LICENSE AGREEMENT


                             NANOCRYSTAL TECHNOLOGY


                                 NANOSYS, INC.



                                   THROUGH THE

                             ERNEST ORLANDO LAWRENCE
                          BERKELEY NATIONAL LABORATORY

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

1.    Background.............................................................        1
2.    Definitions............................................................        1
3.    License Grant..........................................................        3
4.    License Issue Fee......................................................        4
5.    Milestone Fee..........................................................        4
6.    Royalties and Payments.................................................        4
7.    Performance Requirements...............................................        6
8.    Progress and Royalty Reports...........................................        7
9.    Books and Records......................................................        8
10.   Life of the Agreement..................................................        8
11.   Termination by Berkeley Lab............................................        9
12.   Termination by Licensee................................................        9
13.   Disposition of Licensed Products upon Termination......................        9
14.   Use Of Names and Nondisclosure of Agreement............................        9
15.   Limited Warranty.......................................................       10
16.   Patenting and foreign rights...........................................       11
17.   Patent Infringement....................................................       12
18.   Waiver.................................................................       12
19.   Assignment.............................................................       13
20.   Indemnification........................................................       13
21.   Late Payments..........................................................       14
22.   Notices................................................................       14
23.   U.S. Manufacture.......................................................       15
24.   Patent Marking.........................................................       15
25.   Government Approval or Registration....................................       15
26.   Export Control Laws....................................................       15
27.   Force Majeure..........................................................       15
28.   Miscellaneous..........................................................       15

Exhibit 1 Licensed (Exclusive) Patents.......................................       17
Exhibit 2 Licensed (FOU Exclusive) Patents...................................       18

                              LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR
                             NANOCRYSTAL TECHNOLOGY

This license agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into by The Regents of the
University of California, Department of Energy contract-operators of the Ernest
Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 1 Cyclotron Road, Berkeley, CA
94720, ("Berkeley Lab"), and Nanosys, Inc., a Delaware corporation ("Licensee")
having its principal place of business at 2625 Hanover St., Palo Alto, CA 94304.

                                  1. BACKGROUND

1.1.     Certain inventions, generally characterized as nanocrystals and related
         technology and covered by the Berkeley Lab cases listed herein, (the
         "Invention"), were made in the course of research at Berkeley Lab by
         Dr. Paul Alivisatos and colleagues under Berkeley Lab's contract with
         the United States Department of Energy ("DOE").

1.2.     As DOE sponsored development of the Invention, this Agreement and the
         resulting license are subject to overriding obligations to the federal
         government pursuant to the provisions of the applicable law or

1.3.     Berkeley Lab wants the Invention developed and used to the fullest
         extent so that the general public enjoys the benefits of the
         government-sponsored research.

1.4.     Licensee wants to obtain certain rights from Berkeley Lab for the
         commercial development, manufacture, use, and sale of the Invention.

1.5.     Licensee is a "small business concern" as defined at Section 2 of
         Public Law 85-536 (15 U.S.C. 632).

Therefore the parties agree as follows:

                                 2. DEFINITIONS

2.1.     "Effective Date" means November 9, 2002.

2.2.     "Field of Use" means all uses of the Licensed Patents, except the
         following, which are specifically excluded: the use of the Licensed
         Patents for [*** Redacted], [*** Redacted], [*** Redacted] and [***
         Redacted] for plant, animal, and human [*** Redacted] including,
         without limitation, [*** Redacted], [*** Redacted]. Licensee
         acknowledges that a third party has rights encompassing the exclusions
         to the Field of Use and in no event may a Field of Use under Licensed
         (FOU Exclusive) Patents be construed as covering the excluded fields.

2.3.     "Highly Inflationary Currency" means the currency of any economy with a
         cumulative inflation rate of 100% or more over the most recent three
         calendar years, as measured by consumer price indices published by the
         International Monetary Fund (International Financial Statistics),
         Washington, D.C.

*** Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential
treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted portions
have been filed separately with the Commission.

                                    1 of 19

2.4.     "Licensed (Exclusive) Patents" means Berkeley Lab's interest in any
         subject matter claimed in or covered by any of the patents or patent
         applications listed in Exhibit 1.

2.5.     "Licensed (FOU Exclusive) Patents" means Berkeley Lab's interest in any
         subject matter claimed in or covered by any of the patents or patent
         applications listed in Exhibit 2.

2.6.     "Licensed Patents" means Berkeley Lab's interest in any subject matter
         claimed in or covered by any of the patents or patent applications
         listed in Exhibits 1 or Exhibit 2, and any additional corresponding
         foreign patent application or patent for which Licensee has met the
         requirements of paragraph 16.4; any division, reexamination,
         continuation, continuation-in-part (excluding new matter contained and
         claimed in that continuation-in-part), or other application that is a
         successor to any of the foregoing applications; any patents issuing on
         any of the foregoing; and all renewals, reissues and extensions

2.7.     "Licensed Product" means any product, service or process that employs
         or is produced by the practice of any invention claimed in any of
         Licensed Patents or whose manufacture, use, practice, sale, offer for
         sale, or importation would constitute, but for the license Berkeley Lab
         grants to Licensee under this Agreement, an infringement of any Valid
         Claim in Licensed Patents.

2.8.     "Selling Price" for the purpose of computing royalties means the price
         at which Licensee or its sublicensee sells a Licensed Product in an
         arms-length transaction. When a Licensed Product is not sold, but is
         otherwise disposed of, the Selling Price of that Licensed Product for
         the purpose of computing royalties is the selling price at which
         products of similar kind and quality, sold in similar quantities, are
         [*** Redacted]. When such products are not [*** Redacted], the Selling
         Price of a Licensed Product otherwise transferred, for the purpose of
         computing royalties, is the [*** Redacted] at which products of similar
         kind and quality, sold in similar quantities, are then currently being
         offered for sale [*** Redacted]. When such products are not currently
         sold or offered for sale by Licensee or others, then the Selling Price,
         for the purpose of computing royalties, shall be negotiated by the
         parties in good faith based on the [*** Redacted].

2.9.     "Sublicensing Income" means amounts received by Licensee from a
         non-affiliate third party in consideration for the right to make,
         use, offer for sale, sell, or import Licensed Products, including
         without limitation amounts received by way of license issue fees,
         milestone payments, minimum annual royalties and royalties on the sale
         or distribution of such Licensed Products. Notwithstanding the
         foregoing, Sublicensing Income shall not include the following:

         2.9.1.   income received by Licensee as reimbursement for Licensee's
                  actual and reasonable [*** Redacted] as set forth in a written
                  [*** Redacted] agreement between Licensee and its sublicensee;
                  amounts received for services or products (provided, however,
                  that Licensee sales of Licensed Product to a sublicensee is
                  subject to the royalty provision of paragraph 6.1);

         2.9.2.   the fair market value of sales of [*** Redacted] sold by
                  Licensee to a sublicensee;

         2.9.3.   amounts in consideration for [*** Redacted] or other
                  [*** Redacted] other than that covered in the [*** Redacted];

         2.9.4    amounts in consideration for the sale of all or [*** Redacted]
                  or otherwise.

*** Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential
treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted portions
have been filed separately with the Commission.

                                    2 of 19

2.10.    "Valid Claim" means a claim within (a) an issued, unexpired patent that
         Berkeley Lab has not disclaimed or otherwise admitted to the relevant
         patent office or court to be invalid or otherwise unenforceable, and
         has not been held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction from
         which no appeal has been or can be taken or (b) a patent application
         that has not been pending more than 5 years, provided that Berkeley Lab
         is pursuing such claim in a good faith belief in its patentability and
         enforceability upon issuance of a patent containing such claim.

                                3. LICENSE GRANT

3.1.     Subject to the limitations set forth in this Agreement, Berkeley Lab
         grants to Licensee nontransferable, royalty-bearing licenses, under
         Licensed Patents to make, have made, use, offer for sale, sell, and
         import Licensed Products as follows:

         3.1.1.   limited exclusive for Licensed (Exclusive) Patents; and

         3.1.2.   limited exclusive and solely within the Field of Use for
                  Licensed (FOU Exclusive) Patents.

3.2.     Any license under this Agreement is subject to the following: (a) DOE's
         royalty-free license for federal government purposes only, and (b)
         DOE's option to grant licenses either if reasonable steps to
         commercialize the Invention are not carried out or in order to meet
         federal regulations.

3.3.     Berkeley Lab also grants to Licensee the right to issue, royalty-
         bearing sublicenses only in the Field of Use to make, have made,
         use, offer for sale, sell, and import Licensed Products, so long as
         Licensee has current exclusive rights in the Field of Use for all
         Licensed Patents covered by the sublicense.

3.4.     Any sublicense Licensee grants must be consistent with all the rights
         and obligations due Berkeley Lab and the United States Government under
         this Agreement, including, without limitation, the license back to the
         United States Government.

3.5.     Licensee shall provide Berkeley Lab with a copy of each sublicense
         issued under this Agreement; collect payment of all royalties and
         payments due Berkeley Lab from sublicenses; and summarize and deliver
         all reports due Berkeley Lab from sublicenses under Article 8 (PROGRESS
         AND ROYALTY REPORTS). Sublicenses provided to Berkeley Lab under this
         section may be provided in redacted form, provided that such redacted
         sublicenses contain all terms necessary for Berkeley Lab to determine
         Licensee's compliance with the obligations of this Agreement; and
         provided further that upon request, Berkeley Lab's representatives can
         review the sublicenses in their entirety at Licensee's facility.

3.6.     If this Agreement terminates for any reason, Licensee will assign to
         Berkeley Lab, and Berkeley Lab will honor any sublicenses granted
         hereunder, to the extent that Berkeley Lab's duties under such
         sublicenses are no greater than those arising under this Agreement.

3.7.     Berkeley Lab expressly reserves the right to use the Invention and
         associated technology for educational and research purposes.

                                    3 of 19

                              4. LICENSE ISSUE FEE

4.1.     Licensee shall pay Berkeley Lab a license issue fee of [*** Redacted].
         This license issue fee accrues on the Effective Date, and Licensee
         shall pay [*** Redacted] of this fee within 30 days of the Effective
         Date and [*** Redacted] within twelve months of the Effective Date.

4.2.     This fee is [*** Redacted] and is [*** Redacted].

                              5. MILESTONE FEE

5.1.     Following an initial public offering or series of public offerings of
         Licensee securities which raises in the aggregate at least $5 million
         or sale of all or substantially all of the assets or equity of Licensee
         in a transaction(s) worth at least $5 million ("Offering"), Licensee
         shall pay to Berkeley Lab the equivalent of the price at the Offering
         of 60,000 shares of Licensee's common stock. Such payments shall be
         made in installments with one-third payable 9 months from the Offering,
         one-third payable 18 months from the Offering and one-third payable 26
         months from the Offering. Such payments shall include interest from the
         date of the Offering to the date such payment is made. Interest shall
         be compounded on the date such payment is made, and shall be charged
         at the prime lending rate as published in the Wall Street Journal on
         the date such payment is made. Licensee shall adjust the 60,000 shares
         to take into account any stock splits or reverse stock splits since the
         Effective Date.

                              6. ROYALTIES AND PAYMENTS

6.1.     Licensee shall pay to Berkeley Lab an earned royalty of [*** Redacted]%
         of the Selling Price of each Licensed Product. In no event shall
         more than one royalty apply to the sale of any given Licensed Product,
         regardless of the number of Licensed Patents embodied therein.

6.2.     Under this Agreement a Licensed Product is considered as sold when
         invoiced, or if not invoiced, when delivered to a third party. But when
         the last patent covering a Licensed Product expires or when the license
         terminates, any shipment made on or before the day of that expiration
         or termination that has not been billed out before is considered as
         sold (and therefore subject to royalty). Berkeley Lab shall credit
         royalties that Licensee pays on a Licensed Product that the customer
         does not accept.

6.3.     If a Licensed Product is sold as a combination product containing both
         the Licensed Product and one or more other components that Licensee
         customarily sells separately, Selling Price is calculated by
         multiplying the [*** Redacted] by the fraction [*** Redacted]
         where A is the [*** Redacted] of the Licensed Product sold separately
         by Licensee and B is the [*** Redacted] of the combination products
         sold separately by Licensee during the relevant royalty payment period.

6.4.     If Licensee obtains a license from a third party(s) to a patent that
         must otherwise be infringed by Licensee in order to make the Licensed
         Products (" Third Party Patent") then Licensee may reduce the
         [*** Redacted] royalty rate specified in paragraph 6.1 by an amount
         equal to [*** Redacted] of the royalty Licensee pays the licensor of
         such Third Party Patent, provided, however, in no case shall the
         royalty rate paid to Berkeley Lab for Licensed Products be less than
         [*** Redacted].

*** Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential
treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted portions
have been filed separately with the Commission.

                                    4 of 19

6.5.     For each sublicense, Licensee shall pay Berkeley Lab [*** Redacted]%
         of Sublicensing Income. If Sublicensing Income arises under an
         agreement in which both a Licensed Patent and one or more other patent,
         patent application or copyrighted software program are licensed to a
         third party by the Licensee, then the Licensee shall in good faith
         allocate its total compensation under such agreement to either the
         Licensed Patents or the other patent, patent application or copyrighted
         software, and such portion allocated to the Licensed Patent(s) shall
         constitute the Sublicensing Income; provided, however, that Licensee
         shall (i) promptly notify Berkeley Lab of any such agreement for which
         it intends to apportion the income; (ii) provide Berkeley Lab with a
         copy of that agreement (if it has not already done so pursuant to
         paragraph 3.5) together with a written report explaining its
         apportionment for the Sublicensing Income; (iii) consider and respond
         in good faith to Berkeley Lab's comments on the apportionment; and (iv)
         pay Berkeley Lab no less than [*** Redacted]% of the total amounts
         received by Licensee from the third party in consideration for a
         sublicense for Licensed Patents.

6.6.     Licensee shall pay to Berkeley Lab by August 31 of each year the
         difference between the earned royalties for that calendar year Licensee
         has already paid to Berkeley Lab and the minimum annual royalty set
         forth in the following schedule. Berkeley Lab shall credit that minimum
         annual royalty paid against the earned royalty due and owing for the
         calendar year in which Licensee made the minimum payment.

Calendar Year                      Minimum Annual Royalty
- -------------                      ----------------------
2002                                      $ [*** Redacted]
2003                                      $ [*** Redacted]
2004                                      $ [*** Redacted]
2005                                      $ [*** Redacted]
2006                                      $ [*** Redacted]
2007                                      $ [*** Redacted]
2008                                      $ [*** Redacted]
2009 and each year thereafter             $ [*** Redacted]

6.7.     Licensee shall send payment for royalties accruing to Berkeley Lab
         quarterly together with its royalty report under paragraph 8.3.

6.8.     Licensee shall make checks payable to "The Regents of the University of
         California (Berkeley Lab/L-02-1364)." Licensee shall pay Berkeley Lab
         only in United States dollars. If a Licensed Product is sold for
         currency other than United States dollars (not including Highly
         Inflationary Currency), Licensee shall first determine the earned
         royalties in the foreign currency of the country in which the
         Licensed Product was sold and then convert them into equivalent United
         States dollars at the closing exchange rate published by The Wall
         Street Journal on the last business day of the reporting period. If a
         Licensed Product is sold for a Highly Inflationary Currency, Licensee
         shall convert the sales subject to royalties into equivalent United
         States funds using the closing exchange rates in effect on the date of
         invoicing (or if no invoicing, of delivery) as published by The Wall
         Street Journal. Licensee shall quote the exchange rate in the
         Continental method (local currency per U.S. dollar).

6.9.     Licensee may not reduce royalties payable by any taxes, fees, other
         charges imposed on the remittance of royalty income. Licensee is also
         responsible for all bank transfer charges.

6.10.    If Licensee cannot promptly remit any royalties for sales in any
         country where a Licensed Product is sold because of legal restrictions,
         upon notice to Berkeley Lab, Licensee may deposit in United States
         funds royalties due Berkeley Lab to Berkely Lab's account in a bank or
         other depository in that country. If Licensee is not permitted to
         deposit those payments

*** Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential
treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted portions
have been filed separately with the Commission.

                                    5 of 19

         in U.S. funds under the laws of that country, Licensee may deposit
         those payments in the local currency to Berkeley Lab's account in a
         bank or other depository in that country.

6.11.    If a court of competent jurisdiction and last resort holds invalid any
         patent or any of the patent claims within Licensed Patent in a final
         decision from which no appeal has or can be taken, Licensee's
         obligation to pay royalties based on that patent or claim will cease as
         of the date of that final decision. Licensee, however, shall pay any
         royalties that accrued before that decision or that are based on
         another patent or claim not involved in that decision.

6.12.    Licensee has no duty to pay Berkeley Lab royalties under this Agreement
         on a Licensed Product Licensee sells to the United States Government
         including any United States Government agency. Licensee shall reduce
         the amount charged for a Licensed Product sold to the United States
         Government by an amount equal to the royalty otherwise due Berkeley

                          7. PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS

7.1.     Licensee shall diligently proceed with the development, manufacture and
         sale of Licensed Products and shall diligently endeavor to market them
         within a reasonable time after the Effective Date in quantities
         sufficient to meet the market demand.

7.2.     Licensee shall make best efforts to obtain all necessary governmental
         approvals for the manufacture, use and sale of Licensed Products.

7.3.     Licensee is entitled to exercise prudent and reasonable business
         judgment in meeting its performance requirements under this Agreement.

7.4.     If Licensee is unable to perform any of the following, then Berkeley
         Lab may either terminate this Agreement or reduce a limited exclusive
         license to a nonexclusive license.

         7.4.1.   by 18 months from the Effective Date, develop a process for
                  the synthesis of nanodots and/or nanorods for prototype
                  development; such [*** Redacted] must be at research
                  quantities sufficient for prototype development of the
                  Licensed Product(s) specified in the Licensee's progress
                  reports submitted pursuant to paragraph 8.1, with [***
                  Redacted], yielding material with [*** Redacted] and [***
                  Redacted] of [*** Redacted];

         7.4.2.   by 18 months from the Effective Date, develop application
                  specific [*** Redacted] procedures for these materials,
                  including [*** Redacted] with [*** Redacted], [*** Redacted],
                  and [*** Redacted] and [*** Redacted];

         7.4.3.   by 24 months from the Effective Date, develop [*** Redacted],
                  which includes at least [*** Redacted], or equivalent, e.g.,
                  [*** Redacted], [*** Redacted] etc., of [*** Redacted]
                  containing [*** Redacted] and/or [*** Redacted] with [***
                  Redacted] and [*** Redacted] and [*** Redacted];

         7.4.4.   by 30 months from the Effective Date, perform and deliver to
                  Berkeley Lab a market assessment of major benefits of Licensed
                  Product materials versus existing commercial approaches;

         7.4.5.   by 30 months from the Effective Date, develop a [*** Redacted]
                  for either [*** Redacted] or [*** Redacted] of amounts of
                  nanorods and/or nanodots that are consistent with the Licensed
                  Products identified as initial products by the market
                  assessment provided under paragraph 7.4.4;

*** Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential
treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted portions
have been filed separately with the Commission.

                                    6 of 19

         7.4.6.   by 36 months from the Effective Date, develop initial
                  prototypes demonstrating commercially useful functionality of
                  nanorods and/or nanodots in Licensed Products, for example,
                  [*** Redacted] and [*** Redacted] and related devices; for
                  [*** Redacted], prototype devices with [*** Redacted] with
                  [*** Redacted]; for [*** Redacted], [*** Redacted];

         7.4.7.   by 36 months from the Effective Date, develop and provide
                  to Berkeley Lab a technical and commercialization plan for
                  applications in [*** Redacted], for example, [*** Redacted]
                  and [*** Redacted];

         7.4.8.   by 48 months from the Effective Date, enter into a letter
                  of intent or other contract with an appropriate
                  commercialization partner for Licensed Products;

         7.4.9.   by 56 months from the Effective Date, make commercial
                  sales of Licensed Product; or

         7.4.10.  at any time during the exclusive period of this Agreement,
                  reasonably fill the market demand for Licensed Products
                  following commencement of commercial sales

7.5.     Prior to termination of this Agreement or reduction of a limited
         exclusive license to a nonexclusive license for failure to meet any of
         the performance requirements set forth in paragraphs 7.4.1-7.4.10, or
         as mutually agreed upon, Licensee and Berkeley Lab shall meet within
         30 days of Licensee's request to discuss Licensee's past and planned
         efforts to meet such performance requirements. That meeting shall take
         place at Berkeley Lab or other mutually agreed location, and shall only
         be required if Licensee makes that request within 21 days of Berkeley
         Lab's notice of termination or reduction to nonexclusive license. To
         the extent that Licensee demonstrates it has made reasonable efforts to
         meet such performance requirements, and by mutual written consent, the
         parties shall amend or extend the requirements of paragraphs 7.4.1
         -7.4.10 at the written request of Licensee in response to legitimate
         business or technical reasons.

                         8. PROGRESS AND ROYALTY REPORTS

8.1.     Beginning May 31, 2003 and semiannually thereafter, Licensee shall
         submit to Berkley Lab a progress report covering Licensee's activities
         related to the development and testing of all Licensed Products and the
         obtaining of the governmental approvals necessary for marketing.
         Licensee shall make these progress reports until commercial sales of
         the Licensed Product start.

8.2.     The progress reports Licensee submits under paragraph 8.1 must include,
         but not be limited to, the following topics:

         8.2.1.   summary of work completed related to the requirements of
                  paragraph 7.4;

         8.2.2.   key scientific discoveries;

         8.2.3.   summary of work in progress;

         8.2.4.   current schedule of anticipated milestones; and

         8.2.5.   market plans for introduction of Licensed Products; and

         8.2.6.   number of full-time equivalent employees or agents (FTEs)
                  working on the development of Licensed Products and overall
                  number of FTEs employed by Licensee.

8.3.     Upon the earlier of four years after the Effective Date or after
         the first commercial sale of a Licensed Product anywhere in the world,
         Licensee shall make quarterly royalty reports to Berkeley Lab on
         or before February 28, May 31, August 31 and November 30 of each year.

*** Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential
treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted portions
have been filed separately with the Commission.

                                    7 of 19

         Each royalty report must cover the most recently completed
         calendar quarter and must show for all sales (or other transfer in
         accordance with paragraph 2.8):

         8.3.1.   the Selling Price of each type of Licensed Product sold by

         8.3.2.   the number of each type of Licensed Product sold;

         8.3.3.   the royalties, in U.S. dollars, payable under this
                  Agreement on those sales;

         8.3.4.   the exchange rates used in calculating the royalty due;

         8.3.5.   the royalties on government sales that otherwise would have
                  been due under paragraph 6.12; and

         8.3.5.   for each sublicense, if any:

                  (1)      the sublicensee;

                  (2)      the information set forth in paragraphs 8.3.1 to
                           8.3.5 for that sublicensee's sales or other
                           disposition of Licensed Product.

8.4.     If no sales of Licensed Products have been made during any required
         reporting period, Licensee shall make a statement to this effect.

                              9. BOOKS AND RECORDS

9.1.     Licensee shall keep books and records accurately showing all Licensed
         Products manufactured, used, sold, imported or otherwise disposed of
         under the terms of this Agreement. Licensee shall preserve those books
         and records for at least five years, from the date of the royalty
         payment to which they pertain and shall open them to inspection by
         representatives or agents of Berkeley Lab at reasonable times.

9.2.     Berkeley Lab shall bear the fees and expenses of Berkeley Lab's
         representatives performing the examination of the books and records.
         But if the representatives discover an error in underpaying royalties
         to Berkeley Lab of more than 5% of the total royalties due for any
         year, then Licensee shall bear the fees and expenses of these
         representatives and the difference between the earned royalties and the
         reported royalties (which shall be subject to the provisions of Article
         21 (LATE PAYMENTS)).

                            10. LIFE OF THE AGREEMENT

10.1.    Unless otherwise terminated by operation of law or by acts of the
         parties in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, this Agreement
         is in force from the Effective Date and expires concurrently with the
         last-to-expire issued Licensed Patent.

10.2.    Any termination of this Agreement shall not affect the rights and
         obligations set forth in the following Articles:

         Article 9         Books and Records

         Article 13        Disposition of Licensed Products on Hand upon

         Article 14        Use of Names and Trademarks and Confidentiality

         Article 15        Limited Warranty

         Article 20        Indemnification

         Article 26        Export Control Laws

                                     8 of 19

10.3.    Termination does not affect in any manner any rights of Berkeley Lab
         arising under this Agreement before the termination.

                         11. TERMINATION BY BERKELEY LAB

11.1.    Subject to paragraph 7.5, if Licensee violates or fails to perform any
         material term of this Agreement, then Berkeley Lab may give written
         notice of such default ("Default Notice") to Licensee. If Licensee
         fails to cure that default and provide Berkeley Lab with reasonable
         evidence of the cure within 60 days of the Default Notice, Berkeley Lab
         may terminate this Agreement and the licenses granted by a second
         written notice ("Termination Notice") to Licensee. If Berkeley Lab
         sends a Termination Notice to Licensee, this Agreement automatically
         terminates on the effective date of the Termination Notice.

                           12. TERMINATION BY LICENSEE

12.1.    Licensee at any time may terminate this Agreement in whole or as to any
         portion of Licensed Patents by giving written notice to Berkeley Lab.
         Licensee's termination notice must indicate whether Licensee has any
         inventory of Licensed Products. Licensee's termination of this
         Agreement will be effective 90 days after its notice.


13.1.    Within 45 days of termination of this Agreement for any reason,
         Licensee shall provide Berkeley Lab with a written inventory of all
         Licensed Products in process of manufacture or in stock. Licensee shall
         dispose of those Licensed Products within 20 days of termination. The
         sale of any Licensed Product within the 20 days is subject to the terms
         of this Agreement.

                      14. USE OF NAMES AND CONFIDENTIALITY

14.1.    In accordance with California Education Code Section 92000, Licensee
         shall not use in advertising, publicity or other promotional activities
         any name, trade name, trademark, or other designation of the University
         of California, nor shall Licensee so use "Ernest Orlando Lawrence
         Berkeley National Laboratory" or "Department of Energy" (including any
         contraction, abbreviation, or simulation of any of the foregoing)
         without Berkeley Lab's prior written consent.

14.2.    Neither party may disclose the terms of this Agreement to a third party
         without express written permission of the other party, except when
         required under either the California Public Records Act or other
         applicable law or court order. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
         disclosures of the terms of this Agreement are permitted as follows:

         14.2.1.  as necessary for Licensee to secure financing through private
                  markets, engage in corporate partnership discussions, or
                  comply with applicable accounting requirements, or securities
                  laws or regulations, Licensee may disclose the terms of this
                  Agreement under a written confidentiality agreement with terms
                  as protective as those of this Article 14;

         14.2.2.  as necessary for Licensee to publicly disclose terms of this
                  Agreement in conjunction with a public financing or to comply
                  with applicable securities laws or regula-

                                    9 of 19

                  tions, after Licensee has provided Berkeley Lab with notice of
                  such disclosure with sufficient opportunity to seek redaction
                  of certain terms of the Agreement; and

         14.2.3.  Berkeley Lab may disclose the existence of this Agreement and
                  the extent of the grant in Article 3 (License Grant), but
                  shall not otherwise disclose the terms of this Agreement,
                  except to the DOE.

14.3     All information provided to Berkeley Lab by Licensee under this
         agreement, including but not limited to information listed in Section
         7.4 of this Agreement, e.g., sublicense agreements, technical reports,
         development plans, marketing evaluations and reports, and royalty
         reports, is deemed to be Confidential Information.

         14.3.1   Berkeley Lab will maintain the confidentiality of the
                  Confidential Information and will not disclose the
                  Confidential Information to any third party, and will not use
                  the Confidential Information for any purpose other than as
                  necessary to administer this Agreement.

         14.3.2   The obligations of Berkeley Lab with respect to Confidential
                  Information will not apply to information disclosed under this
                  agreement to the extent such information:

         (a)      is generally known to the public at the time of disclosure or
                  becomes generally known through no wrongful act on the part of
                  Berkeley Lab;

         (b)      is in Berkeley Lab's possession at the time of disclosure
                  other than as a result of prior disclosure by Licensee or a
                  breach of any legal obligation by Berkeley Lab or a third

         (c)      becomes known to Berkeley Lab through disclosure by sources
                  other than Licensee having no duty of confidentiality to
                  Licensee, whether direct or indirect, with respect to such
                  information and having the legal right to disclose such

         (d)      is independently developed by Berkeley Lab without reference
                  to or reliance upon the information as can be documented by
                  written records; or

         (e)      is required to be disclosed by Berkeley Lab to comply with
                  applicable laws or governmental regulations, provided that the
                  Berkeley Lab provides prior written notice of such disclosure
                  to the Licensee and takes reasonable and lawful actions to
                  avoid and/or minimize the extent of such disclosure.

         14.3.3   The provisions of this Article 14 relating to confidentiality
                  shall be in force and effect until at least 5 years following
                  the termination of this Agreement.

                              15. LIMITED WARRANTY

15.1.    Berkeley Lab warrants to Licensee that it has the lawful right to grant
         this license.

15.2.    This license and the associated Invention are provided WITHOUT WARRANTY


15.4.    Nothing in this Agreement may be construed as:

                                    10 of 19

         15.4.1.  a warranty or representation by Berkeley Lab as to the
                  validity of Licensed Patents or scope of any of Berkeley Lab's
                  rights in Licensed Patents;

         15.4.2.  a warranty or representation that anything made, used, sold or
                  otherwise disposed of under any license granted in this
                  Agreement is or will be free from infringement of any patents
                  other than Licensed Patents;

         15.4.3.  an obligation to bring or prosecute actions or suits against
                  third parties for patent infringement, except as specifically
                  provided for in Article 17 (Patent Infringement); or

         15.4.4.  a grant by implication, estoppel or otherwise of any license
                  or rights under any patents of Berkeley Lab other than
                  Licensed Patents, regardless of whether such patents are
                  dominant or subordinate to Licensed Patents;

         15.4.5.  an obligation to furnish any know-how not provided in Licensed

                        16. PATENTING AND FOREIGN RIGHTS

16.1.    Berkeley Lab shall prepare, file, prosecute and maintain patent
         applications and patents relating to inventions included in the
         Licensed Patents using patent counsel of its choice, and shall consult
         and cooperate with Licensee in connection therewith. Berkeley Lab shall
         copy Licensee promptly on all U.S.P.T.O. and foreign patent office
         actions, final drafts of proposed submissions and copies of actual
         submissions, to the extent reasonably practicable, so that Licensee
         shall be informed of the continuing prosecution, and have an
         opportunity to review and comment on such office actions and draft
         submissions. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Berkeley Lab may take any
         action useful or necessary to obtain and preserve its patent rights in
         Licensed Patents. Berkeley Lab shall use all reasonable efforts to
         amend any patent application to include claims and/or legal arguments
         reasonably requested by Licensee to protect the Licensed Products
         Licensee contemplates selling. Licensee shall keep confidential
         documents from patent offices and patent related filings and
         associated drafts.

16.2.    licensee agrees to reimburse Berkeley Lab for Berkeley Lab's
         out-of-pocket patent preparation, filing, prosecution and maintenance
         costs as follows:

         16.2.1.  100% of all such costs for Licensed (Exclusive) Patents; and

         16.2.2.  50% of all such costs for Licensed (FOU Exclusive) Patents.

16.3.    Berkeley Lab shall provide Licensee with documentation of patenting
         costs incurred when invoicing Licensee for those costs. Licensee shall
         pay Berkeley Lab within 30 days of receiving the invoice. Licensee
         shall also pay Berkeley Lab for reimbursement of such patent costs
         incurred prior to the Effective Date within 30 days of invoicing; such
         costs are estimated to be approximately [*** Redacted]. Licensee's
         obligation to reimburse patent costs continues for so long as this
         Agreement remains in effect, provided, however, that Licensee may
         terminate its obligations under this Agreement with respect to any
         given patent application or patent upon three months written notice to
         Berkeley Lab. Berkeley Lab shall use reasonable efforts to curtail
         patent costs when such a notice is received from Licensee. After such
         notice or when this Agreement terminates, Berkeley Lab may continue
         prosecution and/or maintenance of those application(s) or patent(s) at
         its sole discretion and expense; provided, however, that Licensee will
         have no further license or other right to them.

16.4.    Licensee may request that Berkeley Lab seek patent protection on the
         Licensed Patents in foreign countries if available. Berkeley Lab has no
         obligation to take action to file foreign patent applications unless
         Licensee provides written notice to Berkeley Lab at least six weeks
         before any applicable bar and that notice states which countries,
         regions or Patent

*** Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential
treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted portions
have been filed separately with the Commission.

                                    11 of 19

         Cooperation Treaty filing Licensee desires. If Licensee timely provides
         such notice, then Berkeley Lab shall timely make such foreign filings.
         The absence of the required notice from Licensee to Berkeley Lab acts
         as an election not to secure foreign rights.

16.5.    Berkeley Lab may file patent applications at its own expense in any
         country in which Licensee has not elected to secure patent rights.
         Those applications and resultant patents shall not be subject to this

16.6.    Licensee shall promptly notify Berkeley Lab of any change in its status
         as a small business concern and of the first sublicense granted to an
         entity that does not qualify as a small business concern. A "small
         business concern" as used in this paragraph is as defined by the U.S.
         Patent and Trademark Office; currently, that is a company whose number
         of employees, including affiliates, does not exceed 500 persons (13
         C.F.R. 121.802).

                             17. PATENT INFRINGEMENT

17.1.    If Licensee learns of the substantial infringement of any of Licensed
         Patents, Licensee shall so inform Berkeley Lab in writing and shall
         provide Berkeley Lab with reasonable evidence of the infringement.
         During the period and in a jurisdiction where Licensee has exclusive
         rights under this Agreement, neither party may notify a third party of
         the infringement of any of Licensed Patents without first obtaining
         written consent of the other party, which consent shall not be
         unreasonably denied. Both parties shall use their best efforts in
         cooperation with each other to terminate such infringement without

17.2.    Licensee may request that Berkeley Lab take legal action against the
         infringement of Licensed (Exclusive) Patents or Licensed (FOU
         Exclusive) Patents in the Field of Use in which Licensee has current
         exclusive rights under this Agreement. Licensee shall make that request
         in writing and include reasonable evidence of the infringement and
         damages to Licensee. If the infringing activity has not been abated
         within 90 days of that request, Berkeley Lab may elect to: (a)
         commence suit on its own account; or (b) refuse to participate in the
         suit. Berkeley Lab shall give written notice of its election to
         Licensee by the end of the 90 days after receiving notice of the
         request from Licensee. Licensee may thereafter bring suit for patent
         infringement only if Berkeley Lab elects not to commence suit and if
         the infringement occurred during the period and in a jurisdiction where
         Licensee has exclusive rights under this Agreement. If, however,
         Licensee elects to bring suit in accordance with this paragraph,
         Berkeley Lab may thereafter join such suit at its own expense.

17.3.    Such legal action as is decided upon must be at the expense of the
         party on account of whom suit is brought and all consequent recoveries
         belong to that party. But if Berkeley Lab and Licensee jointly bring
         legal action and fully participate in it, the parties must jointly
         share both the expense and all recoveries in proportion to the share of
         expense each party pays.

17.4.    Each party shall cooperate with the other in litigation proceedings
         instituted under this Agreement but at the expense of the party on
         account of whom suit is brought. The party bringing the suit will
         control that litigation, except that Berkeley Lab may elect to be
         represented by counsel of its choice in any suit brought by Licensee.

                                   18. WAIVER

18.1.    The waiver of any breach of any term of this Agreement does not waive
         any other breach of that or any other term.

                                    12 of 19

                                 19. ASSIGNMENT

19.1.    This Agreement is binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of
         Berkeley Lab, its successors and assigns. Upon written notice to
         Berkeley Lab, Licensee may assign this Agreement to a Licensee wholly
         owned subsidiary, or in conjunction with a sale of all or substantially
         all of the assets of Licensee. Any other attempt by Licensee to assign
         this Agreement is void unless Licensee obtains the prior written
         consent of Berkeley Lab; Berkeley Lab shall not unreasonably withhold
         that consent.

                               20. INDEMNIFICATION

20.1.    Licensee agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend Berkeley Lab and
         the U.S. Government and their officers, employees, and agents; the
         sponsors of the research that led to the Invention; and the inventors
         of the patents and patent applications in Licensed Patents and their
         employers against any and all claims, suits, losses, damage, costs,
         fees, and expenses resulting from or arising out of exercise of this
         license or any sublicense, except to the extent indemnification of
         Berkeley Lab is due to the gross negligence of Berkeley Lab. Licensee
         shall pay all costs incurred by Berkeley Lab in enforcing this
         indemnification, including reasonable attorney fees. The indemnity set
         forth herein shall apply only if Licensee shall have been given an
         opportunity, to the maximum extent afforded by applicable laws, rules,
         or regulations, to participate in and control its defense. No
         settlement for which Licensee would be responsible shall be made
         without Licensee's consent unless required by final decree of a court
         of competent jurisdiction.

20.2.    Licensee, at its sole expense, shall insure its activities in
         connection with the work under this Agreement and obtain and keep in
         force Comprehensive or Commercial Form General Liability Insurance
         (contractual liability and products liability included) with limits as

         20.2.1.  Each Occurrence                           $[*** Redacted]

         20.2.2.  Products/Completed Operations Aggregate   $[*** Redacted]

         20.2.3.  Personal and Advertising Injury           $[*** Redacted]

         20.2.4.  General Aggregate (commercial form only)  $[*** Redacted]

20.3.    The coverages and limits referred to in this Article 20 do not in any
         way limit the liability of Licensee. Licensee shall furnish Berkeley
         Lab with certificates of insurance, including renewals, evidencing
         compliance with all requirements at least 30 days prior to the first
         commercial sale, use, practice or distribution of a Licensed Product.

         20.3.1.  If such insurance is written on a claims-made form, coverage
                  shall provide for a retroactive date of placement on or
                  before the Effective Date.

         20.3.2.  Licensee shall maintain the general liability insurance
                  specified during: (a) the period that the Licensed
                  Product is being commercially distributed or sold by Licensee
                  or by a sublicensee or agent of Licensee, and (b) a reasonable
                  period thereafter, but in no event less than five years.

20.4.    The insurance coverage of paragraph 20.2 must:

         20.4.1.  Provide for 30-day advance written notice to Berkeley
                  Lab of cancellation or of any modification.

         20.4.2.  Indicate that DOE, "The Regents of the University of
                  California" and its officers, employees, students, agents, are
                  endorsed as additional insureds.

*** Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential
treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted portions
have been filed separately with the Commission.

                                    13 of 19

         20.4.3.  Include a provision that the coverages are primary and do not
                  participate with, nor are excess over, any valid and
                  collectible insurance or program of self-insurance carried or
                  maintained by Berkeley Lab.

                               21. LATE PAYMENTS

21.1     If Licensee does not make a payment to Berkeley Lab when due, Licensee
         shall pay to Berkeley Lab such reasonable administrative fees and
         interest as Berkeley Lab generally charges third parties on overdue

                                   22. NOTICES

22.1.    Any payment, notice or other communication this Agreement requires or
         permits either party to give must be in writing to the appropriate
         address given below, or to such other address as one party designates
         by written notice to the other party. The parties deem payment, notice
         or other communication to have been properly given and to be effective
         (a) on the date of delivery if delivered in person; (b) on the fourth
         day after mailing if mailed by first-class mail, postage paid; (c) on
         the second day after delivery to an overnight courier service such as
         Federal Express, if sent by such a service; or (d) upon confirmed
         transmission by telecopier. The parties' addresses are as follows:

                  For Berkeley Lab:

                  Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
                  Technology Transfer Department
                  Mailstop 90-1070
                  One Cyclotron Road
                  Berkeley, California 94720
                  Attention: Licensing Manager
                  Fax:   510/486-6457
                  Telephone: 510/486-6467
                  e-mail: viwolinsky@lbl.gov

                  For Licensee:

                  Nanosys, Inc.
                  2625 Hanover St.
                  Palo Alto, Ca 94304
                  Attention: Larry Bock, CEO
                  Fax: 650/ 846-2501
                  Telephone: 650/ 846-2500
                  e-mail: lbock@nanosysinc.com

                  With a copy to:

                  Michael O' Donnell, Esq.
                  Wilson, Sonsini, Goodrich and Rosati
                  650 Page Mill Road
                  Palo Alto, CA 94304

                                    14 of 19

                              23. U.S. MANUFACTURE

23.1.    Licensee shall have Licensed Products produced for sale in the United
         States manufactured substantially in the United States so long as
         Licensee has current exclusive rights in the Field of Use.

                               24. PATENT MARKING

24.1.    Licensee shall mark all Licensed Products made, used or sold under this
         Agreement, or their containers, in accordance with the applicable
         patent marking laws and to the extent reasonably practicable.


25.1.    If the law of any nation requires that any governmental agency either
         approve or register this Agreement or any associated transaction,
         Licensee shall assume all legal obligation to do so. Licensee shall
         notify Berkeley Lab if it becomes aware that this Agreement is subject
         to a U.S. or foreign government reporting or approval requirement.
         Licensee shall make all necessary filings and pay all costs, including
         fees, penalties, and all other costs associated with such reporting or
         approval process.

                             26. EXPORT CONTROL LAWS

26.1.    Licensee shall observe all applicable United States and foreign laws
         and regulations with respect to the transfer of Licensed Products and
         related technical data, including, without limitation, the
         International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) and the Export
         Administration Regulations.

                                27. FORCE MAJEURE

27.1.    If a party's performance required under this Agreement is rendered
         impossible or unfeasible due to any catastrophes or other major events
         beyond its reasonable control, including, without limitation, the
         following, the parties are excused from performance: war, riot, and
         insurrection; laws, proclamations, edicts, ordinances or regulations;
         strikes, lockouts or other serious labor disputes; and floods, fires,
         explosions, or other natural disasters. When such events abate, the
         parties' respective obligations under this Agreement must resume.

                                28. MISCELLANEOUS

28.1.    The headings of the several sections are inserted for convenience of
         reference only and are not intended to be a part of or to affect the
         meaning or interpretation of this Agreement.

28.2.    This Agreement is not binding upon the parties until it is signed below
         on behalf of each party.

28.3.    No amendment or modification hereof shall be valid or binding upon the
         parties unless made in writing and signed on behalf of each party.

                                    15 of 19

28.4.    This Agreement embodies the entire and final understanding of the
         parties on this subject. It supersedes any previous representations,
         agreements, or understandings, whether oral or written.

28.5.    If a court of competent jurisdiction holds any provision of this
         Agreement invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, this
         Agreement must be construed as if that invalid or illegal or
         unenforceable provision is severed from the Agreement, provided,
         however, that the parties shall negotiate in good faith substitute
         enforceable provisions that most nearly effect the parties' intent in
         entering into this Agreement.

28.6.    This Agreement must be interpreted under California law, without giving
         effect to any choice of law rules that would result in the application
         of laws of any jurisdiction other than California.

Berkeley Lab and Licensee execute this Agreement in duplicate originals through
their duly authorized respective officers in one or more counterparts, that
taken together, are but one instrument.


By /s/ Piermaria Oddone                         By  /s/ Lawrence Bock
   ---------------------------------               -----------------------------
             (Signature)                                  (Signature)

By Piermaria Oddone                             By Lawrence Bock
                                                        (Please Print)

Title Deputy Laboratory Director                Title President

Date 10/11/02                                   Date 10/15/02

         Approved as to form

         /s/ Glenn R. Woods
         GLENN R. WOODS

                                    16 of 19

                                    EXHIBIT 1

                          LICENSED (EXCLUSIVE) PATENTS

IB-1576           US Patent Application Serial Number 09/702,219, filed
                  10/30/00, entitled, A non-hydrolytic single-precursor approach
                  to surfactant-capped nanocrystals of transition metal oxides
                  by A. Paul Alivisatos and Joerg Rocken-berger

IB-1576A          US Patent Application Serial Number 09/721,126, filed
                  11/22/00, entitled A Process for Making Surfactant Capped
                  Nanocrystals, by A. Paul Alivisatos and Joerg Rockenberger

IB-1402           [*** Redacted]

*** Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential
treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted portions
have been filed separately with the Commission.

                                    17 of 19

                                    EXHIBIT 2

                        LICENSED (FOU EXCLUSIVE) PATENTS

IB-1330JP         Japanese Patent Application Number 11-80598, filed 3/24/99,
                  entitled, Semiconductor nanocrystal probes for biological
                  applications and process for making and using such probes, by
                  Shimon Weiss, Marcel Bruchez, Jr., and A. Paul Alivisatos

IB-1330A-EPO      European Patent Organization Application number 00915944.3,
                  filed 2/28/00, entitled Semiconductor nanocrystal probes for
                  biological applications and process for making and using such
                  probes, by Shimon Weiss, Marcel Bruchez, Jr., and A. Paul

IB-1330A-CA       Canadian Patent Application Number pending, filed 8/10/01,
                  entitled Semiconductor nanocrystal probes for biological
                  applications and process for making and using such probes, by
                  Shimon Weiss, Marcel Bruchez, Jr., and A. Paul Alivisatos

IB-1330A-JP       Japanese Patent Application Number pending, entitled
                  Semiconductor nanocrystal probes for biological applications
                  and process for making and using such probes, by Shimon Weiss,
                  Marcel Bruchez, Jr., and A. Paul Alivisatos

IB-1330B          US Patent Application Serial Number 09/349,833 filed 7/8/1999,
                  entitled Semiconductor nanocrystal probes for biological
                  applications and process for making and using such probes, by
                  Shimon Weiss, Marcel Bruchez, Jr., and A. Paul Alivisatos

IB-1330C          US Patent Application Serial Number 09/781,621, filed
                  2/12/2001, entitled Semiconductor nanocrystal probes for
                  biological applications and process for making and using such
                  probes, by Shimon Weiss, Marcel Bruchez, Jr., and A. Paul

IB-1330D          US Patent Application Serial Number 09/865,130, filed
                  5/24/2001, entitled Semiconductor nanocrystal probes for
                  biological applications and process for making and using such
                  probes, by Shimon Weiss, Marcel Bruchez, Jr., and A. Paul

IB-1330E          US Patent Application Serial Number pending,, filed 5/24/2002,
                  entitled Organo luminescent semiconductor nanocrystal probes
                  for biological applications and process for making and using
                  such probes, by Shimon Weiss, Marcel Bruchez, Jr., and A. Paul

IB-1330F          US Patent Application Serial Number pending,, filed 5/24/2002,
                  entitled Semiconductor nanocrystal probes for biological
                  applications and process for making and using such probes, by
                  Shimon Weiss, Marcel Bruchez, Jr., and A. Paul Alivisatos

                                    18 of 19


IB-1783P*         US provisional patent application, serial number 60/346,253,
                  filed 10/24/01, entitled, Quantum Rod Liquid Crystals and
                  Process of Making, by A. Paul Alivisatos and Liang-shi Li

IB-1773P*         U.S. provisional patent application, serial number 60/335,435,
                  filed 11/30/01, entitled Synthesis of Branched 3-Dimensional
                  Inorganic Nanocrystals and Inorganic Dendrimers, by A. Paul
                  Alivisatos, Erik Scher, and Liberato Manna

IB-1527A          US Patent Number 6,225,198, issued May 1, 2001, entitled
                  Process for Forming Shaped Group II-VI Semiconductor
                  Nanocrystals, and Product Formed Using Process, by A. Paul
                  Alivisatos, Xiaogang Peng, and Liberato Manna

IB-1527B          US Patent Number 6,306,736, issued October 23, 2001, entitled
                  Process for Forming Shaped Group III-V Semiconductor
                  Nanocrystals, and Product Formed Using Process, by A. Paul
                  Alivisatos, Xiaogang Peng, and Liberato Manna.

IB-1330           US Patent Number 5,990,479, issued November 23, 1999, entitled
                  Organoluminescent semiconductor nanocrystal probes for
                  biological applications and process for making and using such
                  probes, by Shimon Weiss, Marcel Bruchez, Jr., and A. Paul

IB-1330A          US Patent Number 6,207,392, issued March 27, 2001, entitled
                  Semiconductor nanocrystal probes for biological applications
                  and process for making and using such probes by Shimon
                  Weiss, Marcel Bruchez, Jr., and A. Paul Alivisatos

CIB-1030          US Patent Number 5,537,000, issued July 16, 1996, entitled
                  Electroluminescent Devices Formed Using Semiconductor
                  Nanocrystals as an Electron Transport Media and Method of
                  Making Such Electroluminescent Devices, by A. Paul Alivisatos
                  and Vicki L. Colvin

IB-866A           US Patent Number 5,751,018, issued May 12, 1998, entitled
                  Semiconductor Nanocrystals Covalently Bound to Solid Inorganic
                  Surfaces Using Self-Assembled Monolayers, by A. Paul
                  Alivisatos and Vicki L. Colvin

IB-865            US Patent Number 5,262,357, issued November 16, 1993, entitled
                  Low Temperature Thin Films Formed Via Nanocrystal Precursors,
                  by A. Paul Alivisatos and Avery N. Goldstein

IB-864A           US Patent Number 5,505,928, issued April 9,1996, entitled
                  Preparation Of III-V Semiconductor Nanocrystals, by A. Paul
                  Alivisatos and Michael A. Olshavsky

- ---------------
* If Berkeley Lab within 6 months from the Effective Date has not licensed to
any third party the exclusions to the Field of Use for these Berkeley Lab case
numbers IB-1773 and IB-1783 or provided written notice to Licensee that Berkeley
Lab is in the process of doing so, then such cases shall automatically become
Licensed (Exclusive) Patents.

                                    19 of 19