
THIS SUB-SUBLEASE (this "Sub-Sublease") is entered into as of the 1st day of 
July, 1998, by and between (i) Trident Microsystems, Inc., a California 
Corporation ("Trident"), and (ii) Juniper Networks, Inc. a California 
Corporation ("Juniper").

     A.   Pursuant to that certain Lease dated September 21, 1989 (the "Master 
Lease"), by and between Spieker Properties, L.P., a California limited 
partnership, Successor-in-Interest to Mountain View Industrial Associates, a 
California Partnership ("Master Landlord"), as landlord, and Network Computing 
Devices, Inc., a California corporation ("NCD"), as tenant, and the First 
Addendum to Lease dated December 2, 1991 between Mountain View Industrial 
Associates, a California Partnership ("Master Landlord"), as landlord, and 
Network Computing Devices, Inc., a California corporation ("NCD"), as tenant 
and the Second Addendum to Lease Dated August 20, 1993 between Mountain View 
Industrial Associates, a California Partnership ("Master Landlord"), as 
landlord, and Network Computing Devices, Inc., a California corporation 
("NCD"), as tenant and the Third Addendum to Lease Dated October 22, 1993 
between Mountain View Industrial Associates, a California Partnership ("Master 
Landlord"), as landlord, and Network Computing Devices, Inc., a California 
corporation ("NCD"), as tenant NCD is leasing from Master Landlord a building 
located at 370/380 Bernardo Avenue, Mountain View, California. A copy of the 
Master Lease and Addendums 1, 2, and 3 is attached hereto as "Exhibit A" and 
incorporated herein by this reference.

     B.   Pursuant to that certain Sublease Agreement dated October 24, 1995 
(the "Sublease"), NCD subleased to Trident the premises covered by the Master 
Lease consisting of approximately 27,444 rentable square feet as more 
particularly described in the Sublease (the "Subleased Premises"). A copy of 
the Sublease is attached hereto as "Exhibit B".

     C.   Juniper desires to sub-sublease the 27,444 rentable square foot 
Premises beginning with a portion of the Subleased premises consisting of 
approximately 17,950 rentable square feet from Trident and Trident desires to 
sub-sublease a portion of the Subleased Premises to Juniper, on the terms, 
covenants and conditions contained herein.

     NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises of 
the parties contained herein, the parties hereto agree as follows:

     1.   SUB-SUBLEASE. Trident subleases to Juniper and Juniper hires from 
Trident a portion of the Subleased Premises, outlined on "Exhibit C" hereto as 
the "Initial Premises". The Initial Premises shall be delivered to Juniper on 
the Commencement Date and Juniper by acceptance and delivery thereof, 
acknowledges the same to be in good order and repair and in a tenantable 
condition, subject to Juniper's rights and Trident's obligations per Paragraph 
7 herein.

2.  EXPANSION SPACE. On January 1, 1999 and continuing through June 30, 2000, 
Trident subleases to Juniper and Juniper hires from Trident the balance of the 
Subleased Premises consisting of approximately 9,494 square feet bringing the 
total square footage sub-subleased to 27,444 rentable square feet described on 
Exhibit C hereto as the "Expansion Space". Trident may, by giving Juniper sixty 
(60) days prior written notice to January 1, 1999, delay delivery of the 
Expansion Space up to April 1, 1999. Juniper shall not be liable for rent on 
the Expansion Premises until such time as Trident delivers possession of the 
Expansion Premises.

3.  TERM.  The term of this Sub-Sublease shall commence on September 1, 1998 
(the "Commencement Date") and shall expire on June 20, 2000, unless sooner 
terminated as hereafter provided or as provided in the Master Lease (the 
"Term"). Trident may, by giving Juniper written notice by August 1, 1998, delay 
delivery of the Initial Premises up to October 1, 1998. Notwithstanding the 
foregoing, Juniper agrees that in the event of the failure or inability of 
Trident for any reason to deliver possession of the Initial Premises on or 
before the Commencement Date:

(i)  Trident shall not be liable for any damage caused thereby, (ii) this 
Sub-Sublease shall not be void or voidable provided, however, that if Trident 
fails to deliver the Initial Premises to Juniper by November 1, 1998 then 
Juniper shall have the right, exercisable by written notice to Trident, to 
terminate this Sub-Sublease; (iii) Juniper shall not be liable for rent until 
such time as Trident delivers possession of the Initial Premises to Juniper; 
and (iv) the Term shall not be extended by any such delay. Notwithstanding 
anything to the contrary contained herein, if for any reason. Trident fails to 
deliver possession of the Expansion Space by April 1, 1999 then the amount of 
Base Rent payable under this Sub-Sublease shall be decreased by twenty five 
percent (25%). The Term of this Sub-Sublease shall earlier terminate in the 
event of the earlier termination for any cause whatsoever of the Sublease or of 
the Master Lease.

4.  EARLY ACCESS.  Provided Juniper does not interfere with Trident's occupancy 
of the Subleased Premises, Trident grants Juniper the right to access the 
Initial Premises prior to the commencement date in order to prepare the Initial 
Premises for Juniper's occupancy. During this early access period Juniper shall 
not be obligated to pay base rent or triple net expenses. This same early 
access to be granted at a later appropriate date for the Expansion Space.

5.  RENT.

(a)  BASE RENT.  Juniper shall pay to Trident during the Term as base rent for 
the Initial Premises the sum of Forty Thousand Three Hundred Eighty Seven 
Dollars ($40,387.00) per month, which amount shall be prorated for each 
fractional month during the Term. Beginning with the commencement of Expansion 
Premises the base rent shall increase to Sixty One Thousand Seven Hundred Forth 
Nine Dollars ($61,749.00). The amounts payable pursuant to this Paragraph 5(a) 
are hereinafter referred to as "Base Rent". Juniper shall pay to Trident upon 
execution of this Sub-Sublease, in addition to the Deposit set forth in Section 
5(e) below, the first month's Base Rent in the amount of $40,387.00.

     (b)  OTHER EXPENSES. In addition to the above rent Juniper shall be
responsible for its pro-rata share for the Subleased Premises triple net
expenses applicable to the term of this Sub-Sublease, including but not limited
to, real property taxes, fire and extended insurance and common area maintenance
expenses and other expenses set forth in the Master Lease. It is also agreed
that Juniper shall reimburse Trident, on a pro-rata per square foot basis, for
all utility costs from Sub-Sublease commencement until Juniper takes occupancy
of the entire Premises; provided that unless and until the Expansion Space is
delivered to Juniper, Trident shall be responsible for its pro-rata share of 
the triple net expenses of the Expansion Space.

     (c)  PAYMENT. Base Rent and any other charges payable by Juniper to 
Trident under this Sub-Sublease shall be paid to Trident at the place set forth 
as Trident's address for notices hereunder, or at such other place as Trident 
may from time to time designate by notice to Juniper. All such payments shall 
be made (i) with respect to Base Rent, on the first day of each calendar month 
during the Term of this Sub-Sublease (except that the Base Rent for the first 
month of the Term shall be due upon execution of this Sub-Sublease), without 
prior notice or demand thereof and without any deductions or offsets 
whatsoever; and (ii) with respect to all other payments, five (5) days prior to 
the date such payments are due to NCD under the Sublease, or if no regular due 
date is specified under the Sublease, as specified in Trident's written notice 
to Juniper. All such amounts shall be prorated as appropriate.

     (d)  LATE PAYMENTS. If any installment of Base Rent or any other amount 
due from Juniper under this Sub-Sublease shall not be received by Trident 
within five (5) days after the date the same is due and payable, Juniper shall 
pay to Trident a late charge equal to six percent (6%) of such unpaid amounts. 
Acceptance of such late charges by Trident shall in no event constitute a 
waiver of Juniper's default with respect to such overdue amount nor shall such 
acceptance prevent Trident from exercising any of the other rights and remedies 
granted to Trident hereunder.

     (e)  DEPOSIT. Upon the execution of this Sub-Sublease, Juniper shall pay 
to Trident the sum of Forty Thousand Three Hundred Eighty Seven Dollars 
($40,387.00) (the "Deposit") to be held as a non-interest bearing security 
deposit for the full and faithful performance of each of Juniper's obligations 
under this Sub-Sublease. Upon commencement of the Expansion Premises Juniper 
shall pay to Trident Twenty One Thousand Three Hundred Sixty Two Dollars 
($21,362.00) bringing the total Deposit to Sixty One Thousand Seven Hundred 
Forty Nine Dollars ($61,749.00). In the event Juniper fails to perform or 
observe any of the provisions of the Sub-Sublease to be performed or observed 
by Juniper, then, at the option of Trident, Trident may apply the Deposit or 
any portion thereof as may be necessary to remedy any default in the payment of 
rent or otherwise remedy any nonperformance by Juniper, and Juniper shall 
forthwith upon demand restore the Deposit to the original amount specified. Any 
remaining portion of the Deposit shall be returned to Juniper within thirty 
(30) days of the date of termination of this Sub-Sublease, provided that 
Juniper shall have vacated the Sub-Subleased Premises in accordance with each 
and every term and condition of this Sub-Sublease.

     6.   USE. Juniper shall use the Sub-Subleased Premises only for purposes 
allowed under the Master Lease and the Sublease and for no other purpose. 
Juniper shall not do or suffer anything to be done upon the Sub-Subleased 
Premises which will cause injury to the Sub-Subleased Premises. Juniper shall 
comply with all federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, regulations and 
standards relating to its use of the Sub-Subleased Premises and its use, 
storage, sale and disposal of hazardous or toxic substances, as such terms are 
defined in any such federal, state, or local law, ordinance, regulation or 
standard. Juniper shall not use or bring onto the Sub-Subleased Premises any 
hazardous or toxic substance. Juniper shall provide immediate notice to Trident 
if a release of any hazardous or toxic substance occurs or will occur within, 
on or under the Sub-Subleased Premises (whether by air, water, or other means 
of transmission) during Juniper's tenancy of the Sub-Subleased Premises. 
Failure to so provide such notice to Trident shall, at Trident's election, 
constitute a default under this Sub-Sublease. The Parties hereto shall 
indemnify, defend and hold harmless each other from and against any and all 
cost, expense (including attorneys' or consultants' fees), damage, liability or 
loss incurred in connection with the release, use, storage or disposal of a 
hazardous or toxic substance on or about the Sub-Subleased Premises by them, or 
their employees, agents, contractors, or invitees.

     7.   CONDITION OF PREMISES. Prior to the Sub-Sublease commencements, 
Trident, at Trident's sole cost and expense, shall deliver the Initial Premises 
and the Expansion Premises to Juniper in good condition and repair, including 
but not limited to, roof, plumbing, sprinklers, electrical, mechanical systems 
and parking lot. If during the initial one hundred twenty (120) days of 
Juniper's occupancy of either phase, a problem relative to the condition of the 
above mentioned items is discovered, Juniper shall provide Trident with written 
notification of said problem and Trident, at Trident's sole cost, shall repair 
said problem.


     (a)  Prior to Initial Premises commencement, Trident, at Trident's sole 
          cost and expense, shall perform the following work:

      1.  Demise the Initial Premises from the Expansion Space;
      2.  Replace stained or damaged ceiling tiles;
      3.  Shampoo carpets and clean and wax tile floors; and
      4.  Remove all items belonging to Trident from the Initial Premises.
     (b)  Prior to Expansion Space commencement Trident, at Trident's sole cost 
          and expense, shall perform the following work:

      1.  Replace stained of damaged ceiling tiles;
      2.  Shampoo carpets and clean and wax tile floors;
      3.  Remove all items belonging to Trident from the Expansion Space; and
      4.  Remove the demising structures that separate the Initial Premises and 
          the Expansion Space at the time Juniper takes the Expansion Space.

be subject to all of the terms and conditions of the Sublease with the 
exception of those items excluded pursuant to Paragraph 10(a) below, and from 
and after the Commencement Date Juniper covenants to perform all of the 
obligations of "Sublessee" with regard to the Sub-Subleased Premises under the 
Sublease accruing or required to be performed from and after the Commencement 
Date, to the extent said terms and conditions are consistent with the 
provisions of this Sub-Sublease, and only except as otherwise limited by 
Paragraph 10(a) below. Trident shall be responsible for all of the obligations 
of "Sublessee" under the Sublease accruing or required to be performed prior to 
the Commencement Date. This Sub-Sublease shall be subject to all the terms and 
conditions of the Master Lease with the exception of those items excluded 
pursuant to Paragraph 10(a). By agreeing to perform the duties of "Sublessee" 
with regard to the Sub-Subleased Premises, Jupiter also is agreeing for the 
benefit of Trident, during the term of this Sub-Sublease to perform all the 
obligations of Trident with regard to the Sub-Subleased Premises under the 
Master Lease (which obligations Trident has assumed pursuant to Paragraph 2.1 
of the Sublease).


     (a)  EXCLUSIONS. Except as otherwise provided in this Sub-Sublease, all of 
the terms and conditions of the Sublease are incorporated herein as terms and 
conditions of this Sub-Sublease, with references therein to "Sublessor" and 
"Sublessee" to be deemed to mean and refer to, respectively, Trident and 
Juniper herein, and with references therein to "Sublease" to mean this 
Sub-Sublease, and along with the sections and paragraphs set out in this 
Sub-Sublease, shall be the complete terms and conditions of this Sub-Sublease; 
provided, however, (i) the following paragraphs of the Sublease are not 
incorporated herein: 3.1, 3.2, 3.4, 5 & 7 for the purposes of incorporation the 
terms and provisions of the Master Lease and the Sublease into this 
Sub-Sublease, the following Master Lease provisions are hereby amended as 
follows (references are to paragraphs in the Master Lease):

          Master Lessor, NCD and Trident shall be named as additional insured on
          the liability insurance.

          The three day cure period provided for any monetary default is reduced
          to two (2) days. The thirty (30) day cure period provided for any
          non-monetary default is reduced to twenty-five (25) days.

          The addresses for notices shall be set out on the signature page

     (b)  RECOURSE TO MASTER LANDLORD. Notwithstanding Paragraph 8(a) & 8(b) 
hereof, it is understood and agreed that Trident shall have no obligation or 
responsibility to provide or perform any service, maintenance utility, repair, 
alteration or other similar obligation which is the obligation of Master 
Landlord or NCD to provide or perform pursuant to the terms of the Master Lease 
or Sublease. If Juniper shall notify Trident that Master Landlord or NCD is not 
supplying services to the Subleased Premises as required under the Master Lease 
or Sublease, Trident will promptly request Master Landlord or NCD, as 
appropriate, to perform such services. Trident shall in no event be liable to 
Juniper nor shall Juniper's obligations under this Sub-Sublease be impaired or 
reduced or the performance thereof excused because of any failure or delay on 
Master Landlord's or

NCD's part in providing any such services or in making any repairs or
alterations, or in performing or observing any similar obligation Master
Landlord under the Master Lease or NCD under the Sublease. IF NCD shall default
in its obligation to provide services or make repairs as required under the
Sublease to the Subleased Premises, Trident at Juniper's request shall exercise
reasonable efforts to enforce Trident's rights against NCD (or to cause NCD to
enforce its rights against Master Landlord with respect to such service or
repairs) but Trident shall have no obligation to bring any legal action or
proceeding against NCD. Notwithstanding the foregoing, (i) if as a result of
NCD's or Master Landlord's failure to provide services or make repairs as
required under the Sublease Juniper's use of the Subleased Premises is
materially and adversely affected for a period of thirty (30) or more days, and
(ii) if Trident fails to bring a legal action against NCD for such failure
within ten (10) days after Juniper's written request to do so; then Juniper may
elect to terminate this Sub-Sublease provided it provides Trident with written
notice of such termination within thirty (30) days after the later to occur of
(i) and (ii) above.

acknowledges that it has read and is familiar with the terms of the Master 
Lease and Sublease, and agrees that this Sub-Sublease is subordinate and subject
to the Master Lease and Sublease.

     11.  ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLETTING. Juniper shall not sublet the Sub-Subleased
Premises or assign this Sub-Sublease without the prior written consent of Master
Landlord and NCD, to the extent such consent is required under the Master Lease
or Sublease. Juniper shall not sublet the Subleased Premises or assign this
Sub-Sublease without the prior written consent of Trident, which shall not be
unreasonably withheld. In the event of sublease profit, the profit would first
go to cover all costs (including, but not limited to, tenant improvement work,
legal fees, real estate commissions and advertising fees) then shall be split
50/50 between Trident and Juniper, or per the terms of the Master Lease.

     12.  REAL ESTATE BROKERS. Upon execution of this Sub-Sublease, Trident 
shall pay Colliers Parrish International, Inc. a licensed Real Estate broker, 
fees set forth in a separate agreement.


     (a)  Notices. All notices or demands of any kind required or desired to be
given by Trident to Juniper or Juniper to Trident hereunder shall be in writing 
and shall be sent by hand delivery or by a nationally recognized courier 
service, in which event they shall be deemed given when the same are received, 
or by depositing such notices or demands in the United States mail, certified 
or registered, postage prepaid, return receipt requested (unless return receipt 
indicates not delivered), in which event it shall be deemed give seventy-two 
(72) hours after such deposit. All notices or demands shall be addressed to 
Trident or Juniper, as the case may be, at the address set forth after the 
signatures to this Sub-Sublease.

     (b) ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Sub-Sublease represents the entire agreement
between the parties to this Sub-Sublease and supersedes all prior agreements
between the parties, whether written or oral. There are no representations
between Trident and Juniper other than those contained in this Sub-Sublease. Any
agreement hereafter made shall be ineffective to change, modify, waive or
discharge this Sub-Sublease in whole or in part unless such agreement is in
writing and signed by the party against whom enforcement of the change,
modification, waiver or discharge is sought.

     (c) SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. The terms, covenants and conditions contained
in this Sub-Sublease shall, subject to the provisions of this Sub-Sublease
relating to assignment and subletting, apply to, be binding upon and inure to
the benefit of the heirs, successors and assigns of the parties hereto.

     (d) WAIVERS. No delay or omission in the exercise of any right or remedy of
Trident upon any default by Juniper shall impair such right or remedy or be
construed as a waiver of such default. The receipt and acceptance by Trident of
delinquent rents or charges, or the acceptance of partial payments of such rents
or charges, shall not constitute a waiver of any other default. No act or
conduct of Trident, including, without limitation, the acceptance of keys to the
Subleased Premises, shall constitute an acceptance of the surrender of the
Subleased Premises by Juniper before the expiration of or sooner termination of
the Term. Only a written notice from Trident to Juniper shall constitute
acceptance of the surrender of the Subleased Premises and accomplish a
termination of this Sub-Sublease.

     (e) TIME OF ESSENCE. Time is of the essence of this Sub-Sublease.

     (f) ATTORNEY'S FEES. If any party commences an action against the other
party arising out of or in connection with this Sub-Sublease, the prevailing
party shall be entitled to recover from the nonprevailing party the cost and
expenses of such action, including reasonable attorneys' fees and court costs.
The "prevailing party" will be determined by the court before whom the action
was brought based upon the assessment of which party's major arguments or
positions taken in the suit or proceeding could fairly be said to have prevailed
over the other party's major arguments or positions on major disputed issues in
the court's decision.

     (g) COUNTERPARTS. This Sub-Sublease may be executed in counterparts, each
of which shall constitute an original and shall be binding upon all parties,
their successors and permitted assigns.

     14. SURRENDER. Juniper's obligation with regard to the surrender of the
Sub-Subleased Premises shall be deemed satisfied so long as Juniper surrenders
possession of the Sub-Subleased Premises in the same condition as it receives
them, reasonable wear and tear and damage caused by casualty excepted.


     15. SIGNAGE. Juniper may replace all of Trident's existing signage with its
own signage, the design of which shall be subject to prior approval of Trident
and Spieker Properties.

     16. CONDITION PRECEDENT. Notwithstanding Paragraph 3 hereof, the
Commencement Date of this Sub-Sublease shall not occur until the Master Landlord
and NCD have consented to this Sub-Sublease in writing. In the event that such
consents are not obtained within sixty (60) days after the execution of this
Sub-Sublease, Juniper, at Juniper's sole volition, may terminate this
Sub-Sublease, and this Sub-Sublease shall have no further force and effect.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Sub-Sublease as of the
date first above written.


BY: /s/ Marcel Gani                           By: /s/ [SIGNATURE ILLEGIBLE]
    -------------------------                     -------------------------

Title:  CFO                                   Title:  CEO
       ----------------------                        ----------------------

Date:   July 1, 1998                          Date:   7/10/98
       ----------------------                        ----------------------

BY: /s/ Scott Kriens                          By: /s/ [SIGNATURE ILLEGIBLE]
    -------------------------------               ------------------------------

Title:  CEO                                   Title:  CEO
       ----------------------------                  ---------------------------

Date:   7/1/98                                Date:   7-10-98
       ----------------------------                  ---------------------------

     Address For Notices:                         Address For Notices:

     385 Ravendale Avenue                         189 North Bernardo Avenue

     Mountain View, CA 94043                      Mountain View, CA 94043

     Attn.: Chief Financial Officer               Attn.: Chief Financial Officer

                           [SPALLINO REID LETTERHEAD]


Sublandlord:                                Subject Property:
  Network Computing Devices, Inc.             370 and 380 North Bernardo Avenue,
  a California corporation                    Mountain View, CA 94043

  Trident Microsystems, Inc.                  Date: October 24, 1995
  a California corporation


     This Sublease is made and entered into as of October 24, 1995, by and
     between Network Computing Devices, Inc. a California corporation
     ("Sublandlord"), and Trident Microsystems, Inc., a California corporation
     ("Subtenant"), under the Master Lease dated September 21, 1989, between
     Mountain View Industrial Associates, a California Partnership, as
     "Landlord", and Network Computing Devices, Inc. a California corporation
     "Tenant," and the First Addendum to the Lease dated December 2, 1991
     between Mountain View Industrial Associates, a California Partnership
     "Landlord," and Network Computing Devices, Inc. a California corporation
     "Tenant," and the Second Addendum to the Lease dated August 20, 1993
     between Mountain View Industrial Associates, a California Partnership
     "Landlord," and Network Computing Devices, Inc. a California corporation
     "Tenant," and the Third Addendum to the Lease dated October 22, 1993
     between Mountain View Industrial Associates, a California Partnership
     "Landlord," and Network Computing Devices, Inc. a California corporation
     "Tenant". A copy of the Master Lease and Addendums 1, 2 and 3 are attached
     hereto as Attachment I and incorporated herein by this reference.


     2.1 This Sublease is subject to all of the terms and conditions of the
     Master Lease. Subtenant hereby assumes and agrees to perform all of the
     obligations of "Tenant" under the Master Lease to the extent said
     obligations apply to the sublicensed premises and any Direct Operating
     Expenses relating to the sublicensed premises. Sublandlord hereby agrees to
     cause Landlord under the Master Lease to perform all of the obligations of
     Landlord thereunder to the extent said obligations apply to the subleased
     premises and Subtenant's use of the common areas and Outside Areas.
     Subtenant shall not commit or permit to be committed on the subleased
     premises or on any other portion of the Project any act or omission which
     violates any term or conditions of the Master Lease. Except to the extent
     waived or consented to in writing by the other party or parties hereto who
     are affected thereby, neither of the parties hereto will, by renegotiation
     of the Master Lease, assignment, subletting, default or any other voluntary
     action, avoid or seek to avoid the observance or performance of the terms
     to be observed or performed hereunder by such party, but will at all times
     in good faith assist in carrying out all the terms of this Sublease and in
     taking all such action as may be necessary or appropriate to protect the
     rights of the other party or parties hereto who are affected thereby
     against impairment. Nothing contained in this Section 2.1 or elsewhere in
     this Sublease shall prevent or prohibit Sublandlord (a) from exercising its
     right to terminate the Master Lease pursuant to the terms thereof or (b)
     from assigning its interest in this Sublease.

     2.2 All of the terms and conditions contained in the Master Lease are
     incorporated herein and the terms and conditions specifically set forth in
     this Sublease shall constitute the complete terms and conditions of this

     2.3 The parties agree that the terms of Addendum Number 2 and Addendum
     Number 3 shall not apply to this transaction. Further, the parties agree
     that Section 33.1 of the Master Lease is hereby deleted.


     3.1 Subleased premises:

     6. NOTICES:

     All notices, demands, consents and approvals which may or are required to
     be given by Subtenant to the Landlord shall be given in the manner provided
     in the Master Lease, and at the addresses shown on the signature page
     hereof. Sublandlord shall notify Subtenant of any Event of Default under
     the Master Lease, or of any other event of which Sublandlord has actual
     knowledge which will impair Subtenant's ability to conduct its normal
     business at the subleased premises, as soon as reasonably practicable
     following Sublandlord's receipt of notice from the Landlord of an Event of
     Default or actual knowledge of such impairment. If Sublandlord elects to
     terminate the Master Lease, Sublandlord shall so notify Subtenant by giving
     at least 30 days notice prior to the effective date of such termination.

     7. BROKER FEE:

     Upon execution of the Sublease, Sublandlord shall pay Spallino Reid
     Corporate Real Estate Services, a licensed real estate broker, fees set
     forth in a separate agreement between Sublandlord and Broker.


     Subtenant shall be responsible for the installation and cost of any and all
     improvements, alterations or other work required on or to the subleased
     premises or to any other portion of the property and/or building of which
     the subleased premises are a part, required or reasonably necessary because
     of: (1) Subtenant's use of the subleased premises or any portion thereof:
     (2) the use by a Subtenant by reason of assignment or sublease; or (3)
     both, including any improvements, alterations or other work required under
     the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 ("ADA"). Any pre-existing
     conditions of non-compliance with respect to ADA shall not be the
     responsibility of Subtenant during the Sublease term. However, Subtenant
     shall be responsible for any required ADA improvements required as a result
     of tenant improvements to the subleased premises made or installed by
     Subtenant. Compliance with the provisions of this Section 8 shall be a
     condition of Sublandlord granting its consent to any assignment or Sublease
     of all or a portion of this Sublease and the subleased premises described
     in this Sublease.


     Subtenant shall not cause or permit any Hazardous Materials to be released
     from or about the subleased premises, including, without limitation,
     releases into the groundwater, soils, or air underlying, adjacent to or in
     the vicinity of the Project. Subtenant shall provide Sublandlord with at
     least five (5) days prior written notice before bringing, using or storing
     any Hazardous Materials on the subleased premises.

     Subtenant, at its sole expense shall comply with all applicable
     governmental rules, regulations, codes, ordinances, statutes, directives
     and other requirements (collectively, "Laws") respecting Hazardous
     materials in connection with Sublessee's activities and the activities of
     its agents, employees, contractors and invitees on or about the subleased
     premises. Subtenant at its sole cost, shall perform all investigations,
     clean-up and other response actions which may be required of Subtenant by
     any governmental authority in, on, or about the Project in connection with
     Subtenant's use of the subleased premises and the activities of Subtenant,
     and Subtenant's agents, employees, contractors and invitees on or about the
     subleased premises.

     Sublandlord shall indemnify, protect, defend and hold harmless Subtenant
     from and against all costs (including, but not limited to, environmental
     response costs), expenses, claims, judgements, losses, demands,
     liabilities, causes of action, governmental directives, proceedings or
     hearings, including Subtenant's attorneys and experts fees and costs,
     relating to or arising in connection with any Hazardous Materials present
     on or about the premises prior to Subtenant's occupation of the subleased

     To the extent any of the other provisions stated herein or in the
     definitive lease agreement conflict with the provisions of this Section 9,
     the provisions pursuant to "Toxic Materials" contained in the "Master
     Lease" shall be controlling.

In the event Sublandlord, pursuant to the terms of the Master Lease, is 
entitled to and receives rent abatement, then to the extent such rent abatement 
affects the subleased premises, Subtenant shall be entitled to rent abatement 
in an amount that the net rentable area of the subleased premises bears to the 
total net rentable area of the Master Lease, and only to the extent any such 
abatement applies to the sublease term. In addition, any amounts paid or 
credited to Sublandlord under the terms of the Master Lease for damage to 
personal property shall be credited to Subtenant, subject to the same 
limitations set forth above.


Sublandlord: NETWORK COMPUTING DEVICES, INC. a California corporation.

By: /s/ [illegible]                       Date: 12-6-95
   ----------------------                       -------------------

Subtenant: TRIDENT MICROSYSTEMS, INC., a California corporation.

By: /s/ [illegible]                       Date: 12-6-95
   ----------------------                       -------------------



The undersigned, Master Landlord under the Master Lease attached as Attachment 
I, hereby consents to the subletting of the subleased premises described herein 
on the terms and conditions contained in this Sublease. This Consent shall 
apply only to this Sublease and shall not be deemed to be a consent to any 
other Sublease.

Master Landlord: MOUNTAIN VIEW INDUSTRIAL ASSOCIATES, a California Partnership.

By:                                   Date:
   --------------------------              ---------------------------


Subtenant shall attorn to Master Landlord and perform all of this Subtenant's 
obligations under the Sublease directly to Master Landlord as if Master 
Landlord were the Sublandlord under the Sublease. If Subtenant is not, at the 
time of the notice, in default, Master Landlord shall continue to recognize the 
estate of Subtenant created under the Sublease. If Subtenant is not in default, 
the Sublease shall continue with the same force and effect as if Master 
Landlord and Sublandlord had entered into a lease on the same provisions as 
those contained in the Sublease.

Subtenant: TRIDENT MICROSYSTEMS, INC., a California Corporation.

By:                                   Date:
   --------------------------              ---------------------------

                                                                  [SPIEKER LOGO}

December 12, 1995

Mr. Jack Bradley
Network Computing Devices, Inc.
350 North Bernardo Avenue
Mountain View, CA 94043

Re:   Lease Agreement for Premises located at 370 North Bernardo Avenue,
      Mountain View

Dear Mr. Bradley

In response to your request to sublease, pursuant to Paragraph 17 or your Lease 
Agreement, Spieker Properties (Landlord) hereby consents to the subleasing of 
your Premises located at 370 North Bernardo Avenue, Mountain View, which 
contains approximately 27,444 rentable square feet of space by NETWORK 

This consent in no way obligates Landlord to Subtenant with regard to this 
Sublease Agreement, and in no way releases Tenant from their obligations under 
the Lease. The Lease shall remain in full force and effect, and Landlord shall 
not be obligated to recognize or be bound by any terms or conditions of the 
sublease. The Lease shall, at all times, supersede any and all terms and 
conditions of the Sublease Agreement.

Please remember that if the Subtenant should wish to make any alterations or 
tenant improvements to the Premises, Landlord reserves the right under 
Paragraph 9 - Alterations, of the Lease Agreement, to require Network Computing 
Devices, as Tenant, to remove said alterations upon the expiration or sooner 
termination of the Term and to restore the Premises to their original condition.

Please signify your agreement and understanding of the above terms and 
conditions by signing below on all three (3) copies. Also, please have your 
subtenant indicate its agreement and understanding of the above terms and 
conditions by signing below. Please return one signed letter to Spieker 
Properties at 2180 Sand Hill Road, Suite #200, Menlo Park, California 94025.

Very truly yours,

/s/ Patricia A. Messer
    Patricia A. Messer
    Project Director

"TENANT"                                "SUBTENANT"


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      CFO                                     CFO
Its: ------------------------------     Its: ------------------------------

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Date: -----------------------------     Date: -----------------------------