April 9, 1999

Steven C. Taylor
Chief Technology Officer
Verilink Corporation
145 Baytech Drive
San Jose, CA  95134

Dear Steve:

This letter shall set forth the terms and conditions of your retirement as an
active employee of Verilink Corporation. Those terms and conditions are:

1.    You shall receive a lump sum payment in an amount equal to two years'
      current salary, less applicable withholdings.

2.    You shall receive the sum of $95,000, which approximates twice the average
      annual amount paid to you for your automobile allowance and reimbursement
      of auto, legal, financial planning, health club and fitness expenses. You
      will be responsible for making all payments required under the lease for
      the automobile currently provided by Verilink. You acknowledge that
      Verilink intends to terminate any automobile insurance covering your
      automobiles and that you will be responsible for obtaining your own
      automobile insurance coverage.

3.    You shall receive the sum of $90,000, which is intended to reimburse you
      for the cost of office space, furnishings and equipment, and
      administrative assistance for a period of two years.

4.    Verilink shall maintain for you and your family until you reach the age of
      65 health, dental and vision insurance comparable to that provided to
      Verilink's officers. Verilink shall pay the cost of such insurance for two
      years. Thereafter, you shall reimburse Verilink for such costs; provided,
      however, that your responsibility shall not exceed the amount of the
      average premium paid by Verilink for its officers. In addition, consistent
      with existing practice, Verilink will pay unreimbursed medical costs for
      you and your family for a period of two years.

Steven C. Taylor 
April 9, 1999 
Page 2 

5.    Upon termination of your employment, you shall be entitled to retain your
      cellular telephone, computer, Palm Pilot, miscellaneous equipment and
      office furniture currently used by you.

6.    You will be granted a nonqualified stock option to acquire 15,625 shares
      of Verilink common stock at a price equal to the fair market value of such
      stock on the date of grant.

7.    The payments described in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 shall be made to you on or
      before April 13, 1999.

8.    You shall continue to serve as a member of Verilink's Board of Directors.
      Upon your retirement, you shall be granted a non-employee director stock
      option pursuant to Verilink's 1993 Amended and Restated Stock Option Plan.

Please indicate your agreement with the foregoing by signing and returning this

Very truly yours,


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Howard Oringer
Chairman of the Board


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Steven C. Taylor

Date:  4/15/99               