This Lease Agreement dated the 23rd day of July, 1993 between Industrial
Properties of the South, an Alabama General Partnership (herein referred to as
the "Lessor") and TxPort, Inc. (herein referred to as the "Lessee").

WITNESSETH: That the Lessor hereby demises and leases unto the Lessee, from the
Lessor, for the term and upon the rentals hereinafter specified, the premises
described herein and in Exhibit A.


1.       Square footage          19,800

         Street Address          9668 Highway 20 West 3rd floor

         City/Township           Madison

         County                  Madison

         State                   Alabama

         Zip Code                35758

         For purposes of this Lease Agreement the above-described premises shall
         be deemed the "Demised Premises". See Exhibit A, incorporated herein by
         reference, for additional information on the Demised Premises.


2.       The Initial Term of this Lease Agreement shall be 3 years and 0 months,
         commencing on September 1, 1993 or completion of construction, but no
         later than October 1, 1993, and terminating on August 31, 1996. The
         full term of the Lease may be extended by mutual written agreement of
         the parties' authorized representatives, or upon exercise of any
         options described herein.



3.       Lessee shall pay to the Lessor, without previous demand for this rent
         by the Lessor, rent in monthly installments and due on the first of
         each month and forwarded via U.S. mail, overnight courier, or by hand
         to the office of the Lessor as provided herein or such other address as
         may otherwise be directed by Lessor in writing; provided, that the
         Lessor has performed all covenants contained herein and is not in
         default hereof. If the term of this Lease Agreement shall commence or
         terminate on a day other than the first day of the calendar month, the
         rent for any partial month shall be prorated based on 1/365 of the
         annual rent for each day. For the Initial Term the rent shall be an
         annual rent of $99,000, payable in equal monthly installments of
         $8,250.00. No base rent will be charged the first three months of
         occupancy. See section 16 for services and utility payments.


4.       Lessor covenants that during the full term of this Lease Agreement,
         upon the payment of the rent herein provided and the performance by the
         Lessee of all covenants herein, Lessee shall have and hold the Demised
         Premises, free from any interference from the Lessor.


5.       Lessor covenants that during the full term of this Lease Agreement,
         upon the payment of the rent herein provided and the performance by the
         Lessee of all covenants herein, that the Lessee shall peaceably and
         quietly have, hold, and enjoy peaceful possession of the Demised


6.       Lessee covenants and agrees to use the Demised Premises as general
         office space and agrees not to use or permit the premises to be used
         for any other purpose without the prior written consent of the Lessor.
         Lessor covenants that the premises may be lawfully used for these


7.       Lessee shall not sublet the Demised Premises nor any portion thereof,
         nor shall this Lease Agreement be assigned by the Lessee without the
         prior written consent of the Lessor, which consent shall not be
         unreasonably withheld.



8.       In the event the Demised Premises are sold due to any foreclosure sale
         or sales, by virtue of judicial proceedings or otherwise, this Lease
         Agreement shall continue in full force and effect, and Lessee agrees,
         upon request, to attorn to and acknowledge the foreclosure purchaser or
         purchasers at such sale as Lessors hereunder; provided, however, that
         such purchaser will accept all obligations of Lessor as contained in
         this Lease Agreement.


9.       The Lessee agrees to execute an Estoppel Certificate for the benefit of
         Lessor's lender or lenders; provided, however, that such Estoppel
         Certificate consists solely of an acknowledgement of the terms and
         conditions of this Lease Agreement.


10.      Lessee covenants and agrees that Lessee shall observe and comply with
         those Rules and Regulations (if any) contained in Exhibit B, attached,
         initialed by Lessee, and made a part hereof. All rules & regulations
         made a part of this Lease by Lessor are implemented subject to Tenant's
         right of quiet enjoyment and peaceful use of Premises.


11.      Lessor shall maintain replacement fire and extended coverage insurance
         on the Demised Premises, unless otherwise specified in this Lease
         Agreement in sufficient amounts so as to be able to make all necessary
         repairs to the Demised Premises in the event of a fire in or other
         destruction of the Demised Premises, as well as insurance sufficient to
         cover bodily injury and personal injury in the event of a claim against
         Lessor for same. Certificates of insurance may be issued at Lessee's
         request at reasonable times during the term of the Lease Agreement. Any
         increase in building insurance caused by Lessee's business will be paid
         for be Lessee.


12.      Lessee agrees to procure and maintain at Lessee's expense throughout
         the term of this Lease Agreement and any extension thereof, a policy or
         policies of insurance


         as follows: (a) workers' compensation (statutory); (b) Employers'
         Liability ($1,000,000 per occurrence, bodily injury by accident or
         disease, including death); Commercial General Liability ($1,000,000
         combined limit, bodily injury, personal injury and property damage,
         including blanket contractual liability). The Lessor shall be included
         as an additional insured under Commercial General Liability as respects
         this lease of premises. Certificates of insurance may be issued at
         Lessor's request at reasonable times during the term of the Lease

         All personal property of Lessee in the demised premises or in the
         building of which the demised premises is a part shall be at the sole
         risk of Lessee. Lessor shall not be liable for any damage thereto or
         for the theft or misappropriation thereof, unless such damage, theft or
         misappropriation is directly attributable to the negligence or
         intentional acts of Lessor, its agents, or employees. Lessor shall not
         be liable for any accident to or damage to property of Lessee resulting
         from the use or operation of mechanical, electrical or plumbing
         apparatus, unless caused by and due to the negligence of Lessor, its
         agents or employees.


13.      Lessor shall take all reasonable and necessary precautions to prevent
         damage, injury, or loss of life in and around the Demised Premises.
         Lessor agrees to indemnify and save Lessee harmless from and against
         any and all claims, actions, damages, liability and expense in
         connection with or arising out of Lessee's use of the Demised Premises
         occasioned wholly or in part by any willful misconduct or negligent act
         or omission of Lessor, its agents, clients, or customers. In case
         Lessee shall, without material fault on its part, be made a party to
         any litigation commenced by or against Lessor, Lessor shall protect and
         hold Lessee harmless and shall pay all costs, expenses and reasonable
         attorneys' fees incurred or paid by Lessee in connection with such
         litigation. The aforementioned, indemnification by Lessor of Lessee
         shall not be effective as to any claim arising from or to the extent of
         negligence or willful misconduct of the Lessee.

         Lessee shall take all reasonable and necessary precautions to prevent
         damage, injury, or loss of life in and around the Demised Premises.
         Lessee agrees to indemnify and save Lessor harmless from and against
         any and all claims, actions, damages, liability and expense in
         connection with or arising out of Lessee's use of the Demised Premises
         occasioned wholly or in part by any willful misconduct or negligent act
         or omission of Lessee, its agents, clients, or customers. In case
         Lessor shall, without material fault on its part, be made a party to
         any litigation commenced by or against Lessee, Lessee shall protect and
         hold Lessor harmless and shall pay all costs, expenses and reasonable
         attorneys' fees incurred or paid by Lessor in connection with such



13.      Each of (Landlord/Lessor) and (Tenant/Lessee) shall cause its insurance
         carriers to waive all rights of subrogation against the other party
         hereto to the extent of (Landlord's/Lessor's) or (Tenant's/Lessee's)
         undertaking set forth in Clauses 11, 12, & 13.


14.      In the event of the whole or partial destruction of the Demised
         Premises or of the building containing the Demised Premises by fire,
         explosion, the elements or otherwise during the term of this Lease
         Agreement or previous thereto as to render the Demised Premises
         untenantable or unfit for occupancy in whole or in part, or should the
         Demised Premises be so badly injured that the same cannot be repaired
         within ten days from the occurrence to the Demised Premises of such
         destruction and injury then the Lessee may, at its option, terminate
         this Lease Agreement and surrender the Demised Premises and all the
         Lessee's interest therein to the Lessor as of the date of termination,
         and shall pay rent only to the time of such event of destruction.

         Should the Demised Premises be rendered untenantable and unfit for
         occupancy in whole or in part, but yet be repairable within ten days
         from the happening of such injury, the Lessor may enter and repair the
         same, and the rent shall not accrue after such injury or while repairs
         are being made, but shall recommence immediately after such repairs
         shall be completed; provided such repairs are completed within the ten
         days. But if the premises shall be so slightly injured as not to be
         rendered untenantable and unfit for occupancy in whole or in part and
         in the opinion of the Lessee, then the Lessor agrees to repair the same
         with reasonable promptness and in that case the rent accrued and
         accruing shall not cease. Nothing in this clause, however, shall be
         construed as requiring the Lessor to repair the Demised Premises in the
         event of their whole or partial destruction. However, if the Lessor
         either does not repair within the appropriate time limits or states his
         intention not to repair, then the Lessee's rights shall be the same as
         though the Demised Premises were injured beyond repair.

         In any event if the Lessor is unable to make repairs of such damage or
         destruction within ten days of the occurrence of such an event the
         Lessee may terminate the lease for other than default (unless such
         damage or destruction was the result of the willful misconduct or
         negligence of Lessor, its agents, clients, or customers, in which case
         the termination shall be deemed one for default) by written notice to
         the Lessor without any further obligations hereunder from the date of
         the occurrence of such destruction.



15.      The Lessor and Lessee agree to observe and comply with all laws,
         ordinances, rules, and regulations of the Federal, State, County, and
         Municipal authorities applicable to the Demised Premises. The Lessor
         and Lessee agree not to do or permit anything to be done in the Demised
         Premises or the building in which the Demised Premises exist, or keep
         anything therein which would obstruct or conflict with the regulations
         of the Fire Department.


16.      Services and utilities furnished to the Demised Premises UTILITIES
         shall be provided and paid for as follows:

              BY LESSEE                            ITEM                      BY LESSOR
              ---------                            ----                      ---------

                                            Water & sewer                        b & d
         ------------------------           charges                     -------------------

                                            Electric, fuel oil,                  b & d
         ------------------------           and/or gas, & hot           -------------------
                                            water charges

                                            Plumbing mechanical                  b & d
         ------------------------           & maintenance               -------------------

                                            Heating mechanical                   b & d
         ------------------------           Maintenance                 -------------------

                                            Air conditioning                     b & d
         ------------------------           mechanical &                -------------------

                                            Interior building                    b & d
         ------------------------           maintenance                 -------------------

                                            Capital expenditures                   a
         ------------------------           for plumbing, heating &     -------------------
                                            cooling repair

                                            Exterior building                    b & d
         ------------------------           maintenance, e.g.,          -------------------
                                            window cleaning, etc.

                                            Real estate taxes                    b & d
         ------------------------           or other government         -------------------

                                            Trash removal                        b & d
         ------------------------                                       -------------------

                  c                         Janitorial service
         ------------------------                                       -------------------

                                            All of the third
         ------------------------           floor                       -------------------


                                            Common area                          b & d
         ------------------------           janitorial, except          -------------------
                                            third floor

                  c                         Any security above
         ------------------------           "normally" locked           -------------------

                                            Lawn care & land-                    b & d
         ------------------------           scaping maintenance         -------------------

                                            Driveway, parking                    b & d
         ------------------------           lot & sidewalk              -------------------

                                            Snow glowing, side-                  b & d
         ------------------------           walk snow & ice             -------------------

                                            Structural                             a
         ------------------------           maintenance                 -------------------

                                            Roof maintenance                       a
         ------------------------                                       -------------------

                                            Fire alarm hookup &                  b & d
         ------------------------           maintenance charges         -------------------

                                            Fire extinguishers,                  b & d
         ------------------------           installation & service      -------------------

                                            Building insurance                   b & d
         ------------------------                                       -------------------

         In each instance, the following key indicates how the cost of such
         services will be paid by Lessee:

         (a)      Included in the annual rent amount;

         (b)      Actual metered or incurred amounts at a stop of $2.38 (office)
                  to be paid by Lessee to Lessor within thirty days of receipt
                  of written notice of a request to be reimbursed by the Lessor;
                  necessary records to support the amounts will be kept by the
                  Lessor and copies made available to Lessee upon request;
                  Lessee may require such records prior to payment;

         (c)      Actual cost of services or metered amounts to be paid by
                  Lessee to the provider of the service (e.g., the utility
                  company or contractor).

         (d)      A proportionate share of the cost in excess of $2.38 per
                  square foot (the operating expense stop) for providing the
                  service to the entire building or facility of which the
                  Demised Premises are a part. In this case the proportionate
                  share is 34.5%, which is determined by dividing 19,800 (the
                  area of the Demised Premises) by 57,451 (the total area of the
                  building or facility). Necessary records to support the
                  amounts will be kept by the Lessor and copies made available
                  to Lessee upon request; Lessee may


                  require such records prior to payment. Payments are to be made
                  within thirty days of receipt of invoice. So long as the space
                  is used only for office space, the operating expense stop may
                  not increase more than the CPI for the year.


17.      Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, Lessee shall
         have the right upon written notification to the Lessor to terminate
         this Lease Agreement for default if any stoppage in any of the services
         listed in the immediately preceding paragraph as being provided by the
         Lessor continues for twenty days for whatever reason.


18.      Nothing contained herein shall constitute the consent of Lessor to the
         holding over of Lessee after the expiration of this Lease Agreement.
         However, if Lessee shall for any reason remain in possession of any of
         the Demised Premises after the expiration or earlier termination of the
         Term hereof, except as specifically provided, such possession shall be
         as a month-to-month Tenancy during which time Lessee shall pay as
         rental, rent on the first day of each month at a rate equal to
         one-twelfth the amount of annual rent payable monthly during the prior
         year of the term of this Lease Agreement. Unless evidenced otherwise in
         writing as the exercise of an option stated herein or as a modification
         to this Lease Agreement, in no event shall any holding over by the
         Lessee be construed as creating any new tenancy other than a month to
         month tenancy.


19.      The Lessee agrees that it will take good care of the Demised Premises,
         fixtures and appurtenances, and suffer no waste or injury, that it will
         make all repairs to the Demised Premises, fixtures and appurtenances
         necessitated by the fault of the Lessee, its agents, employees or


20.      The Lessor agrees to make such repairs as may be necessary to keep the
         Demised Premises and appurtenances in good order and condition within
         reasonable time after it knows or should know of the need of such
         repairs; provided, however, when such repairs are necessitated by the
         fault of the Lessee, its agents, employees


         or guests, Lessee shall reimburse Lessor for its reasonable costs
         expended in making such repairs; and provided further that minor
         repairs to the Demised Premises not exceeding $50.00 (inclusive of
         service charges) in any one instance shall be the responsibility of
         Lessee except for lighting ballasts. Lessee shall first be afforded the
         opportunity to review all such costs prior to accrual thereof and may
         request competitive bids where Lessee deems costs are excessive. Costs
         shall only include actual out-of-pocket expenses of Lessor and shall
         not include profit or overhead or any costs which have not been
         reviewed and approved by the Lessee. Lessor shall make available to
         Lessee copies of any and all records necessary to support the costs
         levied against Lessor under this clause for which reimbursement is
         being sought.


21.      Lessor warrants and represents to Lessee that, to the best of its
         knowledge: (a) Lessor, its agents, employees, representatives, tenants,
         and its predecessors in interest in the Premises did not discharge,
         release, or dispose of, in any form, any hazardous material or
         substance into or onto the Premises and that no condition exists in or
         on the Premises that may result in any violation of any federal, state
         or local laws, regulations or ordinances relating to the protection of
         the environment or the public health and welfare (collectively
         hereinafter called "Environmental Laws"); and (b) Lessor has no
         liability and there are no outstanding claims against Lessor for the
         clean up of any hazardous material or substance deposited in the
         environment, either directly on the Premises or elsewhere, that
         resulted from or were ownership of the Premises. Lessee acknowledges
         receipt of a Phase I Environmental Study dated July 22, 1993 by ATEC
         Engineering Company (copy attached).

         Lessee warrants and represents to Lessor that: (a) Lessee, its agents,
         employees, representatives and subleases, if any, will not discharge,
         release, or dispose of in any form any hazardous materials or
         substances into or onto the Premises and that Lessee, will not create,
         or permit to be created, any condition in or on the Premises that may
         result in any violation of any environmental Laws: and (b) Lessee will
         not allow any hazardous material or substance to exist or be stored,
         located, discharged, possessed, managed, processed or otherwise handled
         on the Premises except those customarily used in the conduct of
         Lessee's normal business activities, and that Lessee shall comply with
         all Environmental Laws affecting the Premises; and (c) Lessee shall
         immediately notify Lessor should Lessee become aware of (i) any
         hazardous material or substance or any other environmental problem or
         liability with respect to the Premises, (ii) any lien, action or notice
         related to any such environmental problem or liability, or (iii) any
         material or substance or the existence of any hazardous material or
         substance or other environmental contamination, liability or problem
         with respect to or arising out of or in connection with the premises.


         Lessor shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Lessee, its agents,
         employees, representatives, and affiliate organizations from and
         against any and all claims, suits, loss, costs, damage or liability
         relating to or arising out of any operations by Lessor, its agents,
         employees, representatives, tenants, and predecessors in interest at
         the Premises, such operations including, but not limited to, the
         release or discharge into the environment, or disposal of hazardous
         materials or substances at or in connection with the Premises.

         Lessee shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Lessor, its agents,
         employees, representatives, and affiliate organizations from and
         against any and all claims, suits, loss, costs, damage or liability
         relating to or arising out of any operations by Lessee, its agents,
         employees, representatives or subleases, if any, at the Premises, such
         operations including, but not limited to, the release or discharge into
         the environment, or disposal of materials or other Substances at or in
         connection with the Premises.

         Upon termination of this lease, Lessee agrees to provide Lessor, as
         satisfaction of Lessee indemnification paragraph above, a "Phase One
         Environmental Site Assessment" performed by a certified testing and
         engineering firm and Lessee shall be responsible to address identified
         items or problems created by Lessee.


22.      The Lessor and Lessee have agreed as to the extent of improvements to
         be made to the Demised Premises, and-the work will proceed in order to
         meet the commitments herein provided. Such work to be completed by
         Lessor is described in Exhibit C to this Lease Agreement. The parties
         agree to cooperate in order for the work to proceed to be completed on
         a timely basis. Improvements to be made by Lessee are described in
         Exhibit D to this Lease Agreement


23.      Formal notices or communications pertaining to this Lease Agreement
         shall be deemed to have been duly given if personally provided to the
         other party in writing or if sent to the other by U.S. mail, or an
         independent delivery service, postage and other costs prepaid. Until
         otherwise specified in writing, the addresses and telephone numbers of
         the parties hereto for the purpose of any such notice or communications


               LESSEE:                                    LESSOR:

         TxPort, Inc.                        Industrial Properties of the South
         ----------------------------        ----------------------------------
                                             600 St. Clair, Suite 24
         ----------------------------        ----------------------------------
                                             Huntsville AL 35801
         ----------------------------        ----------------------------------
         Attn:                               Attn: Charlene B. Graham
              -----------------------            ------------------------------
         Telephone:                          Telephone: (205) 536-4511
                   ------------------                  ------------------------
         Telefax:                            Telefax: (205) 464-0193
                 --------------------                --------------------------


24.      This Lease Agreement is subject and is hereby subordinated to all
         present mortgages, deeds of trust and other encumbrances affecting the
         Demised Premises or the property of which said premises are a part. The
         Lessor agrees to cause the mortgagee to provide to the Lessee, in
         recordable form, an agreement not to disturb Lessee's right in or
         possession of the premises so long as Lessee is not in default
         hereunder, in the event this Lease Agreement is subordinated to
         mortgage deeds of trust or other encumbrances and the subordination of
         this Lease Agreement is conditioned upon the Lessee receiving such
         nondisturbance agreement from the mortgagee.


25.      All of the terms, covenants, and conditions of this Lease Agreement
         shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the respective heirs,
         executors, administrators, successors, and assigns of the parties


26.      If the entire property or any material part thereof wherein the Demised
         Premises are located shall be taken by public or quasi-public authority
         under any power of eminent domain or condemnation, this Lease Agreement
         shall forthwith terminate and the Lessee shall have the right through
         the Lessor to a claim for such taking, limited only to the cost or
         value of material stock and cost of removal of stock, furniture and
         fixtures owned by Lessee.

         A material part is defined as taking which could interfere with the
         Lessee's continued enjoyment and utilization of the premises as
         described herein.



27.      Each covenant and agreement in this Lease Agreement shall for all
         purposes be construed to be a separate and independent covenant or
         agreement. If any provision in this Lease Agreement or the application
         thereof shall to any extent be invalid, illegal or otherwise
         unenforceable, the remainder of this Lease Agreement, and the
         application of such provision other than as invalid, illegal or
         unenforceable, shall not be affected thereby) and such provisions in
         this Lease Agreement shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest
         extent permitted by law.


28.      Lessor, at Lessee's expense, provided the necessary approvals can be
         obtained from the appropriate governing authorities, may erect an
         exterior sign or signs indicating the presence of Lessee in the Demised
         Premises of the design and format to be agreed upon by the Lessor and
         Lessee both using reasonable judgment and standards, and both using
         good faith efforts to obtain any necessary approvals. All signage must
         be maintained in very good condition by Lessee.


29.      Lessor and Lessor's agents may enter the Demised Premises for the
         following purposes only: to make repairs, alterations, or improvements
         necessary under the terms of this Lease Agreement; to perform Lessor's
         covenants as set forth in this Lease Agreement; for purposes of
         inspection and, during the last two months of the Lease Term, to show
         the Demised Premises to perspective tenants. Such entry shall not be so
         frequent or of such a type as to disturb Lessee's peaceful enjoyment of
         the Leased Premises. Such entry shall only take place with reasonable
         prior notice to and consent of Lessee; consent shall not be
         unreasonably withheld. If Lessor or its agent reasonably believes that
         an emergency exists which requires immediate entry, such entry may be
         made without Lessee's consent, but Lessor shall so inform Lessee of
         such entry at the earliest practicable time afterwards. All persons who
         enter the Demised Premises at Lessor's request must first obtain
         clearance from Lessee before entry.

         Notwithstanding anything in this Lease Agreement to the contrary, upon
         any entry by Lessor or its duly authorized agents, servants, or
         employees at any time during the Lease Term, such entry shall conform
         to Lessee's security requirements as may be required by Lessee, the
         federal government or any agency thereof, or any of Lessee's clients.



30.      Any alterations, improvements, or additions to the Demised Premises in
         the form of fixtures to the Demised Premises (collectively referred to
         as "Alterations") and made by or at the request of Lessee shall remain
         upon the Demised Premises at the expiration or earlier termination of
         this Lease Agreement and shall become the property of Lessor unless
         Lessor prior to the expiration or termination of this Lease Agreement,
         gives written notice to Lessee to remove all such Alterations. Lessee
         shall repair any damage caused by such removal and restore the Demised
         Premises to substantially the same condition in which it existed prior
         to the time that any such Alterations were made.

         Lessee shall not, without on each occasion first obtaining Lessor's
         prior written consent, make any Alterations to the Demised Premises,
         except that Lessee may, without the consent of the Lessor but with
         prior written notice to Lessor, make minor improvements to the interior
         of the Demised Premises provided that they do not impair the structural
         strength, operation, or value of the building of which Demised Premises
         are a part, or violate any zoning, fire or building code. The cost of
         any such violation shall be the responsibility of the Lessee.


31.      Lessee is given and granted an option to renew the term of this Lease
         Agreement for two (2) successive terms of one year each on the same
         terms and conditions except for the rental rate and the length of the
         term. To exercise its option, the Lessee shall give the Lessor a notice
         in writing not less than sixty days prior to the end of the original
         term and any renewal terms and as a condition precedent to the notice
         and the renewal that the Lessee not be in default under the terms and
         conditions of this Lease Agreement.

         The rental rates during each of the renewal periods shall be as

                                                                  Annual                   Monthly
          Option                      Term                      Rent (base)              Rent (base)
          ------                      ----                      -----------              -----------
            1                 09/96 through 08/97                 $5.50/sf                 $.4583/sf
            2                 09/97 through 08/98                 $5.50/sf                 $.4583/sf

         Actual dates to coincide with original lease commitment date.



32.      The Lessee shall be considered in default of this Lease Agreement upon
         failure to pay when due the rent or any other sum required by the terms
         of this Lease; the failure to perform any material term, covenant, or
         condition of this Lease Agreement; the commencement of any action or
         proceeding for the dissolution, liquidation, or reorganization under
         the Bankruptcy Act, of Lessee, or for the appointment of a receiver or
         trustee of the Lessee's property; the making of any assignment for the
         benefit of creditors by Lessee; the suspension of business; or the
         abandonment of the Demised Premises by the Lessee. In each case, Lessee
         shall only be in default if the Lessee is given written notice by
         Lessor of the specific grounds for the default termination and twenty
         business days from receipt of such notice to correct such default and
         Lessee fails to do so.


33.      The Lessor shall be considered in default of this Lease Agreement upon
         the failure to perform any material term, covenant, or condition of
         this Lease Agreement; the commencement of any action or proceeding for
         the dissolution, liquidation, or reorganization under the Bankruptcy
         Act, of Lessor, or for the appointment of a receiver or trustee of the
         Lessor's property; the making of any assignment for the benefit of
         creditors by Lessor; the suspension of business; or any other reason
         provided for herein. In each case, Lessor shall only be in default if
         the Lessor is given written notice by Lessee of the specific grounds
         for the default termination and twenty business days from receipt of
         such notice to correct such default and Lessor fails to do so.


34.      (a)      This Lease Agreement shall be governed by and under the laws
                  of the State/Commonwealth of Alabama.

         (b)      Each party acknowledges that it has read this Lease Agreement,
                  understands it, and agrees to be bound by its terms, and
                  further agrees that this is the complete and exclusive
                  statement of the Lease Agreement between the parties, which
                  supersedes and merges all prior proposals, understandings, and
                  all other agreements, oral or written, between the parties
                  relating to this Lease Agreement. Any change in this Lease
                  Agreement must be made in writing and signed by authorized
                  representatives of both the Lessee and the Lessor.


         (c)      If either party cannot perform any or all of its respective
                  obligations under this Lease Agreement because of the
                  occurrence of any event which is beyond its reasonable
                  control, then the non-performing party shall (i) notify the
                  other party, (ii) take reasonable steps to resume performance
                  as soon as possible, and (iii) not be considered in breach
                  during the period performance is beyond the party's reasonable

         (d)      The failure of either party at any time to require performance
                  by the other party of any provision hereof shall not affect in
                  any way the full right to require such performance at any time
                  thereafter. The waiver by either party of a portion of a
                  provision herein shall not be taken or held by the other party
                  to be a waiver of the provision itself unless such a waiver
                  shall be express and in writing.

         (e)      In the event of any inconsistency between its component parts,
                  this Lease Agreement shall be construed with the following
                  order of precedence:

                  (1)      The Basic Lease Agreement (This document)

                  (2)      Exhibit A

                  (3)      Exhibit C

                  (4)      Exhibits B and D

                  (5)      Other Exhibits (if any)

         (f)      The titles of the clauses in this Lease Agreement, including
                  all Exhibits thereto, shall be read as references only and
                  shall not be read as references only and shall not be read as
                  affecting, contradicting, negating, or explaining the meaning
                  or interpretation of this Lease Agreement.

         (g)      Each party represents and warrants that it has the right and
                  authority to enter into this Lease Agreement.

         (h)      Unless otherwise specifically noted, "days" shall mean
                  calendar days.

         (i)      In no event shall either party be liable to the other for
                  indirect, consequential, incidental or special damages, even
                  if it has been made aware of the possibility of such.


35.      In the event that any mechanics' lien is filed against the premises as
         a result of alterations, additions or improvements made by the Lessee,
         the Lessor shall have the option, if the Lessee shall be unable to
         procure effective cancellation, bonding or discharge of the lien within
         30 days following written notice of the existence of such condition, to
         take such steps and pay such monies as may be necessary to


         obtain an effective cancellation or discharge of such notice or claim,
         in which event such monies as shall be expended by the Lessor shall be
         considered additional rent hereunder and shall be due and payable on
         the first day of the next month succeeding such payment by the Lessor.


36.      Provided Lessee is not in default hereunder, Lessee shall have the
         right of refusal to lease additional space within the building within
         which the Demised Premises exist subject to previously granted refusal
         options to other tenants in chronological order of granting of such

         Lessee will have forty-eight hours from the receipt of notice from
         Lessor to Lessee to lease the space and execute an Agreement of Lease
         in the same form and with the same conditions as this lease except for
         rent and term. The rent and term for such additional space shall be the
         same as the rent and term accepted by the third party prospective


37.      Lessor agrees to provide adequate parking for Lessee's employees and
         visitors with 5 spaces reserved for Lessee in front of the building.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have signed this Agreement as of the day
and year first written above.


         TxPort, Inc.
         125 West Park Loop
         Huntsville, AL  35806

         By:                  /s/  Mark H. Hoffman

         Printed Name:        Mark H. Hoffman

         Title:               President

         Date:                July 23, 1993


         Industrial Properties of the South
         600 St. Clair Avenue, Suite 24
         Huntsville, Alabama 35801

         By:                  /s/ Charlene B. Graham

         Printed Name:        Charlene B. Graham

         Title:               Partner

         Date:                July 23, 1993


                                    EXHIBIT A
                         DESCRIPTION OF DEMISED PREMISES

9668 Highway 20 West
Madison, Alabama 35758

The entire third floor.


                                    EXHIBIT B
                             RULES AND REGULATIONS

Rule 1: No sign, picture, advertisement, or notice shall be displayed,
inscribed, painted or affixed on any part of the outside, or inside of the
building or on or about the Demised Premises except on the doors of said Demised
Premises and on the Directory Board of the building, and then only of such
color, size and style and materials as shall be first specified by the Lessor.
No "For Rent" signs shall be displayed by the Lessee, and no showcases, or
obstructions, signs, flags, statuary, or any advertising device of any kind
whatever shall be placed in front of said building or in the passageways, halls,
lobbies, or corridors thereof by the Lessee; and the Lessor reserves the right
to remove all such showcases, obstructions, signs, flags, statuary, or
advertising devices and all signs other than those provided for, without notice
to the Lessee and at its expense.

Rule 2: The Lessor will maintain the grounds. Any person employed by the Lessor
to do grounds work, shall, while outside of said Demised Premises be subject to,
and under the control and direction of the Lessor (but not as agent or servant
of the Lessor).

Rule 3: No person shall disturb the occupants of this or any adjoining building
premises by the use of any musical instrument, unseemly noises, whistling,
singing or in any other way.

Rule 4: The Demised Premises leased shall not be used for lodging or sleeping,
not for any immoral or illegal purposes for any purpose that will damage the
Demised Premises.

Rule 5: Canvassing, soliciting and peddling in the building are prohibited and
each Lessee shall cooperate to prevent the same.

Rule 6: The water closets, wash basins, sinks, and other apparatus shall not be
used for any other purpose than those for which they were constructed, and no
sweeping, rubbish, or other substances shall be thrown therein.

Rule 7: All glass, locks and trimmings, in or about the doors and windows, and
all electrical globes and shades, broken by any Lessee, shall be immediately
replaced or repaired and put in order by such Lessee under the direction and to
the satisfaction of the Lessor, and on removal shall be left whole and in good
repair, normal wear and tear excluded.

Rule 8: Lessee will not block ingress and egress of the driveways or docks
leased to others.

Rule 9: The Lessor reserves the right to rescind any rules and to make such
other and further rules and regulations as, in Lessor's judgment, may from time
to time be needed for the safety, care, maintenance, operation and cleanliness
of the building, and for the preservation of good order therein, which, when so
made, and notice thereof given to the Lessee; shall have the


same force and effect as if originally made a part of the foregoing lease; and
such other further rules, not however, to be inconsistent with the proper and
rightful enjoyment by the Lessee under the foregoing lease of the premises
therein referred to.

Rule 10: No smoking shall be allowed within any part of the premises herein


Madison County
State of Alabama

                                 ADDENDUM NO. 1
                                 LEASE AGREEMENT

Whereas TxPort, Inc. and Industrial Properties of the South, an Alabama General
Partnership, as Lessor and TxPort, Inc. (TxPort), as lessee did execute a Lease
Agreement for 19,800 square feet on the third floor of 9668 Highway 20 West,
Madison, Alabama 35758 dated June, l993 and effective September 22, 1993, and

Now TxPort, Inc. hereby leases from Lessor the second floor of approximately
18,666 square feet starting April 1, 1996 for a two-year period ending March 31,
1998. The rate will be $6.25 base rate plus a $2.38 operating expense stop
(excludes janitorial) for $8.63 full service. A credit of $27,999.00 will be
applied against the rent due the first months (first two months free, rent for
third month of lease shall be $12,272.88), giving an effective base rate of
$5.50. Monthly rent will be 18,666 square feet x $8.63 = $161,087.58 divided by
12 = $13,423.96.

A one year option to renew the lease for the second floor hereby granted for the
period April 1, 1998 through March 31, 1999 at a rate of $6.25 base and $2.38
expense stop. Notice to be given as per Section 31 of the Master Lease
Agreement. The expense stop is still subject to adjustment per section 16(d) of
the Master Lease Agreement.

Further Terms and Conditions applicable to this second floor space:

1.       IPS to approve all drawings and finish schedule, carpet, and paint
         which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. TxPort to have the
         modifications made and pay for them on a timely basis - creating no
         liens on the building.

2.       Use Cox Corporation to modify HVAC duct work, thermostats, etc. Have
         Cox remove and save all thermostats for reinstallation.

3.       Finish schedule: comparable to what is existing, except wall paper is
         not required may use painted sheet rock. Doors, frames and hardware to
         match existing. Carpet to be a 26 ounce minimum weight commercial grade
         carpet with appropriate vinyl base. Ceiling and grid to match existing.

4.       Obtain permit from City of Madison - Call for and obtain all
         inspections. Give a copy of the Certificate of Completion to IPS.


5.       TxPort to remove, save, and have re-installed the smoke detectors tying
         in the fire alarm system of the building. Upon re-activation, have
         re-certified by a licensed fire alarm contractor.

6.       Deliver and turn over to Industrial Properties of the South all unused
         doors, frames and hardware.

7.       TxPort will assume all liability for any possible damage to the
         building caused by construction.

8.       Only one (1) lease contract agreement for the second floor - not two

All other terms and conditions of the lease remain in effect.

TxPort, Inc.                              Industrial Properties of the South

By:    /s/ Donna M. Flammang              By:     /s/ Charlene B. Graham
   ---------------------------------         ---------------------------------
Title: Secretary                          Title:  Managing Partner
      ------------------------------             -----------------------------

Date:  04/03/96                           Date:   04/04/96
     -------------------------------           -------------------------------


Madison County                                                    July 22, 1998
State of Alabama

                                 ADDENDUM NO. 2
                                 LEASE AGREEMENT

Whereas TxPort, Inc. and Industrial Properties of the South (IPS), an Alabama
General Partnership, as Lessor and TxPort, Inc. (TxPort), as Lessee did execute
a Lease Agreement for 19,800 square feet on the third floor of 9668 Highway 20
West, Madison, Alabama 35758 dated June, 1993 and effective September 22, 1993,

Now, with this addendum, an extension is contracted for the period September 22,
1998 through December 31, 1999, at a base rate of $6.90 and expense stop of
$2.58 per square foot per year. Rent will be 19,800 square feet x $9.48 =
$187,704.00 (annual rate) divided by 12 = $15,642.00 (per month).

This Lease will automatically renew for the period January 1, 2000 through
December 31, 2000 at the same rate stated above unless notice is received by May
1, 1999 indicating that Lessee will not be renewing. The expense stop is still
subject to adjustment per section 16(d) of the Master Lease Agreement.

All other terms and conditions of the lease remain in effect.

TxPort, Inc.                              Industrial Properties of the South

By:     /s/ C. W. Smith                   By:    /s/ Charlene B. Graham
   ---------------------------------         ---------------------------------
Title:  VP & Treasurer                    Title: Managing Partner
      ------------------------------            ------------------------------

Date:   08/10/98                          Date:  08/11/98
     -------------------------------           -------------------------------

Prepared by:

Industrial Properties of the South
2903 Wall Triana Hwy. Suite #7
Huntsville, Alabama 35824


Madison County                                                   March 16, 1999
State of Alabama

                                 ADDENDUM NO. 3
                                LEASE AGREEMENT

Whereas, (as successor to TxPort, Inc.), Verilink, as Lessee, and Industrial
Properties of the South (IPS), as Lessor did enter into a Lease Agreement on
April 3, 1996 for the second floor of 9668 Madison Boulevard consisting of
approximately 18,666 square feet, which terminates on March 31, 1999,

Now, with this Addendum, an extension is contracted for the period April 1, 1999
through March 31, 2002, at a base rate of $6.40 per square foot per year plus
$2.58 per square foot per year operating expense stop which excludes janitorial.
Rent will be 18,666 square feet x $8.98 = $167,620.68 (annual rate) divided by
12 = $13,968.39 (per month).

All other terms and conditions of the lease remain in effect.

Verilink                                 Industrial Properties of the South

By:    /s/ C. W. Smith                   By:    /s/ Charlene B. Graham
   ---------------------------------        ----------------------------------
Title: Controller, Huntsville
       Business Unit                     Title: Managing Partner
      ------------------------------            ------------------------------

Date:  03/19/99                          Date:  03/22/99
     -------------------------------          --------------------------------

Prepared by:

Industrial Properties of the South
2903 Wall Triana Hwy. Suite #7
Huntsville, Alabama 35824

August 25, 1999

                                 ADDENDUM NO. 4
                                 LEASE AGREEMENT

                         (AS SUCCESSOR TO TXPORT, INC.)

At Lessee's request, this Addendum No. 4 is executed to add approximately 10,226
S.F. of office space on the 1st floor to the Master Lease.

A.  Location: Airport Office Center, 9668 Madison Boulevard, Madison, AL

B.  Term:     Starting September 07, 1999 and terminating on December 31, 2000,
              the same date as the Master Intense.

C.  Rate      This Addendum is at a base rate of $6.40 per square foot per year
              plus $2.58 per square foot per year operating expense stop which
              excludes janitorial. Rent will be 10,226 square feet x $8.98 =
              $91,829.48 (annual rate) divided by 12 = $7,652.46 (per month).

Lessee to install one hallway at Lessee's expense, with wall construction to
deck, 4' minimum, and remove door to hallway from front entrance, hall to have
cased entrance, flush side walls to hall opening, and a door to the hallway
opening to the occupied space. See Exhibit A-4.

Lessee may install water in new Break Room, may take double doors down between
Lessee's office space and vacant office space next door and sheet rock the
opening at Lessee's expense.

All other terms and conditions of the Lease Agreement remain the same.

Verilink Corporation                      Industrial Properties of the South

By:    /s/ C. W. Smith                    By:    /s/ Charlene B. Graham
   ---------------------------------         ---------------------------------

Date:  09/07/99                           Date:  09/07/99
   ---------------------------------         ---------------------------------

Prepared by:

Industrial Properties of the South
2903 Wall Triana Hwy., Suite 7
Huntsville, AL 35824
