RESEARCH SERVICES AGREEMENT

         This Agreement is effective this 3rd day of September by and between
SpectRx Inc. ("COMPANY") having a place of business at 6025A Unity Drive,
Norcross, Georgia 30071, and the Sisters of Providence in Oregon doing business
as the Oregon Medical Laser Center, Providence St. Vincent Medical Center
("CENTER"), 9205 SW Barnes Rd., Portland, Oregon 97225.

PURPOSE: To provide a working relationship between the COMPANY and the CENTER on
a proprietary project of the COMPANY utilizing the expertise of Steven L.
Jacques representing the CENTER. The project is the development of a
non-invasive optical measurement system for monitoring hyperbilirubinemia in
neonates, as patented by Steven L. Jacques et al. (U.S. patent #5,353,790),
assigned to the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, and licensed
to the COMPANY.

         1.       Scope and Term of Services. CENTER shall, upon request by
                  COMPANY, provide the services specified in Exhibit A, Section
                  1. CENTER shall report progress regularly to the individual
                  specified in Exhibit A, Section 2. CENTER shall provide such
                  services during the period shown in Exhibit A, Section 3.

         2.       Payment. COMPANY shall pay CENTER as specified in Exhibit A,
                  Section 4. Payments to CENTER shall not be subject to income
                  or employment tax withholding and will be reported to the U.S.
                  Internal Revenue Service citing the tax identification number
                  of the CENTER (TIN #9930386906). COMPANY has no obligation to
                  reimburse CENTER for any expenses incurred by CENTER under
                  this Agreement unless specifically authorized in writing by
                  the COMPANY. CENTER hereby indemnifies COMPANY against any
                  obligation imposed on COMPANY to pay withholding taxes or
                  similar items or resulting from a court's or governmental
                  entity's determination that the CENTER is not an independent
                  contractor to the COMPANY.

         3.       Confidentiality. COMPANY and CENTER shall have signed an
                  "Exchange of Proprietary Information Agreement" which protects
                  both parties from unauthorized use or disclosure of
                  Proprietary Information. This Agreement is subject to that
                  Exchange of Proprietary Information Agreement.

         4.       Ownership of Inventions.

                  (a)      Any invention, copyrightable material, technology,
                           know-how and related intellectual property rights
                           ("Inventions") created during and directly related to
                           the scope of research services defined in Exhibit A
                           under this Agreement shall be owned by the COMPANY
                           and are hereby assigned to the COMPANY. CENTER shall
                           promptly disclose to COMPANY all Inventions which
                           CENTER may conceive or make while providing research
                           services as defined in Exhibit A. Any Inventions
                           which are copyrightable shall be considered "works
                           made for hire" as defined in the U.S. Copyright Act.


                  (b)      Whenever requested by COMPANY, CENTER shall execute
                           and deliver documents considered necessary by COMPANY
                           to apply for and maintain intellectual property
                           protection for the benefit of COMPANY in any country,
                           or to perfect COMPANY's ownership of and exclusive
                           right to Inventions. CENTER irrevocably appoints
                           COMPANY and its authorized agents as CENTER's
                           attorney-in-fact to execute and file any such
                           documents at COMPANY's expense as requested by
                           COMPANY in prosecuting or defending any litigation or
                           other proceeding involving any Invention in any

                  (c)      If the CENTER knowingly incorporates into any
                           invention any Proprietary Information or technology
                           owned by the COMPANY, the COMPANY shall have a
                           nonexclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable,
                           worldwide license to make, have made, modify, use and
                           sell such item in connection with such Invention.

         5.       Conflicts of Interest. CENTER represents that this Agreement
                  does not conflict with any agreement or obligation binding on
                  CENTER. CENTER represents that CENTER is not presently
                  retained by any entity that designs, manufactures or sells
                  products competitive with COMPANY's present products or
                  proposed products disclosed to CENTER. CENTER shall not accept
                  such retention without COMPANY's approval while CENTER is
                  providing services to COMPANY. CENTER shall not design
                  products identical or substantially similar to those developed
                  under this Agreement for any third party while CENTER is
                  providing services to the COMPANY and for 12 months after
                  CENTER ceases to provide services to COMPANY.

         6.       Independent Contractor Relationship. The parties are
                  independent contractors and neither party is the agent of the
                  other for any purpose. Neither party has authority to assume
                  any obligation for the other or to make any representation on
                  behalf of the other.

         7.       Arbitration and Equitable Relief. Any dispute arising out of
                  this Agreement shall be settled by arbitration held in
                  Atlanta, GA, in accordance with the rules of the American
                  Arbitration Association. The arbitrator may grant injunctions
                  or other equitable relief. The arbitrator's decision shall be
                  final, conclusive and binding on the parties to the
                  arbitration. Judgment may be entered on the arbitrator's
                  decision in any court of competent jurisdiction. COMPANY and
                  CENTER shall each pay 50% of the costs of arbitration and
                  shall each separately pay its respective counsel fees and
                  expenses. CENTER agrees that it would be impossible or
                  inadequate to measure COMPANY's damages from CENTER's breach
                  of Sections 3, 4, or 5. Accordingly, if CENTER breaches
                  Sections 3, 4, or 5, COMPANY may, in addition to any other
                  right or remedy, obtain an injunction restraining such breach
                  or threatened breach and specific performance of such
                  provision, without delivery by COMPANY of a bond or other

         8.       Miscellaneous. Any notice under this Agreement shall be in
                  writing and shall be deemed delivered 5 days after being
                  mailed to the other party at the address set forth at the end
                  of this Agreement or at such other address given pursuant to
                  this provision, and shall also be considered delivered upon
                  transmission by facsimile if a confirming letter is mailed on


                  the same day. This Agreement is the entire agreement regarding
                  research services between the parties, in addition to the
                  accompanying Exchange of Proprietary Information Agreement.
                  This Agreement may be modified only by a subsequent written
                  instrument signed by COMPANY and CENTER. Sections 3, 4, 5, and
                  7 shall survive any termination of this Agreement or of
                  research services. CENTER may not subcontract any services to
                  be provided under this Agreement without COMPANY's prior
                  written consent. This Agreement shall bind and benefit the
                  heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns of the

COMPANY                                    CENTER

SPECTRx, Inc.                              Providence St. Vincent Medical Center
Jonathan A. Eppstein, Representative       Steven L. Jacques, Representative

By:      /s/ Jonathan A. Eppstein          By:     /s/ Steven L. Jacques
      -----------------------------              -----------------------------
Title:   Vice President of R&D             Title:  Senior Research Associate
                                                   Oregon Medical Laser Center

Date:    September 5, 1996                 Date:      September 5, 1996
      -----------------------------              -----------------------------

                                           Authorized Signator:
                                           Stephen G. Franey

                                           By:     /s/ Stephen G. Franey
                                           Title: Regional Director of Education
                                                  and Research

                                           Date:     September 5, 1996


                                    EXHIBIT A

         1.       SCOPE OF SERVICES

                  Development of system for optical monitoring of
                  hyperbilirubinemia in neonates, as licensed from the Univ. of
                  Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. Discussion and analysis of
                  the clinical data collected with the prototype non-invasive
                  bilirubin measurement system. Analysis of design options
                  regarding the optical interface to the subject. Algorithm
                  development to improve the predictive accuracy of the system's
                  output as a measurement of bilirubin in the blood of the
                  subject. Specifically excluded from this Agreement are all
                  other forms of optical monitoring, spectroscopy, or imaging
                  and associated algorithms as they might be applied in areas
                  outside of optical monitoring of bilirubin as defined in the
                  license from the Univ. of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center.


                  Geoffery Berlin, Ph.D. Senior Analyst at SpectRx

         3.       TERM OF SERVICES

                  9-3-96 through 1-1-97


                  $125.00 per hour.

                  To be paid by check or money order made out to:

                           PROVIDENCE HEALTH SYSTEMS

                  with the following information on the check:

                           JACQUES DEVELOPMENTAL FUND, #RR2019

                  sent to the following mailing address:

                           Providence Health Systems
                           Regional Research Accounting
                           P.O. Box 13993
                           Portland, OR 97213

COMPANY                                      CENTER

By: /s/ Jonathan A. Eppstein   9/5/96        By: /s/ Steven L. Jacques   9/5/96
    -----------------------------                -----------------------------
    Jonathan A. Eppstein/date                    Steven L. Jacques/date

                                             By: /s/ Stephen G.  Franey   9/5/96
                                                 Stephen G.  Franey/date