CISCO SYSTEMS, INC.

                                     FY 2002


              PLAN is to financially reward eligible employees for their
              contributions to the success and profitability of the Cisco
              Systems, Inc. and all of its subsidiaries.

       B.     PARTICIPANTS: This Plan applies solely to employees of Cisco
              Systems, Inc. and all of its subsidiaries in Grades 1 through 14,
              083, 084, 090, 150, 200, and 888.

       C.     EFFECTIVE DATE: This Plan is only effective for the Fiscal Year
              2002 beginning July 29, 2001, through July 27, 2002. Grades 1
              through 7 will be transferred to the P&L Incentive Plan effective
              October 28, 2001. This Plan will expire on July 27, 2002
              ("Expiration Date").

       D.     CHANGES IN PLAN: The Company presently has no plans to change the
              Plan during the fiscal year. However, the Company reserves the
              right to modify or cancel the Plan in total or in part, at any
              time. Any such change must be in writing and signed by the
              President/CEO. The President/CEO or Plan designers reserve the
              right to interpret the Plan document as needed. Nothing in this
              plan is intended to create an entitlement to any employee for any
              incentive payment here under.

       E.     ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This Plan is the entire understanding between
              Cisco Systems, Inc. and all of its subsidiaries and the employee
              regarding the subject matter of this Plan and supersedes all prior
              bonus or commission incentive plans, or employment contracts
              whether with any holding company, subsidiary, or affiliate thereof
              (including Cisco Systems, Inc.) or any written or verbal
              representations regarding the subject matter of this Plan unless
              superceded by local law.


       A.     ELIGIBILITY: The participant must be employed in an
              incentive-eligible position on or before the first working day of
              the last fiscal quarter of Fiscal Year 2002 and must be employed
              by the last working day of the fiscal year to be eligible for a
              Fiscal Year 2002 incentive payment. Participants in the Plan with
              less than one year of service will be eligible for a prorated
              incentive amount from the effective date in the participation of
              the plan up to and including the Expiration Date. In no event will
              any individual accrue any right or entitlement to an incentive
              under this Plan unless that individual is employed by the last
              working day of Fiscal Year 2002.

              Any exceptions to the above must be approved in writing by the

              The amount of any incentive payment payable to any employee
              pursuant to this Plan shall be reduced proportionately by the
              amount of any outstanding debt to the company incurred on a sales
              commission plan.


              The participants are eligible for the incentive payout if they
              meet the following requirements at both the time of calculation of
              such payments and at payout:

                            -      are not concurrently on a sales incentive or
                                   commission plan

                            -      have not entered into a Mutual Separation

                            -      not on a Performance Improvement Plan or
                                   Written Warning

Professional and Leadership Incentive Plan FY2002                    Page 2 of 5

                            -      Employees in the bottom 5% will not receive
                                   an incentive payout.


            INCENTIVE       INDIVIDUAL        COMPANY       MARKET       CUSTOMER                         TOTAL
SALARY      PERCENTAGE        FACTOR          FACTOR        FACTOR        FACTOR           FACTOR       INCENTIVE
- ------      ----------      -----------     -----------     ------     ------------      ---------      ---------

       C.     THE ANNUAL BASE SALARY in effect at the end of Q2 for midyear and
              the end of Q4 for year-end represents the basis for the incentive

       D.     INCENTIVE TARGET PERCENTAGE is a percentage of base salary
              determined by the grade level.

              GRADES                                     INCENTIVE TARGET %
              ------                                     ------------------
              1 - 4                                              7%
              5 - 7                                              9%
              8 AND 9                                           14%
              10 AND 11                                         17%
              12                                                30%
              013, 014, 083, 084, AND 090                       40%
              200 AND 888                                       50%
              150                                               60%

       E.     INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE FACTOR (IPF) is based upon the manager's
              evaluation of participants' performance and contribution for the
              fiscal year. As a Factor to the Incentive target percentage for
              the grade, this factor can range from .5 to 1.5 (i.e., .5 X 14% =
              7%, 1.0 X 14% = 14%, or, 1.5 X 14% = 21%). The assigned IPF may
              also be zero, resulting in no incentive.

       F.     COMPANY PERFORMANCE FACTOR is based upon achieving an established
              worldwide Revenue target and a worldwide Profit Before Interest
              and Tax (PBIT) target per the current Plan by Cisco Systems, Inc.
              and all of its subsidiaries. The PBIT achievement to target is
              more heavily weighted relative to the worldwide Revenue target.
              80% of each objective must be achieved for any incentive to be
              paid. Maximum payout under the Plan is 190% or a Factor of 1.9.
              When the Revenue and PBIT percentages of goal fall between the
              stated percentages on the matrix, the Performance Factor will be
              determined using a straight-line interpolation approach. The
              applicable targets for Fiscal Year 2002 can be amended at any time
              during the fiscal year.

       G.     MARKET SHARE FACTOR is based upon achievement of market share
              growth from prior year compared to our list of key competitors.
              This factor may range from 0.50 - 1.00 based on the following

                 ------------------------          ----------------------------
                           < 0                                   0
                            0                                  0.50
                            1                                  0.56
                            2                                  0.62
                            3                                  0.68
                            4                                  0.74
                            5                                  0.80
                            6                                  0.84
                            7                                  0.88
                            8                                  0.92
                            9                                  0.96
                           10 +                                1.00

       H.     CUSTOMER SATISFACTION FACTOR is based upon achievement of an
              overall worldwide customer satisfaction survey score drawn from
              all Cisco Systems Inc. and all of its subsidiaries together
              worldwide. This Factor may range from 0.95-1.20 based on the
              following criteria:

Professional and Leadership Incentive Plan FY2002                    Page 3 of 5

               ----------------------------           -------------------
                          < 4.37                             0.95
                       4.37 - 4.40                           1.05
                       4.41 - 4.49                           1.10
                          4.50 +                             1.20

       I.     TRANSFERS AND TERMINATIONS: Employees who are participants in the
              Plan and who transfer to a new position not governed by this Plan
              will be eligible on a pro-rata basis for the applicable period and
              paid as defined by the Plan. Employees who transfer into the Plan
              from another plan will be subject to proration as well, and
              consequently will be eligible to receive an incentive payment
              based on their participation in this Plan during Fiscal Year 2002
              applying the Proration Factors referred to below. Payments from
              the plan are subject to reduction by advances, unearned commission
              advances, draws or prorations and appropriate withholdings. Any
              exceptions to the Plan must be designated in writing and approved
              by the President/CEO of the Cisco Systems, Inc..

              A participant must be employed as of the last working day of the
              fiscal year to be eligible for the year-end incentive. A
              participant must be employed on the day of distribution to receive
              a partial midyear payment under paragraph II-L. If an employee
              terminates prior to the applicable date, the employee will not be
              eligible for such incentive or partial payment.

       J.     PRORATION FACTOR accounts for the number of calendar days during
              the fiscal year that the employee was in the incentive-eligible
              position. For example, the proration factor for an employee who
              has been on the Plan the entire year will be "1.00". For an
              employee who has been on the plan for 6 months, this factor will
              be "0.50". Employees in the following situations will have a
              Proration Factor of less than "1.00":

              -      Participants in the Plan who transferred to a new position
                     not covered by the Plan.

              -      Employees who transferred from one incentive-eligible
                     position to another incentive-eligible position. Employees
                     in this situation will have their incentive prorated based
                     on length of time in each position.

              -      Employees who have been in the Plan less than 12 months
                     (such as a new hire).

              -      Employees who have been on a leave of absence of any length
                     during the fiscal year.

              -      Employees working less than the full-time standard work
                     week will receive an incentive prorated according to the
                     following schedule:

                                     HOURS WORKED                                  INCENTIVE ELIGIBILITY
                     Less than full-time as defined by standard         prorated according to the average number of
                     work week                                          hours worked

                     Any modification to the above schedule must be approved by
                     the next-level Manager and Compensation in advance of the
                     year-end close date.

       K.     INCENTIVE FORMULA AND CALCULATION EXAMPLE: Assume an employee with
              a base salary of $95,000, incentive target of 14%, individual
              performance factor of 1.00, Cisco Systems, Inc. and all of its
              subsidiaries' Company Performance Factor of 1.30, a customer
              satisfaction factor of 1.05, and a proration factor of 1.00.

Professional and Leadership Incentive Plan FY2002                    Page 4 of 5

                                            SAMPLE CALCULATION
            INCENTIVE      INDIVIDUAL       COMPANY     MARKET      CUSTOMER                        TOTAL
 ------     ----------     -----------    -----------   ------    ------------     ---------      ---------
$95,000  X     0.14     X     1.00     X      1.30    X  1.00   X     1.05      X     1.00    =  $18,154.50*

              *less any advance paid

              In this example, the total incentive equals 19.1% of base salary.

              Systems, Inc. and all of its subsidiaries' Company Performance
              Factor is at a minimum of 1.00, (measured on the basis of midyear
              revenue and PBIT), a partial payment may be distributed to
              eligible employees midway through the fiscal year. This advance
              will be 50% of the incentive target times current base salary,
              reduced by advances, unearned commission advances, draws,
              prorations and appropriate withholdings. This advance will be
              deducted from the year-end payout. The incentive will be paid to
              employees who have met job expectations and were hired on or
              before the first working day of the second quarter of Fiscal Year
              2002 and active on the day of distribution. In no event, however,
              will any right or entitlement to such a partial payment accrue to
              any eligible participant unless that individual is employed by
              Cisco Systems, Inc. or a participating Cisco subsidiary on the
              distribution date.

              If the Cisco Systems, Inc. and all of its subsidiaries' Company
              Performance Factor is not at a minimum of 1.00 (measured on the
              basis of midyear revenue and PBIT) but is at least .80, then a
              partial payment may, at the sole discretion of Cisco's
              President/CEO be distributed midway through the fiscal year to all
              or part of the employee population covered by the Plan, with the
              actual recipients to be determined by the President/CEO. Any such
              discretionary payment may be in an amount up to 25% of the
              incentive target by level. However, only employees who have met
              job expectations and were hired on or before the first day of the
              second quarter of Fiscal Year 2002 and are active on the day of
              distribution will be eligible for such a discretionary payment.

              Any payout for employees in the bottom 5% is at manager's
              discretion and subject to Human Resource agreement.

              and all of its subsidiaries' performance fail to achieve the
              minimum revenue and PBIT targets for Fiscal Year 2002 so that no
              year-end payout becomes due under the Plan, then the President/CEO
              may, at his or her sole discretion, authorize a year-end payment
              in an amount up to 25% of the incentive target to all or a portion
              of the employee population covered by the Plan, but in no event
              will an individual be eligible for such a discretionary payment
              unless he or she is employed by on the last day of the fiscal
              year. All payments are subject to reduction by advances, unearned
              commission advances, draws or prorations and appropriate

       N.     DEFINITIONS: For the sole purpose of this Plan, the following
              words shall have the meanings set out below:

                     "Employment Termination Agreement" includes any agreement,
                     (other than an employment agreement or offer letter or
                     employee handbook or policy or collective bargaining
                     agreement which is generally applicable to the employees
                     and the participating employee in respect of his or her
                     termination of employment.

Professional and Leadership Incentive Plan FY2002                    Page 5 of 5


       A.     PROCEDURE:

              1.     A copy of the Plan will be made available to each

              2.     All incentive payments will be made after all required or
                     elected withholdings have been deducted.

       B.     BUSINESS CONDUCT: It is the established policy of Cisco Systems,
              Inc. and all of its subsidiaries to conduct business with the
              highest standards of business ethics. Employees may not offer,
              give, solicit or receive any payment that could appear to be a
              bribe, kickback or other irregular type of payment from anyone
              involved in any way with an actual or potential business

       C.     EMPLOYMENT AT WILL (US ONLY): The employment of all Plan
              participants at Cisco Systems, Inc. and all of its subsidiaries is
              for an indefinite period of time and is terminable at any time by
              either party, with or without cause being shown or advance notice
              by either party. This Plan shall not be construed to create a
              contract of employment for a specified period of time between
              Cisco Systems, Inc. and all of its subsidiaries and any Plan
              participant. Any modification of the employment relationship
              inconsistent with this Section must be in writing and signed by
              the company's President/CEO of Cisco Systems, Inc.