ASSET TRANSFER AGREEMENT


                          ERICSSON BUSINESS NETWORKS AB





1. PURCHASE AND SALE.......................................................................................    9

   1.1 AGREEMENT TO SELL AND PURCHASE......................................................................    9
      1.1.1 Included Assets................................................................................    9
      1.1.2 Excluded Assets...............................................................................    10

   1.2 THE PURCHASE PRICE ETC.............................................................................    11
      1.2.1 Purchase Price................................................................................    11
      1.2.2 Payment of Purchase Price.....................................................................    11

   1.3 ASSUMPTION OF LIABILITIES..........................................................................    12

   1.4 INTERIM AND CLOSING ASSET LISTS; ADJUSTMENT DATE...................................................    12
      1.4.1 Interim Asset List............................................................................    12
      1.4.2 Closing Asset List............................................................................    12
      1.4.3 Final Closing Asset List......................................................................    13
      1.4.4 The Adjustment Date...........................................................................    13

   1.5 EMPLOYEES..........................................................................................    13

2. CLOSING; ITEMS TO BE DELIVERED AT CLOSING..............................................................    13

   2.1 CLOSING............................................................................................    13

   2.2 TRANSFER OF TITLE AND POSSESSION; ITEMS TO BE DELIVERED AT CLOSING.................................    14
      2.2.1 Transfer of title and possession..............................................................    14
      2.2.2 Items to be delivered at Closing..............................................................    14
      2.2.3 Actions for Completion........................................................................    15

   2.3 THIRD PARTY CONSENT................................................................................    15

3. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES.........................................................................    15

   3.1 REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF THE SELLER.......................................................    15
      3.1.1 Due Diligence.................................................................................    15
      3.1.2 Due Organization..............................................................................    15
      3.1.3 Authority.....................................................................................    16
      3.1.4 Assets........................................................................................    16
      3.1.5 Inventory and work orders.....................................................................    16
      3.1.6 Employees.....................................................................................    16
      3.1.7 Effect of Agreement...........................................................................    17



      3.1.8 Absence of Change.............................................................................    17
      3.1.9 Title to Assets...............................................................................    17
      3.1.10 Leased and Licensed Property and Assets......................................................    18
      3.1.11 Proprietary Rights...........................................................................    18
      3.1.12 Agreements, Etc..............................................................................    18
      3.1.13 Employees and Employee Plans.................................................................    18
      3.1.14 Environmental and Safety Matters.............................................................    19

   3.2 REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF THE PURCHASER....................................................    19
      3.2.1 Due Organization..............................................................................    19
      3.2.2 Authority.....................................................................................    19
      3.2.3 Plans for implementation and secure sourcing..................................................    19

4. AGREEMENTS PENDING CLOSING/COVENANTS...................................................................    20

   4.1 AGREEMENTS/COVENANTS OF SELLER PENDING THE CLOSING.................................................    20
      4.1.1 Actions of  Seller............................................................................    20
      4.1.2 Operations in the Ordinary Courses............................................................    20
      4.1.3 Maintenance of Physical Assets................................................................    20
      4.1.4 Employees and Business Relations..............................................................    20
      4.1.5 Maintenance of Insurances.....................................................................    20
      4.1.6 Compliance with Laws etc......................................................................    20
      4.1.7 Sale of Assets; Negotiations..................................................................    21
      4.1.8 Access........................................................................................    21
      4.1.9 Press releases................................................................................    21
      4.1.10 Competition Authorities......................................................................    21
      4.1.11 Information Systems..........................................................................    21

   4.2 AGREEMENTS OF PURCHASER PENDING THE CLOSING........................................................    21
      4.2.1 Actions of Purchaser..........................................................................    21
      4.2.2 Confidentiality...............................................................................    22
      4.2.3 Press Releases................................................................................    22
      4.2.4 Competition Authorities.......................................................................    22
      4.2.5 Information Systems ..........................................................................    22

5. CONDITIONS PRECEDENT TO THE CLOSING....................................................................    22

   5.1 CONDITIONS PRECEDENT TO THE OBLIGATIONS OF PURCHASER...............................................    22
      5.1.1 Compliance with this Agreement................................................................    22
      5.1.2 Material Adverse Changes......................................................................    23



      5.1.3 Information Systems...........................................................................    23
      5.1.4 Competition Authorities.......................................................................    23
      5.1.5 Representations and Warranties................................................................    23
      5.1.6 Legal opinion ................................................................................    23

   5.2 CONDITIONS PRECEDENT TO THE OBLIGATION OF SELLER...................................................    23
      5.2.1 Compliance with this Agreement................................................................    24
      5.2.2 Implementation Plan...........................................................................    24
      5.2.3 Lease Agreement, Service Agreement............................................................    24
      5.2.4 Information System............................................................................    24
      5.2.5 Competition Authorities.......................................................................    24
      5.2.6 Representations and Warranties................................................................    25
      5.2.7 Legal Opinion ................................................................................    25

6. INDEMNIFICATION........................................................................................    25

   6.1 GENERAL INDEMNIFICATION OBLIGATION OF THE SELLER...................................................    25

   6.2 GENERAL INDEMNIFICATION OBLIGATION OF PURCHASER....................................................    25

   6.3 METHOD OF ASSERTING CLAIMS, ETC....................................................................    26

   6.4 OTHER RIGHTS AND REMEDIES..........................................................................    26

   6.5 LIMITATION OF LIABILITY............................................................................    26

   6.6 TAX CONSEQUENCES...................................................................................    26

   6.7 MITIGATION OF LOSSES...............................................................................    26

   6.8 REDUCTION OF INDEMNITY.............................................................................    26

7. POST CLOSING MATTERS...................................................................................    27

   7.1 DISCHARGE OF OBLIGATIONS...........................................................................    27

   7.2 PAYMENTS AND OTHER PROPERTY RECEIVED...............................................................    27

   7.3 IS/IT..............................................................................................    27

   7.4 VEDEBY PLANT.......................................................................................    28

   7.5 INVENTORY..........................................................................................    28

   7.6 THIRD PARTY CONSENTS...............................................................................    28

   7.7 ACTIONS FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE TRANSFER.........................................................    29

   7.8 NEW EMPLOYMENT AND EMPLOYMENT CONDITIONS...........................................................    29



      7.8.1 Transfer of Employees.........................................................................    29
      7.8.2 Reimbursement for Compensation to Certain Employees...........................................    29
      7.8.3 Loans to employees............................................................................    30

   7.9 COMPENSATION FOR DEFECTS IN REAL PROPERTY..........................................................    30

   7.10 CONFIDENTIALITY OF SELLER.........................................................................    30

   7.11 CONFIDENTIALITY OF PURCHASER......................................................................    30

8. MISCELLANEOUS..........................................................................................    31

   8.1 EXPENSES...........................................................................................    31

   8.2 ENTIRE AGREEMENT...................................................................................    31

   8.3 ASSIGNMENT.........................................................................................    31

   8.4 NOTICES............................................................................................    31

   8.5 EXHIBITS...........................................................................................    32

   8.6 SEVERABILITY.......................................................................................    32

9. GOVERNING LAW AND ARBITRATION..........................................................................    32

   9.1 GOVERNING LAW......................................................................................    32

   9.2 ARBITRATION........................................................................................    32

10. ENTERING INTO FORCE...................................................................................    32



                            ASSET TRANSFER AGREEMENT

                  Dated as of February 12, 1997, by and between

Ericsson Business Networks AB, a company duly incorporated and existing under
the laws of Sweden ("Seller"), and

Flextronics International Sweden AB, a company duly incorporated and existing
under the laws of Sweden ("Purchaser"), with reference to the following

A.       Seller is engaged, in part, in the manufacturing of complete integrated
         information networks for voice, data and multimedia in wired and mobile
         applications. Seller has carried on such manufacturing, referred to
         herein as the "Manufacturing Operations" using certain assets in
         Seller's premises in Vedeby and Verko in Karlskrona.

B.       Purchaser, owned via Flextronics Holding AB by Flextronics
         International Ltd., a company which is engaged in the business of
         electronics manufacturing, materials procurement, printed circuit board
         design, logistics and other manufacturing services, desires to purchase
         all of the above described assets used in the Manufacturing Operations
         of Seller except for order administration, core unit supply and

C.       Subject only to the limitation and exclusions contained in this
         Agreement and on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, Seller
         desires to sell and Purchaser desires to purchase the manufacturing
         assets of Seller.. Purchaser intends to use the assets for production
         for Seller and a wide range of third party customers.

         NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the recitals and of the respective
         covenants, representations, warranties and agreements herein contained,
         and intending to be legally bound hereby, the parties hereto hereby
         agree as follows:




ADJUSTMENT DATE               means the date set out in Section 1.4.4.

AGREEMENT                     means this agreement.

ASSETS                        means the assets set out in Section 1.1.1.

ASSUMED LIABILITIES           means the liabilities to be assumed by Purchaser
                              as set out in Section 1.3.

CLOSING ASSET LIST            means the asset list prepared in accordance with
                              Section 1.4.2.

CLOSING DATE                  means the date set out in Section 2.1.

CLOSING PAYMENT               means the payment on account of the Purchase Price
                              which is to be paid on the Closing Date as set out
                              in Section 1.2.2.

EMPLOYEES                     means the employees listed in Exhibit 1.5.

EXCLUDED ASSETS               means the assets set out in Section 1.1.2 which
                              assets shall not be transferred to Purchaser.

FINAL CLOSING ASSET LIST      means the asset list set out in Section 1.4.3.

SERVICES AGREEMENT            means the agreement which is to be entered into in
                              accordance with the principles set out in Exhibit

IMPLEMENTATION PLAN           means the plan attached hereto as Exhibit 5.2.3.

INTERIM ASSET LIST            means the statement of the Assets and the Assumed
                              Liabilities as set out in Exhibit 1.4.1.

OPERATIONS                    means the operations set out in Recital

PURCHASE PRICE                means the consideration for the Assets as set out
                              in Section 1.2.1.




SYSTEM PLAN                   means the plan attached hereto as Exhibit 7.3.

PURCHASER                     means Flextronics International Sweden AB.

SELLER                        means Ericsson Business Networks AB.



         At the Closing Date hereunder (as defined in Section 2.1 hereof) and
         except as otherwise specifically provided in this Section 1.1, Seller
         shall sell, transfer, assign and deliver to Purchaser (or as regards
         real property listed below and the construction contract dated November
         20, 1992 listed in Exhibit 1.1. (e), cause such actions) and Purchaser
         shall purchase, assume and receive from Seller, upon and subject to the
         terms and conditions of this Agreement all of the Assets used in the
         Manufacturing Operations, as set out in Section 1.1.1, free and clear
         of all mortgages, liens, pledges and other security interests (save as
         explicitly set out herein).

1.1.1    Included Assets

         The assets to be transferred shall include the following except as set
         forth in Section 1.1.2 hereof (hereinafter referred to as the

         (a)      the real property listed in EXHIBIT 1.1.1(a);

         (b)      all inventories, machinery and equipment and other tangible
                  assets as set out in EXHIBIT 1.1.1(b);

         (c)      the prepaid items, unbilled costs and fees, listed in EXHIBIT

         (d)      expensed equipment and fully depreciated machinery and
                  equipment as set out in EXHIBIT 1.1.1(d);

         (e)      all rights and obligations under any agreement, permit,
                  approval or authorization, etc., pertaining solely to the
                  Manufacturing Operations and listed in EXHIBIT 1.1.1(e);

         (f)      all orders as set out in EXHIBIT1.1.1 (f);

         (g)      the computer software (including documentation and related
                  object and source codes) listed in EXHIBIT 1.1.1(g) and ;



         (h)      all information, files, records and recorded knowledge,
                  pertaining to the Manufacturing Operations and listed in
                  EXHIBIT 1.1.1(h).

         Taking into consideration changes occurring in the ordinary course of
         business, the exhibits referred to above may be amended as of Closing
         Date but such amendments will be accounted for on the Closing Asset
         List or in a particular statement submitted to Purchaser on Closing

1.1.2    Excluded Assets

         Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Assets shall not include any of the
         following (the "Excluded Assets"):

         (a)      any assets, properties or rights of Seller used in order
                  administration, core unit supply and distribution as further
                  described in EXHIBIT 1.1.2 (a);

         (b)      the specific tools listed in EXHIBIT 1.1.2(b);

         (c)      all computer software including documentation and related
                  object and source codes other than listed in EXHIBIT 1.1.1(g)
                  such as, without limiting the aforesaid, the software set out
                  in EXHIBIT 1.1.2 (c);

         (d)      all rights under any patent, trademark, service mark, trade
                  name or copyright, whether registered or unregistered, and any
                  applications therefore, including, but not limited to, the
                  rights listed in EXHIBIT 1.1.2 (d);

         (e)      all technologies, technical designs or solutions, methods,
                  formulations, data bases, trade secrets, know-how, inventions,
                  production techniques, operating rights and other intellectual
                  property used in the Manufacturing Operations or under
                  development, including, but not limited to, the rights listed
                  in EXHIBIT 1.1.2 (e);

         (f)      the inventory listed in EXHIBIT 1.1.2(f);

         (g)      market distribution systems, sales force and customer base, or

         (h)      other assets, properties or rights set forth in EXHIBIT




1.2.1    Purchase Price

         The purchase price ("Purchase Price") shall be the aggregate of:

         (a)      book values in Seller's records as at Closing Date for
                  inventories, machinery, equipment, other tangible assets set
                  out in Exhibit 1.1.1 (b) and prepaid items as referred to in
                  Section 1.1.1 (c);

         (b)      SEK twenty six million five hundred thousand (26,500,000) for
                  expensed equipment and fully depreciated machinery and

         (c)      book values for the Vedeby and Verko plant as at Closing Date;

         (d)      SEK five million (5,000,000) (contribution to Seller's
                  restructuring costs); and

         (e)      less any book values of Assumed Liabilities.

         The book values shall be as reflected on the Final Closing Asset List.

         All sums referred to above are excluding any Value Added Tax, stamp or
         transfer taxes and similar taxes, fees or charges.

1.2.2    Payment of Purchase Price

         On the Closing Date Purchaser shall pay to Seller on account of the
         Purchase Price (the "Closing Payment"), either a sum to be agreed upon
         in writing by the parties prior to the Closing Date, or if such sum
         cannot be agreed upon, the amount of SEK seven hundred eighty five
         million one hundred thousand five hundred nine (785,100,509) , which
         sum has been calculated as follows:

         (a)      Seller's book values (including reserves) for inventories,
                  machinery, equipment, other tangible assets set out in Exhibit
                  1.1.1 (b) and prepaid items as referred to in Section 1.1.1
                  (c), all as reflected on the Interim Asset List;

         (b)      SEK twenty six million five hundred thousand (26,500,000);

         (c)      Seller's book values for the Vedeby and Verko plant as
                  reflected on the Interim Asset List ;

         (d)      SEK five million (5,000,000); and



         (e)      less the book values of Assumed Liabilities as reflected on
                  the Interim Asset List.

         The Closing Payment shall be payable by wire transfer of immediately
         available funds to such account as Seller shall designate.

         If the Purchase Price exceeds the Closing Payment, Purchaser shall pay
         such excess within seven days after the Adjustment Date as defined in
         Section 1.4 hereof by wire transfer of immediately available funds to
         such account as Seller shall designate. If the Closing Payment exceeds
         the Purchase Price, Seller shall pay such excess within seven days
         after the Adjustment Date, by wire transfer of immediately available
         funds to such account as Purchaser shall designate.


         At the Closing Date hereunder Purchaser shall assume and agree to pay,
         discharge or perform, as appropriate, the following liabilities and
         obligations of Seller (the "Assumed Liabilities") arising in respect of
         the Manufacturing Operations and which are set out in EXHIBIT 1.3(A),
         to the extent that the same remain unpaid and undischarged on the
         Closing Date and are reflected on the Final Closing Asset List.


1.4.1    Interim Asset List

         As a basis for the Closing Payment, Seller has prepared a statement of
         the Assets and the Assumed Liabilities as of the dates referred to in
         said statement, EXHIBIT 1.4.1 (the "Interim Asset List").

1.4.2    Closing Asset List

         No later than 45 days after the Closing Date, Seller shall prepare the
         Closing Asset List as at the Closing Date in accordance with:

         (i)      the particular principles set out in EXHIBIT 1.4.2;

         (ii)     the particular principles and techniques used by Seller prior
                  to Closing Date; and

         (iii)    Swedish Generally Accepted Accounting principles and the
                  principles in the Swedish Accounting Act.



         If the principles referred to above are not consistent with each other,
         the principles shall prevail in the order listed.

         Any dispute which may arise between Seller and Purchaser as to such
         Closing Asset List and the proper amount of the Purchase Price shall be
         resolved in the following manner:

         (a)      Purchaser shall notify Seller in writing within 30 days after
                  the receipt of the Closing Asset List, such notice shall
                  specify in reasonable detail Purchaser's objections and the,
                  in Purchaser's view, correct amount of the Purchase Price;

         (b)      during the 30 day period following the date of such notice,
                  Seller and Purchaser shall attempt to resolve such dispute and
                  to determine the appropriateness of the Closing Asset List and
                  the Purchase Price; and

         (c)      if at the end of the 30 day period specified in subsection (b)
                  above, Seller and Purchaser have not solved the dispute, the
                  matter shall be referred to arbitration in accordance with
                  Section 9.

         Any objection to Closing Asset List made by Purchaser shall only be
         allowed to the extent the aggregate amount of such objections is in
         excess of SEK one million five hundred thousand (1,500,000).

1.4.3    Final Closing Asset List

         If not disputed, the Closing Asset List shall become final ("the Final
         Closing Asset List") on the expiry of the above period during which
         Purchaser may raise objections. Otherwise, the Final Closing Asset List
         shall be as agreed between the parties or, if no agreement is reached,
         as resolved by arbitration.

1.4.4    The Adjustment Date

         The Adjustment Date shall be the later of the 46th day after delivery
         to Purchaser of the Closing Asset List, or the fifth day after the day
         upon which any dispute concerning the amount of the Purchase Price
         finally is resolved either by agreement or by arbitration.

1.5      EMPLOYEES

         The employees listed in EXHIBIT 1.5 (the "Employees") are currently
         employed in the Manufacturing Operations. Under Section 6 b of the
         Employment Security Act (lagen om anstallningsskydd), these employees
         are (by operation of law) automatically transferred to Purchaser on
         Closing Date.




2.1      CLOSING

         The Closing of the sale and purchase of the Assets shall take place in
         the offices of Seller in Nacka Strand on March 27, 1997 or, if later,
         on the first working day of the month immediately following the month
         during which all the conditions precedent have been fulfilled or
         waived, or such other date or place as may be mutually agreed upon in
         writing by Purchaser and Seller (the "Closing Date").

         In the event the Closing has not occurred on May 2, 1997, either party
         shall have the right to terminate this Agreement by giving the other
         party written notice of such effect and in such case the provisions in
         the event of a termination of negotiations included in the letter of
         intent dated November 15, 1996 between the parties shall apply.


2.2.1    Transfer of title and possession

         Title, possession and risk of loss or damage to the Assets shall pass
         and transfer from the Seller to the Purchaser at 24.00 hours on the
         Closing Date.

2.2.2    Items to be delivered at Closing

         At the Closing and subject to the terms and conditions herein

         (a)      Seller shall deliver to Purchaser or otherwise let Purchaser
         take possession of the following:

                  (i)      bills of sale (Sw: Kopebrev) as regards the Vedeby
                           and Verko plants executed by the owners of the
                           respective real properties, and such other transfer
                           notices or documents, in form reasonably satisfactory
                           to Purchaser, as shall be necessary to transfer and
                           assign to Purchaser all of the Assets and as regards
                           the Vedeby plant, mortgage certificates (Sw.

                  (ii)     all of the agreements included in the Assets;

                  (iii)    certificate signed by Seller confirming the
                           completion or waiver of all Seller's conditions
                           precedent as of Closing Date;



                  (iv)     a written account for any changes in the assets
                           between signing hereof and Closing Date which will
                           not be reflected on the Closing Asset List;

                  (v)      a legal opinion substantially as set forth in EXHIBIT
                           2.2.2 (a) and reasonably acceptable to Purchaser; and

                  (vi)     the original of a letter from the municipality of
                           Karlskrona regarding an offer to purchase land.

              (b) Purchaser shall deliver to Seller the following:

                  (i)      the Closing Payment;

                  (ii)     certificate signed by Purchaser confirming the
                           completion of all Purchaser's conditions precedent as
                           of Closing Date;

                  (iii)    legal opinion substantially as set forth in EXHIBIT
                           2.2.2 (b) and reasonably acceptable to Seller

                  (iv)     bills of sale (Sw: "Kopebrev") as regards the Vedeby
                           and Verko plants provided by Seller in accordance
                           with 2.2.2 (a) (i) above but executed by Purchaser;

2.2.3    Actions for Completion

         In connection with the Closing, all such reasonable steps will be taken
         by Seller upon Purchaser's request to put Purchaser in actual
         possession and operating control of the Assets.


         To the extent that Seller's rights or obligations under any agreement
         or commitment or other Asset to be assigned to Purchaser hereunder may
         not be assigned without the consent of another person which has not
         been obtained, this Agreement shall not constitute an agreement to
         assign the same if an attempted assignment would constitute a breach
         thereof or be unlawful, but the parties shall proceed as set out in
         Section 7.6 to obtain such consent.



3.1.1    Due Diligence



         Purchaser has been given the opportunity to perform due diligence as
         Purchaser finds appropriate and acknowledges that it must rely on its
         due diligence as regards the Assets and the Employees.

3.1.2    Due Organization

         The Seller is a company duly organized, validly existing, and in good
         standing under the laws of Sweden.

3.1.3    Authority

         The Seller has full right, power and authority, without the consent of
         any other person, to execute and deliver this Agreement and to carry
         out the transaction contemplated hereby. All corporate acts or
         proceedings required to be taken by the Seller to authorize the
         execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement and all
         transactions contemplated hereby, have been duly and properly taken.

3.1.4    Assets

         The Seller hereby represents and warrants to Purchaser that the Assets
         and the Assumed Liabilities shall be transferred "as is". Buyer hereby
         acknowledges that Seller has made no express or implied representations
         to Buyer regarding the Assets or Assumed Liabilities, including, but
         not limited to, the condition of the Assets and the validity or
         enforceability of the contracts transferred save as expressly set out
         below. Without limiting the aforesaid, Purchaser is in particular aware
         of the fact that there are some defects in the real property, described
         in EXHIBIT 3.1.4 for which Purchaser shall have no right whatsoever to
         claim compensation for from Seller.

3.1.5    Inventory and work orders

         The inventory included in the Assets does not contain products and
         materials which in Seller's best judgment are not projected to be used
         in the manufacturing of products for Seller during the two-year period
         following Closing Date.

         At Closing Date the stock of work orders will not contain any work
         orders submitted more than eight weeks prior to such Closing Date.

3.1.6    Employees

         The names, ages, date of commencement of employment and annual salaries
         of the Employees are stated in EXHIBIT 3.1.6. In said exhibit, a
         description is also



         enclosed on the employees' pension rights and other employment
         benefits. In addition to these benefits, there are no other employment
         benefits save for customary benefits.

         Seller has fulfilled its obligations to negotiate under the Swedish Act
         on Co-determination (Sw: lagen om medbestammande i arbetslivet).

3.1.7    Effect of Agreement

         The execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement by Seller and
         the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby do not and
         will not: (a) violate or result in the breach of any of the terms or
         conditions of, or give rise to acceleration of any monies due under,
         any agreements or other instrument or obligation to which Seller is a
         party and which is being assigned hereunder or by which any of the
         Assets may be bound or affected; (b) except as provided for in this
         Agreement and associated agreements, result in the creation or
         imposition of any lien, security interest, charge, encumbrance,
         restriction or right, including rights of termination or cancellation
         in or with respect to, or otherwise adversely affect, any of the
         Assets; or (c) violate any law or any rule or regulation of any
         administrative agency or governmental body or any judicial or
         administrative order, award, judgment or decree.

3.1.8    Absence of Change

         Since the execution of this Agreement, there has been no significant
         change in the condition of the Assets or the Assumed Liabilities,
         financially or otherwise other than changes occurring in the ordinary
         course of business, which changes have not materially adversely
         affected the Manufacturing Operations, the Assets or the Assumed
         Liabilities as a whole. To Seller's knowledge, there is no fact
         relating to the Assets or the Assumed Liabilities that materially
         adversely affects the same or which may in the future adversely affect
         the same.

3.1.9    Title to Assets

         Seller (or in case Seller shall cause the transfer, the transferor) has
         good marketable title to all the Assets, subject to no mortgage,
         pledge, lien, security interest, lease, charge, encumbrance or
         conditional sale or other retention agreement. By virtue of the
         deliveries made on the Closing Date, Purchaser will obtain good and
         marketable title to the Assets, and, except as provided for in this
         Agreement and associated agreements the Assets will be free and clear
         of all liens, mortgages, pledges, encumbrances, security interest,
         charges, equities, and restrictions of any nature whatsoever, save as
         set out in EXHIBIT 3.1.9.



3.1.10   Leased and Licensed Property and Assets

         All leases and licenses to the Assets are valid and effective in
         accordance with their respective terms, and there are no existing
         defaults or events that with notice or lapse of time or both would
         constitute defaults, the consequences of which would permit the
         acceleration of payments due under or the termination of any of such
         leases and licenses, or which would have a material adverse effect on
         the Assets or the Manufacturing Operations. Seller has not received any
         notice of default nor has any knowledge of any claimed default, with
         respect to any lease or license. The continuation, validity and
         effectiveness of all such leases and licenses assigned to Purchaser
         hereunder will in no way be adversely affected by the purchase and sale
         of the Assets.

3.1.11   Proprietary Rights

         Seller has complete and undisputed title and ownership of or rights to
         utilize all the items listed in Exhibits 1.1.2(d) and (e) necessary for
         or used in the Manufacturing Operations as now conducted and as
         proposed to be conducted without any conflict with or infringement of
         the rights of other. Seller has not received any communications nor is
         it aware of any entity alleging that it has violated or, by conducting
         the Manufacturing Operations as proposed, would violate any proprietary
         rights of any other person or entity. It is not aware that any of its
         employees or consultants is obligated under any contract (including
         licenses, covenants or commitments of any nature) or other agreement,
         or subject to any judgement, decree or order of any court or
         administrative agency, that would interfere with the use of his or her
         best efforts to promote the interests of Purchaser or that would
         conflict with the Manufacturing Operations as proposed to be conducted.
         Neither the execution nor delivery of this Agreement, nor, to the best
         knowledge of the Seller, the conduct of the Manufacturing Operations as
         proposed, will, conflict with or result in a breach of the terms,
         conditions or provisions of, or constitute a default under, any
         contract, covenant or instrument under which any of such employees or
         consultants or the Seller is now obligated.

         To the best of its knowledge Seller is not making use of any
         confidential information of third parties nor any confidential
         information in which any of its present or, to its actual knowledge,
         past employees or other service providers, has claimed a proprietary
         interest; and Seller is not actually aware of any facts that would give
         rise to such a claim.

3.1.12   Agreements, Etc.

         None of the rights of Seller under any agreement, permit, approval or
         authorization, etc., listed in Exhibit 1.1.1(e) hereto and assigned or
         transferred to Purchaser hereunder will be adversely affected by the
         purchase and sale of the



         Assets hereunder. Seller has performed all material obligations
         required to be performed by it on or prior to the date hereof under
         each said item and there is no default or claimed or purported or
         alleged default or state of facts that with notice or lapse of time or
         both would constitute a default on the part of any party in the
         performance of any obligation to be performed or paid by any party
         under any of said items. No party to any of said items intends to
         cancel, withdraw, modify or amend such items.

3.1.13   Employees and Employee Plans

         There are no pending claims by or on behalf of any of the Seller
         pension plans, by any employee or beneficiary covered under any such
         Seller pension plan, or otherwise involving any such Seller pension
         plan (other than routine claims for pension benefits). There are no
         strikes or labor disputes pending or threatened by any of Seller's
         employees save as set out in EXHIBIT 3.1.13.

3.1.14   Environmental and Safety Matters

         There has been no disposal, release, or threatened release of hazardous
         substance or hazardous waste on or beneath and remain located on or
         beneath any of the real property upon which the Manufacturing
         Operations is conducted or upon which any of the Assets are held or
         maintained, other than those authorized by permit under Swedish laws.
         Seller has no knowledge of the presence, disposal, release, or
         threatened release of hazardous substance or hazardous waste on or
         beneath and remain located on or beneath any of the real property upon
         which the Manufacturing Operations are conducted or upon which any of
         the Assets are held or maintained which may have occurred prior to
         Seller taking title to the real property, other than those authorized
         by permit under Swedish laws. Seller has properly conducted all
         activities for the removal, disposal, release, and/or processing of
         Seller's waste and by-products, including any hazardous substances or
         hazardous waste, and has made and maintained all reports, studies, and
         evaluations required by Swedish law.


3.2.1    Due Organization

         The Purchaser and Flextronics Holding AB are companies duly organized,
         validly existing and in good standing under the laws of Sweden.
         Correspondingly, Flextronics International Ltd. is a company duly
         organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of

3.2.2    Authority



         The Purchaser, Flextronics Holding AB and Flextronics International
         Ltd. have individually the full right, power and authority, without the
         consent of any other person, to execute and deliver this Agreement,
         respectively, the Guarantee, and to carry out the transactions
         contemplated hereby. All corporate acts or proceedings required to be
         taken by the Purchaser, Flextronics Holding AB and Flextronics
         International Ltd. to authorize the execution, delivery and performance
         of this Agreement and the Guarantee and all transactions contemplated
         hereby have been duly and properly taken.

3.2.3    Plans for implementation and secure sourcing

         The Purchaser has in good faith prepared the implementation plan and
         the plan for securing sourcing attached hereto as EXHIBIT 3.2.3 (A) AND



         Seller covenants and agrees that, pending the Closing and except as
         otherwise agreed to in writing by Purchaser:

4.1.1    Actions of Seller

         Seller will not knowingly take any action which would result in a
         breach of any of its representations and warranties hereunder.
         Furthermore, Seller shall co-operate with Purchaser and use its best
         efforts to cause all of the conditions to the obligations of Seller and
         Purchaser under this Agreement to be satisfied on or prior to the
         Closing Date.

4.1.2    Operations in the Ordinary Courses

         The Manufacturing Operations shall be conducted solely in the ordinary
         course consistent with past practice except as required for the
         separation of the Assets and the Manufacturing Operations from Seller's

4.1.3    Maintenance of Physical Assets

         Seller shall continue to maintain and service the physical assets used
         in the conduct of the Manufacturing Operations in the same manner as
         has been its consistent past practice.

4.1.4    Employees and Business Relations

         Seller shall use its best efforts to keep available the services of the
         present employees and agents of the Manufacturing Operations and to
         maintain the

              relations and goodwill with the suppliers, and any others having
              business relations with the Manufacturing Operations.

4.1.5         Maintenance of Insurances

              Seller shall notify Purchaser of any changes in the terms of the
              insurance policies currently in effect.

4.1.6         Compliance with Laws etc.

              Seller shall comply with all laws, ordinances, rules, regulations
              and orders applicable to the Assets or the Manufacturing
              Operations, the non-compliance with which might materially affect
              the Assets.

4.1.7         Sale of Assets; Negotiations

              Seller shall not, directly or indirectly, sell or encumber all or
              any part of the Assets, other than in the ordinary course of the
              business consistent with past practice, or initiate or participate
              in any discussions or negotiations or enter into any agreement to
              do any of the foregoing. Seller shall not provide any confidential
              information concerning the Assets or the Manufacturing Operations
              to any third party other than in the ordinary course of business.

4.1.8         Access

              Seller shall give to Purchaser the right to reasonably inspect,
              during normal business hours, all of the Assets. Such inspection
              shall be carried out as agreed between the parties and in such
              manner that the business of Seller is not disturbed.

4.1.9         Press releases

              Except as required by applicable law, Seller shall not give notice
              to third parties or otherwise make any public statement or
              releases concerning this Agreement or the transactions
              contemplated hereby except for such written information as shall
              have been approved in writing by the Purchaser.

4.1.10              Competition Authorities

              Seller shall prepare with Purchaser's concurrence all necessary
              filings with competent Swedish and, if deemed necessary by the
              parties, EEC competition authorities.

4.1.11              Information Systems

              Seller shall take such action for the separation of the
              information system as described in EXHIBIT 4.1.11.


              Purchaser covenants and agrees that, pending the Closing and
              except as otherwise agreed to in writing by Seller:

4.2.1         Actions of Purchaser

              Purchaser will not knowingly take any action which would result in
              a breach of any of its representations and warranties hereunder.
              Furthermore, Purchaser shall co-operate with Seller and use its
              best efforts to cause all of the conditions to the obligations of
              Purchaser and Seller under this Agreement to be satisfied on or
              prior to the Closing Date.

4.2.2         Confidentiality

              The Confidentiality Letter signed by Flextronics International
              Ltd. on October 9, 1996, and enclosed as EXHIBIT 4.2.2 shall apply
              to Purchaser, and, without limiting the aforesaid, shall also
              apply to this Agreement and also apply to Purchaser regarding all
              "confidential information" (as defined in the letter) obtained by
              Purchaser until Closing Date.

4.2.3         Press Releases

              Except as required by applicable law, Purchaser will not give
              notice to third parties or otherwise make any public statement or
              releases concerning this Agreement or the transactions
              contemplated hereby except for such written information as shall
              have been approved in writing by Seller.

4.2.4         Competition Authorities

              Purchaser shall use its reasonable best efforts to assist Seller
              in preparing the necessary filings with competent Competition
              Authorities. Each party shall carry its costs (legal fees, etc.,
              included) attributable to such filings.

4.2.5         Information Systems

              Purchaser shall assist Seller in taking such actions as described
              in EXHIBIT 4.1.11.



              All obligations of Purchaser under this Agreement are subject to
              the fulfillment, satisfaction or waiver prior to or at the
              Closing, of each of the following conditions precedent:

5.1.1         Compliance with this Agreement

              Seller shall have performed and complied with all agreements and
              conditions required by this Agreement to be performed or complied
              with by it prior to or at the Closing.

5.1.2         Material Adverse Changes

              The Assets or Assumed Liabilities shall not have been and shall
              not be threatened to be materially adversely affected in any way
              as a result of any event or occurrence.

5.1.3         Information Systems

              The information systems in the Manufacturing Operations shall have
              been separated from Seller's information system in such manner
              that the information systems will function as set out in EXHIBIT
              5.1.3 (a). The Seller and the Purchaser shall also have entered
              into the Information Systems Services Agreement in accordance with
              the principles set out in EXHIBIT 5.1.3.(b).

5.1.4         Competition Authorities

              Any of the following events shall have occurred:

              (i)    the expiry of a thirty day period from the day a complete
                     notification of the transactions contemplated by this
                     Agreement was made in accordance with the Swedish
                     Competition Act, without a decision by the Competition
                     Authority to carry out a special investigation;

              (ii)   the decision by the Competition Authority not to carry out
                     a special investigation and the approval or acceptance of 
                     all filings made relating to the transactions between
                     Ericsson and Flextronics; or

              (iii)  the expiry of a three month period from the day the
                     Competition Authority decided to carry out a special
                     investigation, without an action having been brought before
                     the Stockholm District Court in accordance with Section 34
                     of the Swedish Competition Act.

5.1.5         Representations and Warranties

              The representations and warranties of Seller set forth in Section
              3.1 of this Agreement shall have been true and correct when made
              and shall be true and correct at and as of the Closing Date as if
              such representations and warranties were made as of such date and

5.1.6         Legal opinion

              Seller shall have delivered a legal opinion set substantially as 
              set out in EXHIBIT 2.2. (a).


              All obligations of Seller under this Agreement are subject to the
              fulfillment, satisfaction or waiver prior to or at the Closing, of
              each of the following conditions precedent.

5.2.1         Compliance with this Agreement

              Purchaser shall have performed and complied with all agreements
              and conditions required by this Agreement to be performed or
              complied with by them prior to or at the Closing.

5.2.2         Implementation Plan

              The Purchaser shall have substantially complied with the
              implementation plan attached as EXHIBIT 3.2.3 (a) hereto.

5.2.3         Lease Agreement, Service Agreement

              The parties shall have entered into the lease agreement and the
              service agreement described in EXHIBIT 5.2.3 (a) AND (b) hereto.
              The Lease and Service Agreement shall provide for an amount of SEK
              two million (2,000,000) to be paid by Seller for lease of premises
              and services during the twelve month period following Closing

5.2.4         Information System

              The information systems in the Manufacturing Operations shall have
              been separated from the Seller's information system in such manner
              that the information system will function as set out in EXHIBIT
              5.1.3 (a). The Seller and the Purchaser shall also have entered
              into the Information Systems Services Agreement as attached hereto
              as EXHIBIT 5.1.3 (b).

5.2.5         Competition Authorities
              Any of the following events shall have occurred:

              (i)    the expiry of a thirty day period from the day a complete
                     notification of the transactions contemplated by this
                     Agreement was made in accordance with the Swedish
                     Competition Act, without a decision by the Competition
                     Authority to carry out a special investigation;

              (ii)   the decision by the Competition Authority not to carry out
                     a special investigation and the approval or acceptance of
                     all filings made relating to the transactions between
                     Ericsson and Flextronics; or

              (iii)  the expiry of a three month period from the day the
                     Competition Authority decided to carry out a special
                     investigation, without an action having been brought before
                     the Stockholm District Court in accordance with Section 34
                     of the Swedish Competition Act.

5.2.6         Representations and Warranties

              The representations and warranties of Purchaser set forth in
              Section 3.2 of this Agreement shall have been true and correct
              when made and shall be true and correct at and as of the Closing
              Date as if such representations and warranties were made as of
              such date and time.

5.2.7         Legal Opinion

              Purchaser shall have delivered a legal opinion substantially as
              set out in EXHIBIT 2.2.2 (b).



              From and after the Closing Date, Seller will indemnify and hold
              harmless Purchaser against and in respect of any and all damages,
              losses, liabilities, costs and expenses incurred or suffered by
              the Purchaser that relate to:

              (i)    any and all liabilities and obligations of Seller except
                     for those liabilities and obligations of Seller which
                     Purchaser assumes pursuant to this Agreement;

              (ii)   any misrepresentation, breach of warranty or 
                     non-fulfillment of any agreement or covenant of Seller 
                     under this Agreement.


              From and after the Closing Date, Purchaser will indemnify and hold
              harmless Seller against and in respect of any and all damages,
              losses, liabilities, costs and expenses incurred or suffered by
              Seller that relate to:

              (i)    any and all liabilities and obligations of Seller which 
                     have been assumed by Purchaser to this Agreement;

              (ii)   any misrepresentation, breach of warranty or 
                     non-fulfillment of any agreement or covenant on the part of
                     Purchaser under this Agreement.


              Any claim in respect of breach of representations and warranties
              given hereunder shall be made promptly after the claiming party
              becomes aware of the breach but under all circumstances not later
              than six months after Closing Date.


              The indemnification rights of the parties under this Section 6 are
              exclusive and sever the rights and remedies the parties may have
              at law or otherwise for any misrepresentation, breach of warranty
              or failure to fulfill any agreement or covenant hereunder.


              Any claim for a misrepresentation or a breach of warranty shall
              only be allowed to the extent the aggregate amount of all losses,
              deficit, damages, costs, injuries and expenses of the indemnity
              hereunder is an amount in excess of MSEK three (3).

              The Seller shall furthermore not have any liability for any single
              claim in respect of a breach of a warranty or misrepresentation
              which does not amount to SEK one hundred thousand (100,000).

              A party's total liability hereunder for misrepresentations or
              breach of warranties shall in no circumstances exceed MSEK one
              hundred (100).

6.6           TAX CONSEQUENCES

              When calculating the amount of indemnity, said amount shall be
              reduced by a sum corresponding to any reduced tax liability caused
              by the losses, damages, costs, etc., for which the indemnity shall


              In the event of a misrepresentation or breach of warranty or other
              breach of this Agreement, the aggrieved party shall use its
              reasonably best efforts to mitigate the losses, damages, costs,
              expenses, etc.


              In the event of a misrepresentation or a breach of warranty for
              which the aggrieved party claims indemnity, all deviations in the
              positive relative to the representations or warranties given here
              under shall be taken into account and shall reduce the indemnity
              claimed by the aggrieved also party by a corresponding amount (net
              after tax consequences, if any).



              From and after the Closing Date Seller shall pay and discharge, in
              accordance with past practice but not less than on a timely basis,

                  (i) all obligations and liabilities incurred and due prior to
                      the Closing Date in respect of the Manufacturing
                      Operations and the Assets (except for those expressly
                      assumed by Purchaser hereunder),

                 (ii) all components and material ordered and delivered prior
                      to Closing date but invoiced within six months after
                      Closing Date, 

                (iii) services and maintenance on any of the Assets performed
                      prior to Closing Date but invoiced within six months after
                      Closing Date,

                 (iv) reimbursable travel expenses incurred by Employees prior
                      to Closing Date but invoiced after Closing Date,

                  (v) retroactive salary to Employees which has been agreed upon
                      prior to Closing Date and which is attributable to time
                      prior to Closing Date but which has not been paid out
                      prior to such date, and 

                 (vi) in the event the Closing Date occurs on March 27, 1997, 
                      salary to Employees and rent for the Verko property for 
                      the period from March 27, 1997 up to and including March 
                      31, 1997.


              Seller and Purchaser each agree that after the Closing Date they
              will hold and will promptly transfer and deliver to the other,
              from time to time as and when received by them, any cash, checks
              with appropriate endorsements (using their best efforts not to
              convert such checks into cash), or other property that they may
              receive on or after the Closing Date which properly belongs to the
              other party, including without limitation any insurance proceeds,
              and will account to the other for all such receipts.

7.3           IS/IT

              The parties shall continue the work for the separation of computer
              system in accordance with the Information Systems Service
              Agreement and as set out in the Post Closing Information System
              Plan attached hereto as EXHIBIT 7.3. As set out in the Information
              Systems Service Agreements, Seller shall provide services to the
              same extent and charge as assumed in the budget prepared by Seller
              for the Manufacturing Operations in 1997.

7.4           VEDEBY PLANT

              In the event Purchaser would dispose of the real property
              Karlskrona Telefonen 1 within five (5) years after Closing Date,
              and the market value at the time for such disposal would be
              different from the book value as reflected on the Final Closing
              Asset List, fifty per cent of the difference shall be allocated to
              Seller. If such difference is in the positive, the sum allocated
              to Seller shall be paid in immediately available funds by
              Purchaser into an account designated by Seller within 10 days of
              disposal together with an account for the computation. If the
              difference is in the negative, the sum allocated to Seller shall
              be paid in immediately available funds by Seller into an account
              designated by Purchaser within 10 days from the later of the day
              of closing date of the disposal or Purchaser's request.

              In the event the real property has been sold to a third party not
              affiliated with Purchaser and without any interest of whatever
              nature in Purchaser or Purchaser's affiliate, or vice versa, the
              purchase price shall be deemed to be the market value.

              Also a partial disposal or a disposal caused by creditors shall
              give effect to Seller's right and obligation hereunder (in the
              event of a partial disposal only, the book value reflected on the
              Final Closing Asset List attributable to such part shall be taken
              into account).

7.5           INVENTORY

              In the event the inventory included in the Assets as listed in
              EXHIBIT 1.1.1 (B) contains products and materials which the
              parties agree have become obsolete or which have not been used in
              the manufacturing of products for Seller as of the second
              anniversary of the Closing Date, Seller shall repurchase such
              inventory for the price paid by Purchaser. No later than 30 days
              after such agreement or the second anniversary, Purchaser shall
              submit to Seller a list of said products and materials and the
              related Purchase Price. Within 30 days of receipt of this
              information, Seller shall remit said related Purchase Price to
              Purchaser against delivery of the products and material concerned.


              If the transfer of any of the Assets require any third party
              consents, Seller shall use its best efforts to obtain such consent
              and Purchaser shall give Seller all reasonable assistance in such
              efforts. Until such consent is obtained, or, if such consent
              cannot be obtained, the parties shall jointly procure that another
              solution is found which is acceptable to both parties. Upon
              Seller's request, Purchaser shall, in the event of an agreement,
              perform such agreements in the name of Seller to the extent
              permitted but on Purchaser's account (i.e. all revenues and costs
              attributable to the agreement shall be allocated to Purchaser).


              After the Closing Date, the parties shall execute or take all such
              other documents or actions to the extent they have not been
              accomplished on the Closing Date, as shall be required in order to
              transfer the Assets to Purchaser.


7.8.1 Transfer of Employees

              To the extent the Employees would not be transferred automatically
              by law to Purchaser, Purchaser shall offer to such employees new
              employment on terms and conditions not less favorable to the
              employees than those enjoyed as at the day of transfer.

              Purchaser shall provide to the employees transferred continued
              enjoyment of perquisites substantially to the same extent as
              currently in practice.

              Seller and Purchaser shall use best efforts to cause the Employees
              to accept the transfer. Any costs for such efforts shall be
              carried jointly by the parties.

7.8.2 Reimbursement for Compensation to Certain Employees       Ericsson shall reimburse Flextronics for the costs for (i) salary
              during period of notice and (ii) agreed severance pay to employees
              who have been given notice of termination prior to Closing Date
              but whose employment will expire after Closing Date. The employees
              concerned are listed in EXHIBIT together with the amounts
              involved and the agreements made. Ericsson's liability under this
              undertaking shall not exceed Flextronics' actual costs and in no
              event shall such liability exceed SEK two million five hundred
              forty five thousand five hundred and seventy six (2,545,576).       Ericsson shall carry the costs for early retirement compensation
              to such employees who have exercised their rights to early
              retirement or have declared such intention prior to the Closing
              Date if and to the extent not covered under any other early
              retirement pensions. Flextronics shall not be liable for such

              For employees who declare their intention to exercise such rights
              after Closing Date, Flextronics shall carry the corresponding
              costs without any right to receive compensation from Ericsson.

7.8.3         Loans to employees

              As set out in EXHIBIT 3.1.6, some of the Employees have been
              granted subsidized loans. The creditor of these loans is Ericsson
              Finans but Seller has guaranteed these loans. Purchaser shall
              replace such guarantees by guarantees given by Purchaser and
              Purchaser shall participate in the administration of these loans
              to the same extent as Seller has done prior to Closing Date.


              Seller shall procure that a compensation of SEK one million four
              hundred thousand (1,400,000) is paid out to Flextronics as
              compensation for defects in the real property, inter alia, as
              described in Exhibit 3.1.4. Such compensation shall be paid after
              Closing Date upon Flextronics' invoice. The invoice is to be
              addressed to the entity designated by Ericsson.


              After the Closing Date, except as may be required for tax purposes
              or otherwise by law, Seller shall not disclose or divulge,
              directly or indirectly, to third parties any information relating
              to the Assets or the Manufacturing Operations unless the

              (i)    concerns Excluded Assets;

              (ii)   is not of a confidential nature; or

              (iii)  becomes generally known otherwise than by a breach of this
                     confidentiality undertaking.


              After the Closing Date, except as may be required for tax purposes
              or otherwise by law, Purchaser shall not disclose or divulge,
              directly or indirectly, to third parties any information relating
              to the Excluded Assets, any liabilities of Seller which are not
              included in the Assumed Liabilities or Seller's business unless
              such information:

              (i)   is not of a confidential nature;

              (ii)  becomes generally known otherwise than by a breach of this 
                    confidentiality undertaking; or

              (iii) was known to Purchaser prior to its receipt from Seller.

8.            MISCELLANEOUS

8.1           EXPENSES

              Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, each party hereto
              shall pay its own expenses incidental to the preparation of this
              Agreement, the carrying out of the provisions of this Agreement,
              and the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby.

8.2           ENTIRE AGREEMENT

              This Agreement sets forth the entire understanding of the parties
              hereto with respect to the transaction contemplated hereby. It
              shall not be amended or modified except by written instrument duly
              executed by each of the parties hereto. Any and all previous
              agreements and understandings between or among the parties
              regarding the subject matter hereof, whether written or oral, are
              superseded by this Agreement.

8.3           ASSIGNMENT

              This Agreement may not be assigned by any party hereto without the
              prior written consent of the other parties. Notwithstanding the
              aforesaid, Seller shall be entitled to assign all its rights
              and obligations hereunder to other entities 

              which are wholly owned by Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson or its 
              wholly owned subsidiaries.

8.4           NOTICES

              Any notice, request, demand, consent or other communication which
              is required or permitted hereunder shall be in writing and shall
              be deemed given only if delivered personally or sent by telefax or
              by registered mail as follows:

              If to Seller, to:

              Ericsson Business Networks AB

              131 89 STOCKHOLM
              Fax 08-422 10 10

              If to Purchaser, to:

              Flextronics International Sweden AB

              Box 532
              371 23 Karlskrona
              Tel: 0455-544 00
              Fax: 0455-544 01 Purchaser's official switchboard number -

              with a copy to Flextronics International Ltd.,
              514 Chai Chee Lane
              No. 04-13 Singapore 469029
              Fax +65-448 6040

8.5           EXHIBITS

              All Exhibits referred to herein are intended to be and hereby are
              specifically made a part of this Agreement.

8.6           SEVERABILITY

              If any provision of this Agreement at any time would be held
              invalid or unenforceable under applicable law, the parties shall
              endeavor to amend such provision so that the intention thereof can
              be carried out to the extent legally possible.


9.1           GOVERNING LAW

              This Agreement shall be governed by Swedish substantive law.

9.2           ARBITRATION

              Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or in connection
              with this Agreement, or the breach, termination or invalidity
              thereof, shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the
              Rules of the Arbitration Institute of Stockholm Chamber of
              Commerce. The place of arbitration shall be Stockholm. The 
              language to be used in the arbitral proceedings shall be English.


              This Agreement shall enter into force upon the approvals of the
              boards of directors in Seller and Purchaser. Immediately after
              such approval, each party shall notify each other. In the event no
              approval has been given within eight (8) weeks this Agreement
              shall be null and void and the provisions in the event of the
              termination of negotiations included in the letter of intent dated
              November 15, 1996, between the parties shall apply.

                                              * * *

              IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have duly executed this
              Agreement in duplicate on the date first written.

              NETWORKS AB                        SWEDEN AB

              ------------------------           -----------------------
              By: Rolf Erikssson                 By: Michael E. Marks

              ------------------------           ------------------------
              By: Gosta Burlin                   By: Ronny Nilsson


We, the parties to this guarantee, hereby jointly and severally guarantee as for
a debt of our own (Sw: proprieborgen) the due and punctual fulfillment of all
the Purchaser's obligations under the Agreement as set out above. Sections 9.1
and 9.2 of the Agreement shall apply to this Guarantee provided, however, that
Flextronics and its Affiliates may only appoint one arbitrator jointly.

Date: February 12, 1997

Place: Nacka

- ----------------------                   ------------------------------
                                         By: Michael E. Marks
By: Michael E. Marks

- ----------------------
By: Ronny Nilsson

Exhibit 1.1.1(a)        Real Property
Exhibit 1.1.1(b)        Tangible Assets
Exhibit 1.1.1(c)        Receivables
Exhibit 1.1.1(d)        Expensed Equipment
Exhibit 1.1.1(e)        Agreements, permits, approvals authorization
Exhibit 1.1.1(f)        All Orders
Exhibit 1.1.1(g)        Computer Software
Exhibit 1.1.1(h)        Information, Files, Records etc.
Exhibit 1.1.2(a)        Excluded Assets, Properties or Rights etc.
Exhibit 1.1.2(b)        Excluded Specific Tools
Exhibit 1.1.2(d)        Excluded Information Systems
Exhibit 1.1.2(d)        Excluded Patents, Trademark, Service Mark
Exhibit 1.1.2(e)        Excluded Technologies, Technical Designs or
Exhibit 1.1.2(g)        Excluded Inventory
Exhibit 1.1.2(h)        Excluded Other Assets, Properties or Rights
Exhibit 1.3(a)          Assumed Liabilities and Obligations
Exhibit 1.4.1           Interim Asset List
Exhibit 1.4.2           Particular Accounting Principles
Exhibit 1.5             Employees
Exhibit 2.2.2(a)        Legal Opinion of Purchaser
Exhibit 2.2. (b)        Legal Opinion of Seller
Exhibit 3.1.4           Defects in Real Property
Exhibit 3.1.6           Names, Positions etc. of Employees
Exhibit 3.1.9           Mortgages, liens etc.
Exhibit 3.1.13          Labour disputes or claims
Exhibit 3.2.3(a)        Implementation Plan
Exhibit 3.2.3(b)        Plan for Secure Sourcing
Exhibit 4.1.5           Insurance Policies
Exhibit 4.1.11          Separation of the Information System
Exhibit 4.2.2           Confidentiality Letter
Exhibit 5.1.5(a)        Separated Information system
Exhibit 5.1.5(b)        Principles for Information Systems Services Agreement


Exhibit 5.2.4(a)        Lease Agreement for Excluded Assets
Exhibit 5.2.4(b)        Service Agreement
Exhibit 7.3             Post Closing Information System Plan
Exhibit 7.8.2           Employees Given Notice of Termination