Washington, D.C. 20549

                                   FORM N-CSRS


                  Investment Company Act file number 811-3009

                             Columbia Funds Trust II
               (Exact name of registrant as specified in charter)

               One Financial Center, Boston, Massachusetts 02111
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               (Address of principal executive offices) (Zip code)

                              Russell L. Kane, Esq.
                        Columbia Management Group, Inc.
                              One Financial Center
                                Boston, MA 02111
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                     (Name and address of agent for service)

      Registrant's telephone number, including area code:  1-617-426-3363

                  Date of fiscal year end: June 30, 2004

                  Date of reporting period: December 31, 2003

Form N-CSR is to be used by management investment companies to file reports with
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use the information provided on Form N-CSR in its regulatory, disclosure review,
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under the clearance requirements of 44 U.S.C. ss. 3507.


 Columbia Money
   Market Fund

Semiannual Report
December 31, 2003

[Photo of woman smiling]

                             We are Columbia Funds!

INSIDE - Management's discussion of the name changes effective October 13, 2003

Table of Contents

Fund Profile ..............................................................    1

Economic Update ...........................................................    2

Portfolio Manager's Report ................................................    3

Financial Statements ......................................................    5

   Investment Portfolio ...................................................    6

   Statement of Assets and Liabilities ....................................   10

   Statement of Operations ................................................   11

   Statement of Changes in Net Assets .....................................   12

   Notes to Financial Statements ..........................................   14

   Financial Highlights ...................................................   18

Important Information
About This Report .........................................................   22

Columbia Funds ............................................................   23

Economic and market conditions change frequently. There is no assurance that the
trends described in this report will continue or commence.

                         Not FDIC        May Lose Value
                         Insured        No Bank Guarantee

                                                      Columbia Money Market Fund

[Photo of Joseph Palombo]

Dear Shareholder:

As you know, your fund has long been associated with a larger investment
management organization. In the 1990s, it was associated with Liberty Financial,
whose affiliated asset management companies included Colonial, Stein Roe and
Newport. In 2001, these companies became part of the asset management division
of FleetBoston Financial Corporation, which you know as Columbia Management
Group (CMG).

In 2003, six of the asset management firms brought together under the CMG
umbrella were consolidated and renamed Columbia Management Advisors, Inc. On
October 13, 2003, we took the natural next step in this process by changing the
name of our funds from Liberty to Columbia. For example, Liberty Money Market
Fund was changed to Columbia Money Market Fund. We have also modified certain
fund names that existed under both the Liberty and Columbia brands. A complete
list of new fund names and other information related to these changes are
available online at our new website address: www.columbiafunds.com.

A consolidated identity

The consolidation of our management under a single organization and the renaming
of our funds are part of a larger effort to create a consistent identity. Having
taken these additional steps, we believe it will be easier for shareholders to
do business with us. All funds are now listed under "Columbia" in the mutual
fund listings section of your newspaper (depending on the newspaper's listing
requirements). All service inquiries are now handled by Columbia Funds Services,
Inc., the new name of our shareholder service organization.

What has not changed is our commitment to our mutual fund shareholders. We
remain committed to providing the best possible customer service and to offering
a wide variety of mutual funds to help you pursue your long-term financial
goals. Should you have questions, please call Columbia Funds at 800-345-6611.

In the report that follows, portfolio manager Karen Arneil discusses in depth
the investment strategies and other factors that affected your fund's
performance during the period. We encourage you to read the report carefully.

As always, we thank you for your business and we look forward to continuing to
serve your investment needs.


/s/ Joseph R. Palombo

Joseph R. Palombo



o     For the six-month period ended December 31, 2003, the fund's class A
      shares returned 0.12%.

o     The fund's return was slightly lower than the average return of its peer
      group, the Lipper Money Market Funds Category.

o     We believe that the fund's slightly shorter weighted average maturity near
      the end of the period accounted for a slim margin of underperformance
      against its peers.

                          Seeks maximum current income
                             consistent with capital
                              preservation and the
                            maintenance of liquidity.

                                TOTAL NET ASSETS
                                 $535.7 million

Artwork: 2 arrows up
                                            LIPPER MONEY MARKET
                  CLASS A SHARES              FUNDS CATEGORY
                       0.12%                       0.18%

                                                      Columbia Money Market Fund

The information below gives you a snapshot of your fund at the end of the
reporting period. Because your fund is actively managed, there is no guarantee
that these breakdowns and percentages will be maintained in the future.

AS OF 12/31/03 (%)

US government agency obligations                                            41.5
Corporate bonds                                                             26.4
Municipal bonds                                                             12.8
Certificate of deposit                                                       8.4
Commercial paper                                                             6.4
Bank notes                                                                   4.7
Short-term obligation                                                        0.3

Bar Chart:


1-4 days                                                                     0.7
5-14 days                                                                   35.0
15-29 days                                                                  17.2
30-59 days                                                                  15.1
More than 59 days                                                           32.0

Portfolio breakdown is calculated as a percentage of net assets. Portfolio
maturity is calculated as a percentage of total investments.


                                                      Columbia Money Market Fund

After struggling for two years to maintain solid, forward movement, the US
economy steamed ahead during the six-month period ended December 31, 2003. The
Federal Reserve Board's efforts to stimulate the economy through low short-term
interest rates were finally rewarded, but the significant upswing in growth was
the result of a combination of factors. A sizeable tax package gave disposable
income a boost. Income taxes fell across all tax brackets and many taxpayers
received rebate checks during the summer months. Corporate profits rose sharply,
and orders for durable goods exceeded expectations late in the period. Consumer
confidence continued to climb, although not without an occasional setback.
Generally speaking, consumer spending increased and spending was strong going
into the holiday season.

Early in the period, economists began to become optimistic that growth for the
third quarter of 2003 would reflect this renewed vigor. Yet, no one seemed
prepared for how extraordinary that growth might be. When gross domestic product
(GDP) for the third quarter was reported at 7.2%, then revised upward to 8.2%,
it was clear that the economy was firing on all cylinders. The business sector
had finally kicked into gear. Industrial production rose in the second half of
2003 and business spending--especially on technology-related items--showed
strength. Even the labor market improved by year end. After unemployment peaked
at 6.4% in June, it declined to 5.9%.

The US stock market, which had come to life at the end of March, headed sharply
higher in the second half of 2003. The S&P 500 Index returned 15.14% for the
six-month period as all major sectors of the market benefited from renewed
investor enthusiasm and rising corporate profits. Technology and consumer stocks
were the strongest sectors, but telecommunications and health care also picked
up in the last months of the period.

The US bond market experienced extraordinary volatility as interest rates rose
sharply as the economy improved and then came back down in September. High-yield
bonds continued to lead the fixed income markets. The CSFB High Yield Index
returned 9.05% for the six-month period compared to a -0.53% return for the
Lehman Brothers Government/Credit Bond Index. Treasury and mortgage bonds
suffered from the shift in interest rates early in the six-month period, but
picked up some ground in the final month of the period. Municipal bonds also
held onto modest gains. The Lehman Brothers Municipal Bond Index returned 1.45%
for the six-month period.

Money market fund yields fell below 1%, reflecting historically low short-term
interest rates. The Investment Company Institute, which tracks the movement of
assets in and out of mutual funds, reported that money continued to flow out of
money market funds during the year as investors sought alternatives to the low
yields offered by short-term cash equivalents. Net new cash flow to money market
funds turned negative in 2002 for the first time since 1993.



7/1/03 - 12/31/03 ($)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Class A                                                                  .001
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Class B                                                                  .001
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Class C                                                                  .001
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Class Z                                                                  .001
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

7-DAY YIELDS ON 12/31/03 (%)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Class A                                                                  0.69
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Class B                                                                  0.14
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Class C                                                                  0.30
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Class Z                                                                  0.70
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

30-DAY YIELDS ON 12/31/03 (%)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Class A                                                                  0.46
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Class B                                                                  0.11
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Class C                                                                  0.19
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Class Z                                                                  0.47
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The 30-day SEC yields reflect the portfolios earning power net of expenses,
expressed as an annualized percentage of the public offering price at end of the

                                                      Columbia Money Market Fund

For the six-month period ended December 31, 2003, Columbia Money Market Fund
class A shares returned 0.12%. The fund's return was slightly lower than the
average return of its peer group, the Lipper Money Market Funds Category, which
returned 0.18% for the same period.(1) Our decision to reduce the fund's average
maturity near the end of the period accounted for its slight underperformance
against its peer group. However, we believe that our move offers the fund
greater flexibility to take advantage of higher interest rates, if they occur,
in the period ahead.

The minimal returns from money market funds reflect the historically low yields
on short-term Treasury securities throughout the past six months. In late June,
the Federal Reserve Board cut the federal funds rate from 1.25% to just 1%, its
lowest level in over 45 years. The federal funds rate is the rate that member
banks charge each other to borrow funds.


In an effort to increase returns in a low-yield environment, the fund greatly
increased its exposure to floating rate notes, which now account for over half
the portfolio. Floating rate securities can take the form of corporate debt,
taxable municipal securities, and the debt of federal agencies such as Fannie
Mae and Freddie Mac. The interest rates of these securities are pegged to the
London Inter-Bank Offer Rate (LIBOR), a characteristic that has given floating
rate notes a yield advantage over comparable fixed-rate securities in the
current environment. The fund's move into agency securities was also prompted by
the market's response to Freddie Mac's well-publicized accounting irregularities
during the summer of 2003. Yields on agency securities, which carry minimal
credit risk, were temporarily pushed as high as corporate yields, creating a
buying opportunity early in the six-month period.


As of the beginning of the period, the fund maintained a "barbell" structure,
splitting its investments between securities that would mature in under three
months and securities with maturities of one year. The idea was to use the short
end to maintain liquidity while using the longer-term securities to generate
higher yields. As the economy strengthened in the fall, we moved to a more
laddered approach, investing in securities with maturities all across the money

(1)   Lipper Inc., a widely respected data provider in the industry, calculates
      an average total return for mutual funds with similar investment
      objectives as those of the fund.



In an effort to increase returns in a low-yield environment, the fund greatly
increased its exposure to floating rate notes, which now account for over half
the portfolio.

                                                      Columbia Money Market Fund

spectrum. This laddered structure gives the portfolio a lower weighted average
maturity, which may have cost the fund slightly at the end of the period.
However, it should provide us with added flexibility. By having more money in
securities that mature quickly, the fund is positioned to reinvest the proceeds
from maturing securities at higher rates, if--and when--they move higher in the
period ahead.

[Photo of Karen M. Arneil]
                Karen M. Arneil has managed Columbia Money
                Market Fund since July 1, 2002.

                /s/ Karen M. Arneil

Performance data quoted represents past performance and current performance may
be lower or higher. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. The
investment return and principal value will fluctuate so that shares may be worth
more or less than the original cost. Please visit www.columbiafunds.com for
daily and most recent month-end performance updates.

An investment in the fund is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. Although the fund seeks to
preserve the value of your investment at $1.00 per share, it is possible to lose
money by investing in the fund.


December 31, 2003 (unaudited)                         Columbia Money Market Fund


Investment Portfolio   A list of all of the fund's holdings and their market
                       value as of the last day of the reporting period. To
                       show areas of concentration and diversification,
                       portfolio holdings are organized by type of asset,
                       industry and country or geographic region (if

 Statement of Assets   This statement shows the fund's net assets and share
     and Liabilities   price for each share class. Net assets are calculated by
                       subtracting all the fund's liabilities (including any
                       unpaid expenses) from the total of the fund's investment
                       and non-investment assets. The share price for each
                       class is calculated by dividing net assets for that
                       class by the number of outstanding shares in that class.

        Statement of   This statement details both the type of income earned by
          Operations   the fund and the operating and non-operating expenses
                       charged to the fund. The Statement of Operations also
                       shows any net gain or loss the fund realized on the
                       sales of its holdings during the period, as well as any
                       unrealized gains or losses over the reporting period.
                       The total of these results represents the fund's net
                       increase or decrease in net assets from operations.

Statement of Changes   This statement shows how the fund's net assets were
       in Net Assets   affected by its operations results, distributions to
                       shareholders and changes in the number of fund shares.
                       The Statement of Changes in Net Assets also reconciles
                       changes in the number of shares outstanding.

Financial Highlights   The financial highlights provide an overview of the
                       fund's investment results, including per-share
                       analytics, such as net investment income or loss from
                       operations and distributions; ratios of expenses and net
                       investment income to average net assets. A separate
                       table is provided for each share class.

  Notes to Financial   These notes disclose information regarding certain fund
          Statements   background information, significant accounting policies
                       of the fund, including security valuation and income
                       accruals and related party transactions.

                                           See notes to investment portfolio.  5

December 31, 2003 (unaudited)                         Columbia Money Market Fund

BANK NOTES - 4.7%                                                                                         Par ($)     Value ($)
- ------------------------------------------        -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                  Bank One NA Illinois,
                                                      1.180% 04/13/04 (a)                              25,000,000    25,006,017
                                                                           TOTAL BANK NOTES (cost of $25,006,017)    25,006,017
- ------------------------------------------        -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                  Canadian Imperial,
                                                  Bank of Canada,
                                                      1.183% 03/15/08 (a)                              20,000,000    20,000,000
                                                  First Tennessee Bank NA,
                                                      1.109% 02/04/04 (a)                              10,000,000     9,999,807
                                                  Rabobank Nederland NY,
                                                      1.330% 04/19/04                                  15,000,000    15,000,000
                                                              TOTAL CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSITS (cost of $44,999,807)   44,999,807
- ------------------------------------------        -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                  Amstel Funding Corp.,
                                                      1.100% 01/15/04 (b)                               2,309,000     2,308,012
                                                  Fountain Square Commercial Funding Corp.,
                                                      1.090% 02/02/04 (b)                               7,119,000     7,112,103
                                                  Goldman Sachs Group LP,
                                                      1.170% 05/28/04                                  15,000,000    14,927,850
                                                  Jupiter Securitization Corp.,
                                                      1.090% 01/08/04 (b)                              10,000,000     9,997,881
                                                                      TOTAL COMMERCIAL PAPER (cost of $34,345,846)   34,345,846
- ------------------------------------------        -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                  Abbott Laboratories,
                                                      5.125% 07/01/04                                   2,300,000     2,343,286
                                                  American Express Credit Corp.:
                                                      1.200% 03/05/04 (a)                              13,000,000    13,000,000
                                                      1.169% 07/19/04 (a)(c)                           12,000,000    12,000,000
                                                  American Honda Finance Corp.:
                                                      1.300% 07/15/04 (a)(c)                           12,000,000    12,012,452
                                                      1.380% 02/13/04 (a)(c)                            5,000,000     5,001,425
                                                      1.300% 10/07/04 (a)(c)                            5,000,000     5,007,303
                                                  Autumn House at Powder Mill, Inc.,
                                                  (LOC: SunTrust Bank)
                                                      1.100% 02/01/28 (a)                               4,000,000     4,000,000
                                                  BankUnited Financial Corp.,
                                                  (LOC: FHLB)
                                                      5.400% 02/02/04                                   3,000,000     3,010,435
                                                  Best One Tire & Services LLC,
                                                  (LOC: Fifth Third Bank)
                                                      1.250% 02/01/18 (a)                               6,635,000     6,635,000
                                                  Chargin Valley Partners LLC,
                                                  (LOC: Fifth Third Bank)
                                                      1.250% 11/01/13 (a)                               1,180,000     1,180,000
                                                  Citigroup, Inc.,
                                                      1.400% 03/09/04 (a)                              25,000,000    25,013,562
                                                  Congregation Mkor Shalom,
                                                  (LOC: Fifth Third Bank)
                                                      1.210% 06/01/23 (a)                               2,320,000     2,320,000

6  See notes to investment portfolio.

December 31, 2003 (Unaudited)                         Columbia Money Market Fund

CORPORATE BONDS - (continued)                                                                             Par ($)     Value ($)
- ------------------------------------------        -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                  Crescent Paper Tube Co.,
                                                  (LOC: Fifth Third Bank)
                                                      1.250% 08/01/22 (a)                               2,040,000     2,040,000
                                                  Cresmont Realty Corp.,
                                                  (LOC: Fifth Third Bank)
                                                      1.250% 11/01/22 (a)                               2,000,000     2,000,000
                                                  Dominican Sisters,
                                                  (LOC: Fifth Third Bank)
                                                      1.250% 10/01/23 (a)                               2,875,000     2,875,000
                                                  General Electric Capital Corp.:
                                                      1.280% 09/16/04 (a)                              13,000,000    13,011,499
                                                      7.250% 05/03/04                                   9,390,000     9,576,064
                                                  Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co.,
                                                      1.151% 12/29/04 (a)                              12,000,000    12,000,000
                                                  PCP Investors LLC,
                                                  (LOC: Wells Fargo Bank NA)
                                                      1.300% 01/01/24 (a)                               2,000,000     2,000,000
                                                  Precision Radiotherapy LLC,
                                                  (LOC: Fifth Third Bank)
                                                      1.250% 08/01/18 (a)                               1,430,000     1,430,000
                                                  PS Greetings, Inc.,
                                                  (LOC: LaSalle Bank)
                                                      1.230% 12/01/33 (a)                               1,080,000     1,080,000
                                                  Shepard Capital LLC,
                                                  (LOC: Wachovia Bank)
                                                      1.260% 03/15/49 (a)                               2,105,000     2,105,000
                                                  Skeletal Properties LLC,
                                                  (LOC: Fifth Third Bank)
                                                      1.250% 11/01/14 (a)                               2,000,000     2,000,000
                                                                      TOTAL CORPORATE BONDS (cost of $141,641,026)  141,641,026
- ------------------------------------------        -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                  ABAG Finance Authority for Nonprofit Corp.,
                                                  California Multifamily Revenue:
                                                  Bachenheimer Building Apartments,
                                                  (LIQ: FNMA)
                                                      1.300% 07/15/32                                   2,100,000     2,100,000
                                                  Darling Florist Building Apartments,
                                                  (LIQ: FNMA)
                                                      1.300% 07/15/35                                   1,500,000     1,500,000
                                                  Fine Arts Building Apartments,
                                                  (LIQ: FNMA)
                                                      1.300% 07/15/35                                   3,800,000     3,800,000
                                                  California Statewide Communities
                                                  Development Authority, Vineyard
                                                  Creek Apartments (LOC: FHLB)
                                                      1.180% 12/01/36                                   3,500,000     3,500,000
                                                  City of Baltimore MD,
                                                  (FSA INS)/(SPA: Bank of America)
                                                      1.200% 10/15/22                                   4,000,000     4,000,000
                                                  First Pentecostal Church, Inc.,
                                                  Noblesville, IN,
                                                  (LOC: Bank One NA)
                                                      1.180% 11/01/26                                   1,660,000     1,660,000

                                           See notes to investment portfolio.  7

December 31, 2003 (Unaudited)                         Columbia Money Market Fund

MUNICIPAL BONDS - (continued)                                                                             Par ($)     Value ($)
- ------------------------------------------        -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                  Iowa Finance Authority, Health Care
                                                  Facilities Revenue, St. Luke's Health
                                                  System (LOC: GE Capital Corp.)
                                                      1.300% 03/01/18                                   3,120,000     3,120,000
                                                  Iowa Finance Authority, Single
                                                  Family Revenue, (GNMA/FNMA)
                                                  (SPA: Wells Fargo Bank NA)
                                                      1.320% 07/01/32                                  11,230,000    11,230,000
                                                  Michigan State University Revenue,
                                                  (SPA: Landesbank Hessen)
                                                      1.130% 02/15/33                                   9,850,000     9,850,000
                                                  New Jersey Economic Development
                                                  Authority State Pension Funding,
                                                  (FSA INS)/(SPA: Dexia)
                                                      1.250% 02/15/29                                   4,000,000     4,000,000
                                                  San Antonio Educational Facilities
                                                  Revenue Corp., St. Anthony Catholic High
                                                  School, (LOC: Bank One NA)
                                                      1.220% 12/01/23                                   1,070,000     1,070,000
                                                  Texas State Public Finance,
                                                      1.140% 02/10/04                                  23,000,000    23,000,000
                                                                       TOTAL MUNICIPAL BONDS (cost of $68,830,000)   68,830,000
- ------------------------------------------        -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                  Federal Home Loan Bank:
                                                      1.061% 04/25/05 (a)                               7,000,000     6,996,296
                                                      1.076% 04/19/05 (a)                              15,000,000    14,994,183
                                                      3.375% 06/15/04                                  20,000,000    20,203,024
                                                      4.875% 04/16/04                                  10,000,000    10,101,787
                                                  Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp.:
                                                      1.040% 05/20/04 (d)                               8,500,000     8,465,622
                                                      1.040% 05/28/04 (d)                               5,000,000     4,978,622
                                                      1.110% 10/07/05 (a)                              30,000,000    30,000,000
                                                      1.125% 11/07/05 (a)                               8,000,000     8,000,000
                                                      1.145% 04/02/04 (d)                               7,655,000     7,632,601
                                                      1.180% 06/21/04 (d)                               8,700,000     8,650,951
                                                      1.270% 07/23/04 (d)                               7,712,000     7,656,499
                                                      1.290% 08/12/04 (d)                              15,000,000    14,879,600
                                                      1.300% 01/09/04 (d)                               4,500,000     4,498,700
                                                      3.000% 07/15/04                                  10,000,000    10,101,258
                                                      3.500% 02/20/04                                  25,000,000    25,071,820
                                                  Federal National Mortgage Association:
                                                      1.100% 03/23/05 (d)                              25,000,000    24,993,845
                                                      1.610% 12/30/04                                  15,000,000    15,000,000
                                                                                     TOTAL U.S. GOVERNMENT AGENCY
                                                                                OBLIGATIONS (cost of $222,224,808)  222,224,808

8  See notes to investment portfolio.

December 31, 2003 (Unaudited)                         Columbia Money Market Fund

SHORT-TERM OBLIGATION - 0.3%                                                                              Par ($)     Value ($)
- ------------------------------------------        -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                  Repurchase agreement with State Street Bank
                                                      Trust & Co., dated 12/31/03, due 01/02/04 at
                                                      0.900% collateralized by a U.S. Government
                                                      Agency Obligation maturing 11/15/04, market value
                                                      $1,438,767 (repurchase proceeds $1,408,070)       1,408,000     1,408,000
                                                                  TOTAL SHORT-TERM OBLIGATION (cost of $1,408,000)    1,408,000

                                                  Total Investments - 100.5%
                                                  (cost of $538,455,504) (e)                                        538,455,504

                                                  Other Assets & Liabilities, Net - (0.5)%                           (2,713,343)
                                                  Net Assets - 100.0%                                              $535,742,161

Notes to Investment Portfolio:

(a)   Floating rate note whose interest rate is reset periodically based on an
      index. The rate shown reflects the rate in effect at December 31, 2003.

(b)   Represents private placement securities exempt from registration by
      Section 4(2) of the Securities Act of 1933. These securities generally are
      issued to investors who agree that they are purchasing the securities for
      investments and not for public distribution. Any resale by the Fund must
      be in an exempt transaction, normally to other institutional investors. At
      December 31, 2003, the aggregate value of the Fund's private placement
      securities were $19,417,996 which represents 3.6% of net assets. None of
      these securities were deemed illiquid.

(c)   This security is exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the
      Securities Act of 1933 and may be resold in transactions exempt from
      registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. At December 31,
      2003, the value of these securities amounted to $34,021,180 which
      represents 6.4% of net assets.

(d)   These issuers show the rate of discount at time of purchase.

(e)   Cost for both financial statements and federal income tax purposes is the

      Acronym          Name
      -------          ----
      ABAG             Association of Bay Area Government
      FHLB             Federal Home Loan Bank
      FNMA             Federal National Mortgage Association
      FSA              Financial Security Assurance
      GNMA             Government National Mortgage Association
      INS              Insured
      LIQ              Liquidity Agreement
      LOC              Letter of Credit
      SPA              Stand-by Purchase Agreement

See notes to financial statements.         See notes to investment portfolio.  9

December 31, 2003 (Unaudited)                         Columbia Money Market Fund

- ------------------------------     -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                       Assets:     Investments, at cost                                              538,455,504
                                   Investments, at value                                             538,455,504
                                   Cash                                                                    8,813
                                   Receivable for:
                                     Fund shares sold                                                  2,155,300
                                     Interest                                                          1,540,407
                                   Expense reimbursement due from Investment Advisor                       2,367
                                   Deferred Trustees' compensation plan                                    8,325
                                   Other assets                                                            6,651
                                                                                      Total Assets   542,177,367
                  Liabilities:     Payable for:
                                     Investments purchased on a delayed delivery basis                 1,685,000
                                     Fund shares repurchased                                           4,097,124
                                     Distributions                                                         6,391
                                     Investment advisory fee                                              40,834
                                     Administration fee                                                  120,607
                                     Transfer agent fee                                                  316,813
                                     Pricing and bookkeeping fees                                         41,911
                                     Distribution and service fees                                       111,009
                                     Deferred Trustees' fees                                               8,325
                                     Other liabilities                                                     7,192
                                                                                 Total Liabilities     6,435,206

                                                                                        Net Assets   535,742,161
    Composition of Net Assets:     Paid-in capital                                                   535,787,438
                                   Overdistributed net investment income                                 (38,887)
                                   Accumulated net realized loss                                          (6,390)

                                                                                        Net Assets  535,742,161
                      Class A:     Net assets                                                        175,474,498
                                   Shares outstanding                                                175,527,830
                                   Net asset value and offering price per share                          1.00(a)

                      Class B:     Net assets                                                         89,224,405
                                   Shares outstanding                                                 89,256,616
                                   Net asset value and offering price per share                          1.00(a)

                      Class C:     Net assets                                                         13,303,840
                                   Shares outstanding                                                 13,308,849
                                   Net asset value and offering price per share                          1.00(a)

                      Class Z:     Net assets                                                        257,739,418
                                   Shares outstanding                                                257,991,591
                                   Net asset value and offering price per share                             1.00

                                   (a)   Redemption price per share is equal to net asset value less any
                                         applicable contingent deferred sales charge.

10  See notes to financial statements.

For the Six Months Ended December 31, 2003 (Unaudited)
                                                   Columbia Money Market Fund

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            Investment Income:     Interest                                                          3,487,119

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                     Expenses:     Investment advisory fee                                             759,017
                                   Administration fee                                                  744,505
                                   Distribution fee:
                                     Class B                                                           395,322
                                     Class C                                                            59,886
                                   Service fee:
                                     Class B                                                           131,774
                                     Class C                                                            19,938
                                   Transfer agent fee                                                1,322,545
                                   Pricing and bookkeeping fees                                         95,200
                                   Trustees' fees                                                       11,505
                                   Custody fee                                                           8,346
                                   Other expenses                                                      120,670
                                     Total Operating Expenses                                        3,668,708

                                   Fees and expenses waived or reimbursed by Investment Advisor:
                                     Class A                                                           (86,522)
                                     Class B                                                          (494,226)
                                     Class C                                                           (27,955)
                                     Class Z                                                          (112,278)
                                   Fees waived by the Distributor - Class C                            (47,924)
                                   Custody earnings credit                                                (986)
                                     Net Expenses                                                    2,898,817
                                   Net Investment Income                                               588,302

                                          See notes to financial statements.  11

December 31, 2003 (Unaudited)                         Columbia Money Market Fund

                                                                                                   Six Months
                                                                                                      Ended        Year Ended
                                                                                                   December 31,     June 30,
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets:                                                                    2003($)      2003 (a)($)
- ------------------------------------------      ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                               Operations:      Net investment income                                  588,302       3,538,268
   Distributions Declared to Shareholders:      From net investment income:
                                                  Class A                                             (262,217)     (1,493,624)
                                                  Class B                                              (52,865)       (208,504)
                                                  Class C                                               (9,072)        (55,169)
                                                  Class Z                                             (345,568)     (1,763,556)
                                                     Total Distributions Declared
                                                     to Shareholders                                  (669,722)     (3,520,853)

                       Share Transactions:      Class A:
                                                  Subscriptions                                    157,291,141     910,150,826
                                                  Distributions reinvested                             240,703       1,302,088
                                                  Redemptions                                     (248,624,605)   (855,426,770)
                                                    Net Increase (Decrease)                        (91,092,761)     56,026,144

                                                Class B:
                                                  Subscriptions                                     37,234,561     155,689,122
                                                  Distributions reinvested                              46,362         158,062
                                                  Redemptions                                      (58,817,033)   (141,953,170)
                                                    Net Increase (Decrease)                        (21,536,110)     13,894,014

                                                Class C:
                                                  Subscriptions                                     22,377,059     120,063,340
                                                  Distributions reinvested                               7,340          45,279
                                                  Redemptions                                      (26,401,659)   (123,559,631)
                                                    Net Decrease                                    (4,017,260)     (3,451,012)

                                                Class Z:
                                                  Subscriptions                                    104,742,531     262,511,827
                                                  Proceeds received in connection with merger               --     338,355,029
                                                  Distributions reinvested                             332,196       1,710,449
                                                  Redemptions                                     (136,732,332)   (313,151,895)
                                                    Net Increase (Decrease)                        (31,657,605)    289,425,410
                                                  Net Increase (Decrease) from
                                                  Share Transactions                              (148,303,736)    355,894,556
                                                     Total Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets      (148,385,156)    355,911,971

                                                (a)   Class Z shares commenced operations on July 29, 2002.

12  See notes to financial statements.

December 31, 2003 (Unaudited)                         Columbia Money Market Fund

                                                                                                   Six Months
                                                                                                      Ended        Year Ended
                                                                                                   December 31,     June 30,
                                                                                                      2003($)      2003 (a)($)
- ------------------------------------------      ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                               Net Assets:      Beginning of period                                684,127,317     328,215,346
                                                End of period (including (overdistributed)
                                                undistributed net investment income of
                                                $(38,887) and $42,533, respectively)               535,742,161     684,127,317

                        Changes in Shares:      Class A:
                                                  Subscriptions                                    157,291,141     910,150,825
                                                  Issued for distributions reinvested                  240,703       1,302,088
                                                  Redemptions                                     (248,624,605)   (855,426,769)
                                                    Net Increase (Decrease)                        (91,092,761)     56,026,144

                                                Class B:
                                                  Subscriptions                                     37,234,561     155,689,123
                                                  Issued for distributions reinvested                   46,362         158,062
                                                  Redemptions                                      (58,817,033)   (141,953,166)
                                                    Net Increase (Decrease)                        (21,536,110)     13,894,019

                                                Class C:
                                                  Subscriptions                                     22,377,059     120,063,342
                                                  Issued for distributions reinvested                    7,340          45,279
                                                  Redemptions                                      (26,401,659)   (123,559,630)
                                                    Net Decrease                                    (4,017,260)     (3,451,009)

                                                Class Z:
                                                  Subscriptions                                    104,742,531     262,735,612
                                                  Issued in connection with merger                          --     338,355,029
                                                  Issued for distributions reinvested                  332,196       1,710,449
                                                  Redemptions                                     (136,732,332)   (313,151,894)
                                                    Net Increase (Decrease)                        (31,657,605)    289,649,196

                                                (a)   Class Z shares commenced operations on July 29, 2002.

                                          See notes to financial statements.  13

December 31, 2003 (Unaudited)                         Columbia Money Market Fund


Columbia Money Market Fund (the "Fund"), a series of Columbia Funds Trust II
(the "Trust"), is a diversified portfolio. The Trust is a Massachusetts business
trust registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, as an
open-end management investment company.


The Fund seeks maximum current income consistent with capital preservation and
the maintenance of liquidity.


The Fund may issue an unlimited number of shares, and offers four classes of
shares: Class A, Class B, Class C and Class Z. Each share class has its own
sales charge and expense structure.

Class A shares are sold at net asset value. Class A shares are subject to a
1.00% contingent deferred sales charge ("CDSC") on shares sold within eighteen
months on an original purchase of $1 million to $25 million. Class B shares are
subject to a maximum CDSC of 5.00% based upon the holding period after purchase.
Class B shares will convert to Class A shares in a certain number of years after
purchase, depending on the program under which shares were purchased. Class C
shares are subject to a 1.00% CDSC on shares sold within one year after
purchase. Class Z shares are offered continuously at net asset value. There are
certain restrictions on the purchase of Class Z shares, as described in each
Fund's prospectus.

Effective October 13, 2003, the Fund changed its name from Liberty Money Market
Fund to Columbia Money Market Fund. Also on that date, the Trust changed its
name from Liberty Funds Trust II to Columbia Funds Trust II.



The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles
generally accepted in the United States of America ("GAAP") requires management
to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and
liabilities, the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of
the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenue and expenses during
the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. The
following is a summary of significant accounting policies consistently followed
by the Fund in the preparation of its financial statements.


Securities in the Fund are valued utilizing the amortized cost valuation method
permitted in accordance with Rule 2a-7 under the 1940 Act provided certain
conditions are met. This method involves valuing a portfolio security initially
at its cost and thereafter assuming a constant amortization to maturity of any
discount or premium. Investments in other investment companies are valued at net
asset value.

Investments for which market quotations are not readily available are valued at
fair value as determined in good faith under consistently applied procedures
established by and under the general supervision of the Board of Trustees.


Security transactions are accounted for on the trade date. Cost is determined
and gains (losses) are based upon the specific identification method for both
financial statement and federal income tax purposes.


The Fund may engage in repurchase agreement transactions with institutions that
the Fund's investment advisor has determined are creditworthy. The Fund, through
its custodian, receives delivery of underlying securities collateralizing a
repurchase agreement. Collateral is at least equal, at all times, to the value
of the repurchase obligation including interest. A repurchase agreement
transaction involves certain risks in the event of default or insolvency of the
counterparty. These risks include possible delays or restrictions upon a Fund's
ability to dispose of the underlying securities and a possible decline in the
value of the underlying securities during the period while the Fund seeks to
assert its rights.


Interest income is recorded on the accrual basis. Premium and discount are
amortized and accreted, respectively, on all debt securities.


December 31, 2003 (Unaudited)                         Columbia Money Market Fund


All income, expenses (other than class-specific expenses, as shown on the
Statement of Operations), and realized and unrealized gains (losses), are
allocated to each class of the Fund on a daily basis for purposes of determining
the net asset value of each class. Income and expenses are allocated to each
class based on the settled shares method, while realized and unrealized gains
(losses) are allocated based on relative net assets of each class.


The Fund intends to qualify each year as a "regulated investment company" under
Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code, as amended, and will distribute
substantially all of its taxable or tax-exempt income, if any, for its tax year,
and as such will not be subject to federal income taxes. In addition, by
distributing in each calendar year substantially all of its net investment
income, capital gains and certain other amounts, if any, the Fund will not be
subject to federal excise tax. Therefore, no federal income or excise tax
provision is recorded.


Dividends from net investment income are declared daily and paid monthly. Net
realized capital gains, if any, are distributed at least annually. Income and
capital gains dividends are determined in accordance with income tax regulations
and may differ from GAAP.


The timing and character of income and capital gain distributions are determined
in accordance with income tax regulations, which may differ from GAAP.
Reclassifications are made to the Fund's capital accounts for permanent tax
differences to reflect income and gains available for distribution (or available
capital loss carryforwards) under income tax regulations.

The tax character of distributions paid during the year ended June 30, 2003 was
as follows:

Distributions paid from
   Ordinary income:                                                   $3,520,853

As of June 30, 2003, the component of distributable earnings on a tax basis was
as follows:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The following capital loss carryforwards as of June 30, 2003, are available to
reduce taxable income arising from future net realized gains on investments, if
any, to the extent permitted by the Internal Revenue Code:

                       Year of                 Capital Loss
                     Expiration                Carryforward
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        2005                      $  266
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        2006                       2,756
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        2007                       1,437
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        2008                       1,578
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        2009                         355
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        Total                     $6,392
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Expired capital loss carryforwards are recorded as a reduction of paid-in

Of the capital loss carryforwards attributable to the Fund, $33,164 ($29,134
expired June 30, 2003, $266 expiring June 30, 2005, $2,756 expiring June 30,
2006, $13 expiring June 30, 2007 and $995 expiring June 30, 2008) was obtained
in the merger with Stein Roe Cash Reserves Fund, of which $4,030 remains (See
note 6).



Columbia Management Advisors, Inc. ("Columbia"), an indirect, wholly-owned
subsidiary of FleetBoston Financial Corporation, is the investment advisor to
the Fund and receives a monthly fee based on the Fund's average daily net assets
at the following annual rates:

            Average Daily Net Assets               Fee Rate
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               First $500 million                   0.250%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               Next $500 million                    0.225%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               Over $1 billion                      0.200%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

For the period July 1, 2003 through October 31, 2003, Columbia waived investment
advisory fees by 0.08% annually of the Fund's average daily net assets.

For the six months ended December 31, 2003, the Fund's annualized effective
investment advisory fee rate was 0.17%.


December 31, 2003 (Unaudited)                         Columbia Money Market Fund


Columbia provides administrative and other services for a monthly fee based on
the Fund's average daily net assets at the following annual rates:

            Average Daily Net Assets               Fee Rate
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               First $500 million                   0.250%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               Next $500 million                    0.200%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               Over $1 billion                      0.200%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

For the six months ended December 31, 2003, the Fund's annualized effective
administration fee rate was 0.24%.


Columbia is responsible for providing pricing and bookkeeping services to the
Fund under a pricing and bookkeeping agreement. Under a separate agreement (the
"Outsourcing Agreement"), Columbia has delegated those functions to State Street
Corporation ("State Street"). Columbia pays the total fees collected to State
Street under the Outsourcing Agreement.

Under its pricing and bookkeeping agreement with the Fund, Columbia receives
from the Fund an annual flat fee of $10,000 paid monthly, and in any month that
the Fund's average daily net assets exceed $50 million, an additional monthly
fee. The additional fee rate is calculated by taking into account the fees
payable to State Street under the Outsourcing Agreement. This rate is applied to
the average daily net assets of the Fund for that month. The Fund also pays
additional fees for pricing services. For the six months ended December 31,
2003, the annualized effective pricing and bookkeeping fee rate was 0.031%.


Columbia Funds Services, Inc. (the "Transfer Agent"), formerly Liberty Fund
Services, Inc., an affiliate of Columbia, provides shareholder services for an
annual fee of $33.50 per open account. The Transfer Agent also receives
reimbursement for certain out-of-pocket expenses.

Prior to November 1, 2003, the Transfer Agent was entitled to receive a monthly
transfer agent fee at the annual rate of 0.06% of the Fund's average daily net
assets plus flat-rate charges based on the number of shareholder accounts and
transactions. For the six months ended December 31, 2003, the annualized
effective transfer agent fee rate was 0.25%. The Transfer Agent was also
entitled to receive reimbursement for certain out-of-pocket expenses.

Effective October 13, 2003 Liberty Funds Services, Inc. changed its name to
Columbia Funds Services, Inc.


Columbia Funds Distributor, Inc. (the "Distributor"), an affiliate of Columbia,
is the principal underwriter of the Fund. Prior to October 13, 2003, Columbia
Funds Distributor, Inc. was known as Liberty Funds Distributor, Inc. For the six
months ended December 31, 2003, the Distributor has received CDSC of $91,732,
$371,487 and $9,886 on Class A, Class B and Class C share redemptions,

The Fund has adopted a 12b-1 plan (the "Plan") which requires the payment of a
monthly service fee to the Distributor at the annual rate of 0.25% of the
average daily net assets of the Fund attributable to Class B and Class C shares.
The Plan also requires the payment of a monthly distribution fee to the
Distributor at the annual rate of 0.75% of the average daily net assets
attributable to Class B and Class C shares only. The Distributor has voluntarily
agreed to waive a portion of the Class C share distribution fee so that it will
not exceed 0.15% annually. In addition, Columbia has voluntarily agreed to waive
a portion of the Class B and Class C share distribution fees.

The CDSC and the fees received from the Plan are used principally as repayment
to the Distributor for amounts paid by the Distributor to dealers who sold such


The Fund has an agreement with its custodian bank under which custody fees may
be reduced by balance credits. The Fund could have invested a portion of the
assets utilized in connection with the expense offset arrangement in an
income-producing asset if it had not entered into such an agreement.


The Fund pays no compensation to its officers, all of whom are employees of
Columbia or its affiliates.

The Fund's Trustees may participate in a deferred compensation plan which may be
terminated at any time. Obligations of the plan will be paid solely out of the
Fund's assets.


December 31, 2003 (Unaudited)                         Columbia Money Market Fund



Columbia, the Distributor and certain of their affiliates (collectively, "the
Columbia Group") have received information requests and subpoenas from various
regulatory authorities, including the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC")
and the New York Attorney General, in connection with their investigations of
late trading and market timing in mutual funds. The Columbia Group has not
uncovered any instances where Columbia or the Distributor was knowingly involved
in late trading of mutual fund shares. The Columbia Group has identified a
limited number of investors who had informal arrangements for trading certain
Columbia Fund shares between 1998 and 2003. A substantial majority of the
trading had ended by October 2002. None of these arrangements exists today.
Information relating to those trading arrangements has been supplied to various
regulatory authorities. To the extent that any Columbia Fund, whose shares were
involved in those trading activities, was harmed by them, the Columbia Group has
undertaken to reimburse such fund.

The SEC staff has issued notices to the effect that it has made a preliminary
determination to recommend that the SEC bring civil enforcement actions,
including injunctive proceedings, against Columbia and the Distributor, alleging
that they have violated certain provisions of the federal securities laws. The
Columbia Group believes that those allegations are based principally on the
trading arrangements referred to above. Columbia and the Distributor are engaged
in discussions with the SEC staff in an effort to reach a satisfactory
resolution of these matters. However, there can be no assurance that such a
resolution will be reached. Any potential resolution of these matters may
include, but not be limited to, sanctions, financial penalties, damages or
injunctions regarding Columbia or the Distributor, and structural changes in the
conduct of their business.

Although the Columbia Group does not believe that these regulatory developments
or their resolution will have a material adverse effect on the Columbia Funds,
or on the ability of Columbia and the Distributor to provide services to the
Columbia Funds, there can be no assurance that these matters or any adverse
publicity or other developments resulting from them will not result in increased
redemptions or reduced sales of Columbia Fund shares, which could increase
transactions costs or operating expenses, or other consequences for the Columbia



As of the end of business on July 26, 2002, the net assets of Stein Roe Cash
Reserves Fund were transferred to the Fund in a tax-free exchange and
shareholders of Stein Roe Cash Reserves Fund received shares of the Fund in
exchange for their shares as follows:

                                                Net Assets of the Stein Roe Cash
            Shares Issued                            Reserves Fund Received
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             338,355,029                                  $338,355,029
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                 Net Assets of
                                 Stein Roe Cash           Net Assets of
           Net Assets            Reserves Fund              the Fund
          of the Fund             Immediately              Immediately
           Prior to                 Prior to                  After
          Combination             Combination              Combination
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
          $354,468,496            $338,355,029            $692,823,525
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Prior to July 29, 2002, the Fund invested substantially all of its assets in the
SR&F Cash Reserves Portfolio (the "Portfolio") as part of a master/feeder
structure. The Portfolio allocated income, expenses, realized and unrealized
gains (losses) to each investor on a daily basis, based on methods in compliance
with the Internal Revenue Service. Prior to the reorganization described above,
the Fund's pro-rata share of the net assets of the Portfolio were distributed to
the Fund based on allocation methods in compliance with the Internal Revenue


                                                      Columbia Money Market Fund

Selected data for a share outstanding throughout each period is as follows:

                                               Six Months
                                                  Ended                                 Year Ended June 30,
                                               December 31,       ------------------------------------------------------------------
Class A Shares                                     2003            2003 (a)      2002 (a)    2001 (a)      2000 (a)      1999 (a)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period             $  1.000         $  1.000      $  1.000    $  1.000      $  1.000      $  1.000
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income from Investment Operations:
Net investment income                               0.001(b)         0.006(b)      0.015       0.052         0.052         0.046
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Less Distributions Declared to Shareholders:
From net investment income                         (0.001)          (0.006)       (0.015)     (0.052)       (0.052)       (0.046)
                                                 --------         --------      --------    --------      --------      --------
Net Asset Value, End of Period                   $  1.000         $  1.000      $  1.000    $  1.000      $  1.000      $  1.000
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total return (c)                                     0.12%(d)(e)      0.60%         1.56%       5.34%(e)      5.26%(e)      4.70%(e)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ratios to Average Net Assets/Supplemental Data:
Expenses                                             0.91%(f)(g)      0.89%(f)      1.01%       0.70%         0.65%(f)      0.68%(f)
Net investment income                                0.22%(f)(g)      0.61%(f)      1.54%       5.31%         5.13%(f)      4.61%(f)
Waiver/reimbursement                                 0.08%(g)           --            --        0.19%         0.19%         0.19%
Net assets, end of period (000's)                $175,474         $266,602      $210,616    $189,822      $178,678      $157,790
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(a)   The per share amounts and ratios reflect income and expenses assuming
      inclusion of the Fund's proportionate share of the income and expenses of
      the SR&F Cash Reserves Portfolio, prior to the merger.

(b)   Per share data was calculated using average shares outstanding during the

(c)   Total return at net asset value assuming all distributions reinvested and
      no contingent deferred sales charge.

(d)   Not annualized.

(e)   Had the Advisor/Administrator and/or Distributor not waived a portion of
      expenses, total return would have been reduced.

(f)   The benefits derived from custody credits and directed brokerage
      arrangements, if applicable, had an impact of less than 0.01%.

(g)   Annualized.


                                                      Columbia Money Market Fund

Selected data for a share outstanding throughout each period is as follows:

                                                 Six Months
                                                    Ended                                Year Ended June 30,
                                                 December 31,     ------------------------------------------------------------------
Class B Shares                                      2003           2003 (a)      2002 (a)     2001 (a)     2000 (a)      1999 (a)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period              $ 1.000         $  1.000       $ 1.000      $ 1.000      $ 1.000       $ 1.000
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income from Investment Operations:
Net investment income                               0.001(b)         0.002(b)      0.007        0.042        0.041         0.036
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Less Distributions Declared to Shareholders:
From net investment income                         (0.001)          (0.002)       (0.007)      (0.042)      (0.041)       (0.036)
                                                  -------         --------       -------      -------      -------       -------
Net Asset Value, End of Period                    $ 1.000         $  1.000       $ 1.000      $ 1.000      $ 1.000       $ 1.000
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total return (c)(d)                                  0.05%(e)         0.17%         0.73%        4.31%        3.99%         3.68%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ratios to Average Net Assets/Supplemental Data:
Expenses                                             1.05%(f)(g)      1.41%(f)      1.84%        1.70%        1.65%(f)      1.68%(f)
Net investment income                                0.07%(f)(g)      0.10%(f)      0.71%        4.31%        4.13%(f)      3.61%(f)
Waiver/reimbursement                                 0.94%(g)         0.56%         0.17%        0.19%        0.19%         0.19%
Net assets, end of period (000's)                 $89,224         $110,776       $96,827      $80,879      $69,214       $93,821
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(a)   The per share amounts and ratios reflect income and expenses assuming
      inclusion of the Fund's proportionate share of the income and expenses of
      the SR&F Cash Reserves Portfolio, prior to the merger.

(b)   Per share data was calculated using average shares outstanding for the

(c)   Total return at net asset value assuming all distributions reinvested and
      no contingent deferred sales charge.

(d)   Had the Advisor/Administrator and/or Distributor not waived a portion of
      expenses, total return would have been reduced.

(e)   Not annualized.

(f)   The benefits derived from custody credits and directed brokerage
      arrangements, if applicable, had an impact of less than 0.01%.

(g)   Annualized.


                                                      Columbia Money Market Fund

Selected data for a share outstanding throughout each period is as follows:

                                                 Six Months
                                                    Ended                                Year Ended June 30,
                                                 December 31,      -----------------------------------------------------------------
Class C Shares                                      2003            2003 (a)      2002 (a)    2001 (a)    2000 (a)       1999 (a)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period              $ 1.000          $ 1.000        $ 1.000     $ 1.000     $ 1.000        $ 1.000
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income from Investment Operations:
Net investment income                               0.001(b)         0.003(b)       0.011       0.048       0.048          0.042
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Less Distributions Declared to Shareholders:
From net investment income                         (0.001)          (0.003)        (0.011)     (0.048)     (0.048)        (0.042)
                                                  -------          -------        -------     -------     -------        -------
Net Asset Value, End of Period                    $ 1.000          $ 1.000        $ 1.000     $ 1.000     $ 1.000        $ 1.000
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total return (c)(d)                                  0.06%(e)         0.27%          1.16%       4.93%       4.71%          4.30%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ratios to Average Net Assets/Supplemental Data:
Expenses                                             1.04%(f)(g)      1.23%(f)       1.41%       1.10%       1.05%(f)       1.08%(f)
Net investment income                                0.09%(f)(g)      0.30%(f)       1.14%       4.91%       4.73%(f)       4.21%(f)
Waiver/reimbursement                                 0.95%(g)         0.66%          0.60%       0.79%       0.79%          0.79%
Net assets, end of period (000's)                 $13,304          $17,324        $20,772     $10,010     $ 3,950        $ 2,194
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(a)   The per share amounts and ratios reflect income and expenses assuming
      inclusion of the Fund's proportionate share of the income and expenses of
      the SR&F Cash Reserves Portfolio, prior to the merger.

(b)   Per share data was calculated using average shares outstanding for the

(c)   Total return at net asset value assuming all distributions reinvested and
      no contingent deferred sales charge.

(d)   Had the Advisor/Administrator and/or Distributor not waived a portion of
      expenses, total return would have been reduced.

(e)   Not annualized.

(f)   The benefits derived from custody credits and directed brokerage
      arrangements, if applicable, had an impact of less than 0.01%.

(g)   Annualized.


                                                      Columbia Money Market Fund

Selected data for a share outstanding throughout each period is as follows:

                                                    Six Months          Period
                                                       Ended            Ended
                                                    December 31,       June 30,
Class Z Shares                                         2003            2003 (a)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period                 $  1.000          $  1.000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income from Investment Operations:
Net investment income (b)                               0.001             0.006
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Less Distributions Declared to Shareholders:
From net investment income                             (0.001)           (0.006)
                                                     --------          --------
Net Asset Value, End of Period                       $  1.000          $  1.000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total return (c)(d)                                      0.13%(e)          0.55%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ratios to Average Net Assets/Supplemental Data:
Expenses (f)(g)                                          0.91%             0.89%
Net investment income (f)(g)                             0.22%             0.61%
Waiver/reimbursement (g)                                 0.08%               --
Net assets, end of period (000's)                    $257,739          $289,425
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(a)   Class Z shares were initially offered on July 29, 2002. Per share data and
      total return reflect activity from that date.

(b)   Per share data was calculated using average shares outstanding during the

(c)   Total return at net asset value assuming all distributions reinvested.

(d)   Not annualized.

(e)   Had the Advisor/Administrator not waived a portion of expenses, total
      return would have been reduced.

(f)   The benefits derived from custody credits and directed brokerage
      arrangements, if applicable, had an impact of less than 0.01%.

(g)   Annualized.


                                                      Columbia Money Market Fund


Columbia Funds Services, Inc.
P.O. Box 8081
Boston MA 02266-8081


Columbia Funds Distributor, Inc.
One Financial Center
Boston MA 02111


Columbia Management Advisors, Inc.
100 Federal Street
Boston MA 02111

The fund mails one shareholder report to each shareholder address. If you would
like more than one report, please call shareholder services at 800-345-6611 and
additional reports will be sent to you.

This report has been prepared for shareholders of Columbia Money Market Fund.
This report may also be used as sales literature when preceded or accompanied by
the current prospectus which provides details of sales charges, investment
objectives and operating policies of the fund and with the most recent copy of
the Columbia Funds Performance Update.

A description of the policies and procedures that the Fund uses to determine how
to vote proxies relating to its portfolio securities is available (i) without
charge, upon request, by calling 800-345-6611 and (ii) on the Securities and
Exchange Commission's website at http://www.sec.gov.


Columbia Funds
                                                      Columbia Money Market Fund

              Large Growth    Columbia Common Stock
                              Columbia Growth
                              Columbia Growth Stock
                              Columbia Large Cap Growth
                              Columbia Tax-Managed Growth
                              Columbia Tax-Managed Growth II
                              Columbia Young Investor
               Large Value    Columbia Disciplined Value
                              Columbia Growth & Income
                              Columbia Large Cap Core
                              Columbia Tax-Managed Value
             Midcap Growth    Columbia Acorn Select
                              Columbia Mid Cap Growth
                              Columbia Tax-Managed Aggressive Growth
              Midcap Value    Columbia Dividend Income
                              Columbia Mid Cap
                              Columbia Strategic Investor
              Small Growth    Columbia Acorn
                              Columbia Acorn USA
                              Columbia Small Company Equity
               Small Value    Columbia Small Cap
                              Columbia Small-Cap Value
                  Balanced    Columbia Asset Allocation
                              Columbia Balanced
                              Columbia Liberty Fund
                 Specialty    Columbia Real Estate Equity
                              Columbia Technology
                              Columbia Utilities
      Taxable Fixed-Income    Columbia Contrarian Income
                              Columbia Corporate Bond
                              Columbia Federal Securities
                              Columbia Fixed Income Securities
                              Columbia High Yield
                              Columbia High Yield Opportunities
                              Columbia Income
                              Columbia Intermediate Bond
                              Columbia Intermediate Government Income
                              Columbia Quality Plus Bond
                              Columbia Short Term Bond
                              Columbia Strategic Income
             Floating Rate    Columbia Floating Rate
                              Columbia Floating Rate Advantage
                Tax Exempt    Columbia High Yield Municipal
                              Columbia Intermediate Tax-Exempt Bond
                              Columbia Managed Municipals
                              Columbia National Municipal Bond
                              Columbia Tax-Exempt
                              Columbia Tax-Exempt Insured


                                                      Columbia Money Market Fund

   Single State Tax Exempt
                              Columbia California Tax-Exempt
                              Columbia Connecticut Intermediate Municipal Bond
                              Columbia Connecticut Tax-Exempt
                              Columbia Florida Intermediate Municipal Bond
                              Columbia Massachusetts Intermediate Municipal Bond
                              Columbia Massachusetts Tax-Exempt
                              Columbia New Jersey Intermediate Municipal Bond
                              Columbia New York Intermediate Municipal Bond
                              Columbia New York Tax-Exempt
                              Columbia Oregon Municipal Bond
                              Columbia Pennsylvania Intermediate Municipal Bond
                              Columbia Rhode Island Intermediate Municipal Bond
              Money Market    Columbia Money Market
                              Columbia Municipal Money Market
      International/Global    Columbia Acorn International
                              Columbia Acorn International Select
                              Columbia Europe
                              Columbia Global Equity
                              Columbia International Stock
                              Columbia Newport Asia Pacific
                              Columbia Newport Greater China
                              Columbia Newport Tiger
               Index Funds    Columbia Large Company Index
                              Columbia Small Company Index
                              Columbia U.S. Treasury Index

Columbia funds are offered only by prospectus. Please see your financial advisor
for a prospectus, which describes in detail fund objectives, investment
policies, risks, sales charges, fees, liquidity and other matters of interest.
Please read the prospectus carefully before you invest or send money.

For complete product information on any Columbia fund, visit our website at

Columbia Management Group and Columbia Management refer collectively to the
various investment advisory subsidiaries of Columbia Management Group, including
Columbia Management Advisors, Inc., the registered investment advisor, and to
Columbia Funds Distributor, Inc.


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[Photo of hands on keyboard]

Help your fund reduce printing and postage costs! Elect to get your shareholder
reports by electronic delivery. With Columbia's eDelivery program, you receive
an e-mail message when your shareholder report becomes available online. If your
fund account is registered with Columbia Funds, you can sign up quickly and
easily on our website at www.columbiafunds.com.

Please note -- if you own your fund shares through a financial institution,
contact the institution to see if it offers electronic delivery. If you own your
fund shares through a retirement plan, electronic delivery may not be available
to you.

Columbia Money Market Fund Semiannual Report, December 31, 2003      PRSRT STD

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                                                                   Holliston, MA
                                                                   Permit NO. 20

[LOGO] ColumbiaFunds
A Member of Columbia Management Group

(C) 2004 Columbia Funds Distributor, Inc.
One Financial Center, Boston, MA 02111-2621
800.345.6611 www.columbiafunds.com

                                                757-03/735Q-1203 (02/04) 04/0217


Note applicable at this time.


Note applicable at this time.


Note applicable at this time.


Not applicable.



Not applicable.


Not applicable.


Not applicable at this time.


(a)  The registrant's principal executive officer and principal financial
     officer, based on their evaluation of the registrant's disclosure controls
     and procedures as of a date within 90 days of the filing of this report,
     have concluded that such controls and procedures are adequately designed to
     ensure that information required to be disclosed by the registrant in Form
     N-CSR is accumulated and communicated to the registrant's management,
     including the principal executive officer and principal financial officer,
     or persons performing similar functions, as appropriate to allow timely
     decisions regarding required disclosure.

(b)  There were no changes in the registrant's internal control over financial
     reporting that occurred during the registrant's last fiscal half-year (the
     registrant's second fiscal half-year in the case of an annual report) that
     has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the
     registrant's internal control over financial reporting.


(a)(1) Code of ethics required to be disclosed under Item 2 of Form N-CSR: Not
applicable at this time.

(a)(2) Certifications pursuant to Rule 30a-2(a) under the Investment Company Act
of 1940 (17 CFR 270.30a-2(a)) attached hereto as Exhibit 99.CERT.

(a)(3) Not applicable.

(b) Certification pursuant to Rule 30a-2(b) under the Investment Company Act of
1940 (17 CFR 270.30a-2(b)) attached hereto as Exhibit 99.906CERT.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the
Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be
signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

(registrant)                   Columbia Funds Trust II

By (Signature and Title) /s/ J. Kevin Connaughton
                         J. Kevin Connaughton, President and Treasurer

Date                                March 4, 2004

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the
Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the
following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the
dates indicated.

By (Signature and Title) /s/ J. Kevin Connaughton
                         J. Kevin Connaughton, President and Treasurer

Date                                March 4, 2004