ASSET AND TRUST UNIT
                          PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT




                         CALPINE ENERGY HOLDINGS LIMITED


                               CALPINE CORPORATION


                               PRIMEWEST GAS CORP.


                             PRIMEWEST ENERGY TRUST

                                  JULY 1, 2004

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

ARTICLE 1 INTERPRETATION..................................................................   7

1.1      DEFINITIONS.......................................................................  7
1.2      INTERPRETATION...................................................................  20
1.3      INTERPRETATION IF CLOSING DOES NOT OCCUR.........................................  21
1.4      CONFLICTS........................................................................  21
1.5      SCHEDULES........................................................................  21
1.6      VENDORS' KNOWLEDGE...............................................................  21

ARTICLE 2 PURCHASE AND SALE...............................................................  22

2.1      PURCHASE AND SALE................................................................  22
2.2      BID PRICE, PURCHASE PRICE AND ADJUSTED PURCHASE PRICE............................  22
2.4      DEPOSIT..........................................................................  23
2.5      GST AND OTHER SALES TAXES........................................................  23
2.6      ALLOCATION OF ADJUSTED ASSET PURCHASE PRICE......................................  24
2.7      FORM OF PAYMENT..................................................................  24

ARTICLE 3 CLOSING.........................................................................  24

3.1      PLACE AND DATE OF CLOSING........................................................  24
3.2      TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP AND RISK...................................................  25
3.3      VENDOR DELIVERIES AT CLOSING.....................................................  25
3.4      DELIVERIES OF GAS CORP. AND THE TRUST AT CLOSING.................................  26
3.5      SPECIFIC CONVEYANCES.......,.....................................................  26
3.6      POST - CLOSING DELIVERIES........................................................  27

ARTICLE 4 CONDITIONS OF CLOSING...........................................................  27

4.1     CONDITIONS OF GAS CORP. AND THE TRUST.............................................  27

4.2      VENDOR CONDITIONS............................................................    29
4.3      EFFORTS TO FULFILL CONDITIONS.......................,........................    30
4.4      FAILURE OF A CONDITION.......................................................    31
4.5      EFFECT OF TERMINATION........................................................    31

ARTICLE 5 REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES..............................................    31

5.1      REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF CCNGP......................................    31
5.2      REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF CEHL.......................................    35
5.3      LIMITATION OF REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES.................................    37
5.4      REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF GAS CORP...................................    38
5.5      REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF THE TRUST..................................    39

ARTICLE 6 LIABILITIES AND INDEMNITIES.................................................    41

6.1      VENDOR INDEMNITIES...........................................................    41
6.2      PURCHASER'S INDEMNITIES......................................................    41
6.3      ENVIRONMENTAL LIABILITIES....................................................    41
6.4      ASSUMED OBLIGATIONS..........................................................    42
6.5      POST-CLOSING EMPLOYMENT INDEMNITIES OF GAS CORP..............................    42
6.6      POST-CLOSING EMPLOYMENT INDEMNITIES OF VENDOR................................    43
6.7      VENDOR'S ADDITIONAL INDEMNITIES..............................................    43
6.8      SURVIVAL OF REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES...................................    43
6.9      LIMITATIONS ON VENDOR LIABILITIES............................................    43
6.10     INDEMNIFICATION PROCEDURE-THIRD PARTY CLAIMS.................................    44
6.11     CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES........................................................    45

ARTICLE 7 ADJUSTMENTS.................................................................    45

7.1      ACCOUNTING ADJUSTMENTS.......................................................    45
7.2      INTERIM STATEMENT OF ADJUSTMENTS.............................................    46
7.3      POST CLOSING ADJUSTMENTS.....................................................    46


7.4      ARBITRATION.................................................................     47
7.5      CASH CALLS, PREPAYMENTS AND DEPOSITS..................,....,................     47

ARTICLE 8 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION OF THE ASSETS....................................     48

8.1      MAINTENANCE OF ASSETS UNTIL CLOSING.........................................     48
8.2      CONSENT OF PURCHASER TO OPERATIONS BEFORE CLOSING...........................     49
8.3      POST-CLOSING ACCOUNTING.....................................................     49
8.4      TRANSITION PERIOD...........................................................     49
8.5      CCNGP AS AGENT..............................................................     50

ARTICLE 9 RIGHTS OF FIRST REFUSAL....................................................     50

9.1     RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSALS......................................................     50

ARTICLE 10 PRE-CLOSING MATTERS.......................................................     51

10.1    PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS......................................................     51

ARTICLE 11 TITLE REVIEW..............................................................     51

11.1     NOTICE OF TITLE DEFECTS.....................................................     51
11.3     UNCURED TITLE DEFECTS.......................................................     52
11.4     DISPUTES....................................................................     53

ARTICLE 12 ACCESS TO BOOKS AND RECORDS...............................................     54

12.1     ACCESS TO INFORMATION.......................................................     54
12.2     MAINTENANCE OF INFORMATION..................................................     55

ARTICLE 13 EMPLOYMENT MATTERS........................................................     55

13.1     LISTED EMPLOYEES, LISTED CONSULTANTS AND TRANSITION.........................     55
13.2     COVENANT REGARDING PRIVACY..................................................     57

ARTICLE 14 LICENCE TRANSFERS.........................................................     57

14.1     LICENCE TRANSFERS...........................................................     57


ARTICLE 15 GENERAL................................................................  58

15.1     DISPUTE RESOLUTION.......................................................  58
15.2     COSTS AND EXPENSES.......................................................  58
15.3     FURTHER ASSURANCES.......................................................  58
15.4     NO MERGER................................................................  58
15.5     ENTIRE AGREEMENT.........................................................  59
15.6     GOVERNING LAW............................................................  59
15.7     SIGNS AND NOTIFICATIONS..................................................  59
15.8     NO TRANSFER OF OPERATORSHIP..............................................  59
15.9     INTEREST ACCRUES ON AMOUNTS OWING........................................  59
15.10    ASSIGNMENT...............................................................  59
15.11    TIME OF ESSENCE..........................................................  60
15.12    NOTICES..................................................................  60
15.13    INVALIDITY OF PROVISIONS.................................................  61
15.14    WAIVER...................................................................  61
15.15    AMENDMENT................................................................  61
15.16    AGREEMENT NOT SEVERABLE..................................................  61
15.17    PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS.....................................................  62
15.18    COUNTERPART EXECUTION....................................................  62
15.19    PRICE SHARING............................................................  62
15.20    NO LIABILITY OF UNITHOLDERS, THIRD PARTIES...............................  63

ARTICLE 16 PARENTAL GUARANTEE.....................................................  63



 Schedule "A"
  Part 1       White Map Area Land Plat(s)
  Part 2       Description of Scheduled Petroleum and Natural Gas Rights
 Schedule "B"  Facilities
 Schedule "C"  General Conveyance
 Schedule "D"  Claims
 Schedule "E"  Seismic
 Schedule "F"  Contracts Disclosure
 Schedule "G"  Wells
 Schedule "H"  Officer's Certificate
 Schedule "I"  Outstanding AFEs
 Schedule "J"  Call on Production Agreement
 Schedule "K"  ROFRs
 Schedule "L"  Listed Material Agreements


                              ASSET AND TRUST UNIT
                          PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT

      THIS AGREEMENT made as of the 1st day of July, 2004


            CALPINE CANADA NATURAL GAS PARTNERSHIP, a general partnership,
            having an office and carrying on business in Calgary, Alberta
            (hereinafter referred to as "CCNGP")

                                    - and -

            CALPINE ENERGY HOLDINGS LIMITED, a body corporate, having an office
            and carrying on business in Calgary, Alberta (hereinafter referred
            to as "CEHL")

            (CCNGP and CEHL are hereinafter collectively referred to as

                                    - and -

            CALPINE CORPORATION, a body corporate incorporated under the laws of
            Delaware, USA (hereinafter referred to as "CALPINE")

                                    - and -

            PRIMEWEST GAS CORP., a body corporate, having an office and carrying
            on business in Calgary, Alberta (hereinafter referred to as "GAS

                                    - and -

            PRIMEWEST ENERGY TRUST, a trust, having an office and carrying on
            business in Calgary, Alberta (hereinafter referred to as the

            (Gas Corp. and the Trust are hereinafter collectively referred to as

WHEREAS CCNGP wishes to sell the Assets to Gas Corp. and Gas Corp. wishes to
purchase the Assets from CCNGP, subject to and in accordance with the terms and
conditions hereof.

WHEREAS CEHL, wishes to sell the Trust Units to the Trust and the Trust wishes
to purchase the Trust Units from CEHL, subject to and in accordance with the
terms and conditions hereof.

IN CONSIDERATION of the premises and the mutual covenants and agreements
hereinafter set forth, the Parties agree as follows:

                                     - 6 -

                                    ARTICLE 1


In this Agreement, including the recitals and the Schedules, the following terms
have the following meanings:

"ABANDONMENT AND RECLAMATION OBLIGATIONS" means all past, present and future
obligations under contracts, Applicable Law, equity or common law to:

      (a)   abandon the Wells;

      (b)   close, decommission, dismantle and remove the Tangibles including
            associated foundations and structures;

      (c)   restore, remediate and reclaim the surface or subsurface of the
            lands used in connection with the Wells or the Tangibles, including
            lands in or on which they are or were located and lands which are or
            were used to gain access to them; and

      (d)   restore, remediate and reclaim the surface or subsurface of lands
            affected by seismic or other geological or geophysical exploration
            activities conducted by or on behalf of Vendor or any of its
            Affiliates in the White Map Area prior to the Effective Time.

"ACCEPTING CONSULTANTS" means those Listed Consultants who agree to provide
services to Gas Corp.

"ACCEPTING EMPLOYEES" means those Employees who accept employment with Gas

"ADJUSTED ASSET PURCHASE PRICE" has the meaning specified in Section 2.2.

"ADJUSTED TRUST UNIT PURCHASE PRICE" has the meaning specified in Section 2.2.

"AFEs" means authorities for expenditures, cash calls or mail ballots issued
under the Title and Operating Documents agreements relating to any of the Assets
authorizing expenditures and similar items.

"AFFILIATE" means with respect to CCNGP and CEHL, the other respectively,
Calpine Canada Resources Company and Calpine Canada Energy Ltd. and with respect
to the Trust and Gas Corp., the other respectively, and PrimeWest Energy Inc.

"AGREEMENT" means this Asset and Trust Unit Purchase and Sale Agreement
including the recitals hereto, this Section 1.1 and all schedules hereto.

"APPLICABLE LAW" means all laws, statutes, rules, regulations, official
directives and orders of Government Authorities (whether administrative,
legislative, executive or otherwise) including judgments, orders and decrees of
courts, commissions or bodies exercising similar functions, as amended, and
includes, without limitation, the provisions and conditions of any permit,
license or other governmental or regulatory authorization in respect of the
Assets, the Trust Units or any of them;

                                     - 7 -

"ASSET BID PRICE" has the meaning specified in Section 2.2.

"ASSET PURCHASE PRICE" means the amount set forth in Section 2.2.

"ASSETS" means the Petroleum and Natural Gas Rights, the Tangibles, the Seismic
Data and the Miscellaneous Interests, including the Scheduled Assets, but
excluding the Excluded Assets.

"BUSINESS DAY" means a day other than a Saturday, a Sunday or a statutory
holiday in Calgary, Alberta.

"CALL ON PRODUCTION AGREEMENT" means that call on production agreement attached
hereto as Schedule "J", to be entered into at Closing by Calpine Energy Services
Canada Partnership and Gas Corp. and which provides for the purchase of natural
gas by Calpine Energy Services Canada Partnership from the White Map Area.

"CLAIM" means any claim, demand, lawsuit, proceeding, arbitration or
governmental proceeding or investigation other than a claim in respect of Taxes.

"CLOSING" means the transfer of beneficial ownership of the Assets from CCNGP to
Gas Corp., the payment by Gas Corp. of the amount specified in Section 2.3(b),
the transfer of beneficial ownership of the Trust Units from CEHL to the Trust,
the payment by the Trust of the amount specified in Section 2.3 and the delivery
of all items required to be delivered at Closing pursuant hereto.

"CLOSING DATE" means 10:00 a.m., Calgary time, on the 2nd day of September, 2004
or such other time and date as may be agreed upon in writing by the Parties or
as may otherwise be determined pursuant to the provisions hereof.

"CLOSING PLACE" means the offices of Vendor in Calgary, Alberta or such other
place as may be agreed upon in writing by the Parties.

"CNGT" means Calpine Natural Gas Trust, an unincorporated open-ended trust
established under the laws of Alberta.

"COMPETITION ACT" means the Competition Act R.S.C. 1985, c. C-34.


(a)   the Commissioner of Competition (the "COMMISSIONER") appointed under the
      Competition Act has issued an advance ruling certificate pursuant to
      section 102 of the Competition Act in respect of the Transaction on terms
      and conditions satisfactory to the Parties acting reasonably; or

(b)   notification of the Transaction pursuant to section 114 of the Competition
      Act has been waived pursuant to Section 113(c) of the Competition Act or
      given and either:

            (i)   the applicable waiting period under section 123 of the
                  Competition Act has expired without the Commissioner having
                  advised the Parties that he intends to apply to the
                  Competition Tribunal established by subsection 3(1) of the
                  Competition Tribunal Act

                                     - 8 -

                  for an order under section 92 or section 100 of the
                  Competition Act in respect of the Transaction; or

            (ii)  the Commissioner has advised Purchaser that the Commissioner
                  does not intend to apply to the Competition Tribunal for an
                  order under section 92 of the Competition Act in respect of
                  the Transaction.

"CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION MEMORANDUM" means the confidential information
memorandum issued by Waterous & Co. on or about June, 2004 in respect of the
Assets and the Trust Units.

"CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT" means the Confidentiality Agreement dated June 16,
2004 between CCNGP and PrimeWest Energy Inc.;

"CONTRACT OPERATING AGREEMENTS" means all contracts pursuant to which the Vendor
operates, on a fee for services basis, wells or facilities owned by Third
Parties and located in the White Map Area.


"CUSTOMARY POST CLOSING CONSENTS" means consents and approvals from Government
Authorities or Third Parties that are customarily obtained after closing in
connection with transactions similar to the Transaction.

"DATA ROOM" means the room established on behalf of Vendor containing books,
accounts, records, maps, documents, files, materials and information relating to
the Assets, for the purposes of the Transaction; the Confidential Information
Memorandum in respect of assets of the Vendor provided to Gas Corp. or its
Affiliates pursuant to the sale process that resulted in this Agreement, the
computer discs provided to Gas Corp. or its Affiliates in the course of such
sale process and the Waterous Securities' web site established as part of that
sale process.

"DEFAULT" means a Purchaser Default or a Vendor Default.

"DEPOSIT" has the meaning given to such term in Section 2.4.

"DISPUTE" has the meaning specified in Subsection 11.4(a).

"DISPUTE NOTICE" has the meaning specified in Subsection 11.4(a).

"DISTRIBUTIONS" has the meaning set forth in Section 2.2.

"DOLLAR" or "$" means, unless otherwise provided herein, a dollar in the lawful
money of Canada.

"EFFECTIVE TIME" means 8:00 a.m., Calgary time, on the 1st day of July, 2004.

"ENCUMBRANCE" means a lien, mortgage, pledge, claim, option, encumbrance,
charge, Security Interest, penalty, royalty, burden, net profits interest,
carried working interest or other adverse claim.

                                     - 9 -

"ENVIRONMENT" means the atmosphere, the surface and sub-surface of the earth,
groundwater and surface water and plants and animals and "ENVIRONMENTAL" means
relating to or in respect of the Environment.

"ENVIRONMENTAL LIABILITIES" means all past, present and future Liabilities and
obligations associated with or arising from any of the following and all costs
associated therewith:

      (a)   the manufacture, construction, processing, distribution, use,
            holding, collection, accumulation, generation, treatment,
            stabilization, storage, disposal, handling or transportation of
            Hazardous Substances, Petroleum Substances, oilfield wastes or
            produced water;

      (b)   compliance with present and future Applicable Law relating to the
            Environment or the protection thereof and Applicable Law related to
            employee and public health and safety matters;

      (c)   Abandonment and Reclamation Obligations;

      (d)   Releases of Hazardous Substances, Petroleum Substances, oilfield
            wastes, produced water or other substances;

      (e)   sampling, assessment and monitoring of the Environment;

      (f)   the removal, assessment, monitoring, sampling, response, abatement,
            clean-up, investigation and reporting of contamination or pollution
            of or other adverse effects on the Environment, including
            compensation of Third Parties for Losses suffered by them in respect

      (g)   the protection, reclamation, remediation or restoration of the
            Environment, including related human health and safety;

that relate to the Assets, or that have arisen or hereafter arise from or in
respect of any past, present or future operations and activities (including
Operations) related to the Assets conducted by or on behalf of Vendor or its
Affiliates in the White Map Area.

"EUB" means the Alberta Energy and Utilities Board.

"ESCROW AGENT" means Heenan Blaikie LLP in its capacity as Escrow Agent.

"EXAMINATION PERIOD" means the period commencing on the date of this Agreement
and terminating at 4:00 p.m. (Calgary time) on August 26, 2004.


      (a)   Retained Production;

      (b)   unexpended cash call and operating fund advances and deposits made
            to or deposited with operators, Government Authorities or other
            Persons by Vendor, or any of its Affiliates prior to the Effective
            Time to secure obligations or as prepayments of costs or expenses;

                                     - 10 -

      (c)   insurance policies, insurance proceeds and rights to insurance
            proceeds, including rights to proceeds of JV Insurance except any
            insurance proceeds payable in the event of any physical loss to
            Tangibles occurring after the Effective Date;

      (d)   items used, consumed or otherwise disposed of in the ordinary course
            of business prior to Closing or with Gas Corp.'s consent;

      (e)   forecasts, evaluations and reserve estimates;

      (f)   tax and financial records related to Vendor;

      (g)   legal opinions except title opinions;

      (h)   documents prepared by or on behalf of Vendor or any of its
            Affiliates in contemplation of litigation (with the exception of
            title opinions) and any other documents within the possession of
            Vendor or any of its Affiliates which are subject to
            solicitor-client privilege under the laws of the Province of Alberta
            or any other jurisdiction;

      (i)   technology which cannot be transferred by Vendor to Gas Corp. unless
            one or both of the following occurs: (i) the consent of a Third
            Party is obtained (other than a consent which cannot be unreasonably
            withheld); or (ii) a transfer fee is paid, provided that if Gas
            Corp. obtains such consent or agrees to pay such transfer fee, such
            technology shall not be considered Excluded Assets;

      (j)   all computer hardware and software (excluding such computer hardware
            located in field locations and all items described in Subsection (e)
            of the definition of Miscellaneous Interests) and all files,
            documents, reports, data, intellectual property and geological
            information and data, that is owned or licensed by Third Parties
            with restrictions on their deliverability or disclosure to Gas
            Corp., provided that if Gas Corp. obtains the agreement of Third
            Parties to waive such restrictions, such items shall not be
            considered Excluded Assets;

      (k)   Vendors' Calgary office and all leasehold improvements, furniture
            and office equipment and supplies located therein; and

      (l)   subject to subclauses (i) and (j) above, any proprietary policies,
            manuals and other confidential business or technical information not
            used exclusively in the operation of the Assets.

"FACILITIES" means the gas plants, oil batteries, gas gathering systems and
pipelines described in Schedule "B".

"FINAL STATEMENT OF ADJUSTMENTS" has the meaning given to such term in Section

 "GENERAL CONVEYANCE" means a  General Conveyance in the form of Schedule "C".

 "GOVERNMENT AUTHORITY" means a federal, provincial, territorial, municipal or
 other government or government department, agency, board or other authority
 (including a court of law).

"GST" means the goods and services tax prescribed by the GST Legislation.

                                     - 11 -

"GST LEGISLATION" means the Excise Tax Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. E-15, as amended,
and the regulations thereunder.

"HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES" means hazardous, deleterious, or toxic substances;
oilfield wastes; radioactive material; asbestos; polychlorinated biphenyls;
pollutants; contaminants; dangerous goods; and unrefined and refined petroleum
products; including all substances, materials and wastes regulated under
Applicable Law relating to Environmental or health and safety matters.

"HUMAN RIGHTS LEGISLATION" means the Human Rights, Citizenship and
Multiculturalism Act, R.S.A. 2000, C.H-14, as amended and the regulations

"INCOME TAX ACT" means the Income Tax Act R.S.C. 1985, c. l (5th Supplement), as
amended, and the Income Tax Regulations.

"INDEMNITEE" has the meaning specified in Section 6.10.

"INDEMNITOR" has the meaning specified in Section 6.10.

"INTEREST ON THE ASSET PURCHASE PRICE" means an adjustment to the Asset Purchase
Price computed as an amount equivalent to simple interest on the Asset Purchase
Price from (and including) the Effective Time to (but excluding) the Closing
Date at the Prime Rate plus one (1%), provided that if Closing is delayed beyond
September 3, 2004 due to the direct and proximate fault of CCNGP or CEHL,
interest shall cease to accrue upon the commencement of such delay.

"INTEREST ON THE TRUST UNIT PURCHASE PRICE" means an adjustment to the Trust
Unit Purchase Price computed as an amount equivalent to simple interest on the
Trust Unit Purchase Price from (and including) the Effective Time to (but
excluding) the Closing Date at the Prime Rate plus one percent (1%), provided
that if Closing is delayed beyond September 3, 2004 due to the direct and
proximate fault of CCNGP or CEHL, interest shall cease to accrue upon the
commencement of such delay.

"INTERIM PERIOD" means the period from the Effective Time until the Closing

"INTERIM PERIOD NET OPERATION REVENUES" has the meaning given to such term in
Section 7. 1(i).

"INTERIM PERIOD PRODUCTION" means Petroleum Substances which are (i) produced
from the White Map Area during the Interim Period and (ii) owned by the Vendor
at the time they are produced.

"INTERIM STATEMENT OF ADJUSTMENTS" has the meaning given to such term in Section

"JV INSURANCE" means insurance, if any, maintained by an operator pursuant to a
Title and Operating Document for the benefit of CCNGP or any of its Affiliates
and one or more Third Parties.

"LIABILITIES" means any and all liabilities and obligations, whether under
common law, in equity, under Applicable Law or otherwise; whether tortious.
contractual, vicarious, statutory or otherwise; whether absolute or contingent;
and whether based on fault, strict liability or otherwise.

                                     - 12 -

"LICENCE TRANSFERS" means the transfers of Permits related to the Assets that
are in the name of CCNGP.

"LICENCEE LIABILITY RATING" means the licensee liability rating as set forth by
the EUB under ID-2001-8 and related EUB regulations, guidelines, interim
directives, information letters and policies.

"LISTED CONSULTANT" means the consultants of Vendor whose names are on the list
provided by Vendor to Gas Corp. pursuant to subsection 13.1(b).

"LISTED EMPLOYEES" means the employees of Vendor whose names are on the list
provided by Vendor to Gas Corp. pursuant to Subsection 13.1 (a).

"LOSSES" means, in respect of a Person and in relation to a matter, any and all
losses, damages, costs, expenses, charges (including all penalties, assessments
and fines) which such Person suffers, sustains, pays or incurs in connection
with such matter and includes reasonable costs of legal counsel (on a solicitor
and client basis) and other professional advisors and consultants and reasonable
costs of investigating and defending Claims arising from the matter, regardless
of whether such Claims are sustained and also includes Taxes on a settlement
payment or damage award in respect of such matter, but does not include
consequential or indirect losses.

"MATERIAL CONTRACTS" means any agreement that has, or to Vendors' knowledge may
have, a material adverse effect on the Assets or the Trust Units arising as a
result of the Trust's acquisition of the Trust Units, including without
limitation, those agreements listed in Schedule "L" (the "LISTED MATERIAL

"MISCELLANEOUS INTERESTS" means the entire right, title, estate and interest of
CCNGP and its Affiliates (whether absolute or contingent, legal or beneficial)
in and to all property, assets, interests and rights associated with, or used in
connection with the Petroleum and Natural Gas Rights, the Tangibles or the
Seismic Data (other than the Petroleum and Natural Gas Rights, the Tangibles and
the Seismic Data), including the following to the extent they relate to the
Petroleum and Natural Gas Rights, the Tangibles or the Seismic Data:

      (a)   contracts and agreements, including the Title and Operating

      (b)   records, files, reports, data and information, including well files,
            lease files, agreement files and production records;

      (c)   Surface Interests;

      (d)   Wells, including the wellbores thereof and the casing therein;

      (e)   computer hardware, printers, routers and software used exclusively
            with SCADA and maintenance management systems and other computer
            hardware and software used exclusively with field measurement

      (f)   the Contract Operating Agreements; and

      (g)   production, accounting, environmental, facility and other records,
            files, reports, data, correspondence and documents that, in CCNGP's
            reasonable judgment, relate to the Assets, all title reports and
            opinions relating to the Assets and all other reports, files, data,
            and records prepared for the joint account,

                                             - 13 -

but excluding only the Excluded Assets.

"OPERATIONS" means any and all operations on or in respect of lands in the White
Map Area including drilling, completion, testing, recompleting, deepening,
plugging back, side tracking, whipstocking, fracing, stimulating, equipping,
operating and abandoning wells; construction, repair, expansion,
decommissioning, maintenance and operation of oilfield facilities and equipment;
production, treatment, storage, processing, gathering, compression and
transportation of Petroleum Substances (including processing, treatment and
storage of sulphur); and geological, geophysical and seismic activities.

"ORIGINAL CLOSING DATE" has the meaning specified in Subsection 11.4(a).

"PARTY" means CCNGP, CEHL, Gas Corp. or the Trust and "PARTIES" means CCNGP,
CEHL, Gas Corp. and the Trust, collectively.

"PERMITS" means permits, licenses, approvals and authorizations issued or
granted by Government Authorities.


      (a)   liens for Taxes, assessments and governmental charges which are not
            due or delinquent or if due the validity of which is being
            diligently contested in good faith by or on behalf of Vendor,
            provided that any such lien which is being contested must be
            disclosed in this Agreement in order to qualify as a Permitted

      (b)   mechanics', builders' and materialmen's liens in respect of services
            rendered or goods supplied for which payment is not due;

      (c)   easements, rights of way, servitudes and other similar rights in
            land, including rights of way and servitudes for highways and other
            roads, railways, sewers, drains, gas and oil pipelines, gas and
            water mains and electric light, power, telephone, telegraph and
            cable television conduits, poles, wires and cables;

      (d)   the right reserved to or vested in any Government Authority by the
            terms of any lease, license, franchise, grant or permit or by any
            Applicable Law, to terminate any such lease, license, franchise,
            grant or permit or to require payment of rent or other periodic
            payments as a condition of the continuance thereof, provided that
            any existing right of termination that has arisen as a result of a
            default of the lessee shall not be considered a Permitted

      (e)   undetermined or inchoate liens (including processors', operators',
            mechanics', builders', materialmen's and similar liens) incurred or
            created as security in favour of the Person conducting Operations
            arising in the ordinary course of business for the Vendors'
            proportionate share of the costs and expenses of such Operations
            which are not due or delinquent;

      (f)   liens or security granted in the ordinary course of business to a
            public utility, municipality or Government Authority in connection
            with Operations;

      (g)   the reservations, limitations, provisos and conditions in any
            original grants or transfers from the Crown and exceptions to title
            under Applicable Law;

                                     - 14 -

      (h)   rights of general application reserved to or vested in any
            Government Authority to levy taxes on any of the Assets or the
            income therefrom, or to limit, control or regulate any of the Assets
            or Operations in any manner;

      (i)   any Security Interest held by a Person encumbering CCNGP's interest
            in the Assets or any part or portion thereof, in respect of which
            the Vendor delivers a release or no interest letter to Purchaser at
            or prior to Closing in accordance with Section 4.1(g);

      (j)   the terms and conditions of the Title and Operating Documents,
            including provisions for penalties and forfeitures arising under or
            pursuant to any of the Title and Operating Documents, provided that
            the following items must be identified in a Schedule to this
            Agreement to qualify as Permitted Encumbrances:

            (i)   any overriding royalties, net profits interests or other
                  Encumbrances applicable to the Assets for which Purchaser will
                  assume responsibility;

            (ii)  any existing or potential alteration of the Vendor's interest
                  in the Assets because of a payout conversion or farmin,
                  farmout or other such agreement or as a result of any other
                  disposition of an interest in any of the Assets; and

            (iii) any penalty or forfeiture that applies to the Assets at the
                  Effective Time because of Vendor's election not to participate
                  in a particular operation;

      (k)   the Rights of First Refusal applicable to the Assets described in
            Schedule "A";

      (l)   the Encumbrances described in Schedules "A" and "D";

      (m)   the rights of Third Parties to purchase Petroleum Substances
            pursuant to production sale contracts listed in Schedule "F" and any
            other production sales contract terminable by Vendor on notice of 60
            days or less;

      (n)   any Security Interest held by any Third Party encumbering any Third
            Party's interest in and to lands within the White Map Area or any
            part or portion thereof; and

      (o)   any defects or deficiencies in title to the Assets disclosed in this
            Agreement and any Schedule and Title Defects that are waived or
            deemed to be waived under Article 11.

"PERSON" means any individual or entity, including any partnership, body
corporate, trust, unincorporated organization, union, government or Government
Authority and any heir, executor, administrator or other legal representative of
an individual.

"PERSONAL INFORMATION" means the personal information of the Listed Employees
and Listed Consultants to be disclosed or conveyed to Gas Corp. or any of its
Related Parties by or on behalf of Vendor as a result of or in connection with
the Transaction, and includes all such personal information disclosed to Gas
Corp. or any of its Related Parties prior to the Closing Date.

"PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS RIGHTS" means all of the right, title, estate and
interest of CCNGP and its Affiliates (whether absolute or contingent, legal or
beneficial) in:

                                     - 15 -

      (a)   rights (including fee simple interests, leasehold interests and
            working interests) to drill for and produce, save and market
            Petroleum Substances from the White Map Area;

      (b)   lessor royalties, overriding royalties, net profits interests and
            similar interests entitling the holder thereof to a share of the
            Petroleum Substances produced from the White Map Area or to a
            payment calculated by reference to the quantity of such production,
            the proceeds from the sale thereof or the profits therefrom; and

      (c)   rights to acquire any of the foregoing.

"PETROLEUM SUBSTANCES" means petroleum, natural gas and all related hydrocarbons
(including liquid hydrocarbons) and all other substances, whether liquids, gases
or solids and whether hydrocarbons or not (including sulphur) produced in
association with petroleum, natural gas or related hydrocarbons to the extent
rights in respect of which are granted by the Title and Operating Documents.

"PRIME RATE" means for any day, the rate of interest expressed as a rate per
annum which The Bank of Nova Scotia, Main Branch, Calgary, Alberta, announces
publicly in Calgary, Alberta, from time to time as the reference rate used by it
for determining the rates of interest on Canadian dollar commercial loans made
by it in Canada and which it refers to as its "prime rate".

"PRODUCTION" means the Retained Production and the Interim Period Production.

"PURCHASE PRICE" means the amount set forth in Section 2.2.

"PURCHASER DEFAULT" means a breach of a representation or warranty made by Gas
Corp. or the Trust in Sections 5.4 or 5.5 or a breach by Gas Corp. or the Trust
of a covenant or agreement in this Agreement.

"RELATED PARTY" means, in reference to a Party: (i) its Affiliates, successors
and assigns; (ii) its directors, officers and employees; (iii) its Affiliates'
directors, officers and employees and (iv) its Representatives.

"RELEASE" means any release, spill, emission, leaking, pumping, injection,
deposit, disposal, discharge, dispersal, leaching or migration of a Hazardous
Substance, oilfield wastes or produced water into or through the Environment.

"REPLY" has the meaning specified in Subsection 11.4(g).

"REPRESENTATIVES" means, in reference to a Party, its and its Affiliates'
representatives, agents, legal counsel, consultants and advisors.

"RETAINED PRODUCTION" means Petroleum Substances that are (i) produced from the
White Map Area prior to the Effective Time (ii) owned by CCNGP or its Affiliates
when produced and (iii) not past the point of delivery to the buyer thereof at
the Effective Time.

"RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL" or "ROFR" means a right of first refusal, pre-emptive
right of purchase or similar right whereby a Person, other than Gas Corp. or its
Affiliates, has the right to acquire or purchase all or a portion of the Assets
in accordance herewith.

                                     - 16 -

"ROFR ASSETS" has the meaning specified in Section 9.1.

"SCADA" means supervisory control and data acquisition.

"SCHEDULED ASSETS" means (i) the Petroleum and Natural Gas Rights set forth in
Part 2 of Schedule "A" and the Tangibles and Miscellaneous Interests directly
related thereto; and (ii) the Facilities interests set forth in Schedule "B".

"SECURITY INTEREST" means any mortgage, charge, pledge, lien, hypothec,
assignment by way of or in effect as security, or security interest whatsoever,
but does not include a right of set-off or a set-off.

"SEISMIC DATA" means all of the right, title, estate and interest of CCNGP and
its Affiliates (whether absolute or contingent, legal or beneficial) in data and
information including without limitation, interpretations and reprocessing in
respect of the seismic in the White Map Areas including the seismic described in
Schedule "E", to the extent such information is proprietary to CCNGP, or such
seismic which can be transferred lawfully by CCNGP to Gas Corp. and excluding
any and all other data and information that is owned by a Third Party and
licensed to CCNGP, provided that CCNGP shall use its reasonable efforts to allow
Gas Corp. to review such Third Party and licensed data at Vendors' offices as
requested by Gas Corp. up to the expiration of the Transition Period;

"SPECIFIC CONVEYANCES" means all conveyances, assignments, transfers, novations
and other documents or instruments that are reasonably required or desirable, in
accordance with normal oil and gas industry practices, to convey, assign and
transfer CCNGP's and its Affiliate's title to the Assets to Gas Corp. and to
novate Gas Corp. into the Title and Operating Documents that are contracts in
the place and stead of CCNGP and its Affiliates to the extent they relate to the

"SUBMISSION DATE" has the meaning specified in Subsection 11.4(e).

"SURFACE INTERESTS" means all rights of CCNGP to enter upon, use, occupy and
enjoy the surface of lands for purposes related to the use, ownership or
operation of the Petroleum and Natural Gas Rights, the Wells or the Tangibles or
gaining access thereto, whether the same are held in fee simple, by lease, by
right-of-way, or otherwise.

"SUPPORTING STATEMENT" has the meaning specified in Subsection 11.4(e).

"TANGIBLES" means all of the right, title, estate and interest of CCNGP and its
Affiliates (including leasehold interests and whether absolute or contingent,
legal or beneficial) in:

      (a)   the Facilities; and

      (b)   the following that are used or held for use in respect of the
            Petroleum and Natural Gas Rights, the Wells or the Facilities and
            that are located in the White Map Area:

            (i)   all tangible depreciable equipment and facilities used in the
                  production, dehydration, processing, gathering, treatment,
                  measurement, storage or transportation of Petroleum
                  Substances, including: gas plants; oil batteries; buildings;
                  compressors; production equipment; active, inactive or
                  decommissioned pipelines and tangible equipment;

                                     - 17 -

                  wellheads, pipelines, gathering lines; flow lines; pipeline
                  connections; meters; generators; motors; compressors;
                  treaters; dehydrators; scrubbers; separators; pumps;
                  pumpjacks; tanks and boilers;

            (ii)  field offices, including all leasehold improvements, furniture
                  and office supplies located therein;

            (iii) motorized vehicles;

            (iv)  tangible equipment used exclusively with SCADA, maintenance
                  management systems and field measurement facilities;

            (v)   satellite communications equipment, excluding satellite
                  communications equipment used to send information from the
                  field to CCNGP's head office in Calgary; and

            (vi)  all inventory located within the White Map Area and all other
                  inventory wherever located that was purchased for, is used or
                  is intended to be used in association with the Assets and the
                  proceeds of the sale of all inventory sold from and after the
                  Effective Date,

but excluding only Excluded Assets.

"TAXES" means all income, capital, sales, excise, value added, goods and
services, customs, duties and property taxes; all other fees, assessments
withholdings and charges imposed by Government Authorities; and all penalties,
interest and fines or additions attributable to or imposed on or with respect to
such taxes, fees, assessments withholdings and charges.

"THIRD PARTY" means any Person other than Vendor, Gas Corp., the Trust and their
respective Affiliates.

"THIRTEENTH MONTH ADJUSTMENT" means a reconciliation payment made pursuant to an
agreement which provides that during a period (usually a calendar year) revenues
and/or expenses will be distributed to or paid by one or more parties to the
agreement on the basis of estimates thereof and following the end of the period
(usually the first calendar month after the end of the period), the actual
amount of the revenues or costs will be determined and a reconciliation between
the estimated amounts and the actual amounts will be made.


      (a)   petroleum and/or natural gas leases, permits and licenses (whether
            freehold or Crown), titles evidencing fee simple interests and
            similar instruments;

      (b)   agreements relating to the ownership, operation or development of
            the Assets entered into in the normal course of the oil and gas
            business, including, without limitation: operating procedures; unit
            agreements; unit operating agreements; agreements for the
            construction, ownership and operation of gas plants, batteries,
            pipelines, gas gathering systems and similar facilities; pooling
            agreements; royalty agreements; farmin and farmout agreements; joint
            operating agreements, participation and subparticipation agreements;
            trust declarations and agreements; purchase and sale agreements,
            asset exchange agreements; agreements providing for the gathering,
            measurement, processing, compression or transportation of Petroleum

                                     - 18 -

            Substances; common stream agreements; well operating contracts and
            surface leases, pipeline easements, road use agreements and other
            contracts granting Surface Interests; and

      (c)   Permits pertaining to the ownership of the Assets or Operations;

      (d)   but excluding only Excluded Assets.

"TITLE DEFECT" means a defect, discrepancy or deficiency in the title of CCNGP
to any of the Assets which is such that a reasonable, prudent and otherwise
willing buyer of the Assets affected thereby would refuse to purchase such
Assets for a price equal to the fair market value thereof (determined as if such
defect, discrepancy or deficiency did not exist) solely because of such defect,
discrepancy or deficiency; but specifically excludes:

      (a)   CCNGP's interests as described in Schedule "A" having converted from
            a before-payout interest to an after-payout interest as a result of
            payout having occurred prior to Closing;

      (b)   Permitted Encumbrances;

      (c)   failure to confirm delay rental payments, where the failure to pay
            such payments will not result in termination or an obligation to pay
            material costs or expenses;

      (d)   CCNGP's or any predecessor's interest being a beneficial interest
            rather than a legal interest;

      (e)   items disclosed in the Schedules hereto; or

      (f)   any missing or unsigned documents the terms of which could not
            result in a reduction of CCNGP's interest or an Encumbrance on
            CCNGP's interest reflected in Schedule "A".

"TITLE DEFECT NOTICE" has the meaning specified in Subsection 11.1(a).

"TITLE DEFECT VALUE" has the meaning specified in Subsection 11.1(a).

"TITLE EVALUATOR" has the meaning specified in Subsection 11.4(c).

"TRANSACTION" means the sale and purchase of the Assets and the Trust Units as
contemplated by this Agreement.

"TRANSITION PERIOD" means the period commencing on the day after the Closing
Date and terminating at 4:00 p.m. (Calgary time) on approximately October 29,

"TRANSITIONAL EMPLOYEES" means those Listed Employees who remain employed by
CCNGP during the Transition Period.

"TRANSITIONAL CONSULTANTS" means those Listed Consultants who agree to provide
services during the Transition Period.

"TRUST UNIT PURCHASE PRICE" means the amount set forth in Section 2.2.

                                     - 19 -

"TRUST UNITS" means 6,766.540 trust units of CNGT, representing 25% of all of
the issued and outstanding securities of CNGT, including without limitation, all
rights to acquire any such securities;

"UNCURED TITLE DEFECT" has the meaning specified in Subsection 11.2(b).

"UNCURED TITLE DEFECTS VALUE" has the meaning specified in Subsection 11.2(b).

"VENDOR DEFAULT" means a breach of a representation or warranty made by Vendor
in Section 5.1 or Section 5.2, or a breach by Vendor of a covenant or agreement
in this Agreement.

"WELLS" means all wells located in the White Map Area in which CCNGP has an
interest, including all producing, shut-in, suspended, abandoned, capped,
injection and disposal wells, and without limiting the foregoing, includes any
well set out in Schedule "G".

"WHITE MAP AREA" means all lands outlined on the plat(s) comprising Part 1 of
Schedule "A" and includes, as the context requires, the surface of such lands
and the Petroleum Substances within such lands.


Unless otherwise stated or the context otherwise necessarily requires, in this

      (a)   references herein to any agreement or instrument, including this
            Agreement, shall be a reference to the agreement or instrument as
            varied, amended, modified, supplemented or replaced from time to

      (b)   the terms "in writing" or "written" include printing, typewriting or
            facsimile transmission;

      (c)   references to a statute shall be a reference to (i) such enactment
            as amended or reenacted from time to time and every statute that may
            be substituted therefor; and (ii) the regulations, bylaws or other
            subsidiary legislation made pursuant to such statute;

      (d)   words importing the singular number only shall include the plural
            and vice versa, and words importing the use of any gender shall
            include all genders,

      (e)   a reference to time shall, unless otherwise specified, refer to
            Mountain Standard Time or Mountain Daylight Savings Time during the
            respective intervals in which each is in force in Alberta;

      (f)   "including", "includes" and like terms means "including without
            limitation" and "includes without limitation";

      (g)   the headings of Articles, Sections, Subsections and Paragraphs in
            this Agreement are for convenience of reference only and shall not
            affect the construction or interpretation of this Agreement;

      (h)   the terms "this Agreement", "hereof, "hereunder" and similar
            expressions refer to this Agreement in its entirety and include any
            agreement supplemental hereto;

                                     - 20 -

      (i)   unless something in the subject matter or context is inconsistent
            therewith, references herein to Articles, Sections, Subsections and
            Paragraphs are to Articles, Sections, Subsections and Paragraphs of
            this Agreement and references herein to Schedules are references to
            Schedules to this Agreement, and

      (j)   subject to Article 16, all references to Vendor and Purchaser in
            this Agreement shall be deemed to include Vendor and Vendors'
            Affiliates and Purchaser and Purchasers' Affiliates (as applicable)
            and, where appropriate, Vendors' Related Parties and Purchaser's
            Related Parties (as applicable) and all such references to Vendor
            and Purchaser shall be read according to the context of the
            Agreement with respect to applicability to the Assets or the Trust


In the event that Closing does not occur, each provision of this Agreement which
presumes that Gas Corp. has acquired the Assets and the Trust has acquired the
Trust Units shall be construed as having been contingent upon Closing having


If there is any conflict or inconsistency between a provision of the body of
this Agreement and that of a Schedule or a conveyance document, the provision of
the body of this Agreement shall prevail.


The following Schedules are incorporated herein by reference and made a part of
this Agreement:

      Schedule "A"

        Part 1        White Map Area Land Plat(s)

        Part 2        Description of Scheduled Petroleum and Natural Gas Rights

      Schedule "B"    Facilities

      Schedule "C"    General Conveyance

      Schedule "D"    Claims

      Schedule "E"    Seismic

      Schedule "F"    Contracts Disclosure

      Schedule "G"    Wells

      Schedule "H"    Officer's Certificate

      Schedule "I"    Outstanding AFEs

      Schedule "J"    Call on Production Agreement

      Schedule "K"    ROFRs

      Schedule "L"    Listed Material Agreements


For all purposes of this Agreement, the knowledge of Vendor consists of the
actual knowledge of its current employees at or above the supervisory level and
who are primarily responsible for the matter in question in the course of their
normal duties after reasonable inquiry. For these purposes, knowledge does not
include the knowledge of any other Person or constructive knowledge. Neither
Vendor nor any of such employees has any obligation to make additional inquiry
of any Person, any files and records or any Government Authority in connection
with representations and warranties that are made to Vendor's knowledge.

                                     - 21 -

                                   ARTICLE 2
                               PURCHASE AND SALE


Upon the terms and subject to the conditions of this Agreement: (a) CCNGP agrees
to sell the Assets to Gas Corp., and Gas Corp. agrees to purchase the Assets
from CCNGP on the Closing Date; and (b) CEHL agrees to sell the Trust Units to
the Trust, and the Trust agrees to purchase the Trust Units from CEHL on the
Closing Date.


The price to be paid by Gas Corp. to CCNGP for the Assets shall be the following

            full consideration for the purchase of the Assets (the "ASSET BID
            PRICE") less the adjustments (if any) to the Asset Bid Price on
            account of exercised Rights of First Refusal and Uncured Title
            Defects pursuant to Article 9 and Article 11 (the Asset Bid Price
            less the amount of such adjustments is the "ASSET PURCHASE PRICE");

      (b)   the Interest on the Asset Purchase Price; plus or minus

      (c)   the net amount of the adjustment pursuant to Article 7 in respect of
            the Interim Period;


The price to be paid by the Trust to CEHL for the Trust Units shall be the
following amount:

      (d)   Seventy-Eight Million Dollars ($78,000,000) to CEHL as full
            consideration for the purchase of the Trust Units (the "TRUST UNIT
            PURCHASE PRICE"); plus

      (e)   the Interest on the Trust Unit Purchase Price; minus

      (f)   the aggregate amount of any and all distributions or any other
            benefits paid or payable by or on behalf of CNGT to CEHL in respect
            of the Trust Units for the period from July 1, 2004 up to the day
            immediately prior to the Closing Date (the "DISTRIBUTIONS");

(collectively the "ADJUSTED TRUST UNIT PURCHASE PRICE"). The Adjusted Asset
Purchase Price and the Adjusted Trust Unit Purchase Price shall hereinafter be
referred to collectively as the "PURCHASE PRICE".


The Adjusted Asset Purchase Price shall be paid by Gas Corp. to CCNGP as

      (a)   the Deposit shall be paid to CCNGP in accordance with Section 2.4;

      (b)   at Closing, subject to Section 4.4, Gas Corp. shall pay to CCNGP an
            amount equal to the aggregate of:

                                     - 22 -

            (i)   the Adjusted Asset Purchase Price, minus

            (ii)  the Deposit (and any interest earned thereon in accordance
                  with Subsection 2.4(a)).

At Closing, subject to Section 4.4, the Trust shall pay to CEHL an amount equal
to the Adjusted Trust Unit Purchase Price.


      (a)   Upon execution and delivery of this Agreement, Gas Corp. shall pay
            an amount equal to Thirty Seven Million Five Hundred Thousand
            ($37,500,000) (the "DEPOSIT") as a deposit against the payment of
            the Asset Purchase Price. The Deposit shall be held in escrow in an
            interest bearing account by the Escrow Agent and shall be dealt with
            by the Escrow Agent, all in accordance with the terms of this

      (b)   If Closing occurs, the Deposit shall be applied to payment of the
            Adjusted Asset Purchase Price.

      (c)   If Closing does not occur due to a Purchaser Default, the Deposit
            and the interest earned thereon while held by Escrow Agent shall be
            forfeited to CCNGP for its own account absolutely as the genuine
            pre-estimate by CCNGP and Gas Corp. of CCNGP's liquidated damages as
            a result of Closing not occurring, in full and final satisfaction of
            Gas Corp.'s obligations under this Agreement and CCNGP shall have no
            further rights or remedies whatsoever under this Agreement or
            otherwise as a result of any Purchaser Default.

      (d)   If Closing does not occur for any reason or circumstance other than
            a Purchaser Default, the Deposit plus interest thereon at the Prime
            Rate plus one percent (1%) shall be returned to Gas Corp. for the
            account of Gas Corp. absolutely.


      (a)   The Asset Purchase Price does not include GST or any provincial
            sales taxes that may be applicable to the sale of the Assets
            hereunder. Unless Gas Corp. elects to proceed under Subclause 2.5(d)
            at Closing, Gas Corp. shall pay to CCNGP an amount equal to seven
            percent (7%) of the portion of the Adjusted Asset Purchase Price
            allocated to Tangibles, Seismic Data and Miscellaneous Interests
            pursuant to Section 2.6. CCNGP shall remit such amount to the
            appropriate taxation authorities in accordance with the GST
            Legislation. Each of CCNGP and Gas Corp. represents that it holds a
            valid GST registration account number at the date of Closing and
            that its registration number for GST purposes is:

            CCNGP:          897181517

            Gas Corp.:      89963 1105 RT0001

      (b)   At Closing, Gas Corp. will also remit to CCNGP any provincial sales
            taxes that CCNGP is required to collect from Gas Corp. under
            Applicable Law in respect of the Transaction. CCNGP shall remit such
            amounts to the appropriate taxation authorities in accordance with
            Applicable Law.

                                     - 23 -

      (c)   After Closing, Gas Corp. shall be responsible for, and shall
            indemnify and save CCNGP and its Related Parties harmless in respect
            of, any and all GST and sales taxes imposed by a Government
            Authority (including interest and penalties) in respect of the
            Transaction which are in excess of the amounts collected by CCNGP
            from Gas Corp. at Closing.

      (d)   If requested by Gas Corp., CCNGP and Gas Corp. shall jointly elect
            at Closing pursuant to Section 167 of the Excise Tax Act (Canada) to
            have the provisions thereof concerning the acquisition of part of a
            business applied to this Transaction and Gas Corp. undertakes to
            file such election with the Canada Revenue Agency in a timely and
            proper fashion. Gas Corp. shall be liable for and, in addition,
            shall indemnify CCNGP from any and all claims, liabilities, actions,
            proceedings, demands, losses, costs, penalties, GST payable, fines,
            damages, interest and expenses suffered by or sustained by CCNGP
            pertaining to this election.


      (a)   CCNGP and Gas Corp. shall allocate the Adjusted Asset Purchase Price
            for all purposes (including for purposes of the Income Tax Act and
            the GST Legislation) as follows:

(i) Petroleum & Natural Gas Rights:   $591,919,999.20

(ii) Tangibles:                       $147,979,999.80

(iii) Seismic Data:                   $  7,100,000.00

(iv) Miscellaneous Interests:         $          1.00

      (b)   CCNGP and Gas Corp. shall allocate the Interest on the Asset
            Purchase Price and all adjustments to the Asset Purchase Price
            calculated pursuant to Article 7 for all purposes (including for
            purposes of the Income Tax Act and the GST Legislation) to the
            Petroleum and Natural Gas Rights.


All payments to be made pursuant to this Agreement shall be made in immediately
available Canadian funds. Payments to be made at or prior to Closing shall be
made by wire transfer while payments to be made after Closing may be made by
wire transfer, certified cheque or bank draft.

                                    ARTICLE 3


Closing shall take place at the Closing Place on the Closing Date if there has
been satisfaction or waiver of the conditions of Closing herein contained.

                                     - 24 -


The transfer of the Assets from CCNGP to Gas Corp. and the transfer of the Trust
Units from CEHL to the Trust and the assumption of the benefits, obligations and
risks associated with the Assets by Gas Corp. and the Trust Units by the Trust
will be effective as of the Effective Time, provided Closing occurs. Possession
of the Assets will pass to Gas Corp. upon Closing and transfer of ownership of
the Trust Units to the Trust will occur upon Closing.


At Closing, CCNGP shall deliver, or cause to be delivered, to Gas Corp., the

      (a)   the General Conveyance executed by CCNGP;

      (b)   a receipt for payment of the Adjusted Asset Purchase Price payable
            pursuant to Subsection 2.3(b);

      (c)   copies of all Third Party consents to the sale of the Assets
            pursuant hereto obtained prior to Closing and copies of all Right of
            First Refusal notices sent by CCNGP and notices of exercise and
            waivers of Rights of First Refusal provided by Third Parties at or
            prior to Closing;

      (d)   the Specific Conveyances referred to in Section 3.5 executed by

      (e)   an officer's certificate of CCNGP in the form of Schedule "H"
            attached hereto;

      (f)   the Call on Production Agreement and any agreed security related
            thereto, in each case duly executed by the parties (other than Gas
            Corp.) expressed to be party thereto;

      (g)   the election referred to in Schedule 2.5(d), if applicable, duly
            executed by CCNGP;

      (h)   a certified copy of a partners' resolution approving the
            Transaction; and

      (i)   any other documents required to be delivered by CCNGP to Gas Corp.
            at Closing pursuant to this Agreement.

At Closing, CEHL shall deliver, or cause to be delivered, to the Trust, the

      (j)   documentation evidencing the transfer of ownership of the Trust
            Units from CEHL to the Trust in form satisfactory to the Trust, in
            its sole discretion;

      (k)   information acceptable to the Trust, acting reasonably, of the
            status and plans relating to following agreements:

            (i)   the Services Agreement dated October 15, 2003 among Calpine
                  Natural Gas, L.P., Calpine Natural Gas Limited, Calpine
                  Natural Gas Holdings Limited and Calpine Natural Gas Services
                  Limited; and

            (ii)  the Energy Management Services Agreement dated October 15,
                  2003 between Calpine Canada Natural Gas Partnership and
                  Calpine Natural Gas, L.P.;

                                     - 25 -

      (l)   a certified copy of a resolution of the board of directors of CEHL
            approving the sale of the Trust Units from CEHL to the Trust; and

      (m)   any other documents required to be delivered by CEHL to the Trust at
            Closing pursuant to this Agreement.


At Closing, Gas Corp. shall deliver, or cause to be delivered, to CCNGP, the

      (a)   the amount payable by Gas Corp. at the Closing pursuant to Section

      (b)   an officer's certificate of Gas Corp. in the form of Schedule "H";

      (c)   the election referred to in Section 2.5(d), if applicable, duly
            executed by Gas Corp;

      (d)   copies of the Competition Act Approval; and

      (e)   any other documents required to be delivered by Gas Corp. to CCNGP
            at the Closing pursuant to this Agreement.

In addition, at or before Closing, Gas Corp. shall execute the Specific
Conveyances and the General Conveyance tabled by CCNGP pursuant to Section 3.3.

At Closing, the Trust shall deliver, or cause to be delivered, to CEHL, the

      (f)   the amount payable by the Trust at the Closing pursuant to Section

      (g)   an officer's certificate of the Trust substantially in the form of
            Schedule "H"; and

      (h)   any other documents required to he delivered by the Trust to CEHL at
            the Closing pursuant to this Agreement.


      (a)   CCNGP shall use commercially reasonable efforts to prepare the
            Specific Conveyances at its cost prior to Closing, provided that if
            all Specific Conveyances are not delivered at Closing, the balance
            of the Specific Conveyances outstanding shall be delivered within 30
            days following Closing. None of the Specific Conveyances shall
            confer or impose upon a Party any greater right or obligation than
            contemplated in this Agreement. It shall not be necessary for those
            Specific Conveyances that are prepared and circulated to Gas Corp.
            in a reasonable time prior to Closing to have been executed prior to
            or at Closing by Third Parties. Promptly after Closing, and at Gas
            Corp.'s cost, CCNGP shall deliver all Specific Conveyances to Third
            Parties and Government Authorities in accordance with normal
            industry practices and shall attend to the registration of Specific
            Conveyances with Government Authorities in accordance with normal
            industry practices. Gas Corp. shall use all reasonable efforts to
            become, as soon as reasonably practicable following Closing, the
            recognized and beneficial holder of the Assets in the place and
            stead of CCNGP, and shall where CCNGP is the registering party,
            promptly take whatever steps are necessary to verify such

                                     - 26 -

      (b)   Gas Corp. shall bear all costs, fees and deposits of every nature
            and kind incurred (whether by CCNGP or Gas Corp.) in registering any
            Specific Conveyances and registering any further assurances required
            to convey the Assets to Gas Corp.

      (c)   By notice delivered to Gas Corp. not later than three Business Days
            prior to the Closing Date, CCNGP may request Gas Corp. to pay to
            CCNGP at Closing CCNGP's bona fide estimate as set forth in the
            notice of the costs, fees and deposits referred to in Subsection
            3.5(b). In that event, Gas Corp. shall pay such amount to CCNGP at
            Closing and if the estimate is less than the actual amount of the
            costs, fees and deposits, Gas Corp. shall pay the deficiency
            shortfall to CCNGP promptly after receipt of a request therefor, and
            if the estimate exceeds the actual amount of the costs, fees and
            deposits, CCNGP shall reimburse the excess to Gas Corp.


CCNGP shall deliver or cause to be delivered to Gas Corp. within 30 days
following Closing, the original copies of the Title and Operating Documents and
the original copies of records, documents, licenses, reports and data including,
to the extent available, electronic records comprising Miscellaneous Interests,
which are now in the possession of CCNGP or to which CCNGP has reasonable
access. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if and to the extent such contracts,
agreements, records, documents, licenses, reports and data also pertain to
interests other than the Assets, photocopies or other copies may be provided to
Gas Corp. in lieu of original copies.

                                    ARTICLE 4
                             CONDITIONS OF CLOSING


The obligation of Gas Corp. to complete the acquisition of the Assets pursuant
hereto is subject to the following conditions, which are for the exclusive
benefit of Gas Corp. and may be waived in whole or in part by Gas Corp. by
written notice to CCNGP at or before Closing:

      (a)   COMPETITION ACT APPROVAL: The Competition Act Approval shall have
            been obtained on terms acceptable to Gas Corp. acting reasonably;

      (b)   REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES: The representations and warranties
            of CCNGP in Section 5.1 shall be true when made and as of the
            Closing Date except to the extent that does not, in the aggregate,
            have a material adverse effect on the value of the Assets and CCNGP
            shall have delivered an officer's certificate in the form of
            Schedule "H" to that effect to Gas Corp. at Closing;

      (c)   COMPLIANCE WITH COVENANTS: CCNGP shall have performed or complied in
            all material respects with all of its obligations, covenants and
            agreements contained in this Agreement to be performed or complied
            with by CCNGP at or prior to Closing, except to the extent that dues
            not, in the aggregate, have a material adverse effect on the value
            of the Assets;

      (d)   NO ACTION OR PROCEEDING: At the time Closing occurs, no Claim shall
            be pending before any court or Government Authority seeking to
            restrain or prohibit the purchase and sale of the Assets
            contemplated hereby or to obtain material damages or other relief in
            connection with the consummation of the Transaction, excluding
            Claims in respect of Rights of First Refusal;

                                     - 27 -

      (e)   DAMAGE TO THE TANGIBLES: If there has been physical damage to the
            Tangibles, between the date hereof and the Closing Date, the costs
            of repairing all of such damage shall not exceed $20,000,000;

      (f)   CLOSING DELIVERIES: CCNGP shall have complied with its obligations
            under Section 3.3; and

      (g)   DISCHARGES: CCNGP shall have delivered to Gas Corp. releases and
            registerable discharges or no-interest letters in form and substance
            satisfactory to Gas Corp., acting reasonably, from all parties
            holding security interests or similar encumbrances in the Assets,
            except to the extent that such security interests or encumbrances do
            not, in the aggregate, exceed $20,000,000.

The obligation of the Trust to complete the acquisition of the Trust Units
pursuant hereto is subject to the following conditions, which are for the
exclusive benefit of the Trust and may be waived in whole or in part by the
Trust by written notice to CEHL at or before Closing:

      (h)   REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES: The representations and warranties
            of CEHL in Section 5.2 shall be true when made and as of the Closing
            Date except to the extent that does not, in the aggregate, have a
            material adverse effect on the value of the Trust Units and CEHL
            shall have delivered an officer's certificate in the form of
            Schedule "H" to that effect to the Trust at Closing;

      (i)   COMPLIANCE WITH COVENANTS: CEHL shall have performed or complied in
            all material respects with all of its obligations, covenants and
            agreements contained in this Agreement to be performed or complied
            with by CEHL at or prior to Closing, except to the extent that does
            not, in the aggregate, have a material adverse effect on the value
            of the Trust Units;

      (j)   NO ACTION OR PROCEEDING: At the time Closing occurs, no Claim shall
            be pending before any court or Government Authority seeking to
            restrain or prohibit the purchase and sale of the Trust Units
            contemplated hereby or to obtain material damages or other relief
            from CEHL in connection with the completion of the purchase and sale
            of the Trust Units contemplated hereby;

      (k)   RESIGNATION OF DIRECTORS: Bill A. Berilgen, Toby Austin and John
            King shall have resigned as directors of Calpine Natural Gas Limited
            and each of its Affiliates;

      (I)   AVAILABLE EXEMPTION: If the purchase price per Trust Unit exceeds
            115% of the "market price" of the trust units of CNGT, determined in
            accordance with section 161(l)(c) of the Securities Act (Alberta)
            and section 172 of the Alberta Securities Commission Rules (General)
            (and the equivalent provisions of other applicable securities laws),
            the Trust shall have available to it an alternative and proper
            exemption(s) to satisfy applicable securities laws with respect to
            prospectus, registration and take-over bid requirements:

      (m)   COMPLETION OF ASSET ACQUISITION: Gas Corp. shall have completed the
            acquisition of the Assets; and

      (n)   CLOSING DELIVERIES: CEHL shall have complied with its obligations
            under Section 3.3.

      (o)   AGREEMENTS UNAMENDED: At the time Closing occurs, none of the Listed
            Material Contracts shall have been amended, modified or assigned.

                                     - 28 -


The obligation of CCNGP to complete the sale of the Assets pursuant hereto is
subject to the following conditions, which are for the exclusive benefit of
GCNGP and may be waived in whole or in part by CCNGP by written notice to Gas
Corp. at or before Closing:

      (a)   COMPETITION ACT APPROVAL: The Competition Act Approval shall have
            been obtained at or prior to Closing, on terms acceptable to CCNGP
            acting reasonably;

      (b)   REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES: The representations and warranties
            of Gas Corp. in Section 5.4 shall be true when made and as of the
            Closing Date, except to the extent that does not, in the aggregate,
            have a material adverse effect on CCNGP, and Gas Corp. shall have
            delivered an officer's certificate in the form of Schedule "II" to
            that effect to CCNGP at Closing;

      (c)   COMPLIANCE WITH COVENANTS: Gas Corp. shall have performed or
            complied in all material respects with all of its obligations,
            covenants and agreements contained in this Agreement to be performed
            or complied with by Gas Corp. at or prior to Closing, except to the
            extent that such non-compliance does not have an adverse effect on
            Gas Corp.'s ability to complete the acquisition of the Assets;

      (d)   TENDER: Gas Corp. shall have tendered or caused to be tendered to
            CCNGP, all amounts to be paid by Gas Corp. to CCNGP at Closing in
            the form stipulated in this Agreement;

      (e)   NO ACTION OR PROCEEDING: At the time Closing occurs, no Claim shall
            be pending before any court or Government Authority seeking to
            restrain or prohibit the purchase and sale of the Assets
            contemplated hereby or to obtain material damages or other relief
            from CCNGP in connection with the completion of the purchase and
            sale of the Assets contemplated hereby excluding Claims in respect
            of Rights of First Refusal; and

      (f)   CLOSING DELIVERIES: Gas Corp. shall have complied with its
            obligations under Section 3.4.

      (g)   CORPORATE APPROVAL: Calpine Corporation shall have approved the
            Transaction on behalf of Vendor on or before August 16, 2004.

The obligation of CEHL to complete the sale of the Trust Units pursuant hereto
is subject to the following conditions, which are for the exclusive benefit of
CEHL and may be waived in whole or in part by CEHL by written notice to the
Trust at or before Closing:

      (h)   REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES: The representations and warranties
            of the Trust in Section 5.5 shall be true when made and as of the
            Closing Date, except to the extent that does not, in the aggregate,
            have a material adverse effect on CEHL, and the Trust shall have
            delivered an officer's certificate substantially in the form of
            Schedule "H" to that effect to CEHL at Closing;

      (i)   COMPLIANCE WITH COVENANTS: The Trust shall have performed or
            complied in all material respects with all of its obligations,
            covenants and agreements contained in this Agreement to be performed
            or complied with by the Trust at or prior to Closing, except to the
            extent that such non-compliance does not have an adverse effect on
            the Trust's ability to complete the acquisition of the Trust Units;

                                     - 29 -

      (j)   TENDER: The Trust shall have tendered or caused to be tendered to
            CEHL, all amounts to be paid by the Trust to CEHL at Closing in the
            form stipulated in this Agreement;

      (k)   NO ACTION OR PROCEEDING: At the time Closing occurs, no Claim shall
            be pending before any court or Government Authority seeking to
            restrain or prohibit the purchase and sale of the Trust Units
            contemplated hereby or to obtain material damages or other relief
            from CEHL in connection with the completion of the purchase and sale
            of the Trust Units contemplated hereby; and

      (l)   CLOSING DELIVERIES: The Trust shall have complied with its
            obligations under Section 3.4.


      (a)   Each of the Parties shall proceed diligently, honestly and in good
            faith and use all reasonable efforts to satisfy and comply with and
            assist in the satisfaction of and compliance with the conditions set
            forth in Sections 4.1 and 4.2.

      (b)   Gas Corp. shall provide Vendor with copies of the Competition Act
            Approval immediately upon receipt of same.

      (c)   The Parties shall use all reasonable efforts to obtain the
            Competition Act Approval prior to Closing. Gas Corp. shall promptly
            (and in any event, within 14 days following the date of execution of
            this Agreement) give the requisite notice of the Transaction under
            Section 114 of the Competition Act and/or file a request for an
            advance ruling certificate under Section 102 of the Competition Act
            in respect of the Transaction and Gas Corp. shall pay the applicable
            filing fee and all Taxes thereon. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
            Vendor shall co-operate with and provide reasonable assistance to
            Gas Corp. in the preparation of such notice and/or request.
            Purchaser shall provide to Vendor in advance copies of all
            applications and filings for approval by Vendor, not to be
            unreasonably withheld.

      (d)   Notwithstanding Section 3.5, any transfer or assignment of Title and
            Operating Documents requiring notice to or consent from a Third
            Party (including transfers of Permits requiring approvals of
            Government Authorities other than Customary Post Closing Consents)
            shall not be assigned or transferred to Gas Corp. until and unless
            the notice or consent requirements have been satisfied. Each Party
            shall use commercially reasonable efforts, as to matters within its
            control, to satisfy such requirements as of the Closing Date, and
            Gas Corp. shall furnish any deposits or security reasonably required
            to complete such transfers and assignments in accordance with normal
            industry practices or the provisions of the Title and Operating
            Documents or Applicable Law after the applicable consent or approval
            has been obtained. If any such consent or notice requirement (other
            than Customary Post Closing Consents) is not satisfied as of
            Closing, the Parties shall consider whether to exclude the affected
            Title and Operating Documents from the sale of the Assets pursuant
            hereto or to enter into alternative arrangements, including escrow
            arrangements but, regardless of such circumstances (and subject to a
            reasonable materiality standard), the sale of the Assets shall be

      (e)   On or after the Closing Date, Gas Corp. shall take reasonable steps
            to cause to be released and returned to CCNGP any guarantees, bonds
            or other security provided by CCNGP or any of its Affiliates to
            Government Authorities or other Third Parties in connection with the
            Assets by arranging for and providing substitute security therefor
            provided that such obligation shall not arise until after any
            required consent or approval has been obtained.

                                     - 30 -

        (f)    If a Party for whose benefit a condition has been included in
               Section 4.1 or 4.2 fails to notify the other applicable Party at
               or prior to Closing as to whether or not the condition has been
               satisfied or complied with, the condition shall be conclusively
               deemed to have been waived by such Party.


If a condition in Sections 4.1 or 4.2 has not been satisfied on or before the
Closing Date and such condition has not been waived in writing by the Party for
whose benefit such condition has been included herein, such Party may terminate
this Agreement by written notice to the other Parties prior to the Closing,
provided that a Party shall not be permitted to exercise or purport to exercise
any right of termination pursuant to this Section 4.4 if the event or
circumstances giving rise to such right is due to a Default by such Party.


If this Agreement is terminated prior to the Closing occurring pursuant to
Section 4.3(d), 4.4 or 11.3(a)(iii), the Parties shall be released from all
obligations under this Agreement except as follows:

      (a)   subject to Section 2.4, a Party shall remain liable for Defaults by
            it prior to the termination;

      (b)   the provisions of Section 2.4 shall remain in effect and be binding
            and enforceable in accordance with its terms; and

      (c)   the Confidentiality Agreement shall remain in full force and effect
            in accordance with its terms.

Subject to the foregoing provisions of this Section, following such termination,
each Party shall be responsible for the costs and expenses incurred by it in
connection with this Agreement and the Transaction.

                                    ARTICLE 5


CCNGP represents and warrants to Gas Corp., that, except for matters disclosed
in the Schedules and subject in all instances to the Permitted Encumbrances:

      (a)   ORGANIZATION AND STANDING: CCNGP is a general partnership, duly
            organized and validly subsisting under the laws of its jurisdiction
            of organization and is duly qualified under the jurisdictions in
            which it is required to be qualified in order for it to own the

            has the requisite capacity, power and authority to execute, deliver
            and perform its obligations under this Agreement and all of the
            agreements, instruments and other documents contemplated hereby. The
            execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement and the
            completion of the Transaction have been duly and validly authorized
            by any and all requisite actions of CCNGP and provided the
            Competition Act Approval is obtained, do not and will not result in
            any violation of, be in conflict with, or constitute a default
            under, its articles, charter, by-laws, partnership agreement or
            other governing documents, as the case may be and no other
            authorization or approval or other action by. and no notice to or
            filing with any Governmental

                                     - 31 -

            Authority or regulatory body exercising jurisdiction over the Assets
            or CCNGP is required for the due execution, delivery and performance
            by CCNGP. This Agreement and any other agreement delivered in
            connection herewith, to which CCNGP is party, has been or will at
            the appropriate time be validly executed and delivered by CCNGP and
            constitute valid and binding obligations of CCNGP and provided the
            Competition Act Approval is obtained, will be enforceable against
            CCNGP in accordance with their terms, subject to (i) bankruptcy,
            insolvency, fraudulent preference, reorganization or other laws
            affecting creditors' rights generally, and (ii) general principles
            of equity (regardless of whether such enforceability is considered
            in a proceeding at law or equity);

      (c)   NO CONFLICT: The execution and delivery of this Agreement are not,
            and, provided the Competition Act Approval is obtained and except
            for Customary Post Closing Consents, the completion of the
            Transaction in accordance with the terms of this Agreement will not
            be, in violation or breach of or in conflict with or require any
            consent, authorization or approval under:

            (i)   any term or provision of the constating documents of CCNGP;

            (ii)  any agreement, instrument, license, permit or other
                  governmental authorization to which CCNGP is a party or by
                  which CCNGP is bound; or

            (iii) any judgment, decree, order, statute, regulation, rule, or
                  license applicable to CCNGP (other than Licence Transfer

      (d)   NO FINDER'S FEE: CCNGP has not incurred any obligation or liability,
            contingent or otherwise, for brokers' or finders' fees in respect of
            this Agreement or the Transaction for which Gas Corp. or any of its
            Affiliates shall have any obligation or liability;

      (e)   RESIDENCY: Neither of the partners of CCNGP is a "non-resident" of
            Canada for the purposes of the Income Tax Act;

      (f)   JUDGMENTS AND CLAIMS: Except as set forth in the Schedule "D", there
            are no unsatisfied judgments nor any Claims in existence against
            CCNGP that relate to the Assets, and to the knowledge of CCNGP no
            such Claims have been threatened and there are no particular
            circumstances that exist which could give rise to any such judgments
            or Claims;

      (g)   TITLE TO ASSETS: CCNGP does not warrant title to the Assets but does
            warrant that it has not done any act or thing whereby any of the
            Scheduled Assets may be encumbered, alienated, cancelled or
            determined and that the Scheduled Assets are now and will be at the
            Closing Date, free and clear of all Encumbrances created by, through
            or under CCNGP, or of which CCNGP is aware, except Permitted

      (h)   COMPLIANCE WITH AGREEMENTS: Except as described in Schedule "D", to
            CCNGP's knowledge:

            (i)   CCNGP is not in default under Applicable Law or the Title and
                  Operating Documents; and

            (ii)  CCNGP has not failed to comply with, perform, observe or
                  satisfy, in all material respects, any term, condition,
                  obligation or liability which has heretofore arisen under the
                  provisions of Applicable Law or any of the Title and Operating

                                     - 32 -

            which default or failure would reasonably be expected to materially
            adversely affect the value of the Assets taken as a whole;

      (i)   NO DEFAULT NOTICES: Except as described in Schedule "D", CCNGP has
            not received notice of violation of or default under any other
            obligation, agreement, document, order, writ, injunction or decree
            of any Government Authority that relates to the Assets and to
            CCNGP's knowledge, no particular circumstance presently exists which
            may give rise to any such violation or default and, additionally, to
            CCNGP's knowledge, there are no such outstanding defaults or notices
            of default in relation to any Third Party;

      (j)   FINANCIAL COMMITMENTS: Except as set forth in Schedule "I", and
            except for operating costs incurred in the ordinary course of
            business, there are no outstanding AFE's or other financial
            commitments respecting the Assets which are due as at the date
            hereof, pursuant to which individual expenditures of greater than
            One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) may be required by the Gas
            Corp. after the Effective Time;

      (k)   ROYALTIES: All ad valorem, property, royalties, production,
            severance and similar taxes and assessments based on or measured by
            the ownership of the Assets or the production of Petroleum
            Substances or the receipt of proceeds therefrom payable by CCNGP in
            respect of the Assets have been paid and discharged, and to CCNGP's
            knowledge, all such obligations which are the responsibility of
            Third Parties related to the Assets have been paid and discharged;

      (l)   ENVIRONMENTAL MATTERS: Except as set out in Schedule "D", CCNGP has
            not received, nor is it aware that any Third Party has received:

            (i)   any notice, order or directive under Applicable Law which
                  relates to Environmental Liabilities and which requires any
                  work, repairs, construction or capital expenditures which is
                  outstanding, where such orders or directives have not been
                  complied with in all material respects; or

            (ii)  any demand or notice issued with respect to the breach of
                  Applicable Law from any Third Party pertaining to the Assets
                  that relates to the Environment, health or safety, including,
                  without limitation, any matter respecting the release, use,
                  storage, treatment, transportation or disposition of
                  environmental contaminants which demand or notice remains

            and to CCNGP's knowledge, no particular circumstance presently
            exists which may give rise to any such orders, directives, demands
            or notices;

      (m)   OPERATION OF TANGIBLES AND WELLS: All operations in respect of the
            Tangibles and the Wells have been conducted in accordance with good
            oilfield industry practices, and to CCNGP's knowledge, all
            Applicable Law, all Permits and the requirements of all Government
            Authorities have been complied with in all material respects and all
            operations in respect of the Tangibles and Wells conducted by Third
            Parties have been conducted in accordance with good oilfield
            industry practices, (subject to the representations and warranties
            set forth in this Section 5.1);

      (n)   CONTRACTS: Except for contracts disclosed in Schedule "F" and
            agreements that can be terminated by CCNGP without penalty on notice
            of 60 days or less, to CCNGP's knowledge, CCNGP is not a party to or
            bound by any:

                                     - 33 -

            (i)   contracts for the sale of Petroleum Substances;

            (ii)  gas balancing, prepayment or similar agreements;

            (iii) agreements for the gathering, transportation, compression,
                  processing treatment, storage or disposal of Petroleum

            (iv)  take or pay arrangements or any other arrangements which
                  obligate the Vendor to sell or deliver Petroleum Substances
                  without being entitled to receive and retain full payment for
                  such Petroleum Substances; or

            (v)   Contract Operating Agreements or agreements to provide
                  transportation, processing or disposal capacity or service to
                  any Third Party

            that relate to the Assets;

      (o)   PERMIT TRANSFERS: CCNGP is eligible under Applicable Law to transfer
            the Permits for the Assets operated by it and no circumstance exists
            which could reasonably be expected to result in an undue delay or an
            inability to register any of the Permit Transfers;

      (p)   RIGHTS OF FIRST REFUSAL: To CCNGP's knowledge, there are no Rights
            of First Refusal by which CCNGP or any Affiliate thereof is bound,
            other than those which shall be disclosed in Schedule "K" to this

      (q)   NO THREATENED COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS: CCNGP is not the subject of any
            existing, threatened or apparent union organizing activities
            involving any of the Accepting Employees, Transitional Employees,
            Accepting Consultants or Transitional Consultants;

      (r)   COMPLAINTS OR PROCEEDINGS: There are no claims or complaints against
            CCNGP pursuant to any Applicable Law relating to the Accepting
            Employees, Transitional Employees, Accepting Consultants or
            Transitional Consultants, including employment standards,
            occupational health and safety, human rights, labour relations,
            worker's compensation, pay equity and employment equity, and to
            CCNGP's knowledge, no particular circumstance presently exists which
            may give rise to any such claims or complaints;

      (s)   QUIET ENJOYMENT: Subject to the rents, covenants, conditions and
            stipulations in the Leases and subject to the Permitted
            Encumbrances, from and after Closing, Gas Corp. will be entitled to
            hold and enjoy the interests in the Assets attributed to CCNGP in
            the Schedules hereto for Gas Corp.'s own use and benefit without any
            interruption of or by CCNGP or any Third Party claiming by, through
            or under CCNGP;

      (t)   EXAMINATION OF ASSETS: CCNGP shall have exercised reasonable efforts
            to make available to Gas Corp., prior to Closing, all of the Title
            and Operating Documents and documents comprising the Miscellaneous
            Interests in its possession or to which it has access and any other
            information, documents and agreements that are relevant to the
            Assets, including without limitation, information, documents and
            agreements relevant to CCNGP's title to the Assets, Abandonment and
            Reclamation Obligations, Environmental Liabilities pertaining to the
            Assets, production or revenue from the Assets and other information,
            documents and agreements that that are reasonably required by Gas
            Corp. or which have otherwise been reasonably requested by Gas Corp.
            In addition, CCNGP has not knowingly withheld from Gas Corp. any
            information, documents and agreements relevant to the Assets;

                                     - 34 -

      (u)   REDUCTION OF INTERESTS: To CCNGP's knowledge, except as otherwise
            disclosed on Schedule "A", CCNGP's interests in the Assets are not
            subject to reduction by reference to a payout or production penalty
            or otherwise through any right or interest granted by. through or
            under CCNGP or of which it has knowledge;

      (v)   RECEIPT OF REVENUE: To CCNGP's knowledge, CCNGP has been receiving
            the share of the net proceeds of production from the Assets
            attributable to its interests as shown in the schedules hereto;

      (w)   INTEREST IN TANGIBLES: To CCNGP's knowledge, the interest ascribed
            to CCNGP in the Facilities in Schedule "B" and CCNGP's interest in
            the other tangibles, are beneficially owned by CCNGP free and clear
            of all Security Interests, Encumbrances, and other third party
            claims and interests of any nature whatsoever, except Permitted
            Encumbrances, and none of the Tangibles are held through any lease,
            license, conditional sale or other similar arrangement, the terms of
            which are not disclosed in Schedule "B; and

      (x)   MATERIAL CONTRACTS: Gas Corp. will not become a party to or be
            otherwise bound by the Listed Material Contracts, there are no other
            Material Contracts and to CCNGP's knowledge the Listed Material
            Contracts will not impose any obligations, Losses or Liabilities on
            Gas Corp.


CEHL represents and warrants to the Trust, that:

      (a)   ORGANIZATION AND STANDING: CEHL is a corporation, duly incorporated
            and validly subsisting under the laws of its jurisdiction of
            organization and is duly qualified under the jurisdictions in which
            it is required to be qualified in order for it to own the Trust

            has the requisite capacity, power and authority to execute, deliver
            and perform its obligations under this Agreement and all of the
            agreements, instruments and other documents contemplated hereby. The
            execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement and the
            completion of the Transaction have been duly and validly authorized
            by any and all requisite actions of CEHL and provided the
            Competition Approval is obtained, do not and will not result in any
            violation of, be in conflict with, or constitute a default under,
            its articles, charter, by-laws or other governing documents, as the
            case may be. This Agreement and any other agreement delivered in
            connection herewith, to which CEHL is party, has been or will at the
            appropriate time be validly executed and delivered by CEHL and
            constitute valid and binding obligations of CEHL and provided the
            Competition Act Approval is obtained, will be enforceable against
            CEHL in accordance with their terms, subject to (i) bankruptcy,
            insolvency, fraudulent preference, reorganization or other laws
            affecting creditors' rights generally, and (ii) general principles
            of equity (regardless of whether such enforceability is considered
            in a proceeding at law or equity);

      (c)   NO CONFLICT: The execution and delivery of this Agreement are not,
            and, provided the Competition Act Approval is obtained and except
            for Customary Post Closing Consents, the completion of the
            Transaction in accordance with the terms of this Agreement will not
            be in violation or breach of or in conflict with or require any
            consent, authorization or approval under:

                                     - 35 -

            (i)   any term or provision of the constating documents of CEIIL;

            (ii)  any agreement, instrument, license, permit or other
                  governmental authorization to which CEHL is a party or by
                  which CEHL is bound; or

            (iii) any judgment, decree, order, statute, regulation, rule, or
                  license applicable to CEHL, except such as may be required
                  under applicable securities laws;

      (d)   NO FINDER'S FEE: CEHL has not incurred any obligation or liability,
            contingent or otherwise, for brokers' or finders' fees in respect of
            this Agreement or the Transaction for which the Trust or any of its
            Affiliates shall have any obligation or liability;

      (e)   TRUST UNITS HELD: CEHL is the beneficial and immediately prior to
            Closing will be the registered owner of the Trust Units, free and
            clear of all Encumbrances. To CEHL's knowledge, all of the Trust
            Units were duly authorized and validly issued as fully paid and non
            assessable trust units of CNGT;


            (i)   There is no contract, option or any other right of another
                  binding upon CEHL to sell, transfer, assign, pledge, charge,
                  mortgage or in any other way dispose of or encumber any of the
                  Trust Units other than pursuant to the provisions of this

            (ii)  other than the Trust, no Person, firm or corporation has any
                  right, under preferential rights of purchase clauses or
                  otherwise, which has not been waived prior to the Closing
                  Date, to acquire any interest in the Trust Units held by CEHL;

            (iii) no securities commission or other regulatory body has issued
                  any order preventing or suspending trading of Trust Units; and

            (iv)  there is no restriction on the trade of any of the Trust Units
                  except that the Trust Units are subject to "control block"
                  resale restrictions under Canadian provincial securities laws;

      (g)   JUDGMENTS AND CLAIMS: There are no unsatisfied judgments nor any
            Claims in existence against CEHL that relate to the Trust Units, and
            to the knowledge of CEHL no such Claims have been threatened and
            there are no particular circumstances that exist which could rise to
            any such judgments or Claims;

      (h)   RESIDENCY: CEHL is not a "non-resident" of Canada for the purposes
            of the Income Tax Act;

      (i)   CAPITAL PROPERTY: To CEHL's knowledge, all of the Trust Units are
            "capital property" (as that term is defined in the Income Tax Act)
            to CEHL;

      (j)   NO MATERIAL CHANGE: Other than the Transaction, CEHL has no
            knowledge of any material fact or material change (as those terms
            are defined in the Securities Act (Alberta)) with respect to CNGT
            that has not been generally disclosed;

      (k)   EXAMINATION OF TRUST UNITS: CEHL shall have exercised reasonable
            efforts to make available to the Trust, prior to Closing, all
            information, documents and agreements in its possession or to which
            it has access that are relevant to the Trust Units, including

                                     - 36 -

            limitation, information, documents and agreements relating to
            CEIIL's title to the Trust Units, Liabilities pertaining to the
            Trust Units and other information, documents and agreements that
            that are reasonably required by the Trust or which have otherwise
            been reasonably requested by the Trust, In addition, CEHL has not
            knowingly withheld from the Trust any information, documents and
            agreements directly related to ownership of the Trust Units; and

      (l)   MATERIAL CONTRACTS: The Trust will not become a party to or be
            otherwise bound by the Listed Material Contracts, there are no other
            Material Contracts and to CEHL's knowledge the Listed Material
            Contracts will not impose any obligations, Losses or Liabilities on
            the Trust.


      (a)   Vendor makes no representations or warranties of any kind or nature,
            express or implied, at law or in equity except as expressly set
            forth in Sections 5.1 and 5.2, as applicable, and in particular, and
            without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Vendor hereby
            expressly negates and disclaims, and shall not be liable for, any
            and all representations or warranties which may have been made or
            alleged to have been made in any other document or instrument or in
            any statement or information made or communicated to Gas Corp., the
            Trust or their Related Parties in any manner, except for those
            expressly set forth in Sections 5.1 and 5.2, as applicable.

      (b)   Vendor hereby expressly negates and disclaims, and shall not be
            liable for, any representations or warranties made or alleged to
            have been made to Gas Corp., the Trust or their Related Parties in
            this Agreement or otherwise with respect to any of the following

            (i)    except for the representations and warranties expressly set
                   forth in Sections 5.1 and 5.2, as applicable, any data or
                   information provided or made available to Gas Corp. or the
                   Trust by Vendors' Representatives in the Data Room, on plant
                   or site visits, in management presentations, in meetings with
                   Vendors' management or employees or otherwise;

            (ii)   the value of the Assets or the future cash flow therefrom;

            (iii)  except as expressly provided in Section 5.1, the
                   Environmental condition of any lands or asset or any
                   Environmental Liability;

            (iv)   except as provided in Section 5.1, the quality, condition,
                   fitness, merchantability or suitability of use for any
                   purpose, of any tangible, depreciable equipment or property
                   that forms part of the Assets;

            (v)    any engineering or geological information or interpretations
                   thereof or any economic evaluations;

            (vi)   except as provided in Section 5.1, title to the Assets;

            (vii)  except as expressly provided in Section 5.1, any Liabilities
                   or Claims related to the Assets or Operations; or

            (viii) the value of the Trust Units or the future distributions
                   generated therefrom.

                                     - 37 -

      (e)   Gas Corp. acknowledges and confirms that except as expressly
            provided in this Agreement that: (i) it is acquiring the Assets on
            an "as is-where is" basis without representation and warranty; (ii)
            it has performed its own due diligence and it has not relied on any
            data, information, statement or advice provided to Gas Corp. or its
            Related Parties by Vendor or its Related Parties, and (iii) in
            agreeing to enter into and to consummate the Transaction, it has
            relied on its own: (A) inspections and evaluations of the Assets,
            the Environmental Liabilities and the Liabilities and obligations
            assumed by Gas Corp. pursuant to Section 6.4, and (B) due diligence
            on and evaluation of the Trust Units.

      (d)   Except for its rights under this Agreement, each of Gas Corp. and
            the Trust hereby waives all rights and remedies (whether now
            existing or hereafter arising and including all common law, tort,
            contractual, equitable and statutory rights and remedies) against
            Vendor or its Related Parties in respect of any representations or
            statements made, or information or data furnished, to Gas Corp., the
            Trust or any of their Related Parties in connection herewith or
            otherwise (whether made or furnished by Vendor or any of its Related
            Parties or Third Parties and whether made or furnished orally or by
            electronic, faxed, written or other means).


Gas Corp. represents and warrants to CCNGP that:

      (a)   ORGANIZATION AND STANDING: Gas Corp. is an Alberta corporation, duly
            organized and validly subsisting under the laws of its jurisdiction
            or organization and is duly qualified under the jurisdictions in
            which it is required to be qualified in order for it to own the

            Corp. has the requisite power and authority to execute, delivery and
            perform its obligations under this Agreement and all the agreements,
            instruments and other documents contemplated hereby. The execution,
            delivery and performance of this Agreement and the acquisition of
            the Assets have been duly and validly authorized by any and all
            requisite actions and provided the Competition Act Approval is
            obtained, do not and will not result in any violation of, be in
            conflict with, or constitute a default under, its articles, charter,
            by-laws or other governing documents, as the case may be. This
            Agreement and any other agreement delivered in connection herewith,
            to which Gas Corp. is party, has been or will at the appropriate
            time be validly executed and delivered by Gas Corp. and constitute
            valid and binding obligations of Gas Corp. and provided the
            Competition Act Approval is obtained, will be enforceable against
            Gas Corp. in accordance with their terms, subject to (i) bankruptcy,
            insolvency, fraudulent preference, reorganization or other laws
            affecting creditors' rights generally, and (ii) general principles
            of equity (regardless of whether such enforceability is considered
            in a proceeding at law or equity);

      (c)   NO CONFLICT: The execution and delivery of this Agreement are not,
            and, provided the Competition Act Approval is obtained and except
            for Customary Post Closing Consents, the acquisition of the Assets
            in accordance with the terms of this Agreement will not be, in
            material violation or breach of or in material conflict with or
            require any material consent, authorization or approval under:

            (i)   any term or provision of the constating documents of Gas

            (ii)  any agreement, instrument, license, permit or other
                  governmental authorization to which Gas Corp. is a party or by
                  which Gas Corp. is bound; or

                                     - 38 -

            (iii) any judgment, decree, order, statute, regulation, rule, or
                  license applicable to Gas Corp. (other than Licence Transfer

      (d)   RESIDENCY: Gas Corp. is not a non-Canadian for the purposes of the
            Investment Canada Act;

      (e)   QUALIFICATION: At Closing, Gas Corp. shall meet all qualification
            requirements of Government Authorities to take such transfers,
            including the transfer of all Permits for all Wells, Facilities and
            Tangibles for which Vendor or an Affiliate is currently the operator
            or licensee and shall accede to, comply with and perform the
            requirements of such Government Authorities, acting reasonably;

      (f)   LICENCEE LIABILITY RATING: Gas Corp. is, or at Closing, shall be, a
            registrant with the EUB and Purchaser's Licencee Liability Rating:

            (i)   is greater than or equal to one (1);

            (ii)  shall, as a result of the acquisition of the Assets, be
                  greater than or equal to one (1); and

            (iii) shall be greater than or equal to one (1) at the time the EUB
                  considers approval of any specific conveyance documentation
                  pursuant to this Agreement;

      (g)   NO CLAIMS: There are no Claims (i) filed by, on behalf of, or
            against Gas Corp., or (ii) imposed by any Government Authority or
            regulatory body, in either case, whether or not insured and which
            may adversely affect Gas Corp.'s ability to acquire the Assets;

      (h)   AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS: At Closing, Gas Corp. shall have sufficient
            cash, available lines of credit, or other sources of immediately
            available funds to enable Gas Corp. to make payment of the Adjusted
            Asset Purchase Price at Closing and all other amounts to be paid by
            Gas Corp. hereunder;

      (i)   REGULATORY APPROVALS: Except for the Competition Act Approval, there
            are no regulatory approvals or rulings required to be obtained by
            Gas Corp. in respect of the acquisition of the Assets; and

      (j)   NO FINDER'S FEE: Gas Corp. has not incurred any obligation or
            liability, contingent or otherwise, for broker's or finder's fees in
            respect of this Agreement or the acquisition of the Assets for which
            Vendor shall have any obligation or liability.


The Trust represents and warrants to CEHL that:

      (a)   ORGANIZATION AND STANDING: The Trust is an Alberta trust, duly
            organized and validly subsisting under the laws of its jurisdiction
            or organization and is duly qualified under the jurisdictions in
            which it is required to be qualified in order for it to own the
            Trust Units;

            Trust has the requisite power and authority to execute, delivery and
            perform its obligations under this Agreement and all the agreements,
            instruments and other documents contemplated hereby. The execution,
            delivery and performance of this Agreement and the acquisition of
            the Trust Units have been

                                     - 39 -

            duly and validly authorized by any and all requisite actions and
            provided the Competition Act Approval is obtained, do not and will
            not result in any violation of, be in conflict with, or constitute a
            default under, its articles, charter, by-laws or other governing
            documents, as the case may be. This Agreement and any other
            agreement delivered in connection herewith, to which the Trust is
            party, has been or will at the appropriate time be validly executed
            and delivered by the Trust and constitute valid and binding
            obligations of the Trust and provided the Competition Act Approval
            is obtained, will be enforceable against the Trust in accordance
            with their terms, subject to (i) bankruptcy, insolvency, fraudulent
            preference, reorganization or other laws affecting creditors' rights
            generally, and (ii) general principles of equity (regardless of
            whether such enforceability is considered in a proceeding at law or

      (c)   NO CONFLICT: The execution and delivery of this Agreement are not,
            and, provided the Competition Act Approval is obtained and except
            for Customary Post Closing Consents, the acquisition of the Trust
            Units in accordance with the terms of this Agreement will not be, in
            material violation or breach of or in material conflict with or
            require any material consent, authorization or approval under:

            (i)   any term or provision of the constating documents of the

            (ii)  any agreement, instrument, license, permit or other
                  governmental authorization to which the Trust is a party or by
                  which the Trust is bound; or

            (iii) any judgment, decree, order, statute, regulation, rule, or
                  license applicable to the Trust;

      (d)   RESIDENCY: The Trust is not a non-Canadian for the purposes of the
            Investment Canada Act;

      (e)   NO CLAIMS: There are no Claims (i) filed by, on behalf of, or
            against the Trust, or (ii) imposed by any Government Authority or
            regulatory body, in either case, whether or not insured and which
            may adversely affect the Trust's ability to acquire the Trust Units;

      (f)   AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS: At Closing, the Trust shall have sufficient
            cash, available lines of credit, or other sources of immediately
            available funds to enable the Trust to make payment of the Adjusted
            Trust Unit Purchase Price at Closing and all other amounts to be
            paid by the Trust hereunder;

      (g)   PURCHASING AS PRINCIPAL: The Trust is purchasing the Trust Units as
            principal for its own account and not as agent for any other

      (h)   REGULATORY APPROVALS: Except for the Competition Act Approval, there
            are no regulatory approvals or rulings required to be obtained by
            the Trust in respect of the acquisition of the Trust Units; and

      (i)   NO FINDER'S FEE: The Trust has not incurred any obligation or
            liability, contingent or otherwise, for broker's or finder's fees in
            respect of this Agreement or the acquisition of the Trust Units for
            which Vendor shall have any obligation or liability.

                                     - 40 -

                                   ARTICLE 6
                          LIABILITIES AND INDEMNITIES


Subject to Sections 6.3, 6.6, 6.7 and 6.9, Vendor shall:

      (a)   be liable to Purchaser and its Related Parties for all Losses and
            Liabilities they suffer, sustain, pay or incur; and

      (b)   indemnify and save Purchaser and its Related Parties harmless from
            and against all Claims made against them;

insofar as such Losses, Liabilities and Claims are a direct result of any Vendor
Default; provided that Vendor shall not be liable to, or be required to
indemnify and save harmless, Purchaser or any of its Related Parties pursuant to
this Section 6.1 in respect of: (i) any representation or warranty in Sections
5.1 or Section 5.2 if Purchaser did not rely upon such representations or
warranty; (ii) any Losses, Liabilities or Claims to the extent they result from
a Purchaser Default; or (iii) Losses, Liabilities or Claims to the extent they
are caused by or result from the gross negligence or wilful misconduct of
Purchaser or its Related Parties.


Subject to Section 6.8, Purchaser shall:

      (a)   be liable to Vendor and its Related Parties for all Losses and
            Liabilities they suffer, sustain, pay or incur; and

      (b)   indemnify and save harmless Vendor and its Related Parties from and
            against all Claims made against them;

insofar as such Losses, Liabilities and Claims are a direct result of any
Purchaser Default; provided that Purchaser shall not be liable to, or be
required to indemnify and save harmless, Vendor or any of its Related Parties
pursuant to this Section 6.2 in respect of: (i) any representation or warranty
in Sections 5.4 or 5.5 if Vendor did not rely upon such representation or
warranty; (ii) any Losses, Liabilities or Claims to the extent they result from
a Vendor Default; or (iii) Losses, Liabilities or Claims to the extent they are
caused by or result from the gross negligence or wilful misconduct of Vendor or
its Related Parties.


Subject to Closing occurring, Purchaser hereby:

      (a)   assumes and agrees to duly and punctually perform, pay and

      (b)   agrees to be liable to Vendor and its Related Parties for all Losses
            and Liabilities they suffer, sustain, pay or incur in respect of;

      (c)   agrees to indemnify and save harmless Vendor and its Related Parties
            from and against all Claims made against them in respect of;

                                     - 41 -

any and all past, present and future Environmental Liabilities, provided that
Purchaser shall not be liable to, or required to indemnify and save harmless,
Vendor or its Related Parties pursuant to this Section 6.3 in respect of Losses,
Liabilities or Claims to the extent they result from a breach of the
representation and warranty set forth in Section 5.1.


Subject to Closing occurring, Purchaser hereby:

      (a)   assumes and agrees to duly and punctually perform, pay and

      (b)   agrees to be liable to Vendor and its Related Parties for all Losses
            and Liabilities they suffer, sustain, pay or incur in respect of;

      (c)   agrees to indemnify and save harmless Vendor and its Related Parties
            from and against all Claims made against them in respect of

the following:

      (d)   all obligations related to the Assets required to be performed or
            observed after the Closing Date under Applicable Law or the Title
            and Operating Documents; and

      (e)   all obligations and Liabilities relating to the Assets that arise
            from or relate to acts, omissions, events or circumstances occurring
            after the Closing Date, including Liabilities and Claims arising
            from or related to Operations conducted after the Closing Date;

provided that Purchaser shall not be liable to, or required to indemnify and
save harmless, Vendor or its Related Parties pursuant to this Section 6.4 in
respect of Losses, Liabilities or Claims to the extent they: (i) are caused by
or result from the gross negligence or wilful misconduct of Vendor or any of its
Related Parties; or (ii) result from a breach of a representation and warranty
set forth in Sections 5.1 or 5.2.


      (a)   Gas Corp. shall assume, bear and discharge all obligations and
            Liabilities in respect of the employment of each Accepting Employee
            that accrue after such Accepting Employee commences employment with
            Gas Corp. (including all such obligations and Liabilities that
            result from the termination of the employment of an Accepting
            Employee after such Accepting Employee commences employment with Gas
            Corp.) and Gas Corp. shall indemnify and save harmless each of
            Vendor and its Related Parties from any Losses, Liabilities and
            Claims suffered, sustained, paid or incurred: (i) in respect of such
            obligations and Liabilities; (ii) with respect to the disclosure of
            Vendor's employee records or other records maintained by Vendor that
            have been provided to Gas Corp.; and (iii) with respect to employee
            evaluation, selection and offer actions taken after the date of this
            Agreement and during the Transition Period by Gas Corp. in
            connection with the Transaction.

      (b)   Gas Corp. shall assume, bear and discharge all obligations and
            Liabilities in respect of each Accepting Consultant that accrue
            after such Accepting Consultant commences the provision of services
            to Gas Corp., and Gas Corp. shall indemnify and save harmless each
            of Vendor and its Related Parties from any Losses, Liabilities and
            Claims suffered, sustained, paid or incurred in respect of such
            obligations and Liabilities.

                                     - 42 -


      (a)   Subject only to Purchaser's obligations pursuant to Sections 13.1(f)
            and 13.1(g), and without application of the limitations contained in
            Section 6.9, Vendor shall indemnify and save harmless Purchaser from
            and against all Losses and Liabilities that accrue in respect of the
            employment of the Listed Employees including without limitation
            Losses and Liabilities arising from a breach of Human Rights
            Legislation, related to severance, termination, notice or payment in
            lieu thereof or related to retention benefits to which such Listed
            Employees are entitled;

      (b)   Subject only to Purchaser's obligations pursuant to Sections 13.1(f)
            and 13.1(g), and without application of the limitations contained in
            Section 6.9, Vendor shall indemnify and save harmless Purchaser from
            and against all Losses and Liabilities that accrue in respect of the
            Listed Consultants, including without limitation Losses and
            Liabilities arising from a breach of Human Rights Legislation,
            related to severance, termination, notice or payment in lieu thereof
            or related to retention benefits to which such Listed Consultants
            are entitled.


 Without application of the limitations contained in Section 6.9, Vendor hereby:

      (a)   assumes and agrees to duly and punctually perform, pay and

      (b)   agrees to be liable to Purchaser and its Related Parties for all
            Losses and Liabilities they suffer, sustain, pay or incur in respect
            of; and

      (c)   agrees to indemnify and save harmless Purchaser and its Related
            Parties from and against,

all Losses and Liabilities in respect of the Claims and Security Interests set
out and described in Schedule "D".


No Claim under Section 6.1 or Section 6.2 in respect of a representation or
warranty in Sections 5.1, 5.2, 5.4 or 5.5 shall be made or be enforceable by a
Party, whether by legal proceedings or otherwise, unless written notice of such
Claim, with reasonable particulars, is given by such Party to the Party against
whom such Claim is made within a period of 12 months from the Closing Date. No
Claim shall be made by a Party in respect of the representations and warranties
made by another Party in this Agreement except pursuant to this Article 6.


Subject to Vendor's Liabilities and indemnities contained in Section 6.6:

      (a)   Vendor shall not be liable to Purchaser or its Related Parties in
            respect of any individual Vendor Default unless the aggregate amount
            of the Losses and Liabilities suffered, sustained, paid or incurred
            by or made against Purchaser and its Related Parties in respect of
            such individual Vendor Default exceeds $2,000.000, and then only to
            the extent that the limitations on the Vendors' liability contained
            in Subsections 6.9(b) and 6.9(c) do not apply.

                                     - 43 -

      (b)   Vendor shall not be liable to Purchaser or its Related Parties in
            respect of any Vendor Defaults hereunder unless the aggregate amount
            of all of the Losses and Liabilities suffered, sustained, paid or
            incurred by Purchaser and its Related Parties in respect of all of
            such Vendor Defaults exceeds $15,000,000 and, in that event, Vendor
            shall be liable to Purchaser and its Related Parties for all Losses
            and Liabilities which exceed $15,000,000.

      (c)   The aggregate liability of Vendor under this Agreement for all
            Losses and Liabilities of Purchaser and its Related Parties in
            respect of all Vendor Defaults shall be limited to fifty percent
            (50%) of the Purchase Price.


The following procedures shall be applicable to any Claim by a Party (the
"INDEMNITEE") for indemnification pursuant to this Agreement from another Party
(the "INDEMNITOR") in respect of a Claim by a Third Party:

      (a)   upon the Third Party Claim being made against or commenced against
            the Indemnitee, the Indemnitee shall promptly provide notice thereof
            to the Indemnitor. The notice shall describe the Third Party Claim
            in reasonable detail and indicate the estimated amount, if
            practicable, of the indemnifiable Liabilities and Losses that have
            been or may be sustained by the Indemnitee in respect thereof. If
            the Indemnitee does not give timely notice to the Indemnitor as
            aforesaid, then such failure shall only lessen or limit the
            Indemnitee's rights to indemnity hereunder to the extent that the
            defence of the Third Party Claim was prejudiced by such lack of
            timely notice;

      (b)   if the Indemnitor acknowledges to the Indemnitee in writing that the
            Indemnitor is responsible to indemnify the Indemnitee in respect of
            the Third Party Claim pursuant hereto, the Indemnitor shall have the
            right to do either or both of the following:

            (i)   assume carriage of the defence of the Third Party Claim using
                  legal counsel of its choice and at its sole cost; and\or

            (ii)  settle the Third Party Claim provided the Indemnitor pays the
                  full monetary amount of the settlement and the settlement does
                  not impose any restrictions or obligations on the Indemnitee;

      (c)   if the Indemnitor does not assume carriage of the defence of any
            Third Party Claim and/or settle the Third Party Claim, the
            Indemnitee shall be entitled to defend and/or settle the Third Party
            Claim. If it is determined that such Third Party Claim is a matter
            for which the Indemnitor should have indemnified the Indemnitee
            pursuant to this Agreement, the Indemnitee shall be entitled to
            reimbursement from the Indemnitor of all of its Losses and
            Liabilities associated with such Third Party Claim;

      (d)   each Party shall cooperate with the other in the defence of the
            Third Party Claim, including making available to the other Party,
            its directors, officers, employees and consultants whose assistance,
            testimony or presence is of material assistance in evaluating and
            defending the Third Party Claim;

      (e)   the Indemnitee shall not enter into any settlement, consent order or
            other compromise with respect to the Third Party Claim without the
            prior written consent of the Indemnitor, (which consent shall not be
            unreasonably withheld or delayed) unless the Indemnitee waives its
            rights to indemnification in respect of the Third Party Claim;

                                     - 44 -

      (f)   upon payment of the Third Party Claim, the Indemnitor shall be
            subrogatcd to all claims the Indemnitee may have relating thereto.
            The Indemnitee shall give such further assurances and cooperate with
            the Indemnitor to permit the Indemnitor to pursue such subrogated
            claims as reasonably requested by it; and

      (g)   if the Indemnitor has paid an amount pursuant to the indemnification
            obligations herein and the Indemnitee shall subsequently be
            reimbursed from any source in respect of the Third Party Claim from
            any other Person, the Indemnitee shall promptly pay the amount of
            the reimbursement (including interest actually received) to the
            Indemnitor, net of Taxes required to be paid by the Indemnitee as a
            result of any such receipt.


In no event shall a Party be liable in respect of the covenants, agreements,
representations, warranties and indemnities contained in this Agreement or in
any certificate, agreement or other document furnished pursuant to this
Agreement for consequential, indirect or punitive damages suffered, sustained,
paid or incurred by another Party or its Related Parties.

                                   ARTICLE 7


      (a)   There will be an adjustment to the Asset Purchase Price equal to the
            net amount of the adjustments made pursuant to this Section 7.1.

      (b)   Except as otherwise provided in this Article 7, the Parties will
            adjust and apportion all costs and revenues of every kind and nature
            incurred, payable or paid in respect of the Assets as at the
            Effective Time, including: capital and non-capital costs of
            Operations, proceeds from the sale of Production, royalties and
            Taxes (other than capital taxes and income taxes). Such adjustments
            shall be made on an accrual basis, in accordance with accepted
            Canadian oil and gas industry practices, subject to the provisions
            of this Article 7.

      (c)   For purposes of the adjustments made pursuant to this Article 7, all
            costs incurred in connection with work performed or goods or
            services provided in respect of the Assets shall be deemed to have
            accrued as of the date the work was performed or the goods or
            services were delivered, regardless of the times such costs become

      (d)   Production will be adjusted as follows:

            (i)   Retained Production is not included in the Assets and will
                  remain the property of CCNGP; and

            (ii)  Production will be deemed to be sold on a first in first out

      (e)   Where CCNGP is the operator under a Title and Operating Document,
            CCNGP will be entitled to all overhead recoveries and operator's
            fees payable pursuant thereto for all periods up to the end of the
            calendar month in which the Closing occurs, but will not otherwise
            be entitled to reimbursement pursuant to this Agreement in respect
            of its overhead costs, subject to Section 8.4.

                                     - 45 -

      (f)   In the adjustments made pursuant to this Article 7, all rentals and
            similar payments, property taxes (including Alberta and Saskatchewan
            freehold mineral taxes, if applicable) and other periodic costs
            (other than capital taxes and income taxes) that relate to the
            Assets and are payable in respect of a period of time that straddles
            the Effective Time shall be apportioned between CCNGP and Gas Corp.
            on a per diem basis as of the Effective Time.

      (g)   Except as provided in Subsection (e), there will be no adjustments
            for general and administrative expenses related to operating and
            maintaining CCNGP's head office in Calgary or for royalty tax
            credits or similar incentives that accrue to a Party because of
            financial or organizational attributes specific to it; provided that
            gas cost allowances (or similar cost allowances) shall not be
            considered incentives for these purposes.

      (h)   A Thirteenth Month Adjustment shall be apportioned between CCNGP and
            Gas Corp. as at the Effective Time on the same basis (whether on a
            throughput, per diem or other basis) as the Thirteenth Month
            Adjustment is allocated to the parties to the Title and Operating
            Document under which it is made.

      (i)   There will be no adjustment in favour of CCNGP on account of income
            taxes attributable to income from the Assets for the Interim Period.

      (j)   There will be an adjustment in favour of Purchaser for any
            remaining, unpaid portion of the Distributions that Vendor was
            unable to calculate and include in the Adjusted Trust Unit Purchase

      (k)   There will be an interim cash adjustment to the Asset Purchase Price
            in favour of Purchaser in the amount of $5,000,000.


On or before five Business Days prior to the Closing Date, Vendor shall deliver
to Purchaser an interim statement of all adjustments ("INTERIM STATEMENT OF
ADJUSTMENTS") to be made pursuant to Section 7.1 in respect of the costs paid
and revenues received by Vendor prior to Closing. The Interim Statement of
Adjustments shall be prepared on the basis of Vendors' good faith estimate of
the costs and revenues and Distributions paid or payable and received or
receivable in respect of the Interim Period. Vendor shall make available to
Purchaser all information reasonably necessary for Purchaser to understand and
confirm the calculations in such statement and any amount deemed owing by one
Party to another pursuant to the Interim Statement of Adjustments shall be used
to calculate the payment made by Gas Corp. at Closing pursuant to Section 2.3.


      (a)   Within 180 days following the Closing Date, the Parties shall
            cooperate in preparing, on the basis of information available within
            such period, a final statement of all adjustments and payments
            ("FINAL STATEMENT OF ADJUSTMENTS") to be made pursuant to Section
            7.1 and upon agreement on such adjustments, the net amount thereof
            shall be remitted by the Party who is obliged to make payment within
            thirty (30) days of determination of such net amount. If amounts are
            not paid when due, such amounts will thereafter bear interest until
            paid in accordance with Section 15.9.

      (b)   During the 12 months after the calendar month in which Closing
            occurs, the Vendor and the Purchaser may have access to the records
            of the other Farty respecting the Assets for the

                                     - 46 -

            limited purpose of calculating or verifying adjustments pursuant to
            this Article. Any such access shall be provided upon reasonable
            notice to the Party whose records are being examined, at such
            Party's offices during its normal business hours and shall be
            conducted at the sole expense of the examining Party.

      (c)   After the adjustments pursuant to Section 7.3(a), further
            adjustments pursuant to this Article will be made as and when items
            arise, provided that, subject to Subsections 7.3(b) and 7.3(d) of
            this Section, the Parties shall not be obligated to make an
            adjustment more than 12 months after the calendar month in which
            Closing occurs, unless such adjustment has been specifically
            requested by written notice from one Party to the other Party prior
            to the expiry of the 12-month period or through an audit commenced
            within such 12-month period.

      (d)   Notwithstanding Subsection 7.3(c), a Party will be required to make
            an adjustment pursuant to this Section more than 12 months after the
            calendar month in which Closing occurs if:

            (i)   the adjustment arises from a Crown royalty audit commenced not
                  later than 48 months after the calendar year in which Closing
                  occurs and a written request for the adjustment is given by
                  one Party to the other Party within one hundred and twenty
                  (120) days of the requesting Party's receipt of the results of
                  the audit;

            (ii)  the adjustment arises from a joint venture audit under a Title
                  and Operating Document commenced not later than 26 months
                  after the end of the calendar year in which Closing occurs and
                  a written request for the adjustment is given by one Party to
                  the other Party within one hundred and twenty (120) days of
                  the requesting Party's receipt of the results of the audit; or

            (iii) the adjustment arises from a Thirteenth Month Adjustment
                  within 12 months after the Closing Date and a written request
                  for the adjustment is given by one Party to the other Party
                  within One Hundred and Twenty (120) days of the requesting
                  Party's receipt of the results of the Thirteenth Month


Any Party may, at any time, refer to arbitration a dispute between the Parties
respecting the requirement for or the amount of an adjustment pursuant to the
provisions of Section 15.1. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and
binding on the Parties and shall not be subject to review or appeal. All costs
of the arbitration shall be borne by the Parties equally.


      (a)   Subject to Subsections 7.5(b) or 7.5(c) unexpended cash or security
            deposited by the Vendor to or with operators, Government Authorities
            or other Persons prior to the Effective Time to secure Vendors'
            obligations or as prepayments of costs or Liabilities shall not be
            included in the Assets and shall be returned to Vendor.

      (b)   No later than three Business Days prior to Closing, provided that
            any associated Third Party consents or approvals have been obtained.
            Vendor may elect that any cash amount referred to in Subsection
            7.5(a) be transferred to Gas Corp., in which event Vendor shall take
            all reasonable steps to transfer it to Gas Corp. and Gas Corp. shall
            agree to an adjustment to Vendor at Closing equal to the amount of
            such item.


      (c)   At any time after Closing, provided that any associated Third Party
            consents or approvals have been obtained, Vendor may elect that any
            item referred to in Subsection 7.5(a) be transferred to Gas Corp.,
            in which event Vendor shall take all reasonable steps to transfer
            such item to Gas Corp, and Gas Corp. shall make a payment to Vendor
            within three Business Days after such election is made, equal to the
            amount of such item.

      (d)   At any time before or after Closing, Vendor may elect that any item
            referred to in Subsection 7.5(a) be refunded or returned by the
            Third Party or Government Authority who is holding it, in which
            event, the Parties will use all reasonable efforts to cause the
            Third Party or Government Authority to refund or return the item to
            Vendor and Gas Corp. shall provide a replacement for such item to
            the Third Party or Government Authority if it is necessary to do so
            to cause the Third Party or Government Authority to make the refund
            or return the item.

                                    ARTICLE 8


From the date hereof until the Closing Date, CCNGP shall (to the extent that
CCNGP is reasonably able to do so, having regard to the nature of CCNGP's
interests in the Assets and the Title and Operating Documents):

      (a)   maintain the Assets in a proper and prudent manner in accordance
            with good oilfield practices;

      (b)   pay or cause to be paid all costs and expenses relating to the
            Assets which become due from the date hereof to the Closing Date;

      (c)   perform and comply in all material respects with all of its
            obligations under the Title and Operating Documents;

provided that where CCNGP is not the operator, CCNGP shall be obligated to do
only that which a prudent non-operator would be expected to do in similar
circumstances in accordance with accepted industry practices.

Upon the execution of this Agreement, at such times prior to Closing as the
Parties may agree, representatives of Vendor and Purchaser shall meet in
Vendor's offices in Calgary, Alberta to discuss Vendor's plans for drilling,
reworking or other capital expenditure commitments with respect to the Assets,
which proposed expenditures are in excess of $100,000 and are proposed to be
incurred during the period between execution of this Agreement and Closing. At
such meeting(s), Vendor's technical staff will present an overview of the
proposed operations in reasonably sufficient detail to be evaluated by
Purchaser, together with the proposed costs thereof. As soon as reasonably
practicable thereafter, Purchaser will notify Vendor of any objections to the
proposed operations presented by Vendor.

Upon execution of this Agreement, at Purchaser's direction, Vendor shall take
all reasonable steps necessary to prepare for operations that Purchaser plans to
conduct after Closing, including without limitation, submitting applications for
Permits, obtaining necessary consents and arranging for the procurement of
contractors, equipment and supplies.



Subject to Section 8.1, CCNGP shall have the right to operate and maintain the
Assets in accordance with good oilfield practices, provided that,
notwithstanding Section 8.1, CCNGP shall not, without the written consent of
Purchaser, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld and which, if
provided, shall be provided in a timely manner:

      (a)   make any commitment or propose, initiate or authorize any single
            capital expenditure with respect to the Assets if the CCNGP's share
            thereof is in excess of $100,000, except in case of: (i) an
            emergency; or (ii) amounts which the CCNGP may be committed to
            expend, pursuant to an existing approved budget disclosed to
            Purchaser, or be deemed to authorize for expenditure without its

      (b)   surrender or abandon any of the Assets, except those which have
            become obsolete where the rights of CCNGP thereto have expired or
            terminated as disclosed in this Agreement or otherwise in the
            ordinary course of business;

      (c)   amend or terminate any agreement or document to which the Assets are
            subject, or enter into any new agreement or commitment relating to
            the Assets, except in the ordinary course of business and subject to
            providing notice to Purchaser of such action(s) taken; or

      (d)   sell, encumber or otherwise dispose of any of the Assets or any part
            or portion thereof, except for the Sale of Petroleum Substances in
            the ordinary course of business.


With respect to Assets for which CCNGP is the operator, CCNGP shall invoice all
joint interest owners for all billable costs attributable to such operations for
those periods from the Effective Time until the end of the month after the month
in which Closing occurs. All subsequent joint interest billings for such Assets
shall be prepared and distributed by Purchaser. For a period of one (1) year
after Closing, the Parties shall provide reasonable assistance to each other in
the collection or recoupment of any overpayment or underpayment of accounts
receivable related to the joint operation of the Assets.


During the Transition Period, which shall extend for approximately 8 weeks after
the Closing Date, Vendor shall make available to Gas Corp. employees which Gas
Corp. requests (such employees to be mutually agreed upon by the Parties) to
facilitate an orderly transition of the operations of Vendor to Gas Corp., Gas
Corp. shall be responsible to pay all costs and expenses associated with such
employees to the extent that their activities relate to the operation of the
Assets. For the avoidance of doubt, such costs and expenses shall include each
employees' base salary, proportionate share of overtime (if applicable),
transportation and parking allowances, statutory holiday pay and actual benefit
burden (which includes vacation accrual) all to be determined in accordance with
reasonable documentation to be supplied by Vendor. During the Transition Period,
Gas Corp. shall have reasonable access to Vendor's office space and equipment,
information technology hardware and software and services (subject to applicable
contractual restrictions related thereto) and support from Transitional
Employees and contractors, as reasonably required. Without restriction, Gas
Corp. shall be responsible to pay all reasonable costs and expenses associated
with office space and equipment, information technology hardware and software
and services during the Transition Period to the extent that these costs relate
to the operation of the Assets.



Until Gas Corp. is novated into the Title and Operating Documents to which the
Assets are subject, CCNGP shall act as the Gas Corp.'s agent to receive notices
and information and serve notices as Gas Corp. reasonably and lawfully directs
and shall carry out Gas Corp.'s instructions in relation to the maintenance and
operation of the Assets. Gas Corp. shall be liable to CCNGP and shall, in
addition, indemnify each of CCNGP and its Related Parties from and against, all
Losses, Liabilities and Claims suffered, sustained, paid or incurred by CCNGP or
its Related Parties or made against them in relation to acts or omissions of
CCNGP in its capacity as agent of the Gas Corp. under this Section 8.5, except
to the extent such acts or omissions are caused by or result from CCNGP's or any
of its Related Parties' gross negligence or wilful misconduct. An act or
omission will not be regarded as gross negligence or wilful misconduct under
this Article 8 to the extent that it was done or omitted to be done in
accordance with Gas Corp.'s instructions or concurrence.

                                    ARTICLE 9
                            RIGHTS OF FIRST REFUSAL


      (a)   Vendor and Gas Corp. acknowledge that the some of the Assets are
            subject to the Rights of First Refusal as set forth in Schedule "K".
            Within five Business Days after the date hereof, Vendor shall
            provide to Gas Corp. a written list setting forth the Assets ("ROFR
            ASSETS") which are subject to each Right of First Refusal. Within
            three Business Days after its receipt of such list, Gas Corp. shall
            provide Vendor, in good faith and on a reasonable basis, a written
            statement setting forth the portion of the Asset Purchase Price it
            proposes to allocate to the ROFR Assets that are subject to each
            Right of First Refusal. The Parties will consult with respect to the
            allocations as appropriate in the circumstances. Promptly after such
            allocations are determined, Vendor shall send notices to the Persons
            (and Purchaser) holding Rights of First Refusal in accordance with
            the terms of the Right of First Refusal. Such notices shall use the
            allocations provided by Gas Corp. to Vendor. Gas Corp. shall be
            liable to Vendor and its Related Parties for, and shall, in
            addition, indemnify Vendor and its Related Parties from and against,
            all Losses, Liabilities and Claims suffered, sustained, paid or
            incurred by, or made against, them as a result of, arising out of,
            or in connection with, the use of such allocations in respect of the
            Rights of First Refusal. Vendor shall notify Gas Corp. forthwith
            upon each Person exercising or waiving a Right of First Refusal.

      (b)   If any Person elects to exercise a Right of First Refusal prior to

            (i)   the terms "ASSETS", "FACILITIES", "MISCELLANEOUS INTERESTS",
                  will be deemed to have been amended to reflect the exclusion
                  of the ROFR Assets to which the Right of First Refusal applies
                  and such ROFR Assets shall not be conveyed to Gas Corp. and
                  the Schedules hereto will be deemed to be amended accordingly;

            (ii)  the Asset Bid Price shall be reduced by the value allocated in
                  accordance with Section 9.1(a) to such ROFR Assets and the
                  adjustments will be revised accordingly; and

            (iii) Vendor shall promptly amend or revise any filings with
                  Government Authorities in connection herewith or any
                  documentation or material provided with or pursuant to such
                  filings to reflect the amended definition of the Assets and
                  the amended Purchase Price and adjustments and Gas Corp. shall
                  co-operate with Vendor in such amendments and revisions.


      (c)   If at the Closing Date there is a Right of First Refusal which:

            (i)   has not been exercised, but has not been extinguished by lapse
                  of time, waiver or otherwise; or

            (ii)  is subject to an outstanding Third Party Claim that challenges
                  the validity of the notice in respect thereof served in
                  accordance with Section 9.1(a):

            (an "OUTSTANDING ROFR"), the Parties will proceed with Closing in
            accordance with the other provisions of this Agreement on the basis
            that the Outstanding ROFR has been extinguished and without any
            reduction in the Asset Bid Price and Gas Corp. shall be responsible
            for addressing any Third Party Claim associated with the value
            attributed to the ROFR Assets by Gas Corp. and shall indemnify and
            hold harmless Vendor from any Claims associated therewith.

                                   ARTICLE 10
                              PRE-CLOSING MATTERS


      (a)   At all reasonable times from the date hereof until the Closing Date,
            Vendor shall make available to Purchaser and Purchaser's
            Representatives, subject to contractual restrictions of Third
            Parties relative to disclosure, in Vendors' offices in Calgary, the
            following information pertaining to the Assets and the Trust Units
            which are in Vendors' or any of their Affiliates' possession or
            control, including:

            (i)   any agreement and document to which the Assets or the Trust
                  Units are subject or to which the applicable Vendor is a party
                  or by which the Vendor is bound and relate to the Assets or
                  Trust Units, as applicable, including agreements for the
                  contract operation of the Assets or any of them; and

            (ii)  all documents and information relevant to Environmental
                  Liabilities related to the Assets (if any).

      (b)   Prior to Closing, Purchaser and its Representatives shall keep
            confidential all such information disclosed to it by Vendor in
            accordance with the Confidentiality Agreement.

                                   ARTICLE 11
                                  TITLE REVIEW


      (a)   No later than the last day of the Examination Period, Purchaser may
            notify Vendor in writing of Title Defects. Such notice (a "TITLE
            DEFECT NOTICE") shall include a detailed description of each Title
            Defect and the Scheduled Assets affected thereby, the amount (in
            Purchaser's reasonable opinion) by which the value of the Assets has
            been reduced by the Title Defect (the "TITLE DEFECT VALUE") and
            Purchaser's requirements for remedying such Title Defect.

      (b)   In determining a Title Defect Value, only the reduction in the value
            of the Assets adversely affected by the Title Defect shall be taken
            into account.


      (c)   Failure to provide a Title Defect Notice in respect of a Title
            Defect in accordance with this Section 11.1 prior to expiration of
            the Examination Period shall be deemed to be a waiver by Purchaser
            of such Title Defect for the purposes of this Agreement.


      (a)   Between its receipt of a Title Defect Notice and the third Business
            Day prior to the Closing Date, Vendor shall have the obligation to
            make reasonable commercial efforts to cure the Title Defect.

      (b)   In this Agreement:

            (i)   "UNCURED TITLE DEFECT" means a Title Defect described in the
                  Title Defect Notice other than a Title Defect which:

                  (A)   is cured to the reasonable satisfaction of Gas Corp. on
                        or before three Business Days before the Closing Date;

                  (B)   is waived by Gas Corp.; or

                  (C)   has a Title Defect Value of less than $ 1,000,000; and

            (ii)  "UNCURED TITLE DEFECTS VALUE" means the aggregate amount of
                  the Title Defects Value of all Uncured Title Defects under
                  this Agreement.


      (a)   If there are Uncured Title Defects:

            (i)   if the Uncured Title Defects Value is equal to or less than
                  five (5%) percent of the Asset Bid Price, the Parties shall
                  complete the purchase and sale of the Assets pursuant hereto
                  without adjustment to the Purchase Price on account of such
                  Title Defects;

            (ii)  subject to Subsections 11.3(a)(iii) and 11.3(b), if the
                  aggregate Uncured Title Defects Value in respect of the Assets
                  is greater than the five (5%) percent of the Asset Bid Price,
                  the Asset Bid Price shall be reduced in respect of the Assets
                  by the amount by which the Uncured Title Defects Value in
                  respect of the Assets exceeds five (5%) percent of the Asset
                  Bid Price;

            (iii) subject to Subsection 11.3(b), if the aggregate of the Uncured
                  Title Defects Value for the Assets under this Agreement
                  exceeds fifteen percent (15%) of the Asset Bid Price, either
                  Vendor or Purchaser may terminate this Agreement upon written
                  notice to the other Parties at or before Closing (but not
                  thereafter), in which case Subsection 2.4(d) shall be
                  applicable and the Parties shall have no further obligation to
                  each other under this Agreement.

      (b)   Notwithstanding Subsections 11.3(a)(ii) and 11,3(a)(iii), if the
            Uncured Title Defects Value is greater than five (5%) percent of the
            Asset Bid Price and the Parties agree to delay Closing:

            (i)   Vendor shall make reasonable attempts to cure or remove the
                  Uncured Title Defects prior to the new Closing Date; and


            (ii)  The provisions of Sections 11.2, 11.3 and 11.4 shall again be


      (a)   If there is a bona fide, good faith dispute (a "DISPUTE") between
            the Parties regarding:

            (i)   the existence of a Title Defect;

            (ii)  whether a Title Defect has been cured; or

            (iii) a Title Defects Value,

            (iv)  which results in uncertainty as to whether there should be an
                  adjustment to the Asset Purchase Price pursuant to Section
                  113(a)(ii) or the amount of such adjustment or whether the
                  Parties have the right to terminate this Agreement pursuant to
                  Subsection 11.3(a)(iii), then any Party may give notice (a
                  "DISPUTE NOTICE") of such dispute to the other Parties not
                  later than the Business Day prior to the date the Closing
                  would have occurred but for such Dispute (the "ORIGINAL
                  CLOSING DATE") specifying the Dispute in reasonable detail. A
                  Dispute Notice may relate to more than one Dispute.

      (b)   If a Dispute Notice in respect of the existence or curing of a Title
            Defect or the amount of a Title Defect Value is not delivered by any
            Party, the last written statement of Purchaser's position in respect
            thereof shall be binding on the Parties for all purposes of this
            Article 11.

      (c)   All Disputes raised in the Dispute Notices shall be submitted to
            Sproule & Associates ("SPROULE"), or such other firm as may be
            agreed to by the Parties if Sproule cannot or will not accept the
            engagement (the "TITLE EVALUATOR"). If Sproule is not the Title
            Evaluator and the Parties have not agreed on the Title Evaluator
            prior to the Original Closing Date, either of them may apply to the
            Court of Queen's Bench of Alberta at any time thereafter (unless the
            Parties have subsequently agreed on the Tile Evaluator) to appoint a
            Title Evaluator.

      (d)   Vendor shall cause the submission of Disputes to the Title Evaluator
            by promptly delivering copies of all of the Dispute Notices to the
            Title Evaluator together with written instructions that:

            (i)   the Title Evaluator may retain legal counsel of its choice to
                  advise the Title Evaluator on the legal aspects of the
                  Dispute, provided that such counsel does not have a conflict
                  of interest preventing it from providing such advice;

            (ii)  if the Dispute relates to the amount of the Title Defect
                  Value, the Title Evaluator, in accordance with good
                  engineering and evaluation practices, shall select as the
                  Title Defects Value either the value submitted by Vendor or
                  the value submitted by Purchaser and not a compromise or other
                  value; and

            (iii) its determination must be completed within 21 Business Days
                  from the date of submission of the Dispute.

            (iv)  The Disputes shall be submitted to the Title Evaluator not
                  later than the Original Closing Date, provided that if Sproule
                  is not the Title Evaluator, the submission will be made not
                  later than the Business Day after the Title Evaluator is


      (e)   Within 7 Business Days after the date the Disputes arc submitted to
            the Title Evaluator (the date the Disputes are submitted to the
            Title Evaluator is referred to herein as the "SUBMISSION DATE"),
            each Party shall submit to the Title Evaluator and the other

            (i)   a statement of its position with respect to each Dispute,
                  including its estimate of each Title Defect Value that is in
                  dispute; and

            (ii)  any information or documentation supporting such estimate

            (collectively, a "SUPPORTING STATEMENT").

      (f)   If only one Party timely submits a Supporting Statement in respect
            of a Dispute, then the Title Evaluator shall select as the
            resolution of that Dispute the submission set forth in that
            Supporting Statement.

      (g)   If both Vendor and Purchaser timely submit a Supporting Statement in
            respect of a Dispute, each Party shall have the right to submit to
            the Title Evaluator and the other Parties, not later than 12
            Business Days after the Submission Date, a reply ("Reply") to the
            other Party's Supporting Statement.

      (h)   The Title Evaluator's determination shall be made on the basis of
            the Supporting Statements, the Replies and any evidence introduced
            and arguments made during a hearing, if there is a hearing.

      (i)   The Title Evaluator shall make its determination with respect to all
            Disputes submitted to it within 21 Business Days of the Submission

      (j)   If any Disputes are submitted to the Title Evaluator, the Closing
            Date shall be extended automatically to the date that is five
            Business Days after the Title Evaluator's decision has been given to
            the Parties.

      (k)   If, after taking into account the determination of the Title
            Evaluator, the aggregate Uncured Title Defects Value exceeds 15% of
            the Asset Bid Price, each Party shall have the right to elect to
            terminate this Agreement pursuant to Section 11.3(a)(iii) not later
            than 3 Business Days prior to the Closing Date as extended pursuant
            to Subsection 11.4(j).

      (1)   Except as provided in this Section, any submission of a Dispute to
            the Title Evaluator pursuant hereto shall be conducted in accordance
            with the provisions of the Arbitration Act (Alberta).

      (m)   The Vendor and the Purchaser shall each be responsible for one-half
            (1/2) of the fees and reimbursable costs and expenses incurred by
            the Title Evaluator and each Party shall be responsible for its owns
            costs and expenses associated with the arbitration.

                                   ARTICLE 12
                          ACCESS TO BOOKS AND RECORDS


      (a)   After Closing and subject to contractual restrictions in favour of
            Third Parties relative to disclosure, Purchaser shall, upon request
            from Vendor, provide reasonable access to Vendor at Purchaser's
            offices during its normal business hours to the agreements and
            documents to which


            the Assets and the Trust Units are subject and the contracts,
            agreements, records, books, documents, licenses, reports and data
            included in the Miscellaneous Interests (including Title and
            Operating Documents) which are then in the possession of Purchaser
            and to make copies thereof, as Vendor may require for purposes
            relating to its ownership of the Assets and the Trust Units prior to
            the Closing Date (including taxation matters and Liabilities and
            Claims that arise from or relate to acts, omissions, events,
            circumstances or Operations prior to the Closing Date), including
            for purposes of:

            (i)   audits relating to periods prior to the Closing Date;

            (ii)  Taxes relating to periods prior to the Closing Date;

            (iii) matters relating to Listed Employees relating to a period
                  prior to the Closing Date or a matter occurring prior to the
                  Closing Date;

            (iv)  compliance with Applicable Law in respect of a period prior to
                  the Effective Time or any matter occurring prior to the
                  Closing Date; or

            (v)   any Claim commenced or threatened by any Third Party against
                  Vendor or Related Parties.

      (b)   If Purchaser disposes of any of the Assets or the Trust Units to a
            Third Party, Purchaser will take reasonable steps to enable Vendor
            to have continued reasonable access to those materials, provided
            that Purchaser will not be required to retain copies of those
            materials following any such disposition.


All of the information, materials and other records delivered to Purchaser
pursuant to the terms hereof shall be maintained in good order and good
condition and kept in a reasonably accessible location by Purchaser and its
Affiliates for a period of 4 years from the Closing Date or for any longer
period as may be required under Applicable Law (the "RETENTION PERIOD").

                                   ARTICLE 13
                               EMPLOYMENT MATTERS


      (a)   On or about August 6, 2004, Vendor shall provide to Purchaser the
            names and titles of all Employees who may be available to Gas Corp.
            (the "LISTED EMPLOYEES") along with other relevant employment
            information as may be mutually agreed.

      (b)   On or about August 6, 2004, Vendor shall provide a written list to
            Purchaser setting forth the names, rates, description of services
            and term of contract of those consultants who may be available to
            Gas Corp. (the "LISTED CONSULTANTS") and other information as may be
            mutually agreed.

      (c)   It is agreed that the status and termination date of all Listed
            Employees and Listed Consultants will be determined and communicated
            to all Listed Employees and Listed Consultants on or before Closing.


      (d)   From the Listed Employees and Listed Consultants, on or before
            August 27, 2004 Gas Corp. and Vendor will mutually agree on those
            persons required during the Transition Period for necessary
            operational and administrative requirements (the "TRANSITIONAL
            EMPLOYEES" and the "TRANSITIONAL CONSULTANTS" respectively). It is
            agreed that the length of transitional service shall not extend
            beyond October 28, 2004. Vendor agrees to make reasonable efforts to
            retain those mutually identified Transitional Employees and
            Transitional Consultants for Gas Corp. and to make such Transitional
            Employees and Transitional Consultants available to the extent
            necessary to complete the orderly transition of the operation of the
            Assets during the Transition Period. Vendor shall pay all retention
            benefits payable to the Transitional Employees and the Transitional
            Consultants upon Closing. Vendor shall not pay any severance amounts
            to any Transitional Employee or Transitional Consultant until such
            time as the relevant Transitional Employee or Transitional
            Consultant is severed.

      (e)   All Listed Employees and Listed Consultants not identified as
            Transitional Employees or Transitional Consultants will be
            terminated by Vendor at Vendor's expense.

      (f)   Gas Corp. shall reimburse to Vendor all costs and expenses
            associated with the Transitional Employees and Transitional
            Consultants in accordance with Section 8.4 and this Section 13.1(f).
            At any time, Gas Corp. may by notice to Vendor advise Vendor that it
            no longer requires the services of any Transitional Employee or
            Transitional Consultant and, two weeks after the receipt of such
            notice by Vendor, Gas Corp. shall have no further obligation to
            reimburse Vendor for costs and expenses associated with that
            Transitional Employee or Transitional Consultant. Vendor shall
            terminate all remaining Transitional Employees and Transitional
            Consultants at Vendor's expense.

      (g)   On or before August 27, 2004, Gas Corp. shall post the employment
            and consulting positions that it proposes to fill for the purpose of
            operating and maintaining the Assets. Any Listed Employee or Listed
            Consultant may apply for any of such positions by submitting to Gas
            Corp. a resume and a consent to the release of their resume and
            performance evaluations. Upon the receipt of a Listed Employee's or
            Listed Consultant's resume and duly executed consent, Vendor shall
            provide the released information to Gas Corp. and shall otherwise
            advise Gas Corp. in the evaluation and assessment of Listed Employee
            or Listed Consultant. On or before September 17, 2004, Gas Corp. may
            make offers of employment or consulting offers ("OFFERS") to any
            Listed Employee or Listed Consultant effective as mutually agreed
            between the parties Gas Corp. shall reimburse Vendor for all
            severance or termination payments made to the Listed Employees and
            Listed Consultants who accept Offers within six months of Closing
            Such reimbursement shall be made upon the receipt by Gas Corp of
            payroll documentation from the Vendor evidencing payment to all
            Accepting Employees, provided that under no circumstances whatsoever
            shall Gas Corp. be obligated to reimburse Vendor for the cost of
            retention benefits payable to Listed Employees or Listed

      (h)   Upon execution of this Agreement, Vendor shall make reasonable
            efforts to provide Gas Corp. access to Applicants for interview
            purposes during normal working hours commencing on August 17, 2004.

      (i)   If Gas Corp. hires a Listed Employee that was not hired in
            accordance with this Article 13, prior to the expiry of six (6)
            months from the Closing Date, Gas Corp. shall reimburse Vendor for
            the severance costs paid to such Listed Employee on a pro rata



Gas Corp. covenants and agrees to use and disclose Personal Information only for
those purposes for which the Personal Information was initially collected from
or in respect of the individual to which such Personal Information relates,

      (a)   Vendor or Gas Corp. has first notified such individual of such
            additional purpose, and where required by Applicable Law, obtained
            the consent of such individual to such additional purpose; or

      (b)   such use or disclosure is permitted or authorized by Applicable Law,
            without notice to, or consent from, such individual.

                                   ARTICLE 14
                               LICENCE TRANSFERS


      (a)   Within ten (10) Business Days following Closing, CCNGP shall prepare
            and where applicable, electronically submit an application to the
            Government Authorities for the Licence Transfers and Gas Corp.
            shall, where applicable, electronically ratify and sign such

      (b)   Should any Government Authority deny the Licence Transfers because
            of misdescription or other minor deficiencies in the application,
            CCNGP shall within four (4) Business Days correct the application
            and amend and re-submit an application for the Licence Transfers and
            Gas Corp. shall, where applicable, electronically ratify and sign
            such application.

      (c)   If, for any reason, a Government Authority requires a Party to make
            a deposit or furnish any other form of security in order to approve
            the Licence Transfers, such Party shall and covenants to immediately
            either (i) make such deposit; or (ii) furnish such other form of
            security as the Government Authority requires.

      (d)   If a Party (the "DEFAULTING PARTY") fails to make a deposit or
            furnish security it is required to make or furnish under Section
            14.1(c) within ten (10) days of the Defaulting Party's receipt of
            notification from the Government Authority that such deposit or
            security is required, the other applicable Party (the
            "NON-DEFAULTING PARTY") shall have the right to make such deposit or
            furnish such security. In such event, the Defaulting Party shall (as
            applicable) reimburse the amount of such deposit or the costs of
            such security to the Non-Defaulting Party plus interest thereon at
            the Prime Rate plus 2% from the date such deposit or security is
            made or furnished by the Non-Defaulting Party until such
            reimbursement is made and, in the case of security, cause the
            security to be returned to the Non-Defaulting Party as soon as
            possible and indemnify the Non-Defaulting Party for the amount and
            costs of any draws on the security plus interest thereon at the
            Prime Rate plus 2% from the date such draw is made until such
            indemnification is made. In addition to all other rights to enforce
            such reimbursement otherwise available to the Non-Defaulting Party,
            it shall have the right to set-off the amount of such reimbursement
            or indemnification (including interest) against other monies due to
            the Defaulting Party pursuant to this Agreement.

      (e)   Should Gas Corp. fail to perform the obligations requested, ordered
            or directed by a Government Authority respecting Environmental
            Liabilities within the time specified by the Government Authority
            and the Government Authority declines to approve a Licence Transfer


            as a result thereof, CCNGP shall be entitled to enter upon and
            access the Assets to perform such obligations for and on behalf of
            Gas Corp., without liability to Gas Corp. for trespass or otherwise
            and Gas Corp. shall reimburse CCNGP for all costs, charges and
            expenses incurred by CCNGP in the performance of such obligations,
            by payment thereof to CCNGP, within thirty (30) days of CCNGP's
            delivery to Gas Corp. of an invoice for such costs, charges and
            expenses together with interest thereon at the Prime Rate plus 2%
            from the date such costs, charges or expenses are paid by CCNGP
            until such reimbursement is made.

      (f)   If a Permit in respect of Assets which is currently in the name of
            CCNGP or one of its Affiliates because it is the operator is
            transferred to Gas Corp. and a Third Party becomes the operator of
            the relevant Assets, the transferee will promptly do all
            commercially reasonable acts to transfer such Permit to such Third

                                   ARTICLE 15


The Parties will attempt to resolve any dispute arising hereunder through
consultation and negotiation in good faith. If those attempts fail, and the
Parties agree to refer the dispute to binding arbitration for final resolution
or if a provision of this Agreement provides that a dispute will be resolved by
binding arbitration, the arbitration will be conducted under the National
Arbitration Rules of The ADR Institute of Canada Inc.


Except as specifically provided herein, all legal and other costs and expenses
in connection with this Agreement and the Transaction shall be paid by the Party
which incurred the same.


From time to time, as and when reasonably requested by any Party, the other
Parties shall execute and deliver or cause to be executed and delivered all such
documents and instruments and shall take or cause to be taken all such further
or other actions to implement or give effect to the Transaction, provided such
documents, instruments or actions are consistent with the provisions of this
Agreement and accepted industry practices. All such further documents,
instruments or actions shall be delivered or taken at no additional
consideration other than reimbursement of any expenses reasonably incurred by
the Party providing such further documents or instruments or performing such
further acts, by the Party at whose request such documents or instruments were
delivered or acts performed.


There shall not be any merger of any of the covenants, representations,
warranties and indemnities contained in this Agreement in any of the Specific
Conveyances or any other document or instruments delivered pursuant hereto, at
or after Closing, notwithstanding any rule of law, equity or statute to the
contrary and such rules are hereby waived. Each Party will have full right of
substitution and subrogation in and to all covenants and warranties by Third
Parties previously given or made in respect of the Assets or any part thereof to
the extent the provisions of the contracts or other arrangements with the Third
Parties so permit.



The provisions contained in any and all documents and agreements collateral
hereto (including Specific Conveyances) shall at all times be read subject to
the provisions of this Agreement and, in the event of conflict, the provisions
of this Agreement shall prevail. This Agreement supersedes all other agreements,
documents, writings and verbal understandings among the Parties relating to the
subject matter hereof, other than the Confidentiality Agreement and the Title
and Operating Documents, and other than the Confidentiality Agreement and the
Title and Operating Documents, expresses the entire agreement of the Parties
with respect to the subject matter hereof. In the event of a conflict between
the terms of this Agreement and the terms of the Confidentiality Agreement or
the Title and Operating Documents, the terms of this Agreement shall govern.


This Agreement shall, in all respects, be subject to, interpreted, construed and
enforced in accordance with and under the laws of the Province of Alberta and
the laws of Canada applicable therein and shall, in all respects, be treated as
a contract made in the Province of Alberta, provided that this does not affect
the obligation of the Parties to comply with Applicable Law respecting any
Assets located outside of the Province of Alberta. Except as provided in
Sections 7.4, 11.4 and 15.1, the Parties irrevocably attorn and submit to the
exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Province of Alberta and courts of
appeal therefrom in respect of all matters arising out of or in connection with
this Agreement.


Within 60 days following Closing, Gas Corp. shall remove any signage which
indicates CCNGP's ownership or operation of the Assets. It shall be the
responsibility of Gas Corp. to erect or install any signage required by
Government Authorities indicating Gas Corp. to be the owner or operator of the


Nothing in this Agreement will be interpreted as an assignment of CCNGP's rights
as operator of any of the Assets under the Title and Operating Documents or as
any assurance by CCNGP that Gas Corp. will be able to serve as operator of any
of the Assets at or after Closing. Notwithstanding the foregoing, CCNGP shall
provide commercially reasonable cooperation as Gas Corp. may request to assist
Gas Corp. in acquiring operatorship of any of the Assets for which CCNGP or any
of its Affiliates is currently the operator.


Any amount owing to a Party by another Party hereunder after Closing and
remaining unpaid will bear interest, compounded and computed monthly at the rate
of one percent (1%) per annum above the Prime Rate, from the day that the amount
was due to be paid until the day it is paid, regardless of whether the Party has
given the other Party prior notice of the accrual of interest hereunder.


Prior to Closing, without in any manner whatsoever affecting Article 16, this
Agreement may be assigned by Vendor in its sole and unfettered discretion to an
Affiliate, provided that no such assignment shall effect Purchaser's rights to
acquire the Assets and the Trust Units in accordance with the terms of this


Prior to Closing, this Agreement may not be assigned by Purchaser without the
prior written consent of Vendor, which consent may be unreasonably and
arbitrarily withheld. This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall enure to
the benefit of the Parties and their respective administrators, trustees,
receivers, successors and permitted assigns. No Person other than the Parties
and their successors and permitted assigns shall be entitled to any rights or
benefits hereunder.


Time shall be of the essence in this Agreement.


The addresses for service of the Parties shall be as follows:

                  2900 - 240 - 4th Avenue SW
                  Calgary, AB T2P 4H4

                  Attention:  Vice President and Managing Counsel

                  Fax:        (403) 750-3300

                  2900 - 240 - 4th Avenue SW
                  Calgary, AB T2P 4H4

                  Attention:  Vice President and Managing Counsel

                  Fax:        (403) 750-3300

                  2900 - 240 - 4th Avenue SW
                  Calgary, AB T2P 4H4

                  Attention:  c/o Vice President and Managing Counsel

                  Fax:        (403) 750-3300

      Gas Corp.:  PRIMEWEST GAS CORP.
                  4700, 150-6th Avenue S. W.
                  Calgary, Alberta
                  T2P 3Y7

                  Attention: Vice President, Business Development
                  Fax:        (403) 699-7411


                  c/o PrimeWest Energy Inc.
                  4700, 150 - 6th Avenue S. W.
                  Calgary, Alberta
                  T2P 3Y7

                  Attention:  Vice President, Business Development

                  Fax:        (403) 699-7411

Any notice, communication and statement required, permitted or contemplated
hereunder shall be in writing and sent by personal service or facsimile and
shall be deemed received when delivery or reception of the transmission is
complete except that, if such delivery or transmission is sent on a Saturday,
Sunday or day when the receiving Party's office is not open for the regular
conduct of business, or on or after 4:00 p.m., such notice or communication
shall be deemed to be received on the next Business Day that such office is open
for the regular conduct of business. A Party may from time to time change its
address for service or its fax number or both by giving written notice of such
change to the other Parties at its above address.


In case any of the provisions of this Agreement should be invalid, illegal or
unenforceable in any respect, the validity, legality or enforceability of the
remaining provisions contained herein shall not in any way be affected or
impaired thereby.

15.14 WAIVER

Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, no failure on the part of any
Party in exercising any right or remedy hereunder shall operate as a waiver
thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any such right or remedy
preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any right or
remedy in law or in equity or by statute or otherwise conferred. Except as
otherwise provided in this Agreement, no waiver of any provision of this
Agreement, including, this Section 15.14, shall be effective otherwise than by
an instrument in writing dated subsequent to the date hereof, executed by a duly
authorized representative of the Party making such waiver.


Except as provided in Section 9.1 and Section 15.13, this Agreement shall not be
varied in its terms or amended by oral agreement or otherwise other than by an
instrument in writing dated subsequent to the date hereof, executed by a duly
authorized representative of each Party.


This Agreement extends to the whole of the Assets and the Trust Units and is not
severable without Purchaser's express written consent or as otherwise herein
provided. Notwithstanding the foregoing, and for certainty, the Parties
acknowledge and agree that if the purchase and sale of the Trust Units does not
proceed to Closing, subject to the provisions of this Agreement, the Parties
shall proceed with the Closing of the purchase and sale of the Assets and in
such circumstances, this Agreement shall be amended accordingly.



No Party will make any press release or other public announcement respecting
this Agreement without the consent of the other Parties except to the extent
another Party unreasonably withholds or delays consent and the Party desiring to
make the press release or other public announcement is advised by its counsel
that the release or announcement is required to comply with any Applicable Law
or the rules of any listing authority or stock exchange with which the
disclosing Party is bound to comply. A Party which proposes to make such a
public disclosure shall, to the extent reasonably possible, provide the other
Parties with a draft of such statement at least 5 Business Days prior to its
release to enable the other Parties to review such draft and advise of any
comments it may have with respect thereto. The Party proposing to make the
public disclosures will not unreasonably refuse to incorporate the requested
changes in the public announcement except to the extent its counsel advises that
doing so will result in non-compliance with Applicable Law or the rules of the
applicable listing authority or stock exchange.


This Agreement may be executed by facsimile and in counterpart, no one copy of
which need be executed by all Parties, provided that any Party executing by
facsimile shall promptly provide the other Parties with an original of its
signed execution page of this Agreement. A valid and binding contract shall
arise if and when counterpart execution pages (including as may be delivered by
facsimile) are executed and delivered by all Parties.


Vendor and Purchaser agree to a price sharing mechanism with respect to the
sales of natural gas by Purchaser to Vendor after the Effective Date. With
respect to such sales of natural gas by Purchaser, if the simple average of the
actual price received for the sale of each mmbtu of natural gas by Purchaser
pursuant to and in accordance with the Call on Production Agreement exceeds the
prices set out herein for the applicable time period (inclusive from July 1,
2004 to and including December 31, 2006) Vendor and Purchaser shall be entitled
to share 50% of all sale proceeds from the natural gas where such sale proceeds
exceed the product of the specific identified prices, in $/mmbtu at AECO, plus
$1.00/mmbtu multiplied by the number of mmbtu's of natural gas sold by Purchaser
pursuant to the Call on Production Agreement. For the purposes of this Section
15.19, the natural gas sold by Purchaser for the period of July 1, 2004 to
October 31, 2004 shall be deemed to be 50,000 mmbtu per day, notwithstanding
that Vendor has not made an election for those months. All such amounts due and
owing by Purchaser to Vendor hereunder shall be calculated by Purchaser and paid
on a quarterly basis by Purchaser to Vendor within thirty (30) days of the end
of the applicable quarter. The price sharing mechanism set forth herein shall
have a quarterly cap of Two Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars Canadian
($2,500,000) and a maximum cap of Twenty Five Million Dollars Canadian
($25,000,000) with respect to total payments required to be made by Purchaser to
Vendor. For the avoidance of doubt, the deemed production and elected production
in accordance with the Call on Production Agreement used in this calculation
shall be net of any royalties associated with and payable on the sale of natural
gas. After December 31, 2006, all proceeds of the sale of natural gas shall be
solely for Purchaser's account. The dates and relevant prices are:

July 1, 2004 to Sept. 30, 2004:             $6.84 + $1.00 = $7.84

Oct. 1, 2004 to Dec. 31, 2004:              $7.31 + $1.00 = $8.31


Jan. 1, 2005 to March 31, 2005:            $7.96 + $1.00 - $8.96

April 1, 2005 to June 30, 2005:            $6.91 + $1.00 = $7.91

July 1, 2005 to Sept. 30, 2005:            $6.91 + $1.00 = $7.91

Oct. 1, 2005 to Dec. 31, 2005:             $7.18 + $1.00 = $8.18

Jan. 1, 2006 to March 31, 2006:            $7.54 + $1.00 = $8.54

April 1, 2006 to June 30, 2006:            $6.39 + $1.00 = $7.39

July 1, 2006 to Sept. 30, 2006:            $6.38 + $1.00 = $7.38

Oct. 1, 2006 to Dec. 31, 2006:             $6.74 + $1.00 = $7.74


The Parties acknowledge that Computershare Trust Company of Canada is entering
into this agreement solely in its capacity as trustee of the Trust and the
obligations of the Trust hereunder shall not be personally binding upon
Computershare Trust Company of Canada or any of the unitholders of the Trust and
that any recourse against the Trust, Computershare Trust Company of Canada or
any unitholder of the Trust in any manner in respect of any indebtedness,
obligation or liability of the Trust arising hereunder or arising in connection
herewith or from the matters to which this Agreement relates, if any, including
without limitation claims based on negligence or otherwise tortious behavior,
shall be limited to, and satisfied only out of, the Trust Fund as defined in the
Declaration of Trust dated August 2, 1996 and restated November 6, 2002, as
amended from time to time.

                                   ARTICLE 16
                               PARENTAL GUARANTEE

Calpine Corporation guarantees to Purchaser the indemnification obligations of
Vendor pursuant to Sections 6.1, 6.6 and 6.7 hereunder (the "GUARANTEED
OBLIGATIONS"). If Vendor fails to pay any amounts due under the Guaranteed
Obligations, Calpine Corporation shall make payments therefor upon demand from
Purchaser; provided, however, that upon such payment, Calpine Corporation shall
be subrogated to the rights of Purchaser with respect to the amount paid under
the Guaranteed Obligation. Except as provided in this Article 16, Calpine
Corporation makes no covenants, representations or warranties, express or
implied, and has no other obligations under this Agreement.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties have executed this Agreement as of the day and
year first above written.


Per: /s/ Dale Mennis                      Per: /s/ Bill Berilgen
     ___________________________               ___________________________
Name:                                     Name:
Title:                                    Title:

Per: /s/ John Nearing


Per: /s/ Ron Ambrozy                      Per: /s/ John Nearing
     ___________________________               ___________________________
Name:                                     Name:
Title:                                    Title:

                                          Per: /s/ Craig Blackwood


Per:    /s/ Jacqueline M. Spink

           W. ANNE DEWAELE

