(Rule 14a-101)
                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION
                    Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a)
                     of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

     Filed by the Registrant [_]

     Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [_]

Check the appropriate box:

[_]  Preliminary Proxy Statement

[_]  Confidential,  for  Use  of the  Commission  Only  (as  Permitted  by  Rule

[X]  Definitive Proxy Statement

[_]  Definitive Additional Materials

[_]  Solicitation Material Pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or rule 14a-12

                                WCM CAPITAL, INC.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)

    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if Other Than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[_]  No fee required.

[x]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

     1)   Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies: Common

     2)   Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

     3)   Per unit  price  or other  underlying  value of  transaction  computed
          pursuant to Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the
          filing  fee is  calculated  and  state how it was  determined):  $ per

     4)   Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

     5)   Total fee paid:

[_]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[_]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
     0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting  fee was paid
     previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration statement number,
     or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

     (1)  Amount Previously Paid:

     (2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

     (3)  Filing Party:

     (4)  Date Filed:

                                WCM CAPITAL, INC.
                                76 Beaver Street
                                    Suite 500
                             New York, NY 10005-3402
                            Telephone (212) 344-2828

                       To Be Held Friday, November 5, 1999

     An  Annual  Meeting  of  Stockholders  of WCM  Capital,  Inc.,  a  Delaware
corporation  (the  "Company") will be held at the Holiday Inn, 304 Rte. 22 West,
Springfield,  N.J.  07081 on  November 5, 1999 at 5:30 p.m.,  for the  following

     (1) To elect five  directors for a term expiring at the 2000 Annual Meeting
of Stockholders or until their respective  successors have been duly elected and

     (2) To approve the  appointment  of Lazar Levine & Felix LLP as independent
auditors for the Company for fiscal year ended December 31, 1999; and

     (3) To transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting
or any adjournment thereof.

     Only holders of the Company's  common stock, par value $0.01 per share (the
"Common Stock"),  of record on September 15, 1999 are entitled to notice of, and
to vote at, the meeting or any adjournment  thereof.  At September 15, 1999, the
record date for determination of stockholders entitled to vote at the meeting or
any  adjournments  thereof,  3,991,107  shares of Common  Stock were  issued and


                                          By Order of the Board of Directors,

                                          /s/ Richard Brannon

New York, New York
October 8th, 1999                         /s/ Richard Brannon
                                          Richard Brannon, Secretary


                                WCM CAPITAL, INC.
               (Formerly, Franklin Consolidated Mining Co., Inc.)

                         ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS
                            Friday, November 5, 1999

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

                               GENERAL INFORMATION

This Proxy Statement (the "Proxy Statement") is furnished in connection with the
solicitation  of proxies  by the Board of  Directors  of WCM  Capital,  Inc.,  a
Delaware  corporation  (the  "Company"),  for  use  at  the  Annual  Meeting  of
Stockholders  of the Company to be held on Friday,  November 5, 1999, or any and
all adjournments thereof, with respect to the following matters:

     (1) To elect five  directors for a term expiring at the 2000 Annual Meeting
of Stockholders or until their respective  successors have been duly elected and
qualified (the "Election of Directors");

     (2) To approve the  appointment  of Lazar Levine & Felix LLP as independent
auditors for the Company for fiscal year ended December 31, 1999; and

     (3) To transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting
or any adjournment thereof.

The Annual Meeting (the "Meeting") will be held on November 5, 1999 at 5:30 p.m.
at the Holiday Inn, 304 Rte. 22 West,  Springfield,  N.J.  07081.  The Notice of
Annual  Meeting,  Proxy  Statement,  Proxy Card,  and the Annual  Report will be
mailed on or about October 8, 1999 to  stockholders  of record of the Company as
of September 15, 1999.

     If the enclosed proxy card is properly  executed and returned in time to be
voted at the meeting,  the shares of Common Stock  represented  will be voted in
accordance  with the  instructions  contained  therein.  Executed  proxies  that
contain no instructions will be voted in favor of all of the proposals set forth

     If the Annual  Meeting is  postponed or  adjourned  for any reason,  at any
subsequent  reconvening  of the Annual  Meeting all proxies will be voted in the
same manner as such proxies  would have been voted at the original  convening of
the Annual Meeting (except for proxies which have  theretofore  effectively been
revoked or withdrawn), notwithstanding that they may have been effectively voted
on the same or any other matter at a previous meeting.


     The presence at the Annual  Meeting,  whether in person or by proxy, of the
holders  of at least a  majority  of the  outstanding  shares  of  Voting  Stock
entitled to vote thereat  constitutes a quorum for the  transaction of business.
For  purposes  of the  quorum  and the  discussion  below  regarding  the  votes
necessary to take stockholder action,  Stockholders of record who are present at
the meeting in person or by proxy and who  abstain,  including  brokers  holding
customers' shares of record who cause abstentions to be recorded at the meeting,
are considered  Stockholders who are present and entitled to vote and they count
toward the quorum.

     Brokers  holding shares of record for customers  generally are not entitled
to vote on certain  matters unless they receive voting  instructions  from their
customers.  As used herein,  "uninstructed shares" means shares held by a broker
who has not  received  instructions  from its  customers on such matters and the
broker has so notified the Company on a proxy form in  accordance  with industry
practice or has otherwise advised


the Company that it lacks voting authority.  As used herein, "broker non-votes,"
means the votes that could have been cast on the matter in  question  by brokers
with respect to uninstructed shares if the brokers had received their customers'

     Election of Directors.  Directors  are elected by a plurality  vote and the
five  nominees  who receive the most votes will be elected.  In the  election of
Directors,  votes  may be cast in  favor of or  withheld  with  respect  to each
nominee.  Abstentions  and broker  non-votes  will not be taken into  account in
determining the outcome of the election.

     Approval  of  Auditor.  To  be  approved,  this  matter  must  receive  the
affirmative vote of the majority of the shares present or by proxy at the Annual
Meeting and entitled to vote.  Uninstructed  shares are entitled to vote on this
matter. Therefore,  abstentions and broker non-votes have the effect of negative

     On September 15, 1999 (the "Record Date"), there were outstanding 3,991,107
shares of Common  Stock.  Only holders of record of Common Stock at the close of
business  on the Record  Date will be entitled to notice of, and to vote at, the
Annual  Meeting.  Each share of Common  Stock is  entitled  to one vote for each
director to be elected and upon all other matters to be brought to a vote by the
Stockholders at the forthcoming Annual Meeting.

     Commencing  11 days  prior to the date of the  Annual  Meeting,  a complete
record  of the  stockholders  entitled  to vote at the  Annual  Meeting,  or any
adjournment  thereof,  shall  be  available  for  inspection  at  the  Company's
executive office during normal business hours by any stockholder for any purpose
germane  to  the  Annual  Meeting.   This  record  will  also  be  available  to
stockholders for such purposes at the place of and during the Annual Meeting

     The Company's  executive offices are currently located at 76 Beaver Street,
Suite 500, New York, New York 10005.


     Stockholders  who execute  proxies for the Annual  Meeting may revoke their
proxies at any time prior to their  exercise,  by delivering  written  notice of
revocation  to the  Company at the address on the Notice of Annual  Meeting,  by
delivering a duly  executed  proxy  bearing a later date,  or by  attending  the
Annual Meeting and voting in person.


     The costs of soliciting the proxies and of the meeting, including the costs
of preparing and mailing this Proxy Statement and other material,  will be borne
by the  Company.  In  addition  to  solicitation  by  mail,  certain  directors,
officers,   and  regular  employees  of  the  Company  may,  without  additional
compensation,  solicit proxies by telephone,  personal  interview,  or facsimile
transmission to encourage  stockholder  participation in the voting process. The
Company  also will  request  banks,  brokers  and others who hold  shares in the
Company in nominee names to distribute proxy  soliciting  material to beneficial
owners,  and will reimburse such banks and brokers for reasonable  out-of-pocket
expenses which they may incur in so doing.


                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

                              Item 1 on Proxy Card

     The Board of Directors has fixed the number of directors  constituting  the
whole Board as five and has  selected the  following  nominees for election to a
term  expiring at the 2000 Annual  Meeting or until their  successors  have been
elected and qualified:

                               William C. Martucci
                                Robert Waligunda
                              William H. Wishinsky
                                   Casey Myhre
                                  John R. Bruno

     Unless  authority  to vote for  directors  is  withheld  in the proxy,  the
persons named in the  accompanying  proxy intend to vote for the election of the
five nominees listed above.

     All nominees have indicated a willingness to serve as directors, but if any
of them should  decline or be unable to act as a director,  the persons named in
the proxy will vote for the  election of another  person or persons as the Board
of  Directors  recommends.  Of all of the nominees  for  director,  only Messrs.
Waligunda and Martucci  previously were elected by the  stockholders at the last
Annual  Meeting  of  Stockholders  held in  October  1998.  There  are no family
relationships between the nominees for the Board of Directors.

     The following biographical information is furnished with respect to each of
the five nominees for election at the Annual Meeting.

WILLIAM C. MARTUCCI,  Director,  age 57. Mr. Martucci has been a Director of the
Company  since  October 28,  1998.  From 1974 to the present,  Mr.  Martucci has
served as  president  and chairman of United  Grocers  Clearing  House,  Inc., a
privately  held company he founded to serve the coupon  redemption,  fulfillment
and promotional needs of manufacturers and retailers. Additionally, Mr. Martucci
is the sole  shareholder,  director,  and  president  of US  Mining,  Inc.,  the
Company's  principal  creditor.  Mr. Martucci  received a Bachelor of Science in
Philosophy from Florida International University in 1973.

ROBERT L. WALIGUNDA,  Director,  President and Treasurer,  age 52. Mr. Waligunda
has served as a Director of the Company  since 1985 and Treasurer of the Company
since  August  1995.  He is a member  of the  Audit  Committee  of the  Board of
Directors.  He was  Secretary  from August 1995 to October 1998 From 1965 to the
present,   Mr.  Waligunda  has  served  as  founder,   President  and  principal
stockholder  of Sky  Promotions,  Inc., a Pittstown,  New Jersey  marketing  and
management  company  involved in sales,  advertising  and  marketing  of hot air
balloons  and   inflatable   products.   He  is  the  founder  and  director  of
International  Professional  Balloon Pilots Racing Association,  a member of the
advisory board of Aerostar  International,  Inc., the world's oldest and largest
balloon  manufacturing   company,  and  a  member  of  the  National  Aeronautic
Association,  the Experimental Aircraft Association,  and the Airplane Owner and
Pilots  Association.  Mr.  Waligunda  received a Masters  of  Science  degree in
guidance and psychological services from Springfield College in 1968.

WILLIAM H. WISHINSKY, Director, age 35. Mr. Wishinsky has been a Director of the
Company  and a member of the Audit  Committee  of the Board of  Directors  since
October 4, 1999.  Since  1990,  Mr.  Wishinsky  has been the owner of William H.
Wishinsky,  CPA,  P.C.,  an  accounting  firm.  From 1988 until 1990,  he was an
accountant at Friedman,  Alpren & Green,  CPA's in New York City. Mr.  Wishinsky
graduated from Pace  University in New York and received a B.B.A.  in Accounting
in June 1986. He became a certified public accountant in 1990.

CASEY MYHRE,  Director, age 34. Mr. Myhre has been a Director of the Company and
a member of


the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors since October 4, 1999. Since early
1999,  Mr.  Myhre  has  been  manager  of  Kimball  International,  a  furniture
manufacturing  company.  For the four  years  prior  to his  being  promoted  to
management he worked for Kimball International as a salesman. Mr. Myhre attended
Minnesota School of Business and graduated in 1987.

JOHN R.  BRUNO,  age 73. Mr.  Bruno has been a  Director  of the  Company  since
September 30, 1999.  Since 1996, Mr. Bruno has been the president and founder of
The Bruno  Group,  a division of the Keyes  Martin  Company,  New Jersey  public
relations, and funding consultant. In October 1996, Bruno Associates merged with
The  Keyes  Martin  Company,  a  New  Jersey  advertising  and  marketing/public
relations firm. The merger resulted in Keyes Martin,  The Bruno Group,  creating
one of  the  largest  multi-talented  groups  of  funding  and  marketing/public
relations  specialists  in the State of New Jersey.  From 1967 to 1997,  John R.
Bruno was  President  and Chief  Executive  Officer of Bruno  Associates  Inc. a
public relations and funding company.

     The Board of Directors  met by phone five times  during  1998.  None of the
directors  attended  less than 75% of the  meetings  of the Board.  The Board of
Directors  established an Audit  Committee that currently is comprised of Messrs
Waligunda,  Wishinsky,  and Myhre. Messrs. Wishinsky and Myhre were appointed to
the Committee in September 1999 and replace Ronald Ginsberg (who resigned on May
27,  1999) and Robert W.  Singer (who  resigned  on October 4, 1999).  The Audit
Committee  did not meet during  1998.  The Board of  Directors  will appoint new
members to the Audit Committee at its annual meeting,  immediately following the
Annual  Meeting  of  Stockholders.   The  Audit  Committee's  function  includes
recommending  annually to the Board of Directors a firm of independent  auditors
to audit and review the  Company's  books,  records and the scope of such firm's
audit,  reviewing  reports  and  recommendations  of the  Company's  independent
auditors,   reviewing  the  scope  of  all  internal   audits  and  reports  and
recommendations  in connection  therewith and review non-audit services provided
by the Company's principal independent auditors.


The  executive  officers of the Company are  appointed  annually by the Board of
Directors and, to date,  have served an indefinite  term.  The current  officers
serve on a part-time  basis.  No family  relationship  exists between any of the
executive officers of the Company.

Name                       Age                   Position

Robert L. Waligunda        53           President, Treasurer and Director

Richard Brannon            49           Vice President - West Coast
                                        Operations and Secretary

Mr. Waligunda's biographical information is set forth above.

RICHARD BRANNON has served as the Vice  President-West  Coast  Operations  since
February 1996 and Secretary of the Company since October 1998.  Mr. Brannon is a
California licensed real estate broker and 100% owner of A Reel Mortgage,  Inc.,
a mortgage  and loan  servicing  company  organized  in 1991.  Mr.  Brannon is a
founding  director of the California  Trustee  Mortgage  Broker  Association,  a
not-for-profit corporation.


Directors, Executive Officers and Principal Stockholders

     The  following  table  lists  the  beneficial  ownership  of  shares of the
Company's Common Stock as of September 15, 1999 for (a) each director,  (b) each
nominee for director (c) each executive officer, (d) each person who is known by
the  Company  to be  the  beneficial  owner  of  five  percent  or  more  of the
outstanding  shares of Common Stock and (e) all directors and executive officers
as a group.


Name and                                         Amount and
Address of                                       Nature of
Beneficial                                       Beneficial       Percentage
Owner                                            Ownership        of Class
- ----------                                       ----------       ----------

J. Terry Anderson (1)                             29,661(2)           *

Robert L. Waligunda (3)(4)                         7,700(5)           *

George E. Otten(1)(3)                                -0-             -0-

William C. Martucci (3)                              -0-(6)          -0-

Steven R. Schurman(1)                                -0-             -0-

Richard Brannon (3)                                  -0-             -0-

Ronald Ginsberg (1)                                  -0-             -0-

Robert W. Singer (1)                             120,000             3.0%

William H. Wishinsky (4)                             -0-             -0-

Casey Myhre (4)                                      -0-             -0-

John R. Bruno (4)                                    -0-             -0-

All Directors and Executive
Officers as a Group (11 persons,
including the above-listed former
officers and directors)                                                 %
                                               ---------        ---------
                                                 157,361             3.0%

- ---------------------------------
*    Less than 1%

(1)  Former officer and/or director of the Company.

(2)  Includes  10,000  shares owned by Bruce E.  Anderson  Trust under which Mr.
     Anderson acts as Trustee and 19,661 owned by Anderson  Chemical Company for
     which Mr.  Anderson  serves  as a  director  and  president.  Mr.  Anderson
     disclaims any  beneficial  ownership  with respect to shares of the Company
     owned by his brothers.

(3)  Executive officer and/or director of the Company

(4)  Director or director nominee.

(5)  Includes 1,200 shares pledged as collateral to a non-affiliate individual.

(6)  Although  Mr.  Martucci  does not own any  shares of the  Company's  common
     stock, he is, through his affiliates, the principal creditor of the Company
     and the principal  source of funding for the Company.  Accordingly,  he has
     the  ability  to  exert  significant  influence  on the  management  of the
     Company.  See "Certain  Transactions with Executive Officers and Directors"

     To the Company's  knowledge and based solely on a review of such  materials
as are required by the Securities and Exchange Commission,  no officer, director
or  beneficial  holder of more than ten  percent  of the  Company's  issued  and
outstanding shares of Common Stock ("Beneficial  Owner") has filed any forms and
reports  required to be filed  pursuant to Section 16(a) of the  Securities  and
Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the  "Exchange  Act"),  during the fiscal year
ended  December  31, 1998;  and no officer,  director or  Beneficial  Holder has
submitted  any  representation  letter to the Company  stating that they are not
subject to the filing  requirements  under  Section 16 of the  Exchange  Act for
fiscal year 1998.



     The  Company's  two  executive  officers,  Messrs.  Waligunda  and Brannon,
received no significant compensation in fiscal year 1998. The Company granted no
options  to any  of the  Company's  Executive  Officers  in  1998.  None  of the
Company's  executive  officers owns any options of the Company and there were no
exercises of any option in 1998 by any such persons.

     The  Company  has not adopted any stock  option  plans,  medical  insurance
plans, or retirement, pension, profit sharing or insurance plans for the benefit
of its directors, officers or employees.

     No officer or director of the Company  receives any cash  compensation  for
services rendered as a director and/or office.

     None  of  the  Company  officers  have  entered  into  written   employment
agreements with the Company.


     During fiscal year 1998, J. Terry Anderson,  former director and officer of
the Company,  loaned the Company  approximately  $23,000 and  Anderson  Chemical
Company,  a company for which Mr.  Anderson  serves as director  and  president,
loaned the Company approximately $85,000 for working capital and other expenses.
Additionally, in July 1996, Anderson Chemical Company loaned the Company $20,000
evidenced by a Promissory  Note bearing  interest at a rate of 12% per annum. As
of the Record Date, these loans remain outstanding.

     On December 25, 1976,  the Company  leased 28 patented  mining  claims from
Audrey and David Hayden ("Hayden") and Dorothy Kennec pursuant to a mining lease
and option to purchase dated November 12, 1976 (the "Hayden/Kennec  Lease"). The
leases expired.  However,  on November 13, 1997, US Mining,  Inc. ("USM"), a New
Jersey corporation wholly-owned and controlled by William C. Martucci, a Company
director,  entered into an agreement with Hayden to purchase her interest in the
Hayden/Kennec  Lease for a purchase price of $70,000 (the  "Hayden-USM  Purchase
Agreement").  The purchase  price is evidenced by note, due on February 2, 1998.
Upon the execution of the Hayden-USM  Purchase  Agreement,  USM agreed to extend
the  Hayden/Kennec  Leases  upon the same  terms and  conditions  then in effect
through  March 13, 1998.  As of the date  hereof,  USM has not  consummated  the
transaction  contemplated  by the Hayden-USM  Purchase  Agreement.  Although the
Hayden-USM  Purchase  Agreement  has expired,  USM has continued to make royalty
payments  to Mrs.  Hayden  pursuant  to the  terms  of the  Hayden-USM  Purchase
Agreement.  No  assurance  can be given as to whether  the  Hayden-USM  Purchase
Agreement  will be  consummated.  In the  event  that  the  Hayden-USM  Purchase
Agreement  is not  consummated  the lease will  become  invalid  and there is no
assurance  can be given  that the  Company  will  not  lose  its  rights  to the
leasehold properties.

The Company had  outstanding an 8% promissory  note (the "Note") plus additional
liabilities (collectively,  the "USM Indebtedness") with an aggregate balance of
$ 1,576,158  at September  15,  1999.  The USM  Indebtedness  represents  monies
advanced  to  the  Company  by an  affiliate  of  USM,  obligations  assumed  in
connection  with  the  contributions  of  Joint  Venture  interests  in 1997 and
additional  advances by USM. The Note was payable on May 4, 1998, and is secured
by all  the  Company's  mining  claims  and  mining  properties,  as well as its
interests in the Hayden/Kennec Leases. The Note was subject to successive 30-day
extensions throughout 1998 upon the mutual agreement of the maker and lender for
no additional  consideration.  The Note was assigned to USM on March 5, 1998. As
of September 15, 1999, the Company has not made any payments of principal and/or
interest accrued on the USM  Indebtedness.  USM and its affiliates have verbally
pledged to provide  financing  to the Company on an as needed  basis until on or
about January 1, 2000. The Company cannot assure, however, that USM will fulfill
its commitment to fund the Company's operations.

History of Transactions  between the Company and Mr. Martucci and His Affiliated

     In early 1997, an officer of the Company introduced Gems and Minerals Corp.
("Gems") to William C. Martucci  ("Martucci").  Martucci began negotiations with
Gems  to  enter  into  a  possible  business   combination   between  Martucci's
businesses,  on the  one  hand,  and  businesses  owned  and/or  operated  by or
affiliated  with Gems (the  "Gems  Businesses"),  on the  other  hand.  The Gems
Businesses  included an 82.5% interest in the Zeus No. 1 Investments  Zeus Joint
Venture ("Zeus Joint Venture") - a


California general  partnership between the Company and Island Investment Corp.,
a Nevada corporation ("Island").

     By mid to late 1997,  it became  apparent to the Company  that Gems did not
possess the  technical and  financial  resources  required to bring the Franklin
Mines into operation as  contemplated  by the Zeus Joint Venture.  Also,  during
this  period,   the  Company  had  established  a  relationship   with  Martucci
independent of Gems. On September 25, 1997, the Company entered into a letter of
intent  (the  "Martucci  Letter  of  Intent")  with  Martucci  to  acquire  (the
"Transaction")  all of the outstanding  shares of certain  entities owned by him
including  USM,  in  exchange  for newly  issued  shares of Common  Stock of the

     Pursuant  to  the  Martucci  Letter  of  Intent,   Martucci  would  receive
approximately 85% of the outstanding shares of the Company,  upon the closing of
the  completion  of  customary  due  diligence,   the  execution  of  definitive
agreements  and the approval of Franklin  stockholders.  Additionally,  Martucci
agreed to cover expenses incurred with respect to the Transaction in the form of
loans to the  Company.  Management  believed  that the  financial  support to be
supplied  by  Martucci  pursuant  to the  Martucci  Letter  of  Intent  would be
sufficient to fund the Company prior to the consummation of the Transaction.

     On November 25, 1997, in a step  transaction,  USM acquired an aggregate of
82.5%  interest in the Zeus Joint Venture from Gems and Nuco in exchange for the
assumption  of  approximately   $100,000  in  liabilities  of  Gems  (the  "Gems
Liabilities").  USM thereafter  simultaneously assigned the acquired interest to
the Company in exchange for the  assumption of the Gem's  liabilities.  Upon the
acquisition of the 82.5% interest of the Zeus Joint Venture by the Company,  the
Zeus Joint  Venture  relationship  with Gems was  terminated  and the Zeus Joint
Venture was  effectively  dissolved.  The result of the  termination of the Zeus
Joint Venture is that the Company has  reacquired  the right to received 100% of
the profits  generated  from the  Franklin  Mines and  Franklin  Mill once these
properties come into operation.

     On April 6, 1998, Martucci terminated the Martucci Letter of Intent.

     On or about August 3, 1998, the Company  entered into  agreements with each
of USM (the "USM Agreement") and Martucci (the "Martucci  Agreement").  Pursuant
to the USM  Agreement,  USM agreed to forgive  the  indebtedness  of the Company
evidenced by the USM Note;  release the security  interests in the collateral of
the  Company  securing  the USM Note and  assign  its  rights to the  Hayden-USM
Purchase Agreement in exchange for 42.5% of the issued and outstanding shares of
the Company.

     Under  the  terms  of the USM  Agreement,  Martucci  agreed  to sell to the
Company  100% of the  outstanding  shares  of USM in  exchange  for 42.5% of the
issued and  outstanding  shares of the  Company.  The  Company  intended to seek
stockholders'   approval  of  these   transactions  at  its  Annual  Meeting  of
Stockholders held in October 1998.

     In August 1998,  the Company filed a preliminary  proxy  statement with the
Securities and Exchange  Commission (the "Commission") for its annual meeting of
stockholders,  which included proposals to approve each of the USM Agreement and
the  Martucci  Agreement.  Shortly  after the  filing of the  preliminary  proxy
materials,  the Commission informed the Company that the staff of the Commission
(the  "Staff")  would be  conducting  a review  of the proxy  materials  and the
proposals.  The Company  informed USM of the Staff's  inquiry and was thereafter
notified that USM wished to terminate the agreements  under the premise that the
Company could not secure  stockholder  approval of the  transactions in a timely

     On September 21, 1998,  the Company  received a letter from USM  concerning
the monies loaned to the Company by USM,  which  included the monies owed to USM
by the  Company  pursuant  to the terms of the Note and an  additional  $144,280
loaned to the Company  subsequent  to the date of the Note.  At a meeting of the
Board of Directors  of the Company on October 8, 1998,  a negotiated  settlement
agreement  was  approved  by the Board,  whereby  USM agreed to convert  the USM
Indebtedness  into shares of common stock of the Company at a  conversion  price
equal to 50% of the  closing  bid price as of the close of  business  October 7,
1998.  The  price of the  Company's  common  stock at the close of  business  on
October 7, 1998 was $.66 per share.  Therefore,  the  conversion  rate under the
settlement  agreement would be one share of common stock of the Company for each
$.33 of the USM Indebtedness.

     It was further  agreed that the  settlement  plan would be implemented in a
two  step  transaction.  Approximately  $306,160  of  loans  would  be  paid  by
converting that portion into 927,757 shares of common


stock of the Company  resulting  in USM holding  approximately  19% of the total
issued and outstanding shares of common stock of the Company.  The conversion of
the remaining USM  Indebtedness  would be predicated upon either (i) stockholder
approval of the issuance of more than 20% of the  Company's  common stock in the
aggregate  to USM at a  discount  to market  price as  required  by the rules of
corporate governance  promulgated by the NASDAQ Small Cap Market ("NASDAQ"),  or
(ii) the issuance of a waiver by the NASDAQ excepting the Company for compliance
with this rule.  USM also agreed  that it would  continue to provide the Company
with financing going forward as further  inducement to consummate the settlement
agreement set forth above.

     Due to the fact that the Company had already expended significant monies to
conduct a proxy  solicitation  for its annual  meeting  scheduled on October 12,
1998, on October 19, 1998,  the Company made a formal  application  to NASDAQ in
accordance with Rule  4310(C)(25)(H)(ii) of the NASDAQ Stock Market for a waiver
of the  requirement  that the  Company  call a meeting  of its  stockholders  to
approve the issuance of over 20% in the aggregate of its stock to USM at a price
below market price. The rule allows for a waiver of this requirement when, among
other  things,  a  delay  in  securing   stockholder  approval  would  seriously
jeopardize the financial viability of the Company. On or about October 24, 1998,
the NASDAQ Stock Market contacted the Company and indicated that it was inclined
to deny the Company's  application  unless additional  information was submitted
for review.  The Company  thereafter  withdrew  its  application  and  re-opened
negotiations  with USM.  Although  the Board of  Directors  of the  Company  had
approved  the issuance of 927,757  shares of common  stock of the Company,  such
shares were never issued. The Company however, continues to be in default of the
USM Indebtedness  and has not, as of the date hereof,  repaid any of the amounts
owed to USM. The Company and USM are continuing negotiations with respect to the
outstanding monies owed to USM and USM is still funding the Company.

     In June  1999,  the  Company  and USM  mining  executed  a letter of intent
pursuant to which the Company  proposed  to  purchase  certain  assets of USM in
exchange  for 69% of the  Company's  common  stock  and  forgiveness  of the USM
Indebtedness. This proposed transaction was never consummated.

                             Appointment of Auditors

                              Item 2 on Proxy Card

     The Board of Directors has appointed  Lazar Levine & Felix LLP ("LLF"),  to
audit the financial statements of the Company for the fiscal year ended December
31, 1999.  Stockholders are being asked to ratify this appointment.  LLF audited
the Company's financial  statements for the fiscal years ended December 31, 1997
and 1998.  Representatives  of LLF will not be present at the  meeting to answer
questions or make a statement.

     The Company initially  retained LLF as its independent  auditors for fiscal
year 1997 after  notifying JH Cohn,  LLP ("Cohn") of its decision to dismiss the
firm as its independent  auditors.  The decision to dismiss Cohn was approved by
the Board of Directors of the Company.  During  fiscal year 1995 and 1996 of the
Company,  none of the reports issued by Cohn on the financial  statements of the
Company contained an adverse opinion or a disclaimer of opinion or was qualified
or modified as to audit scope, or account principles;  however, Cohn did include
in its audit reports an explanatory  paragraph  concerning the Company's ability
to  continue  as a going  concern.  During  fiscal  years  1995 and 1996 and any
subsequent interim periods prepared by Cohn prior to their dismissal, there were
no disagreements  between the Company and Cohn concerning  accounting principles
or practices,  financial  statement  disclosure,  or auditing scope or procedure
which would have caused Cohn to make a reference to the subject  matter  thereof
in its report had such  disagreement  not been resolved to the  satisfaction  of

     The  proposal  will be approved if it receives  the  affirmative  vote of a
majority  of the  shares  of  Common  Stock of the  Company  represented  at the

     The Board of Directors recommends that you vote IN FAVOR OF the appointment
of LLF.  Proxies  solicited  by the Board of  Directors  will be so voted unless
stockholders specify otherwise.

                                 Other Business

     The Board of Directors is not aware of any other matters to be presented at
the meeting. If any other


matters  would  properly  come  before the  meeting,  the  persons  named in the
enclosed  proxy  form  will vote the  proxies  in  accordance  with  their  best


     A  Stockholder  of record  may  present a  proposal  for action at the next
Annual Meeting of Stockholders  provided that the Company receives such proposal
at its  executive  office  no later  than June 7,  2000.  Upon  receipt  of such
proposal,  the Company  shall set forth the proposal in its Proxy  Statement for
that meeting. The proponent may submit a maximum of one (1) proposal of not more
than five hundred (500) words for inclusion in the Company's proxy materials for
a meeting of security holders.  At the next Annual Meeting,  management  proxies
will have discretionary  authority to vote on stockholder proposals that are not
submitted for inclusion in the Company's proxy statement  unless received by the
Company before August 7, 2000.

     The Company files annual, quarterly, and special reports, proxy statements,
and other  information  with the Commission.  You may read and copy any reports,
statements,  and other  information  that the Company files at the  Commission's
public reference room at 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington,  D.C. 20549. Please
call the Commission at 1-800-SEC-0330 for further  information on the operations
of the  Public  Reference  Room.  The  Company's  Commission  filings  also  are
available on the Commission's  Internet site, which is  The
Company's  Annual Report on Form 10-KSB for the year ended  December 31, 1998 is
delivered herewith.

Date: October 8, 1999                   By Order of the Board of Directors

                                        /s/  Richard Brannon
                                        Richard Brannon, Secretary