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[ ] Preliminary Proxy Statement
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[X] Definitive Proxy Statement 
[ ] Definitive Additional Materials 
[ ] Soliciting Material Pursuant to Section 240.14a-11(c) or Section 240.14a-12

                         AMERICAN XTAL TECHNOLOGY, INC.

                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
[X]  No fee required.
[ ]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

        1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

        2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

        3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
           pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which
           the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

        4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

        5) Total fee paid:


[ ]     Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[ ]     Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act 
        Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was
        paid previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration statement
        number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

        1)    Amount Previously Paid:

        2)    Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

        3)    Filing Party:

        4)    Date Filed:


                         AMERICAN XTAL TECHNOLOGY, INC.
                             4281 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE
                           FREMONT, CALIFORNIA 94538
                                                                  April 21, 1999
To our stockholders:
     You are cordially invited to attend the annual meeting of stockholders of
American Xtal Technology, Inc. on May 17, 1999 at 10:00 a.m. at 4281 Technology
Drive, Fremont, California 94538, Pacific Daylight Time.
     The matters expected to be acted upon at the meeting are described in
detail in the attached Notice of Annual Meeting of Stockholders and Proxy
Statement. Also enclosed is a copy of the 1998 American Xtal Technology, Inc.
Annual Report, which includes audited financial statements and certain other
     It is important that you use this opportunity to take part in the affairs
of American Xtal Technology, Inc. by voting on the business to come before this
ENVELOPE. Returning the proxy does not deprive you of your right to attend the
meeting and vote your shares in person.
     We look forward to seeing you at the meeting.
                                        /s/ Morris S. Young
                                          Morris S. Young
                                          President and Chief Executive Officer
                         AMERICAN XTAL TECHNOLOGY, INC.
                             4281 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE
                           FREMONT, CALIFORNIA 94538
                            TO BE HELD MAY 17, 1999
Dear Stockholder:
     You are invited to attend the annual meeting of stockholders of American
Xtal Technology, Inc., which will be held on May 17, 1999, at 10:00 a.m. Pacific
Daylight Time at 4281 Technology Drive, Fremont, California 94538, for the
following purposes:
     1. To elect two (2) Class I directors to hold office for a three-year term
        and until their successors are elected and qualified.
     2. To approve an increase in the number of shares reserved for issuance
        under our 1997 Stock Option Plan from 2,800,000 to 3,800,000 shares of
        common stock and to limit the number of shares for which options may be
        granted under such plan to any employee within any fiscal year to
     3. To approve an increase in the number of shares reserved for issuance
        under our 1998 Employee Stock Purchase Plan from 250,000 to 400,000
        shares of common stock.
     4. To ratify the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as our
        independent auditors for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1999.
     5. To transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting.
     Stockholders of record at the close of business on April 12, 1999, are
entitled to notice of, and to vote at, this meeting and any adjournments
thereof. For ten days prior to the meeting, a complete list of the stockholders
entitled to vote at the meeting will be available for examination by any
stockholder for any purpose relating to the meeting during ordinary business
hours at our principal offices.
                                          By order of the board of directors,
                                      /s/ Guy D. Atwood
                                          Guy D. Atwood
Fremont, California
April 21, 1999
                         AMERICAN XTAL TECHNOLOGY, INC.
                             4281 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE
                           FREMONT, CALIFORNIA 94538
                                PROXY STATEMENT
     The accompanying proxy is solicited by the board of directors of American
Xtal Technology, Inc., a Delaware corporation, for use at the annual meeting of
stockholders to be held May 17, 1999, or any adjournment thereof for the
purposes set forth in the accompanying Notice of Annual Meeting of Stockholders.
The date of this proxy statement is April 21, 1999, the approximate date on
which this proxy statement and the accompanying form of proxy were first sent or
given to stockholders.
                              GENERAL INFORMATION
     Annual Report. An annual report for the year ended December 31, 1998, is
enclosed with this proxy statement.
     Voting Securities. Only stockholders of record as of the close of business
on April 12, 1999, will be entitled to vote at the meeting and any adjournment
thereof. As of that date, there were 16,257,027 shares of our common stock, par
value $.001 per share, issued and outstanding. Stockholders may vote in person
or by proxy. Each stockholder of shares of common stock is entitled to one vote
for each share of stock held on the proposals presented in this proxy statement.
Our bylaws provide that a majority of all of the shares of our capital stock
entitled to vote, whether present in person or represented by proxy, shall
constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at the meeting.
     Solicitation of Proxies. American Xtal Technology will bear the cost of
soliciting proxies. We will solicit stockholders by mail through our regular
employees, and will request banks and brokers, and other custodians, nominees
and fiduciaries, to solicit their customers who have our stock registered in the
names of such persons and will reimburse them for their reasonable,
out-of-pocket costs. We may use the services of our officers, directors and
others to solicit proxies, personally or by telephone, without additional
     Voting of Proxies. All valid proxies received prior to the meeting will be
voted. All shares represented by a proxy will be voted, and where a stockholder
specifies by means of the proxy a choice with respect to any matter to be acted
upon, the shares will be voted in accordance with the specification so made. If
no choice is indicated on the proxy, the shares will be voted in favor of the
proposal. A stockholder giving a proxy has the power to revoke his or her proxy,
at any time prior to the time it is voted, by delivery to the Secretary of
American Xtal Technology at our principal offices at 4281 Technology Drive,
Fremont, California 94538, of a written instrument revoking the proxy or a duly
executed proxy with a later date, or by attending the meeting and voting in
                              PROPOSAL NUMBER ONE
                             ELECTION OF DIRECTORS
     American Xtal Technology has a classified board of directors which
currently consists of five (5) directors: two (2) of whom are Class I directors,
two (2) of whom are Class II directors, and one (1) who is a Class III director.
Class I, Class II and Class III directors serve until the annual meeting of
stockholders to be held in 1999, 2000 and 2001, respectively, and until their
respective successors are duly elected and qualified. Directors in a class are
elected for a term of three years to succeed the directors in that class whose
terms expire at such annual meeting.
     Management's nominees for election at the 1999 annual meeting of
stockholders to Class I of the board of directors are Morris S. Young and
Theodore S. Young. If elected, the nominees will serve as directors until
American Xtal Technology's annual meeting of stockholders in 2002, and until
their successors are elected and qualified. If the nominees decline to serve or
become unavailable for any reason, or if a vacancy occurs before the election
(although management knows of no reason to anticipate that this will occur), the
proxies may be voted for substitute nominees as the board of directors may
     The table below sets forth the names and certain information of our
directors, including the Class I nominees to be elected at this meeting.

             ----                --------------------------------------------------  ---  --------
Class I nominees to be elected at the 1999 annual meeting of stockholders:
Morris S. Young                  Chairman of the Board of Directors, President and    54    1989
                                   Chief Executive Officer
Theodore S. Young                Director and Senior Vice President, Marketing        59    1986
Class II directors whose terms expire at the 2000 annual meeting of stockholders:
Jesse Chen                       Director                                             41    1998
Donald L. Tatzin                 Director                                             61    1998
Class III directors whose terms expire at the 2001 annual meeting of stockholders:
B.J. Moore                       Director                                             63    1998

     Morris S. Young, Ph.D. co-founded American Xtal Technology in 1986 and has
served as Chairman of the Board of Directors since February 1998 and President,
Chief Executive Officer and a director of American Xtal Technology since 1989.
From 1985 to 1989, Dr. Young was a physicist at Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory. Dr. Young holds a B.S. in Metallurgical Engineering from Chengkung
University, Taiwan, an M.S. in Metallurgy from Syracuse University, and a Ph.D.
in Metallurgy from Polytechnic University.
     Theodore S. Young, Ph.D. co-founded American Xtal Technology in 1986 and
has served as Senior Vice President, Marketing since 1989 and as President from
1987 to 1989. He has also acted as a director since American Xtal Technology's
inception, including as the Chairman of the Board of Directors from January 1987
to January 1998. Dr. Young served as a senior physicist at Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory from 1984 to 1987. Dr. Young holds a B.S. in Physics from
National Taiwan University, an M.S. in Geophysics from the University of Alaska,
and a Ph.D. in Plasma Physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
     Jesse Chen has served as a director of American Xtal Technology since
February 1998. Since May 1997, Mr. Chen has served as a Managing Director of
Maton Venture, an investment company. Prior to that, Mr. Chen co-founded
BusLogic, Inc., a computer peripherals company, and served as its Chief
Executive Officer from 1990 to 1996. Mr. Chen serves on the board of directors
of several private companies. Mr. Chen has a B.S. degree in Aeronautical
Engineering from Chenkung University, Taiwan and an M.S. in Electrical
Engineering from Loyola Marymount University.
     Donald L. Tatzin has served as a director of American Xtal Technology since
February 1998. Since 1993, Mr. Tatzin has served as Executive Vice President of
Showboat, Inc., a gaming company. In addition, Mr. Tatzin served as a director
for Sydney Harbour Casino, an Australian gaming company, from 1995 to 1996 and
as its Chief Executive Officer from April to October 1996. Prior to that, Mr.
Tatzin was a director and consultant with Arthur D. Little, Inc. from 1976 to
1993. Mr. Tatzin holds an S.B. in Economics and an S.B. and masters degrees in
City Planning from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and an M.S. in
Economics from Australian National University.
     B.J. Moore has served as a director of American Xtal Technology since
February 1998. Since 1991, Mr. Moore has been self-employed as a consultant and
has served as a director to several technology-based companies. Mr. Moore
currently serves on the board of directors for Adaptec, Inc., a computer
peripherals company, and Dionex Corporation, an ion chromatography systems
company, as well as several private companies. Mr. Moore holds a B.S. and an
M.S. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Tennessee.
     During 1998, the board of directors held six (6) meetings. Each incumbent
director attended at least 75% of the aggregate of such meetings of the board
and any committee of the board on which he served. The board of directors has
established an audit committee and a compensation committee.
     The audit committee's function is to:
     - review with the independent auditors and management of American Xtal
       Technology the annual financial statements and independent auditors'
     - review the scope and results of the examination of our financial
       statements by the independent auditors,
     - approve all professional services and related fees performed by the
       independent auditors,
     - recommend the retention of the independent auditors to the board, subject
       to ratification by the stockholders, and
     - periodically review our accounting policies and internal accounting and
       financial controls.
     The audit committee also oversees actions taken by our independent
auditors, recommends the engagement of auditors and reviews our internal audits.
The members of the audit committee during 1998 were Jesse Chen, B.J. Moore and
Donald L. Tatzin. While the audit committee did not hold a meeting in 1998 due
to conflicts in schedules among the members, the audit committee held a meeting
in January 1999.
     The compensation committee's function is to make decisions concerning
salaries and incentive compensation for executive officers of American Xtal
Technology. The members of the compensation committee during 1998 were Jesse
Chen, B.J. Moore and Donald L. Tatzin. During 1998, the compensation committee
held one (1) meeting. For additional information concerning the compensation
     If a quorum is present and voting at the annual meeting of stockholders,
the nominees for Class I director receiving the highest number of votes will be
elected. Abstentions and broker non-votes will each be counted as present for
purposes of determining the presence of a quorum. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS
                              PROPOSAL NUMBER TWO
                            APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT OF
                             1997 STOCK OPTION PLAN
     The board of directors adopted the 1997 Stock Option Plan, also referred to
as the 1997 Plan, on July 26, 1997. Currently, the 1997 Plan provides that the
maximum number of shares issuable under the 1997 Plan is 2,800,000. Because the
use of options is an important factor in attracting and retaining qualified
employees and consultants, the board of directors has amended the 1997 Plan,
subject to stockholder approval, to increase the maximum number of shares
issuable under the 1997 Plan by 1,000,000 shares, to a total of 3,800,000
     The Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (the "Code") limits the amount of
compensation paid to a corporation's chief executive officer and four other most
highly compensated officers that the corporation may deduct as an expense for
federal income tax purposes. To enable American Xtal Technology to continue to
deduct in full all amounts of ordinary income recognized by its executive
officers in connection with options granted under the 1997 Plan, the board of
directors has amended the 1997 Plan, subject to stockholder approval, to limit
to 250,000 the maximum number of shares for which options may be granted to any
employee in any fiscal year. However, American Xtal Technology's stock option
grants typically do not approach this limit.
     The stockholders are now being asked to approve the increase in the number
of shares issuable under the 1997 Plan by 1,000,000 shares, from 2,800,000
shares to 3,800,000 shares and the establishment of the grant limit. The board
of directors believes that approval of these amendments is in the best interests
of American Xtal Technology and our stockholders because the availability of an
adequate reserve of shares under the 1997 Plan is an important factor in
attracting, motivating and retaining qualified officers and employees essential
to our success and in aligning their long-term interests with those of the
     The following summary of the 1997 Plan is qualified in its entirety by the
specific language of the 1997 Plan, a copy of which is available to any
stockholder upon request.
     General. The 1997 Plan provides for the grant of ISOs and nonstatutory
stock options. As of April 12, 1999, American Xtal Technology had outstanding
options under the 1997 Plan to purchase an aggregate of 1,530,604 shares at a
weighted average exercise price of $6.076 per share. As of April 12, 1999,
options to purchase 58,103 shares of common stock granted pursuant to the 1997
Plan had been exercised, and there were 1,211,293 shares of common stock
available for future grants under the 1997 Plan (without taking the proposed
increase into account).
     Shares subject to the 1997 Plan. Currently, a maximum of 2,800,000 shares
of the authorized but unissued or reacquired common stock of American Xtal
Technology may be issued pursuant to the 1997 Plan. The board has amended the
1997 Plan, subject to stockholder approval, to increase the maximum number of
shares issuable under the 1997 Plan to 3,800,000 shares.
     In the event of any stock dividend, stock split, reverse stock split,
recapitalization, combination, reclassification, or similar change in the
capital structure of American Xtal Technology, appropriate adjustments will be
made to the shares subject to the 1997 Plan, the proposed grant limit for no
more than 250,000 shares to any employee in any fiscal year, and to outstanding
options. To the extent any outstanding option under the 1997 Plan expires or
terminates prior to exercise in full or if American Xtal Technology repurchases
shares issued upon exercise of an option, the shares of common stock for which
that option is not exercised or the repurchased shares are returned to the 1997
Plan and will again be available for issuance under the 1997 Plan.
     Administration. The board of directors or a duly appointed committee of the
board may administer the 1997 Plan. With respect to the participation of
individuals whose transactions in American Xtal Technology's equity securities
are subject to Section 16 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the 1997
Plan must be administered in compliance with the requirements, if any, of Rule
16b-3 under the Exchange Act. Subject to the provisions of the 1997 Plan, the
board determines the persons to whom options are to be granted, the number of
shares to be covered by each option, whether an option is to be an ISO or a
nonstatutory stock option, the terms of vesting and exercisability of each
option, including the effect thereon of an optionee's termination of service,
the type of consideration to be paid to American Xtal Technology upon exercise
of an option, the duration of each option, and all other terms and conditions of
the options. The 1997 Plan also provides, subject to certain limitations, that
American Xtal Technology will indemnify any director, officer or employee
against all reasonable expenses, including attorneys' fees, incurred in
connection with any legal action arising from that person's action or failure to
act in administering the 1997 Plan. The board will interpret the 1997 Plan and
options granted thereunder, and all determinations of the board will be final
and binding on all persons having an interest in the 1997 Plan or any option
under that plan.
     Eligibility. Generally, all employees, directors and consultants of
American Xtal Technology or of any present or future parent or subsidiary
corporations of American Xtal Technology are eligible to participate in the 1997
Plan. In addition, the 1997 Plan also permits the grant of options to
prospective employees, consultants and directors in connection with written
offers of employment or engagement. As of April 12, 1999, American Xtal
Technology had approximately 340 employees, including six (6) executive officers
and five (5) directors. Any person eligible under the 1997 Plan may be granted a
nonstatutory option. However, only employees may be granted ISOs. In order to
preserve American Xtal Technology's ability to deduct compensation related to
options granted under the 1997 Plan, the board has amended the 1997 Plan,
subject to stockholder approval, to provide that no employee may be granted
options for more than 250,000 shares during any fiscal year.
     Terms and conditions of options. Each option granted under the 1997 Plan is
evidenced by a written agreement between American Xtal Technology and the
optionee specifying the number of shares subject to the option and the other
terms and conditions of the option, consistent with the requirements of the 1997
Plan. The exercise price per share must equal at least the fair market value of
a share of American Xtal Technology's common stock on the date of grant of an
ISO and at least 85% of the fair market value of a share of the common stock on
the date of grant of a nonstatutory stock option. The exercise price of any ISO
granted to a person who at the time of grant owns stock possessing more than 10%
of the total combined voting power of all classes of stock of American Xtal
Technology or any parent or subsidiary corporation of American Xtal Technology
(a "10% Stockholder") must be at least 110% of the fair market value of a share
of American Xtal Technology's common stock on the date of grant. The fair market
value of American Xtal Technology's common stock is based on the trading price
of American Xtal Technology's shares on the Nasdaq National Market.
     Generally, the exercise price may be paid in cash, by check, or in cash
equivalent, by tender of shares of American Xtal Technology's common stock owned
by the optionee having a fair market value not less than the exercise price, by
the assignment of the proceeds of a sale or a loan with respect to some or all
of the shares of common stock being acquired upon the exercise of the option, by
means of a promissory note, by any lawful method approved by the board or by any
combination of these. The board may nevertheless restrict the forms of payment
permitted in connection with any option grant.
     The board will specify when options granted under the 1997 Plan will become
exercisable and vested. Shares subject to options generally vest and become
exercisable in installments, subject to the optionee's continued employment or
service. The maximum term of ISOs granted under the 1997 Plan is ten years,
except that an ISO granted to a 10% Stockholder may not have a term longer than
five years. The 1997 Plan authorizes the board to grant nonstatutory stock
options having a term in excess of ten years. Options are nontransferable by the
optionee other than by will or by the laws of descent and distribution and are
exercisable during the optionee's lifetime only by the optionee.
     Change in control. The 1997 Plan provides that a "change in control" occurs
in the event of:
          - a sale or exchange by the stockholders of more than 50% of American
            Xtal Technology's voting stock,
          - a merger or consolidation involving American Xtal Technology,
          - the sale, exchange or transfer of all or substantially all of the
            assets of American Xtal Technology, or
          - a liquidation or dissolution of American Xtal Technology,
wherein, upon any such event, the stockholders of American Xtal Technology
immediately before such event do not retain direct or indirect beneficial
ownership of at least 50% of the total combined voting power of the voting stock
of American Xtal Technology, its successor, or the corporation to which the
assets of American Xtal Technology were transferred.
     Upon a change in control, the board may arrange for the acquiring or
successor corporation to assume or substitute new options for the options
outstanding under the 1997 Plan. To the extent that the options outstanding
under the 1997 Plan are not assumed, substituted for, or exercised prior to such
event, they will terminate.
     Termination or amendment. Unless sooner terminated, no ISOs may be granted
under the 1997 Plan after July 25, 2007. The board may terminate or amend the
1997 Plan at any time, but, without stockholder approval, the board may not
adopt an amendment to the 1997 Plan which would increase the total number of
shares of common stock reserved for issuance thereunder, change the class of
persons eligible to receive ISOs, or require stockholder approval under any
applicable law, regulation or rule. No amendment may adversely affect an
outstanding option without the consent of the optionee, unless the amendment is
required to preserve the option's status as an ISO or is necessary to comply
with any applicable law.
     The following summary is intended only as a general guide as to the United
States federal income tax consequences under current law of participation in the
1997 Plan and does not attempt to describe all possible federal or other tax
consequences of such participation or tax consequences based on particular
     ISOs. An optionee recognizes no taxable income for regular income tax
purposes as the result of the grant or exercise of an ISO qualifying under
Section 422 of the Code. Optionees who do not dispose of their shares for two
years following the date the option was granted or within one year following the
exercise of the option will normally recognize a long-term capital gain or loss
equal to the difference, if any, between the sale price and the purchase price
of the shares. If an optionee satisfies such holding periods upon a sale of the
shares, American Xtal Technology will not be entitled to any deduction for
federal income tax purposes. If an optionee disposes of shares within two years
after the date of grant or within one year from the date of exercise, referred
to as a disqualifying disposition, the difference between the fair market value
of the shares on the exercise date, and the option exercise price, not to exceed
the gain realized on the sale if the disposition is a transaction with respect
to which a loss, if sustained, would be recognized, will be taxed as ordinary
income at the time of disposition. Any gain in excess of that amount will be a
capital gain. If a loss is recognized, there will be no ordinary income, and
such loss will be a capital loss. A capital gain or loss will be long-term if
the optionee's holding period is more than 12 months. Generally, for federal
income tax purposes, American Xtal Technology should be able to deduct any
ordinary income recognized by the optionee upon the disqualifying disposition of
the shares, except to the extent the deduction is limited by applicable
provisions of the Code or the regulations thereunder.
     The difference between the option exercise price and the fair market value
of the shares on the exercise date of an ISO is an adjustment in computing the
optionee's alternative minimum taxable income and may be subject to an
alternative minimum tax which is paid if the tax exceeds the regular tax for the
year. Special rules may apply with respect to certain subsequent sales of the
shares in a disqualifying disposition, certain basis adjustments for purposes of
computing the alternative minimum taxable income
on a subsequent sale of the shares and certain tax credits which may arise with
respect to optionees subject to the alternative minimum tax.
     Nonstatutory stock options. Options not designated or qualifying as ISOs
will be nonstatutory stock options. Nonstatutory stock options have no special
tax status. An optionee generally recognizes no taxable income as the result of
the grant of such an option. Upon exercise of a nonstatutory stock option, the
optionee normally recognizes ordinary income in an amount equal to the
difference between the option exercise price and the fair market value of the
shares on the exercise date. If the optionee is an employee, the ordinary income
generally is subject to withholding of income and employment taxes. Upon the
sale of stock acquired by the exercise of a nonstatutory stock option, any gain
or loss, based on the difference between the sale price and the fair market
value on the exercise date, will be taxed as capital gain or loss. A capital
gain or loss will be long-term if the optionee's holding period is more than 12
months. No tax deduction is available to American Xtal Technology with respect
to the grant of a nonstatutory option or the sale of the stock acquired pursuant
to that grant. American Xtal Technology generally should be entitled to a
deduction equal to the amount of ordinary income recognized by the optionee as a
result of the exercise of a nonstatutory option, except to the extent the
deduction is limited by applicable provisions of the Code or the regulations
     The affirmative vote of a majority of the votes cast on the proposal at the
annual meeting of stockholders, at which a quorum representing a majority of all
outstanding shares of American Xtal Technology's common stock is present, either
in person or by proxy, is required for approval of this proposal. Votes for and
against, abstentions and broker non-votes will each be counted as present for
purposes of determining the presence of a quorum. However, abstentions and
broker non-votes will have no effect on the outcome of this vote.
     The board of directors believes that approval of the increase in the number
of shares issuable under the 1997 Plan and the establishment of the grant limit
is in the best interests of American Xtal Technology and its stockholders.
                             PROPOSAL NUMBER THREE
                            APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT OF
                       1998 EMPLOYEE STOCK PURCHASE PLAN
     American Xtal Technology's 1998 Employee Stock Purchase Plan, also referred
to as the Purchase Plan, became effective on May 20, 1998, the effective date of
American Xtal Technology's initial public offering. Currently, the Purchase Plan
provides that the maximum number of shares issuable under the Purchase Plan is
250,000. On January 27, 1999, the board of directors amended the Purchase Plan,
subject to stockholder approval, to increase the maximum number of shares
issuable under the Purchase Plan by 150,000 shares, to a total of 400,000
     The stockholders are now being asked to approve the increase in the number
of shares issuable under the 1997 Plan by 150,000 shares, from 250,000 shares to
400,000 shares. The board of directors believes that approval of this amendment
is in the best interests of American Xtal Technology and our stockholders
because the availability of an adequate reserve of shares under the Purchase
Plan will benefit American Xtal Technology by providing employees with an
opportunity to acquire shares of American Xtal Technology's common stock and is
an important factor in attracting, motivating and retaining qualified officers
and employees essential to our success and in aligning their long-term interests
with those of the stockholders.
     The following summary of the Purchase Plan is qualified in its entirety by
the specific language of the Purchase Plan, a copy of which is available to any
stockholder upon request.
     General. The Purchase Plan is intended to qualify as an "employee stock
purchase plan" under section 423 of the Code. Each participant in the Purchase
Plan is granted a right to purchase, through accumulated payroll deductions, up
to a fixed number of shares of American Xtal Technology's common stock which is
determined on the first day of the offering. The purchase right is automatically
exercised on each purchase date of the offering unless the participant has
withdrawn from the Purchase Plan prior to such date.
     Shares subject to plan. Currently, a maximum of 250,000 of American Xtal
Technology's authorized but unissued or reacquired shares of common stock may be
issued under the Purchase Plan, subject to appropriate adjustment in the event
of a stock dividend, stock split, reverse stock split, recapitalization,
combination, reclassification or similar change in American Xtal Technology's
capital structure or in the event of any merger, sale of assets or other
reorganization of American Xtal Technology. The board has amended the Purchase
Plan, subject to stockholder approval, to increase the maximum number of shares
issuable under the Purchase Plan to 400,000 shares. If any purchase right
expires or terminates, the shares subject to the unexercised portion of such
purchase right will again be available for issuance under the Purchase Plan.
     Administration. The Purchase Plan is administered by the board of directors
or a duly appointed committee of the board. Subject to the provisions of the
Purchase Plan, the board determines the terms and conditions of purchase rights
granted under the plan. The board will interpret the Purchase Plan and purchase
rights granted thereunder, and all determinations of the board will be final and
binding on all persons having an interest in the Purchase Plan or any purchase
rights. The Purchase Plan provides, subject to certain limitations, for
indemnification by American Xtal Technology of any director, officer or employee
against all reasonable expenses, including attorney's fees, incurred in
connection with any legal action arising from such person's action or failure to
act in administering the Purchase Plan.
     Eligibility. Any employee of American Xtal Technology or of any present or
future parent or subsidiary corporation of American Xtal Technology designated
by the board for inclusion in the Purchase Plan is eligible to participate in an
offering under the Purchase Plan so long as the employee has completed 6 months
of service prior to the start of the offering and is customarily employed for at
least 20 hours per week and 5 months per calendar year. However, no employee who
owns or holds options to
purchase, or as a result of participation in the Purchase Plan would own or hold
options to purchase, five percent or more of the total combined voting power or
value of all classes of stock of American Xtal Technology or of any parent or
subsidiary corporation of American Xtal Technology is entitled to participate in
the Purchase Plan.
     Offerings. Generally, each offering under the Purchase Plan is for a period
of six months. Offerings under the Purchase Plan are sequential, with a new
offering beginning every six months. Offerings will generally commence on the
first days of February and August of each year and end on the last days of the
next following July and January, respectively. However, the first offering
commenced on May 21, 1998, the effective date of the Purchase Plan and will end
on July 31, 2000. The initial offering is comprised of four purchase periods,
and the first purchase period commenced on May 21, 1998 and ended on January 31,
1999. Subsequent 6-month purchase periods in the initial offering commenced, or
will commence, on February 1, 1999, August 1, 1999 and February 1, 2000. Shares
are purchased on the last day of each six-month offering and the last day of
each purchase period of the initial offering. The board may establish a
different term for one or more offerings or different commencement or ending
dates for an offering.
     Participation and purchase of shares. Participation in the Purchase Plan is
limited to eligible employees who authorize payroll deductions prior to the
start of an offering. Payroll deductions may not exceed 15% (or such other rate
as the board determines) of an employee's compensation for any pay period during
the offering. Once an employee becomes a participant in the Purchase Plan, that
employee will automatically participate in each successive offering until such
time as that employee withdraws from the Purchase Plan, becomes ineligible to
participate in the Purchase Plan, or terminates employment.
     Subject to certain limitations, each participant in a six-month offering
has a purchase right equal to the lesser of that number of whole shares
determined by dividing $12,500 by the fair market value of a share of common
stock on the first day of the offering or 1,250 shares, provided that these
dollar and share amounts will be prorated for any offering that is other than 6
months in duration. No participant may purchase under the Purchase Plan shares
of American Xtal Technology's common stock having a fair market value exceeding
$25,000 in any calendar year, measured by the fair market value of American Xtal
Technology's common stock on the first day of the offering in which the shares
are purchased.
     On each purchase date, American Xtal Technology issues to each participant
in the offering the number of shares of American Xtal Technology's common stock
determined by dividing the amount of payroll deductions accumulated for the
participant during that period by the purchase price, limited in any case by the
number of shares subject to the participant's purchase right for that offering.
The price per share at which shares are sold generally equals 85% of the lesser
of the fair market value per share of American Xtal Technology's common stock on
the first day of the offering or the purchase date. The fair market value of
American Xtal Technology's common stock is based on the trading price of
American Xtal Technology's shares on the Nasdaq National Market. Any payroll
deductions under the Purchase Plan not applied to the purchase of shares will be
returned to the participant, unless the amount remaining is less than the amount
necessary to purchase a whole share of common stock, in which case the remaining
amount may be applied to the next purchase period or offering.
     A participant may withdraw from an offering at any time without affecting
his or her eligibility to participate in future offerings. However, once a
participant withdraws from an offering, that participant may not again
participate in the same offering.
     Change in control. The Purchase Plan provides that in the event of a change
in control of American Xtal Technology, the acquiring or successor corporation
may assume American Xtal Technology's rights and obligations under the Purchase
Plan or substitute substantially equivalent purchase rights for such
corporation's stock. If the acquiring or successor corporation elects not to
assume or substitute for the outstanding purchase rights, the board may adjust
the last day of the offering to a date on or before the date of the change in
control. Any purchase rights that are not assumed, substituted, or exercised
prior to the change in control will terminate.
     Termination or amendment. The Purchase Plan will continue until terminated
by the board or until all of the shares reserved for issuance under the plan
have been issued. The board may at any time amend or terminate the Purchase
Plan. However, the approval of American Xtal Technology's stockholders is
required within twelve months of the adoption of any amendment that:
     - increases the number of shares authorized for issuance under the Purchase
       Plan, or
     - changes the definition of the corporations which may be designated by the
       board as corporations whose employees may participate in the Purchase
     The following summary is intended only as a general guide as to the United
States federal income tax consequences under current law of participation in the
Purchase Plan and does not attempt to describe all possible federal or other tax
consequences of such participation or tax consequences based on particular
     A participant recognizes no taxable income either as a result of commencing
to participate in the Purchase Plan or purchasing shares of common stock under
the terms of the Purchase Plan.
     If a participant disposes of shares purchased under the Purchase Plan
within two years from the first day of the applicable offering or within one
year from the purchase date, referred to as disqualifying disposition, the
participant will realize ordinary income in the year of such disposition equal
to the amount by which the fair market value of the shares on the purchase date
exceeds the purchase price. The amount of the ordinary income will be added to
the participant's basis in the shares, and any additional gain or resulting loss
recognized on the disposition of the shares will be a capital gain or loss. A
capital gain or loss will be long-term if the participant's holding period is
more than twelve months.
     If the participant disposes of shares purchased under the Purchase Plan at
least two years after the first day of the applicable offering and at least one
year after the purchase date, the participant will realize ordinary income in
the year of disposition equal to the lesser of (1) the excess of the fair market
value of the shares on the date of disposition over the purchase price or (2)
15% of the fair market value of the shares on the first day of the applicable
offering. The amount of any ordinary income will be added to the participant's
basis in the shares, and any additional gain recognized upon the disposition
after such basis adjustment will be a long-term capital gain. If the fair market
value of the shares on the date of disposition is less than the purchase price,
there will be no ordinary income and any loss recognized will be a long-term
capital loss.
     If the participant still owns the shares at the time of death, the lesser
of (1) the excess of the fair market value of the shares on the date of death
over the purchase price or (2) 15% of the fair market value of the shares on the
first day of the offering in which the shares were purchased will constitute
ordinary income in the year of death.
     American Xtal Technology should be entitled to a deduction in the year of a
disqualifying disposition equal to the amount of ordinary income recognized by
the participant as a result of the disposition, except to the extent such
deduction is limited by applicable provisions of the Code or the regulations
thereunder. In all other cases, no deduction is allowed to American Xtal
     The affirmative vote of a majority of the votes cast on the proposal at the
annual meeting of stockholders, at which a quorum representing a majority of all
outstanding shares of American Xtal Technology's common stock is present, either
in person or by proxy, is required for approval of this proposal. Votes for and
against, abstentions and broker non-votes will each be counted as present for
purposes of determining the presence of a quorum. However, abstentions and
broker non-votes will have no effect on the outcome of this vote.
     The board of directors believes that approval of the increase in the number
of shares issuable under the Purchase Plan is in the best interests of American
Xtal Technology and its stockholders. THEREFORE, FOR THE REASONS STATED ABOVE,
                              PROPOSAL NUMBER FOUR
     The board of directors has selected PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as
independent auditors to audit our financial statements for the fiscal year
ending December 31, 1999. PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP has acted in such capacity
since its appointment during the fiscal year ended December 31, 1997. A
representative of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP is expected to be present at the
annual meeting of stockholders with the opportunity to make a statement if the
representative desires to do so, and is expected to be available to respond to
appropriate questions.
     The affirmative vote of a majority of the votes cast at the annual meeting
of stockholders, at which a quorum representing a majority of all outstanding
shares of American Xtal Technology common stock is present and voting, either in
person or by proxy, is required for approval of this proposal. Abstentions and
broker non-votes will each be counted as present for purposes of determining the
presence of a quorum, but will not be counted as having been voted on the
     The following table sets forth certain information, as of March 31, 1999,
with respect to the beneficial ownership of American Xtal Technology common
stock by:
          - each person known by American Xtal Technology to be the beneficial
            owner of more than 5% of our common stock,
          - each director and director nominee of American Xtal Technology,
          - the Chief Executive Officer, and the four other highest compensated
            executive officers of American Xtal Technology whose salary and
            bonus for the year ended December 31, 1998 exceeded $100,000, also
            referred to as the "Named Executive Officers," and
          - all executive officers and directors of American Xtal Technology as
            a group.
     Except as otherwise indicated, the address of each beneficial owner is c/o
American Xtal Technology, Inc., 4281 Technology Drive, Fremont, California
     Except as indicated in the footnotes to the table, American Xtal Technology
believes that the persons named in the table have sole voting and dispositive
power with respect to all shares of common stock shown as beneficially owned by
them, subject to community property laws, where applicable. A person is deemed
to be the beneficial owner of securities that can be acquired by such person
within 60 days upon the exercise of options. Percentages are based on 16,247,277
shares of common stock outstanding on March 31, 1999.

                                                             SHARES OWNED
                                                        NUMBER OF
        -------------------------------------           ---------    ----------
Morris S. Young(1)....................................  2,013,183       12.4%
Gary S. Young(2)......................................    719,083        4.4%
Theodore S. Young(3)..................................    634,465        3.9%
Davis Zhang(4)........................................    300,000        1.8%
Guy D. Atwood(5)......................................     43,750          *
Jesse Chen(6).........................................      9,375          *
B.J. Moore(7).........................................      9,375          *
Donald L. Tatzin(8)...................................      9,375          *
All directors and executive officers as a group (9
  persons)(9).........................................  3,761,481       23.2%

- ---------------
 *  Less than 1%
(1) Includes 781,400 shares held by the Morris & Vicke Young Trust, 1,132,200
    shares held by the Morris Young Family Ltd. Partnership, and 20,000 shares
    held by the minor children of Morris Young, and 59,583 shares subject to
    options exercisable within 60 days of March 31, 1999. Also includes 20,000
    shares held jointly by George Liu, Morris Young's father-in-law, and Vicke
    Young, Morris Young's spouse, of which Morris Young disclaims beneficial
(2) Includes 27,500 shares directly held by Gary Young, 446,087 shares held by
    Gary Young Trust A, 190,163 shares held by Gary Young Trust B, 2,000 shares
    held by Joanna Young, Mr. Young's daughter, and 53,333 shares subject to
    options exercisable within 60 days of March 31, 1999.
(3) Includes 55,000 shares subject to options exercisable within 60 days of
    March 31, 1999.
(4) Includes 200,000 shares directly held by Davis Zhang, 29,000 shares held by
    Xian-Ming Zhang, Mr. Zhang's spouse, 16,000 shares held by Mr. Zhang's minor
    children and 55,000 shares issuable upon exercise of options.
(5) Includes 43,750 shares subject to options exercisable within 60 days of
    March 31, 1999.
(6) Includes 9,375 shares subject to options exercisable within 60 days of March
    31, 1999.
(7) Includes 9,375 shares subject to options exercisable within 60 days of March
    31, 1999.
(8) Includes 9,375 shares subject to options exercisable within 60 days of March
    31, 1999.
(9) Includes 317,083 shares subject to options exercisable within 60 days of
    March 31, 1999.
     The following table sets forth information concerning the total
compensation of the Named Executive Officers for the years ended December 31,
1998, 1997 and 1996:
                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                                                             LONG TERM
                                               ANNUAL COMPENSATION            AWARDS
                                           ---------------------------   -----------------
                                                                         NO. OF SECURITIES         ALL
                                                                            UNDERLYING            OTHER
       ---------------------------         ----   ---------   --------   -----------------   ---------------
Morris S. Young..........................  1998   $177,540    $18,000              --            $  648
  President and Chief Executive Officer    1997    152,339     15,000         130,000               648
                                           1996    149,457      6,500              --               648
Theodore S. Young........................  1998    133,334     13,500              --               855
  Senior Vice President, Marketing         1997    133,675     12,000         120,000               855
                                           1996    124,043      5,500              --               855
Davis Zhang..............................  1998    153,052     14,500              --               285
  Senior Vice President, Production......  1997    122,178     12,000         120,000               285
                                           1996    107,611      5,000              --               285
Gary S. Young............................  1998    110,574      9,300              --               860
  Vice President, Sales                    1997    104,067      8,000         100,000               860
                                           1996     97,518      4,000              --               860
Guy D. Atwood(3).........................  1998    122,128     13,500              --             2,678
  Vice President and Chief Financial
  Officer,                                 1997     38,912      3,500         100,000               798
  Treasurer and Secretary                  1996         --         --              --                --

- ---------------
(1) Amounts shown are on a full year basis and include cash and noncash
    compensation earned by executive officers.
(2) Represents premiums paid by American Xtal Technology for life insurance
(3) The salary amount shown for Guy D. Atwood for 1997 reflects amounts earned
    from August 18, 1997, his initial date of employment with American Xtal
    Technology, to December 31, 1997, and is based on his 1997 annual salary of
    $110,000. Mr. Atwood was not employed by American Xtal Technology in 1996.
                       OPTION GRANTS IN LAST FISCAL YEAR
     During 1998, American Xtal Technology did not grant any options to purchase
its common stock to the Named Executive Officers.
     The following table provides certain information concerning exercises of
options to purchase American Xtal Technology common stock during 1998, and
unexercised options held as December 31, 1998, by the Named Executive Officers:

                                                             NUMBER OF SECURITIES
                                                                  UNDERLYING         VALUE OF UNEXERCISED
                                                              UNEXERCISED OPTIONS    IN-THE-MONEY OPTIONS
                                   SHARES                       AT 12/31/98(1)          AT 12/31/98(2)
                                 ACQUIRED ON      VALUE      ---------------------   ---------------------
             NAME                 EXERCISE     REALIZED(3)    VESTED     UNVESTED     VESTED     UNVESTED
             ----                -----------   -----------   --------   ----------   ---------   ---------
Morris S. Young................        --        $    --      46,042      83,958     $166,902    $304,348
Theodore S. Young..............        --             --      42,500      77,500      175,312     319,688
Davis Zhang....................    12,500         98,125      42,500      77,500      175,312     319,688
Gary S. Young..................     3,750         22,875      42,917      64,583      200,283     266,405
Guy D. Atwood..................        --             --      33,333      66,667      137,499     275,001

- ---------------
(1) American Xtal Technology has a right of repurchase as to any unvested shares
    upon optionee's termination of employment at their original exercise price.
(2) Calculated on the basis of the fair market value of the underlying
    securities as of December 31, 1998 of $9.125 per share, as reported as the
    closing price on the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated
    Quotations System, minus the aggregate exercise price.
(3) Fair market price on date of exercise, less exercise price.
     No compensation intended to serve as incentive for performance to occur
over a period longer than one fiscal year was paid pursuant to a long-term
incentive plan during fiscal 1998 to any Named Executive Officer. American Xtal
Technology does not have any defined benefit or actuarial plan under which
benefits are determined primarily by final compensation or average final
compensation and years of service with any of the Named Executive Officers.
     Directors of American Xtal Technology each receive $500 per board or
committee meeting, and are reimbursed for reasonable expenses. The directors are
eligible to receive option grants pursuant to the 1997 Stock Option Plan.
     The compensation committee is composed of Jesse Chen, B.J. Moore and Donald
Tatzin. No interlocking relationships exist between any member of our
compensation committee and any member of any other company's board of directors
or compensation committee. The compensation committee makes recommendations
regarding our employee stock plans and makes decisions concerning salaries and
bonus compensation for executive officers of American Xtal Technology.
     Since January 1998, there has not been, nor is there currently proposed,
any transaction or series of similar transactions to which American Xtal
Technology was or is to be a party in which the amount involved exceeds $60,000,
and in which any director, executive officer or holder of more than 5% any class
of voting securities of American Xtal Technology and members of that person's
immediate family had or will have a direct or indirect material interest other
than the transactions described below.
     During 1998, Equipment & Materials Inc., a California corporation engaged
in international trading with the People's Republic of China and quartzware
fabrication, supplied American Xtal Technology with
various raw materials from China and also has manufactured quartzware for
American Xtal Technology. Christina X. Li, the sole shareholder and President of
Equipment & Materials Inc., is the wife of Davis Zhang. The aggregate revenue
received by Equipment & Materials Inc. from American Xtal Technology for such
supply and production through December 31, 1998 was approximately $3,681,000.
     In May 1998, American Xtal Technology loaned Equipment & Materials Inc.
approximately $75,000, which has since been repaid in full.
     In 1998, American Xtal Technology entered into indemnification agreements
with each of its directors and executive officers. These indemnification
agreements require American Xtal Technology to indemnify these individuals to
the fullest extent permitted by law.
     Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 requires American Xtal
Technology's executive officers, directors and persons who beneficially own more
than 10% of our common stock to file initial reports of ownership and reports of
changes in ownership with the Securities and Exchange Commission. These persons
are required by SEC regulations to furnish American Xtal Technology with copies
of all Section 16(a) forms that they file.
     Based solely on our review of the forms furnished to us and written
representations from certain reporting persons, we believe that all filing
requirements applicable to our executive officers, directors and persons who
beneficially own more than 10% of our common stock were complied with in fiscal
     The following table sets forth grants of stock options under the 1997 Plan
during 1998 to:
     - the Named Executive Officers;
     - all current executive officers as a group;
     - all current directors who are not executive officers as a group; and
     - all employees, who are not executive officers, as a group.
     During 1998, American Xtal Technology did not grant any rights under the
Purchase Plan.
                               NEW PLAN BENEFITS

                                                                1997 PLAN
                 NAME AND POSITION                   EXERCISE PRICE    NO. OF SHARES
                 -----------------                   --------------    -------------
Morris S. Young....................................      $   --                --
  President and Chief Executive Officer
Theodore S. Young..................................          --                --
  Senior Vice President, Marketing
Davis Zhang........................................          --                --
  Senior Vice President, Production
Gary S. Young......................................          --                --
  Vice President, Sales
Guy D. Atwood......................................          --                --
  Vice President and Chief Financial Officer,
  Treasurer and Secretary
Executive group (6 persons)........................        7.50            40,000
Non-executive director group (3 persons)...........        7.00            90,000
Non-executive officer employee group...............       7.046(1)        106,000

- ---------------
(1) Average exercise price of options granted to non-executive officer employees
    under the 1997 Plan.
     The compensation committee is comprised of Jesse Chen, B.J. Moore and
Donald Tatzin, each an outside director of the board of directors and is
responsible for setting and monitoring policies governing compensation of
executive officers. The compensation committee reviews the performance and
compensation levels for executive officers and sets salary and bonus levels and
option grants under our 1997 Stock Option Plan. The objectives of the committee
are to correlate executive compensation with our business objectives and
performance, and to enable us to attract, retain and reward executive officers
who contribute to our long-term success.
     The compensation committee annually assesses the performance and sets the
salary of the President and Chief Executive Officer, Morris S. Young. In turn,
Mr. Young annually assesses the performance of all other executive officers and
recommends salary increases which are reviewed and approved by the compensation
     In particular, Mr. Young's compensation as President and Chief Executive
Officer is based on compensation levels of President/Chief Executive Officers of
comparable size companies. In addition, the compensation committee considers
certain incentive objectives based on American Xtal Technology's performance as
it relates to revenue levels and earnings per share levels.
     In determining executive officer salaries, the compensation committee
reviews recommendations from Mr. Young which include information from salary
surveys, performance evaluations and the financial condition of American Xtal
Technology. The compensation committee also establishes both financial and
operational based objectives and goals in determining executive officer
salaries. These goals and objectives include sales and spending forecasts for
the upcoming year and published executive compensation literature for comparable
sized companies.
     For more information regarding the compensation and employment arrangements
of Mr. Young and other executive officers, see "EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION AND OTHER
     While the compensation committee did not administer a bonus plan for
executives in 1998, the committee may administer such a bonus plan in the future
in order to provide additional incentives to executives who meet established
performance goals. Awards under this bonus plan may be contingent upon American
Xtal Technology's attainment of revenue and operating profit targets, set by the
compensation committee in consultation with the Chief Executive Officer.
Additionally, awards may be weighted so that executives would receive
proportionately higher awards when our performance reaches maximum targets,
proportionately smaller awards when our performance reaches minimum targets, and
no awards when we do not meet minimum performance targets.
     The compensation committee believes that employee equity ownership provides
significant motivation to executive officers to maximize value for our
stockholders and, therefore, periodically grants stock options under our stock
option plan. Stock options are granted at the current market price and will only
have value if our stock price increases over the exercise price.
     The compensation committee determines the size and frequency of option
grants for executive officers, after consideration of recommendations from the
Chief Executive Officer. Recommendations for options are based upon the relative
position and responsibilities of each executive officer, previous and expected
contributions of each officer to American Xtal Technology and previous option
grants to such executive officers. Generally, option grants vest 25% twelve
months after commencement of employment or after the date of grant and continue
to vest thereafter in equal monthly installments over three years, conditioned
upon continued employment.
                                          THE COMPENSATION COMMITTEE
     Set forth below is a line graph comparing the annual percentage change in
the cumulative total return on our common stock with the CRSP Total Return Index
for the Nasdaq Stock Market (U.S. Companies) and the Nasdaq Electronic
Components Index for the period commencing May 20, 1998, the date of our initial
public offering, and ending December 31, 1998.

                                                AMERICAN XTAL TECHNOLOGY        NASDAQ ELECTRONIC
                                                          INC.                     COMPONENTS               NASDAQ US MARKET
                                                ------------------------        -----------------           ----------------
5/20/98                                                  100.00                      100.00                      100.00
6/30/98                                                  135.30                      103.93                       97.05
9/30/98                                                   77.65                       94.09                      100.90
12/31/98                                                  85.88                      121.35                      146.66

(1) Assumes that $100.00 was invested May 20, 1998 in our common stock and in
    each index, and that all dividends were reinvested. Stockholder returns over
    the indicated period should not be considered indicative of future
    stockholder returns.
     The following is a brief summary of the 1993 Stock Option Plan, also
referred to as the 1993 Plan, as in effect as of the date of this Proxy
Statement. American Xtal Technology has terminated the 1993 Plan and will not
grant any additional options thereunder in the future, although options
outstanding under the 1993 Plan will remain subject to the terms and conditions
of the 1993 Plan.
     The following summary of the 1993 Plan is qualified in its entirety by the
specific language of the 1993 Plan, a copy of which is available to any
stockholder upon request.
     The 1993 Plan provides for the grant of stock options to employees,
including officers, directors and consultants of American Xtal Technology and
any parent or subsidiary corporation of American Xtal Technology. The 1993 Plan
provides for the grant of ISOs or nonstatutory stock options, although ISOs may
be granted only to employees. As of April 12, 1999, options to purchase an
aggregate 103,425 shares of common stock at a weighted average exercise price of
$6.344 were outstanding under the 1993 Plan. Options granted under the 1993 Plan
will remain outstanding in accordance with their terms, but no further options
will be granted under the 1993 Plan.
     The 1993 Plan is administered by the board. The board will interpret the
1993 Plan and options granted thereunder, and all determinations of the board
will be final and binding on all persons having an interest in the 1993 Plan or
any option.
     Options granted under the 1993 Plan will become exercisable and vested at
such times as specified by the board. Shares subject to options generally vest
and become exercisable in installments, subject to the optionee's continued
employment or service.
     The 1993 Plan provides that in the event of a change in control of American
Xtal Technology, the board may arrange for the acquiring or successor
corporation to assume or substitute new options for the options outstanding
under the 1993 Plan. If the options are not assumed or substituted for in
connection with the change in control, the board may, in certain circumstances,
accelerate the exercisability of such outstanding options. To the extent that
the options outstanding under the 1993 Plan are not assumed, substituted for, or
exercised prior to such event, they will terminate.
     The federal income tax consequences of the options granted under the 1993
Plan are the same as the federal income tax consequences described for stock
options granted pursuant to the 1997 Plan set forth above under Proposal Number
     Proposals of stockholders intended to be presented at the next annual
meeting of the stockholders of the Company must be received by the Company at
its offices at 4281 Technology Drive, Fremont, California 94538, not later than
December 23, 1999, and satisfy the conditions established by the Securities and
Exchange Commission for stockholder proposals to be included in American Xtal
Technology's proxy statement for that meeting.
                         TRANSACTION OF OTHER BUSINESS
     At the date of this proxy statement, the only business which the board of
directors intends to present or knows that others will present at the meeting is
as set forth above. If any other matter or matters are properly brought before
the meeting, or any adjournment thereof, it is the intention of the persons
named in the accompanying form of proxy to vote the proxy on such matters in
accordance with their best judgment.
                                          By order of the board of directors
                                          /s/ Guy D. Atwood
                                          Guy D. Atwood
April 21, 1999
                         AMERICAN XTAL TECHNOLOGY, INC.
The undersigned hereby appoints Morris S. Young and Guy D. Atwood, and each of
them, with full power of substitution to represent the undersigned and to vote
all of the shares of stock in American Xtal Technology, Inc. which the
undersigned is entitled to vote at the 1999 annual meeting of stockholders to be
held at 4281 Technology Drive, Fremont, California on May 17, 1999 at 10:00 a.m.
Pacific Daylight Time, and at any adjournment thereof (1) as hereinafter
specified upon the proposals listed below and as more particularly described in
American Xtal Technology's proxy statement, receipt of which is hereby
acknowledged and (2) in their discretion upon such other matters as may properly
come before the meeting.
A Vote FOR the following proposals is recommended by the board of directors:
1.  Election of directors listed below.
    Nominees:  Morris S. Young and Theodore S. Young.
                          [ ] FOR        [ ] WITHHELD
[ ]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INSTRUCTION: To withhold authority to vote for any nominee, mark the above box
and list the name(s) of the nominee(s) in the space provided.
2.  To approve the amendment to American Xtal Technology's 1997 Stock Option
    Plan to increase by 1,000,000 the maximum number of shares of common stock
    that may be issued thereunder and to limit the number of shares for which
    options may be granted under such plan to any employee within any fiscal
    year to 250,000.
                          [ ] FOR        [ ] WITHHELD        [ ] ABSTAIN
3.  To approve an amendment to American Xtal Technology's 1998 Employee Stock
    Purchase Plan to increase by 150,000 the maximum number of shares of common
    stock that may be issued thereunder.
                          [ ] FOR        [ ] WITHHELD        [ ] ABSTAIN
4.  To ratify the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as American Xtal
    Technology's independent auditors for the fiscal year ending December 31,
                 [ ] FOR        [ ] WITHHELD        [ ] ABSTAIN
5.  To transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting or
    any adjournment thereof.
    The shares represented hereby shall be voted as specified. If no
    specification is made, such shares shall be voted FOR proposal 1, 2, 3 and
                                                       Dated , 1999
                                                             (Be sure to date
                                                       Print Name(d)
Sign exactly as your name(s) appears on your stock certificate. If shares of
stock stand on record in the names of two or more persons or in the name of
husband and wife, whether as joint tenants or otherwise, both or all of such
persons should sign the above proxy. If shares of stock are held of record by a
corporation, the proxy should be executed by the President or Vice President and
the Secretary or Assistant Secretary, and the corporate seal should be fixed
thereto. Executors or administrators or other fiduciaries who execute the above
proxy for a deceased stockholder should give their full title. PLEASE DATE THE
Even if you are planning to attend the meeting in person, you are urged to sign
and mail the proxy in the return envelope so that your stock may be represented
at the meeting.