Exhibit 5.01

                     [On the letterhead of Allen & Gledhill]

26 July 2004

Flextronics International Ltd.
2 Changi South Lane
Singapore 486123

Dear Sirs

Flextronics International Ltd. (the "COMPANY")
Registration Statement On Form S-3

1.    We refer to the Registration Statement on Form S-3 (File No. 333-89944)
      (the "REGISTRATION STATEMENT") filed by the Company with the Securities
      and Exchange Commission on 6 June 2002, as amended on 28 August 2002, in
      connection with the Company's proposed issuance and sale, from time to
      time, of (i) debt securities, which may be secured or unsecured, senior or
      subordinated and which may or may not be convertible into ordinary shares
      of S$0.01 each ("Ordinary Shares") in the capital of the Company, (ii)
      Ordinary Shares and (iii) warrants for the purchase of debt securities or
      Ordinary Shares. You have advised us that the Ordinary Shares to which the
      Registration Statement relates (the "Registration Shares") may be sold
      from time to time on a delayed or continuous basis as set forth in the
      Registration Statement, the Prospectus contained therein and the
      supplements to the Prospectus.

2.    This opinion is rendered in connection with the offer, issue and sale in
      the United States of America (the "OFFERING") of up to 24,330,900 new
      Ordinary Shares (the "OFFERING SHARES"), which are being offered by
      Citigroup Global Markets Inc., Banc of America Securities LLC, Scotia
      Capital (USA) Inc. and RBC Capital Markets Corporation (together the
      "Underwriters"), pursuant to the Underwriting Agreement (the "AGREEMENT")
      dated 22 July 2004 made between (1) the Company, and (2) Citigroup Global
      Markets Inc. and Banc of America Securities LLC, as representatives of the
      Underwriters. We have assumed that the Offering Shares comprise part of
      the Registration Shares.

3.    For the purpose of rendering this opinion, we have examined:

      3.1   a copy of the signed Agreement as provided to us by electronic mail
            on 26 July 2004;

      3.2   the Registration Statement as provided to us by electronic mail on
            26 July 2004, including a Prospectus (the "PROSPECTUS") dated 28
            August 2004 and as provided to us by electronic mail on 26 July

      3.3   the Prospectus Supplement (to the Prospectus) dated 23 July 2004
            (the "PROSPECTUS SUPPLEMENT") relating to the Offering Shares filed
            with the Securities and Exchange Commission on or about 26 July 2004
            and as provided to us by electronic mail on 26 July 2004;

      3.4   copies of all resolutions of the Board of Directors of the Company
            and of the shareholders of the Company passed since the date of
            incorporation of the Company up to 22 July 2004 relating to the
            authorisation for the issue of and the allotment and issue of the
            shares in the capital of the Company (the "COMPANY'S RESOLUTIONS");

      3.5   the final form of the resolutions of the Board of Directors of the
            Company passed on 22 July 2004 (the "COMPANY'S BOARD RESOLUTIONS")
            relating to the authorisation for the issue of and the allotment and
            issue of the Offering Shares, as provided to us by electronic mail
            on 24 July 2004; and

      3.6   such other documents as we have considered necessary or desirable to
            examine in order that we may give this opinion.

4.    We have assumed:

      4.1   that the Agreement has been executed by each of the parties
            expressed to be a party thereto in the form examined by us for the
            purpose of rendering this opinion, duly and properly completed;

      4.2   the genuineness of all signatures on all documents and the
            completeness, and the conformity to original documents, of all
            copies submitted to us;

      4.3   the correctness of all facts stated in the Agreement, the
            Registration Statement, the Prospectus and the Prospectus Supplement
            (other than those which are the subject of our opinion below);

      4.4   that copies of the Company's Resolutions and the Company's Board
            Resolutions submitted to us for examination are true, complete and
            up-to-date copies and that the Company's Resolutions and the
            Company's Board Resolutions have not been rescinded or modified and
            they remain in full force and effect and that no other resolution or
            other action has been taken which could affect the validity of the
            Company's Resolutions or the Company's Board Resolutions;

      4.5   that the total issued and paid-up share capital of the Company
            consequent upon the issue by the Company of the Offering Shares on
            28 July 2004 pursuant to the Agreement will not exceed the
            authorised share capital of the Company as at 28 July 2004;

      4.6   that the Offering Shares will be duly offered, sold and delivered in
            accordance with the terms of the Agreement and, in particular, the
            selling restrictions referred to in paragraph 5 below have been and
            will be complied with in all respects; and

      4.7   that the Company's Board Resolutions have been passed and signed in
            the form provided to us by electronic mail on 24 July 2004.

5.    We have advised that, as no prospectus in connection with the Offering has
      been registered with the Monetary Authority of Singapore, the Prospectus,
      the Prospectus Supplement and any other document or material in connection
      with the offer or sale, or invitation for subscription or purchase, of the
      Offering Shares may not be circulated or distributed, nor may the Offering
      Shares be offered or sold, or be made the subject of an invitation for
      subscription or purchase, whether directly or indirectly, (i) to persons
      in Singapore other than under circumstances in which such offer, sale or
      invitation does not constitute an offer or sale, or invitation for
      subscription or purchase, of the Offering


      Shares to the public in Singapore or (ii) to the public or any member of
      the public in Singapore other than pursuant to, and in accordance with the
      conditions of, an exemption invoked under the applicable provisions of
      Singapore laws and to persons to whom the Offering Shares may be offered
      or sold under such exemption.

6.    As your Singapore counsel, we have examined the proceedings taken by the
      Company in connection with the proposed allotment and issue of the
      Offering Shares pursuant to the Agreement. We have also made such other
      examinations of law and fact as we have considered necessary in order to
      form a basis for the opinion hereafter expressed.

7.    Based on the foregoing, we are of the opinion that the Offering Shares to
      be allotted and issued by the Company in accordance with the Agreement
      against payment of the agreed consideration therefor in accordance with
      the provisions of the Agreement will, upon the issue of share certificate
      representing such Offering Shares in accordance with the Articles of
      Association of the Company, be validly issued, fully-paid and
      non-assessable. The term "non-assessable" as used in this opinion means
      under Singapore laws, that the Offering Shares when allotted and issued
      would be fully paid up and the persons to whom the Offering Shares are
      issued would be under no further personal liability to contribute to the
      assets or liabilities of the Company in their capacities purely as holders
      of such Offering Shares.

8.    We consent to the filing of this opinion as Exhibit 5.1 to the Company's
      Form 8-K dated 22 July 2004, to the incorporation by reference of this
      opinion into the Registration Statement, and to the use of our name under
      the caption "Legal Matters" in the Registration Statement and in the
      Prospectus included therein and the Prospectus Supplement related thereto.

Yours faithfully

/s/ Allen & Gledhill
