EXHIBIT 10.116
                              EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT

         THIS EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT ("Agreement"), effective as of the Effective
Time set forth in Section 2.2 of that certain Agreement and Plan of Merger,
dated December 20, 1993, by and between Regency Health Services, Inc. and Care
Enterprises, Inc. ("Effective Date") is entered into by and between Gary L.
Massimino ("Employee") and Regency Health Services, Inc., a Delaware
corporation ("Company").

         The Company desires to establish its right to the continued services
of the Employee, in the capacity described below, on the terms and conditions
and subject to the rights of termination hereinafter set forth, and the
Employee is willing to accept such employment on such terms and conditions.

         In consideration of the mutual agreements hereinafter set forth, the
Employee and the Company have agreed and do hereby agree as follows:

employ, engage, and hire the Employee as Executive Vice President and Chief
Financial Officer of the Company and of Care Enterprises, Inc., a wholly-owned
subsidiary of the Company ("Care"), and the Employee does hereby accept and
agree to such hiring, engagement, and employment.  The Employee's duties during
the Employment Period (defined below) shall be the executive, managerial, and
reporting duties set forth on Exhibit A hereto and such other duties as the
Board of Directors of the Company shall from time to time prescribe and as
provided in the Bylaws of the Company.  The Employee shall devote his full
time, energy, and skill to the performance of his duties for the Company and
for the benefit of the Company, reasonable vacations authorized by the
Company's Board of Directors and reasonable absences because of illness
excepted.  Furthermore, the Employee shall exercise due diligence and care in
the performance of his duties to the Company under this Agreement.

         2.      TERM OF AGREEMENT.  The term ("Term") of this Agreement shall
commence on the Effective Date and shall continue for a period of three (3)
years; provided, however, that on each anniversary of the Effective Date at
which time the remaining term of the Agreement is two (2) years, the Term of
the Agreement shall automatically be extended for one additional year unless,
not later than any such anniversary date, either party shall have given written
notice to the other that it does not wish to extend the Term of the Agreement.
The period of time commencing on the Effective Date and ending on the date of
termination of the Employee's employment ("Termination Date") under this or any
successor agreement shall be referred to as the "Employment Period."


         3.      COMPENSATION.

                          (a)   BASE SALARY.  The Company shall pay the
                 Employee, and the Employee agrees to accept from the Company,
                 in full payment for his services to the Company a base salary
                 at the rate of Two Hundred Thirty Thousand Dollars ($230,000)
                 per year ("Base Salary"), payable in equal biweekly
                 installments or at such other time or times as the Employee
                 and the Company shall agree.  Employee's Base Salary shall be
                 reviewed at least annually by the Company and may be increased
                 as determined by the Company's Board of Directors in its sole
                 and absolute discretion.  Employee's Base Salary shall not be
                 decreased at any time during the Term of the Agreement from
                 the Base Salary then in effect.

                          (b)   PERFORMANCE BONUS - BOARD OF DIRECTORS
                 DISCRETION.  Employee shall be eligible to receive an annual
                 performance bonus based upon a percentage of his Base Salary.
                 Except as provided in Section 7 and Section 8, any such bonus
                 awarded to the Employee shall be payable in the amount, in the
                 manner, and at the time determined by the Company's Board of
                 Directors in its sole and absolute discretion.

         4.      FRINGE BENEFITS.  Employee shall be entitled to participate in
any benefit programs adopted from time to time by the Company for the benefit
of its executive employees, and Employee shall be entitled to receive such
other fringe benefits as may be granted to him from time to time by the
Company's Board of Directors.

                          (a)   BENEFIT PLANS.  Employee shall be entitled to
                 participate in any benefit plans relating to stock options,
                 stock purchases, pension, thrift, profit sharing, life
                 insurance, medical coverage, education, or other retirement or
                 employee benefits available to other executive employees of
                 the Company, subject to any restrictions (including waiting
                 periods) specified in such plans.

                          (b)   AUTOMOBILE.  The Company shall provide Employee
                 with a car allowance of Three Hundred Dollars ($300) per
                 month, which shall be applied by Employee towards the purchase
                 or lease of a suitable vehicle.

                          (c)   VACATION.  Employee shall be entitled to four
                 (4) weeks of paid vacation per calendar year, with such
                 vacation to be scheduled and taken in accordance with the
                 Company's standard vacation policies.

                          (d)   DISABILITY INSURANCE.  The Company shall
                 purchase and maintain or self insure and maintain a disability
                 insurance policy for Employee during the Term of this
                 Agreement, which policy shall guarantee to Employee the
                 payment to Employee of a minimum of 60% of his Base Salary and
                 bonus (as provided in Section 7(b) hereof), or a minimum of
                 100% of such Base


                 Salary and bonus in the event the policy is self insured.   In
                 the case of self insurance, the Company shall be required to
                 pay proceeds for the shorter of (i) the period of such
                 Disability or (ii) seven (7) years.  Such insurance policies
                 will have customary exclusions, conditions and elimination

         5.      BUSINESS EXPENSES.  The Company shall reimburse the Employee
for any and all necessary, customary, and usual expenses, properly receipted in
accordance with Company policies, incurred by Employee on behalf of the


                          (a)   DEATH.  If the Employee dies while employed by
                 the Company, his employment shall immediately terminate.  The
                 Company's obligation to pay the Employee's Base Salary shall
                 cease as of the date of Employee's death.  Thereafter,
                 Employee's beneficiaries or his estate shall receive benefits
                 in accordance with the Company's retirement, insurance, and
                 other applicable programs and plans then in effect.

                          (b)   DISABILITY.  If, as a result of Employee's
                 mental or physical incapacity Employee shall be unable to
                 perform the services for the Company contemplated by this
                 Agreement in the manner in which he previously performed them
                 during an aggregate of 120 business days in any consecutive
                 seven (7) month period ("Disability"), Employee's employment
                 may be terminated by the Company for Disability.  During any
                 period prior to such termination during which Employee is
                 absent from the full-time performance of his duties with the
                 Company due to Disability, the Company shall continue to pay
                 Employee his Base Salary at the rate in effect at the
                 commencement of such period of Disability.  Any such payments
                 made to the Employee shall be reduced by amounts received from
                 disability insurance obtained or provided by the Company
                 pursuant to Section 4(d).  Subsequent to the termination
                 provided for in this Section 6(b), Employee's benefits shall
                 be determined under the Company's retirement, insurance, and
                 other compensation programs then in effect in accordance with
                 the terms of such programs.

                          (c)   TERMINATION BY THE COMPANY.  This Agreement may
                 be terminated by the Company only by the act of the Chief
                 Executive Officer of the Company.   The Company, through such
                 act of the Chief Executive Officer, may terminate Employee's
                 employment under this Agreement for "Cause," at any time prior
                 to expiration of the Term of the Agreement, only upon the
                 occurrence of any one or more of the following events:

                                  (i)  The material breach of this Agreement by
                          Employee, including without limitation, repeated
                          willful neglect of Employee's duties as set forth
                          on Exhibit A hereto, Employee's material lack of


                          diligence and attention in performing services as
                          provided in this Agreement, or Employee's repeated
                          willful failure to implement or adhere to policies
                          established by, or directives of, the Company's Board
                          of Directors.

                                  (ii)  Conduct of a criminal nature that may
                          have an adverse impact on the Company's reputation
                          and standing in the community; or

                                  (iii)  Fraudulent conduct in connection with
                          the business affairs of the Company, regardless of
                          whether said conduct is designed to defraud the
                          Company or others.

In the event of termination for Cause, the Company's obligation to pay
Employee's Base Salary shall cease as of the Termination Date.  If Employee's
employment is terminated for Cause, Employee's employment may be terminated
immediately without any advance written notice.

                          (d)   TERMINATION BY THE EMPLOYEE FOR GOOD REASON.
                 The Employee shall have the right to terminate this Agreement
                 for Good Reason.  For purposes of this Agreement, "Good
                 Reason" shall mean the occurrence, without the Employee's
                 prior written consent, of any one or more of the following

                                  (i)  The assignment to the Employee of any
                          duties that are materially inconsistent with, or
                          reflect a material continuing reduction of the powers
                          and responsibilities, or a change of the Employee's
                          reporting responsibilities, set forth on Exhibit A
                          hereto, or a material improper intervention by the
                          Company's Board of Directors in the Employee's
                          ability to materially perform the duties and
                          responsibilities set forth on Exhibit A hereto.

                                  (ii)  The Company's material breach of any of
                          the provisions of this Agreement, including, but not
                          limited to, a reduction by the Company in the
                          Employee's Base Salary in effect as of the Effective
                          Date, or as the same may be increased as provided
                          herein; or a change in the conditions of Employee's
                          employment (e.g., including, without limitation, a
                          failure by the Company to provide the Employee with
                          incentive compensation and benefit plans that provide
                          comparable benefits and amounts as such type programs
                          in effect as of the Effective Date, etc.); or

                                  (iii) The relocation of the Company's
                          principal executive offices to a location outside the
                          Southern California area or the Company's requiring
                          the Employee to be based anywhere other than


                          the Company's principal executive offices, except for
                          travel on the Company's business to an extent
                          substantially consistent with the Employee's present
                          business travel obligations.

         The Employee agrees to provide the Company thirty (30) days' prior
         written notice of any termination for Good Reason, during which 30 day
         period the Company shall have the right to cure the circumstances
         giving rise to the Good Reason stated in such notice.  In the event of
         termination for Good Reason, the Employee shall receive compensation
         pursuant to the provisions of Section 7 hereof.

CAUSE OR BY THE EMPLOYEE FOR GOOD REASON.  If the  Employee's employment shall
be terminated (i) by act of the Company other than for Cause or (ii) by the
Employee for Good Reason, the Employee shall be entitled to the following

                          (a)   PAYMENT OF UNPAID BASE SALARY AND BONUS.  The
                 Company shall immediately pay the Employee any portion of the
                 Employee's Base Salary not paid prior to the Termination Date.

                          (b)   CONTINUED PAYMENT OF BASE SALARY AND BONUS.
                 Within five (5) days of the Termination Date, the Company or
                 Care shall pay to the Employee, in a lump sum, an amount equal
                 to the sum of (i) an amount equal to all Base Salary that
                 would have been payable to the Employee pursuant to this
                 Agreement had the Employee continued to be employed for the
                 remaining unexpired term of this Agreement (such Base Salary
                 for such remaining term being equal to the Employee's Base
                 Salary in effect as of the Termination Date); and (ii) an
                 amount equal to the bonus payments that would have been
                 payable to the Employee pursuant to this Agreement had his
                 annual bonus for each year, or portion thereof, of the
                 remaining unexpired term of this Agreement been equal to the
                 greater of (A) the total of any performance bonus or bonuses
                 paid to the Employee pursuant to Section 3(b) in the fiscal
                 year of the Company or Care ended immediately prior to the 
                 fiscal year in which the Termination Date occurs, and 
                 (B) the average of the annual bonuses paid to him by the 
                 Company or Care (or their predecessors) with respect to the 
                 three (or, if less, the number of years the Employee has 
                 been employed with the Company or Care or their 
                 predecessor) fiscal years ended immediately prior to the 
                 fiscal year in which the Termination Date occurs.

                          (c)   CONTINUATION OF FRINGE BENEFITS.  The Company
                 shall continue to provide the Employee with all Fringe
                 Benefits set forth in Section 4 throughout the remaining
                 unexpired Term of the Agreement, as if the Employee's
                 employment under the Agreement had not been terminated.


                 If, as the result of termination of Employee's employment,
                 Employee and/or his otherwise eligible dependents or
                 beneficiaries shall become ineligible for benefits under any
                 one or more of the Company's benefit plans, the Company shall
                 continue to provide the Employee and his eligible dependents
                 or beneficiaries with benefits at a level at least equivalent
                 to the level of benefits for which the Employee and his
                 dependents and beneficiaries were eligible under such plans
                 immediately prior to the Termination Date.

                          (d)   STOCK OPTIONS AND STOCK APPRECIATION RIGHTS.
                 Commencing as of the date one (1) year following the Effective
                 Date, notwithstanding any provision in any applicable Company
                 benefit plans or agreements (including, but not limited to,
                 those relating to stock options, stock appreciation rights,
                 restricted stock awards, stock purchases, pensions, thrifts,
                 profit sharing, or other retirement or employee benefits) to
                 the contrary, all rights to such benefits previously granted
                 to Employee shall become immediately fully vested and
                 exercisable as of the Termination Date and shall remain
                 exercisable for a period thereafter of not less than one (1)
                 year. If any such plan or agreement provides for an exercise
                 period ending after the one (1) year period following the
                 Termination Date, then such provision shall control.  The
                 provisions of this Section 7(d) shall constitute an amendment
                 to any such plans or agreements of the Company referred to
                 above as of the Effective Date.

                 BENEFITS UNDER AGREEMENT.  The Employee shall not be required
                 in any way to mitigate the amount of any payment provided for
                 in this Section 7, including, but not limited to, by seeking
                 other employment, nor shall the amount of any payment provided
                 for in this Section 7 be reduced by any compensation earned by
                 the Employee as the result of employment with another employer
                 after the Termination Date, or otherwise.  Except as set forth
                 in this Section 7, following a termination governed by this
                 Section 7, the Employee shall not be entitled to any other
                 compensation or benefits set forth in this Agreement, except
                 as may be separately negotiated by the parties and approved by
                 the Board of Directors of the Company in writing in
                 conjunction with the termination of Employee's employment
                 under this Section 7.

If the Employee resigns his employment with the Company alleging in good faith
as the basis for such resignation any of the "Good Reasons" specified in
Section 6(d) and if the Company then disputes Employee's right to the payment
of benefits under


Section 7, the Company shall, at the option of the Employee (a written
notice of which shall be given to the Company), continue to pay Employee the
full compensation (including, but not limited to, his Base Salary) in effect at
the date Employee provided notice of such resignation, and the Company shall
continue the Employee as a participant in all compensation, benefit, and
insurance plans in which the Employee was then a participant, until the earlier
of the expiration of the Term of the Agreement or the date the dispute is
finally resolved, either by mutual written agreement of the parties or by
decree of a court of competent jurisdiction that is not appealable or with
respect to which the time for appeal has expired and no appeal has been
perfected.  In the event the Employee opts to continue receiving compensation
and benefits during the term of such dispute as provided in this Section 8,
then until the earlier of the expiration of the Term of this Agreement or the
date the dispute is finally resolved as provided above, the Employee shall not,
without the prior written consent of the Company, provide consultative service
to or be employed by any entity that is then in competition with the Company or
any affiliate thereof.  In the event the Court (or other trier of fact)
determines that no "Good Reason" justifying Employee's resignation existed,
then Employee shall repay to Company all compensation and benefits paid to
Employee by Company from and after the date of termination of employment.


                          (a)   RIGHT TO COMPANY MATERIALS.  Employee agrees
                 that all styles, designs, lists, materials, books, files, 
                 reports, correspondence, records, and other documents ("Company
                 Materials") used, prepared, or made available to Employee,
                 shall be and shall remain the property of the Company.  Upon
                 the termination of employment or the expiration of this
                 Agreement, all Company Materials shall be returned immediately
                 to the Company, and Employee shall not make or retain any
                 copies thereof.

                          (b)   ANTISOLICITATION.  Employee promises and agrees
                 that during the term of this Agreement he will not influence
                 or attempt to influence customers or suppliers of the Company
                 or any of its present or future subsidiaries or affiliates,
                 either directly or indirectly, to divert their business to any
                 individual, partnership, firm, corporation or other entity
                 then in competition with the business of the Company, or any
                 subsidiary or affiliate of the Company.

                          (c)   SOLICITING EMPLOYEES.  During the term of this
                 Agreement and for the 12-month period commencing on the
                 Termination Date, Employee promises and agrees that he will
                 not directly or indirectly solicit any of the Company's
                 employees to work for any business, individual, partnership,
                 firm, corporation, or other entity then in competition with
                 the business of the Company or any subsidiary or affiliate of
                 the Company.

         10.     NOTICES.  All notices and other communications under this
Agreement shall


be in writing and shall be given by fax or first class mail, certified or
registered with return receipt requested, and shall be deemed to have been duly
given three (3) days after mailing or twenty-four (24) hours after transmission
of a fax to the respective persons named below:

         If to Company:   Regency Health Services, Inc.
                          2742 Dow Avenue
                          Tustin, CA  92680
                          Phone:   (714) 544-4443
                          Fax:     (714) 544-2401

         If to Employee:  Gary L. Massimino
                          2742 Dow Avenue
                          Tustin, CA  92680
                          Phone:   (714) 544-4443

Either party may change such party's address for notices by notice duly given
pursuant hereto.

         11.     ATTORNEYS' FEES.  In the event arbitral or judicial
determination is necessary of any dispute arising as to the parties' rights and
obligations hereunder, the Company and Employee shall bear their respective
attorneys' fees and costs associated with such dispute; provided, however, that
in the event it is determined that the Company breached this Agreement, the
Company shall pay or reimburse Employee for all reasonable attorneys' fees and
costs associated with such dispute.

         12.     TERMINATION OF PRIOR AGREEMENTS.  This Agreement terminates
and supersedes any and all prior agreements and understandings between the
parties with respect to employment or with respect to the compensation of the
Employee by the Company from and after the Effective Date.

         13.     ASSIGNMENT; SUCCESSORS.  This Agreement is personal in its
nature and neither of the parties hereto shall, without the consent of the
other, assign or transfer this Agreement or any rights or obligations
hereunder; provided that, in the event of the merger, consolidation, transfer,
or sale of all or substantially all of the assets of the Company with or to any
other individual or entity, this Agreement shall, subject to the provisions
hereof, be binding upon and inure to the benefit of such successor and such
successor shall discharge and perform all the promises, covenants, duties, and
obligations of the Company hereunder.

         14.     GOVERNING LAW.  This Agreement and the legal relations thus
created between the parties hereto shall be governed by and construed under and
in accordance with the laws of the State of California.

         15.     ENTIRE AGREEMENT; HEADINGS.  This Agreement embodies the
entire agreement of the parties respecting the matters within its scope and may
be modified only in


writing.  Section headings in this Agreement are included herein for
convenience of reference only and shall not constitute a part of this Agreement
for any other purpose.

         16.     WAIVER; MODIFICATION.  Failure to insist upon strict
compliance with any of the terms, covenants, or conditions hereof shall not be
deemed a waiver of such term, covenant, or condition, nor shall any waiver or
relinquishment of, or failure to insist upon strict compliance with, any right
or power hereunder at any one or more times be deemed a waiver or
relinquishment of such right or power at any other time or times.  This
Agreement shall not be modified in any respect except by a writing executed by
each party hereto.

         17.     SEVERABILITY.  In the event that a court of competent
jurisdiction determines that any portion of this Agreement is in violation of
any statute or public policy, only the portions of this Agreement that violate
such statute or public policy shall be stricken.  All portions of this
Agreement that do not violate any statute or public policy shall continue in
full force and effect.  Further, any court order striking any portion of this
Agreement shall modify the stricken terms as narrowly as possible to give as
much effect as possible to the intentions of the parties under this Agreement.

         18.     INDEMNIFICATION.  The Company shall indemnify and hold
Employee harmless to the maximum extent permitted by Section 317 of the
California Corporations Code or its successor statute.

         19.     COUNTERPARTS.  This Agreement may be executed in several
counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original but all of which
together will constitute one and the same instrument.

         20.     SUCCESSOR SECTIONS.  References herein to sections or rules of
the Code or Exchange Act shall be deemed to include any successor sections or

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has caused this Agreement to be
executed by its duly authorized Director, and the Employee has hereunto signed
this Agreement, as of the date first above written.

                                        REGENCY HEALTH SERVICES, INC.

                                        By: __________________________________
                                                   Gregory S. Anderson 
                                             Chairman, Compensation Committee

                                                   Gary L. Massimino



                                  EXHIBIT "A"

                    DUTIES OF GARY L. MASSIMINO ("EMPLOYEE")
                        AS EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT AND
                            CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER
                            OF THE COMPANY AND CARE


         In his capacity as Executive Vice President of the Company and Care,
the Employee shall report directly to the Chief Executive Officer of the
Company and shall have supervisory and monitoring responsibilities for the
preparation, development and implementation of the Company's strategic business
plan and shall have such other powers and perform such other duties as may be
deemed necessary or appropriate to the operation of a publicly held corporation
and as may be prescribed from time to time by the Chief Executive Officer of
the Company.


         In his capacity as Chief Financial Officer of the Company and Care,
the Employee shall report directly to the Chief Executive Officer of the
Company and shall supervise and monitor the accounting and finance functions,
the Management Information Systems, and Risk Management departments and staffs
of the Company and Care and perform such other duties as may be prescribed from
time to time by the Chief Executive Officer of the Company, including, but not
limited to, the following:

         o       Responsibility for the financial affairs of the 
                 Company, which will include:

                 o       Responsibility for financial reporting to the Board
                         of Directors, management, stockholders, the SEC, and
                         the investment community.

                 o       Responsibility for state and federal reimbursement
                         and tax planning and reporting.

                 o       Maintenance of relationships with the investment
                         banking community and the stock exchange where the
                         Company's stock is traded.

                 o       Responsibility for relationships with banks, lenders,
                         and financial institutions.

         o       Strategic and acquisition planning.

         o       Safeguarding the Company's assets through appropriate risk

         o       Responsibility for the Company's information systems to
                 determine that they produce accurate and timely information
                 via appropriate hardware, software, and staff.