could differ from those

     (c)  Mining, Milling and Other Property and Equipment:

          Mining, milling and other property and equipment are recorded at cost.
          Costs  incurred to acquire,  explore,  improve and develop  mining and
          milling  properties are  capitalized  and amortized in relation to the
          production  of  estimated  reserves.  Mine  development   expenditures
          incurred  substantially  in advance of  production  are deferred on an
          individual  property  basis  until  the  viability  of a  property  is
          determined.  When a property is placed in commercial production,  such
          deferred  costs are  depleted  using the  units-of-production  method.
          General exploration costs and costs to maintain the mineral rights and
          leases  are   expensed  as   incurred.   Management   of  the  Company
          periodically  reviews the  recoverability  of the capitalized  mineral
          properties and mining equipment.  Management takes into  consideration
          various  information   including,   but  not  limited  to,  historical
          production  records taken from previous  mine  operations,  results of
          exploration  activities conducted to date, estimated future prices and
          reports  and  opinions  of outside  geologists,  mine  engineers,  and
          consultants.  When it is determined that a project or property will be
          abandoned or its carrying value has been impaired, a provision is made
          for any expected loss on the project or property.

          Depletion  of mining and  milling  improvements  and mine  development
          expenditures is computed using the units-of-production method based on
          probable  reserves (there has been no charge for depletion because the
          Company has not yet commenced  operations).  Depreciation of equipment
          is computed using the  straight-line  method over the estimated useful
          lives of the related assets.

     (d)  Development Stage:

          In accordance with Statement of Financial  Accounting Standards No. 7,
          the Company is being  treated as a  development  stage  company  since
          inception, November 4, 1997, since it did not generate any significant
          revenues to date.

                                                                         Page 6.

                                U.S. MINING, INC.
                          (a development stage company)
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                 MARCH 31, 1998


     (e)  Statements of Cash Flows:

          For the purpose of the statements of cash flows the Company  considers
          all highly liquid  investments  purchased with a remaining maturity of
          three months or less to be cash equilvalents.

     (f)  Income Taxes:

          The Company has adopted  Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards
          No. 109 (SFAS No. 109),  "Accounting  for Income  Taxes." SFAS No. 109
          requires the use of the asset and liability  approach of providing for
          income  taxes.   The  asset  and  liability   approach   requires  the
          recognition  of deferred tax assets and  liabilities  for the expected
          future tax consequences of temporary  differences between the carrying
          amounts and the tax basis of assets and liabilities.


     (a)  Commitments:

          The Company and POS Financial,  Inc.  ("POS"),  a company owned by the
          stockholder  of the  Company,  have  pledged to provide  financing  to
          Franklin  Consolidated  Mining Co., Inc.  ("Franklin") on an as needed
          basis until on or about January 1, 1999.  The funds  received from the
          Company and its affiliates will cover the general,  administrative and
          other  costs of  Franklin  approximated  at  $20,000  per  month  plus
          interest.  Additional monies raised from the Company and POS will help
          finance  $750,000  of funds the  Company  estimates  will be needed to
          ready the Franklin Mine and Milling properties for the commencement of
          extraction and milling. Additional funds will be needed to support the
          extraction  and milling  processes once underway as well as to upgrade
          the  processing  facilities to allow for an increase in ore processing

     (b)  Note Receivable:

          The Company has outstanding an 8% promissory  note receivable  balance
          of $995,773 at March 31, 1998, which represents monies advanced by the
          Company and by POS. The note was due on May 4, 1998, and is secured by
          all of Franklin's mining claims and mining  properties,  (which have a
          net cost of approximately $5,700,000 at March 31, 1998) as well as its
          interest  in  the  Hayden/Kennec   Leases.  The  note  is  subject  to
          successive 30 day extensions throughout 1998 upon the mutual agreement
          of the maker  and  lender  for no  additional  consideration.  Accrued
          interest receivable at March 31, 1998 was $26,657.

          There can be no  assurance  that  Franklin  will have  adequate  funds
          available to repay the note.  In the event that  Franklin  defaults on
          its  obligations,  the Company may foreclose on the assets  secured by
          the note receivable.

                                                                         Page 7.

                                U.S. MINING, INC.
                          (a development stage company)
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                 MARCH 31, 1998


          Substantially  all  of  the  $5,700,000  of  mineral   properties  and
          equipment  collateralizing  the note  receivable  at March 31, 1998 is
          related to  exploration  properties.  The ultimate  realization of the
          Company's  note  receivable  is  dependent  upon the success of future
          property sales,  the existence of economically  recoverable  reserves,
          the  ability  to  obtain  financing  or make  other  arrangements  for
          development, and upon future profitable production.

     (c)  Note Payable - POS:

          During 1997,  the Company  issued a $955,756 or 8% note payable to POS
          in exchange for an 8% note receivable from Franklin in the same amount
          (see above).

     (d)  Loans Payable to Stockholder:

          The Company has an obligation to the stockholder  which bears interest
          at the rate of 8% per annum.

     (e)  Loans Payable to Electronic Marketing, Inc.:

          During the period ended March 31, 1998, Electronic Marketing,  Inc., a
          company owned by the  stockholder  of the Company,  paid  professional
          fees of $20,500 on behalf of the Company.


          On November  13,  1997,  the Company  purchased  the Hayden  lease for
          $75,000. The Company paid $5,000 of the purchase price on November 13,
          1997,  the  balance is  evidenced  by a note,  due on January 2, 1998,
          bearing  interest  at the per  annum  rate of 7% after  the due  date.
          Payment on the note has been  extended  until the  Company  receives a
          report of clear title.  The Company is currently  in  negotiations  to
          extend the rights to exploit these properties to Franklin.


          The accompanying financial statements have been prepared in conformity
          with generally  accepted  accounting  principles,  which  contemplates
          continuation of the Company as a going concern. The Company incurred a
          net loss of $77,472,  and a  stockholder's  deficit of $77,447 for the
          period from  inception  November 4, 1997 through  March 31,  1998.  In
          addition,  the  Company's  major  asset is a note  receivable  from an
          affiliate.  The  ability  of this  affiliate  to  continue  as a going
          concern is in question.  These factors create an uncertainty about the
          Company's  ability  to  continue  as a going  concern.  The  financial
          statements do not include  adjustments  relating to the recoverability
          and  classification  of recorded asset amounts and  classification  of
          liabilities  that might be  necessary  should the Company be unable to
          continue  in  existence.   Management  is  currently   monitoring  the
          situation  with  the  affiliate  and  believes  they  will  be able to
          continue as a going concern.

                                                                         Page 8.

                               POS FINANCIAL, INC.

                              FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                             APRIL 30, 1998 AND 1997

                               POS FINANCIAL, INC.

                             APRIL 30, 1998 AND 1997

                                  - CONTENTS -


Independent Auditors' Report                                                  1.

Financial Statements:
Balance Sheets                                                                2.
Statements of Income                                                          3.
Statements of Stockholder's Equity                                            4.
Statements of Cash Flows                                                      5.

Notes to Financial Statements                                             6.- 8.

                          INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT

To the Stockholder
POS Financial, Inc.
Springfield, NJ   07081

We have audited the  accompanying  balance  sheet of POS  Financial,  Inc. as of
April 30, 1998 and the related  statements of income,  stockholder's  equity and
cash flows for the year ended April 30, 1998. These financial statements are the
responsibility of the Company's management.  Our responsibility is to express an
opinion on these financial statements based on our audit.

We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards.
Those standards  require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable
assurance   about  whether  the  financial   statements  are  free  of  material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An audit also includes
assessing the  accounting  principles  used and  significant  estimates  made by
management,  as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion,  the financial  statements  referred to above present fairly, in
all material respects, the financial position of POS Financial, Inc. as of April
30, 1998 and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the year ended
April 30, 1998 in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

The accompanying  financial  statements have been prepared  assuming the Company
will  continue as a going  concern.  As  discussed,  in Note 4 to the  financial
statements,  the Company's  major asset is a note  receivable from an affiliate.
The ability of the affiliate to continue as a going concern is in question. This
matter raises  substantial  doubt about the  Company's  ability to continue as a
going  concern.  The  accompanying  financial  statements  do  not  include  any
adjustments to the recorded asset amounts and to the recorded  liability amounts
that might be  necessary  should the  Company be unable to  continue  as a going

                                                     LAZAR LEVINE & FELIX LLP

New York, New York
July 9, 1998

                               POS FINANCIAL, INC.
                                 BALANCE SHEETS
                             APRIL 30, 1998 AND 1997

                                   - ASSETS -

                                                                  1998         1997    
                                                               ----------   ----------
     Cash                                                      $  223,727   $  332,801
     Stamp inventory                                                9,773         --
     Due from U.S. Mining, Inc.                                 1,010,070         --
     Accrued interest receivable                                   26,657         --
     Other current assets                                            --             25
                                                               ----------   ----------
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS                                            1,270,227      332,826

     less accumulated depreciation of $18,275 (1998)
     and $2,125 (1997)                                             24,224       40,374
                                                               ----------   ----------
TOTAL ASSETS                                                   $1,294,451   $  373,200
                                                               ==========   ==========


     Accrued interest payable                                  $   35,000   $     --
     Income taxes payable                                          44,000        3,000
     Loans payable - other                                          4,700         --
     Loans payable - stockholder and affiliate                  1,148,426      359,010
                                                               ----------   ----------
TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES                                       1,232,126      362,010
                                                               ----------   ----------

     Common stock, no par value; 2,500 shares authorized,
     issued and outstanding                                            25           25
     Retained earnings                                             62,300       11,165
                                                               ----------   ----------
TOTAL STOCKHOLDER'S EQUITY                                         62,325       11,190
                                                               ----------   ----------
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDER'S EQUITY                     $1,294,451   $  373,200
                                                               ==========   ==========

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                                                                         Page 2.

                               POS FINANCIAL, INC.
                              STATEMENTS OF INCOME
                      YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1998 AND FOR THE

                                                           1998          1997 
                                                         --------      --------
     Commission income                                   $152,008       $ 26,451
     Stamp income                                           2,481           --
     Interchange fees                                       4,708           --
     Interest                                              26,657           --
                                                         --------       --------
TOTAL REVENUES                                            185,854         27,451
                                                         --------       --------

     Advertising                                            7,159           --
     Commission                                            17,738           --
     Depreciation                                          16,150          2,125
     Equipment lease                                        6,945           --
     Interest                                              35,000
     Other                                                  2,129             74
     Stamps                                                 1,768           --
     Supplies                                               1,101          5,430
     Telephone                                              5,084          4,299
     Travel                                                   645          1,358
                                                         --------       --------
TOTAL EXPENSES                                             93,719         13,286
                                                         --------       --------
INCOME BEFORE PROVISION FOR INCOME TAXES                   92,135         14,165

     Provision for income taxes                            41,000          3,000
                                                         --------       --------
NET INCOME                                               $ 51,135       $ 11,165
                                                         ========       ========

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                                                                         Page 3.

                               POS FINANCIAL, INC.
                      YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1998 AND FOR THE

                                                  Common     Retained
                                                   Stock      Earnings     Total
                                                   -----      --------     -----

Capital contribution (unaudited)                 $    25     $  --       $    25

Net income (unaudited)                              --        11,165      11,165
                                                 -------     -------     -------
Balance - April 30, 1997 (unaudited)                  25      11,165      11,190

Net income                                          --        51,135      51,135
                                                 -------     -------     -------

BALANCE - APRIL 30, 1998                         $    25     $62,300     $62,325
                                                 =======     =======     =======

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                                                                         Page 4.

                               POS FINANCIAL, INC.
                            STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS
                      YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 1998 AND FOR THE

                                                               1998            1997    
                                                           -----------    -----------
   Net income                                              $    51,135    $    11,165
   Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash
     from operating activities:
     Depreciation                                               16,150          2,125
     (Increase) decrease  in assets:
       Stamp inventory                                          (9,773)          --
       Accrued interest receivable                             (26,657)          --
       Other current assets                                         25            (25)
   Increase in liabilities:
     Accrued interest payable                                   35,000           --
     Income taxes payable                                       41,000          3,000
                                                           -----------    -----------
       Net cash provided by operating activities               106,880         16,265
                                                           -----------    -----------
   Increase in due from U.S. Mining, Inc.                   (1,010,070)          --
   Purchase of property and equipment                             --          (42,499)
                                                           -----------    -----------
     Net cash used by investing activities                  (1,010,070)       (42,499)
                                                           -----------    -----------
   Increase in loans payable - stockholder and affiliate       789,416        359,010
   Increase in loans payable - other                             4,700           --
   Equity contribution                                            --               25
                                                           -----------    -----------
     Net cash provided by financing activities                 794,116        359,035
                                                           -----------    -----------
NET (DECREASE) INCREASE IN CASH                               (109,074)       332,801

BALANCE - BEGINNING OF PERIOD                                  332,801           --   
                                                           -----------    -----------
BALANCE - END OF PERIOD                                    $   223,727    $   332,801
                                                           ===========    ===========

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                                                                         Page 5.

                               POS FINANCIAL, INC.
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                             APRIL 30, 1998 AND 1997


     (a)  Nature of Business:

          The  Company   was  formed  on  February   20,1997  as  a  New  Jersey
          corporation.  The  Company is engaged in the  operation  of  automated
          teller  machines  ("ATMs"),  and  earns a fee on each  transaction  as
          executed. The ATMs are located in retail establishments throughout the
          United States.

          The ATMs  currently  dispense  cash and  postage  stamps.  The Company
          anticipates  that  additional  products and services will be dispensed
          from the ATMs within the next two years.

     (b)  Accounting Estimates:

          The  preparation of financial  statements in conformity with generally
          accepted  accounting  principles requires management to make estimates
          and  assumptions  that  affect  the  reported  amounts  of assets  and
          liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the
          date of the financial  statements and the reported amounts of revenues
          and expenses during the period. Actual results could differ from those

     (c)  Stamp inventory:

          Stamp inventory is recorded at cost.

     (d)  Property and Equipment:

          Property and equipment is stated at cost.

          Provision is made for depreciation on the  straight-line and declining
          - balance methods by annual charges to operations calculated to absorb
          the costs of the assets over their  estimated  useful lives. A salvage
          value is provided when considered necessary.  Depreciation methods and
          life  used for tax  purposes  differ  from  those  used for  financial
          statement purposes.

          Expenditures  for  repairs  and  maintenance  are charged to income as
          incurred.  Expenditures for major renewals,  betterments and additions
          are capitalized. When assets are retired or otherwise disposed of, the
          costs of the  assets  and the  related  accumulated  depreciation  are
          eliminated  from  the  accounts.  Any gain or loss on  disposition  is
          credited or charged to income.

                                                                         Page 6.

                               POS FINANCIAL, INC.
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                             APRIL 30, 1998 AND 1997


     (e)  Statements of Cash Flows:

          For the purpose of the statements of cash flows the Company  considers
          all highly liquid  investments  purchased with a remaining maturity of
          three months or less to be cash equilvalents.

     (f)  Income Taxes:

          The Company has adopted  Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards
          No. 109 (SFAS No. 109),  "Accounting  for Income  Taxes." SFAS No. 109
          requires the use of the asset and liability  approach of providing for
          income  taxes.   The  asset  and  liability   approach   requires  the
          recognition  of deferred tax assets and  liabilities  for the expected
          future tax consequences of temporary  differences between the carrying
          amounts and the tax basis of assets and liabilities.


     (a)  Due from Affiliate:

          The sole shareholder of the Company is an officer and sole shareholder
          of a company (U.S.  Mining,  Inc.) which has an obligation  payable to
          POS  Financial,  Inc.  in the  amount of  $1,010,070  (1998)  and $-0-
          (1997).  Such  obligations  bear interest at the rate of 8% per annum.
          These  amounts  represent  advances and expenses paid on behalf of the
          Company. The outstanding balance is payable on demand.

          Interest income of $26,657 has been accrued as of April 30, 1998.

     (b)  Loan Payable to Stockholder and Affiliate:

          The Company has an  obligation  to the  stockholder  and an  affiliate
          (Electronic Marketing, Inc.), which is payable on demand.

          Such obligations  bear interest at the rate of 8% per annum.  Interest
          expense of $35,000 has been accrued as of April 30, 1998.


          The  Company  has no written  purchase  or lease  agreements  with ATM
          owners.  There are also no written  agreements  with the owners of the
          locations where the ATM's are placed.

                                                                         Page 7.

                               POS FINANCIAL, INC.
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                             APRIL 30, 1998 AND 1997

NOTE 3 - COMMITMENTS (Continued):

          Substantially  all ATMs operated by the Company from inception consist
          of test equipment offered by the manufacturer.  Accordingly, equipment
          rental expense $6,945 has been recorded for the period.


          The accompanying financial statements have been prepared in conformity
          with generally  accepted  accounting  principles,  which  contemplates
          continuation  of the Company as a going concern.  The Company's  major
          asset is a note  receivable  from an  affiliate.  The  ability of this
          affiliate to continue as a going concern is in question.  This creates
          an  uncertainty  about the  Company's  ability to  continue as a going
          concern.  The financial statements do not include adjustments relating
          to the recoverability and classification of recorded asset amounts and
          classification  of  liabilities  that  might be  necessary  should the
          Company be unable to continue in  existence.  Management  is currently
          monitoring  the  situation  with the  affiliate and believes that they
          will be able to continue as a going concern.

                                                                         Page 8.

                                                                      Appendix C

                            STOCK PURCHASE AGREEMENT

     THIS STOCK PURCHASE  AGREEMENT (this  "Agreement") is dated this 3rd day of
August,  1998 and is by and between  Franklin  Consolidated  Mining Co., Inc., a
Delaware  Corporation   ("Franklin"),   William  C.  Martucci  ("WMC")  and  POS
Financial, Inc. a New Jersey corporation.


     WHEREAS,  WCM is the  owner of 100% of the  outstanding  shares  of  Common
Stock, par value $.01 per share of POS (the "POS Common Stock") and

     WHEREAS,  Franklin  desires to acquire the POS Common Stock in exchange for
11,197,413  shares of Common  Stock,  par value $.01 per share of Franklin  (the
"Franklin   Common  Stock")  upon  the  terms  and  subject  to  the  conditions
hereinafter set forth.

     NOW  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the mutual  agreements and covenants
hereinafter  set  forth,  and for other  good and  valuable  consideration,  the
parties hereto agree as follows:

                                    ARTICLE 1

                           1.1 Terms of the Exchange:

     (a) WCM shall sell, assign, assign, transfer and convey at the closing date
the POS Common Stock to Franklin.

     (b) In  consideration  for the POS Common Stock,  Franklin  shall cause its
transfer  agent  to  issue  to WCM  or  its  assignees  on  the  Closing  Date a
certificate or certificates  representing  the Franklin Common Stock,  each duly
executed on behalf of Franklin in the name of WCM or his assignees.

     1.2 Taking of Necessary  Action:  Further Action:  Each of Franklin and WCM
shall take all  reasonable  and lawful action as may be necessary or appropriate
in order to effectuate the transactions  contemplated by this Agreement. In case
at any time after the Closing  Date any further  action  shall be  necessary  or
desirable  to carry out the  intentions  of this  Agreement,  the  officers  and
directors of each of the parties hereto shall take all such lawful and necessary


                                    ARTICLE 2


     2.1 Closing: The closing of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement
will be held at the offices of 3 Dundar Road, Springfield,  N.J. 07081, at 10:00
a.m.,  local time on or about the fifth  business  day after the date upon which
all  conditions  contained  in  Articles 6 and 7 hereof have been  satisfied  or
waived or such other time and place as the parties may agree upon (the  "Closing

     2.2 Delivery of Certificates.  On the Closing Date (a) Franklin shall issue
to WCM the Franklin  Common Stock and (b) WCM shall  deliver to Franklin the POS
Common Stock duly endorsed for transfer to Franklin.

                                    ARTICLE 3

                      Representations and Warrantees of WCM

WCM hereby represents and warrants to Franklin as follows:

     3.1 Power and Authorization. WCM has the power and authority to execute and
deliver this  Agreement and to perform his  obligations  under the terms of this
Agreement.  All action on the part of WCM necessary for the execution,  delivery
and  performance  by WCM of this Agreement has been taken or will be taken prior
to the Closing Date.  This  Agreement,  when executed and delivered by WCM shall
constitute the valid and binding  obligations  of WCM  enforceable in accordance
with  its  terms,  except  as  the  enforceability  thereof  may be  limited  by
bankruptcy  insolvency or other laws relating to or affecting  creditor's rights
generally  or by  general  equitable  principles  (regardless  of  whether  such
enforceability is considered in a proceeding in equity or at law).

     3.2  Investment.  WCM is acquiring the Franklin Common Stock for investment
for his own  account,  not as a nominee  or agent and not with a view to, or for
resale in connection with any  distribution  of any part thereof,  and he has no
present  intention  of  selling,  granting  any  participation  in or  otherwise
distributing  the same. WCM  understands  that the Franklin Common Stock has not
been  registered  under the  Securities  Act of 1933,  as amended (the "Act") or
applicable  state  and other  Common  Stock  laws and is being  issued to WCM by
reason of a specific  exemption from the registration  provisions of the Act and
applicable  state and other Common Stock laws, the availability of which depends
upon, among other things,  the bona fide nature of the investment intent and the
accuracy of WCM's representations expressed herein.


     3.4  Restricted  Common  Stock.  WCM  has no  need  of  liquidity  in  this
investment and  acknowledges and understands that he must bear the economic risk
of this investment for an indefinite  period of time because the Franklin Common
Stock must be held indefinitely unless subsequently registered under the Act and
applicable  state and other Common  Stock laws or unless an exemption  from such
registration is available.  WCM understands  that any transfer agent of Franklin
will be issued a stop-transfer  instructions  with respect to such shares unless
such transfer is subsequently  registered under the Act and applicable state and
other  Common  Stock  laws or unless an  exemption  from  such  registration  is
available, and that each certificate representing the Franklin Common Stock will
bear a restrictive legend to such effect.

                                    ARTICLE 4

                   Representations and Warranties of Franklin

Franklin hereby represents and warrants to WCM and POS as follows:

     4.1 Organization and Good Standing;  Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws:
Franklin  is a  corporation  duly  incorporated,  validly  existing  and in good
standing  under the laws of the State of Delaware.  Franklin  has the  requisite
corporate  power and authority to own and operate its  properties and assets and
to carry on its  business as  currently  conducted.  Franklin is qualified to do
business in those jurisdictions  listed on Schedule 4.1 hereto.  Franklin is not
qualified to do business as a foreign  corporation in any other jurisdiction and
such qualification is not now required, except to the extent that the failure to
so qualify would not have a material  adverse  effect on Franklin's  business as
currently conducted.

     4.2 Corporate Power and Authorization. Franklin has the corporate power and
authority  to execute  and deliver  this  Agreement,  to issue the Common  Stock
hereunder and to perform its obligations under the terms of this Agreement.  All
corporate  action  on the  part of  Franklin,  its  directors  and  stockholders
necessary for the authorization, execution, delivery and performance by Franklin
of this Agreement and the authorization, sale, issuance and delivery of Franklin
stock has been taken or will be taken prior to the Closing Date. This Agreement,
when  executed and  delivered by Franklin,  shall  constitute  valid and binding
obligations of Franklin, enforceable in accordance with its terms, except as the
enforceability  thereof may be limited by  bankruptcy,  insolvency or other laws
relating to or affecting  creditors'  rights  generally or by general  equitable
principles  (regardless  of  whether  such  enforceability  is  considered  in a
proceeding in equity or at law). Upon the Closing Date, the Common Stock will be
duly  authorized  and,  when issued in  compliance  with the  provisions of this
Agreement, will be validly issued, fully paid, nonassessable, and free and clear
of any liens, pledges, claims, security interests or other


encumbrances created hereby; provided, however, that the Common Stock is subject
to  restrictions  on transfer  under state or federal  Common  Stock laws as set
forth herein.

     4.3  Capitalization.  The authorized  capital stock of Franklin consists of
100,000,000  shares of Common Stock,  $0.01 par value, of which 3,955,173 shares
are issued and outstanding.  All of the outstanding  shares of Common Stock have
been duly  authorized and validly  issued and are fully paid and  nonassessable.
Except as set forth on Schedule  4.3,  there are no  options,  warrants or other
rights outstanding to purchase or acquire, or any Common Stock convertible into,
nor has  Franklin  agreed  to issue or  reissue,  other  than  pursuant  to this
Agreement,  any of Franklin's  authorized and unissued capital stock.  Except as
described on Schedule 4.3, there are no agreements or understandings that affect
or relate to the  voting or giving of  written  consent  with  respect to any of
Franklin's outstanding Common Stock. There are no preemptive rights with respect
to the issuance or sale of Franklin's capital stock.

     4.4 Financial  Statements.  Franklin has provided the Stockholder  with (i)
audited financial  statements of Franklin as of and for the years ended December
31,  1996 and 1997 (the  "Audited  Financial  Statements"),  and (ii)  unaudited
financial  statements  of  Franklin  as of and for the one month ended March 31,
1998 (the "Interim Financial Statements" and together with the Audited Financial
Statements,  the "Financial Statements").  The Financial Statements are complete
and correct in all material  respects and have been prepared in accordance  with
generally  accepted   accounting   principles  applied  on  a  consistent  basis
throughout the period  indicated.  The Financial  Statements  fairly present the
financial  condition and  operating  results of Franklin as of the dates and for
the  periods  indicated,   subject,   with  respect  to  the  Interim  Financial
Statements, to normal year-end audit adjustments.

     4.5 Absence of Certain  Developments.  Except as  described on Schedule 4.5
since  December 31, 1997,  there has been no change in the assets,  liabilities,
condition (financial or otherwise),  operating results, business or prospects of
Franklin from that reflected in the Audited Financial Statements, except changes
in the ordinary  course of business that have not been,  individually  or in the
aggregate, materially adverse to the assets, properties, condition (financial or
otherwise),  operating  results,  business or  prospects  of Franklin or changes
reflected in the Interim Financial  Statements.  Without limiting the foregoing,
except as described on Schedule 4.5,  Franklin has not, since December 31, 1997,
(i) directly or indirectly  declared or paid any dividend or ordered or made any
other distribution on account of any shares of any class of the capital stock of
Franklin, (ii) directly or indirectly redeemed,  purchased or otherwise acquired
any such shares or agreed to do so or set aside any sum or property for any such
purpose, (iii) made any capital expenditures  exceeding $100,000,  (iv) incurred
any indebtedness exceeding $100,000, (v) sold or encumbered any material assets,
property, rights licenses or permits used in


Franklin's  business,  (v) suffered any  extraordinary  loss, damage or casualty
loss, (vi) received notification of termination or significant decrease from any
material customer or supplier, or (vii) committed to any of the foregoing.

     4.6 Absence of Undisclosed Liabilities. Except as disclosed on Schedule 4.6
Franklin does not have any liability or obligation, absolute or contingent, that
is not  reflected  in the  Financial  Statements,  other  than  obligations  and
liabilities  which  taken  individually  or in the  aggregate  would  not have a
material adverse effect on Franklin's assets, liabilities,  condition (financial
or otherwise), operating results, business or prospect.

     4.7 Taxes.  Except as  disclosed on Schedule 4.7 Franklin has filed all tax
returns  and  reports  required  by law to be  filed,  and has paid  all  taxes,
assessments and other government al charges that are due and payable, except for
those matters  reasonably  being  contested by Franklin and those matters which,
individually  and in the aggregate,  would not have a material adverse effect on
Franklin's assets,  liabilities,  condition (financial or otherwise),  operating
results,  business or prospects. The charges, accruals and reserves on the books
of  Franklin  in respect  of taxes are  considered  adequate  by  Franklin,  and
Franklin knows of no assessment for additional taxes or any basis therefor.

     4.8 Title to  Properties:  Except as set forth on Schedule 4.8 Franklin has
good title to all of its properties and assets, both real and personal, tangible
and intangible, reflected on the balance sheet included in the Audited Financial
Statements  or  acquired  after  the date  thereof  (except  inventory  or other
personal property  disposed of in the ordinary course of business  subsequent to
the date  thereof),  and such  properties  and  assets  are not  subject  to any
mortgage,  pledge,  lien, security interest encumbrance or charge other than (o)
liens for current  taxes not yet due and  payable,  (ii) liens and  encumbrances
that do not materially detract from the value of the property subject thereto or
materially impair the operations of Franklin or (iii) liens securing obligations
reflected in the Financial  Statements.  With respect to properties or assets it
leases, except as set forth on Schedule 4.8, Franklin is in compliance with such
leases (except for such defaults or breaches that would not,  individually or in
the aggregate, have a material adverse affect on assets, liabilities,  condition
(financial or otherwise),  operating  results,  business or prospects) and holds
valid leasehold  interests free of any liens,  claims or encumbrances except for
those described in subsections (i) through (iii) hereof.

     4.9  Compliance  with Other  instruments.  Franklin is not in  violation or
default of any provision of its  Certificate of  Incorporation  or By-Laws,  or,
except as  described  on  Schedule  4.9 in  default  of any  material  mortgage,
indebtedness,  indenture, contract, agreement, instrument, judgment or decree to
which Franklin is a party or by which it is bound.  The execution,  delivery and
performance by Franklin of this Agreement,  and the consummation of transactions
contemplated hereby and thereby, will not, except as described on


Schedule  4.9  result  in any  violation  of or  conflict  with  the  Franklin's
Certificate of Incorporation  or By-Laws,  and, will not result in any violation
of or conflict  with,  or  constitute a default  under,  any material  mortgage,
indebtedness,  indenture, contract, agreement, instrument, judgment or decree to
which  Franklin  is a party or by which  it is bound or in the  creation  of any
material  mortgage,  pledge,  lien,  encumbrance  or  charge  upon  any  of  the
properties or assets of Franklin.

     4.10  Litigation,  etc. Except as described on Schedule 4.10,  there are no
actions,   suits,   proceedings   (arbitration,   regulatory  or  otherwise)  or
investigations  pending or, to Franklin's  best knowledge,  threatened,  against
Franklin or against any if its officers or  directors in their  capacity as such
or which otherwise involves Franklin's business or operations.  Franklin has not
commenced or had commenced against it any case under applicable bankruptcy laws.
Franklin  is not  engaged in any legal  action to  recover  moneys due it or for
damages sustained by it in connection with Franklin's business.

     4.11  Employees.  Franklin does not have any employees  employed at will or
pursuant to an employment agreement with Franklin.

     4.12 Registration Rights. Except as described on Schedule 4.12, Franklin is
not under any  contractual  obligation  to  register  under the Act,  any of its
currently  outstanding  Common  Stock  or any  of its  Common  Stock  which  may
hereafter be issued.

     4.13  Governmental  Consent.  Except  as set  forth on  Schedule  4.13,  no
consent,   approval  or  authorization   of  or   registration,   qualification,
designation,  declaration or filing with any governmental  authority on the part
of Franklin is required in  connection  with the valid  execution,  delivery and
performance  of this  Agreement,  the offer,  sale or issuance  of the  Franklin
Common Stock, or the consummation of any other transactions  contemplated hereby
or thereby,  except for filings  that may be required to comply with  applicable
federal and state Common Stock laws.

     4.14  Compliance with Law. Except as set forth on Schedule 4.14 Franklin is
conducting  its business and  operations in compliance in all material  respects
with all  governmental  rules  and  regulations  applicable  thereto,  including
without limitation those relating to occupational safety, environmental,  health
and  employment  practices,  and is not in  violation or default in any material
respects under any statute, law, ordinance,  rule, regulation,  judgment, order,
decree,   concession,   grant,   franchise,   license   or  other   governmental
authorization or approval applicable to it or any of its properties.

     4.15 Permits.  Franklin has all permits,  licenses, orders and approvals of
any federal,  state,  local or foreign  governmental or regulatory body that are
material  to or  necessary  in the  conduct  of its  business  as now  conducted
(collectively, the "Permits"); all such Permits are in full force and effect; no


violations have been recorded in respect of any such Permits; and not proceeding
is pending or, to the  knowledge of Franklin,  threatened to revoke or limit any
such  Permits.  Schedule  4.15  contains a  complete  and  accurate  list of all

     4.16 Offering.  Subject to accuracy of the WCM's representations in Article
3, hereof,  the offer,  sale and issuance of the Common Stock as contemplated by
this  Agreement  will  constitute  transactions  exempt  from  the  registration
requirements of Section 5 of the Securities Act.

     4.17 Brokers or Finders.  Franklin has not retained any broker or finder in
connection with the transactions  contemplated by this Agreement,  and there are
no brokerage commissions, finder's fees or similar items of compensation payable
in connection  therewith  based on any  arrangement  or agreement  made by or on
behalf of Franklin.

     4.18  Intellectual  Property.  Franklin  does not have any patents,  patent
applications,  trademarks and trademark  applications or other  registrations of
intellectual property rights registered in its name or licensed to Franklin.

     4.19 Property,  Equipment,  etc. To the best of Franklin's  knowledge,  the
property and  equipment  owned or leased by Franklin,  taken as a whole,  are in
good  operating  condition  (except  for  ordinary  wear and  tear  which do not
adversely affect Franklin's  businesses and are generally  suitable for the uses
for which they are currently used.

     4.20  Insurance.  Except  as set  forth  on  Schedule  4.20,  the  physical
properties and assets used in connection with Franklin's  businesses are covered
by  insurance  with  reputable  companies  against  casualty  and  other  losses
customarily  obtained  to cover  comparable  properties  and  assets by  similar
businesses  in the region in which such  properties  and assets of Franklin  are
located,  in amounts  and  coverage  which are  reasonable  in light of existing
conditions.  Franklin  has not failed to give any  notice or  present  any claim
under any insurance  policy in a due and timely fashion except for such failures
that would not have a material adverse effect on Franklin's assets, liabilities,
condition (financial or otherwise), operating results, business or prospects.

     4.21 No Misrepresentations or Omissions. To Franklin's best knowledge,  all
information   provided  in  connection  herewith  and  all  representations  and
warranties  hereunder,  including the  disclosures in the Financial  Statements,
this Agreement or the Schedules hereto, are complete and correct in all material
respects  and do not  contain  any  misleading  statement  or omit any  material


     4.22 ERISA. Franklin does not maintain any "Plan" subject to the Employment
Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended ("ERISA").

     4.23  Common  Stock  Filings.  Franklin  has  made  all  filings  with  the
Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") that it has been required to make
under the Act and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder and under the
Exchange  Act of 1934,  as  amended  (the  "Exchange  Act"),  and the  rules and
regulations promulgated thereunder.  Franklin has provided WCM with complete and
correct  copies of all of Franklin's  filings made with the SEC  (including  all
exhibits to such filings) since January 1, 1993 (all such  documents  which have
been filed with the SEC, as amended,  the "SEC Documents"),  including,  without
limitation  all Annual  Reports on Form 10-KSB,  all  Quarterly  Reports on Form
10-QSB,  all Current  Reports on Form 8-K, all  registration  statements and all
proxy  statements  and annual  reports to  shareholders.  Except as set forth on
Schedule 4.23 and to the best knowledge of Franklin, the SEC Documents comply in
all  material  respects  with  the  requirements  of the  Securities  Act or the
Exchange Act, as the case may be, and to the best knowledge of Franklin, none of
the SEC  Documents  contain any untrue  statement of a material  fact or omit to
state a material  fact  required to be stated  therein or  necessary to make the
statements  therein,  in light of the circumstances  under which they were made,
not misleading.

     4.24 Contracts.  Schedule 4.24 sets forth a list of all written  contracts,
agreements, mortgages, notes, instruments, leases, licenses (other than licenses
set forth in Schedule 4.16) hereof), franchises,  arrangements or understandings
with  respect to Franklin  (the  "Franklin  Contracts").  Except as set forth on
Schedule 4.14, all of Franklin  Contracts are valid and in full force and effect
and there are no existing defaults,  or events which with the passage of time or
the giving of notice, or both, would constitute defaults by Franklin,  or to the
knowledge of Franklin, by any other party to any Franklin Contract.

                                    ARTICLE 5

                      Representations and Warranties of POS

POS hereby represents and warrants to Franklin as follows:

     5.1 Organization and Good Standing;  Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws:
POS is a corporation  duly  incorporated,  validly existing and in good standing
under the laws of the State of New Jersey. POS has the requisite corporate power
and authority to own and operate its  properties  and assets and to carry on its
business  as  currently  conducted.  POS is  qualified  to do  business in those
jurisdictions listed on Schedule 5.1 hereto. POS is not qualified to do business
as a foreign corporation in any other jurisdiction and such qualification is not
now required, except to the extent that the failure to so qualify would not have
a material adverse effect on POS's business as currently conducted.


     5.2 Corporate  Power and  Authorization.  POS has the  corporate  power and
authority to execute and deliver this Agreement,  and to perform its obligations
under the terms of this Agreement.  All corporate action on the part of POS, its
directors and stockholders necessary for the authorization,  execution, delivery
and  performance  by POS of this Agreement has been taken or will be taken prior
to the Closing Date. This  Agreement,  when executed and delivered by POS, shall
constitute valid and binding obligations of POS,  enforceable in accordance with
its terms,  except as the  enforceability  thereof may be limited by bankruptcy,
insolvency or other laws relating to or affecting creditors' rights generally or
by general equitable  principles  (regardless of whether such  enforceability is
considered in a proceeding in equity or at law).

     5.3  Capitalization.  The authorized capital stock of POS consists of 2,500
shares of Common  Stock,  $0.01 par value,  of which 2,500 shares are issued and
outstanding.  All of the  outstanding  shares  of  common  stock  have been duly
authorized and validly issued and are fully paid and nonassessable. There are no
options,  warrants or other rights  outstanding  to purchase or acquire,  or any
Common Stock  convertible  into,  nor has POS agreed to issue or reissue,  other
than pursuant to this Agreement,  any of POS's  authorized and unissued  capital
stock.  There are no agreements or  understandings  that affect or relate to the
voting or giving of written  consent  with  respect to any of POS's  outstanding
Common  Stock.  There are no  preemptive  rights with respect to the issuance or
sale of POS's capital stock.

     5.4  Financial  Statements.  POS has  provided  Franklin  with (i)  audited
financial statements of POS as of and for the years ended December 31, 1997 (the
"POS Audited Financial Statements"),  and (ii) unaudited financial statements of
POS as of and for the one  quarter  ended  March  31,  1998  (the  "POS  Interim
Statements"  and together with the POS Audited  Financial  Statements,  the "POS
Financial Statements"). The POS Financial Statements are complete and correct in
all  material  respects  and have been  prepared in  accordance  with  generally
accepted  accounting  principles  applied on a consistent  basis  throughout the
period  indicated.  The POS Financial  Statements  fairly  present the financial
condition  and  operating  results  of POS as of the dates  and for the  periods
indicated,  subject,  with respect to the POS Interim Financial  Statements,  to
normal year-end audit.

     5.5 Absence of Certain  Developments.  Since  December 31, 1997,  there has
been no change in the assets,  liabilities,  condition (financial or otherwise),
operating  results,  business or prospects of POS from that reflected in the POS
Audited Financial Statements,  except changes in the ordinary course of business
that have not been, individually or in the aggregate,  materially adverse to the
assets,  properties,  condition  (financial or  otherwise),  operating  results,
business or prospects of POS or changes  reflected in the POS Interim  Financial


Statements. Without limiting the foregoing, except as described on Schedule 5.5,
POS has not,  since  December 31, 1997,  (i) directly or indirectly  declared or
paid any  dividend or ordered or made any other  distribution  on account of any
shares of any class of the capital  stock of POS,  (ii)  directly or  indirectly
redeemed,  purchased or otherwise acquired any such shares or agreed to do so or
set aside any sum or  property  for any such  purpose,  (iii)  made any  capital
expenditures  exceeding  $100,000,  (iv)  incurred  any  indebtedness  exceeding
$100,000, (v) sold or encumbered any material assets, property,  rights licenses
or permits used in POS's business,  (v) suffered any extraordinary  loss, damage
or casualty  loss,  (vi) received  notification  of  termination  or significant
decrease from any material  customer or supplier,  or (vii)  committed to any of
the foregoing.

     5.6 Absence of Undisclosed Liabilities. Except as disclosed on Schedule 5.6
POS does not have any liability or obligation,  absolute or contingent,  that is
not  reflected  in the POS  Financial  Statements,  other than  obligations  and
liabilities  which  taken  individually  or in the  aggregate  would  not have a
material adverse effect on POS's assets,  liabilities,  condition  (financial or
otherwise), operating results, business or prospect.

     5.7 Taxes.  Except as  disclosed  on  Schedule  5.7,  POS has filed all tax
returns  and  reports  required  by law to be  filed,  and has paid  all  taxes,
assessments and other government al charges that are due and payable, except for
those  matters  reasonably  being  contested  by POS and  those  matters  which,
individually  and in the aggregate,  would not have a material adverse effect on
POS's  assets,  liabilities,   condition  (financial  or  otherwise),  operating
results,  business or prospects. The charges, accruals and reserves on the books
of POS in respect of taxes are  considered  adequate by POS, and POS knows of no
assessment for additional taxes or any basis therefor.

     5.8 Title to  Properties:  POS has good title to all of its  properties and
assets,  both real and  personal,  tangible  and  intangible,  reflected  on the
balance sheet included in the Audited Financial Statements or acquired after the
date thereof  (except  inventory or other personal  property  disposed of in the
ordinary course of business subsequent to the date thereof), and such properties
and assets are not subject to any  mortgage,  pledge,  lien,  security  interest
encumbrance  or charge  other than (o) liens for  current  taxes not yet due and
payable,  (ii) liens and  encumbrances  that do not materially  detract from the
value of the property subject thereto or materially impair the operations of POS
or (iii) liens securing obligations  reflected in the POS Financial  Statements.
With respect to properties or assets it leases,  POS is in compliance  with such
leases (except for such defaults or breaches that would not,  individually or in
the aggregate, have a material adverse affect on assets, liabilities,  condition
(financial or otherwise),  operating  results,  business or prospects) and holds
valid leasehold  interests free of any liens,  claims or encumbrances except for
those described in subsections (i) through (iii) hereof.


     5.9 Compliance with Other  instruments.  POS is not in violation or default
of any provision of its Certificate of Incorporation or By-Laws,  or, in default
of  any  material  mortgage,   indebtedness,   indenture,  contract,  agreement,
instrument,  judgment or decree to which POS is a party or by which it is bound.
The  execution,  delivery  and  performance  by POS of this  Agreement,  and the
consummation  of the  transactions  contemplated  hereby and thereby,  will not,
result  in  any  violation  of  or  conflict  with  the  POS's   Certificate  of
Incorporation  or By-Laws,  and, will not result in any violation of or conflict
with,  or  constitute  a default  under,  any material  mortgage,  indebtedness,
indenture, contract, agreement, instrument, judgment or decree to which POS is a
party  or by which it is bound  or in the  creation  of any  material  mortgage,
pledge, lien, encumbrance or charge upon any of the properties or assets of POS.

     5.10   Litigation,   etc.   There  are  no  actions,   suits,   proceedings
(arbitration,  regulatory or otherwise) or  investigations  pending or, to POS's
best  knowledge,  threatened,  against  POS or against  any if its  officers  or
directors in their capacity as such or which otherwise involve POS's business or
operations.  POS has not  commenced or had  commenced  against it any case under
applicable  bankruptcy  laws.  POS is not engaged in any legal action to recover
moneys due it or for damages sustained by it in connection with POS's business.

     5.11  Employees.  POS  does  not have  any  employees  employed  at will or
pursuant to an employment agreement with POS.

     5.12 Registration  Rights.  POS is not under any contractual  obligation to
register under the Act, any of its currently  outstanding Common Stock or any of
its Common Stock which may hereafter be issued.

     5.13  Governmental  Consent.  No consent,  approval or  authorization of or
registration,   qualification,  designation,  declaration  or  filing  with  any
governmental  authority  on the part of POS is required in  connection  with the
valid execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement, or the consummation
of any other transactions contemplated hereby or thereby.

     5.14  Compliance with Law. POS is conducting its business and operations in
compliance in all material respects with all governmental  rules and regulations
applicable thereto,  including without limitation those relating to occupational
safety, environmental,  health and employment practices, and is not in violation
or default in any material  respects under any statute,  law,  ordinance,  rule,
regulation,  judgment, order, decree, concession,  grant, franchise,  license or
other  governmental  authorization  or approval  applicable  to it or any of its


     5.15 Permits. POS does not have any permits, licenses, orders and approvals
of any federal, state, local or foreign governmental or regulatory body that are
material to or necessary in the conduct of its business as now conducted.

     5.16  Brokers  or  Finders.  POS has not  retained  any broker or finder in
connection with the transactions  contemplated by this Agreement,  and there are
no brokerage commissions, finder's fees or similar items of compensation payable
in connection  therewith  based on any  arrangement  or agreement  made by or on
behalf of POS.

     5.17  Intellectual  Property.  POS  does  not  have  any  patents,   patent
applications,  trademarks and trademark  applications or other  registrations of
intellectual property rights registered in its name or licensed to POS.

     5.18 Property, Equipment, etc. To the best of POS's knowledge, the property
and equipment  owned or leased by POS,  taken as a whole,  are in good operating
condition (except for ordinary wear and tear which do not adversely affect POS's
businesses and are generally  suitable for the uses for which they are currently

     5.19 Insurance.  The physical properties and assets used in connection with
POS's  businesses  are covered by insurance  with  reputable  companies  against
casualty and other losses  customarily  obtained to cover comparable  properties
and assets by similar  businesses  in the  region in which such  properties  and
assets of POS are located, in amounts and coverage which are reasonable in light
of  existing  conditions.  POS has not failed to give any notice or present  any
claim under any  insurance  policy in a due and timely  fashion  except for such
failures  that  would  not have a  material  adverse  effect  on  POS's  assets,
liabilities,  condition (financial or otherwise), operating results, business or

     5.20 No  Misrepresentations  or  Omissions.  To POS's best  knowledge,  all
information   provided  in  connection  herewith  and  all  representations  and
warranties  hereunder,  including the  disclosures in the Financial  Statements,
this Agreement or the Schedules hereto, are complete and correct in all material
respects  and do not  contain  any  misleading  statement  or omit any  material

     5.21 ERISA. POS does not maintain any "Plan" subject to ERISA.

     5.22 Contracts.  Schedule 5.22 sets forth a list of all written  contracts,
agreements, mortgages, notes, instruments, leases, licenses (other than licenses
set forth in Schedule 5.16 hereof),  franchises,  arrangements or understandings
with respect to POS (the "POS Contracts"). Except as set forth on Schedule 5.14,
all of POS Contracts are valid and in full force and effect and


there are no existing defaults,  or events which with the passage of time or the
giving of notice, or both, would constitute defaults by POS, or to the knowledge
of POS, by any other party to any POS Contract.

                                    ARTICLE 6

The  obligations  of Franklin to issue the Common  Stock on the Closing Date are
subject to the fulfillment as of the Closing Date of the following conditions:

     6.1  Representations  and  Warranties  Correct.   The  representations  and
warranties  made by WCM and POS in Article 3 and 5 hereof be true and correct at
and as of the Closing Date, with the same effect as though such  representations
and warranties had been made at and as of the Closing Date.

     6.2 Covenants.  All covenants,  agreements and conditions contained in this
Agreement  to be  performed by WCM and POS at or prior to the Closing Date shall
have been  performed or complied  with,  including the obtaining of all consents
necessary for the consummation of the transaction by WCM and POS.

     6.3 Compliance Certificate of each of POS and WCM. POS shall have delivered
to Franklin a  certificate  executed by the  President  of POS dated the Closing
Date and WCM shall have  delivered a certificate  executed by WCM  certifying to
the  fulfillment  of the  conditions  specified  in Sections 6.1 and 6.2 of this
Agreement as they relate to WCM.

     6.4 POS Common  Stock WCM shall have  delivered  to  Franklin  Certificates
representing POS Common Stock, duly endorsed for transfer to Franklin.

     6.5 Compliance  Certificate.  Franklin shall have received a certificate of
the Secretary of POS certifying as to (a) the  Certificate of  Incorporation  of
POS,  (b)  By-Laws  of POS,  (c) the good  standing  of POS in New  Jersey,  (d)
resolutions  of the  Board  of  Directors  authorizing  the  execution  of  this
Agreement and the other transactions  contemplated  herein and (e) incumbency of
POS's signatory.

                                    ARTICLE 7

                      Conditions to Closing of WCM and POS

WCM's  obligation to sell the POS Common Stock at the Closing Date is subject to
the fulfillment as of the Closing Date of the following conditions:


     7.1  Representations  and  Warranties  Correct.   The  representations  and
warranties made by Franklin in Article 4 hereof shall be true and correct at and
as of the Closing Date, with the same effect as though such  representations and
warranties had been made at and as of the Closing Date.

     7.2 Convenants. All covenants,  agreements and conditions contained in this
Agreement to be performed by Franklin at or prior to the Closing shall have been
complied with.

     7.3  Compliance  Certificate.  Franklin  shall  have  delivered  to  WCM  a
certificate  executed by the President of Franklin  dated the Closing Date,  and
certifying to the  fulfillment of the  conditions  specified in Sections 7.1 and
7.2 of this Agreement.

     7.4 Stock Certificates. Franklin shall have issued or cause to be issued to
WCM a certificate or certificates representing the Franklin Common Stock.

     7.5 Compliance  Certificate.  POS and WCM shall have received a certificate
of the Secretary of certifying as to (a) the  Certificate  of  Incorporation  of
Franklin, (b) By-Laws of Franklin, (c) the good standing of Franklin in Delaware
and the  jurisdictions  listed on Schedule 4.1 hereto,  (d)  resolutions  of the
Franklin's  Board of Directors  authorizing  the execution of this Agreement and
the other  transactions  contemplated  hereby,  (e)  resolutions  of  Franklin's
stockholders  approving  the  execution  and delivery of this  Agreement and the
consummation  of the  transactions  contemplated  herein and (f)  incumbency  of
Franklin signatory.

     7.6 Purchase of USM Stock  Purchase.  Franklin shall have  consummated  the
transactions  contemplated by the Stock Purchase  Agreement between Franklin and
USM (the "USM Stock Purchase").

                                    ARTICLE 8

Stockholder Approvals, Board of Directors' Recommendations; Filings:

     8.1 Stockholder Approvals; Board of Directors'  Recommendations.  A meeting
of the  stockholders  of Franklin  shall be held in accordance  with the General
Corporation Law of the State of Delaware ("GCL"), as promptly as possible, after
at least 20 days' prior written notice there of to the stockholders of Franklin,
to consider and vote upon, among other things, the adoption and approval of this
Agreement,  the USM Stock Purchase,  changing of the corporate name of Franklin,
the election of the Board of  Directors of Franklin and such other  transactions
as contemplated hereby  (collectively,  the "Proxy  Proposals").  Subject to its
fiduciary duty to stockholders, the Board of Directors


of Franklin shall recommend to its stockholders that the Agreement and the other
Proxy Proposals be adopted and approved.

     8.2 Filings. As soon as practicable after the adoption and approval of this
Agreement and the other Proxy Proposals, Franklin shall undertake to prepare and
submit to WCM, for review and approval, any and all documentation and/or filings
required by the GCL or the Act or the exchange Act to be submitted and/or filed.
Upon the approval of such  documentation  and/or filings by WCM,  Franklin shall
undertake to file same, as applicable, with the office of the Secretary of State
of the State of Delaware and the SEC.

     8.3 Proxy  Statement.  As soon as  practicable,  Franklin shall prepare and
file,  or cause to be prepared and filed with the SEC, a proxy  statement  (such
proxy  statement,   together  with  all  financial  statements,   exhibits,  and
supplements  thereto,  being herein called the "Proxy  Statement" and such proxy
statement,  together with all financial  statements and exhibits thereto, in the
form to be  filed  with the SEC  being  herein  called  the  "Preliminary  Proxy
Statement"  to be used in  connection  with the meeting of the  stockholders  of
Franklin,  or for inclusion in Franklin's  filings  under any  applicable  state
takeover laws.

                                    ARTICLE 9


     9.1  Indemnification  by WCM and POS. WCM agrees to  indemnify,  defend and
hold Franklin  harmless,  and its  officers,  directors,  stockholders,  agents,
employees, attorneys, affiliates,  successors and assigns, from and against, and
pay or  reimburse  each  of them  for,  any and  all  claims,  losses,  damages,
judgments,  amounts paid in  settlement,  costs and legal,  accounting  or other
expenses  (collectively,  "Losses")  that any of them may  sustain or incur as a
result of any  misrepresentation,  any  inaccuracy  in, or any  breach  of,  any
warranty or  representation  or any  non-performance  of any  convenant or other
obligation  on the  part of WCM  and POS  contained  in this  Agreement,  or any
document delivered hereunder; provided that WCM and POS shall not be required to
indemnify  Franklin  for  Losses  unless  such  Losses  exceed  $50,000  in  the
aggregate,  in which event WCM and POS shall be obligated to indemnify  Franklin
for the amount of such Losses in excess of $50,000.

     9.2 Indemnification by Franklin.  Franklin agrees to indemnify,  defend and
hold  harmless WCM and officers,  directors,  stockholders,  agents,  employees,
attorneys,  affiliates,  successors  and  assigns  and  each of  them,  from and
against,  and pay or reimburse  each of them for, any and all Losses that any of
them  may  sustain  or incur as a result  of any  misrepresentation,  breach  of
warranties  or  representations  or  non-performance  of any  covenants or other
obligations on the part of Franklin  contained in this Agreement or any document


delivered  hereunder;  provided that Franklin shall not be required to indemnify
WCM and POS for losses unless such Losses exceed  $50,000 in the  aggregate,  in
which event POS shall  indemnify such  indemnified  party for the amount of such
Losses in excess of $50,000.

     9.3 Indemnification Procedures.

     (a) Promptly after receipt by a party entitled to indemnification hereunder
(an  "Indemnified  Party") of notice of any claim or of the  commencement of any
action, investigations,  suit or proceeding ("Proceeding") with respect to which
such party may make a claim for Indemnification hereunder, the Indemnified Party
will notify the party against whom  indemnification is sought (the "Indemnifying
Party") in writing of such claim or Proceeding,  and the Indemnifying  Party may
in his or its  discretion  assume the  defense of such claim or  Proceeding,  in
which  case  he or it  shall  employ  counsel  reasonably  satisfactory  to  the
Indemnified  Party  and  shall  pay the  fees  and  expenses  of  such  counsel.
Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, an Indemnified Party will be entitled to
employ  counsel  separate  from  counsel  for  the  Indemnifying  Party  and  to
participate  in the  defense  of such  claim or  Proceeding  at the  Indemnified
Party's  expense.  No settlement or compromise of any claim or Proceeding  shall
give rise to  liability of the  Indemnifying  Party unless such party shall have
been notified of any proposed  settlement or compromise and shall have consented
thereto;  provided that the Indemnifying  Party shall obtain the written consent
of the  Indemnified  Party,  which consent shall not be  unreasonably  withheld,
prior to ceasing to defend, settling or otherwise disposing of any such claim or
proceeding,  if as a result of the  failure  of the  Indemnified  Party to do so
would cause it or him to become subject to injunctive or other equitable relief,
or the business of the Indemnified  Party (or that of its  subsidiary)  would be
materially adversely affected in any manner.

     (b) Other Losses. In the event that any Indemnified Party suffers a Loss or
otherwise  becomes  entitled to  indemnification  hereunder from an Indemnifying
Party in a situation  that does not involve a Proceeding  being  instituted by a
third party,  the  Indemnified  Party shall send notice as it would  pursuant to
Section 9.3(a) in order to provide  reasonable notice to the Indemnifying  Party
as to the nature and extent of the Loss.

     (c) Effect.  Any notice of a claim or  Proceeding  or a claim for indemnity
provided for herein shall be in writing and shall  specify,  to the extent known
by the Indemnified  Party,  the nature and extent of the claim or Proceeding and
the  amount  being  asserted  as  damages  or  Losses,   as  the  case  may  be.
Notwithstanding the foregoing,  the failure to so provide notice on a timely and
adequate  basis  (except  to the  extent  that such  notice  is given  after the
survival  period  contained in Section  9.2) shall not relieve the  Indemnifying
Party of its obligations to indemnify  hereunder  except to the extent that such
Indemnifying  Party  can  establish  prejudice  to it by the lack of  timely  or
adequate notice.


                                   ARTICLE 10


     10.1  Termination.  This Agreement may be terminated  and the  transactions
contemplated hereby abandoned at any time prior to the Closing, whether prior to
or after  approval  by the  stockholders  of  Franklin  by consent of all of the
parties hereto, or by either Franklin, on the one hand, or WCM on the other, if;
(i) the other party shall,  when made, have breached in any material respect any
of its representations or warranties contained in this Agreement;  (ii) any such
representation  or warranty  shall not be correct or  accurate  in all  material
respects at and as of the  Closing  Date with the same effect as if made at such
time (with such  exceptions as are permitted  hereunder);  (iii) the other party
shall have failed top comply in all material  respects  with any of its convents
or agreements contained in this Agreement to be complied with or performed by it
at or prior to the  Closing  Date;  (iv) if a permanent  injunction  is entered,
enforced or deemed applicable to this Agreement which prohibits the consummation
of the transactions contemplated hereby and all appeals of such injunction shall
have been  taken  and shall  have  been  unsuccessful;  (v) if any  governmental
entity,  the consent of which is a condition to the  obligation of such party to
consummate the transactions  contemplated  hereby,  shall have determined not to
grant its consent and all  appeals of such  determination  shall have been taken
and shall  have  been  unsuccessful,  or (vi) the  Closing  Date  shall not have
occurred within 180 days of the date hereof.

     10. 2 Effect of Termination.  In the event of termination of this Agreement
pursuant to Section  10.1 hereof,  all rights of all parties  hereto shall cease
and terminate, except for such rights as any party may otherwise have for breach
of  contract,   including,   without  limitation,   rights  for  breach  of  any
representations, warranties or covenants contained herein.

                                   ARTICLE 11


     11.1 Governing Law. This agreement  shall be governed by an construed under
the  laws of the  State of New  York  without  regard  to the  conflicts  of law
principles thereof.

     11.2 Survival. The representations and warranties made herein shall survive
the Closing Date of the transactions  contemplated  hereby for a period of three
(3) years from the Closing Date.

     11.3  Successors and Assigns.  Except as otherwise  provided  herein,  this
Agreement shall insure to the benefit of, and be binding upon, the


successors,  assigns, heirs, executors and administrators of the parties hereto.
Franklin  may not assign its rights  under this  Agreement  without  the express
written consent of POS and WCM.

     11.4 Entire Agreement:  Amendment. This Agreement, its attachments, and the
other  documents and agreements  delivered  pursuant  hereto at the Closing Date
constitute the full and entire  understanding  and agreement between the parties
with regard to the  subjects  hereof and thereof.  Except as expressly  provided
herein,  neither  this  Agreement  no any term  hereof  my be  amended,  waived,
discharged or terminated  other than by a written  agreement of POS and WCM, and

     11.5 Notices.  All notices and other  communications  required or permitted
hereunder  shall be in writing and shall be mailed by  registered  or  certified
mail, postage prepaid, or otherwise delivered by hand or by messenger, including
Federal Express or similar courier  services,  addressed (a) if to Franklin,  76
Beaver  Street,  Room 500, New York,  New York 10005 or at such other address as
Franklin  shall have  furnished to the other parties hereto in writing or (b) if
to WCM or POS to P.O. Box 343, Millburn, New Jersey 07041, or such other address
as WCM or POS shall have furnished to the other parties hereto in writing.  Each
such notice or other  communication  shall for all purposes of this Agreement be
treated  as  effective  or  having  been  given  when   delivered  if  delivered
personally,  or, if sent by mail or courier, at the earlier of its receipt or 48
hours after the same has been deposited in a regularly maintained receptacle for
the deposit of the United States mail, addressed and mailed as aforesaid.

     11.6 Delays or Omissions.  Except as expressly provided herein, no delay or
omission to exercise  any right,  power or remedy  accruing to any party to this
Agreement,  shall impair any such right, power or remedy of such party nor shall
it be construed to be a waiver of any such breach or default, or an acquiescence
therein,  or of or in any similar breach or default  thereafter  occurring;  nor
shall any waiver of any single breach or default be deemed a waiver of any other
breach or default  theretofore  or  thereafter  occurring.  Any waiver,  permit,
consent or approval of any kind or character of any breach or default under this
Agreement, or any waiver of any provisions or conditions of this Agreement, must
be in writing and shall be effective only to the extent  specifically  set forth
in  such  writing.  All  remedies,  either  under  this  Agreement  or by law or
otherwise  afforded to any party to this Agreement,  shall be cumulative and not

     11. 7 Expenses.  WCM agrees to pay the expenses and legal fees  incurred on
its behalf and on behalf of the other parties to this  Agreement with respect to
this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby.


     11.8 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts,
each of which shall be an original,  and all of which together shall  constitute
one instrument.

     11.9  Severability.  In the  event  that any  provision  of this  Agreement
becomes or is  declared  by a court of  competent  jurisdiction  to be  illegal,
unenforceable  or void,  this Agreement  shall continue in full force and effect
without said provision.  Furthermore, in lieu of such illegal,  unenforceable or
void provision,  there shall be added  automatically as part of this Agreement a
provision as similar in terms to such illegal,  unenforceable  or void provision
as may be possible and be legal, enforceable and valid.

     11.10 Effect of Headings.  The section  headings used in this Agreement are
used  for  convenience  only  and  are not to be  considered  in  construing  or
interpreting this Agreement.

     11.11  Announcements.  Each party  shall give to the other  parties  hereto
reasonable  prior notice and shall consult with the other parties  hereto on the
timing,  contents  and manner of making  all  announcements  or press  releases,
written or otherwise,  relating to the transactions contemplated hereby, whether
to employees,  stockholders or the public, by or on behalf of any of the parties
hereto, except to the extent required by law.


     IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  this Agreement has been executed by the parties hereto
effective as of the date first set forth above.

                           FRANKLIN  CONSOLIDATED MINING CO., INC.

                                       By: _________________________________
                                           J. Terry Anderson, President

                                            POS FINAICAL, INC.

                                       By: _________________________________
                                           William C. Martucci, President

                                       By: __________________________________
                                            William C. Martucci, Individually
