THE COMPANIES ORDINANCE (CHAPTER 32)

                        Private Company Limited by Shares

                            MEMORANDUM OF ASSOCIATION


                                 ZINDART LIMITED

         FIRST    The name of the Company is "ZINDART LIMITED [GRAPHIC]".

         SECOND   The Registered Office of the Company will be situate in the
                  Colony of Hong Kong.

         THIRD    The objects for which the Company is established are:-

                  (1)      To manufacture, assemble, process, produce, make,
                           import, export, sell, purchase, repair, maintain or
                           otherwise deal in equipment, machinery, tools,
                           products of any kind and materials of any nature
                           whatsoever to act as die casters, mechanical
                           electrical and electronic engineers, builders,
                           developers and generally to carry on any other
                           industrial or commercial enterprise and to provide
                           services of any description.

                  (2)      To purchase, take on lease or in exchange, hire or
                           otherwise acquire any land and hereditaments of any
                           tenure or description, and messuages and tenements
                           and any estate or interest in any land or
                           hereditaments, messuages, or tenements and any
                           rights, easements or privileges to any land or
                           hereditaments, messuages or tenements belonging to or
                           appertaining therewith at any time used, held or
                           enjoyed for such consideration whether wholly or
                           partly of a pecuniary nature as the Company shall
                           think fit.

                  (3)      To carry on the business of a house and estate agent
                           and a broker of land and hereditaments, messuages,
                           and tenements and any estate or interest therein
                           respectively in all or any or either of their
                           respective branches, and especially to negotiate and
                           arrange loans on land and hereditaments, messuages
                           and tenements and any estate or interest therein


                  (4)      To carry on the business of construction and building
                           contractors, interior and exterior decorators, and
                           auctioneers of land and hereditaments, messuages and
                           tenements and any estate or interest therein
                           respectively, to manage estates and properties, to
                           receive and collect rents, and to act as attorneys or
                           factors and transact all kinds of agency and
                           commission business so far as regards lands and
                           hereditaments, messuages and tenements and any estate
                           or interest therein respectively for any person or
                           persons, company or corporation for such commission
                           or consideration and upon such terms and conditions
                           as the Company shall think fit.

                  (5)      To develop and/or re-develop and turn to account any
                           land or other property purchased, leased, exchanged,
                           hired or otherwise acquired by the Company or in
                           which the Company is interested, and develop and turn
                           to account the resources of any property whether
                           belonging to the Company or not, and in particular by
                           laying out and preparing the same for building
                           purposes, constructing, altering, pulling down,
                           decorating, maintaining, furnishing, fitting up and
                           improving buildings, and by planting, paving,
                           draining, farming, cultivating, letting on building
                           lease or building agreement, and by advancing money
                           to and entering into contracts and arrangements of
                           all kinds with builders, tenants and others, and
                           generally to deal with and improve the property of
                           the Company or to which the Company is interested.

                  (6)      To advance money by way of loan on any land or
                           hereditaments of any tenure, whether the same shall
                           be wholly or partly built on or not, or on any
                           messuages or tenements, or any estate or interest in
                           any land or hereditaments, messuages or tenements
                           to such amount, at such rate of interest and upon
                           such terms and conditions as the Company shall think
                           fit, and in particular to lend money to any person or
                           persons, company or corporation undertaking to build
                           on, or to develop or improve any property upon which
                           this Company shall advance or agree to advance money
                           or in which it is interested.

                  (7)      To manage, demise and let, or agree to demise and
                           let, to accept surrenders of, divide or make
                           partition of, to exchange, mortgage, sell and
                           absolutely dispose of, to surrender to any
                           governments or authorities (supreme, municipal, local
                           or otherwise), or to any other person or persons, or
                           to grant rights of way over or otherwise howsoever to
                           deal with all or any or either of any parts or part
                           of the Company's lands, hereditaments, messuages and
                           tenements or any estate or interest therein

                  (8)      To obtain vacant possession of any land, buildings,
                           messuages, tenements and other erections belonging to
                           the Company or in which the Company is interested
                           either as owners, lessees, sub-lessees, contractors
                           or otherwise whatsoever by proceedings in or
                           applications to any court of law, tribunal or other
                           appropriate authority, having authority in that
                           behalf or in any lawful manner, for the purpose of
                           development or re-development by the erection of

                                     - 2 -
                           new buildings, tenements, messuages, houses and other
                           erections of every description, and to pay
                           compensation and other monies to the lessees,
                           tenants, sub-tenants and other occupiers thereof as
                           may be ordered by the court, tribunal or appropriate
                           authority or which may be otherwise payable.

                  (9)      To lay out and prepare for building purposes any land
                           belonging to this Company or in which it is
                           interested, and to improve and develop any such land
                           by reclaiming, draining, planting, cleaning and
                           otherwise dealing with the same, and to construct or
                           procure the construction thereon or on some part
                           thereof of all kinds of buildings, and in particular
                           of offices, shops, hotels, garages, restaurants,
                           cafes, dwelling houses, factories, workshops,
                           warehouses and godowns, and to alter, pull down,
                           rebuild, repair, maintain, decorate and furnish any
                           buildings or erections situate on any such land.

                  (10)     Generally to purchase, take on lease or in exchange,
                           hire or otherwise acquire in the said Colony or
                           elsewhere any real or personal property and any
                           rights or interests therein which the Company may
                           think necessary or convenient for effectuating any of
                           its objects, and in particular any lands,
                           plantations, houses, factories, warehouses, plant,
                           machinery, patents, concessions, trade marks, trade
                           names, copyrights, licences, stocks, material or
                           property of any description, and to work, use,
                           maintain, improve, manage, develop, lease, surrender,
                           mortgage, charge, sell, dispose of, turn to account
                           or otherwise deal with the same or any other property
                           of the Company, including, in respect of any patent
                           or patent rights belong to the Company, the grant of
                           licences or authorities to any person, corporation or
                           company to work the same.

                  (11)     To carry on all or any of the businesses usually
                           carried on by land investment companies, land
                           development companies, land mortgage companies and
                           real estate companies in the Colony of Hong Kong or
                           any part of the world.

                  (12)     To act as agents for the investment, loan, payment,
                           transmission and collection of moneys, and for the
                           purchase, sale, improvement, development and
                           management of properties or any estate or rights
                           therein, including business concerns and
                           undertakings, and generally to transact and undertake
                           all kinds of agency business, either gratuitously or
                           otherwise, and whether in respect of commercial or
                           financial matters, and to guarantee and become liable
                           for the payment of money or for the performance of
                           any obligations.

                  (13)     To act as agents, brokers or trustees for any person,
                           firm or company, and to undertake and perform
                           sub-contracts, and also to act in any of the
                           businesses of the Company through or by means of
                           agents, brokers, sub-contractors or others.

                                     - 3 -
                  (14)     To carry on the business of any investment company
                           and for that purpose to acquire and hold, trade or
                           deal in, either in the name of the Company or in that
                           of any nominee, share, stocks, debentures, debenture
                           stock, bonds, obligations and securities issued or
                           guaranteed by any company constituted in Hong Kong or
                           elsewhere and carrying on any business which the
                           Company is authorised to carry on, or any business
                           the carrying on of which may be in any way calculated
                           directly or indirectly to advance the interests of
                           the Company or to enhance the value of or render
                           profitable any of the Company's investments, property
                           or rights and any debentures, debenture stock, bonds,
                           obligations or securities issued or guaranteed by any
                           government, sovereign ruler, commissioners, public
                           body or authority, supreme, municipal, local or
                           otherwise, whether in the said Colony or elsewhere.

                  (15)     To subscribe for, conditionally or unconditionally,
                           to underwrite, issue on commission or otherwise, and
                           convert any such stocks, shares or securities as
                           mentioned in the last preceding paragraph.

                  (16)     To issue debentures, debenture stock, bonds,
                           obligations and securities of all kinds, and to
                           frame, constitute and secure the same as may seem
                           expedient with full power to make the same
                           transferable by delivery or by instrument of transfer
                           or otherwise, and either perpetual or terminable, and
                           either redeemable or otherwise, and to charge or
                           secure the same by trust deed or otherwise on the
                           undertaking of the Company, or upon any specific
                           property and rights, present and future, of the
                           Company (including, if thought fit, its uncalled
                           capital) or otherwise howsoever.

                  (17)     To purchase or otherwise acquire, issue, re-issue,
                           sell, place and deal in shares, stocks, debentures,
                           debenture stock and other securities, and to give any
                           guarantee or security for the payment of dividends or
                           interest thereon or otherwise in relation thereto.

                  (18)     To acquire any such shares, stocks, debentures,
                           debenture stock, bonds, notes, obligations or
                           securities by original subscription, contract,
                           tender, purchase, exchange, underwriting,
                           participation in syndicates or otherwise, and whether
                           or not fully paid up, and to subscribe for the same
                           subject to such terms and conditions (if any) as may
                           be thought fit.

                  (19)     To exercise and enforce all rights and powers
                           conferred by or incident to the ownership of any such
                           shares, stocks, obligations or other securities
                           including, without prejudice to the generality of the
                           foregoing, all such powers of veto or control as may
                           be conferred by virtue of the holding by the Company
                           of some special proportion of the issued or nominal
                           amount thereof, and to provide managerial and other
                           executive, supervisory and consultant services for or
                           in relation to any company in which the Company is
                           interested upon such terms as may be thought fit.

                                     - 4 -
                  (20)     To carry on the business of hotel, apartment rental,
                           guest house, restaurant, cafe, tavern, beer-house,
                           refreshment-room, and lodging-house keepers, licensed
                           victuallers, wine, beer and spirit merchants brewers,
                           maltsters, distillers, importers and manufacturers
                           of aerated, mineral and artificial waters and other
                           drinks, purveyors, caterers for public amusements
                           generally, proprietors of motor and other vehicles,
                           garage proprietors, livery-stable keepers,
                           jobmasters, farmers, dairymen, ice merchants,
                           importers and brokers of food, live and dead stock,
                           and colonial and foreign produce of all descriptions,
                           hair-dressers, perfumers, chemists, proprietors of
                           clubs, baths, lodging and apartment houses, dressing
                           rooms, laundries, reading, writing and newspaper
                           rooms, libraries, grounds, and place of amusement,
                           recreation, sport, entertainment, and instruction of
                           all kinds, tobacco and cigar merchants, agents for
                           railway, shipping and airplane companies and
                           carriers, theatrical and opera box office
                           proprietors, entrepreneurs and general agents, and
                           any other business which can be conveniently carried
                           on in connection therewith.

                  (21)     To undertake and execute any trusts as the Company
                           may think fit, and also to undertake the office of
                           executor, administrator, treasurer or registrar, and
                           to keep for any company, government authority or body
                           any register relating to any stocks, funds, shares or
                           securities or to undertake any duties in relation to
                           the registration of transfers, the issue of
                           certificates or otherwise.

                  (22)     To carry on business as capitalists, financiers,
                           concessionaries and merchants, and to undertake and
                           carry on and execute all kinds of financial,
                           commercial, trading and other operations, and to
                           advance, deposit, or lend money, securities and
                           property to or with such persons or companies and on
                           such terms as may deem expedient, and either with or
                           without security, and in particular to customers and
                           others having dealings with the Company, and to
                           guarantee the performance of contracts by any such
                           persons or companies.

                  (23)     To take or otherwise acquire and hold shares in any
                           other company having objects altogether or in part
                           similar to those of this Company or any business
                           capable of being conducted so as directly or
                           indirectly to benefit this Company.

                  (24)     To carry on all or any of the businesses of
                           importers, exporters, commission agents, general
                           merchants, traders, contractors, brokers, factors,
                           distributors, commercial, financial and general
                           agents, and generally to import, export, buy, sell
                           (either for cash or on credit), barter, exchange,
                           pledge, manipulate, prepare for market, make advances
                           upon or otherwise deal in goods, produce, commodities
                           and merchandise of all descriptions, both wholesale
                           and retail, and to transact every kind of agency
                           business, and to undertake the business of
                           manufacturers' representatives.

                                     - 5 -
                  (25)     To carry on in such manner and in such place or
                           places, either in the said Colony or elsewhere as the
                           Company may think requisite or proper, any other
                           business whatsoever which may seem to the Company
                           capable of being conveniently carried on in
                           connection with the business of the Company or
                           calculated directly or indirectly to enhance the
                           value of or render profitable any of the Company's
                           property or rights.

                  (26)     To establish and support or aid in the establishment
                           and support of associations, institutions, funds,
                           trusts and conveniences calculated to benefit
                           employees or ex-employees of the Company or its
                           predecessors in business, or the dependants or
                           connections of such persons, and to grant pensions
                           and allowances, and to make payments toward
                           insurance, and to subscribe or guarantee money for
                           charitable or benevolent objects, for any exhibition
                           or for any public, general or useful objects.

                  (27)     To undertake or enter into any contract or
                           arrangement in connection with the undertaking or
                           property of any company in which the Company is

                  (28)     To purchase or otherwise acquire, or undertake or
                           otherwise to participate in, deal in and turn to
                           account the whole or any part of the business, assets
                           and liabilities, including shares, stocks, bonds,
                           debentures, mortgages or other obligations, or any or
                           either of them, of any other company, corporation or
                           person carrying on any business in the said Colony or
                           elsewhere which this Company is authorised to carry
                           on or possessed of any property or right suitable for
                           the purposes of this Company, and to acquire the
                           business of any company or corporation, if deemed
                           expedient, by amalgamation with such company or
                           corporation instead of by purchase in the ordinary

                  (29)     To pay for any business or undertaking, or any
                           property, rights, stocks, shares, bonds, debentures
                           or other securities acquired by the Company, either
                           in cash or shares, with or without preferred or
                           deferred rights in respect of dividends or repayment
                           of capital or otherwise, or by any securities which
                           the Company has power to issue, or partly in one mode
                           and partly in another, and generally on such terms as
                           the Company shall determine.

                  (30)     To sell or otherwise dispose of the business and
                           undertaking of the Company or any part thereof,
                           including any shares, stocks, bonds, debentures,
                           mortgages or other obligations or securities, or any
                           or either of them, patents, trade marks, trade names,
                           copyrights, licences or authorities, or any estate,
                           rights, property, privileges or assets of any kind
                           for such consideration as the Company may think fit
                           to accept, and in particular for shares, debentures
                           or securities of any other company having objects
                           altogether or in part similar to those of this

                                     - 6 -
                  (31)     TO accept payment for the business and undertaking of
                           the Company or any part thereof or for any property
                           or rights sold or otherwise disposed of or dealt with
                           by the Company or corporation, with or without
                           deferred or preferred rights in respect of dividends
                           or repayment of capital or otherwise, or by means of
                           a mortgage, or by debentures, debenture stock or
                           mortgage debenture or bonds of any company, or partly
                           in one mode and partly in another, and generally on
                           such terms as the Company may determine.

                  (32)     To engage in the said Colony or elsewhere in any
                           business or transaction within the limits of the
                           Company's objects either alone or in conjunction with
                           any other person, corporation, company or firm, and
                           to hold shares, stocks or bonds in any such company
                           or corporation.

                  (33)     To invest and deal with the moneys of the Company not
                           immediately required upon such securities and in such
                           manner as may from time to time be determined.

                  (34)     To lend and advance money or give credit to such
                           persons or companies and on such terms as may seem
                           expedient, and in particular to customers and others
                           having dealings with the Company, and to guarantee
                           the performance of contracts by any such persons or
                           companies, and/or to advance and lend money on the
                           security of land, buildings, hereditaments and
                           premises of any tenure or description, shares,
                           securities, merchandise and other property upon such
                           terms as may be arranged, and in particular so that
                           any loan including interest thereon may be made
                           repayable by monthly or quarterly instalments or

                  (35)     To borrow or raise or secure the payment of money in
                           such manner as the Company shall think fit, and in
                           particular by the issue of debentures or debenture
                           stock (perpetual or otherwise), and to secure the
                           repayment of any money borrowed, raised or owing by
                           mortgage, charge or lien upon all or any of the
                           property or assets of the Company (both present and
                           future), including its uncalled capital, and also by
                           a similar mortgage, charge or lien to secure and
                           guarantee the performance by the Company or any other
                           person or company of any obligation or liability
                           undertaken by the Company or any other person or
                           company as the case may be, and to purchase, redeem
                           or pay off any such securities.

                  (36)     To carry on business and maintain branches abroad in
                           any part of the world for all or any of the purposes
                           aforesaid or to establish agencies whereof and to
                           regulate or discontinue the same.

                  (37)     To draw, make, accept, endorse, discount, execute and
                           issue promissory notes, bills of exchange, bills of
                           lading, godown receipts, warehouse receipts,
                           wharfinger's receipts, warrants, debentures, bonds
                           and other negotiable or transferable instruments.

                                     - 7 -
                  (38)     To enter into partnership or into any arrangement for
                           sharing of profits, union of interests, co-operation,
                           joint adventure, reciprocal concession or otherwise
                           with any person or company carrying on or engaged in,
                           or about to carry on or engage in, any business or
                           transaction capable of being conducted so as directly
                           or indirectly to benefit this Company. And to lend
                           money to, guarantee the contracts of or otherwise
                           assist, any such person or company, and to take or
                           otherwise acquire shares and securities of any such
                           company, and to sell, hold, re-issue, with or without
                           guarantee, or otherwise deal with the same.

                  (39)     To enter into any arrangements with any governments
                           or authorities (supreme, municipal, local or
                           otherwise), or any corporations, companies or persons
                           that may seem conducive to the attainment of the
                           Company's objects or any of them, and to obtain from
                           any such government, authority, corporation, company
                           or person, any charters, contracts, decrees, rights,
                           privileges and concessions, and to carry out,
                           exercise and comply with any such charters,
                           contracts, decrees, arrangements, rights, privileges
                           and concessions.

                  (40)     To remunerate any person or company rendering
                           services to the Company, either by cash payment or by
                           the allotment to him or them of shares or securities
                           of the Company credited as paid up in full or in part
                           or otherwise as may be thought expedient.

                  (41)     To promote, form, subsidize and establish any company
                           or companies, corporation or corporations, for the
                           purpose of acquiring all or any of the property,
                           rights and liabilities of the Company, or for any
                           purpose which may seem calculated directly or
                           indirectly to benefit this Company or to enhance the
                           value of any property or business of the Company, and
                           to place or guarantee the placing of, underwrite,
                           subscribe for or otherwise acquire, all or any part
                           of the shares or securities of any company as

                  (42)     To obtain all powers and authorities for enabling the
                           Company to carry any of its objects into effect, or
                           for dissolving the Company and re-incorporating its
                           members as a new company for any of the objects
                           specified in this Memorandum, or for effecting any
                           modification of the Company's constitution, or for
                           any other purposes which may seem expedient, and to
                           oppose any proceedings and applications which may
                           seem calculated directly or indirectly to prejudice
                           the Company's interests.

                  (43)     To insure with any company or person against losses,
                           damages, risks and liabilities of all kinds which may
                           effect the Company.

                  (44)     To procure the Company to be registered or recognised
                           in any foreign country or place.

                                     - 8 -
                  (45)     To distribute any of the property of the Company
                           amongst its members in specie or otherwise as may be
                           resolved, but so that no distribution amounting to
                           a reduction of capital be made except with the
                           sanction (if any) for the time being required by law.

                  (46)     To do all or any of the above things in any part of
                           the world and either as principals, agents,
                           contractors, trustees or otherwise, and by or through
                           agents, trustees, or otherwise, and either alone or
                           in conjunction with other or others.

                  (47)     To do all such other things as are incidental or
                           conducive to the attainment of the above objects or
                           any of them.

                  AND it is hereby declared that the word "company" in this
                  clause, except where used in reference to this Company, shall
                  be deemed to include any partnership or other body of persons,
                  whether incorporated or not incorporated, and whether
                  domiciled in the Colony of Hong Kong or elsewhere, and the
                  intention is that the objects specified in each paragraph of
                  this clause shall, except where otherwise expressed in such
                  paragraph, be in nowise limited or restricted by reference to
                  or inference from the terms of any other paragraphs or the
                  name of the Company, and that in the event of any ambiguity
                  this clause shall be construed in such a way as to widen, and
                  not to restrict, the powers of the Company.

         FOURTH   The liability of the members is limited.

         FIFTH    The share capital of the Company is      Two Million and Five
                  Hundred Thousand Dollars Hong Kong Currency (HK$2,500,000.OO)
                  divided into Five Million (5,000,000) shares of Fifty Cents
                  (HK$0.50) each. Upon any increase of capital the Company is to
                  be at liberty to issue any new shares either in Hong Kong
                  Dollars or in any other currency, or partly in one currency
                  and partly in another, and with any preferential, deferred,
                  qualified or special rights, privileges or conditions attached
                  thereto. The rights for the time being attached to any shares
                  having preferential, deferred, qualified or special rights,
                  privileges or conditions attached thereto, may be altered or
                  dealt with in accordance with the accompanying Articles of
                  Association, but not otherwise.

                  Dividends may be paid in cash or by the distribution in
                  specific assets or otherwise as provided by the Articles of
                  Association and/or Regulations of the Company for the time
                  being or otherwise.

                                     - 9 -
         We, the several persons, whose names, addresses and descriptions are
         hereto subscribed, are desirous of being formed into a Company in
         pursuance of this Memorandum of Association , and we respectively agree
         to take the number of shares in the capital of the Company set opposite
         to our respective names:-

                                                                   Number of
                                                                 Shares taken
    Names, Addresses and Descriptions of Subscribers                by each
                   its Director :
            (Sd.) CHAN CHUN YUEN
            (Chan Chun Yuen                                            One
            Grand Building, 14th Floor,
       Nos. 15-18 Connaught Road Central,
                   Hong Kong.

                     its Directors :-
              (Sd.) CHIU CHI CHEUNG
        (Chiu Chi Cheung                                               One
          Grand Building, 14th Floor,
     Nos. 15- 18 Connaught Road Central,
                   Hong Kong.

                 Total Number of Shares Taken........                  Two

                   Dated the 4th day of July, 1977
             WITNESS to the above signatures:

                                        (Sd.) John Michael Seto
                                               J. M. SETO
                                               Hong Kong

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