AGREEMENT made as of January 1, 1996 by and between MARGEOTES|FERTITTA +
PARTNERS INC, (hereinafter called the "Agency") whose address is 411 LAFAYETTE
STREET, NEW YORK, NY 10003 and Infoseek Corporation (hereinafter called
"Infoseek") whose address is 2620 Augustine Drive, Suite 250, Santa Clara, CA


In consideration of the mutual promises, covenants, and agreements contained,
and other good and valuable considerations, receipt of which is hereby
acknowledged by each party, the parties agree as follows:


         1.1     Agency Services. Infoseek hereby retains the Agency on a
                 non-exclusive basis in the United States, and the Agency
                 hereby agrees to serve Infoseek, in connection with the
                 preparation of advertisements for such of Infoseek's products
                 and services as it may from time to time designate and for
                 placement in such advertising media as it may from time to
                 time designate including newspapers, magazines, radio and
                 television broadcasting, outdoor advertising, and other
                 legitimate advertising media.

         1.2     Agency Status. Agency is hereby authorized to act in a legal
                 capacity of agent for Infoseek in the procurement of tangible
                 personal property on behalf of Infoseek from outside sources
                 in furtherance of a program of advertising. Concerning such
                 purposes, the price billed to Infoseek, exclusive of any
                 agency compensation or prompt payment discount separately
                 stated, shall be the same as the amount paid by Agency and
                 shall be shown separately on an invoice or shall be separately
                 invoiced. It is the intent of this paragraph to comply with
                 the prerequisites for establishing Agency's "agent" status as
                 set forth in Regulation 1540 of the Board of Equalization,
                 Department of Business Taxes, State of California, if
                 applicable. If and when any governmental agency at any time
                 assesses any taxes whatsoever (whether during or after the
                 term of this Agreement) regarding the sale or transfer of
                 personal property by Agency to Infoseek (or any additional or
                 substituted real or personal property tax) Infoseek agrees to
                 pay such additional tax upon demand.


In execution of Infoseek's advertising the Agency shall perform
the following duties and Infoseek will cooperate to its best ability:

         2.1     Study the products/services of Infoseek covered by this
                 Agreement, the market for its products/services, and
                 Infoseek's competition and formulate an advertising strategy
                 for Infoseek.

         2.2     When requested by Infoseek, prepare preliminary plans for the
                 proper advertising of the products/services which will be
                 designed to make the best possible use of the appropriation
                 deemed necessary or the appropriation made available by

         2.3     Prepare cost schedules for advertising expenditures and other
                 related costs.

         2.4     Prepare layouts and, when requested, finished comprehensive
                 layouts; and prepare all actual copy to be used in
                 advertisements of all types.

         2.5     Exercise its best efforts to purchase at the most favorable
                 rates artwork of the quality required by Infoseek, engravings,
                 printed matter, and other collateral materials, from artists,
                 designers, photographers, engravers, printers and others.

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         2.6     Contract on behalf of and as directed by Infoseek with
                 advertising media and others for and in connection with the
                 advertising of Infoseek and exercise its best effort to do so
                 at the most advantageous rates obtainable.

         2.7     Check the insertion of advertisements in publications for
                 appearance, date, positions, size, and mechanical reproduction.

         2.8     Check by the examination of affidavits furnished by stations
                 the broadcast of radio and television advertising for time,
                 accuracy, extent, and other related factors.

         2.9     Check the display of outdoor advertising for date of
                 appearance, positions, site, workmanship, and mechanical

         2.10    Retain custody of Infoseek's property and exercise its best
                 efforts when deemed necessary by Infoseek or Agency to obtain
                 its return from third parties.

         2.11    Undertake any other activities as may be mutually agreed upon.


         3.1     The Agency shall in no event place any advertisement of
                 Infoseek in any advertising medium without first submitting
                 the text and designs therefor to Infoseek and obtaining
                 Infoseek's approval thereof. Such approval may be granted only
                 by Infoseek's Director of Marketing or a designee specified in
                 writing by the director and may be made in writing or orally.

         3.2     Before incurring liability for artwork, mechanical layouts,
                 and/or printed matter, the Agency shall first secure approval
                 of text and designs in accordance with Paragraph 3.1 above,
                 which approval shall constitute approval for the Agency to
                 purchase such artwork, mechanical layouts and/or printed
                 matter necessary for the advertisement in which the approved
                 text and designs are to be used.

         3.3     Agency will make all reasonable efforts to guard against any
                 loss to Infoseek through failure of any supplier or agent to
                 properly execute their commitments, but Agency shall not be
                 held responsible for any such failures. Agency agrees that in
                 purchasing materials of services for Infoseek's account,
                 Agency shall exercise due care in selecting suppliers and make
                 every effort to obtain the lowest price for the desired
                 quality of materials or services. Wherever possible, Agency
                 shall obtain competitive bids. In no event shall Agency
                 purchase any materials or services from any supplier which is
                 a subsidiary or affiliated company of Infoseek or which is
                 known to Agency to be owned or controlled by any of the
                 directors or officers of Agency without making full disclosure
                 to Infoseek of any such relationship.


         4.1     Where an agency commission of [                     ]* is
                 allowed by the medium, Infoseek agrees to pay the Agency at
                 rates contracted with medium based on published rate cards, or
                 as negotiated, whichever rate is more advantageous to
                 Infoseek, where less than [                     ]* commission
                 is allowed, Infoseek agrees to pay the Agency at contracted
                 rates plus an amount which will yield the Agency [          ]* 
                 of its total charge to Infoseek, inclusive of commission, i.e.
                 [           ]* of the gross billing for medium.

     *Confidential Treatment Requested for Redacted Portion.

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                 Agency shall be paid for its commissions, overrides and fees
                 as follows:

                          The first [                                       ]*
                          (to the extent Infoseek shall have received invoices
                          therefor on or before [              ]* will be paid
                          in stock, as defined below.

                          All subsequent payments will be made in cash, unless
                          otherwise agreed to by Agency and Infoseek in writing
                          in advance of the rendering of Agency's services.

                 All stock payments will be made in the same class and series
                 of stock at the purchase price paid by NYNEX Information
                 Technologies Company ("NYNEX") on March 29, 1996. Infoseek
                 represents that the Agency will have identical rights on a per
                 share basis as NYNEX-piggybacked and other rights, including,
                 but not limited to, registration rights, liquidity, dividends,
                 and anti-dilution protection. In this regard Agency will
                 become a signatory to the following:

                     o   Second Amended and Restated Co-Sale Agreement, 
                         as amended

                     o   Second Amended and Restated Investor Rights Agreement, 
                         as amended 

                     o   Infoseek Corporation Series E Stock Purchase Agreement.

                 All shares earned by Agency will be immediately vested and
                 issued to Agency on or before the due date of invoices
                 rendered to Infoseek by Agency.

                 Agency shall be free to sell, pledge, hypothecate or otherwise
                 dispose of the stock pursuant to the aforementioned agreements.

         4.2     If, in an advertising medium having a schedule of graduated
                 rates, less space or time than contracted for is used,
                 Infoseek is to pay the Agency the difference, if any, between
                 the amount due at the rate named in the contract between the
                 Agency and the medium, and the amount due at the rate
                 applicable to the quantity of space or time used in connection
                 with Infoseek's advertising or a negotiated amount, whichever
                 is more advantageous to Infoseek.

         4.3     If, in a medium having a schedule of graduated rates, more
                 space and time than contracted for is used, the Agency shall
                 refund to Infoseek any excess Infoseek may have paid the
                 Agency over the amount due at the rate earned.

         4.4     The Agency shall refund or credit to Infoseek any other
                 refunds or commission in excess of those stated in this
                 Paragraph 4 received by the Agency in connection with
                 advertising space, radio or television time, or materials for
                 which Infoseek had paid the Agency.


      *Confidential Treatment Requested for Redacted Portion.

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         5.1     Outside Supplier Cost. For all services and materials listed
                 below (other than for space, or radio and television time)
                 purchased by the Agency upon the authorization of Infoseek,
                 Infoseek shall pay to the Agency an amount equal to the charge
                 to the Agency before deduction of cash discount [           ]*
                 commission, no commission is to be paid on sales or use taxes.
                 The following items are to be billed on this basis:

                 a.       Illustration, design, artwork, comprehensive layouts,
                 and mechanical.  
                 b.       Engraving, typography, photography,
                          and other materials.  
                 c.       Printed matter.  
                 d.       Special writers.  
                 e.       Radio and television talent and programs or package 
                          shows, radio, television and other script or 
                          treatments, musical arrangements and program and 
                          commercial production.
                 f.       Surveys contracted for with independent research
                          organizations or individuals.

         5.2     Account Management Time. For the services and materials listed
                 below, furnished by the Agency and which have been authorized
                 by Infoseek (as distinguished from services and materials
                 bought outside the rates in effect at the time the work is
                 performed, including work performed prior to execution of this
                 Agreement. Agency's hourly rates are published and current
                 Agency rate card is considered apart of this Agreement by
                 reference. Infoseek reserves the right to be informed of any
                 change in rates whenever they occur, and prior to their effect
                 on services rendered. Services included:

                 a.       Finished artwork, comprehensive layouts, and

                 b.       Publicity and public relations work.

                 c.       Special research authorized by Infoseek.

                 d.       Sales and service materials.

                 e.       Preparation of cooperative advertising.

                 f.       Special sales promotion and merchandising work.

                 g.       Other services as may be approved by Infoseek in
                          writing in advance.

                 h.       Supervisory and administrative services rendered by
                          the Agency in connection with advertising, printed
                          matter, counter displays, collateral materials, and
                          the like, and for services rendered by the Agency in
                          the preparation of copy and layout for such items
                          Infoseek shall pay to the Agency such amount as is
                          agreed upon by the Agency and Infoseek.

         5.3     Reimbursed Expenditures. Upon the Agency performing the
                 services listed below, Infoseek agrees to reimburse the Agency
                 for such cash disbursements as the Agency may make in 
                 connection with them and such additional expenditures as may 
                 be approved by Infoseek in advance in writing:


      *Confidential Treatment Requested for Redacted Portion.

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                 a.       Forwarding and mailing to persons other than Infoseek
                          (including packing, postage, express, taxes, import 
                 b.       Long distance telephone and facsimile expenses on
                          Infoseek's behalf beyond normal Agency-Infoseek
                 c.       Taxes incurred on Infoseek's behalf.
                 d.       Upon prior approval from Infoseek, traveling expenses
                          incurred on Infoseek's behalf beyond normal 
                          Agency-Infoseek requirements.
                 e.       Other services as may be approved by Infoseek from
                          time to time in writing in advance.


         6.1     Infoseek agrees to pay the Agency's invoices on or before
                 payment dates stated thereon. The Agency agrees that such
                 payment dates will not precede, by more than Five (5) days,
                 the date on which the Agency must pay media. The Agency will
                 mail invoices at least Forty-five (45) days before payment

         6.2     Invoices submitted by the Agency to Infoseek covering
                 expenditures or   commitments made by the Agency on Infoseek's
                 behalf shall be accompanied by tear sheets (if such
                 expenditures or commitments are for printed advertisements) or
                 by affidavits of performance (if such expenditures or
                 commitments are for broadcast advertisements) or by copies of
                 subcontractors' invoices (if such expenditures are for
                 production services). If tear sheets or affidavits are not
                 available when the invoices are submitted, the Agency shall
                 forward the tear sheet as soon thereafter as possible with
                 reference to the invoice numbers to which they relate. Such
                 delay in the submission of tear sheets or affidavits shall not
                 constitute cause for delay of payment.  Invoices for expenses
                 incurred under Paragraphs 5.2 and 5.3 hereof shall itemize
                 such expenses.

         6.3     Invoices submitted by the Agency to Infoseek covering services
                 rendered by the Agency on a time basis will represent the
                 precise amount of time spent by the Agency on each job. All
                 time charges shall be supported by accurate time records
                 maintained by the Agency on a per job basis and shall be
                 available for inspection by Infoseek under Paragraph 12


         The exact amount of any cash discount allowed to the Agency by media
         for early payment will be allowed to Infoseek provided that payment is
         made to the Agency in accordance with the cash discount terms stated
         on the Agency's invoices. No other cash discounts shall be allowed to
         Infoseek, unless otherwise agreed upon writing.


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         The Agency shall have available proof of payment to media and other
         third parties in respect to all work and/or services rendered for or
         on behalf of Infoseek. Such proof shall be made available to Infoseek
         upon request at the Agency's place of business at any reasonable time.


         Infoseek expressly reserves the right, at its own discretion, and for
         any reason deemed by it to be sufficient, to modify or reject any
         schedules and plans submitted by the Agency, and to direct the Agency
         to cease work in connection therewith; and in such case, the Agency
         shall immediately notify all publishers, printers, engravers, artists,
         designers, or other third parties engaged in carrying out such
         schedules or plans to cease work theron. It is expressly agreed that
         Infoseek shall reimburse the Agency for all costs and expenses
         incurred by the Agency if incurred according to the terms of this
         Agreement up to the time of receipt of notice of cancellation and for
         all charges and liabilities incurred by the Agency in carrying out
         such cancellation pursuant to Infoseek's instructions.


         Ideas, plans, musical themes, slogans and any other creative products
         that have been adopted or paid for by Infoseek in campaigns conducted
         by or for Infoseek are to be considered the sole property of Infoseek,
         the unrestricted use of which Infoseek shall be solely entitled.
         Infoseek shall own all right, title and interest, (including
         copyright) in and to such items provided, however that for such items
         and other creative products which are not created by Agency, Infoseek
         shall have all rights thereto as may be granted by supplier. Agency
         shall endeavor to get ownership in such items and creative products
         and shall clearly indicate on all quotations to Infoseek the
         applicable rights granted to Infoseek in connection therein.


         11.1    Agency will indemnify, hold harmless and at Infoseek's
                 request, defend Infoseek and its directors, officers,
                 employees, contractors and agents from and against any claims,
                 liability, damage, cost and expense (including reasonable 
                 attorney's fees and costs of suit) to the extent they arise
                 out of (i) a breach of any of the covenants or warranties 
                 made by Agency in this Agreement; (ii) any negligent act or 
                 willful misconduct of Agency (iii) any violation of any 
                 status, ordinance or governmental regulation by Agency, or 
                 (iv) any violation of the copyright, trademark or other 
                 proprietary right of a third party, or the defamation, libel,
                 disparagement, injury to commercial reputation, invasion of 
                 privacy of a third party arising out of Infoseek's or Agency's
                 use in accordance with this Agreement of materials created by
                 or for Agency.

         11.2    It will be Infoseek's responsibility to: (1) provide
                 information and/or data relevant to claims or representations
                 made with respect to Infoseek's products or service and (2)
                 review all advertising or other materials prepared under this
                 Agreement in order to confirm that such claims or
                 representation, whether direct or implied, are true, accurate
                 and supportable by objective and reliable data in Infoseek's
                 possession, and are not deceptive or misleading, and to
                 confirm the accuracy of the description and depictions of
                 Infoseek's products and services.

         11.3    In the absence of Agency intentional misconduct or negligence,
                 Infoseek will hold Agency free of liability and expense
                 occasioned by any claim, suit or proceeding instituted by a
                 third party to the extent arising from (i) the use by Agency
                 of material, information or data furnished by Infoseek for the
                 use in advertising by Infoseek or (ii) product liability,
                 safety or performance of Infoseek's products. In the event of
                 any proceeding by a regulatory agency or any court action
                 challenging any published advertisement prepared by Agency
                 pursuant to this Agreement and approved by Infoseek, Agency
                 will assist in the preparation of the defense of such action or

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                 proceeding in cooperation with Infoseek and Infoseek's
                 attorneys. Provided that the subject of such proceeding is not
                 as result of Agency's negligence, intentional misconduct or a
                 violation of this Agreement, then any out-of-pocket costs
                 Agency may incur shall be reimbursed by Infoseek, provided
                 such costs have been authorized in advance in writing by
                 Infoseek's authorized representative.

         11.4    It is understood that Agency reserves the right to refuse to
                 undertake any campaign, or prepare or cause publication of any
                 advertising publicity or other material which, in Agency's
                 judgment, would be misleading, indecent, libelous, unlawful,
                 or otherwise prejudicial to Infoseek's or Agency's interest.

         11.5    Agency agrees to obtain and maintain in force, at Agency's 
                 sole expense, an Advertising Agency Liability Policy with the
                 Agency as the insured and Infoseek as an additional insured, at
                 Agency's sole expense, having a minimum limit of liability of
                 One MIllion Dollars ($1,000,000), with a Ten Thousand Dollar 
                 ($10,000) maximum deductible.


         All contracts, paper, correspondence, copy, books, accounts, and other
         information relating to Clients business of Infoseek or the expenses
         incurred on its behalf shall open to inspection and examination by an
         authorized representative of Infoseek at all reasonable times.


         Agency for Infoseek's Competitors. For the duration of this Agreement
         the Agency shall not act as an advertising agency for a supplier of
         products which directly compete or a provider of services which
         directly compete with those of Infoseek without first having procured
         the written consent of Infoseek.


         14.1    This Agreement shall become effective on the date of execution
                 and shall continue in   force and effect until terminated upon
                 sixty (60) days notice in writing given by either party to the
                 other and sent by certified or registered mail return receipt
                 requested to the principal place of business of the party to
                 whom such notice is addressed.

         14.2    The rights, duties, and responsibilities of the Agency and
                 Infoseek shall continue in full force and effect during the
                 period of notice, including the carrying to completion of
                 plans for and the placing of any advertisement which Infoseek
                 has authorized the Agency to place in named media whose
                 closing dates fall within the notice period.

         14.3    After the expiration of the notice period, no rights or
                 liabilities shall arise out of this relationship.

         14.4    Upon termination of this contract, the Agency shall transfer
                 and make available to Infoseek or its representative all
                 property and materials in the Agency's possession belong to
                 Infoseek, all information regarding Infoseek's advertising,
                 and if approved by third parties in interest, shall assign all
                 reservations, contracts, and arrangements with advertising 
                 media or others for advertising space, time, materials, or 
                 services yet to be used, and all rights and claims thereto 
                 and therein, and no extra compensation shall be paid to the 
                 Agency for its services in connection with this transfer. 
                 Upon such transfer, Infoseek shall assume all the obligations
                 of the Agency which Infoseek authorized it to incur to third 
                 parties and shall release the Agency therefrom. If any third 
                 party in interest fails to approve the transfer to Infoseek
                 by the Agency of any reservations, 

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                 contract, or arrangement with said third party, then the 
                 Agency shall fulfill its obligation under such
                 reservation, contract, or arrangement and Infoseek shall 
                 fulfill its obligations to the Agency pertaining to such 
                 reservation, contract, or arrangement, as if this Agreement 
                 had not been canceled.

         14.5    Upon termination of this contract, any uncompleted work
                 previously authorized by Infoseek, either specifically or as
                 part of a plan, will be paid for to the extent completed, by
                 Infoseek in accordance with the provision of this Agreement.

         14.6    Upon termination of this contract, advertising plans and ideas
                 prepared by the Agency, unless paid for by Infoseek in
                 accordance with the provisions hereof, shall remain the
                 Agency's property regardless of whether or not the physical
                 embodiment of the creative work is in the possession of
                 Infoseek in the form of copy, artwork, prints, or whatever.

         14.7    Paragraphs 4 through 12, 14 through 21, and all other
                 provisions of this Agreement which may be reasonably
                 interpreted or construed as surviving the termination or
                 expiration of this Agreement, shall survive the termination or
                 expiration of this Agreement.


         Upon termination of this of this contract, the Agency shall bill
         Infoseek for, and Infoseek shall then pay, all amounts not previously
         billed or paid and for which the Agency is entitled to claim
         reimbursement for Infoseek under the terms of this Agreement. The
         Agency is to receive no compensation or commissions with space, time,
         materials, or services the payment for which shall become due to an
         advertising medium or others after the termination of this contract
         except to the extent that Infoseek shall have approved material
         prepared by the Agency and shall have authorized the Agency to place
         the same in named media for specific dates.


         Cancellation Prior to Execution of Duties. In the event that Infoseek
         cancels this Agreement before the Agency receives compensation or
         commission in connection with advertising space or time, but after the
         Agency has begun to execute the duties outline in Paragraph 2 hereof.
         Infoseek agrees to pay the Agency for services performed according to
         Agency's published rate structure in effect at the time work is




         Agency is under a duty not to disseminate or use for its own purposes,
         both during and after the termination of this Agreement, any
         "Confidential Information" imparted to Agency by Infoseek. Agency
         shall restrict the dissemination of such information to employees on a
         "need-to-know basis," unless otherwise agree to by Infoseek.
         "Confidential Information" in regard to these contractual obligations
         shall mean any information imparted to Agency by Infoseek in writing
         and designated therein as "Confidential Information," or orally.

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19.      WAIVER

         Waiver by the Agency or Infoseek of any right in any instance is not a
         waiver of, and is without prejudice to, its rights as to any other

20.      NOTICE

         Any notice, approval, request, authorization, direction or other
         communication under this Agreement shall be given in writing, will
         reference this Agreement, and shall be deemed to have been delivered
         and given (a) when delivered personally; (b) three (3) business days
         after having been sent by registered or certified U.S. mail, return
         receipt requested, postage and charges prepaid, whether or not
         actually received; or (c) one (1) business day after deposit with a
         commercial overnight carrier, with written verification of receipt.
         All communications will be sent to the addresses first set forth above
         or to such other address as may be designated by a party by giving
         written notice to the other party pursuant to this Paragraph 20.


         This Agreement shall be interpreted, construed and enforced in all
         respects in accordance with the laws of the State of California.  Each
         party irrevocably consents to the exclusive jurisdiction of any state
         or federal court for or within Santa Clara County, California over any
         action or proceeding arising out of or related to this Agreement, and
         waives any objection to venue or inconvenience of the forum in any
         such court.


         This Agreement supersedes any other agreements, either oral or in
         writing, between the parties hereto and contains all the covenants and
         agreements between he parties hereto. Any modification of this
         Agreement will be effective only if it is in writing, signed by the
         party or parties to be charged.


        ("Agency")                                       ("Company")

By:_________________________________    By:__________________________________
          Authorized Signature                      Authorized Signature

Print Name:__________________________   Print Name:__________________________

Title:_______________________________   Title:_______________________________

Date:________________________________   Date:_________________________________

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