

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


1.  Employment of Custodian and Property to be Held By
    It ......................................................................  1
2.  Duties of the Custodian with Respect to Property
    of the Fund Held by the Custodian in the United States ..................  2
    2.1      Holding Securities .............................................  2
    2.2      Delivery of Securities .........................................  2
    2.3      Registration of Securities .....................................  4
    2.4      Bank Accounts ..................................................  5
    2.5      Availability of Federal Funds ..................................  5
    2.6      Collection of Income ...........................................  5
    2.7      Payment of Fund Moneys .........................................  5
    2.8      Liability for Payment in Advance of
             Receipt of Securities Purchased ................................  7
    2.9      Appointment of Agents ..........................................  7
    2.10     Deposit of Fund Assets in U.S. Securities System ...............  7
    2.11     Fund Assets Held in the Custodian's Direct
             Paper System ...................................................  8
    2.12     Segregated Account .............................................  9
    2.13     Ownership Certificates for Tax Purposes ........................ 10
    2.14     Proxies ........................................................ 10
    2.15     Communications Relating to Fund Securities ..................... 10
3.  Duties of the Custodian with Respect to Property of
    the Fund Held Outside of the United States .............................. 11
    3.1      Appointment of Foreign Sub-Custodians .......................... 11
    3.2      Assets to be Held .............................................. 11
    3.3      Foreign Securities Systems ..................................... 11
    3.4      Holding Securities ............................................. 11
    3.5      Agreements with Foreign Banking Institutions ................... 12
    3.6      Access of Independent Accountants of the Fund .................. 12
    3.7      Reports by Custodian ........................................... 12
    3.8      Transactions in Foreign Custody Account ........................ 12
    3.9      Liability of Foreign Sub-Custodians ............................ 13
    3.10     Liability of Custodian ......................................... 13
    3.11     Reimbursement for Advances ..................................... 13
    3.12     Monitoring Responsibilities .................................... 14

    3.13     Branches of U.S. Banks ......................................... 14
    3.14     Tax Law ........................................................ 14
4.  Payments for Sales or Repurchase or Redemptions
    of Shares of the Fund ................................................... 14
5.  Proper Instructions ..................................................... 15
6.  Actions Permitted Without Express Authority ............................. 15
7.  Evidence of Authority ................................................... 16
8.  Duties of Custodian With Respect to the Books of Account and
    Calculation of Net Asset Value and Net Income ........................... 16
9.  Records ................................................................. 16
10. Opinion of Fund's Independent Accountants ............................... 17
11. Reports to Fund by Independent Public Accountants ....................... 17
12. Compensation of Custodian ............................................... 17
13. Responsibility of Custodian ............................................. 17
14. Effective Period, Termination and Amendment ............................. 19
15. Successor Custodian ..................................................... 19
16. Interpretive and Additional Provisions .................................. 20
17. Additional Funds ........................................................ 20
18. Massachusetts Law to Apply .............................................. 21
19. Prior Contracts ......................................................... 21
20. Reproduction of Documents ............................................... 21
21. Shareholder Communications .............................................. 21
22. Limitation of Liability .................................................

                               CUSTODIAN CONTRACT

      This Contract between each fund or series of a fund listed on Appendix A
which evidences its agreement to be bound hereby by executing a copy of this
Contract (each such Fund is individually hereinafter referred to as the "Fund")
and State Street Bank and Trust Company, a Massachusetts trust company, having
its principal place of business at 225 Franklin Street, Boston, Massachusetts,
02110, hereinafter called the "Custodian",


      WITNESSETH THAT, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements
hereinafter contained, the parties hereto agree as follows:

1.    Employment of Custodian and Property to be Held by It

      The Fund hereby employs the Custodian as the custodian of the assets of
the Fund, including securities which the Fund desires to be held in places
within the United States ("domestic securities") and securities it desires to be
held outside the United States ("foreign securities") pursuant to the provisions
of the Fund's governing documents. The Fund agrees to deliver to the Custodian
all securities and cash of the Fund, and all payments of income, payments of
principal or capital distributions received by it with respect to all securities
owned by the Fund from time to time, and the cash consideration received by it
for such new or treasury shares of capital stock, beneficial interest or
partnership interest, as applicable, of the Fund ("Shares") as may be issued or
sold from time to time. The Custodian shall not be responsible for any property
of a Fund held or received by the Fund and not delivered to the Custodian.

      Upon receipt of "Proper Instructions" (within the meaning of Article 5),
the Custodian shall on behalf of the applicable Fund(s) from time to time employ
one or more sub-custodians, located in the United States but only in accordance
with an applicable vote by the Board of Trustees of the Fund, and provided that
the Custodian shall have no more or less responsibility or liability to the Fund
on account of any actions or omissions of any sub-custodian so employed than any
such sub-custodian has to the Custodian. The Custodian may employ as
sub-custodian for the Fund's foreign securities the foreign banking institutions
and foreign securities depositories designated in Schedule A hereto but only in
accordance with the provisions of Article 3.

2.    Duties of the Custodian with Respect to Property of the Fund Held By the
      Custodian in the United States

2.1   Holding Securities. The Custodian shall hold and physically segregate for
      the account of each Fund all non-cash property to be held by it in the
      United States including all domestic securities owned by such Fund other
      than (a) securities which are maintained pursuant to Section 2.10 in a
      clearing agency which acts as a securities depository or in a book-entry
      system authorized by the U.S. Department of the Treasury and certain
      federal agencies (collectively referred to herein as a "U.S. Securities
      System") and (b) commercial paper of an issuer for which State Street Bank
      and Trust Company acts as issuing and paying agent

      ("Direct Paper") which is deposited and/or maintained in the Direct Paper
      System of the Custodian (the "Direct Paper System") pursuant to Section

2.2   Delivery of Securities. The Custodian shall release and deliver domestic
      securities owned by a Fund held by the Custodian or in a U.S. Securities
      System account of the Custodian or in the Custodian's Direct Paper book
      entry system account ("Direct Paper System Account") only upon receipt of
      Proper Instructions from the Fund, which may be continuing instructions
      when deemed appropriate by the parties, and only in the following cases:

      1)    Upon sale of such securities for the account of the Fund and receipt
            of payment therefor;

      2)    Upon the receipt of payment in connection with any repurchase
            agreement related to such securities entered into by the Fund;

      3)    In the case of a sale effected through a U.S. Securities System. in
            accordance with the provisions of Section 2.10 hereof;

      4)    To the depository agent in connection with tender or other similar
            offers for securities of the Fund;

      5)    To the issuer thereof or its agent when such securities are called,
            redeemed, retired or otherwise become payable; provided that, in any
            such case, the cash or other consideration is to be delivered to the

      6)    To the issuer thereof, or its agent, for transfer into the name of
            the Fund or into the name of any nominee or nominees of the
            Custodian or into the name or nominee name of any agent appointed
            pursuant to Section 2.9 or into the name or nominee name of any
            sub-custodian appointed pursuant to Article 1; or for exchange for a
            different number of bonds, certificates or other evidence
            representing the same aggregate face amount or number of units;
            provided that, in any such case, the new securities are to be
            delivered to the Custodian;

      7)    Upon the sale of such securities for the account of the Fund, to the
            broker or its clearing agent, against a receipt, for examination in
            accordance with "street delivery" custom; provided that in any such
            case, the Custodian shall have no responsibility or liability for
            any loss arising from the delivery of such securities prior to
            receiving payment for such securities except as may arise from the
            Custodian's own negligence or willful misconduct;

      8)    For exchange or conversion pursuant to any plan of merger,
            consolidation, recapitalization, reorganization or readjustment of
            the securities of the issuer of such


            securities, or pursuant to provisions for conversion contained in
            such securities, or pursuant to any deposit agreement; provided
            that, in any such case, the new securities and cash, if any, are to
            be delivered to the Custodian;

      9)    In the case of warrants, rights or similar securities, the surrender
            thereof in the exercise of such warrants, rights or similar
            securities or the surrender of interim receipts or temporary
            securities for definitive securities; provided that, in any such
            case, the new securities and cash, if any, are to be delivered to
            the Custodian;

      10)   For delivery in connection with any loans of securities made by the
            Fund, but only against receipt of adequate collateral as agreed upon
            from time to time by the Custodian and the Fund, which may be in the
            form of cash or obligations issued by the United States government,
            its agencies or instrumentalities, except that in connection with
            any loans for which collateral is to be credited to the Custodian's
            account in the book-entry system authorized by the U.S. Department
            of the Treasury, the Custodian will not be held liable or
            responsible for the delivery of securities owned by the Fund prior
            to the receipt of such collateral;

      11)   For delivery as security in connection with any borrowings by the
            Fund requiring a pledge of assets by the Fund, but only against
            receipt of amounts borrowed;

      12)   For delivery in accordance with the provisions of any agreement
            among the Fund, the Custodian and a broker-dealer registered under
            the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the "Exchange Act") and a
            member of The National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc.
            ("NASD"), relating to compliance with the rules of The Options
            Clearing Corporation and of any registered national securities
            exchange, or of any similar organization or organizations, regarding
            escrow or other arrangements in connection with transactions by the

      13)   For delivery in accordance with the provisions of any agreement
            among the Fund, the Custodian, and a Futures Commission Merchant
            registered under the Commodity Exchange Act, relating to compliance
            with the rules of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and/or
            any Contract Market, or any similar organization or organizations,
            regarding account deposits in connection with transactions by the

      14)   Upon receipt of instructions from the transfer agent ("Transfer
            Agent") for the Fund, for delivery to such Transfer Agent or to the
            holders of shares in connection with distributions in kind, as may
            be described from time to time in the currently effective prospectus
            and statement of additional information of the Fund ("Prospectus"),
            in satisfaction of requests by holders of Shares for repurchase or


      15)   For any other proper corporate purpose, but only upon receipt of, in
            addition to Proper Instructions from the Fund, a certified copy of a
            resolution of the Board of Trustees, specifying the securities of
            the Fund to be delivered, setting forth the purpose for which such
            delivery is to be made, declaring such purpose to be a proper
            corporate purpose, and naming the person or persons to whom delivery
            of such securities shall be made; and

      16)   Upon termination of the Contract.

2.3   Registration of Securities. Domestic securities held by the Custodian
      (other than bearer securities) shall be registered in the name of the Fund
      or in the name of any nominee of the Fund or of any nominee of the
      Custodian which nominee shall be assigned exclusively to the Fund, unless
      the Fund has authorized in writing the appointment of a nominee to be
      used in common with other registered investment companies having the same
      investment adviser as the Fund, or in the name or nominee name of any
      agent appointed pursuant to Section 2.9 or in the name or nominee name of
      any sub-custodian appointed pursuant to Article 1. All securities accepted
      by the Custodian on behalf of the Fund under the terms of this Contract
      shall be in "street name" or other good delivery form. If, however, the
      Fund directs the Custodian to maintain securities in "street name", the
      Custodian shall utilize its best efforts only to timely collect income due
      the Fund on such securities and to notify the Fund on a best efforts basis
      only of relevant corporate actions including, without limitation, pendency
      of calls, maturities, tender or exchange offers.

2.4   Bank Accounts. The Custodian shall open and maintain a separate bank
      account or accounts in the United States in the name of each Fund, subject
      only to draft or order by the Custodian acting pursuant to the terms of
      this Contract, and shall hold in such account or accounts, subject to the
      provisions hereof, all cash received by it from or for the account of the
      Fund, other than cash maintained by the Fund in a bank account established
      and used in accordance with Rule 17f-3 under the Investment Company Act
      of 1940. Funds held by the Custodian for a Fund may be deposited by it to
      its credit as Custodian in the Banking Department of the Custodian or in
      such other banks or trust companies as it may in its discretion deem
      necessary or desirable; provided, however, that every such bank or trust
      company shall be qualified to act as a custodian under the Investment
      Company Act of 1940 and that each such bank or trust company and the funds
      to be deposited with each such bank or trust company shall on behalf of
      each applicable Fund be approved by vote of a majority of the Board of
      Trustees of the Fund. Such funds shall be deposited by the Custodian in
      its capacity as Custodian and shall be withdrawable by the Custodian only
      in that capacity.

2.5   Availability of Federal Funds. Upon mutual agreement between the Fund and
      the Custodian, the Custodian shall, upon the receipt of Proper
      Instructions from the Fund, make


      federal funds available to such Fund as of specified times agreed upon
      from time to time by the Fund and the Custodian in the amount of checks
      received in payment for Shares of such Fund which are deposited into the
      Fund's account.

2.6   Collection of Income. Subject to the provisions of Section 2.3, the
      Custodian shall collect on a timely basis all income and other payments
      with respect to registered domestic securities held hereunder to which the
      Fund shall be entitled either by law or pursuant to custom in the
      securities business, and shall collect on a timely basis all income and
      other payments with respect to bearer domestic securities if, on the date
      of payment by the issuer, such securities are held by the Custodian or its
      agent thereof and shall credit such income, as collected, to such Fund's
      custodian account. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the
      Custodian shall detach and present for payment all coupons and other
      income items requiring presentation as and when they become due and shall
      collect interest when due on securities held hereunder. Income due each
      Fund on securities loaned pursuant to the provisions of Section 2.2 (10)
      shall be the responsibility of the Fund. The Custodian will have no duty
      or responsibility in connection therewith, other than to provide the Fund
      with such information or data as may be necessary to assist the Fund in
      arranging for the timely delivery to the Custodian of the income to which
      the Fund is properly entitled.

2.7   Payment of Fund Moneys. Upon receipt of Proper Instructions from the Fund,
      which may be continuing instructions when deemed appropriate by the
      parties, the Custodian shall pay out moneys of a Fund in the following
      cases only:

      1)    Upon the purchase of domestic securities, options, futures contracts
            or options on futures contracts for the account of the Fund but only
            (a) against the delivery of such securities or evidence of title to
            such options, futures contracts or options on futures contracts to
            the Custodian (or any bank, banking firm or trust company doing
            business in the United States or abroad which is qualified under the
            Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, to act as a custodian
            and has been designated by the Custodian as its agent for this
            purpose) registered in the name of the Fund or in the name of a
            nominee of the Custodian referred to in Section 2.3 hereof or in
            proper form for transfer; (b) in the case of a purchase effected
            through a U.S. Securities System, in accordance with the conditions
            set forth in Section 2.10 hereof; (c) in the case of a purchase
            involving the Direct Paper System, in accordance with the conditions
            set forth in Section 2.11; (d) in the case of repurchase agreements
            entered into between the Fund and the Custodian, or another bank, or
            a broker-dealer which is a member of NASD, (i) against delivery of
            the securities either in certificate form or through an entry
            crediting the Custodian's account at the Federal Reserve Bank with
            such securities or (ii) against delivery of the receipt evidencing
            purchase by the Fund of securities owned by the Custodian along with
            written evidence of the agreement by the Custodian to repurchase
            such securities from the Fund or (e) for transfer to a time deposit
            account of the Fund in


            any bank, whether domestic or foreign; such transfer may be effected
            prior to receipt of a confirmation from a broker and/or the
            applicable bank pursuant to Proper Instructions from the Fund as
            defined in Article 5;

      2)    In connection with conversion, exchange or surrender of securities
            owned by the Fund as set forth in Section 2.2 hereof;

      3)    For the redemption or repurchase of Shares issued by the Fund as set
            forth in Article 4 hereof;

      4)    For the payment of any expense or liability incurred by the Fund,
            including but not limited to the following payments for the account
            of the Fund: interest, taxes, management, accounting, transfer agent
            and legal fees, and operating expenses of the Fund whether or not
            such expenses are to be in whole or part capitalized or treated as
            deferred expenses;

      5)    For the payment of any dividends on Shares of the Fund declared
            pursuant to the governing documents of the Fund;

      6)    For payment of the amount of dividends received in respect of
            securities sold short;

      7)    For any other proper purpose, but only upon receipt of, in addition
            to Proper Instructions from the Fund, a certified copy of a
            resolution of the Board of Trustees, specifying the amount of such
            payment, setting forth the purpose for which such payment is to be
            made, declaring such purpose to be a proper purpose, and naming the
            person or persons to whom such payment is to be made; and

      8)    Upon termination of this Contract.

2.8   Liability for Payment in Advance of Receipt of Securities Purchased.
      Except as specifically stated otherwise in this Contract, in any and every
      case where payment for purchase of domestic securities for the account of
      a Fund is made by the Custodian in advance of receipt of the securities
      purchased in the absence of specific written instructions from the Fund to
      so pay in advance, the Custodian shall be absolutely liable to the Fund
      for such securities to the same extent as if the securities had been
      received by the Custodian.

2.9   Appointment of Agents. The Custodian may at any time or times in its
      discretion appoint (and may at any time remove) any other bank or trust
      company which is itself qualified under the Investment Company Act of
      1940, as amended, to act as a custodian, as its agent to carry out such of
      the provisions of this Article 2 as the Custodian may from time to time
      direct; provided, however, that the appointment of any agent shall not
      relieve the Custodian of its responsibilities or liabilities hereunder.


2.10  Deposit of Fund Assets in U.S. Securities Systems. The Custodian may
      deposit and/or maintain securities owned by a Fund in a clearing agency
      registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission under Section 17A
      of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, which acts as a securities
      depository, or in the book-entry system authorized by the U.S. Department
      of the Treasury and certain federal agencies, collectively referred to
      herein as "U.S. Securities System" in accordance with applicable Federal
      Reserve Board and Securities and Exchange Commission rules and
      regulations, if any, and subject to the following provisions:

      1)    The Custodian may keep securities of the Fund in a U.S. Securities
            System provided that such securities are represented in an account
            ("Account") of the Custodian in the U.S. Securities System which
            shall not include any assets of the Custodian other than assets held
            as a fiduciary, custodian or otherwise for customers;

      2)    The records of the Custodian with respect to securities of the Fund
            which are maintained in a U.S. Securities System shall identify by
            book-entry those securities belonging to the Fund;

      3)    The Custodian shall pay for securities purchased for the account of
            the Fund upon (i) receipt of advice from the U.S. Securities System
            that such securities have been transferred to the Account, and (ii)
            the making of an entry on the records of the Custodian to reflect
            such payment and transfer for the account of the Fund. The Custodian
            shall transfer securities sold for the account of the Fund upon (i)
            receipt of advice from the U.S. Securities System that payment for
            such securities has been transferred to the Account, and (ii) the
            making of an entry on the records of the Custodian to reflect such
            transfer and payment for the account of the Fund. Copies of all
            advices from the U.S. Securities System of transfers of securities
            for the account of the Fund shall identify the Fund, be maintained
            for the Fund by the Custodian and be provided to the Fund at its
            request. Upon request, the Custodian shall furnish the Fund
            confirmation of each transfer to or from the account of the Fund in
            the form of a written advice or notice and shall furnish to the Fund
            copies of daily transaction sheets reflecting each day's
            transactions in the U.S. Securities System for the account of the

      4)    The Custodian shall provide the Fund with any report obtained by the
            Custodian on the U.S. Securities System's accounting system,
            internal accounting control and procedures for safeguarding
            securities deposited in the U.S. Securities System;

      5)    The Custodian shall have received from the Fund the initial or
            annual certificate, as the case may be, required by Article 14


      6)    Anything to the contrary in this Contract notwithstanding, the
            Custodian shall be liable to the Fund for any loss or damage to the
            Fund resulting from use of the U.S. Securities System by reason of
            any negligence, misfeasance or misconduct of the Custodian or any of
            its agents or of any of its or their employees or from failure of
            the Custodian or any such agent to enforce effectively such rights
            as it may have against the U.S. Securities System; at the election
            of the Fund, it shall be entitled to be subrogated to the rights of
            the Custodian with respect to any claim against the U.S. Securities
            System or any other person which the Custodian may have as a
            consequence of any such loss or damage if and to the extent that the
            Fund has not been made whole for any such loss or damage.

2.11  Fund Assets Held in the Custodian's Direct Paper System. The Custodian may
      deposit and/or maintain securities owned by a Fund in the Direct Paper
      System of the Custodian subject to the following provisions:

      1)    No transaction relating to securities in the Direct Paper System
            will be effected in the absence of Proper Instructions from the

      2)    The Custodian may keep securities of the Fund in the Direct Paper
            System only if such securities are represented in an account of the
            Custodian in the Direct Paper System which shall not include any
            assets of the Custodian other than assets held as a fiduciary,
            custodian or otherwise for customers;

      3)    The records of the Custodian with respect to securities of the Fund
            which are maintained in the Direct Paper System shall identify by
            book-entry those securities belonging to the Fund;

      4)    The Custodian shall pay for securities purchased for the account of
            the Fund upon the making of an entry on the records of the Custodian
            to reflect such payment and transfer of securities to the account of
            the Fund. The Custodian shall transfer securities sold for the
            account of the Fund upon the making of an entry on the records of
            the Custodian to reflect such transfer and receipt of payment for
            the account of the Fund;

      5)    The Custodian shall furnish the Fund confirmation of each transfer
            to or from the account of the Fund, in the form of a written advice
            or notice, of Direct Paper on the next business day following such
            transfer and shall furnish to the Fund copies of daily transaction
            sheets reflecting each day's transaction in the U.S. Securities
            System for the account of the Fund;

      6)    The Custodian shall provide the Fund with any report on its system
            of internal accounting control as the Fund may reasonably request
            from time to time.


2.12  Segregated Account. The Custodian shall upon receipt of Proper
      Instructions from the Fund establish and maintain a segregated account or
      accounts for and on behalf of each such Fund, into which account or
      accounts may be transferred cash and/or securities, including securities
      maintained in an account by the Custodian pursuant to Section 2.10 hereof,
      (i) in accordance with the provisions of any agreement among the Fund, the
      Custodian and a broker-dealer registered under the Exchange Act and a
      member of the NASD (or any futures commission merchant registered under
      the Commodity Exchange Act), relating to compliance with the rules of The
      Options Clearing Corporation and of any registered national securities
      exchange (or the Commodity Futures Trading Commission or any registered
      contract market), or of any similar organization or organizations,
      regarding escrow or other arrangements in connection with transactions by
      the Fund, (ii) for purposes of segregating cash or government securities
      in connection with options purchased, sold or written by the Fund or
      commodity futures contracts or options thereon purchased or sold by the
      Fund, (iii) for the purposes of compliance by the Fund with the procedures
      required by Investment Company Act Release No. 10666, or any subsequent
      release or releases of the Securities and Exchange Commission relating to
      the maintenance of segregated accounts by registered investment companies
      and (iv) for other proper corporate purposes, but only, in the case of
      clause (iv), upon receipt of, in addition to Proper Instructions from the
      Fund, a certified copy of a resolution of the Board of Trustees setting
      forth the purpose or purposes of such segregated account and declaring
      such purposes to be proper corporate purposes.

2.13  Ownership Certificates for Tax Purposes. The Custodian shall execute
      ownership and other certificates and affidavits for all federal and state
      tax purposes in connection with receipt of income or other payments with
      respect to domestic securities of each Fund held by it and in connection
      with transfers of securities.

2.14  Proxies. The Custodian shall, with respect to the domestic securities held
      hereunder, cause to be promptly executed by the registered holder of such
      securities, if the securities are registered otherwise than in the name of
      the Fund or a nominee of the Fund, all proxies, without indication of the
      manner in which such proxies are to be voted, and shall promptly deliver
      to the Fund such proxies, all proxy soliciting materials and all notices
      relating to such securities.

2.15  Communications Relating to Fund Securities. Subject to the provisions of
      Section 2.3, the Custodian shall transmit promptly to the Fund all written
      information (including, without limitation, pendency of calls and
      maturities of domestic securities and expirations of rights in connection
      therewith and notices of exercise of call and put options written by the
      Fund and the maturity of futures contracts purchased or sold by the Fund)
      received by the Custodian from issuers of the securities being held for
      the Fund. With respect to tender or exchange offers, the Custodian shall
      transmit promptly to the Fund all written information received by the
      Custodian from issuers of the securities whose tender or exchange is


      and from the party (or his agents) making the tender or exchange offer. If
      the Fund desires to take action with respect to any tender offer, exchange
      offer or any other similar transaction, the Fund shall notify the
      Custodian at least three business days prior to the date on which the
      Custodian is to take such action.

3.    Duties of the Custodian with Respect to Property of the Fund Held Outside
      of the United States

3.1   Appointment of Foreign Sub-Custodians. The Fund hereby authorizes and
      instructs the Custodian to employ as sub-custodians for the Fund's
      securities and other assets maintained outside the United States the
      foreign banking institutions and foreign securities depositories
      designated on Schedule A hereto ("foreign sub-custodians"). Upon receipt
      of "Proper Instructions", as defined in Section 5 of this Contract,
      together with a certified resolution of the Fund's Board of Trustees, the
      Custodian and the Fund may agree to amend Schedule A hereto from time to
      time to designate additional foreign banking institutions and foreign
      securities depositories to act as sub-custodian. Upon receipt of Proper
      Instructions, the Fund may instruct the Custodian to cease the employment
      of any one or more such sub-custodians for maintaining custody of the
      Fund's assets.

3.2   Assets to be Held. The Custodian shall limit the securities and other
      assets maintained in the custody of the foreign sub-custodians to: (a)
      "foreign securities", as defined in paragraph (c)(l) of Rule 17f-5 under
      the Investment Company Act of 1940, and (b) cash and cash equivalents in
      such amounts as the Custodian or the Fund may determine to be reasonably
      necessary to effect the Fund's foreign securities transactions. The
      Custodian shall identify on its books as belonging to the Fund, the
      foreign securities of the Fund held by each foreign sub-custodian.

3.3   Foreign Securities Systems. Except as may otherwise be agreed upon in
      writing by the Custodian and the Fund, assets of the Funds shall be
      maintained in a clearing agency which acts as a securities depository or
      in a book-entry system for the central handling of securities located
      outside of the United States (each a "Foreign Securities System") only
      through arrangements implemented by the foreign banking institutions
      serving as sub-custodians pursuant to the terms hereof (Foreign Securities
      Systems and U.S. Securities Systems are collectively referred to herein as
      the "Securities Systems"). Where possible, such arrangements shall include
      entry into agreements containing the provisions set forth in Section 3.5

3.4   Holding Securities. The Custodian may hold cash, securities and other
      non-cash property for all of its customers, including the Fund, with a
      foreign sub-custodian in a single account that is identified as belonging
      to the Custodian for the benefit of its customers, provided however, that
      (i) the records of the Custodian with respect to cash, securities and
      other non-cash property of the Fund which are maintained in such account
      shall identify by book-


      entry the cash, securities and other non-cash property belonging to the
      Fund and (ii) the Custodian shall require that cash, securities and other
      non-cash property so held by the foreign sub-custodian be held separately
      from any assets of the Custodian, the foreign sub-custodian or of others.

3.5   Agreements with Foreign Banking Institutions. Each agreement with a
      foreign banking institution shall provide that: (a) the assets of each
      Fund will not be subject to any right, charge, security interest, lien or
      claim of any kind in favor of the foreign banking institution or its
      creditors or agent, except a claim of payment for their safe custody or
      administration; (b) beneficial ownership for the assets of each Fund will
      be freely transferable without the payment of money or value other than
      for custody or administration; (c) adequate records will be maintained
      identifying the assets as belonging to each applicable Fund; (d) officers
      of or auditors employed by, or other representatives of the Custodian,
      including to the extent permitted under applicable law the independent
      public accountants for the Fund, will be given access to the books and
      records of the foreign banking institution relating to its actions under
      its agreement with the Custodian; and (e) assets of the Funds held by the
      foreign sub-custodian will be subject only to the instructions of the
      Custodian or its agents.

3.6   Access of Independent Accountants of the Fund. Upon request of the Fund,
      the Custodian will use its best efforts to arrange for the independent
      accountants of the Fund to be afforded access to the books and records of
      any foreign banking institution employed as a foreign sub-custodian
      insofar as such books and records relate to the performance of such
      foreign banking institution under its agreement with the Custodian.

3.7   Reports by Custodian. The Custodian will supply to the Fund from time to
      time, as mutually agreed upon, statements in respect of the securities and
      other assets of the Fund(s) held by foreign sub-custodians, including but
      not limited to an identification of entities having possession of the
      Fund(s) securities and other assets and advices or notifications of any
      transfers of securities to or from each custodial account maintained by a
      foreign banking institution for the Custodian on behalf of each applicable
      Fund indicating, as to securities acquired for a Fund, the identity of the
      entity having physical possession of such securities.

3.8   Transactions in Foreign Custody Account. (a) Except as otherwise provided
      in paragraph (b) of this Section 3.8, the provision of Sections 2.2 and
      2.7 of this Contract shall apply, mutatis mutandis to the foreign
      securities of the Fund held outside the United States by foreign

            (b) Notwithstanding any provision of this Contract to the contrary,
      settlement and payment for securities received for the account of each
      applicable Fund and delivery of securities maintained for the account of
      each applicable Fund may be effected in accordance with the customary
      established securities trading or securities processing practices and


      procedures in the jurisdiction or market in which the transaction occurs,
      including, without limitation, delivering securities to the purchaser
      thereof or to a dealer therefor (or an agent for such purchaser or dealer)
      against a receipt with the expectation of receiving later payment for such
      securities from such purchaser or dealer. In addition, and whether or not
      such practice is a customary established trading practice in the relevany
      jurisdictions, the Custodian will, upon Proper Instructions from the
      Fund, deliver cash to securities brokers in foreign jurisdictions who will
      effect securities trades for the Fund and cause the securities purchased
      to be delivered to the applicable foreign sub-custodian at some later

            (c) Securities maintained in the custody of a foreign sub-custodian
      may be maintained in the name of such entity's nominee to the same extent
      as set forth in Section 2.3 of this Contract, and the Fund agrees to hold
      any such nominee harmless from any liability as a holder of record of such

3.9   Liability of Foreign Sub-Custodians. Each agreement pursuant to which the
      Custodian employs a foreign banking institution as a foreign sub-custodian
      shall require the institution to exercise reasonable care in the
      performance of its duties and to indemnify, and hold harmless, the
      Custodian and each Fund from and against any loss, damage, cost, expense,
      liability or claim arising out of or in connection with the institution's
      performance of such obligations. At the election of the Fund, it shall be
      entitled to be subrogated to the rights of the Custodian with respect to
      any claims against a foreign banking institution as a consequence of any
      such loss, damage, cost, expense, liability or claim if and to the extent
      that the Fund has not been made whole for any such loss, damage, cost,
      expense, liability or claim.

3.10  Liability of Custodian. The Custodian shall be liable for the acts or
      omissions of a foreign banking institution to the same extent as set forth
      with respect to sub-custodians generally in this Contract and, regardless
      of whether assets are maintained in the custody of a foreign banking
      institution, a foreign securities depository or a branch of a U.S. bank as
      contemplated by paragraph 3.13 hereof, the Custodian shall not be liable
      for any loss, damage, cost, expense, liability or claim resulting from
      nationalization, expropriation. currency restrictions, or acts of war or
      terrorism or any loss where the sub-custodian has otherwise exercised
      reasonable care. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this
      paragraph 3.10, in delegating custody duties to State Street London Ltd.,
      the Custodian shall not be relieved of any responsibility to the Fund for
      any loss due to such delegation. except such loss as may result from (a)
      political risk (including, but not limited to, exchange control
      restrictions, confiscation, expropriation, nationalization, insurrection,
      civil strife or armed hostilities) or (b) other losses (excluding a
      bankruptcy or insolvency of State Street London Ltd. not caused by
      political risk) due to Acts of God, nuclear incident or other losses under
      circumstances where the Custodian and State Street London Ltd. have
      exercised reasonable care.


3.11  Reimbursement for Advances. If the Fund requires the Custodian to advance
      cash or securities for any purpose for the benefit of a Fund including the
      purchase or sale of foreign exchange or of contracts for foreign exchange,
      or in the event that the Custodian or its nominee shall incur or be
      assessed any taxes, charges, expenses, assessments, claims or liabilities
      in connection with the performance of this Contract, except such as may
      arise from its or its nominee's own negligent action, negligent failure to
      act or willful misconduct, any property at any time held for the account
      of the applicable Fund shall be security therefor and should the Fund fail
      to repay the Custodian promptly, the Custodian shall be entitled to
      utilize available cash and to dispose of such Fund's assets to the extent
      necessary to obtain reimbursement.

3.12  Monitoring Responsibilities. The Custodian shall furnish annually to the
      Fund, during the month of June, information concerning the foreign
      sub-custodians employed by the Custodian. Such information shall be
      similar in kind and scope to that furnished to the Fund in connection with
      the initial approval of this Contract. In addition, the Custodian will
      promptly inform the Fund in the event that the Custodian learns of a
      material adverse change in the financial condition of a foreign
      sub-custodian or any material loss of the assets of the Fund or in the
      case of any foreign sub-custodian not the subject of an exemptive order
      from the Securities and Exchange Commission is notified by such foreign
      sub-custodian that there appears to be a substantial likelihood that its
      shareholders' equity will decline below $200 million (U.S. dollars or the
      equivalent thereof) or that its shareholders' equity has declined below
      $200 million (in each case computed in accordance with generally accepted
      U.S. accounting principles).

3.13  Branches of U.S. Banks. (a) Except as otherwise set forth in this
      Contract, the provisions hereof shall not apply where the custody of the
      Funds' assets are maintained in a foreign branch of a banking institution
      which is a "bank" as defined by Section 2(a)(5) of the Investment Company
      Act of 1940 meeting the qualification set forth in Section 26(a) of said
      Act. The appointment of any such branch as a sub-custodian shall be
      governed by paragraph 1 of this Contract. (b) Cash held for each Fund in
      the United Kingdom shall be maintained in an interest bearing account
      established for the Fund with the Custodian's London branch, which account
      shall be subject to the direction of the Custodian, State Street London
      Ltd. or both.

3.14  The Custodian shall have no responsibility or liability for any
      obligations now or hereafter imposed on the Fund or the Custodian as
      custodian of the Fund by the tax law of the United States of America or
      any state or political subdivision thereof. It shall be the responsibility
      of the Fund to notify the Custodian of the obligations imposed on the Fund
      or the Custodian as custodian of the Fund by the tax law of jurisdictions
      other than those mentioned in the above sentence, including responsibility
      for withholding and other taxes, assessments or other governmental
      charges, certifications and governmental reporting. The sole
      responsibility of the Custodian with regard to such tax law shall be to
      use reasonable


      efforts to assist the Fund with respect to any claim for exemption or
      refund under the tax law of jurisdictions for which the Fund has provided
      such information.

4.    Payments for Sales or Repurchases or Redemptions of Shares of the Fund

      The Custodian shall receive from the distributor for the Shares or from
the Transfer Agent of the Fund and deposit into the account of the appropriate
Fund such payments as are received for Shares of that Fund issued or sold from
time to time by the Fund. The Custodian will provide timely notification to the
Fund on behalf of each such Fund and the Transfer Agent of any receipt by it of
payments for Shares of such Fund.

      From such funds as may be available for the purpose but subject to the
limitations of the applicable Fund's governing documents and any applicable
votes of the Board of Trustees of the Fund pursuant thereto, the Custodian
shall, upon receipt of instructions from the Transfer Agent, make funds
available for payment to holders of Shares who have delivered to the Transfer
Agent a request for redemption or repurchase of their Shares. In connection with
the redemption or repurchase of Shares of a Fund, the Custodian is authorized
upon receipt of instructions from the Transfer Agent to wire funds to or through
a commercial bank designated by the redeeming shareholders. In connection with
the redemption or repurchase of Shares of the Fund, the Custodian shall honor
checks drawn on the Custodian by a holder of Shares, which checks have been
furnished by the Fund to the holder of Shares, when presented to the Custodian
in accordance with such procedures and controls as are mutually agreed upon from
time to time between the Fund and the Custodian.

5.    Proper Instructions

      Proper Instructions as used throughout this Contract means a writing
signed or initialed by one or more person or persons as the Board of Trustees
shall have from time to time authorized. Each such writing shall set forth the
specific transaction or type of transaction involved, including a specific
statement of the purpose for which such action is requested. Oral instructions
will be considered Proper Instructions if the Custodian reasonably believes them
to have been given by a person authorized to give such instructions with respect
to the transaction involved. The Fund shall cause all oral instructions to be
confirmed in writing. Upon receipt of a certificate of the Secretary or an
Assistant Secretary as to the authorization by the Board of Trustees of the Fund
accompanied by a detailed description of procedures approved by the Board of
Trustees, Proper Instructions may include communications effected directly
between electro-mechanical or electronic devices provided that the Board of
Trustees and the Custodian are satisfied that such procedures afford adequate
safeguards for the Funds' assets. For purposes of this Section, Proper
Instructions shall include instructions received by the Custodian pursuant to
any three-party agreement which requires a segregated asset account in
accordance with Section 2.12.


6.    Actions Permitted without Express Authority

      The Custodian may in its discretion, without express authority from the

      1)    make payments to itself or others for minor expenses of handling
            securities or other similar items relating to its duties under this
            Contract, provided that all such payments shall be accounted for to
            the Fund;

      2)    surrender securities in temporary form for securities in definitive

      3)    endorse for collection, in the name of the Fund, checks, drafts and
            other negotiable instruments; and

      4)    in general, attend to all non-discretionary details in connection
            with the sale, exchange, substitution, purchase, transfer and other
            dealings with the securities and property of the Fund except as
            otherwise directed by the Board of Trustees of the Fund.

7.    Evidence of Authority

      The Custodian shall be protected in acting upon any instructions, notice,
request, consent, certificate or other instrument or paper believed by it to be
genuine and to have been properly executed by or on behalf of the Fund. The
Custodian may receive and accept a certified copy of a vote of the Board of
Trustees of the Fund as conclusive evidence (a) of the authority of any person
to act in accordance with such vote or (b) of any determination or of any action
by the Board of Trustees pursuant to the governing documents of the Fund as
described in such vote, and such vote may be considered as in full force and
effect until receipt by the Custodian of written notice to the contrary.

8.    Duties of Custodian with Respect to the Books of Account and Calculation
      of Net Asset Value and Net Income

      The Custodian shall cooperate with and supply necessary information to the
entity or entities appointed by the Board of Trustees of the Fund to keep the
books of account of each Fund and/or compute the net asset value per share of
the outstanding shares of the Fund or, if the Custodian and the Fund execute the
applicable Price Source Authorization (the "Authorization"), the Custodian shall
keep such books of account and/or compute the net asset value per share pursuant
to the terms of the Authorization and the attachments thereto. If so directed,
the Custodian shall also calculate daily the net income of the Fund as described
in the Fund's currently effective Prospectus related to such Fund and shall
advise the Fund and the Transfer Agent daily of the total amounts of such net
income and, if instructed in writing by an officer of the Fund to do so, shall
advise the Transfer Agent periodically of the division of such net income among
its various


components. The calculations of the net asset value per share and the daily
income of each Fund shall be made at the time or times described from time to
time in the Fund's currently effective Prospectus related to such Fund.

9.    Records

      The Custodian shall with respect to each Fund create and maintain all
records relating to its activities and obligations under this Contract in such
manner as will meet the obligations of the Fund under the Investment Company Act
of 1940, with particular attention to Section 31 thereof and Rules 31 a-1 and 31
a-2 thereunder. All such records shall be the property of the Fund and shall at
all times during the regular business hours of the Custodian be open for
inspection by duly authorized officers, employees or agents of the Fund and
employees and agents of the Securities and Exchange Commission. The Custodian
shall, at the Fund's request, supply the Fund with a tabulation of securities
owned by each Fund and held by the Custodian and shall, when requested to do so
by the Fund and for such compensation as shall be agreed upon between the Fund
and the Custodian, include certificate numbers in such tabulations.

10.   Opinion of Fund's Independent Accountant

      The Custodian shall take all reasonable action, as the Fund may from time
to time request, to obtain from year to year favorable opinions from the Fund's
independent accountants with respect to its activities hereunder in connection
with the preparation of the Fund's Form N-1A, and Form N-SAR or other annual
reports to the Securities and Exchange Commission and with respect to any other
requirements of such Commission.

11.   Reports to Fund by Independent Public Accountants

      The Custodian shall provide the Fund, at such times as the Fund may
reasonably require, with reports by independent public accountants on the
accounting system, internal accounting control and procedures for safeguarding
securities, futures contracts and options on futures contracts, including
securities deposited and/or maintained in a Securities System, relating to the
services provided by the Custodian under this Contract; such reports, shall be
of sufficient scope and in sufficient detail, as may reasonably be required by
the Fund to provide reasonable assurance that any material inadequacies would be
disclosed by such examination, and, if there are no such inadequacies, the
reports shall so state.

12.   Compensation of Custodian

      The Custodian shall be entitled to reasonable compensation for its
services and expenses as Custodian, as agreed upon from time to time between the
Fund and the Custodian.


13.   Responsibility of Custodian

      So long as and to the extent that it is in the exercise of reasonable
care, the Custodian shall not be responsible for the title, validity or
genuineness of any property or evidence of title thereto received by it or
delivered by it pursuant to this Contract and shall be held harmless in acting
upon any notice, request, consent, certificate or other instrument reasonably
believed by it to be genuine and to be signed by the proper party or parties,
including any futures commission merchant acting pursuant to the terms of a
three-party futures or options agreement. The Custodian shall be held to the
exercise of reasonable care in carrying out the provisions of this Contract, but
shall be kept indemnified by and shall be without liability to the Fund for any
action taken or omitted by it in good faith without negligence. It shall be
entitled to rely on and may act upon advice of counsel (who may be counsel for
the Fund) on all matters, and shall be without liability for any action
reasonably taken or omitted pursuant to such advice.

      Except as may arise from the Custodian's own negligence or willful
misconduct or the negligence or willful misconduct of a sub-custodian or agent,
the Custodian shall be without liability to the Fund for any loss, liability,
claim or expense resulting from or caused by: (i) events or circumstances beyond
the reasonable control of the Custodian or any sub-custodian or Securities
System or any agent or nominee of any of the foregoing, including, without
limitation, nationalization or expropriation, imposition of currency controls or
restrictions, the interruption, suspension or restriction of trading on or the
closure of any securities market, power or other mechanical or technological
failures or interruptions, computer viruses or communications disruptions, acts
of war or terrorism, riots, revolutions, work stoppages, natural disasters or
other similar events or acts; (ii) errors by the Fund or its investment adviser
in their instructions to the Custodian provided such instructions have been in
accordance with this Contract; (iii) the insolvency of or acts or omissions by a
Securities System; (iv) any delay or failure of any broker, agent or
intermediary, central bank or other commercially prevalent payment or clearing
system to deliver to the Custodian's sub-custodian or agent securities purchased
or in the remittance or payment made in connection with securities sold; (v) any
delay or failure of any company, corporation, or other body in charge of
registering or transferring securities in the name of the Custodian, the Fund,
the Custodian's sub-custodians, nominees or agents or any consequential losses
arising out of such delay or failure to transfer such securities including
non-receipt of bonus, dividends and rights and other accretions or benefits;
(vi) delays or inability to perform its duties due to any disorder in market
infrastructure with respect to any particular security or Securities System; and
(vii) any provision of any present or future law or regulation or order of the
United States of America, or any state thereof, or any other country, or
political subdivision thereof or of any court of competent jurisdiction.

      The Custodian shall be liable for the acts or omissions of a foreign
banking institution to the same extent as set forth with respect to
sub-custodians generally in this Contract.


      If the Fund requires the Custodian to take any action with respect to
securities, which action involves the payment of money or which action may, in
the opinion of the Custodian, result in the Custodian or its nominee assigned to
the Fund being liable for the payment of money or incurring liability of some
other form, the Fund, as a prerequisite to requiring the Custodian to take such
action, shall provide indemnity to the Custodian in an amount and form
satisfactory to it.

      If the Fund requires the Custodian, its affiliates, subsidiaries or
agents, to advance cash or securities for any purpose (including but not limited
to securities settlements, foreign exchange contracts and assumed settlement) or
in the event that the Custodian or its nominee shall incur or be assessed any
taxes, charges, expenses, assessments, claims or liabilities in connection with
the performance of this Contract, except such as may arise from its or its
nominee's own negligent action, negligent failure to act or willful misconduct,
any property at any time held for the account of the applicable Fund shall be
security therefor and should the Fund fail to repay the Custodian promptly, the
Custodian shall be entitled to utilize available cash and to dispose of such
Fund's assets to the extent necessary to obtain reimbursement.

14.   Effective Period, Termination and Amendment

      This Contract shall become effective as of its execution, shall continue
in full force and effect until terminated as hereinafter provided, may be
amended at any time by mutual agreement of the parties hereto and may be
terminated by either party by an instrument in writing delivered or mailed,
postage prepaid to the other party, such termination to take effect not sooner
than thirty (30) days after the date of such delivery or mailing; provided,
however that the Custodian shall not with respect to a Fund act under Section
2.10 hereof in the absence of receipt of an initial certificate of the Secretary
or an Assistant Secretary that the Board of the Fund has approved the initial
use of a particular Securities System by such Fund and the receipt of an annual
certificate of the Secretary or Assistant Secretary that the Board of the Fund
has reviewed any subsequent change regarding the use by such Fund of such
Securities System, as required in each case by Rule 17f-4 under the Investment
Company Act of 1940, as amended and that the Custodian shall not with respect to
a Fund act under Section 2.11 hereof in the absence of receipt of an initial
certificate of the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary that the Board has
approved the initial use of the Direct Paper System by such Fund and the receipt
of an annual certificate of the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary that the
Board of the Fund has reviewed the use by such Fund of the Direct Paper System;
provided further, however, that the Fund shall not amend or terminate this
Contract in contravention of any applicable federal or state regulations, or any
provision of the Fund's governing documents, and further provided, that the Fund
on behalf of one or more of the Funds may at any time by action of its Board (i)
substitute another bank or trust company for the Custodian by giving notice as
described above to the Custodian, or (ii) immediately terminate this Contract in
the event of the appointment of a conservator or receiver for the Custodian by
the Comptroller of the Currency or upon the happening of a like event at the
direction of an appropriate regulatory agency or court of competent


      Upon termination of the Contract, the Fund shall pay to the Custodian such
compensation as may be due as of the date of such termination and shall likewise
reimburse the Custodian for its costs, expenses and disbursements.

15.   Successor Custodian

      If a successor custodian for a Fund shall be appointed by the Board of
Trustees of such Fund, the Custodian shall, upon termination, deliver to such
successor custodian at the office of the Custodian, duly endorsed and in the
form for transfer, all securities, funds and other properties of each applicable
Fund then held by it hereunder and shall transfer to an account of the successor
custodian all of the securities of each such Fund held in a Securities System.

      If no such successor custodian shall be appointed, the Custodian shall, in
like manner, upon receipt of a certified copy of a vote of the Board of Trustees
of the Fund, deliver at the office of the Custodian and transfer such
securities, funds and other properties in accordance with such vote.

      In the event that no written order designating a successor custodian or
certified copy of a vote of the Board of Trustees shall have been delivered to
the Custodian on or before the date when such termination shall become
effective, then the Custodian shall have the right to deliver to a bank or trust
company, which is a "bank" as defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940,
doing business in Boston, Massachusetts, of its own selection, having an
aggregate capital, surplus, and undivided profits, as shown by its last
published report, of not less than $25,000,000, all securities, funds and other
properties held by the Custodian on behalf of each applicable Fund and all
instruments held by the Custodian relative thereto and all other property held
by it under this Contract on behalf of each applicable Fund and to transfer to
an account of such successor custodian all of the securities of each such Fund
held in any Securities System. Thereafter, such bank or trust company shall be
the successor of the Custodian under this Contract.

      In the event that securities, funds and other properties remain in the
possession of the Custodian after the date of termination hereof owing to
failure of the Fund to procure the certified copy of the vote referred to or of
the Board of Trustees to appoint a successor custodian, the Custodian shall be
entitled to fair compensation for its services during such period as the
Custodian retains possession of such securities, funds and other properties and
the provisions of this Contract relating to the duties and obligations of the
Custodian shall remain in full force and effect.

16.   Interpretive and Additional Provisions

      In connection with the operation of this Contract, the Custodian and the
Fund may from time to time agree on such provisions interpretive of or in
addition to the provisions of this Contract as may in their joint opinion be
consistent with the general tenor of this Contract. Any such interpretive or
additional provisions shall be in a writing signed by both parties and shall be
annexed hereto, provided that no such interpretive or additional provisions
shall contravene any


applicable federal or state regulations or any provision of the governing
documents of the Fund. No interpretive or additional provisions made as provided
in the preceding sentence shall be deemed to be an amendment of this Contract.

17.   Additional Funds

      In the event that Van Kampen American Capital Distributors, Inc.
establishes any funds in addition to the Funds listed on Appendix A with respect
to which it desires to have the Custodian render services as custodian under the
terms hereof, it shall so notify the Custodian in writing, and if the Custodian
agrees in writing to provide such services, such fund shall become a Fund
hereunder, subject to the delivery by the new Fund of resolutions authorizing
the appointment of the Custodian and such other supporting or related
documentation as the Custodian may request. All references herein to the "Fund"
are to each of the Funds listed on Appendix A individually, as if this Contract
were between each such individual Fund and the Custodian. With respect to any
Fund which issues shares in separate classes or series, each class or series of
such Fund shall be treated as a separate Fund hereunder.

18.   Massachusetts Law to Apply

      This Contract shall be construed and the provisions thereof interpreted
under and in accordance with laws of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

19.   Prior Contacts

      This Contract supersedes and terminates, as of the date hereof, all prior
contracts between the Funds and the Custodian relating to the custody of the
Funds' assets.

20.   Reproduction of Documents

      This Contract and all schedules, exhibits, attachments and amendments
hereto may be reproduced by any photographic, photostatic, microfilm,
micro-card, miniature photographic or other similar process. The parties hereto
all/each agree that any such reproduction shall be admissible in evidence as the
original itself in any judicial or administrative proceeding, whether or not the
original is in existence and whether or not such reproduction was made by a
party in the regular course of business, and that any enlargement, facsimile or
further reproduction of such reproduction shall likewise be admissible in

21.   Shareholder Communications

      Securities and Exchange Commission Rule 14b-2 requires banks which hold
securities for the account of customers to respond to requests by issuers of
securities for the names, addresses and holdings of beneficial owners of
securities of that issuer held by the bank unless the beneficial


owner has expressly objected to disclosure of this information. In order to
comply with the rule, the Custodian needs the Fund to indicate whether the Fund
authorizes the Custodian to provide the Fund's name, address, and share position
to requesting companies whose stock the Fund owns. If the Fund tells the
Custodian "no", the Custodian will not provide this information to requesting
companies. If the Fund tells the Custodian "yes" or do not check either "yes" or
"no" below, the Custodian is required by the rule to treat the Fund as
consenting to disclosure of this information for all securities owned by the
Fund or any funds or accounts established by the Fund. For the Fund's
protection, the Rule prohibits the requesting company from using the Fund's name
and address for any purpose other than corporate communications. Please indicate
below whether the Fund consent or object by checking one of the alternatives

      YES |_| The Custodian is authorized to release the Fund's name, address,
              and share positions of each Fund listed on Exhibit A.

      NO  |X| The Custodian is not authorized to release the Fund's name,
              address, and share positions of each Fund listed on Exhibit A.

21. Limitation of Liability.

      The execution of this Contract has been authorized by each Fund's Board of
Trustees. This Contract is executed on behalf of each Fund or the trustees of
such Fund as trustees and not individually and the obligations of the Fund under
this Contract are not binding upon any of the Fund's trustees, officers or
shareholders individually but are binding only upon the assets and property of
the Fund.


      IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the parties has caused this instrument to be
executed in its name and behalf by its duly authorized representative and its
seal to be hereunder affixed as of the 1st day of August, 1997.

ATTEST                                  EACH OF THE FUNDS LISTED ON
                                        APPENDIX A

/s/ [Illegible]                         By /s/ [Illegible]
- ----------------------------------         -------------------------------------
                                           Vice President & Secretary

ATTEST                                  STATE STREET BANK AND TRUST COMPANY

/s/ [Illegible]                         By /s/ [Illegible]
- ----------------------------------         -------------------------------------
                                           Executive Vice President

                                   Schedule A

      The following foreign banking institutions and foreign securities
depositories have been approved by the Board of Trustees of           for use as
sub-custodians for the Fund's securities and other assets:

                   (Insert banks and securities depositories)

Certified: /s/ [Illegible]

Fund's Authorized Officer

Date: August 1, 1997

                                                                      SCHEDULE A

                             GLOBAL CUSTODY NETWORK
                            FOR MUTUAL FUND CLIENTS

Country      Subcustodian                        Central Depository

Argentina    Citibank, N.A.                      Caja de Valores S.A.

Australia    Westpac Banking                     Austraclear Limited;

                                                 Reserve Bank Information and
                                                 Transfer System (RITS)

Austria      GiroCredit Bank                     Oesterreichische
             Aktiengesellschaft                  Kontrollbank AG
             der Sparkassen                      (Wertpapiersammelbank Division)

Bangladesh   Standard Chartered Bank             None

Belgium      Generale Bank                       Caisse Interprofessionnelle
                                                 de Depots et de Virements
                                                 de Titres S.A. (CIK);

                                                 Banque Nationale de Belgique

Botswana     Barclays Bank of Botswana Limited   None

Brazil       Citibank, N.A.                      Bolsa de Valores de Sao Paulo

                                                 Banco Central do Brasil,
                                                 Systema Especial de Liquidacao
                                                 e Custodia (SELIC)

Canada       Canada Trustco                      The Canadian Depository
             Mortgage Company                    for Securities Limited (CDS)

Chile        Citibank, N.A.                      None

                             GLOBAL CUSTODY NETWORK
                             FOR MUTUAL FUND CLIENTS

Country                     Subcustodian                    Central Depository
People's Republic of China  The Hongkong and Shanghai       Shanghai Securities Central
                            Banking Corporation Limited,    Clearing and Registration
                            Shanghai and Shenzhen branches  Corporation (SSCCRC);

                                                            Shenzhen Securities Central
                                                            Clearing Co., Ltd. (SSCC)

Colombia                    Cititrust Colombia S.A.         None
                            Sociedad Fiduciaria

Cyprus                      Barclays Bank PLC               None
                            Cyprus Offshore Banking Unit

Czech Republic              Ceskoslovenska Obchodni         Stredisko Cennych Papiru (SCP);
                            Banka A.S.

                                                            Czech National Bank (CNB)

Denmark                     Den Danske Bank                 Vaerdipapircentralen -
                                                            The Danish Securities
                                                            Center (VP)

Ecuador                     Citibank, N.A.                  None

Egypt                       National Bank of Egypt          None

Finland                     Merita Bank Limited             The Central Share Register of

France                      Banque Paribas                  Societe Interprofessionnelle
                                                            pour la Compensation des
                                                            Valeurs Mobilieres (SICOVAM);

                                                            Banque de France,
                                                            Saturne System

Germany                     Dresdner Bank A.G.              The Deutscher Kassenverein AG

Ghana                       Barclays Bank of Ghana Limited  None

                             GLOBAL CUSTODY NETWORK
                             FOR MUTUAL FUND CLIENTS

Country       Subcustodian                   Central Depository

Greece        National Bank of               The Central Securities Depository
              Greece S.A.                    (Aporhetirion Titlon A.E.)

Hong Kong     Standard Chartered Bank        The Central Clearing and
                                             Settlement System (CCASS)

Hungary       Citibank Budapest Rt.          The Central Depository and Clearing
              House (Budapest) Ltd.

                                             (KELER Ltd.)

India         Deutsche Bank AG               None

              The Hongkong and Shanghai      None
              Banking Corporation Limited

Indonesia     Standard Chartered Bank        None

Ireland       Bank of Ireland                None;

                                             The Central Bank of Ireland,
                                             The Gilt Settlement Office (GSO)

Israel        Bank Hapoalim B.M.             The Clearing House of the
                                             Tel Aviv Stock Exchange

Italy         Banque Paribas                 Monte Titoli S.p.A.;

                                             Banca d'Italia

Ivory Coast   Societe Generale de Banques    None
              en Cote d'Ivoire

Japan         The Daiwa Bank, Limited        Japan Securities Depository Center

                                             Bank of Japan Net System

              The Fuji Bank, Limited         Japan Securities Depository Center

                                             Bank of Japan Net System

                             GLOBAL CUSTODY NETWORK
                             FOR MUTUAL FUND CLIENTS

Country            Subcustodian                         Central Depository
Japan (cont.)      The Sumitomo Trust                   Japan Securities Depostiory
                   & Banking Co., Ltd.                  Center (JASDEC);

                                                        Bank of Japan Net System

Jordan             The British Bank of the Middle East  None

Kenya              Barclays Bank of Kenya Limited       None

Republic of Korea  SEOULBANK                            Korea Securities Depository (KSD)

Malaysia           Standard Chartered Bank              Malaysian Central Depository Sdn.
                   Malaysia Berhad                      Bhd. (MCD)

Mauritius          The HongKong and Shanghai            None
                   Banking Corporation Limited

Mexico             Citibank Mexico, S.A.                S.D. INDEVAL, S.A. de C.V.
                                                        (Instituto para el Deposito de

                                                        Banco de Mexico

Morocco            Banque Commerciale du Maroc          None

Netherlands        MeesPierson N.V.                     Nederlands Centraal
                                                        Instituut voor Giraal
                                                        Effectenverkeer B.V.

New Zealand        ANZ Banking Group                    New Zealand Central Securities
                   (New Zealand) Limited                Depository Limited (NZCSD)

Norway             Christiania Bank og                  Verdipapirsentralen -
                   Kreditkasse                          The Norwegian Registry
                                                        of Securities (VPS)

                             GLOBAL CUSTODY NETWORK
                             FOR MUTUAL FUND CLIENTS

Country          Subcustodian                            Central Depository
Pakistan         Deutsche Bank AG                        None

Peru             Citibank, N.A.                          Caja de Valores (CAVAL)

Philippines      Standard Chartered Bank                 None

Poland           Citibank Poland S.A.                    The National Depository
                                                         of Securities (Centrum
                                                         Krajowy Depozytu
                                                         Papierow Wartos'ciowych);
                                                         National Bank of Poland

Portugal         Banco Comercial Portugues               Central de Valores
                                                         Mobiliarios (Central)

Russia           Credit Suisse First Boston, Zurich via  None
                 Credit Suisse First Boston
                 (Moscow) Limited

Singapore        The Development Bank                    The Central Depository
                 of Singapore Ltd.                       (Pte) Limited (CDP)

Slovak Republic  Ceskoslovenska Obchadna                 Stredisko cennych
                 Banka A.S.                              papierov (SCP);

                                                         National Bank of Slovakia

South Africa     Standard Bank of                        The Central Depository Limited
                 South Africa Limited

Spain            Banco Santander, S.A.                   Servicio de Compensacion y
                                                         Liquidacion de Valores (SCLV);

                                                         Banco de Espana,
                                                         Anotaciones en Cuenta

Sri Lank         The Hongkong and Shanghai               The Central Depository
                 Banking Corporation Limited             System (Pvt) Limited

Swaziland        Barclays Bank of Swaziland Limited      None

Sweden           Skandinaviska Enskilda                  Vardepapperscentralen VPC AB -
                 Banken                                  The Swedish Central Securities

                             GLOBAL CUSTODY NETWORK
                             FOR MUTUAL FUND CLIENTS

Country         Subcustodian                        Central Depository
Switzerland     Union Bank of Switzerland           Schweizerische Effekten -
                                                    Giro AG (SEGA)

Taiwan-R.O.C.   Central Trust of China              The Taiwan Securities
                                                    Central Depository
                                                    Company, Ltd. (TSCD)

Thailand        Standard Chartered Bank             Thailand Securities Depository
                                                    Company Limited (TSD)

Turkey          Citibank, N.A.                      Takas ve Saklama Bankasi A.S.

                                                    Central Bank of Turkey

United Kingdom  State Street Bank and               None;
                Trust Company

                                                    The Bank of England,
                                                    The Central Gilts Office (CGO);
                                                    The Central Moneymarkets Office

Uruguay         Citibank, N.A.                      None

Venezuela       Citibank, N.A.                      None

Zambia          Barclays Bank of Zambia Limited     Lusaka Central Depository (LCD)

Zimbabwe        Barclays Bank of Zimbabwe Limited   None

Euroclear (The Euroclear System)/ State Street London Limited
Cedel (Cedel Bank societe anonyme)/ State Street London Limited

                                   Appendix A

Van Kampen American Capital Comstock Fund
Van Kampen American Capital Corporate Bond Fund
Van Kampen American Capital Emerging Growth Fund
Van Kampen American Capital Enterprise Fund
Van Kampen American Capital Equity Income Fund
Van Kampen American Capital Global Managed Assets Fund
Van Kampen American Capital Government Securities Fund
Van Kampen American Capital Government Target Fund
Van Kampen American Capital Growth and Income Fund
Van Kampen American Capital Harbor Fund
Van Kampen American Capital High Income Corporate Bond Fund

Van Kampen American Capital Life Investment Trust
on behalf of its series

     Asset Allocation Portfolio
     Domestic Income Portfolio
     Emerging Growth Portfolio
     Enterprise Portfolio
     Global Equity Portfolio
     Government Portfolio
     Growth and Income Portfolio
     Money Market Portfolio
     Morgan Stanley Real Estate Securities Portfolio

Van Kampen American Capital Limited Maturity Government Fund
Van Kampen American Capital Pace Fund
Van Kampen American Capital Real Estate Securities Fund
Van Kampen American Capital Reserve Fund
Van Kampen American Capital Small Capitalization Fund

Van Kampen American Capital Tax-Exempt Trust
on behalf of its series

     Van Kampen American Capital High Yield Municipal Fund

Van Kampen American Capital U.S. Government Trust for Income


Van Kampen American Capital World Portfolio Series Trust
on behalf of its series

     Van Kampen American Capital Global Equity Fund
     Van Kampen American Capital Global Government Securities Fund

Van Kampen American Capital U.S. Government Trust

     Van Kampen American Capital U.S. Government Fund

Van Kampen American Capital Tax Free Trust

     Van Kampen American Capital Insured Tax Free Income Fund
     Van Kampen American Capital Tax Free High Income Fund
     Van Kampen American Capital California Insured Tax Free Fund
     Van Kampen American Capital Municipal Income Fund
     Van Kampen American Capital Intermediate Term Municipal Income Fund
     Van Kampen American Capital Florida Insured Tax Free Income Fund
     Van Kampen American Capital New Jersey Tax Free Income Fund
     Van Kampen American Capital New York Tax Free Income Fund

Van Kampen American Capital Trust

     Van Kampen American Capital High Yield Fund
     Van Kampen American Capital Short-Term Global Income Fund
     Van Kampen American Capital Strategic Income Fund

Van Kampen American Capital Equity Trust

     Van Kampen American Capital Utility Fund
     Van Kampen American Capital Value Fund
     Van Kampen American Capital Great American Companies Fund
     Van Kampen American Capital Growth Fund
     Van Kampen American Capital Prospector Fund
     Van Kampen American Capital Aggressive Growth Fund

Van Kampen American Capital Pennsylvania Tax Free Income Fund
Van Kampen American Capital Tax Free Money Fund
Van Kampen American Capital Foreign Securities Fund

The Explorer Institutional Trust

     Explorer Institutional Active Core Fund
     Explorer Institutional Limited Duration Fund

Van Kampen American Capital Navigator Funds

     Emerging Markets Equity Portfolio
     Emerging Markets Fixed Income Portfolio
     U.S. Quality Equity Portfolio


Van Kampen American Capital Exchange Fund
Van Kampen American Capital Municipal Income Trust
Van Kampen American Capital California Municipal Trust
Van Kampen American Capital High Income Trust

Van Kampen American Capital High Income Trust II
Van Kampen American Capital Investment Grade Municipal Trust
Van Kampen American Capital Prime Rate Income Trust
Van Kampen American Capital Municipal Trust
Van Kampen American Capital California Quality Municipal Trust

Van Kampen American Capital Florida Quality Municipal Trust
Van Kampen American Capital New York Quality Municipal Trust
Van Kampen American Capital Ohio Quality Municipal Trust
Van Kampen American Capital Pennsylvania Quality Municipal Trust
Van Kampen American Capital Trust for Insured Municipals

Van Kampen American Capital Trust for Investment Grade Municipals
Van Kampen American Capital Trust for Investment Grade California Municipals
Van Kampen American Capital Trust for Investment Grade Florida Municipals
Van Kampen American Capital Trust for Investment Grade New Jersey Municipals
Van Kampen American Capital Trust for Investment Grade New York Municipals

Van Kampen American Capital Trust for Pennsylvania Municipals
Van Kampen American Capital Municipal Opportunity Trust
Van Kampen American Capital Advantage Municipal Income Trust
Van Kampen American Capital Advantage Pennsylvania Municipal Income Trust
Van Kampen American Capital Strategic Sector Municipal Trust

Van Kampen American Capital Value Municipal Income Trust
Van Kampen American Capital California Value Municipal Income Trust
Van Kampen American Capital Massachusetts Value Municipal Income Trust
Van Kampen American Capital New Jersey Value Municipal Income Trust
Van Kampen American Capital New York Value Municipal Income Trust

Van Kampen American Capital Ohio Value Municipal Income Trust
Van Kampen American Capital Pennsylvania Value Municipal Income Trust
Van Kampen American Capital Municipal Opportunity Trust II


Van Kampen American Capital Florida Municipal Opportunity Trust
Van Kampen American Capital Advantage Municipal Income Trust II
Van Kampen American Capital Select Sector Municipal Trust
Van Kampen American Capital Bond Fund
Van Kampen American Capital Convertible Securities Fund
Van Kampen American Capital Income Trust
