Offer to Purchase for Cash
         All Outstanding Units of Investor Limited Partnership Interests
                          Krupp Realty Fund, Ltd. - III
                                  $550 Per Unit
                        KRF3 Acquisition Company, L.L.C.

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     KRF3 Acquisition  Company,  L.L.C.  (the  "Purchaser"),  a Delaware limited
liability  company,  an affiliate of the general partners of the Partnership (as
defined below), is offering to purchase all of the outstanding  investor limited
partnership  interests  (the  "Units")  in Krupp  Realty  Fund,  Ltd.  - III,  a
Massachusetts  limited partnership (the  "Partnership"),  at a price of $550 per
Unit (the "Offer Price"),  payable to the holder of the Unit (a "Unitholder") in
cash, less the aggregate amount of  distributions  per unit, if any, made by the
Partnership from and after the date of this Offer,  without  interest,  upon the
terms and subject to the  conditions  set forth in this Offer to Purchase and in
the related Agreement of Assignment and Transfer and accompanying  documents, as
each may be supplemented or amended from time to time (which together constitute
the  "Offer").  Unitholders  who tender their Units will not be obligated to pay
any brokerage fees,  commissions or partnership transfer fees in connection with
the tender of Units. The Purchaser will bear the cost of the $50.00 transfer fee
charged by the Partnership  (per transfer,  not per Unit) in connection with the






     Any Unitholder  desiring to tender any or all of such person's Units should
complete and sign the Agreement of  Assignment  and Transfer (a copy of which is
printed on yellow paper and enclosed  with this Offer to Purchase) in accordance
with the  instructions  to the Agreement of Assignment  and Transfer and mail or
deliver the executed Agreement of Assignment and Transfer and any other required
documents to the  Depository  at the address set forth on the back cover of this
Offer to Purchase.


     Questions or requests for assistance or additional  copies of this Offer to
Purchase or the  Agreement  of  Assignment  and  Transfer may be directed to the
Information  Agents at the  telephone  number  listed on the back  cover of this
Offer to Purchase.




                The date of the Offer to Purchase is May 14, 1999


                                TABLE OF CONTENTS



SPECIAL FACTORS...............................................................5
     Section 1.  Background of the Offer......................................5
     Section 2.  Determination of Offer Price and Fairness of the Offer.......6
     Section 3.  Purpose of the Offer and Plans for the Partnership...........9
     Section 4.  Conflicts of Interest and Transactions with Affiliates......10
     Section 5.  Financing of the Offer......................................11
     Section 6.  Certain Effects of the Offer on the Market for the 
                 Units; Unit Quotation; Exchange Act Registration; and 
                 Margin Regulations..........................................11
     Section 7.  Certain Federal Income Tax Consequences.....................12

THE OFFER ...................................................................13
     Section 1.  Terms of the Offer..........................................13
     Section 2.  Procedures for Tendering Units..............................14
     Section 3.  Acceptance for Payment and Payment for Units................15
     Section 4.  Withdrawal Rights...........................................16
     Section 5.  Extension of Tender Period; Termination; and Amendment......16
     Section 6.  Certain Information Concerning the Partnership..............17
     Section 7.  Certain Information Concerning the Purchaser and its 
     Section 8.  Conditions of the Offer.....................................21
     Section 9.  Certain Legal Matters.......................................22
     Section 10. Fees and Expenses...........................................22
     Section 11. Miscellaneous...............................................23

EXHIBIT I   Consolidated Financial Statements and Schedule................Ex. I


To Unitholders of Krupp Realty Fund, Ltd. - III:


     KRF3 Acquisition  Company,  L.L.C.  (the  "Purchaser"),  a Delaware limited
liability  company,  hereby offers to purchase all outstanding units of investor
limited partnership  interests (the "Units") in Krupp Realty Fund, Ltd. - III, a
Massachusetts  limited partnership (the  "Partnership"),  at a price of $550 per
Unit (the "Offer  Price"),  payable to the holder  thereof (a  "Unitholder")  in
cash, less the aggregate amount of  distributions  per Unit, if any, made by the
Partnership from and after the date of this Offer,  without  interest,  upon the
terms and subject to the  conditions  set forth in this Offer to  Purchase  (the
"Offer to Purchase") and in the related Agreement of Assignment and Transfer and
accompanying  documents,  as each may be supplemented,  modified or amended from
time to time (which  together  constitute the "Offer").  Unitholders  who tender
their Units will not be  obligated to pay any  brokerage  fees,  commissions  or
partnership  transfer fees in connection with the tender of Units. The Purchaser
will bear the cost of the $50.00  transfer fee charged by the  Partnership  (per
transfer not per Unit) in  connection  with the Offer.  The Offer will expire at
midnight New York City time,  on June 11, 1999, or such other date to which this
Offer may be extended  (the  "Expiration  Date").  The  transfer of all tendered
Units is subject to the approval of the Partnership and/or the General Partners.

     The Offer is conditioned upon, among other things,  (i) there being validly
tendered  and not  withdrawn  prior to the  Expiration  Date a  majority  of the
outstanding  Units of the  Partnership  on the date of  Purchase  (the  "Minimum
Condition") and (ii) the  satisfaction of the other conditions set forth in "The
Offer--Section 8. Conditions of the Offer," any of which, the Purchaser reserves
the right to waive without notice to the  Unitholders.  The Offer is not subject
to any financing condition.

     According  to the most  recent  Annual  Report  on Form  10-K  filed by the
Partnership with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the  "Commission"),  as
of December 31, 1998, there were 25,000 Units outstanding. Accordingly, in order
for the  Minimum  Condition  to be  satisfied,  at least  12,501  Units  must be
tendered to the Purchaser  pursuant to the Offer. The purpose of the Offer is to
enable the Purchaser to acquire  control of, and the entire equity  interest in,
the  Partnership.  The  Offer,  as the  first  step  in the  acquisition  of the
Partnership,  is  intended to  facilitate  the  acquisition  of all the Units as
promptly as practicable. The Purchaser currently intends, as soon as practicable
following  the  consummation  of the  Offer,  to  propose  and  seek to have the
Partnership  consummate  a  merger  or  similar  business  combination  with the
Purchaser  (the  "Proposed  Merger").  The purpose of the Proposed  Merger is to
enable the Purchaser to acquire all Units not tendered and purchased pursuant to
the Offer or otherwise.  Pursuant to the Proposed Merger,  each then outstanding
Unit (other than Units owned by the Purchaser) would be converted into the right
to  receive  an  amount in cash  equal to the  price per Unit paid by  Purchaser
pursuant to the Offer, without interest.

     The Amended Agreement of Limited  Partnership of the Partnership,  dated as
of June 1, 1982 (the  "Partnership  Agreement"),  prohibits the General Partners
from  entering  into  certain  agreements  on  behalf  of the  Partnership  with
affiliates of the General Partners. Because the Purchaser is an affiliate of the
General Partners, this prohibition prevents the Partnership from entering into a
merger  agreement with the Purchaser to consummate  the Proposed  Merger without
the  consent  of the  holders  of a  majority  of the  Units.  Accordingly,  the
Purchaser currently intends,  as soon as practicable  following the consummation
of the Offer and in connection with the Proposed Merger,  to propose and seek to
have the Partnership  amend the Partnership  Agreement to permit the Partnership
to enter  into a merger  agreement  as  described  above and to  consummate  the
Proposed Merger (the "Proposed Amendment").

     Under the  Partnership  Agreement  and the  Massachusetts  Revised  Uniform
Limited  Partnership  Act  ("MRULPA"),  each of the Proposed  Amendment  and the
Proposed  Merger will  require the  affirmative  vote or written  consent of the
General  Partners  and limited  partners  holding a majority of the  outstanding
Units.  The General  Partners  have advised the  Purchaser  that they  presently
intend to approve the Proposed  Amendment and the Proposed Merger.  Assuming the
General Partners take such actions, if the Purchaser acquires, through the Offer
or otherwise,  a majority of the  outstanding  Units,  the Purchaser  would have
sufficient  voting  power to approve the  Proposed  Amendment  and the  Proposed
Merger without the consent of any other Unitholder. Moreover, because one of the
General Partners has entered into agreements (the "Standstill  Agreements") with
the holders of  approximately  2,235 Units which,  as of the initial  Expiration
Date,  would require such  Unitholders  to vote their Units in proportion to the
votes of all other  Unitholders  who vote on a matter,  the  Purchaser  may have
sufficient  voting  power to approve the  Proposed  Amendment  and the  Proposed
Merger without the consent of any other Unitholder even if it acquires, pursuant
to the Offer and a waiver of the Minimum  Condition,  or otherwise,  less than a
majority of the Units.

     Purchaser  intends to solicit the approval of  Unitholders  to the Proposed
Amendment  and  the  Proposed  Merger  as  soon  as  practicable  following  the
consummation of the Offer.

     The  Offer  does  not  constitute  a  solicitation  of  consents  from  the
Unitholders.  Any such  solicitation  that  Purchaser may make will be made only
pursuant  to separate  consent  materials  complying  with the  requirements  of
Section  14(a) of the  Securities  and Exchange Act of 1934,  as amended and the
rules and regulations thereunder (the "Exchange Act").


     In considering  the Offer,  Unitholders  may wish to consider the following
     negative factors relating to the Offer:

o    The General  Partners are affiliates of the  Purchaser,  and therefore have
     substantial conflicts of interest in connection with the Offer.

o    The  Purchaser  is  making  the  Offer  with a view  to  making  a  profit.
     Accordingly,  there is a conflict  between the desire of the  Purchaser  to
     purchase  Units at a low price and the desire of  Unitholders to sell their
     Units at a high price.

o    The Purchaser established the terms and the price of the Offer based on the
     analyses  described  herein,  and  not  as  the  result  of  arm's-  length
     negotiations with the Partnership or the General  Partners.  No independent
     person has  evaluated  or rendered any opinion with respect to the fairness
     of the Offer.

o    The Purchaser  will have the right to vote all Units  acquired  pursuant to
     the  Offer.  If the  Minimum  Condition  is  satisfied  and  the  Purchaser
     consummates the Offer,  the Purchaser will have sufficient  voting power to
     approve the Proposed Amendment and the Proposed Merger, subject only to the
     approval of the General  Partners  (who have  advised  Purchaser  that they
     presently  intend to grant such  approval).  As the holder of a majority of
     the  Units,  the  Purchaser  would  also have the  power,  pursuant  to the
     Partnership  Agreement,  to  approve  certain  actions,  including  certain
     amendments to the Partnership Agreement, termination of the Partnership and
     sales of all or substantially all of the Partnership's assets,  without the
     consent  of any other  Unitholder  and,  subject  to  certain  limitations,
     without the consent of the General Partners.

o    If the Minimum  Condition is satisfied  and the Purchaser  consummates  the
     Offer, the Partnership will terminate for Federal income tax purposes.  Any
     such termination  will, among other things,  cause the Partnership to start
     new  depreciable  lives for its assets.  This generally  would decrease the
     annual  average  depreciation  deductions  allocable  to Units not tendered
     pursuant to the Offer (thereby  increasing the taxable income  allocable to
     such  Units in each  such  year),  but  would  have no  effect on the total
     depreciation  deductions  available  over the useful lives of the assets of
     the Partnership.  However, if the Purchaser  consummates the Offer, and the
     Proposed Merger is consummated, Units held by Unitholders who do not tender
     their  Units in the  Offer  will be  converted  into  cash in the  Proposed

o    Unitholders  who tender  their Units will be giving up the  opportunity  to
     participate in any future  distributions of cash or property,  whether from
     operations,  the  proceeds of a sale or  refinancing  of one or more of the
     Partnership's  properties or in connection  with any future  liquidation of
     the  Partnership.  The  aggregate  value of such future  distributions  may
     exceed the price per Unit paid by Purchaser pursuant to the Offer.

o    No assurance can be given as to the value of the Partnership's  assets on a
     per Unit basis, and the Offer Price could differ significantly from the net
     proceeds  that would be realized on a per Unit basis from a current sale of
     the  Partnership's  properties  or  that  may be  realized  upon  a  future
     liquidation of the Partnership.

     In addition to the above,  Unitholders  may wish to consider the  following
     positive factors relating to the Offer:

o    Based on the analysis  described in this Offer to Purchase,  the  Purchaser
     believes the Offer Price is fair to  Unitholders.  In determining the Offer
     Price,  the Purchaser  utilized  varying  assumptions  that it believes are
     reasonable  in light  of  general  economic  conditions,  condition  of the
     Partnership's  business  and  properties  and the  markets  in  which  such
     properties  are located.  This analysis  produced a range of values for the
     Units of $508 to $640 per Unit.

o    The Offer Price is $125 per Unit  greater (29% higher) than the price being
     offered by Madison Liquidity  Investors 104, LLC ("Madison") (a bidder that
     is not  affiliated  with the General  Partners or the  Partnership)  in the
     offer to  purchase  up to five  percent  of the  outstanding  Units made by
     Madison on April 21, 1999 (the "Madison Offer").  In addition,  because the
     Purchaser  (unlike  Madison)  has  agreed  to  bear  the  cost  of the  $50
     partnership transfer fee (per transfer not per Unit) in connection with the
     Offer, the Purchaser is effectively  offering each Unitholder an additional
     $50 over the total  amount  such  Unitholder  would  receive in the Madison

o    The Offer provides  Unitholders with an immediate  opportunity to liquidate
     their investment in the Partnership for cash, without the usual transaction
     costs associated with market sales or partnership  transfer fees. The Units
     are not  listed  or  traded  on any  exchange  or  quoted  on the  National
     Association of Securities  Dealers Automated  Quotation System  ("NASDAQ"),
     and there is a limited private resale market for the Units.


o    The decision to accept the Offer eliminates the  uncertainties  relating to
     the  amount  and  timing  of  any   liquidating   distributions   from  the
     Partnership,  which  would  depend  upon the  then-current  markets for the
     Properties,  as well as upon  amounts that would be required to be reserved
     to  satisfy   contingent   liabilities   associated  with  Property  sales.
     Furthermore,  by selling the Units for cash now, Unitholders will enjoy the
     ability to redeploy investment assets into alternative and potentially more
     liquid investments.

o    The properties  comprising the Partnership are facing increased competition
     from newly constructed and renovated residential units in their markets. To
     meet this challenge,  substantial capital  improvements may be required for
     such properties.  Implementation  of these  improvements  would require the
     investment of  additional  equity  capital,  additional  borrowings  and/or
     discontinuation of future cash distributions from the Partnership,  and the
     Partnership's  ability  to  finance  such  improvements  given its  current
     capital  structure  is  uncertain.  Consequently,  the  Offer  presents  an
     opportunity  for  Unitholders who do not wish to continue to participate in
     the risks  associated with ownership of multifamily  properties,  including
     the risks  associated with these recent  developments in the  Partnership's

o    For Unitholders  who sell their Units in the Offer,  1999 will be the final
     year for which they receive a K-1 Tax Form from the  Partnership,  assuming
     that the transfer of their Units is effectuated by the General  Partners in
     1999. Many investors who have tax  professionals  prepare their tax returns
     find the cost of filing K-1s to be burdensome.

o    Unlike the Madison Offer,  the Offer is not limited to a specified  maximum
     number of Units. Accordingly,  if the conditions to the Offer are satisfied
     and the Purchaser  consummates the Offer, each Unitholder that has tendered
     Units  pursuant to the Offer will receive the Offer Price per Unit and will
     not be subject to proration.

o    The Offer is not subject to a financing  contingency,  which  increases the
     likelihood  that the conditions to the Offer will be satisfied and that the
     Offer will be consummated.


                                 SPECIAL FACTORS

Section 1. Background of the Offer

     The Partnership  owns and operates one  multi-family  apartment  complex in
Columbus,  Ohio (the  "Brookeville  Apartments") and two multi-family  apartment
complexes  in  Columbia,  Maryland  (the  "Hannibal  Grove  Apartments"  and the
"Dorsey's Forge  Apartments.")  The Brookeville  Apartments,  the Hannibal Grove
Apartments and the Dorsey's Forge Apartments  (collectively,  the  "Properties")
were  constructed  in 1972,  1970 and 1970,  respectively,  and,  except  for an
interior  renovation of the Brookeville  Apartments  completed in 1998, have not
undergone significant renovation.  For a description of the Properties, see "The
Offer--Section 6. Certain Information Concerning the Partnership."

     In the first quarter of 1999,  occupancy rates for the Properties  declined
from the historically high levels achieved in 1998 of between 99% and 100% as of
December  31,  1998 to  approximately  94% (in the  case of the  Hannibal  Grove
Apartments),  97% (in the case of the Brookeville  Apartments) and 97.5% (in the
case of the  Dorsey's  Forge  Apartments)  as of March 31, 1999.  Moreover,  the
managing agent for the Properties (an affiliate of the General  Partners and the
Purchaser) (the "Property  Manager")  granted  increased  rental  concessions to
tenants in order to achieve these occupancy rates.

     The Property  Manager  believes  that this  decline in  occupancy  rates is
attributable  to  significantly   increased  competition  resulting  from  newly
constructed or renovated  housing entering the markets served by the Properties,
a trend that the Property Manager believes is expected to continue over the next
several  years.  In  Columbus,  Ohio,  approximately  8,600 new units  have been
constructed in the past eighteen months or are currently under construction, and
in Columbia, Maryland,  approximately 961 newly renovated units have entered the
market in the past  year,  with an  additional  974 units  currently  undergoing

     In March 1999, the Property  Manager  prepared a capital  improvement  plan
(the "Capital Plan") setting forth capital improvements that it believes a third
party  purchaser  of the  Properties  would  regard as necessary to maintain the
Properties'   current   occupancy  and  rent  levels  (subject  to  inflationary
increases),  in light of the increased  competition in the markets served by the


     These capital improvements include interior rehabilitation,  replacement of
windows,  roofs,  piping and HVAC systems,  as well as  improvements  to parking
lots, landscaping and exterior painting (collectively, the "Improvements").  The
aggregate cost of implementing the Capital Plan is estimated to be approximately
$10,000,000.  The Property Manager has advised the Purchaser that in view of the
new  or  newly  renovated  housing  alternatives  in  the  areas  served  by the
Properties,  the current  occupancy  rates enjoyed by the  Properties may not be
sustained unless the Capital Plan is implemented, particularly since many of the
newer  residential  units will have  amenities such as fitness  centers,  tennis
courts and swimming pools that the Properties do not.

     The General Partners have not yet determined the Partnership's  response to
the challenges  presented by these market  developments.  However, the Purchaser
believes  that  prompt  and  full  implementation  of the  Capital  Plan  by the
Partnership  may not be  practicable  because it would require the investment of
additional equity capital,  additional  borrowings and/or the discontinuation of
future cash distributions from the Partnership.

     On April 21,  1999,  Madison  announced  its offer to  purchase  up to five
percent of the  outstanding  Units for $425 per unit,  less a $50  transfer  fee
charged  by  the  Partnership  (per  transfer,   not  per  Unit)  and  any  cash
distributions  made after April 21,  1999.  The  Madison  Offer,  together  with
uncertainties   regarding  the  Properties   described  above,   caused  certain
affiliates  of the  General  Partners  to decide to seek to acquire the Units at
this time.  The Purchaser  chose to make the Offer because (i) it was willing to
pay a higher  price for the Units than that  offered by  Madison,  (ii) it could
offer  Unitholders the  opportunity to benefit from immediate  liquidity for all
Units  tendered,  (iii)  it  believed  it  could  offer a price  that is fair to
Unitholders  and (iv) as noted below,  it (through its affiliates) is engaged in
the business of utilizing capital to, among other things,  renovate  residential
real estate properties.

     The  Purchaser's  affiliates,  including  the General  Partners,  regularly
engage  in  real  estate-related  activities  including  acquiring,  developing,
renovating and rehabilitating,  financing and divesting  properties.  As part of
these activities,  they regularly monitor the real estate market for acquisition
opportunities.  The Purchaser  believes that the  acquisition of the Partnership
presents an opportunity to realize an acceptable  return on amounts  invested in
acquiring the Units and making the Improvements, while at the same time offering
the  Unitholders an opportunity to receive a fair price for their Units within a
short period of time.

     In establishing  the Offer Price,  the Purchaser  (which is an affiliate of
the General  Partners)  reviewed  certain  publicly  available  information  and
certain  information  made  available  to it by the General  Partners  and their
affiliates (including the Property Manager).  Such information  included,  among
other things:  (i) the  Partnership  Agreement;  (ii) the  Partnership's  Annual
Report on Form 10-K for the years ended December 31, 1998 and December 31, 1997;
(iii) financial information relating to the Partnership for the first quarter of
Partnership's  current fiscal year; (iv) the operating  budgets  prepared by the
Property  Manager for the Properties for the year ending  December 31, 1999; (v)
the Capital  Plan;  (vi)  mortgages  and  associated  documents  relating to the
Properties;  and (vii)  other  information  obtained by the  Purchaser  and from
affiliates of the General  Partners in their capacities as providers of property
management  and  partnership  administration  services to the  Partnership.  The
Purchaser's  determination  of the  Offer  Price  was  based on its  review  and
analysis of the foregoing  information and the other  financial  information and
analyses concerning the Partnership summarized below.

Section 2. Determination of Offer Price and Fairness of the Offer

     Determination  of the  Offer  Price.  As  described  below,  the  Purchaser
developed a valuation  range for a Unit of between  $508 and $640.  Although the
Purchaser   believes  that  any  price  within  such  range  would  be  fair  to
Unitholders,  and was  motivated to establish the lowest price within such range
of  fairness  that  might  be  acceptable  to  Unitholders,  it  recognized  the
subjective nature of real estate valuation, and determined to offer $550 Unit.

     Fairness  of the  Offer.  While  the  Offer  Price  is not  the  result  of
arm's-length  negotiations  between  the  Purchaser  and  the  Partnership,  the
Purchaser  believes  that the Offer  Price and the other  terms of the Offer are
fair to Unitholders who tender Units in response to the Offer or whose Units may
be acquired by the  Purchaser as part of the Proposed  Merger (if  consummated).
The Purchaser bases its conclusion on the following factors:

          o the fact  that  the  Offer  Price  falls  within  a range of  values
     calculated by the Purchaser to estimate the value of each Unit;

          o the fact that the Offer Price is higher than (a) the purchase  price
     offered by  unaffiliated  third  parties  wishing  to  purchase  Units,  in
     particular  the  Madison  Offer,  and (b) the  purchase  price  realized by
     Unitholders   who  sold  their   Units  in  recent   privately   negotiated
     transactions  as  reported  by  independent,   third-party   sources  whose
     reporting  may not be accurate or complete and which the  Purchaser has not
     independently verified;

          o the fact that the Offer will provide  Unitholders the opportunity to
     receive cash for their Units  within a short period of time,  and that this
     opportunity  may  benefit  Unitholders  in  light  of  the  fact  that  (a)
     Unitholders do not have an established trading market 


     in which to liquidate  their Units since the Units are not listed or traded
     on any exchange or NASDAQ and (b) some Unitholders may not wish to continue
     to  participate  in the risks  associated  with  ownership  of  multifamily
     properties,  including the risks  associated with recent  developments  and
     uncertainties in the Properties' markets;

          o the Purchaser's belief that changing market conditions may adversely
     affect the future cash flows generated by the Properties unless the Capital
     Plan is  implemented,  and that the  Partnership may not be able to finance
     the Improvements contained in the Capital Plan;

          o the fact that in the event the Partnership is liquidated, the amount
     and timing of liquidating  distributions to Unitholders would be subject to
     considerable uncertainties,  and would depend upon the then-current markets
     for the  Properties,  as well as upon the amounts that would be required to
     be reserved to satisfy  contingent  liabilities  associated  with  Property

          o the fact that the Offer is not subject to a  financing  contingency,
     which increases the likelihood that  Unitholders who desire to tender their
     Units and realize liquidity will be able to do so; and

          o the fact that the Offer is not limited to a maximum  number of Units
     that will be  accepted  by the  Purchaser,  but rather the  Purchaser  will
     purchase all Units duly tendered pursuant to the Offer.

     The Purchaser did not find it practicable  to quantify or otherwise  attach
relative weights to the specific factors described above.

     Based on the liquidation analysis described below (which Purchaser believes
is the most  appropriate  valuation  methodology),  the Purchaser has determined
that the fair value of each Unit falls  within a range of $508 to $640.  Because
the  determination of the Properties'  value requires the utilization of varying
assumptions, upon which knowledgeable, experienced real estate professionals may
take different views, the Purchaser has expressed the value of the Properties as
a range and has  described  the  assumptions  utilized to  calculate  the values
within the range more fully below.

     Liquidation Analysis.  The Purchaser determined that the fair value of each
Unit falls  within a range of $508 to $640 based upon the  liquidation  analysis
described  below.  The  Purchaser  calculated  this  range  on the  basis of its
estimate of the proceeds that could be realized from the sale of the  Properties
and the Partnership's other assets, less mortgage debt and other liabilities. To
determine the prices at which the Properties  could be sold by the  Partnership,
the Purchaser applied a capitalization  rate of 9% to the net cash flow expected
to be generated by the  Properties in 1999,  adjusted to reflect  factors that a
third party purchaser would consider  relevant in evaluating the purchase of the
Properties,   and  then  subtracted   amounts   related  to  necessary   capital
improvements  (i.e., the Capital Plan) and transaction costs associated with the
purchase of the Property.

     In deriving the net cash flow attributable to the Properties, the Purchaser
made the following  adjustments  to 1999 budgeted cash flow:  (a) an increase to
current gross rents to reflect  varying  growth rates of between 1.5% and 3% per
annum,  offset  by  vacancy  and  bad  debt  expense  at a rate  of 7%;  and (b)
adjustments to expenses  associated  with the  Properties  following a sale to a
third party,  including insurance costs, varying levels of replacement reserves,
taxes and management  fees. This resulted in estimated  aggregate cash flows for
the Properties of between $3,753,000 and $4,065,000, against which the Purchaser
applied a  capitalization  rate of 9% and deducted (a)  estimated  closing costs
associated with such sales of 3% and (b) the estimated cost of the  Improvements
of  $10,000,000  to arrive at an  aggregate  gross  value of the  Properties  of
between $30,467,000 and $33,828,000. The addition of approximately $1,614,000 of
cash and other assets of the Partnerships, less $19,205,000 of mortgage debt and
other liabilities associated with the Partnership, resulted in a value range for
the Units of between $508 and $640.

     Projections  are by their nature  speculative and no assurance can be given
that a projection will accurately reflect the rental income actually achieved. A
capitalization  rate is a rate of  return  commonly  applied  by  buyers of real
estate to property income to determine the present value of income property. The
choice of  capitalization  rate is subjective and based on, among other things a
buyer's  evaluation  of a  property's  location  and  condition.  The  lower the
capitalization rate utilized,  the higher the value produced, and the higher the
capitalization  rate  utilized,  the  lower the value  produced.  The  Purchaser
utilized a  capitalization  rate of 9% to determine the value of the Properties.
The Madison Offer utilized a capitalization rate of 12.43%, which Madison stated
was  within  the  range  of  capitalization  rates  currently  employed  in  the
marketplace  for  apartment  buildings of the  Properties'  age and quality.  In
connection  with a  third-party  tender  offer in  1996,  the  General  Partners
estimated  the value of a Unit at $661.  Such  valuation was based on market and
other conditions at the time, and did not reflect the current market  conditions
and the expenditures that would be required to implement the Capital Plan.

     Although the Purchaser  believes that the values  calculated  utilizing the
method  described  above fairly  represent the value of the  Properties  and the
value of the  Units,  an actual  sale of the  Properties  at this time or in the
future  might  generate  a sale price  either  higher or lower than the range of
values calculated above.


     Further,  the Purchaser  believes that the per Unit proceeds which would be
realized by Unitholders  upon a liquidation  of the Properties  would be further
reduced by contingent liabilities  associated with the Properties.  The range of
values estimated above does not take into account timing considerations,  market
uncertainties  and legal and other expenses that would be incurred in connection
with a liquidation of the Partnership.  An actual liquidation of the Partnership
now, or in the future, might generate a higher or lower value for each Unit.

     As noted  above,  the  General  Partners  have not yet  determined  how the
Partnership  would  respond to the market  developments  described  above in the
event the Offer and the  transactions  contemplated  hereby are not consummated.
However,  in the event the General Partners  determine to sell the Properties in
the future, the proceeds of such a sale would be subject to uncertainties in the
real estate and financing  markets at the time,  as well as to possible  adverse
effects upon the cash flows  generated by the Properties by the additions to the
housing base in the markets served by the Properties.

     In view of the developments  occurring in the markets  described above, the
expenditures  required by the Capital  Plan and the  potential  inability of the
Partnership  to finance  the  Improvements  internally  and  through  additional
borrowings, the Purchaser believes that the liquidation analysis described above
is the most appropriate valuation methodology.

     Book Value. Because the Partnership's principal assets, the Properties, are
carried on the  Partnership's  balance sheet at their  historical  cost and have
been depreciated over the thirteen years of the Partnership's existence, the net
book value of a Unit is a negative number,  and therefore the Purchaser does not
believe net book value is meaningful in determining the fairness of the Offer.

     Comparison  With Recent Offers to Purchase  Units.  The Offer Price of $550
per Unit is $235 higher  than the $315 per Unit offer made by Krescent  Partners
L.L.C. on November 26, 1996 and at least $125 higher than the Madison Offer. The
amount  offered  to  Unitholders  in the  Madison  Offer is  reduced by a $50.00
transfer fee (per  transfer,  not per Unit);  accordingly,  the actual  purchase
price  offered by  Madison is less than  $425.00  per Unit (the  "Madison  Offer
Price") and the price offered by the Purchaser is actually more than $125 higher
than the  Madison  Offer  Price.  The actual  amount per Unit by which the Offer
Price  exceeds  the  Madison  Offer Price will vary based on the number of Units
tendered by a Unitholder  to Madison.  The  Purchaser  does not believe that the
Madison  Offer  reflects  an  accurate  value  of the  Units.  Therefore,  while
comparisons  with the Madison Offer are  informative,  in and of themselves they
are not dispositive of the fairness of the Offer Price.

     Recent Unit Sales.  Although not  necessarily  an indication of value,  the
$550 Offer Price per Unit is higher than the trading prices for the Units during
the past year as reported by the Stanger  Ranking,  an independent  third-party.
The  Purchaser  does not know  whether the  information  compiled by the Stanger
Ranking is accurate or complete. The Stanger Ranking reports that for the twelve
months ended February 28, 1999 (the last period  reported),  the Units traded at
prices ranging  between  $438.50 and $495.00.  Trading prices as reported by the
Stanger  Ranking do not necessarily  reflect the net sales proceeds  received by
sellers of Units, which typically are reduced by commissions and other secondary
market  transaction  costs.  The Purchaser has not  independently  confirmed the
trading  prices  referral  to  above,  and  believes  that such  prices  are not
necessarily indicative of value.  Consequently,  the Purchaser believes that the
comparison  of the Offer  Price  with such  prices,  while  informative,  is not
dispositive of the fairness of the Offer Price.

     Liquidity.  Because  the Units are not listed or traded on any  exchange or
quoted on NASDAQ,  privately  negotiated sales and sales through  intermediaries
are the  only  regularly  available  means  for a  Unitholder  to  liquidate  an
investment in Units.  Secondary  market sales activity for the Units,  including
privately negotiated sales, has been limited and sporadic.

     This  Offer  gives all  Unitholders  the  opportunity  to  liquidate  their
investment  for a known,  certain  cash payment  within a relatively  short time
frame and  without  any  holdback  for  contingent  liabilities.  Because of the
limited  opportunities  to sell Units,  a Unitholder  may not achieve  liquidity
until the  properties  are sold and the  Partnership  is  liquidated.  Under the
Partnership Agreement,  the term of the Partnership will continue until December
31,  2020 unless  sooner  terminated  as  provided  in the  Limited  Partnership
Agreement or by law.

Section 3. Purpose of the Offer and Plans for the Partnership

     Purpose.  The purpose of the Offer, the Proposed Amendment and the Proposed
Merger is to enable the Purchaser to acquire the entire  equity  interest in the
Partnership.  While the Purchaser may have been able to consummate  the Proposed
Merger through a proxy  solicitation to all Unitholders  seeking adoption of the
Proposed Amendment, and approval of the Proposed Merger, the Offer, as the first
step in the  acquisition  of the  Partnership,  is  intended to  facilitate  the
acquisition of all the Units and to provide cash to Unitholders  for their Units
as  promptly  as  practicable.  The  Purchaser  currently  intends,  as  soon as
practicable  following  consummation  of the  Offer,  to  propose  and  seek  to
consummate the Proposed  Amendment and the Proposed  Merger.  


The purpose of the Proposed  Amendment is to amend the Partnership  Agreement to
permit the  Partnership  to enter into a merger  agreement with the Purchaser to
consummate the Proposed Merger. The purpose of the Proposed Merger is to acquire
all Units not tendered and  purchased  pursuant to the Offer or otherwise and to
enable the Purchaser to acquire all other equity  interests of the  Partnership.
Pursuant to the Proposed  Merger,  each then  outstanding Unit (other than Units
owned by the Purchaser),  would be converted into the right to receive an amount
in cash equal to the price per Unit paid by the Purchaser pursuant to the Offer,
without interest and the general partnership  interests and the original limited
partnership interests,  currently owned by affiliates of the Purchaser, would be

     Under the  Partnership  Agreement and the MRULPA,  approval of the Proposed
Amendment  and the  Proposed  Merger  requires the  affirmative  vote or written
consent of the General  Partners and limited  partners holding a majority of the
outstanding  Units  (including  any Units owned by the  Purchaser).  The General
Partners have advised the Purchaser that they presently intend, subject to their
fiduciary  duties to the  Partnership,  (i) to give their written consent to the
transfer of any Units  tendered to the  Purchaser  pursuant to the Offer and, in
connection therewith, to the admission of the Purchaser as a "substitute limited
partner"  of the  Partnership  entitled to voting  rights  with  respect to such
Units, (ii) to approve the Proposed  Amendment and the Proposed Merger and (iii)
subject to the  adoption  of the  Proposed  Amendment,  to execute a  definitive
merger  agreement  to  effectuate  the  Proposed  Merger.  Assuming  the General
Partners take such  actions,  if the  Purchaser  acquires,  through the Offer or
otherwise, at least a majority of the outstanding Units, which would be the case
if the  Minimum  Condition  were  satisfied  (or,  as a  result  of  the  voting
provisions in the  Standstill  Agreements,  a lesser number of Units),  it would
have sufficient voting power to approve the Proposed  Amendment and the Proposed
Merger without the consent of any other Unitholder.

     No appraisal  rights are available to Unitholders as a result of the Offer.
In addition,  no appraisal rights will be available to Unitholders in connection
with the Proposed Merger.

     The  Purchaser   intends  to  solicit  (or,  pursuant  to  the  Partnership
Agreement,  request the General Partners to solicit) the approval of Unitholders
to the  Proposed  Amendment  and the  Proposed  Merger  as  soon as  practicable
following the  consummation of the Offer.  The precise timing and other terms of
the  Proposed  Merger will depend on a variety of factors such as the timing and
extent of the review of the  solicitation  documents by the Commission,  general
economic  conditions;  the  economic  conditions,  prospects,  asset  value  and
earnings  of the  Partnership;  the number of Units  acquired  by the  Purchaser
pursuant to the Offer or  otherwise;  and the  requirements  of the  Partnership
Agreement and MRULPA described above.  Although the Purchaser  presently intends
to seek to effect  the  Proposed  Amendment  and the  Proposed  Merger  promptly
following the consummation of the Offer, there is no assurance that they will be
proposed  or that,  if  proposed,  they will not be  delayed or  abandoned.  The
Purchaser expressly reserves the right not to propose the Proposed Amendment and
the Proposed  Merger,  or to propose a merger or other  business  combination on
terms other than those set forth  herein,  and its  ultimate  decision  could be
affected by information hereafter obtained by the Purchaser,  changes in general
economic or market  conditions  or in the business of the  Partnership  or other
factors.  If a merger or other  business  combination  other  than the  Proposed
Merger  is  consummated,  holders  of  Units  at  the  effective  time  of  such
transaction  may or may not  have  appraisal  rights  in  connection  therewith,
depending upon the terms of any such transaction.

     If the Proposed Merger is not consummated, the Purchaser or an affiliate of
the Purchaser may, either immediately  following the consummation or termination
of the Offer  (whether  or not the  Purchaser  purchases  Units  pursuant to the
Offer),  or from  time to time  thereafter,  seek to  acquire  additional  Units
through open market purchases, privately negotiated transactions, a tender offer
or  exchange  offer or  otherwise,  upon such terms and at such prices as it may
determine,  which may be more or less than the Offer Price.  Alternatively,  the
Purchaser and its affiliates  reserve the right to sell or otherwise  dispose of
any or all of the Units  acquired by them  pursuant  to the Offer or  otherwise,
upon such terms and at such prices as they shall determine.

     The  Offer  does  not  constitute  a  solicitation  of  consents  from  the
Unitholders.  Any such  solicitation  that  Purchaser may make will be made only
pursuant  to separate  consent  materials  complying  with the  requirements  of
Section 14(a) of the Exchange Act and the rules and regulations thereunder.

     Plans for the  Partnership.  Following the  consummation of the Offer,  the
Proposed  Amendment and the Proposed Merger,  the Purchaser intends to conduct a
detailed  review of the  Partnership  and its  assets,  the  Capital  Plan,  its
corporate structure, dividend policy,  capitalization,  operations,  properties,
policies,  management and personnel and consider what further  changes,  if any,
would be desirable in light of the circumstances  which then exist. Based on its
evaluation,  the Purchaser may finance all or a portion of the  Improvements  by
the  following  means,  alone  or in  combination:  (i)  an  equity  or  capital
contribution to the Partnership, (ii) a refinancing of the Properties or (iii) a
sale of a portion of the Partnership's  assets. The Purchaser reserves the right
to accelerate,  extend or amend the Capital Plan, and may elect not to implement
the Improvements or any portion  thereof.  The Purchaser's  determinations  will
depend on, among other things,  general economic  conditions,  the conditions of
the real  estate  markets in which the  Properties  are  located,  the  physical
condition of the Properties at the time the Proposed Merger is consummated,  the
Properties'  vacancy  rates at the  time the  Proposed  Merger  is  consummated,
prepayment  penalties  associated  with each of the respective  loan  facilities
encumbering  the Properties and the terms  available to the  Partnership for new
financing arrangements. The Purchaser intends to review the Partnership's policy
with  respect  to  distributions  and may,  based on its  assessment,  reduce or
eliminate the  distributions  paid by the Partnership.  The Purchaser  expressly
reserves the right to make any changes


that it deems  necessary  or  appropriate  in light of its review or in light of
future  developments.  Such changes could include  changes in the  Partnership's
business,   corporate  structure,   organizational  documents,   capitalization,
management or dividend policy.

     Except  as  described  in this  Section  and  elsewhere  in this  Offer  to
Purchase,  following the consummation of the Offer,  the Proposed  Amendment and
the Proposed Merger, the Purchaser presently intends to conduct the business and
operations of the Partnership substantially as they are currently conducted.

Section 4. Conflicts of Interest and Transactions with Affiliates.

     Conflicts of Interest with Respect to the Offer.  The General  Partners are
affiliates of the  Purchaser.  The General  Partners have  conflicts of interest
with respect to the Offer, as a result of their  affiliation  with the Purchaser
and otherwise,  including (i) the desire of the Purchaser (which is an affiliate
of the General  Partners)  to maximize  the value of its  ownership of the Units
(including  its desire to increase its profit by acquiring  Units at a low price
and  its  present  intention  to  propose  the  Proposed  Merger  following  the
successful  consummation  of the Offer),  which may result in a conflict for the
General  Partners in attempting to reconcile the interests of the Purchaser with
the interests of the  Unitholders;  (ii) the fact that a sale or  liquidation of
the  Partnership's  assets  would  result in a decrease  or  elimination  of the
distributions  received by the General Partners in respect of their interests in
the  Partnership  and/or the fees paid to their  affiliates in  connection  with
services  provided to the  Partnership;  and (iii) the fact that, if successful,
the  Offer  will  place the  Purchaser  (which is an  affiliate  of the  General
Partners)  in  a  position  to  control  all  Partnership   decisions  on  which
Unitholders may vote,  including removal of the General Partners and, due to its
affiliation with the General Partners, and their affiliates,  the Purchaser will
most likely vote the Units owned by it in whatever  manner it deems to be in the
best interests of the General  Partners and their  affiliates but may or may not
be in the  interest  of the other  Unitholders,  including  voting  against  the
elimination  or a decrease in fees payable to affiliates of the Purchaser or the
General Partners.

     Voting Power of the Purchaser. The Purchaser's consummation of the Offer is
conditioned on, among other things,  satisfaction of the Minimum  Condition (see
"The  Offer--Section 8. Conditions of the Offer"). If the Minimum Condition were
satisfied,  the Purchaser were to accept for payment the Units tendered pursuant
to the  Offer,  and the  General  Partners  were to  admit  the  Purchaser  as a
substitute  limited partner under the Partnership  Agreement  (which  admittance
allows a Unitholder to vote),  then the Purchaser would have the power to vote a
majority  of  the  Partnership's  Units.  As the  holder  of a  majority  of the
Partnership's   Units,  the  Purchaser  would  have  certain  powers  under  the
Partnership Agreement,  including,  subject to certain conditions,  the power to
(i) approve certain amendments to the Partnership Agreement,  (ii) terminate the
Partnership  (iii) remove the General  Partners,  or (iv) approve or disprove of
the sale of all or substantially all the assets of the Partnership, in each case
in its sole discretion  without the consent of any other Unitholder and, subject
to certain limitations,  without the consent of the General Partners.  Under the
Standstill  Agreements,  the  holders  of  approximately  2,235  Units as of the
initial  Expiration  Date,  have agreed to vote their Units in proportion to the
votes of all other Unitholders who vote on a matter. As a result,  the Purchaser
may be in the same  position  as a holder of a majority  of the Units even if it
acquires less than a majority of the  Partnership's  Units. The General Partners
have  advised  the  Purchaser  that  they  presently  intend,  subject  to their
fiduciary  duties  to  the  Partnership,  to  take  certain  actions,  including
consenting  to the  transfer of tendered  Units,  admitting  the  Purchaser as a
substitute  limited  partner  and  granting  their  approval  and consent to the
Proposed  Amendment and the Proposed  Merger (see "Special  Factors--Section  3.
Purpose  of the  Offer and Plans for the  Partnership").  Assuming  the  General
Partners take such actions,  Purchaser, as the holder of a majority of the Units
(or,  by  operation  of  the  voting  provisions  of the  Standstill  Agreements
described above, a lesser amount),  will have sufficient voting power to approve
the Proposed  Amendment and the Proposed Merger without the consent of any other

     Transactions with Affiliates.  The following  describes certain  agreements
and  transactions  between  Purchaser and its affiliates  (including the General
Partners) and the Partnership.

     Pursuant to the Partnership Agreement, the General Partners are entitled to
certain cash distributions in respect of their interests in the Partnership. The
General Partners have received  aggregate cash  distributions in respect of such
interests  of $4,174,  $4,174 and $6,261 for the years ended  December 31, 1996,
1997 and 1998, respectively.

     Pursuant to certain  management  agreements (the "Management  Agreements"),
the Property Manager (an affiliate of the General  Partners)  receives  property
management  fees in return for  management  of the  Properties.  The  Management
Agreements  provide for the payment of monthly  management  fees  payable at the
rate of up to 5% of rents and other income actually received by the Partnership.
In addition,  although the General  Partners and their affiliates do not receive
any fees  from  the  Partnership  for the  partnership  administration  services
provided to the  Partnership,  the Property  Manager and other affiliates of the
General  Partners are  reimbursed by the  Partnership  for expenses  incurred in
connection  with the  provision  of  services  including  accounting,  computer,
insurance,  travel,  payroll, and legal services and the preparation and mailing
of reports and other  communication  to  Unitholders.  For the three years ended
December 31, 1996, 1997 and 1998, and for the three months ended March 31, 1999,
the Partnership paid such affiliate  property  management fees and reimbursement
of expenses aggregating $499,495, $536,798, $540,461 and $138,179, respectively.


     Pursuant to the Partnership Agreement, the General Partners are entitled to
a brokerage fee in an amount equal to 3% of the contract sales price of any real
estate acquired by the Partnership, subject to certain limitations. No brokerage
fees have been paid to the  General  Partners  or their  affiliates  during  the
three-year period ending December 31, 1998 and the quarter ended March 31, 1999.

     The  Offer,  in and of  itself,  will  not  result  in  any  change  in the
compensation payable to the General Partners or their affiliates.  However, as a
result of the  Offer,  the  Purchaser  (which  is an  affiliate  of the  General
Partners) will participate,  in its capacity as a Unitholder,  in any subsequent
distributions  to  Unitholders  to the extent of the  number of Units  purchased
pursuant to the Offer.

     On January 2, 1999,  an affiliate of the  Purchaser  acquired 10 Units at a
price  of  $1,000  per  Unit  from a long  time  employee  receiving  long  term
disability  benefits.  The  employee  worked  directly  or  indirectly  for many
affiliates of the Purchaser  during her tenure.  For a description of Units held
by affiliates of the Purchaser see "The  Offer--Section  7. Certain  Information
Concerning the Purchaser and its Affiliates."

Section 5. Financing of the Offer

     The Purchaser  expects that  approximately  $13,750,000 will be required to
purchase all of the outstanding Units, if tendered,  and approximately  $260,000
will be required to pay related fees and expenses (see "The  Offer--Section  10.
Fees and  Expenses").  The Purchaser  presently  anticipates  funding the entire
amount of the  consideration  required to  consummate  the Offer and all related
expenses through capital  contributions  to be made by its member,  KRF Company,
L.L.C., a Delaware limited liability company ("KRF Company"), which in turn will
finance its capital contributions to the Purchaser through capital contributions
from its  member.  The sole member of KRF  Company is The Krupp  Family  Limited
Partnership-94,   a   Massachusetts   limited   partnership   ("Family   Limited
Partnership").  The Family Limited Partnership has available  sufficient amounts
of liquid capital  necessary to fund the acquisition of all Units subject to the
Offer,  the expenses to be incurred in connection with the Offer,  and all other
anticipated  costs  of  the  Purchaser  (see  "The   Offer--Section  7.  Certain
Information  Concerning  the  Purchaser  and  its  Affiliates").   However,  the
Purchaser may, in the  alternative,  seek to obtain debt financing to facilitate
the purchase of Units  pursuant to the Offer.  No commitment  has been sought or
obtained for any such debt financing.

Section 6.  Certain  Effects  of the Offer on the  Market  for the  Units;  Unit
Quotation; Exchange Act Registration; and Margin Regulations

     The purchase of Units pursuant to the Offer will reduce the number of Units
that might  otherwise  trade publicly and the number of  Unitholders,  and could
adversely affect the liquidity and market value of the remaining Units. However,
because the Units are not traded in any organized market,  the purchase of Units
pursuant to the Offer is not expected to affect the market for the Units.

     The  Units  are   currently   registered   under  the  Exchange  Act.  Such
registration  may be terminated upon  application to the Commission if the Units
are not listed on a national  securities  exchange  and there are fewer than 300
record  holders.  Termination  of  registration  under  the  Exchange  Act would
substantially reduce the information required to be furnished by the Partnership
to its  Unitholders  and to the  Commission and would make  inapplicable  to the
Partnership  certain  provisions of the Exchange  Act,  such as the  short-swing
profit recovery  provisions of Section 16(b),  the requirements to furnish proxy
statements in connection with  Unitholders'  meetings pursuant to Section 14(a),
and the requirements of Rule 13e-3 under the Exchange Act with respect to "going
private"  transactions.  Furthermore,  if the  Purchaser  acquires a substantial
number of Units,  the ability of  "affiliates"  of the  Partnership  and persons
holding "restricted securities" of the Partnership to dispose of such securities
pursuant to Rule 144 or 144A  promulgated  under the  Securities Act of 1933, as
amended, may be impaired or eliminated. The Purchaser presently intends to cause
the  Partnership to apply for termination of registration of the Units under the
Exchange Act following the consummation of the Offer, the Proposed Amendment and
the Proposed Merger.  The General Partners have advised  Purchaser that if, as a
result of the purchase of the Units pursuant to the Offer, the Partnership is no
longer  required to maintain  registration  of the Units under the Exchange Act,
the General Partners presently intend,  subject to their fiduciary duties to the
Partnership,  to  cause  the  Partnership  to  apply  for  termination  of  such

     The Units are currently not "margin  securities"  under the  regulations of
the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System ("Margin Securities").  The
purchase of Units  pursuant to the Offer  and/or  effectuation  of the  Proposed
Amendment  and the  Proposed  Merger  will not cause the Units to become  Margin

Section 7. Certain Federal Income Tax Consequences.

     The following summary is a general discussion of certain federal income tax
consequences  of a sale  of  Units  pursuant  to the  Offer  assuming  that  the
Partnership is a partnership  for federal income tax purposes and that it is not
a  "publicly  traded  partnership"  as defined in Section  7704 of the  Internal
Revenue  Code of 1986,  as amended  (the  "Code").  This summary is based on the
Code,  applicable  Treasury  Regulations  thereunder,   administrative  rulings,
practice and procedures and judicial  authority as of the date of the Offer. All
of the  foregoing  


are subject to change, and any such change could affect the continuing  accuracy
of this  summary.  This summary  does not discuss all aspects of federal  income
taxation  that  may be  relevant  to a  particular  Unitholder  in light of such
Unitholder's  specific  circumstances or to certain types of Unitholders subject
to special  treatment  under the federal  income tax laws (for example,  foreign
persons,  dealers in  securities,  banks,  insurance  companies  and  tax-exempt
organizations), nor does it discuss any aspect of state, local, foreign or other
tax laws. Sales of Units pursuant to the Offer will be taxable  transactions for
federal  income  tax  purposes,  and may  also  be  taxable  transactions  under
applicable state, local, foreign and other tax laws.


     CONSEQUENCES TO TENDERING  UNITHOLDER.  A Unitholder will recognize gain or
loss on a sale of Units  pursuant to the Offer equal to the  difference  between
(i) the  Unitholder's  "amount  realized" on the sale and (ii) the  Unitholder's
adjusted tax basis in the Units sold.  The "amount  realized"  with respect to a
Unit  sold  pursuant  to the  Offer  will be a sum  equal to the  amount of cash
received  by the  Unitholder  for  the  Unit  plus  the  amount  of  Partnership
liabilities  allocable to the Unit (as  determined  under Code Section 752). The
amount of a Unitholder's  adjusted tax basis in Units sold pursuant to the Offer
will vary depending upon the Unitholder's particular circumstances,  and will be
affected by both allocations of Partnership  income,  gain or loss, and any cash
distributions  made by the  Partnership  to a  Unitholder  with  respect to such
Units. In this regard,  tendering Unitholders will be allocated a pro rata share
of the Partnership's  taxable income or loss with respect to Units sold pursuant
to the Offer through the effective date of the sale.

     The  amount  of  a  Unitholder's   taxable  gain  may,  depending  on  such
Unitholder's  adjusted  tax  basis in  Units,  exceed  the  amount of cash to be
received by the Unitholder.

     In general,  the character (as capital or ordinary) of a Unitholder's  gain
or  loss  on a sale of a Unit  pursuant  to the  Offer  will  be  determined  by
allocating the  Unitholder's  amount  realized on the sale and the  Unitholder's
adjusted  tax basis in the Units sold  between  "Section  751 items,"  which are
"inventory   items"  and  "unrealized   receivables"   (including   depreciation
recapture)  as defined in Code  Section  751,  and  non-Section  751 items.  The
difference  between  the portion of the  Unitholder's  amount  realized  that is
allocable to Section 751 items and the portion of the Unitholder's  adjusted tax
basis in the Units sold that is so allocable will be treated as ordinary  income
or loss, and the difference  between the Unitholder's  remaining amount realized
and  remaining  adjusted  tax basis  will be  treated  as  capital  gain or loss
assuming the Units were held by the Unitholder as a capital asset. The Purchaser
believes that substantially all of any gain realized on a sale of Units pursuant
to the Offer will be treated as a capital gain under these rules.

     A Unitholder's capital gain or loss, if any, on a sale of Units pursuant to
the Offer will be treated as long-term  capital gain or loss if the Unitholder's
holding  period for the Units  exceeds  one year.  Under  current  law (which is
subject  to  change),   long-term   capital  gains  of  individuals   and  other
non-corporate taxpayers generally are taxed at a maximum marginal federal income
tax rate of 20% (or 25% on recapture of the amount of  accelerated  depreciation
on real  property),  whereas the maximum  marginal  federal  income tax rate for
other income of such persons is 39.6%. Capital losses are deductible only to the
extent of capital gains,  except that  non-corporate  taxpayers may deduct up to
$3,000 of capital  losses in excess of the amount of their capital gains against
ordinary  income.  Excess  capital  losses  generally can be carried  forward to
succeeding  years (a  corporation's  carryforward  period  is five  years  and a
non-corporate taxpayer can carry forward such losses indefinitely); in addition,
corporations,  but not non-corporate taxpayers, are allowed to carry back excess
capital losses to the three preceding taxable years.

     Under Code  Section  469, a  non-corporate  taxpayer  or  personal  service
corporation can deduct passive  activity losses in any year (other than the year
in which the taxpayer's  entire interest in the activity is disposed of) only to
the extent of such person's  passive  activity income for such year, and closely
held  corporations  may not offset such  losses  against  so-called  "portfolio"
income.  A Unitholder with  "suspended"  passive  activity losses (i.e., net tax
losses  in  excess  of  statutorily   provided   "phase-in"  amounts)  from  the
Partnership  generally will be entitled to offset such losses against any income
or gain  recognized  by the  Unitholder  on a sale of his Units  pursuant to the

     Gain  realized by a foreign  Unitholder on a sale of a Unit pursuant to the
Offer will be subject to federal income tax. Under Section 1445 of the Code, the
transferee  of a  partnership  interest  held by a foreign  person  generally is
required to deduct and withhold a tax equal to 10% of the amount realized on the
disposition.  The  Purchaser  will  withhold  10% of the  amount  realized  by a
tendering  foreign  Unitholder  from the Purchase  Price payable to such foreign
Unitholder.  Amounts withheld would be creditable against a foreign Unitholder's
federal  income tax  liability  and,  if in excess  thereof,  a refund  could be
obtained from the Internal Revenue Service by filing a U.S. income tax return.

     CONSEQUENCES TO A  NON-TENDERING  UNITHOLDER.  If the Minimum  Condition is
satisfied and the Offer is completed, there will be a sale or exchange of 50% or
more of the total Units in  Partnership  capital  and profits  within a 12-month
period and, as a result, a termination of the Partnership for federal income tax
purposes will occur,  and the taxable year of the  Partnership  will close.  


The Properties  (subject to related debt) of the Partnership  will be treated as
contributed  to a new  partnership.  The  Partnership  will  then be  deemed  to
distribute  to its  Unitholders  interests  in the new  partnership  in a deemed
liquidation  of the  Partnership.  Following a  constructive  termination of the
Partnership,  the Partnership  will start a new depreciable  life for its assets
and, as a result, the Partnership's current annual depreciation  deductions will
be reduced and taken over a longer  period of years than is the case  currently.
In addition,  the  consequences  of a  termination  of the  Partnership  include
erasure  of the  Partnership's  tax  elections  and  changes  in the  methods of
depreciation available to the Partnership for tax purposes.

     If the Proposed  Merger is completed,  a Unitholder who does not tender his
or  its  Units  in  the  Offer  will  receive,  in  the  Proposed  Merger,  cash
consideration in a taxable transaction.  The tax consequences to a Unitholder in
the Proposed  Merger will be the same as those  described  above for a tendering

     CONSEQUENCES  TO  A  TAX-EXEMPT   UNITHOLDER.   Although  certain  entities
generally are exempt from federal  income  taxation,  such  tax-exempt  entities
(including  Individual  Retirement  Accounts  (each an  "IRA"))  are  subject to
federal income tax on any "unrelated  business  taxable income"  ("UBTI").  UBTI
generally  includes,  among other  things,  income  (other than,  in the case of
property  which  is not  "debt-financed  property,"  interest,  dividends,  real
property rents not dependent upon income or profits,  and gain from  disposition
of  non-inventory  property)  derived by certain trusts  (including IRAs) from a
trade or business or by certain other tax-exempt  organizations  from a trade or
business,  the conduct of which is not substantially  related to the exercise of
such organization's  charitable,  educational or other exempt purpose and income
to  the  extent  derived  from  debt-financed   property.   Subject  to  certain
exceptions,  "debt-financed property" is generally any property which is held to
produce income and with respect to which there is an "acquisition  indebtedness"
at any time during the  taxable  year.  Acquisition  indebtedness  is  generally
indebtedness  incurred by a tax-exempt entity directly or through a partnership:
(i) in acquiring or improving a property;  (ii) before  acquiring or improving a
property  if the  indebtedness  would  not  have  been  incurred  but  for  such
acquisition or improvement;  or (iii) after acquiring or improving a property if
the  indebtedness  would  not have been  incurred  but for such  acquisition  or
improvement and the incurrence of such  indebtedness was reasonably  foreseeable
at the time of the acquisition or improvement.

     To the extent the Partnership holds debt-financed  property or inventory or
other  assets as a dealer,  a  tax-exempt  Unitholder  (including  an IRA) could
realize UBTI on the sale of a Unit. In addition,  a tax-exempt  Unitholder  will
realize  UBTI  upon the sale of a Unit,  if such  Unitholder  held its  Units as
inventory  or  otherwise  as  dealer  property,   or  acquired  its  Units  with
acquisition   indebtedness.   However,  any  UBTI  recognized  by  a  tax-exempt
Unitholder  as a result of a sale of a Unit,  in general,  may be offset by such
Unitholder's  net  operating  loss  carryover  (determined  without  taking into
account any amount of income or deduction which is excluded in computing  UBTI),
subject to applicable limitations.


                                    THE OFFER

Section 1. Terms of the Offer

     Upon the terms and subject to the  conditions of the Offer  (including,  if
the Offer is extended or amended, the terms and conditions of any such extension
or  amendment),  the  Purchaser  will  accept for  payment and pay for all Units
validly  tendered  on or  prior to the  Expiration  Date  and not  withdrawn  in
accordance with "The Offer-- Section 4. Withdrawal Rights".  The Expiration Date
is  midnight  New York  City  Time,  on June 11,  1999,  unless  and  until  the
Purchaser,  in its sole  discretion,  shall have extended the period of time for
which the Offer is open, in which event the Expiration  Date shall be the latest
time and date on which the Offer, as so extended by the Purchaser, shall expire.

     The Offer is conditioned on  satisfaction  of certain  conditions (see "The
Offer--Section  8. Conditions of the Offer").  The Purchaser  reserves the right
(but shall not be  obligated),  in its sole  discretion  and for any reason,  to
waive any or all of such conditions. If, on or prior to the Expiration Date, any
or all of such  conditions  have not been  satisfied  or waived,  the  Purchaser
reserves the right (but shall not be  obligated)  to (i) decline to purchase any
of the Units  tendered,  terminate  the Offer and return all  tendered  Units to
tendering Unitholders, (ii) waive all the unsatisfied conditions and, subject to
complying with the applicable rules and regulations of the Commission,  purchase
all Units validly tendered,  (iii) extend the Offer and, subject to the right of
Unitholders to withdraw Units until the Expiration  Date,  retain the Units that
have been tendered  during the period or periods for which the Offer is extended
or (iv) amend the Offer.  The rights reserved by the Purchaser in this paragraph
are in  addition to the  Purchaser's  right to  terminate  the Offer at any time
prior to the acceptance of tendered Units for payment.


     This Offer and the Agreement of Assignment  and Transfer and other relevant
materials  are being  mailed by the  Purchaser  (which  is an  affiliate  of the
General Partners) to the persons shown by the Partnership's records to have been
limited partners, assignees thereof, or (in the case of Units owned of record by
Individual  Retirement  Accounts ("IRAs") and qualified plans) beneficial owners
of Units as of June 11, 1999.

Section 2. Procedures for Tendering Units

     Valid Tender.  For Units to be validly  tendered  pursuant to the Offer,  a
properly  completed  and duly executed  Agreement of Assignment  and Transfer (a
copy of which is enclosed and printed on yellow paper),  together with any other
documents  required by the Agreement of Assignment and Transfer or  instructions
thereto, must be received on or prior to the Expiration Date by the Purchaser at
the following  address:  One Beacon Street,  Suite 1500,  Boston,  Massachusetts
02108. A Unitholder may tender any or all Units owned by such Unitholder.

     If a Unitholder who has tendered Units pursuant to the Madison Offer wishes
to tender  some or all of such Units to the  Purchaser  pursuant  to this Offer,
such  Unitholder  must first  withdraw  such Units from the Madison  Offer.  The
Purchaser has provided a "Notice of Withdrawal"  (enclosed on pink paper) which,
if  properly  completed  and timely  delivered  to  Madison,  will  enable  such
Unitholders  to withdraw  Units  tendered  pursuant to the  Madison  Offer.  The
enclosed  "Notice of Withdrawal," or any other proper Notice of Withdrawal which
complies with the  withdrawal  requirements  of Section 5 of the Madison  Offer,
should be received by Madison in accordance  with the terms of the Madison Offer
NO LATER THAN MAY 24, 1999,  the expiration  date of the Madison  Offer,  unless
extended.  Any  Unitholder  tendering  Units  to  the  Purchaser  following  the
withdrawal  of such Units from the Madison  Offer should  furnish the  Purchaser
with a copy of the Notice(s) of Withdrawal sent by such Unitholder to Madison.


     The method of delivery of the Agreement of Assignment  and Transfer and all
other required  documents is at the option and risk of the tendering  Unitholder
and delivery will be deemed made only when actually  received by the  Purchaser.
If  delivery  is by mail,  registered  mail with  return  receipt  requested  is
recommended.  In all cases,  sufficient  time should be allowed to ensure timely

     Signature  Guarantees.  The  signatures on the Agreement of Assignment  and
Transfer must be medallion guaranteed by a commercial bank, savings bank, credit
union,  savings and loan association or trust company having any office,  branch
or agency in the United  States,  a  brokerage  firm that is a member  firm of a
registered national securities exchange or a member of the National  Association
of Securities Dealers, Inc. (the "NASD").

     Appointment  as  Attorney-in-Fact  and Proxy.  By executing an Agreement of
Assignment and Transfer as set forth above, a tendering  Unitholder  irrevocably
appoints the  designees of the Purchaser as such  Unitholder's  attorney-in-fact
and proxy,  in the manner set forth in the Agreement of Assignment and Transfer,
each with full power of  substitution,  to the full extent of such  Unitholder's
rights with respect to the Units  tendered by such  Unitholder  and accepted for
payment by the Purchaser.  All such proxies shall be considered  irrevocable and
coupled  with an  interest  in the  tendered  Units.  Such  appointment  will be
effective  upon receipt by the  Purchaser of the  Agreement  of  Assignment  and
Transfer and if, when and only to the extent that,  the Purchaser  accepts Units
for payment pursuant to the Offer.  Upon such acceptance for payment,  all prior
proxies  given by such  Unitholder  with  respect  to such Units  will,  without
further action, be revoked, and no subsequent proxies may be given (and if given
will not be  effective).  The designees of the Purchaser  will,  with respect to
such  Units,  be  empowered  to  exercise  all voting  and other  rights of such
Unitholder  as they in their sole  discretion  may deem proper at any meeting of
Unitholders,  by written consent or otherwise.  The Purchaser reserves the right
to require that, in order for Units to be deemed validly  tendered,  immediately
upon the  Purchaser's  payment for such  Units,  the  Purchaser  must be able to
exercise full voting rights with respect to such Units,  including voting at any
meeting of Investor Limited Partners (as defined in the Partnership Agreement).

     In  addition,  pursuant  to  such  appointment  as  attorney-in-fact,   the
designees of the Purchaser each will have the power,  among other things, (i) to
seek to transfer ownership of such Units on the Partnership's books (and execute
and deliver any accompanying  evidences of transfer and authenticity any of them
may deem necessary or appropriate in connection  therewith,  including,  without
limitation,  any  documents  or  instruments  required  to be  executed  under a
"Transferor's  (Seller's)  Application  for  Transfer"  created by the NASD,  if
required),  (ii) upon the  consummation  of the  Offer,  to become a  substitute
limited partner of the Partnership, to receive any and all distributions made by
the Partnership after the date on which the Units are purchased by the Purchaser
(the  "Purchase  Date") and to receive all benefits and  otherwise  exercise all
rights of beneficial ownership of such Units in accordance with the terms of the
Offer,  (iii) to execute  and  deliver  to the  Partnership  and/or the  General
Partners  (as  the  case  may be) a  change  of  address  form  instructing  the
Partnership to send any and all future  distributions  to which the Purchaser is
entitled  pursuant to the terms of the Offer in respect of tendered Units to the


specified  in such form,  and (iv) to endorse  any check  payable to or upon the
order of such  Unitholder  representing a distribution to which the Purchaser is
entitled  pursuant  to the  terms of the  Offer,  in each  case on behalf of the
tendering Unitholder.

     Assignment  of  Entire  Interest  in  the  Partnership.  By  executing  and
delivering  the Agreement of Assignment  and  Transfer,  a tendering  Unitholder
irrevocably sells, assigns, transfers, conveys and delivers to the Purchaser and
it assigns all of such  person's  right,  title and interest in and to the Units
tendered  thereby and accepted for payment pursuant to the Offer and any and all
non-cash  distributions,  other Units or other securities  issued or issuable in
respect thereof on or after the Purchase Date including,  without limitation, to
the extent  that they  exist,  all  rights  in,  and claims to, any  Partnership
profits and losses,  cash distributions  (regardless of the fact that the record
date for any such distribution may be a date prior to the Purchase Date), voting
rights and other benefits of any nature whatsoever and whenever distributable or
allocable  to the Units  under  the  Partnership  Agreement.  By  executing  and
delivering the Agreement of Assignment and Transfer,  a tendering Unitholder (i)
represents  that the  assignment of Units pursuant to the terms of the Offer are
made in accordance  with all applicable  laws and regulations and (ii) expressly
intends  that  the  Purchaser  become  a  substitute   limited  partner  of  the
Partnership.  The Purchaser  will seek to be admitted as a  substituted  limited
partner of the Partnership upon consummation of the Offer.

     Determination  of  Validity;  Rejection  of Units;  Waiver of  Defects;  No
Obligation to Give Notice of Defects.  All  questions as to the validity,  form,
eligibility (including time of receipt) and acceptance for payment of any tender
of Units  pursuant to the procedures  described  above will be determined by the
Purchaser,  in its sole  discretion,  which  determination  shall  be final  and
binding.  The Purchaser reserves the absolute right to reject any or all tenders
if not in  proper  form or if the  acceptance  of,  or  payment  for,  the Units
tendered  may, in the  opinion of the  Purchaser's  counsel,  be  unlawful.  The
Purchaser  also  reserves the right to waive any defect or  irregularity  in any
tender  with  respect  to any  particular  Units  of any  particular  Unitholder
(whether  or not  similar  defects or  irregularities  are waived in the case of
other  Unitholders),  and  the  Purchaser's  interpretation  of  the  terms  and
conditions of the Offer  (including the Agreement of Assignment and Transfer and
the Instructions thereto) will be final and binding. No tender will be deemed to
have been validly made until all defects and  irregularities  have been cured or
waived.  Neither the  Purchaser  nor any other  person will be under any duty to
give notification of any defects or irregularities in the tender of any Units or
will incur any liability for failure to give any such notification.

     A tender of Units  pursuant to any of the procedures  described  above will
constitute  a  binding  agreement  between  the  tendering  Unitholder  and  the
Purchaser upon the terms and subject to the  conditions of the Offer,  including
the tendering Unitholder's  representation and warranty that (i) such Unitholder
owns the Units  being  tendered  within  the  meaning  of Rule  14e-4  under the
Exchange Act and (ii) the tender of such Units  complies  with Rule 14e-4.  Rule
14e-4 requires,  in general,  that a tendering  security holder will actually be
able to deliver  the  security  subject to the tender  offer,  and is of concern
particularly to any Unitholders who have granted options to sell or purchase the
Units, hold option rights to acquire such securities, maintain "short" positions
in the Units (i.e., have borrowed the Units) or have loaned the Units to a short
seller.  Because of the nature of limited partnership  interests,  the Purchaser
believes it is unlikely that any option trading or short selling activity exists
with respect to the Units.  In any event, a Unitholder  will be deemed to tender
Units in  compliance  with Rule  14e-4 and the Offer if the holder is the record
owner of the Units and the holder  delivers  the Units  pursuant to the terms of
the Offer or uses any other method permitted in the Offer.

Section 3. Acceptance for Payment and Payment for Units

     Upon the terms and subject to the  conditions of the Offer  (including,  if
the Offer is extended or amended,  the terms and  conditions of any extension or
amendment),  the Purchaser will accept for payment,  and will pay for, all Units
validly  tendered and not withdrawn in accordance  with "The  Offer--Section  4.
Withdrawal Rights" as promptly as practicable following the Expiration Date. The
Purchaser  expressly  reserves  the  right,  in its  sole  discretion,  to delay
acceptance for payment of, or, subject to the  requirements  of Rule 14e-1(c) of
the Exchange Act, payment for, Units in order to comply in whole or in part with
any  applicable law or condition.  In all cases,  payment for Units accepted for
payment  pursuant  to the Offer will be made only after (i) timely  receipt of a
valid,  properly  and fully  executed  Agreement  of  Assignment  and  Transfer,
together  with any other  documents  required  thereby,  and (ii) receipt by the
Purchaser of the Partnership's  confirmation that the transfer of Units pursuant
to the Offer have been effectuated. The Purchaser will issue payment only to the
Unitholder of record (including, in the case of Units held of recorded by an IRA
or other  qualified  plan,  such IRA or  qualified  plan)  and  payment  will be
forwarded  only  to the  address  listed  on the  Agreement  of  Assignment  and

     For  purposes  of the  Offer,  the  Purchaser  shall be deemed to have been
accepted for payment (and thereby  purchased  tendered Units) when the Purchaser
is in receipt of the  Partnership's  confirmation that the transfer of Units has
been  effectuated.  Upon the terms and subject to the  conditions  of the Offer,
payment for the Units purchased  pursuant to the Offer will in all cases be made
by the Purchaser.

     The Offer Price will be  automatically  reduced by the aggregate  amount of
distributions  per Unit, if any, made by the Partnership from and after the date
of this Offer  until the date on which the  Purchaser  pays for Units  purchased
pursuant to the Offer. Under no circumstances will the Purchaser pay interest on
the Offer Price for Units.


     If any tendered  Units are not purchased  for any reason,  the Agreement of
Assignment  and Transfer with respect to such Units not purchased  will be of no
force or effect.  If, for any reason  whatsoever,  acceptance for payment of, or
payment  for,  any  Units  tendered  pursuant  to the  Offer is  delayed  or the
Purchaser  is  unable  to  accept  for  payment,  purchase  or pay for the Units
tendered pursuant to the Offer, then without prejudice to the Purchaser's rights
under  "The   Offer--Section   9.  Certain  Legal  Matters"  the  Purchaser  may
nevertheless  retain  tendered  Units,  subject to any limitations of applicable
law, and such Units may not be withdrawn except to the extent that the tendering
Unitholders  are  entitled to  withdrawal  rights as  described  in "The Offer--
Section 4. Withdrawal Rights."

     If,  prior  to the  Expiration  Date,  the  Purchaser  shall  increase  the
consideration  offered to  Unitholders  pursuant  to the Offer,  such  increased
consideration  shall be paid for all Units accepted for payment  pursuant to the
Offer, whether or not such Units were tendered prior to such increase.

     Unless otherwise  prohibited,  the Purchaser reserves the right to transfer
or  assign,  in  whole  or from  time to  time  in  part,  to one or more of the
Purchaser's  affiliates,  the right to purchase Units  tendered  pursuant to the
Offer, but any such transfer or assignment will not relieve the Purchaser of its
obligations under the Offer or prejudice the rights of tendering  Unitholders to
receive payment for Units validly  tendered and accepted for payment pursuant to
the Offer.

Section 4. Withdrawal Rights

     Except as otherwise provided in this Section, all tenders of Units pursuant
to the Offer are irrevocable, provided that Units tendered pursuant to the Offer
may be withdrawn at any time prior to the Expiration Date.

     For  withdrawal to be  effective,  a written  notice of withdrawal  must be
timely  received by the  Depository  (i.e. a valid notice of withdrawal  must be
received on or before June 11, 1999,  or such other date to which this Offer may
be  extended)  at the  address  set  forth  on the back  cover of this  Offer to
Purchase.  Any such notice of withdrawal must specify the name of the person who
tendered  the Units to be  withdrawn  and must be signed  by the  person(s)  who
signed  the  Agreement  of  Assignment  and  Transfer  and must  also  contain a
medallion signature guarantee.

     If purchase of, or payment for, Units is delayed for any reason,  or if the
Purchaser is unable to purchase or pay for Units for any reason,  then,  without
prejudice  to the  Purchaser's  rights  under the Offer,  tendered  Units may be
retained by the  Purchaser  and may not be  withdrawn  except to the extent that
tendering  Unitholders  are entitled to  withdrawal  rights as set forth in this
Section 4, subject to Rule 14e-1(c) under the Exchange Act, which  provides,  in
part,  that  no  person  who  makes  a  tender  offer  shall  fail  to  pay  the
consideration  offered or return the securities (i.e.  Units) deposited by or on
behalf of security  holders  promptly  after the  termination or withdrawal of a
tender offer.

     All  questions as to the form and validity  (including  time of receipt) of
notices  of  withdrawal  will  be  determined  by the  Purchaser,  in  its  sole
discretion,  which  determination  shall  be  final  and  binding.  Neither  the
Purchaser  nor any other person will be under any duty to give  notification  of
any  defects or  irregularities  in any notice of  withdrawal  or will incur any
liability for failure to give any such notification.

     Any Units properly  withdrawn will be deemed not to be validly tendered for
purposes of the Offer. Withdrawn Units may be re-tendered, however, by following
the  procedures  described in "The  Offer--Section  2.  Procedures for Tendering
Units" at any time prior to the Expiration Date.

Section 5. Extension of Tender Period; Termination; and Amendment

     The Purchaser  expressly  reserves the right,  in its sole  discretion  and
regardless of whether any of the conditions set forth in "The  Offer--Section 8.
Conditions of the Offer" shall have been satisfied, at any time and from time to
time,  (i) to  extend  the  period  of time  during  which the Offer is open and
thereby delay  acceptance for payment of, and the payment for,  validly tendered
Units, (ii) upon the failure to be satisfied of any of the conditions  specified
in "The  Offer--Section 8. Conditions of the Offer," to delay the acceptance for
payment of, or payment  for,  any Units not  heretofore  accepted for payment or
paid for,  or to  terminate  the Offer and not accept for  payment any Units not
theretofore  accepted for payment or paid for, by giving written notice, of such
termination  to the  Unitholders,  and (iii) to amend  the Offer in any  respect
(including,  without  limitation,  by increasing or decreasing the consideration
offered or the number of Units being sought in the Offer or both or changing the
type of consideration). Any extension, termination or amendment will be followed
as promptly as practicable by public announcement,  the announcement in the case
of an extension to be issued no later than 9:00 a.m., New York City Time, on the
next business day after the previously  scheduled Expiration Date, in accordance
with the public  announcement  requirement  of Rule 14e-1(d)  under the Exchange
Act.  Without  limiting the manner in which the Purchaser may choose to make any


announcement,  except as provided by applicable  law, the Purchaser will have no
obligation  to  publish,  advertise  or  otherwise  communicate  any such public
announcement,  other  than by  issuing  a release  to  PRNewswire  service.  The
Purchaser may also be required by applicable  law to  disseminate to Unitholders
certain information concerning the extensions of the Offer or any other material
changes in the terms of the Offer.

     If the Purchaser extends the Offer, or if the Purchaser  (whether before or
after its  acceptance  for payment of Units) is delayed in its payment for Units
or is unable  to pay for Units  pursuant  to the  Offer  for any  reason,  then,
without  prejudice to the Purchaser's  rights under the Offer, the Purchaser may
retain all tendered  Units,  and such Units may not be  withdrawn  except to the
extent tendering  Unitholders are entitled to withdrawal  rights as described in
"The Offer--Section 4. Withdrawal Rights." However, the ability of the Purchaser
to delay  payment  for Units that the  Purchaser  has  accepted  for  payment is
limited by Rule 14e-1 under the Exchange Act,  which requires that the Purchaser
pay the consideration offered or return the securities deposited by or on behalf
of holders of securities  promptly  after the  termination  or withdrawal of the

     If the Purchaser  makes a material  change in the terms of the Offer or the
information  concerning  the Offer or waives a material  condition of the Offer,
the Purchaser  will extend the Offer to the extent  required by applicable  law.
The minimum  period during which an offer must remain open  following a material
change in the terms of the Offer or information concerning the Offer, other than
a change in price or a change in percentage of  securities  sought,  will depend
upon the facts and  circumstances,  including  the relative  materiality  of the
change  in the  terms or  information.  With  respect  to a change in price or a
change in percentage  of  securities  sought (other than an increase of not more
than 2% of the securities sought), however, a minimum ten business day period is
generally  required to allow for adequate  dissemination to security holders and
for investor response.  As used in this Offer to Purchase,  "business day" means
any day other than a Saturday,  Sunday or a federal holiday, and consists of the
time period from 12:01 a.m. through 12:00 midnight, New York City Time.

Section 6. Certain Information Concerning the Partnership

     Information  included herein concerning the Partnership is derived from the
Partnership's   publicly-filed  reports.  The  Partnership  is  subject  to  the
information  and  reporting  requirements  of the Exchange Act and in accordance
therewith is required to file reports and other  information with the Commission
relating to its business,  financial  condition and other matters.  Such reports
and other information,  including the Partnership's  Annual Reports on Form 10-K
and Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q, are available on the Commission's electronic
data  gathering  and  retrieval  (EDGAR)  system  at its  internet  web  site at,   may  be  inspected  at  the  public  reference  facilities
maintained by the Commission at Room 1024,  Judiciary  Plaza,  450 Fifth Street,
N.W.,  Washington,  D.C. 20549,  and are available for inspection and copying at
the regional  offices of the Commission  located in Northwestern  Atrium Center,
500 West Madison  Street,  Suite 1400,  Chicago,  Illinois  60661 and at 7 World
Trade Center,  13th Floor, New York, New York 10048. Copies of such material can
also be obtained from the Public Reference Room of the Commission in Washington,
D.C. at prescribed  rates. The Purchaser  disclaims any  responsibility  for the
information included in such reports and extracted in this Offer to Purchase.

     General  Background  on  the  Partnership.  The  primary  business  of  the
Partnership is to acquire,  operate,  and ultimately  dispose of the Properties.
The principal  executive offices of the Partnership and the General Partners are
located at One Beacon Street, Suite 1500, Boston, Massachusetts 02108, and their
telephone number is 1-800-605-6774.  The Partnership was formed on April 3, 1982
by  filing  a  Certificate  of  Limited   Partnership  in  the  Commonwealth  of
Massachusetts. The Partnership issued all of the General Partner Interest to the
two  General  Partners,  The Krupp  Company  ("KCo"),  a  Massachusetts  limited
partnership,  and The Krupp Corporation ("KCorp"), a Massachusetts  corporation.
The Partnership  also issued all of the Original  Limited  Partner  Interests to
KCo.  On June 4, 1982,  the  Partnership  commenced  an offering of up to 25,000
units of Investor Limited Partner  Interests at the price of $1,000 per unit. As
of September 29, 1982, the  Partnership  received  subscriptions  for all 25,000
Units and  therefore,  the public  offering was  successfully  completed on that

     The Partnership's Properties Assets and Business. The Partnership currently
indirectly  owns  three  multi-family   apartment   complexes  (the  Brookeville
Apartments,  the Dorsey's Forge  Apartments  and the Hannibal  Grove  Apartments
having an aggregate of 990 Units. The Partnership considers itself to be engaged
only in the industry  segment of  investment in real estate.  The  Partnership's
real estate investments are subject to some seasonal fluctuations due to changes
in utility  consumption  and seasonal  maintenance  expenditures.  However,  the
future  performance of the  Partnership  will depend upon factors that cannot be
predicted.  A summary of the Partnership's  real estate investments is presented



                                                                          Occupancy           Average Occupancy For          
                                                                            as of           The Year Ended December 31,      
                                                       Year      Total    March 31,  ----------------------------------------
                                                     Acquired    Units      1999     1998     1997     1996     1995     1994  
                                                     --------    -----      ----     ----     ----     ----     ----     ----  
Brookeville Apartments; Columbus, Ohio                 1983       424        97%      99%      98%      95%      94%      94%
Hannibal Grove Apartments; Columbia, Maryland          1983       316        94%     100%     100%      94%      93%      94%
Dorsey's Forge Apartments; Columbia, Maryland          1983       250        98%     100%      99%      94%      94%      95%


     Mortgage notes payable  collateralized  by the Properties  consisted of the
following as at December 31, 1998.

                                 Mortgage Notes

                                                                                         Interest         Maturity     
               Property                                     1998             1997          Rate             Date       
- ---------------------------------------------           -----------      -----------     --------         --------
Brookeville Apartments; Columbus, Ohio                   $8,428,579       $8,499,549       7.75           1-Aug-28
Dorsey's Forge Apartments; Columbia, Maryland            $4,363,601       $4,502,891       9.25           3-May-00
Hannibal Grove Apartments; Columbia, Maryland            $5,934,497       $6,123,931       9.25           3-May-00     
                                                        -----------      -----------
Total                                                   $18,726,677      $19,126,371
                                                        ===========      ===========

Brookeville Apartments.  The property is subject to a non-recourse mortgage note
in the original  amount of $8,755,000,  payable to the Department of Housing and
Urban  Development  ("HUD").  The mortgage  note  requires  monthly  payments of
$60,600  consisting of principal and interest at the rate of 7.75% per annum. In
addition,  the Partnership is required to fund a monthly deposit of $5,158 to an
escrow account to be used for future property  replacements and improvements and
a mortgage  insurance  premium deposit equal to .5% per annum of the outstanding
principal  balance.  The note matures on August 1, 2028. In accordance  with HUD
regulations, distributions are limited to the extent of Surplus Cash, as defined
by the Regulatory  Agreement for Multifamily  Housing  Projects,  dated July 20,
1993 between  Brookeville  Apartments  Limited  Partnership and the Secretary of
Housing and Urban Development as recorded in the Franklin County Recorder Volume
23319, page J05. The mortgage note payable is collateralized by the Property and
may be prepaid  during the five years  beginning  August 1, 1998,  subject to an
annual declining prepayment penalty of 5% to 1%,  respectively.  After August 1,
2003, there is no prepayment penalty.

     Based on the borrowing  rates  currently  available to the  Partnership for
bank  loans  with  similar  terms  and  average  maturities,  the fair  value of
long-term  debt was  approximately  $9,446,000 at December 31, 1998. At December
31, 1997, the fair market value could not be determined  since the mortgage note
could not be prepaid.

Hannibal  Grove and Dorsey's  Forge  Apartments.  The  properties are subject to
non-recourse  mortgage  notes for Hannibal  Grove  Apartments and Dorsey's Forge
Apartments in the original  amounts of $6,800,000 and $5,000,000,  respectively,
payable at a rate of 9.25% per annum.  Monthly  principal and interest  payments
are $62,333 for  Hannibal  Grove  Apartments  and  $45,833  for  Dorsey's  Forge
Apartments.  The notes mature on May 3, 2000 at which time all unpaid principal,
$5,653,175   (Hannibal  Grove   Apartments)   and  $4,156,746   (Dorsey's  Forge
Apartments),  and any accrued  interest are due. The mortgage  notes payable are
collateralized  by the  respective  properties  and may be prepaid  subject to a
prepayment  penalty.  The  prepayment  penalty  will be the  greater  of (i) the
principal  balance  multiplied by the difference  between  9.4301% and the yield
rate on publicly traded U.S.  Treasury  Securities  having the closest  matching
maturity date as reported in the Wall Street Journal, or (ii) one percent of the
then outstanding principal.

     Based on the borrowing  rates  currently  available to the  Partnership for
bank  loans  with  similar  terms  and  average  maturities,  the fair  value of
long-term  debt for Hannibal Grove  Apartments and Dorsey's Forge  Apartments is
approximately  $6,118,000 and $4,449,000,  respectively at December 31, 1998. At
December  31,  1997,  the fair market  value could not be  determined  since the
mortgage notes could not be prepaid.

     Due to  restrictions  on transfers and  prepayment,  the Partnership may be
unable to refinance  certain  mortgage  notes  payable at such  calculated  fair
value. The aggregate  scheduled  principal  amounts of long-term  borrowings due
during  the five years  ending  December  31,  2003 are  $437,124,  $10,020,473,
$89,480,  $96,667 and $104,430.  During 1998, 1997 and 1996 the Partnership paid
$1,625,506, $1,659,719 and $1,690,992 of interest, respectively, on its mortgage

     The Partnership is considering a capital  improvement  plan to maintain the
Properties  current rent and occupancy and rent levels  (subject to inflationary
increases) in light of the  competition in the markets served by the Partnership
(for a fuller  description of the Capital Plan, see "Special  Factors-Section 1.
Background of the Offer").


Financial Data

     Set forth below is a summary of certain  financial data for the Partnership
that has been  excerpted from the  Partnership's  Annual Report on Form 10-K for
the year ended December 31, 1998. The Partnership's audited financial statements
for the fiscal  years ended  December  31, 1998 and December 31, 1997 filed with
the  Partnership's  Annual  Report on Form 10-K for the year ended  December 31,
1998 are  included in Exhibit I to this Offer.  The  financial  information  set
forth below is qualified in its entirety by reference to such annual  report and
documents  filed with the  Commission  and the financial  statements and related
notes contained therein.  The Purchaser  expressly  disclaims any responsibility
for the  information  contained  in these filed  reports and  extracted  in this
discussion. The following table sets forth in comparative tabular form a summary
of selected financial data for each of the Partnership's last five full years:

                                                                          For the Years Ended December 31
                                                     1998             1997              1996              1995              1994   
                                                 -----------      -----------       -----------       -----------       -----------
Total revenue .............................       $7,608,315       $7,280,181        $6,628,658          $352,337        $6,215,466
Net income (loss) .........................         $536,483         $(23,224)        $(446,360)        $(547,893)        $(453,031)
Net income (loss) allocated to:
         Investor Limited Partners ........         $509,659         $(22,063)        $(424,042)        $(520,498)        $(430,380)
         Per Unit .........................           $20.39           $(0.88)          $(16.96)          $(20.82)          $(17.22)
         Original Limited Partner .........          $21,459            $(929)               $0                $0          $(18,121)
         General Partners .................           $5,365            $(232)         $(22,318)         $(27,395)          $(4,530)
Total assets at 12/31 .....................      $11,982,905      $12,354,768       $13,224,310       $14,384,144       $15,702,150
Long-term obligations at 12/31 ............      $18,289,553      $18,726,677       $19,126,371       $19,491,853       $19,827,968
         Investor Limited Partners ........         $594,752         $396,500          $396,500          $297,495           $99,132
         Per Unit .........................           $23.79           $15.86            $15.86            $11.90             $3.97
         Original Limited Partner .........          $25,045          $16,697           $16,697           $12,526            $4,174
         General Partners .................           $6,261           $4,174            $4,174            $3,132            $1,043

The book value per unit at December 31, 1998 and at March 31, 1999 was ($252.22)
and ($260.92), respectively.

                            Partnership Distributions

                                             Year Ended December 31, 1998       Year Ended December 31, 1997
                                             ----------------------------       ----------------------------
                                               Amount          Per Unit          Amount            Per Unit
                                               ------          --------          ------            --------
Limited Partners:

         Investor Limited Partners            $594,752          $23.79          $396,500            $15.86
         (25,000 Units outstanding)

         Original Limited Partner               25,045                            16,697

General Partners                                 6,261                             4,174
                                              --------                          --------
Total                                         $626,058                          $417,371
                                              ========                          ========

Section 7. Certain Information Concerning the Purchaser and its Affiliates

     The  Purchaser is KRF3  Acquisition  Company,  L.L.C.,  a Delaware  limited
liability  company  which is a  wholly  owned  subsidiary  of KRF  Company.  The
Purchaser was organized for the purpose of acquiring the Partnership and has not
carried on any activities to date other than those incident to its formation and
the  transactions  contemplated by this Offer to Purchase.  The principal office
and place of business of the Purchaser is One Beacon Street, Suite 1500, Boston,
Massachusetts 02108.

     KRF Company was organized  for the purpose of  conducting  the business and
the operations of the  Purchaser.  KRF Company has not carried on any activities
to date  other  than  those  incident  to its  formation  and  the  transactions
contemplated by this Offer to Purchase. 


The principal  office and place of business of KRF Company is One Beacon Street,
Suite  1500,  Boston,  Massachusetts  02108.  The sole  member of KRF Company is
Family Limited Partnership.

     Family Limited  Partnership  was formed to hold and manage  investments for
its partners.  The general  partners of Family Limited  Partnership  are Douglas
Krupp and George Krupp.

     Douglas Krupp is a United  States  citizen  whose  principal  occupation is
acting  as the  Chairman  of The  Berkshire  Companies  Limited  Partnership,  a
Massachusetts   limited   partnership   ("BCLP")   which,   together   with  its
subsidiaries,   is  principally  engaged  in  mortgage  banking  and  investment
sponsorship,  asset and other management  services,  venture capital  investing,
commercial  laundry and linen services,  and furniture  manufacturing and sales.
His business  address is The Berkshire  Group,  One Beacon  Street,  Suite 1500,
Boston, Massachusetts 02108.

     George  Krupp is a United  States  citizen and is actively  involved in the
management of BCLP and affiliated entities.  He is also an instructor of history
at the New Jewish High School, Waltham,  Massachusetts.  His business address is
The Berkshire Group, One Beacon Street, Suite 1500, Boston, Massachusetts 02108.

     The General  Partners of the  Partnership  are KCorp and KCo. The directors
and principal  executive  officers of KCorp are Douglas Krupp,  George Krupp and
David Quade,  and the sole  shareholders  of KCorp are Douglas and George Krupp.
The General Partners of KCo are Douglas Krupp,  George Krupp and KCorp. KCo owns
all of the original limited partnership interests in the Partnership.

     The Family Limited Partnership,  KRF Company, the Purchaser and the General
Partners  are under the common  control of Douglas and George  Krupp.  As of the
date of this Offer,  Douglas Krupp and George Krupp each own 40 Units and as the
partners of Krupp Associates,  a Massachusetts general partnership,  Douglas and
George Krupp  jointly own 50 Units.  Collectively,  Douglas and George Krupp own
0.52% of the total  number  of  Units.  Krupp  Associates  acquired  10 Units on
January  2, 1999 at a price of $1,000 per Unit from a long time  employee  of an
affiliate of the General Partners receiving long term disability benefits.

     The Purchaser  believes that its affiliates  will tender all of their Units
pursuant  to the Offer.  Because of the  conflict  of  interest  inherent in the
Purchaser's affiliation with the Partnership,  the affiliates who own Units have
determined  not to make a  recommendation  regarding  the  Offer,  the  Proposed
Amendment or the Proposed Merger (See "Special  Factors--Section 4. Conflicts of
Interests and  Transactions  with  Affiliates"  for a fuller  description of the
conflicts of interests).

     Set forth below is certain unaudited financial  information with respect to
the Family Limited Partnership as of May 12, 1999.

         Cash & cash equivalents                           $    55,054
         Short term investments                              6,000,000
         Marketable securities                               9,439,855

                  Total Assets                             $15,494,909
         Liabilities and Partners' Equity
         Liabilities                                       $         0

                  Total Liabilities                                  0

         Partner Equity                                     15,494,909

                  Total liabilities and partners' equity   $15,494,909

Section 8. Conditions of the Offer

     Notwithstanding  any other  provisions of the offer and in addition to (and
not in limitation  of) the  Purchaser's  rights to extend and amend the Offer at
any time in its sole  discretion,  the Purchaser shall not be required to accept
for payment,  purchase or pay for,  subject to Rule 14e-1(c)  under the Exchange
Act, any tendered Units (whether or not any Units have theretofore been accepted
for payment or paid for pursuant to the Offer),  and may  terminate the Offer as
to any Units not then paid for, if (i) the Minimum Condition shall not have been
satisfied,  (ii) the  Purchaser  shall  not  have  confirmed  to its  reasonable
satisfaction  that,  upon  purchase  of the Units  pursuant  to the  Offer,  the
Purchaser  will  have  full  rights to  ownership  as to all such  Units and the
purchaser will be admitted as a substitute limited partner under Section 


10.3 of the Partnership Agreement,  (iii) the Purchaser shall not have confirmed
to its reasonable  satisfaction that, upon the purchase of the Units pursuant to
the  Offer,  the  transfer  restrictions  set  forth  in  Section  10.4  of  the
Partnership  Agreement are inapplicable,  or (iv) all authorizations,  consents,
orders or approvals  of, or  declarations  or filings with,  or  expirations  of
waiting  periods imposed by, any court,  administrative  agency or commission or
other governmental authority or instrumentality,  domestic or foreign, necessary
for the  consummation  of the  transactions  contemplated by the Offer shall not
have been filed, occurred or been obtained on or before the Expiration Date.

     Furthermore,  notwithstanding  any other term of the Offer,  the  Purchaser
will not be required to accept for payment or pay for any Units not  theretofore
accepted for payment or paid for and may terminate or amend the Offer as to such
Units  if,  at any  time on or  after  the  date of the  Offer  and  before  the
acceptance  of such Units for payment or the payment  therefore,  the  Purchaser
determines, in its sole discretion, that any of the following conditions exist:

     (i) a there shall have been  threatened,  instituted or pending any action,
proceeding,  application, audit, claim or counterclaim by or before any court or
governmental,  regulatory  or  administrative  agency,  authority  or  tribunal,
domestic, foreign or supranational,  which (a) challenges the acquisition by the
Purchaser  of the  Units or seeks to obtain  any  material  damages  as a result
thereof,  (b)  makes or seeks  to make  illegal,  the  acceptance  for  payment,
purchase or payment for any Units or the  consummation of the Offer, (c) imposes
or seeks to impose  limitations on the ability of the Purchaser or any affiliate
of the  Purchaser to acquire or hold or to exercise  full rights of ownership of
the Units, including,  but not limited to, the right to vote any Units purchased
by them on all matters  properly  presented to the  Unitholders or to effect the
Proposed  Amendment  or the  Proposed  Merger,  (d)  may  result  in a  material
diminution of the benefits expected to be derived by the purchaser or any of its
affiliates as a result of the Offer,  (e) requires  divestiture by the Purchaser
of any Units,  (f) might materially  adversely affect the business,  properties,
assets, liabilities,  financial condition,  operations, results of operations or
prospects of the  Partnership  or the  Purchaser or (g)  challenges or adversely
affects the Offer;

     (ii) there shall be any action  taken,  or any statute,  rule,  regulation,
order or injunction shall have been proposed,  enacted,  enforced,  promulgated,
issued or deemed  applicable  to the Offer,  or any other action shall have been
taken, by any federal or state court,  government or  governmental  authority or
agency,  domestic or foreign,  other than the  application of the waiting period
provisions  of the  Hart-Scott-Rodino  Antitrust  Improvements  Act of 1976,  as
amended,  which  has or  might,  directly  or  indirectly,  result in any of the
consequences referred to in clauses (a) through (g) of paragraph (i) above;

     (iii) any change or  development  shall have  occurred  or been  threatened
since  the  date  hereof,  in the  business,  properties,  assets,  liabilities,
financial condition, tax status, operations,  results of operations or prospects
of the Partnership,  which, in the reasonable  judgment of the Purchaser,  is or
may be materially adverse to the Partnership, or the Purchaser shall have become
aware of any fact that, in the reasonable judgment of the Purchaser, does or may
have a material adverse effect on the value of the Units;

     (iv) there shall have occurred (a) any general suspension of trading in, or
limitation on prices for,  securities on any national  securities exchange or in
the over-the-counter market in the United States, (b) a declaration of a banking
moratorium  or any  suspension  of  payments  in  respect of banks in the United
States,  (c) any  limitation  (whether  or not  mandatory)  by any  governmental
authority  on, or other event which might  affect,  the  extension  of credit by
banks or other  lending  institutions  in the  United  States  or  result in any
imposition of currency  controls in the United  States,  (d) a  commencement  or
escalation  of a war or armed  hostilities  or other  national or  international
calamity  directly or  indirectly  involving the United  States,  (e) a material
change in United States or other  currency  exchange  rates or a suspension of a
limitation  on the markets  thereof,  or (f) in the case of any of the foregoing
existing at the time of the commencement of the Offer a material acceleration or
worsening thereof;

     (v) it shall  have been  publicly  disclosed  or the  Purchaser  shall have
otherwise  learned  that (a) more than fifty  percent  (50%) of the  outstanding
Units have been or are  proposed to be acquired by another  person  (including a
"group" within the meaning of Section 13(d)(3) of the Exchange Act), or (ii) any
person  or  group  that  prior  to such  date  had  filed a  Statement  with the
Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  pursuant  to Section  13(d) or (g) of the
Exchange  Act has  increased  or  proposes  to  increase  the  number  of  Units
beneficially owned by such person or group as disclosed in such Statement by two
percent or more of the outstanding Units; or

     (vi) any  developments  that may  result in a  material  diminution  in the
benefits expected to be derived by the Purchaser as a result of the transactions
contemplated by the Offer (including, without limitation the Proposed Amendment,
the Proposed Merger) or any other merger or other similar  business  combination
with the Partnership).

     The foregoing  conditions are for the sole benefit of the Purchaser and its
affiliates and may be asserted by the Purchaser  regardless of the circumstances
(including,  without limitation,  any action or inaction by the Purchaser or any
of its  affiliates)  giving  rise to such  conditions  or may be  waived  by the
Purchaser  in whole  or in part at any  time  and from  time to time in its sole
discretion.  Any determination by the Purchaser  concerning the events described
in this Section will be final and binding upon all parties.


Section 9. Certain Legal Matters

     General.  Except as set forth in this Section 9, the Purchaser is not aware
of any filings,  approvals  or other  actions by or with any domestic or foreign
governmental  authority or  administrative  or  regulatory  agency that would be
required  prior to the  acquisition  of Units by the  Purchaser  pursuant to the
Offer, other than the filing of a Tender Offer Statement on Schedule 14D-1 and a
Transaction  Statement on Schedule  13E-3 with the Commission and any amendments
thereto.  Should  any such  approval  or other  action  be  required,  it is the
Purchaser's  present intention that such additional  approval or action would be
sought. While there is no present intent to delay the purchase of Units tendered
pursuant to the Offer  pending  receipt of any such  additional  approval or the
taking of any such action,  there can be no assurance  that any such  additional
approval or action, if needed, would be obtained without substantial  conditions
or that adverse consequences might not result to the Partnership's  business, or
that certain parts of the  Partnership's  business might not have to be disposed
of or held separate or other  substantial  conditions  complied with in order to
obtain such approval or action,  any of which could cause the Purchaser to elect
to terminate the Offer without  purchasing  Units  thereunder.  The  Purchaser's
obligation  to  purchase  and pay for Units is subject  to  certain  conditions,
including conditions related to the legal matters discussed in this Section.

     Antitrust.  The  Purchaser  does not  believe  that  the  Hart-Scott-Rodino
Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976, as amended, is applicable to the acquisition
of Units pursuant to the Offer.

     Margin  Requirements.  The  Units  are not  "margin  securities"  under the
regulations  of the  Board of  Governors  of the  Federal  Reserve  System  and,
accordingly, such regulations are not applicable to the Offer.

     Appraisal Rights. Unitholders will not have appraisal rights as a result of
the Offer.

     State  Takeover  Laws. A number of states have adopted  anti-takeover  laws
which  purport,  to varying  degrees,  to be  applicable  to attempts to acquire
securities of corporations or other entities which are incorporated or organized
in such states or which have substantial  assets,  security  holders,  principal
executive  officers  or  principal  places of  business  therein.  Although  the
Purchaser has not attempted to comply with any state  anti-takeover  statutes in
connection  with the Offer,  the  Purchaser  reserves the right to challenge the
validity or applicability or any state law allegedly applicable to the Offer and
nothing in this Offer to Purchase nor any action taken in  connection  therewith
is  intended as a waiver of such right.  If any state  anti-takeover  statute is
applicable to the Offer,  the Purchaser might be unable to accept for payment or
purchase  Units  tendered  pursuant to the Offer or be delayed in  continuing or
consummating the Offer. In such case, the Purchaser may not be obliged to accept
for purchase or pay for any Units tendered.

     ERISA. By executing and returning the Agreement of Assignment and Transfer,
a Unitholder will be  representing  that either (a) the Unitholder is not a plan
subject to Title I of the Employee  Retirement  Income  Security Act of 1974, as
amended  ("ERISA"),  or Section  4975 of the Code,  or an entity  deemed to hold
"plan  assets"  within the meaning of 29 C.F.R.  Section  2510.3-101 of any such
plan; or (b) the tender and  acceptance of Units  pursuant to the Offer will not
result in a  nonexempt  prohibited  transaction  under  Section  406 of ERISA or
Section 4975 of the Code.

Section 10. Fees and Expenses

     Except as otherwise set forth herein,  the Purchaser will pay all costs and
expenses of printing, publishing and mailing the Offer.

     The following table sets forth the various  expenses in connection with the
Offer. All of the amounts shown are estimated except the Commission registration

     Commission filing fee ...............................         $  2,750
     Legal fees and expenses .............................          150,000
     Solicitation Expenses ...............................           22,000
     Printing Costs ......................................           15,000
     Partnership Transfer Fees ...........................           67,500
     Miscellaneous .......................................            2,750
              Total ......................................         $260,000

     The Purchaser has retained Krupp Funds Group Limited  Partnership to act as
Depositary and  Co-Information  Agent and Georgeson & Company,  Inc. to serve as
Co-Information  Agent in connection with the Offer.  The Purchaser has agreed to
pay each of the Depositary and the Information  Agents  reasonable and customary
compensation for their services in connection with the Offer, plus 


reimbursement  for out-of-pocket  expenses,  and has agreed to indemnify each of
them against certain liabilities and expenses in connection therewith, including
certain liabilities under the federal securities laws.

     The Purchase will not pay any fees or  commissions  to any broker or dealer
or other  person  (other than the  Information  Agents) in  connection  with the
solicitation of tenders of Units pursuant to the Offer.

Section 11. Miscellaneous


     The Purchaser has filed with the Commission (i) a Tender Offer Statement on
Schedule 14D-1  (including  exhibits)  pursuant to Rule 14d-3 under the Exchange
Act and (ii) a Rule 13e-3 Transaction Statement (with exhibits) pursuant to Rule
13e-3  under  the  Exchange  Act.  Each  such  filing  will  furnish  additional
information with respect to the Offer. Such filings and any amendments  thereto,
including exhibits, may be inspected and copies may be obtained from the offices
of the  Commission  in the manner  specified in "The  Offer--Section  6. Certain
Information Concerning the Partnership."


                        KRF3 ACQUISITION COMPANY, L.L.C.

May 14, 1999

                                                                       EXHIBIT I




Report of Independent Accountants                                        Ex. I-2

Consolidated Balance Sheets for December 31, 1998 and                    Ex. I-3
December 31, 1997

Consolidated Statements of Operations For the Years Ended
December 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996                                         Ex. I-4

Consolidated Statements of Changes in Partners' Deficit
For the Years Ended December 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996                     Ex. I-5

Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows For the Years Ended
December 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996                                         Ex. I-6

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements                    Ex. I-7 - Ex. I-14

Schedule III - Real Estate and
Accumulated Depreciation                                     Ex. I-15 - Ex. I-16

All other  schedules are omitted as they are not applicable or not required,  or
the  information  is provided in the  consolidated  financial  statements or the
notes thereto.

                                   Exhibit I-1


To the Partners of Krupp Realty Fund, Ltd.-III and Subsidiary:

     In our opinion,  the  consolidated  financial  statements and the financial
statement  schedule  listed  in the  index on page F-2  present  fairly,  in all
material respects, the financial position of Krupp Realty Fund, Ltd.-III and its
Subsidiary (the  "Partnership")  at December 31, 1998 and December 31, 1997, and
the results of their operations and their cash flows for each of the three years
in the period ended  December 31, 1998, in conformity  with  generally  accepted
accounting  principles.  These  financial  statements  and  financial  statement
schedule  are  the   responsibility   of  the  Partnership's   management;   our
responsibility  is to  express  an opinion  on these  financial  statements  and
financial  statement  schedule  based on our audits.  We conducted our audits of
these statements in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, which
require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable  assurance about
whether the financial  statements  are free of material  misstatement.  An audit
includes  examining,  on a test  basis,  evidence  supporting  the  amounts  and
disclosures in the financial  statements,  assessing the  accounting  principles
used and  significant  estimates made by management,  and evaluating the overall
financial  statement  presentation.   We  believe  that  our  audits  provide  a
reasonable basis for the opinion expressed above.

                                        /s/ PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

February 10, 1999

                                   Exhibit I-2


                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                           December 31, 1998 and 1997



                                                       1998            1997    
                                                   ------------    ------------

Multi-family apartment complexes,
         net of accumulated depreciation of
         $21,977,268 and $20,216,642,
         respectively (Note D)                     $  9,784,836    $ 10,519,769
Cash and cash equivalents (Note C)                      932,065         552,221
Replacement reserve escrow (Note D)                     160,954         177,778
Cash restricted for tenant
         security deposits                              229,416         202,691
Prepaid expenses and other assets                       614,911         595,696
Deferred expenses, net of accumulated
         amortization of $258,861 and $212,971,
         respectively                                   260,723         306,613
                                                   ------------    ------------

                      Total assets                 $ 11,982,905    $ 12,354,768
                                                   ============    ============


         Mortgage notes payable (Note D)           $ 18,726,677    $ 19,126,371
         Accrued expenses and other liabilities
         (Note E)                                       601,319         683,413
         Due to affiliates (Note G)                     199,500            --   
                                                   ------------    ------------

                 Total liabilities                   19,527,496      19,809,784
                                                   ------------    ------------

Commitment (Note F)

Partners' deficit (Note F):
         Investor Limited Partners
         (25,000 Units outstanding)                  (6,305,460)     (6,220,367)
         Original Limited Partner                      (909,737)       (906,151)
         General Partners                              (329,394)       (328,498)
                                                   ------------    ------------

                 Total Partners' deficit             (7,544,591)     (7,455,016)
                                                   ------------    ------------

                 Total liabilities and Partners'   
                        deficit                    $ 11,982,905    $ 12,354,768 
                                                   ============    ============ 

                     The accompanying notes are an integral
                 part of the consolidated financial statements.

                                   Exhibit I-3


              For the Years Ended December 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996


                                                1998          1997            1996  
                                            -----------   -----------    -----------
     Rental                                 $ 7,541,280   $ 7,224,085    $ 6,568,309
     Other income                                67,035        56,096         60,349
                                            -----------   -----------    -----------

          Total revenue                       7,608,315     7,280,181      6,628,658
                                            -----------   -----------    -----------

     Operating (Note G)                       2,004,219     2,041,820      1,991,923
     Maintenance                                591,235       578,869        556,909
     Real estate taxes                          559,440       539,978        504,867
     General and administrative
         (Note G)                                66,012       101,687         93,995
     Management fees (Note G)                   376,570       357,766        326,363
     Depreciation and amortization            1,806,516     1,980,892      1,866,979
     Interest (Note D)                        1,667,840     1,702,393      1,733,982
                                            -----------   -----------    -----------

          Total expenses                      7,071,832     7,303,405      7,075,018
                                            -----------   -----------    -----------

Net income (loss) (Note H)                  $   536,483   $   (23,224)   $  (446,360)
                                            ===========   ===========    ===========

Allocation of net income (loss) 
     (Note F):

     Investor Limited Partners
          (25,000 Units outstanding)        $   509,659   $   (22,063)   $  (424,042)
                                            ===========   ===========    ===========

     Investor Limited Partners
          Per Unit                          $     20.39   $      (.88)   $    (16.96)
                                            ===========   ===========    ===========

     Original Limited Partner               $    21,459   $      (929)   $      --   
                                            ===========   ===========    ===========

     General Partners                       $     5,365   $      (232)   $   (22,318)
                                            ===========   ===========    ===========

                     The accompanying notes are an integral
                 part of the consolidated financial statements.

                                   Exhibit I-4


              For the Years Ended December 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996


                        Investor        Original                      Total
                        Limited         Limited       General         Partners'
                        Partners        Partner       Partners        Deficit  
                       -----------    -----------    -----------    -----------

Balance at
December 31, 1995      $(4,981,262)   $  (871,828)   $  (297,600)   $(6,150,690)

Net loss                  (424,042)          --          (22,318)      (446,360)

Distributions             (396,500)       (16,697)        (4,174)      (417,371)
                       -----------    -----------    -----------    -----------

Balance at
December 31, 1996       (5,801,804)      (888,525)      (324,092)    (7,014,421)

Net loss                   (22,063)          (929)          (232)       (23,224)

Distributions             (396,500)       (16,697)        (4,174)      (417,371)
                       -----------    -----------    -----------    -----------

Balance at
December 31, 1997       (6,220,367)      (906,151)      (328,498)    (7,455,016)

Net income (Note F)        509,659         21,459          5,365        536,483

(Note F)                  (594,752)       (25,045)        (6,261)      (626,058)
                       -----------    -----------    -----------    -----------

Balance at
December 31, 1998      $(6,305,460)   $  (909,737)   $  (329,394)   $(7,544,591)
                       ===========    ===========    ===========    ===========

The per Unit  distribution  for the years ended December 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996
were $23.79, $15.86 and $15.86, respectively, none of which represented a return
of capital.

                     The accompanying notes are an integral
                 part of the consolidated financial statements.

                                   Exhibit I-5


              For the Years Ended December 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996


                                                 1997          1996           1998   
                                             -----------    -----------    -----------
Cash flows from operating activities:
    Net income (loss)                        $   536,483    $   (23,224)   $  (446,360)
    Adjustments to reconcile net income
      (loss) to net cash provided by
       operating activities:
    Depreciation and amortization              1,806,516      1,980,892      1,866,979
    Interest earned on replacement reserve
      escrow                                      (7,392)        (4,889)          --
    Changes in assets and liabilities:
      Decrease (increase) in cash
         restricted for tenant security
         deposits                                (26,725)       (18,933)        19,192
    Decrease (increase) in prepaid
         expenses and other assets               (19,215)         7,394         (6,836)
    Increase (decrease) in due to
         affiliates                              199,500           --          (10,790)
    Increase (decrease) in accrued
         expenses and other liabilities          (82,094)       (54,465)        39,895
                                             -----------    -----------    -----------

      Net cash provided by
         operating activities                  2,407,073      1,886,775      1,462,080
                                             -----------    -----------    -----------

Cash flows from investing activities:
   Additions to fixed assets                  (1,025,693)      (949,541)      (996,817)
   Increase (decrease) in accrued expenses
      and other liabilities related to
      fixed asset additions                         --           (9,000)         9,000
   Withdrawals from replacement reserve
      escrow                                      86,111           --          153,250
   Deposits to replacement reserve
      escrow                                     (61,895)       (61,895)       (61,895)
                                             -----------    -----------    -----------

      Net cash used in investing
         activities                           (1,001,477)    (1,020,436)      (896,462)
                                             -----------    -----------    -----------

Cash flows from financing activities:
   Principal payments on mortgage
      notes payable                             (399,694)      (365,482)      (334,208)
   Distributions                                (626,058)      (417,371)      (417,371)
                                             -----------    -----------    -----------

      Net cash used in
      financing activities                    (1,025,752)      (782,853)      (751,579)
                                             -----------    -----------    -----------

Net increase (decrease) in cash and
   cash equivalents                              379,844         83,486       (185,961)
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning
   of the year                                   552,221        468,735        654,696
                                             -----------    -----------    -----------
Cash and cash equivalents,
   end of the year                           $   932,065    $   552,221    $   468,735
                                             ===========    ===========    ===========

                     The accompanying notes are an integral
                 part of the consolidated financial statements.

                                   Exhibit I-6




A.   Organization

     Krupp Realty  Fund,  Ltd.-III  ("KRF-III")  was formed on April 23, 1982 by
     filing  a  Certificate  of  Limited  Partnership  in  The  Commonwealth  of
     Massachusetts.  KRF-III  terminates  on December 31, 2020,  unless  earlier
     terminated  upon  the  sale of the  last  of  KRF-III's  properties  or the
     occurrence  of  certain  other  events  as set  forth  in  the  Partnership

     KRF-III issued all of the General Partner Interests to The Krupp Company, a
     Massachusetts   limited   partnership,   and  The  Krupp   Corporation,   a
     Massachusetts   corporation,   in  exchange   for   capital   contributions
     aggregating  $1,000.   Except  under  certain  limited  circumstances  upon
     termination of KRF-III,  the General  Partners are not required to make any
     additional capital  contributions.  KRF-III also issued all of the Original
     Limited  Partner  Interests to The Krupp  Company in exchange for a capital
     contribution  of $4,000.  The Original  Limited  Partner is not required to
     make any additional capital contributions to KRF-III.

     On June 4, 1982,  KRF-III  commenced  an offering of up to 25,000  units of
     Investor Limited Partner Interests (the "Units") for $1,000 per Unit. As of
     September 29, 1982, KRF-III received subscriptions for all 25,000 Units and
     therefore, the public offering was successfully completed on that date.

     In  1993,  the  General  Partners  formed  Brookeville  Apartments  Limited
     Partnership  ("Brookeville  L.P.") as a prerequisite for the refinancing of
     Brookeville  Apartments  ("Brookeville") with the Department of Housing and
     Urban  Development   ("HUD").  At  the  same  time,  the  General  Partners
     transferred  ownership  of  Brookeville  to  Brookeville  L.P.  The General
     Partner of  Brookeville  L.P. is the Westcop  Corporation  ("Westcop")  and
     KRF-III is the Limited Partner in Brookeville L.P. Westcop has beneficially
     assigned  its  interest  in  Brookeville  L.P.  to  KRF-III.   KRF-III  and
     Brookeville L.P. are collectively known as Krupp Realty Fund,  Ltd.-III and
     Subsidiary (the "Partnership").

B.   Significant Accounting Policies

     The  Partnership  uses the  following  accounting  policies  for  financial
     reporting  purposes,  which may differ in certain  respects from those used
     for federal income tax purposes (see Note H).

     Basis of Presentation

     The consolidated  financial  statements  present the  consolidated  assets,
     liabilities and operations of the Partnership.  All  intercompany  balances
     and transactions have been eliminated.

     Risks and Uncertainties

     The  Partnership  invests its cash  primarily  in deposits and money market
     funds with commercial banks. The Partnership has not experienced any losses
     to date on its invested cash.


                                   Exhibit I-7




B.   Significant Accounting Policies, Continued

     The  preparation  of financial  statements  in  conformity  with  generally
     accepted  accounting  principles  requires management to make estimates and
     assumptions  that  affect the  reported  amount of assets and  liabilities,
     contingent  assets and  liabilities  and revenues  and expenses  during the
     reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

     Cash and Cash Equivalents

     The  Partnership  includes all short-term  investments  with  maturities of
     three  months  or less  from  the  date of  acquisition  in cash  and  cash
     equivalents.  The cash investments are recorded at cost, which approximates
     current market values.

     Rental Revenues

     Leases require the payment of rent monthly in advance.  Rental revenues are
     recorded on the accrual basis.


     Depreciation  is provided for by the use of the  straight-line  method over
     estimated useful lives as follows:

          Buildings and improvements                           5 to 25 years
          Appliances, carpeting and equipment                  3 to 8 years

     Impairment of Long-Lived Assets

     Real estate assets and equipment are stated at depreciated  cost.  Pursuant
     to Statement of Financial  Accounting Standards Opinion No. 121 "Accounting
     for the  Impairment of Long-Lived  Assets and for  Long-Lived  Assets to be
     Disposed of",  impairment  losses are recorded on long-lived assets used in
     operations on a property by property basis,  when events and  circumstances
     indicate that the assets might be impaired and the  estimated  undiscounted
     cash  flows to be  generated  by those  assets  are less than the  carrying
     amount of those assets. Upon determination that an impairment has occurred,
     those assets shall be reduced to fair value.

     Deferred Expenses

     Costs of obtaining and recording  mortgages are amortized  over the life of
     the  related   mortgage   notes  using  the   straight-line   method  which
     approximates the effective interest method.

     Income Taxes

     The  Partnership  is not  liable  for  federal  or  state  income  taxes as
     Partnership  income or loss is  allocated  to the  Partners  for income tax
     purposes.  In the event the  Partnership's  tax returns are examined by the
     Internal  Revenue  Service or state taxing  authority  and the  examination
     results in a change in Partnership taxable income or loss, such change will
     be reported to the Partners.


                                   Exhibit I-8




B.   Significant Accounting Policies, Continued

     Descriptive Information About Reportable Segments

     During the fourth  quarter of 1998, the  Partnership  adopted the Financial
     Accounting  Standards Board's Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards
     No.  131,   "Disclosures  About  Segments  of  an  Enterprise  and  Related
     Information" ("Statement  No.  131").  Statement  No. 131  superseded  FASB
     Statement  No.  14,  "Financial   Reporting  for  Segments  of  a  Business
     Enterprise".  Statement  No.  131  establishes  standards  for the way that
     public  business   enterprises  report  information   regarding  reportable
     operating  segments.  The adoption of Statement  No. 131 did not affect the
     results of operations or financial position of the Partnership.

     The Partnership operates and develops apartment  communities which generate
     rental and other income through the leasing of apartment units. The General
     Partners  separately  evaluate the performance of each of the Partnership's
     apartment communities.  However,  because each of the apartment communities
     have similar economic  characteristics,  facilities,  services and tenants,
     the  apartment  communities  have been  aggregated  into a single  dominant
     apartment communities segment.

     All revenues are from external customers and no revenues are generated from
     transactions  with other segments.  There are no tenants which  contributed
     10% or more of the Partnership's total revenue during 1998, 1997 or 1996.


     Certain prior year balances have been  reclassified to conform with current
     year consolidated financial statement presentation.

C.   Cash and Cash Equivalents

     Cash and cash equivalents consisted of the following:

                                                         December 31,   
                                                      1998             1997
                                                  --------         --------

     Cash and money market accounts               $682,656         $402,783
     Commercial paper                              249,409          149,438
                                                  --------         --------
                                                  $932,065         $552,221
                                                  ========         ========


                                   Exhibit I-9




D.   Mortgage Notes Payable

The  properties  owned by the  Partnership  are  pledged as  collateral  for the
non-recourse  mortgage notes outstanding at December 31, 1998 and 1997. Mortgage
notes payable consisted of the following:

                                   Principal            Annual
                          --------------------------   Interest
Property                     1998            1997        Rate      Maturity Date
- --------                  ----------      ----------   --------   --------------
  Apartments              $8,428,579      $8,499,549     7.75%    August 1, 2028

Dorsey's Forge                                                                  
  Apartments and                                                                
  Oakland Meadows                                                               
  Apartments               4,363,601       4,502,891     9.25%    May 3, 2000

Hannibal Grove                                                                  
  Apartments               5,934,497       6,123,931     9.25%    May 3, 2000

         Total           $18,726,677     $18,126,371
                         ===========     ===========

Brookeville Apartments

The property is subject to a non-recourse  mortgage note in the original  amount
of  $8,755,000,  payable  to the  Department  of Housing  and Urban  Development
("HUD").  The mortgage note requires monthly  payments of $60,600  consisting of
principal  and  interest  at the rate of  7.75%  per  annum.  In  addition,  the
Partnership is required to fund a monthly deposit of $5,158 to an escrow account
to be used for future  property  replacements  and  improvements  and a mortgage
insurance  premium deposit equal to .5% per annum of the  outstanding  principal
balance. The note matures on August 1, 2028. In accordance with HUD regulations,
distributions  are  limited  to the extent of  Surplus  Cash,  as defined by the
Regulatory  Agreement.  The  mortgage  note  payable  is  collateralized  by the
property  and may be prepaid  during the five  years  beginning  August 1, 1998,
subject to an annual  declining  prepayment  penalty of 5% to 1%,  respectively.
After August 1, 2003, there is no prepayment penalty.

Based on the borrowing  rates  currently  available to the  Partnership for bank
loans with  similar  terms and average  maturities,  the fair value of long-term
debt is approximately $9,446,000 at December 31, 1998. At December 31, 1997, the
fair market value could not be  determined  since the mortgage note could not be

Hannibal Grove  Apartments  ("Hannibal")  and Dorsey's Forge and Oakland Meadows
Apartments ("Dorsey's")

The  properties  are subject to  non-recourse  mortgage  notes for  Hannibal and
Dorsey's in the original  amounts of $6,800,000  and  $5,000,000,  respectively,
payable at a rate of 9.25% per annum.  Monthly  principal and interest  payments
are $62,333 for  Hannibal and $45,833 for  Dorsey's.  The notes mature on May 3,
2000 at which time all unpaid principal, $5,653,175


                                  Exhibit I-10




D.   Mortgage Notes Payable, Continued

(Hannibal)  and  $4,156,746  (Dorsey's),  and any accrued  interest are due. The
mortgage notes payable are  collateralized by the respective  properties and may
be prepaid subject to a prepayment  penalty.  The prepayment penalty will be the
greater of 1) the principal balance multiplied by the difference between 9.4301%
and the yield  rate on  publicly  traded  U.S.  Treasury  Securities  having the
closest matching maturity date as reported in the Wall Street Journal, or 2) one
percent of the then outstanding principal.

Based on the borrowing  rates  currently  available to the  Partnership for bank
loans with  similar  terms and average  maturities,  the fair value of long-term
debt for Hannibal  and  Dorsey's is  approximately  $6,118,000  and  $4,449,000,
respectively  at December 31, 1998. At December 31, 1997,  the fair market value
could not be determined since the mortgage notes could not be prepaid.

Due to restrictions  on transfers and prepayment,  the Partnership may be unable
to refinance certain mortgage notes payable at such calculated fair value.

The aggregate scheduled principal amounts of long-term borrowings due during the
five years ending December 31, 2003 are $437,124, $10,020,473,  $89,480, $96,667
and $104,430.

During 1998,  1997 and 1996 the  Partnership  paid  $1,625,506,  $1,659,719  and
$1,690,992 of interest, respectively, on its mortgage notes.

E.   Accrued Expenses and Other Liabilities

Accrued  expenses and other  liabilities  consisted of the following at December
31, 1998 and 1997:

                                                          1998       1997  
                                                        --------   --------
     Accounts payable                                   $  1,016   $   --
     Accrued real estate taxes                           161,258    162,030
     Other liabilities                                   191,934    288,703
     Tenant security deposits                            219,272    186,065
     Prepaid rent                                         27,839     46,615
                                                        --------   --------
     Total                                              $601,319   $683,413
                                                        ========   ========
F.   Partners' Deficit

Under the terms of the Partnership Agreement, profits and losses from operations
are allocated 95% to the Investor Limited  Partners,  4% to the Original Limited
Partner and 1% to the General Partners until such time that the Investor Limited
Partners  have received a return of their total  invested  capital plus a 9% per
annum  Cumulative  Return  on  Investment  thereon  and  thereafter,  65% to the
Investor  Limited  Partners,  28% to the Original  Limited Partner and 7% to the
General Partners.


                                  Exhibit I-11




F.   Partners' Deficit, Continued

     Also, under the Partnership  Agreement,  cash distributions from operations
     are  generally  made on the same basis as the  allocations  of profits  and
     losses  described  above.  Net cash proceeds,  as determined by the General
     Partners,  resulting  from  transactions  such as  refinancing or sale of a
     property,  are to be  distributed  as follows:  1) to the Investor  Limited
     Partners until they have received a return of their total Invested Capital;
     2) to the  Investor  Limited  Partners  until they have  received an amount
     equal to their  Cumulative  Return on  Investment  in respect of all fiscal
     years of the  Partnership;  3) to the Original  Limited Partner and General
     Partners until they have received a return of their total Invested Capital;
     4) to an  unaffiliated  brokerage firm (the "Sales Agent") to the extent of
     any subordinated  Financial  Consulting Fee then due, and; 5) any remaining
     Cash Proceeds shall be distributed  65% to the Investor  Limited  Partners,
     28% to the  Original  Limited  Partner  and  7% to  the  General  Partners.
     Notwithstanding  anything  above,  the General  Partners  shall,  under all
     circumstances,  receive  at  least  1% of all  distributions  of  net  cash
     proceeds from a capital transaction.

     Per the Partnership Agreement,  profits from capital transactions are to be
     allocated to the extent of cash distributions described above, first to the
     Investor  Limited Partners until they have received a return of their total
     Invested Capital.  Losses from capital  transactions are to be allocated to
     the extent of cash  distributions  described  above,  first to the Investor
     Limited  Partners until they have received a return of their total Invested
     Capital plus their Cumulative Return on Investment. Thereafter, profits and
     losses from capital transactions are to be allocated in accordance with the
     Partnership Agreement. Notwithstanding anything above, the General Partners
     shall be allocated, under all circumstances, at least 1% of all profits and
     losses from capital transactions.

     For income tax purposes,  the allocation of Partnership items is determined
     according to the Partnership Agreement,  to the extent that each allocation
     has  "substantial  economic  effect" pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code,
     Section 704. In the event that an allocation  does not meet these statutory
     requirements,  Partnership  items will be  reallocated  according  to these
     provisions.   For  1996,  reallocation  was  necessary.   The  consolidated
     financial statements presented herein reflect the allocation of net loss in
     accordance  with the rules of the Internal  Revenue Code for the year ended
     December 31, 1996.


                                  Exhibit I-12




F.   Partners' Deficit, Continued

     As of December 31, 1998, the following cumulative partner contributions and
     allocations have been made since the inception of the Partnership:

                             Investor      Original
                             Limited       Limited        General
                             Partners      Partner        Partners        Total    
                           ------------    ----------    ----------    ------------
Capital contributions      $ 25,000,000    $    4,000    $    1,000    $ 25,005,000
Syndication costs            (3,486,600)         --            --        (3,486,600)
Cash distributions
   from operations          (10,706,873)     (450,813)     (112,701)    (11,270,387)
Cash distributions from
   refinancing proceeds      (5,173,000)         --         (52,252)     (5,225,252)
Net loss from operations    (21,341,654)     (858,825)     (264,417)    (22,464,896)
Net income from capital
   transaction                9,402,667       395,901        98,976       9,897,544
                           ------------    ----------    ----------    ------------
Balance at
   December 31, 1998       $ (6,305,460)   $ (909,737)   $ (329,394)   $ (7,544,591)
                           ============    ==========    ==========    ============

G.   Related Party Transactions

     The  Partnership  pays  property  management  fees to an  affiliate  of the
     General  Partners  for  management  services.  Pursuant  to the  management
     agreements,  management  fees are  payable  monthly  at a rate of 5% of the
     gross receipts from the properties under  management.  The Partnership also
     reimburses affiliates of the General Partners for certain expenses incurred
     in connection  with the operation of the  Partnership  and its  properties,
     including  administrative  expenses.  Amounts paid to the General Partners'
     affiliates  during the years ended December 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996 were as

                                         1998       1997       1996  
                                       --------   --------   --------

          Property management fees     $376,570   $357,766   $326,363
          Expense reimbursements        163,891    179,032    173,132
                                       --------   --------   --------

               Charged to operations   $540,461   $536,798   $499,495
                                       ========   ========   ========

Due to affiliates consisted of expense reimbursements of $199,500 at
December 31, 1998.


                                  Exhibit I-13




H.   Federal Income Taxes

For federal income tax purposes,  the Partnership is depreciating property under
the Accelerated Cost Recovery System ("ACRS") and the Modified  Accelerated Cost
Recovery System ("MACRS"), depending on which is applicable.

The  reconciliation  of the  net  income  (loss)  reported  in the  accompanying
Consolidated  Statement  of  Operations  with  the  net  loss  reported  in  the
Partnership's 1998, 1997 and 1996 federal income tax returns is as follows:

                                             1998         1997          1996    
                                          ----------   ----------    ----------
     Net income (loss) per
       Consolidated Statement of
       Operations                         $  536,483   $  (23,224)   $ (446,360)
     Difference in book to tax
          depreciation and amortization    1,164,574      557,885       221,435
                                          ----------   ----------    ----------
     Net income (loss) for federal
          income tax purposes             $1,701,057   $  534,661    $ (224,925)
                                          ==========   ==========    ==========

     The  allocation  of the net income for federal  income tax purposes for the
     year ended December 31, 1998 is as follows:

                                      Portfolio       Passive
                                       Income          Income           Total  
                                     ----------      ----------      ----------
     Investor Limited Partners       $   63,141      $1,552,863      $1,616,004
     Original Limited Partner             2,658          65,384          68,042
     General Partners                       665          16,346          17,011
                                     ----------      ----------      ----------
     Total                           $   66,464      $1,634,593      $1,701,057
                                     ==========      ==========      ==========

During the years ended December 31, 1998,  1997 and 1996 the per Unit net income
(loss) to the  Investor  Limited  Partners  for federal  income tax purposes was
$64.64, $21.17 and $(8.55), respectively.

The basis of the Partnership's  assets for financial  reporting purposes exceeds
its tax basis by  approximately  $2,288,000  and $3,451,000 at December 31, 1998
and 1997, respectively.  The tax and book basis of the Partnership's liabilities
are the same.

                                  Exhibit I-14



                                December 31, 1998

                                                                                        Costs Capitalized
                                                                                          Subsequent to
                                                        Initial Costs to Partnership       Acquisition   
                                                       ------------------------------   -----------------
                                                                          Buildings         Buildings
                                                                             and               and            Depreciable
   Description                       Encumbrances         Land           Improvements      Improvements          Life   
- ----------------                     ------------      -----------       ------------   -----------------     -----------
Columbus, OH                         $ 8,428,579       $   623,126       $ 8,312,134       $ 4,158,128       3 to 25 years

Hannibal Grove
Columbia, MD                           5,934,497           518,519         6,883,945         4,198,244       3 to 25 years

Dorsey's Forge &
Oakland Meadows
Columbia, MD                           4,363,601           340,956         4,521,895         2,205,157       3 to 25 years
                                     -----------       -----------       -----------       -----------

    Total                            $18,726,677       $ 1,482,601       $19,717,974       $10,561,529
                                     ===========       ===========       ===========       ===========

                                        Gross Amounts Carried at
                                              End of Year              
                                               Buildings                                                                    Year
                                                  and                               Accumulated          Year           Construction
  Description                Land             Improvements          Total          Depreciation        Acquired          Completed  
- -------------             ----------          ------------       -----------       ------------        --------         ------------
Columbus, OH              $  623,126          $ 12,470,262       $13,093,388        $ 9,015,376           1983                1975

Hannibal Grove
Columbia, MD                 518,519            11,082,189        11,600,708          8,213,191           1983                1970

Dorsey's Forge &
Oakland Meadows
Columbia, MD                 340,956             6,727,052         7,068,008          4,748,701           1983                1970
                          ----------          ------------       -----------        -----------

      Total               $1,482,601          $ 30,279,503       $31,762,104        $21,977,268
                          ==========          ============       ===========        ===========


                                  Exhibit I-15



                                December 31, 1998


Reconciliation of Real Estate and Accumulated Depreciation for each of the three
years in the period ended December 31, 1998:

                                       1998             1997            1996   
                                   -----------      -----------     -----------
Real Estate

Balance at beginning of year       $30,736,411      $29,786,870     $28,790,053

Acquisition and improvements         1,025,693          949,541         996,817
                                   -----------      -----------     -----------

Balance at end of year             $31,762,104      $30,736,411     $29,786,870
                                   ===========      ===========     ===========

Accumulated Depreciation               1998             1997            1996   
                                   -----------      -----------     -----------

Balance at beginning of year       $20,216,642      $18,281,640     $16,460,550

Depreciation expense                 1,760,626        1,935,002       1,821,090
                                   -----------      -----------     -----------

Balance at end of year             $21,977,268      $20,216,642     $18,281,640
                                   ===========      ===========     ===========

Note: The Partnership uses the cost basis for property valuation for both income
tax and financial statement purposes.  The aggregate cost for federal income tax
purposes at December  31, 1998 is  $31,775,676,  and the  aggregate  accumulated
depreciation for federal income tax purposes is $24,267,669.

                                  Exhibit I-16

     The  Agreement  of  Assignment  and  Transfer,   a  Withdrawal  Letter,  if
applicable, and any other required documents should be sent or delivered by each
Unitholder to the Depositary at its address set forth below.

                        The Depository for the Offer is:


                                One Beacon Street
                                   Suite 1500
                           Boston, Massachusetts 02108
                          Attention: Investor Services

                              Phone: 1-800-25-KRUPP
                               Fax: (617) 423-8919

     Questions and requests for  assistance  may be directed to the  Information
Agents at the address and telephone  number listed below.  Additional  copies of
this Offer to Purchase, the Agreement of Assignment and Transfer, the Withdrawal
and other tender offer materials may be obtained from the Information  Agents as
set forth below, and will be furnished promptly at Purchaser's expense.

                    The Information Agents for the Offer are:

                                 & COMPANY INC.



                                One Beacon Street
                                   Suite 1500
                           Boston, Massachusetts 02108
                          Attention: Investor Services

                              Phone: 1-800-25-KRUPP
                               Fax: (617) 423-8919