COMMERCIAL LEASE

                                    ARTICLE 1


         This Lease, dated for reference purposes only, July 19, 1996, is made
by and between AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT CO., II, a California general partnership,
Trustees (collectively, "Landlord"), and FRACTAL DESIGN CORPORATION, a
California corporation ("Tenant").

                                    ARTICLE 2


                  A. Demise of Premises. Landlord hereby leases to Tenant and
         Tenant leases from Landlord for the term, at the rental, and upon all
         of the conditions set forth herein, the premises (the "Premises")
         consisting of a portion, as described herein, of the building (the
         "Building") on the real property (the "Property") commonly known as
         5550 Scotts Valley Drive, Scotts Valley, California, a legal
         description of which Property is attached hereto as Exhibit A. The
         Premises, depicted on Exhibit B, shall consist of approximately 29,571
         rentable square feet of space, of which approximately 27,510 rentable
         square feet of space is located on, and comprises the entirety of, the
         second floor of the Building, and of which approximately 2,061 rentable
         square feet of space is located on the first floor of the Building. The
         Premises include the exclusive use of the at-grade truck door and
         freight elevator identified on Exhibit B.

                  B. Expansion Space. On or before December 1, 1998 (the
         "Expansion Date"), Landlord shall deliver to Tenant that portion of the
         Building consisting of approximately 11,467 rentable square feet of
         space (the "Expansion Space"), depicted on Exhibit B-1 hereto. As of
         the Expansion Date (assuming the Premises consist just of the initial
         Premises and the Expansion Space) the Premises shall consist of
         approximately 41,038 rentable square feet of space.

         Landlord and Tenant shall cooperate as reasonably required to allow
         Landlord to construct leasehold improvements in the Expansion Space as
         required for Tenant's use thereof (the "Expansion Space Improvements").
         No later than one hundred eighty (180) days before the Expansion Date,
         Tenant shall propose the name of an architect to be retained by Tenant
         to design the Expansion Space Improvements, and the parties shall
         cooperate in good faith to select an architect to design the Expansion
         Space Improvements within no more than ten (10) days after Tenant's
         proposal. Tenant shall cause the architect so selected to deliver
         preliminary space plans and the layout of the Expansion Space
         Improvements (the "Expansion Space Plan") no later than one hundred
         fifty (150) days before the Expansion Date. Landlord shall review the
         Expansion Space Plans within no more than ten (10) days after receipt
         thereof, and the parties shall cooperate in good faith to mutually
         approve the Expansion Space Plan within no more than fifteen (15) days
         after receipt by Landlord. Tenant shall thereafter cause the architect
         to deliver proposed working drawings for the Expansion Space
         Improvements (the "Expansion Space Drawings") no later than ninety (90)
         days before the Expansion Date. Landlord shall review the Expansion
         Space Drawings within no more than ten (10) days after receipt thereof,
         and the parties shall cooperate in good faith to mutually approve the
         Expansion Space Drawings within no more than fifteen (15) days after
         receipt by Landlord. Except as otherwise expressly provided in this
         Section 2.B, Landlord and Tenant shall cause the Expansion Space
         Improvements to be constructed pursuant to the terms of Exhibit C
         hereto. Landlord shall contribute up to Ten Dollars ($10.00) per
         rentable square foot of the Expansion Space to the cost of constructing
         the Expansion Space Improvements. As of the Expansion Date, the
         Expansion Space shall be part of the Premises for all purposes.
         Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the construction of the Expansion
         Space Improvements is not substantially complete on the Expansion Date,
         for any reason other than a Tenant Delay, as defined in Exhibit C
         hereto, the obligations of Tenant with respect to the Expansion Space
         shall not accrue until such time as the Expansion Space Improvements
         are substantially complete.

                  C. Parking. Landlord shall provide Tenant, without additional
         charge, during the entire Lease Term, with Tenant's Proportionate
         Share, as defined in Section 9.C below, of parking spaces available at
         the Building. As of the Commencement Date, approximately 213 unreserved
         parking spaces are available for the entire Building. Landlord
         represents and warrants that the number of parking spaces provided is
         sufficient to comply with applicable Laws for the intended use of the
         Premises. Landlord shall not provide exclusive parking spaces to any
         tenant of the Building without the prior approval of Tenant, nor shall
         Landlord over-subscribe parking for the Building.

                                    ARTICLE 3


                  A. Term. The term of this lease (the "Lease Term") shall be
         for seven (7) years, commencing on the commencement date as defined in
         Exhibit C hereto (the "Commencement Date"). Subject to the terms of
         Exhibit C, the Commencement Date will be no later than September 1,

                  B. Early Entry. Tenant, its agents and contractors shall be
         permitted to enter the Premises prior to the Commencement Date for the
         purpose of installing Tenant's trade fixtures and equipment, telephone
         equipment, security systems and cabling for computers. Tenant shall
         also have access to the Premises for the purpose of installing (but not
         operating) equipment that has been delivered for Tenant's use in the
         Premises, which equipment shall be moved into and stored in an area
         within the Premises, designated by Landlord, in such a manner so as not
         to interfere with Landlord's construction of the Tenant Improvements.
         In addition, Tenant or its agents may enter the Premises at any
         reasonable time prior to the Commencement Date for the purpose of
         inspecting the course of construction of the Tenant Improvements. Any
         entry or installation work by Tenant and its agents in the Premises
         pursuant to this paragraph shall be undertaken at Tenant's sole risk,
         not interfere with or delay Landlord's work in the Premises, and not be
         deemed occupancy or possession of the Premises for purposes of the

                  C. Option to Extend.

                           i. Tenant is given two (2) options to extend the
                  Lease Term for 3-year periods each (the "Option Terms"), which
                  options may be exercised only by written notice ("Option
                  Notice") from Tenant to Landlord given not less than one
                  hundred eighty (180) days prior to the end of the initial
                  Lease Term, or not less than one hundred eighty (180) days
                  prior to the end of the then-expiring Option Term; provided,
                  however, if Tenant is in material default on the date on which
                  the Option Notice is delivered, or on the date on which the
                  Option Term would otherwise commence, the Option Notice shall
                  be totally ineffective, and such Option Term shall not
                  commence and this Lease shall expire at the end of the initial
                  Lease Term or at the end of the then expiring Option Term,
                  unless such default is cured within the time periods required
                  by the Lease. Tenant shall lease the Premises during each
                  Option Term on all the terms and conditions of this Lease,
                  except that Base Rent shall be equal to ninety-five percent
                  (95%) of the then fair market value as determined below (the
                  "Fair Market Rent"). In no event will Base Rent during any
                  Option Term be less than the Base Rent for the last month of
                  the portion of the Lease Term immediately preceding the Option
                  Term in question. Fair Market Rent, as used herein, shall mean
                  the rental rate at which tenants in arm's length transactions
                  would lease comparable space in Scotts Valley, on as "as is"
                  basis, and shall take into account the size, location and
                  quality of the comparable space, the length of the term, the
                  creditworthiness of the tenant, and any concessions,
                  allowances or other inducements typically available in the
                  relevant market area. In determining Fair Market Rent, the
                  value of any Alterations made at the expense of Tenant shall
                  be disregarded.

                           ii. The parties shall agree on the Fair Market Rent
                  for each respective Option Term during the first thirty (30)
                  days after delivery of the Option Notice. If the parties are
                  able to agree on

                  the Fair Market Rent for the Option Term, then such agreed
                  value shall be the Base Rent for the Option Term.

                           iii. If the parties are unable to agree on the Fair
                  Market Rent within that time, then at Tenant's request, within
                  ten (10) days of the expiration of that thirty (30) day
                  period, each party shall separately designate an independent,
                  qualified MAI appraiser to make this determination. Within
                  five (5) business days of their appointment, the two
                  designated appraisers shall jointly designate a third
                  similarly qualified appraiser. The failure of either party to
                  appoint an appraiser within the time allowed shall be deemed
                  equivalent to appointing the appraiser appointed by the other
                  party. If, within ten (10) business days after the appointment
                  of all appraisers, a majority of the appraisers concur on the
                  Fair Market Rent, that appraisal shall be the accepted Base
                  Rent. If a majority of the appraisers do not concur within
                  that period, the third appraiser shall select the
                  determination of one of other two appraisers whose appraisal
                  is closest to the Fair Market Rent. The parties shall share
                  the appraisal expenses equally.

                                    ARTICLE 4


                  A. Base Rent. Beginning on the first day of the second full
         calendar month following the Commencement Date (the "Rent Start Date"),
         Tenant shall pay to Landlord base rent ("Base Rent") for the Premises
         in advance, on the first day of each month of the Lease Term, in the
         amount of Thirty Four Thousand and Seven Dollars ($34,007), subject to
         the rent adjustment set forth below. As of the Expansion Date, Base
         Rent shall be increased by an amount equal to the product obtained by
         multiplying 11,467 (the number of rentable square feet in the Expansion
         Space) by the Base Rent payable per rentable square foot of the initial
         Premises immediately before the Expansion Date.[As an example, assuming
         that the Base Rent is increased on the first Adjustment Date, as
         defined in Section 4.B below (and prior to the Expansion Date), by the
         maximum amount of eight percent (8%), the total Base Rent effective as
         of the Expansion Date shall be Forty Eight Thousand Two Hundred Twenty
         Six Dollars ($48,226), calculated as follows: Initial Base Rent of
         $34,007 multiplied by 1.08 equals $36,728; divided by 29,571 rentable
         square feet equals $1.24 per rentable square foot; $1.24 multiplied by
         41,038 rentable square feet equals $50,887.] Rent shall be payable
         without abatement (except as expressly provided herein), offset, prior
         notice or demand.

         Rent for any period during the Lease Term which is for less than one
         month shall be a pro rata portion of the monthly installment, and Base
         Rent for any partial calendar month at the beginning of the Lease Term
         shall be paid on the Rent Start Date. Rent shall be payable in lawful
         money of the United States to Landlord at the address stated herein or
         to such other persons or at such other places as Landlord may designate
         in writing. Upon execution of this Lease by all parties hereto, Tenant
         shall provide to Landlord an amount equal to the Base Rent payable for
         one full month of the Lease Term, which sums shall be applied to the
         Base Rent otherwise payable for the first month of the Lease Term. As
         used herein, the term "Rent" shall mean Base Rent and any and all other
         sums payable by Tenant hereunder.

                  B. Periodic Base Rent Adjustment. The Base Rent shall be
         adjusted upward at the beginning of the third (3rd), fifth (5th) and
         seventh (7th) years of the Lease Term (the "Adjustment Dates") as
         described herein. The base for computing the adjustment is the Consumer
         Price Index for All Urban Consumers (base year 1982- 1984 = 100) for
         San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose All Items published by the United States
         Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics (the "Index"), which is
         most recently published prior to the Commencement Date (the "Beginning
         Index"). If the Index most recently published prior to the Adjustment
         Date (the "Extension Index") has increased over the Beginning Index,
         the Base Rent at that Adjustment Date (to continue until the next
         Adjustment Date) shall be set by multiplying the Base Rent set forth in
         Section 4.A above by a fraction, the numerator of which is the
         Extension Index, and the denominator of which is the Beginning Index;

         however, that the increase in Base Rent at any Adjustment Date shall
         not be less than four percent (4%) nor greater than eight percent (8%).
         Each successive lease year shall commence on the anniversary of the
         Commencement Date.

                                    ARTICLE 5

                                SECURITY DEPOSIT

                  Tenant shall deposit with Landlord, within no more than three
         (3) business days following receipt of a fully executed Lease, the sum
         of Thirty Four Thousand Seven and 00/100 ($34,007), as security for
         Tenant's faithful performance of Tenant's obligations hereunder. If
         Tenant commits any Event of Default under this Lease, Landlord may,
         without waiving or releasing Tenant from any obligation under this
         Lease, and without waiving Landlord's right to treat such failure as a
         default hereof, use, apply, or retain all or any portion of the
         Security Deposit for the payment of any Rent or other charge in default
         or for the payment of any other sum to which Landlord may become
         obligated by reason of Tenant's default, or to compensate Landlord for
         any loss or damage which Landlord may suffer thereby. If Landlord so
         uses or applies all or any portion of the Security Deposit, Tenant
         shall within ten (10) days after written demand therefor deposit cash
         with Landlord in an amount sufficient to restore the Security Deposit
         to the full amount hereinabove stated and Tenant's failure to do so
         shall be a material breach of this Lease. Except to the extent properly
         applied hereunder, the Security Deposit shall be returned to Tenant
         (or, at Tenant's option, to the last assignee, if any, of Tenant's
         interest hereunder) at the expiration of the Lease Term and after
         Tenant has vacated the Premises. No trust relationship is created
         herein between Landlord and Tenant with respect to said security
         deposit, and Landlord may commingle it, use it in ordinary business,
         transfer or assign it, or use it in any combination of those ways. In
         the event of termination of Landlord's interest in this Lease, Landlord
         shall transfer the Security Deposit to Landlord's successor in
         interest, whereupon Landlord shall be released from all liability for
         the return of the Security Deposit or the accounting therefor.

                                    ARTICLE 6


                  A. Use. The Premises shall be used and occupied for general,
         administrative and sales offices, product service, software engineering
         and product storage. Tenant may make any other use of the Premises
         provided that such use (i) is otherwise in compliance with applicable
         Law, and (ii) is approved by Landlord, which approval will not be
         unreasonably withheld or delayed. Tenant shall not use or permit the
         use of the Premises in any manner that will tend to create waste or a
         nuisance or tend to unreasonably disturb any other tenants. This Lease
         does not grant to Tenant any exclusive-use rights that would prevent
         other tenants from conducting businesses or operations within the
         Building similar to the business or operations of Tenant.

                  B. Compliance with Law.

                           i. Landlord warrants to Tenant that the Premises, in
                  its state existing on the Commencement Date (and, with respect
                  to the Expansion Space, as of the Expansion Date), with regard
                  to the allowed uses set forth herein, does not violate any
                  laws, statutes, ordinances, rules, regulations, orders,
                  covenants, conditions or restrictions of record (collectively,
                  "Laws") in effect on the Commencement Date or Expansion Date,

                           ii. Tenant shall, at Tenant's expense, comply
                  promptly with all applicable Laws in effect during the Lease
                  Term or any part of the Lease Term, regulating the use by
                  Tenant of the Premises. Tenant shall not be required to
                  construct any improvement to comply with, or pay the cost of
                  complying with any Laws (i) requiring construction of
                  improvements in the Premises which are

                  properly capitalized under generally accepted accounting
                  principles, unless such compliance is necessitated solely
                  because of Tenant's particular use of the Premises, or (ii)
                  regarding the presence of Toxic Materials, except as provided
                  in Article 7 hereof.

                           iii. By executing this Lease, Tenant acknowledges
                  that it has reviewed and satisfied itself as to its
                  compliance, or intended compliance, with the applicable zoning
                  and permit laws, hazardous waste requirements, and all other
                  statutes, laws, or ordinances relevant to the uses stated in
                  Section 6.A, above.

                  C. Condition of Premises.

                           i. Landlord shall deliver the Premises to Tenant
                  clean and free of debris on the Commencement Date, with (i)
                  the Tenant Improvements substantially completed, (ii) the
                  common areas of the Property, including the sidewalks,
                  driveway, parking lot and landscaping, in good condition, and
                  (iii) the Building and all Building systems, including the
                  plumbing, mechanical, electrical, roof and roofing systems, in
                  good operating condition. If the Premises, or any portion
                  thereof, are not delivered in the condition required herein,
                  then it shall be the obligation of Landlord, at Landlord's
                  sole cost, after receipt of written notice from Tenant setting
                  forth with specificity the nature of the condition, to
                  promptly rectify such condition. Notwithstanding the
                  foregoing, the obligation of Landlord to correct any condition
                  which violates the terms of this Section 6.C shall terminate
                  with respect to any reasonably discoverable condition of which
                  Landlord has not received written notice on or before the date
                  which is sixty (60) days after the date that Landlord
                  initially delivers possession of the area of the Premises in
                  question to Tenant.

                           ii. Except as otherwise provided in this Lease,
                  Tenant hereby accepts the Premises in their condition existing
                  as of the Commencement Date, subject to all zoning, municipal,
                  county, state, and other applicable Laws governing and
                  regulating the use of the Premises, and accepts this Lease
                  subject thereto. Tenant acknowledges that neither Landlord nor
                  Landlord's agent has made any representation or warranty as to
                  the present or future suitability of the Premises for the
                  conduct of Tenant's business.

                                    ARTICLE 7

                          HAZARDOUS OR TOXIC MATERIALS

                  A. Tenant, and Tenant's agents, employees, invitees, and
         contractors ("Tenant's Representatives"), shall not bring, allow, use,
         or permit upon the Premises, or generate or create at or emit or
         dispose from the Premises any toxic or hazardous gaseous, liquid, or
         solid materials, or waste ("Toxic Materials"), including, without
         limitation, any material or substance having characteristics of
         ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, or extraction procedure toxicity
         or substances or materials which are listed on any of the Environmental
         Protection Agency's lists of hazardous wastes or which are identified
         in Sections 66680 through 66685 of Title 22 of the California Code of
         Regulations as the same may be amended from time to time. Tenant shall
         indemnify, defend, and hold Landlord harmless from any claims,
         liabilities, costs, or expenses incurred or suffered by Landlord
         arising from such bringing, allowing, using, permitting, generating,
         creating, or emitting or disposing of Toxic Materials by Tenant or
         Tenant's Representatives. Tenant's indemnification, defense, and hold
         harmless obligations include all of the following: (i) claims,
         liabilities, costs or expenses resulting from or based upon
         administrative, judicial (civil or criminal), or other legal or
         equitable action, (ii) claims, liabilities, costs, or expenses
         pertaining to the cleanup or containment of Toxic Materials, the
         identification of the pollutants in the Toxic Materials, the
         identification of the scope of any environmental contamination, the
         removal of pollutants from soils, the provision of an alternative
         public drinking water source, or the long term monitoring of ground
         water and surface waters, and (iii) all costs of defending such claims.
         Tenant shall comply, at its sole cost, with all laws pertaining to
         Toxic Materials which have been brought, allowed, used, or permitted on
         the Premises

         by Tenant, or by Tenant's Representatives. Tenant's hold harmless,
         defense and indemnity obligations hereunder shall survive the
         expiration or termination of this Lease.

                  B. Landlord represents and warrants that, to the best of its
         knowledge, as of the date of this Lease, there are no Toxic Materials
         in or on the Premises as of the Commencement Date which would require
         notification or reporting to any governmental regulatory agency.
         Landlord shall indemnify, defend and hold Tenant harmless from any
         claims, liabilities, costs, or expenses incurred or suffered by Tenant
         arising from (i) the existence of Toxic Materials on the Premises prior
         to or on the Commencement Date, including any such Toxic Materials
         identified in the Phase I report referred to below, or (ii)
         attributable to the use, storage, or disposal of any Toxic Materials by
         Landlord or Landlord's Representative. Landlord's indemnification,
         defense and hold harmless obligations include all of the following: (i)
         claims, liabilities, costs or expenses resulting from or based upon
         administrative, judicial (civil or criminal), or other legal or
         equitable action, (ii) claims, liabilities, costs, or expenses
         pertaining to the cleanup or containment of Toxic Materials, the
         identification of the pollutants in the Toxic Materials, the
         identification of the scope of any environmental contamination, the
         removal of pollutants from soils, the provision of an alternative
         public drinking water source, or the long term monitoring of ground
         water and surface waters, and (iii) all costs of defending such claims.
         Landlord shall comply, at its sole cost, with all laws pertaining to
         such Toxic Materials, except to the extent that such Toxic Materials
         have been brought, allowed, used, or permitted on the Premises by
         Tenant, or by Tenant's Representatives. Landlord's hold harmless,
         defense and indemnity obligations hereunder shall survive the
         expiration or termination of this Lease. Other than the"Phase I" report
         (the "Phase I Report") prepared by an environmental consultant retained
         by Landlord to investigate the environmental condition of the Property,
         which Phase I report Landlord has delivered to Tenant, there are no
         reports, studies or other written materials, in the possession or
         control of Landlord, which have been produced by any third party in
         connection with any investigation of the Premises or Property
         pertaining to the presence, use or disposal of Toxic Materials in, on
         or about the Premises or Property. The Phase I Report has been
         delivered without representation or warranty from Landlord as to the
         accuracy or completeness thereof, except to the extent that Landlord is
         actually aware of any material inaccuracy or incompleteness. Except as
         otherwise expressly provided in this Lease, the provisions of this
         Article 7 shall exclusively govern the respective rights and
         obligations of the parties hereto with respect to Toxic Materials.

                                    ARTICLE 8


                  A. Maintenance - Premises. Throughout the Lease Term, Tenant
         agrees to keep and maintain all improvements and appurtenances within
         the Premises in good condition and repair, reasonable use and wear
         excepted. Tenant hereby expressly waives the provisions of any law
         permitting repairs by a tenant at the expense of a landlord, including,
         without limitation, all rights of Tenant under Sections 1941 and 1942
         of the California Civil Code. Tenant agrees to keep the Premises clean
         and in sanitary condition as required by the health, sanitary and
         police ordinances and regulations of any political subdivision having
         jurisdiction. Tenant further agrees to keep the interior of the
         Premises, such as the windows, floors, walls, doors, showcases and
         fixtures clean and neat in appearance and to remove all trash and
         debris which may be found in or around the Premises. If Tenant refuses
         or neglects to commence such repairs and/or maintenance required under
         this Lease agreement or does not diligently prosecute same to
         completion within thirty (30) days of written notice thereof, then
         Landlord may enter the Premises and cause such repairs and/or
         maintenance to be made. Tenant agrees that upon demand, it shall pay to
         Landlord the cost of any such repairs, together with accrued interest
         from the date of payment at the prime commercial lending rate then in
         effect at Bank of America. Landlord shall assign to Tenant any
         warranties or guaranties applicable to those portions of the Premises
         to be maintained by Tenant, and Landlord shall cooperate with Tenant to
         the extent reasonably necessary to enforce such warranties or
         guaranties. Tenant shall have no responsibility to perform or
         construct, any repair, maintenance or improvement (i) necessitated by
         the acts or omissions of Landlord or Landlord's agents, employees or

         (ii) occasioned by fire, acts of God or other casualty or by the
         exercise of the power of eminent domain, (iii) for which Landlord has a
         right of reimbursement from others, (v) which would be treated as a
         "capital expenditure" under generally accepted accounting principles,
         except as provided below, (vi) to the heating, ventilating, air
         conditioning, electrical, water, sewer, and plumbing systems serving
         the Premises or the Building. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any
         obligation on Tenant's part which would require construction of an item
         which would be treated as a capital expenditure shall be performed by
         Tenant, at its sole cost and expense, if the item in question is
         required because of (i) a particular or unique aspect of the use of the
         Premises by Tenant, or (ii) because of the construction of any
         alterations or improvements in the Premises by Tenant. Tenant's
         obligation, if any, to reimburse Landlord for the costs of such
         repairs, maintenance and improvements shall be governed by the other
         provisions of this Lease.

                  B. Maintenance - Common Areas.

                           i. Landlord shall be responsible for maintaining in a
                  good and clean condition, the common areas, consisting of the
                  entire Building and Property, exclusive of the Premises and
                  other leasable space in the Building, and including the
                  building systems (the "Common Areas"). Tenant shall notify
                  Landlord, in writing, as soon as is reasonably possible, of
                  any repairs or maintenance to the Common Areas which may be
                  required, and Landlord shall have a reasonable time to make
                  such repairs. Landlord shall perform, at its sole cost and
                  expense, the repair or replacement of any Building system (i)
                  which is performed or reasonably required to be performed on
                  or before July 1, 1997, (ii) which costs more than One
                  Thousand Dollars ($1,000), and (iii) which is not required by
                  the negligence or willful misconduct of Tenant, its agents,
                  employees or contractors. The cost of any item which is
                  required by the negligence or willful misconduct of Tenant,
                  its agents, employees or contractors shall be paid by Tenant,
                  except as provided in Section 11.E, entitled Waiver of

                           ii. The following services shall be provided to the
                  Premises by Landlord: (i) ventilation and air conditioning or
                  heating ("HVAC") from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday
                  ("Business Hours"), (ii) electric power as required for office
                  lighting and office business machines, and (iii) water in the
                  kitchen areas of the Premises and for drinking and lavatory
                  purposes. Landlord shall not be required to provide janitorial
                  services to the Premises. Upon request of Tenant, Landlord
                  shall provide HVAC outside of Business Hours, and Tenant shall
                  reimburse to Landlord the actual cost of providing such
                  additional service. Tenant shall have access to the Premises
                  twenty-four (24) hours a day.

                                    ARTICLE 9

                               OPERATING EXPENSES

                  A. Tenant shall pay to Landlord, as additional Rent, in the
         manner and at the time provided below, Tenant's Proportionate Share, as
         defined below, of all costs and expenses (the "Operating Expenses")
         paid or incurred by Landlord for the operation, maintenance, or repair
         of the Property, including, but not limited to, the following
         (including payments to independent contractors providing services
         related to the performance of the following):

                           i. (i) maintaining, cleaning, repairing and
                  resurfacing the roof (including repair of leaks) and the
                  exterior surfaces (including painting) of all buildings
                  located on the Property; (ii) maintenance of the liability,
                  fire and property damage insurance covering the Project
                  carried by Landlord pursuant to Section 11.B; (iii)
                  maintaining, repairing, operating and replacing when necessary
                  HVAC equipment, utility facilities and other building service
                  equipment; (iv) providing utilities to the Common Area
                  (including lighting, trash removal and water for landscaping
                  irrigation); (v) complying with all applicable Laws (subject
                  to Section 6.B above); (vi) operating, maintaining, repairing,

                  painting, restriping and resurfacing the Common Area; (vii)
                  replacement or installation of lighting fixtures, directional
                  or other signs and signals, irrigation systems, trees, shrubs,
                  ground cover and other plant materials, and all landscaping in
                  the Common Area, and (viii) providing security;

                           ii. The following costs: (i) Real Property Taxes as
                  defined in Section 13.B; (ii) the cost to repair damage caused
                  by an Uninsured Peril up to a maximum amount in any 12 month
                  period equal to 2% of the replacement cost of the buildings or
                  other improvements damaged; and (iv) that portion of all
                  compensation (including benefits and premiums for workers'
                  compensation and other insurance) paid to or on behalf of
                  employees of Landlord but only to the extent they are involved
                  in the performance of the work described that is fairly
                  allocable to the Project;

                           iii. Fees for management services rendered by either
                  Landlord or a third party manager engaged by Landlord (which
                  may be a party affiliated with Landlord), except that the
                  total amount charged for management services and included in
                  Tenant's Share of Common Operating Expenses shall not exceed
                  (i) during any period when Tenant does not lease all the
                  rentable space in the Building, the monthly rate of two
                  percent (2%) of the monthly installment of Base Rent and (ii)
                  during any period when Tenant does lease all the rentable
                  space in the Building, the monthly rate of one percent (1%) of
                  the monthly installment of Base Rent; and

                           iv. All additional costs and expenses incurred by
                  Landlord with respect to the operation, protection,
                  maintenance, repair and replacement of the Project which would
                  be considered a current expense (and not a capital
                  expenditure) pursuant to generally accepted accounting

                           v. Landlord estimates that the Operating Expenses
                  will be approximately eighteen cents ($.18) per month per
                  rentable square foot in the Premises.

                  B. Operating Expense Exclusions. Notwithstanding anything to
         the contrary in the Lease, Operating Expenses shall not include, and
         Tenant shall have no obligation to pay the cost of, any of the

                           i. Losses Caused By Others: Costs occasioned by the
                  negligence, willful misconduct, or violation of Law by
                  Landlord, any other occupant of the Building, or their
                  respective agents, employees or contractors.

                           ii. Casualties and Condemnations: Except as otherwise
                  provided in Section 9.A(ii), costs occasioned by fire, acts of
                  God, or other casualties or by the exercise of the power of
                  eminent domain.

                           iii. Capital Improvements: Costs relating to repairs,
                  alterations, improvements, equipment and tools which would
                  properly be capitalized under generally accepted accounting
                  principles, except to the extent that any such capital
                  improvement (i) is reasonably anticipated to reduce Operating
                  Expenses; (ii) is required to comply with applicable Law
                  (except as required to correct any condition which does not
                  comply, as of the Commencement Date, or the Expansion Date,
                  with regard to the Expansion Space, with applicable Laws), or
                  (iii) is required to replace existing equipment and
                  improvements, including HVAC components and the roof membrane.
                  In each case, the cost of any such capital improvement which
                  is properly included in Operating Expenses shall be amortized
                  over the useful life thereof, as determined in accordance with
                  generally accepted accounting principles, and an amount equal
                  to the cost so amortized, together with interest at the rate
                  actually paid by Landlord, or at Landlord's cost of funds,
                  shall be included in Operating Expenses, until the earlier of
                  the end of the Lease Term or the end of such useful life.

                           iv. Reimbursable Expenses: Costs for which Landlord
                  has a right of reimbursement from others.

                           v. Construction Defects: Costs to correct any
                  construction defect in the Premises or the Building;

                           vi. Utilities or Services: Costs (i) arising from the
                  disproportionate use of any utility or service supplied by
                  Landlord to any other occupant of the Building, (ii)
                  associated with utilities and services of a type not provided
                  to Tenant; or (iii) any cost for any service or utility
                  provided to any occupant of the Building other than Tenant
                  which is of a type for which Tenant pays directly (as, for
                  example, any utility which is separately metered to the

                           vii. Interior Improvements: The cost of any
                  renovation, improvement, painting or redecorating of any
                  portion of the Building not made available for Tenant's use.

                           viii. Leasing Expenses: Fees, commissions, attorneys'
                  fees, costs or other disbursements incurred in connection with
                  negotiations or disputes with any other occupant of the
                  Building and costs arising from the violation by Landlord or
                  any occupant of the Building (other than Tenant) of the terms
                  and conditions of any lease or other agreement.

                           ix. Reserves: Depreciation, amortization or other
                  expense reserves.

                           x. Mortgages: Interest, charges and fees incurred on
                  debt, payments on mortgages and rent under ground leases.

                           xi. Concessions: Costs incurred in connection with
                  the operation of any commercial concession within the

                           xii. Promotion: Advertising or promotional costs.

                           xiii. Capital Leases: Lease payments and costs for
                  capital machinery and equipment, such as air conditioners,
                  elevators, and the like. This Section 9.B(xiii) shall not
                  apply to short-term leases of machinery and equipment when
                  necessary for emergencies or repairs.

                           xiv. Art: Costs of sculptures, fountains, paintings
                  and other art objects.

                           xv. Insurance: Increases in insurance costs caused by
                  the activities of another occupant of the Building,
                  co-insurance payments, and any costs for insurance premiums in
                  excess of a commercially reasonable amount. Deductible amounts
                  with respect to the property insurance maintained by Landlord
                  pursuant to Section 11.B, up to a maximum amount equal to
                  Fifty Thousand Dollar ($50,000) per occurrence for the entire
                  Property, which are otherwise includible in Operating
                  Expenses, shall be included in Operating Expenses.

                           xvi. Hazardous Materials: Costs incurred (a) to
                  investigate the presence of any Toxic Material, (b) to respond
                  to any claim of Toxic Material contamination or damage, (c) to
                  remove any Toxic Material from the Building and (d) to satisfy
                  any judgments or other costs incurred in connection with any
                  Toxic Material exposure or releases, without limiting the
                  obligation of Tenant pursuant to Article 7 hereof.

                           xvii. Management: Wages, salaries, compensation, or
                  other expenses associated with management of the Property,
                  other than as expressly provided herein.

                           xviii. Duplication: Costs and expenses for which
                  Tenant reimburses Landlord directly or which Tenant pays
                  directly to a third person.

                           xix. Plate Glass: Costs to replace any plate glass in
                  the Building.

                  C. Tenant's Proportionate Share. Tenant's proportionate share
         ("Tenant's Proportionate Share") shall be equal to a fraction, the
         denominator of which shall be the rentable square footage of the
         Building, calculated in a manner consistent with the calculation of the
         Premises as described in Article 2 above (which the parties acknowledge
         is approximately 55,320 square feet), and the numerator of which shall
         be the rentable area of the Premises. As of the Commencement Date,
         Tenant's Proportionate Share will be fifty three and 45/100 percent
         (53.45%) and as of the Expansion Date (assuming that the Premises then
         consist of the initial Premises and Expansion Space only) Tenant's
         Proportionate Share will be seventy four and 18/100 percent (74.18%).

         Tenant shall pay to Landlord as Additional Rent the following amounts
in the manner specified:

                           i. For each calendar year during the Lease Term,
                  Landlord shall furnish to Tenant a written statement showing
                  in reasonable detail the estimated Operating Expenses, which
                  statement shall be provided to Tenant at least thirty (30)
                  days in advance of the date on which payment thereof will be
                  required ("Estimated Operating Expenses"). Thereafter, on each
                  monthly Rent payment date for such calendar year, Tenant shall
                  pay to Landlord, as Additional Rent, one-twelfth (1/12th) of
                  Tenant's Proportionate Share of the Estimated Operating
                  Expenses for such current calendar year. If Landlord for any
                  reason fails to furnish said statement as described above,
                  Tenant shall pay at the monthly Rent payment date next
                  following Tenant's receipt of said statement, any Additional
                  Rent which shall have accrued. If Landlord reasonably
                  determines that the estimated Operating Expenses so calculated
                  by Landlord will not accurately reflect the Operating Expenses
                  actually incurred for that year ("Actual Operating Expenses"),
                  Landlord may, no more than once in any given year, by written
                  notice to Tenant, adjust the required payments of Estimated
                  Operating Expenses. Beginning with the next monthly Rent
                  payment date which is at least thirty (30) days following
                  Tenant's receipt of such statement, and on each monthly Rent
                  payment date thereafter, Tenant shall pay the adjusted amount
                  for the succeeding months in the current year, and Tenant
                  shall pay to Landlord (or credit against Rent otherwise due)
                  an amount sufficient to cause the total payments of Estimated
                  Operating Expenses already made in the then current year to
                  reflect accurately Actual Operating Expenses.

                           ii. As soon as possible after the beginning of each
                  calendar year during the Lease Term, Landlord shall furnish to
                  Tenant a written statement of Actual Operating Expenses for
                  the preceding calendar year or portion thereof. If the Actual
                  Operating Expenses for the preceding calendar year exceed the
                  Estimated Operating Expenses for that year, then, at the
                  monthly Rent payment date next following Tenant's receipt of
                  such statement, Tenant shall pay to Landlord the amount by
                  which Tenant's Proportionate Share of Actual Operating
                  Expenses for such preceding year exceeds Tenant's
                  Proportionate Share of Estimated Operating Expenses. However,
                  if Tenant's payments of Estimated Operating Expenses exceed
                  Tenant's Proportionate Share of the Actual Operating Expenses
                  for the preceding calendar year, Tenant shall receive a credit
                  toward the next monthly Rent falling due equal to the excess.

                           iii. When the final determination is made of Tenant's
                  Proportionate Share of Actual Operating Expenses for the
                  calendar year in which this Lease terminates, even if the
                  determination occurs after Tenant has vacated the Premises,
                  Tenant shall immediately pay any amount due over the estimated
                  expenses paid and, conversely, any overpayment made by Tenant
                  shall be reimbursed by Landlord. If this Lease shall terminate
                  on a day other than the last day of a calendar year, the
                  amount of the adjustment to be made hereunder for such year
                  shall be prorated on the basis which the number of days from
                  the commencement of such calendar year to and including the
                  termination date bears to three hundred sixty five (365).

                  D. Books and Records. Upon written request of Tenant, Landlord
         shall provide to Tenant

         reasonable documentation evidencing the breakdown of the Operating
         Expenses, by categories, including but not limited to copies of
         invoices from third party vendors and others. Upon three days notice to
         Landlord, Tenant shall have the right to examine Landlord's books and
         records with respect to the Operating Expenses, for the purpose of
         verifying the information provided to Tenant by Landlord. If Tenant
         determines that the Operating Expenses billed to Tenant exceed the
         Operating Expenses properly payable by Tenant by five percent (5%) or
         more, Landlord shall promptly reimburse to Tenant the reasonable costs
         incurred by Tenant in such audit. Tenant shall pay the Operating
         Expenses billed to Tenant, which payment may be made under protest by
         Tenant with respect to any disputed portion thereof, notwithstanding
         any dispute regarding the obligation to pay such Operating Expenses.
         Any such dispute will be settled with Landlord and Tenant acting
         reasonably and in good faith. If Landlord and Tenant are unable to
         settle any such dispute amicably within ninety (90) days of Tenant's
         receipt of any disputed statement for such Operating Expenses, then
         such dispute shall be resolved by arbitration. Within no more than
         thirty (30) days following the resolution of any dispute referenced
         hereunder, the parties shall make any payments or other adjustments
         required to effectuate the terms of the resolution.

                                   ARTICLE 10

                            ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS

                  A. Consent Required. No structural alterations, changes or
         structural additions ("Alterations") shall be made to the Premises by
         Tenant without the prior written consent of Landlord, which Landlord
         will not unreasonably withhold or delay. All such work shall be done by
         licensed contractors reasonably approved by Landlord. Landlord shall
         have the right to require Tenant to remove any Alteration made without
         the consent of Landlord. Tenant shall not permit any mechanic's,
         materialmen's or other liens to be filed against the Property, the
         Building or Tenant's leasehold interest in the Premises which may arise
         from any Alterations performed by, or at the request of, Tenant. Tenant
         shall cause any such lien to be released, by payment of the underlying
         obligation or posting of a bond, within no more than ten (10) days
         after receipt of written request from Landlord. If Tenant fails to
         remove such lien when required hereunder, Landlord may, without waiving
         its rights and remedies based on such breach of Tenant and without
         releasing Tenant from any of its obligations, cause such liens to be
         released by any means it shall deem proper, including payments in
         satisfaction of the claim giving rise to such lien. Tenant shall pay to
         Landlord at once, upon notice by Landlord, any sum paid by Landlord to
         remove such liens.

                  B. Liens; Title. Tenant may perform non-structural Alterations
         in and to the Premises, without the consent of Landlord, provided that
         the reasonably anticipated cost of such Alteration does not exceed Five
         Thousand Dollars ($5,000) and further provided that the Alteration in
         question will not affect the function of the Building systems. At the
         time that Landlord provides consent to any proposed Alteration for
         which consent is required, and otherwise upon request, Landlord shall
         advise Tenant in writing whether it will require Tenant to remove any
         such Alterations from the Premises upon termination of the Lease. As a
         further condition to giving such consent, for any job the cost of which
         will exceed One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) Landlord may
         require Tenant to provide Landlord, at Tenant's sole cost and expense,
         with a lien and completion bond in an amount equal to one and one-half
         (1 1/2) times the estimated cost of such improvements, to insure
         Landlord against any liability for mechanic's and materialmen's liens
         and to insure completion of the work. All Alterations to be made to the
         Premises shall be under the supervision of a competent architect or
         competent licensed structural engineer and made in accordance with
         plans and specifications which have been furnished to and approved by
         Landlord prior to commencement of work, which approval shall not be
         unreasonably withheld or delayed. Tenant agrees to advise Landlord in
         writing of the date upon which any Alterations will commence in order
         to permit Landlord to post a notice of non-responsibility. All such
         Alterations shall be constructed in a good and workmanlike manner in
         accordance with all ordinances and laws relating thereto. Except as
         provided herein, all Alterations shall remain for the benefit of and
         become the property of Landlord upon the expiration of the Lease Term,
         unless Landlord has properly notified Tenant that Tenant will be
         required to remove such Alterations. Except as expressly provided
         above, all Alterations, trade fixtures, and personal property installed
         in the Premises at Tenant's expense ("Tenant's Property"), excluding
         any such alterations or

         trade fixtures provided under this Lease as a Tenant Improvement, shall
         at all times remain Tenant's property and Tenant shall be entitled to
         all depreciation, amortization, and other tax benefits with respect

                                   ARTICLE 11


                  A. Property/Rental Insurance-- Premises. During the term of
         this Lease, Landlord shall keep the Premises and Building insured
         against loss or damage by fire and those risks normally included in the
         term "all risk" including (a) earthquake coverage, at the election of
         Landlord, (b) coverage for loss of Rents, and (c) boiler and machinery
         coverage if the Landlord deems such coverage necessary. The amount of
         such insurance shall be not less than one hundred percent (100%) of the
         replacement value of the Building. Any recovery received from said
         insurance policy shall be paid to Landlord.

                  B. Property Insurance--Fixtures and Inventory. During the
         Lease Term, Tenant shall, at its sole expense, maintain insurance with
         "all risk" coverage on any fixtures, leasehold improvements,
         furnishings, merchandise, equipment, or personal property in or on the
         Premises, whether in place as of the date hereof or installed
         hereafter, for the full replacement value thereof, and Landlord shall
         not have any responsibility nor pay any costs for maintaining any types
         of such insurance. Any deductibles shall be paid by Tenant, as provided
         in Article 9 hereof.

                  C. Landlord's Liability Insurance. During the Lease Term,
         Landlord may maintain a policy or policies of comprehensive general
         liability insurance insuring Landlord (and such others as are
         designated by Landlord) against liability for bodily injury, death and
         property damage on or about the Premises or the Property, with combined
         single limit coverage of not less than Two Million Dollars

                  D. Tenant's Liability Insurance. During the Lease Term, Tenant
         shall, at its sole expense, maintain for the mutual benefit of Landlord
         and Tenant, comprehensive general liability and property damage
         insurance against claims for bodily injury, death or property damage
         occurring in or about the Premises or arising out of the use or
         occupancy of the Premises, with combined single limit coverage of not
         less than Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000). The liability insurance so
         maintained by Tenant shall be primary and non-contributing with any
         other insurance coverage maintained by Landlord. The limits of such
         insurance shall not limit the liability of Tenant. Tenant shall furnish
         to Landlord prior to the Commencement Date, and at least thirty (30)
         days prior to the expiration date of any policy, certificates
         indicating that the liability insurance required to be carried by
         Tenant above is in full force and effect; that Landlord, Landlord's
         property manager, and any beneficiary of a deed of trust encumbering
         the Property (provided that the name and address of each of the
         foregoing has been provided to Tenant in writing) has been named as an
         additional insured; and that all such policies will not be canceled
         unless thirty (30) days' prior written notice of the proposed
         cancellation has been given to Landlord. The insurance shall be with
         insurers approved by Landlord and with policies in form satisfactory to
         Landlord, provided however, that such approval shall not be
         unreasonably withheld. Said policies shall provide that Landlord,
         although an additional insured, may recover for any loss suffered by
         Landlord by reason of Tenant's negligence and shall include a broad
         form liability endorsement.

                  E. Waiver of Subrogation. Landlord hereby releases Tenant, and
         Tenant hereby releases Landlord, and their respective officers, agents,
         employees and servants, from any and all claims or demands of damages,
         loss, expense, or injury to the Premises or the Building, or to the
         furnishings and fixtures and equipment, or inventory or other property
         of either Landlord or Tenant in, or about or upon the Premises or the
         Building, or claims for bodily injury or death which is caused by or
         results from perils, events or happenings which are the subject of the
         insurance required to be maintained by the parties pursuant to Sections
         11.A and 11.B, respectively, or any casualty insurance otherwise
         carried by the respective parties and in force at the time of any such
         loss; provided, however, that such waiver shall be effective only to
         the extent permitted by the

         insurance covering such loss and to the extent such insurance is not
         prejudiced thereby. Each party shall cause each insurance policy
         obtained by it to provide that the insurance company waives all right
         of recovery by way of subrogation against either party in connection
         with any damage covered by any policy.

                  F. Indemnification. Except in the case of the acts or
         omissions of Landlord or Landlord's Representatives, Tenant will
         indemnify and defend Landlord and save it harmless from and against any
         and all claims, actions, damages, liability and expense in connection
         with loss of life, personal injury and/or damage to property arising
         from the occupancy or use by Tenant of the Premises or any part thereof
         or of the Building to the extent caused by the acts or omissions of
         Tenant, its agents, contractors, employees, servants, licensees, or
         concessionaires or by anyone permitted to be on the Premises by Tenant.
         In case Landlord shall be made a party to any such litigation commenced
         by or against Tenant, then Tenant shall protect and hold Landlord
         harmless from all claims, liabilities, costs and expenses, and shall
         pay all costs, expenses and reasonable legal fees incurred by Landlord
         in connection with such litigation.

                  Except in the case of the acts or omissions of Tenant or
         Tenant's Representatives, Landlord will indemnify and defend Tenant
         and save it harmless from and against any and all claims, actions,
         damages, liability and expense in connection with loss of life,
         personal injury and/or damage to property to the extent caused by the
         acts or omissions of Landlord, its agents, contractors, employees,
         servants, licensees, or concessionaires. In case Tenant shall be made a
         party to any such litigation commenced by or against Landlord, then
         Landlord shall protect and hold Tenant harmless from all claims,
         liabilities, costs and expenses, and shall pay all costs, expenses and
         reasonable legal fees incurred by Tenant in connection with such

                  G. Plate Glass Replacement. Tenant shall replace at its sole
         expense, any and all plate glass and other glass in and about the
         Premises which is damaged or broken by vandalism. If any plate glass or
         other glass in and about the Premises is damaged or broken by causes
         other than vandalism, then Landlord shall replace the same and Tenant
         shall reimburse Landlord an amount equal to Landlord's reasonable cost
         of replacement, provided that such amount shall not exceed the
         deductible then in effect on Landlord's insurance policy, if any,
         covering the damaged glass. Nothing herein shall be construed to
         require Landlord to carry plate glass insurance.

                  H. Worker's Compensation Insurance. Tenant shall, at its sole
         expense, maintain and keep in force during the Lease Term a policy or
         policies of Worker's Compensation insurance or any other employee
         benefit insurance sufficient to comply with all applicable Laws.

                                   ARTICLE 12

                              DAMAGE OR DESTRUCTION

                  A. Right to Terminate on Destruction of Premises. Landlord
         shall have the right to terminate this Lease if, during the Lease Term,
         the Premises and/or the Building are damaged to an extent exceeding
         thirty-three percent (33%) of the then reconstruction cost of the
         Building as a whole. Landlord shall also have the right to terminate
         this Lease if any portion of the Premises is damaged by an uninsured
         peril to an extent exceeding five percent (5%) of the then current
         reconstruction cost of the Premises. In either case, Landlord may elect
         to terminate as provided above by written notice to Tenant delivered
         within sixty (60) days of the happening of such damage. Tenant
         specifically waives all rights it may have under Sections 1932 and 1933
         of the California Civil Code and any similar or successor statute or

                  B. Repairs by Landlord. If Landlord shall not elect to
         terminate this Lease pursuant to Section 12.A, Landlord shall,
         immediately upon receipt of insurance proceeds paid in connection with
         such casualty, but in no event later than one hundred twenty (120) days
         after such damage has occurred, proceed to repair or rebuild the
         Premises, including the Tenant Improvements as defined in Exhibit C
         hereto, but excluding Tenant's Property, on the same plan and design as
         existed immediately before such damage or destruction occurred and

         will proceed expeditiously to complete such restoration, subject to
         such delays as may be reasonably attributable to governmental
         restrictions or failure to obtain materials or labor, or other causes
         beyond the control of Landlord. Landlord will have no obligation to
         replace or restore, and Tenant shall be liable for the repair and
         replacement of, all fixtures, leasehold improvements, furnishings,
         merchandise, equipment and personal property as required in the conduct
         of Tenant's business.

                  C. Reduction of Rent During Repairs. In the event Tenant, in
         the exercise of Tenant's reasonable discretion, is able to continue to
         conduct its business during the making of repairs, the Rent then
         prevailing will be equitably reduced in the proportion that the square
         footage of the unusable part of the Premises bears to the square
         footage of the whole thereof for the period that repairs are being
         made. No Rent shall be payable while the Premises are wholly unusable
         due to casualty damage.




              /s/ CJT  /s/ JRP  Landlord    /s/ LW              Tenant
             ------------------             -------------------
                       /s/ CEB

                                   ARTICLE 13

                               REAL PROPERTY TAXES

                  A. Payment of Taxes. If any Real Property Taxes paid by Tenant
         shall cover any period of time prior to or after the expiration of the
         Lease Term, Tenant's share of such taxes shall be equitably prorated to
         cover only the period of time within the tax fiscal year during which
         this Lease shall be in effect, and Landlord shall pay the balance of
         any such taxes. If Tenant shall fail to pay any such taxes, Landlord
         shall have the right to pay the same, in which case Tenant shall repay
         such amount to Landlord with Tenant's next Rent installment together
         with interest at the prime commercial lending rate then in effect at
         the Bank of America.

                  B. Definition of "Real Property Tax". As used herein, the term
         "Real Property Tax" shall include any form of real estate tax or
         assessment, general, special, supplemental, ordinary or extraordinary,
         and any license fee, commercial rental tax, improvement bond or bonds,
         levy or tax (other than inheritance, personal

         income, corporate, franchise or estate taxes) imposed on the Property
         by any authority having the direct or indirect power to tax, including
         any improvement district thereof, as against any legal or equitable
         interest of Landlord in the Premises or in the real property of which
         the Premises are a part, as against Landlord's right to rent or other
         income therefrom, and as against Landlord's business of leasing the

                  C. Joint Assessment. If the Premises are not separately
         assessed, Tenant's liability shall be an equitable proportion of the
         real property taxes for all of the land and improvements included
         within the tax parcel assessed, such proportion to be determined by
         Landlord in accordance with Tenant's Proportionate Share. Tenant shall
         reimburse the cost of Real Property Taxes to Landlord as provided in
         Section 9.1.

                  D. Personal Property Taxes.

                           i. Tenant shall pay prior to delinquency all taxes
                  assessed against and levied upon trade fixtures, furnishings,
                  equipment and all other personal property of Tenant contained
                  in the Premises or elsewhere. When possible, Tenant shall
                  cause said trade fixtures, furnishings, equipment and all
                  other personal property to be assessed and billed separately
                  from the real property of Landlord.

                           ii. If any of Tenant's said personal property shall
                  be assessed with Landlord's real property, Tenant shall pay
                  Landlord the taxes attributable to Tenant within 10 days
                  before delinquency.

                           iii. If Tenant shall fail to pay any such taxes,
                  Landlord shall have the right to pay the same, in which case
                  Tenant shall repay such amount to Landlord with Tenant's next
                  Rent installment together with interest at the prime
                  commercial lending rate then charged by the Bank of America.

                                   ARTICLE 14

                            UTILITIES AND JANITORIAL

                  Tenant shall pay prior to delinquency throughout the Lease
         Term the cost of all utilities and services provided directly to Tenant
         or to the Premises and not provided by Landlord pursuant to this Lease,
         including telephone, janitorial service in the Premises, and all other
         materials and utilities supplied to the Premises. Landlord will provide
         a separate utility meter(s) to monitor supply of electrical power to
         the Premises, provided that the cost of installing such meter, upon
         approval by Tenant, shall be paid by Tenant (and may be paid from the
         Tenant Improvement Allowance, if so elected by Tenant.) If no such
         meter is installed, the cost of electrical power to the Premises shall
         be included in Operating Expenses.

                                   ARTICLE 15

                            ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLETTING

                  A. Landlord's Consent Required. Except as provided in Section
         15.B, Tenant shall not voluntarily or by operation of law assign,
         transfer, mortgage, sublet, or otherwise transfer or encumber (each, a
         "Transfer") all or any part of Tenant's interest in this Lease or in
         the Premises, without Landlord's prior written consent, which Landlord
         shall not unreasonably withhold or delay. Tenant must make such request
         in accordance with Section 23.F hereof, entitled Notices. Landlord
         shall respond to Tenant's request for consent hereunder within ten (10)
         days after receipt of Tenant's written request, which shall be
         accompanied by the information described in Section 15.F. Any attempted
         Transfer without such consent shall be void, and shall constitute a
         breach of this lease.

                  B. Tenant Affiliate. Upon written notice to Landlord, Tenant
         may assign this Lease or sublet the Premises, or any portion thereof,
         (i) to any corporation which controls, is controlled by, or is under
         common control with Tenant, (ii) to any corporation resulting from the
         merger or consolidation with Tenant, or (iii) to

         any person or entity which acquires all, or substantially all of the
         assets of Tenant as a going concern of the business that is being
         conducted on the Premises, provided, in the last case, that the person
         or entity in question has a net worth, determined in accordance with
         generally accepted accounting principles, at least equal to the net
         worth of Tenant as of the date of this Lease. As a condition to a
         proposed assignment, the assignee shall assume, in full, the
         obligations of Tenant under this Lease. Any such assignment shall not,
         in any way, affect or limit the liability of Tenant under the terms of
         this Lease.

                  C. No Release of Tenant. Regardless of Landlord's consent, no
         subletting or assignment shall release Tenant of Tenant's obligation or
         alter the primary liability of Tenant to pay the Rent and to perform
         all other obligations to be performed by Tenant hereunder. The
         acceptance of Rent by Landlord from any other person shall not be
         deemed consent to any subsequent assignment or subletting. In the event
         of default by any assignee of Tenant or any successor of Tenant, in the
         performance of any of the terms hereof, Landlord may proceed directly
         against Tenant without the necessity of exhausting remedies against
         said assignee.

                  D. Attorneys' Fees. In the event Tenant shall assign or sublet
         the Premises or request the consent of Landlord to any assignment or
         subletting, or if Tenant shall request the consent of Landlord for any
         act Tenant proposes to do, then Tenant shall pay Landlord's reasonable
         attorneys' fees incurred in connection therewith.

                  E. Excess Rent. In the event Landlord shall consent to a
         sublease or an assignment under the Lease, Tenant shall pay to Landlord
         with its regularly scheduled Rent payments fifty percent (50%) of all
         sums collected by Tenant from a subtenant or assignee which are in
         excess of the Rent then owing pursuant to Article 4 above, after
         deducting therefrom all reasonable costs incurred by Tenant associated
         with the Transfer in question, including brokerage commissions, legal
         fees, and the costs of alterations made by Tenant to the Premises for
         the specific benefit of the Transferee.

                  F. No Impairment of Security. Tenant's written request to
         Landlord for consent to an assignment or subletting shall be
         accompanied by (a) the name and legal composition of the proposed
         subtenant; (b) the nature of the proposed Transferee's business to be
         carried on in the Premises; (c) the terms and provisions of the
         proposed sublease; and (d) such financial and other reasonable
         information as Landlord may request concerning the proposed Transferee.
         Landlord's consent shall not be deemed unreasonably withheld if consent
         is denied because Landlord reasonably determines that the prospective
         Transferee or assignee will impair Landlord's security.

                                   ARTICLE 16

                               DEFAULTS; REMEDIES

                  A. Defaults. The occurrence of any one or more of the
         following events shall constitute an Event of Default:

                           i. The abandonment of the Premises by Tenant;

                           ii. The failure by Tenant to make any payment of Rent
                  or any other payment required to be made by Tenant hereunder,
                  as and when due, where such failure shall continue for a
                  period of five (5) days after such payment is due;

                           iii. The failure by Tenant to observe or perform any
                  of the covenants, conditions or provisions of this Lease to be
                  observed or performed by Tenant, other than described in
                  paragraph (b) above, where such failure shall continue for a
                  period of 10 days after written notice hereof from Landlord to
                  Tenant; provided, however, that if the nature of Tenant's
                  default is such that more than 10 days are reasonably required
                  for its cure, then Tenant shall not be deemed to be in default
                  if Tenant commences such cure within said 10 day period and
                  thereafter diligently prosecutes such cure to


                           iv.(i) The making by Tenant of any general
                  arrangement or assignment for the benefit of creditors; (ii)
                  Tenant becomes a "debtor" as defined in 11 U.S.C. Section 101
                  or any successor statute thereto; (iii) the taking or
                  suffering of any action by Tenant under any insolvency or
                  bankruptcy act; (iv) the appointment of a trustee or receiver
                  to take possession of substantially all of Tenant's assets
                  located at the Premises or of Tenant's interest in this Lease,
                  or (v) the attachment, execution or other judicial seizure of
                  substantially all of Tenant's assets located at the Premises
                  or of Tenant's interest in this Lease. Provided, however, in
                  the event that any provisions of this Section 16.A(iv) is
                  contrary to any applicable law, such provision shall be of no
                  force or effect;

                           v. The discovery by Landlord that any financial
                  statement given to Landlord by Tenant, any assignee of Tenant,
                  any successor in interest of Tenant or any guarantor of
                  Tenant's obligation hereunder, and any of them, was known by
                  Tenant to be materially false.

                  B. Remedies. In the event of any such material default or
         breach by Tenant, Landlord may at any time thereafter, with or without
         notice or demand and without limiting Landlord in the exercise of any
         right or remedy which Landlord may have by reason of such default or

                           i. Terminate Tenant's right to possession of the
                  Premises by any lawful means, in which case this Lease shall
                  terminate and Tenant shall immediately surrender possession of
                  the Premises to Landlord. In such event Landlord shall be
                  entitled to recover from Tenant all damages incurred by
                  Landlord by reason of Tenant's default including, but not
                  limited to, (i) the cost of recovering possession of the
                  Premises and reasonable attorneys' fees related thereto; (ii)
                  the worth, at the time of the award, of the unpaid Rent that
                  had been earned at the time of termination of the Lease; (iii)
                  the worth, at the time of the award, of the amount by which
                  the unpaid Rent that would have been earned after the date of
                  termination of this Lease until the time of award exceeds the
                  amount of the loss of Rent that Tenant proves could have been
                  reasonably avoided; (iv) the worth, at the time of the award,
                  of the amount by which the unpaid Rent for the balance of the
                  Lease Term after the time of award exceeds the amount of the
                  loss of Rent that Tenant proves could have been reasonably
                  avoided; and (v) any other amount and court costs necessary to
                  compensate Landlord for all detriment proximately caused by
                  Tenant's default, or which in the ordinary course of things
                  would be likely to result therefrom, including, without
                  limitation, the unamortized portion of brokers' fees or
                  commissions and attorneys' fees incurred by Landlord in
                  connection with the negotiation and execution of the Lease
                  with Tenant.

                           ii. Maintain Tenant's right to possession in which
                  case this Lease shall continue in effect whether or not Tenant
                  shall have abandoned the Premises. In such event Landlord
                  shall be entitled to enforce all of Landlord's rights and
                  remedies under this Lease, including the right to recover the
                  Rent as it becomes due hereunder.

                           iii. Pursue any other remedy now or hereafter
                  available to Landlord under the laws or judicial decisions of
                  the state of California. Unpaid installments of Rent and other
                  unpaid monetary obligations of Tenant under the terms of this
                  Lease shall bear interest from the date due at the prime rate
                  then charged by Bank of America.

                  C. Default by Landlord. Landlord shall not be in default
         unless Landlord fails to perform obligations required of Landlord
         within a reasonable time, but in no event later than thirty (30) days
         after written notice by Tenant to Landlord and to the holder of any
         first mortgage or deed of trust covering the Premises whose name and
         address shall have theretofore been furnished to Tenant in writing,
         specifying wherein Landlord has failed to perform such obligation;
         provided, however, that if the nature of Landlord's obligation is such
         that more than thirty (30) days are required for performance then
         Landlord shall not be in default if Landlord, or any

         such lender, commences performance within such 30-day period and
         thereafter diligently prosecutes the same to completion. In the event
         Landlord, or Landlord's lender, does not commence performance within
         the thirty (30) day period provided herein, or does not diligently
         prosecute the same to completion, Tenant may perform such obligation
         and will be reimbursed for its expenses by Landlord together with
         interest thereon at the prime commercial lending rate then charged by
         the Bank of America, provided, however, that if the parties are in
         dispute as to what constitutes Landlord's obligations under this
         agreement, any such dispute shall be resolved by arbitration in a
         manner identical to that provided in Section 12.D above.

                  D. Late Charges. Tenant hereby acknowledges that late payment
         by Tenant to Landlord of Rent and other sums due hereunder will cause
         Landlord to incur costs not contemplated by this Lease, the exact
         amount of which will be extremely difficult to ascertain. Such costs
         include, but are not limited to, processing and accounting charges, and
         late charges which may be imposed on Landlord by the terms of any
         mortgage or trust deed covering the Premises. Accordingly, if any
         installment of Rent or any other sum due from Tenant shall not be
         received by Landlord or Landlord's designated agent within five (5)
         days after written notice from Landlord that such amount is due and
         owing, Tenant shall pay to Landlord a late charge equal to five percent
         (5%) of such overdue amount. The parties hereby agree that such late
         charge represents a fair and reasonable estimate of the costs Landlord
         will incur by reason of late payment by Tenant. Acceptance of any such
         late charge by Landlord shall in no event constitute a waiver of
         Tenant's default with respect to such overdue amount, nor prevent
         Landlord from exercising any of the other rights and remedies granted
         hereunder. In the event that a late charge is payable hereunder,
         whether or not collected, for three (3) consecutive installments of
         Rent, then Rent shall automatically become due and payable quarterly in
         advance, rather than monthly, notwithstanding section 4.A or any other
         provision of this Lease to the contrary. If Landlord properly notifies
         Tenant in two (2) or more months in any consecutive twelve (12) month
         period that any installment of Rent or any other sum due from Tenant
         has not been received by Landlord or Landlord's designated agent when
         due, then no notice from Landlord shall be required before Tenant shall
         be required to pay a late charge with respect to any delinquent amount
         payable in that twelve (12) month period.

                                   ARTICLE 17

                            CONDEMNATION OF PREMISES.

                  A. Total Condemnation. If the entire Premises, whether by
         exercise of governmental power or the sale or transfer by Landlord to
         any condemnor under threat of condemnation or while proceedings for
         condemnation are pending, at any time during the Lease Term, shall be
         taken by condemnation such that there does not remain a portion
         suitable for occupation, this Lease shall then terminate as of the date
         transfer of possession is required. Upon such condemnation, all Rent
         shall be paid up to the date transfer of possession is required, and
         Tenant shall have no claim against Landlord for the value of the
         unexpired Lease Term of this Lease.

                  B. Partial Condemnation. If any portion of the Premises is
         taken by condemnation during the Lease Term, whether by exercise of
         governmental power or the sale or transfer by Landlord to a condemnor
         under threat of condemnation or while proceedings for condemnation are
         pending, this Lease shall remain in full force and effect except that
         in the event a partial taking leaves the Premises unfit for normal and
         proper conduct of the business of Tenant, then Tenant shall have the
         right to terminate this Lease effective upon the date transfer of
         possession is required. Moreover, Landlord and Tenant shall have the
         right to terminate this Lease effective on the date transfer of
         possession is required if more than thirty-three percent (33%) of the
         total square footage of the Premises is taken by condemnation. Tenant
         and Landlord may elect to exercise their respective rights to terminate
         this Lease pursuant to this Section by serving written notice to the
         other within one hundred twenty (120) days of their receipt of notice
         of condemnation. All Rent shall be paid up to the date of termination,
         and Tenant shall have no claim against Landlord for the Lease value of
         any unexpired Lease Term of this Lease. If this Lease shall not be
         canceled, the Rent after such partial taking shall be that percentage
         of the adjusted Base Rent specified herein, equal to the percentage
         which the square footage of the untaken part of the Premises,

         immediately after the taking, bears to the square footage of the entire
         Premises immediately before the taking. Any sums owing hereunder which
         are calculated on the basis of Tenant's Proportionate Share (as set
         forth in Section 9.C shall also be adjusted to reflect the decreased
         square footage of the Premises due to the condemnation. If Tenant's
         continued use of the Premises requires alterations and repair by reason
         of a partial taking, all such alterations and repair shall be made by
         Tenant at Tenant's expense.

                  C. Award to Tenant. In the event of any condemnation, whether
         total or partial, Tenant shall have the right to claim and recover from
         the condemning authority such compensation as may be separately awarded
         or recoverable by Tenant for loss of its business fixtures, or
         equipment belonging to Tenant immediately prior to the condemnation.
         The balance of any condemnation award shall belong to Landlord and
         Tenant shall have no further right to recover from Landlord or the
         condemning authority for any additional claims arising out of such

                                   ARTICLE 18

                                ENTRY BY LANDLORD

                  Tenant shall permit Landlord and its agent to enter the
         Premises at all reasonable times for any of the following purposes: to
         inspect the Premises; to maintain the Building; to make such repairs,
         alterations, and additions to the Premises as Landlord is obligated or
         may elect to make; to show the Premises and post "To Lease" signs for
         the purposes of reletting during the last six (6) months of the Lease
         Term; to show the Premises as part of a prospective sale by Landlord or
         to post notices of non-responsibility. Landlord shall have such right
         of entry without any rebate of Rent to Tenant for any loss of occupancy
         or quiet enjoyment of the Premises thereby occasioned. Except in the
         case of emergency or of routine entry by Landlord or its agents,
         employees, or contractors to perform the obligations of Landlord
         hereunder, Landlord shall provide Tenant with twenty-four (24) hours'
         notice prior to entry onto the Premises. Such entry of Landlord or of
         Landlord's agents shall not impair Tenant's operations more than
         reasonably necessary. During any such entry, Landlord and Landlord's
         agents shall at all times comply with the reasonable security
         procedures instituted by Tenant for the Premises.

                                   ARTICLE 19

                              ESTOPPEL CERTIFICATE

                  A. Tenant's Estoppel Certificate. Tenant shall at any time
         upon not less than ten (10) days' prior written notice from Landlord
         execute, acknowledge and deliver to Landlord a statement in writing (i)
         certifying that this Lease is unmodified and in full force and effect
         (or, if modified, stating the nature of such modification and
         certifying that this Lease, as so modified, is in full force and
         effect) and the date to which the Rent and other charges are paid in
         advance, if any, (ii) acknowledging that there are not, to Tenant's
         knowledge, any uncured defaults on the part of Landlord hereunder, or
         specifying such defaults if any are claimed, and (iii) stating such
         other matters regarding the status of the Lease as may be reasonably
         requested by Landlord or Landlord's lender. Any such statement may be
         conclusively relied upon by any prospective purchaser or encumbrancer
         of the Premises.

                  B. Failure to Deliver. Tenant's failure to deliver such
         statement within such time shall be conclusive upon Tenant (i) that
         this Lease is in full force and effect, without modification except as
         may be represented by Landlord, (ii) that there are no uncured defaults
         in Landlord's performance, and (iii) that not more than one month's
         Rent has been paid in advance; or such failure may be considered by
         Landlord as a default by Tenant under this Lease.

                  C. Landlord's Estoppel Certificate. Promptly following written
         request of Tenant, Landlord shall certify to Tenant that this Lease is
         in full force and effect without default by either party hereto (or, if
         a default exists, stating the nature of such default), and to such
         other matters regarding the status of this Lease as may

         be reasonably requested by Tenant.

                                   ARTICLE 20

                              LANDLORD'S LIABILITY

                  The term "Landlord" as used herein shall mean only the owner
         or owners at the time in question of the fee title or a Tenant's
         interest in a ground lease of the Premises. In the event of any
         transfer of such title or interest, Landlord herein named (and in case
         of any subsequent transfers then the grantor) shall be relieved from
         and after the date of such transfer of all liability as respects
         Landlord's obligations thereafter to be performed, provided that any
         funds in the hands of Landlord or the then grantor at the time of such
         transfer, in which Tenant has an interest, shall be delivered to the
         grantee. The obligations contained in this Lease to be performed by
         Landlord shall, subject as aforesaid, be binding on Landlord's
         successors and assigns, only during their respective periods of

                                   ARTICLE 21

                            EXPIRATION ON TERMINATION

                  A. Surrender of Possession. Tenant agrees to deliver up and
         surrender to Landlord possession of the Premises and all improvements
         thereon, in as good order and condition as when possession was taken by
         Tenant, excepting only ordinary wear and tear, casualty or any other
         condition which is not the obligation of Tenant to maintain or correct
         hereunder. Upon termination of this Lease, Landlord may reenter the
         Premises and remove all persons and property therefrom. If Tenant shall
         fail to remove any effects which it is entitled to remove from the
         Premises upon the termination of this Lease, for any cause whatsoever,
         Landlord, at its option, may remove the same and store or dispose of
         them, and Tenant agrees to pay to Landlord on demand any and all
         expenses incurred in such removal and in making the Premises free from
         all dirt, litter, and debris, including all storage and insurance
         charges. If the Premises are not surrendered at the end of the Lease
         Term, Tenant shall indemnify Landlord against loss or liability
         resulting from delay by Tenant in so surrendering the Premises,
         including, without limitation, actual damages for lost Rents.

                  B. Holding Over. If Tenant, with or without Landlord's
         consent, remains in possession of the Premises after expiration of the
         Lease Term and if Landlord and Tenant have not executed an express
         written agreement as to such holding over, then such occupancy shall be
         a tenancy from month to month, at a monthly rental equivalent to (i)
         the Base Rent for the last month of the Lease Term for the first month
         of any such holding over, and (ii) one hundred fifty percent (150%) the
         Base Rent for the last month of the Lease Term, such payments to be
         made as herein provided. In the event of such holding over all of the
         terms of this Lease including the payment of all charges owing
         hereunder other than Rent shall remain in force and effect on said
         month to month basis.

                                   ARTICLE 22

                              RIGHT OF FIRST NOTICE

                  Throughout the Lease Term, Tenant shall have the right of
         first refusal ("Right of First Refusal") to lease all or any portion of
         the space on the first floor of the Building which is not a part of the
         initial Premises. If Landlord receives a bona fide third party offer to
         lease such space (the "First Refusal Space") which offer Landlord is
         prepared to accept, Landlord shall notify Tenant of such offer, and
         provide a copy of any written documentation of such offer. Tenant shall
         indicate in writing, within five (5) business days after receipt of
         Landlord's notice, whether Tenant desires to lease the First Refusal
         Space on the terms offered, in which case the parties shall promptly
         amend this Lease to incorporate the First Refusal Space into the
         Premises and otherwise to reflect the terms set forth in Landlord's
         notice. If Tenant does not indicate its desire in writing to

         lease the First Refusal Space within five (5) business days of receipt
         of the notice from Landlord, then Landlord shall have the right to
         lease the First Refusal Space or any part thereof to any third party on
         the same terms and conditions set forth in Landlord's original notice
         or on any other terms that are not more favorable to the prospective
         tenant than those set forth in Landlord's notice.

                                   ARTICLE 23

                            MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS

                  A. Severability. The invalidity of any provision of this Lease
         as determined by a court of competent jurisdiction, shall in no way
         affect the validity of any other provision hereof.

                  B. Interest on Past-due Obligations. Except as expressly
         herein provided, any amount due to Landlord not paid when due shall
         bear interest at the prime commercial lending rate then in effect at
         Bank of America. Payment of such interest shall not excuse or cure any
         default by Tenant under this Lease.

                  C. Time of Essence. Time is of the essence in the performance
         of all obligations under this Lease.

                  D. Additional Rent. Any monetary obligations of Tenant to
         Landlord under the terms of this Lease shall be deemed to be Rent.

                  E. Incorporation of Prior Agreements; Amendments. This Lease
         contains all agreements of the parties with respect to any matter
         mentioned herein. No prior agreement or understanding pertaining to any
         such matter shall be effective. This Lease may be modified in writing
         only, signed by the parties in interest at the time of the
         modification. Except as otherwise stated in this Lease, Tenant hereby
         acknowledges that neither the Landlord nor any employees or agents of
         the Landlord has made any oral or written warranties or representations
         to Tenant relative to the condition or use by Tenant of said Premises
         and Tenant acknowledges that Tenant assumes all responsibility
         regarding the Occupational Safety Health Act, the legal use and
         adaptability of the Premises and the compliance thereof with all
         applicable laws and regulations in effect during the Lease Term of this
         Lease except as otherwise specifically stated in this Lease.

                  F. Notices. Any notice required or permitted to be given
         hereunder shall be in writing and shall be given by personal delivery
         or by facsimile, Federal Express or other nationally known overnight
         courier, or certified mail, and if given personally or by mail, shall
         be deemed sufficiently given if addressed to Tenant or to Landlord at
         the address noted below the signature of the respective parties, as the
         case may be. Either party may by notice to the other specify a
         different address for notice purposes. A copy of all notices required
         or permitted to be given to Landlord hereunder shall be concurrently
         transmitted to such party or parties at such addresses as Landlord may
         from time to time hereafter designate by notice to Tenant. Notice shall
         be considered effective upon actual receipt or (i) 72 hours after
         mailing, (ii) upon electronic confirmation of receipt by facsimile, or
         (iii) the business day following delivery to the overnight courier,
         whichever is earlier.

                  G. Waivers. No waiver by Landlord of any provision hereof
         shall be deemed a waiver of any other provision hereof or of any
         subsequent breach by Tenant of the same or any other provisions.
         Landlord's consent to, or approval of, any act shall not be deemed to
         render unnecessary the obtaining of Landlord's consent to or approval
         of any subsequent act by Tenant. The acceptance of Rent hereunder by
         Landlord shall not be a waiver of any preceding breach by Tenant of any
         provision hereof, other than the failure of Tenant to pay the
         particular Rent so accepted, regardless of Landlord's knowledge of such
         preceding breach at the time of acceptance of such Rent.

                  H. Recording. Either Landlord or Tenant shall, upon request of
         the other, execute, acknowledge

         and deliver to the other a "short form" memorandum of this Lease for
         recording purposes. Following written request of Landlord, upon the
         expiration or sooner termination of the Lease, Tenant shall execute and
         deliver to Landlord a quitclaim deed in recordable form, disclaiming
         any further interest in the Premises.

                  I. Cumulative Remedies. No remedy or election hereunder shall
         be deemed exclusive but shall, wherever possible, be cumulative with
         all other remedies at law or in equity.

                  J. Covenants and Conditions. Each provision of this Lease
         performable by Tenant or Landlord shall be deemed both a covenant and a

                  K. Binding Effect; Choice of Law; Venue. Subject to any
         provisions hereof restricting assignment or subletting by Tenant, this
         Lease shall bind the parties, their personal representatives,
         successors and assigns. This Lease shall be governed by the laws of the
         State of California. Venue for any action or proceeding brought to
         enforce or defend this agreement, and for any other purpose hereunder,
         shall be Santa Cruz County.

                  L. Subordination of Leasehold. Tenant agrees that this Lease
         is and shall be, at all times, subject and subordinate to the lien of
         any mortgage or other encumbrances which Landlord may create against
         the Premises including all renewals, replacements and extensions
         thereof; provided, however, that regardless of any default under any
         such mortgage or encumbrance or any sale of the Premises under such
         mortgage, so long as Tenant performs all covenants and conditions of
         this Lease and continues to make all payments hereunder, this Lease and
         Tenant's possession and rights hereunder shall not be disturbed by the
         mortgagee or anyone claiming under or through such mortgagee.

                     As soon as possible after the Commencement Date, and in any
         event within no more than forty-five (45) days thereafter, Landlord
         shall provide a non-disturbance agreement to Tenant from the holder of
         any deed of trust or other security interest in the Building, providing
         that the leasehold interest of Tenant shall not be terminated or
         otherwise affected by any foreclosure or other termination of the
         security interest in question, except following an Event of Default by
         Tenant hereunder.

                  M. Attorneys' Fees.

                           i. Landlord Made Party to Litigation. If Landlord
                  becomes a party to any litigation brought by someone other
                  than Tenant and concerning this Lease, the Premises, or the
                  Tenant's use or occupancy thereof, based upon any real or
                  alleged act or omission of Tenant or its authorized agents or
                  representative, Tenant shall be liable to Landlord for
                  reasonable attorneys' fees and court costs incurred by
                  Landlord in the litigation.

                           ii. Certain Litigation Between the Parties. If any
                  action or proceeding in law or in equity or any arbitration
                  proceeding is instituted by Landlord for damages or possession
                  of the Premises or both, for an alleged breach of any
                  obligation under this Lease, to recover Rent, to terminate the
                  tenancy of Tenant at the Premises, or to enforce, protect, or
                  establish any right or remedy of either party hereto, the
                  prevailing party in such action or proceeding shall be
                  entitled to recover as part of such action or proceeding its
                  attorneys' fees, expert witness fees, and court costs as
                  incurred, or as may be fixed by the court or jury, but this
                  provision shall not apply to any cross-complaint filed by
                  anyone other than Landlord in such action or proceeding.

                  N. Auctions. Tenant shall not conduct, nor permit to be
         conducted, either voluntarily or involuntarily, any auction upon the
         Premises without first having obtained Landlord's prior written
         consent. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Lease,
         Landlord shall not be obligated to exercise any standard of
         reasonableness in determining whether to grant such consent.

                  O. Signs. Tenant shall have the right to place its name and
         corporate logo on the exterior of the Building, provided that Tenant
         obtains (i) approval by the City of Scotts Valley, and (ii) approval by
         Landlord of the location, size and design of the sign, which shall not
         be unreasonably withheld or delayed.

                  P. Voluntary Surrender or Merger. The voluntary or other
         surrender of this Lease by Tenant, or a mutual cancellation thereof, or
         a termination by Landlord, shall not work a merger, and shall, at the
         option of Landlord, terminate all or any existing subtenancies or may,
         at the option of Landlord, operate as an assignment to Landlord of any
         or all of such subtenancies.

                  Q. Quiet Possession. Upon Tenant paying the Rent for the
         Premises and observing and performing all of the covenants, conditions
         and provisions on Tenant's part to be observed and performed hereunder,
         Tenant shall have quiet possession of the Premises for the entire Lease
         Term subject to all of the provisions of this Lease. The individuals
         executing this Lease on behalf of Landlord represent and warrant to
         Tenant that they are fully authorized and legally capable of executing
         this Lease on behalf of Landlord and that such execution is binding
         upon all parties holding an ownership interest in the Premises.

                  R. Rules and Regulations. Tenant agrees that it will abide by,
         keep and observe all reasonable rules and regulations which Landlord
         may make from time to time for the management, safety, care and
         cleanliness of the building and grounds, the parking of vehicles and
         the preservation of good order therein as well as for the convenience
         of other occupants and tenants of the building. The violations of any
         such rules and regulations shall be deemed a material breach of this

                  S. Easements. Landlord reserves to itself the right, from time
         to time, to grant such easements, rights and dedications that Landlord
         deems necessary or desirable, and to cause the recordation of Parcel
         Maps and restrictions, so long as such easements, rights, dedications,
         Maps and restrictions do not unreasonably interfere with the use of the
         Premises by Tenant. Tenant shall sign any of the aforementioned
         documents upon five (5) days written notice of Landlord and failure to
         do so shall constitute a material breach of this Lease.

                  T. Corporate Authority. Each individual executing this Lease
         on behalf of a corporation represents and warrants that he is duly
         authorized to execute and deliver this Lease on behalf of the entity
         which he represents and that this Lease is binding upon said entity in
         accordance with its terms.

                  U. Delays for Cause. In any case where either party hereto is
         required to do any act, delays caused by or resulting from Acts of God,
         war, civil commotion, fire, flood or other casualty, labor
         difficulties, shortages of labor, materials or equipment, government
         regulations, unusually severe weather, or other causes beyond such
         party's reasonable control shall not be counted in determining the time
         during which work shall be completed, whether such time be designated
         by a fixed date, a fixed time or "a reasonable time", and such time
         shall be deemed to be extended by the period of such delay.

                  V. Broker for Tenant. The Parties to this Lease acknowledge
         and agree that the broker for the Tenant is Cooper/ Brady Corporate
         Real Estate Services, 550 South Winchester Blvd., Suite 600, San Jose,
         California, and that no other broker has been involved in securing this
         Lease. Landlord will pay a commission to Tenant's broker pursuant to a
         separate written agreement.

                  W. Financial Statements. So long as Tenant is a
         publicly-traded entity, upon written request of Landlord, Tenant shall
         promptly provide to Landlord a complete and correct copy of the latest,
         publicly available financial statement prepared for Tenant. If Tenant
         is not a publicly-traded entity, upon written request of Landlord,
         Tenant shall deliver current financial statements to Landlord if
         requested by Landlord's lender or a prospective lender or purchaser of
         the Premises. In the latter case, such financial statements shall be
         (i) prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting
         principles, or such other method as accurately reflects the financial
         condition of Tenant, (ii) audited, if Tenant prepares audited financial
         statements in the ordinary course of its business, and (iii) certified
         by Tenant to be true and correct.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Lease at the place
and on the dates specified immediately adjacent to their respective signatures.


a California general partnership

By:      TBI-SV II, a California general partnership
         General Partner

                  General Partner

         By: /s/ JAMES R. PARRISH
                  James R. Parrish
                  General Partner


By:      /s/ CARL E. BERG
         Carl E. Berg, Trustee

By:      /s/ MARY ANN BERG               by CARL E. BERG her attorney in fact
         Mary Ann Berg, Trustee


By:      /s/ CLYDE J. BERG               by CARL E. BERG his attorney in fact
         Clyde J. Berg, Trustee

By:      /s/ NANCY BERG                  by CARL E. BERG her attorney in fact
         Nancy Berg, Trustee

Address: c/o Toeniskoetter & Breeding Inc., Development
         1960 The Alameda
         San Jose, Ca. 95126


a California corporation

Its: Chief Operating Officer


335 Spreckels Drive
Aptos, CA 95003

Exhibit A         Legal Description
Exhibit B         Floor Plan of Premises
Exhibit B-1       Expansion Space
Exhibit C         Tenant Improvement Agreement


                                    EXHIBIT A

                                Legal Description

                                    EXHIBIT B

                             Floor Plan of Premises

                                   EXHIBIT B-1

                                 Expansion Space

                                    EXHIBIT C

                          Tenant Improvement Agreement

                                    EXHIBIT C

                              WORK LETTER AGREEMENT

         This Work Letter Agreement "(Work Letter"), dated for reference
purposes only, is made as of July 19, 1996 by and between AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT
CO., II, a California general partnership, CARL E. BERG and MARY ANN BERG,
Trustees, and CLYDE J. BERG and NANCY BERG, Trustees (collectively, "Landlord"),
and FRACTAL DESIGN CORPORATION, a California corporation ("Tenant"), in
connection with that certain Commercial Lease ( the "Lease") of even date

         In consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, Landlord and
Tenant hereby agree as follows:

1.       ARCHITECT.

         (A) Tenant has selected, and Landlord has approved, the architect (the
"Architect") to be retained by Landlord in connection with the design and
construction of the Tenant Improvements, as defined below.


             (A) Preparation of Space Plans. The Architect has delivered to
Landlord, and Landlord has approved, preliminary space plans for the Premises
and layout of the Tenant Improvements therein ("Space Plans").

             (B) Preparation of Construction Drawings. Based on the approved
Space Plans, the Architect shall prepare complete architectural plans, drawings
and specifications and complete engineering, mechanical, structural and
electrical working drawings for the Tenant Improvements (collectively, the
"Construction Drawings"). Within no more than five (5) business days after
receipt of the Construction Drawings (or any logically distinct portion thereof)
Landlord shall notify Tenant of its approval thereof, or of its disapproval.

             (C) Approval Parameters. Landlord's approval of the Construction
Drawings shall be conditioned only upon conformity of the Construction Drawings
with the following standards. The Construction Drawings shall (i) be consistent
with Landlord's construction standards for the Building and the approved Space
Plans; (ii) conform to applicable Laws and to applicable insurance policies
covering the Building; (iii) not adversely affect the structural integrity of
the Building or the operation of the Building's electrical, mechanical, plumbing
or sprinkler systems; (iv) contain sufficient information so as to permit bids
to be obtained by Landlord for the construction of the Tenant Improvements; and
(v) be in keeping with the nature and integrity of Class "A" office buildings in
the vicinity of the Premises. If Landlord disapproves of any part of the
Construction Drawings because of noncompliance with such standards, then
Landlord shall provide Tenant with a detailed description of all changes to the
Construction Drawings requested by Landlord. The parties shall use all
reasonable efforts to obtain Landlord's approval of the Construction Drawings in
the most timely manner possible. The approved Construction Drawings are referred
to herein as the Final Construction Drawings. Any changes to the Final
Construction Drawings may only be made in writing and with the approval of both


         (A) Bids and Selection of Subcontractors. The parties have selected
Toeniskoetter & Breeding Inc., a California corporation as the general
contractor (the "General Contractor") for construction of the Tenant
Improvements. The maximum fee payable to the General Contractor shall be an
amount equal to five percent (5%) of the Construction Cost, as defined in
Paragraph 6.A below. When Landlord and Tenant have approved the Final
Construction Drawings, Landlord shall solicit bids for the construction of the
Tenant Improvements from at least three (3) qualified, licensed subcontractors
for each subcontract as to which Tenant reasonably requests that bids be
obtained. Each final bid from the prospective subcontractors shall include a
guaranteed maximum contract price (including materials and labor supplied in
connection with the Tenant Improvements) based on completion dates for the
Tenant Improvements as set forth below, without premium time or overtime costs.
All bids shall be subject to the prior review and written approval of Tenant,
such approval or disapproval to be provided by Tenant to Landlord within five
(5) business days after receipt of preliminary and final bids by Tenant.
Landlord and Tenant shall

attempt to revise the prospective bids so that a mutually acceptable bid has
been received within no more than ten business (10) days after the initial
notice of disapproval from Tenant. Landlord and Tenant shall select, as the
Subcontractor for each relevant portion of the Tenant Improvements, the party
submitting the lowest reasonable bid. If, at the end of the ten (10) day period,
Tenant disapproves all of such bids, then Tenant shall be responsible for a
Tenant delay equal to the lesser of (i) the actual number of days by which the
completion of the Tenant Improvements was delayed as a result of such
disapproval; or (ii) the number of days between such disapproval and the receipt
of a new bid which is acceptable to Tenant.

         (B) Form of Construction Contract. The proposed form of construction
contract between Landlord and the General Contractor shall provide, among other
things, that Tenant is the third-party beneficiary thereof, that all change
orders are to be signed by Tenant, that all payments to contractor(s) shall be
subject to the customary retention (and the subcontracts shall so provide) and
that the General Contractor and all subcontractors shall carry insurance
pursuant to the requirements set forth below. Within five (5) days after
execution, Landlord shall deliver to Tenant a copy of the construction contract
between Landlord and the General Contractor.

         (C) Insurance. Landlord shall require all contractors to obtain and
maintain the following insurance policies during the construction of the Tenant
Improvements, as applicable: (i) Comprehensive general liability (including
products/completed operations), with limits of not less than $500,000/$500,000
bodily injury and $500,000 property damage or $500,000 combined single limit;
(ii) Umbrella liability (including products/completed operations), with limits
of not less than $1,000,000; (iii) Automobile liability, with limits of not less
than $500,000/ $500,000 bodily injury and $250,000 property damage; and (iv)
Worker's compensation (including employer's liability) insurance in compliance
with law.

All such policies (except worker's compensation) shall provide that twenty (20)
days' prior notice of reduction in coverage or limits shall be delivered to
Tenant. A certificate evidencing such insurance shall be delivered, prior to
commencement of construction of the Tenant Improvements, to Tenant. Landlord
shall not permit the General Contractor or any subcontractor to be assigned a
purchase order or to commence construction of any part of the Tenant
Improvements until it has provided Tenant with certificates of insurance
evidencing such insurance coverage. The insurance requirements shall be
presented to the potential contractors prior to the submission of their bids.

         (D) Permits. Landlord shall submit the Construction Drawings to all
governmental agencies and authorities whose review and/or approval thereof is
required and shall procure all permits, consents and approvals required under
applicable Laws.


         (A) Landlord shall cause the Tenant Improvements to be constructed in
accordance with the Construction Drawings and this Work Letter, in a first-class
manner, and under competent supervision. All materials and equipment utilized in
the Tenant Improvements shall be new, first-class and of the type and quality
customary in first-class office buildings in the vicinity of the Premises. The
Tenant Improvements, and the construction thereof, shall comply with all
applicable Laws.


         (A) Landlord shall use all reasonable efforts to substantially complete
the Tenant Improvements or before September 1, 1996 (the "Anticipated
Commencement Date"). The Commencement Date shall occur on the earlier of the
Anticipated Commencement Date or the date that Landlord has "substantially
completed" the Tenant Improvements. For purposes of the Lease and this Work
Letter, "substantial completion" of the Tenant Improvements shall occur on the
date by which all of the following have occurred: (i) the Architect has
certified to Tenant that Landlord has substantially completed the Tenant
Improvements in accordance with the Construction Drawings; (ii) there remains no
incomplete or defective item of Tenant Improvements that would adversely affect
Tenant's intended use of the Premises; (iii) Landlord has delivered legal
possession of the Premises and the Tenant Improvements to Tenant; and (iv)
Landlord has obtained all approvals and permits from the appropriate
governmental authorities required for the legal occupancy of the Premises and
the Tenant Improvements for

Tenant's intended use, including a certificate of occupancy (or temporary
certificate of occupancy, or other determination typically made by the City of
Scotts Valley) for the Tenant Improvements. Each day of delay in achieving
substantial completion of the Tenant Improvements beyond the Anticipated
Commencement Date which is attributable to delay actually caused by Landlord,
its agents, employees, or contractors, will entitle Tenant to delay the
Commencement Date by one day.


         (A) Tenant Improvements Cost. Landlord shall contribute up to Ten
Dollars ($10.00) per rentable square foot in the Premises (the "Tenant
Improvement Allowance") to the actual cost of constructing the Tenant
Improvements ("Construction Cost"). Tenant shall pay the cost of constructing
the Tenant Improvements up to a maximum amount equal to the difference between
the approved Construction Cost and the Tenant Improvement Allowance ("Tenant's
Contribution"), as provided in Paragraph 8 below. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
Tenant shall not be responsible for payment of any increase in the Construction
Cost in excess of the amount approved pursuant to Paragraph 3.A. above, except
for increases resulting from (i) change orders approved by Tenant in accordance
with Paragraph 7 hereof; or (ii) changes required by governmental authorities
having jurisdiction over the construction of the Tenant Improvements.

         (B) Exclusions from Tenant Improvements Cost. Notwithstanding anything
to the contrary contained in the Lease or this Work Letter, the cost of
constructing the Tenant Improvements shall not include (and Tenant shall have no
responsibility for) the following:

                  (1) Costs attributable to (A) shell building construction; (B)
improvements installed outside the demising walls of the Premises unless (1)
necessitated by Tenant Improvements made inside the demising walls of the
Premises; or (2) requested by Tenant or as shown in the Construction Drawings;
and (C) improvements installed "off-site" (such as streets, curbs, gutters,
traffic lights, lights for parking and street lighting);

                  (2) Costs for improvements which are not shown on or described
in the Construction Drawings unless otherwise approved by Tenant;

                  (3) Costs incurred to remove Hazardous Materials from the
Property or the surrounding area unless the presence of such materials was
caused by Tenant or its agents, contractors, employees or invitees in violation
of Hazardous Materials laws;

                  (4) Attorneys' fees incurred in connection with negotiation of
construction contracts, and attorneys' fees, experts' fees and other costs of
legal and arbitration proceedings to resolve construction disputes with third

                  (5) Loan fees, mortgage brokerage fees, interest and other
costs of financing construction costs;

                  (6) Costs incurred as a consequence of delay (unless the delay
is caused by Tenant) or construction defects;

                  (7) Costs recoverable by Landlord upon account of warranties
and insurance;

                  (8) Restoration costs as a consequence of casualties;

                  (9) Penalties and late charges attributable to the failure to
pay construction costs, except to the extent such penalties and late charges
arise due to delays caused by Tenant, its agents, contractors, employees or
invitees; and

                  (10) Any construction management or supervision fee otherwise
charged by Landlord.


         Tenant shall have the right to make changes in the Construction
Drawings, subject to the conditions set forth in this Paragraph 7. Before
approval of any change in the Construction Drawings, Landlord shall advise
Tenant in writing of (i) the estimated cost of any such change; and (ii) the
additional time, if any, that such change would add to the time required for
substantial completion (as defined above) of the Tenant Improvements. If Tenant
objects to such cost and/or delay, Tenant shall have the right to withdraw the
request for such change. If Tenant approves such cost and delay, then Tenant
shall give its approval in writing; thereafter, Tenant's responsibility (if any)
for any such cost or delay shall be limited to the amount which it so approved.
Change orders shall not be subject to a Landlord mark-up fee, except as approved
by Tenant in writing.


         If the approved Construction Cost exceeds the Tenant Improvement
Allowance, then Tenant shall pay the difference as provided herein. That portion
of the approved excess cost which is equal to, or more than, Two and 50/100
Dollars ($2.50) per rentable square foot of the Premises in excess of the Tenant
Improvement Allowance, shall be paid by Tenant in a lump sum, on or before the
date that Landlord commences construction of the Tenant Improvements (and
provided that Landlord shall provide Tenant with reasonable advance notice of
the amount and timing of the required payment). That portion of the approved
excess cost which is less than Two and 50/100 Dollars ($2.50) per rentable
square foot of the Premises in excess of the Tenant Improvement Allowance, shall
be paid by Tenant in installments, on a pro rata basis with Landlord, as
payments are made by Landlord to the General Contractor. Landlord shall provide
Tenant with reasonable advance notice of the impending due date of any such
payments. Tenant shall have no obligation to pay any amount in excess of
Tenant's Contribution toward the Construction Cost, except as provided in
Paragraph 6.A. of this Work Letter. If the Construction Cost exceeds the sum of
the Tenant Improvements Allowance and Tenant's Contribution, and Tenant has not
approved the excess amount, then Landlord shall pay the excess amount. No
payment by Tenant pursuant to this Paragraph shall constitute a waiver by Tenant
of any right of Tenant to contest the amount of the Construction Cost. If the
Tenant Improvement Allowance exceeds Tenant's Contribution, the excess amount
shall be applied to the rent otherwise first coming due hereunder.


         Not later than five (5) days before the Anticipated Commencement Date,
Landlord and Tenant shall conduct a walk-through of the Premises and mutually
prepare a written punchlist setting forth any defective item of construction in
the Tenant Improvements. Landlord shall cause all defects, errors or omissions
listed in the punchlist to be corrected within twenty (20) days after receipt
thereof; provided, however, that if the nature of such defects is such that they
cannot reasonably be corrected within such twenty (20) day period, then Landlord
shall have a reasonable time to cure such defects, but in no event shall
Landlord have more than thirty (30) additional days after the expiration of such
twenty (20) day period. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in
the Lease, Tenant's acceptance of the Premises or submission of a punchlist
shall not be deemed a waiver of Tenant's right to have defects in the Tenant
Improvements or the Premises repaired at no cost to Tenant. Landlord also hereby
assigns to Tenant all warranties with respect to the Premises, including
warranties which would reduce Tenant's maintenance obligations under the Lease,
and shall cooperate with Tenant to enforce all such warranties.

10.      TENANT DELAY. Any delay in the completion of the Tenant Improvements
which results from any of the following causes shall be considered a "Tenant
Delay" hereunder:

         (1) Tenant's failure to perform any obligation of Tenant to be
performed under this Work Letter on or before the date, or within the time
period set forth in this Work Letter;

         (2) Tenant's changes in the approved Space Plans or Final Construction

         (3) Failure of Tenant to meet any of its financial obligations set
forth in this Work Letter; or

         (4) Any other actual delay caused in the design, construction or
bidding process by Tenant.


         (A) Time is of the Essence. Time is of the essence of each and every
provision of this Work Letter.

         (B) Definitions. All terms capitalized herein and not otherwise defined
shall have the meanings set forth in the Lease.

         (C) Incorporation in the Lease. The provisions of this Work Letter
shall be incorporated into and constitute a part of the Lease.

         (D) Approvals. Except as expressly provided otherwise, whenever the
approval of a party is required hereunder, such approval shall not be
unreasonably withheld or delayed.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Work Letter
as of the date first above written.


a California general partnership

     TBI-SV II, a California general partnership
         General Partner

                  General Partner

         By:   /s/ JAMES R. PARRISH
                  James R. Parrish
                  General Partner


By:      /s/ CARL E. BERG
         Carl E. Berg, Trustee

By:      /s/ MARY ANN BERG           by CARL E. BERG her attorney in fact
         Mary Ann Berg, Trustee


By:      /s/ CLYDE J. BERG           by CARL E. BERG his attorney in fact
         Clyde J. Berg, Trustee

By:      /s/ NANCY BERG              by CARL E. BERG her attorney in fact
         Nancy Berg, Trustee

Address: c/o Toeniskoetter & Breeding Inc., Development
         1960 The Alameda
         San Jose, Ca. 95126


a California corporation

Its: Chief Operating Officer   


335 Spreckels Drive
Aptos, CA 95003

Exhibit A       Legal Description
Exhibit B       Floor Plan of Premises
Exhibit B-1     Expansion Space
Exhibit C       Tenant Improvement Agreement
