EXHIBIT 10.23.1

                                                CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT REQUESTED


                                 AMENDMENT NO. 1

This Amendment to the Authorized International Distributor Agreement (the
"Agreement," effective as of June 1, 2000, between the parties), is entered into
effect on July 1, 2003 by and between FormFactor, Inc, (hereinafter "Company")
and Spirox Corporation (hereinafter "Distributor").

The purpose of this Amendment is to incorporate a detailed Distributor
Compensation Matrix, agreed by Company and Distributor, as an integral part of
the Agreement. All capitalized terms used but not defined in this Amendment
shall have the meaning as specified in the Agreement. The Distributor
Compensation Matrix and its terms and conditions as stated in the form of
explanatory notes are attached as follows:


                                                     Service,           New
End                           Sales &     Design    Support &        Customer
Customer(2)   Partner      Logistics(3)   Win(4)   Applications(5)   Incentive(6)     COMMENTS(7,8,9,10)
- -----------   -------      ------------   ------   ---------------   ------------     ------------------
* * *         * * *           * * *%      * * *%     * * *%
* * *         no partner      * * *%      * * *%     * * *%
* * *         * * *           * * *%                 * * *%
* * *         * * *           * * *%                 * * *%                         May increase by mutual
                                                                                    agreement of the parties
                                                                                    if design win is in * * *
* * *         * * *           * * *%                 * * *%
* * *         * * *           * * *%      * * *%     * * *%
* * *         no partner      * * *%      * * *%     * * *%
* * *         no partner      * * *%      * * *%     * * *%
* * *         * * *           * * *%                 * * *%
* * *         * * *                                  * * *%
* * *         * * *                                  * * *%
* * *         * * *           * * *%      * * *%     * * *%
* * *         * * *           * * *%      * * *%     * * *%
* * *         * * *                                  * * *%
* * *         * * *           * * *%                 * * *%
* * *         no partner      * * *%      * * *%     * * *%
* * *         no partner      * * *%      * * *%     * * *%             * * *%
* * *         no partner      * * *%      * * *%     * * *%
* * *         * * *           * * *%                 * * *%
* * *         * * *           * * *%                 * * *%             * * *%      May increase by mutual
                                                                                    agreement of the parties
                                                                                    if design win is in * * *
* * *         no partner      * * *%      * * *%     * * *%             * * *%
* * *         * * *                                  * * *%
* * *         * * *                                  * * *%

FormFactor Confidential           Page 1 of 2

* * * Confidential treatment has been requested for portions of this exhibit.
The copy filed herewith omits the information subject to the confidentiality
request. Omissions are designated as * * *. A complete version of this exhibit
has been filed separately with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Note 1      Compensation calculation is as described in the Agreement.

Note 2      Should new customer engagements not covered by this matrix occur,
            Distributor shall promptly notify Company and Company and
            Distributor shall agree in good faith as to the appropriate
            discount/commission, and update the matrix accordingly. Regarding
            customers in the Territory that have Company Products consigned by
            parties outside of the Territory, e.g., * * *, etc., Distributor
            shall be eligibly for the "Sales & Logistics" portion of the
            compensation in addition to the Service, Support & Applications
            portion, as soon as these customers change their procurement model
            from their current method into buying Company Products locally from
            the Distributor.

Note 3      Sales & Logistics include PO and billing/collections transactions.

Note 4      Design Win Compensation is paid only if Distributor engages in
            significant activities contributing towards having FFI selected as
            the supplier. For example, Design Win activities may include Issuing
            of * * *, supplier selection engagement, or technology development.

Note 5      Service, Support & Applications includes the technical support of
            the Products that includes installation, on-going technical service
            and trouble-shooting and SAR processes.

Note 6      New Customer Incentive shall be an incentive offered for a term of
            * * * after the date of the first article PO.

Note 7      According to the Agreement, Distributor is responsible for
            determining, negotiating, and finalizing the final price to be paid
            by end customers of Company Products in the Territory.

Note 8      In the cases where products are sold in other regions and
            transferred into Distributor's Territory for Service, Support &
            Applications, Company shall pay * * * to Distributor according to
            the terms of the Agreement.

Note 9      Company shall purchase * * * - * * *, for Company's ASC.

Note 10     The term of this Distributor Compensation Matrix shall follow the
            term of the Agreement with periods of one-year automatic renewal
            unless the Agreement is terminated according to the terms of the

COMPANY                                  DISTRIBUTOR

/s/ Peter B. Mathews    July 1, 2003     /s/ Tony Lee    July 1, 2003
- ------------------------------------     ------------------------------------

July 1, 2003                             July 1, 2003
Peter B. Mathews                         Tony Lee
Vice President of Sales                  Vice President, T2 Division
FormFactor, Inc.                         Spirox Corporation

FormFactor Confidential           Page 2 of 2

* * * Confidential treatment has been requested for portions of this exhibit.
The copy filed herewith omits the information subject to the confidentiality
request. Omissions are designated as * * *. A complete version of this exhibit
has been filed separately with the Securities and Exchange Commission.