TSI Incorporated
500 Cardigan Road
P.O. Box 64394
St. Paul, MN   55164-0394


July 2, 1999

Dear Fellow Stockholder:

I am writing to you on behalf of your Board of Directors because your support at
our July 22, 1999 Annual Stockholders'  Meeting is very important.  You may have
already  received  correspondence  from  John J.  Fauth or the JJF  Group,  Inc.
regarding  what is  becoming a costly and  distracting  proxy  contest.  Fauth's
agenda is to force the sale of TSI and take it private.  Fauth continues to seek
a hostile  takeover  even after  your Board of  Directors,  by  unanimous  vote,
concluded that his proposal was inadequate.

Do not be misled!  Fauth would have you believe  that your Board has ignored him
and refused to even  consider  his  proposed  purchase of TSI.  The fact is that
after serious  consideration,  we have determined that Fauth's proposed purchase
price does not  adequately  reflect  TSI's fair value or prospects  based on the
Company's history,  strengths,  growth plans and a preliminary analysis provided
by an outside investment banking firm. We communicated this to Fauth in a letter
dated  June 18,  1999.  Be  assured  that your  Board  will  continue  exploring
opportunities for enhancing stockholder value.

Why Should You Reject Fauth's Efforts?

Fauth's  agenda is to purchase  your Company at a low price so that he alone can
benefit from the strategic  plan that TSI's current  management  team has put in
place and begun to execute.  He is trying to take advantage of a company that is
undervalued in the equity market,  claiming TSI stock has under-performed market
indices. This is misleading at best. A long-term comparison of TSI's stock price
performance  with the  Russell  2000 Index as of June 30, 1999  illustrates  the
strong performance of your Company:

                             Russell 2000 Index          TSI Incorporated
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        Past 5 Years               91%                        185%
        Past 10 Years             173%                        410%
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TSI's stock  performance  has also  exceeded  the S&P 500 Index over the past 10
years. The long-term prospects of TSI remain strong.

Of course,  as significant  owners of TSI stock, your Board is disappointed with
the recent trading price, strengthening our resolve to enhance the strategic and
operational value of your Company.

o    We are confident that TSI's strategic plan will fuel even greater growth in
     the future.  This momentum  should attract a broader  investment  following
     that will enhance stockholder value.

o    The fact that we have been able to grow the business  historically  without
     incurring debt should not be viewed as a weakness,  but rather demonstrates
     the  expertise of your current  management  team. We have used TSI stock to
     aid in making  acquisitions in the past and foresee doing so in the future.
     Our solid balance sheet, along with the ability to issue stock,  affords us
     the flexibility to swiftly seize  strategic  acquisition  opportunities  as
     they arise.

o    There are many companies with our market capitalization that have proven to
     be rewarding investments. Despite Fauth's assertions, there is a portion of
     the investment community that is attracted to small  capitalization  stocks
     and thinks that they are excellent vehicles for long-term investors.

o    We find offensive and self-serving  Fauth's assertion that, "It's [TSI] too
     small to be public, it doesn't need the access to capital that being public
     entails  and it's  spending  a lot of money to be public in terms of filing
     and shareholder  relations materials that could be better spent." We reject
     the notion that because we keep our  shareholders  aware of TSI's corporate
     developments, we are "wasting" resources. This needless and expensive proxy
     contest  brought about by Fauth's assault on your Company is a much greater
     "waste" of funds.

The Red Chip Review, a Portland, Oregon, research firm that specializes in small
capitalization stocks says, "Rarely do we find a company as fundamentally strong
as TSI." (April 27, 1999)

Why Are Industry Analysts NOT Embracing Fauth's Proposal?

After due  consideration,  TSI's Board of Directors rejected Fauth's proposal as
inadequate. Several financial analysts concurred:

o    Jeff Tryka from The Red Chip Review states, "Historically, it [TSI] is a 20
     percent  growth  company  in terms of  earnings."  (June  1999)  Then after
     Fauth's proposal the Review stated,  "we reaffirm our earlier comments that
     the cash offer  [made by Fauth] of $12.50 per share is too low."  (June 24,

o    Clint Morrison, a stock analyst with the  Minneapolis-based  brokerage firm
     John J.  Kinnard,  recently  reiterated  his "BUY" rating on TSI, due to an
     "Improved  Outlook." "The balance sheet continues to be strong, the company
     has  consistently  generated  free cash flow and has paid a dividend for 23
     years.   It  operates  in  a  market  that  offers  plenty  of  acquisition
     opportunities  and   consolidation   opportunities  of  which  the  company
     continues to take advantage." (June 16, 1999) This same analyst stated, "If
     he can't get it [TSI]  cheap,  he doesn't want it," in reference to Fauth's
     proposal. (June 14, 1999)

What are Fauth's True Intentions?

Now,  as a next step in his attempt to take  control of TSI,  Fauth is trying to
remove -- via a proxy  contest -- three  current,  well  qualified and dedicated
members of your Board of Directors  (including the Chairman and Chief  Executive
Officer) and replace them with his own hand-picked  nominees.  If Fauth succeeds
in electing  himself and his two  colleagues to your Board,  clear  conflicts of
interest are  inevitable,  and that can only be detrimental to TSI's  interests.
Since it benefits  Fauth to acquire TSI by paying the lowest  possible price for
your shares, he and his board nominees have no incentive to create  long-lasting
value for the other  public  shareholders.  If Fauth fails to elect a board that
would be favorably

disposed  to his  proposal,  he may sell and make a quick  profit on his  recent
purchases at roughly  $9.00 per share by putting TSI "in play." This could force
TSI to be sold without  regard for the long-term  best  interests of TSI and our

Furthermore,  Fauth offers only vague  generalizations  about his plans for TSI,
while  the  track  record  of  another  company  that he  acquired,  DICKEY-john
Corporation,  includes at least two rounds of recent  layoffs,  as referenced in
The State Journal-Register of Illinois.

What Can Fauth Bring to TSI?

As a private  investor,  Fauth  cannot bring  operational  synergies to TSI. His
actions are solely a financial  ploy to gain control of the  Company.  Fauth has
borrowed  much of the money to buy the TSI stock he  currently  holds.  He would
have to borrow  additional  significant sums of money to acquire TSI.  Typically
this results in the target company being burdened with onerous debt and interest
charges.  Such debt would limit the amount of money we invest in developing  new
products for a cleaner and safer environment and for a more efficient workplace.
This debt and the  absence  of a  publicly  traded  stock  would  also limit our
ability to grow by acquisition.

Why Does Fauth Want to Change TSI's Articles and Bylaws?

Fauth also is  attempting  through this proxy contest to change TSI's bylaws and
Articles of  Incorporation to make it easier for him or another party to acquire
TSI at less than its fair  value.  We believe  that his  proposals,  if adopted,
would impede our ability to maximize  stockholder value because they reduce your
Board's opportunity to evaluate hostile takeover  proposals,  study alternatives
and determine what is in stockholders' best interests.

Furthermore,  if TSI's anti-takeover provisions are eliminated,  including those
provided by Minnesota  law, Fauth would be able to take control of TSI through a
combination  of stock  purchases  and proxy  contests  without the approval of a
majority of the stockholders or your Board of Directors.

What is TSI's Track Record?

Your management team has strategically positioned the Company to reap rewards in
the industries we serve, while at the same time compiling a strong track record,
as exemplified by:

o    Annual profits for 36 years running

o    Revenue increases for 27 consecutive years

o    19% compound earnings growth over the last five years

o    Recent acquisition of a complementary company with $23 million in sales

o    Significant commitment to internal growth through research and development

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 The Members of Your Current Management Team All Share A Common Interest -
            To See TSI's Stock Price Fully Valued In The Marketplace
                    And To Continue Building A Solid Company
                      With Growth In Revenues And Earnings.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

When you look at the issues, the choice is clear.  Support your current Board by
signing,  dating and mailing the WHITE PROXY CARD in the  enclosed  postage-paid
envelope and discard Fauth's green proxy card. Time is running short. It is very
important that you vote today, regardless of the number of shares you own.

Thank you for your continued trust and support.

On behalf of your Board of Directors,

/s/ James E. Doubles

James E. Doubles
Chairman, President and
Chief Executive Officer

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


           Regardless of the number of shares of TSI Incorporated you
            own, your vote is important. Please vote FOR management's
              nominees by signing, dating and mailing the enclosed
                                WHITE PROXY CARD.

              Do not vote the opposition green proxy card, even to
                  oppose their nominees. If you have done so by
                    mistake already, you may change your vote
                   by signing and returning the enclosed WHITE
                  PROXY CARD. Only your latest dated, properly
                            executed card will count.

          If you own your shares in the name of a brokerage firm, your
          shares will not be voted unless you give your broker specific
           instructions. So please sign, date and return the enclosed
             WHITE PROXY CARD in the postage-paid envelope provided.

 If you need assistance in voting your shares, please call our proxy solicitor:

                     Corporate Investor Communications, Inc.
                            Toll free: (877) 460-9337

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