As filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on August 22, 1997.

                                    FORM 8-A


                             Washington, D.C. 20549


                     PURSUANT TO SECTION 12(B) OR (G) OF THE

                         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                         American Financial Corporation
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

                 Ohio                                    31-06248724
- ---------------------------------------      -----------------------------------
(State of incorporation or organization)     I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)

                             One East Fourth Street
                             Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    (Address of principal executive offices)

If this Form relates to the                     If this Form relates to the
registration of a class of                      registration of a class of
debt securities and is effec                    debt securities and is to be
tive upon filing pursuant to                    come effective simultaneously
General Instruction A(c)(1)                     with the effectiveness of a
please check the following                      concurrent registration state
box.    [ ]                                     ment under the Securities Act
                                                of 1933 pursuant to General
                                                Instruction A(c)(2) please
                                                check the following box. [ ]

Securities to be registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:

        Title of each class                      Name of each exchange on
                                                 which each class is to be
Series J Preferred Stock
Without Par Value                                  Pacific Exchange

Securities to be registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                (Title of Class)


Item 1.               Description of Registrant's Securities to be Regis

                      A description of the Series J Preferred Shares is included
                      in the Certificate of Designation attached hereto as Annex

Item 2.               Exhibits.

                      1.     Articles of Incorporation (incorporated by
                             reference from Annex 1 to issuer's preliminary
                             Proxy Statement dated July 16, 1997).


               Pursuant  to the  requirements  of Section  12 of the  Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this registration statement
to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereto duly authorized.

                                           AMERICAN FINANCIAL CORPORATION

Date: August 22, 1997                       BY: /S/ James C. Kennedy
                                                    James C. Kennedy, Esq.

                                Title: Secretary

                                        ANNEX A

                            AMERICAN FINANCIAL CORPORATION

                          RIGHTS OF SERIES J PREFERRED STOCK

        Certificate of Designation, Preferences and Rights of Preferred Stock by
Resolution of the Board of Directors  providing for an issue of 3,150,000 shares
from a  class  of  voting  preferred  stock,  without  par  value,  such  series
designated "Series J Preferred Stock".

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        Pursuant to the Merger  Agreement dated July ___, 1997 pursuant to which
AFC  Acquisition  Corp., a wholly-owned  subsidiary of the Company,  would merge
with and into the  Company  ("Merger"),  the  Articles of  Incorporation  of the
Company are amended and restated as of the Effective Time of the Merger, thereby
providing,  among other things,  for the issue of a series of Preferred Stock of
the Company from the  Company's  class of 4,000,000  shares of Voting  Preferred
Shares,  without par value, to be designated "Series J Preferred Stock" ("Series
J Preferred Stock"),  such issue to consist of 3,150,000 shares, which number of
shares may be increased or decreased (but not below the number of shares thereof
then outstanding) from time to time by the Board of Directors, and to the extent
that  the  voting  rights,   designations,   powers,  preferences  and  relative
participating,   optional  or  other  special  rights  and  the  qualifications,
limitations or  restrictions  of the Series J Preferred Stock are not stated and
expressed in the Articles of Incorporation, does hereby fix and herein state and
express  the voting  rights,  designations,  powers,  preferences  and  relative
participating,   optional  or  other  special  rights  and  the  qualifications,
limitations or restrictions thereof, as follows (all terms used herein which are
defined in the  Articles of  Incorporation  shall be deemed to have the meanings
provided therein):

        1. Voting. Except as provided below in paragraph 5, holders of shares of
Series J Preferred Stock are entitled to one vote per share on all matters to be
voted upon by shareholders of the Company,  with holders of the Company's Common
Stock, and not as a separate class.

        2.  Dividends.  The  holders of the Series J  Preferred  Stock  shall be
entitled to receive, when, as, and if declared by the Board of Directors and out
of the  assets of the  Company  which are by law  available  for the  payment of
dividends,  cumulative preferential dividends in the manner and at the rates set
forth below. Each of said shares shall have an annual dividend rate of $1.90 and
no more. Dividends shall be payable in equal payments semi-annually on _____ and
_____ of each year to holders of record as of the  preceding  _____ 15 and _____

             Dividends  on shares of Series J  Preferred  Sock  shall be paid in

             No dividend or other  distribution  whatsoever shall be declared or
paid upon or set apart for any class of stock or series  thereof  ranking junior
to the Series J Preferred  Stock as to the payment of  dividends,  nor shall any
shares of any class of stock or series  thereof  ranking  junior to the Series J
Preferred  Stock as to payment of  dividends  be  redeemed or  purchased  by the
Company  or any  subsidiary  thereof,  nor shall  any  moneys be paid to or made
available for a sinking fund for the redemption or purchase of any shares of any
class of stock or series thereof  ranking junior to the Series J Preferred Stock
as to payment of  dividends,  unless in each  instance,  full  dividends  on all
outstanding  shares of Series J Preferred  Stock for all past  dividend  periods
shall have been paid at the rate fixed therefor.

             Dividends  upon  shares of the Series J  Preferred  Stock  shall be
payable by check to the  registered  holders of Series J Preferred  Stock at the
address set forth in the books and records of the Company or any transfer  agent
and/or  registrar  appointed for the Series J Preferred Stock and shall commence
to accrue and be cumulative from their respective dates of issuance.

        3.   Rights on Liquidation or Cash-Out Merger.

        A. (1) Upon the liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the affairs of
the Company,  whether  voluntary or  involuntary,  holders of shares of Series J
Preferred  Stock  shall be  entitled  to  receive,  out of assets of the Company
available for distribution to stockholders after satisfying claims of creditors,
a liquidating distribution in the amount of $22.35 per share, which shall be the
liquidation preference of such shares, plus an amount equal to accrued dividends
on each such  share to and  including  the date  fixed for  payment  of Series J
Preferred Stock, and no more.

             (2)  Such  amount  shall  be paid to the  holders  of the  Series J
Preferred Stock prior to any distribution or payment to the holders of any class
of stock or series thereof ranking junior to the Series J Preferred Stock in the
payment of dividends or distributions  of assets on liquidation,  dissolution or
winding up of the affairs of the Company.

             (3) After the  payment to  holders of shares of Series J  Preferred
Stock of the full  amount of the  liquidating  distributions  to which  they are
entitled pursuant to the second next preceding  sentence,  holders of the shares
of Series J Preferred  Stock (in their  capacity as such holders)  shall have no
right or claim to any of the remaining assets of the Company.

        B. In any merger or  consolidation of the Company with or into any other
corporation,  including  any  person  (including  any  individual,  partnership,
corporation,  trust, unincorporated association,  joint venture or other entity)
controlled  by,  in  control  of,  or under  common  control  with  the  Company
("Affiliate"), or a merger or consolidation of any other corporation,  including
any Affiliate,  with or into the Company,  which merger or  consolidation by its
terms provides for the payment of only cash to holders of the Series J Preferred
Stock,  each holder of Series J Preferred  Stock shall be entitled to receive an
amount equal to the  liquidation  preference of the shares of Series J Preferred
Stock held by such  holder,  plus an amount  equal to accrued  dividends on such
shares to and  including the date of payment  thereof,  and no more, in exchange
for such shares of Series J Preferred Stock (a "Cash-Out Merger").

        C. Neither the sale, lease or exchange (for cash,  stock,  securities or
other  consideration)  of all or substantially all of the property and assets of
the Company,  nor the merger or consolidation  of any other  corporation with or
into the Company,  nor the merger or  consolidation  of the Company with or into
any  other  corporation,  shall be deemed to be a  dissolution,  liquidation  or
winding up of the affairs of the  Company,  voluntary  or  involuntary,  for the
purposes of this Paragraph 3; provided,  however, that any Cash-Out Merger shall
be deemed to be a liquidation  of the Company solely for purposes of determining
the rights of the  holders of shares of Series J  Preferred  Stock in respect of
such Cash-Out Merger.

        D. If upon liquidation,  dissolution or winding up of the affairs of the
Company,  whether voluntary or involuntary,  the assets of the Company available
for  distribution  to the  holders  of  Series J  Preferred  Stock and any other
preferred  stock of the Company,  ranking upon  liquidation on a parity with the
Series J Preferred Stock (the "Liquidation Preferred"), shall be insufficient to
pay the full amount of the liquidating  distributions to which holders of Series
J Preferred  Stock are  entitled  pursuant to  Paragraph  3. A. and  liquidating
distributions to which holders of the Liquidation  Preferred are entitled,  then
such assets shall be distributed  among the holders of Series J Preferred  Stock
and  Liquidation   Preferred  ratably  in  proportion  to  the  full  amount  of
distributions  to which each holder of Series J Preferred  Stock and Liquidation
Preferred would have been entitled.

     4. Redemption.

     A. Optional Redemption.  The Company shall not have the right to redeem any
shares of Series J Preferred Stock until [EIGHTH ANNIVERSARY OF ISSUANCE, 2005].
Thereafter,  the Company shall have the right, at its option,  and by resolution
of its Board of Directors,  upon notice as required by Paragraph 4.B., to redeem
the Series J Preferred Stock out of funds legally available therefor, as a whole
or in part, at the redemption prices set forth below, plus all accrued dividends
thereon  to the date  fixed for  redemption  (against  receipt  of  certificates
evidencing  the shares  redeemed),  if redeemed  during the twelve  month period
beginning on ________ of the years indicated:

                      Year                      Amount Per Share
                      ----                      ----------------
                      2005                       $  23.02
                      2006                          22.69
                      2007 and thereafter           22.35

        B. Notice of Redemption.  Notice of any  redemption  specifying the date
fixed for said redemption shall be mailed, postage prepaid, at least 25 days but
not more than 60 days prior to said  redemption date to the holders of record of
the Series J Preferred Stock to be redeemed at their respective addresses as the
same shall appear on the books and records of the Company or any transfer  agent
and/or  registrar  for the  Series J  Preferred  Stock.  If less than all of the
Series J Preferred Stock outstanding is to be redeemed, the Company shall select
by lot those shares which are to be redeemed. If such notice of redemption shall
have been  mailed,  and if on or before the  redemption  date  specified in such
notice all funds necessary for such redemption  shall have been set aside by the
Company separate and apart from its other funds, in trust for the account of the
holders  of  the  shares  so to be  redeemed,  so as to be  and  continue  to be
available  therefor,  then, on and after said redemption  date,  notwithstanding
that any  certificate  for shares of the Series J Preferred  Stock so called for
redemption  shall  not  have  been  surrendered  for  cancellation,  the  shares
represented  thereby  so called for  redemption  shall be deemed to be no longer
outstanding,  the right to receive dividends thereon shall cease to accrue,  and
all rights with respect to such shares of the Series J Preferred Stock so called
for redemption  shall  forthwith  cease and  terminate,  except for the right to
receive  the  amount  set aside in trust for  redemption  thereof,  but  without

     5. Rights in the Event of  Dividend  Arrearage;  Class  Voting  Rights.  In
addition to the voting rights set forth in paragraph 1 hereof, holders of Series
J Preferred Stock shall have the voting rights set forth below:

        A. If at any time the  Company  shall not have paid full  dividends  for
each of four or more consecutive  semi-annual  dividends payable on the Series J
Preferred  Stock  pursuant  to  paragraph  2 hereof,  the  number  of  directors
constituting the Board of Directors of the Company shall be increased by two and
the holders of the Series J Preferred Stock shall have the right,  voting as one
class,  to elect the  directors to fill such newly created  directorships.  This
right shall remain vested until all accrued  dividends on any Series J Preferred
Stock have been paid,  or declared and set apart for payment,  at which time (i)
the right to so elect  directors  shall  terminate  (subject to revesting in the
case of any subsequent  default of the kind described  above);  (ii) the term of
the directors then in office elected by such holders shall terminate;  and (iii)
the number of directors constituting the Board of Directors of the Company shall
be reduced by the number of directors by which it was increased pursuant to this

               Whenever  such right shall vest,  it may be  exercised  initially
either at a special  meeting of holders of such preferred stock or at any annual
stockholders'  meeting,  but  thereafter  it may be exercised  at  stockholders'
meetings called for the purpose of electing directors. A special meeting for the
exercise  of such  right  shall be called by the  Secretary  of the  Company  as
promptly as possible, and in any event within 10 days after receipt of a written
request  signed by the  holders  of  record  of at least 50% of the  outstanding
shares  of  such  preferred  stock.   Notwithstanding  the  provisions  of  this
subparagraph, 5A, no such special meeting shall be held during the 90-day period
preceding the date regularly fixed for the annual meeting of stockholders.

               Any director who shall have been elected by the holders of Series
J Preferred Stock shall hold office for a term expiring  (subject to the earlier
termination  of the  arrearage  in  dividends)  at the next  annual  meeting  of
stockholders.  During  such  term such  directors  may be  removed  at any time,
without cause,  by, and only by, the affirmative  votes of the holders of record
of a majority of the  outstanding  shares of Series J Preferred Stock given at a
special meeting of such stockholders called for the purpose, except as otherwise
provided  by Ohio law with  respect to  cumulative  voting  rights.  Any vacancy
created by such  removal may also be filled at such  meeting.  A meeting for the
removal of a director elected by the holders of Series J Preferred Stock and the
filling of the vacancy  created  thereby shall be called by the Secretary of the
Company within 10 days after receipt of a written  request signed by the holders
of record of at least 50% of the outstanding shares of such preferred stock.

               Any vacancy  caused by the death or resignation of a director who
shall have been  elected by the holders of the Series J  Preferred  Stock may be
filled by the remaining director elected under these provisions,  or if none, by
the holders of Series J Preferred  Stock at a meeting  called for such  purpose.
Such  meeting  shall be called by the  Secretary  of the Company at the earliest
practicable  date after any such death or resignation and in any event within 10
days after  receipt of a written  request  signed by the holders of record of at
least 50% of the outstanding shares of such preferred stock.

               At such  meeting,  the  presence  in  person  or by  proxy of the
holders of a majority of the outstanding shares of the Series J Preferred Stock,
as the case may be, shall be required to constitute a quorum;  in the absence of
a quorum,  a majority of the holders of the Series J Preferred  Stock present in
person or by proxy shall have the power to adjourn the meeting from time to time
without notice, other than announcement at the meeting,  until a quorum shall be

        B. Any action  requiring the vote of the Series J Preferred Stock voting
separately as a class under Ohio law shall be taken by the  affirmative  vote of
the holders of a  two-thirds  of such class or, if permitted by Ohio law, by the
affirmative consent of such majority.