
                                 SYNOPSYS, INC.



This Joint Development and Licensing Agreement Concerning Electronic Design
Automation ("EDA") Software and Related Intellectual Property (the "Agreement")
is entered into as of this January 1, 1996, ("Effective Date") by and between
International Business Machines Corporation, a New York corporation, having an
office at 1580 Route 52, Hopewell Junction, New York 12533 ("IBM"), and
Synopsys, Inc., a Delaware corporation, with its principal place of business at
700 East Middlefield Road, Mountain View, California 94043-4033 ("Synopsys").


A.       Synopsys and IBM would like to jointly develop new EDA tools, based
         initially on the IBM EDA Base Products (as hereinafter defined) and
         certain Synopsys technology. The goals and objectives of the parties,
         as well as the terms and conditions governing this joint development
         and licensing arrangement, are set forth in this Agreement.

B.       As a result of this Agreement, IBM and Synopsys anticipate being able
         to develop EDA tools sooner, with less development expense and lower
         risk, than would otherwise have been possible, with resulting
         significant benefits to the parties, their customers and the industry.



1.1      "ALLIANCE" means a joint semiconductor design or development
         undertaking which IBM deems to be strategic to its business involving
         IBM and one or more third parties. Somerset (as hereinafter defined) is
         an Alliance.

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1.2      "ALPHA RELEASE" means a preliminary version of a Joint Product (as
         hereinafter defined) that has been tested by the Joint Development Team
         (as hereinafter defined) and is released for initial testing at IBM and
         Synopsys sites with their respective third-party customers, which
         customers include ASIC Vendors other than IBM. The Joint Development
         Team will provide direct support for Alpha Releases.

1.3      "ANNUAL JOINT DEVELOPMENT PLAN" means a detailed work scope and work
         plan for developing the Joint Products and NGSS as determined by the
         Joint Development Team (as hereinafter defined) each year in the fourth
         quarter for the subsequent year, during the term of this Agreement. The
         Annual Joint Product Development Plan will include, at a minimum,
         specifications for any new release of each Joint Product and NGSS,
         allocation of development responsibilities, any deliverable to be
         provided by either party sufficient to determine milestone payments
         under the Promissory Note (as hereinafter defined), and a schedule for
         delivery of any such deliverable.

1.4      "ASIC" means application specific integrated circuit.

1.5      "ASIC VENDOR" means any developer, manufacturer or distributor of

1.6      "BEST EFFORTS" means an obligation to pursue all reasonable means
         consistent with the total applicable capabilities of the party owing
         such obligation.

1.7      "BETA RELEASE" means a version of a Joint Product subsequent to the
         Alpha Release, ready to be field tested by customers at customers'

1.8      "CHANGE OF CONTROL" means an event that will be deemed to have occurred
         if (1) there shall be consummated (a) any consolidation or merger of a
         party in which such party is not the continuing or surviving
         corporation, or pursuant to which shares of such party's common stock
         would be converted into cash, securities or other property, other than
         a merger of such party in which the holders of such party's common
         stock immediately prior to the merger have substantially the same
         proportionate ownership of common stock of the surviving corporation
         immediately after the merger, or (b) any sale, lease, exchange or other
         transfer (in one transaction or a series or related transactions) of
         all or substantially all the assets of such party; or (2) the
         stockholders of a party shall approve any plan or proposal for the
         liquidation or dissolution of such party; or (3) any person (as such
         term is used in Section 13(d) and 14(d)(2) of the Securities and
         Exchange Act of 1934 (the "Exchange Act")) other than a party or any
         employee benefit plans sponsored by such party, shall become the
         beneficial owner (within the meaning of Rule 13d-3 under the Exchange
         Act) of securities of the company representing thirty-seven percent
         (37%) or more (in the case where such acquiring person meets the
         criteria (i) or (ii) of Section, or fifty percent (50%) or
         more (in the case of any other person) of voting securities having the
         voting power of such party's then outstanding securities ordinarily
         (and apart from rights accruing in special circumstances) having the
         right to vote in the election of directors, as a result of a tender or
         exchange offer, open market purchases, privately negotiated purchases,
         or otherwise, or (4) at any time during a period of twelve

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         (12) consecutive months, individuals who at the beginning of such
         period of twelve (12) consecutive months, constituted the Board of
         Directors of a party shall cease for any reason to constitute at least
         a majority thereof, unless the election of, or the nomination for
         election by such party's stockholders of each new director during such
         twelve-month period was approved by a vote of at least two-thirds of
         the directors then still in office who were directors at the beginning
         of such twelve (12) month period.

1.9      "CODE" means software for execution by a computer which consists of
         both Source Code and Object Code.

         (a)      "Object Code" shall mean Code, other than Source Code,
                  substantially or entirely in the binary form, which is
                  directly executable by a computer after suitable processing,
                  but without the intervening steps of compilation or assembly.

         (b)      "Source Code" shall mean Code, other than Object Code, and
                  related system and design Documentation, including, but not
                  limited to, programmers' comments and the like which may be
                  printed out or displayed in a form readable and understandable
                  by a programmer of ordinary skill. As used in this Agreement,
                  "Source Code" also includes, but is not limited to, any
                  software tool or similar material that is reasonably necessary
                  to use, modify, and understand and test Source Code and that
                  is not generally available from third party vendors.

1.10     "CONFIDENTIALITY DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT" means the agreement governing
         confidentiality between IBM and Synopsys dated November 30, 1995.

1.11     "COMPLEMENTARY PRODUCT" means a computer software program licensed by
         Synopsys to its Joint Product or NGSS licensees, provided that: (a)
         such product is typically sold as part of a written proposal to a
         Synopsys customer consisting of Joint Products or NGSS, and
         Complementary Products, (b) such product is typically invoiced to a
         Synopsys customer together with Joint Products or NGSS, and (c) the
         total sales in any calendar year of Complementary Products does not
         exceed sixty percent (60%) of the total revenue from Joint Products and
         NGSS in such calendar year.

1.12     "DEFECT" includes, but is not limited to, any occurrence in the
         Documentation that renders it inaccurate or unreliable.

1.13     "DESIGN COMPILER" means a Synopsys EDA software product that performs
         logic synthesis.

1.14     "DESIGN PLANNER" means a Joint Product that performs physical design
         planning and analysis for integrated circuits. The initial
         specification of Design Planner is attached to this Agreement as
         Exhibit A-1.

1.15     "DOCUMENTATION" means any user manual or other written material that
         relates to Code, including, but not limited to, material useful for
         design (for example: logic manuals, flow

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         charts, and principles of operation), and machine-readable text or any
         graphic file subject to display or printout.

1.16     "EDA FIELD OF USE" means technology related to the transfer of
         functional specifications of systems into information necessary and
         sufficient to specify and test integrated circuits.

1.17     "ENHANCED DESIGN COMPILER" means a version of Design Compiler that is
         developed during the term of this Agreement and which is enhanced by
         incorporation of any Code, feature or function contained in BooleDozer
         which Code, feature or function was not part of Design Compiler prior
         to the Effective Date.

1.18     "ERROR" means an occurrence in the Code that: (a) causes such Code not
         to operate in accordance with an applicable specification or testing
         requirement provided in this Agreement or otherwise made generally
         commercially available by the developing party; (b) causes system
         failure; (c) causes a serious degradation of performance; (d) causes
         such Code to fail to integrate in a simple, complex or networked
         environment; (e) causes an incorrect result, or (f) causes an incorrect
         function to occur.

1.19     "HARMFUL CODE" means any Code that is constructed with the ability to
         damage, interfere with or otherwise adversely affect any
         computer-program, data file or hardware without the consent or intent
         of the computer user. This definition includes, but is not limited to,
         any self-replicating or self-propagating programming instruction
         commonly called a "virus" or "worm."

1.20     "IBM DESIGN CENTER" means a third party under contract with IBM which
         party supports or enables design work performed by an IBM ASIC customer
         to render such ASIC customer's design suitable for volume production.
         An IBM Design Center performs design flow or design kit support for an
         IBM ASIC customer, which consists of training on the IBM ASIC design
         flow or design kit, reproducing bugs in such design flow or design kit,
         or answering questions about the design flow or design kit. The list of
         IBM Design Centers identified in Exhibit E may be updated with
         additional IBM Design Centers from time to time upon written notice
         from IBM to Synopsys.

1.21     [ * * * ].

1.22     [ * * * ].

* * *  Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential
       treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted
       portions have been filed separately with the Commission.

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1.23     "INFORMATION" means such Synopsys or IBM information in visual, oral,
         written or other tangible form (including, but not limited to,
         information recorded in a medium such as a tape or disk, or inherently
         disclosed in a sample), as may be disclosed under either the
         Confidentiality Disclosure Agreement or this Agreement by one party to
         the other, or as may be created by one or both parties pursuant either
         to the Confidentiality Disclosure Agreement or this Agreement.

1.24     "INVENTION" means any discovery or improvement, conceived or first
         reduced to practice during the term of this Agreement in the
         performance of this Agreement, solely or jointly by one or more
         employees of Synopsys, or solely or jointly by one or more employees of

1.25     "JOINT INVENTION" means an Invention conceived or first reduced to
         practice by one or more employees of one party jointly with one or more
         employees of the other party.
1.26     [ * * * ].

1.27     "JOINT PRODUCT INFORMATION" means Information generated by the Joint
         Development Team, relating to any specific result of the parties'
         partial or completed development work relating to a Joint Product.
         Joint Product Information shall include, but not be limited to, the
         following: any tool specification, design Information, Code,
         Documentation, specification, quality Information, or reliability
         Information for any Joint Product.

1.28     "MAJOR RELEASE OF A JOINT PRODUCT" means a new release of a Joint
         Product other than an Error correction, that improves function, adds
         new function, significantly improves performance, or significantly
         impacts design flow or any library and is made generally commercially
         available. The parties anticipate that Major Releases of a Joint
         Product will not occur any more frequently than one (1) time every
         eight (8) months during the term of this Agreement.

1.29     "MINOR RELEASE OF A JOINT PRODUCT" means a new release of a Joint
         Product that primarily provides Error correction, but may incidentally
         also improve function, add new function or improve performance. Minor
         Releases have no significant impact on design flow or on any library.

* * *  Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential
       treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted
       portions have been filed separately with the Commission.

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1.30     "NET REVENUE" means revenue recognized by Synopsys under generally
         accepted accounting principles (hereinafter "GAAP"), including, but not
         limited to, advances, with respect to any transaction for which
         Synopsys receives such revenue, for any distribution or use of any
         Joint Product or NGSS, or any portion thereof, to or by a third party
         after deduction, as applicable to such transaction, of: (a) any
         discount, rebate, credit for return and allowance for any
         non-conforming product, and (b) any charge for freight, insurance or
         packing, and sales, use, value-added or other tax or duty, and any
         revenue for maintenance or support services provided by Synopsys for
         any Joint Product or NGSS. If a Joint Product or NGSS is combined with
         any other product for a single license fee, the Net Revenue
         attributable to the Joint Product or NGSS will be determined by
         prorating the revenue for the license according to the suggested retail
         prices for the components of the compilation. In the event that any
         component does not carry a suggested retail price, the single combined
         license fee for the component and Joint Product or NGSS will constitute
         Net Revenue. Foreign income will be included in revenue when such
         income is received by Synopsys or when credited to Synopsys' account.
         Foreign income will be calculated at the exchange rate in effect at the
         time when such revenue is received by Synopsys. Any discount, loss,
         costs or expense of transmittal and conversion of such foreign income
         into United States currency may be deducted from such revenue in
         calculating Net Revenue. Synopsys will immediately notify IBM when any
         foreign income is not immediately liquid. If IBM requests, and if
         legally permissible, Synopsys will deposit in a bank account designated
         by IBM in any foreign country where funds are blocked, that share of
         such blocked funds to which IBM is entitled.

1.31     [ * * * ].

1.32     "NGSS INFORMATION" means Information generated by the Joint Development
         Team relating to any specific result of the parties' partial or
         completed development work relating to NGSS. NGSS Information shall
         include, but is not limited to, any tool specification, design
         Information, Code, Documentation, specification, or quality or
         reliability Information for any NGSS.

1.33     [ * * * ].

1.34     "PROMISSORY NOTE" means the four (4) promissory notes in favor of IBM
         executed by the parties concurrently with this Agreement and attached
         to this Agreement as Exhibit B. There will be a separate promissory
         note for each Joint Product and NGSS.

* * *  Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential
       treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted
       portions have been filed separately with the Commission.

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1.35     "SOMERSET" means the technology alliance between IBM, Motorola,
         Incorporated ("Motorola") and Apple Computer, Incorporated ("Apple")
         for the design and development of PowerPC microprocessors and other

1.36     "STATIC TIMING" means a Joint Product that estimates delays in
         integrated circuits being designed. The initial specification for
         Static Timing is attached to this Agreement as Exhibit A-2.

1.37     "SUBSIDIARY" means a corporation, company or other entity:

         (a)      more than fifty percent (50%) of whose outstanding shares or
                  securities (representing the right to vote for the election of
                  directors or other managing authority) are, now or hereafter,
                  owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by a party
                  hereto, but such corporation, company or other entity shall be
                  deemed to be a Subsidiary only so long as such ownership or
                  control exists; or

         (b)      which does not have outstanding shares or securities, as may
                  be the case -in a partnership, joint venture or unincorporated
                  association, but more than fifty percent (50%) of whose
                  ownership interest representing the right to make the
                  decisions for such corporation, company or other entity is now
                  or hereafter, owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by
                  a party hereto, but such corporation, company or other entity
                  shall be deemed to be a Subsidiary only so long as such
                  ownership or control exists.

1.38     "SYNOPSYS EDA BASE PRODUCT" shall mean any Synopsys EDA software
         product, as it exists as of the Effective Date, that are to be utilized
         by the parties in the development of the Joint Products or NGSS.

1.39     [ * * * ].

1.40     "TEST" is a Joint Product. The initial specification for Test is
         attached to this Agreement as Exhibit A-3.

* * *  Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential
       treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted
       portions have been filed separately with the Commission.

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2.1     Development Objectives. Synopsys and MM each agree to develop the Joint 
        Products and NGSS jointly and cooperatively with one another, and to
        perform their respective development obligations in conformance with
        each Annual Joint Development Plan. All Annual Joint Development Plans
        will be created pursuant to Section 3.0 below by the Joint Development
        Team, and will be designed to achieve both the common and individual
        objectives of the parties. [ * * * ]. In case of a conflict with respect
        to the individual objectives of the parties, the parties agree to work
        together, pursuant to Section 3.0 below, and to establish a mutually
        agreeable resolution based on the course of action best calculated to
        achieve the parties' common objectives. In case of a deadlock, the
        parties agree to utilize the dispute resolution procedure outlined in
        Section 3.3 below.
2.2     Common Objectives. The parties specifically agree that their common
        primary objective in developing the Joint Products and NGSS is to
        produce sophisticated and advanced, commercially viable EDA software
        tools capable of supporting the design and testing of integrated
        circuits with one million (1,000,000) gates or more. The parties
        recognize that, to the extent that their individual objectives may
        diverge, the Annual Joint Development Plans must be focused on the
        common objectives, keeping in mind the needs of both IBM's ASIC
        customers and Synopsys' EDA software tool customers including, but not
        limited to, ASIC Vendors other than IBM. [ * * * ].  The parties' joint
        development efforts will be directed at creating Joint Products and 
        NGSS that reduce integrated circuit design time, and thereby reduce
        a customer's time to market, by improving accuracy, increasing
        density, improving quality of results and improving application
        performance. The parties will strive to develop Joint Products and NGSS
        that are successful commercial products that are extensible, modular,
        high-capacity, high performance and that will interoperate with other
        leading EDA software tools from other EDA tool vendors.
2.3     Hardware Development Platform. The parties agree to develop, at least
        in part, the Joint Products and NGSS on IBM workstations or servers
        running IBM operating systems, including, but not limited to, AIX.
        Synopsys will support the Joint Products and NGSS on IBM platforms
        (e.g., workstations and servers running IBM-supported operating
        systems, such as AIX) [ * * * ]. Such support shall consist of
        releasing the Joint Products and NGSS on equivalent schedules therewith
        and providing the Joint Products and NGSS with equivalent

* * *  Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential
       treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted
       portions have been filed separately with the Commission.

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         functionality and ease-of-use; provided that Synopsys' obligation to do
         so is dependent upon: (i) IBM's loaning Synopsys the needed hardware
         platforms as described below, and (ii) IBM's platforms having the
         functionality needed to achieve these commitments. To enable Synopsys
         to conduct such development, IBM will loan Synopsys a quantity of IBM
         workstations that will be mutually agreed upon by the parties, in
         writing, periodically throughout the term of this Agreement, at no
         charge to Synopsys, under a separate IBM Equipment and Program Loan
         Agreement attached to this Agreement as Exhibit C. [ * * * ].

2.4      Joint Product and NGSS Development. IBM and Synopsys will work together
         to develop the Joint Products and NGSS in accordance with Exhibit A and
         the Annual Joint Development Plans. The of IBM resources that will be
         provided by IBM for the development of NGSS is contained in Exhibit

2.5     IBM Access to Pre-Alpha and Alpha Release Versions of the Joint 
        Products. [ * * * ] The policies and procedures set forth below shall
        be subject to modification by written agreement of the parties.
         2.5.1     Pre-Alpha Releases of Joint Products. [ * * * ].

         2.5.2     Alpha Release of Joint Products. [ * * * ].

* * *  Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential
       treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted
       portions have been filed separately with the Commission.

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         [ * * * ].

2.6      Beta Release. The Product R&D Team for each Joint Product and NGSS, as
         well as field engineers from each party, will provide direct support
         for the Beta Release of the Joint Products and NGSS.

2.7      Development Information. The parties will provide each other, during
         development, with continuous on-line access to Source Code of the Joint
         Products and NGSS. IBM will provide Synopsys with a tape containing
         Source Code of the IBM EDA Base Products to permit Synopsys to develop
         Joint Products and NGSS.

2.8      Direction of Development Effort. Each party will perform its own
         development obligations hereunder, and will organize its efforts to
         complete all development projects efficiently, with adequate resources,
         and in a timely manner.

2.9      Cooperation and Assistance. Synopsys and IBM will provide each other
         with the such training, promotional materials and technical assistance
         as is necessary for successfully developing, testing and marketing the
         Joint Products and NGSS.


3.1      Joint Development Team. On the Effective Date, the parties will create
         a team framework (the "Joint Development Team") in which to conduct the
         joint development activities. The Joint Development Team will consist
         of the following:

         3.1.1    the Sponsoring Executives of each party,

         3.1.2    Steering Team,

         3.1.3    Alliance Management Team, and

         3.1.4    Product R&D Teams.

* * *  Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential
       treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted
       portions have been filed separately with the Commission.

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3.2      Sponsoring Executives. The Sponsoring Executives under this Agreement
         will be:

         3.2.1    for IBM: IBM's Vice President and General Manager,
                  Microprocessors and ASIC Products, or his/her designee, and

         3.2.2    for Synopsys: Synopsys' Chief Executive Officer or his/her

3.3      Composition of Steering Team. The Steering Team shall consist of one
         executive level representative from each party.

         3.3.1    The Steering Team members will:

                  (i)      review the objectives and direction of the
                           development activities, and will be the approval
                           authority for the Annual Joint Development Plans;

                  (ii)     oversee the joint development effort and review its
                           progress on a regular basis; and

                  (iii)    pursue the parties' objectives as set forth in
                           Section 2.0 of this Agreement and in Exhibits A, A-1,
                           A-2, A-3 & A-4 of this Agreement.

         3.3.2    On the Effective Date, the Steering Team will be:

                  (i)      for IBM: Dr. John Darringer, Director of EDA, and

                  (ii)     for Synopsys: Dr. Chi-Foon Chan

         3.3.3    The Steering Team shall conduct regular meetings, to be
                  conducted at least quarterly. Each such meeting shall be
                  convened after prior written notice has been provided to each
                  member, unless otherwise agreed in writing by both parties.
                  Each such notice shall set out the agenda for the meeting in
                  sufficient detail to allow each party to prepare adequately
                  therefor. Meetings of the Steering Team may be held in person,
                  by teleconference, or by videoconference.

                  The Steering Team representative requesting the meeting shall
                  record detailed minutes of the technical aspects of such
                  meeting except upon written agreement otherwise.

         3.3.4    All decisions of the Steering Team with respect to the Joint
                  Products and NGSS must be unanimous, subject to Section 3.3.5
                  of this Agreement.

         3.3.5    In the event of a deadlock regarding any Steering Team
                  decision-making, either party shall have the option to refer
                  the deadlocked matter to the Sponsoring Executives for
                  resolution. In addition to the responsibilities listed in
                  Section 3.3.1

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                  to this Agreement, the Steering Team and Sponsoring Executives
                  Will attempt to resolve any disputes between Synopsys and IBM
                  arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, and any
                  dispute giving rise to a notice of default or notice of
                  intention to terminate for default. Prior to submitting any
                  such disputes to the Steering Team, however, such dispute will
                  be fully discussed by the Product R&D Team involved in such
                  dispute and the Alliance Management Team to attempt to achieve
                  its prompt resolution. If the Alliance Management Team is
                  unable to resolve such dispute by mutual written agreement,
                  such dispute will be submitted to Steering Team for
                  resolution. The Steering Team, together with the Alliance
                  Management Team will meet and fully discuss such dispute in an
                  attempt to achieve its prompt resolution. In the event that
                  such dispute is not promptly resolved by the mutual written
                  agreement of the Steering Team, the dispute will be submitted
                  to the Sponsoring Executives. The Sponsoring Executives shall
                  then meet and fully discuss such dispute in an attempt to
                  achieve its prompt resolution. With respect to the Joint
                  Products, if such dispute is not promptly resolved by the
                  mutual written agreement of the Sponsoring Executives within
                  thirty (30) days from the date of the first written notice by
                  the party invoking the dispute escalation procedure, the
                  matter shall be tabled and shall not be subject to
                  reconsideration except upon mutual agreement of the parties,
                  and with respect to NGSS, the Sponsoring Executive from
                  Synopsys shall make the final decision to resolve any dispute
                  [ * * * ].  Provided, however, at the end of the foregoing
                  dispute resolution or decision-making steps, IBM and Synopsys
                  will then be free to seek any of the remedies available under
                  this Agreement and, such remedies proving inadequate, IBM and
                  Synopsys will then be free to pursue any remedies available at
                  law or in equity in accordance with the terms and conditions
                  of this Agreement.

3.4      The Alliance Management Team. The Alliance Management Team shall be
         comprised of one member from IBM and one member from Synopsys,
         appointed by each party's, respective representative on the Steering
         Team. The Alliance Management Team's sole responsibility under this
         Agreement will be to focus on the joint development efforts. The
         Alliance Management Team's primary focus will be on the success of this
         Agreement; specifically, the Alliance Management Team's areas of
         responsibility will consist of:

         3.4.1    management of the relationship between the parties and
                  attempting to resolve any conflict;

         3.4.2    organization and coordination of the parties' joint
                  development effort, including, but not limited to, management
                  of the resources dedicated to the effort;

         3.4.3    coordination of the overall strategy for the joint development
                  effort; and

* * *  Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential
       treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted
       portions have been filed separately with the Commission.

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         3.4.4    coordination of the development and implementation of the
                  Annual Joint Development Plan.

3.5      New Members. Each party may change its representatives on the Steering
         Team or the Alliance Management Team by written notice to the other

3.6      Product Research and Development ("R&D") Teams. A Product R&D Team will
         be established for each Joint Product, as well as for NGSS. Each
         Product R&D Team will have a single manager from either IBM or Synopsys
         who is appointed by the mutual written agreement of the Steering Team
         and who will direct the efforts of both parties with respect to the
         Joint Product or NGSS. The Product R&D Team for NGSS will have a
         manager from Synopsys. The objective is to have the management of the
         teams be balanced between the parties, with the general target being
         that two (2) of the four (4) teams are managed by an IBM representative
         and two (2) of the four (4) teams are managed by a Synopsys

         The Product R&D Teams will be responsible for annually establishing an
         Annual Joint Development Plan, as well as a two-year product plan and a
         three-year vision statement. The annual review process shall be
         conducted as follows:

         3.6.1    Within ninety (90) days prior to each year anniversary of the
                  Effective Date, the Product R&D Teams for each of [ * * * ] 
                  will meet and develop the Annual Joint Development Plan. The
                  Alliance Management Team will review the Annual Joint 
                  Development Plan and submit it to the Steering Team for 

         3.6.2    Any issue relating to an Annual Joint Development Plan that
                  cannot be resolved by the Alliance Management Team before
                  thirty (30) days prior to the upcoming anniversary of the
                  Effective Date shall be submitted to the Steering Team for
                  resolution in accordance with the terms and conditions of
                  Sections 3.3.5 of this Agreement.

         During the term of this Agreement, other than with respect to an
         Alliance, should IBM wish [ * * * ] should Synopsys wish to develop
         [ * * * ] the Product R&D Team for that product will decide
         whether to incorporate such [ * * * ] to make such [ * * * ] part of 
         the [ * * * ]. Should the Product R&D Team decline to do so,
         [ * * * ].

* * *  Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential
       treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted
       portions have been filed separately with the Commission.

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3.7      Joint Methodology Team. To help achieve the common objectives which
         implicate methodology, the parties will establish a Joint Methodology
         Team consisting of [ * * * ]. The Joint Methodology Team will be 
         responsible for gathering requirements for [ * * * ], requesting 
         development priorities, ensuring that [ * * * ] are consistent with 
         the mutually agreed upon design methodology and providing early 
         [ * * * ]. The most important common objective that will direct the 
         decisions and actions taken by the Joint Methodology Team will be 
         [ * * * ].


4.1      Ownership. The ownership of the intellectual property of each party
         relevant to the present Agreement shall be as follows:

         4.1.1    Each party shall retain full ownership rights to its
                  pre-existing intellectual property or independently developed
                  intellectual property (i.e. intellectual property developed
                  separate from the product development activities of this
                  Agreement) that is incorporated into Joint Product
                  Information, NGSS Information or Enhanced Design Compiler.

         4.1.2    As to the Joint Products and NGSS:

          Any Invention made by one party shall be owned by
                           that party, subject to the patent license granted to
                           the other party elsewhere in this Section 4.0. Any
                           Joint Invention shall be jointly owned, title to all
                           patents issued thereon shall be joint, all expenses
                           incurred in obtaining and maintaining such patents,
                           except as provided hereinafter, shall be jointly
                           shared, and the parties shall have the unrestricted
                           right to license Subsidiaries (who may
                           correspondingly sublicense Subsidiaries) and third
                           parties thereunder without accounting. In the event
                           that either party elects not to seek patent
                           protection for any Joint Invention in any particular
                           country, or not to share equally in the expense
                           thereof with the other, the other party shall have
                           the right to seek or maintain such protection at its
                           own expense in such country and shall have full
                           control over the prosecution and maintenance thereof
                           even though title to any patent issuing therefrom
                           shall be joint without accounting.

          Other than any Invention or Joint Invention as set
                           forth above, the Joint Products shall be jointly
                           owned by the parties, and NGSS shall be solely owned
                           by Synopsys. All right, title, and interest in and to
                           the Joint

* * *  Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential
       treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted
       portions have been filed separately with the Commission.

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                           Products shall be jointly held, and such ownership
                           rights shall be exercised without accounting other
                           than as set forth in Section 7.0 below. To the extent
                           that the Joint Products or NGSS incorporate the
                           pre-existing or independently developed intellectual
                           property of either party as set forth in Section
                           4.1.1 to this Agreement, such ownership rights for
                           Joint Products or NGSS shall be subject to the rights
                           and licenses granted in this Section 4.0 as to such
                           intellectual property, which in any case shall
                           survive expiration or termination of the Agreement
                           unless such rights apply only during the term of this
                           Agreement or are modified or terminated pursuant to
                           Section 8.0 below. During the term of this Agreement
                           the exercise of the ownership rights set forth in
                           this Section shall be further subject to
                           Sections 9.1 and 9.2 below.

4.2      IBM License to Synopsys of Intellectual Property In IBM EDA Base
         Products Incorporated In Joint Products. IBM hereby grants to Synopsys
         an irrevocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable, worldwide,
         royalty-bearing (as set forth in Section 7.0 below) right and license
         under its pre-existing or independently developed trade secrets,
         knowhow, and copyrights (including, but not limited to, the Source Code
         to the IBM EDA Base Products) in Joint Product Information as set forth
         in Section 4.1.1 of this Agreement to use, reproduce, execute, display,
         perform, market, license, and prepare derivative works of the Code to
         the IBM EDA Base Products for the purpose of developing, marketing,
         licensing and supporting the Joint Products. The foregoing license does
         not grant Synopsys any right or license to sublicense, sell or transfer
         IBM EDA Base Products to any third party.
         [ * * * ].
4.3      Synopsys License to IBM of Intellectual Property Incorporated In Joint
         Products. Synopsys hereby grants to IBM a worldwide, non-exclusive,
         irrevocable, non-transferable royalty-free right and license under its
         pre-existing or independently developed trade secrets, know-how, and
         copyrights in Joint Product Information as set forth in Section 4.1.1
         of this Agreement internally to do the following: to use, execute,
         display, perform, reproduce, and prepare derivative works of all
         versions of the Code to the Joint Products (up to and including, the
         last version made generally commercially available by Synopsys prior to
         the expiration or other termination of this Agreement) and to carry out
         the aforementioned rights and licenses with respect to such Code
         including to do so in furtherance of an Alliance as set forth in
         Section 4.6 below, and, in addition, as follows:

* * *    Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential
         treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted
         portions have been filed separately with the Commission.

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         [ * * * ].

         During the term of this Agreement (and thereafter, subject to the
         licenses and rights of IBM upon termination or expiration of this
         Agreement as set forth in Section 8.0), IBM agrees that [ * * * ],
         any third party who wishes to utilize the Joint Products will require
         an end-user license to the Joint Products from Synopsys. Synopsys 
         agrees to license Joint Products to any IBM Alliance participant under
         terms and conditions and at rates consistent with those used for 
         Synopsys' best similarly situated customer with respect to Joint 
         Products. Synopsys recognizes that IBM's use of the Joint Products may
         have indirect benefit to a customer's design in the form of training,
         reproduction of Errors and answers to technical questions. [ * * * ].

         4.3.1    After expiration or termination of this Agreement, IBM may use
                  the Code of the Joint Products (up to and including, the last
                  version made generally commercially available by Synopsys
                  prior to such expiration or termination) as set forth above,
                  as well as in Sections 4.6 and Sections 8.0 of this Agreement.

4.4      IBM License to Synopsys of Intellectual Property in IBM EDA Base
         Products Incorporated in NGSS. IBM hereby grants to Synopsys an
         irrevocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable, world-wide,
         royalty-bearing (as set forth in Section 7.0 below) right and license
         under its pre-existing trade secrets, know-how, and copyrights
         (including, but not limited to, the Code for IBM EDA Base Products) in
         NGSS Information as set forth in Section 4.1.1 to this Agreement to
         use, execute, display, perform, market, license, and prepare derivative
         works of the Code for IBM EDA Base Products for the purpose of
         developing, marketing, licensing and supporting NGSS. The foregoing
         license does not grant Synopsys any right or license to sublicense,
         sell or transfer IBM EDA Base Products to any third party.

         4.4.1    IBM License to Synopsys of Intellectual Property in IBM EDA
                  Base Products Incorporated in Enhanced Design Compiler. IBM
                  hereby grants to Synopsys an irrevocable, non-exclusive,
                  non-transferable, world-wide, fully paid-up right and license
                  under its pre-existing trade secrets, know-how, and copyrights

* * *    Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential
         treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted
         portions have been filed separately with the Commission.

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                  but not limited to, the Code for IBM EDA Base Products) in
                  Enhanced Design Compiler as set forth in Section 4.1.1 to this
                  Agreement to use, execute, display, perform, market, license,
                  and prepare derivative works of the Code of IBM EDA Base
                  Products solely for the purpose of developing, marketing,
                  licensing and supporting Enhanced Design Compiler. The
                  foregoing license does not grant Synopsys any right or license
                  to sublicense, sell or transfer IBM EDA Base Products to any
                  third party.

4.5      Synopsys License of NGSS to IBM. Synopsys hereby grants to IBM an
         irrevocable, nonexclusive, non-transferable, worldwide, royalty-free
         right and license under its trade secrets, know-how, and copyrights in
         NGSS internally to do the following: to use, execute, display, perform,
         reproduce, and prepare derivative works of NGSS Information based upon
         all versions of the Code to NGSS (up to and including, the last version
         made generally commercially available by Synopsys prior to the
         expiration or other termination of this Agreement) and to carry out the
         aforementioned rights and licenses with respect to such Code including
         to do so in furtherance of an Alliance as set forth in Section 4.6
         below, and, in addition, as follows:

                  (a)      in IBM's ASIC operation and in IBM Design Centers
                           within the scope of the definition of "IBM Design
                           Center" in Section 1.20 of this Agreement, and

                  (b)      IBM may sublicense its Subsidiaries (who may
                           correspondingly sublicense Subsidiaries) to practice
                           any and all of the foregoing rights.

         IBM agrees that [ * * * ], any third party who wishes to utilize NGSS 
         will require an end-user license to NGSS from Synopsys. Synopsys 
         agrees to license NGSS to any IBM Alliance participant under terms and
         conditions and at rates consistent with those used for Synopsys' best 
         similarly situated customer with respect to NGSS. Synopsys recognizes 
         that IBM's use of NGSS may have indirect benefit to a customer's 
         design in the form of training, reproduction of Errors and answers to 
         technical questions. [ * * * ].
4.6      Development and License of Joint Project and NGSS Custom Versions for
         an Alliance. Notwithstanding the other provisions of this Section 4.0,
         Synopsys agrees that IBM will have the worldwide, non-exclusive,
         non-transferable, irrevocable, royalty-free right and license during
         the term of this Agreement to use the Code of a Joint Product or NGSS
         to develop custom versions of such Joint Product or NGSS which IBM may
         sublicense in Object Code form [ * * * ] to an Alliance participant. 
         [ * * * ].

* * *    Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential
         treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted
         portions have been filed separately with the Commission.

                                                                   Page 17 of 39
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         each of the Alliance participants will require the Synopsys license(s)
         appropriate for the relevant Joint Product or NGSS in order to use any
         such custom version. Synopsys agrees to license Joint Product or NGSS
         to such IBM Alliance participants for this purpose under terms and
         conditions and at rates consistent with those used for Synopsys' best
         similarly situated customer with respect to Joint Products or NGSS. IBM
         agrees, however, that [ * * * ] it will not provide any Alliance 
         participant with Source Code to the Joint Products or NGSS without 
         Synopsys' prior written approval during the term of this Agreement. 
         [ * * * ]. When jointly approved by the Product R&D Team for a Joint 
         Product or NGSS, as the case may be and to the extent IBM has the 
         right to do so, IBM will grant Synopsys an exclusive, worldwide, non-
         transferable, irrevocable, and royalty-free right and license to the 
         Code of such custom version for the purpose of developing and 
         licensing future versions of the Joint Product or NGSS for general 
         commercial availability. IBM is not obligated to seek or obtain any 
         such right to use, in future releases of Joint Product or NGSS, any 
         derivative of Joint Product or NGSS that is developed in an Alliance.

4.7      Sublicense Restrictions. As a condition of the rights granted herein,
         each party agrees to obtain from end-user sublicensees binding written
         agreements calculated to prevent the unauthorized use and distribution
         of the licensed software, with such provisions as the sub-licensing
         party normally obtains with respect to its own software of a similar
         type. In any case, all such license agreements will contain provisions
         that are no less restrictive, and materially no less protective of the
         Joint Products, and than the applicable provisions of this Agreement.

4.8      Proprietary Notices and Other Labeling Requirements. As a further
         condition of the license rights granted hereunder in the Joint
         Products, each party agrees not to remove any copyright notice, patent
         notice, restricted fights legend, or other proprietary notice or
         legends of the other or those of any third party displayed on or
         contained in any Code or Documentation provided by the other, and to
         reproduce any such notice and legend on all copies of such Code or
         Documentation made hereunder.

4.9      Patent License. IBM hereby grants to Synopsys a non-transferable,
         non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-bearing (subject to Section 7.0
         below) right and license under the IBM EDA Patents to make, have made,
         use, have used, import, lease, practice and have practiced Joint
         Products, Enhanced Design Compiler, NGSS, and Complementary Products,
         to utilize the IBM technology specified in Section 4.13 in the manner
         set forth therein, and to license customers to use such Joint Products,
         Enhanced Design Compiler NGSS, and Complementary Products, all to the
         extent Synopsys is otherwise licensed by IBM to do so elsewhere in this
         Section 4.0 and in Section 8.0. Synopsys hereby grants to IBM a
         non-transferable, non-exclusive, world-wide, royalty-free right and
         license under the Synopsys EDA Patents to make, have made, use, have
         used, import, lease, practice and have practiced Joint Products, NGSS,
         to utilize the Synopsys technology specified in Section 4.13 in the
         manner set forth therein and to license customers to use such Joint

* * *    Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential
         treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted
         portions have been filed separately with the Commission.

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         Products and NGSS, all to the extent IBM is otherwise licensed to do so
         elsewhere in this Section 4.0 and in Section 8.0. Nothing contained in
         this Section will be deemed to grant, either directly or by
         implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license under any patent or
         patent application arising out of any other inventions or patents of
         either party, or under any patents of either party relating to any
         combination other than as explicitly licensed above. The patent
         licenses of this Section 4.9 shall be irrevocable as to Joint Products,
         and [ * * * ].

4.10     No Other License. The parties understand and agree that no license or
         other right is granted herein to either party, directly or by
         implication, estoppel or otherwise, with respect to any patents, trade
         secrets, know-how, masks works, copyrights or other intellectual
         property rights, except as specifically provided in Section 4.0 and
         Section 8.0 of this Agreement.

4.11     [ * * * ].

4.12     [ * * * ].
4.13     Incidental Technology Use. Each party hereby agrees that it will extend
         the licenses of Sections 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5 and 4.6 of this
         Agreement, as modified upon expiration or termination pursuant to
         Section 8.0 of this Agreement, to specified intellectual property on a
         royalty-free basis for incorporation into specified products of the
         other party, as set forth below and as may be agreed to from time to
         time by the parties in writing. [ * * * ].
* * *    Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential
         treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted
         portions have been filed separately with the Commission.

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         [ * * * ].
5.0      SUPPORT

5.1      Support for Joint Products and NGSS. Synopsys agrees to provide its
         full range of commercial support services for the Joint Products and
         NGSS to all third party customers of the Joint Products and NGSS,
         except IBM Design Centers. IBM will provide all support services for
         the Joint Products and NGSS to IBM, its Subsidiaries or IBM Design
         Centers. The support services described in the preceding two (2)
         sentences will include First-Level, Second-Level and Third-Level
         Support. "First- Level Support" will consist of detecting problems and
         providing education about the Joint Products and NGSS. "Second-Level
         Support" will consist of answering questions about the Joint Products
         and NGSS. "Third-Level Support" will consist of fixing Errors and
         Defects in the Joint Products and NGSS.

5.2      IBM Third-Level Support of Synopsys Customers. IBM will [ * * * ]
         to provide Third-Level Support directly to Synopsys in support of
         Synopsys' customers concerning the aspects of any Joint Product and
         NGSS developed by the IBM portion of the Joint Product R&D Team that
         Synopsys, despite its Best Efforts, is unable to provide to its
         customer; provided that such questions are asked of IBM solely by
         Synopsys employees identified in writing by Synopsys to IBM. IBM will
         provide such Third-Level Support at no charge to Synopsys. Synopsys
         agrees to compensate IBM at a rate as set forth in Section 7.2 below
         for any customer support provided by IBM for the Joint Products or NGSS
         other than Third-Level Support described in this Section 5.2.

5.3      Synopsys Support of IBM. Synopsys agrees to make its full range of
         commercial support services available to IBM for IBM's use of the Joint
         Products and NGSS, in IBM's capacity as a consumer and marketer of EDA
         software tools and as an ASIC Vendor, at the fees, rates and terms and
         conditions consistent with those used for Synopsys' best similarly
         situated customer.


6.1      Any Information of either party constituting: (a) Source Code (or
         Object Code prior to its general availability) of the [ * * * ]
         (b) algorithms (i.e., a unique sequence of steps for manipulating data
         or data structures to achieve a desired result, and which is the direct
         precursor of Source Code); (c) benchmark data (i.e.

* * *    Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential
         treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted
         portions have been filed separately with the Commission.

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         data describing a performance or functional comparison between two or
         more computer programs or algorithms, which assists potential users in
         evaluating and deciding among these programs or algorithms); and (d)
         test cases (i.e., sets of data normally operated upon by computer
         programs and used to validate the correct operation or performance of
         such programs, or to make comparisons between programs), shall be
         treated as confidential Information pursuant to this Section 6.0. Any
         other Information disclosed by one party to the other in performance of
         Joint Product or NGSS development will be treated as nonconfidential
         unless it is clearly designated (in writing, orally or otherwise), at
         the time of disclosure, as confidential to the disclosing party, with a
         designation such as IBM Confidential" or "Synopsys Confidential" in
         case of documents. The parties' Alliance Management Team representative
         shall be responsible for monitoring the disclosure of confidential

6.2      Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, with respect to the
         confidential Information of either party, for a period of [ * * * ]
         from the date of disclosure in the case of the Source Code as set
         forth in Section 6.1, and for a period of [ * * * ] from the date
         of disclosure for all other Information, the receiving party shall use
         the same efforts to avoid its publication or dissemination and to
         disclose it only to its employees who have a need to know as it employs
         with respect to confidential Information of its own which it does not
         desire to be published or disseminated. Prior to making available any
         confidential Information, the receiving party shall have entered into
         appropriate confidentiality agreements with each of such employees.

6.3      [ * * * ]. It is understood that receipt of any confidential 
         Information under this Agreement shall not create any obligation in 
         any way limiting or restricting the assignment or reassignment of MM 
         employees within MM or any of its Subsidiaries.

6.4      The announcement, marketing or support of any product or service by
         either party or its Subsidiaries, including, but not limited to, any
         supporting Documentation thereof, which inherently discloses the
         confidential Information of either party shall not in itself be deemed
         publication or disclosure of such Information as contemplated by
         Section 6.2 of this Agreement. This Section 6.4 shall not apply to any
         Information which is not part of NGSS Information or Joint Product

6.5      Disclosure of confidential Information shall not be precluded, if such
         disclosure is:

* * *    Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential
         treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted
         portions have been filed separately with the Commission.

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         6.5.1    in response to a valid order of a court or other governmental
                  body of the United States or any political subdivision
                  thereof, provided, however, that the receiving party shall
                  first have given, immediately upon receipt of such order,
                  notice to the disclosing party and made a reasonable effort to
                  obtain a protective order requiring that such confidential
                  Information so disclosed be used only for the purposes for
                  which the order was issued; or

         6.5.2    otherwise required by law or regulation, including, but not
                  limited to, SEC regulations.

6.6      Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Agreement, the
         non-disclosure obligations specified in Section 6.2 of this Agreement
         shall not apply to any Information which:

         6.6.1    is already in the possession of the receiving party without
                  obligation of confidence; or

         6.6.2    becomes publicly available without breach of this Agreement;

         6.6.3    is released for disclosure by the disclosing party with its
                  written consent; or

         6.6.4    is rightfully received independent of this Agreement from a
                  third party under no obligation of confidentiality; or

         6.6.5    is internally developed by it independent of this Agreement;

         6.6.6    is nonconfidential at the time of disclosure as set in Section
                  6.1 of this Agreement, or becomes nonconfidential upon
                  expiration of the term set forth in Section 6.2 of this

6.7      Notwithstanding the foregoing, the parties' Alliance Management Team
         representative shall mutually agree in writing [ * * * ]. In
         identifying the portions of the Joint Product Information described in
         the preceding sentence, the parties' Alliance Management Team
         representatives shall give serious consideration to, among other
         things, the sensitivity, value, and potential for intellectual property
         protection of such Information, and will therefore exercise sensitivity
         to security concerns in all their decisions. The parties will
         periodically make an assessment of all such selected Information, as it
         accumulates, to reduce the possibility that disclosure, even pursuant
         to confidentiality restrictions, would place intellectual property
         rights or value at risk, and will modify or reduce the scope of future
         disclosures of the Information accordingly. [ * * * ].

* * *    Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential
         treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted
         portions have been filed separately with the Commission.

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6.8      Notwithstanding the foregoing, the receiving party may disclose the
         confidential Information of the disclosing party incorporated in NGSS
         Information or Joint Product Information to a subcontractor or other
         third party, solely for the purpose of enabling such third party to
         perform software development or support services for, or on behalf of,
         the receiving party, on the condition that such third party agrees not
         to use such confidential Information for any other purpose, and is
         bound by terms and conditions that are at least as-restrictive as the
         parties' respective obligations of Section 6.2 of this Agreement as to
         such Information. Both parties agree that this Section 6.8 shall not
         apply to any Information which is not part of NGSS Information or Joint
         Product Information.

6.9      [ * * * ]. Such information shall be in the form of design data or
         database information contained on a tape, disk, or other electronic
         storage medium. No other confidential information of a third party
         customer shall be disclosed under this Agreement. In addition to the
         receiving party uses pursuant to Section 6.2 of this Agreement as to
         its own confidential information, the receiving party agrees to carry
         out the following steps with regard to such third party customer
         confidential information:

         -        Maintain a log or other listing that identifies the
                  information, sets forth the date of receipt, and indicates who
                  has been granted access to such information;

         -        To the extent such information is made available on a computer
                  system having multiple user access, utilize RACF or on other
                  access protection procedure to limit access to only those
                  individuals within the receiving party having a need-to-know;

         -        Instruct employees of the receiving party that they shall not
                  decompile or otherwise reverse engineer the information other
                  than as permitted by the disclosing party.

         The disclosing party shall cause such information to bear a label or
         other designation indicating that it is customer confidential
         information. In disclosing such information to the receiving party
         hereunder, the disclosing party hereby represents that the disclosing
         party has been authorized by the third party to disclose such
         information to the receiving party hereunder, and that the receiving
         party's confidentiality obligations as to such information are no more
         restrictive than the obligations of this Section 6.0. Should any of the
         obligations be more restrictive than those set forth in this Section
         6.0, the disclosing party may not disclose such information to the
         receiving party without first describing the nature of any such
         restriction and obtaining the written approval of the receiving party
         to receive such information.


* * *    Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for
         confidential treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange
         Commission. Omitted portions have been filed separately with the 

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7.1      Cash Payment and Promissory Note. Synopsys agrees to pay IBM eleven
         million dollars ($11,000,000) within thirty (30) days following the
         Effective Date and to execute four (4) seven million five hundred
         thousand dollar (7,500,000) Promissory Notes contemporaneously with the
         execution of this Agreement, in consideration for the license rights,
         transfers, and agreements of IBM as set forth in this Agreement. The
         parties agree that performance under this Agreement entails shared
         effort and shared risk, and, therefore, that IBM's performance under
         this Agreement is conditioned upon Synopsys' execution of and
         performance pursuant to the Promissory Notes.

7.2      Support Payments. IBM will provide the Third-Level Support Services
         described in Section 5.2 of this Agreement at no charge for the Joint
         Products and NGSS. IBM will also provide First-Level and Second-Level
         Support Services for the Joint Products and NGSS in forty (40) hour
         work week increments and at rates contained in the Annual Joint
         Development Plans. For one (1) year immediately following the Effective
         Date, IBM will charge Synopsys at the rate of $165,000 per year (on the
         basis that one (1) year is equivalent to one thousand nine hundred and
         twenty (1,920 hours) for First-Level and Second-Level Support Services.

7.3      Synopsys Payment of Royalties on Joint Products and NGSS. In
         consideration for the licenses granted by IBM to Synopsys hereunder and
         for the development activities that IBM performs pursuant to this
         Agreement, Synopsys agrees to pay royalties to IBM in accordance with
         the terms and conditions set forth in this Section 7.3 on Net Revenues
         Synopsys receives from licenses of the [ *** ] that Synopsys grants for
         six (6) years following the Effective Date. In calculating Net Revenue
         for the Test Joint Product only for the years listed below, Synopsys
         may deduct the following amounts:


                1996                                      [ * * * ]
                1997                                      [ * * * ]
                1998                                      [ * * * ]
                1999                                      [ * * * ]
                2000 and subsequent years                 [ * * * ]


         [ * * * ].

         7.3.1    For six (6) years, beginning on the Effective Date, Synopsys
                  agrees to pay royalties to IBM based upon the cumulative Net
                  Revenue received by Synopsys during the term of this Agreement
                  according to the following schedule (the "Royalty"):

                    Royalty for Joint Products:

                    Net Revenue                        Percentage of Net

* * *    Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for
         confidential treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange
         Commission. Omitted portions have been filed separately with the 

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                    [ * * * ]                        [ * * * ]

                    1. More than [ * * * ] but       [ * * * ], and
                       less than [ * * * ]

                    2. [ * * * ] or more             [ * * * ]

                    Royalty for [ * * * ]:

                    [ * * * ]                        [ * * * ]

                    [ * * * ]                        [ * * * ]

7.3.2    Following the [ * * * ]  and ending on [ * * * ], Synopsys' obligation
         to pay the Royalty will be as follows. The Royalty percentage of
         [ * * * ] shall be [ * * * ]. The Royalty percentage of [ * * * ]
         shall be either [ * * * ] (if the cumulative Net Revenue received by 
         Synopsys during the term of this Agreement as of [ * * * ] is less 
         than [ * * * ]) or [ * * * ] (if the cumulative Net Revenue received 
         by Synopsys during the term of this Agreement as of [ * * * ]).
  From [ * * * ] until and including [ * * * ], Synopsys shall
                   pay a Royalty equal to [ * * * ] of an amount equal to: (a) 
                   [ * * * ] received by Synopsys in [ * * * ] and (b) the 
                   applicable Royalty percentage for [ * * * ] of the Net 
                   Revenue for [ * * * ].
  From [ * * * ] until and including [ * * * ], Synopsys shall 
                  pay a Royalty equal to [ * * * ] of an amount equal to: (a) 
                  [ * * * ] of the [ * * * ] received by Synopsys in [ * * * ],
                  and (b) the applicable Royalty percentage for [ * * * ] of 
                  the Net Revenue for [ * * * ].

* * *    Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for
         confidential treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange
         Commission. Omitted portions have been filed separately with the 

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  From [ * * * ] until and including [ * * * ], Synopsys shall
                   pay a Royalty equal to [ * * * ] of an amount equal to: (a) 
                   [ * * * ] of the [ * * * ] received by Synopsys in [ * * * ]
                   and (b) the applicable Royalty percentage for Joint Products
                   (as set forth in Section 7.3.2 of this Agreement) of the Net
                   Revenue for Joint Products received by Synopsys in [ * * * ].

7.4      Royalty Payments and Reports. The Royalty will be payable on a calendar
         quarterly basis within forty-five (45) days after the close of each
         calendar quarter with respect to Net Revenue received during the
         immediately preceding calendar quarter. At the time when such royalty
         payments are due, Synopsys will deliver to IBM a written report setting
         forth the number of: licenses of the Joint Products, NGSS, and
         Complementary Products and any other transaction in which Synopsys
         distributes or permits the use of any Joint Product, NGSS, or
         Complementary Product, or any portion thereof Such report will also set
         forth the gross revenue and deductions from gross revenue used to
         calculate Net Revenue for the immediately preceding calendar quarter,
         as well as the cumulative Net Revenue received by Synopsys since the
         Effective Date, together with a calculation of the Royalty due and
         owing to IBM, if any. Such report will be accompanied by payment of the

7.5      Royalty Payments.  All Royalty payments due and owing to IBM under this
         Section 7.0 shall be sent via wire transfer to IBM at:

                       Director of Licensing
                       IBM Corporation
                       The Bank of New York
                       48 Wall Street
                       New York, New York 10286
                       [ * * * ]
                       With a copy to:

                       Director of Licensing
                       IBM Corporation
                       500 Columbus Avenue
                       Thomwood, New York 10594

7.6      Late Payments. Synopsys will be obligated to pay IBM eighteen percent
         (18%) annual simple interest or the highest rate permitted by law,
         whichever is less, on any late payment that is due and owing to IBM
         pursuant to this Section 7.0.
* * *    Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for
         confidential treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange
         Commission. Omitted portions have been filed separately with the 

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7.7      Audit Rights. IBM will have the right at its expense to have a single
         certified public accounting firm selected from the list in Exhibit D
         audit the records of Synopsys to verify the information required to be
         provided in the reports described in Section 7.4 of this Agreement.
         Such audit may be performed on not less than thirty (30) days' prior
         written notice to Synopsys, may not be performed more than once for any
         given calendar quarter, and may not be performed more than once in any
         twelve (12) month period. Any such audit shall be limited in scope to
         the three (3) years immediately preceding. In the event any report or
         payment includes any inconsistency or mistake, Synopsys will
         immediately rectify such report and will immediately make any payment
         required by such rectification. If an error of more than ten percent
         (10%) is found in favor of IBM as a result of such audit, Synopsys will
         reimburse IBM for the cost of such audit within thirty (30) days of
         such finding. Synopsys will keep and maintain books and records
         sufficient for the verification of the information required to be
         provided with each payment pursuant to Section 7.4 of this Agreement
         for a period of three (3) years following the quarterly period to which
         such books and records relate.


8.1      Term. The term of this Agreement shall begin on the Effective Date, and
         unless previously terminated as hereinafter set forth, shall remain in
         force until December 31, 2001, or such other date as the parties
         hereafter agree in writing (the "Term").
8.2      [ * * * ].
8.3      Cause. Either party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement
         for cause by giving written notice of termination to the other party,
         upon the happening of any of the following events:

         8.3.1    a determination by a court of competent jurisdiction that
                  makes it unlawful for the parties to continue the relationship
                  contemplated by this Agreement;

         8.3.2    if either party is in default of any material obligation under
                  this Agreement and such default is not cured within thirty
                  (30) days after receipt of a written notice from the other
                  party specifying such default;

         8.3.3    either party files a petition in bankruptcy, undergoes a
                  reorganization pursuant to a petition in bankruptcy, is
                  adjudicated a bankrupt, becomes insolvent, becomes dissolved
                  or liquidated, files a petition for dissolution or
                  liquidation, makes an assignment for benefit of creditors, or
                  has a receiver appointed for its business;
* * *    Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for
         confidential treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange
         Commission. Omitted portions have been filed separately with the 
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         8.3.4    either party is subject to property attachment or court
                  injunction or court order which has a substantial negative
                  effect on its ability to fulfill its obligations under this
                  Agreement; or

         8.3.5    Change of Control of either party.

         Termination under Section 8.3.2 of this Agreement will become effective
         automatically upon the date the dispute escalation process described in
         Section 3.3.5 of this Agreement is complete. Termination under Sections
         8.3.1, 8.3.3, 8.3.4, and 8.3.5 of this Agreement will become effective
         immediately upon receipt of written notice of termination by the
         terminating party at any time after the specified event.
8.4      Effects of Termination or Expiration - General. Upon
         termination of this Agreement with or without cause, or upon
         expiration of this Agreement, except as set forth in this
         Section 8.0 or Section 12.4 of this Agreement, this Agreement
         will be of no further effect and both parties' development
         obligations under this Agreement with respect to the Joint
         Products or NGSS will immediately end.
         8.4.1    Effect of Expiration. Upon expiration of this Agreement at the
                   end of the Term, for the [ * * * ] after the date of such
                   expiration this Agreement, IBM shall have the right and
                   license to utilize any Joint Product and Joint Product
                   Information for any purpose; (provided that IBM shall hold no
                   additional rights with respect to Synopsys intellectual
                   property of Section 4.1.1 of this Agreement which,
                   notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Section
                   8.4.1, shall continue to be subject to the licenses of
                   Section 4.0 of this Agreement) provided, however, that IBM
                   may not sublicense any Joint Product or Joint Product
                   Information to any third party other than to the extent it is
                   authorized to do so pursuant to Section 4.0 and Section 6.0
                   of this Agreement. After such period, in addition to rights
                   and licenses set forth in the preceding sentence, IBM shall
                   have the right to sublicense any Joint Product or Joint
                   Product Information to any third party for the development of
                   any new product derived in whole or in part from any Joint
                   Product or Joint Product Information; provided, however, that
                   for [ * * * ] at the conclusion of the preceding [ * * * ]
                   IBM will not market and license, or license any third party
                   to market and license such new products, other than as
                   authorized in Section 4.0 and Section 6.0 of this Agreement.
                   After [ * * * ], IBM and any third party licensee shall have
                   the fight and license to utilize any Joint Product, any Joint
                   Product Information, or any such new products, for any
                   purpose. None of this Section 8.4 will apply to [ * * * ] or
                   [ * * * ].
8.5      Termination by IBM for Cause or by Synopsys Without Cause. In the event
         that this Agreement is terminated by IBM for cause or by Synopsys
         without cause, the following rights and obligations of the parties will
         survive or become effective:
* * *      Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for
         confidential treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange
         Commission. Omitted portions have been filed separately with the 
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         8.5.1    On the date of termination by IBM for cause, Synopsys'
                  obligation to pay IBM under the Promissory Note shall
                  accelerate and all payments owing by Synopsys to IBM under
                  such Promissory Note shall become due and owing to IBM on the
                  date of termination.

         8.5.2    Synopsys shall continue to pay Royalties to IBM in accordance
                  with Sections 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 7.6, and 7.7, of this Agreement.
         8.5.3    On the date of termination by IBM for cause, IBM shall have
                  the right and license to utilize any Joint Product and Joint
                  Product Information for any purpose (provided that IBM shall
                  have no additional right with respect to the Synopsys base
                  intellectual property of Section 4.1.1 of this Agreement,
                  which, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this
                  Section 8.5.3, shall continue to be subject to the licenses of
                  Section 4.0 of this Agreement); including the right to
                  sublicense any Joint Products or Joint Product Information to
                  any third party for the development of any new product derived
                  in whole or in part from any Joint Product or Joint Product
                  Information; provided, however, that for the [ * * * ] after
                  the date of such termination, IBM will not market or license,
                  or license any third party to market and license, such new 
                  products, other than as authorized in Section 4.0 and Section
                  6.0 of this Agreement. After such [ * * * ] year period IBM 
                  and any third party licensee shall have the right and license
                  to utilize any Joint Product, any Joint Product Information,
                  or any such new products, for any purpose. None of this 
                  Section 8.5.3 applies to [ * * * ] or [ * * * ].

          Breach of Best Efforts Obligation of Section 4.2 of
                           This Agreement. If Synopsys fails to meet its Best
                           Efforts obligations of Section 4.2 as to any one of
                           the Joint Products, the rights set forth in Section
                           8.5.3 above shall apply as to only that Joint
                           Product, and the parties respective rights and
                           obligations as to that Joint Product shall be the
                           same as if this Agreement were terminated by IBM for
                           cause; provided, however, that breach of such Best
                           Efforts obligation as to a single one of the Joint
                           Products shall not be cause for termination of the
                           Agreement, and the parties' respective rights and
                           obligations as to the other Joint Products shall
                           remain in full force and effect. Should Synopsys fail
                           to meet its Best Efforts obligations of Section 4.2
                           as to more than one of the Joint Products, such
                           failure shall constitute a default of a material
                           obligation of this Agreement and the previous
                           sentence shall not apply.

          Termination for Change of Control. Should the
                           termination by IBM be [ * * * ] will instead be as 
                           (a) [ * * * ] after the date of such Change of
                           Control of Synopsys, if the person acquiring Synopsys
                           [ * * * ].

* * *  Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential
       treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted
       portions have been filed separately with the Commission.

                                                                   Page 29 of 39
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                           [ * * * ].
                           (b) [ * * * ] if the party acquiring Synopsys is any
                           other corporation or entity.

                           In the event of (a) above, should IBM exercise its
                           rights pursuant to Section 8.5.3 prior to [ * * * ]
                           from the date of Change of Control of Synopsys, for a
                           period of [ * * * ] after such [ * * * ] IBM will 
                           pay Synopsys a royalty of [ * * * ] of Synopsys' 
                           average license fee of any of such product that
                           utilizes such Joint Product or Joint Product 
                           Information; provided, however, that during such 
                           period, if the applicable Joint Product or Joint 
                           Product Information is deleted from any such 
                           product, no further royalty shall be owed with 
                           respect to such product.
         8.5.4    Upon termination of this Agreement by Synopsys without cause,
                  for [ * * * ] after the date of such termination of this
                  Agreement, IBM shall have the fight and license to utilize any
                  Joint Product and Joint Product Information for any purpose
                  (provided that IBM shall have no additional right with respect
                  to Synopsys intellectual property of Section 4.1.1 of this
                  Agreement which, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in
                  this Section 8.5.4, shall continue to be subject to the
                  licenses of Section 4.0 of this Agreement); provided, however,
                  that IBM may not sublicense any Joint Product or Joint Product
                  Information to any third party other than to the extent it is
                  authorized to do so pursuant to Section 4.0 and Section 6.0 
                  of this Agreement. After such period, in addition to the 
                  rights and licenses set forth in the preceding sentence, IBM
                  shall have the right to sublicense any Joint Product or Joint
                  Product Information to any third party for the development
                  any new product derived in whole or in part from any Joint 
                  Product or Joint Product Information; provided, however, that
                  for an [ * * * ] after conclusion of the [ * * * ], IBM will 
                  not market and license, or license any third party to market 
                  and license, such new products, other than as authorized in
                  Section 4.0 and Section 6.0 of this Agreement. After a 
                  [ * * * ] after the date of such expiration of this Agreement,
                  IBM and any third party licensee shall have the right and 
                  license to utilize any Joint Product, any Joint Product
                  Information, any or such new products, for any purpose. None
                  of this Section 8.5.4 will apply to [ * * * ] or [ * * * ].
8.6      Termination by IBM Without Cause. In the event that this Agreement is
         terminated by IBM without cause, the following rights and obligations
         of the parties will survive or become effective:

* * *    Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential
         treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted
         portions have been filed separately with the Commission.

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         8.6.1    Synopsys' payment obligations under the Promissory Note will
                  continue thereunder.
         8.6.2    Synopsys' remaining royalty obligations under Sections 7.3.1
                  and 7.3.2 of this Agreement will cease, and Synopsys will
                  become obligated to pay the royalty payments set forth below
                  to IBM for [ * * * ]:
                  (a)      [ * * * ] of the Royalty during the [ * * * ]
                           immediately following the date of termination.

                  (b)      [ * * * ] of the Royalty during the [ * * * ]
                           immediately following the [ * * * ] period
                           contained in Section 8.6.2(a) of this Agreement.
                  (c)      [ * * * ] of the Royalty during the [ * * * ] months
                           immediately following the [ * * * ] contained
                           in Section 8.6.2(b) of this Agreement.
         8.6.3    Upon termination of this Agreement by IBM without cause,
                  for the period of [ * * * ] after the date of such termination
                  IBM shall have the right and license to utilize any Joint
                  Product and Joint Product Information for any purpose
                  (provided that IBM shall have no additional right with respect
                  to the Synopsys intellectual property of Section 4.1.1 of this
                  Agreement, which, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in
                  this Section 8.6.3, shall continue to be subject to the
                  licenses of Section 4.0 4 of this Agreement); provided,
                  however, that during such period IBM may not sublicense any
                  Joint Product or Joint Product Information to any third party
                  other than to the extent it is authorized to do so pursuant to
                  Section 4.0 and Section 6.0 of this Agreement. After such
                  period of time, in addition to carrying out the rights and
                  licenses as set forth in the preceding sentence, IBM shall
                  have the right to sublicense any Joint Products or Joint
                  Product Information to any third party for the development of
                  any new product derived in whole or in part from any Joint
                  Product or Joint Product Information; provided, however, that
                  for an additional [ * * * ] after the conclusion of the 
                  [ * * * ], IBM will not market and license, or license any 
                  third party to market and license such new products, other 
                  than as authorized in Section 4.0 and Section 6.0 of this 
                  Agreement. Should the parties mutually agree to terminate this
                  Agreement without cause, the foregoing [ * * * ] will
                  apply [ * * * ] After a total period of [ * * * ], after
                  the date of such termination of this Agreement (except
                  for the foregoing mutually agreed to termination, in which
                  case the total period shall be [ * * * ], IBM and any third
                  party licensee shall have the right and license to utilize any
                  Joint Product, any Joint Product Information, or any such new
                  products, for any purpose. None of this Section 8.6.3 applies
                  to [ * * * ].
* * *  Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential
       treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted
       portions have been filed separately with the Commission.

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8.7      Termination by Synopsys for Cause. In the event that Synopsys
         terminates this Agreement for cause, the following rights and
         obligations of the parties will survive:

         8.7.1    Synopsys' outstanding payment obligations remaining under the
                  Promissory Note will continue thereunder.

         8.7.2    Upon termination of this Agreement for cause by Synopsys, for
                  the period of [ * * * ] after the date of such termination, 
                  MM shall have the right and license to utilize any Joint 
                  Product and Joint Product Information for any purpose 
                  (provided that MM shall have no additional rights with
                  respect to the Synopsys intellectual property of Section 4.1.1
                  of this Agreement, which, notwithstanding anything to the
                  contrary in this Section 8.7.2, shall continue to be subject
                  to the licenses of Section 4.0 of this Agreement); provided,
                  however, that during such period MM may not sublicense any
                  Joint Product or Joint Product Information to any third party
                  other than to the extent it is authorized to do so pursuant to
                  Section 4.0 and Section 6.0 of this Agreement. After such
                  period of time, in addition to carrying out the rights and
                  licenses as set forth in the preceding sentence, MM shall have
                  the right to sublicense any Joint Products or Joint Product
                  Information to any third party for the development any of new
                  product derived in whole or in part from any Joint Product or
                  Joint Product Information; provided, however, that for an
                  additional [ * * * ] after the conclusion of the [ * * * ]
                  MM will not market and license, or license any third party 
                  to market, and license such new products, other than as 
                  authorized in Section 4.0 and Section 6.0 of this Agreement. 
                  After a total period of [ * * * ]  after the date of such 
                  termination of this Agreement, MM and any third party licensee
                  shall have the right and license to utilize any Joint Product,
                  any Joint Product Information, or any such new products, for 
                  any purpose. None of this Section 8.7.2 applies to [ * * * ].

8.8      Refund. In the event of expiration under Section 8.1 of this Agreement
         or termination under Section 8.2 or 8.3 of this Agreement, in
         consideration for payment by IBM of the fair market value of the
         applicable [ * * * ], such fair market value to be negotiated by the 
         parties at the request of IBM taking into account the then current 
         business case for [ * * * ] and under mutually agreeable terms and 
         conditions including payment terms, IBM will be released from all 
         obligations and restrictions placed upon IBM in Sections 8.4, 8.5, 
         8.6 and 8.7 of this Agreement as to [ * * * ]. If IBM fully exercises 
         its rights and fulfills, or is paying, in accordance with agreed upon 
         payment terms, its repayment obligation under this Section 8.8, 
         Synopsys will have no further obligation to IBM under Section 7.1 of
         this Agreement.


* * *  Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential
       treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted
       portions have been filed separately with the Commission.
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9.1      Joint Development Agreements - IBM. The parties anticipate that each of
         the IBM EDA Base Products will be modified to form either a Joint
         Product or NGSS [ * * * ] after the Effective Date. For [ * * * ] after
         the Effective Date (or thereafter [ * * * ] provided that Synopsys is
         using its Best Efforts consistent with the requirements of the then
         current development plan to modify the EDA Base Products to form the
         Joint Product and NGSS, and [ * * * ]. After this initial period, the
         aforementioned restrictions will no longer apply [ * * * ]. For an
         additional period of [ * * * ] after this initial period, with respect
         to those IBM EDA Base Products that have been enhanced to form a Joint
         Product or NGSS and made generally commercially available, IBM agrees
         not to enter into a joint development agreement with another EDA
         marketing and development company whereby such IBM EDA Base Products
         will be enhanced for the creation of new EDA products that: (i) are
         made generally commercially available, and (h) will have the same
         function as a Joint Product or NGSS.
9.2      Joint Development Agreements - Synopsys. For [ * * * ] after the
         Effective Date (or thereafter until at least one of the Joint Products
         is made generally commercially available, provided that IBM is using
         its Best Efforts consistent with the requirements of the then current
         development plan, but [ * * * ] Synopsys [ * * * ]. After this initial
         period, the aforementioned restrictions will no longer apply with
         respect to [ * * * ]. For an additional period of up to [ * * * ] after
         this initial period with respect to those IBM EDA Base Products that
         have been enhanced to form a Joint Product or NGSS and made generally
         commercially available, Synopsys agrees not to enter into a joint
         development agreement with another semiconductor vendor to develop
         products which incorporate EDA technology from such semiconductor
         vendor and which: (i) have the same function as an IBM EDA Base
         Product, Joint Product or NGSS, and (ii) are made generally
         commercially available; provided, however that the total period set
         forth in this Section 9.2 shall not exceed [ * * * ] from the Effective
9.3      Third Party Licensed Technology. Either party, at any time, may license
         technology from a third party to be incorporated into Joint Products,
         and Synopsys may license technology from a third party to be
         incorporated into NGSS, provided that the agreement with such third
         party enables the non-licensing party hereto to receive such licensed
         technology and

* * *    Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential
         treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted
         portions have been filed separately with the Commission.

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         to enjoy all of its rights and licenses provided hereunder for the
         Joint Products or NGSS with such licensed technology.

9.4      Ownership. Each party represents and warrants that it is the rightful
         owner, or authorized licensee (with all requisite rights to sublicense)
         of all designs, information (including, but not limited to,
         Information) and material supplied to the other party under this

9.5      Employees. Each party represents and warrants that it has agreements
         with its employees and any other person with whom such agreement may be
         necessary sufficient to meet its obligations under this Agreement.

9.6      Representation. Each party represents and warrants, that, to the best
         of its knowledge as of the Effective Date, no claim of infringement or
         violation of any intellectual property right has been asserted by a
         third party against it in connection with the designs, information
         (including, but not limited to, Information) and material supplied to
         the other party under this Agreement.

9.7      Infringement - Licenses. Other than as set forth in Section 9.6 of this
         Agreement, neither party makes any representation or warranty,
         expressed or implied, to the party or assumes any liability with
         respect to the infringement of any patent or other intellectual
         property right of any third party which may arise out of the other
         party's operation under any of the license granted herein. Each party
         understands that no license or other right is extended to it under any
         such third party patent or right.

9.8      Infringement-Information. Other than as set forth in Section 6.10 and
         Section 9.6 of this Agreement, neither party makes any representation
         or warranty, express or implied, to the other party or assumes any
         liability with respect to the infringement of any patent or other right
         of any third party which may arise out of the use by the other party of
         any of the Information disclosed to the other party pursuant to this

9.9      Harmful Code.  The parties represent and warrant:

         (1)      that the Joint Products and NGSS are free from any Harmful
                  Code at the time of completion; and

         (2)      that the Parties will implement procedures adequate to prevent
                  the contamination with Harmful Code of the Joint Products and
                  NGSS provided to each other.

9.10     Compliance with Governmental Law. The parties represent and warrant
         that they shall comply with all governmental laws, statutes,
         ordinances, administrative orders, rules and regulations while
         performing work under this Agreement.


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10.1     Exclusive Remedy. In addition to any remedies available to the parties
         under Section 8.0 of this Agreement, each party's entire liability and
         exclusive remedy shall be as set forth in Sections 10.2 and 10.3 below.
10.2     Limitation. For any claim concerning performance or failure to perform
         by either party pursuant to, or in any way related to the subject
         matter of, this Agreement, the damaged party shall only be entitled to
         recover actual damages to the limits set forth in this Section 10.2.
         [ * * * ].  This limitation will apply, except as otherwise stated
         in this Section , regardless of the form of action. This limitation 
         will not apply to claims by one party for bodily injury or damage to
         real property or tangible personal property for which the other party 
         is legally liable.
10.3     Disclaimed Damages. Except for royalties set forth in Section 7.0 of
         this Agreement, in no event shall either party be liable to the other
         party for incidental damages, lost profits, lost savings or any other
         consequential damages, regardless of whether the claim is for breach of
         contract, warranty, tort (including, but not limited to, negligence),
         failure of a remedy to accomplish its purpose or otherwise, even if
         such party has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Neither
         party will be liable for any damages claimed by the other party based
         on any third party claim.


11.1     Copyright Notices. Any publication of a Joint Product shall contain an
         appropriate copyright notice in a manner to be determined solely by

11.2     Registration. Synopsys shall be responsible for registration of the
         Joint Product with the U.S. Copyright Office. IBM will assist Synopsys
         in obtaining such registration. Synopsys 'will also perform all acts
         and prepare any documents necessary to acknowledge that IBM is a joint
         owner of the copyrights of Joint Products (without accounting) and to
         enable IBM to maintain any such copyright including, but not limited
         to, the execution of any necessary instrument or document.

11.3     Enforcement of Copyright. Should a party-to this Agreement militate
         legal proceedings against an unlicensed third party as to such
         unlicensed third party's use of the Joint Products, and as part of such
         legal proceedings the other party hereto is required to execute papers
         or provide evidence as to the Joint Products, the other party hereto
         agrees to do so at the expense of the party initiating such legal
         proceedings. Furthermore, once

* * *  Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential
       treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted
       portions have been filed separately with the Commission.
                                                                   Page 35 of 39
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         such legal proceedings are initiated, the other party agrees to not
         grant any sublicense or covenant not to sue to the unlicensed third
         party as to the Joint Products without the consent of the party
         initiating such legal proceedings.

12.0     GENERAL

12.1     No Implied Licenses. Neither party may use, modify, reproduce,
         distribute, sublicense or otherwise transfer Code provided hereunder by
         the other party, in whole or in part, except as expressly permitted by
         this Agreement.

12.2     Governing Law. The Agreement will be governed by the laws of the State
         of New York, without reference to the conflicts of law principles
         thereof Any proceeding to resolve any dispute relating to this
         Agreement shall be commenced in the State of New York. The parties
         hereto expressly waive any right they may have to a jury trial and
         agree that any proceeding under this Agreement will be tried by a judge
         without a jury.

12.3     Relationship of Parties. Each party is an independent contractor to the
         other. Neither party nor its respective employees, consultants,
         contractors or agents are by virtue of this Agreement agents, employees
         or joint ventures of the other party, nor do they have any authority to
         bind such other party by contract or otherwise to any obligation. They
         will not represent to the contrary, either expressly, implicitly, by
         appearance or otherwise. Each party will determine, in its sole
         discretion, the manner and means by which it performs its obligations
         hereunder, subject to the express condition that each party will at all
         times comply with Section 9.8 of this Agreement.

12.4     No Waiver; Survival. Failure by either party to enforce any provision
         of this Agreement will not be deemed a waiver of enforcement of that or
         any other provision. The following Sections of this Agreement shall
         survive termination or expiration of this Agreement, Will remain in
         effect until fulfilled and shall apply to respective successors and
         assignees of the parties: 1.0; 4.1, 4.2 (except for the second sentence
         of the second paragraph of Section 4.2), 4.3 through 4.13 (except for
         the first sentence of Section 4.13); 6.1 through 6.6, 6.8, 6.9, 7.0;
         8.0; 9.4 through 9.11; 10.0; 11.0 and 12.0.

12.5     Notices. All notices required or permitted under this Agreement will be
         in writing, reference this Agreement and be deemed given: (a) when
         delivered personally; (b) when sent by confirmed telex or facsimile;
         (c) five (5) days after having been sent by registered or certified
         mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid; or (d) one (1) day
         after deposit with a commercial overnight carrier, with written
         verification of receipt by the carrier. All communications will be sent
         to the addresses set forth below:

         Synopsys                                 IBM

         General Counsel                          Lincoln Mead
         Synopsys, Inc.                           IBM Corporation

                                                                   Page 36 of 39
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         700 East Middlefield Road                1000 River Road
         Mountain View, California 94043-4033     Essex Junction, Vermont 05452

12.6     Headings and References. The headings and captions used in this
         Agreement are used for convenience only and are not to be considered in
         construing or interpreting this Agreement.

12.7     Severability. If for any reason a court of competent jurisdiction finds
         any provision of this Agreement, or portion thereof, to be
         unenforceable, that provision will be enforced to the maximum extent
         permissible so as to effect the intent of the parties, and the
         remainder of this Agreement will continue in full force and effect
         unless the intent of the parties cannot be satisfied by such
         remainder-12.8 Force . Neither party will be liable for any failure or
         delay in its performance under this Agreement due to causes, including,
         but not limited to, acts of God, acts of civil or military authority,
         fires, epidemics, floods, earthquakes, riots, wars, sabotage, labor
         shortages and governmental actions, which are beyond its reasonable
         control, provided that the affected party: (a) gives the other party
         written notice of such cause promptly, and in any event within fifteen
         (I 5) days of discovery thereof, and (b) uses its reasonable efforts to
         correct such failure or delay in its performance.

12.8     Force Majeure. Neither party will be liable for any failure or delay in
         its performance under this Agreement due to causes, including, but not
         limited to, acts of God, acts of civil or military authority, fires,
         epidemics, floods, earthquakes, riots, wars, sabotage, labor shortages
         and governmental actions, which are beyond reasonable control, provided
         that the affected party: (a) gives the other party written notice of
         such cause promptly, and in any event within fifteen (15) days of
         discovery thereof; and (b) uses its reasonable efforts to correct such
         failure or delay in its performance.

12.9     Assignment. The rights and liabilities of the parties hereto will bind
         and inure to the benefit of their respective successors, executors and
         administrators, as the case may be; provided, however, that neither
         party may assign its rights or delegate its obligations under this
         Agreement, either in whole or in part, without the prior written
         consent of the other party. Notwithstanding the foregoing, IBM may
         assign its lights or delegate its obligations under this Agreement in
         whole without Synopsys' prior written consent in the event of a sale or
         other transfer to any third party of IBM Microelectronics Division in
         whole or in part, or all or part of such division's assets to the third
         party acquiring such assets; provided that (1) such sale or other
         transfer involves all of such division's organization responsible for
         the development and maintenance of EDA products, and (2) such acquiring
         third party must assume all of the rights and obligations under this
         Agreement other than residual rights. Any attempted assignment or
         delegation in violation of the provisions of this Section will be void,
         and any assignment for reason of Change of Control by a party will
         entitle the non-assigning party to terminate this Agreement in
         accordance with Section 8.0 of this Agreement.

12.10    Insurance. Each party will maintain insurance to protect itself from
         claims: (a) by its employees, agents and subcontractors under workers'
         compensation and disability acts; (b) for damages because of bodily
         injury, sickness, disease or death of its employees or of any other
         person that arise out of any negligent act or omission or willful
         misconduct of it or its employees, agents or subcontractors; and (c)
         for damages because of injury to or destruction of tangible property
         including, but not limited to, loss of use resulting therefrom that
         arise out of any negligent act or omission or willful misconduct by it
         or its employees, agents or subcontractors. Each party will insure all
         property of the other in its

                                                                   Page 37 of 39
                                                                IBM Confidential
         possession or control, including, but not limited to, any loaned
         equipment, against all loss and damage and will reimburse the other for
         any such loss or damage.

12.11    Publicity. Any public statement concerning the existence or nature of
         this Agreement must have the prior written consent of both parties.

12.12    No Solicitation. During the term of this Agreement, neither party will
         solicit for employment purposes the employees of the other party who
         have, are, or will be performing services under this Agreement,
         provided, however, that if an employee of one party responds to an
         advertisement regarding possible employment by the other party, the
         other party may consider and hire, if it wishes, such employee.

12.13    Actions. Except for actions for enforcement of intellectual property
         rights, no actions, regardless of form, arising out of the Agreement
         may be brought by either party more than two (2) years after the cause
         of action has arisen.

12.14    Trademarks. Neither this Agreement or the sale or license of any
         products hereunder shall be deemed to give either party any right to
         use any of the other party's trademarks, trade names or trade dress
         without the prior written consent of the other party.

         Each party recognizes the ownership of and title to the other party's
         trademarks and trade names, and the goodwill attaching thereto and
         agrees that any goodwill which accrues because of the party's use of
         such trademarks and trade names shall vest in and become the property
         of the owner of the mark or name. Each party further agrees not to use,
         employ or attempt to register any trademark or trade name which is
         confusingly similar to any trademark or trade name of the other party.

12.15    No Oral Modification. No amendment to, or modification of, this
         Agreement will be binding unless in writing and signed by duly
         authorized representatives of both parties.

12.16    Freedom of Action. Except as otherwise provided herein, this Agreement
         shall not prevent either party from marketing, acquiring, developing,
         or otherwise dealing in, materials, products or services whether or not
         competitive with those of the other party, or from pursuing such
         activities with any third party.

12.17    Merger. This Agreement, including,'but not limited to, all Exhibits
         referenced herein, collectively constitutes the entire agreement
         between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, and
         supersedes and replaces all prior or contemporaneous understandings or
         agreements, whether oral or written, regarding such subject matter.

12.18    Execution. The parties may execute this Agreement in counterparts
         provided they exchange signed signature pages via receipted fax, to be
         followed by transmittal by each party via overnight delivery service of
         the entire original of this Agreement, which original must be identical
         to the original of the other party, containing its original signature.
         This Agreement shall be considered entered into and in full force and
         effect as of the Effective

                                                                   Page 38 of 39
                                                                IBM Confidential
         Date of this Agreement provided the aforementioned exchange of
         receipted taxed signature pages and the aforementioned exchange of
         original documents occurs.



         BY: /s/ Illegible                    BY: /s/ Aart de Gues
             ------------------------             ----------------------------
         TITLE: GM, Microprocessors           TITLE: CEO & President
         DATE:  2/20/96                       DATE:  February 1, 1996

                                                                   Page 39 of 39
                                                                IBM Confidential

                                    EXHIBIT A

                             JOINT PRODUCTS AND NGSS
Exhibit A                                                              [ * * * ]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[ * * * ]

                                                                IBM Confidential

* * *  Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential
       treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted
       portions have been filed separately with the Commission.
Exhibit A                                                              [ * * * ]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[ * * * ]
                                                                IBM Confidential

* * *  Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential
       treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted
       portions have been filed separately with the Commission.
Exhibit A                                                              [ * * * ]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[ * * * ]

                                                                IBM Confidential

* * *  Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential
       treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted
       portions have been filed separately with the Commission.
Exhibit A                                                              [ * * * ]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[ * * * ]

                                                                IBM Confidential

* * *  Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential
       treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted
       portions have been filed separately with the Commission.
Exhibit A                                                              [ * * * ]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[ * * * ]

                                                                IBM Confidential

* * *  Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential
       treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted
       portions have been filed separately with the Commission.
Exhibit A-1                                                            [ * * * ]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[ * * * ]

                                                                IBM Confidential

* * *  Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential
       treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted
       portions have been filed separately with the Commission.
Exhibit A-1                                                            [ * * * ]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[ * * * ]

                                                                IBM Confidential

* * *  Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential
       treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted
       portions have been filed separately with the Commission.
Exhibit A-2                                                            [ * * * ]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[ * * * ]

                                                                IBM Confidential

* * *  Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential
       treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted
       portions have been filed separately with the Commission.
Exhibit A-2                                                            [ * * * ]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[ * * * ]

                                                                IBM Confidential

* * *  Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential
       treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted
       portions have been filed separately with the Commission.
Exhibit A-2                                                            [ * * * ]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[ * * * ]

                                                                IBM Confidential

* * *  Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential
       treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted
       portions have been filed separately with the Commission.
Exhibit A-3                                                            [ * * * ]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[ * * * ]

                                                                IBM Confidential

* * *  Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential
       treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted
       portions have been filed separately with the Commission.

Exhibit A-3                                                            [ * * * ]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[ * * * ]

                                                                IBM Confidential

* * *  Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential
       treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted
       portions have been filed separately with the Commission.

Exhibit A-3                                                       [ * * * ]     

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[ * * * ]

                                                                IBM Confidential

* * *  Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential
       treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted
       portions have been filed separately with the Commission.
Exhibit A-4                                                            [ * * * ]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[ * * * ]

                                                                IBM Confidential

* * *  Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential
       treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted
       portions have been filed separately with the Commission.

Exhibit A-4                                                            [ * * * ]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[ * * * ]

                                                                IBM Confidential

* * *  Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential
       treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted
       portions have been filed separately with the Commission.
                                    EXHIBIT B

                                 PROMISSORY NOTE
                                                                   STATIC TIMING

                         NON-NEGOTIABLE PROMISSORY NOTE

$7,500,000                                               Dated:  January 1, 1996

         FOR VALUE RECEIVED, Synopsys, Inc., a Delaware corporation (the
"Company"), HEREBY PROMISES TO PAY, without set-off or counterclaim, to
International Business Machines Corporation (the "Payee"), the aggregate
principal amount of Seven Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($7,500,000),
together with interest as set forth below, subject to, and in accordance with,
the terms and conditions of the Joint Development and License Agreement
Concerning EDA Software and Related Intellectual Property dated as of January 1,
1996 between the Company and Payee (the "Joint Development Agreement").

         1. Principal. Unless earlier prepaid pursuant to Section 4 of this Note
or accelerated in accordance with terms and conditions of the Joint Development
Agreement, the entire unpaid aggregate principal amount of this Note shall be
due and payable, together with all accrued but unpaid interest thereon in
accordance with Section 2 below, on January 1, 2006 (the "Maturity Date").

         2. Interest. Interest shall begin to accrue on February 1, 1996.
Interest shall be payable to Payee at the rate of three percent (3%) per annum,
simple interest. Upon the occurrence and continuance of an Event of Default (as
defined in Section 6 below) and for so long as such Event of Default continues,
from the date due until the date paid interest shall accrue and be due and
payable on the outstanding principal and on any accrued but unpaid interest, but
only as to such principal and interest that the Company has failed to pay, at
the rate of eighteen (18%) simple interest per annum, or the highest rate
allowed by law, whichever is less (such rate, the "Late Payment Rate"). Interest
payable under this Note shall be computed on the basis of a three hundred
sixty-five (365) day year and shall be due and payable on each January 31, April
30, July 31, and October 31, and on the Maturity Date, commencing on April 30,
1996 (each such date, a "Payment Date").

         3. Payments on Business Days. If the due date of any payment under this
Note would otherwise fall on a day that is not a business day, such due date
shall be extended to the next succeeding business day, and interest shall be
payable on any payment so extended for the period of such extension.

         4. Prepayment.

                  (a) Outstanding principal and any accrued interest may be
prepaid at any time without penalty. All payments shall first be applied against
payment of interest and then against payment of principal.


                  (b) Notwithstanding anything in this Note to the contrary, if
a "Milestone" for any calendar quarter (each, a "Quarter") is achieved on or
before the date set for its completion (the "Milestone Date" for such
Milestone), as determined pursuant to the Joint Development Agreement, the
Company shall prepay an amount of principal of this Note equal to the Prepayment
Amount for such Quarter on the first Payment Date following the last day of such
Quarter. Schedule 1 sets forth Milestones, Milestone Dates, Prepayment Amounts
and Payment Dates for each Quarter. The notations under the heading "Milestones"
refer to Milestones set forth in Exhibit A of the Joint Development Agreement.
Milestones after 1996 will be determined pursuant to the Annual Joint
Development Plans provided for in the Joint Development Agreement.

                  (c) If a Milestone for a Quarter (the "Due Quarter") is not
achieved on or before its Milestone Date, but is achieved on or before the last
day of the Quarter following the Due Quarter, then the Prepayment Amount for
such Milestone shall be paid on the first Payment Date following such next
Quarter. If such Milestone is not achieved on or before the last day of such
next Quarter but is achieved on or before the last day of the second Quarter
after the Due Quarter, then the Prepayment Amount for such Milestone shall be
paid on the first Payment Date following such second Quarter. If a Milestone is
not achieved on or before the end of such second Quarter, then there will be no
Prepayment Amount for such Milestone and the principal amount that would have
been prepaid shall be paid on the Maturity Date in accordance with the other
provisions of this Note.

         5. Manner of Payment. All payments hereunder shall be made in lawful
money of the United States of America at such place and to such account as Payee
from time to time shall designate in a written notice to the Company. In the
absence of any such designation, all such payments shall be made to the address
for Payee as set forth in the Joint Development Agreement.

         6. Event of Default.

                  (a) Defined. An "Event of Default" shall be deemed to have
occurred upon (i) the Company's failure to pay within twenty (20) days of the
due date any amount of principal or interest then due under this Note or (ii)
the commencement by or against the Company of any case or proceeding under any
bankruptcy, reorganization, insolvency or moratorium law, or any other law or
laws for the relief of debtors, or the appointment of any receiver, trustee or
assignee to take possession of the properties of the Company or any of its
affiliates. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, the failure to pay any
Prepayment Amount shall not constitute an Event of Default if the Company has
not paid such Prepayment Amount because it believes in good faith that a
Milestone has not been achieved on or before a Milestone Date or any other date
(as described in Section 4(c)) on or before which a Milestone must be achieved
in order for a prepayment obligation to arise (any such date, a "Deadline") and
the Company provides written notice to Payee's Alliance Management Team member
within ten (10) business days of the end of the Due Quarter and, if applicable,
any later Deadline for such Milestone, of the reasons why it believes the
Milestone has not been met. If it is subsequently determined that such Milestone
was met by a Deadline, then the Company shall be obligated to pay the Prepayment
Amount on or before the next Payment Date, plus interest calculated at the Late
Payment Rate from the date such Prepayment Amount would have been payable until
the date paid.



                  (b) Default Remedies. If any Event of Default shall occur and
be continuing, Payee may, in its sole discretion and without prejudice to any
other right it may have at law or under any other agreement, by ten (10) days'
written notice to the Company, declare the entire unpaid principal amount of
this Note and all interest accrued and unpaid thereon to be forthwith due and
payable, without presentment, demand, protest or further notice of any kind, all
of which are hereby expressly waived by the Company, unless, in the case of an
Event of Default described in clause (i) of Section 6(a), the Company cures such
Event of Default by the payment of all amounts of principal and interest then
due and payable on or before the last day of such ten (10) day notice period.

                  (c) Costs of Collection. The Company promises to pay all
collection costs, including, without limitation, reasonable attorney's fees
incurred by the Payee in connection with any Event of Default hereunder or the
enforcement of any of the provisions of this Note.

         7. Assignment. This Note shall be binding on the Company and its
successors. The Company may only assign this Note upon receipt of the prior
written approval of Payee. Payee may not assign or transfer this Note or any
rights it may have with respect to this Note and any purported assignment or
transfer of this Note or any rights of the Payee hereunder shall be void.

         8. Waiver. The Company hereby waives presentment, protest and demand,
notice of protest, demand and of dishonor and non-payment of this Note, and
expressly agrees that this Note, and any payment hereunder, may be extended from
time to time, but only with the express prior written approval of Payee, without
in any way affecting the liability of the Company hereunder.

         9. Governing Law. This Note will be governed by the laws of the State
of New York, without reference to the conflicts of law principles thereof. Any
proceeding to resolve any dispute relating to this Note shall be commenced in
the State of New York. The parties hereto expressly waive any right they may
have to a jury trial and agree that any proceeding under this Note will be tried
by a judge without a jury.

         10. Tax Consequences. Payee represents and warrants that it has
considered the tax and other ramifications of entering into this Note.

         11. Entire Understanding. This Note and the Joint Development Agreement
contain the entire agreement and understanding of the parties regarding the
subject matter hereof and supersede all prior or contemporaneous written or oral
understandings, agreements or commitments relating to the subject matter of this
Note. The waiver of or breach of any term or provision of this Note shall not
operate as or be construed to be a waiver of any other previous or subsequent
breach of this Note. In the event of any conflict between the terms of this Note
and the terms of the Joint Development Agreement, the terms of the Joint
Development Agreement shall be controlling.

         12. No Oral Modification. No amendment to, or modification of, this
Note will be binding unless in writing and signed by duly authorized
representatives of both parties.



         13. Notices. All notices required or permitted under this Note shall be
made in writing and delivered personally to the Company or Payee at the
designated addresses set forth in the Joint Development Agreement, or sent by
certified or registered mail, return receipt requested and postage prepaid.

         14. Counterparts. This Note may be executed in counterparts, each of
which shall constitute one and the same Note.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Payee and the Company has duly executed this
Note as of the date first above written.

                                        SYNOPSYS, INC.,
                                        a Delaware corporation

                                        By:      /s/ Paul Lipee
                                        Title:   Secretary







                                   SCHEDULE 1


      QUARTER ENDING              MILESTONE            MILESTONE DATE            AMOUNT        PAYMENT DATE
      --------------              ---------            --------------            ------        ------------
March 31, 1996                     ST1-96              February 29, 1996        $562,500       April 30, 1996
June 30, 1996                      ST3-96              May 30, 1996             $562,500       July 31, 1996
September 30, 1996                 ST6-96              September 30, 1996       $562,500       October 31, 1996
December 31, 1996                  ST7-96              October 30, 1996         $562,500       January 31, 1997
March 31, 1997                                                                  $500,000       April 30, 1997
June 30, 1997                                                                   $500,000       July 31, 1997
September 30, 1997                                                              $500,000       October 31, 1997
December 31, 1997                                                               $500,000       January 31, 1998
March 31, 1998                                                                  $437,500       April 30, 1998
June 30, 1998                                                                   $437,500       July 31, 1998
September 30, 1998                                                              $437,500       October 31, 1998
December 31, 1998                                                               $437,500       January 31, 1999
March 31, 1999                                                                  $375,000       April 30, 1999
June 30, 1999                                                                   $375,000       July 31, 1999
September 30, 1999                                                              $375,000       October 31, 1999
December 31, 1999                                                               $375,000       January 31, 2000




                         NON-NEGOTIABLE PROMISSORY NOTE

$7,500,000                                               Dated:  January 1, 1996

         FOR VALUE RECEIVED, Synopsys, Inc., a Delaware corporation (the
"Company"), HEREBY PROMISES TO PAY, without set-off or counterclaim, to
International Business Machines Corporation (the "Payee"), the aggregate
principal amount of Seven Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($7,500,000),
together with interest as set forth below, subject to, and in accordance with,
the terms and conditions of the Joint Development and License Agreement
Concerning EDA Software and Related Intellectual Property dated as of January 1,
1996 between the Company and Payee (the "Joint Development Agreement").

         1. Principal. Unless earlier prepaid pursuant to Section 4 of this Note
or accelerated in accordance with terms and conditions of the Joint Development
Agreement, the entire unpaid aggregate principal amount of this Note shall be
due and payable, together with all accrued but unpaid interest thereon in
accordance with Section 2 below, on January 1, 2006 (the "Maturity Date").

         2. Interest. Interest shall begin to accrue on February 1, 1996.
Interest shall be payable to Payee at the rate of three percent (3%) per annum,
simple interest. Upon the occurrence and continuance of an Event of Default (as
defined in Section 6 below) and for so long as such Event of Default continues,
from the date due until the date paid interest shall accrue and be due and
payable on the outstanding principal and on any accrued but unpaid interest, but
only as to such principal and interest that the Company has failed to pay, at
the rate of eighteen (18%) simple interest per annum, or the highest rate
allowed by law, whichever is less (such rate, the "Late Payment Rate"). Interest
payable under this Note shall be computed on the basis of a three hundred
sixty-five (365) day year and shall be due and payable on each January 31, April
30, July 31, and October 31, and on the Maturity Date, commencing on April 30,
1996 (each such date, a "Payment Date").

         3. Payments on Business Days. If the due date of any payment under this
Note would otherwise fall on a day that is not a business day, such due date
shall be extended to the next succeeding business day, and interest shall be
payable on any payment so extended for the period of such extension.

         4. Prepayment.

                  (a) Outstanding principal and any accrued interest may be
prepaid at any time without penalty. All payments shall first be applied against
payment of interest and then against payment of principal.


                  (b) Notwithstanding anything in this Note to the contrary, if
a "Milestone" for any calendar quarter (each, a "Quarter") is achieved on or
before the date set for its completion (the "Milestone Date" for such
Milestone), as determined pursuant to the Joint Development Agreement, the
Company shall prepay an amount of principal of this Note equal to the Prepayment
Amount for such Quarter on the first Payment Date following the last day of such
Quarter. Schedule 1 sets forth Milestones, Milestone Dates, Prepayment Amounts
and Payment Dates for each Quarter. The notations under the heading "Milestones"
refer to Milestones set forth in Exhibit A of the Joint Development Agreement.
Milestones after 1996 will be determined pursuant to the Annual Joint
Development Plans provided for in the Joint Development Agreement.

                  (c) If a Milestone for a Quarter (the "Due Quarter") is not
achieved on or before its Milestone Date, but is achieved on or before the last
day of the Quarter following the Due Quarter, then the Prepayment Amount for
such Milestone shall be paid on the first Payment Date following such next
Quarter. If such Milestone is not achieved on or before the last day of such
next Quarter but is achieved on or before the last day of the second Quarter
after the Due Quarter, then the Prepayment Amount for such Milestone shall be
paid on the first Payment Date following such second Quarter. If a Milestone is
not achieved on or before the end of such second Quarter, then there will be no
Prepayment Amount for such Milestone and the principal amount that would have
been prepaid shall be paid on the Maturity Date in accordance with the other
provisions of this Note.

         5. Manner of Payment. All payments hereunder shall be made in lawful
money of the United States of America at such place and to such account as Payee
from time to time shall designate in a written notice to the Company. In the
absence of any such designation, all such payments shall be made to the address
for Payee as set forth in the Joint Development Agreement.

         6. Event of Default.

                  (a) Defined. An "Event of Default" shall be deemed to have
occurred upon (i) the Company's failure to pay within twenty (20) days of the
due date any amount of principal or interest then due under this Note or (ii)
the commencement by or against the Company of any case or proceeding under any
bankruptcy, reorganization, insolvency or moratorium law, or any other law or
laws for the relief of debtors, or the appointment of any receiver, trustee or
assignee to take possession of the properties of the Company or any of its
affiliates. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, the failure to pay any
Prepayment Amount shall not constitute an Event of Default if the Company has
not paid such Prepayment Amount because it believes in good faith that a
Milestone has not been achieved on or before a Milestone Date or any other date
(as described in Section 4(c)) on or before which a Milestone must be achieved
in order for a prepayment obligation to arise (any such date, a "Deadline") and
the Company provides written notice to Payee's Alliance Management Team member
within ten (10) business days of the end of the Due Quarter and, if applicable,
any later Deadline for such Milestone, of the reasons why it believes the
Milestone has not been met. If it is subsequently determined that such Milestone
was met by a Deadline, then the Company shall be obligated to pay the Prepayment
Amount on or before the next Payment Date, plus interest calculated at the Late
Payment Rate from the date such Prepayment Amount would have been payable until
the date paid.



                  (b) Default Remedies. If any Event of Default shall occur and
be continuing, Payee may, in its sole discretion and without prejudice to any
other right it may have at law or under any other agreement, by ten (10) days'
written notice to the Company, declare the entire unpaid principal amount of
this Note and all interest accrued and unpaid thereon to be forthwith due and
payable, without presentment, demand, protest or further notice of any kind, all
of which are hereby expressly waived by the Company, unless, in the case of an
Event of Default described in clause (i) of Section 6(a), the Company cures such
Event of Default by the payment of all amounts of principal and interest then
due and payable on or before the last day of such ten (10) day notice period.

                  (c) Costs of Collection. The Company promises to pay all
collection costs, including, without limitation, reasonable attorney's fees
incurred by the Payee in connection with any Event of Default hereunder or the
enforcement of any of the provisions of this Note.

         7. Assignment. This Note shall be binding on the Company and its
successors. The Company may only assign this Note upon receipt of the prior
written approval of Payee. Payee may not assign or transfer this Note or any
rights it may have with respect to this Note and any purported assignment or
transfer of this Note or any rights of the Payee hereunder shall be void.

         8. Waiver. The Company hereby waives presentment, protest and demand,
notice of protest, demand and of dishonor and non-payment of this Note, and
expressly agrees that this Note, and any payment hereunder, may be extended from
time to time, but only with the express prior written approval of Payee, without
in any way affecting the liability of the Company hereunder.

         9. Governing Law. This Note will be governed by the laws of the State
of New York, without reference to the conflicts of law principles thereof. Any
proceeding to resolve any dispute relating to this Note shall be commenced in
the State of New York. The parties hereto expressly waive any right they may
have to a jury trial and agree that any proceeding under this Note will be tried
by a judge without a jury.

         10. Tax Consequences. Payee represents and warrants that it has
considered the tax and other ramifications of entering into this Note.

         11. Entire Understanding. This Note and the Joint Development Agreement
contain the entire agreement and understanding of the parties regarding the
subject matter hereof and supersede all prior or contemporaneous written or oral
understandings, agreements or commitments relating to the subject matter of this
Note. The waiver of or breach of any term or provision of this Note shall not
operate as or be construed to be a waiver of any other previous or subsequent
breach of this Note. In the event of any conflict between the terms of this Note
and the terms of the Joint Development Agreement, the terms of the Joint
Development Agreement shall be controlling.

         12. No Oral Modification. No amendment to, or modification of, this
Note will be binding unless in writing and signed by duly authorized
representatives of both parties.



         13. Notices. All notices required or permitted under this Note shall be
made in writing and delivered personally to the Company or Payee at the
designated addresses set forth in the Joint Development Agreement, or sent by
certified or registered mail, return receipt requested and postage prepaid.

         14. Counterparts. This Note may be executed in counterparts, each of
which shall constitute one and the same Note.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Payee and the Company has duly executed this
Note as of the date first above written.

                                        SYNOPSYS, INC.,
                                        a Delaware corporation

                                        By:      /s/ Paul Lipee
                                        Title:   Secretary







                                   SCHEDULE 1


      QUARTER ENDING              MILESTONE       MILESTONE DATE                 AMOUNT         PAYMENT DATE
      --------------              ---------       --------------                 ------         ------------
March 31, 1996                      T2-96         March 30, 1996                $562,500       April 30, 1996
June 30, 1996                       T4-96         April 30, 1996                $562,500       July 31, 1996
September 30, 1996                  T7-96         September 30, 1996            $562,500       October 31, 1996
December 31, 1996                   T9-96         November 15, 1996             $562,500       January 31, 1997
March 31, 1997                                                                  $500,000       April 30, 1997
June 30, 1997                                                                   $500,000       July 31, 1997
September 30, 1997                                                              $500,000       October 31, 1997
December 31, 1997                                                               $500,000       January 31, 1998
March 31, 1998                                                                  $437,500       April 30, 1998
June 30, 1998                                                                   $437,500       July 31, 1998
September 30, 1998                                                              $437,500       October 31, 1998
December 31, 1998                                                               $437,500       January 31, 1999
March 31, 1999                                                                  $375,000       April 30, 1999
June 30, 1999                                                                   $375,000       July 31, 1999
September 30, 1999                                                              $375,000       October 31, 1999
December 31, 1999                                                               $375,000       January 31, 2000



                                                                  DESIGN PLANNER

                         NON-NEGOTIABLE PROMISSORY NOTE

$7,500,000                                               Dated:  January 1, 1996

         FOR VALUE RECEIVED, Synopsys, Inc., a Delaware corporation (the
"Company"), HEREBY PROMISES TO PAY, without set-off or counterclaim, to
International Business Machines Corporation (the "Payee"), the aggregate
principal amount of Seven Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($7,500,000),
together with interest as set forth below, subject to, and in accordance with,
the terms and conditions of the Joint Development and License Agreement
Concerning EDA Software and Related Intellectual Property dated as of January 1,
1996 between the Company and Payee (the "Joint Development Agreement").

         1. Principal. Unless earlier prepaid pursuant to Section 4 of this Note
or accelerated in accordance with terms and conditions of the Joint Development
Agreement, the entire unpaid aggregate principal amount of this Note shall be
due and payable, together with all accrued but unpaid interest thereon in
accordance with Section 2 below, on January 1, 2006 (the "Maturity Date").

         2. Interest. Interest shall begin to accrue on February 1, 1996.
Interest shall be payable to Payee at the rate of three percent (3%) per annum,
simple interest. Upon the occurrence and continuance of an Event of Default (as
defined in Section 6 below) and for so long as such Event of Default continues,
from the date due until the date paid interest shall accrue and be due and
payable on the outstanding principal and on any accrued but unpaid interest, but
only as to such principal and interest that the Company has failed to pay, at
the rate of eighteen (18%) simple interest per annum, or the highest rate
allowed by law, whichever is less (such rate, the "Late Payment Rate"). Interest
payable under this Note shall be computed on the basis of a three hundred
sixty-five (365) day year and shall be due and payable on each January 31, April
30, July 31, and October 31, and on the Maturity Date, commencing on April 30,
1996 (each such date, a "Payment Date").

         3. Payments on Business Days. If the due date of any payment under this
Note would otherwise fall on a day that is not a business day, such due date
shall be extended to the next succeeding business day, and interest shall be
payable on any payment so extended for the period of such extension.

         4. Prepayment.

                  (a) Outstanding principal and any accrued interest may be
prepaid at any time without penalty. All payments shall first be applied against
payment of interest and then against payment of principal.


                  (b) Notwithstanding anything in this Note to the contrary, if
a "Milestone" for any calendar quarter (each, a "Quarter") is achieved on or
before the date set for its completion (the "Milestone Date" for such
Milestone), as determined pursuant to the Joint Development Agreement, the
Company shall prepay an amount of principal of this Note equal to the Prepayment
Amount for such Quarter on the first Payment Date following the last day of such
Quarter. Schedule 1 sets forth Milestones, Milestone Dates, Prepayment Amounts
and Payment Dates for each Quarter. The notations under the heading "Milestones"
refer to Milestones set forth in Exhibit A of the Joint Development Agreement.
Milestones after 1996 will be determined pursuant to the Annual Joint
Development Plans provided for in the Joint Development Agreement.

                  (c) If a Milestone for a Quarter (the "Due Quarter") is not
achieved on or before its Milestone Date, but is achieved on or before the last
day of the Quarter following the Due Quarter, then the Prepayment Amount for
such Milestone shall be paid on the first Payment Date following such next
Quarter. If such Milestone is not achieved on or before the last day of such
next Quarter but is achieved on or before the last day of the second Quarter
after the Due Quarter, then the Prepayment Amount for such Milestone shall be
paid on the first Payment Date following such second Quarter. If a Milestone is
not achieved on or before the end of such second Quarter, then there will be no
Prepayment Amount for such Milestone and the principal amount that would have
been prepaid shall be paid on the Maturity Date in accordance with the other
provisions of this Note.

         5. Manner of Payment. All payments hereunder shall be made in lawful
money of the United States of America at such place and to such account as Payee
from time to time shall designate in a written notice to the Company. In the
absence of any such designation, all such payments shall be made to the address
for Payee as set forth in the Joint Development Agreement.

         6. Event of Default.

                  (a) Defined. An "Event of Default" shall be deemed to have
occurred upon (i) the Company's failure to pay within twenty (20) days of the
due date any amount of principal or interest then due under this Note or (ii)
the commencement by or against the Company of any case or proceeding under any
bankruptcy, reorganization, insolvency or moratorium law, or any other law or
laws for the relief of debtors, or the appointment of any receiver, trustee or
assignee to take possession of the properties of the Company or any of its
affiliates. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, the failure to pay any
Prepayment Amount shall not constitute an Event of Default if the Company has
not paid such Prepayment Amount because it believes in good faith that a
Milestone has not been achieved on or before a Milestone Date or any other date
(as described in Section 4(c)) on or before which a Milestone must be achieved
in order for a prepayment obligation to arise (any such date, a "Deadline") and
the Company provides written notice to Payee's Alliance Management Team member
within ten (10) business days of the end of the Due Quarter and, if applicable,
any later Deadline for such Milestone, of the reasons why it believes the
Milestone has not been met. If it is subsequently determined that such Milestone
was met by a Deadline, then the Company shall be obligated to pay the Prepayment
Amount on or before the next Payment Date, plus interest calculated at the Late
Payment Rate from the date such Prepayment Amount would have been payable until
the date paid.



                  (b) Default Remedies. If any Event of Default shall occur and
be continuing, Payee may, in its sole discretion and without prejudice to any
other right it may have at law or under any other agreement, by ten (10) days'
written notice to the Company, declare the entire unpaid principal amount of
this Note and all interest accrued and unpaid thereon to be forthwith due and
payable, without presentment, demand, protest or further notice of any kind, all
of which are hereby expressly waived by the Company, unless, in the case of an
Event of Default described in clause (i) of Section 6(a), the Company cures such
Event of Default by the payment of all amounts of principal and interest then
due and payable on or before the last day of such ten (10) day notice period.

                  (c) Costs of Collection. The Company promises to pay all
collection costs, including, without limitation, reasonable attorney's fees
incurred by the Payee in connection with any Event of Default hereunder or the
enforcement of any of the provisions of this Note.

         7. Assignment. This Note shall be binding on the Company and its
successors. The Company may only assign this Note upon receipt of the prior
written approval of Payee. Payee may not assign or transfer this Note or any
rights it may have with respect to this Note and any purported assignment or
transfer of this Note or any rights of the Payee hereunder shall be void.

         8. Waiver. The Company hereby waives presentment, protest and demand,
notice of protest, demand and of dishonor and non-payment of this Note, and
expressly agrees that this Note, and any payment hereunder, may be extended from
time to time, but only with the express prior written approval of Payee, without
in any way affecting the liability of the Company hereunder.

         9. Governing Law. This Note will be governed by the laws of the State
of New York, without reference to the conflicts of law principles thereof. Any
proceeding to resolve any dispute relating to this Note shall be commenced in
the State of New York. The parties hereto expressly waive any right they may
have to a jury trial and agree that any proceeding under this Note will be tried
by a judge without a jury.

         10. Tax Consequences. Payee represents and warrants that it has
considered the tax and other ramifications of entering into this Note.

         11. Entire Understanding. This Note and the Joint Development Agreement
contain the entire agreement and understanding of the parties regarding the
subject matter hereof and supersede all prior or contemporaneous written or oral
understandings, agreements or commitments relating to the subject matter of this
Note. The waiver of or breach of any term or provision of this Note shall not
operate as or be construed to be a waiver of any other previous or subsequent
breach of this Note. In the event of any conflict between the terms of this Note
and the terms of the Joint Development Agreement, the terms of the Joint
Development Agreement shall be controlling.

         12. No Oral Modification. No amendment to, or modification of, this
Note will be binding unless in writing and signed by duly authorized
representatives of both parties.


         13. Notices. All notices required or permitted under this Note shall be
made in writing and delivered personally to the Company or Payee at the
designated addresses set forth in the Joint Development Agreement, or sent by
certified or registered mail, return receipt requested and postage prepaid.

         14. Counterparts. This Note may be executed in counterparts, each of
which shall constitute one and the same Note.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Payee and the Company has duly executed this
Note as of the date first above written.

                                        SYNOPSYS, INC.,
                                        a Delaware corporation

                                        By:      /s/ Paul Lipee
                                        Title:   Secretary







                                                    SCHEDULE 1


      QUARTER ENDING              MILESTONE       MILESTONE DATE                 AMOUNT        PAYMENT DATE
      --------------              ---------       --------------                 ------        ------------
March 31, 1996                     DP2-96         February 29, 1996             $562,500       April 30, 1996
June 30, 1996                      DP5-96         May 30, 1996                  $562,500       July 31, 1996
September 30, 1996                 DP9-96         September 30, 1996            $562,500       October 31, 1996
December 31, 1996                  DP11-96        October 30, 1996              $562,500       January 31, 1997
March 31, 1997                                                                  $500,000       April 30, 1997
June 30, 1997                                                                   $500,000       July 31, 1997
September 30, 1997                                                              $500,000       October 31, 1997
December 31, 1997                                                               $500,000       January 31, 1998
March 31, 1998                                                                  $437,500       April 30, 1998
June 30, 1998                                                                   $437,500       July 31, 1998
September 30, 1998                                                              $437,500       October 31, 1998
December 31, 1998                                                               $437,500       January 31, 1999
March 31, 1999                                                                  $375,000       April 30, 1999
June 30, 1999                                                                   $375,000       July 31, 1999
September 30, 1999                                                              $375,000       October 31, 1999
December 31, 1999                                                               $375,000       January 31, 2000




                         NON-NEGOTIABLE PROMISSORY NOTE

$7,500,000                                               Dated:  January 1, 1996

         FOR VALUE RECEIVED, Synopsys, Inc., a Delaware corporation (the
"Company"), HEREBY PROMISES TO PAY, without set-off or counterclaim, to
International Business Machines Corporation (the "Payee"), the aggregate
principal amount of Seven Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($7,500,000),
together with interest as set forth below, subject to, and in accordance with,
the terms and conditions of the Joint Development and License Agreement
Concerning EDA Software and Related Intellectual Property dated as of January 1,
1996 between the Company and Payee (the "Joint Development Agreement").

         1. Principal. Unless earlier prepaid pursuant to Section 4 of this Note
or accelerated in accordance with terms and conditions of the Joint Development
Agreement, the entire unpaid aggregate principal amount of this Note shall be
due and payable, together with all accrued but unpaid interest thereon in
accordance with Section 2 below, on January 1, 2006 (the "Maturity Date").

         2. Interest. Interest shall begin to accrue on February 1, 1996.
Interest shall be payable to Payee at the rate of three percent (3%) per annum,
simple interest. Upon the occurrence and continuance of an Event of Default (as
defined in Section 6 below) and for so long as such Event of Default continues,
from the date due until the date paid interest shall accrue and be due and
payable on the outstanding principal and on any accrued but unpaid interest, but
only as to such principal and interest that the Company has failed to pay, at
the rate of eighteen (18%) simple interest per annum, or the highest rate
allowed by law, whichever is less (such rate, the "Late Payment Rate"). Interest
payable under this Note shall be computed on the basis of a three hundred
sixty-five (365) day year and shall be due and payable on each January 31, April
30, July 31, and October 31, and on the Maturity Date, commencing on April 30,
1996 (each such date, a "Payment Date").

         3. Payments on Business Days. If the due date of any payment under this
Note would otherwise fall on a day that is not a business day, such due date
shall be extended to the next succeeding business day, and interest shall be
payable on any payment so extended for the period of such extension.

         4. Prepayment.

                  (a) Outstanding principal and any accrued interest may be
prepaid at any time without penalty. All payments shall first be applied against
payment of interest and then against payment of principal.


                  (b) Notwithstanding anything in this Note to the contrary, if
a "Milestone" for any calendar quarter (each, a "Quarter") is achieved on or
before the date set for its completion (the "Milestone Date" for such
Milestone), as determined pursuant to the Joint Development Agreement, the
Company shall prepay an amount of principal of this Note equal to the Prepayment
Amount for such Quarter on the first Payment Date following the last day of such
Quarter. Schedule 1 sets forth Milestones, Milestone Dates, Prepayment Amounts
and Payment Dates for each Quarter. The notations under the heading "Milestones"
refer to Milestones set forth in Exhibit A of the Joint Development Agreement.
Milestones after 1996 will be determined pursuant to the Annual Joint
Development Plans provided for in the Joint Development Agreement.

                  (c) If a Milestone for a Quarter (the "Due Quarter") is not
achieved on or before its Milestone Date, but is achieved on or before the last
day of the Quarter following the Due Quarter, then the Prepayment Amount for
such Milestone shall be paid on the first Payment Date following such next
Quarter. If such Milestone is not achieved on or before the last day of such
next Quarter but is achieved on or before the last day of the second Quarter
after the Due Quarter, then the Prepayment Amount for such Milestone shall be
paid on the first Payment Date following such second Quarter. If a Milestone is
not achieved on or before the end of such second Quarter, then there will be no
Prepayment Amount for such Milestone and the principal amount that would have
been prepaid shall be paid on the Maturity Date in accordance with the other
provisions of this Note.

         5. Manner of Payment. All payments hereunder shall be made in lawful
money of the United States of America at such place and to such account as Payee
from time to time shall designate in a written notice to the Company. In the
absence of any such designation, all such payments shall be made to the address
for Payee as set forth in the Joint Development Agreement.

         6. Event of Default.

                  (a) Defined. An "Event of Default" shall be deemed to have
occurred upon (i) the Company's failure to pay within twenty (20) days of the
due date any amount of principal or interest then due under this Note or (ii)
the commencement by or against the Company of any case or proceeding under any
bankruptcy, reorganization, insolvency or moratorium law, or any other law or
laws for the relief of debtors, or the appointment of any receiver, trustee or
assignee to take possession of the properties of the Company or any of its
affiliates. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, the failure to pay any
Prepayment Amount shall not constitute an Event of Default if the Company has
not paid such Prepayment Amount because it believes in good faith that a
Milestone has not been achieved on or before a Milestone Date or any other date
(as described in Section 4(c)) on or before which a Milestone must be achieved
in order for a prepayment obligation to arise (any such date, a "Deadline") and
the Company provides written notice to Payee's Alliance Management Team member
within ten (10) business days of the end of the Due Quarter and, if applicable,
any later Deadline for such Milestone, of the reasons why it believes the
Milestone has not been met. If it is subsequently determined that such Milestone
was met by a Deadline, then the Company shall be obligated to pay the Prepayment
Amount on or before the next Payment Date, plus interest calculated at the Late
Payment Rate from the date such Prepayment Amount would have been payable until
the date paid.



                  (b) Default Remedies. If any Event of Default shall occur and
be continuing, Payee may, in its sole discretion and without prejudice to any
other right it may have at law or under any other agreement, by ten (10) days'
written notice to the Company, declare the entire unpaid principal amount of
this Note and all interest accrued and unpaid thereon to be forthwith due and
payable, without presentment, demand, protest or further notice of any kind, all
of which are hereby expressly waived by the Company, unless, in the case of an
Event of Default described in clause (i) of Section 6(a), the Company cures such
Event of Default by the payment of all amounts of principal and interest then
due and payable on or before the last day of such ten (10) day notice period.

                  (c) Costs of Collection. The Company promises to pay all
collection costs, including, without limitation, reasonable attorney's fees
incurred by the Payee in connection with any Event of Default hereunder or the
enforcement of any of the provisions of this Note.

         7. Assignment. This Note shall be binding on the Company and its
successors. The Company may only assign this Note upon receipt of the prior
written approval of Payee. Payee may not assign or transfer this Note or any
rights it may have with respect to this Note and any purported assignment or
transfer of this Note or any rights of the Payee hereunder shall be void.

         8. Waiver. The Company hereby waives presentment, protest and demand,
notice of protest, demand and of dishonor and non-payment of this Note, and
expressly agrees that this Note, and any payment hereunder, may be extended from
time to time, but only with the express prior written approval of Payee, without
in any way affecting the liability of the Company hereunder.

         9. Governing Law. This Note will be governed by the laws of the State
of New York, without reference to the conflicts of law principles thereof. Any
proceeding to resolve any dispute relating to this Note shall be commenced in
the State of New York. The parties hereto expressly waive any right they may
have to a jury trial and agree that any proceeding under this Note will be tried
by a judge without a jury.

         10. Tax Consequences. Payee represents and warrants that it has
considered the tax and other ramifications of entering into this Note.

         11. Entire Understanding. This Note and the Joint Development Agreement
contain the entire agreement and understanding of the parties regarding the
subject matter hereof and supersede all prior or contemporaneous written or oral
understandings, agreements or commitments relating to the subject matter of this
Note. The waiver of or breach of any term or provision of this Note shall not
operate as or be construed to be a waiver of any other previous or subsequent
breach of this Note. In the event of any conflict between the terms of this Note
and the terms of the Joint Development Agreement, the terms of the Joint
Development Agreement shall be controlling.

         12. No Oral Modification. No amendment to, or modification of, this
Note will be binding unless in writing and signed by duly authorized
representatives of both parties.


         13. Notices. All notices required or permitted under this Note shall be
made in writing and delivered personally to the Company or Payee at the
designated addresses set forth in the Joint Development Agreement, or sent by
certified or registered mail, return receipt requested and postage prepaid.

         14. Counterparts. This Note may be executed in counterparts, each of
which shall constitute one and the same Note.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Payee and the Company has duly executed this
Note as of the date first above written.

                                        SYNOPSYS, INC.,
                                        a Delaware corporation

                                        By:      /s/ Paul Lipee
                                        Title:   Secretary







                                   SCHEDULE 1


      QUARTER ENDING              MILESTONE            MILESTONE DATE         AMOUNT           PAYMENT DATE
      --------------              ---------            --------------         ------           ------------
March 31, 1996                     NG1-96              March 30, 1996        $562,500          April 30, 1996
June 30, 1996                      NG2-96              June 30, 1996         $562,500          July 31, 1996
September 30, 1996                 NG3-96              August 15, 1996       $562,500          October 31, 1996
December 31, 1996            *To be set as part                              $562,500          January 31, 1997
                                 of NG3-96's

March 31, 1997                                                               $500,000          April 30, 1997
June 30, 1997                                                                $500,000          July 31, 1997
September 30, 1997                                                           $500,000          October 31, 1997
December 31, 1997                                                            $500,000          January 31, 1998
March 31, 1998                                                               $437,500          April 30, 1998
June 30, 1998                                                                $437,500          July 31, 1998
September 30, 1998                                                           $437,500          October 31, 1998
December 31, 1998                                                            $437,500          January 31, 1999
March 31, 1999                                                               $375,000          April 30, 1999
June 30, 1999                                                                $375,000          July 31, 1999
September 30, 1999                                                           $375,000          October 31, 1999
December 31, 1999                                                            $375,000          January 31, 2000

                                    EXHIBIT C

                                                          [GRAPHIC OF HANDSHAKE]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

If you have signed the IBM Customer Agreement, its Attachment for Trial or Loan
of Products should be used in place of this Agreement.

The Recipient (you) and International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) agree
that the following terms and conditions apply when IBM loans you equipment and
programs including associated user manuals and similar documentation (Loaned
Items). Loaned Items may also be referred to as Loaned Equipment or Loaned
Programs, as applicable.


     The Attachment to this Agreement (Attachment) lists the Loaned Items and
specifies any additional terms and conditions. A revised Attachment sets forth
any additions or deletions to the listed Loaned Items and any changes to the
terms and conditions. Your continued use of the Loaned Items or acceptance of
additional Loaned Items after your receipt of a revised Attachment will
constitute your acceptance of such revised Attachment.

     When the loan is made in conjunction with a referenced Agreement, IBM will
specify the Reference Agreement Number. In this event, the referenced Agreement
will describe the purpose of the loan. Otherwise, the purpose of the loan is
specified below (Purpose of Loan).


     This Agreement ends on the earliest of 1) the specified Agreement
Expiration Date, 2) the date this Agreement is terminated in accordance with
this Section, or 3) the date the referenced Agreement, if any, is terminated.
The Agreement Expiration Date may only be extended by IBM's issuance and your
acceptance of a revised Attachment specifying such later date.

     You may terminate this Agreement by providing written notice to IBM. If you
fail to meet any of your obligations under this Agreement or the referenced
Agreement, IBM may terminate this Agreement by giving written notice to you,
indicating the effective date of termination.


     IBM will provide the Loaned Items to you on or about the Estimated Delivery
Date(s) specified in the Attachment. IBM provides this Estimated Delivery
Date(s) to you for planning purposes only. The Loan Period for each Loaned Item
will extend from the actual date IBM delivers the Loaned Item(s) to you, until
the earliest of:

     a)   the applicable Return Date specified in the Attachment or revised
          Return Date specified in a revised Attachment;

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The parties acknowledge that they have read this Agreement, understand it, and
agree to be bound by its terms and conditions. Further, they agree that the
complete and exclusive statement of the agreement between the parties relating
to the Loaned Items provided hereunder consists of 1) this Agreement, 2) its
Attachment(s) and 3) the referenced Agreement, if any, including those effective
in the future. This statement of the agreement supersedes all proposals or other
prior agreements, oral or written, and all other communications between the
parties relating to the Loaned Items provided hereunder.

International Business Machines Corporation   Recipient's name:
Armonk, New York 10504

By:________________________________________   By:_______________________________
             Authorized Signature                     Authorized Signature      

Name (type or print)                          Name (type or print)

Date:                                         Date:

This Agreement number: XXXXXXX                Reference Agreement number:

IBM Office number: N/A                        Recipient's Customer number:

IBM Office address:                           Recipient's Address
         IBM Microelectronics
         1000 River Street
         Essex Junction, Vermont 05452
Agreement Expiration Date:

Purpose of Loan (To be completed only if no referenced Agreement):

                                   Page 1 of 3
     b)   the date you acquire i) title to the Loaned Equipment or ii)
          continuing license to the Loaned Program, should such acquisition or
          licensing be available to you under Section 13; or

     c)   the date this Agreement ends.


     IBM provides Loaned Items to you solely for use in accordance with the
terms of this Agreement and for the purpose(s) described either in this
Agreement or in the referenced Agreement (Authorized Use). You may not use the
Loaned Items for any other purposes.


     IBM or a third party retains title to all Loaned Items. You may not
transfer Loaned Items to anyone else. For Loaned Programs which are not subject
to another supplier's or publisher's license agreement, IBM grants you a license
to use, store, modify and make sufficient copies to support your Authorized Use
under this Agreement. Such copies will be deemed to be Loaned Items. For Loaned
Programs which are subject to another supplier's or publisher's license
agreement, however, the terms and conditions of that supplier or publisher are
passed to you through IBM. Such terms and conditions will be shipped with the
Loaned Program. Any authorized copies made by you will be deemed to be Loaned


     If the Loaned Equipment contains Licensed Internal Code (Code), so
identified by IBM, IBM grants you a license only to execute such Code to enable
the Loaned Equipment to perform in accordance with IBM's official published
specifications. You may not reverse assemble, reverse compile, decode,
translate, or make any other copies of the Code. You must return the original
copy of the Code to IBM at the conclusion of the Loan Period.


     IBM will deliver the Loaned Items to the location(s) specified in the

     You will 1) set-up all Loaned Equipment IBM designates as Customer Set-Up,
2) install all non-IBM equipment and 3) Install all Loaned Programs.

     IBM will be responsible for the installation of all other Loaned Items.
Installation by IBM will be during IBM's normal business hours.


     IBM relieves you of the risk of loss of, or damage to, all Loaned Items,
except for loss or damage resulting from your breach of this Agreement including
use other than Authorized Use.


     You will provide, at no cost to IBM, adequate security to protect the
Loaned Items from theft, damage or misuse.

     You will use reasonable care in the use of all Loaned Items. you will
provide an operating environment for the Loaned Items consistent with the
related user documentation.

     You will keep the Loaned Items at the location(s) specified in the
Attachment. You will not move the Loaned Items to another location without IBM's
prior written approval.


     IBM will use reasonable efforts to provide or arrange for service and
support to cause the Loaned Items to operate in accordance with applicable
published specifications.

     You will permit IBM personnel full, free and safe access to your
facilities, during normal business hours, for the purpose of inspection,
preventive maintenance service or remedial maintenance service.


     An alteration to Loaned Equipment may be made only upon IBM's prior written
approval. An attachment to Loaned Equipment may be made without notice to IBM.

     You will remove any alteration or attachment and restore Loaned Equipment
to its unaltered condition before its return to IBM or upon IBM's notice to you
that the alteration or attachment creates a safety hazard or renders maintenance
of the Loaned Equipment impractical.


     IBM may make substitutions for Loaned Items or may provide additional items
to you during the term of the Agreement. Such additions or deletions will be
specified in a revised Attachment.


Return to IBM

     You will return the Loaned Equipment to IBM at the end of the Loan Period,
except as may be provided for in this Section. You will return the Loaned
Equipment to IBM in the same condition as when delivered to you, reasonable wear
and tear excepted.

     You will return the original and all copies of the Loaned Programs at the
end of the Loan Period, except as may be provided for in this Section.

     You will permit IBM personnel access during IBM's normal business hours to
allow IBM to remove the Loaned Items. Acquisition and Continued Licensing

     IBM will determine the availability of Loaned Equipment for your
acquisition and Loaned Programs for your continued licensing beyond the
applicable Loan Period. You must inform IBM, prior to the end of the applicable
Loan Period, of your interest in the acquisition of specific Loaned Equipment or
the continued licensing of specific Loaned Programs. IBM will then notify you in
writing either 1) of the terms and conditions under which you may acquire such
Loaned Equipment or continue to license such Loaned Programs or 2) that the
Loaned Items are not available for acquisition or continued licensing.

     Purchase of Loaned Equipment will be governed by the provisions of the IBM
Customer Agreement and its applicable Attachments (or any equivalent agreement
signed by both of us).

     Continued licensing of Loaned Programs will be governed by the provisions
of the applicable IBM license agreement or another supplier's or publisher's

                                  Page 2 of 3
license agreement. IBM will identify to you the applicable agreement which
governs such licensing.




     If the operation of a Loaned Item becomes, or IBM believes is likely to
become, the subject of a claim that infringes a patent or copyright in the
United States or Puerto Rico, you will permit IBM, at its option and expense,
either to secure the right for you to continue using the Loaned Item or to
replace or modify it so that it becomes noninfringing. However, if neither of
the foregoing alternatives is available on terms which are reasonable in IBM's
judgment, you will return the Loaned Item upon IBM's written request.

     IBM will have no obligation with respect to any such claim based upon your
modification of IBM equipment, programs or programming or their combination,
operation or use with any non-IBM apparatus, data or programs.

     IBM will not have any liability regarding patent or copyright infringement
for non-IBM Loaned Items.

     This Section states IBM's entire obligation to you regarding infringement
or the like.


     The parties agree that all information exchanged hereunder will be
nonconfidential. If the loan requires the exchange of confidential information
or includes an unannounced IBM product, such loan will also require that you and
IBM enter into a separate confidentiality agreement.


     IBM's entire liability and your exclusive remedy for actual damages from
any cause whatsoever relating to the subject matter of this Agreement will be
limited to the amount of the actual loss or damage, up to the greater of
$100,000 or the charges for the Loaned Item that is the subject of the claim.
This limitation will apply, except as otherwise stated in this Section,
regardless of the form of action, whether in contract or in tort, including
negligence. This limitation will not apply to claims by you for bodily injury or
damage to real property or tangible personal property for which IBM is legally

     In no event will IBM be liable for any lost profits, lost savings,
incidental damages, or other economic consequential damages, even if IBM has
been advised of the possibility of such damages. In addition, IBM will not be
liable for any damages claimed by you based on any third party claim.

     In no event will IBM be liable for any damages caused by your failure to
perform your responsibilities.


     You may not assign this Agreement without IBM's prior written consent. Any
attempted assignment without such consent is void.

     Loaned Items are to be installed only in the United States and Puerto Rico.

     IBM will pay normal transportation charges, both from and to IBM-designated
locations, for each Loaned Item. You will pay any rigging charges. You will
furnish all labor for unpacking and packing except as IBM otherwise specifies or
when performed at an IBM-designated location.

     IBM may provide services described in this Agreement by using IBM-selected
independent contractors.

     Neither party is responsible for failure to fulfill its obligations under
this Agreement due to causes beyond its control.

     Neither party may bring an action, regardless of form, arising out of this
Agreement more than two years after the cause of action arose.

     In the event of the termination or expiration of this Agreement, the
provisions of this Agreement which by their nature extend beyond the expiration
or termination of this Agreement shall remain in effect beyond such expiration
or termination until fulfilled.

     If there is a conflict between this Agreement and an Attachment, the terms
and conditions of the Attachment will prevail. Except as modified by an
Attachment, the terms of this Agreement remain in full force and effect. The
terms of any Attachment not inconsistent with a subsequent Attachment remain in
full force and effect.

     The laws of the State of New York govern this Agreement.

                                  Page 3 of 3
                                    EXHIBIT D
                                 DESIGN CENTERS

[ * * * ]


* * *  Confidential treatment requested pursuant to a request for confidential
       treatment filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Omitted
       portions have been filed separately with the Commission.
                                    EXHIBIT E

- -Arthur Anderson

- -KPMG, Inc.

- -Deloitte & Touche

- -Ernst & Young