                               ADDENDUM NO. 1 TO
                              BOSTON CHICKEN, INC.
                           AREA DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT

                 THIS ADDENDUM No. 1 is to the BOSTON CHICKEN, Inc. Area
Development Agreement (the "Agreement"), dated as of January __, 1994 by and
between BOSTON CHICKEN, Inc., ("COMPANY"), which has its principal office at
1804 Centre Point Drive, Naperville, IL 60563, and Carl Karcher Enterprises,
Inc., which has its principal office at 1200 North Harbor Boulevard, P.O. Box
4349, Anaheim, California  92803-4349 (hereinafter referred to as "DEVELOPER").

                 The following shall amend and be incorporated into the
Agreement.  In the event of any conflict between the terms of the Agreement and
the terms of this Addendum, then the terms of this addendum shall control.  All
capitalized terms not defined in this Addendum shall have the respective
meanings set forth in the Agreement.

                 1.       Section 2 is hereby amended by deleting the
definition of "Catering Area" in its entirety and restating it to read as

                 "CATERING AREA" - The geographic area in which COMPANY in its
         sole discretion, authorizes the owner of a Franchise to provide
         Catering Service pursuant to a Catering Rider, which area may be the
         same as, smaller than, larger than or different from the Territory
         (defined in the Franchise Agreement) of a BOSTON CHICKEN Unit.
         COMPANY may, at any time in its sole discretion, with or without cause
         and regardless of the investment made by DEVELOPER in establishing or
         conducting Catering Service:  (1) reduce, modify, or expand the
         Catering Area from time to time (provided, that any reduction or
         modification which amounts to a termination of substantially all of
         DEVELOPER's rights to provide such services shall be governed by
         clause (2), below) or (2) upon written notice to DEVELOPER in
         accordance with Section 4.D, suspend or terminate DEVELOPER's right to
         offer Catering Services.

                 2.       Section 2 is hereby further amended by inserting at
the end of the definition of "Competitive Business" the following:

                 COMPANY acknowledges Carl's Jr. restaurants constitute
         Permitted Competitive Business within the meaning of this Agreement
         and Exhibit E hereto, provided that such Carl's Jr. restaurants do not
         offer (1) rotisserie chicken, or (2) any other products prepared in
         accordance with COMPANY's recipes or specifications unless such
         products are developed by DEVELOPER and sold in Carl's Jr. restaurants
         prior to the

         development of such products by COMPANY, provided, further, that no
         Confidential Information is used in connection with Carl's Jr.
         restaurants providing any services or products.

                 3.       Section 2 is hereby further amended by deleting the
definition of "Computer System" in its entirety and restating it to read as

                 "COMPUTER SYSTEM" - Those brands, types, makes, and/or models
         of communications and computer systems or hardware specified or
         required by COMPANY for use by, between, or among UNITS and/or
         DEVELOPER, including, but not limited to, back office and point of
         sale systems, data, audio, video and voice storage, retrieval, and
         transmission systems for use at UNITs and/or DEVELOPER between or
         among UNITs and/or DEVELOPER, and between UNITs and/or DEVELOPER  and
         COMPANY, security systems, printers, and archival and back-up systems.

                 4.       Section 2 is hereby further amended by deleting the
definition of "Delivery Area" in its entirety and restating it to read as

                 "DELIVERY AREA" - The geographic area in which COMPANY, in its
         sole discretion, authorizes a franchise owner to provide Delivery
         Service pursuant to a Delivery Rider, which area may be the same as,
         smaller than, larger than or different from the Territory (defined in
         the Franchise Agreement) of a BOSTON CHICKEN Unit.  COMPANY may, at
         any time and its sole discretion, with or without cause and regardless
         of the investment made by DEVELOPER in establishing and conducting
         Delivery Service or the length of time DEVELOPER has offered Delivery
         Service:  (1) reduce, modify, or expand the Delivery Area from time to
         time (provided, that any reduction or modification which amounts to a
         termination of substantially all of DEVELOPER's rights to provide such
         services shall be governed by clause (2), below) or (2) upon written
         notice to DEVELOPER in accordance with Section 4.C suspend or
         terminate DEVELOPER's (or Authorized Entity's) right to offer Delivery

                 5.       Section 2 is hereby further amended by adding the
following immediately before the definition of Rotisserie Unit":

                 "REQUIRED TELEVISION ADVERTISING" - Television advertising in
         the Area of Dominant Influence (as determined by the Arbitron Ratings
         Company or suitable replacement therefor if Arbitron Ratings are not
         available from time to time) in which the Development Area is located
         at a minimum level of 200 gross ratings points, at least forty percent
         (40%) of which gross ratings points must be in prime television
         viewing time.

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                 6.       Section 2 is hereby further amended by adding the
following immediately before the definition of "Sub-Areas":

                 "SPECIFIED SOFTWARE" - Such software, programming, and
         services other than the Licensed Program, which COMPANY from time to
         time specifies or requires in connection with utilization of the
         Computer System.

                 7.       Section 3.A is hereby amended by adding the following
at the end of the second paragraph thereof:

                 Notwithstanding the foregoing, DEVELOPER shall not be required 
                 to cause the execution and delivery of the Guaranties referred 
                 to in this paragraph.

                 8.       Section 3.B is hereby amended by adding the following
between the second and third paragraphs thereof:

                 Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Agreement,
         DEVELOPER shall have the option, exercisable in DEVELOPER's sole
         option by written notice to COMPANY at least 12 months prior to the
         expiration of the Development Term, to develop up to one hundred (100)
         additional UNITs in the Development Area.  In the event that DEVELOPER
         exercises this option, the additional UNITs shall be subject to all
         the terms and provisions of this agreement.   DEVELOPER and COMPANY
         agree to negotiate in good faith as to how many of such UNITs shall be
         developed in each Sub-Area and an appropriate development schedule for
         each Sub-Area.  The Development Term and other appropriate provisions
         of this Agreement shall be modified to reflect the addition of such
         additional UNITs and the development schedule for such additional

                 9.       Right of First Negotiation for Additional UNITs.
Section 3.B is further amended by adding the following at the end thereof:

                 (1)      Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in
         this section 3.B, for a period of twelve (12) months after the
         expiration of the Sub-Area Term for any Sub-Area (the "Post
         Development Period"), COMPANY or its Affiliates determines to itself
         develop and operate, or grant to others the right to develop and
         operate (whether such rights are granted pursuant to area development
         agreements or individual franchise agreements), additional BOSTON
         CHICKEN Units in such Sub-Area (such BOSTON CHICKEN Units are
         hereafter collectively referred to as "Post-Development UNITs"), then
         COMPANY shall notify DEVELOPER of such intention during the Post
         Development Period or at any time within the twelve (12) month period
         preceding the anticipated end of such Sub-Area Term by providing to
         DEVELOPER COMPANY's proposed development plan and

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         schedule for such Post-Development UNITs ("COMPANY's Development Plan
         Notice").  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, in the event the
         proposed development plan is for more than 100 additional
         Post-Development UNITs, any excess over 100 shall be proposed in the
         form of an option exercisable by DEVELOPER in its sole discretion once
         the first 100 Post-Development UNITs are developed in accordance with
         the development schedule.

                 (2)      If, during the Post Development Period or at any time
         within the twelve (12) month period preceding the anticipated end of
         such Sub-Area Term, DEVELOPER desires that COMPANY grant to DEVELOPER
         rights to develop and operate additional BOSTON CHICKEN Units after
         the expiration of such Sub-Area Term and COMPANY has not previously
         delivered COMPANY's Development Plan Notice to DEVELOPER, then
         DEVELOPER shall notify COMPANY of such desire during the Post
         Development Period or at any tie within the twelve (12) month period
         preceding the anticipated end of such Sub-Area Term by providing to
         Company DEVELOPER's proposed development plan and schedule for such
         Post-Development Units ("DEVELOPER's Development Plan Notice").
         Within thirty (30) days after COMPANY's receipt of DEVELOPER's
         Development Plan Notice, COMPANY shall review, consider, and respond
         to DEVELOPER's Development Plan Notice by providing to DEVELOPER
         COMPANY's Development Plan Notice which may modify DEVELOPER's
         Development Plan Notice in some or all respects (subject to the last
         sentence of sub-paragraph (1) above).  Notwithstanding the above,
         DEVELOPER's rights pursuant to this Subparagraph (2) shall terminate
         without further action or notice by COMPANY if COMPANY delivers
         COMPANY's Development Plan Notice to DEVELOPER pursuant to
         Subparagraph (1) above and DEVELOPER fails to timely deliver its
         Negotiation Notice (defined below) pursuant hereto and thereafter
         COMPANY will have no further obligation to negotiate with DEVELOPER
         and its Affiliates pursuant hereto for such development right and
         COMPANY may develop or operate, or pursue negotiations with and offer
         to third parties the right to develop and operate, BOSTON CHICKEN
         Units and/or Rotisserie Units in the particular Sub-Area.

                 (3)      If, within thirty (30) days after DEVELOPER's receipt
         of COMPANY's Development Plan Notice, DEVELOPER notifies COMPANY, in
         writing that DEVELOPER desires to negotiate with COMPANY for the right
         to develop and operate such Post-Development UNITs (the "Negotiation
         Notice"), then COMPANY and DEVELOPER will promptly commence
         negotiations in good faith toward the execution of a new Development
         Agreement (the "Post-Development Agreement") in accordance with

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         Development Plan Notice and the terms of COMPANY's then current
         Development Agreement for BOSTON CHICKEN Units (which may contain
         different terms and provide for new and/or higher fees from this
         Agreement and which will require the execution of COMPANY's then
         current form of franchise agreement which similarly may contain
         different terms and provide for new and/or higher fees than the
         Franchise Agreement used hereunder) for the right to develop and
         operate the Post-Development UNITs in accordance with COMPANY's
         Development Plan Notice.  If DEVELOPER fails to timely deliver the
         Negotiation Notice, COMPANY shall have no obligation to negotiate with
         DEVELOPER pursuant hereto for such development rights and COMPANY and
         its Affiliates may develop and operate, or pursue negotiations with
         and offer to third parties the right to develop and operate, BOSTON
         CHICKEN Units in the Sub-Area.  If COMPANY and DEVELOPER are unable to
         agree on the terms of and execute the Post-Development Agreement
         within ninety (90) days after COMPANY's receipt of the Negotiation
         Notice, then COMPANY will have no further obligation to negotiate with
         DEVELOPER pursuant hereto for such development rights and COMPANY may
         develop or operate, or pursue negotiations with and offer to third
         parties the right to develop and operate, BOSTON CHICKEN Units in such

                 (4)      If COMPANY and DEVELOPER timely agree on the terms of
         and execute the Post-Development Agreement within the period specified
         in Subparagraph (3), then DEVELOPER shall be required to pay all fees
         due thereunder concurrently with the execution of the Post-Development
         Agreement.  If DEVELOPER fails to timely execute the Post-Development
         Agreement and pay all fees due under the Post-Development Agreement,
         DEVELOPER's rights to develop Post-Development UNITs will terminate
         without further action or notice by COMPANY and thereafter COMPANY
         will have no further obligation to negotiate with DEVELOPER pursuant
         hereto for such development rights and COMPANY may develop or operate,
         or pursue negotiations with and offer to third parties the right to
         develop and operate, BOSTON CHICKEN Units in such Sub-Area.

                 (5)      Notwithstanding the above, DEVELOPER's rights to
         develop Post-Development Units shall terminate without further action
         or notice by COMPANY if:

                          (a)     DEVELOPER fails to meet its development
         obligations with regard to such Sub-Area hereunder (in which event
         DEVELOPER's rights to develop Post-Development UNITs in such Sub-Area
         only shall terminate), including without limitation, the timely
         opening of any UNIT pursuant to Schedule C attached

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         hereto (taking into account Section 3.C of the Agreement as amended by
         paragraph 10 hereof) or;

                          (b)     This Agreement is terminated prior to its
          applicable expiration date.

                 10.      The second sentence of 3.C is hereby amended by
adding the following provision at the end thereof:

                 In the event that DEVELOPER has, to COMPANY's reasonable
         belief, made good faith and diligent efforts to comply with the
         applicable required opening date for any BOSTON CHICKEN Unit, but
         fails to open such BOSTON CHICKEN Unit by the required opening date
         specified in Exhibit C hereto because of fire, flood, earthquake, war,
         insurrection, water or sewer moratoriums or other similar force
         majeure (which shall not include general or local business or economic
         conditions) not within control of DEVELOPER, then such BOSTON CHICKEN
         Unit shall be deemed opened on a timely basis under this Agreement if
         it actually opens for regular and continueous business within six
         months of the required opening date set forth on Exhibit C hereto,
         provided further, however, that the foregoing proviso shall not apply
         unless at least 75% (which number shall be rounded up to the next
         whole number) of the BOSTON CHICKEN Units required to be open from
         time to time by DEVELOPER or its Authorized Entities as specified on
         Exhibit C hereto have been opened by the dates actually specified on
         Exhibit C hereto.  Additionally, in the event that DEVELOPER fails to
         open a BOSTON CHICKEN Unit within a Sub-Area by the required opening
         date (without extension pursuant to the immediately preceding sentence
         in this paragraph) specified in Exhibit C hereto, then such BOSTON
         CHICKEN Unit shall be deemed opened on a timely basis under this
         Agreement if it actually opens for regular and continuous business
         within six months of the required opening date specified in Exhibit C
         hereto, provided, however, the foregoing proviso shall not apply
         unless the number of BOSTON CHICKEN Units that are open and
         continuously operating at such required opening date in the aggregate
         in all Sub-Areas is equal to or greater than 100% of the BOSTON
         CHICKEN Units required to be open, in the aggregate, for all Sub-Areas
         as of such required opening date.

                 10A.     The third sentence of Section 3.C is hereby amended
by deleting the reference to "five (5) days" and substituting therefor
"one-hundred eighty (180) days."

                 11.      Section 3.E is amended by adding the following at the
end thereof:

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                 If, during the applicable Sub-Area Term for a particular
Sub-Area, COMPANY notifies DEVELOPER of a Target Site in a Sub-Area pursuant to
this Section 3.E, and DEVELOPER gives written notice to COMPANY during the ten
(10) business day period referred to in the first paragraph of this Section 3.E
that it declines to lease or purchase (as applicable) one or more of such
Target Sites, DEVELOPER shall have the option, exercisable by written notice to
COMPANY within such ten (10) business day period, to count each such Target
Site toward the Sub-Area Quota for such Sub-Area.  Notwithstanding any other
provision of this Section 3.E, COMPANY shall have the right to designate Target
Sites for a particular Sub-Area hereunder only to the extent that the number of
Target Sites designated by COMPANY in any Sub-Area does not exceed 25% of the
total number of BOSTON CHICKEN Units that DEVELOPER is required to develop in
such Sub-Area.

                 12.      Section 3.F is hereby amended by deleting the word
"DEVELOPER's" in the second paragraph thereof and replacing it with the word
"COMPANY's", and by deleting the word "Target" in the last line of the third
paragraph thereof and replacing it with the word "Conversion."

                 12A.     Section 3.f. is further amended by adding the
following at the end thereof:

                 If during the applicable Sub-Area Term for a particular
Sub-Area, COMPANY offers one or more Conversion Sites to DEVELOPER in a
Sub-Area pursuant to this Section 3.F and DEVELOPER gives written notice to
COMPANY during the thirty (30) day period referred to in the first paragraph of
this Section 3.E that it declines to purchase one or more of such Conversion
Sites, DEVELOPER shall have the option, exercisable by written notice to
COMPANY within such thirty (30) day period, to written notice to COMPANY within
such thirty (30) day period, to count each such Conversion Site that is
actually converted to a BOSTON CHICKEN Unit toward the Sub-Area Quota for such

                 13.      Section 4.A is hereby deleted in its entirety and
restated to read as follows:

                 DEVELOPER acknowledges and agrees that:  (1) DEVELOPER is not
         granted any rights within or outside the Development Area to offer,
         perform, or participate in the development or operation of Special
         Distribution Arrangements ("SDA"), other than as expressly provided in
         this Paragraph A, and (2) COMPANY reserves all such rights to offer,
         perform, or participate in the development or operation of SDA, within
         any Sub-Area within the Development Area in which DEVELOPER (or any
         Authorized Entity) operates a BOSTON CHICKEN Unit or has unexpired and
         unterminated rights to develop one or more BOSTON CHICKEN Units.
         Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Paragraph
         A, if COMPANY, during the Agreement Term, determines to itself develop

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         and operate, or grant to others the right to develop and operate, SDA,
         then COMPANY shall notify DEVELOPER of such intention by providing to
         DEVELOPER COMPANY's proposed plan for such SDA and the form of an
         initial Special Distribution Agreement which COMPANY proposes to
         DEVELOPER to execute and deliver with regard to such SDA ("COMPANY's
         SDA Plan Notice").

                 Company shall notify DEVELOPER in writing as to whether
         COMPANY, in its sole discretion, elects to have DEVELOPER (i) perform
         the development or operation of the SDA, or (ii) participate in the
         net cash flow, if any, derived by COMPANY solely from the development
         and performance of such SDA ("Net Cash Flow") in the event a
         Cannibalization Impact is established, as defined below.
         Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, including any such election
         by COMPANY, DEVELOPER acknowledges that COMPANY need not permit
         DEVELOPER to perform the development or operation of such SDA and
         COMPANY shall have no obligation to enter into any Special
         Distribution Agreement with DEVELOPER with respect to such SDA unless
         DEVELOPER demonstrates, to COMPANY's reasonable satisfaction, that it
         has or will acquire the appropriate resources (financial and
         otherwise) to take full advantage of the SDA and to discharge all of
         its obligations under the Special Distribution Agreement.  If COMPANY
         elects for DEVELOPER to develop and operate such SDA pursuant to (i),
         above, then, COMPANY and DEVELOPER will promptly commence negotiations
         in good faith toward the execution of a revised Special Distribution
         Agreement in accordance with COMPANY's SDA Plan Notice.  If COMPANY
         and DEVELOPER are unable to agree, in good faith, on the terms of and
         execute the revised Special Distribution Agreement within sixty (60)
         days after COMPANY's delivery to the DEVELOPER of the COMPANY's SDA
         Plan Notice and DEVELOPER does not execute and deliver the initial
         Special Distribution Agreement, or in the event COMPANY determines
         DEVELOPER does not have and cannot acquire appropriate resources to
         take full advantage of the SDA and to discharge all of its obligations
         under the Special Distribution Agreement, then COMPANY will have no
         further obligation to negotiate with the DEVELOPER pursuant hereto for
         such SDA other than to permit DEVELOPER to participate in Net Cash
         Flow, if any, pursuant to (ii), above, and COMPANY may develop or
         operate, or pursue negotiations with and offer to third parties the
         right to develop and operate, such SDA.

                 If COMPANY elects (ii), above, the COMPANY shall have the
         right to develop and operate or grant the right to others to develop
         and operate such SDA within such Sub-Area and, if such SDA is so
         developed or operated within such Sub-Area during the Agreement Term,
         DEVELOPER may, by written notice to COMPANY at any time within one

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         year after commencement of such SDA, require COMPANY to engage a
         reputable unaffiliated third-party market survey company, at COMPANY's
         expense, which shall, within sixty (60) days or engagement render a
         report to the COMPANY as to whether such SDA has caused more than a 5%
         permanent cannibalization ("Cannibalization Impact") of the gross
         sales of the BOSTON CHICKEN Unit within whose Territory (as defined in
         the Franchise Agreement for such Unit) the SDA is located or, if not
         within the Designated Territory of any UNIT or DEVELOPER, of the
         BOSTON CHICKEN Unit of such DEVELOPER closest to the location where
         such SDA is operated.  If such Cannibalization Impact is so reported,
         then the market survey company shall determine if the projected
         annualized cash flow of such UNIT for the next four (4) years will
         yield to DEVELOPER an annualized after-tax average cash return on the
         book value of such UNIT (which book value shall never be deemed to
         exceed invested capital to date in such UNIT) equal to or exceeding
         25%.  If such return equals or exceeds 25%, then no portion of the Net
         Cash Flow shall be paid to DEVELOPER.  If such return is less than
         25%, then, COMPANY shall pay to DEVELOPER a reasonable portion of the
         Net Cash Flow, if any, as it is earned from time to time (less any net
         cash losses for prior periods), as determined by the COMPANY from time
         to time in good faith, taking into account all relevant factors,
         including but not limited to, the scope of DEVELOPER's activities, the
         amount of the reported Cannibalization Impact of the SDA on DEVELOPER,
         whether such impact is mitigated by positive factors.

                 If DEVELOPER fails to comply with any of its material
         obligations under this Agreement, COMPANY shall have no obligation to
         negotiate with DEVELOPER pursuant hereto for such SDA rights pursuant
         to (i), above and COMPANY may develop and operate or pursue
         negotiations with and offer to third parties the right to develop and
         operate such SDA within such Sub-Area without any obligation of
         payment which would have otherwise been owed to DEVELOPER in the event
         of a proper election pursuant to (ii), above.  Notwithstanding
         anything else to the contrary herein, DEVELOPER'S rights to enter into
         a Special Distribution Agreement pursuant to (i) or receive payments
         pursuant to (ii) for such Sub-Area shall terminate without further
         action or notice by COMPANY if:

                          (a)     DEVELOPER fails to meet its development
                 obligations hereunder with regard to such Sub-Area, including
                 without limitation, the timely opening of any UNIT pursuant to
                 Schedule C (taking into account Section 3C of the Agreement as
                 amended by paragraph 10 hereof) attached hereto; or

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                          (b)     This Agreement is terminated prior to its
                 applicable expiration date; or

                 If DEVELOPER (or such Authorized Entity) has executed a
         Special Distribution Agreement, COMPANY reserves the right, at any
         time and in its sole discretion with or without cause and regardless
         of the investment made by DEVELOPER (or such Authorized Entity) in
         establishing or operating the Special Distribution Arrangement or the
         length of time the Special Distribution Arrangement has been in
         effect, to suspend or terminate DEVELOPER's (or such Authorized
         Entity's) right to operate the Special Distribution Arrangement upon
         one hundred eighty (180) days prior written notice to DEVELOPER;
         provided, however, that notwithstanding such termination, DEVELOPER
         shall be entitled during such one hundred eighty (180) day period to
         fulfill any contractual obligations it had incurred prior to receipt
         of such notice, but may not incur or undertake any new obligations or

                 Provided, however, such one hundred eighty (180) day period
         may be extended by an additional period not to exceed the lesser of
         (a) the period required to amortize (in accordance with generally
         accepted accounting principles) the balance of DEVELOPER's investment
         in the SDA, or (b) eighteen months.  Notwithstanding the foregoing one
         hundred eighty (180) day notice period, COMPANY may terminate
         DEVELOPER's right to operate the SDA upon such shorter notice
         (pursuant to procedures promulgated by COMPANY and applied to a
         majority of the BOSTON CHICKEN Units in the system) as COMPANY
         determines in its sole discretion if the reason for such termination
         is DEVELOPER's failure to meet COMPANY's operational standards with
         respect to such special Distribution Arrangement.

                 Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section 4.A.,
         COMPANY shall not have the right to propose a Special Distribution
         Arrangement to DEVELOPER pursuant hereto during the first three years
         of the Agreement Term, unless such Special Distribution Arrangement is
         being conducted, or COMPANY has committed to conduct it, in Areas of
         Dominant Influence whose population is equal to 25% or more of the
         aggregate population of all the Areas of Dominant Influence in which
         BOSTON CHICKEN Units are open or under development.  Further, during
         the Agreement Term, COMPANY shall consult with DEVELOPER prior to
         finalizing any material (with regard to any particular Unit) SDA
         within the Development Area.  Such consultation shall be for advice
         only and COMPANY shall not be bound by any advice or recommendation of

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                 14.      Section 4.B is hereby deleted.

                 15.      Section 4.C is hereby amended by inserting the
parenthetical "(provided, that any reduction or modification which amounts to a
termination of substantially all of DEVELOPER's rights to provide such services
shall be governed by clause (2), below)" immediately before the phrase, or (2)"
in the last sentence thereof, by inserting the phrase "upon one hundred eighty
(180) days prior written notice from COMPANY to DEVELOPER," after the phrase,
", or (2)" located in the last sentence thereof, and by inserting the following
at the end thereof:

                 Provided, however, such one hundred eighty (180) day period
                 may be extended by an additional period not to exceed the
                 lesser of (a) the period required to amortize (in accordance
                 with generally accepted accounting principles) the balance of
                 DEVELOPER's investment in delivery vehicles and facilities or
                 (b) eighteen months.  Notwithstanding the foregoing one
                 hundred eighty (180) day notice period, COMPANY may terminate
                 DEVELOPER's right to operate the Delivery Service upon such
                 shorter notice (pursuant to procedures promulgated by COMPANY
                 and applied to a majority of the BOSTON CHICKEN Units in the
                 system) as COMPANY determines in its sole discretion if the
                 reason for such termination is DEVELOPER's failure to meet
                 COMPANY's operational standards with respect to such Delivery

                 15A.     Section 4.C is further amended by adding the
following at the end thereof:

                 COMPANY and DEVELOPER agree that DEVELOPER may undertake a
test of Delivery Service in the Development Area for a period to be agreed upon
by COMPANY and DEVELOPER and in a manner consistent with COMPANY's standards
and procedures for such tests.  Upon completion of the test, COMPANY and
DEVELOPER will review and evaluate together the results of such test and, after
good faith consultation with each other, determine whether DEVELOPER will have
the right to offer Delivery Service in some or all of the Sub-Areas.

                 16.      Section 4.D is hereby amended by deleting the second
sentence thereof and inserting the following in lieu thereof:

                 Notwithstanding the foregoing, if COMPANY, at any time and in
                 its sole discretion, determines to offer Catering Service in
                 the designated Catering Area, COMPANY will offer DEVELOPER (or
                 the appropriate Authorized Entity) the right to offer

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                 Catering Service by delivering the DEVELOPER (or such
                 Authorized Entity) a Catering Rider to the appropriate
                 Franchise Agreement(s) authorizing DEVELOPER (or such
                 Authorized Entity) to offer Catering Service from a Catering
                 Facility within the designated Catering Area.

                 16A.     Section 4.D is hereby further amended by inserting
the parenthetical "(provided that any reduction or modification which amounts
to a termination of substantially all of DEVELOPER's rights to provide such
services shall be governed by clause (2), below)" immediately before the phrase
"; or (2)" in the last sentence thereof, by inserting the phrase "upon one
hundred eighty (180) days prior written notice from COMPANY to DEVELOPER,"
after the phrase "; or (2)" in the last sentence thereof, and by inserting the
following at the end of Section 4.D;

                 Provided, however, such one hundred eighty (180) day period
                 may be extended by an additional period not to exceed the
                 lesser of (a) the period required to amortize (in accordance
                 with generally accepted accounting principles) the balance of
                 DEVELOPER's investment in its catering facilities or (b)
                 eighteen (18) months.  After receipt of notice terminating
                 DEVELOPER's Catering Service or reducing DEVELOPER's Catering
                 Area, DEVELOPER will not accept any new orders for catering
                 or, as applicable, will not accept any new orders for catering
                 from the portion of the Catering Area which has been
                 terminated which orders are to be delivered or provided after
                 the effective date of termination; provided, however,
                 DEVELOPER shall have the right to complete any catering orders
                 during such one hundred eighty (180) day period, but which
                 were received prior to receipt of such notice of termination
                 of Catering Service or reduction of Catering Area.

                 Notwithstanding the foregoing one hundred eighty (180) day
                 notice period, COMPANY may terminate DEVELOPER's right to
                 operate the Catering Service upon such shorter notice
                 (pursuant to procedures promulgated by COMPANY and applied to
                 a majority of the BOSTON CHICKEN Units in the system) as
                 COMPANY determines in its sole discretion if the reason for
                 such termination is DEVELOPER's failure to meet COMPANY's
                 operational standards with respect to such Catering Service.

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                 17.      Section 5.A is hereby amended by adding the following
paragraph after the second paragraph:

                 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, DEVELOPER shall not
                 be obligated to purchase the Demographic Detail Report, maps
                 or any other demographic services from COMPANY so long as it
                 provides such reports, maps or other necessary demographic
                 information through its own in-house services or other third
                 party service providers.

                 18.      Section 5.B is hereby amended by deleting the first
paragraph thereof and substituting the following instead:

                 DEVELOPER shall cause the lessor of each Approved Site to
                 include in the lease, sublease or assignment of lease
                 (referred to herein as the "Site Agreement"), as applicable,
                 for such Approved Site, the standard terms which COMPANY
                 requires from time to time in its sole discretion, and such
                 other terms as COMPANY may specifically approve in writing.  A
                 copy of COMPANY's current Standards Required Site Agreement
                 Terms, which COMPANY requires be inserted in Site Agreements,
                 is attached hereto as Exhibit G.  Among other provisions
                 contained in the Standards Required Site Agreement Terms is a
                 requirement that DEVELOPER collateral assign such Site
                 Agreement to COMPANY or its designee.  Provided, however,
                 DEVELOPER shall only be obligated to use its best efforts to
                 have the Standard Required Site Agreement for Approved sites
                 that are operating as a Carl's Jr. and which are leased from
                 independent third party landlords.

                 19.      Section 5.C is hereby amended by adding the following
after the end of the first sentence:

                          DEVELOPER and its Authorized Entities shall be deemed
                 to be in full compliance with this Agreement and their
                 Franchise Agreements so long as there are no defaults under
                 this Agreement or any of the Franchise Agreements with respect
                 to which COMPANY has delivered written notice and which are
                 uncured (taking into account all applicable cure periods).

                 20.      Section 5.C is further hereby amended deleting the
third sentence thereof, in its entirety and inserting in lieu thereof the

CKEADD.FIN                          13
                 In addition, DEVELOPER must guaranty all obligations of an
                 Authorized Entity under any Franchise Agreement issued to such
                 an Authorized Entity.

                 21.      Section 5.D is amended to add the following at the
end thereof:

                 ; and (3) the required advertising and marketing expenditures
                 shall not exceed those required pursuant to Section 12 of the
                 form of Franchise Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit I as of
                 the date of execution hereof; and (4) the form of franchise
                 agreement used for the grant of each Franchise will contain a
                 "reasonableness" provision substantially similar to Section
                 16.M hereof; and (5) the fees and charges set forth or
                 required by Section 4.E of the Franchise Agreement shall not
                 exceed those set forth or required by Section 4.E (as amended)
                 of the form of Franchise Agreement attached hereto as 
                 Exhibit I.

                 22.      Section 5 is hereby further amended by adding the new
subsection 5.E at the end thereof to read as follows:

                          5.E ADVERTISING EXPENDITURES

                          DEVELOPER shall cause each UNIT it owns, and shall
                 cause each Authorized Entity which owns one or more UNITs to
                 cause each UNIT it owns, to contribute to the Local Ad Fund
                 (as defined in the Franchise Agreement) for such UNIT an
                 amount equal to the greater of:

                          (1)     the standard Local Ad Fund contribution
                 required pursuant to the applicable Franchise Agreement; or

                          (2)     an amount which, when aggregated with the
                 Local Ad Fund contributions of the other UNITs, will be
                 sufficient to enable DEVELOPER, through the Local Ad Fund, to
                 commence Required Televisions Advertising commencing with the
                 second anniversary (the third anniversary in the case of the
                 Los Angeles Area of Dominant Influence) of the execution of
                 this Agreement and to continue Required Television Advertising
                 thereafter for 12 out of 16 weeks during 4 consecutive Retail
                 periods for either the San Diego or the Los Angeles Area of
                 Dominant Influence.

CKEADD.FIN                           14
                 23.      Section 9.E is amended by adding the following after
the end thereof:

                 COMPANY represents and warrants that, to the actual knowledge
                 of its current officers, COMPANY's use of the market "BOSTON
                 CHICKEN" or its use of its current logo with the words "BOSTON
                 CHICKEN ROTISSERIE" on such logo do not infringe on the rights
                 of any party in the Development Area.

                 24.      Section 11.A is amended by adding the following at
the end thereof:

                 The parties intend that the titles used in Sections 11.B.,
                 11.C., 11.D., and 11.E. be only descriptive of functions and
                 DEVELOPER may use different titles for the persons who perform
                 those functions.

                 25.      Section 11.B is amended by deleting the third
sentence thereof and replacing it with the following:

                 The Chief Operating Officer shall have appropriate multi-unit
                 food service experience and be an Owner holding a significant
                 (as to such officer), direct equity interest, or the right to
                 obtain a significant (as to such officer) equity interest, in
                 Carl Karcher Enterprises, Inc. or Developer, at all times
                 during the Agreement Term.

                 26.      Sections 11.D and 11.E are hereby amended to delete
the words "acceptable to COMPANY" in the first sentence of each of those

                 27.      Section 11.I is hereby amended by deleting the first
sentence thereof in its entirety and restating it to read as follows:

                          DEVELOPER shall install, use and transmit information
                 to, or allow the electronic collection of information by,
                 COMPANY through the Computer System, in such form as is
                 specified by COMPANY from time to time.  Such portion of the
                 Computer System Specified Software, and Licensed Program as is
                 purchased may involve one-time and periodic fees or payments
                 to COMPANY.

CKEADD.FIN                          15
                 28.      The first sentence of Section 11.J is hereby amended
by adding the following immediately before the parenthetical definition of
"Development Manual":

                 whether by way of supplements, replacements pages, Franchise
                 Bulletin or Partner Bulletin disclosure, or other official
                 pronouncements or means.

                 29.      Section 11 is further amended by adding the following
at the end thereof:


                          DEVELOPER agrees to install at its head office and
                 use in performing its obligations under this Agreement those
                 brands, types, makes, and/or models of communications and
                 computer systems or hardware which COMPANY has from time to
                 time specified or required for the Computer System and the
                 Specified Software and the Licensed Program, as comprised from
                 time to time in accordance with the specifications and
                 requirements of COMPANY.  DEVELOPER acknowledges that COMPANY
                 and its Affiliates and designees are in the process of
                 completing the development of the Licensed Program and COMPANY
                 is in the process of completing the development of
                 specifications for certain components of the Computer System
                 and may modify such specifications and the components of the
                 Licensed Program and the Computer System from time to time.
                 During the term hereof, COMPANY may require DEVELOPER to
                 obtain specified computer hardware and/or software, including,
                 without limitation, the Computer System, the Specified
                 Software, and a license to use the Licensed Program from
                 COMPANY or its designee under a separate agreement after
                 COMPANY notifies DEVELOPER to commence use thereof.  COMPANY's
                 development and/or modification of such specifications for the
                 components of the Computer System, the Specified Software, and
                 the Licensed Program may require DEVELOPER to incur costs to
                 purchase, lease and/or licensee new or modified computer
                 hardware and/or software and to obtain service and support for
                 the Computer System, the Specified Software, and the Licensed
                 Program during the term of this Agreement. DEVELOPER
                 acknowledges that COMPANY cannot estimate the cost of future
                 additions, enhancements and modifications of the Computer
                 System, the Specified Software, and the Licensed Program and
                 that the cost to DEVELOPER of obtaining the additions,
                 enhancements and modifications thereto may not fully
                 amortizable over the remaining

CKEADD.FIN                          16
                 term of this Agreement.  Nevertheless, DEVELOPER agrees to
                 incur such costs provided that the Computer System, the
                 Specified Software, and the Licensed Program that COMPANY
                 specifies for use by DEVELOPER is substantially the same
                 Computer System, Specified Software and Licensed Program which
                 COMPANY is then currently specifying for use in COMPANY-owned
                 BOSTON CHICKEN Units.  Within one hundred twenty (120) days
                 after DEVELOPER receives notice from COMPANY, DEVELOPER shall
                 obtain the components of the Computer System, the Specified
                 Software, and the Licensed Program which COMPANY designates
                 and requires.  DEVELOPER further acknowledges and agrees that
                 COMPANY has the right to require DEVELOPER to pay to COMPANY
                 or its designee a reasonable periodic systems fee for
                 modifications and enhancements made to the Licensed Program
                 and a reasonable periodic fee for other maintenance and
                 support services provided to DEVELOPER related to the Licensed
                 Program, Specified Software, and the Computer System.

                          Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in
                 this Agreement, COMPANY hereby acknowledges and agrees that
                 (i) the aggregate software license fees to be paid by
                 DEVELOPER or FRANCHISE OWNER directly to COMPANY (unless
                 COMPANY is simply acting as a collection agent for third party
                 developed software) with regard to each BOSTON CHICKEN Unit in
                 connection with the use of the Licensed Program at such UNIT
                 shall not exceed the lesser of (a) $15,000.00 or (b) amounts
                 charged to other Boston Chicken area developers of similar
                 size, and (ii) the periodic systems fee for each BOSTON
                 CHICKEN Unit (the "Subscription Fee") for any software
                 subscription service for the Licensed Program which COMPANY
                 provides directly to such BOSTON CHICKEN Unit (which service
                 shall consist of software error corrections, remote diagnostic
                 support services which COMPANY determines in its sole
                 discretion are advisable to cause the Licensed Program to
                 perform in accordance with the standards for the Licensed
                 Program as specified by the COMPANY, and the provision of
                 upgrades, modifications, improvements, enhancements,
                 extensions and other changes to the Licensed Program developed
                 or adopted by COMPANY for the Licensed Program which are
                 usable in connection with the Computer System and which are
                 made available generally to all franchisees) shall not exceed
                 the sum of Four Hundred Dollars ($400.00) per four (4) week
                 period, provided that such maximum may be increased by COMPANY
                 from time to time, at its

CKEADD.FIN                          17
                 sole option, upon written notice to DEVELOPER, provided that
                 the increase in any one calendar year shall not exceed 10% (or
                 such lesser percentage that may be applied on a permanent
                 basis to other Boston Chicken area developers of similar size)
                 of the last effective maximum in the immediately preceding
                 calendar year.  It is understood and agreed by COMPANY and
                 DEVELOPER that nothing in this paragraph shall limit any
                 amounts payable by DEVELOPER to COMPANY or any third party in
                 connection with the procurement of computer hardware by
                 DEVELOPER from COMPANY or any third party and the use and
                 maintenance of such hardware, whether or not part of the
                 Computer System, or any amounts payable in connection with
                 maintenance, support, procurement, enhancement, or upgrade of
                 any Specified Software.

                 30.      Section 12.A is amended by adding the following at
the end thereof:

                 ; provided that COMPANY shall remain liable for its
                 obligations hereunder for the balance of the term of this
                 Agreement after the date of any transfer or assignment of this

                 31.      Section 12.B is amended by adding the following after
the end thereof:

                 Notwithstanding the foregoing, the restrictions in this
                 Section 12.B shall not apply to transfers of ownership
                 interests in Carl Karcher Enterprises, Inc. or to changes in
                 the members of its Board of Directors.

                 32.      Section 12.E is hereby amended by deleting in its
entirety and replacing it with the following:

                          DEVELOPER and Carl Karcher Enterprises, Inc. ("CKE")
                 may make public or private offerings of securities, provided
                 that DEVELOPER shall not, unless otherwise required by law and
                 any relevant governmental agency, include in any published
                 financial statements, in any prospectus or other offering
                 document, or in any publicly filed or disseminated report
                 (including any Form 10-K, 10-Q, or 8-K or any Proxy Statement
                 or Annual Report to Stockholders) or in any Management
                 Discussion and Analysis or in any footnotes accompanying any
                 of the foregoing any category, line-item, breakdown, or type
                 of information concerning its operation of BOSTON CHICKEN
                 Units that COMPANY does not utilize in its published financial

CKEADD.FIN                          18
                 statements, prospectuses or offering documents, or publicly
                 filed or disseminated reports.  Additionally, DEVELOPER and
                 CKE shall not disclose information regarding its Boston
                 Chicken business during 1994 by segment although, DEVELOPER
                 and CKE shall have the right, during 1994, to discuss, using
                 general statements in the Management Discussion and Analysis
                 section of any of the documents referred to in this paragraph,
                 its Boston Chicken business.  Provided, however, neither
                 DEVELOPER nor CKE shall make a disclosure of same store sales
                 comparisons or average store revenue for its Boston Chicken
                 Units unless otherwise required by applicable law and any
                 relevant governmental agency.

                 33.      Section 13.B is hereby amended as follows:

                          (a)     Clause (3) is hereby amended by deleting it
                 in its entirety and replacing it with the following:

                          DEVELOPER is convicted by a trial court of or pleads
                 guilty or no contest to a felony, or to any other crime or
                 offense that may adversely affect the reputation of BOSTON
                 CHICKEN Units or the goodwill associated with the Marks, or
                 engages in any misconduct which may adversely affect the
                 reputation of BOSTON CHICKEN Units or the goodwill associated
                 with the Marks, or has made any material misrepresentation or
                 omission in its application for this Agreement or in
                 connection with any transfer hereunder.

                          (b)     Clause (4) of Section 13.B is hereby amended
                 by adding the following after the phrase "Development Manual"
                 or the "Copyrighted Works" in the first sentence thereof:

                 (unless the foregoing prohibited act is inadvertent and does
                 not have, or threaten to have, an adverse effect upon COMPANY,
                 its business concept, its business operations, the business of
                 any UNIT, any Mark, the Confidential Information, the
                 Development Manual, or the Copyrighted Works, and DEVELOPER
                 ceases and desists any such prohibited act promptly upon
                 notice and reimburses COMPANY for all damages, losses, costs,
                 and expenses incurred by COMPANY in connection with such
                 prohibited acts).

                          (c)     Clause (5) is hereby amended by adding the
                 following after the parenthetical clause:

CKEADD.FIN                          19
                 ; provided, that a violation of a confidentiality covenant
                 under a Confidentiality and Non-Competition Agreement shall
                 not be grounds for termination if such violation is
                 inadvertent and does not have, or threaten to  have, an
                 adverse effect upon COMPANY, its business concept, its
                 business operations, the business of any UNIT, any Mark, the
                 Confidential Information, the Development Manual or the
                 Copyrighted Works, and DEVELOPER ceases and desists any such
                 violation promptly upon notice and reimburses COMPANY for all
                 damages, losses, costs and expenses incurred by COMPANY in
                 connection with such violation.

                          (d)     Clause (6) is deleted.

                          (e)     Clause (7) is amended by deleting the text
                 which follows clause (d) and by replacing it with the

                 in accordance with COMPANY's standards, specifications and
                 procedures therefor, and (a) does not correct such failure
                 within thirty (30) days after DEVELOPER's receipt of COMPANY's
                 written notice of such failure; or (b) if such failure cannot
                 reasonably be corrected within the aforesaid thirty (30) day
                 period, but can be corrected within a reasonably short time
                 (note to exceed an additional thirty (30) days), undertake
                 within ten (10) days after DEVELOPER's receipt of COMPANY's
                 written notice, and continue until completion, best efforts to
                 correct such failure within such reasonably short time (not to
                 exceed an additional thirty (30) days) and furnish proof
                 acceptable to COMPANY, upon its request, of such efforts and
                 the date full compliance will be achieved.

                          (f)     Clause (9) is hereby amended by deleting the
                 term "twenty-four (24)" and replacing it with the term
                 "eighteen (18)."

                          (g)     Clause (10) is deleted and replaced with the

                 COMPANY has delivered a notice of termination of five (5) or
                 more Franchise Agreements executed pursuant to this Agreement
                 in accordance with its terms and conditions or DEVELOPER (or
                 any Authorized Entity) has terminated a Franchise Agreement
                 with COMPANY without cause.

                 34.      Section 13.C is hereby amended by adding the
following provision at the end of clause (2) thereof:

CKEADD.FIN                          20
                 provided, however, COMPANY shall not have the right to
                 terminate the territorial rights granted pursuant to Paragraph
                 3.A for a Sub-Area based solely on the fact that DEVELOPER has
                 failed to open a UNIT in another Sub-Area on its required
                 opening date as set forth on Exhibit C.

                 35.      Clause 16.A is amended by deleting the first
paragraph thereof in its entirety and by deleting the word "other" from the
first sentence of the second paragraph.

                 36.      Section 16.B is hereby amended by deleting the phrase
"of ten (10) days' prior written notice" at the end of the second paragraph and
by replacing it with the following:

                 of forty-five (45) days' prior written notice, unless COMPANY
                 determines, in its reasonable discretion, that a shorter
                 notice period is necessary.

                 37.      Sections 16.E and 16.H are hereby deleted.

                 38.      Notwithstanding Section 7 of the Agreement:

                          (a)     DEVELOPER shall not be required to obtain
         written consent with respect to information described in clauses (i)
         and (ii) thereof; and

                          (b)     The restrictions on DEVELOPER's disclosure
         and use of the Confidential Information shall not apply to knowledge
         of the food service business which DEVELOPER already possesses and
         which has not been obtained in contravention of any obligation of
         confidentiality owed to COMPANY.

                 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto, intending to be
legally bound hereby, have duly executed this Addendum in duplicate as of the
date written below:

DATE:  January 14, 1994                  DATE:  January 14, 1994

COMPANY:                                 DEVELOPER:


       /s/ SAAD J. NADHIR                      /s/  DONALD E. DOYLE
By:  _______________________________     By:________________________________
       Its:  Vice Chairman                    Its:  President
