AGREEMENT entered into as of the date specified herein between Phoenix
Life Insurance Company, a mutual life insurance company domiciled in the State
of New York (hereinafter referred to as `Phoenix" and by the Participant.

         Whereas, the Participant is currently rendering valuable services to
Phoenix and,

         Whereas, it is the desire of Phoenix to have the benefit of the
Participant's continued loyalty, service and counsel and also to assist the
Participant in planning for retirement and certain other contingencies, it is
hereby agreed:


A.   Each year prior to the determination of any Incentive Plan award and prior
     to the beginning of the calendar year in which such award would otherwise
     be paid, the Participant may make an irrevocable written election (attached
     to and made a part of this Agreement) to defer receipt of all or any
     portion of such award from Phoenix that would otherwise be received.

B.   Any amount awarded and deferred under the terms of this Agreement shall be
     controlled solely by the terms of this Agreement and shall be net of any
     applicable employment taxes.

C.   Any amounts deferred by the Participant shall be credited to a Deferred
     Compensation Ledger Account established for such Participant. Payments from
     such Deferred Compensation Ledger Account shall only be made at the time
     and under the occurrences set forth in Section II of this Agreement.

D.   At the time of the election to defer compensation and once each calendar
     quarter thereafter, the Participants may designate in writing that amounts
     deferred be deemed to be invested in one or more of the following:

     1.   The general account of Phoenix.

     2.   One or more of various fund options made available under this
          Agreement. Phoenix shall provide to the Participant with a list of
          available funds and reserves the right to add or delete available
          funds as it deems necessary or appropriate.

E.   The election to designate deemed investments, as described above, shall be
     subject to restrictions as to minimum and maximum amounts as announced from
     time to time by Phoenix. Both initial and subsequent investment allocations
     must be made in 10% increments. Phoenix shall have the right at any time to
     add new deemed investment options, cease to offer any or all of the deemed
     investment options, and alter or adjust the basis or method of calculating
     any interest or earnings for any of the investment options outlined above.

F.   Credits or debits to the Deferred Compensation Ledger Account will be made
     in a manner corresponding to the performance of the deemed investment or
     investments of the Deferred Compensation Ledger Account as selected by the

G.   Phoenix reserves the right to reduce the interest or earnings on deferred
     compensation amounts for any federal or state taxes which it may incur as a
     result of interest or earnings on amounts held under this Agreement.

H.   Phoenix shall be under no obligation to actually make any investment as
     described in Paragraph D. Reference to any such investment shall be solely
     for the purpose of aiding Phoenix in measuring and meeting its liabilities
     under the terms of this Agreement, In any event, if any investments are
     made, Phoenix shall be named the sole owner and shall have all of the
     rights and privileges conferred by any instrument evidencing such
     investments. Such investments shall not be segregated, set aside or held in
     trust or escrow and shall at all times remain the unrestricted assets of
     Phoenix subject to the claim of its general creditors.

I.   Phoenix reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to terminate this
     Agreement upon written notice to the Participant. Provided, however, that
     such termination shall not effect any rights or benefits accrued or in
     payment status under the Agreement as of the date of such termination.
     Further, at its sole discretion, Phoenix may elect, upon termination of
     this Agreement to distribute in one (1) lump sum to the Participant or any
     beneficiary, as the case may be, the value of the Deferred Compensation
     Ledger Account or the commuted value of any remaining installment payments.


A.   At the time the election is made to defer receipt of compensation; the
     Participant shall also make an election (attached to and made part of the
     Agreement) as to the method of distribution of amounts deferred. The method
     of distribution shall be either in a lump sum or as annual installments of
     over a period of years not to exceed ten (10). The method of distribution
     elected in any year shall be controlling for the entire Deferred
     Compensation Ledger Account and the current election shall supercede any
     prior election as to payment method. The Participant may elect to change
     the method of distribution for the Deferred Compensation Ledger Account by
     written notice to Phoenix. Such election shall become effective in the year
     following the year such election is made. If the annual installment method
     is elected, no change in the number or timing of such installments shall be
     permitted after such installments have commenced.

B.   The payment of the balance to the credit of the Participant in the Deferred
     Compensation Ledger Account shall be made or commence to be made in
     accordance with the manner elected by the Participant not later than 30
     days after the payment date specified in the Election Form. If no such date
     is specified, payment shall be made upon the earliest of the Participant's
     retirement, termination of employment with Phoenix, death or upon becoming
     permanently disabled as reasonably determined by Phoenix. Any amount
     payable by reason of the Participant's death shall be paid in one lump sum
     to the Participant's beneficiary or beneficiaries designated by the
     Participant in the Election Form.


C.   If the annual installment method is elected, Phoenix, in its sole
     discretion, may elect that all amounts held in the Deferred Compensation
     Ledger Account be withdrawn therefrom up to thirty (30) days prior to the
     first installment payment date and be applied to purchase a period certain
     annuity in the name of Phoenix, the proceeds of which will be paid to the
     Participant in accordance with the installment payment schedule elected.


         It being the intent of Phoenix that the benefits provided by this
Agreement will be available for the support and maintenance of the Participant
and the Participant's beneficiaries in the event of certain contingencies,
Phoenix wishes to limit the rights of the Participant and the Participant's
beneficiaries in a manner which will assure that those benefits will always be
of a size and duration sufficient to provide for the support and maintenance of
the Participant and the Participant's beneficiaries. Therefore, the benefits
provided hereunder will not be subject to alienation, garnishment, attachment or
any other legal process by creditors of the Participant or of any person or
persons designated as beneficiaries. Furthermore, except by will or the laws of
descent or distribution, the Participant and any beneficiary may not anticipate
the benefits provided hereunder by assignment, pledge, sale or similar act.

                            SECTION IV: OTHER RIGHTS

         This Agreement creates no rights in the Participant to continue the
Participant's affiliation with Phoenix, if any, for any length of time, nor does
it create any rights in the Participant or obligations in the part of Phoenix
other than those set forth herein. Furthermore, this Agreement does not
guarantee any award to the Participant or in any way obligate Phoenix to grant
such award. Any amounts deferred under this Agreement shall be contingent on the
actual granting of such award.

                          SECTION V: CLAIMS PROCEDURES

         Claims for benefits under this Agreement shall be administered in
accordance with the Claims Review Process as set forth in the Phoenix Employee
Benefit Guide which has been made available to all Participants.

                           SECTION VI: REPRESENTATIONS

         Phoenix represents that is it entering into this Agreement at the
Participant's request to fulfill its compensation obligations to the
Participant. The Participant represents: (a) that the Participant is entering
into this Agreement primarily for compensatory and tax deferral purposes; (b)
that, the Participant has had access to all material information concerning
Phoenix and the operation of its general account together with the opportunity
to have any questions the Participant may have about Phoenix and the operation
of its general account answered by representatives of Phoenix; (c) the
Participant has been provided with upon request, the Prospectuses for the mutual
funds listed on the Election Form; and (d) the Participant acknowledges receipt
of the explanatory and disclosure letter from Phoenix and acknowledge and
concurs with all representations made therein.


                          ACCEPTANCE AND ELECTION FORM

Attached to and made part of the Participant's Deferred Compensation Agreement,

I   Carl T. Chadburn   (name of Participant) hereby irrevocably elect to defer
the following amounts payable under my Employment Agreement dated December 20,


         % or  $                    of my Long Term Incentive Plan Award
- ---------       -------------------

         % or  $                    of my Mutual Incentive Plan Award.
- ---------       -------------------

         % or  $                    of my salary (fill in applicable name)
- ---------       -------------------

I hereby irrevocably elect the payment of my installment Deferred Compensation
Ledger Account be paid or commenced to be paid to me:

             (month) of       (not more than 1 year following retirement)
   ---------            -----

I understand that, notwithstanding the payment date elected, payment shall be
made or commenced to be made upon the Participant's death if it occurs prior to
the date elected below.

I hereby elect that my Deferred Compensation Ledger Account balance be paid to

[X]  In one lump sum on the first day of August   , 2012 but not later than ten
                                         ---------  ----
                                           month    year
     (10) years from the date of this agreement.)

[_]  In ____ (2-10) annual installments. Installment payments will be paid
     directly from the deferred compensation account.

     [_]  $________________ annual installment. Remainder to be distributed at
          the end of the installment period

     [_]  Installments of declining balance. At the end of the installment
          period, zero dollars remain.


I further understand that I may change the method of payment of my Deferred
Compensation Ledger Account subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the
Deferred Compensation Agreement.

                          ACCEPTANCE AND ELECTION FORM

Please fill in the fund name(s) from the attached list or fill in "General
Account". All investments must be made in 10% increments or dollar amounts. My
initial election for the deemed investment of the amounts specified above is as

A.   $ 1,000,000                   [         One Million Dollars            ] or
      ----------------------------  ----------------------------------------
                                                   Write Amount

B.   1.    100 %     Phoenix Guaranteed Account
          -----     ---------------------------------------

     2.        %
          -----     ---------------------------------------

     3.        %
          -----     ---------------------------------------

     4.        %
          -----     ---------------------------------------

     5.        %
          -----     ---------------------------------------

     6.        %
          -----     ---------------------------------------

     7.        %
          -----     ---------------------------------------

     8.        %
          -----     ---------------------------------------

     9.        %
          -----     ---------------------------------------

    10.        %
          -----     ---------------------------------------

                             BENEFICIARY DESIGNATION

         The following are hereby designated as beneficiaries for the purpose of
payments in the event of the death of the Participant prior to the payment of
all benefits under this Agreement:

                  Primary:  Margaret N. Chadburn -- spouse

                  Contingent: Katherine M. Ayson -- daughter
                              Jennifer Sage Robinson -- daughter


I understand that I may change my beneficiary designation and my investment
election by calling (860) 403-2083 or (860) 403-2134 or by written notice to:

                   Human Resources, Pension Plan Administration
                   100 Bright Meadow Boulevard
                   Enfield, CT   06082

                          ACCEPTANCE AND ELECTION FORM

         THIS AGREEMENT is solely between Phoenix and the Participant. The
Participant and any beneficiaries as designated in this Election Form, shall
have recourse only against Phoenix for enforcement, and it shall be binding upon
the beneficial heirs, assignees, executors and administrators of the Participant
and upon the successors and assigns of Phoenix.

EXECUTED by the undersigned this    29      day of    August    2002.
                                 ----------        ------------


 /s/ E. Rudden
- ---------------------------------
Vice President, Human Resources

 /s/ Carl T. Chadburn                        /s/ Margaret M. Chadburn
- ----------------------------------        --------------------------------------
Participant's signature                                  Witness



FUND NAME                                              QUOTRON
- ---------                                              -------

Phoenix-Aberdeen Global Small Cap Fund                 PAGAX
Phoenix-Aberdeen International Fund                    PHITX
Phoenix-Aberdeen New Asia Fund                         PAFAX
Phoenix-Aberdeen Worldwide Opportunities Fund          NWWOX
Phoenix-Duff & Phelps Core Bond Fund                   PHGBX
Phoenix-Duff & Phelps Core Equity Fund                 PHCEX
Phoenix-Duff & Phelps Real Estate Securities Fund      PHRAX
Phoenix-Engemann Aggressive Growth Fund                PHSKX
Phoenix-Engemann Balanced Return Fund                  PABRX
Phoenix-Engemann Capital Growth Fund                   PHGRX
Phoenix-Engemann Focus Growth Fund                     PASGX
Phoenix-Engemann Nifty Fifty Fund                      PANFX
Phoenix-Engemann Small & Mid-Cap Growth Fund           PAMAX
Phoenix-Euclid Market Neutral Fund                     EMNAX
Phoenix-Goodwin California Tax Exempt Bonds, Inc.      CTESX
Phoenix-Goodwin Emerging Markets Bond Fund             PEMAX
Phoenix-Goodwin High Yield Fund                        PHCHX
Phoenix-Goodwin Money Market Fund                      PMMXX
Phoenix-Goodwin Multi-Sector Fixed Income Fund, Inc.   NAMFX
Phoenix-Goodwin Multi-Sector Short Term Bond Fund      NARAX
Phoenix-Goodwin Tax Exempt Bond Fund                   PHTBX
Phoenix-Hollister Small Cap Value Fund                 PDSAX
Phoenix-Hollister Value Equity Fund                    PVEAX
Phoenix-Oakhurst Balanced Fund                         PHBLX
Phoenix-Oakhurst Growth & Income Fund                  PDIAX
Phoenix-Oakhurst Income & Growth Fund                  NAINX
Phoenix-Oakhurst Strategic Allocation Fund, Inc.       PTRFX
Phoenix-Seneca Bond Fund                               SAVAX
Phoenix-Seneca Growth Fund                             SGCRX
Phoenix-Seneca Mid-Cap "EDGE" Fund                     EDGEX
Phoenix-Seneca Real Estate Securities Fund             REALX
Phoenix-Seneca Strategic Theme Fund                    PSTAX
PNX Guaranteed Account                                 tracks PNX