United States
                Securities and Exchange Commission
                     Washington, D.C.  20549

                             FORM 8-K/A

                          CURRENT REPORT

                 Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d)
              of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Date of Report (Date of Earliest Event Reported):   May 13, 1997  

                          EQUIMED, INC.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------- 
     (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter) 

   Delaware                       0-27456        25-1668112
- ---------------------------    ------------   -------------------
(State or other jurisdiction   (Commission    (I.R.S. Employer 
of incorporation)              File Number)   Identification No.) 


   2171 Sandy Drive
   State College, Pennsylvania                 16803
- ------------------------------------     -----------------------  
(Address of principal executive              (Zip Code)          

                          (814) 238-0375
- ----------------------------------------------------------------- 
      (Registrant's telephone number, including area code) 

- ----------------------------------------------------------------- 
  (Former name or former address, if changed since last report) 



     On May 13, 1997 EquiMed, Inc. (the "Registrant") consummated
the acquisitions of a group of management services companies from
Douglas R. Colkitt,  M.D., the Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer of the Registrant ("Colkitt").  In the transactions, the
Registrant acquired all of the capital stock of Russell Data 
Services, Inc., a Nevada corporation; Billing Services, Inc., a
Delaware  corporation; Trident International Accounting, Inc., a
Delaware corporation; and Tiger Communications International
Ltd., a Nevada corporation, as well as 80 percent of the issued
and outstanding stock of Nittany Decisions Services Private
Limited, an Indian company (the "Acquired Companies").  The
acquired  stock represents all of the interests previously owned
by Colkitt with respect to the Acquired Companies.  The
acquisitions were effective as of April 1, 1997. 

     The Acquired Companies provide outsourcing of accounting,
billing, data processing, collections and other administrative
services, including medical and legal transcription services to
companies in the healthcare and law related industries.  The
assets of the Acquired Companies consist of data processing
equipment located in the United States and in Madras, India, as
well as linking satellite telecommunications equipment and

     The financial statements of Russell Data Services, Inc. 
("Russell") and the pro forma financial information of all of 
the Acquired Companies are being filed to comply with 
Rules 3-05(b)(2)(ii) and 11 of Regulation S-X. 

          AND EXHIBITS

     (a) Financial Statements of business acquired:

         (i) Financial Statements of Russell as of December 31, 
             1996 and March 31, 1997 (unaudited) together with 
             Manually Signed Report of Independent Public 
             Accountants dated July 15, 1997.

     (b) Pro forma financial information: 
         (i) Unaudited Pro Forma Consolidated Balance Sheet as of
             March 31, 1997 of the Registrant and the Acquired 

        (ii) The Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated 
             Statement of Operations for the year ended December
             31, 1996 of the Registrant and the Acquired 


       (iii) Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Consolidated Statement
             of Operations for the three months ended March 31,
             1997 of the Registrant and the Acquired Companies.  

     (c) Exhibits:

          2.1  Stock Purchase Agreement dated as of April 1, 1997
               by and among the Registrant, Russell and Colkitt*

         23.1  Consent of Independent Public Accountants        
- --------------------------
* Filed previously


Report of Independent Auditors

To the Board of Directors and Stockholder
Russell Data Services, Inc.

We have audited the accompanying balance sheet of Russell Data Services, Inc.
as of December 31, 1996, and the related statements of operations, capital 
deficiency and cash flows for the year then ended.  These financial statements 
are the responsibility of the Company's management.  Our responsibility is to 
express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit.

We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards.
Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable 
assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material 
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence 
supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An audit 
also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates
made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement 
presentation.  We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our 

In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in 
all material respects, the financial position of Russell Data Services, Inc. at 
December 31, 1996 and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the 
year then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

Atlanta, Georgia
July 15, 1997

                                                /s/ Ernst & Young LLP


                         Russell Data Services, Inc.

                               Balance Sheets

                                                December 31,         March 31,
                                                   1996                1997
                                                 ---------           --------- 

Current assets:
  Cash and cash equivalents                     $       16,754       $      16,829
Amounts due from affiliates                          1,390,640             941,570
                                                --------------       -------------                                    
                                                     1,407,394             958,399

Furniture and equipment (net of accumulated 
  depreciation of $805 at December 31,1996 and 
  $1,204 at March 31, 1997)                              7,145               6,747
                                                 -------------       -------------
Total assets                                     $   1,414,539       $     965,146

Current liabilities:
  Accounts payable and accrued liabilities       $      89,296       $      36,570
  Amounts due to affiliates                            503,851           2,007,683
  Note payable to National Medical Financial
        Services Corporation                         3,344,174           2,344,174
                                                 -------------        ------------
                                                     3,937,321           4,388,427        
Capital deficiency:
  Common stock, no par value,  2,500 shares 
  authorized and 100 shares issued and 
  outstanding                                              100                 100
  Retained deficit                                  (2,522,882)         (3,423,381)
                                                 -------------        ------------  
                                                    (2,522,782)         (3,423,281)
                                                 -------------        ------------
Total liabilities and capital deficiency         $   1,414,539        $    965,146

See accompanying notes.


                         Russell Data Services, Inc.

                            Statements of Operations 

                                              Year ended         Three months ended
                                             December 31,             March 31
                                                1996              1996         1997
                                             ------------     -----------   ----------  

Revenues                                      $ 6,233,692     $ 1,379,950    $ 1,640,943
Contract services                               3,684,036         815,965      1,006,660
                                              -----------     -----------    -----------
                                              $ 2,549,656     $   563,985    $   634,283

Loss on advances and note receivable            4,624,758          47,218        249,133
Selling, general and administrative expense       172,607          43,652         16,258              -
Interest expense                                   84,070              -          52,060
                                              -----------     -----------    -----------
Net (loss) income                             $(2,331,779)    $   473,115    $   316,832
                                              ===========     ===========    ===========

See accompanying notes.


                         Russell Data Services, Inc.

                       Statement of Capital Deficiency

                                    Common Stock             
                                 --------------------      Retained
                                   Shares      Amount       Deficit       Total
                                 ----------   --------    -----------   -----------

Balance at December 31, 1995         100       $100       $ 1,806,263   $ 1,806,363
  Net loss                            -         -          (2,331,779)   (2,331,779)
  Cash and deemed distributions                       
  to Dr. Colkitt and affiliates       -         -          (1,997,366)   (1,997,366)
                                     ---       ----       -----------   -----------
Balance at December 31, 1996         100       $100       $(2,522,882)  $(2,522,782)
  Net income (unaudited)              -         -             316,832       316,832
  Cash and deemed distributions 
  to Dr. Colkitt and affiliates 
  (unaudited)                         -         -          (1,217,331)   (1,217,331)
                                     ---       ----       -----------   -----------
Balance at March 31, 1997 
  (unaudited)                        100       $100       $(3,423,381)  $(3,423,281)
                                     ===       ====       ===========   ===========

See accompanying notes.


                          Russell Data Services, Inc.

                           Statements of Cash Flows

                                            Year ended          Three months ended
                                             December 31,            March 31
                                               1996               1996           1997
                                              ---------       ------------   -------------

Net (loss) income                             $  (2,331,779)  $    473,115   $    316,832
Adjustments to reconcile net (loss) 
  income to cash provided by operating 
    Depreciation                                        805             -             398
    Loss on note receivable                       3,344,174             -              -
    Changes in operating assets and 
      Amounts due from affiliates                   604,421        183,479        449,070
      Accounts payable and accrued expenses          13,322        (65,850)       (52,726)
      Amounts due to affiliates                     358,973        142,315        398,546
                                              -------------    -----------   ------------
Net cash provided by operating activities         1,989,916        733,059      1,112,120

Purchases of furniture and equipment                 (7,950)            -              -       
                                              -------------    -----------   ------------
Net cash used in investing activities                (7,950)            -              -

Borrowings from EquiMed, Inc. for repayment 
  of note payable                                       -               -       1,105,286
Repayment of note payable                               -               -      (1,000,000)
Distributions to owner                           (1,997,366)      (756,616)    (1,217,331)
                                              --------------   -----------   ------------ 
Net cash used in financing activities            (1,997,366)      (756,616)    (1,112,045)
                                              -------------    -----------   ------------
Net (decrease) increase in cash and 
  cash equivalents                                  (15,400)       (23,557)            75
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning 
  of period                                          32,154         32,154         16,754
                                              -------------    -----------   ------------
Cash and cash equivalents, end of period      $      16,754    $     8,597   $     16,829

See accompanying notes.


                           Russell Data Services, Inc.

                          Notes to Financial Statements

                             December 31, 1996 and 
                March 31, 1996 (unaudited) and 1997 (unaudited)


Russell Data Services, Inc. (the "Company") was incorporated in October 1994. 
The Company markets billing, accounts receivable and collections services, as 
well as certain accounting services.

The Company derives all of its revenue from National Medical Financial Services 
Corporation ("NMFS"), a public company primarily owned and controlled by Dr. 
Douglas Colkitt, the president and sole stockholder of the Company, which 
subjects the Company's related party receivable and revenue to concentration of 
credit risk.  The Company generally does not require collateral against its 

The Company has excess current liabilities over current assets and a deficit in 
capital as of December 31, 1996.  Included in current liabilities is a 
short-term note due to NMFS in the amount of $3,344,174 (see Note 3).  On May 
13, 1997, the Company was acquired by EquiMed, Inc. ("EquiMed") (see Note 4), 
a public company primarily owned by Dr. Colkitt.  Dr. Colkitt is the Chairman 
of the Board of Directors, Chief Executive Officer, and President of Equimed.  
EquiMed has agreed to provide funds as necessary to the Company to pay the note 
due to NMFS as payments of principal and interest are required during 1997.



The preparation of financial statements in accordance with generally accepted 
accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that
affect the amounts reported in the financial statements and accompanying notes.
Actual results inevitably will differ from those estimates and such differences 
may be material to the financial statements.


The carrying amounts reported in the balance sheets for cash, amounts due from
affiliates, accounts payable and accrued liabilities, and amounts due to 
affiliates approximate their fair values.  The fair value of the Company's note 
payable approximates the reported amount in the balance sheet as its interest 
rate approximates the market rate for similar debt instruments.




Cash equivalents include investments in highly liquid instruments with a 
maturity of three months or less at the date of purchase.


Furniture and equipment is stated at cost.  Depreciation is computed using the 
straight-line method over estimated useful lives of five to seven years.


The Company has elected an S-corporation status for federal and state income tax
reporting purposes. There are no material differences between financial and 
income tax reporting which would give rise to deferred income taxes at December 
31, 1996.


Fees for the Company's services are based primarily on a percentage of net 
billings of patient accounts, and revenue is recognized as such billings are 


As part of the owner's cash management strategy, available cash generated by 
the Company is generally transferred from the Company to other affiliates of Dr.
Colkitt.  Such transfers have been treated as deemed distributions.  In 
addition, when the Company requires cash for operations, cash is generally 
transferred from other affiliates of Dr. Colkitt.  These cash transfers are 
recorded on the Company's books as amounts due to or from affiliates.  No 
interest income or expense is applied to these receivables and payables.  The 
Company has been a net provider of cash to other affiliates of Dr. Colkitt.  As 
it is not the owner's intention to repay or request repayment of certain of 
these amounts, such amounts have been reflected as deemed distributions and are,
therefore, not included in the accompanying balance sheet.




The unaudited interim financial statements as of March 31, 1997 and for the 
three months ended March 31, 1996 and 1997 have been prepared in accordance with
generally accepted accounting principles for interim financial information. 
Accordingly, they do not include all of the information and footnotes required 
by generally accepted accounting principles for complete financial statements. 
In the opinion of management, all adjustments, consisting only of normal 
recurring adjustments, considered necessary for a fair presentation have been 
included.  Operating results for the three month periods ended March 31, 1996 
and 1997 are not necessarily indicative of the results that may be expected for 
the years ending December 31, 1996 and 1997.


Since October 1, 1994, the Company has contracted with NMFS (the "NMFS 
Contract") to provide billing, accounts receivable, and collection services for 
the clients of NMFS which are typically medical providers.  The NMFS Contract 
provides for NMFS to pay the Company 70% of all revenues collected by NMFS for 
the performance of such services. 

The NMFS Contract is scheduled to expire September 30, 2004.  Under terms of the
NMFS Contract, NMFS is permitted to contract with providers of services to 
companies other than the Company and the Company is permitted to provide its 
service to companies other than NMFS, provided that the Company is obligated to 
service for NMFS all client contracts which are priced not less than 80% of the 
industry standard for similar contracts.  The NMFS Contract contains an 
arbitration procedure to be followed in the event that any dispute arises 
between the parties under the contract.  For the year ended December 31, 1996 
and the three month periods ended March 31, 1996 and 1997, all of the Company's 
revenue was from services provided to NMFS. 

The Company, in connection with its contract with NMFS, derived approximately 
25%, 30% and 23% of its revenues from EquiMed for the year ended December 31, 
1996 and for the three month periods ended March 31, 1996 and 1997, 
respectively.  EquiMed has contracted with NMFS to provide billing and 
accounting services for EquiMed's oncology division.



On May 1, 1996, NMFS entered into a transaction with First United Equities 
Corporation ("First United"), a broker-dealer registered with the Securities
and Exchange Commission.  First United is the principal market maker in NFMS's 
Common Stock.  Pursuant to the transaction, NMFS loaned $5,200,000 through a 
series of advances evidenced by a promissory note bearing interest at 10% to 
First United.  Such note was due and payable on demand with seven days
notice.  The note was collateralized by the guarantees of the principals of
First United.  On May 29, 1996, First United repaid $2,000,000 to NMFS.  On
October 1, 1996, the Company assumed the remaining balance of the note and
accrued interest of approximately $3,344,000 due from First United in
exchange for an unsecured note due to NMFS.  The note due to NMFS also bears
interest at 10% and establishes a payment schedule of $1,000,000 each at
January 15, April 15 and July 15, 1997 plus interest thereon with the
remaining balance and interest thereon due on September 15, 1997.  Accrued
interest on the note due NMFS approximated $84,070 and $31,470 as of December
31, 1996 and March 31, 1997, respectively and is included in accounts payable
and accrued liabilities on the accompanying balance sheets.  As of July 15,
1997, the Company has not made the payments which were due to NMFS on April
15, 1997 and July 15, 1997.  NMFS has not demanded payment. EquiMed has
agreed to provide funds as necessary to the Company to pay the note due to
NMFS as payments of principal and interest are required (see Note 1). The
Company has reflected a loss of approximately $3,844,000 for the year ended 
December 31, 1996 relating to note receivable of approximately $3,344,000 and 
other cash advances of approximately $500,000 due from First United.

Effective October 1, 1994, the Company has contracted with Billing Services, 
Inc. ("BSI"), an entity owned and controlled by Dr. Colkitt.  Pursuant to the 
contract with BSI (the "BSI Contract"), BSI is to provide to the Company, on a 
non-exclusive basis, certain specified billing and collection services for a 
fee equal to BSI's operating costs plus two and one-half percent (2-1/2%).  
The BSI Contract is for a term of ten years.  Under the terms of the BSI 
Contract, the Company is permitted to contract with providers of service 
other than BSI and BSI is permitted to provide its services to companies other 
than the Company.  BSI has contracted with Nittany Decisions Private Limited, a 
company located in Madras, India which is 80% owned by Dr. Colkitt, to perform 
the billing services relating to the BSI Contract.  For the year ended December 
31, 1996 and the three month periods ended March 31, 1996 and 1997 the Company 
incurred $1,245,500, $312,000 and $330,000, respectively for services provided 
by BSI.  



Effective January 1, 1996, the Company has contracted with Trident 
International Accounting, Inc. ("Trident"), an entity owned and controlled by 
Dr. Colkitt.  Pursuant to the contract with Trident (the "Trident Contract"),  
Trident is to provide to the Company, on a non-exclusive basis, certain 
specified accounting services for a fee of 17-1/2% of net revenues to be 
received by the Company for services billed to Trident.  These services were 
performed by BSI prior to January 1, 1996.  The Trident Contract is for a term 
of ten years.  Under the terms of the Trident Contract, the Company is
permitted to contract with providers of service other than Trident and
Trident is permitted to provide its services to companies other than the
Company.  Trident has contracted with Nittany Decisions Private Limited, a
company located in Madras, India which is 80% owned by Dr. Colkitt, to
perform the accounting services relating to the Trident Contract.  For the
year ended December 31, 1996 and the three month periods ended March 31,
1996 and 1997 the Company incurred $273,600, $67,600 and $68,000,
respectively, for services provided by Trident.

Effective July 1, 1995 the Company has contracted with Asterino & Associates,
Inc. ("Asterino"), an entity owned and controlled by Dr. Colkitt.  Pursuant
to the contract with Asterino (the "Asterino Contract"), Asterino is to
provide to the Company, on a non-exclusive basis, certain specified
accounting services for a fee of 70% of net revenues to be received by the
Company for services billed to Asterino.  The Asterino Contract is for a
term of ten years.  Under the terms of the Asterino Contract, the Company is
permitted to contract with providers of service other than Asterino
and Asterino is permitted to provide its services to companies other than
the Company.  For the year ended December 31, 1996 and the three month
period ended March 31, 1996 and 1997 the Company incurred $874,000,
$212,000, and $213,000, respectively, for services provided by Asterino.



The Company maintains contracts with Medical Business Services of Nevada, Inc. 
("MBS") and Rapier Investments, Ltd.("Rapier"), companies owned by a 
shareholder and former chief executive officer of NMFS.  Pursuant to these 
contracts with MBS and Rapier (the "MBS and Rapier Contracts"), MBS and Rapier 
are to provide to the Company, on a non-exclusive basis, certain specified 
accounting services for a fee of 70% of net revenues to be received by the 
Company for services billed to MBS and Rapier.  The MBS and Rapier Contracts 
are for a term of ten years.  Under the terms of the MBS and Rapier Contracts, 
the Company is permitted to contract with providers of service other than MBS 
and Rapier and MBS and Rapier are permitted to provide their services to 
companies other than the Company.  For the year ended December 31, 1996 and 
the three month periods ended March 31, 1996 and 1997, the Company incurred 
$783,300, $137,400, and $222,000, respectively, for services provided by MBS.  
In addition, for the year ended December 31, 1996 and the three month periods 
ended March 31, 1996 and 1997, the Company incurred $507,600, $87,000, and 
$174,000, respectively, for services provided by Rapier.  The Company had
advanced to MBS and Rapier approximately $781,000 and $249,000 as of December
31, 1996 and March 31, 1997 in excess of amounts due based on the MBS and
Rapier Contracts.  The Company has reflected a loss of approximately $781,000,
$47,000 and $249,000 during the year ended December 31, 1996 and the three-
month periods ended March 31, 1996 and 1997, respectively, relating to these
advances as they have been deemed to be uncollectible.  The Company is
currently reviewing its contractual relationships with MBS and Rapier.

Amounts due from affiliates consists of the following as of December 31, 1996 
and March 31, 1997:

                                      December 31, 1996      March 31, 1997
                                      -----------------      --------------

National Medical Financial
    Services Corporation              $   1,057,181          $     522,889
Asterino & Associates, Inc.                 333,459                418,681
                                      -------------          -------------
                                      $   1,390,640          $     941,570
                                      =============          ============= 



Amounts due to affiliates consists of the following as of December 31, 1996 and
March 31, 1997:

                                  December 31, 1996       March 31, 1997
                                 ------------------      --------------

Billing Services, Inc.              $    422,205         $    752,671
Trident International                
  Accounting, Inc.                        81,646              149,726
EquiMed, Inc.                                 -             1,105,286
                                    ------------         ------------
                                    $    503,851         $  2,007,683


In February 1997, EquiMed advanced approximately $1,105,000 to the Company to 
enable the Company to pay the scheduled payment of principal and interest on 
the Company's note payable to NMFS (see Note 3).

On May 13, 1997, EquiMed acquired the Company in a series of related 
transactions with Nittany Decisions Services Private Limited, Trident 
International Accounting, Inc., Billing Services, Inc., and Tiger
Communications International Ltd. for approximately $6,000,000 in cash and a
potential earnout up to $9,300,000 payable in EquiMed's common stock.  Tiger
Communications International Ltd. is wholly owned by Dr. Colkitt and
provides communication services to BSI and Trident. 


                                EQUIMED, INC. 

                         RUSSELL DATA SERVICES, INC.


The following unaudited pro forma financial information includes the unaudited 
pro forma balance sheet as of March 31, 1997 as if the acquisition of Russell 
Data Services, Inc. ("Russell"), Trident International Accounting, Inc. 
("Trident"), Billing Services, Inc. ("BSI"), Tiger Communications
International, Ltd. ("Tiger"), and Nittany Decisions Services Private
Limited ("Nittany") (collectively, the "Acquired Companies") had occurred on
that date, and includes the unaudited pro forma statement of operations for
the year ended December 31, 1996 and for the three months ended March 31,
1997 as if the acquisition of the Acquired Companies had occurred as of 
January 1, 1996.  These pro forma statements do not necessarily reflect 
the results of operations as they would have been if the Company had
completed the acquisition on the dates indicated above.  This unaudited pro
forma information should be read in conjunction with the separate financial
statements and notes of EquiMed and Russell.

The unaudited pro forma statement of operations for the year ended December 31, 
1996 also has been adjusted to remove the operations related to EquiMed's 
ophthalmology division due to EquiMed's sale of this division during 1996. 

                                EQUIMED, INC.


                        RUSSELL DATA SERVICES, INC.

                          PRO FORMA BALANCE SHEET
                           AS OF MARCH 31, 1997

                                                      Pro                        Other         Pro
                                                     Forma           As         Acquired      Forma          Pro
                            EquiMed      Russell   Adjustments     Adjusted     Companies  Adjustments      Forma
                           ----------   --------   ----------      ---------    ---------   ---------      ---------

Current assets:
  Cash & cash    
    equivalents            $  12,841    $     16   $ (3,490)(A)    $   9,367    $     350   $  (2,510) (B) $   7,207
  Accounts receivable,     
    net                        7,830          -          -             7,830            3          -           7,833
  Receivables from   
    affiliates                16,586         942     (1,105) (C)      16,423          975      (1,340) (D)    16,058
  Deferred income  
    taxes                      3,529          -          -             3,529           -           -           3,529
  Prepaid expenses and
    other current assets       2,345          -          -             2,345        1,047          -           3,392
                            --------    --------   --------        ---------    ---------   ---------      ---------
Total current assets          43,131         958     (4,595)          39,494        2,375      (3,850)        38,019

  Property and 
     equipment, net           23,361           7         -            23,368          560          -          23,928
  Advances to    
     stockholder               2,286           -         -             2,286           -           -           2,286
     agreements, net of   
     amortization             14,480           -         -            14,480           -           -          14,480
  Other assets, net              930           -         -               930           -           -             930
                            --------    ---------  --------        ---------    ---------   ---------      ---------
Total assets                $ 84,188    $     965  $ (4,595)       $  80,558    $   2,935   $  (3,850)     $  79,643
                            ========    =========  ========        =========    =========   =========      =========
Current liabilities:           
  Accounts payable             2,334           36        -             2,370          400          -           2,770
  Accrued salaries and   
     contractual fees          3,407           -         -             3,407           79          -           3,486
  Other accrued   
     expenses                  6,295           -         -             6,295            8          -           6,303
  Income taxes payable         9,273           -         -             9,273           -           -           9,273
  Payable to affiliates        6,933        2,008    (1,105) (C)       7,836        1,416      (1,340) (D)     7,912
  Current portion of 
     long-term debt            2,342        2,344        -             4,686           -           -           4,686
  Current portion of 
    obligations under 
    capital leases:
      Related parties            317           -         -               317           -           -             317
      Other                    2,680           -         -             2,680           -           -           2,680
                            --------    ---------  --------        ---------    ---------   ---------      ---------
Total current liabilities     33,581        4,388    (1,105)          36,864        1,903      (1,340)        37,427

Long-term debt                 7,609           -         -             7,609           -           -           7,609
Obligations under 
   capital leases:
     Related parties           1,397           -         -             1,397           -           -           1,397
     Other                     5,484           -         -             5,484           -           -           5,484
Deferred income taxes            771           -         -               771           -           -             771
Minority interest              1,765           -         -             1,765           -           -           1,765
Stockholder's equity:                
  Common stock                     3           -         -                 3           88          -              91
  Less: treasury stock        (3,611)          -         -            (3,611)          -           -          (3,611)
  Additional paid in  
    capital                   81,600           -         -            81,600           -           -          81,600
  Partner's capital              657           -         -               657        2,455          -           3,112
  Retained deficit           (45,068)      (3,423)   (3,490) (A)     (51,981)      (1,511)     (2,510) (B)   (56,002)
                            --------    ---------  --------        ---------    ---------   ---------      ---------
Total stockholders'    
  equity                      33,581       (3,423)   (3,490)          26,668        1,032      (2,510)        25,190
                            --------    ---------  --------        ---------    ---------   ---------      ---------
Total liabilities and  
  stockholders' equity      $ 84,188    $     965  $ (4,595)       $  80,558    $   2,935   $  (3,850)     $  79,643
                            ========    =========  ========        =========    =========   =========      =========

See accompanying notes to unaudited pro forma balance sheet.


                                EQUIMED, INC.


                           RUSSELL DATA SERVICES, INC.

                           PRO FORMA STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS
                         FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1996
                           (000'S, EXCEPT PER SHARE AMOUNTS)

                        Historical                                       Pro                   Other         Pro
                         EquiMed,    Pro Forma      As                  Forma        As       Acquired      Forma          Pro
                          Inc.    Ophthalmology   Adjusted  Russell   Adjustments   Adjusted  Companies   Adjustments     Forma
                       ----------  -----------    --------  --------  -----------  ---------  --------    -----------   ---------- 

Net revenues           $  99,115  $ (42,250) (E)  $ 56,865  $  6,234   $    -      $   63,099  $   2,731  $ (1,519) (G)  $   64,311

Costs and expenses:
  Professional expenses   26,479    (12,217) (E)    14,262     3,684        -          17,946      2,367    (1,519) (F)      18,794
  Center operating 
    expenses              42,422    (23,787) (E)    18,635        -         -          18,635      1,298        -            19,933
  General and          
    administrative         8,755     (1,783) (E)     6,972       173        -           7,145      1,493        -             8,638
  Depreciation and 
    amortization           6,040     (3,224) (E)     2,816        -         -           2,816         42        -             2,858
  Interest expense:
    Related parties          643         -             643        -         -             643         -         -               643
    Other                  1,905     (1,279) (E)       626        84        -             710         -         -               710
  Loss on sale of   
    receivables              640         -             640        -         -             640         -         -               640
  Other income, net         (723)        29  (E)      (694)       -         -            (694)        13        -              (681)
  Loss on sale of            
    division              31,112    (31,112) (E)        -         -         -              -          -         -                -
  Loss on advances and 
    note receivable           -          -              -      4,625        -           4,625         -         -             4,625
                       ---------  ---------       --------  --------   -------      ---------  ---------  --------       ----------
Total costs and 
  expenses             $ 117,273  $ (73,373) (E)  $ 43,900  $  8,566   $    -       $  52,466      5,213    (1,519)          56,160
                       ---------  ---------       --------  --------   -------      ---------  ---------  --------       ----------
Income (loss) 
  before minority 
  interest and 
  income taxes           (18,158)    31,123  (E)    12,965    (2,332)       -          10,633     (2,482)       -             8,151
  Minority interest        1,171         -           1,171        -         -           1,171         -         -             1,171
                       ---------  ---------       --------  --------   -------      ---------  ---------  --------       ----------
Income (loss) 
  before income 
  taxes                  (19,329)    31,123  (E)    11,794    (2,332)       -           9,462     (2,482)       -             6,980
Provision (benefit)
  for income taxes        11,890     (5,456) (E)     6,434        -       (932) (H)     5,502         -       (894) (I)       4,608
                       ---------  ---------       --------  --------   -------      ---------  ---------  --------       ----------
Net income (loss)      $ (31,219) $  36,579  (E)  $  5,360  $ (2,332)  $   932      $   3,960  $  (2,482)  $   894       $    2,372
                       =========  =========       ========  ========   =======      =========  =========  ========       ==========
Income (loss) 
  per share               (1.13)                                                                                                .09
                       =========                                                                                         ==========
Weighted average                                                                                      
  shares outstanding      27,577                                                                                             27,577
                       =========                                                                                         ==========


See accompanying notes to unaudited pro forma statement of operations


                                 EQUIMED, INC.


                          RUSSELL DATA SERVICES, INC.

                  FOR THE THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31, 1997
                      (000'S, EXCEPT PER SHARE AMOUNTS)


                          Historical                     Pro                          Other          Pro
                           EquiMed,                     Forma             As         Acquired       Forma            Pro
                            Inc.         Russell     Adjustments       Adjusted     Companies    Adjustments        Forma
                         ------------   ----------   -----------      -----------   ----------   -------------    ----------

Net revenues             $    17,707    $    1,641   $       -        $   19,348    $     832    $    (398) (G)   $   19,782 

Costs and expenses:
  Professional expenses        3,621         1,007           -             4,628          774         (398) (F)        5,004
  Central operating 
    expenses                   6,274            -            -             6,274          763           -              7,037
  General and 
    administrative             1,632            16           -             1,648           -            -              1,648
  Depreciation and 
    amortization               1,122            -            -             1,122           17           -              1,139
    Related parties              161            -            -               161           -            -                161
    Other                        412            52           -               464           -            -                464
  Loss on sale of 
    receivables                  127            -            -               127           -            -                127
  Other income, net              (89)           -            -               (89)          -            -                (89)
  Loss on advances                       
    and note receivable           -            249           -               249           -            -                249
                         -----------    ----------   ----------       ----------    ---------    ---------        ----------
Total costs and 
  expenses               $    13,260    $    1,324   $       -        $   14,584    $   1,554    $    (398)       $   15,740
                         -----------    ----------   ----------       ----------    ---------    ---------        ----------
Income (loss) before 
  minority interest 
  and income taxes             4,447           317           -             4,764         (722)          -              4,042
  Minority interest              292            -            -               292           -            -                292
                         -----------    ----------   ----------       ----------    ---------    ---------        ----------
Income (loss) before 
  income taxes                 4,155           317           -             4,472         (722)          -              3,750
Provision (benefit) 
  for income taxes             1,352            -           127 (H)        1,479           -          (280) (I)        1,199
                         -----------    ----------   ----------       ----------    ---------    ---------        ----------
Net income (loss)        $     2,803    $      317   $     (127)      $    2,993    $    (722)   $     280        $    2,551
                         ===========    ==========   ==========       ==========    =========    =========        ==========
Loss per share                   .10                                                                                     .09
                         ===========                                                                              ==========
Weighted average 
  shares outstanding          28,035                                                                                  28,035
                         ===========                                                                              ==========

See accompanying notes to unaudited pro forma statement of operations.


                                 EQUIMED, INC.


                         RUSSELL DATA SERVICES, INC.

                                   NOTES TO
                        PRO FORMA FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                        (000'S, EXCEPT SHARE AMOUNTS)


The accompanying pro forma balance sheet as of March 31, 1997 gives effect to 
the acquisition of the Acquired Companies as if such transaction or event had 
occurred on March 31, 1997.  Due to the common control of EquiMed and the 
Acquired Companies, the excess of purchase price over historical cost of the 
assets and liabilities has been reflected as a dividend.

(A)  To record the acquisition of Russell.  Pursuant to this acquisition, 
     EquiMed acquired certain assets and assumed certain liabilities in
     exchange for $3,490,000 in cash and a potential earn out of up to
     $9,300,000 payable in EquiMed Common Stock.  The cash payment was
     funded through available cash.  The historical cost of assets and
     liabilities of Russell acquired as of April 1, 1997 are as follows:

      Net assets acquired                   Dollars (000's)
      -------------------                   ---------------

      Cash                                  $      16
      Amounts due from affiliates                 942
      Furniture and equipment, net                  7
      Accounts payable and accrued 
        liabilities                               (36)
      Amounts due to affiliates                (2,008)
      Note payable to affiliate                (2,344)
       Dividend                                 6,913
       Consideration paid in cash           $   3,490   

(B)   To record the acquisition of Trident, BSI, Tiger and Nittany 
      (collectively the "Other Acquired Companies").  Pursuant to these 
      acquisitions, EquiMed acquired certain assets and assumed certain 
      liabilities in exchange for $2,510,000 in cash.  The cash payment 
      was funded through available cash.  The historical cost of assets and 
      liabilities of the Other Acquired Companies acquired as of April 1, 
      1997 are as follows:

      Net assets acquired                      Dollars (000's):
      -------------------                      ----------------
      Cash                                     $      350
      Accounts receivable                               3
      Amounts due from affiliates                     975
      Prepaids and other current assets             1,047
      Furniture and equipment, net                    560
      Accounts payable and accrued liabilities       (487)
      Amounts due to affiliates                    (1,416)
      Dividend                                      1,478
      Consideration paid in cash               $    2,510

(C)  To remove amounts due to and amounts due from EquiMed and Russell.

(D)  To remove amounts due to and due from affiliates between EquiMed, Russell,
     BSI, Trident, Nittany, and Tiger.

Pro Forma Statement of Operations Adjustments

The accompanying pro forma statements of operations for the year ended December 
31, 1996 and for the three months ended March 31, 1997 assume that as of
January 1, 1996, EquiMed had completed the sale of the Ophthalmology
Division and the acquisition of the Acquired Companies.

(E)  To remove the operations of Ophthalmology Division sold effective October 
     31, 1996 and included in the operations of EquiMed.
(F)  To eliminate contract services expense recorded by Russell related to 
     contractual services performed by entities included in Other Acquired 
(G)  To eliminate revenue recorded by entities included in Other Acquired 
     Companies related to contracts with Russell.
(H)  To adjust for the change in Russell's income tax status from an S 
     Corporation to filing as part of a consolidated C Corporation.

(I)  To adjust for the change in the Other Acquired Companies' income tax
     status from S Corporations to filing as part of a consolidated C


                     EXHIBIT INDEX

     23.1   Consent of Independent Public Accountants

                                                                   Exhibit 23.1


We consent to the incorporation by reference in the Registration Statement on
Form S-8 (No. 333-01112) pertaining to the EquiVision, Inc. Stock Option Plan
and all non-qualified stock options and in the Registration Statements and in
the related prospectuses of EquiMed, Inc. (successor to EquiVision, Inc.) on
Form S-3 (No. 333-01096 and No. 333-12595) and on Form S-4 (No. 333-12773) of
our report dated July 15, 1997 related to the financial statements of Russell
Data Services, Inc. included in this Current Report on Form 8-K/A filed with
the Securities and Exchange Commission.

                                              ERNST & YOUNG LLP
Atlanta, Georgia                                              
July 28, 1997


     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act
of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed
on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                  EQUIMED, INC.                   

July 28, 1997   

                            /s/  Daniel L. Beckett                
                               Daniel L. Beckett         
                               Chief Financial Officer