No: 09/99

23 March 1999


London - Reuters, the global information and news group, today launched the
Reuters 3000 Xtra service, its new flagship international product. This service
is a significant enhancement to the current 3000 series and exploits the latest
developments in desktop technology such as Microsoft's ActiveX and in internet

The Reuters 3000 Xtra service increases users' ability to create their own
screen displays and analytical applications. It enables customers to:

     o    carry out complex  analytics and modelling in Microsoft Excel that can
          be quickly created and easily modified

     o    extract data into their own in-house software applications

     o    send and receive e-mail via the Internet

     o    access  a wide  range  of  additional  services  through  Reuters  own
          extranet (Reuters Web)

     o    access their own corporate intranets

     o    receive  Reuters  Television  with its specialist  programming for the
          financial markets

     o    search Reuters 5,000 business publications archive

     o    set-up personalised views which integrate news, real-time,  historical
          and reference data with all of the features  outlined above,  all in a
          single screen display.

The use of internet style technology enables Reuters to evolve and enhance the
service rapidly and easily by downloading, with customers' consent, new
analytics and software directly to users' workstations. It also enables users to
select individual product upgrades relevant to their needs.

The Reuters 3000 Xtra service will benefit from product and data enhancements
introduced at the beginning of 1999 as part of Reuters euro programme. For
customers in the 11 countries that make up the euro zone, there will be a single
common price structure.

The Reuters 3000 Xtra service is available in two desktop versions. One uses
Reuters 'Kobra' software and the other is based on the Reuters Trader
Workstation (RTW). Individual client sites can mix both types of desktop. The
service incorporates open system technology and operates with other information
sources. More information on the Reuters 3000 Xtra service is available at

JOHN PARCELL, chief executive, Reuters Information, commented: "With all its
additional functionality and analytical features, this premium product provides
good value for money. New technology enables us to deliver future enhancements
efficiently and quickly whilst providing our customers with the flexibility to
pick and choose those product upgrades relevant to their needs."



Michael Hudson                                      Tel; 0171 542 6459
Director of Marketing, Reuters Information

Geoff Wicks                                         Tel: 0171 542 8666
Director, Corporate Relations
geoff.wicks@reuters com

Adrian Duffield                                     Tel: 0171 542 4728
Manager, Group Corporate Relations

Reuters supplies the global financial markets and the news media with the widest
range of information and news products including real-time financial data,
collective investment data, numerical, textual, historical and graphical
databases plus news, graphics, news video, and news pictures, reaching over
485,000 users located in 57,900 organisations. Reuters designs and installs
enterprise-wide information management and risk management systems for the
financial markets as well as providing equity and foreign exchange transaction
systems. It extensively uses internet technologies for wider distribution of
information and news. The Group employed 16,938 staff in 218 cities in 96
countries at 31 December 1998. Reuters is the world's largest news and
television agency with 2,072 journalists, photographers and camera operators in
182 bureaux serving 157 countries. News is published in 23 languages.

For more details see

Reuters and the dotted and sphere logos are the trademarks of the Reuters Group
of Companies.