<ARTICLE> 5 <LEGEND> This schedule contains summary financial information extracted from (A) the balance sheets as of July 31 and April 30, 1996, Statements of Operations and Statements of Cash Flows for the three months ended July 31, 1996 and June 30, 1995 and is qualified in its entirety by reference to such (B) financial statements. </LEGEND> <MULTIPLIER> 1,000 <CURRENCY> U.S. DOLLARS <PERIOD-TYPE> 3-MOS 3-MOS <FISCAL-YEAR-END> APR-30-1997 APR-30-1996 <PERIOD-START> MAY-1-1996 APR-1-1995 <PERIOD-END> JUL-31-1996 JUN-30-1995 <EXCHANGE-RATE> 1 1 <CASH> 7,987 8,216 <SECURITIES> 0 0 <RECEIVABLES> 11,681 10,570 <ALLOWANCES> (120) (100) <INVENTORY> 16,166 16,193 <CURRENT-ASSETS> 37,121 36,225 <PP&E> 13,781 12,946 <DEPRECIATION> (10,242) (9,896) <TOTAL-ASSETS> 40,660 39,275 <CURRENT-LIABILITIES> 21,190 21,194 <BONDS> 450 571 <PREFERRED-MANDATORY> 0 0 <PREFERRED> 0 0 <COMMON> 41,612 41,263 <OTHER-SE> (22,592) (23,753) <TOTAL-LIABILITY-AND-EQUITY> 40,660 39,275 <SALES> 15,832 13,942 <TOTAL-REVENUES> 15,832 13,942 <CGS> 11,121 9,629 <TOTAL-COSTS> 11,121 9,629 <OTHER-EXPENSES> 3,514 3,440 <LOSS-PROVISION> 20 0 <INTEREST-EXPENSE> (28) 128 <INCOME-PRETAX> 1,205 745 <INCOME-TAX> 46 11 <INCOME-CONTINUING> 1,159 734 <DISCONTINUED> 0 0 <EXTRAORDINARY> 0 0 <CHANGES> 0 0 <NET-INCOME> 1,159 734 <EPS-PRIMARY> 0.13 0.10 <EPS-DILUTED> 0.13 0.10