Exhibit 1.1

                         Ameritrans Capital Corporation

                            (a Delaware corporation)

                                    ARTICLE I


     The name of the corporation (the "Corporation") shall be:

                         Ameritrans Capital Corporation

                                   ARTICLE II


     The  Corporation  shall  continue in existence  perpetually  unless  sooner
dissolved according to law.

                                   ARTICLE III


     The purposes for which the Corporation is organized are:

     To  acquire,  develop,  or engage in any  business  venture  or  enterprise
whatsoever; to own and operate any business venture or enterprise whatsoever; to
acquire, hold, and dispose of real or personal property and property of any kind
or nature, tangible or intangible; and generally to do any act convenient to the

     To do all and everything necessary, suitable, convenient, or proper for the
accomplishment  of any of the purposes or the  attainment  of any one or more of
the objects herein  enumerated or incidental to the powers herein named or which
shall at any time appear conducive or expedient for the protection or benefit of
the Corporation, with all the powers hereafter conferred by the laws under which
this Corporation is organized; and

     To engage in any and all other lawful purposes,  activities,  and pursuits,
whether similar or dissimilar to the foregoing,  for which  corporations  may be
organized  under the General  Corporation  Law of Delaware,  and to exercise all
powers allowed or permitted thereunder.

                                   ARTICLE IV

                                AUTHORIZED SHARES

     The  Corporation  shall have  authority  to issue an aggregate of 6,000,000
shares,  of which  5,000,000  shares  shall be Common Stock par value $.0001 per
share and 1,000,000 shall be Preferred Stock par value $.01 per share.

     No holder of shares of any class of the  Corporation  or of any security or
obligation  convertible  into, or of any warrant,  option, or right to purchase,
subscribe  for, or  otherwise  acquire  shares of any class of the  Corporation,
whether now or hereafter authorized,  shall, as such holder, have any preemptive
right whatsoever to purchase,  subscribe for, or otherwise acquire shares of any
class of the Corporation, whether now or hereafter authorized.

     The  following  is  a  statement  of  the   designations  and  the  powers,
preferences,  and rights,  and the relative  participating,  optional,  or other
special rights,  and the  qualifications,  limitations,  and restrictions of the
shares of each class:

     i.   Except as any provision of law, any  provision  herein or elsewhere in
          the Certificate of Incorporation may otherwise provide,  each share of
          Common  Stock  of  the   Corporation   shall  have  the  same  rights,
          privileges, interests and attributes, and shall be subject to the same
          limitations, as every other share of the Corporation and shall entitle
          the  holder of  record of any such  issued  and  outstanding  share to
          receive  an  equal  proportion  of any  cash  dividends  which  may be
          declared,  set apart or paid, an equal proportion of any distributions
          of the authorized but unissued  shares of the  Corporation  and/or its
          treasury shares, if any, which may be made, an equal proportion of the
          distribution  of any bonds or property of the  Corporation,  including
          the shares or bonds of other  corporations,  which may be made, and an
          equal  proportion  of any  distributions  of  the  net  assets  of the
          Corporation (whether stated capital or surplus) which may be made upon
          the  liquidation,  dissolution,  or winding  up of the  affairs of the
          Corporation,  whether  voluntary or  involuntary;  provided,  that any
          distributions of the authorized but unissued shares of the Corporation
          and/or its treasury  shares,  if any, shall be made only in respect of
          shares of the same class,  and,  provided  further,  that no statement
          herein  contained  shall be deemed to limit,  curtail,  or divest  the
          authority  of the Board of Directors  of the  Corporation  to make any
          proper  distributions,   including  distributions  of  authorized  but
          unissued  shares,  in relation to its treasury  shares,  if any.  Each
          issued and outstanding  share of Common Stock shall entitle the holder
          of record thereof to one vote per share.

     ii.  Preferred Stock may be issued from time to time in one or more series,
          each of such  series to have such  designations,  relative  rights and
          limitations as may be fixed in the resolution or resolutions providing
          for the issue of such series  adopted by the Board of Directors of the
          Corporation as  hereinafter  provided.  Any shares of Preferred  Stock
          which may be redeemed, purchased or acquired by the Corporation may be
          reissued  except as  otherwise  provided  herein or by law.  Different
          series  of  Preferred  Stock  shall  not be  construed  to  constitute
          different  classes  of shares  for the  purposes  of voting by classes
          unless expressly provided for in the resolutions  creating such series
          or required by applicable law.

     Authority is hereby  expressly  granted to the Board of Directors from time
to time to issue the  Preferred  Stock in one or more series,  and in connection
with the creation of any such series, by resolution or resolutions providing for
the issuance of the shares  thereof,  to determine  and fix such voting  powers,
full or limited,  or no voting powers,  and such  designations,  preferences and
relative  participating,  optional or other special rights, and  qualifications,
limitations or restrictions thereof


including,  without limitation,  dividend rights,  conversion rights, redemption
privileges and liquidation preferences, as shall be stated and expressed in such
resolutions, all to the fullest extent now or hereafter permitted by the General
Corporation Law of the State of Delaware. Without limiting the generality of the
foregoing,  the  resolutions  providing  for issuance of any series of Preferred
Stock may  provide  that such series  shall be  superior  or rank  equally or be
junior to the  Preferred  Stock of any other  series to the extent  permitted by

                                    ARTICLE V

                             LIMITATION OF LIABILITY

     A director  of the  Corporation  shall have no  personal  liability  to the
Corporation  or its  stockholders  for monetary  damages for breach of fiduciary
duty as a director, except (i) for any breach of a director's duty of loyalty to
the  Corporation  or its  stockholders,  (ii) for acts or omissions  not in good
faith or which involve  intentional  misconduct  or a knowing  violation of law,
(iii) under section 174 of the General  Corporation  Law of Delaware,  as it may
from time to time be amended or any successor provision thereto, or (iv) for any
transaction from which a director derived an improper personal benefit.

                                   ARTICLE VI


     The name and address of the  Corporation's  registered  agent and office in
the state of Delaware is United Corporate Services,  Inc., 15 East North Street,
Dover,  County of Kent,  19903.  Either the registered  office or the registered
agent may be changed in the manner provided by law.

                                   ARTICLE VII


     The Corporation  reserves the right to amend, alter,  change, or repeal all
or any portion of the provisions  contained in its Certificate of  Incorporation
from time to time in accordance with the laws of the state of Delaware,  and all
rights conferred on stockholders herein are granted subject to this reservation.

                                  ARTICLE VIII


     The Corporation  elects not to be governed by the provisions of section 203
of the General  Corporation Law regarding business  combinations with interested

                                   ARTICLE IX

                        ADOPTION AND AMENDMENT OF BYLAWS

     The  initial  bylaws of the  Corporation  shall be  adopted by the board of
directors.  The power to alter,  amend, or repeal the bylaws or adopt new bylaws
shall be vested in the board of directors, but the


stockholders of the  Corporation may also alter,  amend, or repeal the bylaws or
adopt new bylaws.  The bylaws may contain any  provisions  for the regulation or
management of the affairs of the Corporation not  inconsistent  with the laws of
the state of Delaware now or hereafter existing.

                                    ARTICLE X


     The  governing  board of the  Corporation  shall  be known as the  board of
directors.  The number of directors  comprising the board of directors  shall be
fixed,  and may be  increased  or  decreased  from time to time,  in the  manner
provided in the bylaws of the Corporation.

                                   ARTICLE XI

     The name and address of the sole incorporator is as follows:

     Paula S. Zimmerman                          c/o Stursberg & Veith
                                                 405 Lexington Avenue
                                                 Suite 4949
                                                 New York, New York 10174-4902

     THE UNDERSIGNED,  being the sole incorporator  hereinbefore  named, for the
purpose of forming a corporation  pursuant to the General Corporation Law of the
State of Delaware does make this  certificate,  hereby  declaring and certifying
that  this is her act and  deed  and the  facts  herein  stated  are  true,  and
accordingly has hereunto set her hand this 12th day of February, 1998.

                                                 /S/ Paula S. Zimmerman
                                                 Paula S. Zimmerman
