FIRST AMENDMENT
                          ALLERGAN, INC. PENSION PLAN
                                (RESTATED 2003)

The ALLERGAN, INC. PENSION PLAN (the "Plan") is hereby amended as follows:

1.    Article IX of the Plan is amended by adding the following new Section 9.2
      and renumbering the remaining Sections and references sequentially:

                  9.2   Appointment of Investment Subcommittee. There is hereby
            created an investment subcommittee of the Committee (hereinafter
            referred to as the "Investment Subcommittee" for purposes of this
            Article IX) which shall exercise management and control over the
            assets of the Trust. The Board of Directors, acting though its
            Organization and Compensation Committee, shall determine the number
            of members of the Investment Subcommittee. The members of the
            Investment Subcommittee shall be appointed by the Board of
            Directors, acting though its Organization and Compensation
            Committee, and shall from time to time appoint such members to or
            fill any vacancies in the Investment Subcommittee. The members of
            the Investment Subcommittee shall constitute the Named Fiduciaries
            of the Plan within the meaning of Section 402(a)(2) of ERISA with
            respect to the management and control of the assets of the Trust.

2.    Section 9.3 of the Plan (former Section 9.2 prior to this First Amendment)
      is amended as follows:

                  9.3   Transaction of Business. The Committee and Investment
            Subcommittee shall transact business as provided in paragraphs (a)
            and (b), respectively:

                        (a)   A majority of the Committee shall constitute a
                  quorum for the transaction of business. Actions of the
                  Committee may be taken either by vote at a meeting or in
                  writing without a meeting. All action taken by the Committee
                  at any meeting shall be by a vote of the majority of those
                  present at such meeting. All action taken in writing without a
                  meeting shall be by a vote of the majority of those responding
                  in writing. All notices, advices, directions and instructions
                  to be transmitted by the Committee shall be in writing and
                  signed by or in the name of the Committee. In all its
                  communications with the Trustee, the Committee may, by either
                  of the majority actions specified above, authorize any one or
                  more of its members to execute any document or documents on
                  behalf of the Committee, in which event it shall notify the
                  Trustee in writing of such action and the name or names of its
                  members so designated and the Trustee shall thereafter accept
                  and rely upon any documents executed by such member or members
                  as representing action by the Committee until the Committee
                  shall file with the Trustee a written revocation of such

                        (b)   A majority of the Investment Subcommittee shall
                  constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Actions
                  of the Investment Subcommittee may be taken either by vote at
                  a meeting or in writing without a meeting. All action taken by
                  the Investment Subcommittee at any meeting shall be by a vote
                  of the majority of those present at such meeting. All action
                  taken in writing without a meeting shall be by a vote of the
                  majority of those responding in writing. All notices, advices,
                  directions and instructions to be transmitted by the
                  Investment Subcommittee shall be in writing and signed by or
                  in the name of the Investment Subcommittee. In all its
                  communications with the Trustee, the Investment Subcommittee
                  may, by action specified above, authorize any one or more of
                  its members to execute any document or documents on behalf of
                  the Investment Subcommittee, in which event it shall notify
                  the Trustee in writing of such action and the name or names of
                  its members so designated and the Trustee shall thereafter
                  accept and rely upon any documents executed by such member or
                  members as representing action by the Investment Subcommittee
                  until the Investment Subcommittee shall file with the Trustee
                  a written revocation of such designation.

3.    Section 9.5 of the Plan (former Section 9.4 prior to this First Amendment)
      is amended as follows:

                  9.5   Responsibility of the Committees. The responsibilities
            of the Committee and Investment Subcommittee shall be as provided in
            paragraphs (a) and (b), respectively:

                        (a)   The authority to manage and control the operation
                  and administration of the Plan, the general administration of
                  the Plan, the responsibility for carrying out the Plan, and to
                  the extent provided in Section 9.7(e), the authority and
                  responsibility to manage and control the assets of the Trust
                  are hereby delegated by the Board of Directors to and vested
                  in the Committee except to the extent reserved to the Board of
                  Directors, the Sponsor, or the Company. Subject to the
                  limitations of the Plan, the Committee shall, from time to
                  time, establish rules for the performance of its functions and
                  the administration of the Plan. In the performance of its
                  functions, the Committee shall not discriminate in favor of
                  Highly Compensated Employees.

                        (b)   The authority and responsibility to manage and
                  control the assets of the Trust are hereby delegated by the
                  Board of Directors, acting though its Organization and
                  Compensation Committee, to and vested in the Investment
                  Subcommittee except to the extent reserved to the Board of
                  Directors or the Board of Directors, acting though its
                  Organization and Compensation Committee, or the Sponsor.
                  Subject to the limitations of the Plan, the Investment
                  Subcommittee shall, from time to time, establish rules for the
                  performance of its functions.


4.    Section 9.6 of the Plan (former Section 9.5 prior to this First Amendment)
      is amended by deleting paragraph (f) and renumbering the remaining
      paragraphs and references sequentially.

5.    Section 9.7(e) of the Plan (former Section 9.6(e) prior to this First
      Amendment) is amended as follows:

                  (e)   To exercise management and control over the assets of
            the Trust to the extent provided in paragraph (a) above and in
            Section 9.9 (relating to review by the Committee of the long-run and
            short-run financial needs of the Plan and the determination of the
            funding policy for the Plan).

6.    Article IX of the Plan is amended by adding the following new Section 9.8
      and renumbering the remaining Sections and references sequentially:

                  9.8   Investment Subcommittee Powers. The Investment
            Subcommittee shall have all discretionary powers necessary to manage
            and control the assets of the Trust, including but not limited to,
            the following:

                        (a)   To exercise management and control over the assets
                  of the Trust except to the extent the Committee appoints an
                  Investment Manager pursuant to Section 9.7(a) and subject to
                  the requirement that all action taken by the Investment
                  Subcommittee shall be in accordance and consistent with the
                  funding policy established by the Committee and shall be
                  communicated to the Committee at periodic intervals.

                        (b)   To employ consulting, actuarial, and other
                  assistance as it may deem appropriate in carrying out its
                  responsibilities under the Plan, including one or more persons
                  to render advice with regard to any fiduciary responsibility
                  the Investment Subcommittee may have under the Plan.

                        (c)   To establish rules and regulations from time to
                  time for the conduct of the Investment Subcommittee's

                        (d)   To direct the Trustee, in writing, from time to
                  time, to invest and reinvest the Trust Fund, or any part
                  thereof, or to purchase, exchange, or lease any property, real
                  or personal, which the Investment Subcommittee may designate.
                  This shall include the right to direct the investment of all
                  or any part of the Trust in any one security or any one type
                  of securities permitted hereunder. Among the securities which
                  the Investment Subcommittee may direct the Trustee to purchase
                  are "qualifying employer securities" as defined in ERISA
                  Section 407(d)(5).


                  Any action taken in good faith by the Investment Subcommittee
            in the exercise of discretionary powers conferred upon it by the
            Plan shall be conclusive and binding upon the Participants and their

7.    Section 9.9 of the Plan (former Section 9.7 prior to this First Amendment)
      is amended as follows:

                        9.9   Periodic Review of Funding Policy. Notwithstanding
                  the delegation of authority and responsibility to manage and
                  control the assets of the Trust to the Investment
                  Subcommittee, the Committee, at periodic intervals, shall
                  review the long-run and short-run financial needs of the Plan
                  and shall determine a funding policy for the Plan consistent
                  with the objectives of the Plan and the minimum funding
                  standards of ERISA, if applicable. In determining such funding
                  policy the Committee shall take into account, at a minimum,
                  not only the long-term investment objectives of the Trust Fund
                  consistent with the prudent management of the assets thereof,
                  but also the short-run needs of the Plan to pay benefits. All
                  actions taken by the Committee with respect to the funding
                  policy of the Plan, including the reasons therefor, shall be
                  fully reflected in the minutes of the Committee.

8.    Section 9.12 of the Plan (former Section 9.10 prior to this First
      Amendment) is amended as follows:

                  9.12  Limitation on Liability. Each of the fiduciaries under
            the Plan shall be solely responsible for its own acts and omissions
            and no fiduciary shall be liable for any breach of fiduciary
            responsibility resulting from the act or omission of any other
            fiduciary or person to whom fiduciary responsibilities have been
            allocated or delegated pursuant to Section 9.2 or 9.7, except as
            provided in Sections 405(a) and 405(c)(2)(A) or (B) of ERISA.
            Neither the Committee nor the Investment Subcommittee shall have
            responsibility over assets as to which management and control has
            been delegated to an Investment Manager appointed pursuant to
            Section 9.17 hereof or as to which management and control has been
            retained by the Trustee.

9.    Section 9.13 of the Plan (former Section 9.11 prior to this First
      Amendment) is amended as follows:

                  9.13  Indemnification and Insurance. To the extent permitted
            by law, the Company shall indemnify and hold harmless the Committee,
            the Investment Subcommittee and each member thereof, the Board of
            Directors and each member thereof, and such other persons as the
            Board of Directors may specify, from the effects and consequences of
            his or her acts, omissions, and conduct in his or her official
            capacity in connection with the Plan and Trust. To the extent
            permitted by law, the Company may also purchase liability insurance
            for such persons.


10.   Section 9.14 of the Plan (former Section 9.12 prior to this First
      Amendment) is amended as follows:

                  9.14  Compensation of Committees and Plan Expenses. Members of
            the Committee and the Investment Subcommittee shall serve as such
            without compensation unless the Board of Directors shall otherwise
            determine, but in no event shall any member of the Committee or
            Investment Subcommittee who is an Employee receive compensation from
            the Plan for his or her services as a member of the Committee or the
            Investment Subcommittee. All members shall be reimbursed for any
            necessary expenditures incurred in the discharge of duties as
            members of the Committee or the Investment Subcommittee. The
            compensation or fees, as the case may be, of all officers, agents,
            counsel, the Trustee or other persons retained or employed by the
            Committee or the Investment Subcommittee shall be fixed by the
            Committee, subject to approval by the Board of Directors. The
            expenses incurred in the administration and operation of the Plan,
            including but not limited to the expenses incurred by the members of
            the Committee or the Investment Subcommittee in exercising their
            duties, shall be paid by the Plan from the Trust Fund, unless paid
            by the Company, provided, however, that the Plan and not the Company
            shall bear the cost of interest and normal brokerage charges which
            are included in the cost of securities purchased by the Trust Fund
            (or charged to proceeds in the case of sales).

11.   Section 9.15 of the Plan (former Section 9.13 prior to this First
      Amendment) is amended as follows:

                  9.15  Resignation. Any member of the Committee or Investment
            Subcommittee may resign by giving fifteen (15) days notice to the
            Board of Directors, and any member shall resign forthwith upon
            receipt of the written request of the Board of Directors, whether or
            not said member is at that time the only member of the Committee or
            the Investment Subcommittee.

12.   Section 9.16 of the Plan (former Section 9.14 prior to this First
      Amendment) is amended as follows:

                  9.16  Reliance Upon Documents and Opinions. The members of the
            Committee, the Investment Subcommittee, the Board of Directors, the
            Company and any person delegated to carry out any fiduciary
            responsibilities under the Plan (hereinafter a "delegated
            fiduciary"), shall be entitled to rely upon any tables, valuations,
            computations, estimates, certificates and reports furnished by any
            consultant, or firm or corporation which employs one or more
            consultants, upon any opinions furnished by legal counsel, and upon
            any reports furnished by the Trustee or any Investment Manager. The
            members of the Committee, the Investment Subcommittee, the Board of
            Directors, the Company and any delegated fiduciary shall be fully
            protected and shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever for
            anything done or action taken or suffered in reliance upon any such
            consultant, or firm or corporation which employs one or more
            consultants, Trustee, Investment Manager, or counsel. Any and all
            such things done or such


            action taken or suffered by the Committee, the Investment
            Subcommittee, the Board of Directors, the Company and any delegated
            fiduciary shall be conclusive and binding on all Employees,
            Participants, Beneficiaries, and any other persons whomsoever,
            except as otherwise provided by law. The Committee, the Investment
            Subcommittee, and any delegated fiduciary may, but are not required
            to, rely upon all records of the Company with respect to any matter
            or thing whatsoever, and may likewise treat such records as
            conclusive with respect to all Employees, Participants,
            Beneficiaries, and any other persons whomsoever, except as otherwise
            provided by law.


      IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Allergan, Inc. hereby executes this First Amendment to
the Allergan, Inc. Pension Plan on this 28th day of September, 2003.


BY:   /s/ Douglas Ingram
      Douglas Ingram
      Corporate Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary
