We hereby consent to the use in Amendment No. 6 to the Registration Statement on
Form S-1 of our reports dated October 23, 2000, except for Note 15, as to which
the date is March 14, 2001 and the second paragraph of Note 16 and the fifth
paragraph of Note 10, as to which the date is April 2, 2001, relating to the
financial statements of Simplex Solutions, Inc. and its subsidiaries, and our
report dated October 23, 2000 relating to the financial statements of Altius
Solutions, Inc. which appear in such Registration Statement. We also consent to
the use of our report dated October 23, 2000 relating to the financial statement
schedule of Simplex Solutions, Inc. which appears in this Registration
Statement. We also consent to the reference to us under the heading "Experts" in
such Registration Statement.

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

San Jose, California
April 9, 2001