DISTRIBUTION AGREEMENT

         THIS AGREEMENT is made this 31 st day of December, 1994, by and
between Calypte Biomedical Corporation ("Calypte"), a California corporation,
and Travenol Laboratories (Israel), Ltd., ("DISTRIBUTOR"), incorporated under
the laws of the the State of Israel.

WHEREAS, Calypte is a developer and manufacturer of in vitro diagnostic kits and
kit components, and whereas DISTRIBUTOR wishes to commercially distribute said
kits and kit components in its Territory;

WHEREAS, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises set forth below,
and with intent to be legally bound, the parties agree as follows:


         (A)      "Product" shall mean the products listed in Schedule 1 hereof.

         (B)      "FDA" shall mean the Food and Drug Administration of the
                  United States Department of Health and Human Services

         (C)      "NIH" shall mean the National Institute of Health, or any
                  other government agency which regulates the commercial sale
                  of the Products within the Territory.

         (D)      "Territory" shall mean the State of Israel.

         (E)      "Exclusive Distributor" shall mean that no other distributor,
                  regardless of location of principal offices shall have any
                  rights to commercially distribute the Products for sale in the

         (F)      "Approved" shall mean local regulatory approval for HIV test
                  kits, which permits commercial sale of same.


    2.0  APPOINTMENT   Calypte hereby designates and appoints DISTRIBUTOR as its
                       Exclusive Distributor in the Territory for the sale,
                       promotion, support, and distribution of the Products in
                       the Territory, subject to the terms and conditions of
                       this Agreement.

    2.1  INDEPENDENT   Except for the limited purpose set forth herein,
         CONTRACTOR    nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to constitute a
                       partnership between the parties hereto or be deemed to
                       constitute DISTRIBUTOR as agent or employee for Calypte
                       for any purpose, including the right to contract in the
                       name of or for the account of Calypte nor to assume or
                       create any liability or obligation of any kind, express
                       or implied, on behalf of Calypte in any way or for any
                       purpose. This Agreement does not constitute a Trademark
                       license or grant. The relationship between the parties is
                       that of independent contractors in which Calypte is the
                       vendor and DISTRIBUTOR is the vendee.


3.0     DATE           This Agreement shall become effective as of the date
                       first shown in this Agreement.

3.1     TERM           The Agreement shall be in effect in perpetuity unless
                       sooner terminated as provided herein.


         DISTRIBUTOR agrees, at its sole expense (unless otherwise expressly
provided herein), during the term of this Agreement:

4.1.1   BEST EFFORTS   At all times to use its best efforts to vigorously and
                       actively market, advertise, promote, and extend the sale
                       of the Products throughout the Territory. To this end,
                       DISTRIBUTOR agrees to maintain an adequate and competent
                       staff of sales and technical support personnel which can
                       function in all official languages of the Territory.
                       DISTRIBUTOR agrees to take all commercially reasonable
                       efforts to ensure that all advertisements, brochures, and
                       other materials distributed in connection with the sale
                       of the Products shall portray the Products according to
                       the claims dictated by Calypte.

4.1.2   MINIMA         To purchase in each twelve month period following the
                       Approved Status or legal marketing rights in the
                       Territory of the Products, the minimum quantities of
                       Product described in Schedule 3, as amended annually. The
                       minimum purchase quantity for a given contract year shall
                       be agreed upon by the two parties not less than three
                       months prior to the start of that contract year.

4.2     EXCLUSIVE      Neither directly nor through any third party to solicit
        TERRITORY      customers for any of the Products outside the Territory
                       without Calypte's prior written approval.

4.3     REGISTRATION   At no overhead charge to Calypte, and in accordance with
        AND PERMITS    Section 5.8 of this Agreement, DISTRIBUTOR undertakes to
                       assist Calypte in the registration of the Products with
                       the regulatory authorities in the Territory, and to
                       assist in securing such licenses and registrations which
                       may be required in connection with the importation and
                       sale of the Products in the Territory. Said registration
                       shall be in the name of Calypte.

4.4     SALES          Every six months the DISTRIBUTOR will provide to Calypte
        FORECAST       a forecast of its anticipated needs for each of the
                       subsequent six months.

4.5    SALES REPORTS    To provide to Calypte upon Calypte's occasional and
                        reasonable request a summary of prevailing market
                        conditions, customer attitudes, and competitive
                        activities, and to generate such reports on a case by
                        case basis as DISTRIBUTOR deems appropriate.
4.6.1  HANDLING OF      To ensure that the Products are handled, stored, and
       PRODUCTS         shipped in accordance with Calypte's instructions, or in
                        the absence of specific instructions, in keeping with
                        standards generally accepted within the industry.
4.6.2                   To order, and to maintain a representative selection of
                        Calypte's up-to-date sales literature or other
                        promotional material in good condition.
4.6.3                   To maintain such stock of the Products as is reasonably
                        necessary to enable DISTRIBUTOR to comply with its
                        obligations hereunder.
4.7    SALES LEADS      To actively follow up every sales lead supplied by
4.8    CONFIDENTIALITY  Not at any time to divulge to any third party any
                        Confidential Information (as defined in Article 5.3
                        hereof) relating to the Products or to Calypte's affairs
                        or business or method of carrying on business, except so
                        far as is necessary, to those authorized to have access
                        to such information within DISTRIBUTOR's organization.

4.9    SUB-             Not to appoint or subcontract, without the prior written
       DISTRIBUTORS     approval of Calypte, any subdistributors or sales
                        representatives in the Territory in connection with the
                        performance of this Agreement. In the event that Calypte
                        grants such approval, such appointment shall be made
                        only in the name and for the account of DISTRIBUTOR,
                        shall be for a term no longer than the term of this
                        Agreement, and shall not confer upon such
                        subdistributors, and/or independent sales any rights
                        greater than those which are granted by Calypte to
                        DISTRIBUTOR under this Agreement. DISTRIBUTOR shall also
                        impose on any such subdistributors and/or independent
                        sales representatives the same obligations that Calypte
                        has imposed on DISTRIBUTOR under this Agreement for the
                        purpose of protecting the goodwill of Calypte and the
                        Products. DISTRIBUTOR shall defend, indemnify, and hold
                        Calypte harmless against any claim, loss, liability, or
                        expense (including attorney's fees and court costs)
                        arising out of or based upon any claim made by any of
                        DISTRIBUTOR's subdistributors and/or sales
                        representatives against Calypte.

4.10   LEGAL            To advise Calypte in writing of any changes in legal
       STANDARDS        pertaining to the Products during the term of
                        this Agreement, including but not limited to packaging,
                        labeling and ingredient standards, sufficiently in
                        advance of the

                        imposition of such legal standards as to permit
                        Calypte's orderly scheduling and delivery of Product
                        within DISTRIBUTOR's requested time of shipment. Any
                        losses or damages resulting from a breach of this
                        provision shall be for DISTRIBUTOR's account.

4.11.1  LABELING        To ensure that the Products are sold and promoted in the
                        form and with the labeling or markings designated by
                        Calypte, and not to alter, remove, or interfere
                        therewith without the prior written consent of Calypte.

4.11.2                  Notwithstanding the generality of the foregoing, Calypte
                        hereby authorizes DISTRIBUTOR to affix a small label
                        which denotes DISTRIBUTOR as the authorized distributor
                        in the Territory, such label to be applied in a manner
                        which does not obscure Calypte's tradenames or other

4.12.1 TRADEMARKS       To respect Calypte's rights in connection with the
                        Products (including but not limited to Calypte's
                        patents, trademarks, and copyrights), to comply with all
                        local laws and regulations with respect thereof, and to
                        assist Calypte in taking any steps necessary to defend
                        such rights. Any reasonable expenses incurred under this
                        paragraph by DISTRIBUTOR, and which are preapproved by
                        Calypte, shall be reimbursed by Calypte.

4.12.2                  To acknowledge at all times Calypte's exclusive right,
                        title, and interest in and to the trademarks associated
                        with the Products listed in Schedule 1 and registered by
                        Calypte in the United States of America or the
                        Terrritory; and not at any time to do or cause to be
                        done any act or any thing contesting or in any way
                        impairing or tending to impair any part of such
                        right, title and interest. In connection with any
                        reference to the trademarks, DISTRIBUTOR shall not in
                        any manner represent that it has ownership interest in
                        the trademarks or registration thereof, but shall
                        clearly indicate Calypte's ownership of the trademarks.

4.12.3                  To use no trademarks, trade names, corporate names, or
                        trade styles employing the trademarks, whether in
                        advertising or otherwise, without the prior written
                        consent of Calypte. Except as provided in Article 9.2,
                        any and all use by DISTRIBUTOR of said trademarks, trade
                        names, corporate names or trade styles within the
                        Territory shall cease upon the expiration or termination
                        of this Agreement.

4.12.4                  To make no statements to the press concerning Calypte or
                        its Products without the prior written consent of

4.13   MANAGEMENT       To provide to Calypte prompt notice, in writing, of any
       CHANGE           change of key management or ownership and any change in
                        the mode of operation of DISTRIBUTOR which would

                        have direct impact on the relationship between
                        DISTRIBUTOR and Calypte.

4.14   PROOF OF         To use commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that
       SALE             any Products purchased are for the purpose of sale in
                        the Territory. DISTRIBUTOR further represents that it
                        will undertake all commercially reasonable steps to
                        ensure that the Products are sold exclusively to
                        customers which are permitted under the laws of the
                        Territory to purchase and use the Products.

4.15   AUDIT            To permit Calypte staff or a Calypte designee, upon
                        reasonable advance notice, to visit and tour
                        DISTRIBUTOR's premises.

4.16   COMPETING        During the term of this Agreement, neither directly nor
       PRODUCTS         through any third party to manufacture, sell, promote,
                        market, or advertise any in vitro 111HIV antibody test
                        which is to be used on samples other than blood, serum,
                        or plasma.

4.17   NEW PRODUCTS     To accept distribution rights and obligations for new in
                        vitro laboratory diagnostic Products as they may become
                        available from time to time, and under such terms and
                        conditions as the parties may negotiate in good faith.


Calypte agrees, during the term of this Agreement:

5.1.1  EXCLUSIVE        To limit the authorized sale of the Products in the
       DISTRIBUTOR      Territory to DISTRIBUTOR, and to take such action as may
                        be necessary to ensure compliance of third parties in
                        this regard.

5.2    FILLING ORDERS   To use its best efforts to fill all orders of
                        DISTRIBUTOR for delivery of the Products hereunder.
                        Orders shall be placed in writing and mailed or
                        transmitted by facsimile. No order from DISTRIBUTOR
                        shall be binding upon Calypte until such order is
                        accepted by Calypte in writing by mail or facsimile,
                        such acceptance not to be unreasonably withheldand to be
                        communicated within two working days of Calypte's
                        receipt of order.

5.3    CONFIDENTIAL     DISTRIBUTOR may receive information from Calypte, its
       INFORMATION      personnel,or through DISTRIBUTOR!s activities under this
                        Agreement, either by direct or indirect communication or
                        observation; more specifically, Calypte will make
                        available to DISTRIBUTOR, after execution of this
                        Agreement, such marketing and quality control data, and
                        other proprietary, secret, and confidential information
                        owned by Calypte which, in the opinion of Calypte, are
                        necessary for DISTRIBUTOR to sell the Products (herein
                        collectively referred to as "Confidential Information").
                        DISTRIBUTOR shall not make use of the Confidential

                        Information other than in connection with the marketing
                        and sale of the Products under this Agreement and shall
                        under no circumstances disclose the Confidential
                        Information to any third party. Except for such of the
                        Confidential Information that becomes publicly available
                        through Calypte or independent third parties,
                        DISTRIBUTOR shall not use, employ or exploit the
                        Confidential Information, except for the direct benefit
                        of Calypte, without Calypte's written consent for the
                        term of this Agreement and seven (7) years thereafter.

5.4    SALES MATERIAL   To furnish to DISTRIBUTOR, without charge, a reasonable
                        supply of sales literature and promotional materials.
                        The promotional materials may be furnished in the
                        English language. DISTRIBUTOR may translate the
                        materials at its own expense, and with prior approval
                        from Calypte, such approval not to be unreasonably
                        withheld. Calypte may make reasonable charges if more
                        than a nominal quantity of these promotional materials
                        is supplied to DISTRIBUTOR, which will be agreed upon
                        between Calypte and DISTRIBUTOR in advance.

5.5    WARRANTY         To warrant the Products as set out in Article 8 of this

5.6    SALES LEADS      To forward to DISTRIBUTOR sales leads and inquiries from
                        customers located within the Territory, and to promote
                        the use of the Products by Territory affiliates of
                        Calypte's customers.

5.7    TRAINING         To provide to DISTRIBUTOR such sales, marketing, and
                        technical training as may be reasonably required, at the
                        DISTRIBUTOR's principal facility, but not to exceed one
                        week per year of this Agreement. Costs incurred in such
                        training including travel, accommodation, and a
                        reasonable amount of Product shall be borne by Calypte.
                        Telephone technical support shall be made available to
                        DISTRIBUTOR during Calypte's normal business hours.

5.8    REGISTRATION     To supply at no charge such Product as may be necessary
                        for testing by the competent authorities within the
                        Territory in order to permit the Product's legal sale
                        within the Territory, and to pay such fees as may be
                        levied by such authorities as part of the approval
                        process. In addition, to compensate the DISTRIBUTOR or
                        the regulatory authority for any products used as
                        reference methods.


6.1    PRICE AND        All prices are F.O.B. destination unless Product must be
       PAYMENT          shipped from a location outside the Territory, in which
                        case shipments are F.O.B. Calypte's manufacturing sites
                        in California and Ontario. Any and all import permits,
                        licenses, or any other authorizations required to be

                        from any ministry, agency, bank or institute within the
                        Territory to effect the importation of the Products,
                        including but not limited to their clearance through the
                        corresponding customs and health authorities, will be
                        secured and done or caused to be secured and done by
                        DISTRIBUTOR if Calypte so requests. Any and all
                        additional expenses including, but not limited to taxes
                        and customs duties which may be incurred in acting under
                        this Agreement are to be similarly borne and paid by

6.2    TERMS OF         Terms of payment for the Products sold by Calypte to
       PAYMENT          DISTRIBUTOR hereunder shall be due within sixty (60)
                        days from the date of Product receipt by DISTRIBUTOR.
                        The terms of payment specified shall remain in effect
                        for so long as DISTRIBUTOR is not delinquent in its
                        compliance with the specified terms. In the event
                        DISTRIBUTOR becomes habitually delinquent in such
                        compliance,in Calypte's opinion, Calypte reserves the
                        right without prior approval from DISTRIBUTOR to require
                        alternative terms of payment upon ten (10) days prior
                        written notice to DISTRIBUTOR.


7.1    SHIPPING TERMS   Products are to be shipped to DISTRIBUTOR from
                        facilities in Toronto, Canada or from the State of
                        California, at Calypte's discretion, and the shipping
                        terms hereafter shall apply: unless otherwise agreed in
                        writing between the parties, all Products shall be sold
                        on Calypte's standard shipping terms as communicated to
                        DISTRIBUTOR and which are in force at the time of
                        acceptance of the written order, subject only to the
                        provisions of this Agreement which shall prevail in the
                        event of any inconsistency between this Agreement and
                        those terms and conditions.

7.2    RISK OF LOSS     Calypte's obligationto effect shipment of the Products
                        shall be fully discharged upon delivery of Products to
                        the carrier, and title to, and all risk of damage or
                        loss to the Products shall pass to DISTRIBUTOR at this
                        time. Shipments shall be insured at the expense of

7.3    DELIVERY         Calypte shall use its best efforts to ship the Products
                        to DISTRIBUTOR in accordance with DISTRIBUTOR's
                        instructions. The completion of the formalities
                        pertaining to the entry of the Products into the
                        Territory, as well as the payment of any taxes, duties,
                        or charges relating to same, shall be the sole
                        responsibility of DISTRIBUTOR.


8.1    WARRANTY         Calypte warrants the Products to be of sufficient
                        quality of materials and manufacture as to meet the
                        claims and specifications set forth in the Product's
                        packaging and labelling when used according to the
                        directions provided therein. EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE
                        DISTRIBUTOR's exclusive remedy will be for direct
                        damages, and Calypte's total liability for any and all
                        losses and damages arising out of any cause whatsoever 
                        (whether such cause be based in contract, warranty,
                        negligence, strict liability, other tort or otherwise)
                        will in no event exceed DISTRIBUTOR's landed cost of the
                        Products in respect to which such cause arises or, at
                        Calypte's option, the replacement of such Products. In
                        no event will Calypte be liable for incidental,
                        consequential or punitive damages resulting from any
                        cause whatsoever. Calypte warrants that at the time that
                        the Products left Calypte's possession, they were deemed
                        to be of good quality.

8.2    DEFECTS          Without limiting the generality of the foregoing,
                        MISUSE, NEGLECT, OR ACCIDENTAL DAMAGE.

8.3    TRADEMARKS       Calypte is the record owner of registrations for its
                        trademarks in the Territory and believes it has the
                        right to use these trademarks throughout the Territory.
                        Notwithstanding, CALYPTE MAKES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED
                        PARTIES IN THE TERRITORY. DISTRIBUTOR shall immediately
                        notify Calypte of any such claims of others, and Calypte
                        shall, at its sole option, have the right to assume the
                        defense of any such claim.

8.4    INSPECTION       It shall be the responsibility of DISTRIBUTOR to inspect
                        the Products after taking title to same. Notwithstanding
                        Article 8.1 above, Calypte shall not be liable for any
                        shortage, breakage, or damage to the Products or for any
                        breach of warranty, implied or otherwise, unless it
                        receives written notice of any defect or shortcoming
                        within thirty (30) days after the date on which
                        DISTRIBUTOR takes title to the Products, and the defect
                        or shortcoming results from the fault or negligence of
                        Calypte. Damage to the

                        Products which is clearly obvious upon delivery to the
                        DISTRIBUTOR shall be reported to Calypte promptly.

8.5    INDEMNIFICATION  Calypte shall indemnify and hold DISTRIBUTOR harmless
                        from any claims, demands, liabilities, suits or expenses
                        of any kind arising out of any misrepresentations which
                        Calypte makes concerning the Product supplied by

                        Calypte shall indemnify DISTRIBUTOR for any damages or
                        loss actually paid by DISTRIBUTOR resulting from a legal
                        decision on a claim by third parties made against
                        DISTRIBUTOR and which is caused by Calypte with respect
                        to the Products made or supplied by Calypte.

                        DISTRIBUTOR is responsible for, and shall hold Calypte
                        harmless from any loss, damage, illness or injury to
                        persons or property which arises out of or pertains to
                        the sale, use, packaging, advertising, or promotion of
                        the Products, and which is caused by the DISTRIBUTOR or
                        DISTRIBUTOR's subdistributors, agents, or employees.
                        This provision shall survive the expiration or
                        termination of this Agreement for any reason.


9.1    TERMINATION      Calypte, at its sole option, may immediately terminate
       FOR CAUSE        this Agreement with respect to the Territory, upon
                        giving notice to this effect, whenever any of the
                        following events occurs:

                        (i) if any governmental unit within the Territory
                        threatens (in the sole judgement of Calypte) to enact or
                        enacts any law, decree or regulation which would
                        restrict the right of Calypte to terminate or elect not
                        to renew this Agreement as herein provided, or would
                        make Calypte liable to DISTRIBUTOR for compensation or
                        damages upon termination or failure to renew this

                        (ii) if DISTRIBUTOR at any time files a petition of
                        bankruptcy or insolvency or admits in writing its
                        inability to pay its debts as they become due and
                        payable, or if DISTRIBUTOR is adjudicated bankrupt or
                        insolvent, or if there is filed any petition seeking
                        reorganization of DISTRIBUTOR, or if a receiver is
                        appointed for all or substantially all of DISTRIBUTOR's
                        property, or if DISTRIBUTOR makes an assignment for the
                        benefit of creditors or if any proceedings are
                        instituted for the liquidation or winding up of

                        (iii) if DISTRIBUTOR uses Calypte's trademarks or trade
                        names or styles in any way which might deceive or
                        mislead the consumer or which might in any way damage or
                        impair the reputation or value of such trademarks, trade
                        names, or styles;

                        (iv) if DISTRIBUTOR is at any time nationalized or falls
                        under the control of any governmental unit within the

9.1.1                   Calypte, at its sole option, may terminate this
                        Agreement with respect to the Territory, upon giving one
                        hundred eighty (180) days written notice to this
                        effect, if DISTRIBUTOR fails to comply with any of the
                        terms or conditions herein contained and, after notice
                        by Calypte requiring DISTRIBUTOR to make good such
                        default, DISTRIBUTOR fails to cure such default within
                        ninety (90) days after receipt of such notice.

9.2                     Upon termination or expiration of this Agreement for any
                        reason with respect to the Territory:

                        i) at Calypte's option, DISTRIBUTOR may sell its
                        remaining inventory of Product within the Territory, or
                        shall make available to Calypte or Calypte's designee,
                        all current stocks of Product held by DISTRIBUTOR with a
                        minimum of four (4) months' expiration remaining, at
                        DISTRIBUTOR's landed cost, FOB DISTRIBUTOR's warehouse,
                        which shall include any duty, freight, insurance
                        documentation and inland freight to warehouse

                        ii) DISTRIBUTOR shall at its own expense return to
                        Calypte or its designee all Confidential Information
                        furnished by Calypte in accordance with Article 5.2
                        hereof, as well as all sales literature, catalogues,
                        samples, and other promotional materials supplied by

                        iii) Calypte will not be liable to pay to DISTRIBUTOR
                        any termination compensation, benefits or damages of any
                        kind whatsoever, whether for DISTRIBUTOR's loss of
                        present or prospective profits, anticipated sales,
                        expenditures, investments or commitments made in
                        connection with this Agreement, or due to the
                        termination of any of DISTRIBUTOR's employees, agents,
                        or subdistributors, or due to any other matter or cause
                        whatsoever, and whether provided by any current or
                        future law, regulation or interpretation thereof by any
                        authority exercising jurisdiction over this Agreement,

                        iv) all obligations of Calypte shall be cancelled, but
                        such expiration or termination will not affect any of
                        Calypte's rights hereunder, and Calypte will further
                        have the right, immediately upon such expiration or
                        termination, to appoint a new distributor or sales
                        representative. Such expiration or termination will not
                        affect DISTRIBUTOR's obligation to make payment for any
                        orders of the Products which remain unpaid at such time.

9.3    TERMINATION      At any time, and for any reason or no reason, Calypte,
       FOR              at Calypte's sole option, may terminate this Agreement.
       CONVENIENCE      Such termination shall be effective not less than one
                        hundred eighty (180) days after receipt by DISTRIBUTOR
                        of Calypte's written notice of termination.


                        DISTRIBUTOR shall not be entitled to assign its rights
                        and obligations under this Agreement without the written
                        consent of Calypte.

ARTICLE 11 WAIVER       The failure of either party to assert a right under, or
                        to enforce at any time or for any period of time, the
                        provisions hereof or the failure of either party to
                        exercise an option herein shall not be construed as a
                        waiver of such provision or option and shall in no way
                        affect that party's right to enforce such provisions or
                        exercise such options.


                        With the exception of previously signed Confidentiality
                        Agreements, this Agreement cancels and supersedes any
                        previous understandings or agreements, oral or written,
                        between the parties relating to the subject matter
                        hereof, including any previously existing
                        distributorship arrangement. This Agreement expresses
                        the complete and final understanding of the parties with
                        respect to the subject matter hereof, and may not be
                        changed in any way except upon the explicit intention of
                        both parties expressed by a signed written agreement.
                        Any terms or conditions stated in DISTRIBUTOR's purchase
                        orders inconsistent with this Agreement shall be null
                        and void.

ARTICLE 13 VALIDITY     If any provision of this Agreement shall be found by a
                        court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or
                        unenforceable, the invalidity or unenforceability of
                        such provision shall not affect the other provisions of
                        this Agreement and all provisions not affected by such
                        invalidity shall remain in full force and effect.


14.1 NOTICE             Any notice required or permitted by this Agreement shall
                        be in writing and in the English language, and shall be
                        delivered personally or by registered air mail, postage
                        prepaid, or by facsimile, addressed to the parties as

If to DISTRIBUTOR:      Travenol Laboratories (Israel) LTD.
                        Haorgim Street PO Box 2
                        Ashdod 77100
                        Facsimile: 972-8-532207
                        Attention: Director of Marketing

If to Calypte:          Calypte Biomedical Corporation
                        1440 Fourth Street
                        Berkeley, California 94710
                        United States of America
                        Facsimile:  510-526-5381
                        Attention: Director of Sales and Marketing

14.2 RECEIPT            Any notice sent by registered prepaid air mail properly
                        addressed and posted shall be deemed to have been
                        received ten (10) days after it is delivered to the
                        postal authorities in the country of the party by whom
                        it is sent. If sent by facsimile, a copy of the
                        facsimile shall be sent promptly by registered prepaid
                        air mail to the addressee.

14.3 VERBAL             Nothing contained herein shall justify or excuse failure
     NOTICE             to give verbal notice for the purpose of informing the
                        other party thereof when prompt notification is
                        appropriate, but such verbal notice shall not satisfy
                        the requirement of written notice.


15.1 EXPORT LAWS        Calypte is subject to U.S. laws and regulations
                        governing the export of U.S. products. DISTRIBUTOR
                        agrees that it will not directly or indirectly engage in
                        any acts which would cause Calypte to be found in
                        violation of such laws or regulations.

15.2 PAYMENTS           DISTRIBUTOR acknowledges that certain laws of the United
                        States may result in the imposition of sanctions on
                        Calypte and its employees in the event that offers,
                        promises, or payments are directly or indirectly made to
                        government officials or others for the purpose of
                        influencing decisions favorable to Calypte, and,
                        therefore DISTRIBUTOR agrees that neither it nor its
                        employees will commit such acts or engage in such
                        activities and that DISTRIBUTOR shall defend, indemnify,
                        and hold Calypte harmless for any damages, claims,
                        liabilities and expenses which arise or allegedly arise
                        from DISTRIBUTOR's violation of the obligations of
                        articles 15.1 or 15.2.

15.3 ASSURANCES         DISTRIBUTOR agrees to furnish to Calypte, by affadavit
                        or other reasonable means from time to time at Calypte's
                        request, and to the reasonable satisfaction of Calypte,
                        assurances that the appointment of DISTRIBUTOR
                        hereunder, its activities under this Agreement, and the
                        payment to DISTRIBUTOR of any monies or consideration
                        contemplated hereunder are proper and lawful under the
                        laws in force in the Territory. DISTRIBUTOR further
                        represents that no person employed by it is an official
                        of any government agency or a corporation owned by a
                        government unit within the Territory and that no part of
                        any monies or consideration paid hereunder shall accrue
                        for the benefit of any such official.

15.4 TERRITORY          If Calypte determines that the appointment or use of
     LAWS               DISTRIBUTOR is not permitted under the laws and
                        regulations in force in the Territory, or part of the
                        Territory. Calypte has the right, at its sole
                        discretion and upon notice to DISTRIBUTOR, to terminate
                        this Agreement as Calypte sees fit for the affected
                        Territory or part of Territory. Upon notice of this
                        decision, DISTRIBUTOR will cease its activities under
                        this Agreement within the affected Territory or part of
                        the Territory and shall not seek damages or compensation
                        in any form, according to Article 9 of this Agreement.


                        This Agreement and the obligations of the parties
                        hereunder shall be governed and construed in accordance
                        with the laws of the State of California, U.S.A.


                        Calypte and DISTRIBUTOR will be excused from failure to
                        perform under this Agreement and will not be liable in
                        any way for any loss if such failure is due to causes
                        beyond the reasonable control of either party, including
                        but not limited to, natural disasters such as
                        earthquakes or floods, fires, riots, strikes and other
                        labor disputes, war conditions, shortage of raw
                        materials or government action for the period any such
                        conditions exist.

ARTICLE 18 HEADINGS     The headings used herein are for convenience only and in
                        no way affect the liabilities, obligations, or
                        responsibilities of the parties hereto.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement.



        President and CEO

Date:   December 18, 1994




Date:   December 29, 1994

                           SCHEDULE 1 - PRODUCTS

Sentinel(TM) HIV-1         An enzyme immunoassay in microwell format for the
                           detection of antibodies to HIV-1 in urine, labelled
                           under the name and trademarks of Calypte Biomedical.

                           Cat.  No. 600000     480 tests         
                           Cat.  No. 600001     192 tests          

                               SCHEDULE 2 - PRICE

PRODUCT                                        PRICE, $US

Sentinel(TM) IRV-1          480 tests                           
                            192 tests                           
                           SCHEDULE 3 - MINIMA, TESTS

Minimum purchases of Sentinel(TM) HIV-1 per twelve month period following legal
opportunity to market the Products within the Territory:

                12-month period:   first           Subsequent

                                   No minimum      To be negotiated in
                                                   accordance with 4.1.2 of this

                             SCHEDULE 4 - TRADEMARKS

Calypte hummingbird logo
Sentinel tradename

Confidential portion has been omitted and filed separately with the Commission
