The following set of Articles of Association of the Company have been adopted at
the Extra-ordinary General Meeting of the Company held on 25th February 2000 in
substitution of the then existing set of Articles of Association]

                             THE COMPANIES ACT, 1956

                             ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION


                            REDIFF.COM INDIA LIMITED


        1.1.   The Regulations contained in Table "A" in the First Schedule to
               the Companies Act, 1956 shall apply to this Company.

        1.2.   The Regulations for the management of the Company and for the
               observance of the members thereof shall be such as contained in
               these Articles subject however to the exercise of the statutory
               powers of the Company in respect of repeal, additions,
               alterations, substitution, modifications and variations thereto
               as prescribed by the Companies Act, 1956.


        2.1.   In these presents, the following words and expressions shall
               have the following meanings, unless excluded by the subject or

        2.2.   DEFINITIONS

               2.2.1. 'The Act' means 'Companies Act, 1956' for the time being
                      in force and any amendment thereto.

               2.2.2. 'Affiliate' means with respect to any Person (the
                      "Specified Person"), any Person other than the Specified
                      Person directly or indirectly controlling, controlled by,
                      or under direct or indirect common control with the
                      Specified Person.

                      For the purposes of this definition, the term "control"
                      when used with respect to any Person means the beneficial
                      ownership, directly or indirectly, more than 25% of the
                      voting securities of such Person, or the ability to
                      control the composition or the decisions of the Board of
                      Directors, or the possession of the power to direct or
                      cause the direction of the management and policies of such
                      Person by virtue of the Articles or an Agreement or
                      contract or otherwise;



                    2.2.3.    'The Board' or 'The Board of Directors' refer to
                              the Board of Directors of the Company.

                    2.2.4.    'The Company' or 'This Company' means REDIFF.COM
                              INDIA LIMITED or such other name as may be changed
                              in accordance with law.

                    2.2.5.    'Directors' means the Directors for the time being
                              of the Company or as the case may be the Directors
                              assembled at a Board Meeting and shall include
                              Alternate Directors.

                    2.2.6.    "Fully diluted basis" means the shares then
                              issued, all the shares comprised in a proposed
                              issue, the shares underlying all outstanding
                              warrants, stock options, convertible debentures
                              and all other similar securities of the Company.

                    2.2.7.    'Month' shall mean calendar month.

                    2.2.8.    'The Office' means the Registered Office of the

                    2.2.9.    'Paid Up' shall include 'Credited as fully paid

                    2.2.10.   'Persons' shall include any corporation as well as

                    2.2.11.   `Promoters' shall mean Mr.Ajit Balakrishnan, Mr.
                              Arun Nanda and Rediffusion Advertising Private

                    2.2.12.   'These Presents' or 'Regulations' means these
                              Articles of Association as originally framed or
                              altered from time to time and in force for the
                              time being and include the Memorandum of
                              Association where the context so requires.

                    2.2.13.   'The Register' shall mean the Register of Members
                              to be kept as required by Section 150 of the Act.

                    2.2.14.   'The Seal' means the common seal for the time
                              being of the Company.

                    2.2.15.   'Section' means Section of the Act.

                    2.2.16.   `Shares' shall include all kinds of shares and
                              also include any security, instrument or right
                              (whether vested, deferred or contingent) entitling
                              or enabling the allottee or holder thereof to
                              acquire, whether directly or indirectly, shares
                              of, beneficial interest or voting rights in the

                    2.2.17.   'Shareholders' or 'Members' means the duly
                              registered holders from time to time of the shares
                              of the Company.



               2.2.18.  'Special Resolution' shall have the meaning assigned
                        thereto by Section 189 of the Act.

               2.2.19.  'Written' or 'In writing' means written or printed or
                        partly written and partly printed or lithographed or
                        typewritten or reproduced by any other substitute for

               2.2.20.  'Year' means the financial year of the Company as
                        defined in the Act.

        2.3.  INTERPRETATION

               2.3.1.   Words importing the masculine gender shall include the
                        feminine gender and vice versa.

               2.3.2.   Words importing the singular shall include the plural,
                        and vice versa.

               2.3.3.   Unless the context otherwise requires, words or
                        expressions contained in these regulations shall bear
                        the same meaning as in the Act or any statutory
                        modification thereof in force at the date at which these
                        regulations become binding on the Company.



               The Authorized share capital of the Company is Rs. 10,00,00,000
               (Rupees Ten crores) divided into 5,00,00,000 (Five crores) equity
               shares of Rs. 2/- each (Rupees Two) with powers to increase or
               reduce the same in accordance with the provisions of the
               Companies Act, 1956".



               Subject to the provisions of these Articles and the Act, the
               shares shall be under the control of the Directors who may,
               subject to the provisions of sections 78 to 81 of the Act, allot
               or otherwise, dispose off the same or any of them to such Persons
               and in such proportion and on such terms and conditions and
               either at a premium or at par or at a discount and at such time
               and for such consideration as the Directors think fit. As regards
               the allotment from time to time, the law in force, if any,
               relating thereto, shall be complied with, provided that the
               option or right to call of shares shall not be given to any
               Person or Persons except with the sanction of the Company in
               general meeting.

        4.2    STOCK OPTION PLANS

               The Directors are hereby authorized to issue equity shares or
               debentures (whether or not convertible into equity shares) for
               offer and allotment to such


               of the officers, employees, workers and associates of the
               Company as the Directors may select or the trustees of such
               trust as may be set up for the benefit of the officers,
               employees, workers and associates in accordance with the terms
               and conditions of such scheme, plan or proposal as the Directors
               may formulate and subject to such guidelines or regulations as
               may be prescribed by any regulatory authority.

        4.3    BUY-BACK OF SHARES

               Subject to the provisions of section 77-A of the Act and such
               other guidelines, rules and regulations as may be prescribed by
               any regulatory authority in this regard, the Company shall have
               the power to purchase its own shares and other specified
               securities at such rates and on such terms and conditions as is
               deemed fit by the Board.

               4.3.1  Subject as aforesaid and unless otherwise agreed at a
                      meeting of the Board of Directors all subsequent increases
                      in capital by issue of further shares/ securities shall be
                      on the following terms and conditions :

               a.     They shall be offered to the existing shareholders in
                      proportion to their shareholding in the Company at the
                      same price and terms and conditions to all the

               b.     Shareholders shall have the right of renunciation in
                      favour of non-shareholder, in respect of the shares so
                      offered; and

               c.     The Board of Directors of the Company shall have the right
                      to issue the shares not subscribed to by the existing
                      shareholders, to any third party.


               Subject to the provisions of Section 80, the Company shall have
               the power to issue any preference shares which are or at the
               option of the Company, are to be liable to be redeemed and the
               resolution authorizing such issue shall prescribe the manner,
               terms and conditions of redemption.


               4.5.1  If at any time the share capital is divided into different
                      classes of shares, the rights attached to any class
                      (unless otherwise provided by the terms of issue of the
                      shares of that class) may, subject to the provisions of
                      Sections 106 and 107, and whether or not the Company is
                      being wound up, be varied with the consent in writing of
                      the holders of three-fourths of the issued shares of that
                      class, or with the sanction of a special resolution passed
                      at a separate meeting of the holders of the shares of that

               4.5.2  To every such separate meeting, the provisions of these
                      regulations relating to general meetings shall mutatis
                      mutandis apply, but so that the necessary quorum shall be
                      two persons at least holding or representing by proxy
                      one-third of the issued shares of the class in question.


        4.6    RIGHTS NOT TO BE VARIED

               The rights conferred upon the holders of the shares of any class
               issued with preferred or other rights shall not, unless otherwise
               expressly provided by the terms of issue of the shares of that
               class, be deemed to be varied by the creation or issue of further
               shares ranking pari passu therewith.


               4.7.1  The Company may exercise the powers of paying commissions
                      conferred by Section 76, provided that the rate percent or
                      the amount of the commission paid or agreed to be paid
                      shall be disclosed in the manner required by that section.

               4.7.2  The rate of the commission shall not exceed the rate of
                      five percent of the price at which the shares in respect
                      whereof the same is paid are issued or an amount equal to
                      five percent of such price, as the case may be.

               4.7.3  The commission may be satisfied by the payment of cash or
                      the allotment of fully or partly paid shares or partly in
                      the one way and partly in the other.

               4.7.4  The Company may also, on any issue of shares, pay such
                      brokerage as may be lawful.


               4.8.1  Every person whose name is entered as a member in the
                      register of members shall be entitled to receive within
                      three months after allotment or within two months after
                      the application for the registration of transfer (or
                      within such other period as the conditions of issue shall
                      provide) :

             one certificate for all his shares without
                              payment; or

             several certificates, each for one or more
                              of his shares, upon payment of one rupee for
                              every certificate after the first.

               4.8.2  Every certificate shall be under the seal and shall
                      specify the shares to which it relates and the amount paid
                      up thereon.

               4.8.3  In respect of any share or shares held jointly by several
                      persons, the Company shall not be bound to issue more than
                      one certificate, and delivery of a certificate for a share
                      to one of several joint holders shall be sufficient
                      delivery to all such holders.


        If a share certificate is defaced, lost or destroyed, it may be renewed
        on payment of such fee, if any, not exceeding [two rupees], and on such
        terms, if any, as to evidence and indemnity and the payment of
        out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the Company in investigating
        evidence, as the Directors think fit.


        5.1    BOARD TO MAKE CALLS


               The Board may, from time to time, make calls upon the members in
               respect of any moneys unpaid on their shares (whether on account
               of the nominal value of the shares or by way of premium) and not
               by the conditions of allotment thereof made payable at fixed
               times :

        5.2    NOTICE TO MEMBERS

               Each member shall, subject to receiving at least fourteen days'
               notice specifying the time or times and place of payment, pay to
               the Company, at the time or times and place so specified, the
               amount called on his shares. However, the time specified by the
               Company in such notice shall be extended by the time required by
               the shareholder to obtain the necessary approvals of Government
               or Regulatory authorities.


               A call may be revoked or postponed at the discretion of the

        5.4    BOARD RESOLUTION

               A call shall be deemed to have been made at the time when the
               resolution of the Board authorising the call was passed and may
               be required to be paid by installments.


               5.5.1  The joint holders of a share shall be jointly and
                      severally liable to pay all calls in respect thereof.

               5.5.2  Any sum which by the terms of issue of a share becomes
                      payable on allotment or at any fixed date, whether on
                      account of the nominal value of the share or by way of
                      premium, shall, for the purposes of these regulations, be
                      deemed to be a call duly made and payable on the date on
                      which by the terms of issue such sum becomes payable.

               5.5.3  In case of non-payment of such sum, all the relevant
                      provisions of these regulations as to payment of interest
                      and expenses, forfeiture or otherwise shall apply as if
                      such sum had become payable by virtue of a call duly made
                      and notified.


               5.6.1  If a sum called in respect of a share is not paid before
                      or on the day appointed for payment thereof, the person
                      from whom the sum is due shall pay interest thereon from
                      the day appointed for payment thereof to the time of
                      actual payment calculated at the prime lending rate of the
                      State Bank of India, existing on the date of default, plus
                      18% per annum or at such lower rate, as the Board may

               5.6.2  The Board shall be at liberty to waive payment of any such
                      interest wholly or in part.

        5.7    CALLS IN ADVANCE

        The Board :

        5.7.1  may, if it thinks fit, receive from any member willing to advance
               the same, all or any part of the moneys uncalled and unpaid upon
               any shares held by him; and


        5.7.2  upon all or any of the moneys so advanced, may (until the same
               would, but for such advance, become presently payable) pay
               interest at such rate not exceeding, unless the Company in
               generalmeeting shall otherwise direct, six percent per annum, as
               may be agreed upon between the Board and the member paying the
               sum in advance.



               Wherever in the Act it has been provided that the Company shall
               have any right, privilege or authority or that the Company could
               carry out any transaction only if the Company is so authorised by
               its Articles, then and in that case by virtue of this Regulation,
               the Company is hereby specifically authorised, empowered and
               entitled to have such right, privilege or authority, to carry out
               such transactions as have been permitted by the Act without there
               being any separate Regulations in that behalf, herein provided.
               Without limiting the general authority conferred under this
               Article, the Company shall have the following rights, privileges,
               authorities to carry out the transactions as set out below under
               the relevant sections of the Act :

               6.1.1  To pay commission on issue of Shares & Debentures.

               6.1.2  To issue redeemable, cumulative Preference Shares.

               6.1.3  To accept unpaid share capital although not called up.

               6.1.4  To pay dividend in proportion to amount paid-up.

               6.1.5  To alter the share capital of the Company.

               6.1.6  To reduce the share capital of the Company.

               6.1.7  To alter the rights of shareholders.

               6.1.8  To pay interest out of capital.


        The Company may, from time to time, by ordinary resolution increase the
        authorised share capital by such sum, to be divided into shares of such
        amount, as may be specified in the resolution.


               The Company may, by ordinary resolution :

               6.3.1  consolidate and divide all or any of its share capital
                      into shares of larger amount than its existing shares;

               6.3.2  sub-divide its existing shares or any of them into shares
                      of smaller amount that is fixed by the memorandum,
                      subject, nevertheless, to the provisions of Clause (d) of
                      sub-section (1) of Section 94; and

               6.3.3  cancel any shares which, at the date of the passing of the
                      resolution, have not been taken or agreed to be taken by
                      any person.


               The Company may, by special resolution, reduce in any manner and
               with, and subject to, any incident authorised and consent
               required by law :

               6.4.1  its share capital;

               6.4.2  any capital redemption reserve amount; or

               6.4.3  any share premium account.



               7.1.1  The instrument of transfer of any share in a Company shall
                      be executed by or on behalf of both the transferor and

               7.1.2  The transferor shall be deemed to remain a holder of the
                      share until the name of the transferee is entered in the
                      Register of Members in respect thereof.

        7.2    REFUSAL TO TRANSFER

               7.2.1  Subject to the provisions of by Section 111A of the Act,
                      the Board may, at its own discretion, and without
                      assigning any reason, decline to register or acknowledge
                      any transfer of shares, whether fully paid or not,
                      (notwithstanding that the proposed transferee is already
                      a member), but any such refusal shall be conveyed to the
                      transferee and the transferor within one month from the
                      date on which the instrument of transfer was lodged with
                      the Company.


                      Neither the Company nor the Directors shall incur any
                      liability or responsibility whatsoever in consequence of
                      their registering or giving effect to any transfer of
                      shares made or purporting to be made by any apparent legal
                      owner thereof (as shown or appearing in the Register of
                      Members) to the prejudice of a Person or Persons having or
                      claiming any equitable right, title or interest to or in
                      the shares, notwithstanding the Company and the Directors
                      may have any notice of such equitable right, title or
                      interest or notice prohibiting the registration of such
                      transfer and may have entered such notice or reference
                      thereto, in any book of the Company , and neither the
                      Company nor the Directors shall be bound or required to
                      regard or attend or give effect to any such notice.
                      However, the Company and the Directors, shall nevertheless
                      be at liberty to regard and attend to any such notice and
                      give effect thereto if they shall so think fit.



               7.2.3  The Board may also decline to recognise any instrument of
                      transfer unless :

             a fee of two rupees is paid to the Company in
                              respect thereof;

             the instrument of transfer is accompanied by the
                              certificate of the shares to which it relates, and
                              such other evidence as the Board may reasonably
                              require to show the right of the transferor to
                              make the transfer; and

             the instrument of transfer is in respect of only
                              one class of shares.

               7.2.4  Subject to the provisions of Section 154, the registration
                      of transfers may be suspended at such times and for such
                      periods as the Board may

               7.2.5  Provided that such registration shall not be suspended for
                      more than thirty days at any one time or for more than
                      forty-five days in the aggregate in any year.


               7.3.1   The Company shall be entitled to charge a fee not
                       exceeding two rupees on the registration of every
                       probate, letters of administration, certificate of death
                       or marriage, power of attorney, or other instrument,
                       where applicable.

               7.3.2  In case of liquidation or winding up of any Shareholder
                      being a company, the shares of such Shareholder shall be
                      transferred to the other solvent Shareholders of the
                      Company in proportion to their shareholding in the

               7.3.3  On the death of a member, being an individual, the
                      survivor or survivors where the member was a joint holder,
                      and his legal representatives where he was a sole holder,
                      shall be the only persons recognised by the Company as
                      having any title to his interest in the shares.

               7.3.4  Nothing shall affect release the estate of a deceased
                      joint holder from any liability in respect of any share
                      which had been jointly held by him with other persons.

               7.3.5  Any person becoming entitled to a share in consequence of
                      the death or insolvency of a member may, upon such
                      evidence being produced as may hereinafter provided,
                      elect, either :

              to be registered himself as holder of the share;

              to make such transfer of the share as the
                               deceased or insolvent member could have made.

               7.3.6  The Board shall, in either case, have the same right to
                      decline or suspend registration as it would have had, if
                      the deceased or insolvent member had transferred the share
                      before his death or insolvency.


               7.3.7  If the person so becoming entitled shall elect to be
                      registered as holder of the share himself, he shall
                      deliver or sent to the Company a notice in writing signed
                      by him stating that he so elects.

               7.3.8  If the person aforesaid shall elect to transfer the share,
                      he shall testify his election by executing a transfer of
                      the share.

               7.3.9  All the limitations, restrictions and provisions of these
                      regulations relating to the right to transfer and the
                      registration of transfers of shares shall be applicable to
                      any such notice or transfer as aforesaid as if the death
                      or insolvency of the member had not occurred and the
                      notice or transfer were a transfer signed by that member.

               7.3.10 A person becoming entitled to a share by reason of the
                      death or insolvency of the holder shall be entitled to the
                      same dividends and other advantages to which he would be
                      entitled if he were the registered holder of the share,
                      except that he shall not before being registered as a
                      member in respect of the share, be entitled in respect of
                      it to exercise any right conferred by membership in
                      relation to meetings of the Company :

               7.3.11 Provided that the Board may, at any time, give notice
                      requiring any such person to elect either to be registered
                      himself or to transfer the share, and if the notice is not
                      complied with within ninety days, the Board may thereafter
                      withhold payment of all dividends, bonuses or other moneys
                      payable in respect of the share, until the requirements of
                      the notice have been complied with.



               The Company shall have a first and paramount lien :

               8.1.1  on every share (not being a fully-paid share), for all
                      moneys (whether presently payable or not) called, or
                      payable at a fixed time, in respect of the said share; and

               8.1.2  on all shares (not being fully-paid shares) standing
                      registered in the name of a single person, for all moneys
                      presently payable by him or his estate to the Company in
                      respect of the said shares.

               8.1.3  Provided that the Board of Directors may at any time
                      declare any share to be wholly or in part exempt from the
                      provisions of this clause.


               The Company's lien, if any, on a share shall extend to all
               dividends payable thereon.


               8.3.1  The Company may sell, in such manner as the Board thinks
                      fit, any shares on which the Company has a lien.


               8.3.2    Provided that no sale shall be made :

                unless a sum in respect of which the lien
                                 exists is presently payable; or

                until the expiration of fourteen days after a
                                 notice in writing stating and demanding payment
                                 of such part of the amount in respect of which
                                 the lien exists as is presently payable, has
                                 been given to the registered holder for the
                                 time being of the share or the person entitled
                                 thereto by reason of his death or insolvency.

        8.4    PROCEDURE FOR SALE

               8.4.1  To give effect to any such sale, the Board may authorise
                      some person to transfer the shares sold to the Purchaser

               8.4.2  The Purchaser shall be registered as the holder of the
                      shares comprised in any such transfer.

               8.4.3  The Purchaser shall not be bound to see to the application
                      of the purchase money, nor shall his title to the shares
                      be affected by any irregularity or invalidity in the
                      proceedings in reference to the sale.

        8.5    PROCEEDS OF SALE

               8.5.1  The proceeds of the sale shall be received by the Company
                      and applied in payment of such part of the amount in
                      respect of which the lien exists as is presently payable.

               8.5.2  The residue, if any, shall be paid to the person entitled
                      to the shares at the date of the sale, subject to a like
                      lien for sums not presently payable as existed upon the
                      shares before the sale.


        9.1    SERVICE OF NOTICE

               Subject to the provisions of Article 5.2 above, if a member fails
               to pay any call, or installment of a call, on the day appointed
               for payment thereof, the Board may, at any time, thereafter
               during such time as any part of the call or installment remains
               unpaid, serve a notice on him requiring payment of so much of the
               call or installment as is unpaid together with any interest which
               may have accrued.

        9.2    NOTICE

               The notice aforesaid shall :

               9.2.1  name a further day (not being earlier than the expiry of
                      fourteen days required by the notice is to be made; and

               9.2.2  state that, in the event of non-payment on or before the
                      day so named, the shares in respect of which the call was
                      made will be liable to be forfeited.


        9.3    FORFEITURE

               If the requirements of any such notice as aforesaid are not
               complied with, any share in respect of which the notice has been
               given may, at any time thereafter, before the payment required by
               the notice has been made, be forfeited by a resolution of the
               Board to that effect.


               9.4.1  A forfeited share may be sold or otherwise disposed of on
                      such terms and in such manner as the Board thinks fit.

               9.4.2  At any time before a sale or disposal as aforesaid, the
                      Board may cancel the forfeiture on such terms as it thinks

               9.4.3  A duly verified declaration in writing that the declarant
                      is a director (the managing agent, the secretaries and
                      treasurers), the manager or the secretary of the Company,
                      and that a share in the Company has been duly forfeited on
                      a date stated in the declaration, shall be conclusive
                      evidence of the facts therein stated as against all
                      persons claiming to be entitled to the share.

               9.4.4  The Company may receive the consideration, if any, given
                      for the share on any sale or disposal thereof and may
                      execute a transfer of the share in favour of the person to
                      whom the share is sold or disposed of.

               9.4.5  The Transferee shall thereupon be registered as the holder
                      of the share.

               9.4.6  The Transferee shall not be bound to see to the
                      application of the purchase money, if any, nor shall his
                      title to the share be affected by any irregularity or
                      invalidity in the proceedings in reference to the
                      forfeiture, sale or disposal of the share.


               9.5.1  A person whose shares have been forfeited shall cease to
                      be a member in respect of the forfeited shares, but shall,
                      notwithstanding the forfeiture, remain liable to pay to
                      the Company all moneys which, at the date of forfeiture,
                      were presently payable by him to the Company in respect of
                      the shares.

               9.5.2  The liability of such person shall cease if and when the
                      Company shall have received payment in full of all such
                      moneys in respect of the shares.

        9.6    APPLICABILITY

        The provisions of these regulations as to forfeiture shall apply in the
        case of non-payment of any sum which, by the terms of issue of a share,
        becomes payable at a fixed time, whether on account of the nominal value
        of the share or by way of premium, as if the same had been payable by
        virtue of a call duly made and notified.


        10.1   BY COMPANY


               The Company may, by ordinary resolution, :

               10.1.1 convert any paid-up shares into stock; and

               10.1.2 reconvert any stock into paid-up shares of any

        10.2   BY HOLDERS

               10.2.1 The holders of stock may transfer the same or any part
                      thereof in the same manner as, and subject to the same
                      regulations under which, the shares from which the stock
                      arose might before the conversion have been transferred,
                      or as near thereto as circumstances admit :

               10.2.2 Provided that the Board may, from time to time, fix the
                      minimum amount of stock transferable, so however that such
                      minimum shall not exceed the nominal amount of the shares
                      from which the stock arose.


               The holders of stock shall, according to the amount of stock held
               by them, have the same rights, privileges and advantages as
               regards dividends, voting at meetings of the Company, and other
               matters, as if they held the shares from which the stock arose;
               but no such privilege or advantage (except participation in the
               dividends and profits of the Company and in the assets on winding
               up) shall be conferred by an amount of stock which would not, if
               existing in shares, have conferred that privilege or advantage.

        10.4   APPLICABILITY

               Such of the regulations of the Company (other than those relating
               to share warrants), as are applicable to paid-up shares shall
               apply to stock and the words "share" and "shareholder" in those
               regulations shall include "stock" and "stock-holder"



               The Company may issue share warrants subject to, and in
               accordance with, the provisions of Sections 114 and 115; and
               accordingly the Board may in its discretion, with respect to any
               share which is fully paid up, on application in writing signed by
               the person registered as holder of the share and authenticated by
               such evidence (if any) as the Board may, from time to time,
               require as to the identity of the person signing the application,
               and on receiving the certificate (if any) of the share, and the
               amount of the stamp duty on the warrant and such fee as the Board
               may from time to time require, issue a share warrant.


               11.2.1 The bearer of a share warrant may at any time
                      deposit the warrant at the office of the Company, and so
                      long as the warrant remains so deposited, the depositor
                      shall have the same right of signing a requisition for
                      calling a meeting of the Company, and of


                      attending, and voting and exercising the other privileges
                      of a member at any meeting held after the expiry of two
                      clear days from the time of deposit, as if his name were
                      inserted in the register of members as the holder of the
                      shares included in the deposited warrant.

               11.2.2 Not more than one person shall be recognised as depositor
                      of the share warrant.

               11.2.3 The Company shall, on two days' written notice, return the
                      deposited share warrant to the depositor.

        11.3   RIGHT TO VOTE

               11.3.1 Subject as herein otherwise expressly provided, no person
                      shall, as bearer of a share warrant, sign a requisition
                      for calling a meeting of the Company, or attend, or vote
                      or exercise any other privilege of a member at a meeting
                      of the Company, or be entitled to receive any notices from
                      the Company.

               11.3.2 The bearer of a share warrant shall be entitled in all
                      other respects to the same privileges and advantages as if
                      he were named in the register of members as the holder of
                      the shares included in the warrant, and he shall be a
                      member of the Company.

        11.4   LOSS OF A SHARE WARRANT

        The Board may, from time to time, make rules as to the terms on which
        (if it shall think fit) a new share warrant or coupon may be issued by
        way of renewal in case of defacement, loss or destruction.



               12.1.1 The Board of Directors of the Company shall comprise of
                      not less than three and not more than seven Directors. The
                      first Directors of the Company are

                      1.     Ajit Balakrishnan

                      2.     Diwan Arun Nanda

               12.1.2 As on the date of adoption of these Articles of
                      Association, Mr. Ajit Balakrishnan is a director on the
                      board of the Company.

               12.1.3 So long as the Promoters hold not less than 10% of the
                      issued, subscribed and paid up capital of the Company the
                      Promoters shall be entitled to appoint Mr. Ajit
                      Balakrishnan as a director on the board of the Company. He
                      shall not be liable to retire.

               12.1.4 Mr. Ajit Balakrishnan shall be the Managing Director of
                      the Company and Mr. Arun Nanda shall be a director of the


               12.1.5 The remaining directors shall be appointed by a system of
                      cumulative voting, the appointments being made once in
                      three years.


                      The Board shall have power at any time, and from time to
                      time, to appoint a person as an additional director
                      provided that the number of Directors and additional
                      directors taken together shall not at any time, exceed the
                      maximum strength fixed for the Board by these Articles.
                      Any Director so appointed shall hold office only upto the
                      date of the next annual general meeting of the Company but
                      shall be eligible for re-appointment subject to provisions
                      of the Act and these Articles.

               12.1.7 CASUAL VACANCY

                      Subject to the provision of Section 262 of the Act, in the
                      event a casual vacancy is caused in the office of any of
                      the Directors appointed as per the provisions of these
                      Articles, either by reason of his/her resignation, death,
                      or otherwise or as an addition to the Board, the original
                      party appointing the Director vacating office shall have a
                      right to appoint some other person as Director in his/her
                      place. Any appointment as aforesaid shall be in writing
                      and shall be signed by the Shareholder appointing the
                      original Director. ( ) Such appointment shall take effect
                      as from the date of its receipt at the office of the
                      Company or the date of appointment specified in the
                      notice, whichever is later and subject to the provisions
                      of the Act.

               12.1.8 The continuing Directors may act notwithstanding any
                      vacancy in the Board; but, if and so long as their number
                      is reduced below the quorum fixed by the Act for a meeting
                      of the Board, the continuing directors or director may act
                      for the purpose of increasing the number of directors to
                      that fixed for the quorum, or of summoning a general
                      meeting of the Company, but for no other purpose.


               A Director need not hold any qualification shares in the Company.


               Subject to the provisions of the Act, the Board of Directors
               shall have a right to appoint an Alternate Director to act for a
               director (Original Director) during his absence.

        12.4   CHAIRMAN

               12.4.1 The Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Board as
                      well as all General Meetings and Extraordinary General
                      Meetings of the Company.

               12.4.2 As on the date of adoption of these Articles of
                      Association, Mr. Ajit Balakrishnan is the Chairman of
                      the board of the Company.

               12.4.3 So long as the Promoters hold not less than 10% of the
                      issued, subscribed and paid up capital of the Company the
                      Promoters shall be entitled to appoint Mr. Ajit
                      Balakrishnan as Chairman of the Board of the Company.

               12.4.4 The Chairman shall have a second or casting vote.


        12.5   MANAGING DIRECTOR

               12.5.1 The day to day management of the Company shall be vested
                      in the Managing Director subject to the superintendence,
                      guidance and direction of the Board of Directors.

               12.5.2 As on the date of adoption of these Articles of
                      Association, Mr. Ajit Balakrishnan is the Managing
                      Director of the Company.

               12.5.3 So long as the Promoters hold not less than 10% of the
                      issued, subscribed and paid up capital of the Company the
                      Promoters shall be entitled to appoint the Managing
                      Director of the Company.


               12.5.1 The Company may exercise the powers conferred by Section
                      50 with regard to having an official seal for use abroad,
                      and such powers shall be vested in the Board.

               12.5.2 The Company may exercise the powers conferred on it by
                      Sections 157 and 158 with regard to the keeping of a
                      foreign register; and the Board may (subject to the
                      provisions of those sections) make and vary such
                      regulations as it may think fit respecting the keeping of
                      any such register.

               12.5.3 All cheques, promissory notes, drafts, hundis, bills of
                      exchange and other negotiable instruments, and all
                      receipts for moneys paid to the Company, shall be signed,
                      drawn, accepted, endorsed, or otherwise executed, as the
                      case may be, by such person and in such manner as the
                      Board shall from time to time by resolution determine.

               12.5.4 Register every Director present at any meeting of the
                      Board or of a committee thereof shall sign his name in a
                      register to be kept for that purpose.

        12.6   QUORUM

               12.6.1 The quorum for the Meeting of the Board necessary for the
                      transaction of business by the Board shall be at least 2
                      (two) or one third of the total number of Directors on the
                      Board, whichever is higher. If within half an hour of the
                      time appointed for the meeting, a quorum is not present,
                      the meeting shall be adjourned. No fresh notice of the
                      meeting shall have to be given in such case. However, the
                      agenda shall not be changed in any manner whatsoever.

        12.7   MEETINGS

               12.7.1 The Board of Directors may meet for the dispatch of
                      business, adjourn and otherwise regulate its meetings, as
                      it thinks fit.

               12.7.2 A Director may, and the Company Secretary, on the
                      requisition of a Director shall, at any time, summon a
                      meeting of the Board.



               12.8.1 22 clear days' notice of every meeting of the Board of
                      Directors shall be given in writing to every Director
                      (whether original or alternate) at his usual address,
                      whether in India or abroad. Where a notice of meeting is
                      required to be given to a Director abroad, the notice
                      shall be given simultaneously by a registered air mail
                      letter and by telefax on a telefax number if any provided
                      by such Director. A meeting of the Board may be called by
                      a shorter notice with the consent of majority of

               12.8.2 The Board shall meet at least once in every calendar
                      quarter. In addition to personal meetings, the Board may
                      act by circular resolution on any matter except matters
                      which by law may only be acted upon at a meeting. Such
                      draft of a proposed resolution must be circulated to every
                      member of the Board whether in India or not and to Intel.

               12.8.3 Every notice convening a meeting of the Board shall set
                      out the agenda in full and in sufficient details of the
                      business to be transacted there at and no item or business
                      shall be transacted at such meeting unless the same has
                      been stated at full and in sufficient details in the said
                      notice convening the meeting, provided however that,
                      subject to Article 13, with the consent of a majority of
                      all the Board present at the meeting, any item or business
                      not included in the agenda may be transacted at the


               Every notice convening a meeting of the Board shall set out the
               agenda of the business to be transacted at such meeting in full
               and sufficient detail. In the meetings, only such agenda will be
               placed as is specified in the notice or shorter notice to the
               Directors and the agenda shall not be changed in any manner
               unless prior approval of a majority of the Directors is obtained.

               12.9.1 The Board may, subject to the provisions of the Act,
                      delegate any of its powers to committees consisting of
                      such member or members of its body as it thinks fit.

               12.9.2 Any committees so formed shall, in the exercise of the
                      powers so delegated, conform to any regulations that may
                      be imposed on it by the Board.

               12.9.3 A committee may elect a Chairman of its meetings.

               12.9.4 If no such Chairman is elected, or if at any meeting, the
                      Chairman is not present within five minutes after the time
                      appointed for holding the meeting, the members present may
                      choose one of their number to be Chairman of the meeting.

               12.9.5 A committee may meet and adjourn as it thinks proper.

               12.9.6 Questions arising at any meeting of a committee shall be
                      determined by a majority of votes of the members present.

               12.9.7 All acts done by any meeting of the Board or of a
                      committee thereof or by any person acting as a Director,
                      shall, notwithstanding that it may be afterwards
                      discovered that there was some defect in the appointment
                      of any one or more of such Directors or of any person
                      acting as aforesaid, or that they or any of them were
                      disqualified, be as


                      valid as if every such director or such person had been
                      duly appointed and was qualified to be a Director.

               12.9.8 Save as otherwise expressly provided in the Act, a
                      resolution in writing, signed by all the members of the
                      Board or of a committee thereof, for the time being
                      entitled to receive notice of a meeting of the Board or
                      committee, shall be as valid and effectual as if it had
                      been passed at a meeting of the Board or committee, duly
                      convened and held.


        13.1   All questions arising at the meeting of the Board shall be
               decided by a majority of votes of the Directors present and
               entitled to vote.



        14.1   Subject to the provisions of the Act, The remuneration of
               Directors of the Company, including the sitting fees payable to
               the Directors for attending the meeting of the Board or the
               Committees of the Board, shall be determined by the Board of
               Directors from time to time, provided that no Director shall be
               entitled to a sitting fee in excess of Rs.2000/- for attending
               the meetings of the Board..

        14.2   If any Director being willing, shall be called upon to perform
               extra services or special exertions or efforts (which expression
               shall include work done by a Director as member of any committee
               formed by the Directors) or to travel on the Company's business
               the Board may arrange with such Director for such special
               remuneration for such extra services or special exertions or
               efforts either by way of a daily allowance or payment of a
               lumpsum amount or otherwise as they may think fit.

        14.3   The remuneration to be paid to the Managing Director of the
               Company shall be as determined by the Board of Directors.

        14.4   AB shall, if he so desires, subject to statutory and regulatory
               approvals, if any, be entitled to remuneration and enjoy
               perquisites which are commensurate with companies engaged in
               similar businesses.


        The Board of Directors shall be entitled to exercise all such powers and
        to do all such acts and things as the Company is authorised to exercise
        and do, provided that the Board shall not exercise any power or do any
        act or thing, which is directed or required by the Act or any other
        provisions of law or by the Memorandum of Association of the Company or
        by these Articles to be exercised or done by the Company in General



        16.1   Any Director or other persons referred to in Section 314 of the
               Act may be appointed to or hold any office or place of profit in
               the Company or in any subsidiary of the Company, in accordance
               with the provisions of Section 314 of the Act.

        16.2   A Director of this Company may be or become Director of any other
               Company promoted by this Company or in which it may be interested
               as vendor, shareholder or otherwise and no such Director shall be
               accountable for any benefits received as a director or member of
               such Company.

        16.3   Subject to the provisions of Section 297 of the Act, a Director
               shall not be disqualified from contracting with the Company
               either as vendor or purchaser of goods, materials or services or
               for underwriting the subscription of any shares in or debentures
               of the Company nor shall any such contract or arrangement entered
               into by or on behalf of the Company with a relative of such
               Director, or a firm in which such Director or relative is a
               partner or with any other partner in such firm or with a private
               Company of which such Director is a member or director, be
               avoided nor shall any Director so contracting or being such
               member or so interested be liable to account to the Company for
               any profit realised by any such contract or arrangement by reason
               of such Director holding office or of the fiduciary relation
               thereby established.


        17.1   The Company shall in each year hold a General Meeting as its
               Annual General Meeting in additional to any other meetings in
               that year. All General Meetings, other than Annual General
               Meetings, shall be called Extraordinary General Meetings. The
               Annual General Meeting shall be held within six months after the
               expiry of such financial year, provided that not more than
               fifteen months shall lapse between the date of one Annual General
               Meeting and that of the next. Nothing contained in the foregoing
               provisions shall be taken as affecting the right conferred upon
               the Register under the provision of Section 166 (I) of the Act to
               extend the time within which any Annual General Meeting may be
               held. Every Annual General Meeting shall be called for a time
               during business hours, on a day that is not a public holiday, and
               shall be held at the Office of the Company or at some other place
               within the city in which the Office of the Company is situated as
               the Board may think and determine and the notices calling the
               Meeting shall specify it as the Annual General Meeting. Every
               member of the Company shall be entitled to attend either in
               person or by proxy and the Auditor of the Company shall have the
               right to attend and to be heard at any General Meeting which he
               attends on any part of the business which concerns him as
               Auditor. At every Annual General Meeting of the Company, there
               shall be laid on the table the Directors' Report and Audited
               Statement of Accounts, Auditors Report (if not already
               incorporated in the Audited Statement of Accounts), the proxy
               Register with proxies and the Register of Directors' shareholding
               which Register shall remain open and accessible during the
               continuance of the meeting. The Board of Directors shall prepare
               the Annual List of Members, Summary of the Share Capital, Balance
               Sheet and Profit and Loss Account forward the same to the
               Registrar in accordance with Sections 159, 161 and 220 of the

        17.2   The Board may, whenever it thinks fit, call an Extraordinary
               General Meeting.

        17.3   Twenty-one days notice at least of every General Meeting,
               Annual or Extraordinary, and by whomsoever called, specifying the
               day place and hour of meeting, and the general nature of the
               business to be transacted thereat, shall be given in the manner
               hereinafter provided, to


               such persons as are under these Articles entitled to receive
               notice from the Company, provided that in the case of an Annual
               General Meeting, with the consent in writing of all the members
               entitled to vote there at, and in case of any other meeting with
               the consent of membersholding not less than 95 percent of such
               part of the paid up share capital of the Company as gives a right
               to vote at the meeting, a meeting may be convened by a shorter
               notice. In the case of an Annual General Meeting, if any business
               other than (I) the consideration of the accounts, balance sheets
               and report of Board and the Auditors, (ii) the declaration of
               dividend, (iii) the appointment of Directors in place of those
               retiring, (iv) the appointment of, and fixing the remuneration
               of, the Auditors, if to be transacted and in the case of any
               other meeting in any event, there shall be annexed to the notice
               of the meeting a statement setting out all material facts
               concerning each such item of business, including in particular
               the nature and extent of the interest, if any, therein of every
               Director and the Manager (if any), where any such item of special
               business relates to, or affects any other company, the extent of
               shareholding interest is not less than 20 percent of the paid-up
               share capital of that other company. Where any item of business
               consists of the according of approval to of the members, or the
               non-receipt thereof, shall not invalidate any resolution the
               notice or notices upon which it was convened.


        18.1   QUORUM

               18.1.1 No business shall be transacted at any general meeting
                      unless a quorum of members is present at the time when the
                      meeting proceeds to business.

               18.1.2 Save as herein otherwise provided, five members present in
                      person shall be a quorum.

        18.2   CHAIRMAN TO PRESIDE

               The Chairman, if any, of the Board shall preside as Chairman at
               every General Meeting of the Company.


               If there is no such Chairman, or if he is not present within
               fifteen minutes after the time appointed for holding the meeting,
               or is unwilling to act as Chairman of the meeting, the Directors
               present shall elect one of their number to be Chairman of the


               If at any meeting no Director is willing to act as Chairman or if
               no Director is present within fifteen minutes after the time
               appointed for holding the meeting, the members present shall
               choose one of their number to be Chairman of the meeting.

        18.5   ADJOURNMENT

               18.5.1 The Chairman may, with the consent of any meeting at which
                      a quorum is present, and shall, if so directed by the
                      meeting, adjourn the meeting


               18.5.2 No business shall be transacted at any adjourned meeting
                      other than the business left unfinished at the meeting
                      from which the adjournment took place.

               18.5.3 When a meeting is adjourned for thirty days or more,
                      notice of the adjourned meeting shall be given as in the
                      case of an original meeting.

               18.5.4 Save as aforesaid, it shall not be necessary to give any
                      notice of an adjournment or of the business to be
                      transacted at an adjourned meeting.

        18.6   OTHER BUSINESS

               Any business other than that upon which a poll has been demanded
               may be proceeded with, pending the taking of the poll.

19.     VOTING

        19.1   At any General Meeting a resolution put to vote of a meeting
               shall be decided on a show of hands unless a poll is demanded
               before or on the declaration of the result of the show of hands.
               A poll shall be demanded by a member or members present in person
               or by proxy and holding shares which confer a power to vote on
               the resolution not being less than 1/10th of the total voting
               power or on which an aggregate sum of Rs.50, 000/- has been
               paid-up. The demand for a poll may be withdrawn at any point of
               time by the person or persons who made the demand.

        19.2   Subject to any rights or restrictions attached to any shares, on
               a show of hands every member who (being an individual) is present
               in person or by proxy, or (being a corporation) is present by a
               duly authorized representative, not being himself a member
               entitled to vote, shall have one vote and on a poll every member
               present in person or by proxy, shall be in proportion to his
               share of the paid-up equity capital of the Company.

        19.3   JOINT HOLDERS

               19.3.1 In the case of joint holders, the vote of the senior who
                      tenders a vote, whether in person or by proxy, shall be
                      accepted to the exclusion of the votes of the other joint

               19.3.2 For this purpose, seniority shall be determined by the
                      order in which the names stand in the register of members.


               A member of unsound mind, or in respect of whom an order has been
               made by any Court having jurisdiction in lunacy, may vote,
               whether on a show of hands or on a poll, by his committee or
               other legal guardian, and any such committee or guardian may, on
               a poll, vote by proxy.

        19.5   CALLS TO BE PAID

               No member shall be entitled to vote at any general meeting unless
               all calls or other sums presently payable by him in respect of
               shares in the Company have been paid.



               19.6.1 No objection shall be raised to the qualification of any
                      voter except at the meeting or adjourned meeting at which
                      the vote objected to is given or tendered, and every vote
                      not disallowed at such meeting shall be valid for all

               19.6.2 Any such objection made in due time shall be referred to
                      the Chairman of the meeting, whose decision shall be final
                      and conclusive.

        19.7   PROXY

               19.7.1 The instrument appointing a proxy and the power of
                      attorney or other authority, if any, under which it is
                      signed or a notarially certified copy of that power or
                      authority, shall be deposited at the registered office of
                      the Company not less than 48 hours before the time for
                      holding the meeting or adjourned meeting at which the
                      person named in the instrument proposes to vote, or, in
                      the case of a poll, not less than 24 hours before the time
                      appointed for the taking of the poll; and in default the
                      instrument of proxy shall not be treated as valid.

               19.7.2 An instrument appointing a proxy shall be in either of the
                      forms in Schedule IX to the Act or a form as near thereto
                      as circumstances admit.

               19.7.3 A vote given in accordance with the terms of an instrument
                      of proxy shall be valid, notwithstanding the previous
                      death or insanity of the principal or the revocation of
                      the proxy or of the authority under which the proxy was
                      executed, or the transfer of the shares in respect of
                      which the proxy is given:

               19.7.4 Provided that no intimation in writing of such death,
                      insanity, revocation or transfer shall have been received
                      by the Company at its office before the commencement of
                      the meeting or adjourned meeting at which the proxy is


        20.1   The profits of the Company shall be divisible subject to these
               Articles among the members in proportion to the amount of capital
               paid up on shares held by them respectively.

        20.2   The Board shall have authority to recommend the amounts, timing
               and currency of payment of any dividend or other distribution to
               be made by the Company.

        20.3   The Company may at an Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary
               General Meeting declare a dividend to be paid to the members
               according to their rights and interest in the profits and may fix
               the time for payments not exceeding forty two days from the
               declaration thereof but no dividend shall exceed the amount
               recommended by the Board.

        20.4   If two or more persons are registered as joint holders of any
               shares, any of such persons may give effectual receipts for any
               dividends or other monies payable in respect of such shares.

        20.5   The Company, in a General Meeting may, upon the recommendation of
               the Board resolve to capitalize any part of the amount for the
               time being standing to the credit of any of the Company's reserve
               accounts, share premium account or to the credit of the Profit
               and Loss


               Account, or otherwise available for distribution as bonus shares
               to be applied for the pre-determined purpose.

        20.6   The Board may from time to time pay to the members such interim
               dividend as appears to be justified by the profits of the

21.     AUDIT

        21.1   The Company shall, at the Annual General Meeting, appoint an
               Auditor or Auditors to hold office until the next Annual General
               Meeting. Provided however, that the person to be appointed as an
               Auditor from time to time shall be nominated shall be a reputed
               firm of Chartered Accountants. The Auditors shall be appointed
               and their duties shall be regulated in accordance with the
               provisions of the Act.

        21.2   At the end of each accounting year, an account of the business
               carried on in that year will be made and the statement of
               accounts, namely a Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account
               shall be prepared and audited. The accounts shall be signed by at
               least two Directors, one of whom shall be the Managing Director

        21.3   The accounting year of the Company will end on 31st March of each
               calendar year.

22.     ACCOUNTS

        22.1   The Board shall from time to time determine whether and to what
               extent and at what times and places and under what conditions or
               regulations, the accounts and books of the Company, or any of
               them, shall be open to the inspection of members not being

        22.2   No member (not being a Director) shall have any right of
               inspecting any account or book or document of the Company except
               as conferred by law or authorised by the Board or by the Company
               in general meeting.


        23.1   The Company in general meeting may, upon the recommendation of
               the Board, resolve :

               23.1.1 that it is desirable to capitalise any part of the amount
                      for the time being standing to the credit of any of the
                      Company's reserve accounts, or to the credit of the profit
                      and loss account, or otherwise available for distribution;

               23.1.2 that such sum be accordingly set free for distribution in
                      the manner specified in Clause (2) amongst the members who
                      would have been entitled thereto, if distributed by way of
                      dividend and in the same proportions.

        23.2   the sum aforesaid shall not be paid in cash but shall be applied,
               subject to the provision contained in Clause 24.1, either in or
               towards :

               23.2.1 paying up any amounts for the time being unpaid on any
                      shares held by such members respectively;


               23.2.2 paying up in full, unissued shares of the Company to be
                      allotted and distributed, credited as fully paid up, to
                      and amongst such members in the proportions aforesaid; or

               23.2.3 partly in the way specified in sub-clause 24.2.1 and
                      partly in that specified in sub-clause 24.2.2.

        23.3   A share premium account and a capital redemption reserve
               [account] may, for the purposes of this regulation, only be
               applied in the paying up of unissued shares to be issued to
               members of the Company as fully paid bonus shares.

        23.4   The Board shall give effect to the resolution passed by the
               Company in pursuance of this regulation.

        23.5   Whenever such a resolution as aforesaid shall have been passed,
               the board shall :

        23.6   make all appropriations and applications of the undivided profits
               resolved to be capitalised thereby, and all allotments and issues
               of fully paid shares, if any; and

        23.7   generally do all acts and things required to give effect thereto.

        23.8   The Board shall have full power :

               23.8.1 to make such provision, by the issue of fractional
                      certificates or by payment in cash or otherwise as it
                      thinks fit, for the case of shares or debentures becoming
                      distributable in fractions; and

               23.8.2 to authorise any person to enter, on behalf of all the
                      members entitled thereto, into an agreement with the
                      Company providing for the allotment to them respectively,
                      credited as fully paid up, of any further shares to which
                      they may be entitled upon such capitalisation, or (as the
                      case may require) for the payment up by the Company on
                      their behalf, by the application thereto of their
                      respective proportions of the profits resolved to be
                      capitalised, of the amounts or any part of the amounts
                      remaining unpaid on their existing shares.

               23.8.3 Any agreement made under such authority shall be effective
                      and binding on all such members.


        24.1   The records and the accounts of the Company will be maintained in
               accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in
               India, consistently applied and as well as with International
               Accounting Principles. Such records and accounts shall be kept at
               the offices of the Company and shall be made available during
               normal business hours for inspection by members or their
               representatives, as the case may be.

        24.2   The Company shall provide to its Board of Directors on a monthly
               basis and within 30 days of the prior month's end, accounting
               statements, reporting or any other information. The minimum level
               of reporting shall include income statements, balance-sheets, and
               cash flow statements.

25.     THE SEAL


        25.1   The Board shall provide for the safe custody of the seal.

        25.2   The seal of the Company shall not be affixed to any instrument
               except by the authority of a resolution of the Board or of a
               committee of the Board authorised by it in that behalf, and
               except in the presence of at least two directors and of the
               secretary or such other person as the Board may appoint for the
               purpose, and those two directors and the secretary or other
               person as aforesaid shall sign every instrument to which the seal
               of the Company is so affixed in their presence. The seal of the
               Company may be used outside India.

26.     WINDING UP

        26.1   In the event of winding up of the Company, the liquidator may,
               with the sanction of a Special Resolution of the Company and any
               other sanction required under the Act, divide amongst members, in
               specie or in kind the whole or any part of the assets of the
               Company, whether they shall consist of property of the same kind
               or not.

        26.2   For the purpose aforesaid, the liquidator may set such value as
               he deems fair upon any property to be divided as aforesaid and
               may determine how much division shall be carried out as between
               the members or different classes of members.

        26.3   The liquidator may, with the like sanction, vest the whole or any
               part of such assets in trustees upon such trusts for the benefit
               of the contributories as the liquidator, with the like sanction,
               shall think fit, but so that no member shall be compelled to
               accept any shares or other securities whereon there is any


        27.1   Subject to the provisions of Section 201 of the Act and so far as
               such provisions permit, every Director, Manager, Secretary,
               Auditor and other Officer or servant of the Company shall be
               indemnified by the Company against any claim, and it shall be the
               duty of the Directors, out of the funds, of the Company to pay,
               all costs, losses and expenses which any such person may incur or
               become liable to incur by reason of any contract entered into or
               act or thing done by him as Director, Officer, Auditor or Servant
               or in any way in the discharge of his duties including traveling
               expenses, and the amount for which indemnity is provided shall
               immediately attach as a lien on the property of the Company and
               have priority as between the members over all other claims.

        27.2   The Company may indemnify any Director, Auditor or Officer of the
               Company or any person employed by the Company or Auditor against
               any liability incurred by him in defending any proceedings
               whether civil or criminal in which judgment is given in his
               favour or in which he is acquitted or discharged or in connection
               with any application under Section 633 of the Act in which relief
               is granted to him by the Court.

28.     SECRECY

        28.1   Every Director, Auditor, Executor, Trustee, Member of the
               Committee, Officer, Servant, Agent, Accountant or other person
               employed in the business of the Company shall be deemed to have
               pledged himself to observe a strict secrecy in respect of all
               transactions of the Company with the customers and the state of
               the accounts with individuals in matters relating thereto and
               shall be deemed to have pledged not to reveal any of the matters
               which come to his


               knowledge in the discharge of his duties except when required to
               do so by the Directors or by a Court of Law as the case may be
               and except so far as may be necessary in order to comply with
               any of the provisions in this presents contained.

        28.2   No member, not being a Director shall be entitled, except to the
               extent expressly permitted by the Act or these Articles, to enter
               upon the property of the Company or to require discovery of any
               information respecting any detail of the Company's trading or any
               matter which is or may be in the nature of a trade secret, which
               may relate to the conduct of the business of the Company and
               which, in the opinion of the Board, it will not be expedient in
               the interest of the members of the Company to communicate to the


        29.1   The Directors shall from time to time determine whether and to
               what extent and at what time and place and under what conditions
               or regulations, the accounts, books and documents of the Company
               or any of them shall be open to the inspection of the members and
               no member (not being a Director) shall have any right to
               inspecting any accounts or books or documents of the Company
               except as conferred by statue or authorised by the Directors or
               by a resolution of the Company passed in a General Meeting.

        29.2   The Books, Registers, and other documents required to be
               maintained by the Company and kept open for inspection under
               provision of the Act and particularly Sections 49, 118, 144, 163,
               196, 301, 302, 304, 307 and 362 of the Act, shall be available
               for inspection at the Registered Office of the Company by the
               persons entitled thereto to the extent and in the manner and on
               payment of the requisite fees, if any, specified in the aforesaid
               provisions, between the hours of 10.30 am and 12.30 p.m. on each
               business day or between such other hours or such other time as
               the Directors may from time to time determine.

        29.3   Provided, however, that the Registers required to be maintained
               under Section 307 of the Act shall be open for inspection of the
               members and holders of debentures of the Company between the
               above mentioned hours only during the period prescribed by
               Section 307 of the Act.


       The Amended and Restated Shareholders' Rights Agreement dated 24th
       February 2000 (the Shareholders' Rights Agreement) shall form part of
       these Articles of Association and, notwithstanding anything contained
       herein to the contrary, the relationship between the Company and the
       parties to the Shareholders' Rights Agreement as members of the Company
       shall continue to be governed by the Shareholders' Rights Agreement.
