TELUS MOBILITY

                          CELLULAR DIGITAL PACKET DATA
                               RESELLER AGREEMENT


                                 TELUS MOBILITY,
                           3E, 3030 - 2nd Avenue S.E.
                            Calgary, Alberta T2A 5N7
                              Fax: 403 - 272 - 4866
                      (collectively referred to as "TELUS")
                                     - and -

                                  At Road, Inc
                                 (Reseller Name)
                              47200 Bayside Parkway
                                (Street Address)
                            Fremont, California 94538
                              Fax: 510 - 445 - 0785

                                 (Reseller Code)

                                ("the Reseller")


A. TELUS provides cellular digital packet data ("CDPD") network services within
the Provinces of Alberta and British Columbia, and provides such services using
facilities and equipment owned or leased by TELUS;

B. The Reseller markets, sells and services mobile resource management equipment
and application software used in conjunction with CDPD network services, and
wishes to acquire CDPD network services from TELUS in accordance with the terms
and conditions of this Agreement for the purpose of marketing and reselling such
services to end users in the Province of Alberta and British Columbia;

In consideration of the covenants set out in this Agreement, TELUS and the
Reseller agree as follows:


1.1    In this Agreement:

       (a) "Affiliate" means "affiliate" as that term is defined in section 2 of
       the Canada Business Corporations Act;

       (b) "End Users" refers to persons that acquire the MRM Products and
       Service and the TELUS Service from the Reseller, for use by themselves or
       their employees, agents and subcontractors;

       (c) "MRM Products and Service" means the mobile resource management
       equipment and application software, and any other related products and
       services, that are marketed, sold, supplied and serviced by the Reseller
       in Alberta and British Columbia;

                                     Page 1

       (d) "Resale", "Resell" or "Reselling" refers to the sale and use by the
       Reseller of the TELUS Service and the related network entity identifiers
       to End Users, for a fee or a charge, in connection with the MRM Products
       and Service;

       (e) "Reseller Agent" refers to a person to whom the Reseller delegates or
       subcontracts any of its duties or obligations under and in accordance
       with this Agreement, or who is appointed by the Reseller to market,
       promote or resell the MRM Products and Service on behalf of the Reseller;

       (f) "TELUS Service" refers to the CDPD network services provided by
       TELUS, and which are marketed and resold by the Reseller to End Users,
       for a fee or a charge and in connection with the MRM Products and
       Services; and

       (g) "Term" refers to the initial term of this Agreement, or any renewal
       term, as described in section 2.

1.2    TELUS agrees to provide the Reseller with the TELUS Service within the
       TELUS service area in Alberta and British Columbia, and with related
       network entity identifiers, on the terms and conditions set out in this
       Agreement and for the purpose of the Resale of the TELUS Service, and
       TELUS hereby appoints the Reseller as one of TELUS's approved resellers
       for such purpose.

2.     TERM

2.1    The initial term of this Agreement shall be fourteen months, commencing
       November 1, 2000, and ending December 31, 2001, and thereafter shall be
       automatically renewed for successive one year terms, on the same terms
       and conditions as set out in this Agreement, unless written notice of
       termination is given by either party to the other party at least 90 days
       prior to the end of the original term, or any renewal term, as the case
       may be, or unless sooner terminated as provided for herein.


3.1    Except as may be expressly permitted or provided for in this Agreement,
       TELUS and the Reseller will not create any obligation on behalf of the
       other, either express or implied, they are not responsible for the acts
       and omissions of the other or the other's employees or agents, and no
       agency, employment, partnership, franchise, joint venture or other joint
       relationship is created by this Agreement.


4.1    The rights granted to the Reseller in this Agreement are not exclusive,
       and TELUS has the unrestricted right, in its sole discretion:

       (a) to provide the TELUS Service to, and to appoint other resellers for
       the purposes of marketing and reselling the TELUS Service in any area or
       province, in connection with automatic vehicle location services or any
       other products or services;

       (b) to appoint dealers, agents or authorized representatives to market,
       promote, solicit customers (including customers of the Reseller) and
       subscriptions for, or sell the TELUS Service on behalf of TELUS to any
       persons throughout the Provinces of Alberta or British Columbia,
       including customers of the Reseller, for any purpose;

       (c) to provide the TELUS Service to any persons in the Provinces of
       Alberta or British Columbia, including customers of the Reseller.

4.2    Except as is expressly permitted or provided for in this Agreement, or
       except with the prior written consent of TELUS, the Reseller agrees that:


       (a) it will not, directly, or indirectly through its directors, officers,
       shareholders, an affiliated corporation, an agent or subcontractor, or
       otherwise, market, promote, solicit customers or subscriptions for,
       supply, sell or resell any service in competition to the TELUS Service or
       any other wireless telecommunications network service offered or provided
       by TELUS within the Provinces of Alberta and British Columbia;

       (b) it will not authorize any director, officer, shareholder, affiliated
       corporation, agent or subcontractor to market, promote, solicit customers
       or subscriptions for or sell any service in competition to the TELUS
       Service or any other wireless telecommunications network service offered
       or provided by TELUS, or to have any controlling interest in any entity
       that markets, promotes, sells or provides any service in competition to
       the TELUS Service or any other wireless telecommunications network
       service offered or provided by TELUS within the Provinces of Alberta and
       British Columbia;

       (c) it will not enter into any agreements with the provider of any such
       competing service; and

       (d) it will not display any signage or literature of the provider of any
       such competing service.

       Provided however, that the foregoing provision shall not apply to the
       supply, sale or resale of any service offered or provided by an Affiliate
       of TELUS including, but not limited to, Clearnet PCS Inc. or Clearnet


5.1    The Reseller shall market, promote and Resell the TELUS Service to End
       Users throughout the Provinces of Alberta and British Columbia, at its
       own expense and using its own efforts. The Reseller shall maintain such
       marketing and customer service standards that are appropriate in order to
       maintain a high quality TELUS Service and reputation, shall provide
       customers and End Users with prompt, courteous, and efficient service,
       shall take every reasonable precaution not to disclose any customer or
       End User information, other than as permitted by Reseller's privacy
       policy, as amended from time to time, or any applicable privacy
       legislation, and shall deal with customers and End Users honestly and
       fairly. Neither party shall by way of statement, act or omission,
       discredit or reflect adversely upon the reputation of or the quality of
       the other party or the products or services provided by such other party.

5.2 The Reseller shall not:

       (a) market, promote, supply or resell the TELUS Service in connection
       with any products or services other than the MRM Products and Service;

       (b) market, promote or sell the MRM Products and Service as a service
       provided by TELUS;

       (c) brand or associate the MRM Products and Service with any TELUS
       trademarks or trade names (or those of any of TELUS's related or
       affiliated corporations) without the express prior written consent of

       (d) represent or state in any way, in any advertising or promotional
       materials or otherwise, that the MRM Products and Services or any other
       services provided by the Reseller are provided by way of agreement or
       arrangement with, or with the facilities or equipment of, TELUS without
       the express prior written consent of TELUS.

5.3    Without limiting any of the foregoing, this Agreement does not grant to
       the Reseller any interest in or any right to use any trademark or trade
       name owned or used by TELUS or relating to the TELUS Service, and the
       Reseller shall not represent in any way that it has any such interests or
       rights. The Reseller may only use TELUS trademarks or trade names, in
       such manner and for such purpose as TELUS may specify and approve from
       time to time, and the Reseller shall execute any license agreements
       required by TELUS relating to the use of TELUS trademarks or trade names.



6.1    The Reseller will advise TELUS in writing of all of the locations from
       which it markets, promotes, supplies or Resells the TELUS Service. The
       Reseller will only market, promote, supply and Resell the TELUS Service
       from a location or locations used only for commercial purposes, and not
       for residential purposes.

7.     FEES

7.1    The Reseller agrees to pay the fees, rates and charges set out in
       Schedule A for the TELUS Service. The Reseller will be billed by TELUS,
       and shall pay, for all data, measured in kilobytes, transmitted from or
       received by the mobile device associated with any network entity
       identifier provided by TELUS to the Reseller under this Agreement. The
       kilobyte count will include both protocol headers and user data.

7.2    TELUS shall bill the Reseller each month for the TELUS Service in
       accordance with this Agreement, and the Reseller shall pay all amounts
       set out in each bill sent to the Reseller net thirty (30) days from the
       date of the invoice/bill. All amounts not paid by the due date are past
       due and the Reseller must pay any late payment charges shown on the bill.
       The rates and charges set out in this Agreement do not include any sales,
       excise or value added taxes related to the provision of the TELUS
       Service, and if any such taxes are levied by a government authority, the
       Reseller shall be responsible to remit to the appropriate authority any
       such amounts, or the Reseller shall pay TELUS on demand for all such
       amounts and the Reseller shall indemnify and save harmless TELUS against
       any and all such amounts. All payments shall be made in Canadian dollars.

7.3    The Reseller shall be responsible to pay all amounts billed to it by
       TELUS pursuant to this Agreement, whether or not the Reseller has been
       paid or has collected the fees, rates or charges payable by End Users for
       the TELUS Service. The Reseller shall not be responsible for any charges
       owed by Pinpoint Fleet Services, Ltd. or any other party to Telus which
       were incurred prior to the initial term of this Agreement.

7.4    All fees, rates or charges charged by the Reseller to End Users for the
       TELUS Service shall be determined by the Reseller, in accordance with any
       applicable regulation. TELUS shall have no authority or responsibility to
       determine such fees or other amounts, and TELUS shall have no
       responsibility or authority for billing or collecting such fees or any
       other amounts from End Users.


8.1    When requested by the Reseller, TELUS will provide the Reseller with
       network entity identifiers that can be used by the Reseller to provide
       the TELUS Service to End Users, in minimum quantities of five network
       entity identifiers at a time. The fees, rates or charges charged by TELUS
       for the TELUS Service in respect of such network entity identifiers will
       commence on the date such numbers are activated for the Reseller, and
       will be charged to the Reseller for a minimum period of one month.

8.2    If the Reseller no longer requires use of any block of five network
       entity identifiers assigned to it, the Reseller may, on ten (10) days
       prior notice to TELUS, terminate its use of that block of network entity
       identifiers, and will no longer be obligated to pay the fees, rates or
       charges in respect of that block of network entity identifiers,
       commencing with the next TELUS billing period following the termination
       of those network entity identifiers.

8.3    The Reseller will follow and comply with such additional commercially
       reasonable procedures and processes respecting the assignment,
       coordination and termination of network entity identifiers and the
       activation of mobile devices used in conjunction with the TELUS Service
       as TELUS may advise from time to time.

8.4    Neither the Reseller nor any End Users will have any property rights in
       the network entity identifiers, and TELUS may change or reassign any
       network entity identifiers at any time after giving 60 days prior notice
       to the Reseller.

8.5    The Reseller shall not permit any End Users to resell the TELUS Service.


8.6    The TELUS Service shall be provided to End Users on terms and conditions
       that are determined by the Reseller, in accordance with any applicable
       regulation. TELUS shall have no authority or responsibility to determine
       such terms and conditions, and TELUS shall have no responsibility for the
       provision of the TELUS Service to End Users, or for any customer service
       activities for or in respect of End Users.


9.1    The Reseller shall provide all MRM Products and Service, and all mobile
       devices, antennae and accessory equipment required by End Users in
       connection with the TELUS Service, together with any warranty and
       maintenance services required by End Users in respect of the MRM Products
       and Services or any mobile devices, antennae or other equipment used in
       connection with the TELUS Service. The mobile devices and other equipment
       provided by the Reseller shall be of high quality, and shall be
       compatible, throughout the term, with the TELUS CDPD network unless TELUS
       modifies the TELUS CDPD Network or TELUS Service in a manner resulting in
       continued compatibility being commercially unreasonable. TELUS reserves
       the right to require the Reseller to discontinue the use of (by the
       Reseller or any End User) any mobile devices, antennae or other equipment
       used in connection with the TELUS Service that, in TELUS's sole opinion
       or discretion, has any adverse effect on the TELUS CDPD network, or do
       not meet such technical standards as may be determined by TELUS from time
       to time.

9.2    TELUS shall not be responsible for any failures of or defects in mobile
       devices, antennae or any other equipment sold or supplied by the
       Reseller, or for any guarantees, warranty claims or maintenance services
       in respect of such mobile devices, antennae or equipment.


10.1   TELUS may terminate this Agreement, and may suspend or terminate the
       TELUS Service, without any further liability of TELUS to the Reseller, at
       any time immediately upon giving written notice to the Reseller:

       (a) if the Reseller is in breach of any term of this Agreement, provided
       such breach is capable of being cured, and such breach continues for
       thirty (30) calendar days after TELUS has notified the Reseller in
       writing of it;

       (b) if TELUS, in its sole discretion, considers the Reseller to be an
       unacceptable credit risk;

       (c) if the Reseller ceases to do business as a going concern or fails to
       keep at least one of its business locations open for business during its
       usual business hours for ten (10) or more calendar days, or if the
       Reseller becomes insolvent or bankrupt, makes any assignment for the
       benefit of creditors, suspends its business or files a notice of
       intention to make a proposal to some or all of its creditors, or a
       trustee, receiver or other similar official is appointed for it or for a
       substantial part of its property or it consents to any such appointment,
       or any bankruptcy, dissolution, liquidation, winding-up, arrangement or
       insolvency proceeding is instituted by it, or any such proceeding is
       instituted against it or any part of its property and is not contested
       within thirty (30) calendar days of being instituted, or it is dissolved,
       liquidated, wound-up or passes any resolution to do so;

       (d) if the Reseller ceases to be engaged in the marketing, sale, supply
       and servicing of the MRM Products and Service;

       (e) if any director or executive officer of the Reseller is convicted in
       a court of competent jurisdiction of any felony if, in TELUS's sole
       determination, the conviction would be likely to adversely affect the
       operations or business of the Reseller or the goodwill and reputation of
       the TELUS Service; or

       (f) if TELUS ceases to offer the TELUS Service.

10.2   Reseller may terminate this Agreement without any further liability of
       Reseller to TELUS, at any time immediately upon giving written notice to


       (a) if TELUS is in breach of any term of this Agreement, provided such
       breach is capable of being cured, and such breach continues for thirty
       (30) calendar days after the Reseller has notified TELUS in writing of

       (b) if TELUS ceases to do business as a going concern, or if TELUS
       becomes insolvent or bankrupt, makes any assignment for the benefit of
       creditors, suspends its business or files a notice of intention to make a
       proposal to some or all of its creditors, or a trustee, receiver or other
       similar official is appointed for it or for a substantial part of its
       property or it consents to any such appointment, or any bankruptcy,
       dissolution, liquidation, winding-up, arrangement or insolvency
       proceeding is instituted by it, or any such proceeding is instituted
       against it or any part of its property and is not contested within thirty
       (30) calendar days of being instituted, or it is dissolved, liquidated,
       wound-up or passes any resolution to do so;

       (c) if any director or executive officer of TELUS is convicted in a court
       of competent jurisdiction of any indictable offence if, in the Reseller's
       sole determination, the conviction would be likely to adversely affect
       the operations or business of TELUS or the goodwill and reputation of the
       Reseller; or

       (d) if TELUS ceases to offer the TELUS Service.


11.1   Upon any expiration or termination of this Agreement, or the suspension
       or termination of the TELUS Service, the Reseller shall cease any
       marketing, promotion, supply or Resale of the TELUS Service, and TELUS
       may de-activate all network entity identifiers provided by TELUS to the
       Reseller pursuant to this Agreement.

11.2   Upon any termination of this Agreement, if TELUS determines not to
       suspend or terminate the TELUS Service, or determines not to de-activate
       any network entity identifiers provided by TELUS to the Reseller, the
       Reseller will, at TELUS' cost, provide to TELUS all relevant information
       concerning its End Users, and will also provide reasonable technical
       assistance, take such other reasonable action and cause such other things
       to be done as may be reasonably necessary for the orderly termination of
       this Agreement with respect to the TELUS Service and the transition
       thereof from the Reseller to TELUS with minimum disruption to End Users.


12.1   TELUS has the sole authority in respect of, and the sole responsibility
       for, the CDPD network and all other facilities and equipment used to
       provide the TELUS Service, and the Reseller shall have no responsibility
       for, and no rights or interests in respect of, the ownership, control,
       operation or maintenance of such facilities or equipment or the TELUS


13.1   In conducting its business, in carrying out its obligations pursuant to
       this Agreement, or in marketing, promoting or providing the TELUS
       Service, the Reseller will comply with all laws, statutes, rules, orders,
       ordinances and regulations of all governmental authorities.


14.1   Except as expressly stated in this Agreement, TELUS makes no guarantees,
       warranties or representations, express or implied, with respect to the
       TELUS Service. The Reseller acknowledges and agrees that TELUS has made
       no representations, guarantees or warranties with respect to the profits
       or losses, if any, to be made or incurred by the Reseller during the term
       of or as a result of this Agreement.


14.2   TELUS does not guarantee that the TELUS Service will be error-free or
       uninterrupted, nor does it guarantee receipt of material or messages
       transmitted over or through the TELUS CDPD network or the networks of
       other companies, and TELUS makes no representations as to coverage or
       quality of service. The TELUS Service may fail or be interrupted for
       reasons including, but not limited to, environmental conditions,
       technical limitations, defects or failures, emergency or public safety
       requirements, limitations of the systems of other telecommunications
       companies, or causes beyond TELUS's control. TELUS disclaims all
       representations, warranties and conditions (express, implied or
       statutory) relating to any mobile devices, antennae or other equipment
       used with the TELUS Service (whether the equipment is the Reseller's or
       the End User's, or is sold to the Reseller or the End User by TELUS, a
       TELUS dealer or reseller, or any other person), including but not limited
       to any warranty or condition of merchantability, fitness for a particular
       purpose, durability, absence of defects of design or manufacture, and
       fault-free or continuous operability or service. TELUS does not guarantee
       the privacy of any communications over or through the TELUS CDPD network.


15.1   Except for a breach of section 17 (Confidential Information) and/or the
       indemnification obligations of the Reseller as set out herein, neither
       party shall be liable to the other for any incidental, indirect,
       consequential, special or punitive damages of any kind or nature arising
       out of this Agreement, whether such liability is asserted on the basis of
       contract, tort (including negligence or strict liability), or otherwise,
       even if the party has been warned of the possibility of any such loss or
       damage in advance. Liability for damages shall be limited and excluded as
       set forth herein, even if any exclusive remedy provided for in this
       Agreement fails of its essential purpose.

15.2   TELUS will not be liable to the Reseller, the End User or any other
       person for any damages (direct, indirect, special, consequential, or
       otherwise), expenses, loss of profits, loss of earnings, loss of business
       opportunities, loss of data, or other loss, arising directly or
       indirectly out of or in connection with this Agreement or the provision,
       use or failure of the TELUS Service or mobile devices, antennae or other
       equipment, whether negligent or otherwise, and which would otherwise give
       rise to a cause of action in contract, tort, or any other doctrine of
       law, including (but not limited to) those arising from:

       (a) errors, delays, interruptions or omissions in the transmission of
       material or messages over or through the TELUS CDPD network or the
       networks of other companies;

       (b) the content of any material or messages transmitted over or through
       the TELUS CDPD network, including (but not limited to) content that may
       be defamatory, infringing the rights of other persons, or unlawful in any

       (c) the infringement of any intellectual property rights arising from
       combining or using the Reseller's equipment or the End User's equipment
       with TELUS's equipment or the TELUS Service;

       (d) any accident or injury involving a vehicle, air or water-craft
       operated by the Reseller, End User or any other person and in connection
       with the use or failure of mobile devices, antennae, equipment or the
       TELUS Service;

       (e) the use or operation of any mobile device, antennae or other
       equipment used with the TELUS Service (whether the equipment is the
       Reseller's or the End User's or is sold to the Reseller or the End User
       by TELUS, a TELUS dealer or reseller, or any other person).


16.1   The Reseller shall indemnify, hold harmless and defend TELUS, its
       officers, employees, agents and related or affiliated corporations, from
       and against any and all actions, causes of actions, claims and demands of
       whatsoever nature, brought by any End User or any other person, caused
       by, arising directly or indirectly out of, or in connection with:


       (a) any breach of this Agreement by the Reseller, or any suspension or
       termination of the TELUS Service or de-activation of network entity
       identifiers pursuant to this Agreement;

       (b) damages or injuries, including death, to any property or persons,
       that are caused by or arise out of any negligent act or omission of the
       Reseller or those for whom it is responsible for in law;

       (c) the provision, use or failure of MRM Products and Service, or any
       other products or services provided by the Reseller, including, without
       limiting the generality of the foregoing, any guarantees, warranties or
       representations given or made by the Reseller regarding the TELUS
       Service, the MRM Products and Service, or any other products and

       (d) the provision, use or failure of the TELUS Service, whether caused by
       the negligence of TELUS or otherwise or the provision, use or failure of
       any mobile devices, antennae or other equipment provided by the Reseller,
       including (but not limited to):

           (i) errors, delays, interruptions or omissions in the transmission of
           material or messages over or through the TELUS CDPD network or the
           networks of other companies;

           (ii) the content of any material or messages transmitted over or
           through the TELUS CDPD network, including (but not limited to)
           content that may be defamatory, infringing the rights of other
           persons, or unlawful in any way;

           (iii) the infringement of any intellectual property rights arising
           from combining or using the Reseller's equipment or the End User's
           equipment with TELUS's equipment or the TELUS Service;

           (iv) any accident or injury involving a vehicle, air or water-craft
           operated by the Reseller, End User or any other person and in
           connection with the use or failure of mobile devices, equipment or
           the TELUS Service;

           (v) the use or operation of any mobile device, antennae or other
           equipment used with the TELUS Service (whether the equipment is the
           Reseller's or the End User's or is sold to the Reseller or the End
           User by TELUS, a TELUS dealer or reseller, or any other person),

16.2   This section 16 will survive any termination or expiry of this Agreement.


17.1   During the term of this Agreement, either party (the "disclosing party")
       may provide the other party (the "recipient") with certain information,
       data and/or documentation, (referred to in this Agreement as
       "Confidential Information") which is of value to the disclosing party, is
       not generally known in the industry or to competitors of that party, and
       is identified as confidential at the time of disclosure. Confidential
       Information shall remain the sole property of the disclosing party, and
       the recipient shall not disclose or make available any Confidential
       Information of the disclosing party, whether orally or in writing or in
       any other way, to any other person without the prior written permission
       of the disclosing party unless the information is disclosed pursuant to
       the order of a court, administrative agency, or other governmental body,
       provided, however, that recipient shall provide prompt notice of such
       court order or requirement to the disclosing party to enable the company
       to seek a protective order or otherwise prevent or restrict such
       disclosure. The recipient shall take every reasonable precaution to avoid
       disclosing such Confidential Information, and such precautions shall
       include, but are not limited to, the safeguarding of documents, the
       making of copies only when necessary, and complying with security
       instructions issued by the disclosing party to the recipient from time to
       time. The recipient shall, on the disclosing party's request or upon
       termination or expiration of this Agreement, return all documentary or
       other records of such Confidential Information and all copies thereof,
       except as may be necessary for the recipient's accounting, tax, legal or
       regulatory requirements.

17.2   The recipient's duty of non-disclosure shall not extend to information,
       data or documentation which is made public by the disclosing party or a
       third party legally permitted to do so, and the recipient may disclose


       Confidential Information when ordered to do so by a court or other
       competent authority or if it is otherwise legally empowered to do so.

17.3   The Reseller will not use any Confidential Information of TELUS in
       competition with the TELUS Service, or for any purpose other than the
       marketing and Resale of the TELUS Service in accordance with this

17.4   This section 17, and the obligations of non-disclosure set out in this
       section, shall survive any termination or expiry of this Agreement.


18.1   In the event of a breach by either the Reseller or TELUS of certain of
       its covenants in this Agreement, including without limitation the
       provisions in section 17 respecting Confidential Information, and the
       provisions in section 5 respecting TELUS trademarks, the parties agree
       that the harm suffered by the Reseller or TELUS would not be compensable
       by monetary damages alone and, accordingly, that TELUS or the Reseller
       will, in addition to other available legal or equitable remedies, be
       entitled to an injunction against such breach or any threatened breach.


19.1   This Agreement may not be assigned by the Reseller without the prior
       written consent of TELUS, which consent may not be unreasonably withheld
       or delayed by TELUS; provided, however, that Reseller may assign this
       Agreement without the consent of TELUS in connection with any transfer to
       a Reseller Affiliate, merger, consolidation, sale of all or substantially
       all of Reseller's assets or any other transaction in which more than
       fifty percent (50%) of Reseller's voting securities are transferred. This
       Agreement may not be assigned by TELUS without the prior written consent
       of the Reseller, which consent may not be unreasonably withheld by
       Reseller; provided, however, that TELUS may assign this Agreement without
       the consent of Reseller in connection with any transfer to a TELUS
       Affiliate, merger, consolidation, sale of all or substantially all of
       TELUS' assets or any other transaction in which more than fifty percent
       (50%) of TELUS' voting securities are transferred.

19.2   The Reseller may, without the prior written consent of TELUS, delegate or
       subcontract any of its duties or obligations under this Agreement to
       Reseller Agents, or appoint Reseller Agents to market, promote or sell
       the MRM Products and Service, provided that the Reseller will continue to
       be responsible for all of its duties and obligations under this Agreement
       and for any acts or omissions of any Reseller Agent, provided that any
       acts or omissions of a Reseller Agent shall be attributed to the
       Reseller, and the Reseller agrees to:

       (a) be liable to TELUS, its officers, employees, agents and related or
       affiliated corporations for all losses, costs, damages and expenses of
       whatsoever nature, that TELUS may sustain, pay or incur as a result or
       in connection with any act or omission of a Reseller Agent, and

       (b) indemnify TELUS, its officers, employees, agents and related or
       affiliated corporations from and against any and all actions, causes of
       action, claims and demands of whatsoever nature caused by, arising
       directly or indirectly out of, or in connection with any acts or
       omissions of a Reseller Agent.


20.1   Any reference to "Agreement" herein means this Agreement, and not any
       particular paragraph, section or other portion, and includes any
       amendments and the attached Schedules A (Fees, Rates, and Charges), which
       is incorporated into and deemed to be a part of this Agreement.

20.2   Whenever required by the context, the singular includes the plural and
       vice versa, any gender referred to includes the feminine, masculine or
       neuter gender, and "person" means any individual, partnership,


       corporation, trust, unincorporated association, joint venture, or
       government or any agency, department or instrumentality thereof.

20.3   All capitalised terms used in this Agreement (other than capitalised
       terms used in a heading) have the meanings ascribed to them within this
       Agreement. The headings in this Agreement are for convenience of
       reference only and shall not affect the interpretation or meaning of this

21.    NOTICES

21.1   Notices given pursuant to the terms of this Agreement shall be in writing
       and shall be deemed to have been received on the date sent when hand
       delivered, or sent by facsimile, or seventy two (72) hours after the same
       has been sent by prepaid registered mail, to the addresses for TELUS and
       the Reseller set out on the first page of this Agreement, and in the case
       of TELUS, to the attention of Milo Decol, and in the case of Reseller, to
       the attention of the Legal Department.


22.1   If any provision of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable in any
       circumstances, the remainder of this Agreement, and the application of
       such provision in any other circumstances, shall not be affected thereby.


23.1   This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Reseller and
       TELUS pertaining to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes all prior
       agreements, understandings, negotiations and discussions whether oral or
       written. There are no oral or implied agreements and no oral or implied
       representation, warranties or understandings between the parties.


24.1   Neither party shall be responsible for failure to comply with any of the
       terms of this Agreement, where such failure is directly or indirectly
       caused by or results from events of force majeure beyond the control of
       either party. These events shall include, but not be limited to fire,
       flood, earthquake, accident, civil disturbances, war, rationing,
       embargoes, strikes or labour problems, delays in transportation, acts of
       God, or acts of government.


25.1   This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with laws
       of the Province of Alberta and the laws of Canada, applicable therein.


26.    GENERAL

26.1   All of the provisions of this Agreement are Confidential Information to
       which the provisions of section 17 of this Agreement apply. This
       Agreement shall not be modified, amended, rescinded, cancelled, or waived
       except by a written Agreement signed by the parties. This Agreement shall
       enure to the benefit of and be binding on the parties, their personal
       representatives, successors and permitted assigns.

WHEREFORE the parties have executed this Agreement on the dates written below.

                                                                  [LEGAL STAMP]


Per: /s/ GREG COOKE-DALLIN                Per: /s/ DAVE S.MANOVICH
    -----------------------------             --------------------------------
Authorised Signature                      Authorised Signature

GREG COOKE-DALLIN                             DAVE S. MANOVICH
- ---------------------------------         ------------------------------------
Name (Print or Type)                      Name (Print or Type)

Dir. Planning & Future Svcs                   SR VP/COO
- ---------------------------------         ------------------------------------
  Title                                   Title

    Jan. 19/01                                 1/16/01
- ---------------------------------         ------------------------------------
Date                                      Date

                                          City and Province where signed


                                    SCHEDULE A

                                 FEES, RATES AND CHARGES

 At the time a network entity identifier ("NEI") is assigned by TELUS to the
 Reseller, the Reseller will select one of the following rate plans that will
 apply for the provision of the TELUS Service to the mobile device associated
 with each such NEI.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                             RATE PLANS
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FEES AND                TELUS 50       TELUS 200        TELUS 1000       TELUS 3000       TELUS 5000     TELUS 10000
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Access Fee per            [*}            [*}               [*}              [*}              [*}             [*}
Month (includes
[*] discount)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kilobytes                 [*}            [*}               [*}              [*}              [*}             [*}
included in
monthly access
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Rate for                  [*}            [*}               [*}              [*}              [*}             [*}
Kilobytes not
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Activation Fee            [*}            [*}               [*}              [*}              [*}             [*}

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
System Access             [*}            [*}               [*}              [*}              [*}             [*}
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Roaming Rate for          [*}            [*}               [*}              [*}              [*}             [*}
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[*] Confidential material redacted and filed separately with the SEC.
