AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION.

                          MARKETING ALLIANCE AGREEMENT

     This Marketing Alliance Agreement ("Agreement") is entered as of April 11,
1996 by and between Infoseek Corporation ("Infoseek"), a California corporation
with its principal place of business at 2620 Augustine Drive, Suite 250, Santa
Clara, California 95054 (facsimile number: 408-986-1889), and Kanematsu
Corporation ("Kanematsu"), a Japanese corporation with its principal place of
business at 2-1, Shibaura 1-Chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-05 (facsimile number:


     Infoseek and Kanematsu intend to pursue a two-phase strategic alliance.
     This Marketing Alliance Agreement comprises the first phase of the alliance
     whereby Infoseek and Kanematsu Corporation agree to jointly develop, deploy
     and operate the Japanese-language Infoseek service described below ("Phase
     One Service"). In the second phase of the alliance ("Phase Two Service"),
     Infoseek and Kanematsu intend to enter into a Joint Venture Agreement to
     create "Infoseek Japan JV," a joint venture corporation in Japan, which
     will deploy and operate a second generation Infoseek Japan search service
     utilizing an internationalized indexing and searching technology ("Moby
     Technology") intended to be developed and financed during the Phase One
     Service. This Agreement sets forth the terms and conditions of the first
     phase of the strategic alliance and the exchange of information and conduct
     of the parties for the Phase One Service. Furthermore, the parties
     acknowledge that Kanematsu will be participating, on the same terms as the
     other investors, in the Infoseek Series E Preferred Stock financing, which
     the parties anticipate will close on or about the time of execution of this
     Agreement. This Agreement does not create any obligations, other than those
     created in the MOU, of either party with respect to Phase Two Service or
     the Joint Venture Agreement; Phase Two Service and the Joint Venture
     Agreement are subject to negotiation under the terms of the March 11, 1996
     Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") between the parties which,
     notwithstanding Section M(1) hereof, remains in effect and in existence in
     accordance with its terms insofar as it relates to the Phase Two Service
     and the Joint Venture Agreement.



     The Phase One Service will consist of three major components:

     i.    a command bar with Japanese relevant content,

     ii.   an indexing and search capability which will index and search
           Japanese documents and

     iii.  a directory which will contain listings of Japanese sites with
           reviews written in the Japanese language and a translation of the
           Infoseek Guide Directory into the Japanese language ("Infoseek Guide
           Directory" is defined as Infoseek's current English language based

     1.    Kanematsu will be responsible for acquiring, on a continuing basis,
           third-party content to be placed on the command bar of the Phase One
           Service and all costs associated with such acquisition.

     2.    Kanematsu will be responsible for acquiring or licensing a third
           party indexing and searching capability which will index and search
           for Japanese documents,
           and all costs associated with such acquisition. This indexing and
           searching capability will be deployed on the Phase One Service.

     3.    Kanematsu will be responsible for acquiring or licensing, on a
           continuing basis, third party directories for use in the Phase One
           Service which will contain listings of Japanese sites with reviews
           written in the Japanese language, and all costs associated with such

     4.    Kanematsu will be responsible for translating the existing Infoseek
           Guide Directory for use in the Phase One Service (including site
           label/title and site descriptions/reviews).

     5.    Infoseek will assist Kanematsu in adding third-party content to the
           Infoseek Japan command bar.

     6.    Infoseek will assist Kanematsu in adding translation changes to the
           Infoseek Japan directory, including assistance in adding listings of
           Japanese sites with reviews written in the Japanese language.

     7.    Infoseek will have the overall responsibility for the design,
           implementation and operation of the Phase One Service, including the
           incorporation of the Kanematsu acquired or licensed third-party
           content and technology into the Phase One Service; accordingly,
           Kanematsu's activities under Sections A(1), A(2), A(3) and A(4) will
           be subject to the reasonable approval of Infoseek.

     8.    Kanematsu agrees to (i) assist Infoseek in understanding the Japanese
           market and the Kanematsu acquired or licensed third-party content and
           technology and (ii) provide the necessary level of business and
           engineering resources required during the Phase One Service to
           implement Sections A(1), A(2), A(3) and A(4), namely to, without

            i.    license or acquire Japanese relevant third-party content,

            ii.   license or acquire third-party directory listings of Japanese

            iii.  license or acquire third-party indexing and search capability
                  to be deployed on the Phase One Service and

            iv.   translate the existing Infoseek Guide Directory listings.

            Any payments to third parties in connection with anything acquired
            or licensed from a third-party, as contemplated above, whether in
            connection with up-front fees, royalties or otherwise will be borne
            by Kanematsu and Kanematsu will indemnify Infoseek from any damages,
            liabilities, costs, expenses and attorneys fees in connection with
            any claim of infringement, misappropriation or otherwise in
            connection therewith or with anything else provided by Kanematsu.
            Infoseek will similarly indemnify Kanematsu from third party claims
            of infringement or misappropriation by anything provided by Infoseek
            to Kanematsu.

     9.    The Phase One Service shall be operated by Infoseek at an Infoseek
           facility in the United States.


     1.    Within five (5) days after the date this Agreement is signed by the
*          parties, Kanematsu will make a non-refundable payment to Infoseek of
           [        ], which is intended to fund the direct costs of the design,
           implementation and operation

- ---------------



*          of the Phase One Service; up to [ ] of which is associated with the
           purchase of dedicated equipment for the Phase One Service. This
           equipment may be purchased directly or leased by Infoseek as
           determined by Infoseek or purchased directly or leased by Kanematsu,
           whichever is more cost effective for the parties. Any purchased
           equipment will be owned by Kanematsu. Infoseek has provided Kanematsu
           with a rough breakdown of currently anticipated cost categories.

     2.    Both Infoseek and Kanematsu will sell advertising on the Phase One
           Service pursuant to standard mutually agreed upon terms, conditions
           and policies; provided that neither party may make any commitment on
           the other party's behalf. Kanematsu shall forward any advertising
           order to Infoseek for acceptance and implementation. Each party
           will be responsible for collecting on advertising it sells. If
*          Infoseek sells advertising, Infoseek will receive [ ] of the Net
           Advertising Revenues from advertising which Infoseek sells ("Net
           Advertising Revenues" is defined as the gross advertising revenues
           actually received less any applicable advertising frequency
           discounts, advertising agency discounts, advertising sales
           commissions, refund, rebates and other standard deductions). If
*          Kanematsu sells advertising, Kanematsu will receive [ ] of Net
           Advertising Revenues from advertising for which Kanematsu forwarded
           firm orders. However, neither party will be entitled under this
*          Section B(2) to [ ] of Net Advertising Revenue from advertising [ ]
*          those specified in the [ ] applicable [ ] for the Phase One Service.
*          (Until a separate suggested [ ] is mutually agreed, Infoseek's
*          current [            ] will be used.)

*    3.    Notwithstanding the [ ] Kanematsu may receive pursuant to Section
*          B(2), Kanematsu will receive [ ] of the Net Advertising Revenues of
           the Phase One Service as consideration for acquiring the content,
           licensing or acquiring an indexing and search capability, licensing
           or acquiring the directory listings, and translation of the Infoseek
           Guide Directory listings.

     4.    It is Infoseek's assumption under this Agreement and the MOU that a
 *         [ ] arrangement between Infoseek and Infoseek's major distribution
 *         entity will [ ] for the Phase One Service and Phase Two Service on
           such distributor's search page. If this flat fee payment arrangement
           is made, then any expenses associated with this arrangement will not
           be deducted from the Net Advertising Revenue during the Phase One
           Service. If a flat fee payment arrangement is not made, the above
           percentages, as well as the MOU's allocations, to which Kanematsu is
           entitled may have to be adjusted downward. Such adjustment shall be
           mutually agreed upon by both parties. Such agreement shall not be
           unreasonably withheld or delayed.

     5.    Both parties acknowledge that royalties and third party payments paid
           by Infoseek to entities including, without limitation, distribution
           entities (other than the major distribution entity referred to in
           Section B(4) above), may be attributable to the Phase One Service and
           may be apportioned against the remaining balance of the Net
           Advertising Revenues prior to the distribution to the parties.
           (However, any payments Kanematsu is required to bear under Section A
           hereof, except for mutually agreed payments to content providers
           based on Net Advertising Revenues, will not be so apportioned.) Both
           parties will mutually agree in writing and in advance to any such
           royalties and third party payments attributable to the Phase One

- ----------------------------------------


     6.    Any remaining balance of the Net Advertising Revenues shall be shared
           on an equal basis by Infoseek and Kanematsu.

     7.    Any internationalization engineering performed by Infoseek during the
*          Phase One Service term, with [ ] as to cost to prepare and develop
*          the Moby Technology to be localized for the Phase Two Service, [ ].
           Costs associated with this engineering effort will be determined by
           Infoseek and shall be limited to direct costs. If the Phase Two
           Service is implemented, Infoseek shall grant a royalty-free (except
           as provided in Section II.C.7 of the MOU) license to the relevant
           Infoseek technology to Infoseek Japan JV for the Phase Two Service,
           in accordance with Section II.C.4 of the MOU. If the Phase Two
           Service is not implemented and the parties cannot agree on a
 *         mutually satisfactory licensing arrangement, [         
 *                                                                   ].

     8.    Within thirty (30) days after the end of each calendar quarter, each
           party will provide the other with its calculation of Net Advertising
           Revenues and apportionment with respect thereto in detail. Within an
           additional thirty (30) days thereafter, the parties will reconcile
           their accounts and make payments (i) to effect the foregoing
           allocation of Net Advertising Revenues and (ii) to ensure that each
           party is reimbursed for the portion borne by it of amounts deducted
           in determining Net Advertising Revenues or apportioned against Net
           Advertising Revenues. All payments between the parties will be made
           in U.S. dollars and all conversions from yen will be calculated based
           on the mean of the exchange rates quoted in the New York Wall Street
           Journal for the first day of the applicable quarter and the last day
           of the applicable quarter. Each party shall have the right, at its
           own expense, during the term of this Agreement and for one (1) year
           thereafter, to hire an independent public accountant, reasonably
           acceptable to the other, to examine the relevant financial books and
           records of the other at normal business hours, upon reasonable notice
           to determine or verify the calculation and apportionment of Net
*          Advertising Revenues. If errors of [ ] percent [ ] or more in the
           other party's favor are discovered as a result of such examination,
           the other party shall bear the expense of such examination and pay
           the deficiency immediately. As a condition to such examination, the
           independent public accountant shall execute a written agreement,
           reasonably satisfactory in form and substance, to maintain in
           confidence all information obtained during the course of any such
           examination, except for disclosure to the hiring party as necessary
           to evidence improper calculation or apportionment of Net Advertising

     9.    It is currently anticipated that if the Phase Two Service is
*          implemented, Kanematsu shall [  ] incurred pursuant to Sections [ ]
*          and [ ] of this Agreement from Infoseek Japan JV, subject to
*          financing for such [ ] being made available to Infoseek Japan JV
*          from Kanematsu over [ ] period beginning on the [ ] of the Joint
*          Venture Agreement at a [ ] rate and on [ ] to be [ ] between
           Kanematsu and Infoseek Japan JV.


      All applicable Infoseek trademarks and service marks will be licensed to
      Kanematsu solely for use in advertising brochures and other promotional
      material in conjunction with the Phase One Service, all subject to the
      reasonable approval of Infoseek. Infoseek retains ownership of all
      Infoseek trademarks and service marks. Kanematsu agrees to

- ------------------------ ---------------

     utilize the Infoseek trademarks and service marks according to Infoseek's
     current guidelines.


     1.    Kanematsu will pursue the necessary alliances to acquire third-party
           content for the Phase One Service.

     2.    Kanematsu will pursue an alliance with Dentsu for advertising sales
           and NTT for business listings (which may include regional and local

*    3.    Infoseek will [ ] for premier listing of the Phase One Service on
*          the [ ] page for the Japanese version of the [ ].


     1.    Ownership of any Infoseek technology, including but not limited to
           its indexing and search capability, and any technology licensed or
           acquired by Infoseek, and all applicable interfaces developed by
           Infoseek to enable the translation efforts, will remain with Infoseek
           and its licensors. Furthermore, Infoseek shall exclusively own all
           right, title and interest (including patent rights, copyrights, trade
           secret rights, and other rights throughout the world) in any
           inventions, works of authorship, ideas or information made or
           conceived or reduced to practice, during the term of this Agreement,
           by Kanematsu personnel that are loaned to Infoseek as contemplated by
           Section H(1) or that otherwise assist Infoseek in connection with the
           subject matter of this Agreement or the Moby Technology.

            i.    Kanematsu hereby makes and will provide all assignments
                  necessary to accomplish the foregoing ownership provision and
                  agrees to assist Infoseek, at Infoseek's expense, in every
                  proper way to evidence, record and perfect the assignment and
                  to apply for and obtain recordation of and from time to time
                  enforce, maintain, and defend such proprietary right.

            ii.   Any assignment of copyright hereunder includes all rights of
                  paternity, integrity, disclosure and withdrawal and any other
                  rights that may be known as or referred to as "moral rights"
                  (collectively "Moral Rights"). To the extent such Moral Rights
                  cannot be assigned under the applicable law, the assigning
                  party hereby waives such Moral Rights and consents to any
                  action consistent with the terms of this Agreement that would
                  violate such Moral Rights in the absence of such consent. The
                  assigning party will obtain and confirm any such waivers and
                  consents from time to time as requested by the other party.

     2.    Except as provided in Section E(1), ownership of any Kanematsu
           technology, including but not limited to its index and search
           capability, and any technology licensed or acquired by Kanematsu,
           will remain with Kanematsu and its licensors. However, if any
           developments or ideas assigned to Infoseek under Section E(1) cannot
           be reasonably made, used, reproduced or distributed without using or
           violating the intellectual property rights in the technology owned by
           Kanematsu and not assigned hereunder, Kanematsu hereby grants the
           Infoseek a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive,
           sublicensable right and license to exploit and exercise all such
           technology rights, except those technology rights related to indexing
           and searching technology acquired by Kanematsu pursuant to fulfilling
           its obligation in Section A(2). 

- ---------------



     1.    Kanematsu agrees that all code, inventions, algorithms, know-how and
           ideas and, if in (or, within 30 days of disclosure, reduced to)
           tangible form and marked as "Confidential" or "Proprietary," all
           other business, technical and financial information it obtains from
           Infoseek, shall be the Proprietary Information of Infoseek. Infoseek
           agrees that any marketing techniques or information it obtains from
           Kanematsu that are in (or, within 30 days of disclosure are reduced
           to) tangible form and marked "Confidential" or "Proprietary" shall be
           the Proprietary Information of Kanematsu. Except as expressly and
           unambiguously allowed herein, each party will hold in confidence and
           not use or disclose any of the other party's Proprietary Information
           and shall similarly bind its employees in writing. Neither party
           shall be obligated under this Section F with respect to information
           it can document:

            i.    is or has become readily publicly available without
                  restriction through no fault of the receiving party or its
                  employees or agents; or

            ii.   is received by it without restriction from a third party
                  lawfully in possession of such information and lawfully
                  empowered to disclose such information; or

            iii.  was rightfully in the possession of the receiving party
                  without restriction prior to its disclosure by the disclosing
                  party; or

            iv.   was independently developed by employees or consultants of the
                  receiving party without access to the disclosing party's
                  Proprietary Information.

            Notwithstanding the foregoing, anything assigned by Kanematsu to
            Infoseek in connection with this Agreement shall be deemed the
            Proprietary Information of Infoseek disclosed by Infoseek to
            Kanematsu and exceptions (iii) and (iv) above will not be applicable

     2.    Each party acknowledges that any disclosure or unauthorized use of
           the other party's Proprietary Information will constitute a material
           breach of this Agreement and cause substantial harm to such other
           party for which damages would not be a fully adequate remedy, and,
           therefore, in the event of any such breach, in addition to other
           available remedies, such other party shall have the right to obtain
           injunctive relief.




     1.    Infoseek shall be responsible for the program management of the
           design, development and operation of the Phase One Service, which may
           include management of Kanematsu personnel loaned to Infoseek at
           Infoseek's request (such personnel will remain employees of Kanematsu
           and Kanematsu will be

           responsible for compensation, insurance, tax withholding and all
           other matters with respect to such employees); Infoseek may terminate
           the loan of any Kanematsu personnel at any time at its will.
           Employees of Kanematsu who are on loan to Infoseek do not have any
           power or authority whatsoever to enter into any contract or
           agreements with, or make any commitment to, Infoseek on Kanematsu's
           behalf, unless expressly authorized to do so by Kanematsu.

     2.    During the Phase One Service period and in anticipation of the Phase
           Two Service, Infoseek and Kanematsu will cooperate to appoint the
           management personnel for the Phase Two Service.

     3.    During the Phase One Service period, Kanematsu shall organize and
           staff a working committee ("Working Committee") within Kanematsu to
           promote Infoseek Japan, sell advertising, and prepare for the Phase
           Two Service.

     4.    Kanematsu and any members of its Working Committee, may assist
           Infoseek, at Infoseek's request, in the operation of the Phase One
           Service on an interim basis.


     1.    The term of the Phase One Service shall be for a period ending upon
           the completion of the development of Infoseek's Moby Technology which
           is anticipated to be the end of July 1996. At the end of the Phase
           One Service term both parties anticipate transitioning to the Phase
           Two Service. In the event Infoseek and Kanematsu agree that the Phase
           One Service should be extended beyond July 1996, such extension shall
           be subject to terms for such extension as may be mutually agreed upon
           in writing, including without limitation, additional financing for
           such extended Phase One Service period.

     2.    Either party may terminate this Agreement upon 30 days written notice
           if the assumption made in Section B(4) does not materialize or any
           financial arrangement or adjustment referred to in Section B is
           materially wrong or cannot be agreed upon or if such party is
           otherwise materially losing money on the Phase One Service.

     3.    If either party should materially breach a material provision of this
           Agreement, the other may terminate this Agreement upon 60 days
           written notice unless the breach is cured within the notice period.

     4.    Responsibilities for payments to third parties, indemnities and
           accrued payments, as well as Sections E, F, G and J through M will
           survive any expiration or termination of this Agreement.


     Notwithstanding any provision hereof, for all purposes of this Agreement
     each party shall be and act as an independent contractor and not as
     partner, joint venturer, or agent of the other and shall not bind nor
     attempt to bind the other to any contract or obligation.


     Neither party shall have any right or ability to assign, transfer, or
     sublicense any obligations or benefits under this Agreement without the
     written consent of the other

     except that a party may assign and transfer this Agreement and its rights
     and obligations hereunder to any third party who succeeds to substantially
     all its business or assets.


     Notices under this Agreement shall be sufficient only if personally
     delivered, sent by confirmed facsimile, delivered by a major commercial
     rapid delivery courier service or mailed by certified or registered mail,
     return receipt requested to a party at its addresses set forth herein or as
     amended by notice pursuant to this subsection. If not received sooner,
     notice by mail shall be deemed received 5 days after deposit in the U.S.


     1.    This Agreement supersedes all proposals, oral or written, all
           negotiations, conversations, or discussions between or among parties
           relating to the subject matter of this Agreement and all past dealing
           or industry custom. The failure of either party to enforce its rights
           under this Agreement at any time for any period shall not be
           construed as a waiver of such rights. No changes or modifications or
           waivers are to be made to this Agreement unless evidenced in writing
           and signed for and on behalf of both parties.

     2.    During the term of this Agreement and for eighteen months thereafter,
           neither party will encourage or solicit any employee or consultant to
           leave the employ of the other party; the foregoing does not prohibit
           mass media advertising not specifically directed towards the other
           party's employees or consultants.

*    3.    Both parties agree that [ ] of this Agreement or, [ ] the MOU is [ ],
           neither party nor any affiliate thereof, will engage in any
*          Internet [ ] or Internet [ ] business or activity (or preparation
*          therefor) specifically directed to [ ] or [ ] markets other than
           pursuant to this Agreement, or assist or encourage any other person
*          or organization in doing so. This will not prevent [ ] from accepting
*          [ ] in connection with an [ ] service not specifically [ ] on [ ].

     4.    In the event that any provision of this Agreement shall be determined
           to be illegal or unenforceable, that provision will be limited or
           eliminated to the minimum extent necessary so that this Agreement
           shall otherwise remain in full force and effect and enforceable.

     5.    Both parties agree that no press releases or other publicity relating
           to the existence or substance of the matters contained herein will be
           made without the joint approval of the parties.

     6.    This Agreement shall be governed by and construed under the laws of
           the State of California and the United States without regard to
           conflicts of laws provisions thereof and without regard to the United
           Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods.
           Any disputes will be settled by arbitration in Santa Clara,
           California (which arbitration shall be binding and enforceable in any
           court of competent jurisdiction) in accordance with the rules of the
           American Arbitration Association (AAA). In any action or proceeding
           to enforce rights under this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be
           entitled to recover costs and attorneys' fees.




     7.    The rights and remedies of a party set forth herein with respect to
           failure of the other to comply with the terms of this Agreement
           (including, without limitation, rights of full termination of this
           Agreement) are not exclusive, the exercise thereof shall not
           constitute an election of remedies and the aggrieved party shall in
           all events be entitled to seek whatever additional remedies may be
           available in law or in equity.

     8.    No liability or loss of rights hereunder shall result to either party
           from delay or failure in performance (other than payment) caused by
           force majeure, that is, circumstances beyond the reasonable control
           of such party.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date
set forth above.

in Santa Clara, California, USA



Title  April 11, 1996

in Tokyo, Japan



Title  General Manager
       Computer Communication & Aircraft Div.
